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HP 8920A RF Communications Test Set
The HP 8920A RF communi-
cations test set was designed
to solve your radio testing
and troubleshooting prob-
lems faster.
The HP 8920A integrates 22
complete instruments into a
small, portable package. It
provides technicians with the
functionality needed to test and
maintain a wider variety of
communication systems. The
HP 8920A's full feature set
increases technician effi-
ciency by simplifying standard
measurement tasks and provid-
ing more needed capability in
one box.
Cut through problems
HP 8920A
optional features summary:
Spectrum analyzer
Tracking generator
Adjacent channel power test
Signaling encoder/decoder
Cellular phone test capability
Trunked radio testing
Lower residual FM
Function generator
dc current meter
IEEE 488.2/RS-232 interface
Parallel printer
Battery pack for portable
Radio control interface
Radio test programs
System support programs
Cable fault location
Field strength
Frequency scanning
Save/recall automation
Low-power measurements for
cordless and cellular phones
Variable frequency
notch filter
High-power input option
to 100 watts continuous
HP 8920A
standard features summary:
Synthesized AM/FM signal
Electronic solid state attenuator
AM/FM modulation analyzer
Duplex offset generator
SSB demodulator
RF power meter
RF frequency counter,
frequency error meter
Audio frequency counter
AF power meter
ac voltmeter
dc voltmeter
Distortion meter
SINAD meter
Two variable audio sources
Digital oscilloscope
Built-in IBASIC computer
New Electronic Attenuator Increases Reliability!
HP 8920A rear panel features
GPIB/RS-232 and parallel
interfaces are available as
Option 103 on HP 8920A.
HP 8920A front panel features
High-power input for
transmitter testing
All measurements
and settings
displayed on CRT
2 mV sensitivity for
over-the-air signal
Quick and simple
instrument control with
cursor-control knob
Memory card slot
for loading IBASIC
Save/recall registers save
entire instrument setups
Autoprint of all measurements
when an external printer is added
to the HP 8920A
Single key transmitter,
receiver and duplex radio
testing with autotuning
Radio testing made easier
Duplex test
The duplex test
mode provides
full-range offset
capability. The
RF generator and
receiver are fully
independent and
allow selectable
offsets from
250kHz to 1 GHz
and amplitudes
from +5 to
127 dBm. This
can be used for
duplex radio systems with fixed
RX/TX offsets, or other applications
like crossband repeater testing. RX
and TX measurements can be
displayed simultaneously in the
duplex mode.
Single-key radio
Single keystroke transmitter and
receiver testing simplifies radio test.
For transmitter testing, the
HP8920A autotunes to the trans-
mitter signal and automatically
displays RF frequency, power, and
modulation information. For re-
ceiver testing, audio quality
(including SINAD/distortion) and
level information are displayed
simultaneously. All settings and
measurements are easily accessed
and changed using the front-panel
knob, and all settings can be saved in
Save/Recall registers.
Signaling encoder
and decoder
The optional signaling encoder and
decoder (Option 004) supports com-
mon formats including tone sequen-
tial, digital paging, DTMF, trunking
and cellular signaling. Common
standards are included, and are easily
modified for different user formats.
The decoder will display the tone,
DTMF, or digital sequence transmit-
ted, and the durations of the tones or
tone pairs. For testing digital paging
transmitters, the decoder will dis-
play the address/code, message,
and the transmission rate. New capa-
bilities include the ability to decode
paging messages "off-the-air" and
capturing up to 65 seconds of "batch"
Analog meters
All measurements can also be dis-
played in analog bar-graph meters.
Meters can be set up for absolute or
relative measurements. Additional
meter functions include reference set,
settable endpoints, linear or logarith-
mic scale, and settable high and low
limits with on-screen and audible rep-
resentation of out-of-limit.
Trunked radio test
Software for manual and automated
tests of trunked mobile radios and
repeaters is available for LTR and
Enhanced Digital Access Communi-
cations System (EDACS) formats,
plus MPT 1327 systems. Use the
Manual mode to perform quick
functional checks and to verify
system programming. For full
characterization, run a suite of tests
on multiple channels. Printouts of
radio test results can be generated to
show radio performance and pro-
gramming information.
