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Army Aviation Digest - May 1957

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MAY 1917

Volume 3 May, 1957 Number 5
XH-40 Test Program. 5
Mr -!. Hans Weichsel, Jr.
The Way It Used To Be . 11
Brigadier General CarlL Hutton, USA
Army Aviation Field Maintenance at Fort Eustis 15
Major General Rush B. Lincoln, Jr,. USA
A Method for Analysis of Pilot Error Aircraft Accidents 19
Dr. Arthur C. Poe, Jr.
Let's Modernize Artillery Aerial Observation 26
Colonel Charles W. Matheny, Jr., Arty
Straight and Level
Notes from the Pentagon
Major General Hamilton H. Howze, USA
Memo from Flight Surgeon
The Gray Hair Department
The XH-40 helicopter crUlsmg along on this
month's cover is one of three experimental flight
models of this aircraft which Bell Helicopter
Corp., of Fort Worth, Texas, has completed to
date. It is anticipated that this six-place, c1osed-
cabin model will be delivered to army units some-
time in 1959. Its uses include inside litter evacua-
tion, cargo or troop transportation, command ob-
servation and many other missions.
APO 343, San Francisco, California
5 APR 1957
Dear General Hutton:
Inclosed for your information is a
copy of a letter from Major General
R. L. Waldron, Commander, 315th
Air Division, United States Air Force,
as indorsed by General Laurence S.
Kuter, Commander, Far East Air
Forces ....
We in this command feel justly
proud of the conduct of our officers
and men in meeting a hazardous and
tragic emergency with valor and ex-
General, United States Army
APO 323, San Francisco, California
7 MAR 1957
SUBJECT: Exceptional Service
THRU: Commander
Far East Air Forces
APO 925
TO: Commanding General
United States Army Forces,
Far East and 8th United
States Army (Forward)
APO 301
1. On 22 February 1957 a C-124 air-
craft of this command was forced to
land in the Han river near Seoul,
Korea. There were 10 crew members
and 149 passengers aboard ... there
were 137 survivors.
2. Certain members of your com-
mand gave exceptional service in the
rescue of survivors. I refer to the
pilots and other crew members of
Army helicopters who evacuated the
survivors to nearby hospitals .... a
few minutes after the aircraft acci-
dent occurred 26 Army H-13 and H-19
helicopters arrived at the scene of the
accident. These helicopters, with the
assistance of one Air Force helicopter,
evacuated all survivors.
3. This evacuation was accomplish-
ed during the hours 9f darkness. The
helicopters involved flew a total of
81% hours. . . . Since there were 27
helicopters participating in the res-
cue operation, the resultant air traffic
saturation created an extremely
hazardous condition. The selfless and
heroic actions of your helicopter pilots
and other crew members in evacuating
the survivors to nearby hospitals un-
questionably prevented the death toll
from being higher. If evacuation from
the sand bar had not been affected, the
rising tide and freezing water might
have resulted in there being no sur-
vivors. I recommend that these men
be given special recognition and high
4. According to available informa-
tion, the Army helicopters and crews
involved were assigned to the follow-
ing units:
Korea Military Advisory Group
K-16 Helicopter Ambulance
8th United States Army Aviation
(Please turn to page 40)
Maior General Hamilton H. Howze, USA
Director of Army Aviation
There are rumors that our pilots are not the self-
reliant hardy souls that they were "back when". In
1945 a pilot, by virtue of his training, could glue a
broken L-4 spar, sew on a wing covering with proper
stitch, dope the job according to T.O., and then be
brave enough to fly it. But we have very little sewing
and gluing to do these days, and if the newly grad-
uated aviator does not know what a sailmaker's needle
is, it probably does not detract seriously from his pro-
fessional value.
Expanding use of aviation has imposed requirements
for new training which more than replaces the time
formerly devoted to learning how to glue and to sew.
Helicopter, instrument, and multi-engine qualifications
impose a very appreciable load on schools. The mani-
fold growth of air traffic and controlled air space re-
quires today's pilot to be familiar with many rules and
procedures which were of no concern in 1945. Today's
replacement for the 65 HP Continental engine is an ef-
ficient beast, but it demands more skill to keep it in
business than did its predecessor.
The result is that a competent aviator today must
have many more talents than he had in 1945, and the
new graduate of the school, though his training has
been excellent, is a very basic Army aviator. Pinning
on his wings has not made him a professional crop
duster, airline captain or helicopter master. His train-
ing must proceed with planned progression throughout
his flying career. He is probably at the peak of his
skill in so far as manipUlation of the controls is con-
cerned, SO it seems advisable to take this excellent raw
material and continue individual training to equip the
man to contend with situations which, according to our
accident experience, he will encounter. To be specific-
a. Most tactical flying is low level flying-and inad-
vertent stalls at low level can be tricky. Continue train-
ing in "low work".
b. Ground loops are not lethal, but they indicate a
lack of finesse in the type of flying the Army brags
c. Inadvertent flight into instrument weather is in-
evitable, and even if not instrument qualified, each avia-
tor must be able to maintain control of attitude solely
by reference to instruments. Navigation can come
later. It is better to be lost straight and level than to
be a spiral over the homer.
There has been no change in the requirement for a
tactical ability to operate from a cow pasture airfield.
Can we land and take off from fields like those used in
Italy? Can we scrunch in with a crosswind and stop
in: three lengths without clobbering? Or, have we be-
come an "airport" outfit? To do aviation's job, we must
continually keep the tactical requirement in mind-
plus a growing requirement for weather operation
from these same airstrips.
; A very real responsibility is placed upon the unit
aviation officer to train the new aviator so that he
operates effectively in the unit. The established proce-
dure applies: Train the man-fit him into the unit-
train the unit. Then continue training both the man
and unit.
The fledgling aviator has much to learn. He must
learn it in his unit. The unit aviation officer must be
a .professor of aviation techniques and tactics.
many of these ha ve been in-
corporated into the design.
Following is the story of how
Bell and the Army are attempt-
ing to accomplish a thorough in-
vestigation of the helicopter's
components before quantity pro-
duction is begun. It is reported
that this test program is one of
the most extensive programs
ever mapped out for a helicopter
prior to production.
Set up to assure the Army an
optimum helicopter at the ear-
liest possible date, the test pro-
gram is being conducted by Bell
under auspices of the Technical
Laboratories of Air Research
and Development Command and
the Project Office of Wright Air
Development Center, which in
turn coordinates with theArmy's
Project Liaison staff.
At present, initial component
and helicopter tie-down tests
ha ve been ' completed. Explora-
tory shakedown flights h a v e
been conducted and the Phase
II flight test program is sched-
uled to begin soon.
The XH-40 contract calls for
three experimental prototype
machines. Two of these helicop-
ters, ships No.1 and No.2, are
undergoing initial exploratory
flights of Phase 1. The initial ex-
ploratory Phase I flight p r ~
gram consists of several hours
of ground running during which
time the rotor is tracked and
balanced and checked with boost
on and off, and additional op-
Top: Test bench where transmission and
drive systems are subjected to overspeed
runs to determine life expectancy. Middle:
Main rotor whirl tests simulate most flight
conditions. Bottom: XH-40 is checked after
completing initial 50-hour ground tied own run.
Photographs cou1tesy
Bell Helicopter Corp.
erational functional checks are
conducted. The special test in-
strumentation is checked out and
the helicopter is given a thor-
ough shake-down inspection.
This ground run is subsequent
to the initial 50-hour ground tie-
down test. The ground runs are
followed by hovering and low
speed flight investigations dur-
ing which time the helicopter is
flown with a neutral cg location
and flight handling characteris-
tics are checked. Cooling checks
are made as well as cabin car-
bon monoxide checks. Company
test pilots make a qualitative
evaluation of the machine with
particular emphasis on vibra-
tion and flight qualities.
After the hovering and low
speed flight tests, the helicopter
is taken through transition and
level flight testing commences.
Again the tests are conducted at
a neutral cg, low gross weight
and a systematic speed build-up
schedule is followed. Prelim-
inary controllability checks, in-
cluding stick plots, are made,
plus preliminary performance
checks. Particular emphasis is
placed on cooling, carbon mon-
oxide, and engine operational
When the low altitude investi-
gation is completed, the climb
and descent regime is investi-
gated. Full power climbs and
autorotation characteristics over
a wide range of conditions are
explored; however. full autoro-
tations to touch-down are not
normally conducted at this early
Top: Cabin view shows XH-40 photo panel,
oscillographs, other test equipment in space
normally occupied by passengers. Middle:
Aerial shot of Bell's elaborate transmission
test facility. Bottom: Tail rotor whirl tests r ~
run in excess of design thrust.
XH-40 landing gear was subiected to severe iolts and heavy loads.
stage of the program.
Once the hovering, low speed,
transition, and level flight in-
vestigations have been conducted
at a neutral cg, an increment
build-up is commenced to de-
termine the fore and aft cg
limitations by repeating the
aforementioned exploratory tests
in a systematic manner.
Following the initial explora-
tory flight program, an investi-
gation is then initiated to adjust
the helicopter for optimum con-
ditions. During this period many
mitior changes are evaluated to
obtain the optimum flight char-
acteristics and minimum vibra-
tion. For instance, the exact lo-
cation, size, and control ratio of
the synchronizer elevator are de-
termined. Selection of the op-
timum stiffness for the vibra-
tion isolators is also made.
