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Hp8901a hp8901b

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With compliments

Modulation Analyzer, 150 kHz to 1300 MHz

Helmut Singer Elektronik

www.helmut-singer.de info@helmut-singer.de
fon +49 241 155 315
fax +49 241 152 066
Feldchen 16-24 D-52070 Aachen Germany

Models 8901A, 89018


Low internal noise

. Completely automatic

Measures AM and FM to 1% accuracy

Measures RF frequency
Measures RF Power

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HP 8901A

HP 89018

HP 8901A and HP 89018 Modulation


The HP 890lAjB Modulation Analyzers are more than just high
quality modulation meters. They also perform as frequency counters.
Resolution for the HP 8901A'~ 150 kHz to 1300 MHz frequency
counter is 10 Hz below 1000 MHz and 100 Hz above 1000 MHz.
Resolution is 10 Hz for the HP 8901B. Sensitivity is -25 dBm (12
mV rms) below 650 MHz and -20 dBm (22 mV rms) above 650
MHz. The standard instrument's
time base stability
IxIO-6jmonth, or an optional time baseis available with Ixl0-9jday

The HP 8901A and HP 8901B Modulation Analyzers combine the

capabilitiesof severalRf instrumentsto give complete.accurate

characterization of modulated signals in the 150 kHz to 1300 MHz
frequency range. Both instruments very accurately measuremodulation and rccover the modulation signal. They determine RF frequency and measure RF power. The major additional capabilities of the
HP 8901Bare its improved power meter accuracy. its ability to use
external power sensors. to make adjacent channel power measurements or carrier noise measurements(with options 030-037) and its
ability to count audio frequenciesand measuredistortion on 400 Hz
and 1 kHz signals. Both instruments are fully automatic and make all
major measurementswith the push of a key or under HP-IB control.

Modulation Measurement Accuracy

Very accurate modulation measurements along with very low inter.

nal noise enable the HP 890 I A/B to characterize even high perform-

ance signal sources. Their detection systems are configured for

wideband recovery of the entire modulation spectrum so that highly
precise measurements such as signal-to-noise or distortion can be
made on the modulation signal. Modulation depth and deviation accuracy is generally %I % of reading. Residual AM noise in a 50 Hz to
3 kHz bandwidth is <0.01% while FM noise is <8 Hz for 1300 MHz
carrier frequencies. decreasing linearly to < I Hz below 100 MHz.
Becausethe AM and FM demodulators are independent and highly
insensitive to each other and because the analyzer has very low
residual AM and FM. accurate incidental AM and FM measurements can be made.
Three detectors are available for depth and deviation measurements: positive peak. negative peak, and an averageorespondingdeo
tector with rms (sinewave) calibration. A PEAK HOLD function
captures and displays the maximum peak modulation of a signal and
is ideal ror making transient measurementssuch as modulation limiting on mobile radios. The HP 890 I B also has a true rms detector and
the ability to measure peak to peak divided by two.
For measuring convenience.two high-pass(50 Hz and 300 Hz) and
three low-pass(3 kHz. 5 kHz and >20 kHz) post-detection filters ror
filtering the recovered modulation are included. The >20 kHz Bessel
filter minimizes overshoot on square-wave modulation. This allows
accurate measurementor signals which are digitally modulated, such
as FSK. Four de-emphasis networks commonly used in FM systems
(25.50.75. and 750 ilS) are also provided.
A modulation output provides calibrated signal levels relative to
the displayed modulation reading. The HP 8901B can make measurements on this demodulated signal such as rrequency and distortion
Modulation calibrators (standard on the HP 8901B. Option 010 on
the HP 890 IA) provide two precision modulation standards. One is
an amplitude modulated signal whose depth is calibrated to better
than 0.1% accuracy. The secondstandard is a rrequency modulated
signal with peak deviation calibrated to 0.1% accuracy. Tbe HP
11715A AM/FM Test Source is necessaryto rully test and calibrate
other modulation parameters.

