University of Szczecinski Humanistic Faculty International Relations Unit
University of Szczecinski Humanistic Faculty International Relations Unit
University of Szczecinski Humanistic Faculty International Relations Unit
In information technology since the last quarter of the 20th century the rapid
change of the rate of computerization and internet access along with increased
opportunities for social life has been shaped significantly.Daily activities as well
as the richness of imagination, allowing the audience to present to the internet,
has emerged as a new area of socialization; gaining importance due to the
essence of the capitalist system, each product has been commercialized media
such as the Internet rapidly. Commercialization of the possibilities provided by
the Internet along with the idea that limiting begin when starting to be voiced in
various parts of the world, which makes the issue of political struggle has been
the first organization of the Swedish Pirate Party.
In a changing world, contrary to past criticism of the system of the struggle of
the streets, not age appropriate, provide rapid organization has become the
virtual environment. The idea was born in Sweden and infrastructure arguably
the world's 40 countries to work to a Party or a Party and an ongoing stream of
ideas and discourses were examined in the context of political communication.
In the event a party organization in Turkey with the same rhetoric, Sweden
Based on the data, is expected to be the largest voting base will make an impact
upon how university students were investigated. . Research conducted in Yugioh
Luleburgaz fibroids and evaluation on the findings obtained here were made.
The width of the search space, taking into account the need to express it at this
point, this study is a survey on the subject premise selected sample to try to
expand the universe can lead to the emergence of erroneous results. Research
results can be generalized to scale structure of the universe should be tested with
the sample should be referred to.
The research findings are examined against the Pirate Party's rhetoric observed
an overall positive perspective, the establishment of such a party in the case of
Turkey largely positive statements of opinion even among those who said they
would not vote for this party
notable findings of the study to one.
Key words: poltcs,poltcal comncaton ,tecnology,internet, pirate party
Today, technological advances, rapid population growth and urbanization,
changes in the socio-economic structure, the lifestyle of individuals, has created
differentiation in demands and needs. Political actors competition is intense
political scene differentiate from its competitors and voters in the party
adherence to constitute social differentiation bond vote to be able to
communicate strategies and to a wider audience in order to achieve medium
elections widens.
In this study, the political scene a niche in the field carrying out the activities
established in Sweden Pirate Party internet bans, patents and privacy of personal
life based on the political discourse explained, the Internet's political
communication on the role and importance has been emphasized.
Politics and Political Communication
Before you begin defining the concept of political communication, the concept
is difficult to define precisely within an accuracy that should be noted. Difficulty
in defining the concept literally, it creates a very different definitions of words
and communication to be open to political stems from (McNair, 2007: 3).
Political communication to identify such a challenging work will be useful to look at
the concept of politics before dressing. At this point Kabani (1997) and suggested
that the two opinions are expressed as follows;
"According to an opinion and understanding, politics is a conflict between people
living in society, it is a struggle and a fight. People of creation, in terms of social and
economic status have different ideas and different interests. Their thoughts, interests
and conflicts arising from differences in psychological tendencies are the basis of
politics. According to the other view, to adopt the purpose of politics, before anything
else in the community to ensure the integrity, putting special interests against the
public interest and the people "the common good" is to perform. According to
proponents of this view of politics, which is in everyone's interest to establish a
society is nothing more than an effort (Kapani, 1997: 17).
If the origin of the study of political communication and rhetoric from
Aristotle's Politics to works will be taken up (Tokgz, 2008: 94). Aristotle, in
homogeneous society as the only form of doing politics talk show with the
participation of all citizens was the way of doing politics unmediated conversation
and thus dialectics of politics itself has identified as being identical. Which is also the
political unity of the communicative, in reference to the common good of the citizens
living in Athens, the only way to redesign the persuasive speech techniques with each
other has been seen in the development (Kker, 1998: 84).
Aristotle, n Rhetoric be exercised on behalf of convincing people that there are three
types of speech has also stated. This speech is one of the kinds of political speech and
speech, "either we do something or not to do it is." "Political speech, the suitability of
a proposed course of action that is harmful or intends to introduce"(Aristoteles,
2004: 44).
Industrialization and the changing power structures parallel to the political
have shaped the UK, Continental Europe and the United States, this process
rapidly gelimitir.zellikl England in the Industrial Revolution from the freedom
of the press call, Europe and the United States the modern state towards more
democratic and secular viewpoint, bringing civil rights and political democracy
struggle has accelerated(Keane, 1993: 4348).
