APA Style: Handling Quotations, Citations, and References: Examples
APA Style: Handling Quotations, Citations, and References: Examples
APA Style: Handling Quotations, Citations, and References: Examples
In-Text Quotations
When using APA format, follow the author-date method of citation. This means that the author's last name and
the year of publication for the source should appear in the text, and a complete reference should appear in the
reference list.
• Examples:
Smith (1970) compared reaction times . . .
In a recent study of reaction times (Smith, 1970), . . .
In 1970, Smith compared reaction times . . .
Short Quotations
To indicate short quotations (fewer than 40 words) in your text, enclose the quotation within double quotation
marks. Provide the author, year, and specific page citation in the text, and include a complete reference in the
reference list. Punctuation marks such as periods, commas, and semicolons should appear after the parenthetical
citation. Question marks and exclamation points should appear within the quotation marks if they are a part of the
quotation but after the parenthetical citation if they are a part of your text. When paraphrasing, the citation (author
and page number) must still be included. Paraphrasing is preferred over direct quoting.
• Examples:
She stated, "The placebo effect disappeared when behaviors were studied in this manner" (Miele, 1993, p. 276),
but she did not clarify which behaviors were studied.
According to Miele (1993), "The placebo effect disappeared when behaviors were studied in this manner" (p.
Miele (1993) found that "the placebo effect disappeared" in this case (p. 276), but what will the next step in
researching this issue be?
Long Quotations
Place quotations longer than 40 words in a freestanding block of typewritten lines, and omit quotation marks.
Start the quotation on a new line, indented five spaces from the left margin. Type the entire quotation on the new
margin, and indent the first line of any subsequent paragraph within the quotation five spaces from the new margin.
Maintain double-spacing throughout. The parenthetical citation should come after closing punctuation mark.
• Example:
Miele's 1993 study found the following: The placebo effect disappeared when behaviors were studied in this
manner. Furthermore, the behaviors were never exhibited again, even when real drugs were administered.
Earlier studies conducted by the same group of researchers at the hospital were clearly premature in attributing
the results to a placebo effect. (p. 276)
Basic Rules
The first line of each entry in your reference list should be on the left margin. Subsequent lines should be
indented five spaces from the margin. All references should be double-spaced. Capitalize only the first word of a
title or subtitle of a work. Italicize titles of books and journals. Note that the italicizing in these entries often
continues beneath commas and periods. Each entry is separated from the next by a double space (thus the entire
reference list is double spaced, with no extra returns added). Authors' names are inverted (last name first); give last
name and initials for all authors of a particular work. Your reference list should be alphabetized by authors' last
names. If you have more than one work by a particular author, order them by publication date, oldest to newest (thus
a 1991 article would appear before a 1996 article). When an author appears as a sole author and as the first author of
Selected by the Writing Center at Armstrong Atlantic State University, the examples in this handout are based on the 5th edition
of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (August 2001).
APA Style: Handling Quotations, Citations, and References
a group, list the one-author entries first. If no author is given for a particular source, alphabetize by the title of the
piece and use a shortened version of the title for parenthetical citations. Use "&" instead of “and” on the reference
page and only within parentheses when citing multiple authors of a single work in your text.
• Examples:
According to Smith “and” Miele…
Both authors found that the “placebo effect disappeared, even when real drugs were administered” (Smith &
Reference Examples
The Publication Manual of the APA provides examples of the most commonly cited kinds of sources. If your
particular source is not listed below, use the basic forms above to determine the correct format, check the
Publication Manual, or check with your instructor.
• Journal article, one author
Harlow, H. F. (1983). Fundamentals for preparing psychology journal articles. Journal of Comparative and
Physiological Psychology, 55, 893-896.
Selected by the Writing Center at Armstrong Atlantic State University, the examples in this handout are based on the 5th edition
of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (August 2001).
APA Style: Handling Quotations, Citations, and References
Selected by the Writing Center at Armstrong Atlantic State University, the examples in this handout are based on the 5th edition
of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (August 2001).
APA Style: Handling Quotations, Citations, and References
General Format
Your essay should be typed, double-spaced on standard-sized paper (8.5 X 11 inches) with margins of 1 inch on
all sides. Your final essay should include as many of the following sections as are applicable--abstract, text,
references, appendices, author identification notes, footnotes, tables, figure captions, figures. Each section should
begin on a separate page.
The title page includes a running head for publication on the first line of the page flush left, a manuscript page
header with page number in the top right corner (a half inch from the top of the page on this and every other page),
the title, author's name, and institutional affiliation, centered. If the essay is for an academic course and is not
intended for publication, you may omit the running head notice. Otherwise, the running head notice on the first line
of the page serves to notify editors of a shortened version of your title to be used at the top of each page in the final
published version of the essay. This shortened title should not exceed 50 characters, including punctuation and
The pages of your manuscript should be numbered consecutively, beginning with the title page, as part of the
manuscript header in the upper right corner of each page. Your references should begin on a separate page from the
text of the essay under the label References (with no quotation marks, underlining, etc.), centered at the top of the
page. Appendices and notes should be formatted similarly. Keep in mind that underlining and italics are equivalent
only when there is no italics option on your computer. Italics are now preferred over underlining.
Selected by the Writing Center at Armstrong Atlantic State University, the examples in this handout are based on the 5th edition
of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (August 2001).