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Fast Play Game For Battles in The Ancient Era

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Fast Play Game for Battles in the Ancient Era

by Pierre Laporte
Virtvs (a.k.a. Bravado) is a Beer and Pretzels game for to !layers. "o r#lers needed.
$nly one chart% and very convivial mechanisms ins!ired &y cards games.
' ( )E**+"G $" *,E GA-E
'. ' ( -ateriel re.#ired
Six sided dices, counters, ordinary playing cards, and figures (about 40 per side).
'. / 0 1ecr#iting
Each player recruits an army of about a doen #nits, each unit consisting of ' to 2 stands, and
at least one leader. !he cost of an army usually runs from "#0 to $00 budget points.
'. 3 ( *he stands
% stand symbolies bet&een "00 and "000 men depending on the scenario chosen. %ll 'ind
of basing &or's &ith the rules system, e(en unbased plastic soldiers )straight from the sprue*.
'. 2 ( *he decks
Each player selects a dec' of "+ playing cards of the same colour,
!&el(e cards, from - " . to - / .,
!he t&o 0ings, t&o 1ueens and t&o 2ac's cards, and one 2o'er.
Players shuffle the cards of their o&n dec', and 'eep it &ithin reach, face do&n.
'. 4 ( *he &attlefield
!abletop is about 30 4 /0cm.
Each side has a "0cm depth reserve, and four $0 4 $0cm (irtual areas (see diagram belo&).
5or small scenarios ("#0 points or less), a /0 4 /0 table &ith only three areas per side is
Players roll t&o dices (a light coloured one and a dar' one) for each area, and then place the
appropriate terrain if re6uired.
% hill (light coloured dice), 4 or 5 if flan' area7 5 only if centre area,
% &ood (dar' dice)7 4 or 5 if flan' area7 5 only if centre area.
'. 5 0 6e!loyment
Place a screen in the middle of the tabletop (boo's, etc.) to hide deployment. Players then
deploy simultaneously their units at &ill in their o&n areas and in their reser(e.
Each player rolls one dice, and adds the number of terrain items located in his o&n camp7
lo&est begins, roll again if tie.
'. 7 0 8ictory
Player &ins the game if he has con6uered t&o opponent areas, &ith no enemy troops in it.
/ ( GA-E *91" (alternate)
' ( *ests
/ ( Activation
3 ( :om&ats% and moves
3 0 *E)*)
3. ' ( -orale tests
Each unit that too' hits during the pre(ious enemy turn must chec' its morale.
8oll t&o dice per hit (a light coloured one and a dar' one),
9f the score rolled on the light coloured dice is e6ual or less than the :efensi(e ;alue
(see chart) of the unit, the hit has no effect and the counter is remo(ed7 simply ignore
the dar' coloured dice result.
9f the number rolled on the light coloured dice exceeds its :efensi(e ;alue, the unit
loses one stand7 furthermore, if the score rolled on the dar' coloured dice exceeds its
<orale ;alue (i.e. its number of stands before the dice roll), the unit is routed (see
belo&) and recoils, or is eliminated if routed t&ice during the same morale phase.
3. / ( 1o#ted #nits
8outed units cannot be acti(ated in the same turn, and are turned about face for (isual effect
until the end of the turn.
3. 3 ( ;eaders tests
=hec' leaders &ho too' hits, after all morale tests are resol(ed.
8oll one dice per hit,
'<4 , nothing,
5 = leader is 'illed.
2 ( 9"+*) A:*+8A*+$"
>nits need to be acti(ated in order to fight or mo(e.
5or acti(ation, the tabletop is mentally di(ided in four (irtual segments (or three if playing a
small scenario). See diagram belo&,
2. ' ( *he hand
?nce all his tests are resol(ed, the player dre& cards to constitute, reconstitute or complete his
hand. :re& one card !er segment #nder control (i.e. containing at least one friendly unit),
plus one extra card if the leader appointed as = in = is commanding from the rear (i.e. the
reser(e area).
2. / ( :ards distri&#tion
:uring his cards distribution se6uence, the player can either,
Play cards from his hand, assigning one card and one only to a chosen segment,
:iscard as many cards as he &ishes,
0eep in hand as many cards as he &ishes for the next turns.
9f a player finds himself inad(ertently &ith more cards than allo&ed, he must immediately
discard the excessi(e cards, randomly chosen by his opponent.
2. 3 ( 9sing activation cards
' to 5 cards settle the maximal number of acti(ation points allo&ed in the
indicated segment. ?nce played, those cards are discarded.
*he >oker card allo&s the player as many acti(ation points as he &ishes in the
indicated segment. ?nce played, the 2o'er is discarded as other cards.
?ing% @#een and >ack cards allo& no #nit acti(ation, and are only intended to
simulate unexpected e(ents. !hey are discarded, or 'ept in hand if player &ishes to
hoax his opponent.
!he dec' is reshuffled at the end of a turn &hen the 2o'er has been played, or if there is not
enough cards left in the dec' to allo& the player to re@constitute his hand.
