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Fiberglass Boat Design and Construction

Robert J. Scott
This book presents thesmall boat designer and builder with a basic insight into thenatureof
fiberglass as a boatbuildingmaterial, as well as a sound, yet simple, approach to analyzing
fiberglass boat hull structures. Thebasic principles of fiberglass, includingits advantages and
disadvantages areoutlined and thorough reviewis given to thecharacteristics of fiberglass
materials and laminatedesign properties. In addition, valuabledata is presented on basic
design principles such as selection of structural loads, safety factors, deflection and vibration
limitation. Thelevel of detail presented in this book is tuned to theboat designer who
recognizes the need for a sound engineering analysis of the fiberglass structures he designs,
tempered with a practical, uncomplicated approach. Thebook is well illustrated and includes
numerous step-by-step design examples to demonstrate the principles presented.
[FB], 1996, Hardbound, 2lbs.
List $40; Members $20




State-of-the-art technology and its application to the
principles and practices of ship production is thefocus
of this book, which is divided into threesections. The
first section is an introduction, followed by shipbuilding
terms, economic and production management
theories and thegeneral concept of group technology.
This is followed by a description of theapplication of
group technology to shipbuildingthrough a
product-oriented work structure. Thefinal section
concludes with insights into related topics, such as the
status of theU.S. shipbuildingindustry and the
application of group technology to ship conversion,
overhaul and repair. Chapters arealso devoted to
basic maunfacturing and construction processes,
historical and descriptive discussions of shipyard
layout, a systemfor ship design and engineeringto
support theshipbuildingsystem, and design for
production and CAD/CAMapplication. The book is
suitablefor teachingat theuniversity level, both for
the upperclass undergraduate and graduate courses,
as well as servingas a valuableresourcefor
practicing shipbuilding professionals.
Richard L. Storch, Colin P. Hammon,
Howard M. Bunch, and Richard C. Moore
Ship Production
[SP], 1995, Second Edition, 512 p., 4lbs.
List $80; Members $60 List $76; Members $38
[EP], 1995, Softbound, 323 p., 3lbs.
Asymposiumwas held as part of the1994 Annual Meetingthat
addressed issues dealingwith design, retrofit and operation for
theenvironment, pollution control technologies, and
environmental regulatory compliance. All facets of these subjects
were covered, fromcargo containment, to waste management, to
emission control, with consideration given to cargo ships,
passenger vessels, workboats and recreational marine vessels.
Transcripts fromtherecent Estonia tragedyand howit related to
theneed for futureregulatory requirements for enhanced safety
and pollution prevention are included. Attendees generally
agreed that the Symposiumpresented unusually broad coverage
of a complex subject, by combiningtheflexibility and timeliness
of presentations by knowledgeable individuals.
Environmental Proceedings
Photo courtesy of The Baltek Corportion

The1992 edition of MarineEngineering, originally published in 1942 and 1944 as
two volumes, and subsequently revised in 1971, has seen morethan 20 years of
evolutionary changes in themaritimeindustry. Acompletereviewof marine
engineering, encompassing both naval and merchant practices and incorporating
thebroad rangeof technological developments that evolved duringthelast 20
years. Nowincludes material presenting theprinciples associated with pollution
control, design for production, integrated logistic support and noisecontrol, as well
as expanded coverage of propulsion shafting and piping.
[ME] 1992, hardbound, 968 p., 5lbs.
List $125; Members $95
This is a valuablereferencefor marine
engineers and naval architects and for
other engineers working in the marine
engineeringfield. It is alsoauseful text
for undergraduates in marine engineering
and naval architecture fields.
International Safety
Standard Guidelines for
the Operation of Tourist
John A. Pritzlaff, ed.
Areferencebook to beused as a
safety aidby all who design, build
and operate tourist submersibles.
The guidelines embody the marine
expertise, good engineering practice
and safety planningthat should be
considered in the design and
operation of tourist submersibles in
order to achievean acceptablelevel
of operational safety. Includes
discussions on personnel, plans and
procedures and equipment as well as
extensive appendices compiled from
theleadingorganizations in thefield.
