Magnum Trading
Magnum Trading
Magnum Trading
Faculty: Prof. Shankar
Abhinav Srivastava
MBA Integrated
Iml!m!"tat#$" $% Tally.ERP9
MAGNUM TRADING is a distributer of Amul Dairy Products and Udhayam dhal roducts
The closin! stock as on "#$%"$&%#" is
Name of Item Under Unit 'AT ( )enin!
Rate In
Amul .utter
Amul Nos #0./ 1% Nos #&.%% &%
2% Nos #/.%% #1.%%
.utter #%%!
Amul Nos #0./ /% Nos &&.%% #%
0% nos &1.%% "0.%%
Amul Panner
Amul Nos #0./ #%%
"&.%% 3&%
1% Nos 0%.%% /%.%%
Door Dhal #
Udhayam Nos / &%%
12.%% #%%
#%% nos ##1.%% #&1.%%
Udhayam Urid
Dhal # k!
Udhayam Nos / #&%
##&.%% &%
#%% Nos #"&.%% #0/.%%
Moon! Dhal #
Udhayam Nos / 4% Nos 1#.%% &%
5% Nos 41.%% ##1.%%
Pu&c'a(! T&a"(act#$"( %$& t'! m$"t' $% May)*+,-
#.Purchase made from Amul India P ltd Amul .utter /%! 6 #%% Nos 7 ##.%% 8Nos 9 :at 7
#0./(. Amul .utter #%%! 6 "%% Nos 7 &&.%%8Nos 9 :at 7 #0./( as er the In:oice no;
AIP<85&"#18#"$#0. In:oice dated 6 %#$%/$&%#"
&.Purchase made from Amul India P ltd Amul Panner /%! 6 #%% Nos 7 #".%% 8Nos 9 :at 7
#0./(. Amul Panner #%%! 6 #/% Nos 7 "1.%%8Nos 9 :at 7 #0./( as er the In:oice no;
AIP<85/"#18#"$#0. In:oice dated 6 %&$%/$&%#"
".Purchase made from Udhayam Dhal P <td Udhayam Urid Dhal # k! 6 #%% Nos 7
##%.%% 8Nos 9 :at 7 /( Udhayam Door Dhal # k! 6 #/% Nos 7 1/.%%8Nos 9 :at 7 /( as
er the In:oice no ;UDP<8/&"#8#"$#0 In:oice dated 6 "#$%/$&%#".
Sal!( Ma.! .u&#"/ t'! May M$"t'
#. Sales made to Alre!in Stores Amul .utter /%! 6 &%% Nos 7 Dealer Price 9 :at 7 #0./(
Amul .utter #%%! 6 "%% Nos 7 Dealer Price 9 :at 7 #0./( as er the In:oice no; %%%#.
In:oice dated 6 %#$%/$&%#"
&. Sales made to 'elmuru!an Stores Amul .utter /%! 6 &%% Nos 7 Dealer Price 9 :at 7
#0./(. Amul .utter #%%! 6 "%% Nos 7 Dealer Price 9 :at 7 #0./( as er the In:oice no;
%%%& In:oice dated 6 %#$%/$&%#"
". Sales made to Annai =nterrises $ Amul .utter /%! 6 &%% Nos 7 -ustomer Price 9 :at 7
#0./(. Amul .utter #%%! 6 "%% Nos 7 -ustomer Price 9 :at 7 #0./( as er the In:oice no;
%%%" In:oice dated 6 %&$%/$&%#"
0.Sales made to De:a Traders $Udhayam Urid Dhal # k! 6 #%% Nos 7 Dealer Price 9 :at 7
/( Udhayam Door Dhal # k! 6 #/% Nos 7 Dealer Price 9 :at 7 /( as er the In:oice
no ;%%%0 In:oice dated 6 %&$%/$&%#"
/. Sales made to Anda:ar Stores $ Amul .utter /%! 6 #%% Nos 9 #% Nos >R== 7 Dealer
Price 9 :at 7 #0./( In:oice no; %%%/ In:oice dated 6 %&$%/$&%#"
D$ t'! Ta(0( 1E2$&t t$ PDF3
#. Preare 'at -omutation Reort for May month? -reate Anne@ure I? Anne@ure II
&. Preare -losin! Stock reort ended ,ith "#$%/$&%#"
". Preare Godo,n$,ise reort for )ffice A ++ Na!ar Godo,n
0. Preare .ills Payable reort A A!ein! for Payable
/. Preare .ills Recei:able Reort
The term comany is a !eneric term and not confined to an or!aniBation re!istered under
comany Act. This term in conte@t of Tally stands for any entity for ,hom a searate set of
books of accounts is maintained. It may be a comany? artnershi firm? indi:idual or!aniBation
e:en a branch office for ,hich a searate set of account books is maintained for accountin!. >or
each entity you create a rofile ,hich is termed as C-)MPANDE in Tally.