2. 2 ( )!ecial moves
% unit that starts its mo(e in its reser(e area is acti(ated alongside &ith the units of the
segment &here the mo(ement ends.
% unit that mo(es from a segment to another is acti(ated alongside &ith the units of
the segment &here the mo(ement begins.
4 0 :$-BA*)
Each acti(ated unit may fight, at the cost of " acti(ation point, agreed that a unit may not fight
and mo(e during the same turn, except light troops &ith evade ability.
Except if shooting (#. A) or performing a flan' attac' (#. 4), units may only fight opponents
located in the same area.
4. ' ( :om&at !roced#re
8oll one dice per stand7 each number e6ual or less than the Fighting Value (see chart) of the
fighting unit is a hit. 5or each hit scored, a counter is attributed to an enemy unit located in the
area &here the fight occurs (opponentBs choice).
9f se(eral hits are scored in the same area, the opponent player must distribute counters so that
each unit is mar'ed &ith one counter before any ta'es a second hit, etc.
4. / ( :harges
=harges are resol(ed the same &ay as ordinary combats, but hits are concentrated on one unit
(attac'erBs choice), instead of being distributed. :eclare charges before the combat se6uence
begins, and resol(e charges after e(ery ordinary combat in the same area ha(e been resol(ed.
Each charge re6uires one extra acti(ation point for infantry units.
4. 3 0 )hooting
>nli'e other units, bo&men, slingers and arro&@shooting engines may aim at their adCacent
front area. Do&e(er, they may not shoot diagonally, or if the aimed area contains friendly
troops or &oods, nor if their o&n area contains enemy troops.
Ehen shooting, player selects the Shooting ;alue of the unit instead of its 5ighting ;alue.
4. 2 ( Flank attack
% unit may attac' an adCacent flan'ing area if there are no enemy troops in its o&n area.
Simply &heel the unit for (isual effect to indicate a flan' attac'.
9f carried out in one of the playerBs side area, flan' attac' is allo&ed only if the opposing area
contains no enemy troops unengaged in a fight. Ehen carrying out a flan' attac', player may
choose to select the Shooting ;alue of the unit or its 5ighting ;alue as &ell.
% player &ins the game if he can carry out a flan' attac' at an opponentBs side area empty of
enemy troops.
4. 4 ( ,its on leaders
% leader recei(es a hit each time a 5 is rolled by the opponent player &hen a fight occurs in
the area &here he is located.
5 0 -$8E)
Each acti(ated unit that did not fight during current turn may mo(e.
5. ' 0 Princi!les
>nits are mo(ed from one area to another. !he exact situation of a unit in an area at the end of
its mo(ement is unimportant7 units only need to be roughly orientated to&ards the enemy
side, except if routed or if performing a flan' attac'.
5. / ( -ovement alloances
See diagram belo&.
>nits cannot mo(e side&ays, diagonally, or to&ards the enemy reser(e. <o(ing a unit is
forbidden to&ards an opponentBs side area if there are enemy units in its o&n area.
5oot units may only perform one mo(e during a turn7 mounted units may perform t&o mo(es
per turn, and leaders may perform three.
5. 3 ( Evade a&ility
Light infantry, light ca(alry and light chariot units may mo(e e(en if they fought during the
combat se6uence, but they cannot mo(e then fight.
7 ( *E11A+" EFFE:*)
Dill, units defending a hill (either in one of their o&n area or in a con6uered enemy
area) get one extra combat dice, at the cost ho&e(er of one extra acti(ation point.
Eoods, ca(alry and hea(y infantry fights into &oods &ith a 5ighting ;alue reduced to
', and light infantry gets a A / modifier to morale tests, except if charged.
B 0 ;EA6E1)
>nli'e units, leaders donBt ha(e fighting characteristics. !hey may mo(e freely &ithout
needing acti(ation, and increase by one the number of acti(ation points in their o&n segment,
or by t&o if superior. 9f charismatic, then the <orale ;alue of all his units in his area
increases by " for morale tests. % leader costs "0 points, or $0 points if superior or
charismatic, or A0 points if superior and charismatic.
%n army may muster t&o leaders or more, but they cannot occupy the same area except the
reser(e. 5urthermore, one of them must be appointed as = in = for the entire game length.
% leader is lost if let alone in an area &ith enemy troops during an opponentBs turn.
C 0 1A;;D+"G
% unit that sustained losses may reco(er " <orale Point (i.e. one stand) for each turn spent
rallying inacti(ated in its reser(e area. 9n order to rally, a unit must roll F its <orale ;alue
&ith "d/, possibly modified by the presence of a charismatic leader.
