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Powell Service Division Qualification Summary: Powered by Safety

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Powered by Safety®

Powell Service Division Qualification Summary

1. Introduction to Powell Service Division 1
2. Safety Culture 1
A. Safety Manual 2
B. Training 2
C. Safety Records 3
D. Safety Equipment 3
E. Safety Compliance 3
3. Start Up and Commissioning 3
A. Medium Voltage Switchgear Acceptance Testing 4
B. Low Voltage Switchgear Acceptance Testing 4
C. Bus Duct Acceptance Testing 4
D. Relay Settings and Initial Testing 5
4. Preventative Maintenance 5
A. Maintenance Programs 6
a. Short Term Maintenance Program 6
b. Long Term Maintenance Program 6
B. Personnel Safety 6
a. Remote Breaker Racking 6
b. On-Board Breaker Racking 6
c. Lock Out/Tag Out 7
d. Other services provided 7
5. Turn Key Projects 7
A. Customized Switchgear 7
6. Electrical Asset Preservation 8
A. Pre-Wired Doors 8
B. MV Replacement Circuit Breakers 8
C. Modification 9
D. Relay Upgrades 9
7. Condition Monitoring 10
A. BriteSpot™ Thermal Monitoring 10
8. High Resistance Grounding Unit (HRG) 10

Powered by Safety®
9. Engineering Services 11
A. Drawing Updates 11
10. Training 11
A. NFPA70E 11
B. Switchgear Maintenance and Operation 11
C. Breaker Maintenance and Operation 12
D. Medium Voltage MCC Maintenance and Operation 12
E. Training Courses Contents 12
11. Emergency Services 12
12. International Services 12
13. Test Equipment 13
14. Markets Served 13

Powered by Safety®


At Powell Safety is a Core Value. Powell believe that
Powell Service Division, an operating division of Powell all injuries are preventable. When safety is a corporate
Industries, Inc., is headquartered at 7232 Airport Blvd., value, companies strive for safety perfection. Powell
Houston, TX 77061. Powell was founded in 1947 by Bill strive for perfection and is committed to attaining zero
Powell and has grown from a small five man operation incidents and we work to manage business operations
to a large globally focused, publically-traded company to make it so: it’s the essence of a culture of sustainable
with manufacturing and sales offices in multiple safety excellence.
countries. Powell is traded on NASDAQ under the
symbol POWL. Powell’s history of forward-thinking sets It is the Policy of Powell to promote safe and healthy
the stage for our future. We continue to evolve into working conditions by acknowledging safety as the
a larger, more comprehensive version of the service- highest of priorities in all of our work activities and
oriented approach on which the company was founded. duties. Knowledge of the job, the hazards involved,
and the precautions to be taken to perform the work
As such, Powell is focused on providing excellent safely, are all critical factors in preventing accidents. It
field service capabilities, both domestically and is our continued goal and commitment to eliminate
internationally, with trained and experienced occupational injuries for all our employees, Contractors
factory certified technicians that deliver solutions and Customers. Our highest of goals with regards to
on both Powell and Non-Powell Equipment. From Safety is to provide continual improvement of our
NETA (International Electrical Testing Association) employee’s skills and Safety Awareness through training
Standardized Acceptance and Maintenance Testing, and communication of vital safety information.
to Equipment Specific, or Client-specified testing and
maintenance programs, service technicians from Powell It is the expectation of Powell that every employee
are capable and prepared. Scheduled Plant shutdowns, demonstrate the same commitment to Safety and
location specific or equipment specific maintenance Health that we as a Company set for ourselves. Every
scheduling, embedded maintenance technicians, turn- employee and contractor must recognize their
key operations, or emergency services, Powell is your obligation to conduct themselves in strict accordance
electrical systems maintenance and testing partner. with our Safety Policies. Every Employee and contractor
must commit to immediate reporting of unsafe acts or
conditions they may have knowledge of. As a dedicated
team working together, we can meet our goal and
commitment to bringing each of our employees and
contractors home safely.

