This document provides troubleshooting guides for DeviceNet networks and nodes. It includes flowcharts outlining steps to troubleshoot suspected network errors, intermittent failures, and single node problems. The guides direct the user to check scanner LEDs, voltages, cable connections, segmentation, grounding and more. DeviceNet network and node troubleshooting checklists are also included.
This document provides troubleshooting guides for DeviceNet networks and nodes. It includes flowcharts outlining steps to troubleshoot suspected network errors, intermittent failures, and single node problems. The guides direct the user to check scanner LEDs, voltages, cable connections, segmentation, grounding and more. DeviceNet network and node troubleshooting checklists are also included.
This document provides troubleshooting guides for DeviceNet networks and nodes. It includes flowcharts outlining steps to troubleshoot suspected network errors, intermittent failures, and single node problems. The guides direct the user to check scanner LEDs, voltages, cable connections, segmentation, grounding and more. DeviceNet network and node troubleshooting checklists are also included.
This document provides troubleshooting guides for DeviceNet networks and nodes. It includes flowcharts outlining steps to troubleshoot suspected network errors, intermittent failures, and single node problems. The guides direct the user to check scanner LEDs, voltages, cable connections, segmentation, grounding and more. DeviceNet network and node troubleshooting checklists are also included.
Automotive Special Interest Group (SIG) Version 0.9 05 April 29 The Open DeviceNet Vendor Association (ODVA) Automotive Special Interest Group (SIG) is pleased to offer this document as a tool for troubleshooting devices that have been implemented into a DeviceNet network as well as the DeviceNet network itself. The following individuals have been invaluable in putting this document together: Training Committee Members: Matt Kuzel Huron Networks Borisa Begic InterlinkBT James OLaughlin SICK, Incorporated Erick Rudaitis SMC Corporation of America Michael Giroux WAGO Corporation Automotive SIG Members: Erick Rudaitis, Chairperson SMC Corporation of America Marie Sandor, Administration SMC Corporation of America Thomas Dwyer Bosch Rexroth Greg Irwin DaimlerChrysler Gil Jones EATON Corporation Frank Latino Festo Matt Kuzel Huron Networks Borisa Begic InterlinkBT LLC Gary Workman General Motors Enrico DeCarolis Numatics, Inc. Anton Suarez OMRON Corporation Dave VanGompel Rockwell Automation James OLaughlin SICK, Incorporated Ed Ingraham Siemens Mike Johnson SOLA / Hevi Duty Michael Giroux WAGO Corporation Chuck Sammut Woodhead For more information regarding the ODVA, including the Automotive SIG, please refer to the ODVA website at: Plant Floor Troubleshooting Guide DeviceNet Plant Floor Troubleshooting Flowchart (Suspected Network Error / Multi-Node Problem) DeviceNet Plant Floor Troubleshooting Flowchart (Intermittent Failures) DeviceNet Plant Floor Troubleshooting Flowchart (Single Node Problem) Walking the Network Segmenting the Network to Troubleshoot DeviceNet Network Checklist See Page 1 See Page 11 See Page 15 See Page 19 See Page 20 See Page 21 DeviceNet Plant Floor Troubleshooting Guide Page 1 Yes Are the DeviceNet scanner LEDs red (Bus off)? No Turn Auxiliary and DeviceNet Power OFF, Wait 10 seconds, Turn back ON. Examine scanner LEDs Yes Are the DeviceNet scanner LEDs red (Bus off)? No Cycle System, Auxiliary and DeviceNet Power, Wait 10 seconds Examine scanner LEDs Attach DeviceNet Diagnostic Tool Yes Are the DeviceNet scanner LEDs red (Bus off)? No Review Walk the Network Go to B Note any diagnostic information on DeviceNet scanner if available. Start 1: DeviceNet Plant Floor Troubleshooting Flowchart (Suspected Network Error / Multi-Node Problem) Go to O See Page 2 See Page 11 See Page 19 DeviceNet Plant Floor Troubleshooting Guide Page 2 Go to D Done B Yes Are there multiple DeviceNet network power supplies? No No Was problem found during the network walk? Yes No Are the DeviceNet scanner LEDs red (Bus off)? Yes Disconnect supplemental power supplies. No Is there only one node with red Module (MS) or Network Status (NS) LEDs? Yes Go to C Done Check nodes and cabling inside cabinet. Go to F Go to E Disconnect DeviceNet trunk cable from the cabinet with scanner module. Attach terminating resistor. Turn off DeviceNet power, wait 10 seconds, turn DeviceNet power back on. The bus off indication should be gone and diagnostics for missing nodes should be displayed. Reconnect network. No Problem fixed? Yes See Page 4 See