RF Power Measurements
The HP 890lA usesa diode detection circuit to measureRF input
power. This technique measurespeak vortageand is calibrated from 1
mW to 1 W for sinewave input~. The RF level measurementaccuracy
is ",1.5 dB from 150 MHz to 1300 MHz.
The HP 8901B delivers the accuracy and resolution of a high performance power meter. The HP 8901B, with the HP 11722A Sensor
Module, measurespower from +30 dBm to -20 dBm at frequencies
from 100 kHz to 2.6 GHz. The HP 8901B also accepts all HP 8480
seriespower sensorsfor extended measurementcapability.
Adjacent Channel Power and Direct Spectrum
Phase Noise Measurements
The HP 8901B olfers optional selective power measurementcapability (options 030-037). With this capability you can quickly and
accurately make adjacent channel power measurementsto CEPT
standards. The HP 8901B provides a choice of selectable filters for
testing transceiverswith 12.5, 20, 25 and 30 kHz channel spacings.
To meet the CEPT standard at frequenciesgreater than 300 MHz,
the HP 890lB requires an externallocal oscillator (LO) such as the
HP 8656B Synthesized Signal Generator. Dedicating a signal generator as the external LO is not necessary.When not being usedas the
LO, a built-in RF switch in the HP 890 I B routes the signal generator's output out the back panel.
Used with a low-phase-noise external LO, the HP 8901B also
makessingle-sideband(SSB) phasenoise measurementsto 1.3 GHz.
To make the phase noise measurement, you just select the carrier
noise filter and the frequency olfset from the carrier (5 kHz to 1300
MHz). The HP 89018 then makes a selective power measurement
(2.5 kHz BW) and converts the power to a I Hz bandwidth. The noise
ftoor of the HP 89018 is -150 dBcjHz. The HP 8901B's measurement accuracy is better than ",0.5 dB down to -139 dBc. Adding the
HP 11793A Microwave Converter and a low-phase-noisemicrowave
sourcesuch as the HP 86738 Synthesized Signal Generator extends
this measurementto 26.5 GHz.
HP 8901A/89018


RF Input
Frequency range: 150 kHz to 1300 MHz
Operating Level
150 kHz-650 MHz: 12 mVrms to 7 Vrms
650 MHz-1300 MHz: 22 mVrms to 7 Vrms
Input impedance:
50 n nomina!
Tuning: manual frequency entry, automatic,
> 10 MHz only).

or track (frequencies


Acquisition time (automatic operation): -1.5 seconds.

Maximum safe input level (typical): ac: 35 Vrms (25 W ror source
SWR <4): dc: 40 V.

Frequency Modulation
150 MHz-10 MHz: 20 Hz to 10 kHz
10 MHz 1300 MHz: 20 Hz to 200 kHz
10 MHz-1300 MHz: 20 Hz to 20 kHz with 750 ~ filter.
150 kHz-10 MHz: 40 IcHz peak maximum
10 MHz-1300 MHz: 400 kHz peak ma~imum
10 MHz-1300 MHz: 40 IcHz peak maximum with 750 llS filter.
250 kHz-10 MHz: :2% of reading : 1 digit, 20 Hz to 10kHz rates.
10 MHz-1300 MHz: :1% of reading :1 digit, 50 Hz to 100 kHz
rates; =5% of reading : 1 digit, 20 Hz to 200 kHz rates.
Demodulated Output Distortion~
400 kHz 10 MHz: <0.1% THD, deviations< 10kHz.
10 MHz-1300 MHz: <0.1%THD. ratesanddeviations<100 kHz.
AM rejection (for 50% AM at 400 Hz and 1 kHz rates)': <20 Hz
peak deviation measuredin aSO Hz to 3 kHz BW.
Residual FM (50 Hz to 3 kHz BW): <8 Hz rms @ 1300 MHz.
decreasing linearly with frequency to < 1 Hz rms foT 100 MHz and
Maximum Deviation Resolution
0.1 Hz (rms detector on HP 8901B only), 4 kHz peak deviation
I Hz, <4 kHz peak deviation
10 Hz. 4 kHz to 40 kHz peak deviation
100 Hz, 40 kHz to 400 kHz peak deviation
Resolution is increasedone digit with 750 jJ.sde-emphasisand predisplay "on" and with rms detector.
Stereo separation (50 Hz to 15 kHz): >47 dB typical.