Contemporary political communication which are essential in the mass media in
the technical sense evolves, 12 April 1776, the State of Virginia Declaration of
Human Rights on freedom of the press writing becomes for the first step, 4
July 1776 published in the American Declaration of Independence in the press
freedom of the individual integral rights ranged from (Tokgz,2008: 68). The
concept of political communication, in the United States after the Second World War
showed improvement in the 1960s in Western European countries began to be used
widely (Topuz, 1991: 7).
Contemporary definitions examined political communication, "certain
ideological purposes in society certain groups, audiences, countries or blocks
accepted and needed these objectives into action, to put into practice the
political actors by the various types of communication and the use of techniques
of communication with" is expressed as (Aziz, 2003: 3).
Denton and Woodward (1990), a brief political communication, public sources
(state income or treasury) to partition the official authority (legislative,
executive and judicial
Who holds the power) and formal sanctions (reward or punishment specifies)
was defined as the public debate about. Grab given the "political language" with
the concept of political communication on the concept of a broader definition,
citing political communication only rhetoric does not cover, but also body
language and political actions (boycotts or protests, etc.)., Such as paralinguis
have signs Deicide get to that stated (McNair, 2007: 3)
In the literature on the concepts of politics and political communication after
scanning and converting changer that plays a role in the structure of today's
society the mass media in general, in particular the emphasis on the role of the
Internet in my political Establishment of Communications i do would be helpful.
Importance of Internet n the Poltcal Communcaton
Mass media in political ideas communicated to the target audience and in the manipulation of
the masses have an important place in each period. Analyzing the French Revolution,
Revolusions de Paris newspaper, "adults only us, we appear great because we are kneeling. I
stand up! "Mobilize the masses in the form of editorials very important role is seen
(Jeanneney, 2006: 5961). The second important mass communication tool used in political
communication is the radio. In particular, the Nazis occupied countries in Europe
transmitters, used for their own broadcasts; Prague prepared programs in Berlin, Brussels,
Warsaw, Oslo, Copenhagen, Athens and Belgrade has been published in (Jeanneney, 2006:
169172). Television, for a very long time the most powerful mass communication as a means
of mass persuasion accepted and widely used in the field of political communication is (Atabek
ve Kl, 2007). Today, prevalence, access rating, thanks to its emphasis on visualization and again
by the target audience in mind criteria such as being easily detected effect largely continued to be
Of the mass media, the newest internet, on-site traditional means of
communication host capable of mass have access (Selnow, 1998: 1) written,
audio and visual media with the features, but in addition, two-way
communication tha t facilitates the electronic media has emerged as. Compared
with other communication technologies emerging, thus enabling mutual
communication is the most impressive difference a nd has been providing
instant feedback. In the Internet environment, without physical contact with the
conditions or time-limited users and organizations with each other regardless
of time and space allow them to be contacted were (Odaba ve Oyman, 2002:
Internet inherently Although the above-mentioned features, as a result of a
commercial activity distribution is made in terms of access to use the internet to be
examined would be appropriate. The initial setup of your internet service provider in
Turkey, and then serve on a monthly basis based on pricing, given that access to the
internet in the country also known rate, the research findings will be useful for
reading and interpretation.
Short name TSI, Turkey Statistical Institute 's 2009 Household Information
Technology Usage Survey According to the results of households in Turkey internet
connection in 2007 was 19.7 percent in 2008 to 25.4 percent has emerged. In 2009,
30 percent were still showing a significant leap (TK, 2009: 147).
At the societal level parallel to the increasing rate of internet use in the virtual
world, for political communication is becoming increasingly important as a
conduit. Morgan
According to research conducted by Stanley; Ile38 year 50 million people access
to radio, television and 13 years, with the Internet, only took 5 years to
determine that revealed the importance of the internet is an indicator (Hyland,
2010). These indicators, they want to reach their target audience more
effectively as all organizations and political actors have noticed this area were
seen as a part of their promotional activities. Only a party in Sweden, stood on
the structural problems of the internet and build upon it by political discourse,
has its own, has achieved a unique niche mark
Sweden Pirate Party
Unemployment, poverty , access to health services , etc. to . problems have been
observed or less seen , economic and social structures in countries with relatively
good expectations from the government , political changes has been observed
also in demand . Especially the development of the Internet and virtual reality to
occupy an important place in the daily lives of young people , with one of the
emerging demand has been the removal of the ban on the internet . Founded in
Sweden, the Pirate Party ( Pirate Partiet ) also laws that prevent the sharing of files
from the Internet , the patent system and disrespects the privacy of your personal
data is expressed as the application against the political scene has emerged. Party
can be seen on the website of the other party holds an important place in the
political discourse of education, health , international relations, and so on. no
matter the party interested in the program at a destination other than the above-
mentioned provisions are not mentioned ( in www.piratpartiet.s , 2010).