Page 3 See Page 5 See Page 3 DeviceNet Plant Floor Troubleshooting Guide Page 3 No Is V- of the power supplies tied to V- of DeviceNet? Yes Wire V- of all power supplies together. Reconnect trunk cable. C No Are the nodes and cables okay? Yes Replace cable or node. Go to F D Start Replace scanner. Go To Start 1 Reconnect network. Reconnect network. No Is V+ of the power supplies wired separately? Yes Wire V+ of all power supplies separately. Reconnect trunk cable. Go to Start 1 See Page 5 See Page 1 See Page 1 DeviceNet Plant Floor Troubleshooting Guide Page 4 Disconnect node from network. Turn Auxiliary and DeviceNet Power OFF, Wait 10 seconds, Turn back ON. E Note: Other nodes can cause a node to go offline. Yes Are the DeviceNet scanner LEDs red (Bus off)? No Yes Are the DeviceNet scanner LEDs red (Bus off)? No Replace node. Verify Baud Rate, Node Address and .EDS file information. Replace drop cable. Done Go to F See Page 5 DeviceNet Plant Floor Troubleshooting Guide Page 5 F No Have any changes been made to network since last time worked consistently? Yes Investigate changes Go to K No Are DeviceNet voltages correct? Yes Change power supply Check Voltages See Items 12, 13 & 14 in DeviceNet Network Checklist Go to G Note: Changes such as cabling, tools, firmware, nodes, etc. Go to Start 1 See Page 1 See Page 6 See Page 8 See Page 23 DeviceNet Plant Floor Troubleshooting Guide Page 6 No Bus off condition fixed? Yes Done G Complete DeviceNet Network Checklist No Errors found and fixed? Yes Done No Voltages OK? Yes Go To H Go to I Note: This will now take some time. Check 1. Cables, 2. Node, 3. Segment, 4. Grounding 5. CAN transceiver shorted 6. Not 60 etc. Check Voltages See Items 12, 13 & 14 in DeviceNet Network Checklist See Page 7 See Page 7 See Page 23 See Page 21 DeviceNet Plant Floor Troubleshooting Guide Page 7 Yes All cable connections OK? No Fix cable connection H I Attach DeviceNet diagnostic tool and measure CAN errors Yes > 20 errors/second? No Go to Start 1 Recheck for ground loops using DeviceNet Network Checklist Go to K No Problem found and fixed? Yes Go to J Done See Page 1 See Page 8 See Page 8 See Page 21 DeviceNet Plant Floor Troubleshooting Guide Page 8 Replace power supply again in the case that current power supply is also bad. J No Errors found and fixed? Yes Done Divide network into two sections. Connect section 1 and move terminating resistor. Yes Network up? No Disconnect Section 1. Connect Section 2 and move terminating resistor. Yes Network up? No Isolate problem Troubleshoot other of the network K Go to L Go to M See Page 9 See Page 9 DeviceNet Plant Floor Troubleshooting Guide Page 9 L Replace scanner. Reconnect entire network. No Bus off condition fixed? Yes Done Isolate problem Check for issues in cabinet Rewalk network looking for stressed cables (e.g. bend radius too tight, tie wrapped where it causes failure) No Any shorts or opens? Yes Fix problem Go to Start 1 Go to N Checking for potential network load issues. Check for wiring and other nodes within the scanner cabinet. No Problem Solved Yes M See Page 1 See Page 10 DeviceNet Plant Floor Troubleshooting Guide Page 10 N Disconnect all nodes, add one node at a time until network communication fails. Determine node that causes bus off and replace Yes Still bus off? No Done GET HELP DeviceNet Plant Floor Troubleshooting Guide Page 11 Connect tool to diagnose bus. (Monitor voltages, CAN frame errors, etc.) Yes Problem diagnosed? No Fix problem indicated Yes Problem fixed? No Start 2: DeviceNet Plant Floor Troubleshooting Flowchart (Intermittent Failures) Yes Do you have a DeviceNet diagnostic tool? No Go to P Done O See Page 12 DeviceNet Plant Floor Troubleshooting Guide Page 12 P Check noisy devices grounding Yes Does problem occur with noise (from external device or event)? No Yes Problem fixed? No No Is the devices grounding correct? Yes Go to Q VFD load dumps, Servos enabled, Welding, Other Maintenance in the Area (External to Network), etc. Fix grounding Done Go to R Grounding problem See Page 14 See Page 13 DeviceNet Plant Floor Troubleshooting Guide Page 13 Yes Is there a noisy device on DeviceNet? No Q Replace DeviceNet interface card on that device Yes Problem fixed? No Done Call Manufacturer Go to R e.g. VFD, Welding, Robot, Motor etc. See Page 14 DeviceNet Plant Floor Troubleshooting Guide Page 14 Fix grounds. R No Grounds OK? Yes Check DeviceNet grounds (missing grounds or ground loops). Yes Problem fixed? No Done Go to F See Page 5 DeviceNet Plant Floor Troubleshooting Guide Page 15 Turn Auxiliary and DeviceNet Power OFF, Wait 10 seconds, Turn back ON. Verify scanner is functioning. Yes