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01.4ib.50024 Powlvac® Pvam Type M Ground & Test Device Manually Operated

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50024 PowlVac® PVAM Type M

Ground & Test Device Manually Operated
15kV, 1200A, 36kA/750MVA

Powered by Safety ®
PowlVac® PVAM Type M 15kV Ground & Test Device 01.4IB.50024
Manually Operated

Contact Information

Powell Electrical Systems, Inc.


Service Division
PO Box 12818
Houston, Texas 77217-2818

Tel: 713.944.6900
Fax: 713.948.4569

Powered by Safety®

Signal Words Qualified Person

As stated in ANSI Z535.4-2007, the signal word is For the purposes of this manual, a qualified
a word that calls attention to the safety sign and person, as stated in NFPA 70E®, is one who has
designates a degree or level of hazard seriousness. skills and knowledge related to the construction
The signal words for product safety signs are and operation of the electrical equipment and
“Danger”, “Warning”, and “Caution”. These installations and has received safety training to
words are defined as: recognize and avoid the hazards involved. In
addition to the above qualifications, one must also
1. trained and authorized to energize, deenergize,
DANGER indicates an imminently hazardous clear, ground, and tag circuits and equipment
situation which, if not avoided, will result in in accordance with established safety practices.
death or serious injury. 2. trained in the proper care and use of personal
protective equipment (PPE) such as rubber
gloves, hard hat, safety glasses or face shields,
! WARNING flash clothing, etc., in accordance with
established safety practices.
WARNING indicates a potentially hazardous 3. trained in rendering first aid if necessary.
situation which, if not avoided, could result in
death or serious injury.

CAUTION, used with the safety alert symbol,
indicates a hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, could result in minor or moderate

CAUTION, used without the safety alert
symbol, is used to address practices not
related to personal injury.

NOTICE is used to address practices not related
to personal injury.

Powered by Safety®
PowlVac® PVAM Type M 15kV Ground & Test Device 01.4IB.50024
Manually Operated

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Powered by Safety®

Ch 1 General Information .................................................................................................1
A. Scope ................................................................................................................................................................2
B. Purpose .............................................................................................................................................................2
C. Instruction Bulletins Available Electronically .....................................................................................................2

Ch 2 Safety ........................................................................................................................3
A. Safe Work Condition . ........................................................................................................................................3
B. Safety Guidelines ...............................................................................................................................................3
C. General .............................................................................................................................................................3
D. Specific ..............................................................................................................................................................4
E. Safety Labels .....................................................................................................................................................4

Ch 3 Equipment Description .............................................................................................5

A. General .............................................................................................................................................................5
B. Compartment Compatibility (Application) .............................................................................................................5

Ch 4 Installation ................................................................................................................8
A. Receiving . ..........................................................................................................................................................8
B. Handling ...........................................................................................................................................................8
C. Storage .............................................................................................................................................................8

Ch 5 Operation ................................................................................................................10
A. Grounding ...................................................................................................................................................... 11
B. Testing ........................................................................................................................................................... 11

Ch 6 Maintenance ...........................................................................................................13

Ch 7 Recommended Renewal Parts and Repair Procedures ..........................................14

A. Ordering Instructions . .................................................................................................................................... 14
B. Recommended Renewal Parts ........................................................................................................................... 14

Powered by Safety® i
PowlVac® PVAM Type M 15kV Ground & Test Device 01.4IB.50024
Manually Operated

Figure 1 PowlVac® PVAM Type M Ground & Test Device - Front View ..........................6
Figure 2 PowlVac® PVAM Type M Ground & Test Device - Rear View ............................7

Table A Equipment Ratings ................................................................................................5
Table B Field Dielectric Test Values ..................................................................................10
Table C Renewal Part Numbers ........................................................................................14

ii Powered by Safety®

Ch 1 General Information

The equipment described in this document may contain high voltages and currents which can
cause serious injury or death.

The equipment is designed for use, installation, and maintenance by qualified users of such
equipment having experience and training in the field of high voltage electricity. This document
and all other documentation shall be fully read, understood, and all warnings and cautions
shall be abided by. If there are any discrepancies or questions, the user shall contact Powell
immediately at 1.800.480.7273.

