This document provides information about a series of digital LCD resettable counter flowmeters. It details the features, specifications, installation instructions and maintenance for the MESLCD5 flowmeter models in various sizes. Key information includes the LCD display and counting capabilities, accuracy and flow ranges, materials used, and ordering codes for the different models.
This document provides information about a series of digital LCD resettable counter flowmeters. It details the features, specifications, installation instructions and maintenance for the MESLCD5 flowmeter models in various sizes. Key information includes the LCD display and counting capabilities, accuracy and flow ranges, materials used, and ordering codes for the different models.
This document provides information about a series of digital LCD resettable counter flowmeters. It details the features, specifications, installation instructions and maintenance for the MESLCD5 flowmeter models in various sizes. Key information includes the LCD display and counting capabilities, accuracy and flow ranges, materials used, and ordering codes for the different models.
This document provides information about a series of digital LCD resettable counter flowmeters. It details the features, specifications, installation instructions and maintenance for the MESLCD5 flowmeter models in various sizes. Key information includes the LCD display and counting capabilities, accuracy and flow ranges, materials used, and ordering codes for the different models.
Positive Displacement FLOWMETERS Sizes- 20, 25, 32, 40 and 50 mm
* LCD display head with a resetable total in Litres (optionally to 1 or 2 decimal places for 20mm models, & optionally to 1 decimal place for 25mm models).
* Nutating wobble disc measurement chamber.
* Small impurities can pass chamber without jamming.
* Low hydraulic thrust minimises wear.
* Sealed IP65 digital display capsule.
* Wide impact resistant glass lens for easy cleaning and quick reading.
* Internal 5-10 year long-life Lithium battery.
* 1.5 % accuracy curve, with 0.2% repeatability.
* Conforms to AS3565-1988, designed to meet AS3901.
* Calibration certificate supplied.
* Simple upgrade to high resolution pulse counter for future automatic batching applications.
The MESLCD5 series magnetically-coupled positive-displacement flowmeters incorporate an LCD resetable display counter, powered by an internal long life (5-10 year) Lithium battery. With low to high flowrange performance, the meters are suitable for a wide range of batching and measurement applications for water and water-based chemicals. They are ideal in situations where there is no external power supply available, making them totally portable flowmeters.
The nutating disc measurement chamber used provides high reliability and accuracy for measurement of liquids with varying specific gravities, and can pass small impurities without blockage to the measuring chamber. The digital LCD display head is fully self contained, with a wide impact-resistant flat glass lens for easy cleaning and quick reading. The display head couples to the main meter body by a bayonet turn-and-lock fitting action. The display can be refitted to four viewing positions.
To operate, lift the hinged lid. The LCD display digits turn on and are automatically zeroed and ready for measurement. The display counts in single Litres up to 99999 (for sizes >20mm) or up to 9999 (for 20mm). The decimal point versions count either to 9999.9 Litres (1 decimal place version) or 999.99 Litres (2 decimal place version). Closing the lid resets digits and turns off battery power.
When the lid is open, if there is no flow for 6 minutes, then the display goes to sleep (goes blank) to conserve battery power. From sleep mode, the display is reawakened by either: the occurrence of flow (the count before going to sleep is continued); or by closing and re-opening the lid (the count is reset).
MESLCD5 Digital Reset Counter Flowmeters SPECIFICATIONS Size mm 20 (non-dp) 20 (dp) 25 32 40 50 Number of digits in LCD display 4 5 5 5 5 5 Digit height 14mm 12mm 12mm 12mm 12mm 12mm Max reading (non-decimal place version) 9999 L n/a 99999 L 99999 L 99999 L 99999 L Max reading (decimal place version) n/a 9999.9 L or 999.99 L 9999.9 L n/a n/a n/a Weight (#including connectors) 1.8 kg 1.8 kg 2.6 kg 6 kg 17 kg # 21 kg # Connection type " BSP(m) " BSP(m) 1" BSP(m) 1 BSP(m) 1 flanges 2 flanges Accuracy range (min-max) 1.5% ( 2% if display is Flowrate) Repeatability 0.2% Headloss at nominal flow 25 kPa (3 m) Max. cont. working pressure <=32mm: 1160 kPa; 40 & 50mm: 1034 kPa Max. operating temperature 50 C Power source 3.7v Lithium cell (5-10 year life) Readout LCD display in Litres (if flowrate: in Litres/min, 10mm high digits) 20mm Accuracy Flow Curve (KL/hr) Display head rating Waterproof to IP65 MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS 1. Digital display head Polyacetal c/w copper capsule & toughened glass 2A. Meter body Cast gun-metal 3. Strainer Polyacetal 5. Measuring chamber Synthetic Polymer (Nepton) 6. Chamber O ring NBR rubber 7. Base sealer ring NBR rubber 8M. Base plate 20 & 25mm: Cast Iron, powder coated; 32 - 50mm: Gun-metal. 9. Base body screws Stainless Steel 10. & 12. (not used) Measurement Chamber internal view