[R-39] 1993, hardbound, 311p., 4lbs.
List $30 Members $25
[SDC] 1980, hardbound, 748p., 5lbs.
List $70 Members $35
Atreatiseon thepractical aspects of merchant ship design and construction,
basic design, structure, materials, joining, outfit, equipment, environmental
control, preservation and maintenance, shipyard practices, including launching
and trials.
Ship Design and Construction
Robert Taggart, ed.
Naval Architecture
for Non-Naval
Harry Benford
Written in engaging and easily understood
terms, this volume concentrates on two
aspects of naval architecture: design and
analysis. Technical discussions are almost
entirelyqualitativerather than quantitative
and coverage focuses on conventional ships
and boats while answering questions about
such matters as the proposed vessel's
seaworthiness, structural integrity, powering
requirements and functional capability.
[NNA] 1991, hardbound, 239 p., 3lbs.
List $24.50 Members $19.50
Marine Engineering
Roy L. Harrington, ed.
New Low Price
Tofaxonorder, call (800) 798-2188 2
Photo courtesy of Peter Jaquith
Arevision of the1967referencebook on naval architecturecoveringship's
geometry, stability, flooding, strength, resistanceand propulsion, vibration, ship
controllability and motion in waves. Amust-havereferencefor anyoneinvolved in
naval architecture. The 3-volumeset includes:
VolumeIStability and Strength;
Volume IIResistance, Propulsion and Vibrations;
Volume IIISeakeeping and Controllability.
The authors most assuredly have met the
stated objectives of bringing the basic
science of naval architecture and marine
engineering up-to-date by rewriting and
emphasizing modern techniques and
regulations, and adding modern and
advanced ship types
Edward V. Lewis, ed.
Principles of Naval Architecture
Provides a working knowledge on the
flowof water aroundashipandhow
it produces the forces, moments and
motions with which theship designer,
builder and operator are concerned.
Included arethesubjects of
maneuvering and wave going of
ships including forces, moments,
prediction of responseand design for
good performance in waves.
[HY] 3-volumeset, hardbound
VolumeI: 1957, 648p. VolumeII: 1957, 980p.
VolumeIII: 1965, 507p.
List $120; Members$60, 14lbs.
[PNA] 1988, hardbound, 3-volume
List $180 Members$120 9lbs.
or each volume...
List $90; Members$60 3lbs.
Submersible Vehicle
Systems Design
E. Eugene Allmendinger, ed.
A comprehensive and cohesive work
on themajor elements of manned
submersible design. Useful to those
concerned with the design,
construction, operation and/or
certification/classification of these
underwater vehicles as well as those
involvedin theplanningor
management of ocean systems
[SUB] 1990, hardbound, 425p., 350
List $140 Members$70, 4lbs.
[FFT] 1987, hardbound, 421p., 4 lbs.
Available on microfiche.
List $60 Members$30
Hydrodynamics in Ship
The MarAd Systematic Series of Full-Form
Ship Models
Donald P. Roseman, ed.
Comprehensive, systematic data on performance of vessels
havinghull-formcharacteristics with high values of length-
beamratio and high values of beam-draft ratio.
Ship Structural Design: ARationally-Based, Computer-Aided
Optimization Approach
Owen F. Hughes
Harold E. Saunders
Fundamental and essential aspects of rationally-based preliminary ship structural
design in a completeand unified treatment. "PlateBending", by Owen F. Hughes
and J. B. Caldwell is a supplement to Chapter 9, which deals with elastic and
inelastic plateresponseto both uniformand concentrated loads. This supplement
also includes a 3.5" diskette (IBMcompatible) computer program, PLATE, Version
2, for theship structural design analysis methods and algorithms which performs
platebendingcalculations for flat steel plates.
[Ship Structural Design with Plate Bending Supplement]
List $120 Members$60 5lbs.
[Ship Structural Design]
1995, hardbound, 566p.
List $100 Members$50 4lbs.
[Plate Bending]
1991, softbound, 43p.
List $32 Members$17 1lb.
