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Feb 0611 Bul

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Today 02/06 9:00 am Adult Focus Group
Our Mission Statement
Monday 02/07
10:30 am
6:30 pm
Den Meeting
Serving Christ by Learning, Leading and Loving
Tuesday 02/08 8:15 am ROMEOs will meet at Denny’s, 40W at I 75
10:00 am Worship Committee “We are glad you are here!”
7:00 pm Choir
7:00 pm Boy Scouts
Wednesday 02/09 5:30 pm UMM
5:30 pm Brownies
Thursday 02/10 11:00 am Bible Study
5:30 pm Girl Scouts
7:00 pm Bible Study
Saturday 02/12 all day Kairos

Name Tags— Please remember to wear your name tags in church AND during the fel-
lowship time after church. A basket will be provided in the Fellowship Hall to place
your name tag in it after fellowship time. Name tags will only be made every two (2)

Offering placed on the altar rail during Holy Communion is used to help those in need
in our church and the community.
Great Lakes Scrip Center News! Chili’s® 2% Bonus - Chili’s Grill & Bar & all their re-
lated brands will be offering a 2% bonus contribution from Sat., Jan. 29 through Fri,. Feb.
18, 2011. The cards will have an 11% non-profit contribution, instead of the normal 9%,
during that time period.
Theme for Feb. 13 - Canned Food Sunday - to help fill 2x4 boxes. The following items
are needed to complete more boxes: dry soup mix, evaporated milk, powdered milk, canned
fruit, canned soup, mashed potatoes & spaghetti sauce. Thank you for your continued support
of this ministry.

MODELs will meet at 1 pm on Feb. 17 at Blanca’s Café at Ocala Palms Country Club, 5174
NW 26th Street. If you plan to attend, please email your reservation to dhum- Druid Hills United Methodist Church
cvol@yahoo.com or call the office by Feb. 15.
1712 S.E. Lake Weir Road
Ocala, Florida 34471
Rev. Daryl W. Allen, pastor
Email: druidhillsum@aol.com
Pastor’s blog: www.pastordaryl.blogspot.com
5thSunday after Epiphany WE HEAR GOD’S WORD PROCLAIMED

Second Scripture Lesson Exodus 20:8-11 (NRSV) OT, pg. 66

February 6, 2011 People’s Response: May God add His richest blessings to the reading, the
hearing, and the living out of His Holy Word. Amen.
Sermon: Ten Commandments: Sabbath Rev. Daryl W. Allen
Worship Leader: This is the day the Lord has made.
Sacrament of Holy Communion UMH 12
All: Let us rejoice and be glad in it.


Time of Greeting *Hymn of Dedication “Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah” UMH 127
(altar rail open for prayer during this hymn)
Prelude and Lighting of the Candles
WE COME BEFORE GOD IN WORSHIP *Benediction Response “Blest Be the Tie That Binds” UMH 557

*Praise Hymn “He Leadeth Me: O Blessed Thought” UMH 128 Communion stewards for today’s service are Pam & Edgar DuBois & Sharron Tryon
*Call to Worship A Modern Affirmation UMH 885
First Scripture Lesson Genesis 2:1-3 (NRSV) OT, pg. 2 The flowers on the altar are given by Lucy Williams
in celebration of Bob’s birthday
*People’s Response: “Gloria Patria” UMH 70
Choir Director: Lenny Shank
Anthem “Down to the River” Chancel Choir Greeters: Thelma Sharbaugh & Steve Rittmayer
Liturgist: Frank Thompson
Young Disciple’s Moment Ushers: Jim Pippin, Bob Greene, Harry Hosey, Steve Rittmayer

WE COME BEFORE GOD IN PRAYER Last week’s offering: $2,227.00 Attendance: 132

Sharing of Joys and Prayer Concerns

Please remember these people in prayer this week: Susan Allen, Karen Baldwin, Marietta
*Hymn of Preparation “God Will Take Care of You” UMH 130 Barlieb, Eric Barrow, Clayton Basche, Carl Battin, Rob Battin, Jason Bonell, Judy & Bob
(altar rail open for prayer during this hymn)
Pastoral Prayer Brombacker, Nona Cantrell, Rose Carroll, John Clayton, Violet Dyer, Lisa Faulk, Eddie Fer-
guson, Jennifer Fischkelta, Barbara Foote, Brad & Ruth Fuller, Tina Gorski, Abby & Damon
WE OFFER OUR TITHES AND PRAISE Graham, Tom Grant, Joey Hager, Bernie Hamilton, Emil Hass, DeNease Hicks, Robert Hil-
denbrandt, Charles Hughes, Dorothy Jones, Tom Klotz, Alene & Les Krouse, Flo & Ken
Prayer of Blessing and Consecration LaVine, Charles Lee, Helia Lopez, Michael MacPherson, Mary Lou Malony, Berniece Ma-
son, Ed Munday, Sue Murray, Janet Pennington, Carol Peterson, Anthony Petzitello, Faye &
Offering and Offertory Jim Pippin, Doris & Bill Pitts, Kathy Puskar, Ilene Rittmayer, Jeff Rogers, Wilhelmina
*People’s Response Doxology UMH 95 Rogers, Thelma Sharbaugh, Floy Smith, Terry Smith, Dorothy & Russell Stein, Adele Stipp,
Jonathan T., Tiffany, Gerry Theisen, Traci Vicente-Barrow, Vicki Wydnowski, Zierkle fam-
*Congregation standing as you are able. ily

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