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Exercise Problems - Chapter 6: (Increased by A Fact 2)

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Exercise Problems - Chapter 6

1. A 1/6 model automobile is tested in a wind tunnel with same air properties as the
prototype. The prototype automobile runs on the roads at a velocity of 60 km/hr.
For dynamically similar conditions, the dra measured on the model is !00 ".
#etermine the dra of the prototype and the power re$uired to overcome this
dra. [500N, 8.33 KN]
%. A model is built of a flow phenomenon which is overned by the action of ravity
and surface tension force. &how that the lenth scale ratio which will ensure
complete similarity between model and the prototype is
'. The speed of propaation ( of a capillary wave in deep water is known to be a
function of density , wave lenth , and surface tension . (sin #imensional
Analysis, find out a relationship of ( with , , and . )b* For a iven surface
tension and wavelenth, how does the propaation speed chanes if the density is
halved + ,increased by a factor of % -
.. A hydraulic /ump occurrin in a stillin basin is to be studied in a 10'6 scale
model. The prototype /ump has an initial velocity of 10 m/s, an entrance Froude
number of 6.0 and a power loss of % k1 per meter width of basin. #etermine )a*
the correspondin model velocity, )b* model Froude number and )c* power loss
per meter width of the model. [(a) 167 m/s, (b) 60, (c) 026 W]
!. A model of a reservoir havin a free water surface within it is drained in '
minutes by openin a sluice ate. The eometrical scale of the model is 1/100.
2ow lon would it take to empty the prototype+ [30 minuts]
6. Assumin that nothin is known about the particle motion under ravity beyond
where , v
, g, and t are respectively the displacement, initial
velocity, ravitational acceleration, and time. 3erform a dimensional analysis to
e4plain the situation
5. The tensile force inside a pendulum is known to depend on the mass, lenth,
period, and anular amplitude of the pendulum. 3erform a dimensional analysis.
6. The pressure drop in pipe flows of li$uids is found to depend on the time re$uired
to pass a volume of a iven li$uid throuh, on this volume, and on the density as
well as the viscosity of the li$uid. 3erform a dimensional analysis in a step by step
manner, with the pressure drop and the density displayed as leadin $uantities.
7. (sin the lon steps of dimensional analysis, reduce the relationship n 8 9 )g, A,
:, M* for the fre$uency n of the win beat of a flyin insect, where stands for
the ravitational acceleration; A, the win area; :, the air density; and <, the mass
of the insect. =hoose n and A as the leadin $uantities.
10. The shape of a drop of li$uid pulsates as it falls. The period of oscillation is
observed to depend on the surface tension, the mean radius of the drop, and the
li$uid density. 3erform a dimensional analysis to e4press the period of oscillation.
11. >i$uid flows across an orifice loses useful power which is dependent on the li$uid
density and viscosity, the volume flow rate, and the orifice diameter. 3erform a
dimensional analysis )with the ob/ective of analy?in power loss*.
1%. #urin the flow throuh a pipe, it is observed that there e4ists a critical averae
flow velocity , beyond which the flow becomes turbulent. @t is also known that
is influenced by the diameter of the pipe, the density and the viscosity of the
fluid. 3erform a dimensional analysis to e4plain the situation.

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