Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra
Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra
Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra
Chapter 1
The Creation
I prostrate before the lotus-feet of Lord Vighneswara, offspring of Uma, the cause of destruction
of sorrow, who served by ahabhutas !the five great elements of the universe" etc# who has the
face of a tus$er and who consumes the essence of %apittha and &ambu fruits'
1-(' )ffering his obeisance to all-$nowing aharishi *arashar and with folded hands, aitreya
,) Venerable aharishi, &yotish, the supreme limb of the Vedas, has three divisions, vi-' .ora,
/anita, and 0amhita' 1mong the said three divisions, .ora or the general part of &yotish is still
more e2cellent' I desire to $now of its glorious aspects from you' 3e pleased to tell me, how this
Universe is created4 .ow does it end4 5hat is the relationship of the animals born on this earth
with the heavenly bodies4 *lease spea$ elaborately,'
6-7' aharishi *arashar answered, 8) 3rahmin, your 9uery !so to say the desire to $now of the
intricacies of &yotish" has an auspicious purpose in it for the welfare of the Universe' *raying
Lord 3rahma and 0hri 0araswati, .is power !and consort", and 0urya the leader of the grahas,
and the cause of Creation, I shall proceed to narrate to you the science of &yotish as heard
through Lord 3rahma' )nly good will follow the teaching of this Vedic 0cience to the students
who are peacefully disposed, who honour the preceptors !and elders" who spea$ only truth and
are /od fearing' 5oeful forever, doubtlessly, will it be to impart $nowledge of this science to an
unwilling student, to a heterodo2, and to a crafty person'
:-1;' 0hri Vishnu who is the lord !of all matters", who has undefiled spirit, who is endowed with
the three gunas, although he transcends the grip of gunas !i'e' /unatita", who is the 1uthor of this
Universe, who is glorious, who is the Cause and who is endowed with valour has no beginning'
.e authored the Universe and administers it with a 9uarter of his power' The other three 9uarters
of .im, filled with nectar, are $nowable only to the philosophers !of maturity"' The *rincipal
<volver who is both perceptible and imperceptible in Vasudeva' The Imperceptible part of the
Lord is endowed with dual powers, while the *erceptible with triple powers'
1=-16' The three powers are+ 0hri 0ha$ti !other La$shmi" with 0attva-gun, 3hoo 0ha$ti
!other-<arth" with >a?o-gun, and @eel 0ha$ti with Tamo-gun' 1part from the three, the fourth
$ind of Vishnu, influenced by 0hri 0ha$ti and 3hoo 0ha$ti, assumes the form of 0han$arshan
with Tamo-gun, of *radyumna with >a?o-gun, and of 1nirudh with 0attva-gun'
1A-1B' ahattatwa, 1ham$ar, and 1ham$ar urti, and 3rahma, are born from 0han$arshan,
*radyumna, and 1nirudh respectively' 1ll these three forms are endowed with all the three
gunas, with predominance of the /un due to their origin'
17-1:' 1ham$ar is of three classes, i'e' with 0attvic, >a?asic, and Tamasic dispositions' Civine
class, sensory organs and the five primordial compounds !space, air, fire, water, and earth" are
respectively from the said three 1ham$aras'
;D' Lord Vishnu,coupled with 0hri 0ha$ti rules over the three worlds' Coupled with 3hoo 0ha$ti,
.e is 3rahma causing the Universe' Coupled with @eel 0ha$ti, .e is 0hiva, destroying the
;1-;(' The Lord is in all beings and the entire Universe is in .im' 1ll beings contain both
&ivatma and *aramatmamshas' 0ome have predominance of the former, while yet some have the
latter in predominance' *aramatmamsh is predominant in the grahas, vi-' 0urya, etc', and
3rahma, 0hiva and others' Their powers or consorts too have predominance of *aramatmamsh'
)thers have more of &ivatmamsh'
Chapter ;
/reat Incarnations !)f The Lord"
1' aitreya+ ,) aharishi *arashar, are the incarnations of Vishnu, vi-' 0hri >am, 0hri %rishn,
etc', endowed with &ivamsh4
;' aharishi *arashar+ ,) 3rahmin, the four incarnations, vi-' >am, %rishn, @arasimh, and
Varah are wholly with *aramatmamsh' The other incarnations !than these, out of the ten" have in
them &ivamsh too'
=-(' The Unborn lord has many incarnations' .e has incarnated as the : grahas !@ava /rahas" to
bestow on the living beings the results due to their %armas' .e is &anardan' .e assumed the
auspicious form of grahas to destroy the demons !evil forces" and sustain the divine beings'
6-B' Erom 0urya the incarnation of >am, from Chandr that of %rishn, from angal that of
@arasimh, from 3uddh that of 3uddha, from /uru that of Vaman, from 0hu$r that of
*arashuram, from 0hani that of %urma !Tortoise", from >ahu that of Varah !pig", and from %etu
that of een !Eish" occurred' 1ll other incarnations than these also are through the grahas' The
beings with more *aramatmamsh are called divine beings'
7-1=' The beings with more &ivatmamsh are !mortal" beings' The high degree of *aramatmamsh
from the grahas, vi-' 0urya, etc', did incarnate as >am, %rishn, etc'' 1fter completing the
mission, the *aramatmamshas !of the respective" grahas again merge !in the respective" grahas'
The &ivatma portions from the grahas ta$e births as human beings and live their lives according
to their %armas and again merge in the grahas' 1nd at the time of /reat Cestruction, the grahas
as well merge in Lord Vishnu' )ne who $nows of all these, will become versed in the $nowledge
of the past, present, and future' 5ithout a $nowledge of &yotish these cannot be $nown' .ence,
everyone should have a $nowledge of &yotish particularly the 3rahmin' )ne who, devoid of
$nowledge of &yotish, blames this Vedic 0cience will go to the hell called 8>aurava8, and will be
reborn blind'
Chapter =
/rah Characters and Cescription
1' aitreya+ ,) aharishi, you have affectionately e2plained about the incarnations of grahas'
@ow $indly detail their characters and dispositions'
;-=' *arashar+ ,) 3rahmin, listen to the account of placement of the heavenly bodies' )ut of the
many luminous bodies sighted in the s$ies, some are stars# yet some are grahas' Those that have
no movements are the @a$shatras !or asterisms"'
(-A' Those are called 8/rahas8 that move through the @a$shatras !or stellar mansions" in the
-odiac' The said -odiac comprises of ;B @a$shatras commencing from 1shvini' The same area is
divided in 1; parts e9ual to 1; 8>ashis8 commencing from esh' The names of the grahas
commence from 0urya' The rashi rising is $nown as 8Lagn8' 3ased on Lagn and the grahas
?oining and departing from each other, the native8s good and bad effects are deducted'
Faddition from 0anthanam till slo$a BG
The names of the ;B @a$shatras are+
1' 1shvini 16' 0wati
;' 3harani 1A' Visha$a
=' %ritti$a 1B' 1nuradha
(' >ohini 17' &yeshtha
6' rigasira 1:' ula
A' 1rdra ;D' *urvashadh
B' *unarvasu ;1' Uttarashadh
7' *ushya ;;' 0hravana
:' 1slesha ;=' Chanishtha
1D' agha ;(' 0atabhisha
11' *urvaphalguni ;6' *urvabhadra
1;' Uttaraphalguni ;A' Uttarabhadra
1=' .asta ;B' >evati
1(' Chitra
The names of the grahas are given in slo$a 1D of this chapter'
Lagna is a very important point in the horoscope' It is the rashi that rises in the east, on the
latitude of birth' The apparent rising of a rashi is due to the rotation of the earth on its own a2is at
a rate of motion causing every degree of the -odiac seemingly ascend on the eastern hori-on'
1ppro2imately, two hours are re9uired for a rashi to pass via the hori-on, thereby every degree
ta$ing four minutes to ascend' This duration, however, is actually dependent on the concerned
1ctually, 0urya has no motion' .is motion is an apparent one as viewed from the rotating earth'
)ther grahas including the nodes have varied rates of motion' The average daily motions of the
grahas, which are not, however standard, are as follows+
0urya 1
Chandr 1=-16
angal =D-(68
3uddh A6-1DD8
0hu$r A;-7;8
/uru 6-168
0hani ;8
>ahuH%etu =8
5ith such different motions, a grah forms various drishti8s with others' These drishti8s through
longitudinal distances have a great deal of utility in &yotish' This is what aharishi *arashar
suggests to be considered'
B' Cetails !of astronomical nature" of stars have to be understood by general rules while I narrate
to you about the effects of grahas and rashis'
7-:' The positions of the grahas for a given time be ta$en as per Cri$ganit' 1nd with the help of
rashi durations applicable to the respective places, Lagn at birth should be $nown' @ow, I tell
you about the castes, descriptions, and dispositions of the grahas'
1D' @ames of grahas+ The names of the nine grahas respectively are+ 0urya, Chandr, angal,
3uddh, /uru, 0hu$r, 0hani, >ahu, and %etu'
11' 3enefics and alefics+ 1mong these, 0urya, 0hani, angal, decreasing Chandr, >ahu, and
%etu !the ascending and the descending nodes of Chandr" are malefics while the rest are
benefics' 3uddh, however, is a malefic if he ?oins a malefic'
Faddition from 0anthanam till slo$a 1;-1=G
5hen Chandr is ahead of 0urya but within 1;D, she has medium strength' 3etween 1;D to ;(D
she is very auspicious, see !81tishubhapred8"' Erom ;(D to ) she is bereft of strength' This is
Iavanas8 view, vide *' BD of my <nglish Translation of 0aravali' This view is, however, related to
Chandr8s strength or otherwise, while waning Chandr !%rishna *a$sh or dar$ half Chandr" is a
malefic and wa2ing Chandr !0hu$la *a$sh or bright half Chandr" is a benefic'
0hould Chandr be Iuti with a benefic or receiving a drishti from a benefic, she turns a benefic,
even if in a waning state'
1s regards 3uddh, we have clear instructions from aharishi *arashar, that he becomes a
malefic if he ?oins a malefic'
If waning Chandr and 3uddh are together, both are benefics'
1;-1=' /rah governances+ 0urya is the soul of all' Chandr is the mind' angal is one8s strength'
3uddh is speech-giver, while /uru confers %nowledge and happiness' 0hu$r governs semen
!potency", while 0hani denotes grief'
1(-16' /rah cabinet+ )f royal status are 0urya and Chandr, while angal is the army chief'
*rince-apparent is 3uddh' The ministerial grahas are /uru and 0hu$r' 0hani is a servant' >ahu
and %etu form the grah army'
1A-1B' Comple2ions of grahas+ 0urya is blood-red' Chandr is tawny' angal who is not very tall
is blood-red, while 3uddh8s hue is a$in to that of green grass' Tawny, variegated, and dar$ are
/uru, 0hu$r, and 0hani in their order'
17' Ceities of grahas+ Eire !1gni", 5ater !Varuna", 0ubrahmanya !Lord 0hiva8s son following
/anesh"' aha Vishnu, Indra, 0hachi Cevi !the consort of Lord Indra", and 3rahma are the
presiding deities of the B grahas in their order'
1:' /ender of the grahas+ 3uddh and 0hani are neuters' Chandr and 0hu$r are females, while
0urya, angal, and /uru are males'
;D' *rimordial compounds+ The *anchabhutas, space, air, fire, water, and earth, are respectively
governed by /uru, 0hani, angal, 0hu$r, and 3uddh'
;1' Castes of grahas+ /uru and 0hu$r are 3rahmins' 0urya is a royal grah while Chandr and
3uddh belong to commercial community' 0hani rules the 0udras !(th caste"'
;;' 0attvic grahas are the luminaries and /uru# 0hu$r and 3uddh are >a?asi$# while angal and
0hani are Tamasic grahas'
;=' Cescription of 0urya+ 0urya8s eyes are honey coloured' .e has a s9uare body' .e is of clean
habits, bilious, intelligent and has limited hair !on his head"'
;(' Cescription of Chandr+ Chandr is very windy and phlegmatic' 0he is learned and has a round
body' 0he has auspicious loo$s and sweet speech, is fic$le-minded and very lustful'
;6' Cescription of angal+ angal has blood-red eyes, is fic$le-minded, liberal, bilious, given to
anger and has thin waist and thin physi9ue'
;A' Cescription of 3uddh+ 3uddh is endowed with an attractive physi9ue and the capacity to use
words with many meanings' .e is fond of ?o$es' .e has a mi2 of all the three humours'
;B' Cescription of /uru+ /uru has a big body, tawny hair and tawny eyes, is phlegmatic,
intelligent and learned in all 0hastras'
;7' Cescription of 0hu$r+ 0hu$r is charming, has a splendourous physi9ue, is e2cellent or great
in disposition, has charming eyes, is a poet, is phlegmatic and windy, and has curly hair'
;:' Cescription of 0hani+ 0hani has an emaciated and long physi9ue, has tawny eyes, is windy in
temperament has big teeth, is indolent and lame and has coarse hair'
=D' Cescription of >ahu and %etu+ >ahu has smo$y appearance with a blue mi2 physi9ue' .e
resides in forests and is horrible' .e is windy in temperament and is intelligent' %etu is a$in to
=1' *rimary ingredients !or 0apth dhatus"+ 3ones, blood, marrow, s$in, fat, semen and muscles
are respectively denoted by the grahas+ 0urya, Chandr, angal, 3uddh, /uru, 0hu$r, and 0hani'
=;' 1bodes of the grahas+ Temple, watery place, place of fire, sport-ground, treasure-house, bed-
room and filthy ground+ these are respectively the abodes for the seven grahas from 0urya
==' /rah periods+ 1yan, uhurta, a day !consisting day and night", >itu, month, fortnight and
year+ These are the periods allotted to the grahas from 0urya to 0hani'
=(' Tastes of the grahas + *ungent, saline, bitter, mi2ed, sweet, acidulous, and astringent are
respectively tastes lorded by 0urya, Chandr, angal, 3uddh, /uru, 0hu$r, and 0hani'
=6-=7' 0trengths of grahas+ 0trong in the east are 3uddh and /uru' 0urya and angal are so in
the south, while 0hani is the only grah that derives strength in the west' Chandr and 0hu$r are
endowed with vigour when in the north' 1gain, strong during night are Chandr, angal, and
0hani while 3uddh is strong during day and night' The rest !i'e' /uru, 0urya, and 0hu$r" are
strong only in daytime' Curing the dar$ half malefics are strong' 3enefics ac9uire strength in the
bright half of the month' alefics and benefics are respectively strong in Ca$shinayan and
Uttarayan' The lords of the year, month, day, and .ora !hour of grah" are stronger than the other
in ascending order' 1gain, stronger than the other in the ascending are+ 0hani, angal, 3uddh,
/uru, 0hu$r, Chandr, and 0urya'
=:-(D' >elated to trees+ 0urya rules strong trees !i'e' trees with stout trun$s"' 0hani useless trees,
Chandr mil$y trees and rubber yielding plants", angal bitter ones !li$e lemon plants", 0hu$r
floral plants, /uru fruitful ones and 3uddh fruitless ones'
(1-((' )ther matters+ >ahu rules the outcaste while %etu governs mi2ed caste' 0hani and the
nodes indicate anthills' >ahu denotes multi-coloured clothes and %etu rags' Lead and blue gem
belong to >ahu and %etu' 0urya, Chandr, angal, 3uddh, /uru, 0hu$r, and 0hani in their order
govern red sil$en, white sil$en, red, blac$ sil$en, saffron, sil$en, and multi-coloured robes'
(6-(A' 0easons of grahas+ Vasanta, /reeshma, Varsh, 0arad, .emanta, and 0isir are the si2 >itus
!or seasons" respectively governed by 0hu$r, angal, Chandr, 3uddh, /uru and 0hani' >ahu and
%etu denote 7 months and = months respectively'
(B' Chatu, ool, and &iva Civisions+ Chatu grahas are >ahu, angal, 0hani and Chandr, while
0urya and 0hu$r are ula grahas' 3uddh, /uru, and %etu rule &ivas'
(7' 1ge+ )ut of all the grahas 0hani is the eldest !i'e' with the highest age"' .e bestows
ma2imum number of years in @aisargi$ Casha'
(:-6D' <2altation and Cebilitation+ Eor the seven grahas from 0urya on, the e2altation rashis are
respectively esh, Vrishabh, a$ar, %anya, %ar$, een, and Tula' The deepest e2altation
degrees are respectively 1D, =, ;7, 16, 6, ;B, and ;D in those rashis' 1nd in the seventh rashi from
the said e2altation rashi each grah has its own debilitation' The same degrees of deep e2altation
apply to deep fall'
61-6(' 1dditional Cignities+ In 0imh the first ;D degrees are 0urya8s ooltri$on while the rest is
his own bhava' 1fter the first = degrees of e2altation portion in Vrishabh, for Chandr, the rest is
her ooltri$on' angal has the first 1; degrees in esh as ooltri$on with the rest therein
becoming simply his own bhava' Eor 3uddh, in %anya the first 16 degrees are e2altation -one,
the ne2t 6 degrees ooltri$on, and the last 1D degrees are own bhava' The first one third of
Chanu is the ooltri$on of /uru while, the remaining part thereof is his own bhava' 0hu$r
divides Tula into two halves $eeping the first as ooltri$on and the second as own bhava'
0hani8s arrangements are same in %umbh as 0urya has in 0imh'
66' @atural >elationships+ @ote the rashis which are the ;nd, (th, 6th, 7th, :th, and 1;th from the
ooltri$on of a grah' The grahas ruling such rashis are its friends, apart from the lord of its
e2altation rashi' Lords other than these are its enemies' If a grah becomes its friend as well as its
enemy !on account of the said two computations" then it is neutral or e9ual'
6A' Temporary >elationships+ The grah posited in the ;nd, =rd, (th,1Dth, 11th, or the 1;th from
another becomes a mutual friend' There is enmity otherwise' !This applies to a given &anm
6B-67' Compound >elationship+ 0hould two grahas be naturally and temporarily friendly, they
become e2tremely friendly' Eriendship on one count and neutrality on another count ma$e them
friendly' <nmity on one count combined with affinity on the other turns into e9uality' <nmity and
neutralship cause only enmity' 0hould there be enmity in both manners, e2treme enmity is
obtained' The &yotishi should consider these and declare horoscopic effects accordingly'
6:-AD' >atio of <ffects+ 1 grah in e2altation gives fully good effects while in ooltri$on it is
bereft of its auspicious effects by one fourth' It is half beneficial in its own bhava' Its beneficence
is one fourth in a friendly rashi' In an e9ual8s rashi one eighth of auspicious disposition is useful'
The good effects are nil in debilitation or enemy8s camp' Inauspicious effects are 9uite reverse
with reference to what is stated'
A1-A(' @on-luminous Upagrahas !0ub-grahas"+ 1dd ( rashis 1= degrees and ;D minutes of arc to
0urya8s longitude at a given moment to get the e2act position of the all inauspicious Choom'
>educe Choom from 1; rashis to arrive at Vyatipat' Vyatipat is also inauspicious' 1dd si2 rashis
to Vyatipat to $now the position of *arivesh' .e is e2tremely inauspicious' Ceduct *arivesh from
1; rashis to arrive at the position of Chap !Indra Chanus" who is also inauspicious' 1dd 1A
degrees (D minutes to Chap which will give %etu !Upa$etu" who is a malefic' 3y adding a rashi
to Upa$etu, you get the original longitude of 0urya' These are the grahas devoid of splendour
which are malefics by nature and cause affliction'
A6' <ffects of 0ub-grahas+ If one of these afflicts 0urya, the native8s dynasty will decline, while
Chandr and Lagn respectively associated with one of these will destroy the longevity and
wisdom' 0o declared Lord 3rahma, the lotus-born'
AA-A:' Calculations of /uli$, etc'+ The portions of 0urya etc' up to 0hani denote the periods of