The exploratory flight pro-
gram is followed by Structural
& Performance Phase I flight
tests conducted in accordance
with specifications agreed upon
between the contracting agency
and the contractor.
The Phase I Flight Test Pro-
gram is conducted by the con-
tractor's test pilots and is fol-
lowed closely by Phase II which
is conducted by Edwards Air
Force Base personnel. The re-
sults of the exploratory flight
tests program indicated that the
XH-40 far exceeds expectations.
Another example of the prog-
ress to date is the static test
article. The static test article is
a complete airframe minus the
engine and dynamic components,
i.e., transmissions, rotor, etc.
The static test article is sub-
jected to static design loads by
means of artificial loadings, i.e.,
sandbags, hydraulic jacks, etc.,
to prove the structural integrity
of the basic airframe.
The static test article was
scheduled for completion in
March, 1957, but was actually
completed in November, 1956,
four months ahead of schedule.
The static test article was flown
in a C-124 from Fort Worth,
Texas, to Wright Field, where
the actual tests were conducted.
Now let's take a look behind
the scenes to see what has been
done in respect to component
testing and tie-down testing
prior to the initial flight testing
of the helicopter. The purpose
of these extensive ground tests
is to insure a safe flight test
program and also to ascertain
as nearly as possible that the
new helicopter will fulfill its de-
sign promises; particularly, in
respect to component life and
Testing in fact, has been
made the all-important key to
development of the all-new, near-
revolutionary H-40 presently
scheduled to be the first turbine-
powered helicopter to enter mili-
tary service. Tests will prove
the Army is getting all it has
been promised in the H-40 at
the earliest }'X>ssible date. They
will provide a basis for compo-
nent life and prove the machine
can perform the missions it was
designed to fulfill.
Exhaustive ground and flight
tests supplement the component
tests to doubly assure that each
major dynamic component of
the new helicopter is perfected
before production is initiated.
This comprehensive experimen-
tal test program is being con-
ducted to assure the H-40's de-
pendability and minimize the
long, evolutionary product per-
fection process based on field
service experience.
Helicopter development tests
on the XH-40 include many of
the familiar airplane-type tests
such as landing gear drop tests,
fuselage static tests, and flight
tests, plus very extensive dy-
namic component tests such as
main rotor, and tail rotor whirl
tests, main and tail rotor trans-
mission deflection tests, trans-
mission bench tests (dynamom-
eter test stand), and extended
tie-down tests, of the complete
helicopter itself.
Coincident with all this is an
extensive fatigue testing pro-
gram where parts are vibrated,
subjected to stresses and strains
far in ex'cess of those encounter-
ed in flight, and generally "tor-
tured" until engineers have a
true picture of how the parts
will stand up in service under
various loading conditions.
After initial fatigue tests are
made on components at high
stresses, the actual anticipated
flight loads are measured and
additional fatigue tests are made
at loads comparable with those
of flight.
Already the experimental fa-
tigue test program for the XH-
40 is more than a half year old
and will run another year.
To insure the quality of its
XH-40, and all of its new heli-
copters, Bell Helicopter has built
up and operates an extensive
layout of test facilities and
equipment. Included are a fa-
tigue test building, a modern
transmission test building, two
laboratories, tie-down ramps,
main and tail rotor whirl facili-
ties, numerous s t t i c ~ test setups,
and flight test hanga'rs.
In the fatigue test building,
numerous weird-appearing ma-
chines determine the life of heli-
copter structures under vibra-
tory loadings. During fatigue
tests, parts such as rotor blades,
hubs, grips, and control system
components are subjected to os-
cillatory deflections as well as
steady static loads of millions of
cycles. The number of oscilla-
tions which can be tolerated at
various load levels determines
the life of a part under loads en-
countered in flight. Though time
consuming, this phase of helicop-
ter laboratory testing is one
which yields a great amount of
information to the helicopter de-
sign engineer.
The XH-40 transmission bench
test is scheduled to run for more
than two years, involving more
than 2,000 hours of operation.
Included will be runs at much
higher loading than anticipated
in flight as well as loads com-
parable with expected flight
loads. The XH-40 transmission
and tail rotor drive assembly
bench test is driven by a 2,000
HP P&W R-2800 engine through
a fluid coupling to simulate a
T-53 turbine power plant.
Because of the hi r-h vertical
rate of climb of tl-te XH-40 (i.e.
excess power availa')le over that
needed for hoveri'1g, coupled
with ground effect), the main
rotor of the H-.10 on tie-down
has been tested a.t a rotor thrust
force up to 8,600 oounds while
the helicopter's oesigned gross
is less than 5,500 ponnds. This
is equivalent to 1.6 Gs, a load
factor aviators don't normally
exceed in maneuvers. The ground
tie-down test includes one 50-
hour run and one 150-hour run,
in accord with stringent military
specifica tions.
In flight test, the XH-40 pro-
totypes will be filled with "elec-
trical stool pigeons" (gauges,
meters, oscillographs, m 0 vie
cameras, etc.) to give engineers
a true picture of what is hap-
pening. The data obtained are
correlated wit h engineering
analysis ground test data, and.
in turn, are fed into the fatigue
and bench test programs.
It is only fitting that the "test-
ing book" should be "thrown"
at the XH-40-a helicopter that
is expected to usher in a new
era in helicopter operating econ-
omy, serviceability, reliability,
and performance. This new util-
ity helicopter will ce the first to
offer 1,000-hour overhaul periods
and is designed for easy field
maintenance, line inspection, and
accessi bili ty.
Indicative of the advance-
ments made in the XH-40 is the
smoothness and rapidity with
which the 50-hour flight quali-
fication ground tie-down run was
completed. This test for new
helicopters is usually scheduled
to require several months
elapsed time, allowing for rede-
sign, replacement and rerun. But
on the XH-40 this gruelling 50-
hour test was completed in the
remarkably short period of only
two weeks without the necessity
of replacing a single prime com-
ponent and three weeks from
date of receipt of the first XT-53
turbine the first XH-40 was in
the air.
The XH-40 is being billed as
the helicopter that will give the
Army its first major break-
through in helicopter operation
and maintenance cost in recent
Brigadier General Carl I. Hutton, USA
Commanding General, The United States Army Aviation Center
T HE YEAR WAS 1947, and the
Army was taking F AF de-
liveries of L-17s. We were get-
ting a few at Fort Sill, and in
due course Luke* and I gathered
one of the plums and headed
west to pick up two L-17s at the
Ryan plant in Los Angeles. The
trip west was by C-54 freighter
-OKC - SAT - ELP - RIV. When
daylight came over Southern
California everything had been
normal, except to a light plane
addict those grinding long runs
down the runway were a trial
and the cargo looked very inse-
curely lashed down with 14 inch
rope. I mentioned these to Luke.
He said, "I thought I was the
only one worrying about those
Southern California was
pretty well socked in and ap-
parently getting worse. One or
two mountain tops were stick-
ing up through the clouds as
calm reminders that there really
are rocks. Sitting among the
cargo (huge crates of airplane
and engine parts), not hearing
the radio, and not knowing what
was in the pilots' minds, we rode
* Lt. Col. H. I. Lukens, who is pres-
ently assigned to the U. S. Army
Language School, Monterey, Calif.
down without choice partly via
holes and partly through the
clouds. It turned out that this
was not an approach, but that
the lumbering four-engine beast
was to be taken to March Field
Underneath there was not
much room, although to give our
pilots their due, they tried.
Three times we started down a
valley, the clouds immediately
overhead, the walls of the valley
disappearing above us, and the
ground not very far below. Here
was demonstrated perfectly why
the 180 degree turn is not the
panacea it is sometimes credited
to be.
On the third trip up the valley
the 180 was made in soup, and
whether the people in the driv-
ers' seats knew where the rocks
were is doubtful. The worst part
is not knowing what they are
thinking, but at last they quit
that foolishness, and we were
taken on top at about 12,000
We went to Long Beach and
made an approach. We broke
Views expressed in this article are the
author's and are not necessarily those
of the Department of the Army or
the U. S. Army Aviation School.-
The Editor.
out something under 500 feet,
with two steep turns to get lined
up. The landing was in heavy
rain. We left the pilot in opera-
tions having a long talk on the
Plan 62 with Flight Service.
Back at Fort Sill, I had been
given about one hour in the
Navion. It was on old man's
rocking chair. We got our air-
planes at the Ryan plant and
took them across the hills to Van
Nuys for a little shaking down
before heading east.
How much I knew about the
airplane came out brightly when
the red landing gear warning
lights came on after takeoff. It
seems that I had the impression
that the red lights were sup-
posed to come on when the gear
was either not locked up or not
locked down, and the green light
only wnen the gear was locked
This required some conversa-
tion with the tower, and I found
out that Luke, who was riding
over to Van N uys with me, did
not know any more about it
than I. His check-out had con-
sisted of the dual ride from Post
Field to Tinker on the way to
catch the C-54. We were rather
inadequately checked out for a
ferry flight from Los Angeles to
Fort Sill, but the airplane seem-
ed so simple that we spent only
an hour or so around Van N uys
in the traffic pattern.