Historcal Development of Pirate Party
Pirate Party's intellectual infrastructure, file sharing on the internet described as the companies
and organizations in response to piracy, Piracy Bureau was founded in Sweden in 2003 (which
Piratbyr) has created (Gzkele, 2009: 2) Established in 2003 by the Bureau of Piracy The
Pirate Bay (Pirate Bay) site, software, music and film piracy by the industry referred to as file
sharing has become one of the important centers.
Dissemination of Internet connection speeds increase and facilitate file sharing in particular the
"bittorrent" With the development of technology, the number of users of The Pirate Bay have
increased rapidly. For the avoidance of illegal content on the site server as described above, in
spite of complaints by many businesses in the sector, the activity is not considered a crime under
Swedish law did not initiate criminal proceedings
This process of the Swedish government, which are subject to copyright material downloaded
from the Internet that has continued to pass laws outlawing; law during the period following the
emergence of The Pirate Bay and police raids were made to the Bureau of Piracy. The Pirate
Bay's servers and sites responsible for the confiscation of three people taken into custody in
Sweden has attracted significant response. Sunucularhollanda while being transported to the
site, expressed as a party political discourse Piracy Bureau decided to (Gzkele, 2009: 3).
According to Swedish law, the first step required to establish a party to collect
500 signatures entered in a short span of 36 hours in search of four thousand
managed to collect 725 signatures formation has taken place on the political
scene (Hrriyet, 2010). Party, the first choice
0.63 percent of the vote in the 2006 election who experience 'reputation,
corresponding to 34 thousand 918 votes and organizations over the past nine
months, although the choice of entering the order was placed 10th in 40part. 4
percent threshold applied in Sweden for failing parties not represented in
parliament, 2.5 per cent are below the choice to not receive assistance
(, 2013)
Of these choices, the first serious examination of the 2009 European
Parliament (EP) elections, giving the party so 7.13 'luxury rate of votes in the
European Parliament 18 seats represented by Sweden's 5th largest party as the
second member submission has succeeded (www.europarl.europ to . eu, 2010).
Communcaton Strategy of Pirate Party
Pirate Party's predecessor, the Piracy Bureau, the purpose of copyright,
information infrastructure and digital culture to inquire as defining the
communication strategy via the Internet information dissemination as well as
target groups taking part in them for the informational meetings, street
demonstrations and campaigns to be arranged was built on
Established to protest the ban on Internet anaayak one of the party's
communications strategy through the official website constitutes his activities.
Every political party as well as on the website of the Swedish Pirate Party, party
politics, political history and so on. part related information are included.
(www.piratpartiet.s in 2010).
On the site "Action" under the heading of the membership is free, but
donations are recommended starting with a note stating that the party
membership form or youth organizations; party activists, claiming to be the key
person for the application form is located.
According to the electoral law did not pass the threshold required for financial
assistance to carry out their activities on behalf of the members of the political
party or formation feel close to him to get the economic support of voters who
have followed different strategies. Home with all the sub-page on the right side
and "Action" under the heading other parties are very rare, which may be the
party logo or bearing the colors wide variety of products with a political
movement that identifies books that sold a boutique is located. 115 kinds of
products in 10 categories boutiques that sell a variety of party and interest in
products with creative design and the party is an important gain In order to
strengthen the financial structure of the party in the boutique portion of the site
and advertised in the same place at the option of the party assistance is seen as
an important source of income. When entering the relevant page of an article
indicates the importance of donations for the party after several fundraising
alternatives are ranked. At this point, which is important for political
communication and the Pirate Party in Turkey, especially distinguishes it from
most of the major political parties-car donation rate property with a detailed
breakdown of the monthly and annual basis in g
lire data showing the ratio of expenditures on the official website and only wants to communicate with followers, transparent
and mutually ifadeederce in forums and chat rooms on the site is set up to take
care of. Also touted as free software web dictionary wikipedia Having been to a
party like the party is an important point that distinguishes it from its
competitors . Another feature that makes a difference on the site Pirate Radio ,
which broadcasts from the internet application. Internet and copyright protesting
the removal of the ban in case of internet
a large library will be representing the party , according to the official website of
this discourse is also very comprehensive , feature-rich, transparent and befitting
the spirit of free software applications were prepared . Easily separated from
other political parties for the purposes of political parties , at every point of the
website is also intended to show the difference . small
details although , internet sites, a majority at the bottom of the site and content
of hacking is a crime stating " copy right " to the word ironic referring site pages