Powell Has the Capability To Provide a Customized

Solution to Your Equipment Needs

Powered by Safety®

A. Safety Manual B. Training

Providing employees with a consistent set of guidelines Training and education are among the most important
is crucial to the success of any business consisting of functions in our organization. Powell strives to maintain
work with an increased risk exposure. Our company superior performance through a continuous training
is constantly performing gap analyses of our policies improvement model and continues to provide up
and procedures in reference to work scope of our to date and effective training and evaluation for its
business model. Top management plays an active role employees.
in the development and revision of our policies and
procedures. Powell has developed a training program with the
following objectives in place:
Powell has developed a Safety Manual with the • Training program is presented in a consistent
following goals: manner and contains specific criteria related to the
• To provide an overall guidance and direction for the work performed.
safety of our employees. • Training objectives are measurable and observable
• Sets principles and guidelines for making safety that state the desired knowledge, skill or ability to
decisions. be gained by the participant.
• Provides a commitment to meaningful employee • Safety Instructors have documented and verifiable
involvement in all aspects of the Safety knowledge, skills, and abilities in the subjects
Management Process. they teach with a demonstrated competence in
• States top management’s commitment to Safety as a instructional techniques.
corporate value. • Instructors are required to maintain professional
• Reinforces top management’s commitment competency by participating in continuing
to continuous improvement as a method for education and professional development programs
strengthening safety efforts. related to their subject matter and instructional
• Provides for periodic review to ensure it continues to skills.
meet our companies safety needs. • Written documentation of the evaluation methods
• Has the signature of the most senior manager to conducted following each training session are used
demonstrate top management’s commitment to to verify that training has achieved the desired
safety. learning objectives.
• Feedback from employees through various methods • Assistance is given to participants of the training
such as Safety meetings. who do not achieve the learning objectives to
ensure they understand the information presented.
• Training records are maintained in accordance
with an established record keeping system and
are available upon request for review by Powell
• Training is updated as necessary to ensure
competencies and safe work practices are
maintained as required by regulatory and craft
specific requirements to maintain employee safety
and health.

Powered by Safety®


Our company encourages and is in constant pursuit of The foundation for any successfully implemented
acquiring and maintaining an exceptional safety record. electrical system begins with a professionally planned
Our philosophy is that all accidents are preventable and and executed start up and commissioning program.
our goal of zero accidents and injuries in the workplace These programs are developed to insure that the
is our number one priority. equipment, ordered by the client, meets the design
criteria, installation requirements and codes, operates
D. Safety Equipment correctly and functions as an integrated system.
Powell brings to our clients many years of successfully
Powell is constantly researching and performing implemented start up and commissioning projects.
work scope risk assessments to ensure our employees Initially, Powell focused on Powell equipment, however,
are provided with the proper safety equipment. Powell is now regularly asked to perform these critical
Through field safety Inspections and Quarterly Audits services on both Powell and non-Powell related
performed by employees and management, along equipment. Powell Field Service Technicians possess in
with employee feedback through safety meetings, our depth hands-on experience related to a wide array of
company maintains a vigilant outlook on satisfying and electrical equipment, and have proven this depth on
exceeding the industry standard requirements for safety a wide variety of installations in a number of different
equipment. markets and industries.

E. Safety Compliance Oftentimes the client will choose to contract with an

independent Commissioning Agent (Cx) to manage
Safety compliance is one of our top priorities at and supervise the start up and commissioning process.
Powell Services Division. We maintain a current Powell works with the Cx on scheduling, development
satisfactory status with many different third party Safety of the process, executing and providing written reports
Consortiums (i.e. ISNET World, PICS, and PEC). to the Cx for review and verification.

Powell’s management team performs gap assessments From Oil Refineries, to Wind Farms, to Substations, to
between our active safety policies and procedures and Data Centers and all points in-between, Powell helps
governing regulatory requirements as updates are the client realize cost savings by decreasing rework,
released and our work scope progresses. minimizing change orders and reducing operating
costs through efficient and thorough Start up and
commissioning projects.

The Foundation for Any Successful Implemented Electrical System

Begins with a Professionally Planned and Executed Start Up and
Commissioning Program