Flight plan was flight of two
LAX to PHX contact direct.
Takeoff about 1000 hours in
beautiful weather. This was my
first time with mountains that
size, so I climbed out over Los
Angeles to 8,000 feet. Directly
over the city the engine was
rough as a cob. Carburetor heat
made it rougher, and finally I
realized that it required lean-
ing out. This I did, and the en-
gine began to purr.
Green 5. I was on course on
the east leg of LAX low freq.
It looked like a piece of cake.
Passing Riverside, I watched a
flight of four of those new-
fangled jet fighters in handsome
maneuvers. The air was smooth
and solid. I could not see Luke,
who had been cleared for takeoff
immediately after me. I checked
passage of the north leg of Ther-
Brigadier General Carl I. Hutton graduated from the U. S. Military
Academy in 1930 and was commissioned a second lieutenant in the Field Artil-
lery. After six years of troop duty with the Field Artillery, he was detailed to
the Quartermaster CorpS! for another six years.
During World War II, he served in North
Africa, England, France, Belgium, Holland and
Germany. In March 1944 he commanded the 14th
Armored Field Artillery Battalion which entered
combat a short time later. In August of 1944, he as-
sumed command of the 2d Armored Division A rtil-
lery, remaining in that post until September, 1946.
In October, 1946, he attended the Army Aviators'
course at San Marcos Air Force Base and Fort
Sill, graduating from the latter school in June, 1947.
A 1952 graduate of the National War College, he
attended helicopter school before assuming command
of the U. S. Army Aviation School in July 1954.
Since September, 1954, he has commanded the U. S.
Army Aviation Center and the U. S. Army Aviation
School at Fort Rucker, Ala.-The Editor.
mal range and turned toward
Suddenly, there was a bump
and the airplane began to yaw
to the right, the gear warning
lights went off, and the right
main gear green light came on
bright and clear. Now, what did
that mean? Presumably, it
meant that the right main gear
was locked down ready to land.
I turned on the hydraulic pump
and the green light went off and
the airplane stopped yawing.
Hydraulic pump on, the gear
came up. Hydraulic pump off,
the right main gear went down.
How much damage would it do
to leave the hydraulic pump on,
working all of the time against
the weight of the gear? I had
no idea, but I decided to let it
yaw, and to land at Blythe for
Blythe radio said that the old
Air Corps training field west of
town had no facilities but there
was a small commercial field just
east of town where I could prob-
ably find a mechanic. The field
was small, all right. One black-
top runway looking to be exact-
ly one-half of a section line long.
One-half mile. When the gear
went down the horn went off
and the green lights came on.
I put the flaps all of the way
down and bumped the runway a
pretty good lick. This should
have made an impression upon
me, but it did not at the time.
On final, I heard Luke calling
Phoenix radio, and I assumed
that everything was normal
with him.
There was a mechanic there,
and the trouble was easily found.
The stopnut on the bolt which
catches in the hook which holds
up the gear was not properly ad-
justed. A couple of turns moved
it out of the way. There was no
charge but the mechanic said he
would be repaid amply if he
could make a test hop with me.
Lined up for takeoff, the me-
chanic pointed at the propeller
control and asked how I checked
that. With embarrassment, I
checked propeller operation.
The gear worked fine. Coming
in on final, gear and flaps down,
fat, dumb, and happy, I kept an
eagle eye upon the power lines
which crossed right at the end
of the runway, and nothing else.
Suddenly and powerfully, the
airplane began to sink. The pas-
senger was eagerly waving at
the airspeed indicator which I
now saw said something under
sixty. I opened the throttle, and
came up over those power lines
and down onto the end of the
runway in a sensational short
field landing. Very exciting. I
had the impression that the
mechanic was glad to get out.
I got Flight Service on the
telephone and told them where
I was, and attempted to file con-
tact for PHX. This was turned
down because of thunderstorms
in the hill country in between,
and I was forced to eat a phil-
osophical lunch. N ext, I was
wanted on the telephone, and
the thought occurred to me that
Flight Service was really on the
ball to call me back like that.
But it was Luke on the other
end. He was at the old Air Corps
field west of town, and Blythe
Radio had told him where I was.
He brought his airplane over
and landed. His story was that
he had run into the thunder-
storms and had had to turn
back. He remarked that there
was a good deal of scrambling
around, recovering sectional
charts from the back seat where
he had nonchalantly tossed them
as he used them up. His idea
was that from now on he would
have somewhat more orderly
habits in flight.
The next morning Flight-Serv-
ice was hopping mad. It seems
they had lost me, and Air Search
and Rescue was on alert to find
one lone L-17 in that wild coun-
try. In positive terms they an-
nounced that a violation was
being lodged. After recalling
that I had talked to Flight Serv-
ice three times the afternoon
before, I could not regard a
violation too seriously. However,
I had only talked to the filing-
out desk, and not to the closing-
out desk. When filing fro m
Phoenix, this was talked over
with Flight Service. They cooled
down, and finally did not file the
violation, but I gathered that
the alert had been real from
remarks I heard at Phoenix.
We filed PHX-TVS-E.LP con-
tact and I followed the airways
for awhile uneventfully. There
is a lot of that kind of country
out there, but the low freq
ranges brought me along pre-
cisely on course and the landing
at EI Paso was hot but routine.
It was mid-afternoon by the
time we got off contact for Lub-
bock, somewhat more than half
way to Fort Sill. For this leg
there were no beams, no ADF,
no VOR. There was only the
manual lOOp which would not
help much until the last fifty
miles. I was lacking the sec-
tional chart showing the area
for the first 50 miles or so east
of EI Paso. This did not seem
important since I would soon
run onto the charts I did have.
But it was strange how nothing
on the ground appeared to match
anything on the map.
At one point, I decided to give
up and did a 180 to head back
for EI Paso. When I got headed
back in that direction, there
were the EI Paso mountains sev-
enty miles away, a visual homer
like Mount Scott or the Balloon
Hangar at Fort Sill. That re-
vived my courage, and I return-
ed to my course. It was simple
enough to pick out a river-and-
railroad feature ahead which I
could not miss even in this wild
and featureless terrain. I forced
myself to hold on course for
twenty minutes more, and sure-
ly enough I came to the river-
and-railroad not five miles off
Ferry flights in those days
could not be made at night, and
so we were nighted-in at Lub-
bock. The next morning, still
CA VU, it was a short jump.
Across the Red River, I started
homing on the Wichita Moun-
tains. Runway 18 was just like
home. Luke landed immediately
There it was, a flight made
with some overconfidence and a
touch of ignorance. When asked
about what kind of flight we
had had, we said, "Nothing to
Army Aviation
Field Maintenance
at Fort Eustis
Maior General Rush B. Lincoln, Jr., USA
CG, Transportation Training Command
tion Field Maintenance, both
the school for teaching techni-
ques and a model shop for put-
ting them into effect are found
at Fort Eustis, Va., home of the
Army Transportation Corps. The
Transportation School offers a
variety of specialized courses to
develop the skills of aircraft
field maintenance; the Trans-
portation Field Maintenance
Shop is a model of how these
skills can be utilized.
Cognizant of the TC responsi-
bility to keep Army aircraft
ready for duty with third and
fourth echelon maintenance, this
post has naturally taken a vital
interest and part in the Army
aviation program.
The Aviation Department of
the Transportation School pro-
vides resident instruction in 14
courses, including a course for
officers, covering all phases of
Army aviation field maintenance.
These courses do not overlap the
maintenance courses taught at
Fort Rucker, but rather pick up
the Transportation Corps field
maintenance responsibility
where organizational mainte-
nance must stop.
The actual operational side of
the TC's mission, however, is
not overlooked. An aviation field
maintenance shop is operated at
Fort Eustis' Felker Army Air-
field. This model setup has the
practical mission of keeping in
top shape more than a hundred
aircraft assigned to installations
in the Second U. S. Army area.
The school has adequate shop
facilities and classroom space
for teaching more than 1500
students annually. In fact, the
department offers more than 150
weeks of instruction covering all
phases of Army aviation field
maintenance, both fixed wing
and helicopter.
The Aviation Department is
one of the major instructional
divisions of the
School. The department is head-
ed by a senior Army aviator,
Lieutenant Colonel Edwin L.
Harloff, and has approximately
250 military and civilian in-
The school keeps right up with
the latest in the Army aviation
program. For instance, as the
H-37 helicopter is now making
its debut into the Army aviation
program, the Transportation
School is developing its courses
of instruction to cover field
maintenance of this craft. A rig-
ging trainer, engine installation
trainer, hydraulic trainer, and
two electrical trainers have al-
ready been received as training
aids for this new craft.
An important course at the
school is the Aircraft Mainte-
nance Officers Course, a com-
prehensive 15-week course of in-
struction for officers and war-
rant officers. The course covers
both fixed- and rotary-wing air-
craft, training officers to super-
vise organizational, field and de-
pot maintenance including tech-
nical inspections of all Army
Officers in this course are con-
cerned with the management of
a T AAM (Transportation Army
Aviation Maintenance) Company
or TAAHM&S (Heavy Mainte-
nance and Supply) Company;
they learn to control the work
flowing through their organiza-
tion and to check the quality of
the completed maintenance.
