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1. Supply articles where necessary :
1. I’ve been dreaming of a holiday in the Hawaii Islands for years. (a group of islands)
2. My wife is away on business in South America. (own name, no general noun such as “state, republic etc.)
3. Go straight ahead to the church, then turn left.
4. John was the only person I talked to at the party.
5. There’s been an accident. Call the police.
6. They went to an island in the Pacific.
7. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
2. Write these sentences in plural:
a. This farmer is going to sell that sheep.
These farmers are going to sell those sheep (sheep has the same form in singular and in plural)
b. A politician should never follow his own interest.
Politicians should never follow their own interests
c. His wife has brought up the child all by herself.
Their wives have brought up the children all by themselves.

3. Countable and mass nouns. Fill in many, much, a little, a few,little, few:
1. It’s very quiet in my area. There isn’t much traffic. (uncountable)
2. He couldn’t give me much information. (uncountable)
3. There’s a lot of research to be done, because very few experiments have been carried out so far. (countable)
4. He is not popular. He’s got only a few friends. (countable and after “only” you always write “a few”, not just
5. Hurry up! We’ve got little time. (uncountable)
6. I last saw Tom a few days ago. (countable)

4. Modal verbs
A) Write these sentences in the future:
1. I must go to work. I will have to go to work.
2. She didn’t have to read this book. She won’t have to read this book.
3. Children mustn’t speak in lessons. Children will not be allowed to speak in lessons.
B) Write these sentences in the past tense:
1. He can speak English well. He could speak English well.
2. They shouldn’t work so much. They shouldn’t have worked so much.
3. Must they learn a lot ? Did they have to learn a lot?

5. Fill in the prepositions where necessary:

1. Did you go out on Friday evening ?
2. At Christmas I always go to the mountains.
3. His father died of heart attack.
4. I am very proud of my children.
5. How did you get there ? By tram? No, on foot.
6. Do you want to watch the programme? No, I’m not interested in it.
7. I’ve had that beautiful car since 1992.
8. I was born 18 years ago, on Monday at 5 o’clock in the morning.
6. Write questions about the underlined words :
1. I am looking for a well-paid job.
What kind of job are you looking for?
2. Last week we had to go to the doctor’s every day.
Where did you go last week every day?
3. The policeman has just fined me for fast driving.
Why has the policeman just fined you?
4. The accident happened yesterday at midnight.
What happened yesterday at midnight? (asking about the subject of the sentence).

7. Put the verbs in brackets into the most suitable tense :

1. They have been repairing the road since 1990, but they have not finished it yet.
2. Yesterday when I got to the hall, the lecture had started and the professor was explaining a problem.
3. Usually I do not cook, but at the moment I am cooking a delicious strawberry pie for my lover.
4. “How long have you had the car now ? " For three years." “Where did you buy it ?"

5. I failed the final test last week. If I had studied hard, I would have passed.

6. What theatre performance are you going to see tomorrow?

8 .Put the sentences into passive voice .The underlined word must be the subject of the passive voice
1. We must clean the area before it is too late.
The area must be cleaned before it is too late.
2. They will take her to hospital tomorrow.
She will be taken to hospital tomorrow.
3. Have they translated his poem into Chinese?
Has his poem been translated into Chinese?
4. They are taking the refugees to a camp outside the village.
The refugees are being taken to a camp outside the village.
5. Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence in 1776.
The Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson 1776.
9. Put these sentences into reported speech :
1. " How did you enjoy the trip? " people asked Mr. Watson.
People asked Mr. Watson how he had enjoyed the trip.
2. " Will Mr. Smith finish his work today ?" he asked.
He asked if Mr. Smith would finish his work that day.
3. Don’t wait for me, " Anna told me.
Anna told me not to wait for her.
4. " I work for an insurance company," she said.
She said she worked for an insurance company.

11. Infinitive or gerund?
1. We can’t afford to have a holiday this year..
2. He remembers going to the seaside when he was a child.
3. I am sorry I forgot to post your letter.
4. He saved up 1,000 for a holiday by working as a tourist guide.
5. He used to get up early when he was much younger.
6. She is thinking of moving to America, where she could earn more money in a private hospital, but would prefer to
stay/staying in this country if possible.
7. Let me speak, otherwise you will make me cry.

12. Test your English - circle the right answer :

1. If I had asked the way, I __________got lost.
a/ wouldn’t have b/ hadn’t c/ not have d/ won’t have
2. I’m looking forward to __________ you again.
a/ to see b/ seeing c/ to seeing d/ of seeing
3. Unless ___________ hard, he’ll fail the exam.
a/ he’ll work b/ he works c/ he worked d/ he’d work
4. When I arrived at the beach, everybody_______.
a/ had already left b/ already left c/ was already left
5. I worked hard_________ to university.
a/ to get b/ for get c/ for getting d/ to getting
6. You _______the story before you came to the seminar. Now it’s too late.
a/ should read b/ should be read c/ should have read
7. John ________ to play cards tomorrow.
a/ can b/ will c/ is going d/ shall
8. I _______ radio last night when my friend rang.
a/ have been listening to b/ listened c/ was listening to
9. I wish I ______ that.
a/ not say b/ hadn’t said c/ don’t say
10. By next year he ______ his exams.
a/ had passed b/ will be passing c/ will have passed (tzv. Předbudoucí čas, děj se uskutečnil před bodem v budoucnosti –
použití perfektního infinitivu – I will + have passed.
11. He didn’t look when crossing the road. He _______in a hurry.
a/ must have been b/ had to be c/ should have been
12. There isn’t _________ cheese in the fridge.
a/ some b/ a b/ any d/ the
13. Her husband died last year and _____ then she has been supporting the family.
a/ since b/ afterwards c/ than d/ from
14. The beer is ____ bitter for George to drink.
a/ enough b/ too c/ so
15. You haven’t seen him yet,______?
a/ did you b/ has he c/ have you d/ do you

13. Use the words provided after the passage to complete:
Before our first trip, the leader of the camp gave us a brief talk. ‘If anything alarming happens, ‘he said, ‘don’t, on
any account, run away. There is a man with a gun to defend us and you just need to do exactly what I say.’
We kept his advice in mind in our expeditions.
One night there was a wonderful howling and screaming of hyenas, followed by a great roaring of lions. In the
morning we saw a group of vultures less than a mile away, and our leader thought that we should investigate in
case they were gathering over a dead body.
We set out and, before going very far, we found the body of a buffalo which had obviously been killed the night
before . Our leader, who was interested in the lions, said the lion must still be very near, because the vultures
were waiting in the nearby trees, and not eating the body. He was soon proved right: we just managed to catch
sight of a golden back disappearing behind some bushes. Most of our walking was less alarming than this. We
walked all day and, when 20) we wanted, we drove by night with a spotlight.

Vocabulary bank:

body his us when some which happens

what catch in less should night were
before this all by In be

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