Powered by Safety®

A. Medium Voltage Switchgear Acceptance B. Low Voltage Switchgear Acceptance Testing

Like medium voltage switchgear, low voltage switchgear
Acceptance testing of new medium voltage switchgear is critical to providing the client with the functionality
is critical in proving the capacity and functionality of and delivery of electrical power where the loads are
the new system. As the largest U.S. manufacture of demanded. Powell is experienced with low voltage
MV switchgear, Powell has been on the forefront of switchgear from wide array of manufacturers including
leading robust and efficient development and design. In Powell, Square D, Eaton, GE, Siemens and ABB.
conjunction with this effort, Powell has been leading the
charge with defined procedures for testing the new gear C. Bus Duct Acceptance Testing
in its intended use environment. Whether client specific
or NETA standards, Powell will meet your acceptance Medium Voltage, Low Voltage, Segregated, Non-
testing requirements. Segregated, Iso-phase; these bus systems provide
critical path and connection points for electrical
Medium Voltage Motor Control Centers (MVMCC) are systems and as such need to be a part of the acceptance
also a integrated part of the medium voltage switchgear testing schedule. Powell’s Delta/Unibus division is
acceptance testing offering. Powell includes these the major designer, manufacturer and supplier of
important devices in the acceptance testing schedule. a comprehensive line of isolated phase bus, non-
segregated and segregated phase bus duct, cable bus
and bus accessories in the United States. Our technicians
have a great deal of experience with many different
installations and are very capable of satisfying the
clients’ acceptance testing requirements.

PowlVac-AR® Switchgear, Fully Commissioned and Tested

Non-Segregated Phase Bus Duct

Arc-Resistant Medium Voltage Control Center Isolated Phase Bus System

Powered by Safety®

D. Relay Settings and Initial Testing 4. PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE

Powell Engineering Staff includes Electrical Engineers, Electrical Systems require maintenance. The frequency
Mechanical Engineers and Professional Engineers (P.E.) of maintenance will be determined by a variety of
who are often involved in developing transfer schemes, factors including variables that are unique to each
relay settings, coordination studies and hazard analysis location. Some locations may possess environmental
for new equipment or system installations. The relay factors that will cause the system to require more
settings are downloaded into the protective relays frequent maintenance cycles. For example, a location
during the acceptance testing phase of the project. such as a steel mill or a coal-fired power plant, where the
Powell technicians are trained and experienced in processes being implemented create dust or other by-
setting and testing a multitude of different relays. products, which adversely affect the reliable operation
of the electrical equipment. These locations may require
increased frequencies of preventative maintenance to
ensure reliable operation of their electrical assets.

Other locations may be very clean environmentally but

due to the critical nature of the operation(s) i.e. Data
Centers, Hospitals, require increased frequencies of
preventative maintenance to ensure reliable operation
of their electrical assets.

Additional factors that will need to be considered are

the age and condition of the electrical equipment,
changes in the design or operation of the electrical
system, or perhaps the management strategy related
Relay Testing to the cost of operational inefficiencies or un-planned
system outages.

In many locations, the cost of regular, on-going and

planned electrical system maintenance is far less than
the economic cost of just one system failure caused
by non-maintained equipment. According to IEEE-
493 you are much more likely to experience a failure
if your maintenance program is poor. One thing that
is certain is Powell’s ability to provide our clients with
well constructed, economical, electrical equipment
maintenance programs. These programs are designed
independently or collaboratively as directed by you, the

Powered by Safety®

A. Maintenance Programs This safety culture is also prominent in the products

that we make. Powell was the first to introduce Arc-
Powell can conduct a reliability based evaluation of your Resistant switchgear into the U.S. market, thus securing
electrical equipment assets taking into consideration our position as a leader is protecting individuals that
the equipment condition, the history of maintenance, work around electrical systems. In addition, Powell has
trending data, if available, and the critical nature of developed other products and systems like Remote
the application. Once this information is assessed, a Breaker Racking products, and Lock Out/Tag Out
dependable and logical preventative maintenance procedures that are designed to provide safe equipment
program can be configured. This plan will be presented operations to our clients and the individuals working
and evaluated by both the client and Powell in order to around those systems.
ensure the plan meets all of the clients needs.

a. Short Term Maintenance Program

Powell will provide experienced and knowledgeable

factory certified technicians that will meet the client’s
pre-planned maintenance schedule and shut-down
assistance. From providing project management,
planning, replacement part acquisition, and scheduling
to simply assisting with short term labor requirements
Powell is prepared to meet its client’s maintenance Powell Has a Wide Variety of Remote Racking Options Available

b. Long Term Maintenance Program a. Remote Breaker Racking

Powell will plan, manage, schedule, and provide Powell’s family of remote racking devices allows the
the necessary trained labor to develop a 3-5 year plant maintenance personnel to be up to twenty-five
maintenance plan. Whether conducting regularly feet away from the potential arc-hazard during the
scheduled plant maintenance activities to providing movement of the breaker in its cubical. The unit travels
full-time embedded maintenance personnel, Powell is with the circuit breaker and is easily moved to each
prepared to meet its client’s long-term maintenance different unit in the switchgear lineup. Powell has many
requirements. different designs for many different circuit breakers.

