Sap Fi T-Codes
Sap Fi T-Codes
Sap Fi T-Codes
Particulars I 1 " % II 1 III 1 " % I$ 1 " $ 1 $I 1 " $II 1 $III 1 IX 1 X 1 " % nter!rise Structure Creation of Company Creation of Company Co!e Assi#n Company Co!e to Company Creation of &usiness Areas Fiscal "ear Creation of Fiscal 'ear (ariant Assi#n Company Co!e to Fiscal 'ear (ariant C#art of Accounts Creation of Chart of Accounts Assi#n Company Co!e to Chart of Accounts +efine Account Groups +efine ,etaine! -arnin#s Account Posting Periods +efine Postin# Perio! (ariant Assi#n Company Co!e to Postin# Perio! (ariant Open an! Close Postin# Perio!s %ocu&ent T'!es and Nu&(er )anges +efine +ocument .ypes +efine /um0er ,an#es Tolerances +efine .olerance Groups for G/L Accounts +efine .olerance Groups for -mployees Assi#n 1sers to .olerance Groups Field Status +efine Fiel! Status (ariants Assi#n Company Co!e to Fiel! Status (ariants Calculation Procedures Assi#n Country to Calculation Proce!ure Glo(al Para&eters -nter Glo0al Parameters Foreign Currenc' Settings Chec2 -3chan#e ,ate .ypes +efine .ranslation ,atios for Currency .ranslation -nter -3chan#e ,ates Specify +efault -3chan#e ,ate .ype in +ocument .ype
Transaction Code OX15 OX0 OX1$ OX0" O& ) O&"* O&1" O&$ O&+% O&5" O&&O O&&P O&5 O&A* F&/1 O&A0 O&A% O&5* O&C% O&C5 O&&G O&'$ O&0* O&&S O&04 O&A*
Basic Settings XI Creation of G/L Accounts 1 Creation of G/L Account at Chart of Accounts Level
Creation of G/L Account at Company Co!e Level Creation of G/L Account Centrally
%ocu&ent !osting and ot#er Transactions I 1 " % 5 $ * 4 II 1 %ocu&ent Posting G/L +ocument Postin# Post Out#oin# Payment for G/L Accounts G/L Account Postin# 5 -n6oy .ransaction Postin# a +ocument 7ith reference to another +ocument +isplay +ocument Chan#e +ocument +isplay G/L Account &alances +isplay G/L Account &alances for Open 8tem 9ana#e! A/cs Acti*ation of Line Ite& %is!la' Fla# :Line 8tem +isplay: Chec20o3 in G/L Account &loc2 GL Account " % III 1 ,un Pro#ram :,FS-PA01: for activation of Line 8tems 1n0loc2 GL Account Ot#er Transactions Copy Company Co!e Settin#s from one Company Co!e to another Copy /um0er ,an#es from one Company Co!e to another " % 5 $ * Copy /um0er ,an#es from one Fiscal 'ear to another .o see the chan#es in the G/L Account 9aster +efine Postin# <eys +efine Line 8tem .e3t .emplates +efine Countries 5 +efine Group Currency -C01 O&;1 O&; FS0% O&%1 O&5$ O'01 FS00 FS00 S-"4 FS00 F50 F50* F&50 F&, F&0" F&0 FS10/ F&L"/
) 10 11 1 1" 1% 15 1$ 1* 14 1) 0 1 " I$ 1
+efine A!!itional Local Currencies for Company Co!e +efine Account Assi#nment 9o!el +efine Fast -ntry Screens Accountin# -!itin# Options ,eset .ransaction +ata 5 +elete .ransaction +ata in a Company Co!e +eletin# 9aster +ata 5 Customers= (en!ors > G/L Accounts .ransport Chart of Accounts Copy G/L Accounts from One Company Co!e to another Copy Chart of Accounts an! Account +eterminations +elete Chart of Accounts 9aintain (ali!ation Activate (ali!ation 9aintain Su0stitution Activate Su0stitution +isplay 8ntercompany +ocument +efine Clearin# Accounts for 8ntercompany .ransactions Ot#er Transactions + Tec#nical .o (ie7 .ransport ,e?uest .o Post &atch 8nput Session
F<9. O*-$ F&00 O&,1 O&, O&') O&' O&'* O&'4 GG&0 O& 4 GG&1 O&&; F&1" O&'A
S-01 S-0) S9"5 S9"0 SP01 S9"* S-11 S-1$ S-"4 SA(8 F5$5 SO00
" % 5 $ * 4 ) $ 1
.a0le 9aintenance (ie7 Screen .o (ie7 Spool ,e?uests .o (ie7 &ac2#roun! @o0s A&AP +ata +ictionary A&AP +ata &ro7ser A&AP -!itor SAP Auic2 (ie7er %ocu&ent Par,ing Creation of Par2e! +ocument Sen! System 9essa#e
+isplay Par2e! +ocuments -old %ocu&ents ,un Pro#ram :,F.9P&L1: for conversion of ;el! +ocuments Creation of ;ol! +ocument From the 9enu +ocument ;ol!
