Mineral and Energy Resources
Mineral and Energy Resources
Mineral and Energy Resources
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Mneral : A substance which is found in the earths crust and which generally has a definite chemical
Mineral Ore : It is the raw material extracted from the earth mixed with soil and other impurities.
Mining: It is an economic activity of extracting minerals from the earth.
Fossil-fuel: there are fuels formed by the decomposition of organism under the earth or sea bed.
Non ferrous minerals : minerals devoid of iron contents are termed as non ferrous minerals. e.g. Zinc, Lead.
Ferrous minerals: There are metals which contain Iron. e.g. Iron and manganese ore.
Thermal electricity: The electricity produced by using coal, petroleum, Atomic minerals.
Hydro electricity: The electricity generated by water.
Conventional resources: These are non renewable sources of energy e.g. coal.
Non-conventional resources : There are renewable sources of energy. e.g. solar energy.
Galena : It is an Ore of lead.
A substance which is found in the earths crust and which generally has a definite chemical composition.
Importance of minerals :
(i) Everything we use are made from minerals.
(ii) The country earns foreign exchange from the export of minerals.
(iii) Mining and extraction of minerals provide employment of the people.
(iv) Minerals like coal and petrolieum are also the main source of power.
Metallic Minerals : We get metals from these minerals metallic minerals further be devided into ferrous and non-
(i) Ferrous minerals : The minerals which contain Iron ore are called ferrous minerals. e.g. Iron Ore, Nickel,
cobalt etc.
(ii) Non ferrous : Minerals containing metals other than iron ore are known as non-ferrous minerals. Gold,
silver, Pltinum etc.
(iii) Precious minerals : The minerals which have very high economic value are known as Precios minerals e.g.
Gold, Silver etc.
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(iv) Energy minerals : The minerals which provide energy or power are known as energy minerals. e.g. Coal,
Petroleum, Natural gas etc.
Minerals in igneous and metamorphic rock : The minerals are found in crevies, faults or
joints. The smaller occurence are called veins and larger lodes. In most cases, they are formed when minerals in
liquid/molten/gaseous from are force upwards through cavities towards the earths surface. They cool and
solidifies as they rise. major metallic minerals like Tin, Cooper, zinc and Lead etc are obtained from veins and
Minerals in decomposed rocks : This involves the decomposition of surface rocks, and the
removal of soluble constituents, leaving a residual mass of weathered material containing ores, Bauxite is formed
this way.
Minerals in alluvial deposits : Creation minerals may occur as alluvial deposits in stands of
valley floors and the base of hills. These deposits are called Placer deposits and generally contain minerals
which are nor corroded by water. E.g. Gold, Silver Tin etc.
Minerals in sedimentary rocks : In sedimentary rocks a number of minerals occur in beds or
layers. They have been formed as a result of deposition, accumulation and concentration in horizontal stratas.
Coal and some forms of iron ore have been concentrated as a result of long periods under great heat and pressure.
Gypsum, salt, Potash and sodium salt are formed as a result of evaporation especially in arid regions.
Minerals in oceans water : The minerals which are formed in ocean water are called ocean
water minerals e.g. comon salt, Magnasium and Bromine are largely derived from oceam water.
Minerals are very unevenly distributed :
(i) Minerals in Deccan : The peninsular rock contain most of the reserves of coal, metallic minerals, mica and
many other non-metallic minerals.
(ii) Minerals in western and eastern region of India : Sedimentary rocks of the western and eastern parts of
India. i.e., Gujarat and Assam have most of the petroleum deposits
(iii) Minerals in Rajasthan : Rajasthan with the rocks system of the peninsula, has reserves of many non-
ferrous minerals.
(iv) Minerals in north India : North India is almost devoid of economics minerals.
Concentration of minerals in the ore, the case of extraction and closeness to the market play an important role in
affecting the economic viability of a reserve.
Iron Ore :
(i) Iron ore is the basic minerals.
(ii) India is rich in good quality iron ores.
(iii) Magnetite : This is the best quality of iron ore and contains about 72% iron. It has exellent magnetic
qualities, especially valuable in the electrical industry.
(iv) Hematite : It is most important industrial iron ore in terms of quantity used. It contains 60% to 70% of pure
(v) The major iron ore belts in India are :
(a) Orissa Jharkhand belt : In Orissa high grade hematite ore is found in Badampahar mines in
The Mayurbhanj and Kendujhar district. In Singhum district of jharkhand hematite Iron ore is mined in goa
and Noamundi.