The 13 other courses taught
at the Transportation School
are repairman courses for en-
listed personnel. TheGe courses
vary from 9 to 16 weeks in
length, each covering a spe-
cialized field. Quite varied in
their instruction, the courses
teach everything from field
maintenance on a particular
ca tegory of aircraft to field
maintenance on a particular com-
ponent of an aircraft.
For example, rep air man
courses in the MOS 670 series
are taught for the airplane, re-
connaissance helicopter, single
rotor utility and transport heli-
copter, and tandem rotor utility
and transport helicopter. Then
there are nine component repair
courses in the MOS 680 series.
The Aircraft Component Repair
Helper Course is the entry or
basic course in this field, while
other courses of instruction us-
ually follow.
Specialization is available in
the repair of engines, carbure-
tors, powertrains, rotors and
propellers, electrical systems,
airframes, hydraulic systems,
and instruments.
The school has many excellent
facilities for instruction in avia-
tion field maintenance. Class-
rooms and shops are located in
the Transportation School's tech-
nical shop buildings, with plenty
of hardstand space outside for
Major General Rush B. Lincoln, Jr., graduated from the United States
Military Academy in 1932 as a second lieutenant in the Corps of Engineers.
He later received his Master of Science degree in civil engineering from the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
World War II service included assignments in the Office of the Chief of
Transportation as well as in the Middle East, North
Africa, Europe and the Pacific Theater of Opera-
tions. After V J day, he served as Chief of Trans-
portation, Army Forces Western Pacific, until his
return to the U. S. in 1947.
He attended the first class of the Armed Forces
Staff College and is a 1950 graduate of the National
War College. Transferred to the Transportation
Corps in 1951, General Lincoln has been in com-
mand of the Transportation Training Command at
Fo'rt Eustis, Va., since December, 1954.
The views expressed in this article are the
author's and are not necessarily those of the Depart-
ment of the Army 01' of the U. S. Army Aviation
School.-The Edit01'
other work. The school has many
aircraft which are useful in the
realistic training program. Air-
conditioned shops are provided
for instruction in the repair of
instruments and helicopter rotor
blades, as temperature and hu-
midity control is a necessity in
this type of work.
Enrollment in these courses,
na turally, is not limited to Trans-
portation Corps personnel. Allied
officers, Army personnel from
various branches, and even ci-
vilian employees of Army field
maintenance activities attend
these courses at the Transpor-
tation School. A one-week course
is taught to National Guard of-
ficers who are orientated on the
latest maintenance techniques.
The model Army Aviation
Field Maintenance Shop is like-
wise an interesting activity at
Fort Eustis. This shop, with the
latest in equipment and opera-
tional know-how, shows how the
field maintenance of Army air-
craft can be accomplished in a
most efficient manner. This shop
differs from other field mainte-
nance activities in two respects:
it has complete equipment to
handle all of the necessary jobs,
and the men in the hangar must
concern themselves with only
the bare minimum of paperwork.
The shop operates with 57 per-
sonnel, but handles field mainte-
nance for more than 100 air-
craft. Since the shop was estab-
lished in November, under the
Transportation Division at Fort
Eustis, it has streamlined its
operations to a point where the
crew working on an aircraft can
almost forget paperwork. Here
is how the operation works:
L-20 Engine Test Stand
When an aircraft, either fixed-
or rotary-wing, comes into the
shop for repair, an inspection
crew checks it out. Inspectors
find the deficiencies on the craft,
then list them breaking them
down as to organizational main-
tenance and field maintenance
requirements. This shop will
only concern itself with field
maintenance except where or-
ganizational maintenance must
be performed to put the aircraft
into safe flying condition.
After this preliminary check,
a repair crew takes over. This
crew, made up of no more than
H-37 Rigging Model
four men, will see to the repair
of this aircraft from start to
Here is where the stream-
lined operation comes into play.
If this crew needs any spare
parts to accomplish the repair
of this aircraft, a repairman has
only to ask for the parts he needs
at the supply shop. All neces-
sary paperwork is handled by
supply personnel, allowing me-
chanics to concentrate on the
actual maintenance of the air-
Specialized shops, with the
latest in tools and equipment, to
handle particular problems, are
located alongside the hangar.
These shops can handle any job
from instrument repair to rotor
blade patching, from sheet metal
wor k to flaw detection, from
welding to hydraulic system re-
pairs. These shops are available
to all of the crews working on
Hence, this field maintenance
shop is a model, combining a
specialized system for specializ-
ed jobs with a crew system for
making sure that the right job
is done on each aircraft. In the
same way, paperwork is kept
off the hangar floor. The sim-
plicity of the operation makes
it efficient: repairmen can ob-
tain with ease, anything from
needed parts to specialized re-
pairwork. They merely tell the
specialized shops what they need
to get the job done.
This model shop at Fort Eus-
tis offers a wonderful oppor-
tunity for officers and enlisted
personnel attending the Trans-
portation School to see a field
maintenance shop in actual op-
eration-at work in a top-effi-
ciency manner. Students regu-
larly visit the model shop in the
course of their instruction.
As the Army aviation pro-
gram grows, Fort Eustis and the
Transportation Corps will con-
tinue to develop the field main-
tenance program, both at the
school and in the shop, to meet
the challenge of keeping Army
aircraft flying.
Transportation School Courses
The following courses are offered by the aviation
of the Army Transportation School at Fort E'ustis:
4823 Aircraft Maintenance Officers
671.2 Airplane Repairman
672.2 Observation Helicopter Repairman
673.2 Single Rotor Helicopter R.epairman
674.2 Tandem Rotor Helicopter Repairman
680 Aircraft Components R.epairman Helper
681.1 Aircraft Engine Repairman
682.1 Aircraft Carburetor Repairman
683.1 Aircraft Powertrain Repairman
684.1 Aircraft Rotor and Propeller Repairman
685.1 Aircraft Electrical System Repairman
686.1 Airframe Repairman
687.1 Aircraft Hydraulic System Repairman
688.1 Aircraft Instrument Repairman
15 weeks
11 weeks
12 weeks
13 weeks
13 weeks
8 weeks
8 weeks
8 weeks
16 weeks
12 weeks
16 weeks
10 weeks
9 weeks
16 weeks
11 MethoJ j.o.lz, 11 M ~ U 01
Pilot Error Aircraft Accidents
Dr. Arthur C. Poe, Jr.
TION of in-flight aircraft ac-
cidents reveals that three factors
ca use the great maj ori ty of
them. In-flight accidents occur
between the start of the takeoff
and the end of the landing. The
three factors are pilot error, me-
chanical or structural failure,
and maintenance error. Pilot er-
ror and mechanical or structural
f a i I u r e are self -explana tory.
Maintenance error refers to the
mistakes made by mechanics
while servicing or repairing air-
craft. It is possible for pilot er-
rors to occur subsequently to
mechanical failures or mainte-
nance errors.
Pilot error is the cause at-
tributed to most in-flight air-
Dr. Ar thur C. Poe, Jr., is Educa-
tion Advisor in t he Office of the Di-
rect or of Instruction, the U. S. Army
Aviation School, For t Rucker , Ala-
bama. He came to Army aviation with
prior experience as Aviation Tr aining
Analyst on t he S t aff, Chief of Naval
A ir Tr aining. Views expressed in this
ar t icle ar e the author's and are not
necessarily those of the Depar tment
0/ the Army or of the U. S. Army
Aviati on School.- The Edi tor
craft accidents. Weather condi-
tions are routinely checked when
an accident occurs, but involve-
ment in inclement weather, ex-
cept in rare instances, con-
tributes to a finding of pilot er-
ror. It is commonly believed that
an alert pilot would avoid such
The purpose of aircraft acci-
dent investigation is to prevent
the recurrence of similar acci-
dents. This must be accomplish-
ed by determining the basic
causes of accidents and estab-
lishing effective safety proce-
dures through knowledge of
such causes. Establishing safety
procedures upon anything less
than basic causes is similar to
the procedure of a physician
who treats the symptoms of a
disease. He affords some tempo-
rary relief to his patient, but he
doesn't cure the malady.
Continued treatment of a
symptom may prevent the re-
currence of the one particular
symptom, but the disease will
manifest itself in other ways.
Similarly, the pilot, involved in a
pilot error accident may be cor-
rected on the particular mistake
he made, but the same mistakes
will keep recurring in other pi-
lots, or in the same pilot in a
different form, until the cause is
cured or removed.
Techniques for the determina-
tion of basic causes of in-flight
accidents involving mechanical
or structural failure and main-
tenance error have been estab-
lished. These are based upon en-
gineering analyses to the extent
tha t wrecked aircraft are taken
apart piece by piece. Each piece
is checked, examined, and tested
by experts to determine the
cause of mechanical or structur-
al failure or maintenance error.
When the cause is determined,
effective steps are taken by re-
vising the details of construc-
tion, the maintenance proce-
dures, or the operating limita-
tions of the aircraft to prevent
similar recurrences.
The determination of the ba-
sic causes of pilot error aircraft
accidents has not been as suc-
cessful as the investigation of
mechanical failures or mainte-
nance errors. The probable rea-
son for this comparative failure
is that the investigative tech-
niques of psychology, the science
involved in pilot error analyses,
differ from engineering analyses
based upon the physical sciences.