3 Reference Books
Fax your order to (201) 798-4975 4
Historical Perspectives
Journal of Ship Production
Quarterly publication for original and timely technical papers addressing
problems of shipyard techniques and production of merchant and naval
ships. Sinceits inception, theJournal of Ship Production has been a forum
for peer-reviewed, professionally edited papers fromacademic and industry
sources. As such, it has influenced the worldwide development of ship
production engineering as a fully qualified professional discipline. Each
issue contains a well-rounded selection of technical papers, including written
discussions and authors' closures, relevant to ship production professionals.
Quarterly: Feb., May, Aug., Nov.
U.S. List $65.00
International List $75.00
Members $30.00
Marine Technology/
This quarterly technical and news journal
includes significant papers on a variety of
subjects fromSection meetings and
other sources, plus news of Society
national and local activities.
Quarterly: Jan., April, July, Oct.
U.S. List $70.00
International List $80.00
Members: Complimentary
Published annually since 1893. Includes
all papers and annual reports presented
at the Society's Annual Meeting,
including certain award-winning technical
[TR], 1995, Vol. 103
U.S. List $45.00
International List $57.50
Members $25.00
(Please call SNAME to inquire about
previous years' volumes)
Journal of Ship Research
Quarterly publication for highly technical papers on
applied research in hydrodynamics, propulsion, ship
motions, structures and vibrations, immediately
useful to naval architects and marine engineers.
While theJournal of Ship Research requires that
papers present the results of research that advances
ship and ocean science and engineering, most
contributions bear directly on other disciplines i.e.,
civil and mechanical engineering, applied
mathematics and numerical analysis. The average
issue publishes nine papers and is 90 pages in
length. High quality papers arecontributedfromthe
U.S., Canada and overseas, with representation from
established authorities as well as new researchers.
Quarterly: Mar., June, Sept., Dec.
U.S. List $80
International List $90
Members $35
Speed on the Ship!
WilliamduBarry Thomas
This history of theSociety, as written by William
duBarry Thomas, chronicles the accomplishments
and frustrations of onehundred years of growth.
Mr. Thomas, a fourth generation member and
great-grandson of a founder of the Society, has
written and lectured extensively on maritime
1993, softbound, 205p., 87illust., 2lbs..
List $19.95; Members $14.95
AHalf Century of Maritime
Technology: 1943-1993
Harry Benford, ed.
This volume of over 600 pages concentrates on a
broad range of developments in maritime
technology during the second half of SNAME's first
century. Enhanced with over 400 photographs and
illustrations and encompassing sixty-one chapters,
topics rangefrom"Aircraft Carriers" authored by
Barry Tibbitts and thelateRobert Riggins to
"Yachts and Other Pleasure Craft" by Olin
Stephens II. This unique volume has been edited
by Harry Benford, professor emeritus at the
University of Michigan.
1993, hardbound, 616 p., 503illus.
List $45; Members $40



Higher Strength Steels in Hull Structures
[2-19]* 1971, 136p. List $80.00 Members $40.00
Explores current design, fabrication and economic problems associated
with theapplication of higher-strength steels in themajor components of
hull structureof merchant ships, oneof themeans of fulfillingtheneedfor
theabilitytotransport cargoat alower cost per-ton-mile. Various
classification societies' current rules and guidelines are discussed;
comments are offered on advantageous ship proportions and certain
areas of caution for designers and shipbuilders are defined.
AluminumFire Protection Guidelines
[2-21]* 1974, 148 p. List $43.00 Members $21.50
This bulletin describes two methods for designingthefireprotection of
aluminumstructurein ships, thetraditional "A", "B", "C" Class systemand
a newapproach which bases protection on the fire exposure.
Guide for Quality Assured Fiberglass Reinforced
Plastics Structures
[2-23]* 1977, 58p. List $45.50 Members $22.75
Application of Probabilistic Design Methods to Wave
Loads Prediction for Ship Structures Analysis
[2-27] 1982, 150 p. List $54.00 Members $27.00
Theconcept of applying probabilistic methods to thestructural design of
ships andother marinestructures has arouseda great deal of interest in
somequarters andskepticismin others. Partial application of probability
theory in recent years has already hada profoundeffect in classification
societyrules. At thesametime, manyof thedoubts andquestions felt by
somedesigners may betheresult of a lack of clear, simpleexplanations
of asubject whichat first appears tobecomplicatedandbaffling. The
present report attempts to providea straightforward statement of one
aspect of thesubjectthat of waveprediction.
