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The Link Between Standardization/Adaptation of International Marketing Strategy and Company Performance

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Inzinerine Ekonomika-Engineering Economics, 2011, 22(1), 106-117
The Link between Standardization/Adaptation of International Marketing
Strategy and Company Performance
Regina Virvilaite, Beata Seinauskiene, Giedre Sestokiene
Kaunas University of Technology
Laisves av. 55, LT-44309, Kaunas, Lithuania
e-mail: regina.virvilaite@ktu.lt, beata.seinauskiene@ktu.lt, giedreik@yahoo.com

Most scientific studies concentrate on factors that
impact the choice of a certain strategy, and they seek to
identify forces that stimulate standardization or adaptation.
But the validity of the choice of standardization or
adaptation strategy is determined by its potential to improve
company performance (Samie & Roth, 1992). Jain (1989)
states that suitability of an international marketing strategy
is confirmed by the strategys influence on the company
performance economic and strategic benefit, received due
to implementation of the chosen strategy.
Although the factor of companys performance should
be one of the most important ones when making the strategic
decision of standardization/adaptation, according to
scientists, this issue has been researched empirically the
least, and results of performed research works are
contradictory (Katsikeas, Samiee & Theodosiou, 2006).
Therefore, the link between standardization/adaptation of
international marketing strategy and company performance
remain a topical object of the scientific research.
The problem in this article is formulated with the help of
the following question: is there any link between
standardization/adaptation decisions of international
marketing strategy and company performance?
The aim of the article is to develop a theoretical model
of the link between standardization/ adaptation decisions of
international marketing strategy and company performance
and to test it empirically. Seeking to realize the set task,
research was performed using methods of systematic and
comparative analysis of scientific literature. Empirical
verification of the theoretical model was performed using
the case analysis method.
Identified internal organisational and external
environmental factors, which limit standardization/
adaptation decisions of international marketing strategy, are
presented in the article based on the analysis of scientific
literature. Reviewing research of this subject, causality
direction is analyzed and the link between
standardization/adaptation decisions of international
marketing strategy and company performance is
substantiated. The performed analysis of scientific literature
has shown that the link between standardization/ adaption
and company performance is reciprocal and complicated;
possibly it is influenced by other forces, such as Porters
(1980) generic strategies.
Based on literature analysis a theoretical model of the
link between standardization/adaptation decisions of
international marketing strategy and company performance
was composed. The model encompasses external and
internal antecedent factors that condition the decision to
standardize or adapt and outcomes of standardization/
adaption as well as the influence of the generic strategy on
the standardization/ adaptation decisions of international
marketing strategy and company performance. The model
reveals that company performance may be not only the
outcome of standardization/adaptation decisions, but also
an antecedent of these decisions. The generic strategies have
a direct and indirect (acting through the international
marketing strategy) impact on company performance.
Analysis of the case of LENZE Group revealed that
applied standardization/ adaptation and cost
leadership/differentiation strategies when they are adjusted
do complement each other and their strategic goals are not
confronting. This partially negates theoretical assumptions
that adaptation is compatible with the differentiation
strategy, and standardization is compatible with cost
leadership strategy, and this reveals that other combinations
of strategic decisions are also possible, conditioning the
improvement of company performance.
Keywords: international marketing strategy, standardization,
adaptation, company performance, generic
The processes of globalisation and integration have a
big influence on the development of international trade
(Bernatonyt, Normantiene, 2009). Favourable conditions
for business development in the international market,
appearing as a result of these processes, create conditions
for economies of scale, which would be impossible due to
the limited size of the inner market (Sabonien, 2009).
Therefore international marketing solutions become
especially relevant for enterprises that operate in a global
business environment and that look for survival or business
development possibilities.
Latterly more attention is given to the link between
international marketing strategy and company performance
in scientific literature on the subject of international
marketing (Samiee, Roth, 1992; Cavusgil, Zou, 1994;
ODonnell, Jeong, 2000; Katsikeas, Samiee & Theodosiou,
2006, Solberg, Durrieu, 2008; Shilke, Reiman, Thomas,
2009). Company performance is one of the most important
aspects when assessing the suitability of certain strategies
(Jain, 1989). However, despite the importance of
international marketing strategy for company performance,
the number of scientific research works that analyse the
mentioned link is limited, and results of the research works
are contradictory (Katsikeas, Samiee & Theodosiou, 2006,
Inzinerine Ekonomika-Engineering Economics, 2011, 22(1), 106-117

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Shilke, Reiman, Thomas, 2009). Although theoretical
assumptions exist that standardization creates conditions to
receive bigger profit, not all empirical studies confirm
these assumptions for example, in the case of research of
Samiee & Roth (1992). While, on the contrary, research
results of other scientists reveal that standardized
marketing strategies improve company performance
(ODonnell, Jeong, 2000, Zou, Cavusgil, 2002), and
companies have bigger profit, when applying standardized
marketing strategies (acting in homogenous markets)
(Schuch, 2000).
Scientific literature is dominated by research works
that analyse direct link between standardization/ adaptation
of international marketing strategy and company
performance, without assessing the possible impact of
other intermediate forces (Katsikeas, Samiee &
Theodosiou, 2006, Shilke, Reiman, Thomas, 2009).
Although such researches contribute to deepening the
knowledge about antecedent factors of standardization/
adaptation and outcomes of these strategic decisions,
nevertheless, according to scientists (Katsikeas, Samiee &
Theodosiou, 2006), research works of the direct link
between the strategy and company performance lead to an
assumption that one strategy is superior to another with
regard to its effect on company results, but the mentioned
approach contradicts the newest empirically based
provision that neither standardization nor adaptation is
inherently superior. Scientists begin to acknowledge that
the link between standardization/ adaptation and company
performance is complicated and possibly influenced by
other factors (Shilke, Reiman, Thomas, 2009, Solberg,
Durrieu, 2008). It should be emphasized that the influence
of standardization/adaptation decisions of international
marketing strategy on company performance is named also
as one of the most topical research objects of international
business (Griffith, Cavusgil, Xu, 2008). Therefore
inconsistent results of empirical research works and limited
research contexts confirm that the link between
standardization/adaption decisions of international
marketing strategy and company performance are a topical
object of scientific research (Ryans, Griffith, White, 2003,
Theodosiou, Leonidou, 2003).
It should be noted that there is no unanimous opinion
or model that would reveal the causality and the nature of
the link between international marketing strategy decisions
and company performance. Based on the above-mentioned
reasoning, a problem is formulated in this article with the
help of the following question: is there any link between
standardization/ adaptation decisions of international
marketing strategy and company performance?
The objective of the article is to prepare a theoretical
model of the link between standardization/adaptation
decisions of international marketing strategy and company
performance and to test it empirically.
The object of the article is standardization/adaptation
decisions of international marketing strategy and company
Seeking to reach the set goal, research was performed
using methods of systematic and comparative analysis of
scientific literature. Empirical testing of the theoretical
model was performed using the method of case analysis.
Factors that determine standardization/
adaptation decisions of international marketing
The concept of standardization/adaptation is defined
from the process (process oriented standardization/
adaptation) and program (program oriented standardization/
adaptation) perspectives. In terms of the program
perspective the marketing strategy standardization/
adaptation refers to the degree to which the separate
marketing mix elements are standardized or adopted in the
international market. Reffering to the home-host market
scenario, the standardization of the separate elements of
marketing mix is treated as the degree to which the
marketing mix elements differs from that of the home and
host markets (Lages, Abrantes, Lages, 2008).
The bigger part of scientific research (Jain, 1989;
zsomer, Bodur, Cavusgil, 1991, Cavusgil & Zou, 1993,
Theodosiou & Leonidou, 2003, Powers & Loyka, 2007) is
directed towards the identification and systematisation of
factors that define circumstances and create conditions for
the implementation of an appropriate international
marketing strategy. Scientists (Katsikeas, Samiee &
Theodosiou, 2006) notice that a lot of theoretical and
empirical research has been conducted where research
objects are factors influencing the choice of a certain
international marketing strategy. Some authors (Jain, 1989;
Cavusgil & Zou, 1994; Theodosiou & Leonidou, 2003;
zsomer, Bodur, Cavusgil, 1991, Solber, 2000) distinguish
internal and external factors. Other authors (Katsikeas,
Samiee & Theodosiou, 2006), basing themselves on the
paradigm of strategic fit (which postulates that company
performance may be improved by reaching a coalignment
among standardization/adaptation decisions and the
context of the environment where the strategy is being
implemented), emphasize external factors (of macro and
micro environment) as significant ones.
In summary it is possible to state that the newest
scientific studies of international marketing strategy
support the contingency approach, which allows bypassing
polarisation between standardization and adaptation and
suggests looking for a balance among these two
extremities, stating that the degree of standardization or
adaptation is defined by external environmental and
internal organizational factors. When operating in foreign
markets standardization or adaptation should be assessed
as two poles of the same decision group, and it is most
important for a company to foresee under what conditions
and when and to what extent it should standardize or adapt
respective elements of its marketing strategy (Alimien,
Kuvykaite, 2008).
Based on the analysis of scientific literature detailed
factors of internal and external factors are presented below
(Table 1).
It is obvious that factors that determine standardization
and adaption decisions of international marketing strategy
are of various levels they encompass the aspects of the
product, company, industry branch, market, and macro-