150 kHz-10 MHz: :1:2%ofreading:l:l digit, SOHz to 10 kHz rates,
> 5% depth; :1:3%of reading :I:I digit. 20 Hz to 10kHz rates.
10 MHz-1300 MHz: :1:1%of reading :1:1digit. SO Hz to SOkHz
rates. > 5% depth; %3%of reading %I digit. 20 Hz to 100 kHz rates.
Flatness (variatIon In Indicated AM depth lor constant depth
on input signal): 10 MHzto 1300 MHz: :l:0.3%ofreading:l: 1 digit.
90 Hz to 10 kHz rates, 20 to 80% depth.
Demodulated output distortion: <0.3% THD fot ~50% depth;
<0.6% THD for ~95% depth.
FM Rejection (at 400 Hz and 1 kHz rates, 50 Hz to 3 kHz BW)'
250 kHz to 10 MHz: <0.2% AM far <S kHz peak deviation.
10 MHz to 1300 MHz: <0.2% AM for <SO kHz peak deviation.
Residual AM (50 Hz to 3 kHz BW): <0.01% rrns.
Maximum Depth Resolution
001% for depths $39.99%; 0.1% for depths ?;40%. Resolution increases1 digit with rms detector (HP 8901B only).

Frequency Counter
Range: 150kHz-1300MHz.
Accuracy: ""J countsof leastsignificantdigit,: referenceaccuracy.
Internal Reference
Frequency: 10 MHz.
Aging rate: < Ix10-6jmonth (optionaI5: IxI0-9jday).
Maximum Resolution
HP 8901A: 10 Hz fot frequencies < 1 GHz; 100 Hz for frequencies
~I GHz.
HP 89018: 10 Hz.

HP 8901A RF Level (Peak Voltage Responding, RMS

Sine Wave Power Calibrated)
Range: 1 mW to IW



1.5 dB (150 kHz to 1300 MHz); 0.7

dB typical.
SWR: $650 MHz; $1.3; 1300 MHz: ~1.5.
Resolution: 0.1 mW ror level 0.1 to IW.
0.01 mW ror levels0.01 to 0.1W.

0.001mW ror levels<O.OIW.

Phase Modulation
Carrier frequency:
10 MHz 101300 MHz.
Rates: 200 Hz to 20 kHz; typically usablc from 20 Hz to 100 kRz

with degraded performance

Deviation and Maximum Resolution


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HP 89018 RF Level (True RMS)

Frequency range with HP 11722A: 100 kHz to 2.6 GHz.
Power range: -20 dBm to + 30 dBm
RF Range Linearity (Using Recorder Output)
",0.02 dB, RF ranges 2 - 5

0.001 RAOIAN






Accuracy': .:3% of reading z I digit

Demodulated output distortion: <0.1% THD

AM rejection (tor 50% AM at 1 kHz rate)1: <0.03 radian peak
deviation (50 Hz to 3 kHz BW)

",0.03 dB, RF range I

Using front-panel display. acid % 1 count of least-signiticant
RF Range.to-Range
Ch.nge Error
",0.02 dB/RF range change from reference range
Input SWR: < 1.15, using HP 11722A Sensor Module
Zero Set (Digital Seability
of Zero)
",0.07% of full scale on lowest range.
Decrease by a factor of 10 for each high range.
RF Power Resolution
0 l % of fu!! scale in watts or volts mode,


0.01 in dBm or dB relative mode.


relidulll muat be 8CCCKInted

lOf .. peak reedinga.