Before any adjustment, servicing, part replacement, or any other act is performed requiring
physical contact with the electrical working components or wiring of this equipment, the power
supply must be disconnected. Failure to follow this warning may result in injury or death.

The information in this instruction bulletin is not intended to explain all details or variations of the
Powell equipment, nor to provide for every possible contingency or hazard to be met in connection
with installation, testing, operation, and maintenance of the equipment. For additional
information and instructions for particular problems, which are not presented sufficiently for the
user’s purposes, contact Powell at 1.800.480.7273.

Powell reserves the right to discontinue and to change specifications at any time without incurring
any obligation to incorporate new features in products previously sold.

General Information Powered by Safety® 1

PowlVac® PVAM Type M 15kV Ground & Test Device 01.4IB.50024
Manually Operated

A. Scope All illustrations and photos are shown using

deenergized equipment.
The information in this instruction bulletin
describes the following PowlVac® PVAM Type M
Ground & Test Devices Manually Operated: ! WARNING
15kV, 1200A, 36kA/750MVA Be sure to follow the appropriate safety
• 50680G90 - 3 Stab, Rear Stabs precaution while handling any of the
• 50680G91 - 3 Stab, Front Stabs equipment. Failure to do so may result in
serious injury or death.
B. Purpose
To the extent required, the products described
The information in this instruction bulletin is herein meet the applicable ANSI, IEEE, and
intended to provide information required to NEMA Standards; however, no such assurance
properly operate and maintain the is given with respect to local codes and
PowlVac PVAM Type M Ground & Test Device ordinances which may vary greatly.
Manually Operated described in Ch 1 General
Information, A. Scope. The PowlVac PVAM Type M Ground & Test
Device provides a means for obtaining access
This instruction bulletin provides: to the primary disconnect devices of the
switchgear compartment. The purpose of
1. Safety guidelines accessing the disconnects is to ground the
primary dircuits or conduct certain high
2. General descriptions of the operation and
voltage test procedures such as phasing out
maintenance of the PowlVac PVAM Type M
circuits or conducting high voltage withstand
Ground and Test Device
(hipot) tests.
3. Instructions for installation and placing the
C. Instruction Bulletins Available Electronically
ground and test device into service

4. Instructions for part replacement

5. Information for ordering renewal parts Changes to the instruction bulletin may be
implemented at any time and without notice.
6. Procedure for critical adjustments Goto www.powellind.com to ensure use of
the current instruction bulletin for the Powell
7. Illustrations, photographs, and description
of the ground and test device

The illustrations contained in this document To contact the Powell Service Division call
may not represent the exact construction 1.800.480.7273 or 713.944.6900, or email
details of each particular type of ground and info@powellservice.com.
test device. The illustrations in this document
are provided as general information to aid in For specific questions or comments pertaining
showing component locations only. to this instruction bulletin email
documents@powellind.com with the
Instruction Bulletin number in the subject line.