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(b) Durg-Bastar-Chandrapur Belt : This belt lies in Chhattisgarh and maharashtra. Very high grade hematites
are found in Bailadila range of hills in the Bastar district. It has the best physical properties needed for steel
making. Iron ore from these mines is exported to J apan and South Korea via Vishakhapatnam, port.
(c) Bellary chitradurga Chilk Manglur Tumkur : Belt is in Karnataka. The Kudermukh mines, Karnatka
are a 100% export unit, know to be one of the largest in the world. The ore is transported as slurry through a
pipeline to a port near Mangalore.
(d) Maharashtra-Goa belt : The belt includes the state of Goa and Ratanagiri district of maharashtra. The ores
are not of very high quality. Iron ores is exported through Marmango port.
Uses : (i) It is mainly used in the manufacturing of steel and ferro-mangnese alloy.
(ii) It is also used in manufacturing bleaching powder, insecticides and paints.
(iii) It increases the strength of steel.
(iv) It is also used for making glass and chemical.
Importance :
(i) India is one of the leading producer of manganese.
(ii) Manganese of India is of high quailty and is in great demand.
(iii) J apan is the leading importer of Indias manganese.
Production : Maharashtra, M.P., Orissa, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh
Properties :
(i) The physical properties of copper make it valuable to industry.
(ii) Being malleable, ductile and a good conductor, It is mainly used in electrical cables, electronics and
chemical industry.
(iii) India is critically deficient in the reserve and production of cooper.
Uses :
(i) It is useful in cooking utensils, radiation and refrigerator.
(ii) It is used in ranging from rain gauges to electronic system for rockets.
(iii) Large amount of copper wires are used in various kind of electrical equipment.
Production :
Madhya Pradesh : 52% (Balaghat mines)
J harkhand : Singbhum, Hazaribagh and Chaibua
Rajasthan : 1. Along the aravali range.
2. Khetri Singhana belt in J hunjhunu.
Bauxite is the main ore of aluminium. Bauxite deposits are formed by the decomposition of rock rich in
aluminium silicates.
Uses :
(i) It is a good conductor of heart and electricity.
(ii) It is used to make cans for various beverages.
(iii) It can be pressed into a thin foil.
(iv) Because it is light and strong, it is used in space craft.
(v) The bodies and parts of some automobilies are made from aluminium alloy.
Production :
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(i) Orissa 45%
(ii) Gujarat _ 17%
(iii) J harakhand 14%
(iv) Maharashtra -11%
(v) Other 13% (Chattisgarh etc.)
India is the largest producer of bauxite in South Asia.
Mica :It is a non metallic minerals. India is the largest producer of mica and it produces more than 60% worlds
Main Properties and Uses of Mica :
(i) It is made up of a series of plates or leaves.
(ii) It can be converted into thin sheets.
(iii) It can be black, green, red yellow or brown.
(iv) It has excellent di-electric strength, low powerless factor, insulating properties and high resistance.
(v) It is indispensable minerals used in electric and electronic industries.
Production :
Northern edge : Chotta Nagpur Pleteau Koderma Gaya-Hazaribagh belt of J harkhand.
Rajasthan : Ajmer
Andhra Pradesh : Nellore Mica belt.
Lime stone :
Uses and properties
(i) It is associated with rocks composed of either calcium carbonate of magnesium, or mixture of these two.
(ii) It is found in sedimentary rocks.
(iii) It is used for variety of purposes.
(iv) It is a basic input in cement Industry.
(v) It is also used by chemical, iron and steel industry.
Distrubition :
Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Gujarat.
Minerals are considered back bone of an economy. Most of the minerals are non-renewable. So there is urger need
to conserve them.
Measures to conserve the minerals :
(i) Minerals should be used in a planned and judicious way.
(ii) Wastage of minerals should be minimised.
(iii) Modern technology should be used for the exploitation of minerals.
(iv) Export of minerals should be minimised.
(v) We should think about the use of substitutes in order to save minerals.
(vi) We should encourage recycling of metals.
Energy resources : The resources which are used for generating energy are known as energy resources e.g. Coal,
Petroleum etc.
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Conventional Source Non-Conventional Source
Conventionial Resources : Conventional power resources are those which are exhaustible.