The real problem seems to be
the difficulty of classifying pilot
error accident data into a few
categories when the specific cir-
cumstances for each accident
diff er so radically. It is prac-
tically impossible to conduct sig-
nificant analyses to determine
basic causes when there are only
one or two similar accidents in
each of a great many different
In current pilot error accident
investigations, it is determined
whether pilots misused power
controls, brakes, equipment, or
flight controls; if they exceeded
stress limits, were inattentive to
fuel supply, didn't lower land-
ing gear, selected unsuitable
landing areas, or misjudged dis-
tances; whether they failed to
compensate for wind, to notice
other objects, to maintain air-
speed or rotor revolutions, to use
equipment, or to perform an ade-
quate pre-flight inspection; or if
they continued visual flight rules
into instrument conditions, op-
erated the aircraft recklessly, or
lost control. It is suggested that
these are mistakes which cause
in-flight emergencies.
It might be desirable to dis-
tinguish between the occur-
rence of in-flight emergencies
and in-flight accidents. Such
emergencies may develop into
accidents or they may not. It de-
pends upon what the pilot does.
Use of this distinction may be
of assistance in the prevention
of accidents.
Analyses of the mistakes
made by pilots would go far to
eliminate emergencies and re-
duce the number of resultant ac-
cidents if effective preventative
measures could be devised.
Though there has been little suc-
cess in this endeavor, every ef-
fort should be made to accom-
plish it. However, it should be
noted that the expression "to
err is human" is as true today as
it was in Shakespeare's time. So,
some emergencies caused by pri-
or pilot mistakes, by mechanical
or structural failure, or by main-
tenance error will continue to
occur despite the possibility of
future establishment of even the
m 0 s t effective preventative
measures. This suggests the ne-
cessity of additional accident
prevention measures.
Perhaps something could be
done to prevent accidents by as-
sisting the pilot who is confront-
ed by an emergency. If emergen-
cies could be held to emergencies
and not develop into accidents,
the present accident situation
would be alleviated and proce-
dures could be developed that
would be always useful. There-
fore, it seems desirable to exam-
ine that area between the occur-
rence of an emergency and the
subsequent accident to deter-
mine if there is any way to as-
sist a pilot in such a situation.
This would be a humane en-
In order to do this, it is neces-
sary to develop new categories
for pilot error analyses. The use
of such categories is not intend-
ed to change current accident in-
vestigative procedures. As point-
ed out above they should be car-
ried on. The new categories will
merely permit scientific analyses
of the period between the occur-
rence of an emergency and an
They will point out that pilot
error can occur after an emer-
gency develops as well as cause
the emergency. Such analyses
may permit the establishment of
new safety procedures. Such
procedures could reduce the
number of accidents by proper
handling of the aircraft subse-
quent to the emergency. It is
essential to investigate this area
because accidents are so numer-
ous and because present proce-
dures have not prevented their
The purpose of this article is
to develop such categories for
analyses of the period between
the occurrence of the emergency
and a subsequent accident. The
one common denominator in
every such accident is the hu-
man pilot.
All other circumstances, the
weather, other environmental
conditions, the type of aircraft
involved, its equipment, the ma-
neuvers being performed, etc.,
may vary considerably. But,
w hat eve r different circum-
stances exist in each specific ac-
cident, involvement of the pilot
is the one constant. It is pro-
posed that pilot involvement
should be the basis for establish-
ing these categories.
Whenever a pilot encounters
an in-flight emergency, the pos-
sibility of an aircraft accident
exists. Whether the emergency
develops into an accident or not
depends upon what the pilot
does. It therefore seems logical
to base the categories for analyz-
ing such aircraft accidents on
the tasks that confront the pilot
when an emergency occurs.
These tasks will be the same for
all emergencies and compara-
tively few in number. (See Fig-
ure 1)
The next step in accident clas-
sification is to define the tasks
which confront a pilot when an
in-flight emergency occurs. The
sequential nature of these tasks
is indicated in the diagram. The
definitions are accompanied by
titles which describe the task.
First of all, the pilot is con-
An Emergency Occurs
l. The Perceptual Task Task
An Accident
Become Aware That an Emergency Exists
Task Success
2. The Problem Solving Task Task
An Accident
Determine Proximate Cause of Emergency Failure
Task Success
3. The Decision Making Task Task
An Accident
Decide on Correct Procedures Failure
Task Success
4. The Performance Task
An Accident
Doing the Procedures Failure
Task Success
No Accident Occurs
Figure 1
fronted by a perceptual task. He
must notice, as soon as possible,
the cue or cues which indicate
tha t an emergency exists. The
perception of such cues may oc-
cur through anyone or any
combination of the five senses.
A few examples of perceptual
cues are: aircraft attitude, its
maneuverability, the feel of the
controls, the smell of burning
material, changes in engine pow-
er, or changes in instrument
readings. Many others exist.
It is possible for a pilot not
to notice these cues because they
are beyond his physical ability
to perceive, perhaps such as in-
struments failing, or because he
is not aware of their importance
for indicating that an emergen-
cy exists. The classic example of
the latter is the pilot, after a
wheels up landing, complaining
that he couldn't hear the tower
telling him to lower his landing
gear because the horn was so
loud. A pilot is not aware that
an emergency exists until he
notices such cues. The sooner he
notes them the better are his
chances of recovery.
The second task that con-
fronts a pilot is a problem solv-
ing task. It is possible, even if
a pilot is aware that an emer-
gency exists, that he can't de-
termine the cause of the emer-
gency from the cues that he per-
ceives. He must, at the very
least, ascertain the proximate
cause of the emergency. This is
necessary because the decision
he has to make in the next task
will vary according to this cause.
The term, proximate cause, is
used in the legal sense. The
proximate cause may have oc-
curred by itself or it might be
the culmination of preceding
events. However, it is the nearest
or latest phenomenon that causes
the emergency. The pilot may
have time to determine earlier
events that led to the proxi-
mate cause. If so, the decision in
the next task would be different
than if no time were available.
In the latter case, it could be
pilot error to spend too much
time trying to determine earlier
events in the chain of circum-
stances. There is nothing myste-
rious about this job.
Certain symptoms (cues) ex-
ist; the pilot must determine
their proximate cause. If he does
this correctly he has provided
the basis of the next task. If
not, he must make his decision
from a faulty basis. It is be-
lieved that training in the early
perception of cues and in inter-
preting them will prevent many
emergencies from becoming acci-
The third task confronting
the pilot when he has determin-
ed the cause of the emergency is
a decision making task. He has to
decide what corrective action he
must take to prevent the emer-
gency from becoming an acci-
dent. If he decides to perform
the proper procedure, good; if
not, an accident will occur. Here
too, training and experience with
making decisions on proper pro-
cedures will help prevent acci-
The fourth task, after decid-
ing upon the correct procedures,
is the performance task. The pi-
lot must be able to accomplish
the procedures that he has de-
cided are necessary. If he is not
able to perform them success-
fully, the accident will happen.
These four tasks may be used
for categories to classify that
pilot error which occurs after an
emergency, but they will not
cover instances where pilot error
existed prior to the occurrence
of an emergency or caused the
emergency. Therefore, additional
categories are necessary.
A fifth category for the clas-
sification of accidents would in-
volve the existence of pilot error
prior to the occurrence of an
emergency. This error could con-
sist of any mistake made by the
pilot from planning the flight to
the time the emergency occurs.
It could have caused the emer-
gency or contributed to the like-
lihood that the emergency would
become an accident. The 17 possi-
ble mistakes made by pilots that
are mentioned in the eighth para-
graph and are currently investi-
gated would fall into this cate-
gory. This category would be
named prior error and every ef-
fort to determine basic causes
of such mistakes should be con-
It is believed that these five
categories would include all pilot
error accidents that could be
classified. However, it may be
necessary to establish s u b-
classes in some of them as dic-
tated by experience. A sixth cat-
egory would be necessary for ac-
cidents that could be definitely
attributed to pilot error. This
would be an unclassified catego-
ry to include those accidents in
which data from survivors, spec-
tators, or equipment inspection
would not be sufficient for proper
It should be noted from these
categories that there could be a
multiplicity of pilot errors con-
tributing to an accident. It is
also important to understand
that a pilot error prior to or one
causing an emergency can be
rectified if the emergency tasks
are performed correctly. The
hope for immediate accident re-
duction lies in the proper per-
formance of the emergency
It is not proposed that correct
performance of the four tasks
will prevent every emergency
from becoming an accident.
There will be cases of structural
failure, impossible landing ter-
rain, poor visibility, or other
conditions that will make a
crack-up inevitable when an
emergency occurs. However, in
these instances correct perform-
ance of the tasks should improve
the chances that the pilot would
escape injury. In such cases cor-
rect performance could be the use
of the parachute or perhaps
landing the aircraft in that par-
ticular attitude which would
give the best chance of ~ r v i v a l
The need for knowledge on
performance of the four sequen-
tial tasks may be questioned by
some pilots. One has questioned
the need for practicing emergen-
cy procedures in training. He
maintains, "The best emergency
training is to ha ve an actual
emergency." This could be true,
but the pilot should have substi-
tuted the verb "to survive" for
"to have". Implementation of
such a practice could be fairly
expensive in loss of life and
equipment. This reasoning, car-
ried to extremes, would indicate
that flight training is not neces-
The best pilots would be those
who without instruction could
survive learning to fly. Complex
as these four tasks may seem to
a pilot confronted by an emer-
gency, each must be performed
successfully or an accident will
happen. Even though it is possi-
ble to "luck through" by chance,
prior training on how to do the
job should assist achieving suc-
cessful performance.