2 Powered by Safety® General Information


Ch 2 Safety B. Safety Guidelines

A. Safe Work Condition Study this instruction bulletin and all other
associated documentation before uncrating
The information in Section A is quoted from the ground and test device.
NFPA 70E 2004 - Article 120, 120.1 Establishing an
Electrically Safe Work Condition. Each user has the responsibility to instruct
and supervise all personnel associated with
120.1 Process of Achieving an Electrically Safe usage, installation, operation, and maintenance
Work Condition of this equipment on all safety procedures.
Furthermore, each user has the responsibility of
1. Determine all possible sources of electrical establishing a safety program for each type of
supply to the specific equipment. Check equipment encountered.
applicable up-to-date drawings, diagrams,
and identification tags. It is mandatory that the following rules be
2. After properly interrupting the load current, observed to ensure the safety of personnel
OPEN the disconnecting device(s) for each associated with usage, installation, operation,
source. and maintenance of these ground and test
3. Wherever possible, visually verify that all devices.
blades of the disconnecting devices are
fully OPEN or that drawout type circuit The safety rules in this instruction bulletin are
breakers are withdrawn to the fully not intended to be a complete safety program.
disconnected position. The rules are intended to cover only some of the
4. Apply lockout/tagout devices in accordance important aspects of personnel safety related to
with a documented and established policy. PowlVac® PVAM Type M Ground & Test Devices.
5. Use an adequately rated voltage detector
to test each phase conductor or circuit part C. General
to verify they are deenergized. Test each
phase conductor or circuit part both 1. Only supervised and qualified personnel
phase-to-phase, and phase-to-ground. trained in the usage, installation, operation,
Before and after each test, determine and maintenance of the ground and test device
that the voltage detector is operating shall be allowed to work on this equipment. It
satisfactorily. is mandatory that this instruction bulletin, any
6. Where the possibility of induced voltages supplements, and service advisories be studied,
or stored electrical energy exists, ground understood, and followed.
the phase conductors or circuit parts 2. Maintenance programs must be consistent
before touching them. Where it could be with both customer experience and
reasonably anticipated that the conductors manufacturer’s recommendations, including
or circuit parts being deenergized service advisories and instruction bulletin(s).
could contact other exposed energized A well planned and executed routine
conductors or circuit parts, apply ground maintenance program is essential for the
connecting devices rated for the available ground and test device’s reliability and safety.
fault duty.

Safety Powered by Safety® 3

PowlVac® PVAM Type M 15kV Ground & Test Device 01.4IB.50024
Manually Operated

3. Service conditions and ground and test device 5. Check all primary circuit connections to
applications shall also be considered in the make certain that they are clean and tight.
development of safety programs. Variables 6. Take extreme care while using this device to
include ambient temperature; humidity; avoid contacting “live” or “hot” (energized)
and any adverse local conditions including terminals.
excessive dust, ash, corrosive atmosphere,
vermin and insect infestations. E. Safety Labels

D. Specific The equipment described in this document

When operating the ground and test device instruction labels attached to various locations.
safety precautions must be observed. All equipment DANGER, WARNING, CAUTION,
and instruction labels shall be observed when
the circuit breaker is handled, operated, or
! WARNING maintained.
Improper use can result in death, serious
personal injury, or damage to the
Warning and Caution labels are located
in various places in and on the switchgear
It is important for the user to develop specific
and on the ground and test device. Always
and safe operating procedures to be observed
observe these warnings and caution labels.
when using the ground and test device.
Do NOT remove or deface any of these
warning/caution labels.
The following specific safety precautions must
be observed:

1. Do not attempt to ground an energized

circuit. The circuit to be grounded should
always be treated as energized until proven
2. Do not attempt to service the device while
it is installed in a switchgear compartment
or on a lift truck. For service, the device
must be located either on the floor or on a
sturdy, level work bench, and blocked from
3. Store the manually operated ground and
test device in a clean, dry area free from
dust, dirt, moisture, caustic atmosphere,
and vermin.
4. Keep all insulating surfaces, which include
primary support insulation and insulation
barriers, clean and dry.

4 Powered by Safety® Safety


Ch 3 Equipment Description Refer to the instruction book provided with

the original circuit breaker equipment for
A. General instructions covering insertion of the circuit
breaker into the circuit breaker compartment.
The PowlVac® PVAM Type M Ground and
Test Device is similar to the PowlVac Table A Equipment Ratings
PVAM replacement circuit breaker and Continuous
can be temporarily inserted in place of a G&T Device Voltage Amperes
Number (kV) (kA/MVA)
circuit breaker in a metal-clad switchgear (Amperes)
compartment for the purpose of grounding 50680G90 15 36/750 1200
and testing. Only three stab models are 50680G91 15 36/750 1200
B. Compartment Compatibility (Application)
The three stab ground and test device consists
of a wheeled frame on which are mounted For grounding and testing purposed PowlVac
three primary disconnect stabs. The front of Type M Ground and Test Devices can be
the device (Figure 1) has an upper access door. temporarily applied in GE MagneBlast circuit
Three test ports are mounted behind the door. breaker compartments rated 15kV Rated
Each test port is connected to one of the three Maximum Voltage, 36kA/750MVA Rated Short
primary disconnect stabs (Figure 2, a). In the Circuit Current, and 1200A Rated Continuous
group of test ports, the left, center, and right Current.
test ports are connected to the left, center, and
right disconnect stabs respectively.