to the bottom "No copy right " and just below the Turkish equivalent "
Improvement suggestions for ? " to put an article which is an important detail to
demonstrate the philosophy of the party
Internatonal Effect of Pirate Party
Perspective revealed by the Pirate Party in Sweden has aroused wide interest in
the world as it is; Continental Europe, United Kingdom, North and South
America, the capitalist system is just adopting some former Eastern Bloc
countries and South Africa, including a total of over forty countries "Pirate
Party" s established or establishment has reached the point (,
Economic and political systems, history, development levels, per capita income,
even the party's laid the foundation internet access facilities to a very different
and unequal countries on the same principles the parties committed to the
establishment of the Internet for political communication impact to show the
name of a point worth considering is. A portion of this formation can be
described as successful as the Swedish Pirate Party has achieved results. German
Pirate Party, comprising 16 federal state parliament of Berlin in Germany, North
Rhine Westphalia, Saarland, Schleswig-Holstein won the right to be represented
in parliament; ekcumhuriyet 's one of the national council of 3 people, 3
national parliament in Iceland, Spain and Switzerland council by 2 people, 1
people in Austria have been able to elect council members (,
Pirate Party establishment of widespread occurrence on a global scale to
support them, in order to improve communication and cooperation between
them in 2010 in Brussels at the meeting IPP short name, "Pirate Parties
International" was founded. The idea of the current political arena, the initial
formation of the Swedish Pirate Party, which included 12 of the party's observer
status in the organization where there are 42 members (www.pp-, 2013).
Methodological,Purpose,mpotence and Method of Research
The purpose of the study described above, the impact of the political discourse
in the Turkish youth is to evaluate in terms of various variables. Research
universe can be reached in this study is much higher than the capacity to access,
with a small sample nonparametric pioneering work has been done. Give an idea
about the study on behalf of a previously investigated have been made. To
determine the trend of the universe in this regard a study should be conducted on
a larger scale.
The subjects participated in the study , questions regarding socio-demographic
characteristics and political discourse questionnaire was administered . The
questionnaire used in the 9
units to determine the socio- demographic structure of the problem , as well as
three on internet usage habits , political preference i with the relevant five , two
questions are related to future projections . On the scale of political discourse is
to include three questions . Scale " strongly agree " to "strongly disagree "
extending a 5 point Likert -type expressions are used . The Cronbach's alpha
coefficient : 0.844 is reached . Apply this issue with the high reliability of the
3 -item scale that shows . Read the relevant section for research surveys were
distributed to 117 students , 9 of them systematic error , which is removed from
the study due to missing answers of 5 , 3 survey also return data for the
remaining 100 questionnaires were analyzed . Responses to the survey were
evaluated , the expression of the survey questionnaire and to analyze and
evaluate the SPSS statistical software was used. In tables below presenting the
data obtained was performed evaluation and review .
Findings of Research
Socio-Demographic Characteristics of Participants Socio-demographic
characteristics of the students who participated in the study, we examined 64%
of the students are women, 36% were men; depending on where it is grown
12% of the village, and 20% of the town, in the county of 52%, and 2% in the
province, it is observed that 14% of the catch in the big city.
Analyzing internet usage habits of the participants 1 daily hours of 30%, and
16% of 2 hours per day, 3 hours per day of 22%, and 6% 4 hours per day, 5
hours per day and 26% had spent more time on the internet seen.
Considering the intended use of the Internet, more than half of the participants
(54%) use the Internet to do research indicates that as a priority. 20% of
respondents to listen to music while using the internet part;
18% of the e-mail read / write; 4% play games; the remaining 4%
program, or to download the movie uses.
Internet usage habits of free programs that last question about the program,
except 52% of the students in question pirated software downloads and / or
download declares that it is seen that movie.
Political identity to define the question asked 78% of participants as a majority
Atatrkym response, while 10% of his Nationalist, 8% Islamist, 2% Liberal,
and 2% at the Conservative described it as. Among the options the Democrats,
Social Democrats, the Socialists and the other options are not preferred by any
In a study conducted on the level of interest in politics, the politics of the
majority as 80% of respondents have never seen that much less or somewhat
interested. 18% who say that are highly relevant audience, creating only 2% of
those who say I'm very interested in the remains. The majority of respondents to
exceed 18 mourning for new users of votes in the last elections has remained at
Majority in the electoral threshold of 52% electoral threshold, while trying to
fall 2% completely removed, to be 36%, while 10% stated that they found
suitable to be higher.
Participants' Turkey's expectations for the future are examined only a 16%
portion of the country stronger in the future, which would be 46% would not
change, 30% of the powerless that the other option of choosing 8% the future
konjenktrel case shaped according to the belief that this would be seen.