-reatin! a -omany in:ol:es ro:idin! basic information about the comany ,hose books of
accounts are to be maintained in Tally.=RP 4.
Go to Gate,ay of Tally F GAlt9>"H -omany Info. F -reate -omany
This comany creation screen ,ants the necessary and otional information about the comany.
The necessary fields are Name of the comany? communication address ? State name? Pin code?
=$mail address? use Indian :at? :at in? income ta@ number? local sales ta@ number? currency
symbol? maintain the comany tye? financial year from? .ook be!innin! from ? Tally :ault
ass,ord ? use security control and base currency information. The otion field is Directory
secification location. The abo:e fields are arran!ed in !rou ,ise information and also
discussed seIuentially.
.y default? Tally.=RP 4 contains t,o <ed!er accounts namely? -ash GUnder -ash$in$ JandH and Profit
and <oss Account Gdirect Primary AccountH. Dou need to create all other accounts heads. There are no
restrictions in <ed!er creation e@cet that you cannot create another Profit A <oss A8c. Any number of
-ash Accounts may be created in any other name for e@; Petty -ash.
Go to Gate,ay of Tally F Accounts Info. F <ed!ers
The creation of a <ed!er deends on the features you ha:e selected under >##; >eatures of your comany
and >#&; -onfi!ure. Dou can create a sin!le led!er account ,ith the default otions enabled.
SUNDRD -R=DIT)RS $ refers to comanies or indi:iduals to ,hich money is o,ed.
Tye the follo,in! details in the led!er creation screen
Name; Amul India P <td
Under; Sundry -reditors
In:entory :alues are affected; This ,ill be :isible only if you created a comany in Accounts ,ith
in:entory mode.
Mailin! details; =nter Name? address? State? Pin code of the arty on the ri!ht hand side of the screen
Ta@ information; =nter PAN? 'AT N)? and -ST N) of the arty here.
Sundry Debtors; is an entity from ,hich amounts are due for !oods sold or ser:ices rendered or in resect
of contractual obli!ations. Also termed; debtor? trade debtor? and account recei:able.
Tye the follo,in! details in the led!er creation screen
Name; Anda:ar Stores
Under; Sundry Debtors
In:entory :alues are affected; This ,ill be :isible only if you created a comany in Accounts ,ith
in:entory mode.
Mailin! details; =nter Name? address? State? Pin code of the arty on the ri!ht hand side of the screen
Ta@ information; =nter PAN? 'AT N)? and -ST N) of the arty here.
To enable 'AT in Tally.=RP 4?
Go to Gate,ay of Tally F >##; >eaturesF >"; Statutory A Ta@ation
In the Statutory A Ta@ation >eatures
Set =nable 'alue Added Ta@ G'ATH to Des
=nable Set8Alter 'AT Details
Press =nter to :ie, the -omany 'AT Details screen
Note; The rocedure for ro:idin! the aroriate details in resecti:e fields of -omany 'AT Details
screen is !i:en ,ith resect to Tamil Nadu State. Dou can select the reIuired state from the <ist of States
dislayed to imort the state$secific statutory masters.
