This document provides information about the Druid Hills United Methodist Church located in Ocala, Florida. It includes their mission statement of "Serving Christ by Learning, Leading and Loving". It then lists the church's contact information and upcoming events for the week, including worship services, meetings, and activities. It concludes by providing details about the church's offerings, attendance from the previous week, and announcements.
This document provides information about the Druid Hills United Methodist Church located in Ocala, Florida. It includes their mission statement of "Serving Christ by Learning, Leading and Loving". It then lists the church's contact information and upcoming events for the week, including worship services, meetings, and activities. It concludes by providing details about the church's offerings, attendance from the previous week, and announcements.
This document provides information about the Druid Hills United Methodist Church located in Ocala, Florida. It includes their mission statement of "Serving Christ by Learning, Leading and Loving". It then lists the church's contact information and upcoming events for the week, including worship services, meetings, and activities. It concludes by providing details about the church's offerings, attendance from the previous week, and announcements.
This document provides information about the Druid Hills United Methodist Church located in Ocala, Florida. It includes their mission statement of "Serving Christ by Learning, Leading and Loving". It then lists the church's contact information and upcoming events for the week, including worship services, meetings, and activities. It concludes by providing details about the church's offerings, attendance from the previous week, and announcements.
We are glad you are here! Druid Hills United Methodist Church 1712 S.E. Lake Weir Road Ocala, Florida 34471 352-629-5688 Rev. Daryl W. Allen, pastor Email: Pastors blog: Website:
EVENTS FOR THIS WEEK: June 29July 5, 2014 Today 06/29 9:00 am Adult Focus Group 10:30 am Worship Service Monday 06/30 7:00 am Summer Camp All Week Tuesday 07/01 8:30 am ROMEOs 5:30 pm SPRC 7:00 pm Choir 7:00 pm Boy Scouts Wednesday 07/02 6:30 pm Summer Girl Scouts Thursday 07/03 6:00 pm Girl Scouts Friday 07/04 HOLIDAY JULY 4th Office Closed 10:00 am Moving Forward Saturday 07/05
Sunday Theme for July 6th - White Sunday - The following items are needed: Foam dinner plates, napkins, plastic wear, dish soap, napkins & toilet paper.
Quarter Buckets - We have been very successful over the years in meeting our pledge for the United Methodist Children's Home thanks to the generosity of our Quarter Buckets. Consistently we have ex- ceeded the goal set out for us. However, we are beginning to see a challenge in meeting our goal to provide scholarships for our young people to go to summer camp in Leesburg. While we have met the obligation for those that have already expressed interest this year, as of now we do not have enough funds for next year. Therefore, the leadership has moved that we use part of the money raised in our quarter buckets to go to our camp fund. Beginning this month, the monies raised in the buckets on the first, third, and fifth Sundays will go to the Children's Home and the monies raised on the second and fourth Sundays will go to the camp fund. Also, as it has always been, the money collected during the fellowship lunch each week will continue to be used in the camp fund. Thank you in advance for your continued support of our children's ministry programs.
Advent Challenge - This past Sunday I issued another Advent Challenge for 2014. Last year's chal- lenge was so incredibly successful and so many lives were touched by this act of generosity, the leader- ship of the church wanted to do it again this year. Once again our goal between now and Christmas Eve is $5,000 to be split between a local and global charity. Of this goal, $2,900 will go to our global chari- ty, Stop Hunger Now, as we strive to host another meal packaging event helping those children around the world that are suffering from malnourishment. The other $2,100 will go to our local mission, a Church Has Left the Building event, scheduled for early 2015. Please prayerfully consider how you might give, above and beyond your normal giving, to support this challenge so we may reach out the share the love of Christ with other people. Moving ForwardPlease meet at the church at 10:00 am to go to McIntosh. Childrens Home Fifth Sunday Offering, June 29, 2014The envelopes in the Bulletins are for your gracious Fifth Sunday Offering Gift. Your support does make a real and lasting difference. You are always invited to come & enjoy a campus tour. Thank you for being the Church and reaching out with the love of Jesus Christ to to least of these.
To make a secure online donation, this QR code is supplied for your convenience.
Thank you for your generosity. The Flowers today have been given by Bob & Raquel Hisey in Celebration of their Grandchildren Phillip and Isabelles Birthday
Last weeks offering: $ 3,111.00 Attendance: 113 Music Ministry Director: Joan Foren Head Usher: Steve Rittmayer Choir Director: Lenny Shank Nursery Director: Joy Anderson Greeter: Gail Huels Administrative Assistant: Jerrie Corpe Liturgist: Edgar DuBois Third Sunday after Pentecost June 29, 2014 WE GATHER IN GODS PRESENCE
Introit Chancel Choir
Worship Leader: This is the day the Lord has made. All: Let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Welcome and Announcements
Time of Greeting
Prelude & Lighting of Candles
Opening Prayer Rev. Debbie Allen
*Praise Hymn Just as I Am, Without One Plea UMH 357
*Call to Worship Prayer of Ignatius of Loyola UMH 570
First Scripture Lesson Psalm 51:1-2, 10-12 OT, page 520
*Peoples Response Gloria Patria UMH 70
Young Disciples Moment
Sharing of Joys and Prayer Concerns
*Hymn of Preparation Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior UMH 351
(altar rail open for prayer during this hymn)
Pastoral Prayer
Prayer of Blessing and Consecration
Offering and Offertory
*Peoples Response Doxology UMH 95
Scripture Lesson John 1:5-9 NT, page 91
Peoples Response: May God add His richest blessing to the reading, the hearing, and the living out of His Holy Word. Amen.
Message: Jargon Unchained: Repentance Rev. Debbie Allen
*Hymn of Dedication Theres Within My Heart a Melody UMH 380 (altar rail open for prayer during this hymn)
*Benediction Response Blest Be the Tie That Binds UMH 557
Congregation standing, as you are able. Please remember these people in prayer this week: Joy Anderson, Marianne Bingham, Bill Cantrell, Jerry Davis, Barry & Marie Decker, Lola Frisbee, Made- leine Gamble, Jack Grieves, Ruth Griffith, Dan Grishkin, Carolina Hadley, Lorrin Hosey, Ellen Keller, Bonnie & Jim Knepp, Flo LaVine, Susan & Randy Leighton, Joey Liu, Carolyn McCarthy, Bob McCarty, Angie OBrien and Debbie Durham, Doris Pitts, Jan Ridley, Jane Stahurski, Mickey Stevens, Shelley Tracy, Joyce & Frank Thompson, Mary Lou Welsh