/uli$ and others' Civide the day duration !of any wee$ day" into eight e9ual parts' The eighth
portion is lord-less' The seven portions are distributed to the seven grahas commencing from the
lord of the wee$ day' 5hichever portion is ruled by 0hani will be the portion of /uli$' 0imilarly,
ma$e the night duration into eight e9ual parts and distribute these commencing from the lord of
the 6th wee$' .ere again, the eighth portion is lord-less while 0hani8s portion is /uli$' 0urya8s
portion is %aal, angal8s portion is rityu, /uru8s portion is Iamaghanta$, and 3uddh8s portion
is 1rdhaprahar' These durations differently apply to different places !commensurate with variable
day and night durations"
BD' /uli$8s *osition+ The degree ascending at the time of start of /uli$8s portion !as above" will
be the longitude of /uli$ at a given place' 3ased on this longitude only, /uli$8s effects for a
particular nativity be estimated'
B1-B(' Calculation of *ranapad+ Convert the given time into vighatis and divide the same by 16'
The resultant rashi, degrees, etc' be added to 0urya if he is in a movable rashi which will yield
*ranapad' If 0urya is in a fi2ed rashi, add ;(D degrees additionally and if in a dual rashi add 1;D
degrees in furtherance to get *ranapad'
The birth will be auspicious if *ranapad falls in the ;nd, 6th, :th, (th, 1Dth, or 11th from the
natal Lagn' In other bhavas, *ranapad indicates an inauspicious birth'
@otes+ 1rdhaprahar, Iamaghanta$, rityu, %aal, and /uli$ are the 6 %aal Velas, suggested by
aharishi *arashar' The day duration according to altitude is divided into eight e9ual parts' The
eight portion is unlorded' The first portion is allotted to the wee$day lord' )ther portions follow
in the order of wee$-day lords' 5e consider 6 portions of grahas ignoring that of Chandr and
0hu$r' The portions of 0urya, angal, 3uddh, /uru, and 0hani are respectively called , rityu,
1rdhaprahar, Iamaghanta$, and /uli$'
In the case of night, the durations or 1H7th parts are allotted in a different order' The first portion
goes to the grah ruling the 6th wee$day lord counted from the day in 9uestion' The others follow
in the usual order' .ere again, the 7th part is lord-less' The portions of grahas from %aal to /uli$
are the same in nomenclature, in the night also' %eeranuru @atara?a of &ata$alan$aram !Tamil
version" gives rashis of dignities for these Upagrahas and /uli$, etc''+
Upagrah <2altation Cebilitation 0wa$shetra J /uli$, etc' !own rashi" Choom 0imh %umbh
a$ar Vyatipat Vrischi$ Vrishabh ithun *arivesh ithun Chanu Chanu Indrachap Chanu
ithun %ar$ Upa$etu %umbh 0imh %ar$ /uli$ - - %umbh Iamaghanta$ - - Chanu 1rdhaprahar
- - ithun %aal - - a$ar rityu - - Vrischi$ KErom 0urya to 0hani, no one is e2alted in the
above mentioned e2altation rashis, nor debilitated in the above mentioned debilitation rashis' )ut
of the 6 %aal Velas, vi-' /uli$, etc' four e2cept %aal !related to 0urya" have their own rashi
system in the respective rashis ruled by their fathers' /uli$, son of 0hani, has %umbh as his own
bhava' /uru8s son, Iamaghanta$, has it in Chanu'
1rdhaprahar, 3uddh8s son, is in own rashi if in ithun' rityu, son of angal, has Vrischi$ as
own bhava' It is not $nown why %aal, a son of 0urya shifted to a$ar, a rashi of his brother
!0hani" leaving his father8s 0imh ' )bviously, 0hani has given his ooltri$on to his son /uli$
while he gave a$ar !a secondary rashi" to his 8brother8 %aal'
Chapter (
Lodiacal >ashis Cescribed
1-;' Importance of .ora+ The word .ora is derived from 1horatr after dropping the first and last
syllables' Thus, .ora !lagnas" remains in between 1horatr !i'e' day and night" and after $nowing
.ora, the good and bad effects of a native be $nown' 0hri Vishnu, the Invisible is Time
personified' .is limbs are the 1; rashis commencing from esh'
=' @ames of >ashis+ The 1; rashis of the -odiac in order are+ esh,Vrishabh, ithun, %ar$,
0imh , %anya, Tula, Vrischi$, Chanu, a$ar, %umbh, and een'
(-(1H;' Limbs of %aal *urush+ %aal *urush !or time personified" has his limbs as under with
reference to the 1; rashis respectively+ .ead, face, arms, heart, stomach, hip, space below navel,
privities, thighs, $nees, an$les, and feet'
6-6 1H;' Classification of >ashis + ovable, Ei2ed, and Cual are the names given to the 1; rashis
in order' These are again $nown as malefic and benefic, successively' 0imilarly, are male and
female' esh, 0imh, and Chanu are bilious' Vrishabh, %anya, and a$ar are windy' ithun,
Tula, and %umbh are mi2ed, while the rest are phlegmatic'
A-B' esh described+ The esh is blood-red in comple2ion' lt has a prominent !big" physi9ue' It
is a 9uadruped rashi and strong during night' It denotes courage' It resides in the east and is
related to $ings' It wanders in hills and predominates in >a?o-gun !the second of the three
constituent 9ualities and the cause of great activity in living beings"' It rises with its bac$ !a
*rishtodaya rashi" and is fiery' Its ruler is angal'
7' Vrishabh described+ Vrishabh8s comple2ion is white, and is lorded by 0hu$r' It is long and is a
9uadruped rashi' It has strength in night and resides in the south' It represents villages and
businessmen' 1n earthy rashi, Vrishabh rises with its bac$'
:-: 1H;' ithun described+ The rashi ithun rises with its head and represents a male and a
female holding a mace and lute' It lives in the west and is an, airy rashi' It is a biped rashi as well
and is strong in nights' It lives in villages and is windy in temperament' It has an even body with
a green !grass li$e" hue' Its ruler is 3uddh'
1D-11' %ar$ described+ The rashi %ar$ is pale-red' It resorts to forests and represents 3rahmins'
It is strong in nights' It has many feet !i'e' it is a centipede rashi" and has a bul$y body' It is
0attvic in disposition !seen in gods" and it is a watery rashi' It rises with its bac$ and is ruled by
1;' 0imh described+ 0imh is ruled by 0urya and is 0attvic' It is a 9uadruped rashi and a royal
rashi' It resorts to forests and rises with its head' It has a large, white body' It resides in the east
and is strong during daytime'
1=-1(' %anya described+ This rashi is a hill-resorter, and is strong in daytime' It rises with its
head and has a medium build' It is a biped rashi and resides in the south' It has grains and fire in
its hands' It belongs to the business community and is variegated' It relates to hurricanes
!8*rabharan?ani8"' It is a Virgin and is Tamasic !a disposition of demons"' Its ruler is 3uddh'
16-1A 1H;' Tula described+ Tula is a 0eershodaya rashi rising with its head# Tula is strong in
daytime' It is blac$ in comple2ion and is predominant with >a?o-gun' It relates to the western
direction and resorts to land' It is destructive or mischievous !8Chatin8"' It represents 0udras or
the (th Varna' It has a medium build physi9ue and is a biped rashi' Its lord is 0hu$r'
Vrischi$ described+ Vrischi$ has a slender physi9ue and is a centipede rashi' It denotes 3rahmins
and resides in holes' Its direction is north and is strong in daytime' It is reddish-brown and
resorts to water and land' It has a hairy physi9ue and is very sharp !or passionate"' angal is its
1B-17 1H;' Chanu described+ The rashi Chanu rises with its head and is lorded by /uru' It is a
0attvic rashi and is tawny in hue' It has strength in night and is fiery' 1 royal rashi, Chanu is
biped in first half' Its second half is 9uadruped' It has an even build and adores an arch' It resides
in the east, resorts to land and is splendourous'
1:-;D' a$ar described+ a$ar is lorded by 0hani and has predominance of Tamo-gun !a
disposition seen in demons"' It is an earthy rashi and represents the southern direction' It is
strong in nights, and rises with bac$' It has a large body' Its comple2ion is variegated and it
resorts to both forests and lands' Its first half is 9uadruped and its second half footless moving in
;1-;1 1H;' %umbh described+ The rashi %umbh represents a man holding a pot' Its comple2ion is
deep-brown' It has medium build and a biped rashi' It is very strong in daytime' It resorts to deep
water and is airy' It rises with its head and is Tamasic' It rules 0udras, the (th Varna, and the
west' Its lord is 0hani, 0urya8s offspring'
;;-;(' een described+ een resembles a pair of fish, one tailed with the head of the other' This
rashi is strong at night' It is a watery rashi and is predominant with 0attwa-gun' It denotes
resoluteness and is a water-resorter' It is footless and has a medium build' It rules the north and
rises with both head and bac$' It is ruled by /uru' This is how the twelve rashis each of =D
degrees e2tent are described to evaluate gross and specific effects'
;6-=D' @ishe$ Lagn+ ) e2cellent of aharishis, now is a step e2plained to arrive at the @ishe$
Lagn when the natal Lagn is $nown' @ote the angular distance between 0hani and andi
!/uli$"' 1dd this to the difference between the Lagn bhava !adhya or cusp" and the :th bhava
!cusp"' The resultant product in rashis, degrees, etc' will represent the months, days, etc' that
elapsed between @ishe$ and birth' 1t birth if Lagn lord is in the invisible half !i'e' from Lagn
cusp to descendental cusp" add the degrees, etc' Chandr moved in the particular rashi occupied
by her to the above mentioned product' Then, Lagn at @ishe$ can be wor$ed out and the good
and bad e2perienced by the native in the womb can be guessed' )ne can also guess, with the help
of @ishe$ Lagn, effects li$e longevity, death, etc' of the parents'
Chapter 6
0pecial Lagnas
1' )h e2cellent of the 3rahmins, I e2plain below again some special Lagnas, vi-' 3hava Lagn,
.ora Lagn, and /hati Lagn'
;-=' 3hava Lagn+ Erom sunrise to the time of birth every 6 ghatis !or 1;D minutes" constitute one
3hava Lagn' Civide the time of birth !in ghatis, vighatis, etc'" from sunrise by 6 and add the
9uotient etc' to 0urya8s longitude as at sunrise' This is called 3hava Lagn'
(-6' .ora Lagn+ 1gain from sunrise till the time of birth, .ora Lagn repeats itself every ;1H;
ghatis !i' e' AD minutes"' Civide the time past up to birth from sunrise by ; 1H; and add the
9uotient etc' in rashis, degrees, and so on to the longitude of 0urya as at the sunrise' This will
yield .ora Lagn in rashi, degrees, etc''
A-7' /hati Lagn !/hati$ Lagn"+ @ow listen to the method of wor$ing out /hati Lagn' This Lagn
changes along with every /hati !;( minutes" from the sunrise' @ote birth time in ghatis and
vighatis' Consider the number of ghatis past as number of rashis or /hati Lagnas' The vighatis
be divided by ; to arrive at degrees and minutes of arc past in the said /hati Lagn' The product
so arrived in rashis, degrees, and minutes be added to 0urya8s longitude as at sunrise to get the
e2act location of /hati Lagn' 0o, say aharishis li$e @arada'
:' Use of 0pecial Lagnas+ %eeping the grahas at birth as it is, prepare various bhava $undalis
with respect to each special Lagn and analy-e as done for the natal Lagn'
1D-1= 1H;' Varnad Casha+ I now detail Varnad Casha ?ust by $nowing which, one can deal with
the longevity of a native' If the natal Lagn is an odd rashi count directly from to natal Lagn' If
the natal Lagn is an even rashi, count from een to the natal Lagn, in the reverse order'
0imilarly, if the .ora Lagn is an odd one, count from esh to .ora Lagn in direct order' If the
.ora Lagn is an even one, count from een to .ora Lagn in the reverse order' If both the
products are odd rashis or even rashis, then add both the figures' If one is odd and the other is
even, then $now the difference between the two products' If the latest product, in this process, is
an odd one, count so many rashis from esh in a direct manner, if an even one, count so many
rashis from een in reverse order' The rashi so $nown will be the Varnad for Lagn'
1(-16' <ffects of Varnad+ @ow, listen to the use of the above' )ut of the two, vi-' natal Lagn and
.ora Lagn, whichever is stronger, from there Varnad starts' If the natal Lagn is an old rashi, the
counting of dashas is cloc$wise, otherwise anticloc$wise' Lagn dasha years will e9ual the
number of rashis intervening between the natal Lagn and Varnad' 0imilarly, for other bhavas'
1A-;D' <ffects of Varnad !cont'"+ 0hould a %on from Lagn 8s Varnad be occupied or drishtied by a
malefic, the native will live only up to the dasha of the said rashi' &ust as the >udra grah in 0ool
Casha is capable of causing evils, the above mentioned grahas related to Varnad8s %on be treated'
The Varnad Lagn be considered as natal Lagn while the Bth from Varnad will denote the
longevity of the spouse, the 11th longevity of elder brothers and sisters, the =rd longevity of
younger brothers and sisters, the 6th the longevity of sons, the (th longevity of mother and the
:th longevity of father' The Casha of the 0ool rashi will inflict greater evils'
;1-;(' <ffects of Varnad !cont'"+ 0imilar assessments be made with reference to the Varnad of
each bhava commencing the first and the evils and goods due to a nativity be $nown' These
Varnad Cashas are only for bhavas !rashis" and not their occupants' The sub period of each
Casha will be one twelfth of the Casha and the order will also be cloc$wise or anti-cloc$wise as
e2plained earlier' The natal Lagn is to be calculated according to birth place while 3hava Lagn,
.ora Lagn, etc', are common to all places'
Chapter A
The 0i2teen Civisions of a >ashi
1' ) aharishi *arashar, I have $nown from you about the grahas, rashis, and their descriptions'
I desire to $now the details of various divisions of a rashi, will you please narrate'
;-(' @ames of the 1A Vargas+ Lord 3rahma has described 1A $inds of Vargas !Civisions" for each
rashi' Listen to those' The names are+ >ashi, .ora, Cresh$an, Chaturthamsh, 0aptamsh,
@avamsh, Cashamsh, Cvadashamsh, 0hodashamsh, Vimshamsh, Chaturvimshamsh,
0aptavimshamsh, Trimshamsh, %havedamsh, 1$shavedamsh, and 0hashtiamsh'
6-A' >ashi and .ora+ The rashi owned by a grah is called its %shetra' The first half of an odd
rashi is the .ora ruled by 0urya' 5hile the second half is the .ora of Chandr' The reverse is true
in the case of an even rashi' .alf of a rashi is called .ora' These are totally ;( counted from
esh and repeated twice !at the rate of 1;" in the whole of the -odiac'
B-7' Cresh$an+ )ne third of a rashi is called Cresh$an !Cresh$an"' These are totally =A, counted
from esh !to een", repeating thrice at the rate of 1; per round' The 1st, 6th, and the :th rashis
from a rashi are its three Cresh$anas, and are respectively lorded by @arada, 1gasthya and
:' Chaturthamsh+ The lords of the ( %endras from a rashi are the rulers of respective
Chaturthamsh of a rashi commencing from esh' <ach Chaturthamsh is one fourth of a rashi'
The deities respectively are 0ana$, 0anand, %umar, and 0anatan'
1D-11' 0aptamsh+ The 0aptamsh !one seventh of a rashi" counting commences from the same
rashi in the case of an odd rashi' It is from the seventh rashi there of while an even rashi is
considered' The names of the seven divisions in odd rashis are + %shaar, %sheer, Cadhi, /hrith,
I$shu, >as, adhya, and 0uddh &al' These designations are reversed for an even rashi'
1;' @avamsh+ The @avamsh calculation are for a movable rashi from there itself, for a fi2ed
rashi from the :th thereof and for a dual rashi from the 6th thereof' They go by designations
Ceva !divine", anushya !human", and >a$shasa !devilish" in a successive and repetitive order
for a movable rashi' !anushya, >a$shasa and Ceva are the order for a fi2ed rashi while
>a$shasa, anushya, and Ceva are a dual rashi8s order'"
1=-1(' Cashamsh+ 0tarting from the same rashi for an odd rashi and from the :th with reference
to an even rashi, the 1D Cashamshas each of = degrees are rec$oned' These are presided over by
the ten rulers of the cardinal directions, vi-' Indra, 1gni, Iama, >a$shasa, Varuna, Vayu, %uber,
Isan, 3rahma, and 1nanth in case of an odd rashi' It is in the reverse order that these presiding
deities are rec$oned when an even rashi is given'
16' Cvadashamsh+ The rec$oning of the Cvadashamsh !one twelfth of a rashi or ; 1H; degrees
each" commences from the same rashi' In each rashi the presidentship repeats thrice in the order
of /anesh, 1shvini, %umar, Iama, and 0arpa for the 1; Cvadashamshas'
1A' 0hodashamsh !or %alamsh"+ 0tarting from esh for a movable rashi, from 0imh for a fi2ed
rashi and from Chanu for a dual rashi, the 1A 0hodashamshas !1Ath part of a rashi i'e' of 16;8
=D," are regularly distributed' The presiding deities of these repeat in the order 3rahma, Vishnu,
0hiva, and 0urya four times in the case of an odd rashi' It is reverse in the case of an even rashi
that these ruling deities are understood'
1B-;1' Vimshamsh+ Erom esh for a movable rashi, from Chanu from a fi2ed rashi and from
0imh for a common rashi+ this is how the calculations of Vimshamshas ! 1H;Dth of a rashi or 1
degree =D8 each" are to commerce' The presiding deities of the ;D Vimshamshas are in an odd
rashi are respectively+ %ali, /auri, &aya, La$shmi, Vi?aya, Vimal, 0ati, Tara, &valamu$hi, 0veta,
Lalita, 3agalamu$hi, *ratyangir, 0hachi, >audri, 3havani, Varad, &aya, Tripura, and 0umu$hi' In
an even rashi these ;D deities respectively are+ Caya, egha, Chinnasi, *isachini, Chumavathi#
atangi, 3al, 3hadr, 1run, 1nal, *ingal, Chuchchu$, /hora, Vaarahi, Vaishnavi, 0ita,
3huvanesvari, 3hairavi, angal, and 1para?it'
;;-;=' Chaturvimshamsh+ The Chaturvimshamsh !1H;(th part of a rashi or 116 each" distribution
commences from 0imh and %ar$ respectively for an odd and an even rashi' In the case of an odd
rashi the ruling deities repeat twice in the order of 0$and, *arusdhar, 1nal, Vishwa$arma, 3hag,
itr, aya, 1nta$a, Vrisha-dwa?a, /ovinda adan, and 3hima' >everse these from 3hima !to
0$and" twice to $now the deities for the Chaturvimshamsh in an even rashi'
;(-;A' 0aptavimshamsh !@a$shatramsh or 3hamsh"+ The 0aptavimshamsh lords are respectively
the presiding deities of the ;B @a$shatras as under+ Castra !1shvini %umar", Iama, 1gni,
3rahma, Chandr, Isa, 1dhiti, &iva, 1hi, *itar, 3hag, 1ryama, 0urya, Tvasht, arut, Cha$ragni,
itr, Vasava, >a$shasa, Varuna, Vishwadeva, /ovinda, Vasu, Varuna, 1?ap, 1hirbuddhnya, and
*ushya' These are for an odd rashis' Count these deities in a reverse order for an even rashi' The
0aptavimshamsh distribution commences from esh and other movable rashis for all the 1;
;B-;7' Trimshamsh+ The Trimshamsh lords for an odd rashi are+ angal, 0hani, /uru, 3uddh,
and 0hu$r' <ach of them in order rules 6, 6, 7, B, and 6 degrees, The deities ruling over the
Trimshamshas are respectively, 1gni, Vayu, Indra, %uber, and Varuna' Tn the case of an even
rashi, the 9uantum of Trimshamsh, grah lordship and deities get reversed'
;:-=D' %havedamsh !or Chatvarimshamsh"+ !1H(Dth part of a rashi"+ Eor odd rashis count from
