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Installing Steps For Koha Library System On Debian: Installation Instructions

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Installing Steps for Koha Library System on Debian

Posted on July 21, 2009 by smith matsiko

Installation Instructions
All commands can be performed as a system user with sudo privilees,
as indicated or by runnin the command directly as root!
1! Prepare "ystem and #nstall $ependencies
1!1 #nstall $ebian %tch via &usinesscard '$
"ee http())www!debian!or)releases)etch)debian*installer)
+A,-#-.( use Perl /!0 1a library 2oha depends on,
3A,'((4ile((536 may not work with Perl /!10, see(
1!2 "et up your locale
<our locale should be set to =>4*0, as should Apache2 and 3y"?6 /!
>his step is @%,< #3PA,>A-> for a =-#'A$% compliant system! Please
read over the followin document carefully(
#3PA,>A->( <ou 83=">8 follow all the steps outlined there for
Apache2, 3y"?6 /, etc! &%4A,% you install 2oha!
1!: "et up apt sources for .it, <a7 and Bebra packaes
%dit your )etc)apt)sources!list file and add the followin(
C #ndeD $ata
deb http())ftp!indeDdata!dk)debian etch main
deb*src http())ftp!indeDdata!dk)debian etch main
C &ackports
deb http())www!backports!or)debian etch*backports main contrib non*free
&ackports packaes are sined with a key you can install as follows(
E sudo apt*et update
E sudo apt*et install debian*backports*keyrin
>he #ndeD $ata packaes are sined with a key you can install as follows(
E wet http())ftp!indeDdata!dk)debian)indeDdata!asc
E sudo apt*key add indeDdata!asc
,un the followin command to update your system(
E sudo apt*et update
E sudo apt*et *t etch*backports install it*core it*email
E sudo apt*et install ya7 id7ebra*2!0 id7ebra*2!0*doc
1!F .et 2oha
1!F!1 Aption A( $ownload 2oha via .it 1optional;
1 -ote( use the latest stable version;
1!/ #nstall additional $ebian dependencies
#3PA,>A->( <ou should only use 'PA- for Perl dependencies which are -A>
available from the packae maintainer! <ou have been warnedG
=sin the debian!packaes file included in the 2oha source tree,
run the followin(
E sudo dpk Hset*selections I install8misc)debian!packaes
-ow start dselect(
E sudo dselect
'hoose J#Knstall and accept packaes to be installed 1hit return;
1may take a while;
'hoose J'Konfiure, J,Kemove and J?Kuit until dselect has completed!
1!L #nstall Perl dependencies that arenMt packaed into $ebian %tch
,un the followin command(
E sudo cpan 3A,'((,ecord 'lass((Accessor 3A,'(('harset 3A,'((4ile((536 N
-et((B:9/0((BAA3 O>36((>emplate((Pro 3A,'(('rosswalk(($ublin'ore N
P$4((,euse P$4((,euse((&arcode $ata((#'al .$((&arcode((=P'% N
536((,"" Alorithm(('heck$iits((3F:8001 &iblio((%ndnote"tyle PA% "chedule((At
1!L!1 A Perl library 2oha depends on, 3A,'((4ile((536 may not work with Perl
/!10, see( http())bus!koha!or)ci*bin)bu7illa)show8bu!ci9id=2:09;,
1!L!2 ,ecent versions of '.#(("ession have caused some issues for usersP
as of this release date, we suest downloadin the '.#(("ession((seriali7e((yaml
tarball direct from 'PA- and install it directly rather than usin the cpan command
1!L!: >here is a known but benin error in the test case for &arcode(('ode120,
which is reQuired by P$4((,euse((&arcode! #f this module is not installed,
you can do a forced installation of &arcode(('ode120!
-ote( you may need to run 'PA- initiali7ation if youMve not run cpan
)etc)perl)'PA-)'onfi!pm initiali7ed!
'PA- is the world*wide archive of perl resources! #t consists of about
100 sites that all replicate the same contents all around the lobe!
3any countries have at least one 'PA- site already! >he resources
found on 'PA- are easily accessible with the 'PA-!pm module! #f you
want to use 'PA-!pm, you have to confiure it properly!
#f you do not want to enter a dialo now, you can answer RnoM to this
Question and #Mll try to autoconfiure! 1-ote( you can revisit this
dialo anytime later by typin Ro conf initM at the cpan prompt!;
Are you ready for manual confiuration9 JyesK
+hen the confiuration is completed 'PA- will install the Perl modules!
2! 'onfiuration of dependencies
2!1 =pdate root 3y"?6 password 1if dselect didnMt do it for you already;
E sudo mysQladmin password IpasswordS
2!2 'reate the database
'reate the database and user with associated privilees(
E mysQladmin *uroot *pIpasswordS create IkohadatabasenameS
E mysQl *uroot *pIpasswordS
+elcome to the 3y"?6 monitor! 'ommands end with P or N!
<our 3y"?6 connection id is 22
"erver version( /!0!:2*$ebian8Tetch:*lo $ebian etch distribution
>ype RhelpPM or RNhM for help! >ype RNcM to clear the buffer!
mysQlS rant all on IkohadatabasenameS!U to RIkohadatabaseuserSMVWlocalhostM identified by
?uery A2, 0 rows affected 10!00 sec;
mysQlS flush privileesP
?uery A2, 0 rows affected 10!00 sec;
mysQlS Quit
2!: >est your "A5 Parser and correct where necessary
