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HP 3585A Datasheet

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Model 3585A

20 Hz to 40 MHz Spectrum Analyzer

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80 dB dynamic range 3 Hz resolution bandwidth

dB . :1::0.4 amplitude accuracy

1001 X 1024 Digital Storage Display

HP 3585A (Shown with Opt. 907)

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The HP 3585A Spectrum Analyzer delivers high performance where it counts - at baseband frequencies. With unmatched accuracy, resolution, and dynamic range, the 3585A is HP's best solution for signal analysis at the critical frequencies comprising voice, picture, or digital information. In today's high speed, high density information processing systems, maintaining the integrity of data signals requires more measurement performance than ever before. The 3585A provides 80 dB of spuriousfree dynamic range, a sharp 3 Hz resolution bandwidth, and fully synthesized tuning. Its 20 Hz - 40.1 MHz frequency range is more than adequate to cover most information bandwidths. Measurement performance is critically important at baseband frequencies, because signal degradation occurring here is typically not recoverable elsewhere in the system. As a result, test requirements for baseband signals and circuits often demand a level of performance that only a high-performance, low-frequency signal analyzer such as the HP 3585A can provide.

and periodic calibration of amplitude and frequency offsets. An accurate internal narrowband frequency counter can discriminate between the frequencies of closely spaced sinusoids with 0.1 Hz resolution. Finally, the HP 3585A contains fast-settling narrow resolution bandwidth filters that are among the best in the industry. Fast, Flexible Frequency Sweeps Well-designed filters and the phase-continuous, synthesized local oscillator team up to give the HP 3585A very fast sweepspeeds. 40A MHz sweep using the 30-kHz resolution bandwidth takes only 200 milliseconds, fast enough for high-resolution spectrum surveillance. A I-MHz sweepusing a I-kHz bandwidth takes only 2 seconds. Sweep width can be set to any arbitrary span between 0 and 40.1 MHz, or adjusted from 100 Hz to 40 MHz in a 1,2.5 step format. Resolution bandwidth and sweeptime automatically track the selected frequency span to ensure optimum performance, or can be manually controlled. 1001 x 1024 Digital Storage Display The high performance of the HP 3585A is further complemented by a built-in 1001 X 1024-point display. Measured analog signals are converted to 1001digital data points prior to storage and display. allowing each point to be accessedindividually using the display mark-

Inside the HP 3585A The HP 3585A is a swept hetrodyne, triple conversioncircuit with several major improvements. Frequency tuning is accomplished by a fully synthesized,phasecontinuous local oscillator, assuring excellent frequency stability for narrowband analysis acrossthe entire rrequency range. Internal microprocessorsmanage several functions includ:_- , I :_- """ -_:_- ":_:__1 ":__1_..

Front Panel Convenience The HP 3585A's microprocessor-controlled front panel and CRT readout simplify complicated measurements.Frequency and amplitude settings may be entered directly using the keypad, incrementally stepped,or varied continuously using the rotary pulse generator. An autoranging input attenuator eliminates the task of manually adjusting attenuation to achieve the correct mixer level. The input Range can also be manually adjusted from -25 dBm to +30 dBm in 5-dB steps. With its primary marker set to a signal peak or other point of interest, the HP 3585A displays amplitude and frequency numerically on the CRT. A secondmarker numerically displays amplitude and frequency offsets between the two markers. Programmable Offset Step allows an operator to move easily between harmonically-related signals or evenly-spacedcommunication channels.

Offset Marker indicates a spurious sideband at -90.3 dBc, 506.0 Hz away from the carrier.

Versatile Noise and Distortion Analysis Quiet and rock-stable, the HP 3585A excels as a noise and distortion analyzer. Its own uncompromising sensitivity and spectral purity are assuredby its advancedfront end design, synthesizedlocal oscillator and built-in, oven-stabilized reference. The HP 3585A can measurespurious, harmonic, and intermodulation products at levels typically 100 dB or more below the fundamental. Using its 3 Hz resolution bandwidth, power line sidebandsbelow -95 dBc can typically be measuredat frequency offsets of only 50 or 60 Hz. Total harmonic distortion and intermodulation distortion measurementscan be automated using HPIB programming. A built-in noise level key displays RMS noisedensity normalized to a I Hz bandwidth at the marker position, allowing easycomparison of measurementsmade with different resolution bandwidths.

I dB/diy. frequency responsefor a bandpass amplifier centered at 3.442 MHz. Becausethis 2 MHz sweep takes only 0.2 seconds,the operator can observecircuit adjustments almost instantly.

Frequency Response Measurements

With its built-in tracking generator, digital trace storage, and nar-

rowband frequency counter, the HP 3585A Spectrum Analyzer can

accurately measure the frequency response of crystals, filters, and amplifiers. Small amplitude variations are resolved to 0.01 dB using the marker readout and the I dB/division expanded amplitude scale. Unwanted effects of test fixtures and cables are removed simply by storing the frequency response of the test setup in Trace Band subracting it from measured data in Trace A. With its wide dynamic range capability and high-resolution display, the HP 3585A is idea! for measuring and viewing the analog portions of 14 or 16-bit digital audio systems. It can also measure the frequency response of digital modem filters with better than ,j, 0.4 dB accuracy.