Regina Virvilaite, Beata Seinauskiene, Giedre Sestokiene. The Link between Standardization/Adaptation

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Table 1
Detailed factors of internal and external factors
(compiled by the authors of the article)

Factor group

Detailed factors

Competition Intensity of competition
Nature of the
Marketing infrastructure (accessibility of
communication and distribution channels)
Occupied market share
Business-to-business market
Business-to-consumer market
Consumer behaviour
Consumer purchasing power
Product type (industrial or consumer
Product lifecycle stage
Product homogeneity level
Industry branch Technological intensity and progress

Managerial factors
Managerial orientation (ethnocentric,
polycentric, regiocentric, geocentric)
Level of coordination (level of
centralisation of decision-making)
Experience of the company
Knowledge of the company
Size of the company
Level of globalisation of the company
Theoretical analysis of assessment of company
According to Jain (1989), the suitability of an
international marketing strategy is confirmed by the
influence of this strategy on the company performance
economic and strategic benefit, received after the
implementation of the chosen strategy. Scientists
(ODonnell, Jeong, 2000, Samiee, Roth, 1992, Cavusgil,
Zou, 1994, Shilke, Reiman, Thomas, 2009) define
company performance as a multiple theoretical construct,
which is defined by three dimensions: commercial
performance (sales volume, sales increase, etc.), financial
performance (profitability, return on investment, profit
growth), and performance, related to consumer reaction
(customer retention, satisfaction).
Assessment of performance of an exporting company
is quite difficult because company performance may be
perceived with the help of various methods (Lages,
Montgomery, 2004). Performance of an exporting
company is most often assessed with the help of several
approaches in scientific literature: financial, strategic, and
satisfaction with performance is analysed (Zou et al.,
Assessment of company performance from the
financial perspective depends on the stage of the business
life cycle. During the growth stage its financial goal often
is the growth of sales (market share). Having reached
maturity, profitability criteria become most important for
companies return on capital and added economic value.
During the decline stage cash flows become the most
important assessment criterion. According to Doyle
(2008), the assessment method of cash flows is the most
suitable one when assessing different strategic choices of
companies. Added economic value is a suitable method,
when the aim is to assess current (ongoing) performance
and its efficiency and to determine, if the current strategic
decision creates value for shareholders. Added economic
value measures value, which is created by the company
during a certain defined period of time. According to Doyle
(2008), the analysis of shareholder value is the most
effective mean when seeking to assess the efficiency of
alternative marketing strategies in financial terms. Results of
management accounting researches, based on the
contingency approach, also reveal that the system of
assessment of performance results is open and changing,
i.e. a changing environment of companies (economic
growth, maturity stage, economic decline) has a direct
impact on the changes of the system of measuring
performance results (Valanciene, Gimzauskiene, 2009,
Gimzauskiene, Kloviene, 2010).
Satisfaction with results of company performance is a
variable that has been analyzed the most in the context of
international marketing. According to scientists (Lages,
Montgomery, 2004), assessment of company performance
is a complicated process, which depends on a companys
objectives and its set goals. Satisfaction may mean success
for one company and failure for another company. So
results of research of such nature often do not allow
making any generalisations and modelling behaviour of
other companies. Therefore, when assessing the company
performance and choosing satisfaction as an assessment
criterion, it is purposeful to find out the degree of the
desired result of a certain company.
Assessing the impact of international marketing
strategy on the company performance, the following
indicators are used: sales volume, profitability, market
share, and number of loyal consumers. But, according to
scientists (Boguslauskas, Adlyte, 2010), it is not enough to
analyze separate indicators of company performance when
seeking to assess company performance effectively, the
whole indicator system should be included into the
analysis. The application of a wider scale of assessment
criteria guarantees intelligent and detailed assessment of
strategic decisions (Zinkeviciute, 2007). Seeking to
implement the companys strategy effectively, especially
in a global environment, it is necessary to move from
management control to management of company
performance (when measurement of efficiency is treated as
an element of company performance management) (Nita,
According to Leonidou, Katsikeas, Samiee (2002), if a
company has a goal to improve its sales indicators, more
attention should be given to the adaptation of its marketing
strategy, whereas bigger profitability might be reached by
using the strategy of competitive prices. So in conclusion
an assumption may be made that in case of standardization
decisions it would be most purposeful to assess company
profitability or its changes, and in the case of adaptation
the companys taken market share should be assessed.
Inzinerine Ekonomika-Engineering Economics, 2011, 22(1), 106-117