B. Personnel Safety b. On-Board Breaker Racking

Powell Industries, Inc. has a corporate initiative, PowlVac switchgear is available with an integral
“Powered by Safety”. It is our goal to provide a safe electric racking feature labeled “On-Board Racking”.
working environment for all of our employees, visitors This feature allows for the operator to select a circuit
and contractors. Providing safe working conditions for breaker to rack in or out from the connected position
our employees is one of the fundamental principles that to the disconnected position without the attachment
guide our business. of a portable device. An integrally mounted racking
motor is wired through the control circuit which allows
a simple command to engage the racking process. This
process can be controlled from any remote location by
almost any method, from a simple touch screen to a fully
integrated command and control network.

Powered by Safety®

Upgrades can also be installed on older PowlVac 5. TURN KEY PROJECTS

equipment. Powell technicians can examine your
circuit breakers and power system. After inspection, Each new project presents unique challenges including
the technicians will also complete any recommended design constraints, scheduling, materials acquisition
maintenance work. When completed by a qualified and control, inspections, testing, quality, shipping and
Powell technician this maintenance work will also transportation to name a few. Powell is often contracted
provide a one year warranty as if the breaker were brand to perform “turn-key solutions” whereby the client has
new. asked us to design, install, commission and provide a
fully operational asset or set of assets upon completion.
Powell will work with you to determine the design, the
schedule, materials, and assembly and manage any sub-
contractors as needed to deliver your turn-key solution.

On-Board Racking™ System

c. Lock Out/Tag Out

Turn-Key Project Requiring Project Management and
OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1910.147/1926.417 & NFPA 70E
Multiple Sub-contractors
for Lock Out/Tag Out (LOTO) procedures lays down
essential performance requirements pertaining to
hazardous energy and the service and maintenance of A. Customized Switchgear
hazardous equipment. Its purpose is to protect against
the consequences of unexpected “energization” or Some turn-key projects involve being very creative
start-up of mechanical systems, or the release of stored to provide the client’s solution. For example, this
energy--as in the case of an explosion or gas leak. project involved coupling new PowlVac-AR®switchgear
with an existing switchgear lineup from a different
Powell HSE & Engineering departments reviews manufacturer. Powell had to contend with space
existing LOTO programs and documentation as well as constraints, access limitations, scheduling and
developing customized bound LOTO procedures that installation restrictions, while still providing a fully
are specific to your location. Customized programs operational asset upon completion. In this case Powell
consist of data gathering, review of one-line diagrams, was able to deliver new Arc-Resistance gear with
evaluation and agreement between Powell and the modern circuit protection, “married” to the existing gear.
client, and a written step by step program including Subsequent projects would include updating the one-
digital pictures for processing and implementing the line diagrams, and providing arc flash hazard analysis.
LOTO procedures. These custom programs can be
easily modified and updated to reflect changes in the
electrical distribution system as they occur.

d. Other services provided

• Grounding System Testing

• Battery Testing
• Thermography
• Cable Testing
PowlVac-AR® Metal-Clad Switchgear Added to Existing Medium
• Medium Voltage Cable Termination & Splicing
Voltage Switchgear