<ou must be sure youMre usin the 536((6ib536 "A5 parser, not %Dpat or PurePerl, both of which
have outstandin bus with pre*composed characters! <ou can test your "A5 parser by runnin(
E cd koha
E misc)saD8parser8print!pl
<ou should see somethin like((
#f youMre usin PurePerl or %Dpat, youMll need to edit your
ini file, typically located at(
2!F #nstall $&$((mysQl Perl module
#n order to handle =>4*0 correctly, 2oha reQuires at least version F!00F
of the $&$((mysQl Perl module! Oowever, $ebian %tch has a stable packae
only for version :!0000, so it is necessary to install the module from 'PA-!
$&$((mysQlMs test suite needs to use a 3y"?6 RtestM $& which doesnMt eDist
anymore! "o there are two options to install $&$((mysQl(
11; install without test suite,
12; install with test suite reQuirin a test 3y"?6 $& creation!
2!F!1 #nstall without test suite
4orce install $&$((mysQl(
E sudo cpan
cpanS force install $&$((mysQl
2!F!2 'reate test database in order to install $&$((mysQl
&ecause of $&$((mysQlMs test suite, it is necessary to temporarily create a
test database and user(
E mysQl *uroot *pIpasswordS
'reate the database and user with associated privilees(
+elcome to the 3y"?6 monitor! 'ommands end with P or N!
<our 3y"?6 connection id is 22
"erver version( /!0!:2*$ebian8Tetch:*lo $ebian etch distribution
>ype RhelpPM or RNhM for help! >ype RNcM to clear the buffer!
mysQlS create database testP
?uery A2, 1 row affected 10!00 sec;
mysQlS rant all on test!U to RtestMVWlocalhostM identified by RtestMP
?uery A2, 0 rows affected 10!00 sec;
1test database, user, and password can be different if need be;
mysQlS flush privileesP
?uery A2, 0 rows affected 10!00 sec;
mysQlS Quit
-eDt install $&$((mysQl(
E sudo cpan
cpanS o conf makepl8ar
1et current value of this 'PA- parameter;
cpanS o conf makepl8ar XHtestdb=test Htestuser=test Htestpass=testY
cpanS install $&$((mysQl
cpanS o conf makepl8ar Y
cpanS o conf makepl8ar RIold settinSM
1restore this settin so as to not interfere with future 'PA- installs;!
4inally, remove the test database(
E mysQl *uroot *pIpasswordS
mysQlS drop database testP
?uery A2, 1 row affected 10!00 sec;
mysQlS eDit
:! ,un the 2oha installer
E perl 3akefile!P6
1 answer Questions ;
E make
E make test
E sudo make install
F! 'onfiure and start Apache
E sudo ln *s )etc)koha)koha*httpd!conf )etc)apache2)sites*available)koha
1note that the path to koha*httpd!conf may be different dependin on your
installation choices;
Add the followin lines to )etc)apache2)ports!conf(
6isten 00
6isten 0000
,un the followin commands(
E sudo a2enmod rewrite
E sudo a2ensite koha
E sudo apache2ctl restart
/! 'onfiure and start Bebra
-ote( itMs recommended that you daemoni7e the Bebra process and add it to your
startup profile! 4or a non*production test)development installation, runnin
Bebra from the command line can be useful! Pick from the two available options
below, or roll your own
-ote( itMs also recommended that you create a 2oha system user, which you will
have specified durin the install process! Alternatively, Bebra can be
confiured to run as the root user!
Aption 1( run the Bebra processes from the command line(
Bebra "erver(
E sudo *u EZ2AOA8="%,[ 7ebrasrv *f )etc)koha)koha*conf!Dml
1note that the path to koha*conf!Dml may be different dependin on your
installation choices;
-ote( the user you run Bebra as will be the only user with write permission
on the Bebra indeDP in development mode, you may wish to use your system
BebraQueue $aemon(
E sudo *u EZ2AOA8="%,[ misc)bin)7ebraQueue8daemon!pl
-ote( if you are runnin in this mode, you may wish to defer startin the
7ebraQueue until youMve run the web installer 1see below;!
Aption 2( run the Bebra processes as daemons, and add to startup process(
-ote that references to E"',#P>8$#, refer to the directory where
2ohaMs command*line scripts are installed, e!!, )usr)share)koha)bin!
Bebra "erver(
E sudo ln *s EZ"',#P>8$#,[)koha*7ebra*ctl!sh )etc)init!d)koha*7ebra*daemon
1-ote( EZ"',#P>8$#,[ is )usr)share)koha)bin) by default in a standard install;
E sudo update*rc!d koha*7ebra*daemon defaults
1 -ote( see man chkconfi10; on other distros ;
E sudo EZ"',#P>8$#,[)koha*7ebra*ctl!sh start
BebraQueue $aemon(
E sudo ln *s EZ"',#P>8$#,[)koha*7ebraQueue*ctl!sh )etc)init!d)koha*7ebraQueue*daemon
E sudo update*rc!d koha*7ebraQueue*daemon defaults
1 -ote( see man chkconfi10; on other distros ;
E sudo EZ"',#P>8$#,[)koha*7ebraQueue*ctl!sh start
L! ,un the +eb #nstaller, populate the database, initial confiuration of settins
Point your browser to http())Iservername\tP(0000)
#t should redirect you to the +eb #nstaller where you can continue the setup!
<ou can install the sample data for libraries, patrons, etc! via the +eb #nstaller

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