INSTALLATION 1. LCD display head is rated IP65. Avoid prolonged direct sunlight on the LCD display. 2. Flowmeters may generally be installed in any plane without affecting accuracy (but not upside down if particles are present, as mag-drive assembly may be obstructed). Ensure arrow on meter body coincides with forward direction of flow. 3. Flush out pipelines thoroughly before connecting flowmeter. 4. Although the flowmeter can pass small impurities, a filter box or strainer (800 micron filter recommended) should be fitted prior to the meter if the fluid to be measured contains excessive impurities and particles. 5. Any flow restriction or regulation valve should be fitted preferably before the flowmeter. Quick-closing valves should be fitted before the meter if used for higher-end flowrates (thus avoiding sudden pressures on the flowmeter chamber) provided that the plumbing configuration allows the pipe to remain full where the flowmeter is located. 6. Once installed, the flowmeter must measure liquid with full pipe at all times. 7. To avoid damage to measuring chamber, never exceed the rated maximum flowrate. 8. To change viewing display angle, push in the display head locking pin and turn display head anti-clockwise. Lift off capsule and re-position to desired viewing position. Re-insert locking pin. CAUTION: Do not press on, or impact, the copper base of the display head. 9. IMPORTANT: AS LAST STEP OF INSTALLATION, A CALIBRATION CHECK OF FLOWMETER MUST BE PERFORMED.
MAINTENANCE If flow becomes excessively restricted, digits fail to count, or meter is out of calibration, then: 1. Close service gate valve. Push in the locking pin on the digital display head. Turn the display head anticlockwise, pull up display head and remove. CAUTION: Do not press on, or impact, the copper base of the display head. 2. To access measuring chamber: undo flanges if applicable, rotate meter body (40mm flowmeter has access from top). Unscrew the 4x base screws, remove base plate and base seal ring. Using long nose pliers, pry and pull out the white strainer screen which then unlocks the measuring chamber assembly. Remove chamber and inspect. 3. If required, clean chamber parts in warm water or dilute acid (4:1 Water:Hydrochloric-acid). Make sure internal chamber wobble disc roller pin is in place and shutter plate is refitted. Then, reassemble meter by repositioning the measuring chamber and lock in position with strainer plate. Refit other components and seal the flowmeter. 4. IMPORTANT: AFTER ANY SERVICE, A CALIBRATION CHECK OF THE FLOWMETER MUST BE PERFORMED.
ManuFlo Flow Measurement Products a division of
Page 2 MANU ELECTRONICS PTY LTD NOTE: If the flowmeter is used with sticky admixtures and runs dry, then flush with water, otherwise admixture may crystallise and seize chamber parts, necessitating service and cleaning.
MESLCD5 Digital Reset Counter Flowmeters
20, 25 & 32mm meter components 40mm & 50mm meter components arrow on meter body indicates direction of flow.
DIMENSIONS 20, 25 & 32mm DIMENSIONS Meter Size mm 20 25 32 40 50 Length body end to end L 191 229 273 330 432 Overall Height H1 158 158 200 252 283 Overall Width W 92 92 165 205 240 Height underface to centre H2 41 41 54 65 79
ORDER CODES MES20LCD4 20mm Litres to 9999 MES20LCD5DP 20mm Litres to 9999.9 MES20LCD5DP2 20mm Litres to 999.99 MES25LCD5 25mm Litres to 99999 MES25LCD5DP 25mm Litres to 9999.9 MES32LCD5 32mm Litres to 99999 MES40LCD5 40mm Litres to 99999 MES50LCD5 50mm Litres to 99999
OPTIONS for any DP-type flowmeter -F Display is 2% Flowrate in Litres/min to 9999.9
OPTIONS for 20mm flowmeter only (add suffix to Order Code) -S Ryton-MTL measuring chamber for aggressive chemical admixtures and petroleum-based liquids.
-S-T Ryton-MTL measuring chamber and Teflon-coated body and couplings for corrosive liquids.
Due to continuous product improvement, specifications are subject to change without notice. DIMENSIONS 40mm & 50mm
1A. LCD Litres Display 1B. LCD Litres decimal point Display
2A. Meter Body 8M. Base Plate
ManuFlo Flow Measurement Products
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Page 3 MANU ELECTRONICS PTY LTD 41 Carter Rd Brookvale Sydney NSW 2100 Australia Ph: +61 2 9938-1425, 9905-4324 Fax: +61 2 9938-5852