Optical Networking and Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM)
Optical Networking and Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM)
Optical Networking and Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM)
Signal Trace
The procedure of detecting if a signal reaches the correct destination at the other end. This helps follow the light signal
through the whole network. It can be achieved by plugging in extra information on a wavelength, using an electrical
receiver to extract if from the network and inspecting for errors. The receiver the reports the signal trace to the transmitter.
Taking into consideration the above two factors, the international bodies have established a spacing of 100GHz to be the
worldwide standard for DWDM. This means that the frequency of each signal is less than the rest by atleast 0.1THz.
2.2 Network classification
A network can be physically structured in the form of either a ring, a mesh, star based or linear bus based on the connection
between the various nodes. Although the physical topology of a DWDM system might be that of a ring, the logical traffic
distribution topology can be arbitrary. This is done through the use of different wavelengths to interconnect each node. Until
the development of EDFAs the passive star configuration was the most popular configuration due to its superior power
budget. However, with the advent of EDFAs, the ring network works out much better after overcoming its power budget
problems. What makes the ring network better is its superior resilience. The Optical Cross Connect (OXC) help pass on
traffic between each of the rings. A Path-in-Lambda architecture for connecting all-optical networks is under development.
Ring Topology vs Mesh Topology
A ring topology is preferable owing to many of its capabilities. Unlike a mesh network, the expense of laying out the links
is reduced in the ring, because the number of links increases only as a linear progression. The rings also have better
resilience and restoration than meshes. The ring topology besides serving as a standby link helps share the load. The
working segment (Refer to Fig.2) and the protection segment of the fiber together handle the large data burst of the
computer network. This reduces the load on the router and removes the need for buffering
2.4 Synchronization
The SONET networks currently support the multiplexing of lower Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) rates onto higher
rates. The Add/Drop Multiplexors (ADM) and transponder en route provide the much-needed synchronization. This ensures
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the quality and guarantees proper delivery of data. But, since DWDM systems support the multiplexing of different
wavelengths, no timing relation exists for the system. The need for a clocking system, similar to one used in SONET, is
Nevertheless, synchronization may still be used for assuring good quality. The numerous regenerators/transponders and
other devices in the path of a signal introduces jitter. Synchronization can be used to ensure quality by cleaning up the
signals transmitted at each node. SONET terminals and ADMs have a special timing output port, which provides timing to
customers. It is sometimes referred to as the Derived DS1. It is a true DS1 signal, but carries no traffic. All data bits are set
to logic 1 to minimize timing jitter. A clock distribution amplifier may be used to split the Derived DS1 signal, to
synchronize many network elements. In a network, each distribution amplifier output may be routed to a different network
2.5 Security
Optical fibers too facilitate secure connections. Quantum cryptography is one such operation, which exploits the
fundamental properties of quantum complementarity (The concept that particle and wave behavior are mutually exclusive,
but, are together necessary for the complete description of any phenomena) to allow two remote parties to generate a shared
random bit sequence. Users can safely use their shared bit sequence as a key for subsequent encrypted communications. In
conventional complexity-based approaches to security, privacy is achieved by posing a difficulty mathematical problem to
the interceptor, which is computationally intensive. In contrast, Quantum Key Distribution (QKD), as it is called, provides a
new paradigm for the protection of sensitive information in which security is based on fundamental physical laws.
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Important components of a DWDM system are the Add/Drop Multiplexor (ADM), the Optical CrossConnect (OXC),
Optical Splitter. The Add/Drop Multiplexor as the name suggests, selectively adds/drops wavelengths without having to use
any SONET/SDH terminal equipment. We require the ADM to add new wavelengths to the network or to drop some
wavelengths at their terminating points. There are two types of implementations of the ADM, the Fixed WADM and the
Reconfigurable WDM.
Fig.3 Block Diagram of the WADM
The Optical CrossConnect acts a crossconnect between n-input ports and n-output ports. It allows the efficient network
management of wavelengths at the optical layer. The variety of functions that it provides are signal monitoring, restoration,
provisioning and grooming.
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Fig.4 Block Diagram of the OXC
Optical Splitters are being suggested for use in multicast-capable wavelength-routing switches to provide optical
multicasting. It is a passive device that will help in replicating optical signals. This is explained in detail in a later section.
Optical Gateways are devices that will allow the smooth transition of traffic to the optical layer. We can have high-speed
ATM networks or a mix of SONET and ATM services with such a gateway. They provide the maximum benefits of optical
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Just like every other layer defined in networking, a layer architecture has to be defined for the optical layer. O.Gerstel,
P.Green and R.Ramaswami in [GERSTEL96] have tried achieving this goal. A multi-wavelength mesh-connected optical
network is used to define the architecture of the optic layer. A lightpath is defined as the path between two nodes and is
equivalent to a wavelength on each link on that path. Two aspects of the network topology have been described : physical
topology and virtual topology.