Insulation/isolation barriers between phases

and between phase and ground are also
provided where required.

The ground and test device is equipped with

a ground shoe (Figure 1, c) which engages the
ground bus to the equipment. Three flexible
grounding cables are supplied (Figure 1, d).
One end of each cable is bolted to the ground
bar. The other end may be bolted to the
primary contact bar in the test ports. See
Ch 5 Operation, A. Grounding of this instruction
bulletin for proper us of these cables.

Use the cables that are provided with the
device to satisfactorily withstand the effect of
the current. Other cables may not withstand
the forces and heat generated by fault
currents and cause severe injury to personnel.

Equipment Description Powered by Safety® 5

PowlVac® PVAM Type M 15kV Ground & Test Device 01.4IB.50024
Manually Operated

Figure 1 PowlVac® PVAM Type M

Ground & Test Device - Front View

a. Primary Disconnect Stab

b. Test Port
c. Ground Shoe
d. Grounding Cables
e. Access Door

6 Powered by Safety® Equipment Description


Figure 2 PowlVac® PVAM Type M

Ground & Test Device - Rear View


a. Primary Disconnect Stab

b. Lifting Hole
c. Rear Side of Test Port
d. Barrier
e. Ground Shoe

Equipment Description Powered by Safety® 7

PowlVac® PVAM Type M 15kV Ground & Test Device 01.4IB.50024
Manually Operated

Ch 4 Installation C. Storage

A. Receiving Shipping and storage of electrical equipment

requires measures to prevent the deterioration
Check the shipping container for signs of of the apparatus over a long unused period.
damage which could indicate possible damage The mechanical and dielectric integrity must
to the ground and test device. If damage be protected. Electrical equipment is designed
is found or suspected, file claims as soon as for use in a variety of environments. When
possible with the transportation company and the equipment is in transit and storage, these
notify the nearest Powell Representative. design considerations are not fully functional.
In general, the following measures must be
B. Handling considered.

After the ground and test device has been 1. Equipment designed for indoor installation
removed from its shipping pallet it may be must be stored indoors in a climate
rolled on its own wheels on a level surface. This controlled environment to prevent
is the preferred way of handling the device. condensation of moisture. Exposure to rain
When rolling the device, it should be pushed and the elements, even for a short period,
and steered by the steel frame or the front can permanently damage the equipment.
cover. Space heaters within the equipment should
be energized, if so equipped. Humidity
controlling desiccant materials should
! CAUTION be utilized when space heaters are not
provided or cannot be energized. The
Do NOT handle or move the ground and test temperature should be kept above 33°F/1°C
device by the primary disconnecting devices, and below 140°F/60°C. The relative
as damage may occur. humidity should be kept below 60% or a
dew point of 15°C/59°F. The equipment
If necessary, the ground and test device can should be stored in such a manner as
be moved by an overhead crane. To lift the to leave all doors and panels accessible
ground and test device with an overhead for inspection. The equipment must be
crane, use the two lifting points which have inspected on a routine basis to assure
been provided for hooks at the top of the operational integrity.
frame (Figure 2, b).

Lifting by crane may cause damage to the
primary disconnecting devices. Ensure there
is space between the chain and the primary
disconnecting devices.

8 Powered by Safety® Installation


2. Equipment designed for outdoor exposure

may be stored either in indoor or outdoor
storage locations. The equipment must
be protected from airborne external
contaminates if stored outdoors. Outdoor
storage will also require additional care
to maintain temporary covers over
the openings and shipping splits. The
equipment must be provided with control
power to facilitate the energization of
space heaters, as well as other temperature
and humidity controlling equipment. The
temperature should be kept above freezing
(>33°F/1°C) and below (<140°F/60°C). The
relative humidity should be kept below
60% or a dew point of 15°C/59°F. The
equipment should be stored in such a
manner as to leave all doors and panels
accessible for inspection. The equipment
must be inspected on a routine basis to
assure its integrity.
3. The auxiliary control devices, ship loose
material and protective relays must also
be protected. This includes items such as
battery chargers, UPS systems, lighting,
installation hardware and air conditioning.
If prolonged storage is anticipated,
humidity controlling desiccant materials
should be utilized. Desiccant packets
should be installed in all compartments and
packing containers.