$I 1
" $II 1
+isplay ;el! +ocuments Sa&!le %ocu&ents Creation of /um0er ,an#e :X : for Sample +ocuments Creation of Sample +ocument
" %
+isplay Sample +ocuments Postin# of a +ocument 7ith reference to Sample +ocument BorC F50 From the 9enu +ocument Post 7ith ,eference Accrual/%eferral %ocu&ents Creation of ,eversal ,eason Creation of Accrual/+eferral +ocument
$III 1 " IX 1
,eversal of Accrual/+eferral +ocument )ecurring %ocu&ents Creation of /um0er ,an#e :X1: for ,ecurrin# +ocuments Creation of ,ecurrin# +ocument
" %
+isplay of ,ecurrin# +ocument Postin# of .ransactions 0y usin# ,ecurrin# +ocument templates 0y 7ay of &atch 8nput Session Chan#e ,ecurrin# +ocument +efine +ocument Chan#e ,ules )e*ersals 8n!ivi!ual ,eversal 9ass ,eversal ,eversal of a ,everse! +ocument ,eversal of a Cleare! 8tem Accrual/+eferral ,eversal
5 $ X 1 " % 5
Interest Calculations: Account Balance Interest Calculation +efine 8nterest Calculation .ypes Prepare Account &alance 8nterest Calculation +efine ,eference 8nterest ,ates +efine .ime +epen!ent .erms -nter 8nterest ,ates Creation of G/L Account Assi#nment of Accounts for Automatic Postin# Postin# of .erm Loan ,epayment of .erm Loan 8nterest Calculations Foreign Currencies Balances )e*aluation +efine (aluation 9etho!s Creation of G/L Accounts Prepare Automatic Postin#s .erm Loan ,eceipt in Forei#n Currency -nter -3chan#e ,ates Forei#n Currency &alances ,evaluation BFore3 ,unC Ta. on Sales/Purc#ases +efine .a3 Proce!ures Assi#n Country to Calculation Proce!ures +efine .a3 Co!es Assi#n .a3 Co!es for /on5.a3a0le .ransactions Creation of :(A. Pool A/c: G/L Account +efine .a3 Accounts Assi#n .a3 Co!es in G/L Accounts O&A" O&&G F.XP O&CL FS00 O&%0 FS00 F5%" O&5) FS00 O&A1 F50 O&04 FD05 O&%$ O&AA O&AC O&41 O&4" FS00 O&( F50 F50 FD5
Accounts Pa'a(le I Basic Settings 1 " Creation of (en!or Accounts Groups Creation of /um0er ,an#es for (en!or Account Groups Assi#n /um0er ,an#es to (en!or Account Groups O&+" X</1 O&AS
5 $ * II 1 " % 5 $ III 1
9aintain Customer/(en!or .olerance Groups Creation of G/L Accounts 5 ,econciliation A/c Creation of (en!or 9aster +ocument .ypes an! /um0er ,an#es Transactions Postin# of (en!or 8nvoice Postin# Out#oin# Payment Postin# (en!or 8nvoice 5 -n6oy .ransaction .o (ie7 (en!or Account (en!or Cre!it 9emo (en!or Cre!it 9emo 5 -n6oy .ransaction -ouse Ban,s Creation of :&an2 A/c: G/L Account
FS00 X<01 O&A*E F&/1 F5%" F55" F&$0 F&L1/ F5%1 F&$5 FS00
" % 5 $ * 4 ) 10 I$ 1
Creation of ;ouse &an2 an! Assi#n G/L A/c in ;ouse F81 &an2 Creation of Chec2 Lots FC;8 9anual Chec2 1p!ates +isplay Chec2 ,e#ister FC;5 FC;/
Chan#e Chec2 8ssue +ate/Chec2 -ncashment +ate FC;$ 1p!atin# Creation of (oi! ,eason Co!e FC;( (oi! Chec2/1nissue! Chec2 Cancellation ,emove Chec2 -ncashment +ate +ata 8ssue! Chec2 Cancellation Ad*ance Pa'&ents or %o/n Pa'&ents Creation of :A!vance to (en!ors A/c: G/L Account FS00 +efine Alternative ,econciliation Account for (en!or O&', +o7n Payments +o7n Payment ,e?uest B/ote! 8temC F5%* +o7n Payment 9a!e F5%4 FC;" FC;G FC;4
" %