The psychological effect of an
emergency upon a pilot is also
important to consider when dis-
cussing the tasks he has to per-
form. Flying an aircraft has
been jocularly described as
"hours and hours of sheer mo-
notony interrupted only by mo-
ments of stark terror." Accident
prevention data may be derived
from the expression if its hu-
morous aspects are disregarded.
First of all, emergencies are the
causes of these moments of
"stark terror." Second, terror
describes a mental condition
that is not conducive to logical
reasoning at the moment it is
most needed. The terror, with
accompanying stress and amd-
ety, produces mental rigidity
just when flexibility is most ne-
This rigidity must be consid-
ered in relationship to the four
sequential tasks confronting a
pilot in an emergency. The per-
formance of the tasks under
such unfavorable conditions in-
dicates that if the tasks are to
be successfully completed, they
must be done automatically.
There is little time for creative
reasoning processes in emergen-
cies. Automatic performance in
these situations is the result of
training and practice. It is be-
lieved flight emergency training
based upon performance of the
sequential tasks would be more
effective than current emergen-
cy training.
However, since instruction in
all aspects of flying is desira-
ble, limited training time makes
it mandatory to select only the
most important procedures and
maneuvers for the training pro-
gram. Therefore, it would be
first necessary for accident anal-
yses to indicate which tasks
were most failed. Then specific
procedures could be established
for training on the correct per-
formance of such tasks.
It is probable that current in-
vestigative personnel or boards
could not initiate the program
of classifying pilot error acci-
dents into one or more of the
six named categories. It is sug-
gested that a psychologist who
is familiar with aviation safety
problems obtain the classifica-
tion data during nondirective
interviews with the pilot, other
survivors, and/ or spectators.
In a nondirective interview the
interviewer puts the person at
ease and encourages him to talk
about the incident with appro-
priate guidance until a set of
pre-determined questions have
been answered. When the psy-
chologist has established tech-
niques and procedures for ob-
taining such data he could teach
them to selected investigative
personnel. Then implementation
of this classification program in
the routine investigation of pi-
lot error accidents, using infor-
mation from the interview and
other investigational sources,
should permit meaningful analy-
ses that could result in the es-
tablishment of effective accident
prevention procedures.
Let's ~
Artillery Aerial
Colonel Charles W. Matheny, Jr., Arty
tinually improve its aerial
observation methods and tech-
niques concerned with target ac-
quisition and adjustment of fire.
Present methods of aerial obser-
vation with organic artillery air-
craft have been developed and
proved in combat during two
wars; however, these methods
must be modernized to function
on battlefields employing modern
weapons. Observation aircraft
with improved capabilities -and
performances are required to ad-
equately perform this mission.
Although this discussion is
concerned primarily with aerial
observation, the artillery obser-
Colonel Charles W. Matheny, Jr.,
is Assistant Director, Department of
Tactics and Combined Arms, Research
and Review Division, The Artillery
and Guided Missile School, Fort Sill,
Okla. He became an Army Aviator in
1952 and is qualified in all types of
rotary- and fixed-wing aircraft. Views
expressed in this article are the
author's and are not necessarily those
of the Department of the Army or the
U. S. Army Aviation School. - The
vation system should be outlined
to provide a better understand-
ing of why aerial observation is
an integral part of this system.
The field artillery observation
system, exclusive of the observa-
tion battalion, consists of: for-
ward observers who are primar-
ily concerned with the close-in,
immediate surroundings of the
supported infantry or armored
forward elements; battalion ob-
servation posts established on
dominant terrain, when suitable
locations can be found, to pro-
vide observation of greater
depth into enemy territory; and
aerial OPs in Army aircraft to
provide observation to a distance
beyond the extreme depth of ar-
tillery fires.
This aerial observation pos-
sesses great flexibility, aug-
ments ground observation, exer-
cises general surveillance over
the battlefield throughout the
entire sector of responsibility,
and is a primary means of locat-
ing targets and adj usting artil-

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lery fire. The greater ranges of
new weapons, both missile and
gun types, and new concepts of
ground operations place new re-
quirements on artillery aerial
observation. To meet these new
requirements it is apparent that
two general fields of aerial ob-
servation are developing: short
range observation to a depth of
some 20 miles into enemy terri-
tory (light, medium, and heavy
artillery) and long range obser-
vation into enemy territory
(long range missile artillery).
Aircraft best adapted to the per-
formance of each of these two
types of observation must be
utilized to provide effective and
efficient aerial observation.
What kind of observation air-
craft will the artillery need to
meet these new requirements?
A tomic warfare is characterized
by dispersed units, wider front-
ages, longer range artillery
weapons, and atomic explosives.
New, powerful, long range mis-
siles may well make the opera-
tion of any type of airfield with-
in their lethal range infeasible.
These factors will no doubt
cause changes in the tactical op-
eration and employment of our
observation aircraft; point to-
ward a decentralized system of
operation; may make it neces-
sary to do away with air strips
in the forward area which can be
readily located and destroyed
along with their concentration
of fixed-wing aircraft.
These factors also point to the
operational advantages to be
gained through the use of VTOL
aircraft (vertical takeoff and
landing aircraft), high perform-
ance helicopters, and converti-
planes. These vertical takeoff
and landing aircraft have opera-
tional characteristics w h i c h
make them particularly adapta-
ble to artillery observation.
1. They can operate without
airfields from the immediate
area of artillery units.
2. Maximum dispersion and
camouflage can be effected.
3. Close coordination can be
effected with facility between
the artillery pilot, artillery ob-
server, artillery staff, and artil-
lery commander.
4. Local security, messing, and
Illustrations by Donald R. Smith based on concepts of Col. Matheny.
!': '


SPEED - - - - - - - - 0 - 200 KNOTS PAY LOAD - - - - - - - 600 POUNDS
RATE OF CLlMB- - -10,000 FT/ MIN OBSERVER - - - - - 200 POUNDS
RANGE - - - - - - - - - - - - - 500 NM RADIO & aeSN
ENDURANCE - - - - - - - - - 4 HOURS EQUI PMENT - - - - - 600 POUNDS

administration of the aviation
section is facilitated.
5. The performance of devel-
opnlental aircraft with vertical
takeoff and landing capabilities
that are now flying is equal to
or greater than present fixed-
wing observation airplanes.
6. These types of aircraft can
be used in present standard ar-
tillery units, airphibious artil-
lery units, and other types of
organiza tions.
The general characteristics of
the two types of aircraft consid-
ered necessary for artillery ob-
servation are shown here.
High Performance Artillery
Observation and Reconnaissance
Helicopter (Two-place)
This helicopter should be ca-
pable of performing short-range
artillery observation (light, me-
dium, and heavy artillery), also
battlefield surveillance and re-
connaissance. It should have the
following operational capabili-
ties: speed 0-200 knots, rate of
~ J J i J 6
SPEED - - - . - 0600 KNOTS LOAD - 1.000 POUNDS
RATE OF CLIMB ZU.00030.ooo FT I MIN PI LOT ........ zoo POUNDS
climb 6,000-10,000 feet per min-
ute, range 500 nautical miles, en-
durance four hours, and payload
capacity approximately 800
pounds (observer, observation
instruments, radio, and other
equipment) .
The only helicopters under de-
velopment which might ap-
proach this requirement with
modification or redesign are the
XH-39 (Sikorsky) and XH-40
(Bell). The XH-39 has a maxi-
mum speed of 156 mph and holds
the helicopter altitude record of
24,500 feet. One of the Army
convertiplanes such as the XV-l
(McDonnell) or XV-3 (Bell)
presently under development
might possibly meet this re-
quirement. The XV-l has flown
at speeds of 200 mph.
High Performance VTOL Ar-
til l e r y Observation Ai'tcr'aft
This VTOL aircraft should be
capable of performing long-
ran g e artillery observation
(heavy gun and long-range mis-
sile artillery), also battlefield
surveillance and reconnaissance.
This aircraft should have the
following operational capabili-
ties : speed 0-600 knots, rate of
climb 20,000-30,000 feet per min-
ute, range 800 nautical miles, en-
durance four hours, payload ca-
pacity approximately 800 pounds
(observer, observation instru-
ments, radio, and other equip-
Artillery observation aircraft
with greatly improved perform-
ance and vertical takeoff and
landing capabilities are required
to keep pace with the develop-
ment of new weapons and new
tactical concepts. Let's modern-
ize field artillery aerial observa-
A EROTITIS MEDIA and aerosinus-
itis are Latin labels for the
severe earache or sinus pain cre-
ated by a partial vacuum that
might happen to you. Here's the
The barometric pressure of
the outside air and that in the
middle ear cavity is normally
equal. So long as a path (Eus-
tachian tube) is kept open be-
tween them, nothing serious will
happen. You may climb into the
sky and every 400 or 500 feet
your middle ear will spontane-
ously expel a puff of air with a
sizzling sensation to allow your
Views expressed in this department
are not necessarily those of the De-
partment of the Army or of the U: S.