Powered by Safety®

6. ELECTRICAL ASSET PRESERVATION B. MV Replacement Circuit Breakers

Competitive economic environments require operating Powell is a leading supplier of after-market low and
personnel to ensure the assets being used are medium voltage direct roll-in replacement breakers.
maintained and operational at their highest levels. These breakers are interchangeable and leave the
Sometimes the equipment is being used well beyond its factory ready to be inserted into existing switchgear,
normal life expectancy. When a client has implemented thus providing the client reduced downtime and a cost
and executed a well defined maintenance program, efficient option when compared to new equipment.
the asset manager may well be able to extend the Powell incorporates proven technology such as vacuum
operational life of certain electrical devices. When interrupters into its medium voltage designs, such
all factors are considered (cost, life cycle, number of as vacuum interrupters and heavy duty mechanical
operations, maintenance trends, etc) the best solution components. These breakers are designed and tested to
may be to defer capital expenditures and invest in other IEEE/ANSI standards and improve system reliability and
options that will provide an extended capability for provide technology upgrades.
the electrical asset. Powell has developed a number of
reliable options providing the client with dependable Powell’s medium voltage replacement breakers can
and affordable asset preservation options. Included provide greater interrupting capabilities and preserve
among these are: Pre-wired replacement doors, the original breaker dimensions. Average maintenance
with Replacement breakers, Retro-fill breakers, Relay time is reduced because there are no fragile arc chute
upgrades and High Resistant Ground Units (HRG). assemblies to manage and inspection time is greatly
reduced with the new mechanism.
A. Pre-Wired Doors
Operator safety is improved as the new vacuum
Powell technicians will obtain measurements on existing interrupters eliminate old arc chutes which contain
cubicle doors. These measurements are provided to our asbestos, and the clearing time is shorter. Powell
Engineering department along with existing control offers a wide array of pre-engineered, quick turn-
and protection schemes. The Engineering department around breakers for most major manufacturers.
designs complete door replacement solutions that Fewer inventories of old replacement parts, reduced
include upgraded protective relay and plug & play maintenance costs, increased operator safety, increased
control schemes. Manufacturing then produces the fault capability, improved system reliability, and more
doors after which the assemblers mount all of the new reliable technology, make Powell medium voltage
equipment and wiring connections. The final product is replacement breakers a solid choice when upgrading
a door that easily mounts onto your existing equipment and preserving existing electrical assets.
with wiring connection points readily identified and
accessible. Powell technicians would finalize the process
by removing the old doors and re-installing the new.

PowlVac® AM Type Medium Voltage

Pre-wired Doors with Upgraded Control and Protection Components Replacement Breaker

Powered by Safety®

C. Modification D. Relay Upgrades

Powell retro-fill option provides many of the benefits Microprocessor-based distribution relays provide
of a direct roll-in medium voltage replacement breaker. significant features that improve distribution protection
Reduced maintenance costs, increased operator safety, and provide a higher level of event analysis and testing.
improved system reliability, newer vacuum interrupter Many of these improvements are designed to handle
technologies in a cost effect solution. system disturbances, relay failures, changing system
conditions and changes in protection configuration.
Powell engineering and field technicians will work Upgrading older electro-mechanical relays provides
with the end-user to obtain accurate dimensions and multiple advantages. Powell factory certified
operational notes required to retro-fill the existing technicians, working jointly with Powell engineering,
breaker cubicle. After the breaker is manufactured and deliver a turn-key approach to replacing the older relays
tested to ANSI C37 standards, Powell field technicians in order to take advantage of these advantages.
will make the necessary modifications to the existing
breaker cubicle and insert the new breaker. One such advantage is Arc-flash mitigation delivered in
the form of a microprocessor-based relay, reducing arc-
These breakers can be incorporated into almost any flash incident energy with fast detection and tripping,
existing switchgear when a suitable replacement utilized light sensing technology, fiber optics.
breaker is not available. Powell retro-fill breakers are
production tested and will provide many years of Another advantage is the ability provided by
extended life to the electrical asset being modified. microprocessor-based relays to capture event histories
Modern technology, closed door draw out racking, MOC and precise fault current magnitude within the
and TOC contact integral to the cell, front accessible protective relay. Powell is experienced in configuring,
mechanism, and years of reliable operation, make testing, and installing relays from various manufacturers
Powell’s retro-fill breakers a solid economic value. allowing the client to take advantage of the latest