NEW FOR 1996
Bibliography on Slamming, Impact and Other Transient
Related Phenomena
[2-28] 1985,116p. List $30.00 Members $15.00
Design of Typical Tanker Shell Longitudinals and Bottom
[2-9]* 1964, 29p. List $30.00 Members $15.00
*Publications marked as such are available by photo reproduction
Notes on Ship Slamming
[2-30]* 1993, 80p. List $40.00 Members $20.00
A reviewof ship forward bottomslamming problems are presented taking
into account their history, causes and effects. Hydrodynamic as well as
structural aspects of ship slamming, theoretical and experimental work are
discussed. The construction requirements of various ship classification
societies are identified as they relate to ship slamming. Design methods
aresuggested which it is believed will providefor developingship forward
bottomstructure capable of improved structural performance under ship
slamming loads.
Guide for Analysis and Evaluation of Shipboard Hull
Vibration Data
[2-29]* 1993, 26p. List $30.00 Members$15.00
This report, originallypreparedtoidentifythecurrent problemareas of
the1984 ISOStandards and definetheapproach to theresolution of
these problems, has been expanded to include consideration of the
technical points noted at the ISO/TC108 Meeting held in Kobe, Japan, 4-
13 September, 1991. Recommendations are included to formthe basis
for updatingthepresent ISOStandards. Apreliminary draft of a proposed
revision to ISO6954 is included.
Hydrodynamics Bulletins
Explanatory Notes for Resistance and Propulsion Data
[1-13]* 1953, 36p. List $30.00 Members $15.00
(For companion Data Sheets, see page 7.)
Index to Model and Expanded Resistance Data Sheets,
No. 1-175
[1-14]* 1958, 41p. List $30.00 Members $15.00
(For companion Data Sheets, see page 7.)
Howto Use the SNAME Small Craft Data Sheets [D-13]
for Design and for Resistance Prediction
[1-23]* 1963, 43p. List $36.00 Members $18.00
A complement to Data Sheet D-13 "Small Craft Data Sheets (see page 7).
Techniques for EstimatingVibratory Forces Generated
by Propellers
[1-34]* 1975, 54p. List $43.50 Members $21.75
MaximumWave Conditions for Design
[1-37]* 1978, 34 p. List $30.00 Members $15.00
Ship Control Bibliography
[1-40] 1982, 196p. List $30.00 Members $15.00
NEW FOR 1996
Notes on Ship Controllability (Revised)
[1-41] 1983, 41p. List $30.00 Members $15.00
Design Workbook on Ship Maneuverability
[1-44]* 1993, 260p. List $50.00 Members $25.00
Developed by Panel H-10 (Ship Controllability) to drawtogether
available references and tools used in ship controllability design and
present a congruous process for integrating theminto the early design
cycle. It is intendedtobeusedinconjunctionwithother technical
references such as the Controllability chapter of Principles of Naval
Architecture. Presentedin amodular format, it offers tools andrules of
thumbfor useinspecifictechnical areas toaidindefiningthe
controllabilitypotential of aship. Regulatory, operational, andtechnical
viewpoints are presented to define a balanced picture of the
compromises needed in design trade-offs.
Hull Structure Bulletins
Fax your order to: (201) 798-4975
Guide for Sea Trials
[3-47]* 1989, 95p. List $38.00 Members $19.00
Covers sea trials of self-propelled surface ships displacing 300 tons or more, powered by
fossil fuel anddrivenbysteamturbine, gas turbine, diesel engineor electric motors. It
does not cover dock trials or tests or demonstrations which can be conducted dockside,
which arecovered in T&RBulletin 3-39, "Guidefor Shop and Installation Tests."