'E 0 F$1:E6 -A1:,
Except arro&@shooting engines, units may perform one extra mo(e but must pass a cohesion
test. 8oll one dice7 if number scored exceeds cohesion number, unit loses one stand,
A (hea(y units)
4 (medium units)
# (light units)
@9+:? ),EE*
1ome and her enemies
F8 )8 68 -8 -vt :ost )!ecial =
;egionaries 3 0 3 2 ' '' *est#do<Pila
8et. legionaries<Pretorians3 0 2 2 ' '/ *est#do<Pila
8eteran a#Filiaries 3 0 3 2 ' ''
Formed a#Filiaries 3 0 3 3 ' 'E
Bar&arian a#Filiaries 3 0 / 3 ' C +m!et#o#s
Palestinian a#Filiaries 2 0 / 3 ' 'E /,G
;anciarii / 0 3 3 ' C *G
Formed &omen ' / / 3 ' C H
>avelineers / 0 / / ' 7 H
;ight archers ' / ' / ' 7 H
)lingers / ' ' / ' 7 H
:li&anarii<:ata!hracts 2 0 2 2 / /B ?ontos
,eavy cavalry 3 0 3 2 / /2
-edi#m cavalry 3 0 / 3 / /E
6romedarii / 0 ' 3 / '5
6rom. cata!hracts 2 0 / 3 / // ?ontos
;ight horsemen / 0 ' / / '2
-o#nted archers ' / ' / / '5 H
)cor!ions ' 3 / ' ' B ,eavy *G
Balistae ' 2 / ' 0 B H
"o&lemen arriors 2 0 3 3 ' ''
Garriors 3 0 / 3 ' C +m!et#o#s
Gar&and 3 0 / 2 ' 'E +m!et#o#s
Fanatics 2 0 ' 2 ' 'E Fanatics
6acian falFmen 2 0 ' 2 ' 'E A/-
;ight chariots / 0 / / / '5 *G
General @ @ @ @ A "0, $0 or A0
5; , 5ighting ;alue, S; , Shooting ;alue, :; , :efensi(e ;alue, <;, <orale ;alue
8ed underlining, hea(y units7 green underlining, light units
)PE:+A; 19;E)
+m!et#o#s, increases 5; by " until first losses7 must attac' front sector if enemy present.
Fanatics, ne(er routed (no dar' dice for morale tests)7 acti(ation costs " extra point.
)t#&&orn= original <; ta'en in account for morale tests7 acti(ation costs " extra point.
Elite, may re@roll failed dar' dice7 rally on original <;7 budget cost I J (round up fractions).
;evy, use a dar' d3 for morale tests7 half budget cost (round up fractions).
6ense oods= cannot be crossed throughout in a single turn.
1iver= limited passage7 A units per turn if bridgeHford, $ units if no ford7 " unit if deep &ater.
1ocky gro#nd= 5; capped at ".
-arsh= :; capped at ".
*o handed ea!ons (/,G)= blue )hit* counters7 enemy :; capped at $.
Pila= purple )hit* counters7 enemy :; reduced by ". =osts " extra point7 forbidden if
performing )testudo*.
*hroing ea!ons (*G)= green )hit* counters, round (arro&s, Ca(elines) or s6uare shaped
(stones, slingshot, hea(y arro&s). Enemy :; increases by " if light foot soldiers, or decreases
by " if medium or hea(y mounted troopers. Enemy :; capped at A if )s6uare hits*. !E rule
not apply if attac'er is charging.
$verhead shooting= formed archers may shoot o(er friendly troops contained in the
opposing front sector at the cost of " extra %cti(ation point7 furthermore, S; is reduced to " if
the inter(ening unit is not a light unit in open order.
Pikes<;ong s!ears= hits on )"* are indicated &ith red to'ens &hen attac'ing a sector
containing pi'emen7 their :; increases by ", but for ordinary hits only (no benefit apply for
red, blue or green to'ens, or if sustaining flan' attac', or if attac'er itself e6uipped &ith pi'es
or similar &eapon). 5urthermore, mounted troops charging pi'emen must pass a cohesion test
("0), and lose " <; point if it fails. ?n the other hand, pi'emen perform forced march at the
cost of " extra acti(ation point.
*est#do, legionary units only7 increases :; by ", but decreases 5; by "7 no forced march
nor shooting allo&ed7 testudo is bro'en if the unit is charged, charging, or routed.
)hieldall= same as testudo, but allo&ed to any unit of :; A or more. Ko mo(ement allo&ed.
:amels mo#nted #nits= inflicts yello& hits, against &hich the :; of ca(alry units is reduced
to ". =ohesion tests on 4 L (instead of A L for light troops).
Fighting leaders<,eroes, a general may Coin a unit fighting in his area, in &hich case that
unit benefits from one extra combat dice (t&o dice if the general is rated )hero* at the cost of
"0 extra points). Do&e(er, the general may not mo(e nor gi(e any acti(ation bonus during the
same turn. 9f hit during the next opponent turn, the subse6uent sa(ing rolls must be made
&efore rolling for his unitBs morale, and if 'illed, the unit to &hich he &as attached must pass
a cohesion test &ith "d/, and is routed if score M its <;.

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