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API 570 Questions 19

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An eight-inch diameter piping system is installed in December

1979.The installed thickness is measured as 0.34. The minimum
thickness ! the pipe is 0."0. #t is inspected in Dec$%3 and the
thickness is !und t be 0.3". An inspectin Dec$%7
re&eals a lss ! 0.01 !rm the 1"$%' inspectin (as during
Dec$%9 the thickness (as !und t be 0."9. The last inspectin
(as during Dec$9' and the thickness (as !und t be 0.").
*hat is the lng-term crrsin rate ! this system+
a, 0.00'$year
b, 0.007'$year
c, 0.0037'$year
d, 0.00"'$year
". -sing the in!rmatin in .uestin ab&e/ calculate the shrt-term
crrsin rate.
a, 0.00'$year
b, 0.007'$year
c, 0.0037'$year
d, 0.00"'$year
3. -sing the shrt-term crrsin rate in .uestins ab&e/
determine the remaining li!e ! the system.
a, 1% years
b, 1' years
c, 1" years
d, 0ne ! the ab&e
4. 1reheating t nt less than22222222222 degrees 3 may be
cnsidered as an alternati&e t pst (eld heat treatment !r
alteratins r repairs ! 1-1/ piping initially pst (eld heat
treated as a cde re.uirement 4may nt be used i! the piping
(as pst (eld heat treated due t en&irnmental cracking
a, 1'0
b, "00
c, 300
d, 3'0
'. #! an 5intelligent pigging system is used t inspect buried piping/
(hat type ! bends is usually re.uired in the piping system+
a, 3i&e diameter bends
b, 90 degree pipe ells
c, Ten diameter bends
d, Three diameter bends
). 6( !ten shuld prly cated pipes (ith incnsistent cathdic
prtectin ptentials ha&e a pipe-t-sil ptential sur&ey made+
a, 7early
b, 8&ery " years
c, 8&ery ' years
d, 8&ery 7 years
7. 9uried piping inspected peridically by e:ca&atin shall be
inspected in lengths ! 222222222222 !eet at ne r mre
lcatin ;udged t be mst susceptible t crrsin.
a, " t 4
b, 4 t )
c, ) t %
d, % t 10
%. A buried piping system that is nt cathdically prtected has t
ha&e an inspectin inter&al set. The sil resisti&ity is checked and
!und t be 3400 hm$cm. As the inspectr/ (hat inter&al (uld
yu set+
a, ".' years
b, 7.' years
c, ' years
d, 10 years
9. #! a piping system is made up ! unkn(n materials and
cmputatins must be made t determine the minimum
thickness ! the pipe/ (hat can the inspectr r the piping
engineer d t establish the minimum thickness+
a, The l(est grade material and ;int e!!iciency in the
applicable cde may be assumed !r calculatins.
b, <amples must be taken !rm the piping and testing !r
ma:imum tensile stress and yield strength (ill determine
the all(able stress t be used.
c, The piping made ! the unkn(n material must be
rem&ed !rm ser&ice and current piping ! kn(n
material must be installed.
d, The piping ! unkn(n material may be sub;ected t a
hydrstatic stress tests (hile ha&ing strain gages n it t
determine its yield strength and thus all(able stress.
10. #! a repair area is lcalised 4!r e:ample/ pitting r pin-hles,
and the speci!ied minimum yield strength 4<=7<, ! the pipe is
nt mre than 2222222222 psi/ a temprary repair may be
made by !illet (elding a prperly designed plate patch &er the
pitted area>
a, 30/000 psi
b, ''/000 psi
c, 40/000 psi
d, 3)/000 psi
?. 0@. A0<*8A
1 A
" A
3 B
4 B
' A
) B
7 B
% D
9 A
10 B

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