Is the devices Network Status LED on solid red? No Unplug device and check DeviceNet power and Auxiliary power at the node Yes Voltages OK? No Start 3: DeviceNet Plant Floor Troubleshooting Flowchart (Node Problem) No Yes Go to S Done Go to V Find and fix voltage problem Go to Start 3 Yes Is the Devices Network Status LED solid green? No Go to V If this is your third time through this process, consider the possibility that this is a network issue rather than a node issue. See Page 17 See Above See Page 17 See Page 16 Is the Devices Network Status LED flashing or solid green? DeviceNet Plant Floor Troubleshooting Guide Page 16 Yes Is the devices Net Status LED on solid red? No S Verify node address and data rate. If no changes required, replace node. Be sure that node address, data rate and .EDS revision are correct. Yes No Possible cable, tee or other node that is causing the problem Unplug node Connect DeviceNet diagnostic tool Go to Start 3 Replace drop cable or tee Go to Start 3 Disconnect DeviceNet diagnostic tool reconnect node. Disconnect adjacent nodes. Turn Auxiliary and DeviceNet Power OFF, Wait 10 seconds, Turn back ON. Yes Can you see other nodes on the network? No Go to T Go to U Is the devices Network Status LED on solid green? See Page 15 See Page 15 See Page 17 See Page 17 DeviceNet Plant Floor Troubleshooting Guide Page 17 T One of the adjacent nodes may be causing the problem. Replace bad node. Reconnect nodes one at a time to confirm which node is causing the problem. No Was corrective action successful? Yes U Disconnect nodes until the devices Net Status LED is on solid green. Go to Start 3 Reconnect nodes one at a time to confirm which node is causing the problem. Go to Start 3 V If the nodes Net Status LED is flashing green, it is ready to establish communication. Check HMI or scanner for diagnostic information for corrective action. Done Walk the network and check connections. Go to W Replace offending node. Reset power after removal of each node to determine if problem has been corrected. See Page 15 See Page 15 See Page 18 DeviceNet Plant Floor Troubleshooting Guide Page 18 W No Problem found and fixed? Yes Replace node No Node online? Yes Replace drop cable or tee Done No Node online? Yes Go to U See Page 17 DeviceNet Plant Floor Troubleshooting Guide Page 19 Walking the Network Here are the things to keep in mind and look for when walking a network. First try to look at a drawing or layout of the network so you know where the cables go and if the lengths are correct. Sometimes this is not possible but look around in the controller cabinet for this information. Also remember that Auxiliary Power topology and implementation is just as important as DeviceNet topology and implementation. Check both when walking the network (I.e. for additional information, see Auxiliary Power Section 14 in the DeviceNet Network Checklist). Loose connections are the number one cause of failures. - Make sure all connections are undamaged. - Connections may look good but not be tight. Check them. Cable stress is the second thing to look for. - Cable radii might be too tight or stressed with tie wraps. There is a lot of vibration in a plant and if the cables are stressed it will create a failure point. - Some cable trays are mounted on long fence post and the cables brought down from them. At the point where they leave the cable tray and bend down could be a potential spot for failure. Grounds are very important ! - Visually inspect grounding to assure that grounding location is clean and connection is tight. Make sure that all components are properly grounded. Separate high voltage cables from DeviceNet cables! - Power, welding or servo cables are sometimes put on top of the DeviceNet cables or put in the same cable trays. DeviceNet cables must have the proper distance between these cables. - To clean up the wiring power, servo, or welding cables are tie wrapped together. DeviceNet cables must have the proper distance between these cables. DeviceNet Plant Floor Troubleshooting Guide Page 20 Segmenting a network to troubleshoot a problem. Finding a network cable problem is sometimes not the easiest thing to detect. The following step-by-step process will assist in locating cabling issues: Divide the network into two halves to determine which half is causing the trouble by physically disconnecting the trunk cable and placing the terminating resistor at the break point Once you determine the half causing the trouble you can approach the problem two ways. Continue to divide the defective portion of the network in half to further isolate the trouble; or Re-walk the network