esh and for an even rashi from Tula in respect of %havedamshas !each of (68 of arc"' Vishnu,
Chandr, arichi, Tvasht, Chata, 0hiva, >avi, Iama, Ia$sh, /andharv, %aal, and Varuna repeat
successively as presiding deities in the same order for all rashis'
=1-=;' 1$shavedamsh+ !1H(6th part of a rashi"+ esh, 0imh, and Chanu are the rashis from
which the distributions respectively commence for movable, immovable, and common rashis' In
movable rashis, 3rahma, 0hiva, and Vishnu# in immovable rashis 0hiva, Vishnu, and 3rahma
and in common rashis Vishnu, 3rahma, and 0hiva repeat 16 times the presidentship over these
==-(1' 0hashtiamsh+ !1HADth part of a rashi or half a degree each"+ To calculate the 0hashtiamsh
lord, ignore the rashi position of a grah and ta$e the degrees, etc', it traversed in that rashi'
ultiply that figure by ; and divide the degrees by 1;' 1dd 1 to the remainder which will
indicate the rashi in which the 0hashtiamsh falls' The lord of that rashi is the grah ruling the said
0hashtiamsh' In odd rashis, the names of 0hashtiamshas are+1'/hora, ;'>a$shasa, ='Ceva,
('%uber, 6'Ia$sh, A'%indar, B'3hrasht, 7'%ulaghna, :'/aral, 1D'Vahni, 11'aya, 1;'*urisha$,
1='1pampathi, 1('arutwan, 16'%aal, 1A'0arpa, 1B'1mrit' 17'Indu, 1:'ridu, ;D' %omal,
;1'.eramba, ;;'3rahma, ;='Vishnu, ;('aheshwara, ;6'Ceva, ;A'1rdr, ;B'%alinas, ;7'%shitees,
;:'%amala$ar, =D'/uli$, =1'rityu, =;'%aal, =='Cavagni, =('/hora, =6'Iama, =A %anta$,
=B'0uddh, =7'1mrit, =:'*urnachandr, (D'Vishadagdha, (1'%ulanas, (;'Vamsha$shaya, (='Utpat,
(('%aal, (6'0aumya, (A'%omal, (B'0heetal, (7'%araladamshtr, (:'Chandramu$hi, 6D'*raveen,
61'%aalpava$, 6; Channayudh, 6='@irmal, 6('0aumya, 66'%rur, 6A'1tisheetal, 6B'1mrit,
67'*ayodhi, 6:'3rahman, AD'Chandrare$ha !Indure$ha"'
The reverse is the order for even rashis in so much as these names are cased' /rahas in benefic
0hashtiamshas produce auspicious, while the opposite is true in case of grahas in malefic
(;-6=' Varg Classification+ aitreya, e2plained now are the sum effects of classifications of
different divisions !or vargas so far narrated"' These are four $inds, vi-' 0had Varg !A divisions
considered", 0apth Varg !B divisions considered", Casha Varg !1D divisions considered" and
0hodasha Varg !all the 1A divisions considered"' In the 0hadvarg classification, the varg
designations are %imshu$, Vyan?an, Chamar, Chatr, and %undal according to a grah being in ; to
A combinations of good vargas' @e2t is the 0apth varg in which these classifications continue in
the same manner up to si2 combinations of good vargas, the Bth additional varg getting classified
as u$ut' In the Casha Varg scheme, the designations commence from *ari?ata etc' such as ;
good Vargas-*ari?atha, =' Uttama, (' /opur, 6' 0imhsan, A' *aravata, B' Cevalo$a, 7'
3rahmalo$a, :' 0a$ravahana, and 1D' Vargas-0hridham' In the 0hodasha Varg scheme the
combinations of vargas go with designations thus+ two good Vargas-3heda$, =' %usum, ('
@agapushpa, 6' %andu$, A' %erala, B' %alpa Vri$sha, 7' Chandan Vana, :' *urnachandr, 1D'
Uchchaisrava, 11' Chanvantari, 1;'0urya$ant, 1=' Vidrum, 1(' Cha$ra-simhasan, 16' /olo$, and
1A' Vargas-0hri Vallabh' In these divisions, the divisions falling in the grah8s e2altation rashi,
ooltri$on rashi, own rashi, and the rashis owned by the lord of a %endra from the 1rudha Lagn
are all to be considered !as good vargas"' The divisions of a combust grah, defeated grah, wea$
grah and a grah in bad 1vasthas li$e 0ayan be all ignored to be auspicious, for these destroy the
good Iogas'
Chapter B
Civisional Considerations
1-7' Use of the 1A Civisions+ @ow, I will e2plain the use of these si2teen divisions' The physi9ue
from Lagn, wealth from .ora, happiness through co-born from Cresh$an, fortunes from
Chaturthamsh, sons and grandsons from 0aptamsh, spouse from @avamsh, power !and position"
from Cashamsh, parents from Cvadashamsh, benefits and adversities through conveyances from
0hodashamsh, worship from Vimshamsh, learning from Chaturvimshamsh strength and
wea$ness from 0aptavimshamsh, evil effects from Trimshamsh, auspicious and inauspicious
effects from %havedamsh, and all indications from both 1$shavedamsh and 0hashtiamsh+ these
are the considerations to be made through the respective vargas' The bhava whose lord is in a
malefic 0hashtiamsh will diminish, so say /arga and others' The bhava whose lord is in a
benefic 0hodashamsh flourish' This is how the 1A vargas are to be evaluated'
:-1;' 1fter assessing the ;D point strength of the ascending degree, of other bhavas, and of the
grahas, the good and bad effects be declared' I e2plain below the method of $nowing the
Vimsopa$ strength !;D point strength" ?ust by $nowing which an idea of the results of actions of
this birth and of former birth will clearly emerge' The grahas from 0urya on get full strength
when in e2altation or in own rashi and are bereft of strength when in the Bth !from e2altation"' In
between, the strength be $nown by the rule of three process' In the case of a grah owning two
rashis, distinction of placement in oddHeven rashi identical with own rashi be made'
1=-1A' .ora, Cresh$an, and Trimshamsh <ffects+ /uru, 0urya, and angal give !pronounced"
effects in the .ora of 0urya' Chandr, 0hu$r, and 0hani do so when in Chandr8s .oras# 3uddh is
effective in both the .oras' In the case of an even rashi the hora of Chandr will be powerful in
effects while 0urya8s hora in an odd rashi will be so' Eull, medium, and nil will be the effects
respectively in the beginning middle and the end of a hora' 0imilar applications be made for a
Cresh$an, Turyamsh, @avamsh, etc''
1s for Trimshamsh effects 0urya is a$in to angal and Chandr is a$in to 0hu$r' The effects
applicable to >ashi will apply to Trimshamsh'
1B-1:' Vimshopa$ 3al+ The 0had Vargas !si2 divisions" consist of >ashi, .ora, Cresh$an,
@avamsh, Cvadashamsh, and Trimshamsh' The full 3al, for each of the divisions respectively
are A, ;, (, 6, ;, and 1' This is the Vimshopa$ 3al relating to 0had Varg division' 1dding the
0aptamsh to the 0had Vargas, we get 0apt Varg, the Vimshopa$ 3al for which is+ 6, ;, =, ; 1H;, (
1H;, ;, and 1' These are gross strengths, while subtle ones should be understood by e2act
;D' 1dd Cashamsh, 0hodashamsh, and 0hashtiamsh to the said 0apt Varg Civisions, to get the
scheme of Casha Varg !1D divisions"' The Vimshopa$ 3al in this conte2t is = for >ashi, 6 for
0hashtiamsh, and for the other 7 divisions, 1 1H; each'
;1-;6' 5hen the 1A divisions !0hodash Varg 0cheme" are considered together, the Vimshopa$
score goes thus+ .ora 1, Trimsamsh 1, Cresh$an 1, 0hodashamsh ;, @avamsh =, >ashi = 1H;,
0hashtiamsh (, and the rest of the nine divisions each a half' The Vimshopa$ 3al remains as ;D
!in the above computations" only when the grah is in own bhava vargas' )therwise, the total
strength from ;D declines to 17 in *ramudit vargas, to 16 in 0hant vargas, to 1D in 0vasth
divisions, to B in Cuh$hit vargas and to 6 in %hal vargas' !These figures are called Varg Vishwa'"
;A-;B' Vimshopa$ *roportional <valuation' ultiply the figure due to full strength for the
division by the varg Vishwa and divide by ;D to get the e2act strength of the grah' If the such
total is below 6 the grah will not be capable of giving auspicious results' If it is above 6 but
below 1D, the grah will yield some good effects' Later on, up to 16 it is indicative of mediocre
effect' 1 grah with above 16 will yield wholly favourable effects'
;7-;:' )ther 0ources of 0trength+ aitreya, there are other $inds of sources as I e2plain below'
/rahas in the Bth from 0urya will be fully effective' )ne with an identical longitude in
comparison to 0urya8s will destroy the good effects' >ule of three process be applied to the grah
in between these positions'
=D-=;' Casha effects with Vimshopa$ 3al+ aitreya, after assessing the Vimshopa$ 3al through
the various divisions, the rising and setting of the grahas be considered' The Vimshopa$ 3al is
classified under+ *urna, 1tipurna, adhya, 1timadhya, .een, 1tiheen, 0walpa, and 1tiswalp'
Thus, should be classified the Vimshopa$ 3al and the Casha period results declared accordingly'
==-=A' %endras, %onas, etc', Cefined+ ) aitreya, listen to other matters which I am e2plaining'
The %endras are specially $nown as Lagn !the ascendent", 3andhu 3hava, Iuvati 3hava !the
descendant", and %arm 3hava !mid-heaven"' Chan, *utr, >andhr, and Labh 3hava are
*anapharas !or succedents", while 0aha?, 1ri, Charm, and Vyaya 3hava are called 1po$limas !or
cadents"' *utr and Charm 3hava are $nown by the name %on !or trine"' <vil bhavas or Custhan
3havas are 1ri, >andhr, and Vyaya 3hava' Chaturasras are 3andhu and >andhr 3hava' 0aha?,
1ri, %arm, and Labh 3hava are Upachaya 3havas'
=B-=7' @ames of 3havas+ Thanu, Chan, 0aha?, 3andhu, *utr, 1ri, Iuvati, >andhr, Charm,
%arma, Labh, and Vyaya are in order the names of bhavas' I e2plained these briefly and leave it
to you to grasp more according to your intelligence' 1s delivered by Lord 3rahma, some further
information is added thus !i'e' in the following verses'"'
=:-(=' Indications from 3havas+ Charm 3hava and the :th from 0urya deal with one8s father'
5hatever effects are to be $nown from the %arm and Labh 3hava be also $nown from similar
bhavas counted from 0urya' 5hatever results are to be $nown from 3andhu, Tanu, Chan, Labh,
and Charm should also be $nown from the (th of Chandr, from %ar$ rashi itself, and from the
;nd, 11th, and :th from Chandr respectively' 5hatever has to be $nown through 0aha? 3hava be
also analy-ed through the =rd from angal' The Ath from 3uddh be also considered in regard to
indications derivable from 1ri 3hava' The 6th from /uru, the Bth from 0hu$r, and both the 7th
and 1;th from 0hani stand for consideration respectively in respect of offspring, spouse, and
death' The lord of the bhava is e9ually important when estimating the indications of a particular
Chapter 7
Crishtis of the >ashis
1-=' >ashi Crishtis+ ) aitreya, now detailed are the drishtis emanating from the rashi esh,
etc'' <very movable rashi drishtis the = fi2ed rashis leaving the fi2ed rashi ad?acent to it' <very
fi2ed rashi gives drishti to the = movable rashis barring the ad?acent movable rashi' 1nd a
common rashi gives a drishti to the other three common rashis' The grah in a rashi gives the
same drishti as the rashi !in which the grah is" does'
(-6' Cristhis of the /rahas+ 1 grah in a movable rashi gives a drishti to the other = fi2ed rashis
leaving the fi2ed rashi ne2t to it' 1 grah in a fi2ed rashi does not give a drishti to the ne2t
movable rashi, but the remaining = movable rashis' The one in a common rashi gives a drishti to
the remaining = common rashis' 0imultaneously, a grah in the rashi that receives a drishti is also
sub?ected to the drishti concerned'
A-:' Ciagram of Cristhis+ 1s depicted by Lord 3rahma, I now narrate the diagram of drishtis, so
that drishtis are easily understood by a mere sight of the diagram' Craw a s9uare or a circle
mar$ing the 7 directions !( corners and ( 9uarters thereof"' ar$ the -odiacal rashis as under+
esh and Vrishabh in east# ithun in the north-east# %ar$ and 0imh in the north# %anya in the
north-west# Tula and Vrischi$ in the west# Chanu in the south-west# a$ar and %umbh in the
south# and een in the south-east' Faddition 0anthanam till chapter :G+ The drishtis !as per the
earlier slo$as" can be shown in a s9uare diagram or cicular diagram !as per convenience"'
Chapter :
<vils at 3irth
1' ) 3rahmin, first of all, estimate the evils and chec$ing factors thereof through Lagn and then
declare the effects of the 1; bhavas'
;' <vils causing premature end e2ist up to the ;(th year of one8s age, 1s such, no definite
calculation of life span should be made till such year of age'
=-A' 0hort-life Combinations+ !up to slo$a ;="+ 0hould Chandr be in 1ri, >andhr, or Vyaya 3hava
and receives a drishti from a malefic# the child will die soon' If in the process there be a drishti
from a benefic, it may live up to 7' If a benefic is retrograde in 1ri, >andhr, or Vyaya 3hava
receiving a drishti from a malefic, death will occur within a month of birth' This is true only
when Lagn is not occupied by a benefic' 0hould *utr 3hava be occupied by 0hani, angal, and
0urya ?ointly !early" death of mother and brother will come to pass' angal placed in Tanu, or in
>andhr 3hava and be yuti with 0hani or 0urya or receiving a drishti from a malefic, being bereft
of a drishti from a benefic will prove a source of !immediate" death'
B-11' If 0hani and angal give a drishti to Lagn as the luminaries are yuti with >ahu
!elsewhere", the child will live a fortnight' Immediate death of the child along with its mother
will occur if 0hani is in %arm 3hava, Chandr in 1ri 3hava, and angal in Iuvati 3hava' )ne
will immediately go to the abode of Iama if 0hani is in Tanu 3hava, while Chandr and /uru are
in their order in >andhr and 0aha? 3hava' )nly a month will be the span of ones life who had
0urya in Charm 3hava, angal in Iuvati 3hava, and /uru and 0hu$r in Labh 3hava' 1ll /rahas
!any /rah" in Vyaya 3hava will be the source of a short life, specifically the luminaries, 0hu$r,
and >ahu' 3ut the drishti of these four grahas !on Vyaya 3hava" will counteract such evils'
1;' Chandr is capable of causing early end if she is with a malefic in Iuvati, >andhr, or Tanu
3hava and unrelated to a benefic'
1=' <arly death will come to pass if there be a birth in the morning or evening ?unctions or in a
.ora ruled by Chandr or in /andanta, while Chandr and malefics occupy %endras from Lagn'
1(' Cefinition of 0andhya+ = /hatis before the sight of the semi disc !half" of the rising 0urya
and a similar duration following 0urya8s set are called as morning twilight and evening twilight,
16' <arly Ceath+ 0hould all the malefics be in the oriental half, while benefics are in the
occidental half, early death of one born in Vrischi$ will follow' In this case there is no need of
any rethin$ing'
1A' alefic in Vyaya and 1ri 3hava, or in >andhr and Chan 3hava, while Lagn is hemmed
between other malefics will bring early death'
1B' alefics occupying Tanu and Iuvati 3hava, while Chandr is yuti with a malefic with no
relief from a benefic will also cause premature death'
17' <arly death will be inflicted on the native if decreasing Chandr is in Tanu 3hava, while
malefics capture >andhr 3hava and a %endra' There is no doubt about that'
1:' Chandr in Tanu, >andhr, Vyaya, or Iuvati 3hava, and hemmed between malefics, will confer
premature death'
;D' 0hould Chandr be in Tanu 3hava hemmed between malefics, while Iuvati or >andhr 3hava
has a malefic in it, he will face immediate death along with his mother'
;1' 0hould 0hani, 0urya, and angal be in Vyaya, Charm, and >andhr 3hava without drishti
from a benefic, the child will face instant death'
;;' 5ith a malefic in Iuvati 3hava or in the rising Cresh$an, while decreasing Chandr is in Tanu
3hava death be e2perienced early'
;=' The life span of the child will be either ; months or A months only, if all grahas devoid of
strength are relegated to 1po$lima bhavas !i'e' 0aha?, 1ri, Charm, and Vyaya 3hava"'
;(' <vils to other+ !up to slo$a =="+ The mother of the native will incur evils !will die soon" if
Chandr at birth receives a drishti from three malefics' 3enefics giving a drishti to Chandr will
bring good to the mother'
;6' 0hould Chan 3hava be occupied by >ahu, 3uddh, 0hu$r, 0urya, and 0hani, the child8s birth
has been after its father8s death, while even the mother will face early death'
;A' If Chandr is in the Bth or the 7th from a malefic, be herself with a malefic, and receives a
drishti from a strong malefic, predict mothers end to be early'
;B' The child will not live on mother8s mil$, but on that of she-goat if 0urya is e2alted or
debilitated in Iuvati 3hava'
;7' 0hould a malefic be in the (th, identical with an inimical rashi, counted from Chandr, while
there is no benefic in a %endra, the child will lose its mother in a premature manner'
;:' alefics in 1ri and Vyaya 3hava will bring evils to mother' The child8s father will receive
similar effects if 3andhu and %arm 3hava are captured by malefics'
=D' 3uddh in Chan 3hava, while malefics occupy Tanu and Vyaya 3hava+ this yoga will destroy
the entire family'
=1' /uru, 0hani, and >ahu respectively posited in Tanu, Chan, and 0aha? 3hava, will cause
mother8s death early'
=;' Coubtlessly the mother will give up the child if it has malefics in %onas counted from the
decreasing Chandr' @o benefic shall be yuti with the said malefics'
==' If angal and 0hani are together in a %endra with reference to Chandr and occupy one and
the same @avamsh the child will have two mothers' Iet it will be short-lived'
=(' <vil to Eather+ !up to slo$a (;" )ne8s father will incur early death if 0hani, angal, and
Chandr in their orders are in Tanu, Iuati and 1ri 3hava'
=6' The native will at the time of his marriage lose his father if /uru is in Tanu 3hava, while
0hani, 0urya, angal and 3uddh are together in Chan 3hava'
=A' <arly loss of father will ta$e place if 0urya is with a malefic or is hemmed between malefics
as there is another malefic in the Bth from 0urya'
=B' >emote will be the possibility of one8s father sustaining if 0urya is in Iuvati, while angal is
in %arm and >ahu is in Vyaya 3hava'
=7' <arly and troubled will be one8s father8s death if angal is in %arm 3hava identical with his
enemy8s rashi'
=:' Chandr in 1ri 3hava, 0hani in Tanu 3hava, and angal in Iuvati 3hava+ this array of
heavenly bodies at birth will not ensure a long span of life for the father'
(D' If 0urya receives a drishti from 0hani and be in esh or in Vrischi$ @avamsh, the father
would have given up the family before birth of the child or would have passed away'
(1' If 3andhu, %arm, and Vyaya 3hava are all occupied by malefics, both the parents will leave
the child to its own fate and wander from place to place'
(;' The father will not see the native till his !the native8s" ;=rd year if >ahu and /uru are
together in an inimical rashi identical with Tanu or 3andhu 3hava'
(=-(6' *arents+ 0urya is the indicator of father for all beings, while the mother is indicated by
Chandr' 0hould 0urya receive a drishti from one or more malefics or be hemmed between them,
this will cause evils to father' 0imilarly, Chandr be considered in respect of mother' alefics in
the Ath, the 7th, or the (th from 0urya will bring inauspicious results about the father' alefics in
such places from Chandr will be adverse for the mother' The strength or otherwise of the
occupants concerned be suitably estimated'
Chapter 1D
1ntidotes for <vils
1' Those are the evils !due to a native"' I now narrate the antidotes for such evils as well, which