In the -omany 'AT Details screen? secify the 'AT Details and return form secific Additional
Under 'AT Details section;
Select the State as Tamil Nadu
Select the Tye of Dealer as alicable based on the tye of re!istration made by the dealerKs ,ith the
'AT Deartment. In this section? the rocedure ertainin! to Re!ular dealer is bein! e@lained. Jence?
select the Tye of Dealer as Re!ular
=nter the date from ,hich the 'AT ro:isions are alicable for the dealer in the Re!ular
'AT Alicable >rom field
Under Additional Information section;
<')8'S) -ode; =nter the <ocal 'AT )ffice 8 <ocal Sub$'AT )ffice code in this field.
Authorised Person; =nter the Name of the erson authorised to si!n the return form.
Status8Desi!nation; =nter the status8desi!nation of the authorised erson in this field.
Place; =nter the name of Place ,here the return is bein! filed.
Press =nter to sa:e the details and return to the -omany )erations Alterations screen.
The details entered in the additional information fields ,ill be catured in the Reort Generation
screen of return forms and anne@ures.
In the Reort Generation screen of Return >orms and Anne@ures? the details in the fields $
Authorised Person? Status8Desi!nation and Place can be chan!ed as er reIuirement. )n e@itin!
the screen? the temorarily modified details ,ill not be sa:ed. =:ery time the reort is !enerated?
the information entered in the -omany 'AT Details screen of >"; Statutory A Ta@ation >eatures
,ill be dislayed.
Note; In the Re!ular 'AT Alicable >rom field? the date as entered in the .ooks be!innin! from
field? of the -omany -reation screen ,ill be dislayed by default. In case ,here the dealerKs
date of re!istration is different from the .ooks be!innin! date? the same needs to be entered in
this field.
The rocedure for ro:idin! the aroriate details in resecti:e fields of -omany 'AT Details
screen is !i:en ,ith resect to +arnataka State. The dealer can select the reIuired state from the
<ist of States dislayed to imort the state$secific statutory masters.
0. A brief descrition on the fields ertainin! to Ta@ Information that aears in this screen
is !i:en belo,.
/. 'AT TIN G-omositionH; This field ,ill be skied on selectin! the Tye of Dealer as
Re!ular. The 'AT TIN can be entered in this field only ,hen the Tye of Dealer is
selected as -omosite.
2. 'AT TIN GRe!ularH; =nter the Ta@ Identification Number GTINH in this field. The TIN is
## di!it number.
5. <ocal Sales Ta@ Number; This field ,ill be skied on selectin! the Tye of Dealer as
Re!ular. This number ,ill be ro:ided only for dealer ,ho does not ossess a 'AT8TIN.
1. Inter$State Sales Ta@ Number; =nter the Inter$State Sales Ta@ Number
4. PAN8Income $ Ta@ No.; =nter the Permanent Account Number in this field. The PAN is a
#% di!it alhanumeric number.
Duties and Ta@es; Duty is char!ed on imorted !oods. It is essentially an imort ta@. Ta@es are in
!o:ernment char!es on !oods or ser:ices inside the country.
Tye the follo,in! details in the led!er creation screen
Name; Inut :at 7 #&./(
Under; Duties and Ta@es
Tye of Ta@; Select the tye of ta@ as 'AT
'AT Sub Tye; Inut 'AT G>or urchase al,ays Inut 'AT is consideredH
'AT8Ta@ -lass; Select the 'AT -lass
Tye the follo,in! details in the led!er creation screen
Name; )utut :at 7 #&./(
Under; Duties and Ta@es
Tye of Ta@; Select the tye of ta@ as 'AT
'AT Sub Tye; )utut 'AT G>or sales al,ays Inut 'AT is consideredH
'AT8Ta@ -lass; Select the 'AT -lass
=nable the otion in >## features 6 >" GStatutory and Ta@ationH 6 =nable 'AT
Alter Purchase accounts <ed!er and set the otion 6 Used in 'AT Returns $ D=S
To create a Stock Item?