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The link between standardization/adaptation
decisions of international marketing strategy
and company performance
Company performance is one of the most important
aspects when assessing the suitability of specific strategies
(Jain, 1989). Earlier researches are dominated by an attitude
that application of standardized decisions has a positive
effect on the company performance mostly due to
economies of scale and decreased complexity of
management (Jain, 1989, ODonnell & Jeong, 2000). But
other scientists (Lages, Abrantes, Lages, 2008) contradict
stating that standardization can have disadvantages. So
despite the declared benefit standardization does not always
improve all companies performance equally (Shilke,
Reiman, Thomas, 2009). Company performance is a
complicated theoretical construct, and it is influenced by
various factors (Ryan, Griffith, White, 2003, Theodosiou &
Leonidas, 2003).
Shilke, Reimann & Thomas (2009) performed analysis
of the most significant empirical researches, published in
acknowledged scientific publications, which examine the
link between the international marketing strategy and
company performance, and determined that although
results of the performed researches in general are quite
contradictory, still most scientific studies reveal that
application of standardized actions most often has a
positive effect on company performance (in terms of
unconditional link, independent of the impact of possible
intermediate factors). But, according to the above-
mentioned authors, this does not mean that standardization
has an equal positive effect on the performance of all
companies. In certain situations the benefit of adaptation
may decrease the positive influence of standardization of
international marketing strategy.
Researches that analyse direct link between some
several variables of standardization/ adaptation of
international marketing strategy and company performance
(one or several indicators) are predominant in scientific
literature. According to Katsikeas, Samiee & Theodosiou,
(2006) researches of a direct link between international
marketing strategy and company performance lead to an
assumption that one strategy improves the company
performance, and another strategy does not. According to
the above-mentioned authors, such attitude contradicts the
paradigm of strategic fit, which postulates that company
performance will be improved only in the case if
coalignment is reached among standardization/adaptation
(or their combination) and environmental context. The
standardization strategy allows reaching economies of
scale, but also it may condition unsatisfactory performance
results, when it is incompatible with the environment of a
foreign country.
Company performance as an outcome of
standardization/ adaptation decisions of international
marketing strategy. It should be noted that a unanimous
opinion is lacking in scientific literature regarding the
position, taken by the factor of performance in the cause-
result context, or what the direction of causality between
standardization/adaptation decisions of international
marketing strategy and company performance is. Many
scientific studies treat company performance as a result of
strategic decisions of standardization or adaptation.
Historically strategy formation is defined as an antecedent
to performance outcomes (causal factor) (Lages, 2000,
Lages, Montgomery, 2004). March & Sutton (1997), having
performed thorough analysis of the newest scientific articles
on strategic management and organisational behaviour,
reveal that 71% of scientific articles analyze company
performance as a dependent variable, 12% of articles
analyze it as an independent variable, and 11% of studies
analyze performance as a dependent as well as independent
variable. In other words, company performance most often
is analyzed in scientific literature as the outcome of
standardization/ adaptation decisions of international
marketing strategy. The influence of standardization/
adaptation decisions, determined by certain factors, on the
company performance, ignoring the behaviour of companies
as a reaction to preceding performance, is the research
object of many scientific studies.
Company performance as an antecedent of
standardization/adaptation decisions of international
marketing strategy. It should be emphasized that very few
scientific studies exist in the context of international
marketing that analyse the link between international
marketing strategy and company performance as an
antecedent, i.e. that analyse the link of the mentioned
constructs from the point of view when international
marketing strategy is treated as an outcome of company
Assumptions are made in scientific literature of export
marketing as well as of strategic management and
organisational behaviour that satisfaction with previous
results of company performance is directly related to bigger
future commitment of companies (Lages, Montgomery,
2004). Preceding company performance that correspond to
or surpass expectations stimulate companies to increase
commitment in the international market; companies tend to
risk more; more resources are given to export activities, so
possibilities of the company to implement an adapted
international marketing strategy increase (Lages,
Montgomery, 2004). So it should be thought that an
improved performance creates conditions to apply adaptation
of marketing strategy. Preceding company performance has
an indirect and a positive influence on decisions of
international marketing strategy, i.e. an improved
performance determines bigger commitment of the company
in the international market and thus increases the companys
possibilities to apply the adapted international marketing
strategy (Lages, Montgomery, 2004).
The link between the generic strategies and
standardization/ adaptation decisions of
international marketing strategy and company
Authors (Shilke, Reimann & Thomas, 2009) state that
company performance depends not only on the degree of
standardization/adaptation of international marketing
strategy, determined by external and internal factors, but
also on the generic strategies that the company applies, i.e.
there should be coalignment between these strategies.
Regina Virvilaite, Beata Seinauskiene, Giedre Sestokiene. The Link between Standardization/Adaptation

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Authors Leonidou, Katsikeas, Samiee (2002) also raise an
assumption that the generic strategies should influence the
link between international marketing strategy and company
performance, so, they indicate the need to examine how
and to what degree links among export marketing strategy
and company performance are affected by the generic
strategies, applied by the company, as one of further
research directions.
Two generic strategies are distinguished in scientific
literature: differentiation strategy and cost leadership
strategy (Porter, 1980). Cost leadership strategy is related
with the big scale of manufacture, therefore it is related
also with smaller average costs, so companies that apply
cost leadership strategy may compete in the market more
easily. Zou & Cavusgil (2002) state that a company,
seeking to gain competitive advantage based on low cost
position, should apply standardization of international
marketing strategy. So, Shilke, Reimann & Thomas (2009)
suggest that a positive link between standardization and
company performance is stronger in the case of those
companies, which apply cost leadership strategy.
Morgan, Kaleka, & Katsikeas (2004) relate success of
international marketing strategy or its positive impact for
company performance with the generic strategies, i.e. they
think that these strategies should be compatible. Shilke,
Reimann & Thomas, (2009) note that the main aim of
differentiation (to stand out from competitors) may be in
conflict with the main aim of standardization (to present
the same marketing mix to an international market).
According to the above-mentioned scientists, the
differentiation strategy decreases the positive impact of
standardization on company performance. It is difficult to
coalign standardization of an international marketing
strategy with the differentiation strategy. Companies that
apply the differentiation strategy seek to distinguish
themselves from competitors by providing superior
information, more attractive prices, distribution channels
or luxury goods (Porter, 1980). In the case of the
differentiation strategy competitive advantage is
idiosyncracy with regard to competitors, herewith
satisfying consumer needs better than competitors and
reasonably selling products with premium price. In this
case standardization may offer conditionally less to
companies that seek the above-mentioned goal, so it will
not contribute to the improvement of company
performance. And conversely the adaptation strategy is an
attractive choice in the case of the differentiation strategy,
because strategic goals coincide (Shilke, Reimann &
Thomas, 2009). According to the above-mentioned
authors, standardization of international marketing strategy
is less attractive for companies that apply the
differentiation strategy in their internationalisation process.
In this case standardization will have a smaller effect on
company performance, because the differentiation strategy
decreases possible positive impact of standardization on
company performance. Although theoretical assumptions
of scientists (Shilke, Reimann & Thomas, 2009) regarding
differentiation were not confirmed, still authors think that
applied standardization for all foreign markets may weaken
differentiation as a competitive advantage. Meanwhile in
case of the cost leadership strategy results of empirical
researches, performed by the above-mentioned scientists,
confirm positive influence of this strategy on company
performance. Companies that apply cost leadership
strategy reach improvement in performance when applying
the standardization strategy, because goals of cost
leadership strategy and standardization of international
marketing strategy coincide (to increase efficiency).
According to scientists (Solberg, Durrieu, 2008), the
link between the generic strategies and company performance
is complex the generic strategies may have a direct and
indirect (through standardization/adaptation of international
marketing strategy) effect on company performance.
According to Solberg & Durrieu (2008), company
performance could be explained best by an analysis of
direct and indirect total effect of the generic and
international strategies (including standardization), and not
by an analysis of the individual effect of one of these
strategies. In summary it can be stated that generic strategies
influence the link between decisions of standardization/
adaptation of international marketing strategy and company
performance. The link between the generic strategies and
company performance is complicated the generic
strategies may have a direct and indirect effect on company
performance. Regarding the compatibility of strategic goals,
the adaptation strategy is an attractive choice in case of the
differentiation strategy, and standardization is the choice for
the case of cost leadership strategy.
A theoretical model of the link between
standardization/ adaptation of international
marketing strategy and company performance
Having performed systematic and comparative
analysis of scientific literature, a theoretical model of the
link between decisions of standardization/adaptation of
international marketing strategy and company performance
was composed (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Theoretical model of the link between
standardization/adaptation of international marketing
strategy and company performance
External factors
Market nature
Industry branch