Installation Powered by Safety® 9

PowlVac® PVAM Type M 15kV Ground & Test Device 01.4IB.50024
Manually Operated

Ch 5 Operation Table B Field Dielectric Test Values

Rated Maximum Voltages Power Frequency
As stated in IEEE C37.20.6-1997, §9.5, “Ground and (kV rms) Withstand (kV)
test devices are used infrequently and therefore 27kVAC (preferred)
are stored for long periods of time. They should 15
38kVDC (optional)
be stored in a clean, dry area, free from dust, dirt,
moisture, and the like. However, even though it is DO NOT DIELECTRIC TEST THE CABLE ASSEMBLY!
assumed that the G&T device was stored properly,
it should be carefully inspected and maintained The ground and test device may be used for both
before each use. grounding and testing functions. The procedures
for these two types of operations differ, and are
The following procedure is recommended before described separately below.
each use of the G&T device. The manufactures’
instruction manual must be followed for specific
guidance. CAUTION
a) All insulating surfaces, including but not Because of the construction of bus
limited to the primary support insulation, sectionalizing units, upper units in two-high
voltage probes, and isolation barriers, should equipment and other special types of
be clean and dry. construction, it is NOT possible to make a
b) All primary circuits, including cables and general statement about which set of primary
connections, should be clean and tight. disconnects is connected to the switchgear
c) All primary and ground disconnect contacts main bus and which is connected to the
(including terminal selector switch, if provided) outgoing conductors. Before using the
should be clean, with the correct contacts in ground and test device, the operator must
place and properly lubricated. determine the physical location of the primary
d) All locks and interlocks should be fully disconnects to be grounded or tested. This can
functional in accordance with the instruction be determined by referencing the equipment
manual of the G&T device. drawings or by examining the equipment.
e) A 1 min power frequency voltage withstand
test should be conducted on the complete G&T
device in accordance with 7.4.2, except at 75%
of the rated values.

Note: Field tests may be conducted with

dc voltage sources provided that the
instantaneous dc voltage is no more
than 1.414 times 75% of the normal
frequency withstand ac rms voltage
listed in Table 1 of IEEE Std C37.20.2-

10 Powered by Safety® Operation


A. Grounding 5. Rack the ground and test device to the

disconnected position.
6. Bolt the free ends of the three grounding
! WARNING cables to the studs in the three test ports to
be grounded.
Do NOT attempt to use the PowlVac® Type 7. Rack the ground and test device into the
M Ground & Test Device to ground an fully engaged position. The circuit is now
energized circuit. An attempt to do so will grounded.
result in severe damage to the device and the 8. To remove the ground, rack the device to
switchgear in which it is being used, and may the disconnect position and remove it from
result in serious injury to operating personnel. the compartment.

To ground a circuit, follow these steps: B. Testing

1. Deenergize the circuit to be grounded. If The ground and test device may be used to
there are power sources to this circuit other gain access to switchgear connections for high
than the circuit breaker where the ground voltage testing. Follow these steps:
and test device is to be used, the switching
devices at these alternate sources shall be 1. Remove the circuit breaker from the cell to
locked or tagged open in accordance with be tested.
the user’s standard safety procedures to 2. With the upper ends of the grounding
ensure that they will not be closed during cables disconnected and the grounding
the grounding operation. cables stored, and with the access door or
2. Remove the circuit breaker from the doors closed, insert the ground and test
switchgear compartment. device into the breaker cell, leaving the cell
3, With the upper ends of the grounding door open and rack it into the connected
cables disconnected and the grounding position.
cables stored, and with the access door or 3. If the testing to be done involves
doors closed, insert the ground and test measurement of system voltages:
device into the breaker compartment, a. Open the access door.
leaving the compartment door open and b. Using proper high voltage
rack it into the connected position. instrumentation and observing
all safety rules, make the desired
Note: Powell recommends using the electric measurements.
remote racking device for racking
in and racking out the ground and
test device. Contact Powell for more

4. Open the access door over the test ports

connected to the terminals to be grounded.
Using a high voltage voltmeter and test
probe rated for the system voltage, or
another safe voltage measuring method,
verify that the three terminals to be
grounded are not energized.

