This document provides instructions for making a reversible apron with two fabric options. It includes a materials list, cutting instructions for the apron body and pocket pieces from both fabrics, and detailed sewing instructions to assemble the apron with pockets and ties. The finished apron can be worn on either side by reversing the front and back fabrics.
This document provides instructions for making a reversible apron with two fabric options. It includes a materials list, cutting instructions for the apron body and pocket pieces from both fabrics, and detailed sewing instructions to assemble the apron with pockets and ties. The finished apron can be worn on either side by reversing the front and back fabrics.
This document provides instructions for making a reversible apron with two fabric options. It includes a materials list, cutting instructions for the apron body and pocket pieces from both fabrics, and detailed sewing instructions to assemble the apron with pockets and ties. The finished apron can be worn on either side by reversing the front and back fabrics.
This document provides instructions for making a reversible apron with two fabric options. It includes a materials list, cutting instructions for the apron body and pocket pieces from both fabrics, and detailed sewing instructions to assemble the apron with pockets and ties. The finished apron can be worn on either side by reversing the front and back fabrics.
One Size Fits All 112cm 140cm Fabric A m 1.20 1.00 Fabric B m 1.20 1.00
2.6m ribbon, fabric tape or webbing for ties, approx 2cm wide
Pattern pieces:
Pattern pieces:
From fabric A: 1 Apron body x1 2 Pocket x1
From fabric B: 1 Apron body x1 2 Pocket x1
Pattern layout:
112cm: 140cm:
For a heavy duty apron (cooking/ gardening etc) use a heavy cotton/ canvas or denim.
For a more light- weight apron (baking only etc) a light-weight printed cotton is fine. Instructions:
Cut out the pattern pieces as shown, cut one each of pattern pieces 1 & 2 from fabric A and the same from fabric B. (note: pattern piece 1 is cut on the fold)
Neaten the top edge of both apron body pieces and all edges of both pockets.
Fold the top edge of pocket (fabric A) over 2cm and top stitch as indicated.
Fold under and press remaining sides of pocket. At this point you may wish to embellish the pocket with an appliqu, iron-on transfer, buttons, embroidery or other method.
Pin pocket to apron body (fabric B) and top stitch in place. Topstitch central pocket divide.
Repeat with second pocket.
Apron Ties:
Cut your ribbon/tape into three pieces measuring 98cm-98cm-62cm. Neaten all cut edges (with some polyester ribbon/tape you can simply heat the end with a flame to melt the ends).
Take one of the long pieces and fold one edge over approximately 1cm, topstitch across folded end.
Repeat with other long tie piece. These are the aprons side ties. The shorter piece is the apron neck tape.
Main Apron Body:
Before sewing the apron pieces together you may want to embellish the apron body with an appliqu, iron-on transfer, buttons, embroidery or other method.
Take one completed apron side and place face up in front of you, pin the two side ties as indicated.
Place the second apron piece on top of the first, right sides facing and pin together.
Stitch apron body pieces together, using a 10cm seam allowance (3/8). Begin at the top corner stitching down the curved side, around the bottom and up to the top edge, catching the side ties.
Neaten all remaining edges and turn apron right side out
Turn in top edge of the apron and press. Press the remaining sides.
Place the ends of the neck tape into the top edge about 1.5cms as shown and pin in place
Top stitch around the apron edges, catching the neck tape.