Before and After Installation of a New PowlVac-ND® Retro-fill of

Cell and Installation Replacement Breaker

Powell Installations of Feeder Protection Relay Incorporating

Fiber Optic Sensing Technology

Powered by Safety®


According to the U.S. Department of Energy, in its
2006 International Energy Report, total worldwide As part of the asset preservation concept, Powell’s High
energy consumption from 1980 to 2006 increased 66%. Resistance Ground-Gard, is a complete assembly for
According to the North American Electrical Reliability high resistance neutral grounding which features an
Corp. (NERC), peak demand from 2007 to 2017 will alarm system and utilizes a pulsing current to locate the
increase from 783GW to 935GW, a 19% increase in first ground fault.
North America alone. With ever increasing energy
demands more diligent requirements for maintaining Facilities with ungrounded electric power systems can
and monitoring electrical equipment are required. experience equipment damage, caused by excessive
Powell provides installation of its BriteSpot™ Thermal voltage transients and elevated maintenance costs
Monitoring, Partial Discharge Testing, and Annual associated with these ground faults. Powell HRG are
Thermographic scanning as three methods for providing designed to alleviate this system characteristic.
condition assessment on electrical equipment resources.
HRG are packaged in many kinds of enclosures. A
A. BriteSpot™ Thermal Monitoring typical free-standing enclosure is shown on next page.
An alternate design for low voltage equipment consists
BriteSpot provides immediate, accurate, and continuous of a wall-mounted control enclosure and a separate
24/7 fiber-optic temperature measurement. Because resistor enclosure which can be mounted on top of the
electrical currents generate heat, temperature control cabinet or in a separate location. Ground-Gard®
monitoring has become an efficient way to predict equipment can be furnished as part of a substation or
potential equipment failure. BriteSpot provides the other larger switchgear equipment and incorporated
best solution for accurate and consistent recording into the manufactured design.
of electrical temperatures at areas of concern. The
basic principal behind the operation of BriteSpot is
light transmitted and received over polymer fibers
modified by temperatures. The properties of the light
are modified by the sensor as the temperature changes,
allowing for accurate determination of temperature.
By using light, the fibers do not require any electrically
conductive elements, allowing them to be used safely
in medium to low voltage energized equipment. The
fiber can be routed around live components without
degrading the dielectric integrity of the equipment.
Real time data and the ability to monitor locations High Resistance Grounding Unit
inaccessible to traditional thermographic scanning,
provide significant advantages. Powell HRG Advantages:
• No tripping of feeder breakers on occurrence of first
ground fault
• Minimum flash hazard to personnel during ground
• Minimum arcing fault damage to equipment during
ground fault regardless of fault location
• Practical suppression of transient over-voltage due
to arcing ground fault
BriteSpot™ Sensor Mounted, Wired, and Providing
• Practical reduction of equipment damage due to
Continuous Thermal Monitoring high impedance faults

Powered by Safety®


Powell’s engineering staff include Electrical Engineers, Powell training classes offer the student a
Mechanical Engineers and Professional Engineers comprehensive approach to understanding the subject
(P.E.) that offer the engineering services required to matter that is being offered, by providing instructors
periodically evaluate, review and design changes to that are “field” experienced, and have the talent of
electrical distribution systems. Powell’s engineering communicating this experience in the class-room
staff uses state-of-the art hardware and software to environment. The instructors are skilled in developing
analyze the need of power systems and provide critical group discussions that foster interactions within the
information used to make informed decisions. classroom, leading to a broader understanding of the
material being covered.
A. Drawing Updates
The single-line diagram is the most important drawing
a plant can have for understanding its electrical Company specific written electrical safety program
system. A one-line diagram is a drawing in which a considerations begin the discussions. NFPA70E safety
single line represents three phases of a 3-phase power training is emphasized. NFPA70E example forms for
system. If properly drawn, it shows a correct power Job Briefing, Energized Electrical Work Permit, Logout/
distribution path from the incoming power source to Tagout Procedures, etc. are reviewed. Instructional
each downstream load — including the ratings and safety videos illustrate NFPA70E examples of workplace
sizes of each piece of electrical equipment, their circuit violations. Confirming an electrically safe work condition
conductors, and their protective devices. for switchgear and MCC’s are discussed; Lockout/Tagout
procedures are emphasized. Matrices for Hazard/risks
Oftentimes one-line diagrams are neglected and not category classifications, protective clothing and PPE
update when changes to the electrical system occur. and their characteristics are reviewed. An example of
Powell technicians and engineering work closely with an Arc Flash Label is used to discuss PPE requirements,
plant personnel to update and provide current revisions flash hazard, limited approach, restricted approach,
of the modified one line diagrams. It’s important to and prohibited approach boundaries. NFPA70E general
keep your one-line diagram and associated electrical requirements for electrical installations are mentioned
documentation accurate. and a copy of NFPA70E, “Standards for Electrical Safety in
the Workplace” is included for discussion and reference.
A one-line diagram of a plant’s electrical distribution
system should include: B. Switchgear Maintenance and Operation