The physical topology has WDM cross-connect nodes interconnected by pairs of point-to-point fiber links in an arbitrary
mesh topology as shown in the following figure.
Since failure recovery is a very important aspect of any network, network control has been proposed as a decentralized
function though for the early versions a centralized function is also acceptable. Network management criteria, interfacing
between network control and network management has all been properly defined.
Finally, it is important to realise that there will many such WDM networks belonging to various carriers, organizations etc
and for this the authors of [7] use a two-level hierarchy. This is similar to the routing protocol of ATM networks: PNNI.
The two levels are as follows:
The lower level hierarchy is the level of the physical node and the links are physical fibers. 1.
The upper level is the level where each node is actually a subnet and the links at this level are nothing but the
links between two subnets. The routing protocols that could be used are similar to IGP at this level.
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Using some of the basic concepts of DWDM systems, it is possible to form an All-Optical layer. Transport of Gigabit
Ethernet , ATM, SONET, IP on different channels is feasible. By achieving this, the system becomes more flexible and any
signal format can be connected to, without the addition of any extra equipment that acts as a translator between the formats.
In this section we will talk about the various types of technologies that can be used over DWDM systems. In particular, we
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will discuss ATM over DWDM and IP over DWDM.
5.1 ATM over DWDM
As bandwidth requirements increase, Telcos are faced with huge investments in order to fulfil the capacity demands. Along
with this the demand for QoS has increased. There seems to be a general move towards providing QoS while still
maintaining the same capacity. ATM over DWDM solves the bandwidth and Quality of Service issues in a cost-effective
way. In DWDM networks, if there is a carrier that operates both ATM and SONET networks there is no need for the ATM
signal to be multiplexed upto the SONET rate. This is because the optical layer can carry any type of signal without any
additional multiplexing. This results in the reduction of a lot of overlay network.
While there are a lot of advantages of running ATM over DWDM, there are certain issues that are of importance that need
to be considered. They are channel spacing (four Wave Mixing) and optical attenuation. Hence, we need good wavelength
conditioning techniques to solve this problem. The techniques used are Forward Error Correction Technique and the pilot
light technique. By using the latter technique network management systems are able to ensure connectivity, signal on each
channel and also identify faults. This network management is similar to the way test cells are used on specific Virtual
Channels in ATM.
Testing ATM over DWDM
Testing of ATM over DWDM consists of similar concepts to those provided in ATM over SONET. However, with DWDM
it is more complex because we now have multiple parallel links on a single fiber. So besides the need of taking into account
the connectivity and the conformance to QoS agreements, we need to make sure that these parallel links are all mutually
exclusive. Hence, the following parameters need to be measured:
Signal-to-noise ratio I
Channel power I
Channel center wavelength and spacing I
Crosstalk I
Total Optical Power I
Chromatic dispersion I
Polarization Mode Dispersion I
5.2 IP over DWDM (or IP over lambda)
The ultimate solution would be to take IP directly over DWDM. This will bring about scalability and cost-effectiveness.
Now we have industry products that actually implement IP over DWDM for example Monterey Networks( bought by Cisco
in August '99) have their Monterey 20000 Series Wavelength Router&trade.They claim that by using their product, "service
providers can traffic-engineer and rapidly scale up survivable mesh optical cores without introducing intermediate ATM
switches or proliferating legacy SONET multiplexers and cross-connects".
In effect we are totally eliminating ATM and SONET layers from the networks. The proponents of IP over DWDM say that
SONETs reliability is due to a lot of redundancy. This overkill prevents the network from using a large portion of its
resources. The real test is whether it would be possible to create an end-to-end optical Internet operating from OC-3 to
OC-48 and build systems around an optical Internet backbone. Compare that with the news that SONET handles OC-192
smoothly and can touch OC-768. As of March99, all the IP over DWDM systems that were operational were all SONET
frame based.
With the development of erbium-doped fiber amplifiers most systems that use IP over DWDM using SONET frames have
removed the SONET multiplexors. GTS Carrier Service in March, launched the first high capacity transport platform in
Europe that uses IP over DWDM technology. Further more, major carriers such as AT&T, Sprint, Enron, Frontier, Canarie,
have all begun to realize the huge economic potential of IP over DWDM and there is no longer any skepticism about this
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Optical Networking And Dense Wavelength Division
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An optical network consists of wavelength routers and end nodes that are connected by links in pairs. The
wavelength-routing switches or routing nodes are interconnected by optical fibers. Although each link can support many
signals, it is required that the signals be of distinct wavelengths.