making sure that all connections are still OK .If everything looks OK then start at the controller and go to the first drop. Break the trunk cable and insert a terminator. Walk the terminator down the trunk until the network fails. Once the problem location has been determined, consider the following cable connection / details as possible causes of the problem: Tee Connection Drop Connection Node Connection Loading problem with a node or insufficient bus power. (A volt-amp-meter should be used to determine if the problem is related to bus loading). If the network has been running and then fails, it is often due to a bad cable or Tee connection. Remember: There could be one or more causes for a specific problem. Take your time and check thoroughly to minimize the possibility of missing something. Cell Number : Percent Complete: Tool Number : Station Number : Design Source ___________________________________ Controls Engineer ______________________________ Design Engineer _________________________________ Date ______________________________ DeviceNet Plant Floor Troubleshooting Guide DeviceNet Check List Page 21 DeviceNet Network Checklist The following items should be completed during the implementation of DeviceNet networks commissioning. This will act as a record of the values attained after installation of a working network and can be used for comparison for any future network / device troubleshooting. ID Item Description Checked Date Comments Physical Inspection 1 Are all DeviceNet devices approved for use on the project? Make sure that DeviceNet taps are of the proper type. ___/___/___ 2 Are 24VDC Power Supply calculations supplied? If the network uses more than one supply, is the network connected as designed? ___/___/___ 3 Are all the trunk and drop cables separated from high voltage and potential noise sources in accordance with the ODVA DeviceNet Planning and Installation Guide? ___/___/___ 4 Are all DeviceNet Drop & Trunk line cables routed without strain on the connection points due to bending or tension? Are all connections tight? ___/___/___ 5a Are the drop cables less than or equal to 20 feet (6 meters)? ___/___/___ 5b Is the sum of all drop lines less than the maximum allowed for the network data rate DeviceNet specification? ___/___/___ 6a Is the trunk line less than the maximum length allowed for the network data rate in the DeviceNet specification? ___/___/___ 6b Are both terminating resistors in place at the ends of the trunk line? ___/___/___ 7 Are all selectable DIP switch / rotary switch settings (node address & baud rate) correct? ___/___/___ 8 Is the DeviceNet 24VDC power supply (V-) bonded directly to the ground buss bar (#12 wire) at one location only? ___/___/___ 9 Are there any frayed or exposed wires on open style connectors creating a possible shorted condition? ___/___/___ 10 If the DeviceNet network uses more than one power supply, are the V- connections of all power supplies tied together and V- only bonded to the ground buss at one location? ___/___/___ Note regarding all Electrical Tests that follow: Always keep the same reference point when making measurements. This allows you to trace wiring problems and find grounding problems. If you put the black lead on the Earth ground point, make sure you always use the same point and the same lead. When performing any resistance check, you cannot have less than 0 Ohms. A negative resistance value indicates you may have voltage on the ground, or on the wire you are checking. Remove the source of any voltage to get an accurate measurement. Cell Number : Percent Complete: Tool Number : Station Number : Design Source ___________________________________ Controls Engineer ______________________________ Design Engineer _________________________________ Date ______________________________ DeviceNet Plant Floor Troubleshooting Guide DeviceNet Check List Page 22 ID Item Description Checked Date Comments 11 Network Termination Test 1. Follow shutdown procedures (if any) 2. Stop all network communication. 3. Turn all network and auxiliary power supplies off. 4. Measure and record the DC resistance between CANH and CANL at the middle and ends of the network. If the measured value is <50 ohms - Check for short circuit between CANH and CANL wiring - Check for more than two terminating resistors - Check nodes for faulty transceivers If the measured value is 50-70 ohms - Normal (Do nothing) If the measured value is 71-125 ohms - Check for open circuits in CANH or CANL wiring - Check for one missing terminating resistor If the measured value is > 125 ohms - Add terminating resistor - Check for open circuits in CANH and CANL wiring ___/___/___ Cell Number : Percent Complete: Tool Number : Station Number : Design Source ___________________________________ Controls Engineer ______________________________ Design Engineer _________________________________ Date ______________________________ DeviceNet Plant Floor Troubleshooting Guide DeviceNet Check List Page 23 ID Item Description Checked Date Comments 12 Network Power Supply Ground Test 1. Turn all network power supplies off. Disconnect the V- and Shield wires from ground and from each other. 