(i) Once they have been used up, they cannot be replased e.g. coal, petroleum.
(ii) They are very costly and causes pollution.
(iii) These are going to last just for 100 200 years.
(iv) These are non-renewable source of energy e.g. coal, petroleum, uranium.
Non-Conventional Resource : There are resources of energy which can be renewed in a short period.
(i) They are known as renewable resources.
(ii) They are free of cost.
(iii) They do not cause any pollution.
(iv) They are going to last forever.
(v) e.g. wind, water, solar energy, geothermal energy.
Coal :
(i) Coal provides a substantial part of the Nations energy need. It is used for power generation.
(ii) India is highly dependent on coal for meeting its commercial energy requirements.
(iii) Coal is formed due to compression of plant material over million of years.
(iv) Coal is formed in a variety of forms depending on the degrees of compression and the depth and time of
Varieities of coal and its availability :
1. Anthracite Coal :
(i) This is the best quality of Coal and contain over 80% carbon.
(ii) It is very hard, compact jet black Coal having a semi metallic luster.
(iii) It has the highest due to heating value and burns without smoke or root, which make it suitable
For demostic use.
(iv) It is found only in J ammu Kashmir and that too is small quanitity.
2. Bituminous coal :
(i) This is the most widely used and contain 60 to 80% carbon.
(ii) It is very hard, compact, bittle and is usually of black colour.
(iii) It has the highest heating value and burns without smoke or root, which make it suitable for Domestic use.
(iv) It is found only in jammu Kashmir and that too in small quantity.
3. Lignite :
(i) This is the most widely used coal and contain 60 to 80% carbon.
(ii) Lignite is a lower grade coal which is soft with high moisture constent and contain about 60% Carbon.
(iii) Its colour varies from dark to black brown.
(iv) It is found only in J ammu Kashmir and that too in small quanity.
4. Peat :
(i) This is the first state of transformation of wood into coal.
(ii) It contains 50-60% carbon.
(iii) It burns like wood, gives less heat, emits more smoke and leaves a log of ash after burning.
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Classifiaction of Coal field in India :
Gondwana Coal Fields Tertiary Coal Field
Gondwana Coal Field :
Gondwana coal is over 200 millions years in age. Gondwana coal metallurgical coal is located in Damodar valley
(Weat Bengal, J harkhand). J haria, Raniganj, Bokaro, Godavari, Mahanadi, Son Wardha Valleys.
Tertiary Coal Field :
The tertiary rock system bears coals of younger age which are onle about 55 millions years old and are mainly
confined to the extra peninsula. Important area of tertiary coal include parts of Assam, Meghalaya, Arunchal
Pradesh, Nagaland.
The world petroleum has been derived from two Latin words, Petra (meaning rock) and oleum (meaning Oil).
Thus petroleum is oil obtained from rocks, particularly sedimentary rocks of the earth. Therefore, its also called
minerals oil. Petroleum is an inflamble liquid that is composed of hydrocarbons.
Use of petroleum :
(i) It is the major source of power for vehicles.
(ii) It provides the most important lubricating agents and is used as important raw material.
(iii) Petroleum refieneries act as a nodel industry for many industries like textile, fertilizer and chemical
Formation :
(i) In regions of folding, anticlines or dams, oil is trapped in the crest of the upfold.
(ii) Gas, being lighter usually occurs above the oil.
(iii) 63% of Indias petroleum production is from Mumbai high, 18% from Gujarat and 16% from Assam.
(iv) Ankeleshwar is the most is the most important field of Gujarat. Assam is the oldest oil producing state of
Advantages of natural gas :
(i) It can be used both as source of energy and also as a industrial raw material in petro-chemical Industry.
(ii) Natural gas is found in association with or without petroleum.
(iii) It takes less time to built a power plant based on natural gas.
(iv) It is easy to transport gas through gas pipes line.
(v) It is considered an environment friendly fuel because of low carbondioxide emission.
(vi) It is the fuel the present century.
Gas pipe lines :
1700km long Hazira-Bijapur-J agdishur cross country gas pipe line links Mumbai-high and Bassin with fertilizer,
power and industrial complex in Western an Northern India.
Electricity is generated mainly in two ways
(i) By running water which drives hydro turbines to generate hydro electricity.
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(ii) By burning of other fuels such as coal, petroleum and natural gas to drives turbines to produce thermal
1. Hydro Electricity :
(i) It is generated by fast flowing water.