Study of Cable SplicingTechniques for Modular Ship Construction
[3-48] 1990, 111p. List $40.00 Members $20.00
Marine Diesel Power Plant Practices
[3-49] 1990, 100 p. List $38.00 Members $19.00
Guidelines, practices and allowances suitable for use in preliminary stages of the design of
marinediesel power plants for thepropulsionof typical merchant ships. Intendedtoaid
thedesigner in theuseof enginemanufacturers' performancedata and to report plant
design practices.
Ship Technical Operations Bulletins
Thermal Insulation Report
[4-7]* 1963, 150p. List $104.00 Members $52.00
Results of investigation of theuseof various insulation materials, andtheir proper
application, for thepurposeof obtainingthemost satisfactory comfort conditions on
shipboard in themost economical manner. Presentation of a method for determination of
requiredinsulationfor seagoingships suitablefor varyingrates of heat transfer at different
temperature levels taking into consideration economy of installation, construction,
maintenance and weight.
Guide for Shipboard Crane Specifications
[4-12]* 1972, 65p. List $50.00 Members $25.00
CoatingSystems Guide for Exterior Surfaces of Steel Vessels
[4-15]* 1978, 24p. List $36.00 Members $18.00
Compiled performance data and descriptions (including potentials and limitations) of the
basic types of marinecoatings inusefor theprotectionof ships' hulls, decks and
superstructures. Provides the ship designer, builder and operator with a convenient guide
and reference to ship coatings.
Calculations for Merchant Ship Heating, Ventilation and Air
Conditioning Design
[4-16]* 1980, 78p. List $36.00 Members $18.00
This report has been prepared by Panel 037 (HVACDesign) to standardize
heating, ventilation, and air conditioning calculations for merchant ship designs.
Guide to Sources of Data on the Costs of Construction and
Operation of Merchant Ships
[4-17] 1982, 28 p. List $24.00 Members $12.00
Abrasive BlastingGuide for Aged or Coated Steel Surfaces
[4-21] 1986, 28 p. List $30.00 Members $15.00
Technical & Research Publications 6
Use of Scale Models for Human EngineeringPurposes in Ship
Design and Construction
[4-22] 1988, 23p. List $40.00 Members $20.00
Power Plants
[3-40] 1986, 64p. List $23.00 Members $11.50
*Publications marked as such areavailableby photo reproduction only.
Ships Machinery Bulletins
Marine SteamPower Plant Heat Balance Practices
[3-11] 1973, 133p. List $55.00 Members $27.50
A revision of the universally accepted 1961 bulletin, which standardized
the assumptions and allowances and methods of treatment of heat
balance calculations, necessitated by changing practices and
increasing capability of marine steampower plants.
Guide to the Design and Testingof Anchor Windlasses
for Merchant Ships
[3-15]* 1964, 21p. List $22.00 Members $11.00
Marine Diesel Power Plant Performance Practices
[3-27]* 1975, 61p. List $47.00 Members $23.50
Marine Gas Turbine Power Plant Performance Practices
[3-28] 1976, 61p. List $38.00 Members $19.00
Design Guide for Shipboard Airborne Noise Control
[3-37]* 1983, 357p., 3lbs. List $89.00 Members $44.50
After discussingnoisecriteria, anoutlineof ashipboardnoisecontrol
planis giventoassist thedesigner informulatingapproaches tomeet
thecriteria. Guidelinesonacoustical designpracticesarethengiven. A
majorityof theguidedeals withnoisepredictionprocedures usinga
source-path-receiver approach. Infornation on noise control treatments
is given and threeappendices areprovided.
Guidelines for the Use and Applications of Marine
Waste Heat Boilers and Waste Heat/Auxiliary Boiler
[3-38] 1985, 15p. List $19.00 Members $9.50
Guide for Shop and Installation Tests
[3-39] 1985, 92p. List $31.50 Members $15.75
This guidepresents information for a shop and installation test of each
type of equipment and systemnormally found on commercial ships.
This guidedoes not cover sea trial tests, which arecovered in T&R
Bulletin3-47, "Guide for SeaTrials."