Routers transmit signals on the same wavelength on which they are received. An All-Optical wavelength routed network is
that wavelength-routed network that carries data across from one access station to another without any O/E
(Optical/Electronic) conversions.
Categories of Wavelength Switches (or routers as the authors call them):
Non-reconfigurable switch: These types of switches, for each input port and each wavelength, transmit onto a fixed set of
output ports at the same wavelength. These cannot be changed once the switch is built. Networks that contain only such
switches are called non-reconfigurable networks.
Wavelength-Independent Reconfigurable switch: These type of switches have input-output pattern that can be
dynamically reconfigured. However, the input-output pattern is independent of the wavelength of the signal i.e. there are
only fixed sets of output ports onto which an incoming signal can be transmitted.
Wavelength-Selective Reconfigurable Switch: These types of switches combine the features of the first two categories.
Also known as generalized switch, they basically have both the properties of dynamic reconfiguration and the routing
pattern being a function of the wavelength of the incoming signal.
Reconfigurable routers are of bounded degree, while nonreconfigurable routers may not be. That is, the complexity of
non-reconfigurable networks can be ignored as it is not of a fixed degree. However, the complexity of reconfigurable
networks is strongly dependent on its degree and it is bounded.
6.1 Efficient routing Algorithms
Permutation routing problem
Each end node in a permutation problem is the origin of atmost one session and also the destination of atmost one session at
any given time. They introduced a new concept called the widesense nonblocking criterion. This criterion effectively
insures that at any instant of time, the session present in a network constitute a permutation problem and that no session is
every blocked.
A routing scheme is oblivious if it always uses the same wavelength to satisfy a given connection request; it is partially
oblivious if the wavelength must be chosen from a subset of available wavelengths. Bounds on the number of wavelengths
needed for oblivious, nonoblivious, and partially oblivious wide-sense nonblocking permutation routing for
nonreconfigurable networks were calculated and can be found in the above mentioned paper. For reconfigurable networks,
bounds are given on the number of routers needed, with the number of wavelengths as a parameter.
[PANKAJ95] focussed on the permutation routing problem in a homogeneous WDMA network, i.e a network having both
an input/output port and a switch. A lower bound as well as an upper bound on the number of wavelengths that are
necessary for permutation routing as a function of the size and the degree of the network was calculated. Topologies
considered were the hypercube, Debruijn and the multistage perfect shuffle.
Lower Bound
By simply counting the number of links in the network , it was concluded that the number of wavelengths must grow atleast
as fast as (logN/log d) where N is the number of nodes in the network and d is the degree of the network. "A session
requires h link-wavelengths if it is routed on an h hop path since it uses one wavelength channel on each of the h links."
The upper bound is O((logN)
) and is independent of the degree of the network.
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Finally, the problem of determining the number of wavelengths needed to implement any routing scheme for any network,
as a function of the congestion and dilation of that network is discussed.The upper and lower bounds together given in
[AGGARWAL96] and [PANKAJ95] for the various kinds of networks suggest that a more heirarchical structure in which
switching nodes are separate from input/output nodes may be more promising for all-optical networks"
Research work has been done in solving the problem of routing connections in a reconfigurable optical network using
WDM [RAMA95]. An upper bound on the carried traffic of connections is derived for any routing and wavelength
assignment(RWA) algorithm in such a network. A fixed-routing algorithm achieves this bound asymptotically. The RWA
problem was formulated as an Integer Linear program (ILP). This bound was found to be good for optical network using
dynamic wavelength convertors. Two routing node architectures were presented. In the first structure it was found that as
the number of edges increased the reuse factor increased. Also the reuse factor with wavelength convertors was higher than
that without one for small values of wavelength systems. Also it is assumed implicitly that in networks without wavelength
convertors , two connections can be assigned the same wavelength as long as they dont share any link in the network.
An important aspect of [RAMA95] was to find the reuse factor for larger networks as a function of the number of nodes,
edges and wavelengths via simulation. Based on the results, it was inferred by the authors that it is possible to build
all-optical networks without wavelength convertors. However, only a modest number of connections per node with a
reasonable number of wavelengths is supported. Using 32 wavelengths it is possible to provide 10 full-duplex connections
to each node in a 128-node random network with average degree 4, and 5 full-duplex connections per node in a 1000-node
random network with average degree 4.
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The networks that we have been discussing about until now can be said to be wavelength-continuity constraint networks. In
such networks, to establish any lightpath, we require that the same wavelength be allocated on all of the links in the path.
Suppose we have the following portion of a network. The wavelengths
that are shown in dotted arrows are the
free wavelengths between nodes 1,nodes 2 and node3 respectively. There are 2 wavelength converters , one in node 2 and
another in node 3. Here it is not possible to establish a lightpath from 1 to 4 without a wavelength converter because the
available wavelengths are different on the link.