Cellular radio test
The HP 8920A automatically tests
cellular phones when combined
with the HP 11807A software for
cellular test. Cellular formats
supported include AMPS/NAMPS,
and JTACS/NTACS. Using the
HP11807A test software, cellular test
setups are simple, and a wide variety
of testing is supported including
go/no go testing, full parametric
testing, and phone troubleshooting.
For cellular radio testing, power
measurements on the standard
HP8920A are calibrated over the
range of 1 mW to 60 W continuous,
with a measurement accuracy of
+10% of reading.
High-power option for the
HP8920A to 100 watts
Option 016 is a special option
for the HP 8920A to support
high-power transmitter measure-
ment applications.
For example, using the RF In/Out
connector, frequency and power
measurements can be made on
transmitters up to 100 W continu-
ous or up to 125 W intermittently
with 10 seconds On, 50 seconds Off
duty cycle. AM and FM measure-
ments can be made from 16 dBm
to +50 dBm.
This option is retrofittable at the
factory only.
Low-level RF power
Option 007 of the HP 8920A shifts the
input range for RF power measure-
ments to a level ideal for character-
ization of low-power transmitters. RF
power with fully specified accuracy
can be measured on signals as low
as 40 mW. This option provides
more accurate measurements on
low-power RF products such as
cordless phones, data terminals, and
short-range transceivers.
Option 007 reduces the maximum
input power of the HP 8920A from
60W to 2.4 W. It is not intended for
use with high-power transmitters.
A variety of radio test applications
Spectrum analyzer
The optional spectrum
analyzer (Option 102) mea-
sures signals from 10 MHz
to 1 GHz with a variable
span of 5 kHz to 1 GHz (full
span). Display resolution
is selectable between 1, 2,
and 10 dB per division.
The tunable marker pro-
vides automatic readout of
frequency and amplitude,
or relative frequency and
amplitude from a refer-
ence. Other marker func-
tions, previously only
available in standalone
spectrum analyzers, include
peak hold, video averaging, marker-
to-peak, marker-to-next-peak,
marker-to-center-frequency, and
marker-to-reference; all of which
speed up and simplify signal search-
ing and measurement.
Tracking generator
The tracking generator,
included with the spec-
trum analyzer option,
allows for quick and accu-
rate characterization of
filters, duplexers, combin-
ers, and RF to IF conver-
sions. Broadband RF
devices can be character-
ized with single sweeps
due to the full-span sweep
capability to 1 GHz. The
tracking generator also
includes fully settable
amplitude and frequency
offset, and a tunable marker which
provides automatic readout of
frequency and amplitude of any
response point.
Adjacent channel
power tests
Included in the Option 102 is the
capability to make adjacent chan-
nel power (ACP) tests on transmit-
ters to measure and regulate
undesirable signals that spill into
and interfere with neighboring
channels. ACP tests can be made by
varying three parameters: channel
offset, channel bandwidth, and reso-
lution (measurement bandwidth).
The dynamic range for ACP is typi-
cally 65 dBc to 70 dBc, adequate
for most radio standards.
Full spectrum analyzer capabilities
Sensitive receiver
2 V sensitivity (typically 1 V)
available through the ANT IN port
allows for off-the-air monitoring of
low-level signals. These signals
can be displayed on the spectrum
analyzer, or demodulated and mea-
sured. The recovered audio can be
listened to using the built-in speaker
while the signal is being viewed on
the analyzer or measured.
For measuring high-power signals,
the RF IN/OUT port can accept
60W continuous or 100 W for 10
seconds per minute in a standard
Oscilloscope screen displaying triggering format
Digital oscilloscope
The built-in 50 kHz digital oscillo-
scope provides multiple triggering
formats (internal, external, and
encoder), single-shot and pre-trig-
ger view for signaling analysis, and
full marker capability with auto-
matic level and time readout.