Inner factors
adaptation of



Generic strategies:

Cost leadership strategy
Differentiation strategy
Inzinerine Ekonomika-Engineering Economics, 2011, 22(1), 106-117

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The prepared theoretical model of the link between
standardization/adaptation of international marketing
strategy and company performance encompasses not only
the external and internal antecedent factors that influence
the decision and outcomes of these decisions, but also the
influence of the generic strategy on decisions of
international marketing strategy and company performance.
The model reveals that company performance may be
not only the outcome of standardization/adaptation
decisions, but also an antecedent of these decisions. The
generic strategies influence the company performance
directly and indirectly (through standardization/adaptation
of international marketing strategy).
Due to the coalignment between the generic and
international marketing strategies (standardization/
adaptation) and successive synergy there is a bigger
positive effect for company performance.
Empirical testing of the theoretical model of
the link between standardization/ adaptation
of international marketing strategy and
company performance: the case of LENZE
The aim of the research is to test the theoretical model
of the link between the decisions of standardization/
adaptation of international marketing strategy and company
performance empirically with the help of the example of
LENZE Group.
The empirical research method was chosen for the
testing of the theoretical model an analysis of the case of
an international company. The chosen empirical research
method was determined by the nature of the company
activities and the possibility to access the information
sources inside the company, necessary for the performance
of the research, and by the limited possibilities to perform a
large-scale quantitative research.
Secondary and primary (unstructured interview)
information sources were used for the fulfilment of the
research. The interview was conducted by interviewing the
responsible manager of the subsidiary company in
LENZE Group is active in 60 countries; therefore it is
quite difficult to perform quantitative research due to big
time and financial costs. The main attention in this article is
given to international marketing decisions of companies,
acting in Germany, Poland, and Lithuania. The mentioned
companies belong to one structural branch of LENZE
Group, oriented towards the Eastern European regional
A short characteristic of LENZE Group. LENZE
Group is one of the leading industry innovators in
Germany. It has more than three thousand employees in
the whole world. Three hundred employees work in the
department of research and development in Germany,
where new products, systems of mechanical and electronic
drive systems and their application decisions are created.
The main seat of LENZE is situated in the city of Hameln,
Germany, where Hans Lenze established the first company
in 1947. The market of LENZE Group is the whole world
the company has 42 subsidiaries, and it has
representatives in the form of sales and service companies
in 60 countries. The biggest plants are established in
Aerzen and Extertal (Germany), Asten (Austria), Shanghai
(China), Tarnw (Poland) as well as Uxbridge (USA).
Strategic decisions of gaining competitive
advantage of LENZE Group
LENZE Group, seeking to gain competitive advantage
in the market, coaligns the cost leadership strategy with the
differentiation strategy. The main competitors of LENZE
Group in electronics are Danfoss, ABB, Shnieder Elektric,
and Control Techniques. The company seeks to become
the leader and competes by decreasing product prices and
improving the quality of its products and services. Seeking
to preserve and to increase the occupied market share and
sales volume, the company applies the cost leadership
strategy with regard to the industrial products (frequency
converters, reducers, electrical motors, servo drives,
modular systems, components). The company reaches cost
minimisation due to economies of scale in many stages of
the value chain, for example, by manufacturing
standardized products and constantly increasing their sales
volume. The preconditions for the company to apply the
cost leadership strategy with regard to products are a big
degree of internationalisation of the company and a wide
geographical coverage of markets.
Since price does not always play the main role when
gaining competitive advantage in the analyzed industries
(conveyer systems, material transportation industry,
packaging industry, robot technology, automobiles
industry), a part of bigger than average profit, received in
this industry, is invested into other sources of gaining
competitive advantage, such as research and development
activities. These investments create preconditions for the
company to apply also the differentiation strategy, seeking
to create bigger value for consumers. The differentiation
strategy, applied by the company, is meant for
differentiation of solutions, suggested by the company
(modernisation of machinery, automatisation of the
mechanical process). In the case of the analysed company
differentiation is not related with product peculiarity, but it
encompasses such aspects as manufacturing, commercial
and scientific experience the know-how. So the
company offers standardized products, adapting technical
solutions, projects, and accompanying services. Since the
company applies the differentiation strategy only to created
technological solutions and not to products, the company
may successfully compete keeping competitive product
prices as well as offering high quality individualized
services (solutions).
Empirical testing of the influence of external
and internal factors on the decisions of
standardization/adaptation of the international
marketing strategy of LENZE Group
Economic environment. Considering economic
situation of foreign countries, product groups that are most
widely spread in markets of separate foreign countries may
be distinguished. Even 60% of the range of sold goods of
Regina Virvilaite, Beata Seinauskiene, Giedre Sestokiene. The Link between Standardization/Adaptation

