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Industrial Visit Report On Mahindra and Mahindra

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I would like to thank a few people who have helped made this industrial visit a
knowledgeable experience.
Firstly, I would like to thank our course co-ordinator Mr. V aik as well as the college
management who provided us with the opportunity of visiting the plant to help us better
understand the working of the production functions. !lso, I would like to thank Ms. !sha
"abarwal, the !dmin and employee development department of Mahindra # Mahindra $td.
%ho helped us and guided us all throughout our visit. "he also briefed us about the company
as well as the nashik plant before we actually visited the plant. !lso, Mr. Vithal, the plant
&ead, Mr. 'rasad (hatt, the 'lant "upervisor, as well as the entire staff of Mahindra #
Mahindra $td. %ho were extremely supporting all throughout our visit.
)he company Mahindra !nd Mahindra $td. %as founded in the year *+,-. &owever, the
company entered into the automotive manufacturing sector in the year *+,. by bringing the
iconic /eep onto the Indian roads. &owever, over the years the company also diversified into
various other sectors to meet the different needs of their customers like farm e0uipment,
"hipping, telecom, I) etc. )he company has its operations spread across almost *11 countries
employing nearly *,,,,111 employees all throughout the world. )oday, the company has a net
turnover of *2.3 billion 4.
)he company today is India5s number * utility vehicle 'layer. !lso it is India5s number *
tractor manufacturing company. )he company is also into 6ural (F7s and rural &ousing
Finance. )he 7ompany was the first to set up an "89 in India.
)he Founders of the company were :. 7. Mahindra , ;. 7. Mahindra and <hulam
Mohammed. )he company was established on 3
=ctober, *+,-. )he company is also
involved in various 7"6 activities. )he company gives back *> of its '!) ?'rofit !fter )ax@
to the society.
)he A 7ore Values of the company were as followsB-
In (uilt "afety
'leasure =f driving
8nhancing "tatus
"ustaining $ongevity and 6esale Value
!ppealing "tyle and design
'roactive "ales and service
$ow cost
8arning 'otential
)he company5s operations revolve around these basic core values and beliefs.
Ma!nd"a # Ma!nd"a Ltd$ Na%!k Plant&'
)he plant is located at "atpur in the ashik Cistrict of Maharashtra. )he plant is
spread across *.1 acres.
)he vehicles being produced in this plant areB-
=ut of the above five, Dylo, Verito and "corpio are manufactured in 'lant * and Fuanto and
(olero are manufactured in the 'lant 3.
%e had visited 'lant * where we saw the manufacturing of Verito , Dylo and scorpio. )he
company manufactures Dylo and "corpio on the same line. &owever, there is a separate
assembly line for the manufacture of Verito. )he Verito 'lant had the manufacturing of Verito
Vibe which is a new model of Verito being launched my Mahindra # Mahindra in the year
)he company also has another plant in 'une where they produce 6exton, DGV and all other
new vehicles. )he 'une plant is .-1 acres however, the plant5s capacity is underutilised.
%hen during the session after the visit we asked Mr. Vitthal as to how much time does it take
to manufacture one car and also every 3 minutes a car leaves the plant for the show room
%e visited the verito plant first. )he first thing we found there was the PURPOSE ()*+$
)he 'urpose 31*2 had an ob/ective ofB-
I)o be the top *1 <lobal !utomobile.J
)his ob/ective or the purpose acted as a guideline for the company to meet its short term
goals and ob/ectives. 8ach and every employee of the company were given different goals
and targets daily and these targets were in accordance with the company goals.
)here were meetings held every morning where these daily targets were set and also the
problems and issues of the employees were addressed to.
)his process of meeting every morning and deciding the targets etc, was termed as Dail
!"#$i%& Ma%a&'('%) by the company.
T*' Pla%) La"+),-
)he manufacturing process is divided into various phases and it passes through different
stages. )hey areB-
(ody shop, paint shop, Cye "hop, %ork shop, 'ress "hop.
)he vehicle passes through different processesB-
*. )rims
3. 8ngine
H. 'aint
,. )esting
In the trims process, the company goes through various processes like %iper Mechanism,
Coor $atch fitting, passenger compartment wiring, etc. )he 7ompany had )7F i.e. )rims,
7hasis, and Final phases.
Gnder the chasis phase, the engine is assembled and finally the car is assembled in the final
stage. )he outer body of the vehicle is fitted on the engine mechanically. =n the final
assembly line, the car also goes through final testings. )he readymade engines for the
automobiles are procured from France and they are attached to the automobile through
Gnder (ody fitting process. )he car passes through various workstations step by step and
stops at each workstation for *3.+ minutes. %hen asked to the plant head, these *3.+ minutes
was the industry standard and was derived after various tests. !t this stage, the automobile
was fitted with the air conditioners, coolants, spare wheels, roller and brake testings, break
oil, etc.
In the next step, the car is passed on to the paint shop where the final touch ups were made.
)his stage focuses on the looks and appearances of the automobile. It ensured that the car was
up to mark.
Finally the car passes through two different testsB-
"hower test
Cynamic )est
)he company adopts :apanese Fuality Model In their manufacturing 'rocess. !lso, it was
being told to us that the die shop used the latest technologies i.e 7!CK 7!M technology.
!lso, when asked we were being told that the car takes maximum time at the paint shop.
)he Various :apanese techni0ues used by the company wereB-
)his method ensured that all the processes were carried out with minimum human error. )he
plant had various charts and indicators displayed along the assembly line to instruct the
workers how they should go about their tasks.
Gnder this method, the employees were constantly reminded of their targets. In case of any
defects, there was a board at the centre of the plant where the fault would be displayed and an
alarm started ringing. !lso if there were any materials or parts which were out of stock it was
displayed on the board with an alarm ringing.
3. A/0 a%al1i1,-
Verito had 3AA spare parts which were classified under these following categories B-
! - 3*
( - ,.
7- *21
!ccording to the above analysis, it was found that the parts in 7ategory ! were the most
important and ( little less and finally 7 category least important.
)hese were the basic learnings about the production and manufacture of the automobiles. )he
company had a policy of keeping trees at almost all departments wherein there are cards
being put up regarding the problems faced by the department. )hey are being put up month
wise. )here are two different colours. =ne indicated that the problem could be resolved
within the company and the other indicated that there was a need for a third party to resolve
that particular issue.
!s mentioned earlier, )he company believed in giving back *> of its '!) to the society. )he
company has organised a campaign named anhi ;ali through which they provide education
to the girls in the rural areas. !lso, the company is engaged in creating awareness about !IC"
and also helping the people suufering from !IC". )he company engages marriages between
the !IC" affected people.
!lso, the company is engaged into tree plantations and playgrounds for school children.
)he company provides <ymnasium Facilities, free annual health checkups, education and
career counselling facilities to the children of these employees. !lso, the company provides
canteen facilities to the employees. )hey also reward the employee of the month. !lso, at the
end of the year, =ut of these 8mployees of the month, an employee is awarded as the
8mployee of the year award.
&ence, these were the data we got through from the plant as well as the briefing sessions with
the company employees.

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