HF Radio Applications
In addition to its many uses as a baseband signal analyzer, the HP 3585A finds a home in HF radio applications as well. Synthesized tuning and high-resolution display make wideband surveillance of the entire 30-MHz HF radio spectrum easy. Fast-settling resolution bandwidth filters sneed the analv~i~ nf mM..I"t..rl u~ ,."rri o

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HP 3585A displays detailed instructions for an auto~atic filter test


20 Hz to 40 MHz Spectrum Analyzer

Residual responses (no signal at input): < -120 dBm using -25 dBm range Residual phase noise (typical at 40 MHz, -10 dam input): 5 KHz offset: -112 dBcjHz 100 KHz offset: -120 dBcjHz Average Noise Level 50/75 a Input

Measurement range: 20 Hz to 40.1 MHz Displayed Frequency Span Range: 0 Hz to 40.1MHz variable with 0.1Hz resolution 10Hz or t040MHzin 1,2,5 steps Accuracy: -0% + 0.2% of frequency span setting Displayed Center, Start/Stop, and Manual Frequency Range: 0 Hz to 40.1 MHz with 0.1 Hz resolution Accuracy: I X 10-7/month of frequency Marker Readout accuracy: %0.2% of frequency span % resolution bandwidth Counter accuracy: %0.3 Hz % I X 10-7/month of counted frequency for a signal 20 dB greater than other signals and noise in the resolution bandwidth setting Resolution Bandwidths Range: 3 dB bandwidths of 3 Hz to 30 kHz in a 1,3, 10 sequence Accuracy: %20% at the 3 dB points Selectivity: 60 dB/3 dB <11:1 Amplitude Measurement range: I M!1 input: -31 nVrms to +7.08 Vrms 50/75!1 input: -137 dBM to +30 dBM All receiver inputs can be overdriven by up to 12.3 dB above the range setting, with somedegradation in distortion performance. Displayed Range Scale:IO division CRT vertical axis with Reference Level at the top graticule line Calibration: 10,5,2 and 1 dB/division from the Reference Level Input range: -25 dBm to +30 dBm in 5 dB steps Reference Level Range (relative to input range): -100 dB to +IOdB Reference level accuracy (using 1 or 2 dB/div., at midscreen with sweep rate reduced by 4 or at the manual frequency) 50/75 Q Input + 1OdB -50 dB - 70 dB -90 dB

.* .110

~ ~ .120


kHz o kHz kH2 kHz ~ .. e


c ~

Hz Z

.1., .1. 10Hz


Hz Hz

I M11 input: Below 500 kHz add 12 dB to above


Modes: continuous, single or manual Trigger: free Run, Line, or External Time: 0.2 s full sweepto 200 slHz of Frequency Span (swept time excluding auto calibration cycles)

Input Signal Inputs 50/75 Q: >26 dB return loss,BNC connector

1 M!"!: %3%shunted by <30 pF, BNC connector Maximum Input Level

50/75 !"!: 13 V peak ac plus dc relay protected against overloads to 42 V peak. 1 M!"! input: 42 V peak ac plus dc (derate by factor of two for each octave above 5 MHz.

",0.4 dB ",0.7 dB 1 MQ Input. add to above 20 Hz 10 MHz

1.5 dB

",0.7 dB

40.1 MHz ",1.5 dB

External trigger input: negative going TTL level or contact.closure required to initiate sweep. External reference input: 10MHz (or subharmonic to I MHz),O dBm minimum level Output Tracking Generator Level: 0 dBm to -11 dBm with a single turn knob Frequency accuracy: %I Hz relative to analyzer tuning Frequency response: %0.7dB Impedance: 50 Q; > 14 dB return loss Probe power: +15 Vdc, -12.6 Vdc; 150 mA max. IF: 350 kHz, -II dBV to -15 dBV at the reference level Video: 10 V at the reference level Frequency reference: 10.000 MHz % I X 10-7/month, +10 dBm into 50!"!

Amplitude Linearity (referred to reference level) o dB -20 dB -50 dB -80 dB

of span)

-95 dB



to center

I ",2.0dBI



50/75 Q input: 1 MQ Input

,1,0.5 dB

20 Hz

10 MHz
,1,0.7 dB

40.1 MHz

,1,1.5 dB

Marker Amplitude Accuracy Midscreen at the reference level: use Reference Level accuracy from + 30 dBm to -115 dBm, add Amplitude Linearity below -115 dEmo Anywhere on screen: add Reference Level Accuracy, Amplitude Linearity and Frequency Response.

HP-IB Interface Functions Shl, Ani, T6, L4,SRI, RLI, TPO, DCI, DTI, CO
Environmental Temperature: operating OC to 55C Humidity: <95% RH except 300 Hz BW <40% RH Warm-up time: 20 minutes at ambient temperature Power requirements: 115 V (+ 11% -25%), 48-440 Hz 230V (+11% -18%), 48-66 Hz 180 watts 3A max Weight: 39.9 kg (88 Ib)

Dynamic Range Spurious Responses (image, out of band, and harmonic distortion) 50/7511 input: <-80 dB referred to a single signal equal to or less than Input Range 1 MI1 input: < -80 dB except second harmonic distortion < - 70 dB Intermodulation Distortion 50/7511 input: < -80 dB referred to the larger of two signals each ~6 dB below Input Range except 2nd order 1M from 10 MHz to 40 MHz <-70 dB 1 Ml1lnput: < - 70 dB

Size: 229 mm (9") H X 426 mm (16.75") W

635 mm (25") D

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