(ii) It is a renewable resource of energy.
(iii) India has a number of multi purpose project like the Bhagra Nangala, Damodar valley Corporation, the
Kopili Hydel power Project etc. Producing hydro electricity.
(iv) These do not cause any pollution.
(v) These should be near the sources of energy.
2. Thermal Power :
(i) It is generated by coal, petroleum and natural gas.
(ii) These are exhaustible resources of energy.
(iii) These causes pollution.
(iv) These can be set at any place.
3. Nuclear or Atomic Energy :
(i) It is obtaining by altering the structure of atoms energy is released in the form of heat and this is
Used to generate electric power.
(ii) Uranium and Thorium, which are available in J harkhand and the Aravli ranges of Rajasthan are used for
unclear power.
(iii) The monazite sand of Kerala is also rich in thorium.
(iv) It has vest potential for future development.
(v) It is very economical.
(i) These are non exhaustible.
(ii) They are renewable sources of energy.
(iii) They do not cause environment pollution and are freely available.
(iv) They energy resources are in great demand but production of fossil fuels in limited so non conventional
sources of energy are hope of the future.
Solar Energy :
(i) Photovolaic technology converts sunlight directly into electricity.
(ii) It is expected that solar energy plant will be able to minimize the dependence of rural households on
firewoods and dung cake, which in turn will contribute to environment conservation and adequate supply of
manure in agriculture.
(iii) The largest solar plant of India is located at Madhopur, near bhuj, to sterilize milk cans.
Wind Power :
(i) India now ranks as a wind super power in the world.
(ii) The cost inputs are only at the initial stage and the power generation starts immediately after commissioning.
(iii) Once the generation starts, cost free power is available for about 20 years.
(iv) The largest wind forms cluster is located in Tamil Nadu from Nagarcoil to Madurai. Apart from these
Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Gujrat, Kerala, Maharashtra and Lakhdweep have important wind farms.
Biogas :
(i) Shrubs, farms waste, animal and human waste are used to produce biogas.
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(ii) Decomposition of organic matter yields gas, which has higher thermal efficiency in comparison to kerosene
dung cake and cake and charcoal.
(iii) Biogas plant are setup at municipal, cooperative and individual level.
(iv) The plants using cattle dung are known as Gobar gas plant. These provide twin benefits to the farmers in
the form of energy and improved quality of manure.
(v) It burns without smoke it is cheapest gaseous fuel.
Tidal Energy :
Oceanic tides can be used to generate electricity. Food gate dams are built across the inlest. During high Tide
water flows into the inlet and gets trapped when the gate is closed. After the tides falls our side the flood gate, the
water retained by the food gate flows back to the sea via a pipe that carries it through a power generating turbine.
In India, the Gulf of katchh, provides ideal conditions for utilizing tidal energy.
Two experimental project have been set up in India one is located in the Parvati Valley near Manikaram in
Himachal Pradesh and the other is ion the puga Valley, Ladakh.
Energy is the basic requirement for economic development. Consumption of energy in all forms has been
steadily rising all over the country.
There is an urgent need to develop a sustainable path of energy development. Promotion of energy conservation
and increased use of renewable energy sources are the twin planks of sustainable energy.
We have to adopt a cautious approach for the judicious use of our limited energy resources.
Iron Ore
Orissa : 25 %
Chattisgarh : 19 %
Goa : 17 %
J harkhand : 12 5
Karnataka : 26 %
Others : 1 %
Madhya Pradesh :22 %
Kamataka : 15 %
Orissa : 33 %
Otehrs : 30 %
Rajasthan : 42 %
Madhya Pradesh : 58 %
Orissa : 45 %
Gujarat : 17 %
J harkand : 14 %
Maharashtra : 11%
Others 13 %
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Andhra Pradesh : 16 %
Madhya Pradesh : 15 %
Rajasthan : 15 %
Gujarat : 11 %
Tamil Nadu : 9 %
Others : 34 %
Mineral Utility / Uses Annual Production Name of the Areas in india
1 Iron-ore Basic of economic structure
and machine
71.5 million tones in 1997-98 Chhatigarh, J harkhand, Orissa, Goa
and Karnataka
2 Manganese Supplement of iron, making
resins,colour and
1.6 million tones in 1997-97
Karnataka, Orissa, Madhya
Pradesh, Maharashtra and
3 Bauxite
(Main source
Light metal, aeroplanes and
wire making.