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LENZE Group is low cost products products, made by
the factory AC tech Lenze (Uxbridge, USA), i.e. frequency
converters, which are universal, easily programmable and
have all the main functions for stable speed regulation.
Whereas the biggest part of sales (85%) of the parent
company in Germany is composed of electrical drives of
very high quality and precision. LENZE Group forms its
range of goods for markets of different foreign countries
with regard to the economic situation correspondingly. In
the countries where the economic situation is better and the
purchasing power of potential consumers is bigger,
products of high quality and price dominate the range of
goods (the case of Germany), and in the countries where
the purchasing power is smaller, products of lower quality
and price dominate (the case of Lithuania). The company
does not adapt the products themselves for a certain market
of a foreign country, but it forms the portfolio of the
offered products (range of goods) with regard to
peculiarities of the market of each foreign country. It is
obvious that the range of goods, offered by the company in
the countries, which are more economically developed, is
wider. Consumers in economically developed markets are
more sophisticated, more selective, and wish for
individualized offers. The adaptation strategy becomes more
effective in these markets.
Technological environment. LENZE Group acts in
industries, where technologies change fast, because clients
seek to decrease production costs as much as possible, and
this may be reached only by implementing the newest
technologies and eliminating the human factor. In order to
satisfy clients needs, LENZE Group has established
international national offices, directly subordinate to the
LENZE parent company as well as to regional companies
in neighbouring countries, which are constantly
communicating among themselves, exchanging valuable
information about the market and innovations. Due to the
high degree of centralisation of management decisions and
control the company is able to react quickly to changes of
the market and technologies.
Cultural environment. Although the company acts in
the market of industrial products, its cultural environment
also has some impact on the decisions of standardization/
adaptation in the international market. The company
standardizes certain elements of the international
marketing strategy (with regard to products) in all markets
of foreign countries independently of consumption habits,
attitude, or education. Due to quite high degree of technical
turbulence of products adaptation of marketing strategy
would increase company costs and would decrease
company performance. Standardized products are offered
to each foreign country market, only solutions are adapted
with regard to the level of technical knowledge and nature
of activities of clients so that they would correspond to
individual needs of each client, i.e. engineering projects are
adapted, seeking to implement a particular technological
task. The influence of cultural environment on
standardization/adaptation decisions is expressed the most
in the market of Belarus. The representative of LENZE
Group in Belarus has the exclusive right to sell products of
LENZE Group. The nature of activities in this country is
determined by political-legal and economic factors, the
size of the market, as well as by its cultural environment.
LENZE Group is unable to compete with participants of
the local market because, regardless of quality and price,
the decision of consumers is not influenced by rational
motives, but rather by subject factors, such as favour for
national brands and consumers ethnocentrism. The
country of product origin has a big influence on the clients
purchase decision in Belarus; national production is
preferred. Adaptation of the international marketing
strategy in the market of Belarus in the analysed moment
would not be an economically rational decision for the
company due to a big political risk. Acting in a market
where it is difficult to predict responses and where the
company meets a bigger risk, it is not purposeful to invest
more into adaptation decisions and to commit, according to
company representatives. In this case the company chooses
other ways to enter the market that require less risk
(representative) and simpler international marketing
strategies that need less investments (standardization).
Competition. This is one of the main factors that
determine the international marketing strategy of LENZE
Group. The main competitors of the company that
influence the choice of its marketing strategy are
representatives of these famous brands: Sew-eurodrive
(Germany, the main and biggest company in the segment
of mechanical products), Nord (Germany), Bonfiglioli
(Italy), Motovario (Italy), Hitachi (Japan), Siemens
(Germany), ABB (Germany), Mitchubichi (China),
Shnieder elektric (France), Danfoss (Germany), Delta
electronics (China), Omron (the Netherlands), etc. Since
the degree of competition intensity is high in the markets
of Lithuania and other analysed countries, i.e. there are
many companies that can offer similar products, that apply
similar pricing policies, distribution channels, promotion,
therefore the company, seeking to gain competitive
advantage in an international market, applies
standardization of its marketing strategy (with regards to
products), thus being able to retain competitive product
price and to improve company performance. LENZE
Group has a lot of experience in the manufacture of
industrial drives. Due to this experience the company gains
advantage against competitors and is able to offer the final
products to clients as well as a full complex of
technological process solutions. So the company applies
the adaptation strategy in the case of solutions.
Product type. The brand LENZE is a group of
industrial products for companies, belonging to the
industrial sector. With regard to the abundance of analogous
products, offered by competitors and existing in the market
and clients circle, with regard to the pricing policy, the
company applies standardization of its international
marketing strategy. The standardized approach is more
acceptable for industrial products because purchasing
decisions are based on rational levers more than on
emotional ones.
The level of product homogeneity. The international
market where LENZE Group acts (the product aspect) has
characteristics of monopolistic competition: many similar
homogeneous products are presented to the market, the main
distinctive features of which are manufacturer brands. So the
level of homogeneity with respect to products is quite high,
Inzinerine Ekonomika-Engineering Economics, 2011, 22(1), 106-117

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and with respect to solutions it is low. The international
marketing strategy, formed by the company
correspondingly (standardization with regard to products
and adaptation with regard to solutions), confirms
theoretical assumptions that in the case of high level of
homogeneity it is more rational to apply the standardization
Industry. The name of LENZE Group is widely
known in industrial branches: conveyer systems, material
transportation industry, packaging industry, robot
technology, and automobiles industry. The main customers
of the company UAB Lenze, operating in Lithuania, are
manufacturing companies that manufacture products for
final consumers (food products, furniture, textile, domestic
electric appliances, etc.). Whereas products of LENZE
Group, operating in Germany and neighbouring Poland, are
more oriented towards the well-developed machinery
industry, i.e. towards manufacture of serial industrial
equipment (pre-packing, transportation transporters, wood
processing machines, dosage lines, and elevator
Seeking to decrease manufacturing costs as much as
possible and to keep high product quality, standardization as
well as adaptation is applied with regard to products in
exceptional cases. For example, universal frequency
converters Smart Micro Drive are oriented towards the wide
manufacturing market, they have all the main functions for
the usual speed regulation, and these converters cannot be
adapted for a specific industry branch, therefore their
utilisation in manufacture is universal, and manufacturing
costs are a lot smaller because products are not loaded with
specific functions. But in exceptional cases the parent
company also applies adaptation decisions (with regard to
products). Products are adapted according to the need of big
customers, because market conditions are dictated by big
global equipment manufacturing companies, where products
are adapted for a mechanism-prototype, and as a result these
products-prototypes become serial products. The threat of
competition decreases because the contractor becomes
dependent on the manufacturer when acquiring products of
specific purposes. The company ensures the supply of
products for the manufacture of new mechanisms as well as
for the supply of spare parts during the operation period.
Product adaptation endeavours serve the purpose in this case
due to an attractive market volume and the possibility to
develop relationships with big clients, valuable for the
company (to attract and to keep big clients, to prolong the
lifecycle of relationships with these clients).
Market nature. LENZE Group acts in the business-to-
business market. Customers of the company are industrial
manufacture companies, seeking to increase production
efficiency with products, sold by LENZE Group and their
offered engineering solutions. So this segment is sensitive to
price and to quality. The company forms its strategy
accordingly: due to the applied standardization strategy the
company is able to apply lower prices without giving up
quality improvement (investments into research and
development), and it can reach bigger consumer satisfaction
due to adaption with regard to solutions.
Organizational factors. The parent company LENZE
Vertrieb GmbH, established in Germany, controls the
activity of all subsidiaries of LENZE Group (also of the
company UAB Lenze, operating in Lithuania), defining sales
plans for all countries with regard to market needs and
potential and economic situation. The company in Poland,
LENZE Polska Sp. Z.o.o., controls the company UAB
Lenze, operating in Lithuania, directly. The subsidiary UAB
Lenze, established in Lithuania, is responsible for the
organisation of activities and results of the subsidiary Lenze
in Latvia and sales representative office EVERO, established
in Estonia. The sales representative office, established in
Belarus, is also subordinate to the subsidiary LENZE Polska
Sp. Z.o.o. in Poland.
It should be emphasized that the degree globalisation of
the company is high (it operates in 60 countries), so its
operation in the global markets creates big possibilities for
economies of scale and maximizes the positive potential
impact of standardization on company performance.
Managerial factors. LENZE Group has strict
boundaries of company operation, i.e. territories, where a
particular subsidiary company operates. Geocentric
managerial orientation is characteristic of LENZE Group
in the region of the Baltic States, which consists of
Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia.
It should be noted that the degree of management
centralisation is big between the parent company and
subsidiaries of LENZE Group, except the company,
operating in Belarus, which is independent and can make
autonomous decisions of the marketing strategy for the
national market independently, because the company,
operating in Belarus, is a representative with an exclusive
right to sell products of LENZE Group.
Experience and knowledge of the company. LENZE
Group has existed already for 63 years and has
accumulated a huge amount of experience in the area of
manufacture of industrial drives. This experience gives the
company advantage with regard to competitors. Although
the subsidiary company in Lithuania has been active only
for 9 years, but due to high degree of centralisation and
effective internal communication in LENZE Group it has
accumulated much knowledge, how to satisfy the needs of
the national market better.
Standardization/adaptation decisions of
elements of international marketing strategy of
In summary it may be stated that the biggest degree of
standardization, applied by the company, is with regard to
distribution and promotion. The company adapts elements
of services (solutions) and of prices in different markets of
foreign countries with regard to cultural differences, economic
situation of the country, and other significant factors.
Empirical testing of the link between
standardization/adaptation of international
marketing strategy and performance of
Financial indicators of LENZE Group (Table 2)
confirm that coalignment of the strategies of standardization
and adaptation lead to the improved company performance.
Regina Virvilaite, Beata Seinauskiene, Giedre Sestokiene. The Link between Standardization/Adaptation