• Transformer ratings, voltage ratio, impedance, and ANSI medium voltage switchgear circuit breaker
winding connections ratings are reviewed and explained, including one-line
• Feeder cable phase, neutral, and ground sizes; diagrams, three-line diagrams, and control drawings.
length of cable, conductor material, and conduit size Medium voltage circuit breaker design and construction
and type are presented as well as control schemes including close,
• Switchgear, switchboards, panel boards, MCCs, trip, lockout and anti-pump logic. NFPA70E Logout/
fuses, circuit breakers, automatic transfer switches, Tagout and safety practices are reviewed, as well as
and continuous current ratings general testing and maintenance practices. “Hands-on”
• Protective relays with appropriate device numbers, sessions reinforce classroom discussions. Instruction
and CTs with associated ratios manual(s) and project specific equipment drawing may
• Detailed legend indicating device types, also be included.
identification, and other significant details

Powered by Safety®

C. Breaker Maintenance and Operation • MCC102 LV Motor Control Center Basics for
Operators and Electricians
Medium voltage breaker design and construction • MCC202 MV Motor Control Center Basics for
is reviewed and explained. Emphasis on trouble- Operators and Electricians
shooting circuit breaker components, operation, and • HRG102 Resistance Grounding Fundamentals
internal control schemes, including close coil, trip coil, • RELAY101 Protection Relay Basics
optional secondary trip coil, optional under voltage
trip device and anti-pump logic. NFPA70E LogOut/
TagOut practices are reviewed and discussed. General
testing and maintenance procedures including “hand-
on” sessions are included. Class documents include
manufacturer instruction manual(s) and project specific
drawings if applicable.

D. Medium Voltage MCC Maintenance and

Training Class
Equipment construction, arrangement, ratings, modular
component options and capabilities are reviewed.
Typical arrangements and grounding methods
are discussed, including circuit breaker and fuse 11. EMERGENCY SERVICES
considerations, component and system integration.
Typical induction motor schematic diagrams are Powell answers the phone 24 hours a day 365 days a
discussed; control methods include FVNR with start-stop year. If an emergency failure occurs in the field, Powell
and H-O-A control, under voltage dropout with delay, will answer your call and respond. From providing
reduced voltage starting methods, and reacceleration parts to full emergency project management and
group motor restarting after voltage depression. Testing resolution, Powell responds with field experienced
and maintenance methods are presented. Safety is technicians, engineering services and quick turn-around
emphasized throughout the class. Equipment exhibits manufacturing. Our goal is to have the client back up
reinforce discussion topics, with “hand- on” sessions and operational in a safe and expedient manner.
performing basic mechanical handling, contractor
“racking-in and racking-out”, functional and electrical 12. INTERNATIONAL SERVICES
tests are reviewed.
Originally started as a custom fabrication shop in
E. Training Courses Contents Houston, Texas, Powell now provides equipment and
services around the globe. From Ecuador to Kuwait, from
• EL101 Electrical Equipment Basics Singapore to Nigeria and all points in between, Powell
• SAFE102 Electrical Safety and Arc Flash Awareness has dedicated international factory certified technicians
• PV102 Low Voltage Switchgear Basics for Operators that are Powell employees, and are experienced with
and Electricians the nuances and challenges involved with international
• PV202 5-15kV PowlVac Switchgear for Operators and travel and work. Our dedicated international field
Electricians service team completes projects that are durations
• PV302 27-38kV PowlVac Switchgear for Operators from one-two months and one-two years and beyond.
and Electricians Consisting of P.E.’s and very experienced technicians the
• PVCB102 PowlVac Circuit Breaker Testing international field service team can deliver.
Maintenance and Troubleshooting

Powered by Safety®


Powell owns and maintains the best known, most
reliable, test equipment available in the market today.
Each piece of test equipment is tested and re-calibrated
annually with each certificate maintained by our
operations manager. Powell also provides each factory
certified technicians with their own PPE, personal
protective equipment, including grounding equipment,
insulated hot sticks and insulated tools required for
safe work. Field technicians are required to inspect their
equipment as part of our safety program and turn in any
defective items for repair or replacement.


Powell has a broad range of experience on many
different types and manufacturers of electrical
distribution equipment. Powell serves key clients around
the world in these markets:

• Oil and Gas Refining

• Offshore Oil and Gas Production
• Petrochemical
• Pipelines
• Terminals
• Pulp and Paper
• Mining and Metals
• Light Rail Traction Power
• Electric Utilities

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