2. Using a Digital Voltmeter, measure DC voltage from shield to ground at all power supplies. Is there less than 1VDC? 1 3. Remove all sources of voltage before continuing. 4. Measure and record the DC resistance between V- and earth ground. Measured value should show infinite resistance. If other value is measured, look for swapped V- and shield wires at termination points. 5. Measure and record the DC resistance between Shield and earth ground. Measured values greater than 20k are considered Normal. For measured values that are greater than 1 k and less than 20 k: - Disconnect both DeviceNet connectors on the top of the main control panel and repeat the above procedure. If the problem remains, check connections in the main control panel. Look for swapped V- and shield wires at termination points. - If the problem went away, segment the network and isolate the location of the problem, and check for grounded V- or Shield wires. Sometimes the V- and Shield connections are transposed, which would cause ground loops. 6. Reconnect the V- and Shield wires to ground. 7. Go to each end of the network and remove terminator. Check resistance between V- and Shield to verify that there is not a broken shield wire. DC Resistance should be < 20. 1 For measured values greater than 20, check for broken shield ___/___/___ 1 Does not apply to applications in which flat cable is utilized for DeviceNet Communication. Cell Number : Percent Complete: Tool Number : Station Number : Design Source ___________________________________ Controls Engineer ______________________________ Design Engineer _________________________________ Date ______________________________ DeviceNet Plant Floor Troubleshooting Guide DeviceNet Check List Page 24 ID Item Description Checked Date Comments 13 Network Power Supply Common Mode Voltage Test 1. Turn all network power supplies on. 2. Configure all nodes for their maximum current draw from network power. Turn on outputs that use network power. 3. Measure and record the DC voltage between V+ and V- where each power supply connects to the trunk. 4. Measure and record the DC voltage between V+ and V- at the ends of the network. Measured values between 11.0 VDC and 25.0 VDC are consistent with the DeviceNet Specification for proper DeviceNet communication. However, input devices that may rely V+ and V- for power may not operate properly at voltages less than 20 VDC. Check input device (e.g. proximity sensors, photoelectric sensors, etc.) to verify device is within voltage specifications. 5. Measure between V- and Shield. Measured values less than 4.6 VDC are considered normal. If measured value from: Item 4. Is < 11.0 VDC; or Item 5. Is > 4.6 VDC, The network may not operate properly. Possible solutions are : - Shorten the overall length of the network cable. - Move the power supply in the direction of the overloaded section. - Move nodes from the overload section to less loaded section. - Move high current loads close to the power supply. - Break the network into two separate networks. - Add power supply. ___/___/___ Cell Number : Percent Complete: Tool Number : Station Number : Design Source ___________________________________ Controls Engineer ______________________________ Design Engineer _________________________________ Date ______________________________ DeviceNet Plant Floor Troubleshooting Guide DeviceNet Check List Page 25 ID Item Description Checked Date Comments 14 Auxiliary Power Measurements 1. Monitor the voltage present at both ends of the auxiliary power trunk cable under normal operating conditions and record the high and low values observed. The use of an oscilloscope may be necessary. 2. Check all manufacturers specifications to verify that the auxiliary power observed falls within the manufacturers specifications. If problems are observed, consider the following - Add an additional power supply - Shorten auxiliary power trunk line cabling - Check for influence of noise - Assure that the grounding requirements outlined in the manufacturers specifications have been met. ___/___/___
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