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The company reaches this with the help of
standardization, minimising costs in many stages of the
value chain, as well as by ensuring clients satisfaction,
offering them individualized solutions, adapted to
particular needs. In order to receive a more accurate
assessment of the situation, financial data of the years
2008/2009 were eliminated from the analysis, because
during that period of time other significant forces were at
work (the global crisis). Growing sales, profit, increasing
cash flows, and other positive financial indicators of
LENZE Group enable to conclude that the international
marketing strategy, chosen by LENZE Group, allowed
carrying out a quick and economically reasonable
international development.
Table 2
Financial indicators of LENZE Group
Source: www.lenze.com
In 2009 market research was performed in LENZE
Group that revealed the taken share of the international
market according to sales of frequency converters.
Research results show that LENZE Group is one of the
leading companies in the international market. This
product group was chosen because it was the most popular
one among consumers. Therefore it is possible to state that
the marketing standardization strategy, chosen by the
company, serves its purpose and creates preconditions to
achieve better results of company performance.
With regard to frequency converters with the power of
less than 75 kW, LENZE Group is in the first place in the
market. Accordingly Lenze Group takes up 51% of the
international market in the product group of frequency
converters with the power of less than 75 kW, while the
percentage of other competitors is as follows: Schneider
Electric takes up 12%, ABB 10%, DANFOS 10%, Control
Techniques 7%, OMRON 6%, Siemens 4%.
According to frequency converters with the power of
more than 75 kW, the company ABB is the leader;
correspondingly this company takes up 33% of the
international market share, Control Techniques has 17%,
Schneider Electric and DANFOS have 15% each, Lenze
Group and OMRON have 9% each, and Siemens has 2%
of the international market share in the product group of
frequency converters with the power of less than 75 kW.
In conclusion, it may be stated that the company
applies the cost leadership strategy (in case of products) as
well as the differentiation strategy (in case of solutions and
services) to gain competitive advantage, and these
strategies determine better results of company
performance. The case analysis revealed that the company
could coalign strategies that had different strategic goals:
in the case of the analysed company
standardization/adaptation of the marketing strategy as
well as both generic strategies (cost
leadership/differentiation) were applied at the same time.
The analysis of the case of LENZE Group partly negates
theoretical assumptions that better results of company
performance is reached by fitting the adaptation of
marketing strategy with the differentiation strategy and
standardization of marketing strategy with the cost
leadership strategy. This case revealed that other
combinations of strategic decisions, which would
determine better results of company performance, were
also possible. The applied generic strategies influence the
potential of the international marketing strategy to improve
company performance in the case of the analysed
company the differentiation strategy (adaptation of
technical solutions) and cost leadership strategy (using
standardized products in the creation of adapted solutions)
are applied. The company assesses its performance results
at the end of each financial year, and if the impact of
standardization decisions does not satisfy the companys
expectations, the company, having received the above-
mentioned feedback, reviews factors that limit decisions
and performs corresponding corrections to its marketing
strategy. An adjusted theoretical model of the link between
standardization/adaptation of international marketing
strategy and company performance in the case of LENZE
Group is presented in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Empirical testing of the theoretical model of the
link between standardization/adaption of international
marketing strategy and company performance in the case
of LENZE Group

Millions of Euros
Sales 432.1 447.8 466.2 529.1 587.3 620.8
EBIT 27.6 25 28.8 29.5 55.8 48.8
Net profit 14.1 12 17.6 18.6 37.2 35
Cash flows 30.8 25.3 28.6 33.4 51.4 47.8
13.8 15.3 14.7 19.4 15.4 25.6
Own capital 138.3 146.3 158.7 169.3 199 219.8
143.7 146.7 150.2 159.3 172.1 184.2
Number of
2966 3018 2896 3032 3222 3449
External factors
Market nature
Industry branch