Time/division, volts/division, and
vertical offset are displayed and
easily changed using the front
panel knob.
Variable frequency notch
Option 019 is a variable frequency
notch (VFN) filter selectable from
300 Hz to 10 kHz. It is useful for
making distortion and SINAD mea-
surements over this range with the
same accuracy of the fixed 1 kHz
notch filter that is standard in the
HP 8920A.
This feature can be used in two
modes, coupled or uncoupled. When
coupled, the internal source
(AF Gen 1) and the notch filter are
tuned to the same frequency. This
is useful when doing SINAD sensi-
tivity or distortion tests at several
frequencies, wherein the user sim-
ply changes the source or the filter
frequency. The default setting at
turn-on is 1kHz.
There is a retrofit kit available to
upgrade HP 8920A units with
firmware A.12.03 or later. The VFN
retrofit kit is HP 8920ART Option R19.
Monitor low-level signals and display
recovered audio
Built-in IBASIC computer
The built-in computer (IBASIC
programming language) allows you
to automate measurements and
test routines, and control external
instruments. This built-in
computer differentiates the
HP8920A from other service
monitors which only offer limited
sequencing or programming
capability. The IBASIC computer
gives you automation and control
benefits of an external BASIC
controller. The built-in computer
also offers an autostart utility that
allows you to run a pre-loaded
program by simply turning on the
Radio test software
The HP 11807A is an easy-to-use,
comprehensive software solution
for automatic testing of radio receiv-
ers and transmitters. It offers a
complete selection of transceiver
tests for FM, AM, FM, cellular and
trunked radios. Its flexibility and
modularity allow you to select and
change test sequences, test param-
eters, and pass/fail limits. Test
results are displayed on the CRT or
can be documented with hard-copy
printouts when an external printer
is added.
For a complete overview of the HP 11807A radio
test software, please visit our web site at:
Modular repair strategy
The HP 8920A is designed for
reliability. The low failure rate
and two-year calibration cycle of
the HP8920A were achieved by
designing for reliability, component
stress testing, and stringent
environmental testing.
If an instrument failure occurs, the
modular design and built-in test
capability supports quick diagnosis
and repair. With the addition of the
assembly-level repair manual and
the built-in diagnostic program,
failures are diagnosed to the module
level, and modules can be
replaced in minutes at the
customer site.
Module and radio testing can be automated
Sample Order:
HP 8920A RF communications test set ......................... qty 1
Opt 001 High stability timebase .................................. qty 1
Opt 004 Tone/digital signaling (necessary
for cellular and trunked radio testing). ................ qty 1
Opt 013 C-message weighting filter ........................... qty 1
Opt 014 6 kHz bandpass filter ...................................... qty 1
Opt 102 Spectrum analyzer with tracking generator
and ACP (adjacent channel power). .................... qty 1
Opt 103 HP-IB/RS-232/Centronics/dc current
measurement (includes 08920-90601
IBASIC/Programming Manual). ............................ qty 1
Opt W30 3-year return repair service.......................... qty 1
For more information about Hewlett-Packard test and
measurement products, applications, services, and a
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You can also contact one of the following centers and
ask for a test and measurement sales representative.
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(tel) 1 800 452 4844
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(tel) 1 877 894 4414
Hewlett-Packard Company
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P.O. Box 999
1180 AZ Amstelveen
The Netherlands
(tel) (31 20) 547 9999
Hewlett-Packard Japan Ltd.
Measurement Assistance Center
9-1, Takakura-Cho, Hachioji-Shi,
Tokyo 192-8510, Japan
(tel) (81) 426 56 7832
(fax) (81) 426 56 7840
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(tel) (305) 267-4245
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(tel) (852) 2599 7777
(fax) (852) 2506 9285
1992 Hewlett-Packard Co.
Technical data subject to change
Printed in U.S.A. 6/99
For more information about the HP 8920A RF Communications
Test Set visit our web site at:
Available literature includes: brochures, technical specifications,
product notes, and configuration guide.

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