5.8 million tones in 1997-98
Chhatisgarh, Madhya Pradesh,
Gujarat, Tamil Nadu
4 Mica Used in electrical goods and
dyeing industry.
2,650 tones in 1997-98 J harkhand, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh,
5 Copper
Alloy minerals, electric
cables, symbol of
ancient civilization.
4.7 million tones in 1997-98
Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan,
J harkhand, Karnataka and
Andhra Pradesh
6 Gold Precious metal, measure of
economic standard,
useful in making
2,600 kilogram in 1997-98
Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh
7 Coal Fuel, useful in minerals and
318.98 millions tones in 1997-
J harkhand, Madhya Pradesh,
Chhatishgarh, Orissa,
Andhra Pradesh,
Maharashtra, West Bengal
8 Mineral oil or
Used in aeroplanes, trains,
buses, factories etc.
33.9 million tones in 1997-98
The Mumbai high, Assam, Gujarat,
Arunchal Pradesh, Andhra
Pradesh, Tamil Nadu
Nuclear Power Station Capicity M.W
Tarapur 320
Rana pratap sagar 440
Kalpakkam 470
Narora 440
Kalkrapara 220
Kaiga _
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9 Lead Useful in type-printing, Negligible Zawar in Rajasthan
Map Work
1. On the outline map of India show the distribution of following minerals.
(a) Area of Bauxite Chhatishgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu.
(b) Area of iron Chhatishgarh, J harkhand, Orissa, Goa Karnataka.
(c) Area of copper Madhya Pradesh, J harkhand, Rajasthan, Karnataka, Andhra pradesgh.
(d) Area limestone Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattigarh etc.
2. On an outline map of India show the following :-
(1) Petroleum Producing Areas Mumbai high, Assam, Gujarat, Arunachal, Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh
(2)Oil Refineries in India There are 18 oil refineries in India which are as follow
Two at Bombay (Mumbai), Mangalore (Karnataka , Kochi or Cochin (Kerala, Chennai (Tamil Nadu),
Vishakhapatnam (AP) Haldia (West Bengal), Digboi (Assam) Guwahati (Assam), Tatipaka (Andhra Pradesh),
Narimanam (Tamil Nadu) J amnagar (Gujarat)
Some new oil refineries are under construction in Bhatinda (Punjab) and Bina (Madhya Pradesh)
3. Study the diagram given below and answer the questions that follow.
(1) What is the contribution of coal in the installed capacity of electricity ?
(2) Why is the share of coal continuing to be the highest ?
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1. What are minerals ?
2. What are ores ?
3. What are ferrous minerals ?
4. What are non ferrous minerals ?
5. Name any two carrier rocks of minerals ?
6. What are veins ?
7. What are lodes ?
8. What are placer deposits ?
9. Why is copper used in the electrical and electronic industry ?
10. What is the economic importance of magnetite ?
11. How can the energy resources of classified ?
12. what is H.BJ . ?
13. Name the importance oil field of Assam & Gujarat.
14. How is nuclear energy obtained ?
15. How is Bauxite ore formed ?
16. What are conventional resources of energy ?
17. What are non conventional resources of energy ?
18. Name the minerals which are used to generate atomic or nuclear energy ?
19. What is a biogas ?
20. What is the importance of petroleum refineries /
1. Distinguish between the following -
(A) Ores and minerals
(B) Ferrous and non-ferrous minerals
(C) Conventional and non conventional sources of energy
(D) Thermal and Hydropower
2. What is the importance of the energy resources for an economy ?
3. Why do you think that solar energy has a bright future in India ?
4. What role dose power play in the industrialization of our country ?
5. What are the four types of coal ? Write one feature of each ?
6. What is the utility of manganese ? Describe its distribution ?
7. What is the importance of minerals ?
8. What are the uses of copper ? Describe its distribution ?
9. How do minerals occur in sedimentary rocks ?
10. What are the uses of aluminium ?
11. What are the major properties of mica ?
12. Explain the importance of coal as energy resources.
13. What are the uses of petroleum ? Explain the formation.
14. Minerals are indispensable part of our lives. Explain the statement by giving four examples.
1. Explain the development of non conventional sources of energy in India.
2. What are conventional sources of energy ? Why is water, as a sources of energy, more important than coal and
petroleum ? Explain.
