Implementation of A Dossier-Based Submission Process in A Senior Design Project Course
Implementation of A Dossier-Based Submission Process in A Senior Design Project Course
Implementation of A Dossier-Based Submission Process in A Senior Design Project Course
Hodgson, A J; Van der Loos, M; Fengler, M; Cramond, P; Winkelman P and Khorasany R
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
At UBC, students taking the senior design project course associated
with mechanical engineering have traditionally been required to submit a
series of six reports at roughly monthly intervals. The primary purposes
of these reports are (1) to give the students practice in the professional
discipline of properly documenting their work, (2) communicating with
the other stakeholders in the project, and (3) enabling their supervisors
to assess the soundness of their design.
Historically, a number of students have reported feeling that these
documentation requirements are onerous and slow their progress, and/or
that the standard report sequence or the deadlines do not suit their
project; in such cases, students may feel pressured to do a particular
design task just because it is required for the report, rather than because
they actually believed it would help move their project forward.
To mitigate these problems, we implemented a new dossier-based
documentation scheme. Instead of formal reports, we asked the students
to build a design dossier documenting key elements of their design.
Students could adjust the weighting of different dossier elements to
better reflect their specific design project and could choose (as part of
their time management plan) when each element would be handed in. In
addition, we simplified the formatting requirements to allow students to
focus on presenting core information (e.g., substituting forms when
possible). The purpose of this paper is to present our initial experience
with using this new format.
Approximately ten years ago, the UBC Mechanical Engineering
department changed its approach to running our capstone design course.
Previously, our projects had been supervised by volunteer instructors,
but this resulted in inequitable supervision loads and dramatically
different expectations from project to project. By bringing all projects
under a common administrative framework, we were able to have
instructors and professors specifically assigned to this course (and
receive teaching credit) and to harmonize our expectations and standards
across instructors. In addition, we established the expectation that
virtually all projects would be done on behalf of an external client and
that a design-build-test-redesign cycle was to be a standard element.
Central to this change was a standardization of the reporting
expectations. Students were required to submit approximately one
significant report per month (six reports in all). These included: (1) a
project proposal presenting the user assessment process, the project
requirements and evaluation criteria, and the work plan, (2) a conceptual
alternatives report presenting a function structure decomposition, a range
of alternative solutions and the initial concept selection results, (3) a
critical function prototype report presenting the results of early
prototyping work aimed at proving the feasibility of the most promising
approach(es) to the key function which needs to be implemented, (4) a
technical analysis report focusing on optimizing the performance of the
chosen concept, (5) a detailed design report, and (6) a final
documentation package for the client presenting the results of the user
evaluations, any verification or validation studies and any user
While our revised course was generally well-accepted by students
and clients, students consistently expressed frustration with the reporting
format, claiming that the uniform submission schedule across all
projects failed to recognize critical differences in emphasis between
projects and the formal nature of the reports consumed too much time
and diverted them from making progress on what they saw as the real
purpose of the project, which in their view was to build something.
Although the instructors felt that, by and large, there was sufficient
flexibility in what was requested of different teams to accommodate
inter-team differences, the formal nature of the reports came to be
perceived as a consistent irritant and impediment to students buying in to
some of the broader goals of the course. This past year, therefore, we
decided to adopt a different approach.
In September 2010, we introduced a new reporting process, which
we referred to as Dossier-Based Submissions (DBS). The process was
modeled on the design dossier which is frequently used in industries
operating under the sorts of design control approaches normally
implemented as part of ISO 9000-type quality control processes. In such
industries, all design and development activities related to a particular
product are documented by adding elements to a design file. Such
design files contain numerous elements ranging from formal documents
such as proposals to briefer elements such as memos reporting results of
interviews or short test reports, along with routine documentation such
as engineering change orders and weekly progress reports.
We therefore completely restructured our documentation
requirements to emulate this approach. We told the students that they
would be responsible for determining both what elements they would
need to hand in and what schedule they follow in submitting their work.
To assist them in managing their time, and to prevent them from handing
in a mass of work at the last minute, we told them that they needed to
present a work plan broken down by the number of person-hours that
they planned to invest in the various phases of the project (a standard 4-
person team was expected to put in 8h/week/person for 28 weeks, or 224
person-hours each, or 900 hours total per team). We asked them to
organize the year into 12 phases, each lasting approximately two weeks
(though this was variable), plus a 13
Final Submission phase. Within
each phase, we asked them to break down their work to the point where
they could identify both what design activities they planned to spend
their time on and what documentation they intended to submit, and we
encouraged them each week to ensure that they had time-management
plans in place for roughly the next three phases (month and a half).
In the marking scheme, each team determined how much weight
they planned to give to each phase. The weighting was based explicitly
on how much time they planned to spend in each phase, and the volume
of documentation was not tightly linked to the time spent. For example,
during the prototype construction phase, the reports were relatively
short, consisting mainly of photographs of key points in the building and
assembly process. In contrast, a literature review and patent assessment
process typically produced considerable documentation.
We encouraged the students to consider the need for each piece of
documentation to be based on the need to communicate to their
supervisors what they had been spending their time on and what the
significance of what theyd found was for decision-making in their
design project. That is, we emphasized that the documentation was not
needed simply for the sake of documentation, but to help them have an
intelligent and focused conversation with their supervisors. The briefest
template we presented for most documentation was a simple memo with
four sections: 1. Why? 2. How? 3. What? and 4. So What?
Although we dont have firm statistics to compare directly our
previous formal reporting approach to our new dossier-based approach,
our sense is that by and large students appreciate the new freedom and
flexibility. Some didnt initially understand how much flexibility they
had, and others failed to recognize the importance of producing standard
forms of evidence of design activities theyd undertaken. In response to
this, we have begun work on designing new rubrics to help students
better understand our expectations. Anecdotally, we have observed that
many students rapidly got into the habit of writing summary memos
when they had client interviews or conducted tests, and we instructors
generally felt more on top of our groups progress than we have in
previous years, so we intend to continue using this dossier approach.
These phases included, amongst others, user assessment,
specifications, concept generation and selection, critical function
prototyping, technical assessment, detailed design, prototype
construction, and verification and validation.
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