Purchase 8nvoice Postin# .ransfer of A!vance from Special G/L to /ormal 0y F55% clearin# Special G/L A/c Clearin# of /ormal 8tem 5 Account Clear F5%% Ter&s of Pa'&ent Creation of .erms of Payment Assi#n G/L Account for Automatic Postin# of +iscount ,eceive! Assi#n G/L Account for Automatic Postin# of +iscount Given Part' State&ent of Account Assi#n Pro#rams for Correspon!ence .ypes ,e?uest for Correspon!ence 9aintain Correspon!ence Auto&atic Pa'&ent Progra& Assi#n Payment 9etho! in (en!or 9aster Creation of Chec2 Lots Payment ,un Cas# 4ournal Create G/L Account for Cash @ournal +efine +ocument .ypes for Cash @ournal +ocuments +efine /um0er ,an#e 8ntervals for Cash @ournal +ocuments Set 1p Cash @ournal Create= Chan#e= +elete &usiness .ransactions Set 1p Print Parameters for Cash @ournal FS00 O&A* F&C@C1 F&C@C0 F&C@C F&C@C" O&&4 O&X1 O&X8
Accounts )ecei*a(les I Basic Settings 1 Creation of Customer Account Groups Creation of /um0er ,an#es for Customer Account O&+ X+/1
Groups " % 5 $ II 1 Assi#n /um0er ,an#es to Customer Account Groups Creation of G/L Account 5 ,econciliation Account Creation of Customer 9aster +ocument .ypes an! /um0er ,an#es Transactions Postin# of Customer 8nvoice Postin# 8ncomin# Payment " % 5 $ III 1 Postin# Customer 8nvoice 5 -n6oy .ransaction .o (ie7 Customer Account Customer Cre!it 9emo Customer Cre!it 9emo 5 -n6oy .ransaction Ad*ance Pa'&ents or %o/n Pa'&ents Creation of :A!vance from Customers A/c: G/L Account FS00 F5 F5 4 F&*0 F&L5/ F5 * F&*5 O&A, FS00 X+01 O&A*E F&/1
" % 5 $ * 4 ) 10 11 1
+efine Alternative ,econciliation Account for Customer O&X, +o7n Payments +o7n Payment ,e?uest B/ote! 8temC F5"* +o7n Payment ,eceive! Sale 8nvoice Postin# F5 ) F5
.ransfer of A!vance from Special G/L to /ormal 0y F5") clearin# Special G/L A/c Clearin# of /ormal 8tem 5 Account Clear F5" +efine Alternative ,econciliation Account for &ills of -3chan#e ,eceiva0le +efine &an2 Su0 Accounts Sale 8nvoice Postin# &ills of -3chan#e Payment &an2 &ill +iscountin# O&'/ O&'< F5 F5"$ F5""
1% 15 1$ 1* I$ 1
+efine +unnin# Areas +efine +unnin# Proce!ures Assi#n +unnin# Proce!ure in Customer 9aster Sale 8nvoice Postin#s +unnin# Credit 5anage&ent 9aintain Cre!it Control Area Assi#n Company Co!e to Cre!it Control Area
" % 5 $
+efine Cre!it ,is2 Cate#ories +efine Accountin# Cler2 Groups FCre!it ,epresentative GroupsG +efine Cre!it ,epresentatives FAssi#n -mployee to Cre!it ,epresentative GroupsG +efine 8ntervals for +ays in Arrears for Cre!it mana#ement
Asset Accounting I Basic Settings 1 Copy ,eference Chart of +epreciation/+epreciation Areas Assi#n .a3 Co!es for non5ta3a0le transactions Assi#n Company Co!e to Chart of +epreciation 9aintain /um0er ,an#es for Asset 9aster +ata 9aintain Asset Classes +etermine +epreciation Areas in the Asset Classes Creation of G/L Accounts Assi#nment of G/L Accounts for Automatic Postin#s -C04 O&CL OAO& AS04 OAOA OA'H FS00 AO)0
" % 5 $ * 4
10 11 1 1" 1% 15 1$ 1* 14 1) 0 1
Specify 8ntervals an! Postin# ,ules Specify ,oun!in# of /et &oo2 (alue an!/or +epreciation +efine Screen Layout ,ules for Asset 9aster +ata +efine Screen Layout ,ules for Asset +epreciation Areas +epreciation <eys +efine &ase 9etho!s +efine +eclinin# &alances 9etho!s +efine 9ultilevel 9etho!s Creation of Asset 9aster Creation of Su05Asset 9aster 9ain Asset Purchase Postin# Su05Asset Purchase Postin# Asset -3plorer Asset ;istory Sheet
OA'O OA** OA*4 AFA9+ AFA9S AFA9P AFA9A AS01 AS11 F5)0 F5)0 AI01/ SJAL,J4 *011)$5 AFA&
" II 1
+epreciation ,un Ot#er Transactions .ransfer of APC Asset (alues 5 Perio!ic Asset Postin#s ,econciliation of Assets 7ith General Le!#er
" % 5
* 4 ) 10
.ransfer of Asset 5 8nter company Scrappin# of Asset Post CapitaliKation of Asset 9anual +epreciation 1nplanne! +epreciation