Go to Gate,ay of Tally F In:entory Info F Stock Item F Sin!le -reate Gunder Sin!le Stock ItemH
Stock Item creation is dislayed as sho,n;
Lhen a comany buys !oods on credit or cash? Purchase :oucher is used to record all the
Purchase transactions of the comany.
To ass a Purchase 'oucher;
Go to Gate,ay of Tally F Accountin! 'ouchers
-lick on >4; Purchase on the .utton .ar or ress >4.
Lhen a comany sells !oods on credit or cash? Sales :oucher is used to record all the Sales
transactions of the comany.
To ass a Sales 'oucher;
Go to Gate,ay of Tally F Accountin! 'ouchers
-lick on >1;Sales on the .utton .ar or ress >1
TallyKs Dislay of information is desi!ned to allo, a user !et the ma@imum benefit of the data that is
entered. A user !ets a holistic icture of the data and is also able to resent information usin! different
otions. The urose of comilin! data is to resent it in comrehensible accountin! reorts. )n enterin!
the :ouchers? Tally.=RP 4 uses the same data and ro:ides you ,ith the mana!ement control reorts in
addition to all books and statements.
The dislay screens of Tally.=RP 4 are dynamic and interacti:e. They are not sooled rint files but are
secially desi!ned for the screen. Lhate:er you see on the screen can be rinted as ,ell deendin! uon
your rinterMs caabilities.
To :ie, the Reorts;
Go to Gate,ay of Tally F Dislay
The 'AT -omutation reorts ro:ide the Assessable 'alue and the Ta@ Amount of the urchase and
sales transactions entered usin! different 'AT8 Ta@ classifications. The adNustment entries recorded usin!
the 'AT AdNustments are also catured in the 'AT -omutation.
To :ie, the 'AT -omutation reort?
Go to Gate,ay of Tally F Dislay F Statutory Reorts F 'AT F 'AT -omutation
A bill of e@chan!e can be either bills recei:able or bills ayable. Lhen a dra,ee accets a bill and sends
it back to the dra,er? it becomes a bills recei:able to the dra,er as money is recei:able on the bill.
Therefore? it becomes an asset to him. )n the other hand? it becomes a bills ayable to the dra,ee if
money is ayable by him on the bill? in ,hich case it is a liability for him.
.ills recei:able is a bill of e@chan!e on ,hich ayment is e@ected to be recei:ed at a later date.
.ills recei:able reort in Tally.=RP 4 dislays all the outstandin! recei:ables durin! a secified eriod.
To :ie, the Recei:ables screen;
Go to Gate,ay of Tally F Dislay F Statements of Accounts F )utstandin!sF Recei:ables
.ills ayable is a bill of e@chan!e due for ayment at a future date.
.ills ayable reort in Tally.=RP 4 dislays all the outstandin! ayables durin! a secified eriod.
To :ie, the .ills Payable screen?
Go to Gate,ay of Tally F Dislay F Statements of Accounts F )utstandin!s F Payables
The Godo,n 8 <ocation Summary statement sho,s the stock summary at different !odo,ns8 locations.
Lhile the main Stock Summary sho,s the stock osition for the entire comany on a !i:en date? the
Godo,n 8 <ocation Summary is a statement of stock$in$hand at each location on a articular date.
As ,ith all Tally.=RP 4 statements? it is udated ,ith e:ery transaction so that it ro:ides current stock
osition for any !odo,n8location at any time.
This statement can be drilled do,n and confi!ured to :ie, different details. It is also ossible to :ie, the
total stock flo, for each location in a sin!le reort.
To :ie, the Godo,n 8 <ocation Summary Reort;
Go to Gate,ay of Tally F Dislay F Statements of In:entory F Godo,ns
The Godo,n Summary dislays the flo, of stock? i.e. )enin! Stock? Goods In,ards? Goods )ut,ard
and -losin! Stock? as sho,n. GThis can be :ie,ed by chan!in! the features in >#&H