will be helpful to assess the e2tent of inauspiciousness'
;' 0hould one among 3uddh, /uru, and 0hu$r be in an angle from Lagn, all evils are destroyed
as 0urya eliminates dar$ness'
=' &ust as a single reverential obeisance before Lord 0hiva, the Trident holder, frees one from all
sins, a single but strong /uru in Lagn will ward off all the evils'
(' Lagn lord is singly capable of counteracting all evils if he is strongly placed in an angle ?ust as
Lord 0hiva, the holder of the 3ow, destroyed the three cities built of gold, silver, and iron for the
demons by aya'
6' 1ll evils are destroyed if a benefic drishties Lagn of one born during the night in the bright
half' 0imilarly, a malefic8s drishti on Lagn of one born during day time in the dar$ half'
A' 0urya in Vyaya will confer a hundred-year life span on one born in Tul Lagn'
B' It will prove auspicious for the mother as well as the native if angal ?oins or is drishtied by
7' If malefics are surrounded by benefics while angles or trines are themselves benefic-occupied
evils disappear soon' @ot only this, evils will not follow from the bhavas concerned'
Chapter 11
&udgement of 3havas
1' ) aharishi *arashar, I have come to $now of the evils and antidotes thereof as well from
you' *lease tell me, what is to be deduced from each bhava'
;' Indications of Tanu 3hava+ aharishi *arashar replies+ physi9ue, appearance, intellect !or the
organ of intelligence, i'e' brain", comple2ion of the body, vigour, wea$ness, happiness, grief, and
innate nature are all to be guessed through the ascending rashi'
=' Indications of Chan 3hava+ 5ealth, grains !food etc'", family, death, enemies, metals, precious
stones etc' are to be understood through Chan 3hava'
(' Indications of 0aha? 3hava+ Erom 0aha? 3hava, $now of the following+ valour, servants
!attending, etc'", brothers, sisters, etc' initiatory instructions !Upadesh", ?ourney, and parent8s
6' Indications of 3andhu 3hava+ Conveyances, relatives, mother, happiness, treasure, lands and
buildings are to be consulted through 3andhu 3hava'
A' Indications of *utr 3hava+ The learned should deduce from *utr 3hava+ amulets, sacred spells,
learning, $nowledge, sons, royalty !or authority", fall of position, etc'
B' Indications of 1ri 3hava+ aternal uncle, doubts about death, enemies, ulcers, step-mother,
etc', are to be estimated from 1ri 3hava'
7' Indications of Iuvati 3hava+ 5ife, travel, trade, loss of sight, death, etc', be $nown from
Iuvati 3hava'
:' Indications of >andhr 3hava+ >andhr 3hava indicates longevity, battle, enemies, forts, wealth
of the dead, and things that have happened and are to happen !in the past and future births"'
1D' Indications of Charm 3hava+ Eortunes, wife8s brother, religion, brother8s wife, visits to
shrines, etc', be $nown from Charm 3hava'
11' Indications of %arm 3hava+ >oyalty !authority", place, profession !livelihood", honour,
father, living in foreign lands and debts are to be understood from %arm 3hava'
1;' Indications of Labh 3hava+ 1ll articles, son8s wife, income, prosperity, 9uadrupeds, etc', are
to be understood from Labh 3hava'
1=' Indications of Vyaya 3hava+ Erom Vyaya 3hava, one can $now about e2penses, history of
enemies, one8s own death, etc'
1(-1A' *rosperity or 1nnihilation of a 3hava+ *redict prosperity of the bhava which is yuti with
or drishtied by a benefic' 1lso, when its lord is in Iuvavastha or *rabuddhavastha or in
%ismaravastha or in %arm 3hava, the bhavas well-being is indicated' The bhava which is not
drishtied by its lord or whose lord is with a malefic grah or with one of the lords of evil and such
other bhavas !i'e' =rd, Ath, 7th, 11th, and 1;th" or is defeated in a war between grahas or is in one
of the three 1vasthas, vi-, Vriddhavastha, ritavastht, and 0uptavastha'
Chapter 1;
<ffects of Tanu 3hava
1-;' *hysical comforts+ 0hould Lagn lord be yuti with a malefic or be in >andhr, Ath, or 1;th,
physical felicity will diminish' If he is in an angle or trine there will be at all times comforts of
the body' If Lagn lord is in debilitation, combustion, or enemy8s rashi, there will be diseases'
5ith a benefic in an angle or trine, all diseases will disappear' Lagn8s angles !i'e' 3andhu, Iuvati,
or the l)th" or its trine !*utr, Charm" containing a benefic is a powerful remedy for all related to
=' There will not be bodily health if Lagn or Chandr be drishtied by or yuti with a malefic, being
devoid of a benefics drishti'
(' 3odily 3eauty+ 1 benefic in Lagn will give a pleasing appearance, while a malefic will ma$e
one bereft of good appearance' Eelicity of the body will be en?oyed if Lagn is drishtied by or yuti
with a benefic'
6-B' )ther 3enefits+ If Lagn lord, 3uddh, /uru, or 0hu$r be in an angle or in a trine, the native
will be long lived, wealthy, intelligent, and li$ed by the $ing' Eame, wealth, abundant pleasures,
and comforts of the body will be ac9uired if Lagn lord is in a movable rashi and be drishtied by a
benefic grah' )ne will be endowed with royal mar$s !of fortune" if 3uddh, /uru, or 0hu$r be in
Lagn along with the Chandr, or be in angle from Lagn' If 3uddh, /uru, or 0hu$r be in (th, Bth,
or 1Dth from Lagn, or be in the company of Chandr in Lagn, the native will en?oy royal fortunes'
7' Coiled 3irth+ If there be a birth in one of esh, Vrishabh, and 0imh Lagnas containing either
0hani or angal, the birth of the child is with a coil around a limb' The corresponding limb will
be in accordance with the >ashi or @avamsh rising' !The limbs indicated by the >ashis are
shown in slo$a (-( 1H; of ch' ( "
:' 3irth of Twins+ The native, who has 0urya in a 9uadruped rashi while others are in dual rashis
with strength, is born as one of the twins !Muadruped rashis are+ esh, Vrishabh, 0imh, first half
of a$ar, and second part of Chanu"'
1D' To 3e @urtured by Three others+ If 0urya and Chandr ?oin in one and the same bhava and
fall in one @avamsh, the native will be nurtured by three different mothers for the first three
months from its birth and will later on be brought up by its father and brother' !83hratri8 apart
from meaning a brother calls for interpretation as a near relative in general"'
11' Important+ The learned in &yotish should base the effects on Chandr also as are applicable to
Lagn' @ow e2plained are clues to $now of ulcers, identity mar$s, etc', on one8s person'
1;-1(' Cecanates and 3odily Limbs+ .ead, eyes, ears, nose, temple, chin, and face is the order of
limbs denoted !by the various bhavas" when the first decanate of a rashi ascends' In the case of
the second decanate ascending, the order is+ nec$, shoulder, arm, side, heart, stomach, and navel'
The order for the third decanate ascending is+ pelvis, anusHpenis, testicles, thigh, $nee, calf, and
foot' The portion already risen indicates left side of the body !while the one yet to rise, i'e' the
invisible half, denotes the right side of the body"'
16' Limbs 1ffected+ The limb related to a malefic by occupation will have ulcers or scars while
the one related to a benefic will have a mar$ !li$e moles etc"' 0o say the &yotishis' !1lso see
slo$a A, ch' ( of 0aravali, which states that a malefic or a benefic if be in own >ashi or @avamsh,
the effects will be right from birth' In other cases, it will be in the course of one8s life that these
effects will come to pass'"
Chapter 1=
<ffects of Chan 3hava
1-;' Combinations for 5ealth+ ) e2cellent of the 3rahmins, listen to me spea$ing on the effects
of Chan 3hava' If the lord of Chan is in Chan or is in an angle or in trine he will promote one8s
wealth !or monetary state"' 0hould he be in 1riH7thH1;th, financial conditions will decline' 1
benefic in Chan will give wealth while a malefic instead will destroy wealth'
=' )ne will be wealthy if /uru is in Chan as the lord of Chan or is with angal'
(' If Chan lord is in Labh, while the lord of Labh in Chan, wealth will be ac9uired by the native'
1lternately, these two lords may ?oin in an angle or in a trine'
6' If the lord of Chan is in an angle while Labh lord is in a trine thereof or is drishtied by or yuti
with by /uru and 0hu$r, the sub?ect will be wealthy'
A-B' Iogas for *overty+ )ne will be penniless if the lord of Chan 3hava is in an evil bhava while
the lord of Labh 3hava is also so placed, and Chan 3hava is occupied by a malefic' There will be
penury right from birth and the native will have to beg even for his food if the lords of Chan and
Labh 3hava are both combust or with malefics'
7' Loss of 5ealth through the %ing+ 0hould the lords of Chan and Labh 3hava be relegated to
1ri, >andhr, or Vyaya 3hava !?ointly or separately",while angal is in Labh 3hava and >ahu is
in Chan 3hava, the native will lose his wealth on account of royal punishments'
:' <2penses on /ood 1ccounts+ 5hen /uru is in Labh, 0hu$r is in Chan, and a benefic is placed
in Vyaya 3hava, while Chan8s lord is yuti with a benefic, there will be e2penses on religious or
charitable grounds'
1D' Eame, etc'+ If Chan8s lord is in own rashi or is e2alted the native will loo$ after his people,
will help others, and all will become famous'
11' <ffortless 19uisition+ If Chan8s lord is yuti with a benefic and is in a good division li$e
*aravatamsh, there will be effortlessly all $inds of wealth in the native8s family'
!,*aravatamshdau, of the te2t denotes *aravat or such other higher vargas+ Chan8s lord should be
in *aravatamsh or in Cevalo$amsh, 3rahmalo$amsh, 0a$ravahanamsh, or 0ridhamamsh in the
Cash Varg scheme'"
1;' <yes+ If Chan lord is endowed with strength, the native will possess beautiful eyes' 0hould
the said grah be in 1ri, >andhr, or Vyaya 3hava, there will be disease or deformity of eyes'
1=' Untruthful *erson+ If Chan 3hava and its lord are yuti with malefics, the native will be a tale-
bearer, will spea$ untruth and will be afflicted by windy diseases'
Chapter 1(
<ffects of 0aha? 3hava
1' ) 3rahmin, I now tell you about 0aha? 3hava' 0hould 0aha? 3hava be yuti with or drishtied
by a benefic, the native will be endowed with co-born and be courageous'
;' If 0aha?8s lord along with angal drishtis 0aha? 3hava the native will en?oy good results due
to 0aha? 3hava' 1lternatively, these two grahas may be in 0aha? itself'
=' Cestruction at once of co-born will come to pass if the said ; grahas are together with a
malefic or in a rashi owned by a malefic'
(-( 1H;' Eemale and ale Co-born+ If 0aha?8s lord is a female grah or if 0aha? 3hava be occupied
by female grahas, one will have sisters born after him' 0imilarly, male grahas and male rashis
denote younger brothers' 0hould it be of mi2ed nature, co-born of both se2es will be obtained'
These effects be declared after assessing the strength and wea$ness of the concerned'
6-A' 0hould 0aha?8s lord and angal be together in >andhr 3hava, destruction of co-born will
result' .appiness in this respect will come to pass if angal or 0aha?8s lord is in an angle or in a
trine or in e2altation, or friendly divisions'
B-11' @umber of 3rothers and 0isters+ If 3uddh is in 0aha? 3hava while 0aha?8s lord and Chandr
are together as the indicator !angal" ?oins 0hani, the effects are+ there occurred the birth of an
elder sister and there will be younger brothers' Eurthermore, the third brother will die' 0hould
angal be yuti with >ahu, while 0aha?8s lord is in his debilitation rashi, there will be loss of
younger brothers, andHor sisters, while three elder brothers andHor sisters were attained by the
native' If 0aha?8s lord is in an angle while the significator !angal" is e2alted in a trine and be
yuti with /uru, 1; will be the number of total co-born' )ut of these two elders and the =rd, the
Bth, the :th, and the 1;th of the younger co-born will be shortlived, while si2 of the said twelve
will be longlived'
1;-1=' There will be 1 co-born if Vyaya8s lord !some te2ts read as Labh8s lord" ?oins angal and
/uru, while 0aha? 3hava is occupied by Chandr' If Chandr is lonely placed in 0aha? 3hava with
drishti on male grahas, there will be younger brothers, while the drishti of 0hu$r denotes younger
1(' 1dverse /rahas+ 0urya in 0aha? 3hava will destroy the preborn' The afterborn will be
destroyed if 0hani is found in 0aha? 3hava' In the same situation, angal will destroy both the
preborn and later born'
16' 1fter estimating the strength and wea$ness of such yogas, the effects related to brothers and
sisters be announced'
Chapter 16
<ffects of 3andhu 3hava
1' ) e2cellent of the 3rahmins+ Thus, have been briefly told about the effects of 0aha? 3hava'
@ow listen to the results related to 3andhu 3hava'
;' .ousing Comforts+ )ne will have residential comforts in full degree if 3andhu is occupied by
its lord or by Lagn8s lord and be drishtied by a benefic'
=' iscellaneous+ 0hould *utr8s lord be in his own bhava, or in own @avamsh or in e2altation,
the native will be endowed with comforts related to lands, conveyances, houses, etc', and
musical instruments'
(' .ousing Comforts+ If %arm8s lord ?oins 3andhu8s lord in an angle or in a trine, the native will
ac9uire beautiful mansions'
6' >elatives+ 0hould 3uddh be in Lagn, while 3andhu8s lord being a benefic is drishtied by
another benefic, the native will be honoured by his relatives'
A' Long-living other+ If 3andhu 3hava is occupied by a benefic, while its lord is in his
e2altation rashi, as the indicator of mother is endowed with strength, the native with have a long-
living mother'
B' .appiness of other+ The native8s mother will be happy if 3andhu8s lord is in an angle while
0hu$r is also in an angle as 3uddh is e2alted'
7' Muadrupeds+ 0urya in 3andhu, Chandr and 0hani in Charm, and angal in Labh 3hava, this
yoga will confer cows and buffaloes on the native'
:' Cumbness+ 0hould 3andhu 3hava be a movable one, while its lord and angal are together in
1ri or >andhr 3hava, the native will be dumb'
1D-1(' Conveyances+ If Lagn8s lord is a benefic while 3andhu8s lord is in fall or in Labh 3hava
and the significator !0hu$r" is in Vyaya 3hava, the native will obtain conveyances in his 1;th
year' 0hould 0urya be in 3andhu 3hava, as 3andhu8s lord is e2alted and be with 0hu$r, one will
ac9uire conveyanees in his =;nd year' It will be in the (;nd year that one will be endowed with
conveyances if 3andhu8s lord ?oins %arm8s lord in his !(th lord8s" e2altation @avamsh' 1n
e2change between Labh8s and 3andhu8s lords will confer conveyances in the 1;th year' 1 benefic
related to 3andhu 3hava !and to its lord" will bring with him auspicious effects !regarding
conveyances" while a malefic will produce only malefic effects !in respect of conveyances"'
0hould a benefic be in 3andhu, drishti 3andhu, or in yuti with the lord of 3andhu, or a drishti on
the lord of 3andhu 3hava, then the native will be happy with conveyances and be free from
accidents and dangers' 1 malefic replacing the said benefic will cause losses concerning vehicles
and reduce one to severe accidents'
Chapter 1A
<ffects of *utr 3hava
1-=' D 3rahmin, now I tell you the effects related to *utr 3hava' If the lords of Lagn and *utr are
in their own rashis or in an angle, or in a trine, one will en?oy thorough happiness through his
children' 0hould *utr8s lord be in 1ri, >andhr, or Vyaya 3hava, there will be no offspring' 0hould
the lord of *utr be combust or be with malefics and be wea$, there will be no children# even if
per chance issues are obtained, they will only 9uit the world soon' The yuti of *utr8s lord with
Lagn8s lord in a good bhava will ensure early obtainment of children apart from happiness
through them' If they ?oin in an evil bhava, they will prove a defect in this respect'
(' If *utr8s lord is in 1ri 3hava as Lagn8s lord is yuti with angal, the native will lose his very
first child where after his female will not be fertile to yield an offspring'
6' 0hould *utr8s lord be in fall in 1ri, >andhr, or Vyaya 3hava, while 3uddh and %etu are in *utr
3hava, the native8s wife will give birth to one child only'
A' If *utr8s lord is in fall and be not in drishti to *utr, while 0hani and 3uddh are in *utr, the
native8s wife wil give birth to one child only'
B' 0hould Charm8s lord be in Lagn, while *utr8s lord is in fall and %etu is in *utr along with
3uddh, obtainment of progeny will be after a great deal of ordeal'
7' If *utr8s lord is in 1ri, >andhr, or Vyaya 3hava, or be in an inimical rashi, or be in fall, or in
*utr itself, the native will beget issues with difficulty'
:' 0hould *utr 3hava be owned by 0hani or 3uddh and be occupied or drishtied by 0hani and
andi, one will have adopted issues'
1D' 0hould 0urya and Chandr be together in a rashi and in the same @avamsh, the native will be
brought up by three mothers or two fathers'
11' 1dopted issue is indicated if *utr is tenanted by si2 grahas, while its lord is in Vyaya 3hava,
and Chandr and Lagn are endowed with strength'
1;' There will be many children if *utr8s lord is strong while *utr is drishtied by strong 3uddh,
/uru, and 0hu$r'
1=' If *utr8s lord is with Chandr or is in her Cecanate the native will beget daughters, so say
1(' If *utr8s lord is in a movable rashi, while 0hani is in *utr, as >ahu is with Chandr the child
!so born" is of 9uestionable birth'
16' Undoubtedly, the native is born of other8s loins if Chandr is in the 7th from Lagn, while /uru
is in the 7th from Chandr' alefic8s drishti or yuti is essential in this Iog'
1A' If *utr8s lord is e2alted or be in Chan, *utr, or Charm 3hava, or be yuti with or drishtied by
/uru, obtainment of children will be there'
1B' )ne will obtain children that will indulge in mean deeds if *utr is occupied by three or four
malefics, while *utr8s lord is in fall' 1 benefic !including 3uddh" in *utr is e2cluded in the said
17' If *utr is occupied by /uru, while its lord is with 0hu$r, one will obtain an offspring in his
=;nd or ==rd year'
1:' 0hould *utr8s lord be in an angle along with /uru, the %ara$, one will beget a child at the age
of =D or =A'
;D' If /uru is in Charm 3hava, while 0hu$r is in the :th from /uru along with Lagn8s lord, one
will beget a child at the age of (D'
;1' The native will at the age of =; lose his child if >ahu is in *utr, *utr8s lord is in yuti with a
malefic, and /uru is in debilitation'
;;' There will be loss of children at == and =A if a malefic is in the 6th from /uru, while another
is in the 6th from Lagn'
;=' 0hould andi be in Lagn, while Lagn8s lord is in fall, grief on account of loss of child at the
age of 6A will come to pass'
;(-=;' @umber of Children+ There will be 1D sons if 3andhu 3hava and 1ri 3hava are occupied
by malefics while *utr8s lord is in deep e2altation ?oining Lagn8s lord as /uru is with another
benefic' @ine will be the number of sons that one will beget if /uru is in deep e2altation as >ahu
is with Chan8s lord, and Charm is occupied by its own lord' There will be eight sons if /uru is in