Inner factors








of international
Adaptation of










Inzinerine Ekonomika-Engineering Economics, 2011, 22(1), 106-117

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The main research limitation is associated with the
research method used. In spite of the advantages the
qualitative research provides (such as in-depth
understanding of the phenomenon investigated), the results
of only one company can not be the basis for the
generalization. Future research should employ quantitative
measures and increase the sample size.
1. Contradictory and inconsistent results of empirical
researches and limited research contexts confirm that the
link between standardization/adaptation decisions of
international marketing strategy and company performance
are a topical object of scientific research.
2. The new scientific researches of international
marketing strategy confirm the contingency approach,
which allows evading polarisation between standardization
and adaptation and offers to look for a balance among
these two extremities stating that the degree of
standardization or adaptation is determined by external
environmental and internal organizational factors.
3. Company performance is defined as a multiple
theoretical construct, which is defined by three
dimensions: commercial performance, financial
performance, and performance, related to customer
4. A unanimous opinion is lacking in scientific
literature regarding the direction of causality between
standardization/adaptation of international marketing
strategy and company performance. The research object of
many scientific studies is the effect of
standardization/adaptation, determined by certain factors,
on the company performance, ignoring the behaviour of
companies as a reaction to the preceding performance.
5. Preceding performance has an indirect and positive
effect on standardization/ adaptation decisions of
international marketing strategy an improved
performance determines a bigger obligation of the
company in the international market and thus it increases
the companys possibilities to apply the adapted
international marketing strategy.
6. Generic strategies have an impact on the link of
international marketing strategy and company
performance. Because of the integrity of strategic goals the
adaptation strategy is an attractive choice in the case of the
differentiation strategy, and standardization is an attractive
choice in the case of the cost leadership strategy.
7. The prepared theoretical model of the link between
decisions of standardization/adaptation of international
marketing strategy and company performance
encompasses external and internal antecedent factors that
influence the decision and outcomes of these decisions as
well as the influence of the generic strategy on decisions of
international marketing strategy and company
performance. The model reveals that company performance
may be not only the outcome of standardization/adaptation
decisions, but also an antecedent of these decisions. The
generic strategies have a direct and indirect (through
standardization/adaptation of international marketing
strategy) effect on company performance.
8. LENZE Group, seeking to gain competitive
advantage in the market, coaligns the cost leadership
strategy (with regard to products) and the differentiation
strategy (with regard to solutions). Goals of different
generic strategies is managed to be compatible and are not
in confront, thus the company can successfully compete in
the international market, keeping competitive prices and
high quality.
9. Decisions of standardization/ adaptation of
international marketing strategy of LENZE Group are
influenced by internal and external factors. In the case of
this company the biggest degree of standardization is with
regard to distribution and promotion, and the level of
adaption with regard to services (solutions) and price
10. The company also applies product adaptation in
exceptional cases (with regard to the creation of new
products), if these products have the potential to become
serial products (standardized products) and may be offered
to all markets of foreign countries.
11. The case analysis revealed that when applied
standardization/ adaptation and cost leadership/
differentiation strategies are coaligned, they supplement
each other, and their strategic goals are not in confront.
This partly negates theoretical assumptions that adaptation
is compatible with the differentiation strategy, and
standardization is compatible with the cost leadership
strategy, and this reveals that there are also other possible
combinations of strategic decisions that condition the
improvements in company performance.
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Regina Virvilait, Beata einauskien, Giedr etokien
Tarptautinio marketingo strategijos standartizacijos / adaptacijos sprendim ir mons veiklos efektyvumo ssajos
monms, veikianioms globalioje verslo aplinkoje ar iekanioms ilikimo ar verslo pltros galimybi, tarptautinio marketingo sprendimai yra ypa
Inzinerine Ekonomika-Engineering Economics, 2011, 22(1), 106-117