Army Aviation School.-The Edttor
bellying ear drum to click back
into place. The Eustachian tube
functions similar to a ball valve
promoting free passage of air
rrom the middle ear cavity into
the upper area of the throat.
During the descent the baromet-
ric pressure builds up on the
outer surface of the ear drum
which gradually changes from a
convex to a concave surface.
This change will produce severe
pain in the ears if the pressure
is not constantly equalized by
forcing air back through the
Eustachian tube into the middle
ear cavity. This is accomplished
by the acts of swallowing, yawn-
ing, yelling or by holding the
nose, closing the mouth and
In the presence of a common
cold, the tissue lining the nose,
sinuses and throat swells to va-
rying thickness. The degree of
obstruction in the nose is a good
index of the swelling in the
other areas of the upper respira-
tory tract. Such swelling in the
throat produces obstruction of
the opening of the Eustachian
tube, thus increasing the diffi-
culty of getting air back into the
middle ear cavity to equalize the
pressure, and break up the par-
tial vacuum that has developed.
If during descent in an air-
craft, an earache develops and it
can not be controlled by the
above measures of positive ac-
tion, climb back to the altitude
where the pain is relieved. Now
begin your descent at 250 feet
or less per minute, and constant-
ly use the above maneuvers to
keep the barometric pressure
equalized on each side of the ear
drum. If this fails, land the air-
craft and immediately go to the
flight surgeon's office or the
E,NT clinic for treatment which
only these sections are equipped
to administer.
Prevention of injury to the
ear and the loss of time related
to the problem can be easily
accomplished by each individual
pilot as follows:
1. Obtain an inhaler from your
flight surgeon and carry it in
your flying clothes so that it
will be available when needed.
2. Chew gum while flying to
promote swallowing.
3. Do not avoid the flight sur-
geon for fear of your flight pay.
He is not gunning for you.
4. Before the "let down" is
started, use the inhaler liberally
to shrink the nose to where it
whistles like a wind tunnel. This
also takes care of the areas of the
sinuses and the throat and will
normally permit aeration of the
middle ear cavity by the swallow-
ing secondary to chewing gum.
The production of a partial
vacuum in the middle ear cavity
was described above. In the same
manner a partial vacuum can de-
velop in any of the accessory na-
sal sinuses. When such a vacuum
is developed in the sinuses of
the forehead (frontal) or cheek
(maxillary), the individual may
have a sensation similar to that
of being stabbed by a knife in
the area of the sinus involved.
This can be extremely serious
and lead to a protracted illness.
The answer to this problem is
the availability and use of an
inhaler. Keep one in your flying
clothes and use it in flight as
needed. Do not use preparations
containing antihistamines; use
only that obtained through the
flight surgeon.
They say "Oxygen is the pilot's
staff of life." So the busy Human
Engineers have come up with a set
of limiting altitudes for this "aero-
nautical bread." Like to memorize
"5,000 feet-Maximum for normal
night vision without supplemental
"8,000 feet-Altitude at which sup-
plemental oxygen should be used for
routine flights.
"10,000 feet-Maximum wit h 0 u t
routine use of oxygen.
"18,000 feet-Maximum for emer-
gency without use of oxygen.
"23,000 feet-Altitude at which de-
pressurization sickness may develop.
"25,000 feet (L-23D ceiling)-Ap-
proximate time of consciousness with-
out oxygen is 116 seconds. This is
called the LETHAL zone."
That extra weight you're
wearing this season may be
enough to give you the bends or
even kill you at the higher alti-
tudes you can fly in the L-23D.
Here's how:
At sea level you'll store up
nitrogen in your tissues. As you
fly high into the area of de-
creased barometric pressure,
this nitrogen expands, enters
the blood stream from the body
tissues and gradually escapes
through the lungs. All is well so
long as it leaves at a regular
The trouble is, fatty tissues
store up a lot more nitrogen than
any other tissue-five or six
times as much as an equal
amount of blood. And worse, it
is least supplied with a blood
system for drainage. At altitude
the nitrogen expands into bub-
bles of gas and tries to escape.
If crowded out by excess gas or
by too few ways to freedom, you
may pick up an attack of the
bends (decompression sickness)
-a very ugly way to suffer.
But worse, that extra fatty
tissue may kill you because the
entering, bubbling nitrogen may
dislodge a bit of fat from the
walls of the blood vessels and
carry it along to your heart or
Excessive weight carries a
hazard for everyone. We all
know it means declining vigor,
appeal and resistance to disease.
But for you, it may result in an
immediate and complete decline
in longevity.
Illustrations by Donald R. Smith.
And then, there was the student
who flew his L-19 into the good brown
earth a little while ago. Inexperi-
enced? No doubt about it. But coupled
with a great big "morning after."
Quoting from the magazine, Ap-
"Restrain your convivial enthusi-
asm, gents, particularly for the
'drinking' in Eat, Drink and be
Merry .... " For regardless of how
much or little you drink, alcohol is
eliminated from your system at the
rate of only one-third ounce an hour.
So it takes 12 hours to get rid of
all the alcohol from half-a-dozen good
highballs. Five 12-ounce bottles of
beer have even more alcohol."
Do you have an "Aviator
Stomach?" As an Army Aviator
you are so carefully selected that
you seldom develop a crippling
emotional illness, no matter
As a young pilot you're ad-
venturious, even reckless, with
little thought for danger. But as
you grow older you naturally
grow more conservative, more
interested in security. Add to
this, the rubbing wear of the
ones that nearly happened. Or
the big ones that did happen to
others. That harrowing low level
photo mission you pulled twice
weekly in Korea. Or the airliner
you read about in the news-the
one that got it in Colorado or
New York or California.
Is it any wonder, then, with
mild but constant tension tug-
ging you one way, and pride and
the monthly bills tugging the
other-is it any wonder you de-
velop that gnawing pain in the
upper belly.
Do you have one? Well cheer
up, it probably won't get worse
because you were originally se-
lected for high immunity to a
bad breakdown. It may get bet-
ter-perhaps by itself-from a
duty change or a switch to less
flight time.
Regardless of what is in the
cards for you, see your flight
surgeon. Take a little ground
time; rest; get some exercise,
erase your "Aviator's Stomach,"
and become a more compatible
type at home and on the flight
New 'Jep' Manual Covers Europe
ON JUNE FIRST, Army Aviators on the continent will receive the
new European edition of the Jeppesen Airway Manual. Printed
in the offices of Jeppesen and Company, GmbH, in Frankfurt, Ger-
many, the manual will mark the beginning of a world-wide ex-
The new edition, designated TM 11-2557-4, will offer European
flight information in the same form as that now used in the
United States.
A one-volume edition. the manual will cover the new area with
ten Avigation Charts. Following the establishment of the new plant,
the company plans to further extend its service into the Western
Pacific and South America.
in a tropical zone, an Army
Aviator loaded two passengers
and their luggage into his H-13G
for a routine survey mission. A
thorough pre-flight was com-
pleted and a hovering check was
made. The helicopter required
28.5 inches of manifold pressure
to hover. The pilot recalled that
this was the same helicopter in
which he had performed a test
flight eight days previously and
that it required 28.5 inches to
climb at 45 mph airspeed with
only one passenger.
He chose to make a maximum
performance takeoff from his
parked position on the airfield
into a five-knot wind. The only
obstacle in the takeoff path was
telephone wires 100 yards away.
He over-revved the engine and
made what he considered a sat-
isfactory execution of the ma-
neuver. As the helicopter ap-
proached the wires, the airspeed
dropped off and the rate of climb
decreased. Rotor rpm was also
decreasing and a landing became
imperative. But the close prox-
imity of the wires would neces-
sitate a vertical descent. His de-
cision under the circumstances
Colonel Jack L. Marinelli, the Senior Army Aviator above, is
presently assigned as the Chief, Special Projects Branch, DCSLOG,
DA, and is charged with the logistics monitorship of Army Avia-
tion, Guided Missiles and Atomic Weapons. Upon entering the
Army in 1940, he attended the Cavalry School, both horse (J.nd me-
chanized. After graduation he was assigned to the 113th Cavalry,
and later joined the 4th Division as' Aide-de-Camp to the Command-
ing General. After completion of the Field Artillery Pilots Course
No. 12, he went to Europe as the Aviation Officer of the 71st .Field
Artillery Battalion. II Corps, and 5th Army. He was one of the
first Arm'!l Liaison Pilots to be awarded the DFC.
was to attempt to fly over the
wires. As the tail rotor cleared
the wires, the rpm dropped from
3000 to 2700 and the airspeed
dissipated to zero. The area be-
low was a swamp with surface
water standing 12 to 18 inches
deep. The helicopter touched
down in a level attitude then
rocked forward causing the main
rotor blades to strike the water
and shatter and the aircraft
turned over on its right side.
There were no serious injuries.
It is fairly common knowledge
among Army Aviators that the
pilots engaged in the topograph-
ical surveys have been pushing
their helicopters beyond the lim-
its recommended by the manu-
facturers, the technical orders,
and the Army Aviation School.