*utr, or Charm 3hava, while *utr8s lord is endowed with strength and Chan8s lord is in %arm
3hava' 0hani in Charm 3hava, while *utr8s lord is in *utr itself, gives B sons out of which twins
will be born twice' If *utr8s lord is in *utr in yuti with Chan8s lord, there will be birth of B sons
out of which = will pass away' )nly one son is denoted if there be a malefic in *utr 3hava, while
/uru is in the 6th from 0hani or vice versa' If *utr 3hava has a malefic in it or if 0hani is in the
6th from /uru the native will beget offspring only through his second or third wife' 0hould *utr
be occupied by a malefic, while /uru is yuti with 0hani in *utr 3hava, as Lagn8s lord is in Chan
3hava, and *utr8s lord is yuti with angal, one will live long but lose his children one after the
other as they are born'
Chapter 1B
<ffects of 1ri 3hava
1' ) 3rahmin, following are the effects produced by 1ri 3hava, relating to diseases, ulcers, etc''
Listen to this attentively'
;' Ulcers H 3ruises+ 0hould 1ri8s lord be in 1ri itself, or in Lagn, or >andhr, there will be ulcers
or bruises on the body' The rashi becoming 1ri 3hava will lead to the $nowledge of the
concerned limb'
=-6' >elatives 1ffected+ The %ara$ of a relative or the lord of such a bhava ?oining 1ri8s lord, or
being in 1ri, or >andhr 3hava, indicates ulcersHbruises to such a relative li$e father' 0urya with
such lordship and in such a bhava denotes such affectation of head, Chandr denotes such
affection of the face, angal denotes such affection of the nec$, 3uddh denotes such affection of
the navel, /uru denotes such affection of the nose, 0hu$r denotes such affection of the eyes,
0hani denotes such affection of the feet, and the >ahu and %etu denote such affection of the
abdomen' The relatives signified by grahas and bhavas are denoted in ch' =;, infra' The second
clue is to $now the possible affliction, to the native, of a particular area in the body' If 0urya is
the lord of 1ri 3hava, or is with 1ri8s lord, or is in 1ri, or >andhr 3hava, the native will be apt to
incur affliction of head, and so on and so forth' 1s regards, >ahu and %etu, they do not own any
bhava in the ormal conte2t' .ence, their position in 1ri or >andhr 3hava, or the situation that
they are ?oining 1ri8s lord need only be considered' >ahu or %etu in the 1ri or >andhr 3hava will
cause stomachial disorders'
A' Eacial Ciseases+ 0hould Lagn8s lord be in a rashi of angal or of 3uddh, and has a drishti on
3uddh, there will be diseases of the face'
B-7 1H;' Leprosy+ angal or 3uddh having ownership of the ascending rashi and ?oining Chandr,
>ahu, and 0hani, will cause leprosy' If Chandr is in Lagn, which is not however Cancer, and be
with >ahu, there will occur white leprosy' 0hani in place of >ahu will cause blac$ leprosy, while
angal similarly will afflict one with blood-leprosy'
:-1; 1H;' Ciseases in /eneral+ 5hen Lagn is occupied by the lords of 1ri and >andhr 3hava
along with 0urya, the native will be afflicted by fever and tumours' angal replacing 0urya will
cause swelling and hardening of the blood vessels and wounds and hits by weapons' 3uddh so
featuring will bring in billious diseases, while /uru in similar case will destroy any disease'
0imilarly, 0hu$r will cause diseases through females# 0hani windy diseases# >ahu danger
through low caste-men# and %etu navel diseases' Chandr in yuti with the lords or 1ri and >andhr
3hava will inflict dangers through water and phlegmatic disorders' 0imilar estimates be made
from the respective significators and bhavas for relatives li$e father' !>eplacing Lagn with a
certain bhava, these afflictions to the concerned relatives be predicted"' Eor e2ample, if 1ri8s and
>andhr8s lords ?oin Chandr in 0aha? 3hava, danger to co-born by drowning, lung disorders etc'
be $nown' 0hould 0hu$r ?oin 1ri8s and >andhr8s lords in Labh 3hava, an elder brother of the
native will incur venereal diseases'
1=-1: 1H; TII@/ )E ILL@<00+ The native will be afflicted by illness throughout life if 0hani
is with >ahu while 1ri lord and Ath 3hava are yuti with malefics' )ne will suffer from !severe"
fever at the age of A and at the age of 1; if angal is in 1ri while 1ri lord is in >andhr' If the
Chandr is in ChanuHeen while /uru is in 1ri from Lagn, one will suffer from leprosy at the age
of 1: and ;;' If >ahu is in 1ri, Lagna lord is in >andhr and andi is in an angle, consumption
will trouble the native at the age of ;A' 0pleenary disorders will be e2perienced at the age of ;:
and =D if the lords of Ath and 1;th are in e2change of their >ashis' 0hani and Chandr together in
1ri will infflct blood-leprosy at the age of (6' If 0hani is with an inimical planet while Lagn lord
is in Lagn itself windy disorders !li$e rheumatism" will trouble the native at the age of 6:'
;D-;;' U@E)>TU@1T< I<1>0+ 0hould Chandr be yuti with 1ri lord while the 7th lord is in
1ri and the l;th lord is in Lagn, the native will be troubled by animals at the age of eight' )
3rahmin, if >ahu is in 1ri while 0hani is in >andhr from the said >ahu, the child will have
danger through fire at the age 1 and ; while in 0aha? year birds will bring some evils'
;=-;6' U@E)>TU@1T< I<1>0 !continued"+ Canger through water will have to be feared
during *utr and Charm years if 0urya is in 1ri or >andhr while Chandr is in Vyaya from the said
0urya' 0hani in >andhr as angal is in Iuvati all cause small-po2, in %arm year and =Dth year
of age' If 7th lord ?oins >ahu in an angleHtrine from >andhr 3hava and be in >andhr in @avamsa,
the sub?ect will be troubled by swelling of blood vessels, urinary disorders etc' during the 17th
year and the ;;nd year'
;A' L)00 T.>)U/. <@<I<0+ Loss of wealth will come to pass during the =1st year if Labh
and Ath lords e2change their >asis'
;B' I@IIC1L 0)@0+ )ne8s own sons will be his enemies if *utr lord is in 1ri while 1ri Lord is
with /uru' 0imultaneously Vyaya lord should be in Lagn''
;7' E<1> E>) C)/0+ There will be fear from dogs during the 1Dth and 1:th year if the
Lagna lord and the Ath lord are in e2change'
Chapter 17
<ffects )f Iuvati 3hava
1' D e2cellent of the 3rahmins, listen to me detailing the effects of the Bth 3hava' If Iuvati lord is
in his own >ashi or in e2altation, one will derive full happiness through his wife !and marriage"'
;' 0IC% 5IE<+ 0hould Iuvati lord be in 1ri, 7th or Vyaya, the wife will be sic$ly' This,
however, does not apply to own bhava or e2altation placement as above'
=' <NC<00IV< LI3ICI@)U0@<00HC<1T. )E 5IE<+ If 0hu$r is in Iuvati, the native will be
e2ceedingly libidinous' If 0hu$r yuti a malefic in any bhava will cause loss of wife'
(-6' T.< BT. L)>C+ 0hould Iuvati lord be endowed with strength and be yuti with or be
drishticd by a benefic, the native will be wealthy, honourable, happy and fortunate' Conversely, if
Iuvati lord is in fall or is combust or is in an <nemy8s >ashi, one will ac9uire sic$ wives and
many wives'
A' *LU>1LITI )E 5IV<0+ If Iuvati lord is in a >ashi of 0hani or of 0hu$r and be drishtied by
a benefic, there will be many wives' 0hould Iuvati lord be particularly in e2altation, the same
effects will come to pass !there will be many wives"'
B-7 1H;' l0C<LL1@<)U0 1TT<>0+ The native will befriend barren females !for se2ual
union" if 0urya is in Iuvati' Chandr therein will cause association with such female as
corresponding to the >ashi becoming Iuvati' angal placed in Iuvati will denotes association
with marriageable girls !of those with menses" or with barren females' 3uddh indicates harlots,
mean females and females belonging to traders8s community' 5ife of a 3rahmin or a pregnant
female will be in the native8s association if /uru is in Iuvati' 3ase females and females having
attained their courses are denoted by 0hani, >ahuH%etu in Iuvati'
7-: 1H;' angal denotes a female with attractive breasts' 0hani indicates sic$ and wea$ spouse'
/uru will bring a spouse with hard and prominent breasts' 0hu$r will bring one with bul$y and
e2cellent breasts'
1D-1= 1H;' alefics in Vyaya and Bth while decreasing Chandr is in *utr denote that the native
will be controlled by spouse who will be inimical to the race !or family"' If Iuvati 3hava is
occupied or owned by 0haniHangal, the native will beget a harlot as his spouse or he will be
attached to other illegally' 0hould 0hu$r be in a @avamsa of angal or in a >asi of angal or
receive a drishti from or be yuti with angal, the native will ,$iss, the private parts of the
female' If 0hu$r is so related to 0hani, the native will ,$iss, the private parts of the male'
1(-16' 5)>T.I 0*)U0<+ The native will beget a spouse endowed with !the seven principal"
virtues who will e2pand his dynasty by sons and grandsons if the Bth lord is e2alted while Iuvati
is occupied by strong Lagna lord and a benefic'
1A' <VIL0 T) 0*)U0<+ If Iuvati 3hava or its lord is yuti with a malefic the native8s wife will
incur evils, especially if Iuvati 3hava or its lord is bereft of strength'
1B' L)00 )E 0*)U0<+ If Iuvati lord is devoid of strength and is relegated to 1ri, 7th or Vyaya,
or if Iuvati lord is in fall, the native8s wife will be destroyed !i'e' she will die early"'
17' L1C% )E C)@&U/1L E<LICITI+ If Chandr is in Iuvati as Iuvati lord is in Vyaya and the
%ara$a !indicator 0hu$r" is bereft of strength, the native will not be endowed with marital
1:-;1' *LU>1LlII )E 5IV<0+ )ne will have two wives if Iuvati lord is in fall, or in a malefic
>ashi along with a malefic while Iuvati 3hava or the Bth @avamsa belong to a eunuch planet' If
angal and 0hu$r are in Iuvati or if 0hani is Iuvati while the lord of Lagn is in >andhr, the
native will have = wives' There will be many wives if 0hu$r is in a dual >ashi while its lord is in
e2altation as Iuvati lord is endowed with strength'
;;' TI< )E 1>>I1/< !upto slo$a =("+ If Iuvati lord is in a benefic8s 3hava !or in Charm as
subha >ashi so means" while 0hu$r is e2alted or is in own >ashi, the native will marry at the age
of 6 or :'
;=' If 0urya is in Iuvati while his dispositor is yuti with 0hu$r, there will be marriage at Bth or
11th year of age'
;(' 0hu$r in Chan while Iuvati lord is in Labh will give marriage at the age of 1D or 1A'
;6' arriage will ta$e place during the 11th year if 0hu$r is in an angle from Lagn while Lagn
lord is in a$ar or %umbh'
;A' The native will marry at 1; or l: if 0hu$r is in an angle from the Lagna while 0hani is in
Iuvati counted from 0hu$r'
;B' 0hould 0hu$r be in Iuvati from Chandr while 0hani is in Iuvati from 0hu$r, marriage will
be in the 17th year'
;7' arriage will be in the 16th year if Chan lord is in Labh while Lagn lord is in %arm'
;:' 1n e2change between the lords of Chan and Labh will bring marriage 1= years after birth'
=D' )nes ;;ndH;Bth year will confer marriage if 0hu$r is in Iuvati from the 7th 3hava !i'e' Chan
from Lagna", while his dispositor is yuti with angal'
=1' 0hould Iuvati lord be in Vyaya while the natal lord is in Iuvati in @avamsa, marriage will be
in ;=rdH;Ath year of age'
=;' <ither the ;6th year or the ==rd year will bring marriage if >andhr lord is in Iuvati as 0hu$r
is in @avamsa Lagna'
==' 0hould 0hu$r be in Charm from Charm !i'e' in *utr 3hava", while >ahu is in one of the said
bhavas !i'e' in *utrHCharm", marriage will ta$e place during =1st or ==rd year'
=(' The native will marry at =D or ;B if 0hu$r is in Lagn while the Bth lord is in Iuvati itself'
=6-=:' TII@/ )E 5IE<80 C<1T.+ Loss of wife will occur in the 17th year or ==rd year of
age of the native if Iuvati lord is in fall while 0hu$r is in >andhr' )ne will lose his spouse in his
1:th year if Iuvati lord is in the 7th while Vyaya lord is in Iuvati' The native8s wife will die
within three days of marriage due to sna$e bite if the native has >ahu in Chan and angal in
Iuvati' If 0hu$r is in >andhr while his dispositor is in a >ashi of 0hani, death of wife will ta$e
place during the native8s 1;th or ;1st year of age' 0hould the ascendat lord be in his >ashi of
debilitation as Chan lord is in >andhr, loss of wife will occur in the 1=th year of age'
(D-(1' T.><< 1>>I1/<0+ 0hould Chandr be in Iuvati from 0hu$r while 3uddh is in Iuvati
from Chandr and >andhr lord is in *utr !from the Lagna", there will be marriage in %arm year
followed by another in the ;;nd year and yet another in the ==rd year'
(;' C<1T. )E 5lE<+ lf 1ri, Bth and 7th are in their order occupied by angal, >ahu and
0hani, the native8s wife will not live !long"'
Chapter 1:
<ffects of >andhr 3hava
1' Long Life+ ) e2cellent of the 3rahmins, listen to me spea$ on the effects of >andhr 3hava' If
>andhr8s lord is in an angle, long life is indicated'
;' 0hort Life+ 0hould >andhr8s lord ?oin Lagn8s lord or a malefic and be in >andhr itself, the
native will be short lived' =' 0hani and %arm8s Lord about Longevity + 0imilarly, consider 0hani
and %arm8s lord in the matter of longevity'
=' %arm8s lord is in >andhr along with a malefic grah andHor Lagn8s lord'
(-B' Long Life+ There will be long life if 1ri8s lord is in Vyaya# or if 1ri8s lord is in 1ri as Vyaya8s
lord is in Vyaya# or if 1ri8s lord and Vyaya8s lord are in Lagn and >andhr' If the lords of *utr,
>andhr, and Tanu 3hava are in own @avamshas, own >ashis or in friendly >ashis, the native will
en?oy a long span of life' 0hould the lords of Lagn, >andhr, and %arm 3hava and 0hani are all
disposed severally in an angle, in a trine or in Labh 3hava, the sub?ect will live long' Li$e these,
there are many other yogas dealing with the issue of longevity' The strength and wea$ness of the
grahas concerned be estimated in deciding longevity'
7-1=' 0hort Life+ )ne8s span of life will be between ;D and =; years if Lagn8s lord is wea$ while
>andhr8s lord is an angle' The native will only be short-lived if >andhr8s lord is in fall, while
>andhr 3hava has a malefic in it and Tanu 3hava is bereft of strength' Ceath will be instant at
birth if >andhr 3hava, >andhr8s lord, and Vyaya 3hava are all con?unct malefics' alefics in
angles andHor trines and benefics in 1ri andHor >andhr 3hava, while Tanu 3hava has in it
>andhr8s lord in fall+ this yoga will cause immediate end' If *utr and >andhr 3hava and >andhr8s
lord are all con?unct malefics, the life span will be very brief' 5ithin a month of birth, death will
befall the child if >andhr8s lord is in >andhr itself while Chandr is with malefics and be bereft of
beneficial drishti'
1(-16' Long Life !again"+ )ne will be long-lived if Lagn8s lord is in e2altation, while Chandr and
/uru are respectively in Labh and >andhr 3hava' If Lagn8s lord is e2ceedingly strong and
receives a drishti from a benefic which is placed in an angle, the person concerned will be
wealthy, virtuous and long-lived'
Chapter ;D
<ffects )f Charm 3hava
1-;' Combinations for Eortunes+ ) 3rahmin, now listen to the effects of Charm 3hava' )ne will
be fortunate !or affluent" if Charm8s lord is in Charm 3hava with strength' 0hould /uru be in
Charm 3hava while Charm8s lord is in an angle and Lagn8s lord is endowed with strength, one
will be e2tremely fortunate'
=' Eortunate !1ffluent" Eather+ If Charm8s lord is with strength as 0hu$r is in Charm, while /uru
is in an angle from Tanu 3hava, the native8s father is fortunate'
(' Indigent Eather+ If Charm8s lord is debilitated while the ;nd andHor the (th from Charm 3hava
is occupied by angal, the native8s father is poor'
6' Long-living Eather+ 0hould Charm8s lord be in deep e2altation while 0hu$r is in an angle from
Tanu 3hava and /uru is in the :th from @avamsh Lagn, the father of the native will en?oy a long
span of life'
A' >oyal 0tatus for Eather+ If Charm8s lord is an angle and receives a drishti from /uru, the
native8s father will be a $ing endowed with conveyances or be e9ual to a $ing'
B' 5ealthy and Eamous Eather+ 0hould Charm8s lord be in %arm 3hava, while %arm8s lord
receives a drishti from a benefic the native8s father will be very rich and famous'
7-:' Virtuous and Cevoted to Eather+ 0hould 0urya be in deep e2altation as Charm8s lord is in
Labh 3hava, the native will be virtuous, dear to the $ing, and devoted to father' If 0urya is in a
trine from Lagna, while Charm8s lord is in Iuvati in yuti with or receiving a drishti from /uru,
the native will be devoted to his father'
1D' Eortunes, etc'+ 1c9uisition of fortunes, conveyances, and fame will follow the =;nd year of
age if Charm8s lord is in Chan, while Chan8s lord is in Charm'
11' Inimical to Eather+ There will be mutual enmity between the father and the native if Lagn8s
lord is in Charm 3hava, but with the lord of 1ri' Eurther, the native8s father will be of
contemptible disposition'
1;' 3egged Eood+ If %arm8s lord and 0aha?8s lord are bereft of strength, while Charm8s lord is in
fall or combust the native will go begging for his food'
1=-;6' Combinations for Eather8s Ceath+ The father of the native would have passed away prior
to the native8s birth if 0urya is in 1ri, >andhr, or Vyaya 3hava as >andhr8s lord is in Charm
3hava, Vyaya8s lord is in Tanu 3hava, and 1ri8s lord is in *utr 3hava' 0hould 0urya be in >andhr
3hava, while >andhr8s lord is in Charm, the native8s father will pass away within a year of his
birth' If the lord of Vyaya 3hava is in Charm 3hava, while Charm8s lord is in its debilitation
@avamsh, the native8s father will face his end during the =rd or the 1Ath year of the native' Ceath
of father will occur in the ;nd or the 1;th year, if Lagn8s lord is in >andhr 3hava, as >andhr8s
lord is with 0urya' 0hould >ahu be in the 7th from Charm !i'e' 3andhu 3hava", as 0urya is in the
:th from Charm !i'e' *utr 3hava", death of father will ta$e place in the 1Ath or the 17th year of
the native' If 0hani is in the :th from Chandr, as 0urya is with >ahu, the native8s father will die in
the Bth or the 1:th year of the native' The native in his ((th year will lose his father if Charm8s
lord is in Vyaya, as Vyaya8s lord is in Charm' If Lagn8s lord is in >andhr 3hava as Chandr is in
0urya8s @avamsh, the native in his =6th or (1st year will lose his father' )ne will lose his father
in the 6Dth year if 0urya, being the lord of Charm, is con?unct angal and 0hani' If 0urya is in
the Bth from Charm 3hava !i'e' 0aha? 3hava", as >ahu is in the Bth from 0aha? 3hava !i'e'
Charm 3hava", the Ath or ;6th year of the native will be fatal for father' If 0hani is in the Bth
from >andhr 3hava !i'e' Chan 3hava", as 0urya is in the Bth from 0hani !i'e' >andhr 3hava", the
ages of ;1, ;A, or =D will be fatal for the father' If Charm8s lord is in its debilitation rashi, while
his dispositor is in Charm 3hava, the native will lose his father at the age of ;A or =D' Thus, the
&yotishis may $now the effects !of Charm 3hava"'
;A' Eortunes+ )ne will en?oy abundant fortunes if 0hu$r is in deep e2altation and be in the
company of Charm8s lord, as 0hani is in 0aha?'