Maintenance Management Programfor Automated
Guide for Centralized Control and Automation of Ship's Steam
Propulsion Plant
[3-41]* 1986, 68p. List $52.00 Members $26.00
Guidelines for the Use of Vibration Monitoringfor Preventive
[3-42] 1987, 98p. List $51.00 Members $25.50
Guide to Propulsion Reduction Gear Alignment and Installation
[3-43] 1987, 26p. List $30.00 Members $15.00
7 To order, call (800) 798-2188




Tank Coatings Guide
[4-23]* 1990, 30p. List $30.00 Members $15.00
Points out thepitfalls andpotential problems that areinherent inanymajor
tank coatingjob. Bybeingawareof suchdifficulties, anowner and/or
specifier can include in the specifications and procurement documents
safeguards which will enhance the outcome. Intended as a resource for
all thoseconcerned with tank coating.
Marine Systems/Offshore Bulletins
Guidelines for Windtunnel Testingof Mobile and
Offshore DrillingUnits
[5-4] 1988, 23p. List $30.00 Members $15.00
This bulletin describes wind tunnel testing procedures associated with the
measurement of wind loads and wind effects on mobile offshore drilling
units or "MODU's". Specifically, these procedures may be used for wind
load studies associated with the evaluation of vessel stability and
stationkeeping performance, and the bottom-founded stability of jack-up
Guideline for Site Specific Assessment of Mobile Jack-
up Units
[5-5] 1991, 12p. List $15.00 Members $10.00
Site Specific Assessment of Mobile Jack-up Units
[5-5A] 1994, 6lbs. List $ 70.00 Members $ 35.00
Preparation of this bulletin has been monitored by Panel OC-7 and has
been drafted by the Working Group of the Joint Industry Sponsored
project "Jack-up Site Assessment Procedures: Establishment of an
International Technical Guideline."
Ship Design Bulletins
Two Model Weight Control Plans for Ships
[7-1] 1986, 49p. List $25.00 Members $12.50
General Arrangement DrawingFormat
[7-2] 1988, 7p. List $28.00 Members $14.00
General Arrangement DrawingDetails
[7-3] 1988, 13p. List $38.00 Members $19.00
Propeller Data Sheets, Set of 3
[D-11]* 1966 List $20.00 Members $10.00
Companion publications: 1-13 and 1-14
Small Craft Data Sheets, Set of 16
[D-13]* 1967 List $50.00 Members $25.00
Companion publication: 1-23
*Publications marked as such areavailableby photo reproduction only.
General Arrangement Design Criteria and Constraints
[7-4]* 1990, 42p. List $26.00 Members $13.00
Thedesign of a ship's General Arrangements is subject to a host of criteria
and constraints stemming fromphysical, operational and mandated restrictions.
These impositions on the ship design span a wide range of considerations
reflecting owner or mission needs, legal requirements, operator considerations,
safety, systemneeds, convention and support facilities. Since General
Arrangements represents the core of a ship design, the criteria and constraints
must besatisfied as a necessary condition to developing a viablecraft.
[7-5]* 1992, 98p. List $50.00 Members $25.00
A comprehensive understanding of the characteristics, capabilities and
operationally effective domain of the SWATH hull concept.