This practice has been necessary
in some mountainous terrain in
order to accomplish the mission
at all. In other cases-such as
this one - the overload in the
helicopter cuts down flying time
by fifty per cent. The trouble
seems to be that the practice
Upon Colonel Marinelli's return to the U. S., he became the first
Director of Arm?) Aircraft Tests at AGF Board No.1, now known
as The Army Aviation Board. During the ensuing period he attend-
ed the Advanced Artillery Officers' Course, and became the Avia-
tion Officer for the Office, Chief of Army Field Forces, DA; Head-
quarters, Far East Command; and Headquarters, Army Forces
Far East.
Colonel Marinelli has held an instrurnent rating since 1951 and
is currently rated in all Army rotary-and fi xed-wing aircraft. In
his 15 years with Army Aviation, he has accumulated over 3,600
hours of flight time.
develops a certain amount of
carelessness or over-confidence
in the machine. This is the only
logical way to explain this avia-
tor's actions in flying as no in-
experienced pilot would dare.
A 3-2 'aviator in an L-23 was
cleared for a VFR direct flight
which he listed on Form 175 as
400 miles (it measures 346), as
3 hours enroute at 150 knots (it
computes for 400 at 02 + 40 and
for 346 at 02 + 24). From this
start, there continues to be a
curious aura of uncertainty
about the flight right up until it
ended three miles from the
threshold lights of the destina-
tion runway.
Takeoff time was 1412 on a
February day. Before reaching
a fix 45 miles from the destina-
tion, the flight plan was changed
in flight to another destination
96 miles from the fix. After the
change, the total flight distance
would be 394 nautical.
"Shortly af.ter this, I ran the
auxiliary tanks dry," writes the
aviator. This would compute to
be a little over 2 hours from
takeoff, and suggests that nor-
mal fuel m'anagement proce-
dures were being followed. If
the auxiliaries ran dry in 01 +
15, as opposed to the normal
01 + 30 to 01 + 45 {depending
upon the individual airplane and
power settings) the length of
time, it could be expected to con-
tinue would be between 75% and
90% of normal, or between ap-
proximately 03 + 45 and 04 +
30, using the DD Form 175 fig-
ure of 5 hours of fuel instead of
the more usual 05 + 30.
The aviator, noting the abnor-
mal fuel consumption, decided
to return to the fix. Subsequent
times are from the CAA Inci-
dent Report. Starting at 1702
various requests were made for
weather within the area of the
destination. At 1825 (time in
the air 04 + 13) the aviator de-
clared an emergency and re-
quested approach to the airfield
near the fix. Before receiving the
emergency clearance, he chang-
ed his mind and requested clear-
ance to his original destination.
At 1845 (04 + 33 after takeoff)
the aviator asked for approach
clearance at the destination, and
requested as little delay as pos-
sible because his gasoline gauges
indicated empty. He received
immediate appro'ach clearance.
At 1857 (04 + 45) he reported
he was contact and inbound on
one engine. At 1900 (04 + 48)
the airplane lights disappeared
and it was later learned that the
aviator had made a successful
night forced landjng, wheels-up,
without injury to any of the oc-
The facts indicate then-that
a 2% to 3 hour flight was stretch-
ed to 4 hours and 48 minutes, and
it ran out of gasoline less than
two minutes from destination.
"Technjcally, the carrying of
This marks the final Gray Hair De-
partment to be compiled by Captain
Richard W. Kohlbrand, Inf. Asso-
ciated with the U. S. ARMY AVIA-
TION DIGEST since its beginning
early in 1955, Captain Kohlbrand has
served as assistant editor-in-chief
continuously except during the sum-
mer of 1956 when he was the editor-
in-chief. A Senior Army Aviator,
qualified in both rotary- and fixed-
wing air craft, Captain Kohlbrand has
been assigned to duty in France.-
The Editor
No Hazard Involved to Passengers on This Test Flight?
passengers on a test flight con-
stituted a vioJation of TB AVN-
1. However, no hazard to per-
sonnel 'aboard was involved in
the- execution of this type test."
The above statement, extract-
ed from the accident report, when
associ8lted with the accompany-
The Gray Hair Department is pre-
pared by the U. S. ARMY A VIA-
TION DIGEST staff with information
obtained from the files of the U. S.
Army Aviation Safety Board. Views
expressed in this department are not
necessarily those of the U. S. Army
A viation School or of the Department
of the Army.-The Editor.
ing photographs provides the
Gray Hair Department with an
excellent opportunity to mention
again our habit of attempting to
minimize or justify factors in
accidents by smoothing over the
How it happened: A T AAM
company test pilot loaded the
crew-chief, five passengers and
their luggage aboard an H-19
prior to taking off on a mainte-
nance test flight. The flight was
to test the tail rotor control sys-
tem which had been repaired.
If the test proved satisfactory,
the aviator intended to fly the
helicopter and passengers to the
home unit. On takeoff the heli-
copter grossed 7,350 pounds with
a payload of 1,330 pounds in the
He performed the hovering
test, checking right and left
pedal action and found the hov-
ering test satisfactory. He then
executed a normal climb to ap-
proximately 500 feet, made a 180
degree turn to the right and
headed back toward the airfield.
Permission was granted by the
tower operator for a low, down-
wind pass over the heliport. The
aviator established a long shal-
low descent and passed over the
heliport 'at about 100 feet then
climbed quickly to approximate-
ly 450 feet. At zero airspeed, he
made a pedal turn to the right,
but he ran out of left pedal and
could not stop the turn. The heli-
copter spun around 480 degrees,
entered a spiral then momentar-
ily held its course. The aviator
flared the aircraft and it crash-
ed. Moments later it burst into
flames; pilot and passengers es-
caped without serious injury.
If his purpose was to check left
pedal travel, the test was per-
formed at too Iowan altitude.
Accepted practice is for a mini-
mum altitude for an H-19 of
1500 feet . and many test pilots
prefer 2000. If the purpose was
to frighten the passengers,
doubtlessly, the aviator suc-
An aviator focused his atten-
tion on the left wheel of the L-19
as he taxied it slowly toward a
Unsafe Safety Stop
gas trailer in the refueling area.
He was watching and waiting
for the 'accustomed bump of the
tires against a log, used to stop
aircraft a safe but convenient
distance from the trailer. Before
the wheels contacted the log, the
propeller struck the trailer
E'arlier in the day, the gas
trailer had been towed to the
POL dump for refilling and
when returned had been spotted
closer to the "safety log" than
normally. Servicing personnel
failed to notice the reduced dis-
tance, and the pilot relied solely
on the log to stop the aircraft.
The log was not anchored to
the ground and there were no
spotting marks or tire stops pro-
vided for the proper placement
of the trailer. In view of these
facts, both supervisory and pi-
lot error contributed to this ac-
cident. The accident, however,
resulted in action by the avia-
tion section to provide spotting
marks for the gas trailer, and
a s,afety stop log secured to the
(Continued f rom page 2)
A-9 Unit of 24th Infantry Division
3rd Light Aviation Section of 1st
2nd Engineer Group Air Section
13th Transportation Company
* * *
5. There were many individuals who
gave aid and assistance on the night
of the accident and during the re-
covery and salvage operations which
extended over several days. Many of
these persons should be singled out
for special praise. However, we have
no information as to the names of
most of these people. I regret that
each of them cannot receive the honor
and recognition due him.
6. . .. Personnel of the 121st Army
Hospital did their utmost to relieve
the suffering of the accident sur-
vivors, many of whom had sustained
cuts and burns .... We also desire to
express our special thanks to all your
personnel who assisted in the recovery
of No.3 engine from the accident site.
This was almost a superhuman task
because of the icy water and tide
conditions. Only by examination of
this engine will the cause of the ac-
cident be determined.
7. There are seven individuals I
would like to commend for their
prompt and valuable aid in the re-
covery efforts following the accident.
They are:
Colonel John W. Maxwell, The
Quartermaster, AFFE/ Sth Army
Colonel K. W. Dalton, U. S. Army
Operating Group
Colonel Thatter P. Leber, 2nd Engi-
neer Construction Group
Major Kilcauley, Transportation
Corps, U. S. Army Port, Inchon
Captain John P. Denham, 5th Quar-
termaster Detachment, Petroleum
Captain William J. Roof, MOth
Quartermaster Company
CWO Mielnik, Harbor Master,
Inchon Port.
S. It is requested that a copy of
this favorable communication be filed
in appropriate records of each individ-
ual concerned.
Major General,
United States Air Force
TO: Commanding General, United
States Army Forces, Far East
and Sth United States Army
(Forward), APO 301:
1. The foregoing letter by General
Waldron has my wholehearted en-
dorsement. It is a most deserving
tribute to the Army personnel, each
of whom so willingly and courageous-
ly risked his life to assist in the res-
cue of his fellow serviceman.
2. The indomitable courage demon-
strated by the personnel who took
part in this operation is surely a
credit to the United States Army.
Their efforts will undoubtedly be a
source of pride to the organizations
General, United States
Air Force
Letters of constructive criticism are
welcomed by the U. S. ARMY AVIA-
TION DIGEST. To appear in this
column they must be signed. - The

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