;B-;7' Eortunate *eriods+ 1bundant fortunes be ac9uired after the ;Dth year if Charm has /uru
in it, as its lord is in an angle from Lagn' 0hould 3uddh be in his deep e2altation as Charm8s lord
is in Charm itself, abundant fortunes will be earned after the =Ath year'
;:' 0hould Lagn8s lord be in Charm as Charm8s lord is in Lagn, and /uru is in Iuvati, there will
be gains of wealth and conveyances'
=D' Lac$ of Eortunes+ If >ahu is in the :th from Charm 3hava !i'e' *utr 3hava", as his dispositor
is in >andhr 3hava, and Charm8s lord is in fall, the native be devoid of fortunes'
=1' Eood by 3egging+ 0hould 0hani be in Charm 3hava along with Chandr, as Lagn8s lord is in
fall, the native will ac9uire food by begging'
=;' D 3rahmin, these are the effects related to Charm 3hava' I have e2plained !these" briefly'
These may be !further, estimated with the help of the state of the lords of Lagn and Charm 3hava
and in other manners as well'
Chapter ;1
<ffects of %arm 3hava
1' I now e2plain the effects of %arm 3hava' Listen to these, ) aitreya, in the words of 3rahma,
/arga, and others'
;' *aternal .appiness+ If %arm8s lord is strong and in e2altation or in its own >ashiH@avamsh,
the native will derive e2treme paternal happiness, will en?oy fame, and will perform good deeds'
=' If %arm8s lord is devoid of strength, the native will face obstructions in his wor$' If >ahu is in
an angle or in a trine, he will perform religious sacrifices li$e &yotishtoma'
(' If %arm8s lord is with a benefic or be in an auspicious 3hava, one will always gain through
royal patronage and in business' In a contrary situation, only opposite results will come to pass'
6' 0hould %arm and Labh 3hava be both occupied by malefics the native will indulge only in
bad deeds and will defile his own men'
A' If the lord of %arm 3hava is relegated to >andhr 3hava along with >ahu, the native will hate
others# be a great fool and will do bad deeds'
B' If 0hani, angal, and %arm8s lord are in Iuvati, as Iuvati8s lord is with a malefic, the native
will be fond of carnal pleasures and of filing his belly'
7-1D 0hould %arm8s lord be in e2altation and be in the company of /uru as Charm8s lord is in
%arm the native will be endowed with honour, wealth, and valour' )ne will lead a happy life if
Labh8s lord is in %arm and %arm8s lord is in Lagn, or if the lord of %arm 3hava is yuti with the
lord of Labh 3hava in an angle' 0hould %arm8s lord in strength be in een along /uru, the
native will doubtless obtain robes, ornaments, and happiness'
11' 0hould >ahu, 0urya, 0hani, and angal be in Labh 3hava, the native will incur cessation of
his duties'
1;' )ne will be learned and wealthy if /uru is in een along with 0hu$r, while Lagn8s lord is
strong and Chandr is in e2altation'
1=' 0hould %arm8s lord be in Labh, while Labh8s lord is in Tanu 3hava and 0hu$r is in %arm, the
native will be endowed with precious stones'
1(' If the %arm8s lord is e2alted in an angle or a trine, and is yuti with /uru, or receives a drishti
from /uru, one will be endowed with !worthy" deeds'
16' 0hould %arm8s lord be in Lagn along with Lagn8s lord as Chandr is in an angle or in a trine,
the native will be interested in good deeds'
1A' If 0hani is in %arm 3hava along with a debilitated grah, while %arm 3hava in the @avamsh
%undali is occupied by a malefic, the native will be bereft of !virtuous" acts'
1B' )ne will indulge in bad acts if %arm8s lord is in >andhr 3hava, while >andhr8s lord is in
%arm 3hava with a malefic'
17' )bstructions to the native8s acts will crop up if %arm8s lord is in fall, as both %arm 3hava and
the 1Dth from %arm 3hava !i'e' Iuvati 3hava" have malefic occupations' 0imilar effects will
come to pass if Labh8s lord is in %arm 3hava, while %arm8s lord is strong and gives a drishti to
/uru' Eame will come to the native if %arm8s lord is in Charm 3hava as Lagn8s lord is in %arm
3hava, and Chandr is in *utr 3hava'
;;' D e2cellent of the 3rahmins, thus have been told about the effects of %arm 3hava in a brief
manner' )ther related effects be guessed by you based on the relationship of the lords of Lagn
and of %arm 3hava'
Chapter ;;
<ffects )f Labh 3hava
1' ) e2cellent of the 3rahmins, I now e2plain effects relating to Labh 3hava, the auspiciousness
of which bhava will ma$e one happy at all times'
;' 0hould Labh8s lord be in Labh itself or be in an angle or in a trine from Lagn, there will be
many gains' 0imilarly, if Labh8s lord is e2alted, though in combustion there will be many gains'
=' If Labh8s lord is in Chan 3hava, while Chan8s lord is in an angle !from Lagn" along with /uru,
the gains will be great'
(' If Labh8s lord is in 0aha? 3hava, while Labh 3hava is occupied by a benefic, the native will
gain ;DDD @ish$as in his =Ath year'
6' If Labh8s lord is yuti with a benefic in an angle or in a trine !from Lagn", the native will
ac9uire 6DD @ish$as in his (Dth year'
A' The native will own ADDD @ish$as if Labh 3hava is occupied by /uru, while Chan 3hava and
Charm 3hava are respectively ta$en over by Chandr and 0hu$r by position'
B' 0hould /uru, 3uddh, and Chandr be in the 11th from Labh !i'e' Charm 3hava" the native will
be endowed with wealth, grains, fortunes, diamonds, ornaments, etc''
7' )ne will gain 1DDD @ish$as in his ==rd year if Labh8s lord is in Lagn and Lagn8s lord is in
Labh 3hava'
:' If Labh8s lord is in Chan 3hava as Chan8s lord is in Labh 3hava, one will amass abundant
fortunes after marriage'
1D' If Labh8s lord is in 0aha? 3hava, as 0aha?8s lord is in Labh 3hava, one will gain wealth
through co-borns and will be endowed with e2cellent ornaments'
11' There will be no gains in spite of numerous efforts if Labh8s lord is in fall, in combustion, or
be in 1ri, >andhr, or Vyaya 3hava with a malefic'
Chapter ;=
<ffects )f Vyaya 3hava
1-(' D 3rahmin, now I tell you about the effects of Vyaya 3hava' There will be e2penses on good
accounts if Vyaya8s lord is with a benefic, or in his own 3hava, or e2alted, or if a benefic
occupies Vyaya' )ne will own beautiful houses and beds and be endowed with superior scented
articles and pleasures if Chandr happens to be Vyaya8s lord and be e2alted, or be in its own >ashi
andHor @avamsh or in LabhHCharmH*utr 3hava in >ashiH@avamsh' The said native will live with
rich clothes, and ornaments, be learned and lordly'
6-A' 1nd if Vyaya8s lord is in 1ri, or >andhr 3hava, or be in enemy8s @avamsh, in debilitation
@avamsh, or in >andhr 3hava in @avamsh, one will be devoid of happiness from wife, be
troubled by e2penses and deprived of general happiness' If he be in an angle or trine, the native
will beget a spouse'
B' &ust as these effects are derived from Tanu 3hava in regard to the native, similar deductions be
made about co-borns, etc', from 0aha? and other bhavas'
7' /rahas placed in the visible half of the -odiac will give e2plicit results while the ones in the
invisible half will confer secret results'
:' If >ahu is in Vyaya along with angal, 0hani, and 0urya, the native will go to hell' 0imilar
effect will occur if Vyaya8s lord is with 0urya'
1D' If there is a benefic in Vyaya, while its lord is e2alted or is yuti with or receives a drishti from
a benefic, one will attain final emancipation'
11' )ne will wander from country to country if Vyaya8s lord and Vyaya 3hava are with malefics
and Vyaya8s lord gives a drishti to or receives a drishti from malefics'
1;' )ne will move in his own country if Vyaya8s lord and Vyaya 3hava are with benefics and
Vyaya8s lord gives a drishti to or receives a drishti from benefics'
1=' <arnings will be through sinful measures if Vyaya is occupied by 0hani, or angal, etc', and
is not receiving a drishti from a benefic'
1(' If Lagn8s lord is in Vyaya, while Vyaya8s lord is in Lagn with 0hu$r, e2penses will be on
religious grounds'
Chapter ;(
<ffects of the 3hava Lords
1' <ffects of Lagn8s Lord in Various 3havas !up to slo$a 1;"+ 0hould Lagn8s lord be in Lagn
itself, the native will be endowed with physical happiness !i'e' good health" and prowess' .e will
be intelligent, fic$le-minded, will have two wives and will unite with other females'
;' If the Lagn8s lord is in Chan, he will be gainful, scholarly, happy, endowed with good
9ualities, be religious, honourable, and will have many wives'
=' If Lagn8s lord is in 0aha? 3hava, the native will e9ual a lion in valour, be endowed with all
$inds of wealth, be honorable, will have two wives, be intelligent, and happy'
(' If Lagn8s lord is in 3andhu 3hava, the native will be endowed with paternal and maternal
happiness, will have many brothers, be lustful, virtuous and charming'
6' If Lagn8s lord is in *utr 3hava, the native will have mediocre progenic happiness, will lose his
first child, be honourable, given to anger, and be dear to $ing'
A' If Lagn8s lord is in 1ri 3hava and related to a malefic the native will be devoid of physical
happiness, and will be troubled by enemies if there is no benefic drishti'
B' If Lagn8s lord is a malefic and is placed in Iuvati 3hava, the natives wife will not live !long"'
If the grah in 9uestion is a benefic, one will wander aimlessly, face penury and be de?ected' .e
will alternatively become a $ing !if the said grah is strong"'
7' If Lagn8s lord is in >andhr 3hava, the native will be an accomplished scholar, be sic$ly,
thievish, be given to much anger, be a gambler, and will ?oin others8 wives'
:' If Lagn8s lord is in Charm 3hava, the native will be fortunate, dear to people, be a devotee of
0hri Vishnu, be s$ilful, elo9uent in speech, and be endowed with wife, sons, and wealth'
1D' If Lagn8s lord is in %arm 3hava, the native will be endowed with paternal happiness, royal
honour !or patronage", fame among men and will doubtlessly have self-earned wealth'
11' If Lagn8s lord is in Labh 3hava, the native will always be endowed with gains, good 9ualities,
fame, and many wives' If Lagn8s lord is in Vyaya 3hava and is devoid of benefic drishti and H or
yuti the native will be bereft of physical happiness, will spend unfruitfully and be given to much
1=' <ffects of Chan8s Lord in Various 3havas !up to slo$a ;("+ If Chan8s lord is in Tanu 3hava,
the native will be endowed with sons and wealth, be inimical to his family, lustful, hard-hearted,
and will do others8 ?obs'
1(' If Chan8s lord is in Chan 3hava, the native will be wealthy, proud, will have two or more
wives and be bereft of progeny'
16' If Chan8s lord is in 0aha? 3hava, the native will be valorous, wise, virtuous, lustful, and
miserly# all these when related to a benefic' If related to a malefic, the native will be a heterodo2'
1A' If Chan8s lord is in 3andhu 3hava, the native will ac9uire all $inds of wealth' If Chan8s lord
is e2alted and is yuti with /uru one will be e9ual to a $ing'
1B' If Chan8s lord is in *utr 3hava the native will be wealthy' @ot only the native, but also his
sons, will be intent on earning wealth'
17' If Chan8s lord is in 1ri 3hava along with a benefic the native will gain wealth through his
enemies# if Chan8s lord is yuti with a malefic, there will be loss through enemies apart from
mutilation of shan$s'
1:' If Chan8s lord is in Iuvati 3hava, the native will be addicted to others8 wives# and he will be a
doctor' If a malefic is related to the said placement by yuti with Chan8s lord or by drishti, the
native8s wife will !also" be of 9uestionable character'
;D' If Chan8s lord is in >andhr 3hava, the native will be endowed with abundant land and
wealth' 3ut he will have limited marital felicity and be bereft of happiness from his elder brother'
;1' If Chan8s lord is in Charm 3hava, the native will be wealthy, diligent, s$ilful, sic$ during
childhood, and will later on be happy !i'e' healthy", and will visit shrines, observing religious
code, etc'
;;' If Chan8s lord is in %arm 3hava, the native will be libidinous, honourable, and learned# he
will have many wives and much wealth, but he will be bereft of filial happiness'
;=' If Chan8s lord is in Labh 3hava, the native will have all $inds of wealth, be ever diligent,
honourable, and famous'
;(' If Chan8s lord is in Vyaya 3hava, the native will be adventurous, be devoid of wealth, and be
interested in other8s wealth, while his eldest child will not $eep him happy'
;6' <ffects of 0aha?8s Lord in Various 3havas !up to slo$a =A"+ If 0aha?8s lord is in Tanu 3hava,
the native will have self-made wealth, be disposed to worship, be valorous, and be intelligent,
although devoid of learning'
;A' If 0aha?8s lord is in Chan 3hava, the native will be corpulent, devoid of valour, will not ma$e
much efforts, be not happy, and will have an eye on others8 wives and others8 wealth'
;B' If 0aha?8s lord is in 0aha? 3hava, the native will be endowed with happiness through co-born
and will have wealth and sons, be cheerful, and e2tremely happy'
;7' If 0aha?8s lord is in 3andhu 3hava, the native will be happy, wealthy and intelligent, but will
ac9uire a wic$ed spouse'
;:' If 0aha?8s lord is in *utr 3hava, the native will have sons, and be virtuous' If in the process
0aha?8s lord be yuti with or receives a drishti from a malefic, the native will have a formidable
=D' If 0aha?8s lord is in 1ri 3hava, the native will be inimical to his co-born, be affluent, will not
be well-disposed to his maternal uncle and be dear to his maternal aunt'
=1' If 0aha?8s lord is in Iuvati 3hava, the native will be interested in serving the $ing' .e will not
be happy during boyhood, but the end of his life he will be happy'
=;' If 0aha?8s lord is in >andhr 3hava, the native will be a thief, will derive his livelihood serving
others, and will die at the gate of the royal palace'
==' If 0aha?8s lord is in Charm 3hava, the native will lac$ paternal bliss, will ma$e fortunes
through wife, and will en?oy progenic and other pleasures'
=(' If 0aha?8s lord is in %arm 3hava, the native will have all lands of happiness and self-made
wealth, and be interested in nurturing wic$ed females'
=6' If 0aha?8s lord is in Labh 3hava, then native will always gain in trading, be intelligent
although not literate, be adventurous, and will serve others'
=A' If 0aha?8s lord is in Vyaya, the native will spend on evil deeds, will have a wic$ed father and
will be fortunate through a female !or wife"'
=B' <ffects of 3andhu8s Lord in Various 3havas !up to slo$a (7"+ If 3andhu8s lord is in Tanu
3hava, the native will be endowed with learning, virtues, ornaments, lands, conveyances, and
maternal happiness'
=7' If 3andhu8s lord is in Chan 3hava, the native will en?oy pleasures, all $inds of wealth, family
life and honour, and be adventurous' .e will be cunning in disposition'
=:' If 3andhu8s lord is in 0aha? 3hava, the native will be valorous, will have servants, be liberal,
virtuous and charitable, and will possess self-earned wealth' .e will be free from diseases'
(D' If 3andhu8s lord is in 3andhu, the native will be a minister and will possess all $inds of
wealth' .e will be s$ilful, virtuous, honourable, learned, happy and be well disposed to his
(1' If 3andhu8s lord is in *utr 3hava, the native will be happy and be li$ed by all' .e will be
devoted to 0hri Vishnu, be virtuous, honourable, and will have self-earned wealth'
(;' If 3andhu8s lord is in 1ri 3hava, the native will be devoid of maternal happiness, be given to
anger, be a thief and a con?urer !or magician", be independent in action and be indisposed'
(=' If 3andhu8s lord is in Iuvati 3hava, the native will be endowed with a high degree of
education, will sacrifice his patrimony and be a$in to the dumb in an assembly'
((' If 3andhu8s lord is in >andhr 3hava, the native will be devoid of domestic and other
comforts, will not en?oy much parental happiness and be e9ual to a neuter'
(6' If 3andhu8s lord is in Charm 3hava, the native will be dear to one and all, be devoted to /od,
be virtuous, honourable, and endowed with every land of happiness'
(A' If 3andhu8s lord is in %arm 3hava, the native will en?oy royal honours, be an alchemist, be
e2tremely pleased, will en?oy pleasures and will con9uer his five senses'
(B' If 3andhu8s lord is in Labh 3hava, the native will have fear of secret disease# he will be
liberal, virtuous, charitable, and helpful to others'
(7' If 3andhu8s lord is in Vyaya 3hava the native will be devoid of domestic and other comforts,
will have vices and be foolish and indolent'
(:' <ffects of *utr8s Lord in Various 3havas !up to slo$a AD"+ If *utr8s lord is in Lagn, the native
will be scholarly, be endowed with progenic happiness, be a miser, be croo$ed, and will steal
others8 wealth'
6D' If *utr8s lord is in Chan 3hava, the native will have many sons and wealth, be a pater
familiaris, be honourable, be attached to his spouse, and be famous in the world'
61' If *utr8s lord is in 0aha?, the native will be attached to his co-born, be a tale bearer and a
miser, and be always interested in his own wor$'
6;' If *utr8s lord is in 3andhu 3hava, the native will be happy, endowed with maternal happiness,
wealth and intelligence, and be a $ing or a minister or a preceptor'
6=' If *utr8s lord is in *utr 3hava, the native will have progeny if related to a benefic# there will
be no issues if malefic is related to *utr8s lord placed in *utr 3hava' *utr8s lord in *utr 3hava
will, however, ma$e one virtuous and dear to friends'
6(' If *utr8s lord is in 1ri 3hava, the native will obtain such sons who will be e9ual to his
enemies, or will lose them, or will ac9uire an adopted or purchased son'
66' If *utr8s lord is in Iuvati 3hava, the native will be honourable, very religious, endowed with
progenic happiness, and be helpful to others'
6A' If *utr8s lord is in >andhr 3hava, the native will not have much progenic happiness, be
troubled by cough and pulmonary disorders, be given to anger and be devoid of happiness'
6B' If *utr8s lord is in Charm 3hava, the native will be a prince or e9ual to him, will author
treatises, be famous, and will shine in his race'
67' If *utr8s lord is in %arm 3hava, the native will en?oy a >a? Iog and various pleasures, and be
very famous'
6:' If *utr8s lord is in Labh 3hava, the native will be learned, dear to people, be an author of
treatises, be very s$ilful, and be endowed with many sons and wealth'
AD' If *utr8s lord is in Vyaya 3hava, the native will be bereft of happiness from his own sons, will
have an adopted or purchased son'
A1' <ffects of 1ri8s Lord in Various 3havas !up to slo$a B;"+ If 1ri8s lord is in Tanu 3hava, the
native will be sic$ly, famous, inimical to his own men, rich, honourable, adventurous, and
A;' If 1ri8s lord is in Chan 3hava, the native will be adventurous, famous among his people, will
live in alien countries !or places", be happy, be a s$ilful spea$er ,and be always interested in his
own wor$'
A=' If 1ri8s lord is in 0aha? 3hava, the native will be given to anger, be bereft of courage, inimical
to all of his co-born, and will have disobedient servants'
A(' If 1ri8s lord is in 3andhu 3hava, the native will be devoid maternal happiness, be intelligent,
be a tale bearer, be ?ealous, evil-minded, and very rich'
A6' If 1ri8s lord is in *utr 3hava, the native will have fluctuating finances' .e will incur enmity
with his sons and friends' .e will be happy, selfish, and $ind'
AA' If 1ri8s lord is in 1ri 3hava, the native will have enmity with the group of his $insmen, but be
friendly to others and will en?oy mediocre happiness in matters li$e wealth'
AB' If 1ri8s lord is in Iuvati 3hava, the native will be deprived of happiness through wedloc$' .e
will be famous, virtuous, honourable, adventurous, and wealthy'
A7' If 1ri8s lord is in >andhr 3hava, the native will be sic$ly, inimical, will desire others8 wealth,
be interested in others8 wives, and be impure !or degraded"'
A:' If 1ri8s lord is in Charm 3hava, the native will trade in wood and stones !8*ashan8 also means
poison", and will have fluctuating professional fortunes'
BD' If 1ri8s lord is in %arm 3hava, the native will be well $nown among his men, will not be
respectfully disposed to his father and will be happy in foreign countries' .e will be a gifted
B1' If 1ri8s lord is in Labh 3hava, the native will gain wealth through his enemies, be virtuous,
adventurous, and will be somewhat bereft of progenic happiness'
B;' If 1ri8s lord is in Vyaya 3hava the native will always spend on vices, be hostile to learned
people and will torture living beings'
B=' <ffects of Iuvati8s Lord in Various 3havas !up to slo$a 7("+ If Iuvati8s lord is in Tanu 3hava,