Propeller Selection and Optimization Program
[7-6] 1993, 117p. List $30.00 Members $15.00
Theprincipal scopeof theprogramis thepresentation of theuser friendly
PC based PSOP, along with its code, operable under the Microsoft DOS
operating system. It considers 18 distinct cases of propeller selection and
optimization conditions. Optimization is carriedout usinga oneandtwo
dimensional Fibonacci search technique. Propeller performance is
evaluated using regressed databases of propeller thrust and torque
Code for Shipboard Vibration Measurements
[C-1]* 1975, 35p. List $30.00 Members $15.00
Local Shipboard Structures and Machinery Vibration
[C-4]* 1976, 28p. List $25.00 Members $12.50
Acceptable Vibration of Marine Steamand Gas Turbine
Main and Auxiliary Machinery Plants
[C-5]* 1976, 16p. List $28.00 Members $14.00
Data Sheets
Model Resistance Data Sheets, Set of 28 Cargo Vessels
[D-1]* 1966 List $50.00 Members $25.00
Companion publications: 1-13 and 1-14
Model Resistance Data Sheets, Set of 12 Tugs
[D-7]* 1966 List $50.00 Members $25.00
Companion publications: 1-13 and 1-14
Model Resistance Data Sheets, Set of 12 Barges
[D-8]* 1966 List $50.00 Members $25.00
Companion publications: 1-13 and 1-14
Model Resistance Data Sheets, Set of 9 Trawlers
[D-9]* 1966 List $50.00 Members $25.00
Companion publications: 1-13 and 1-14
Model Resistance Data Sheets, Set of 11Miscellaneous
[D-10]* 1966 List $50.00 Members $25.00
Companion publications: 1-13 and 1-14
Dynamic Slosh Induced Loads on Liquid Cargo Tank
[R-19]* 1975, 18p. List $20.00 Members $10.00
Effect of Rudder Rate on the Performance of a Large Tanker
[R-22] 1976, 18 p. List $20.00 Members $10.00
Results of a Survey on Shaft Alignment Procedures Used by
American Shipyards
[R-25]* 1978, 12p. List $20.00 Members $10.00
Reports on Damage and Losses Caused in HandlingCargo
in the Marine Terminal and Related Areas
[R-29]* 1988, 60p. List $50.00 Members $25.00
Seakeepingand Added Resistance of SailingYachts with
Winglet Keels
[R-30]* 1989, 40p. List $50.00 Members $25.00
Locus, AVariable-Geometry SailboatConstruction, and
Initial Experiments on SteeringQualities
[R-31]* 1989, 75p. List $50.00 Members $25.00
Material Physical Properties of Sandwich-Core Panels with
High-Strength Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Skins
[R-32]* 1989, 90p. List $50.00 Members $25.00
Sea Trials, Model Test Correlations for 769-Foot Containership
[R-34]* 1989, 38p. List $30.00 Members $15.00
Study of Ship FramingSystems
[R-36]* 1990, 26p. List $30.00 Members $15.00
FishingVessel Limits Study
[R-37]* 1990, 43p. List $30.00 Members $15.00
Vessel-Wave Interactions on an SL-7Class Ship
[R-38]* 1990, 14p. List $20.00 Members $10.00
Experiments and Calculations of Four Wigley Hullforms
[R-43]* 1993, 110p. List $30.00 Members $15.00
AStudy on Reliability, Availability, Maintainability Data Banks
for Ships
[R-45]* 1993, 44p. List $30.00 Members $ 15.00
but may not represent conclusive research.
thesereports usually includeuseful information
Resulting frominvestigations for the T&R Programs,
Technical & Research Reports
An Approach to ConductingTimely Structural Fatigue Analysis of Large
[R-41]* 1992, 21p. List $30.00 Members $15.00
A rationally-based design and analysis procedure for computing fatigue damage of the
Trans-Alaska Pipeline Service tankers is presented. The method considers not only
damagedueto hull girder bending, but also damagedueto local panel pressure
fluctuations. This task requires four basic steps: specifying a lifetimewaveenvironment,
generating a hydrodynamic model, calculating cyclic stresses due to the wave environment
and computing the fatigue damage due to such stresses. The implementation of each step
is discussed with an emphasis on applying existing research tools.
SeakeepingConsiderations in Design and Operation of Hard Chine Planing
[R-42]* 1993, 124p. List $50.00 Members $25.00
This report is theresult of updated material prepared for lectures previously presented to
the Carderock Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center to informthe small craft design,
engineering, and test personnel of the analytical and experimental seakeeping techniques
availableto assist in makingrational technical design decisions. Thematerial nowtakes a
tutorial formwhichis useful todesigners of bothmilitaryandcommercial planingcraft.