Operation Powered by Safety® 11

PowlVac® PVAM Type M 15kV Ground & Test Device 01.4IB.50024
Manually Operated

4. If the testing to be done involves

application of test voltages, such as for high
potential testing (hipot):
a. Insure that the circuit to be tested
is deenergized. If there are power
sources to this circuit other than the
circuit breaker where the ground and
test device is to be used, the switching
devices at these alternate sources
shall be locked or tagged open in
accordance with the user’s standard
safety procedures to ensure that they
will not be closed during the grounding
b. Verify that the circuit is deenergized.
Open the access door over the test
ports connected to the terminals
to be tested. Using a high voltage
voltmeter and test probe rated for the
system voltage, or another safe voltage
measuring method, verify that the
three terminals to be tested are not
c. Attach the test power leads to the
appropriate test studs and conduct
5. When testing is completed:
a. Remove the ground and test device
from the CONNECTED position to the
TEST position.
b. Remove the grounding cables.
c. Close access door or doors.

12 Powered by Safety® Operation


Ch 6 Maintenance
The ground and test device requires little routine
maintenance. Proper storage when the device is
not in use is essential. See Ch 4 Installation,
C. Storage for storage procedures.

The contact surfaces of the primary disconnect

stabs and the fingers of the ground shoe should
be lubricated with a thin film of Mobilgrease 28.
Before use, particularly if the device has been
in storage for a long period of time, wipe these
surfaces clean and apply fresh lubricant.

Maintenance Powered by Safety® 13

PowlVac® PVAM Type M 15kV Ground & Test Device 01.4IB.50024
Manually Operated

Ch 7 Recommended Renewal Parts and Numbers in this instruction bulletin for the
Repair Procedures recommended spare parts to be carried in
stock by the user. This must be determined
A. Ordering Instructions by the user based on the application. As a
minimum, it is recommended that one set
1. Order Renewal Parts from the Powell of parts be stocked per ten ground and test
Service Division at www.powellservice.com devices or fraction thereof.
or call 1.800.480.7273.
Powell recommends that only qualified
2. Always specify complete nameplate technicians perform maintenance on these
information, including: units. If these ground and test devices are
installed in a location where they are not
a. Ground and Test Device Type maintained by a qualified technician, a spare
b. Serial Number ground and test device should be on site
c. Rated Voltage ready for replacement. The malfunctioning
d. Rated Amps unit can then be returned to the factory for
e. Impulse Withstand reconditioning.

3. Specify the quantity and description Table C Renewal Part Numbers

of the part and the instruction bulletin Quantity Description Part Number
number. If the part is in any of the 3 Ground Cable Assembly 50326G03
recommended renewal parts tables, specify 3 Primary Contact Assembly 61900G01
the catalog number. If the part is not in 1 Ground Shoe 50031P02
any of the tables, a description should be
accompanied by a marked illustration from
this instruction bulletin or photo.

B. Recommended Renewal Parts

A sufficient amount of renewal parts should be

stored to enable the prompt replacement of
any worn, broken or damaged part. A sufficient
amount of stocked parts minimizes service
interruptions caused by breakdowns and saves
time and expense. When continuous operation
is a primary consideration, a greater amount of
renewal parts should be stocked, the quantity
depending on the severity of the service and
the time required to secure replacements.

Spare or replacement parts which are furnished

may not be identical to the original parts since
improvements are made from time to time.
The parts which are furnished, however, will
be interchangeable. See Table C, Renewal Part

14 Powered by Safety® Recommended Renewal Parts and Replacement Procedures

PowlVac® PVAM Type M
Ground & Test Device Manually Operated

15kV, 1200A, 36kA/750MVA

October 2011

Powell Electrical Systems, Inc.

Service Division - Houston
Powered by Safety® Tel: 713.944.6900 • Fax: 713.948.4569
PO Box 12818 • Houston, TX • 77217 ©2006 Powell Industries, Inc. • All rights reserved. info@powellind.com

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