the native will go to others8 wives, be wic$ed, s$ilful, devoid of courage, and afflicted by windy
B(' If Iuvati8s lord is in Chan 3hava, the native will ha many wives, will gain wealth through his
wife and be procrastinating in nature'
B6' If Iuvati8s lord is in 0aha? 3hava, the native will face loss of children and sometimes, with
great difficulty, there will e2ist a living son' There is also the possibility of birth of a daughter
!who will sustain"'
BA' If Iuvati8s lord is in 3andhu 3hava, the wife of the native will not be under his control' .e
will be fond of truth, intelligent, and religious' .e will suffer from dental diseases'
BB' If Iuvati8s lord is in *utr 3hava, the native will be honourable, endowed with all !i'e' seven
principal" virtues, always delighted, and endowed with all $inds of wealth'
B7' If Iuvati8s lord is in 1ri 3hava, the native will beget a sic$ly wife and he will be inimical to
her' .e will be given to anger and will be devoid of happiness'
B:' If Iuvati8s lord is in Iuvati 3hava, the native will be endowed with happiness through wife,
be courageous, s$ilful, and intelligent, but only afflicted by windy diseases'
7D' If Iuvati8s lord is in >andhr 3hava, the native will be deprived of marital happiness' .is wife
will be troubled by diseases, be devoid of good disposition and will not obey the native'
71' If Iuvati8s lord is in Charm 3hava, the native will have union with many women, be well-
disposed to his own wife and will have many underta$ings !or assignments"'
7;' If Iuvati8s lord is in %arm 3hava, the native will beget a disobedient wife, will be religious
and endowed with wealth, sons, etc'
7=' If Iuvati8s lord is in Labh 3hava, the native will gain wealth through his wife, be endowed
with less happiness from sons, etc', and will have daughters'
7(' If Iuvati8s lord is in Vyaya 3hava, the native will incur penury, be a miser, and his livelihood
will be related to clothes' .is wife will be a spend thrift'
76' <ffects of >andhr8s Lord in Various 3havas !up to slo$a :A"+ If >andhr8s lord is in Tanu
3hava' the native will be devoid of physical felicity and will suffer from wounds' .e will be
hostile to gods and brahmins !or religious people"'
7A' If >andhr8s lord is in Chan 3hava, the native will be devoid of bodily vigour, will en?oy a
little wealth, and will not regain lost wealth'
7B' If >andhr8s lord is in 0aha? 3hava, the native will be devoid of fraternal happiness, be
indolent, and devoid of servants and strength'
77' If >andhr8s lord is in 3andhu 3hava, the child will be deprived of its mother' .e will be
devoid of a house, lands, and happiness and will doubtlessly betray his friends'
7:' If >andhr8s lord is in *utr 3hava, the native will be dull witted, will have limited number of
children, be long-lived, and wealthy'
:D' If >andhr8s lord is in 1ri 3hava, the native will win over his enemies, be afflicted by diseases
and during childhood will incur danger through sna$es and water'
:1' If >andhr8s lord is in Iuvati 3hava, the native will have two wives' If >andhr8s lord is yuti
with a malefic in Iuvati 3hava there will surely be downfall in his business !or livelihood"'
:;' If >andhr8s lord is in >andhr 3hava, the native will be long-lived' If the said grah is wea$
being in >andhr 3hava, the longevity will be medium, while the native will be a thief, be blame
worthy and will blame others as well'
:=' If >andhr8s lord is in Charm 3hava, the native will betray his religion, be a heterodo2, will
beget a wic$ed wife, and will steal others8 wealth'
:(' If >andhr8s lord is in %arm 3hava the native will be devoid of paternal bliss, be a tale-bearer
and be bereft of livelihood' If there is a drishti in the process from a benefic, then these evils will
not mature'
:6' If >andhr8s lord along with a malefic is in Labh 3hava, the native will be devoid of wealth
and will be miserable in boyhood but happy later on' 0hould >andhr8s lord be yuti with with a
benefic and be in Labh 3hava, the native will be long-lived'
:A' If >andhr8s lord is in Vyaya 3hava, the native will spend on evil deeds and will incur a short
life' ore so, if there be additionally a malefic in the said bhava'
:B' <ffects of Charm8s Lord in Various 3havas !up to slo$a 1D="+ If Charm8s lord is in Lagn, the
native will be fortunate !or prosperous", will be honoured by the $ing, be virtuous, charming,
learned, and honoured by the public'
:7' If Charm8s lord is in Chan 3hava,the native will be a scholar, be dear to all, wealthy,
sensuous, and endowed with happiness from wife, sons, etc'
::' If Charm8s lord is in 0aha? 3hava, the native will be endowed with fraternal bliss, be wealthy,
virtuous, and charming'
1DD' If Charm8s lord is in 3andhu 3hava, the native will en?oy houses, conveyances, and
happiness, will have all $inds of wealth and be devoted to his mother'
1D1' If Charm8s lord is in *utr 3hava the native will be endowed with sons and prosperity,
devoted to elders, bold, charitable, and learned'
1D;' If Charm8s lord is in 1ri 3hava, the native will en?oy meagre prosperity, be devoid of
happiness from maternal relatives, and be always troubled by enemies'
1D=' D 3rahmin, If Charm8s lord is in Iuvati 3hava, the native beget happiness after marriage, be
virtuous, and famous'
1D(' If Charm8s lord is in >andhr 3hava, the native will not be prosperous and will not en?oy
happiness from his elder brother'
1D6' If Charm8s lord is in Charm 3hava, the native will be endowed with abundant fortunes,
virtues, and beauty, and will en?oy much happiness from co-born'
1DA' If Charm8s lord is in %arm 3hava, the native will be a $ing or e9ual to him or be a minister
or an army chief, be virtuous and dear to all'
1DB' If Charm8s lord is in Labh 3hava, the native will en?oy financial gains day by day, be
devoted to elders, virtuous, and meritorious in acts'
1D7' If Charm8s lord is in Vyaya 3hava, the native will incur loss of fortunes, will always spend
on auspicious acts, and will become poor on account of entertaining guests'
1D:' <ffects of %arm8s Lord in Various 3havas !up to slo$a 1;D"+ If %arm8s lord is in Tanu
3hava, the native will be scholarly, famous, be a poet, will incur diseases in boyhood, and be
happy later on' .is wealth will increase day by day'
11D If %arm8s lord is in Chan 3hava, the native will be wealthy, virtuous, honoured by the $ing,
charitable, and will en?oy happiness from father and others'
111' If %arm8s lord is in 0aha? 3hava, the native will en?oy happiness from brothers and servants,
be valorous, virtuous, elo9uent, and truthful'
11;' If %arm8s lord is in 3andhu 3hava, the native will be happy, be always interested in his
mother8s welfare, will lord over conveyances, lands and houses, be virtuous, and wealthy'
11=' If %arm8s lord is in *utr 3hava, the native will be endowed with all $inds of learning# he
will be always delighted, and he will be wealthy and endowed with sons'
11(' If %arm8s lord is in 1ri 3hava, the native will be bereft of paternal bliss' 1lthough he may
be s$ilful he will be bereft of wealth and be troubled by enemies'
116' If %arm8s lord is in Iuvati 3hava, the native will be endowed with happiness through wife,
be intelligent, virtuous, elo9uent, truthful, and religious'
11A' If %arm8s lord is in >andhr 3hava, the native will be devoid of !good" acts, long-lived and
intent on blaming others'
11B' If %arm8s lord is in Charm 3hava, one born of royal scion will become a $ing whereas an
ordinary native will be e9ual to a $ing' This placement will confer wealth and progenic
happiness, etc'
117' If %arm8s lord is in %arm 3hava, the native will be s$ilful in all ?obs, be valorous, truthful,
and devoted to elders'
11:' If %arm8s lord is in Labh 3hava, the native will be endowed with wealth, happiness, and
sons' .e will be virtuous, truthful, and always delighted'
1;D' If %arm8s lord is in Vyaya 3hava, the native will spend through royal abodes !i'e' $ings",
will have fear from enemies, and will be worried in spite of being s$ilful'
1;1' <ffects of Labh8s Lord in Various 3havas !up to slo$a 1=;"+ If Labh8s lord is in Tanu 3hava,
the native will be genuine in disposition, be rich, happy, even-sighted, be a poet, be elo9uent in
speech, and be always endowed with gains'
1;;' If Labh8s lord is in Chan 3hava, the native will be endowed with all $inds of wealth and all
$inds of accomplishments, charitable, religious, and always happy'
1;=' If Labh8s lord is in 0aha? 3hava, the native will be s$ilful in all ?obs, wealthy, endowed with
fraternal bliss, and may sometimes incur gout pains'
1;(' If Labh8s lord is in 3andhu 3hava, the native will gain from maternal relatives, will
underta$e visits to shrines and will possess happiness of house and lands'
1;6' If Labh8s lord is in *utr 3hava, the native will be happy, educated and virtuous' .e will be
religious and happy'
1;A' If Labh8s lord is in 1ri 3hava, the native will be afflicted by diseases, be cruel, living in
foreign places and troubled by enemies'
1;B' If Labh8s lord is in Iuvati 3hava, the native will always gain through his wife8s relatives, be
liberal, virtuous, sensuous, and will remain at the command of his spouse'
1;7' If Labh8s lord is in >andhr 3hava, the native will incur reversals in his underta$ings and
will live long while his wife will predecease him'
1;:' If Labh8s lord is in Charm 3hava, the native will be fortunate, s$ilful, truthful, honoured by
the $ing, and be affluent'
1=D' If Labh8s lord is in %arm 3hava, the native will be honoured by the $ing, be virtuous,
attached to his religion, intelligent, truthful, and will subdue his senses'
1=1' If Labh8s lord is in Labh 3hava, the native will gain in all his underta$ings while his
learning and happiness will be on the increase day by day'
1=;' If Labh8s lord is in Vyaya 3hava, the native will always depend on good deeds, be sensuous,
will have many wives and will befriend barbarians !or foreigners in general"'
1==' <ffects of Vyaya8s Lord in Various 3havas !up to slo$a 1(("+ If Vyaya8s lord is in Tanu
3hava, the native will be a spend thrift, be wea$ in constitution, will suffer from phlegmatic
disorders, and be devoid of wealth and learning'
1=(' If Vyaya8s lord is in Chan 3hava, the native will always spend on inauspicious deeds, be
religious, will spea$ sweetly, and will be endowed with virtues and happiness'
1=6' If Vyaya8s lord is in 0aha? 3hava, the native will be devoid of fraternal bliss, will hate others
and will promote self-nourishment !i'e' be 9uite selfish"'
1=A' If Vyaya8s lord is in 3andhu 3hava, the native will be devoid of maternal happiness and will
day by day accrue losses with respect to lands, conveyances, and houses'
1=B' If Vyaya8s lord is in *utr 3hava, the native will be bereft of sons and learning' .e will spend
as well as visit shrines in order to beget a son'
1=7' If Vyaya8s lord is in 1ri 3hava, the native will incur enmity with his own men, be given to
anger, be sinful, miserable, and will go to others8 wives' If Vyaya8s lord is in Iuvati 3hava, the
native will incur e2penditure on account of his wife, will not en?oy con?ugal bliss, and will be
bereft of learning and strength'
1(D' If Vyaya8s lord is in >andhr 3hava, the native will always gain, will spea$ affably, will
en?oy a medium span of life and be endowed with all good 9ualities'
1(1' If Vyaya8s lord is in Charm 3hava, the native will dishonour his elders, be inimical even to
his friends and be always intent on achieving his own ends'
1(;' If Vyaya8s lord is in %arm 3hava, the native will incur e2penditure through royal persons
and will en?oy only moderate paternal bliss'
1(=' If Vyaya lord is in Labh 3hava, the native will incur losses, be brought up by others, and
will sometimes gain through others'
1((' If Vyaya8s lord is in Vyaya 3hava, the native will only face heavy e2penditure, will-not have
physical felicity, be irritable and spiteful'
1(6-1(7' iscellaneous+ ) 3rahmin, those are the effects of bhava lords which are to be deduced
considering their strengths and wea$nesses' In the case of a grah owning two bhavas, the results
are to be deducted based on its two lordships !for the same placement"' If contrary results are
thus indicated, the results will be nullified, while results of varied nature will come to pass' The
grah will yield full, half, or a 9uarter of the effects according to its strength being full, medium,
and negligible respectively' Thus, I have told you about the effects due to bhava lords in various
Chapter ;6
<ffects of @on-Luminous /rahas
1' Thus, I have e2plained the effects of the seven grahas, vi-' 0urya, Chandr, angal, 3uddh,
/uru, 0hu$r, 0hani, >ahu, and %etu' @ow, I tell you about the effects of non-luminous grahas'
;' <ffects of Chum in Various 3havas !up to slo$a 1="+ If Chum is in Lagn, the native will be
valiant, endowed with beautiful eyes' stupefied in disposition, un$ind, wic$ed and highly short-
=' If Chum is in Chan 3hava, the native will be sic$ly, wealthy, devoid of a limb, will incur
humiliation at royal level, be dull witted and be a eunuch'
(' Chum is in 0aha? 3hava, the native will be intelligent, very bold, delighted, elo9uent, and be
endowed with men and wealth'
6' If Chum is in 3andhu 3hava, the native will be grieved on account of being given up by his
female, but will be learned in all 0hastras'
A' If Chum is in *utr 3hava, the native will have limited progeny, be devoid of wealth, be great,
will eat anything and be bereft of friends and antras'
B' If Chum is in 1ri 3hava, the native will be strong, will con9uer his enemies, be very brilliant,
famous and free from diseases'
7' If Chum is in Iuvati 3hava, the native will be penniless, be ever sensuous, s$ilful in going to
others8 females, and be always devoid of brilliance'
:' If Chum is in >andhr 3hava, the native will be bereft of courage, but be enthusiastic, be
truthful, disagreeable, hardhearted, and selfish'
1D' If Chum is in Charm 3hava, the native will be endowed sons and fortunes, be rich,
honourable, $ind, religious, and well disposed to his relatives'
11' If Chum is in %arm 3hava, the native will be endowed with sons and fortunes, be delighted,
intelligent, happy, and truthful'
1;' If Chum is in Labh 3hava, the native will be endowed with wealth, grains and gold, be
beautiful, will have $nowledge of arts, be modest, and be s$ilful in singing'
1=' If Chum is in Vyaya 3hava, the native will be morally fallen, will indulge in sinful acts, be
interested in others8 wives, addicted to vices, un$ind, and crafty'
1(' <ffects of Vyatipat in Various 3havas !up to slo$a ;6"+ If Vyatipat !also $nown in short as
*at" is in Tanu 3hava, the native will be troubled by miseries,be cruel, will indulge in destructive
acts, be foolish, and will be disposed to his relatives'
16' If Vyatipat is in Chan 3hava, the native will be morally croo$ed, be bilious, will en?oy
pleasures, be un$ind, but grateful, be wic$ed, and sinful'
1A' If Vyatipat is in 0aha? 3hava, the native will be firm in disposition, be a warrior, be liberal,
very rich, dear to the $ing, and be head of an army'
1B' If Vyatipat is in 3andhu 3hava, the native will be endowed with relatives, etc', but not sons
and fortunes'
17' If Vyatipat is in *utr 3hava, the native will be poor, be charming in appearance, will have
imbalances of phlegm, bile, and wind, be hard-hearted, and shameless'
1:' If Vyatipat is in 1ri 3hava, the native will destroy his, enemies, be physically mighty, s$ilful
in use of all $inds of weapons and in arts, and be peaceful in disposition'
;D' If Vyatipat is in Iuvati 3hava, the native will be bereft of wealth, wife and sons, will subdue
to females, be miserable, sensuous, shameless, and friendly to others'
;1' If Vyatipat is in >andhr 3hava, the native will have deformity of eyes, be ugly, unfortunate,
spiteful to 3rahmins, and be troubled by disorders of blood'
;;' If Vyatipat is in Charm 3hava, the native will have many $inds of business and many friends#
he will be very learned, well disposed to his wife, and he will be elo9uent'
;=' If Vyatipat is in %arm 3hava, the native will be religious, peaceful, s$ilful in religious acts,
very learned, and far-sighted'
;(' If Vyatipat is in Labh 3hava, the native will be e2tremely opulent, be honourable, truthful,
firm in policy, endowed with many horses and be interested in singing'
;6' If Vyatipat is in Vyaya 3hava, the native will be given to anger, associated with many
activities, disabled, irreligious and hate his own relatives'
;A' <ffects of *aridhi !or *arivesh" in Various 3havas !up to slo$a =B"+ If *aridhi is in Tanu
3hava , the native will be learned, truthful, peaceful, rich, endowed with sons, pure, charitable,
and dear to elders'
;B' If *aridhi is in Chan 3hava, the native will be wealthy, charming, will en?oy pleasures, be
happy, very religious, and be a lord'
;7' If *aridhi is in 0aha? 3hava, the native will be fond of his wife, be very charming, pious, well
disposed to his men, be a servant, and be respectful of his elders'
;:' If *aridhi is in 3andhu 3hava, the native will be wonder-struc$, helpful to enemies as well,
$ind, endowed with everything and be s$ilful in singing'
=D' If *aridhi is in *utr 3hava, the native will be affluent, virtuous, splendorous, affectionate,
religious, and dear to his wife'
=1' If *aridhi is in 1ri 3hava, the native will be famous and wealthy, be endowed with sons and
pleasures, be helpful to all, and will con9uer his enemies'
=;' If *aridhi is in Iuvati 3hava, the native will have limited number of children, be devoid of
happiness, be of mediocre intelligence, very hard-head, and will have a sic$ly wife'
==' If *aridhi is in >andhr 3hava, the native will be spiritually disposed, peaceful, strong-bodied,
firm in decision, religious and gentle'
=(' If *aridhi is in Charm 3hava, the native will be endowed with sons, be happy, brilliant, very
affluent, be devoid of e2cessive passion, be honourable and be happy with even an iota'
=6' If *aridhi is in %arm 3hava, the native will be versed in arts, will en?oy pleasures, be strong-
bodied, and be learned in all 0hastras'
=A' If *aridhi is in Labh 3hava, the native will en?oy pleasures through women, be virtuous,
intelligent, dear to his people, and will suffer disorders of digestive fire'
=B' If *aridhi is in Vyaya 3hava, the native will always be a spend thrift, be miserable, firm, and
will dishonour elders'
=7' <ffects of Chap !Indr Chanus or %odanda" !up to slo$a (:"+ If Chap is in Tanu 3hava, the
native will be endowed with wealth, grains and gold, be grateful, agreeable, and devoid of all
=:' If Chap is in Chan 3hava, the native will spea$ affably, be very rich, modest, learned,
charming, and religious'
(D' If Chap is in 0aha? 3hava, the native will be a miser, be versed in many arts, will indulge in
thieving, be devoid of some limb, and be unfriendly'
(1' If Chap is in 3andhu 3hava, the native will be happy, endowed with 9uadrupeds, wealth,
grains, etc', be honoured by the $ing, and be devoid of sic$ness'
(;' If Chap is in *utr 3hava, the native will be splendorous, far-sighted, pious, affable, and will
ac9uire prosperity in all his underta$ings'
(=' If Chap is in 1ri 3hava, the native will destroy his enemies, be happy, affectionate, pure, and
will achieve plentifulness in all his underta$ings'
((' If Chap is in Iuvati 3hava, the native will be wealthy, endowed with all virtues, learned in
0hastras, religious, and agreeable'
(6' If Chap is in >andhr 3hava, the native will be interested in others8 F;1=G ?obs, be cruel,
interested in others8 wives, and have a defective limb'
(A' If Chap is in Charm 3hava, the native will perform, penance, will ta$e to religious
observations, be highly learned, and be famous among men'
(B' If Chap is in %arm 3hava, the native will be endowed with many sons, abundant wealth,
cows, buffaloes, etc', and will be famous among men'
(7' If Chap is in Labh 3hava, the native will gain many treasures, will be free from diseases,
very fiery in disposition, affectionate to his wife, and will have $nowledge of mantras and
weapons !or missiles"'
(:' If Chap is in Vyaya 3hava, the native will be wic$ed, very honourable, evil in disposition,
shameless, will go to other8s females, and be ever poor'
6D' <ffects of Chwa? !or 0i$hi, or Upa$etu" in Various 3havas !up to slo$a A1"+ If Chwa? is in
Tanu 3hava, the native will be s$ilful in all branches of learning, be happy, efficient in speech,
