Free Wednesdays
Free Wednesdays
Free Wednesdays
The Office of Public Works is pleased to announce that on the first Wednesday of every month
all OPW managed Heritage Sites $ill continue to offer F%&& '()*SS*O+ to individuals
$ishing to visit these sites for the duration of their season, ' full list of participating sites is given
belo$# and details on each can be found on $$$-heritageireland-ie
Tickets $ill be allocated on a first come# first served basis- +ormal conditions of admission apply-
Visitors may e.perience delays at some of our busier sites and are advised to arrive early.
*f allocated a time# visitors are asked to arrive promptly for the start of their tour- There is no
guarantee that visitors $ho miss their allocated tour/slot can be accommodated at a later time-
0hildren must be supervised at all times.
'ccess to some sites is by guided tour only- In the case of Newgrange and Knowth, there is no
direct access to these monuments admission is solely via the Br na Binne Visitor Centre.
Car!ar"ing may be limited at some sites and patrons are re1uested to respect the facilities and
other car park users-
#lease Note that the follo$ing sites are not managed by the OPW and normal arrangements apply2
)uckross House 3 4ardens# and )uckross Traditional Farms5 4lenveagh 0astle-
N.B. Only those sites $ith an asterisk are open all year round- 'll other sites listed have a shorter
season or restricted opening in $inter# and $ree %dmission will not a!!ly outside the o!ening
arrangements listed on for each site-
Opening times can change at short notice- Visitors are re1uested to check the $ebsite for updates
prior to their visit-
0O6+T7 S*T&
0ork 8 0harles Fort
(esmond 0astle 9French Prison:
*lnacullin 94arinish *sland:
(onegal (onegal 0astle
4lebe House and 4allery
(ublin The 0asino# )arino
8 (ublin 0astle# State 'partments
8 ;ilmainham 4aol
4al$ay 'thenry 0astle
'ughnanure 0astle
8 (<n 'onghasa
Portumna 0astle and 4ardens
Patrick Pearse=s 0ottage 9Teach an Phiarsaigh:
;erry 'rdfert 0athedral
(errynane House# +ational Historic Park
*onad an >hlascaoid )h?ir# The >lascaod 0entre
%oss 0astle
;ildare 0astleto$n
;ilkenny 8 (unmore 0ave
@erpoint 'bbey
8 ;ilkenny 0astle
Aaois &mo 0ourt
Aeitrim Parke=s 0astle
Aimerick 'dare 0astle
Aouth Old )ellifont 'bbey
)ayo 0Bide Fields
)eath 8 >attle of the >oyne C Oldbridge &state
8 >r< na >?inne Visitor 0entre 9+e$grange and
;no$th: Please note that the monuments can only
be accessed via the Visitor 0entre-
'2 &.hibition
>2 &.hibition 3 +e$grange
02 &.hibition 3 ;no$th
(2 &.hibition# +e$grange 3 ;no$th
Hill of Tara
Trim 0astle 9including keep:
Trim 0astle 9e.cluding keep:
Offaly 8 0lonmacnoise
%oscommon %athcroghan# 90ontact 0ruachan 'D# E! FG"F2GH:
Sligo 0arro$more )egalithic 0emetery
Sligo 'bbey
Tipperary 8 0ahir 0astle
8 %ock of 0ashel
%oscrea Heritage 90astle and (amer House: and the
S$iss 0ottage
Waterford %eginald=s To$er 8 @ohn F- ;ennedy 'rboretum
Tintern 'bbey
Wicklo$ 8 4lendalough Visitor 0entre