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Problema. Nors veiklos efektyvumo veiksnys turt bti vienas svarbiausi veiksni priimant standartizacijos / adaptacijos strateginius sprendimus,
mokslinink teigimu, is veiksnys yra maiausiai empirikai tyrintas, o atlikt tyrim rezultatai yra prietaringi (Katsikeas, Samiee ir Theodosiou, 2006;
Shilke, Reiman, Thomas, 2009).
Mokslinje literatroje dominuoja tyrimai, nagrinjantys tiesiogines ssajas tarp tarptautinio marketingo strategijos standartizacijos / adaptacijos ir
mons veiklos efektyvumo nevertinant galimo tarpinio kit jg poveikio (Katsikeas, Samiee ir Theodosiou, 2006; Shilke, Reiman, Thomas, 2009). Nors
tokio pobdio tyrimai prisideda gilinant inias apie standartizacijos / adaptacijos prieastinius veiksnius ir i strategini sprendim pasekmes, vis tiktai
tiesioginio ryio tarp strategijos ir mons veiklos efektyvumo tyrimai skatina prielaid, kad viena strategija yra pranaesn u kit savo poveikiu mons
veiklos rezultatams. Remiantis mintu poiriu, prietaraujama naujausiai, empirikai pagrstai nuostatai, jog nei standartizacija, nei adaptacija nra i
prigimties pranaesn (Katsikeas, Samiee ir Theodosiou, 2006). Mokslininkai pradeda pripainti, kad ryys tarp standartizacijos/adaptacijos ir mons
veiklos efektyvumo yra sudtingas ir, tiktina, veikiamas kit veiksni (Shilke, Reiman, Thomas, 2009; Solberg, Durrieu, 2008). Pabrtina, kad
tarptautinio marketingo strategijos standartizacijos / adaptacijos sprendim poveikis mons veiklos efektyvumui vardijamas ir kaip vienas i aktualiausi
tarptautinio verslo tyrim objekt (Griffith, Cavusgil, Xu, 2008). Taip pat paymtina, kad iki iol nra vieningos nuomons ar modelio, kuris atskleist
tarptautinio marketingo strategijos standartizacijos / adaptacijos sprendim ir mons veiklos efektyvumo ssaj prigimt ir prieastinius ryius. Remiantis
pateikta argumentacija, iame straipsnyje formuluojama problema klausimu: Ar egzistuoja ssajos tarp tarptautinio marketingo strategijos
standartizacijos / adaptacijos sprendim ir mons veiklos efektyvumo?
Straipsnio tikslas parengti tarptautinio marketingo strategijos standartizacijos / adaptacijos sprendim ir mons veiklos efektyvumo ssaj teorin
model ir j empirikai patikrinti.
Darbo objektas tarptautinio marketingo strategijos standartizacijos / adaptacijos sprendimai ir mons veiklos efektyvumas.
Tyrimo metodai tyrimas atliktas taikant mokslins literatros sistemins ir palyginamosios analizs metodus. Empirikai teorinis modelis
tikrinimas taikant atvejo analizs metod.
Apibendrinus mokslin literatr nagrinjama tematika, galima teigti, kad irykja trys mokslini tyrim kryptys. Dauguma mokslini tyrim
(Jain, 1989; zsomer, Bodur, Cavusgil, 1991; Cavusgil ir Zou, 1993; Theodosiou ir Leonidou, 2003; Powers ir Loyka, 2007) skirti veiksniams,
apibriantiems aplinkybes ir sukuriantiems slygas gyvendinti atitinkam tarptautinio marketingo strategij, identifikuoti ir sisteminti. Vieni autoriai
(Jain, 1989; Cavusgil ir Zou, 1994; Theodosiou ir Leonidou, 2003; zsomer, Bodur, Cavusgil, 1991; Solber, 2000) iskiria vidinius ir iorinius veiksnius.
Kiti autoriai (Katsikeas, Samiee ir Theodosiou, 2006), remdamiesi strateginio atitikimo paradigma (mons veiklos efektyvum galima pagerinti pasiekus
suderinamum tarp standartizacijos / adaptacijos sprendim ir aplinkos, kurioje gyvendinama strategija, konteksto), kaip reikmingus akcentuoja
iorinius (makro- ir mikroaplinkos) veiksnius.
Kitais moksliniais tyrimais siekiama nustatyti tiesiogines ssajas tarp tarptautinio marketingo strategijos standartizacijos / adaptacijos ir mons
veiklos efektyvumo, nevertinant tiktino tarpini veiksni poveikio (Katsikeas, Samiee ir Theodosiou, 2006; Shilke, Reiman, Thomas, 2009). io
pobdio tyrim rezultatai yra prietaringi ir nenuosekls. Kaip teigia Katsikeas, Samiee ir Theodosiou (2006), tiesioginio ryio tarp tarptautinio
marketingo strategijos ir mons veiklos efektyvumo tyrimai skatina prielaid, kad viena strategija mons veiklos efektyvum didina, o kita ne. Anot
mint autori, tokiu poiriu prietaraujama strateginio atitikimo paradigmai.
Remiantis naujausiais moksliniais tyrimais, nei standartizacija, nei adaptacija nra viena u kit pranaesn strategija, svarbiausia nustatyti
tarptautinio marketingo strategijos potencial, priimti sprendimus, kurie leist padidinti mons veiklos efektyvum (Theodosiou ir Leonidou, 2003;
Katsikeas, Samiee, Theodosiou, 2006). Remiantis naujausia moksline literatra, tarptautinio marketingo strategijos standartizacijos / adaptacijos
sprendimai nagrintini kartu su iuos sprendimus apribojaniais prieastiniais veiksniais (vidiniais ir ioriniais) ir i sprendim pasekmmis pakitusiu
mons veiklos efektyvumu.
mons veiklos efektyvumui daro tak standartizacijos / adaptacijos sprendimai, kurie savo ruotu yra veikiami iorini ir vidini veiksni. Koki
tarptautinio marketingo strategij mon taikys, priklausys nuo jos usibrt tiksl ir norim pasiekti veiklos rezultat.
Tradicikai tarptautinio marketingo strategijos standartizacijos / adaptacijos sprendimai traktuojami kaip mons veiklos efektyvumo antecedentas
(prieastinis veiksnys) (March, Sutton,1997; Lages, 2000; Lages, Montgomery, 2004). Paymtina, kad atlikta labai nedaug mokslini tyrim,
analizuojani ry tarp tarptautinio marketingo strategijos ir mons veiklos efektyvumo kaip mint strategini pasirinkim antecedento. Mokslininkai
didiausi dmes skiria mons veiklos efektyvum lemiantiems veiksniams ir danai ignoruoja moni elgsen kaip reakcij mons veiklos rezultatus.
mons veiklos efektyvumo lygis gali daryti poveik tarptautinio marketingo strategijos standartizacijos / adaptacijos sprendimams. Ankstesni mons
veiklos rezultatai netiesiogiai ir teigiamai veikia tarptautinio marketingo strategijos standartizacijos / adaptacijos sprendimus, t. y. padidjs mons
veiklos efektyvumas slygoja didesn mons sipareigojim tarptautinje rinkoje ir dl to padidja mons galimybs taikyti adaptuot tarptautinio
marketingo strategij (Lages ir Montgomery, 2004).
Mokslinje literatroje teigiama (Solberg, Durrieu, 2008; Shilke, Reimann ir Thomas, 2009), kad moni konkurencinio pranaumo gijimo
strategijos daro poveik tarptautinio marketingo strategijos (standartizacijos / adaptacijos sprendim) ir mons veiklos efektyvumo ryiui. Ryys tarp
bendrosios konkurencinio pranaumo gijimo strategijos ir mons veiklos efektyvumo yra sudtingas bendrosios konkurencinio pranaumo gijimo
strategijos mons veiklos efektyvumui gali daryti tiesiogin ir netiesiogin poveik (priimant tarptautinio marketingo strategijos standartizacijos /
adaptacijos sprendimus). Dl strategini tiksl suderinamumo adaptacijos strategija yra patrauklus pasirinkimas diferenciacijos strategijos atveju, o
standartizacija kat lyderio strategijos atveju. Mokslinink (Shilke, Reimann ir Thomas, 2009) teigimu, preks standartizacija tarptautinje rinkoje gali
susilpninti diferenciacijos strategijos tiktin teigiam poveik. Todl, mon, taikydama diferenciacijos strategij ir nordama pasiekti didesn mons
veiklos efektyvum, turt adaptuoti tarptautinio marketingo strategij. Empiriniais tyrimais patvirtinta, kad mons, kurios taiko kat lyderio strategij,
pasiekia didesn mons veiklos efektyvum taikydamos standartizacijos strategij. Mokslininkai (Shilke, Reimann ir Thomas, 2009; Solberg, Durrieu,
2008) mint priklausomyb aikina kat lyderio strategijos ir tarptautinio marketingo strategijos standartizacijos tiksl suderinamumu (abiej strategij
tikslas padidinti efektyvum).
Parengtas tarptautinio marketingo strategijos standartizacijos / adaptacijos sprendim ir mons veiklos efektyvumo ssaj teorinis modelis apima ne
tik sprendimui tak daranius iorinius ir vidinius apriorinius veiksnius bei i sprendim pasekmes, bet ir mons konkurencinio pranaumo gijimo
strategijos tak tarptautinio marketingo strategijos sprendimams ir mons veiklos efektyvumui. Modeliu parodoma, kad mons veiklos efektyvumas gali
bti ne tik standartizacijos / adaptacijos sprendim pasekm, bet ir i sprendim antecedentas. Bendrosios konkurencinio pranaumo gijimo strategijos
mons veiklos efektyvumui daro tiesiogin ir netiesiogin poveik (priimant tarptautinio marketingo strategijos standartizacijos / adaptacijos sprendimus).
Paymtina, kad nagrinjamos LENZE grups taikomi konkurencinio panaumo gijimo sprendimai turi abiej strategij poymi tiek kat
lyderio (preki atveju), tiek diferenciacijos (sprendim, paslaug atveju). LENZE grups atvejo analiz parod, kad taikomos tarpusavyje suderintos
standartizacijos / adaptacijos ir kat lyderio / diferenciacijos strategijos papildo viena kit ir j strateginiai tikslai neprietarauja vienas kitam. Tai i dalies
paneigia teorines prielaidas, kad adaptacija suderinama su diferenciacijos strategija, o standartizacija - su kat lyderio strategija, ir atskleidia, kad
galimos ir kitokios strategini sprendim kombinacijos, slygojanios didesn mons veiklos efektyvum.
Raktaodiai: tarptautinio marketingo strategija, standartizacija, adaptacija, mons veiklos efektyvumas, konkurencinio pranaumo gijimo strategijos.
The article has been reviewed.
Received in September, 2010; accepted in February, 2011.

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