Technical & Research Publications 8
The Application of SuperconductingMagnetohydrodynamics to Ship
Propulsion: AState-of-the-Art Review
[R-46] 1993, 158p. List $50.00 Members $25.00
Workshop on the Role of Hydrodynamics and the Hydrodynamicist
in Ship Bridge Simulator Training
[R-47] 1993, 47p. List $30.00 Members$15.00
This workshop was a working meeting called by Panel H-10 (Ship Controllability) of the
Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME) to provide advice to the
National Academy of Sciences Marine Board Committee on Ship Bridge Simulation
Training. The workshop addressed the state of practice of matematical modeling ofship
maneuvering and the appropriate role of hydrodynamics and the Hydrodynamicistin ship
bridge simulator training. The hydrodynamic modeling process was reviewed witha focus
onthetechnical product that canbedeliveredtothetrainer fromahydrodynamics
Effects of Wake Shear on Duct Camber
[R-48] 1995, 70p. List $30.00 Members$15.00
Theobjectiveof this studyis thefirst order effects onthedesignof propeller ducts of hull
wakevorticity or shear. Whiletherehavebeen several competent studies of a similar
nature, theprocedurediffers significantlyfromall others, allowingthemotionequations to
be reduced to integrations by hand-turned mathematics. Use is made of a transformed
formfor the pressure fromthe linearized Euler equations. An inhomogenous partial
differential equationis obtainedinwhichtheshear contributionis inonetermwhoseform
suggests adoption of a class of shear flows. This class involves four parameters which, as
demonstrated, can be computed to fit various measured ship model wakes. It is concluded
that inthedesignof ducts thecontributions duetowakeshear must beincludedbyusing
non-linear theory sinceapplication of ducts is generally warranted only for disc loadings
well inexcess of unity.
Guide to Developinga TrainingManual on the Use
of Life-SavingEquipment
[R-40]* 1992, 11p. List $20.00 Members$10.00
SOLAS 74/83, Chapter III, Regulation 51, requires that a
training manual on useof lifesaving equipment beavailable
on board merchant vessels approved to SOLAS 74/83
requirements. This manual development guide, presented
by Panel 025, provides the shipowner/shipbuilder with
guidance in complying with this requirement.
9 Toorder, call (800) 798-2188

ITTC International Towing Tank Conference
Just as an increasingly competitivebusiness climateresulting fromthe
realignment of nations is increasingthedemand for efficiency in marine
systems, increased environmental awareness is demanding higher safety and
reliability. But theseareobviously not conflictingdemands: An unsafe,
unreliableship is neither efficient nor economical. Someof thesystems in
which such demands are regularly encountered today include open-top
container ships, ecologically benign tankers, safe and economical high-
performancecraft of a variety of configurations, and offshorestructures
advancinginto deeper and morehostileocean regions. Thesolutions to the
special problems in thedesign of thesesystems or ships frequently involve
model testing and sophisticated hydrodynamics analysis of thetypeprovided by
our members. TheITTCis themost important International forumfor the
exchangeof information on thelatest research developments valved in the
solutions to these problems.
[SY-34] 1993, Volumes I andII, 6lbs.
List $90.00 Members $45.00
Includes the latest developments in propellers
and their associated shafting systems for
modern, high-powered ships. This symposium
addressed all aspects of propeller design,
manufacturing, performance, testing, and
maintenance. Papers relating to the supporting
shafting systems have also been added to the
[SY-27] 1994, 2lbs.
List $76.00 Members $38.00
Ship Structures Symposium
The symposiumis the seventh
sponsored jointly by the
interagency Ship Structure
Committee and The Society of
Naval Architects and Marine
Engineers. Papers present the
state-of-the-art fromthe
designer's perspective.
[SY-30], 1993, 2lbs.
List $76.00 Members $38.00
Propellers/ Shafting Symposium
Marine Structural Inspection, Maintenance, and
Monitoring Symposium
The symposiumis the sixth sponsored jointly by the
interagency Ship Structure Committee and The Society of
Naval Architects and Marine Engineers.
[SY-28] 1991, 12papers , 6lbs.
List $38.00 Members $19.00
Ship Operations Management & Economics Symposium
TheSpringof 1994 found themaritimeindustry strugglingto
survive in an environment of reduced military spending and
increased global competition. The fourteen papers presented
in this symposiumaddressed such timely topics as ship design,
shipboard maintenance, mooring arrangements, shipboard con-
trol systems, economics, energy saving concepts, pollution and
spill avoidance, weather routing, ISO9000, and thefutureof the
shipbuilding and ship repair industries in theUnited States.
[SY-33] 1994, 3lbs.
List $76.00 Members $45.00
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