This document provides information about events at Druid Hills United Methodist Church in Ocala, Florida for the week of August 24-30, 2014. It includes details of worship services, meetings, and activities such as choir practice and cub scouts. It also announces upcoming events like a Fifth Sunday offering for a children's home, and the start of a weekly FAD night program involving a meal and group activities. The document closes with details of last week's offering and attendance as well as names of people to include in prayers.
This document provides information about events at Druid Hills United Methodist Church in Ocala, Florida for the week of August 24-30, 2014. It includes details of worship services, meetings, and activities such as choir practice and cub scouts. It also announces upcoming events like a Fifth Sunday offering for a children's home, and the start of a weekly FAD night program involving a meal and group activities. The document closes with details of last week's offering and attendance as well as names of people to include in prayers.
This document provides information about events at Druid Hills United Methodist Church in Ocala, Florida for the week of August 24-30, 2014. It includes details of worship services, meetings, and activities such as choir practice and cub scouts. It also announces upcoming events like a Fifth Sunday offering for a children's home, and the start of a weekly FAD night program involving a meal and group activities. The document closes with details of last week's offering and attendance as well as names of people to include in prayers.
This document provides information about events at Druid Hills United Methodist Church in Ocala, Florida for the week of August 24-30, 2014. It includes details of worship services, meetings, and activities such as choir practice and cub scouts. It also announces upcoming events like a Fifth Sunday offering for a children's home, and the start of a weekly FAD night program involving a meal and group activities. The document closes with details of last week's offering and attendance as well as names of people to include in prayers.
We are glad you are here! Druid Hills United Methodist Church 1712 S.E. Lake Weir Road Ocala, Florida 34471 352-629-5688 Rev. Daryl W. Allen, pastor Email: Pastors blog: Website:
EVENTS FOR THIS WEEK: August 24August 30, 2014
Today 08/24 9:00 am Adult Focus Group 10:30 am Worship Service Monday 08/25 4:00 pm Election Set Up 6:30 pm Cub Scouts Tuesday 08/26 6:00 am Primary Election Day in FH 8:15 am ROMEOs 7:00 pm Boy Scouts 7:00 pm Choir Wednesday 08/27 6:00 pm Jr. Girl Scouts Thursday 08/28 6:00 pm Girl Scouts
Childrens Home Fifth Sunday Offering, August 31, 2014. Thank you for your gracious Fifth Sunday Offering Gift. Your support does make a real & lasting difference. You are al- ways invited to come & enjoy a campus tour. Thank you for being the Church & reaching out with the love of Jesus Christ to the least of these.
FAD Night - FAD (Faith and Discipleship) Night is starting again on September 4th, just a few short weeks away! FAD Night is a time for us to share a simple meal together and then break off into our groups; children, youth, and adults. After that we come back together for a time of music and prayer. FAD Night will run each Thursday from 5:30pm-7:30pm. As we get ready to gear back up we are in need of volunteers to cook the simple meal. We would like to set up a team of at least 8 different people to cook on a rotation to help ease the workload. If you are interested please call the church office and let us know. FAD Night was a wonderful experi- ence in the Spring and we need you to help us keep it that way.
Sunday, August 31 - Fellowship TimeSince we have a small group of parents of children, we would appreciate your help with donations of refreshments and drinks. If you have any questions, please see Joy Anderson or Debby Baugher. UNITED METHODIST, LEESBURG WOMENS RETREAT is right around the corner. This years theme is BELIEVE. Dates to choose from in 2015 are: January 30February 1; February 27March 1; March 20March 22. Our ladies take a group to the retreat so look for more information and a meeting in the next couple of weeks.
To make a secure online donation, this QR code is supplied for your convenience.
Thank you for your generosity. The flowers have been given today by : Kathy Enderson in memory of her Father Jim Bolomey Ruth Griffith in loving memory of her Husband Jim
Last weeks offering: $ 1,970.00 Attendance: 104
Electronic Giving (Vanco) for the Month of July: $ 2,334.59 Music Ministry Director: Joan Foren Head Usher: Steve Rittmayer Choir Director: Lenny Shank Nursery Director: Joy Anderson Greeter: Sherry Rhinehart Administrative Assistant: Jerrie Corpe Liturgist: Ed DuBois Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost August 24, 2014 WE GATHER IN GODS PRESENCE
Worship Leader: This is the day the Lord has made.
All: Let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Welcome and Announcements
Time of Greeting
Prelude & Lighting of Candles
Opening Prayer Rev. Daryl W. Allen
*Praise Hymn Trust and Obey UMH 467
*Call to Worship For Holiness of Heart UMH 401
First Scripture Lesson Exodus 18: 13-15 OT, page 65
*Peoples Response Gloria Patria UMH 70
Special Music All I Need Pref. by David Palmer & Melva Sanon
Young Disciples Moment
Sharing of Joys and Prayer Concerns
*Hymn of Preparation Just a Closer Walk with Thee BF 57
(altar rail open for prayer during this hymn)
Pastoral Prayer
WE OFFER OUR TITHES AND PRAISE Prayer of Blessing and Consecration
*Peoples Response Doxology UMH 95
*Congregation standing, as you are able. WE HEAR GODS WORD PROCLAIMED
Scripture Lesson Exodus 18: 17-23 OT, page 65
Peoples Response: May God add His richest blessing to the reading, the hearing, and the living out of His Holy Word. Amen.
Message: The 11: Who Is Your Jethro? Rev. Daryl W. Allen
*Hymn of Dedication I Have Decided to Follow Jesus BF 58 UMH (altar rail open for prayer during this hymn)
*Benediction Response Blest Be the Tie That Binds UMH 557
Please remember these people in prayer this week: Joy Anderson,, Bill Cantrell, Jerry Davis, Barry & Marie Decker, Debbie Durham, Lola Frisbee, Jack Grieves,, Dan Grishkin, Carolina Hadley, Lorrin Hosey, Bonnie & Jim Knepp, Flo LaVine, Susan & Randy Leighton, Joey Liu, Carolyn McCarthy, Bob McCarty, Doris Pitts, Jan Ridley, Richard Serviss, Jane Stahurski, Mickey Stevens, Shelley Tracy, Chuck Tharpe, Joyce & Frank Thompson, Mary Lou Welsh, Ray Wittemauer