When examining the results personally on future expectations of 42% was seen
to be hopeful for the future of the sector; If a significant majority of 32% was
desperate arises. About the future of expressing that idea at a rate as high as 26%
at a rate that is a point also needs to be considered.
The socio-economic conditions outlined above have demonstrated young
people, established in Sweden, the Pirate Party is rapidly spreading in various
countries of the world, which is against the principles of perspective to the table
shown in Table 1 are examined arises.
Pirate Party's political discourse forming pillars the first of internet copyright
law practices for commercial purposes unless it 'refusal to approach young
people is looking at how to examine the question asked of respondents, 54%
responded positively, while 12% abstained, 34 the adverse responded.
Participants, especially drug patents, 14% of all patents are undecided about
which should be removed, should be removed, 54% and 32% of the patent
system has stated that should continue. About the privacy of the participants
were found to be a large consensus. 30% of respondents state's protection of
privacy should give more importance to the opinion strongly agree Say, 36%
agree, 14% undecided, 10% disagree, 10% of the other group has used the
phrase disagree.
All non-commercial copying and use of the Internet should be free ..
All patents, especially drug patents should be abolished. States to protect
privacy should take more precautions.
Findings Related to a Party and Political Discourse with
One of the most interesting points of the study confirm the political discourse
in Turkey with the establishment of the Pirate Party is the non-availability of the
parallel between the demand. Participants a significant portion (58%) about the
party's political discourse despite the support of such a party in Turkey, the
establishment of research participants, only 20% is needed contemplating, 24%
related question in the negative responded, 56% as a majority is I was hesitant
Political Discourse and Voting Behavior Related to Verification
Political discourse of those who strongly agree and agree that although 58% of
patients at the level of the establishment of such a party would you vote in case
of stating the rate is only 16%. 24% of respondents said they would not vote for
the Pirate Party, a mass as high as 60% is declared unstable
Verification of Political Discourse Political Discourse Related
Findings on the Effects of Success
The majority of respondents undecided, as in other questions preferred option,
while 16% segment of the party that puts these discourses party program
will be more successful, than 28% of the participants in the section will be
declared failed.
Discussion and Conclusion
Participants of the copyright law, which concerns the answers and country real
Analyzing of pirated software is very common from the internet illegal movies
and unlicensed software downloads as a crime is not detected, the issue largely
plagiarism in the context not assessed are outstanding. Of the state for the
protection of the privacy of private life to take adequate measures have been
expressed by the participants. This results in the protection of privacy is the
state's shortcomings as well as demonstrate, at the time of the survey
unauthorized wiretapping and so on. not on the agenda of the events in the
media should be considered to be effective.
Patents and copyrights in the privacy of private life similar results to the
general opinion has emerged. Participants of the college students because of
their health care costs borne by families or college Considering the fact that, at
that rate high on patents emergence of an opposition is a point worth
Swedish Pirate Party's rhetoric in the outlines of the three agents
expressing a positive, although the rate is high, unstable and adverse opinion
expressed in a significant proportion of those who have seen.
Analyzing the results of the research against the party's political discourse in
general is seen as a positive point of view. Despite this, the relevant discourses
voters want to vote a party establishment if the vote for this party say could give
the number of participants is very low, unstable, while the number of more than
half that in Turkey the Pirate Party of the formation of the largest voting base
forming young people even enough support vision reveals.
EP made a great leap in Sweden who managed to enter the discourse of the
Pirate Party, a high youth population in the country such as Turkey, a well-
planned communication strategy has the potential to reach significant share of
the vote despite the fact that As high as 10% in the implementation of an
electoral threshold will reduce the chance of entering parliament is the most
important factor.
Party rhetoric is another factor that will reduce the impact of chronic high
unemployment rates in the country is the problem. Turkstat research in February
2010 more than 3.5 million are unemployed and more than 25 percent of them
have emerged as the young unemployed . Youth unemployment is in the spiral ,
even in fundamental human rights and democracy issues in the country of the
ongoing discussion centers on the internet ban chances of success in the field of
political discourse is controversial. Pirate Party , European economic indicators
in Turkey that are better than the basic human rights sensitive countries
conducted a successful communication strategy graph , which raised the point
arrived at a fork in the road that it is a must see. Party in the same way as the
first path, while maintaining the rhetoric to appeal to a narrower audience , and
instead of the other parties to power , taking the steps to take seriously the
rhetoric can provide . According to the second way will shape the political
discourse of social needs by expanding its target audience raise the percentage
of votes , the more active on the political scene may be in a position intended to