. BIll not loexceed: 50 Hz10.0 kHz rat. ror staled KCUracywilh mladetector(HP~1BonIy).
, Wlth 750 ,. ~
end ~1ap18y "otf', clatortion la not apecitI8dIor modWattonCMIt-

Amplitude Modulation
150kHz-IO MHz: 20 Hz to 10kHz
10 MHz-1300 MHz: 20 Hz to 100 kHz.
Depth: to 99%

PUlS>. V Peek,ThlaC8I OCCIK

l8r mUI..-Jm d8Yt8tiOlllor a ~
ringe .. <2
. For PeIk _li
~, AM KCWacy may be affected by clatortlon gtl*ated by Ihe
kllhe worat -,
0.1%of cIetortlon.
. An. 30 day warm-up.

l/i8 can ~

KCUrICy by O.1%01reacIngIor eadI


Modulation Analyzer, 150 kHz to 1300 MHz; AM/FM Test Source

(Si]Models 8901A, 8901B, 11715A

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HP 89018 Selective Power Measurements (options

Frequencyr.nge: 10MHz lO 1.3GHz
C.rrier power r.nge: +30 dem lo -20 dem. 30
koHzfilters:+30d8m lO -10 dem. Carrier NoiseFilter
Dyn.mic r.nge: 115dB.
C.rrier rejection (temp. ~35 C): >90 dB, fr offsets~ 1 channeJ



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ij ~ .~-

Relative accuracy: :0.5 dB. SSB Power ~-95 dBc or SSB Power
? -139 d8c/Hz
Filter bandw~ths: 2.5 kHz, Carrier Noise Filter
8.0 kHz, 12.5 kHz Filter
15.0 kHz. 20/25 kHz Filter
30.0 kHz. Cellular RadioFilter

National Bureau of Standards.

* 1.2%
worst case (*.9% rss) ror one year (OC 10
55C). Power output: I 00 m W Factory set to :*:0.7~. traccable to the U.S.

Audio Filters
High pa.. (3 dB cutoff trequency): 50 Hz and 300 Hz
Low pa.s (3 dB cutoff trequency except >20 kHz filter): 3 kHz,
15 kHz. >20 kHz
De-emphasis filters: ;.' ,,5. 50 "s. 75 ,,5, and 750,.s.

Calibrators (Standard HP 89018, Option 010

HP 8901A)
AM calibretor depth end accurecy: 33.33% deplh. nominal; internally calibrated to an 3ccuracy of ",0.] %.

FM calibretor devietion end accuracy: 34 kHz peakdeviation.

nominal: internally calibrated 10an accuracy of .+.0.1%.

General Characteristics
Operating temperature range: O' 10 55C.
Power requirement.: 100, 120,220, Of 240 V ac (+5, -10%);
48-66 Hz: 200 VA max
Weight: HP 8901A-nel
20 kg (44 Ib), sbippins 25 ks (55 Ib); HP
8901 B-nel 23 kg (52 Ib), shipping 31 kg (69 Ib).

Size: HP 8901A. 190 mm H x 425 mm W x 468 mm D (7.5 in. x 16.8

in. x 18.4 in.); HP 89018,190 mm H x 425 mm W x 551 mm D (7.5
in. x 16.8in.x21.7in.)

Ordering Information
HP 8901AModulationAnalyzer
Option 001: Rearpanelconnectors
Option 002: 1x 10-9/dayinternaI reference
Option 003: Connections
for externallocaloscillator
Option 004: Operationfrom 48 to 440 Hz power
Option 010: AM and FM calibrators
HP 89018ModulationAnalyzer
Option 001: Rearpanelconnectors
Option 002: I x I 0-' /day internalreference
Option 003: Connections
for externallocaloscillator
Option 004: Operationfrom 48 to 440Hz power










Option 030: High sdectivity (select only 2 filter options)

Option 032: 12.5 kHz filter

Option 033: 20.0/25.0kHz filter

Option 035: CellularRadioFilter
Option 037: Carrier NoiseFilter



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AM Output

Frequency range (AM FM -c 32 output): 11 to 13.5 MHz

Depth: to 99~
50% AM, 20 Hz to 100 kHz rat..: <0.05% THD -66 da)
15% AM, 20 Hz to 100 kHz rat..: <0.1% THD -60 da)
Flatness: 50 Hz to 50 kHz rates, :100.1%;
20 Hz 10100 kHz rates, ",0.25%
Linearity: <95% AM, :100.1
%; <99% AM, ~0.2%

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