3. Describe any six measures for efficient use of energy ?
4. Describe the distribution of coal in India.
5. Describe the measures to conserve minerals resources.
6. Minerals in India are unevenly distributed. Explain.
7. Why is there need to conserve minerals ?
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8. India is rich in minerals resources. J ustify the statement by giving four examples.
9. Describe the importance of Coal as a source of energy.
10. Explain the distribution of copper in India.
11. Explain the distribution of Iron ore in India.
1. Kundremukh is an important Iron ore mine of :-
(A) Kerala (B) Madhya Pradesh
(C) Karnataka (D) Andhra Pradesh
2. Khetri mines in Rajasthan are famous for :-
(A) Iron-ore (B) Mica (C) copper (D) Lime stone
3. Neyveli lignite mines are located at :-
(A) Karnataka (B) Tamil Nadu (C) Orissa (D) Rajasthan
4. The largest solar power plant is located at :-
(A) Ahemdabad (B) Madhopur (C) Thar desert (D) Bhopal
5. Kakrapara nuclear power station is located in the states :-
(A) Maharashtra (B) Andhra Pradesh (C) Gujarat (D) Karnatak
6. The Rhur of India is :-
(A) Godavari valley (B) Damodar valley (C) Ganga valley (D) None of the above
7. Koderma is the leading producer of :-
(A) Bauxite (B) Mica (C) Iron ore (D) copper
8. Which mineral is contained in the.. sand ?
(A) Oil (B) Uranium (C) Thorium (D) coal
9. Name the rocks in which coal is formed :-
(A) Igneous (B) Sedimentary (C) Metamorphic (D) None of these
10. Which is the finest iron ore ?
(A) Magnetie (B) Haematite (C) Both of these (D) None of these
11. Name an iron ore mine which is a 100% export unit :-
(A) Kudremukh (B) Mayurbhanj (C) Bastar (D) Ratnagiri
12. Two importers of iron ore in India :-
(A) China & J apan (B) U.K & South Korea (C) U.K. & U.S.A. (D) J apan & S. Korea
13. Balaghat mines of Madhya Pradesh are famous for :-
(A) Zinc (B) Iron-ore (C) Mica (D) Copper
14. Which mineral is used as the basic raw material for the cement industry :-
(A) Lime stone (B) Copper (C) Manganese (D) None of these
15. Which is the most important energy resource of India :-
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(A) Petroleum (B) Natural gas (C) Coal (D) Hydro power
16. Which is the most popular coal for commercial use :-
(A) Lignite (B) Peat (C) Bituminous (D) Anthracite
17. Which is the highest quality hard coal ?
(A) Lignite (B) Peat (C) Anthracite (D) Bituminous
18. Name the technology which converts sunlight directly into electricity ?
(A) Photo voltaic (B) Turbine (C) Both of these (D) None of theses
19. Major solar power plant of Haryana is :-
(A) Gurgaon (B) Sarai Saadi
(C) Madhopur (D) Kalyanpur
20. The nuclear energy contributes % of our total power generation :-
(A) 2.7 (B) 2.8 (C) 2.9 (D) 3.0
21. Mineral are deposited and occumulated in the strata of in which of the following rocks :-
(A) Sedimentary Rocks (B) Igneous
(C) Metamorphic Rocks (D) None of the above
22. Which one of the following is contained in the Monazite sand ?
(A) Oil (B) Uranium
(C) Thorium (D) Coal
23. For what purpose is Baurite or aluminium mainly used ?
(A) It is mainly used in textile industries
(B) It is mainly used in aircraft industries
(C) It is mainly used in industries
(D) It is mainly used in aircraft industries
24. In which state Kolar gold fied located ?
(A) J harkhand (B) Kerala
(C) Karnataka (D) Andhra pradesh
25. Why is Neyveli famous for ?
(A) Coal deposits (B) Mica deposits
(C) Iron deposits (D) Aluminium deposits
26. Kochi oil refinery is located in which sate ?
(A) Tamil Nadu (B) Maharashtra
(C) Kerala (D) Gujarat
1. (C) 2. (C) 3. (B) 4. (B) 5. (C)
6. (B) 7. (B) 8. (C) 9. (B) 10.(A)
11.(A) 12.(D) 13.(D) 14.(A) 15.(C)
16.(C) 17.(D) 18.(A) 19.(A) 20.(C)
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