agreeable, and be very affectionate'
61' If Chwa? is in Chan 3hava, the native will be a good and affable spea$er, be splendorous,
will write poetry, be scholarly, honourable, modest and endowed with conveyances'
6;' If Chwa? is in 0aha? 3hava, the native will be miserly, cruel acts, thin-bodied, poor, and will
incur severe diseases'
6=' If Chwa? is in 3andhu 3hava, the native will be charming, very virtuous, gentle, interested in
Vedic %nowledge, and be always happy'
6(' If Chwa? is in *utr 3hava, the native will be happy, will en?oy pleasures, be versed in arts,
s$illed in e2pedients, intelligent, elo9uent and will respect elders'
66' If Chwa? is in 1ri 3hava, the native will be ominous for material relatives, will win over his
enemies, be endowed with many relatives, valiant, splendorous, and s$ilful'
6A' If Chwa? is in Iuvati 3hava, the native will be interested in gambling, be sensuous, will
en?oy pleasures, and will befriend prostitutes'
6B' If Chwa? is in >andhr 3hava, the native will be interested in base acts, be sinful, shameless,
will blame others, will lac$ in marital happiness, and will ta$e other8s side'
67' If Chwa? is in Charm 3hava, the native will wear !religious" badges, be delighted, helpfully
disposed to all, and he will be s$illed in religious deeds'
6:' ) 3rahmin, if Chwa? is in %arm 3hava, the native will be endowed with happiness and
fortunes, be fond of females,be charitable, and will befriend 3rahmins'
AD' If Chwa? is in Labh 3hava, the native will ever ac9uire gains, be very religious honourable,
affluent, fortunate, valiant, and s$illed in sacrificial rites'
A1' If Chwa? is in Vyaya 3hava, the native will be interested in sinful acts, be valiant,
untrustworthy, un$ind, interested in others8 females, and be short-tempered'
A;' <ffects of /uli$ in Various 3havas !up to slo$a B="+ If /uli$ is in Tanu 3hava, the native will
be afflicted by diseases, be lustful, sinful, crafty, wic$ed, and very miserable'
A=' If /uli$ is in Chan 3hava, the native will be unsightly in appearance, miserable, mean, given
to vices, shameless, and penniless'
A(' If /uli$ is in 0aha? 3hava, the native will be charming in appearance, will head a village,be
fond of virtuous men, and be honoured by the $ing'
A6' If /uli$ is in 3andhu 3hava, the native will be sic$ly, devoid of happiness, sinful, and
afflicted due to windy and billious e2cesses'
AA' If /uli$ is in *utr 3hava, the native will not be praise-worthy, be poor, short-lived, spiteful,
mean, be a eunuch, be subdued by his wife and be a heterodo2'
AB' If /uli$ is in 1ri 3hava, the native will be devoid of enemies, be strong-bodied, splendorous,
li$ed by his wife, enthusiastic, very friendly, and helpful in disposition'
A7' If /uli$ is in Iuvati 3hava, the native will subdue to his spouse, be sinful, will go to others8
females, be emaciated, devoid of friendship and will live on his wife8s !or a female8s" wealth'
A:' If /uli$ is in >andhr 3hava, the native will be troubled by hunger, be miserable, cruel, very
much short-tempered, very un$ind, poor, and bereft of good 9ualities'
BD' If /uli$ is in Charm 3hava, the native will undergo many ordeals, be emaciated, will
perform evil acts, be very un$ind, sluggish, and be a tale-bearer
B1' If /uli$ is in %arm 3hava, the native will be endowed with sons, be happy, will en?oy many
things, be fond of worshipping gods and fire, and will practice meditation and religion'
B;' If /uli$ is in Labh 3hava, the native will en?oy women of class, be a leader of men, be
helpful to his relatives, be short stature, and be an emperor'
B=' If /uli$ is in Vyaya 3hava, the native will indulge in base deeds, be sinful, defective-limbed,
unfortunate, indolent, and will ?oin mean people'
B(' <ffects of *ranapad8s *osition with reference to Lagn and in Various 3havas !up to slo$a 76"+
If *ranapad is in Tanu 3hava, the native will be wea$, sic$ly, dumb, lunatic, dull witted,
defective-limbed, miserable, and emaciated'
B6' If *ranapad is in Chan 3hava, the native will be endowed with abundant grains !rice and
wheat ,etc'" abundant wealth, abundant attendants, abundant children, and be fortunate'
BA' If *ranapad is in 0aha? 3hava, the native will be in?urious, !or mischievous", proud, hard-
hearted, very dirty, and be devoid of respect for elders'
BB' If *ranapad is in 3andhu 3hava, the native will be happy, friendly, attached to females and
elders, soft, and truthful'
B7' If *ranapad is in *utr 3hava, the native will be happy, will do good acts, be $ind, and very
B:' If *ranapad is in 1ri 3hava, the native will be subdued by his relatives and enemies, be
sharp, will have defective digestive fire, be wic$ed, sic$ly, affluent, and short-lived'
7D' If *ranapad is in Iuvati 3hava, the native will be green eyed, ever libidinous, fierce in
appearance, be not worth respect, and be ill-disposed'
71' If *ranapad is in >andhr 3hava, the native will be afflicted by diseases, be troubled and will
incur misery on account of the $ing, relatives, servants and sons'
7;' If *ranapad is in Charm 3hava, the native will be endowed with sons, be very rich, fortunate,
charming, will serve others, and be not wic$ed but be s$ilful'
7=' If *ranapad is in %arm 3hava, the native will be heroic, intelligent, s$ilful, be an e2pert in
carrying out royal orders, and all worship gods'
7( If *ranapad is in Labh 3hava, the native will be famous, virtuous, learned, wealthy, fair-
comple2ioned, and attached to mother'
76' If *ranapad is in Vyaya 3hava, the native will be mean, wic$ed, defective-limbed, will hate
3rahmins and relatives, and suffer from eye diseases or be one-eyed'
7A-7B' D 3rahmin, these are the effects for Chum, etc', !and *ranapad Lagn"' 3efore declaring
these results, the effects of 0urya and other grahas should be wisely conceived by their positions,
relations, and drishtis apart from their strength or wea$ness'
Chapter ;A
<valuation of Crishtis of /rahas
1' ) /lorious, it is said that drishtis !of grahas" and their strengths are to be $nown in deciding
the effects' .ow many $inds are these4 *lease clarify doubts'
;-6' Crishtis of the grahas+ ) 3rahmin, I have earlier stated drishtis based on rashis' The other
$ind is between grahas which I detail below' =rd and 1Dth, 6th and :th, (th and 7th, and lastly
Bth+ on these places the drishtis increase gradually in slabs of 9uarters i'e 1H(, 1H;, =H(th, and full'
The effects !due to such drishtis" will also be proportionate' 1ll grahas give a drishti to the Bth
fully' 0hani, /uru and angal have special drishtis respectively on the =rd and the1Dth, the 6th
and the :th, and the (th and the 7th' The ancient preceptors have e2plained these which ordinary
!arising by mere rashi positions"' 3y subtle mathematical calculations, these drishtis will have to
be clearly understood as under'
A-7' <valuations of the Crishtis of the /rahas+ Ceduct the longitude of the grah !or bhava" that
receives a drishti from that of the grah which gives the drishti' If the sum e2ceeds si2 rashis !or
17D degrees" deduct the sum again from 1D rashis !or =DD degrees"' Convert the latter sum into
degrees and divide by two' The resultant product is Crishti %ona !or aspectual angle"' If the
difference !between the grah that gives the drishti and the grah that receives the drishti" is in
e2cess of 6 rashis, ignore the rashis and multiply the degrees, etc', by ; which is the value of the
drishti' If the difference is in e2cess of ( rashis deduct it from 6 rashis !or 16D degrees" and the
resultant degees, etc', become the Crishti value' If the difference is in e2cess of = rashis deduct it
from ( rashis !or 1;D degrees" and 8halve the product to be increased by =D8 !4" to get the Crishti
value' If the difference is above ; rashis ignore the rashis and add 16 to the degrees, etc', to get
the Crishti value' If it is in e2cess of one rashi, ignore the rashis and divide the degrees by ; to
get Crishti value'
:-1D' 0pecial consideration for 0hani8s drishtis+ ) 3rahmin, if 0hani is the grah that gives a
drishti find out the difference between him and the grah that receives the drishti# if the sum is
above 1 rashi, multiply the degrees, etc', !ignoring rashi" by ; to get the Crishti value' If the sum
is above nine rashis, the degrees to elapse be doubled to get the Crishti value' If the sum is above
; rashis, the degrees, etc', !in e2cess of ; rashis" be halved and deducted from AD' If the sum
e2ceeds 7 rashis, add to the degrees, etc', a figure of =D to get the Crishti value' In other cases,
the sums be processed as e2plained earlier'
11' 0pecial consideration for angal8s drishtis+ Ceduct the longitude of angal from that of the
grah that receives the drishti !from angal"' If the sum is = rashis J c !4" or B rashis J c, the
degrees, etc', !after ignoring rashis" be reduced from AD' If it is above ; rashis, the degrees, etc',
be increased by half of it !i'e' add 6D2" and superadd 16' If the sum is A rashis, one >up is the
1;' 0pecial consideration for /uru8s drishtis+ Ceduct the longitude of /uru from that of the grah
taht receives the drishti from /uru' If the resultant sum is = rashis J c or B rashis J c, halve the
degrees, etc', !ignoring rashis" and increase it by 16' It the sum is ( rashis J c or 7 rashis 7 J c,
the degrees, etc', !ignoring rashis" be subtracted from AD This will be the Crishti value' The sum
being in conformity with others than these be treated as stated earlier'
Chapter ;B
<valuation )f 0trengths
0had 3al consists of the following+
0than 3al !or positional strength"#
Cig 3al !or directional strength"#
%aal 3al !Temporal 0trength" inclusive of 1yan 3al !or e9uinoctial strength"#
Chesht 3al !or motional strength"#
@aisargi$a 3al !or natural strength"#
Cri$ 3al !or aspectual strength"'
These strengths are computed for the seven grahas from 0urya to 0hani' The nodes are not
considered' 0than 3al comprises of the following considerations+
Uchch 3al !or e2altation strength",
0apt Varga? 3al !or strength accruing out of positions in >ashi, .ora, Cresh$an, 0aptamsh,
@avamsh, Cvadashamsh, and Trimshamsh"'
)?hayugmarashiamsh 3al !strength ac9uired by placement in odd or even rashi and in odd or
even @avamsh"'
%endradi 3al !due to placement in %on, or *anaphara, or 1po$lima 3hava"'
Cresh$an 3al !due to placement in first, second or third decanate of a rashi"'
%aal 3al !or Temporal 0trength" comprises of the following sub divisions+
@athonnata 3al !diurnal and nocturnal strengths"'
*a$sh 3al !*a$shOfortnight"'
Tribhag 3al !strength due to dayHnight being made in = parts"
Varsh, aas, Cina, and .ora 3al !Varsh O astrological year, aas O month, Cina O wee$ day,
and .ora O planetary hour"'
1yan 3al !e9uinoctural strength"
Iudhdh 3al !strength due to parta$ing in war between grahas"
1-1 1H;' 0than 3al !up to slo$a A" Eirstly Uchch 3al+ @ow, about the strengths by classes
positional, temporal, etc'' !Eirstly, Uchch 3al forming part of positional strength or 0than 3al"'
Ceduct from the longitude of the grah its !deep" debilitation point' If the sum is less than A
rashis, consider it as it is# if it e2ceeds A rashis, deduct the same from 1; rashis' The sum so got
be converted into degrees, etc', and divided by = which is the grah8s Uchch 3al !or e2altation
strength" in Virupas'
;-(' 0apt Varga? 3al+ If a grah is in its ooltri$on >ashi, it gets (6 Virupas, in 0vasth >ashi, =D
Virupas, in *ramudit >ashi ;D Virupas, in 0hant >ashi 16 Virupas, in Cin >ashi 1D Virupas, in
Cuh$hit >ashi ( Virupas, and in %hal >ashi ; Virupas' 0imilarly, these values occur for the other
A divisional occupations, vi-' .ora, Cresh$an, 0aptamsh, @avamsh, Cvadashamsh, and
Trimshamsh' 5hen all these are added together the grah8s 0apt Varga? 3al emerges'
( 1H;' )?hayugmarashiamsh 3al+ <ach of 0hu$r and Chandr in even rashis and others in odd
rashis ac9uire a 9uarter of >upa !i'e' 16 Virupas"' These are applicable to such @avamshas also'
6' %endradi 3al+ 1 grah in a %on gets full strength, while one in *anaphara 3hava gets half, and
the one in 1po$lima 3hava gets a 9uarter !of >upa" as %endradi 3al'
A' Cresh$an 3al+ ale, female, and hermaphrodite grahas respectively get a 9uarter >upa
according to placements in the first, second and third decanates'
B-B 1H;' Cig 3al !or Cirectional 0trength"+ Ceduct 3andhu 3hava !i'e' @adir" from the longitudes
of 0urya and angal# Iuvati 3hava !i'e' descendant" from that of /uru and 3uddh# %arm 3hava
!i'e' meridian" from that of 0hu$r and Chandr# and lastly Lagn from that of 0hani' If the sum is
above 17D degrees deduct the sum from =AD' The sum arrived in either way be divided by =
which will be Cig 3al !or Cirectional 0trength " of the grah'
7-:' %aal 3al !or Temporal 0trength" !up to slo$a 1B"+ Eirstly, @athonnata 3al+ Eind out the
difference between midnight and the apparent birth time which is called Unnata' Ceduct Unnata
from =D ghatis to obtain @ata' Couble the @ata in ghatis which will indicate identical @ata 3al
for Chandr, angal, and 0hani' Ceduct the @ata from AD to $now the Unnata 3al of 0urya,
/uru, and 0hu$r' 3uddh, irrespective of day and night, gets full @athonnata 3al !i'e' 1 >upa or
AD Virupas"'
1D-11' *a$sh 3al+ Ceduct from Chandr8s longitude that of 0urya' If the sum e2ceeds A rashis,
deduct the same from 1;' The product so obtained be converted into degrees, etc', and divided by
= which will indicate the *a$sh 3al of each of the benefic grahas' The *a$sh 3al of benefic
should be deducted from AD which will go to each malefic as *a$sh 3al'
1;' Tribagh 3al+ )ne >upa is obtained by 3uddh !if birth is" in the first one third part of day
time, by 0urya in the second one third part of the day and by 0hani in the last third part of the
day' 0imilarly, Chandr, 0hu$r, and angal get full 3al !of one >upa" in the first, second, and last
one third parts of the night' /uru gets this 3al at all times'
1=' Varsh - aas - Cina - .ora 3al+ 16, =D, (6, and AD Virupas are in order given to Varsh lord,
aas lord, Cina lord, and .ora lord' @aisargi$a 3al !or natural strength" has already been
e2plained' !The Varsh lord is the lord of the day on which the astrological year of birth starts' To
calculate this we first need the number of days past from the beginning of Creation, the 1hargan'
1ccording to late >ev' <bene-er 3urgess, who translated 0urya 0iddhanta in <nglish, as on
&anuary 1, 17AD, the number of days past from the beginning of Creation are B1(, (D(, 1D7, 6B='
Civide the number of days past from the day of Creation till the day of birth by AD' >e?ect
remainder and multiply the 9uotient by =' Increase the post-multiplied product by 1 and divide
by B' The remainder will indicate the wee$ day on which the astrological year giving birth to the
native opened' >emainder 1 indicates 0unday, ; indicates onday, and so on and so forth' aas
lord+ Civide the same 1hargan by =D and the 9uotient !devoid of remainder" indicates months
passed from Creation to birth' The completed months be multiplied by ; and increased by 1' The
latter sum should be divided by B and the remainder indicates on which day the birth month
began' Continuing with the same case, we divide A6;:6 by =D' Muotient is ;1BA' This sum
multiplied by ; and increased by 1 denotes (=6=' Cividing (=6= by B, we get a remainder of A
denoting Eriday' That is, the month of birth began on Eriday and the aas 3al goes to 0hu$r, the
lord of Eriday' Cina lord+ Though the wee$ day of birth can be $nown from ephemeris or
perpetual calendars, we better adopt the method prescribed which will confirm if the 1hargan
followed is correct or is otherwise' The number of days as arrived above indicating 1hargan be
divided by B and the remainder will indicate the wee$ day of birth' .ora 3al+ .ora means
planetary hour' <ach day from sunrise to sunrise is divided into ;( e9ual parts of one hour or ;'6
ghati$as' These .oras are ruled by the B grahas from 0urya to 0hani' The first .ora of the day is
ruled by the lord of the wee$ day' The ;nd one is ruled by the lord of the Ath wee$ day counted
from the first ruler' The =rd .ora is ruled by the lord of the Ath wee$ day counted from the ;nd
.ora lord' 0imilarly, it proceeds in the same manner till the first .ora of the ne2t day is ta$en
over by the lord of that day himself' 5hichever grah rules the birth .ora gets the .ora 3al'
.oras are to be calculated for mean local time and not standard time of births"'
1(' @aisargi$a 3al !@atural 0trength"+ Civide one >upa !or AD Virupas" by B and multiply the
resultant product by 1 to B separately, which will indicate the @aisargi$a 3al due to 0hani,
angal, 3uddh, /uru, 0hu$r, Chandr, and 0urya, respectively'
16-1B' 1yan 3al+ (6, ==, and 1; are the %handas for calculating 1yan 3al' 1dd 1yanamsh to the
grah !for which 1yan 3al is re9uired" and find out the 3hu?a !distance from the nearest e9uino2"'
1dd the figure corresponding to the rashi !of the 3hu?a" to the 3hu?a' The degrees, etc', of the
3hu?a !devoid of rashi" should be multiplied by the figure corresponding to the highest of the left
out %handas and divided by =D' 1dd the resultant product to the sum obtained earlier' Convert
this to rashi, degrees, minutes, and seconds' If Chandr and 0hani are in Tula or ahead add to this
= >ashis, and if in esh to %anya reduce from this = >ashis' 0imilarly, it is reverse for 0urya,
angal, 0hu$r, and /uru !i'e' addition or deduction in converse"' Eor 3uddh = >ashis are always
additive' The resultant sum in >ashi, degrees, and minutes be divided by = to get the 1yan 3al in
@otes+ 1yan 3al can be found out on the following simple formula' ;= degrees ;B8 P %ranti 1yan
3al O ------------------------ 2 AD O (A degrees 6(8 !;= degrees ;B8 plus or minus %ranti" 2 1';B:=
The following points have to be remembered in respect of %rantis' 5hen Chandr or 0hani have
0outhern %ranti, or when 0urya, angal, /uru, or 0hu$r have @orthern %ranti, ta$e plus' In a
contrary situation in respect of these A grahas, ta$e minus' 1s far as 3uddh is concerned, it is
always plus whether he has 0outhern %ranti or @orthern %ranti' %rantis !or declinations" can be
ascertained from a standard modern ephemeris' 0urya8s 1yan 3al is again multiplied by ;
whereas for others the product arrived in Virupas is considered as it is'
17' otional 0trength for 0urya and Chandr+ 0urya8s Chesht 3al !or motional strength" will
correspond to his 1yan 3al' Chandr8s *a$sh 3al will itself be her Chesht 3al'
1:' Cri$ 3al !0trength of Crishti"+ >educe one fourth of the Crishti *inda if a grah receives
malefic drishtis and add a fourth if it receives a drishti from a benefic' 0uper add the entire
drishti of 3uddh and /uru to get the net strength of a grah'
;D' 5ar 3etween /rahas+ 0hould there be a war between the starry grahas !i'e' between ; grahas
from angal to 0hani, in a given &anm %undali", the difference between the 0had 3alas of the
two should be added to the victor8s 0had 3al and deducted from the 0had 3al of the van9uished'
;1-;=' otions of /rahas !angal to 0hani"+ <ight $inds of motions are attributed to grahas'
These are Va$r !retrogression", 1nuva$r !entering the previous rashi in retrograde motion", Vi$al
!devoid of motion or in stationary position", and !somewhat slower motion than usual",
andatar !slower than the previous mentioned motion", 0ama !somewhat increasing in motion
as against and", Char !faster than 0ama" and 1tichar !entering ne2t rashi in accelerated
motion"' The strengths allotted due to such 7 motions are+ AD, =D, 16, =D, 16, B'6, (6, and =D'
;(-;6' otional 0trength for angal, etc'+ 1dd together the mean and true longitudes of a grah
and divide the one by two' >educe this sum from the 0eeghroch !or apogee" of the grah' The
resultant product will indicate the Chesht %endra !or 0eeghr $endra" of the /rah from 1; rashis'
The rashi, degrees, and minutes so arrived should be converted into degrees, minutes, etc', and
divided by = which will denote the motional strength of the grah' Thus, there are si2 sources of
strength called 0than, 3al, Cig 3al, %aal 3al, Cri$ 3al, Chesht 3al, and @aisargi$a 3al'
;A-;:' 3hava 3alas+ Thus, I e2plained about the strengths of the grahas' Ceduct Iuvati 3hava
!longitude of descendant" from the bhava if the bhava happens to be in %anya, ithun, Tula,
%umbh or the first half of Chanu' If esh, Vrishabh, 0imh, or first half of a$ar, or the second
half of Chanu happen to be the bhava, deduct 3andhu 3hava !@adir" from it' 0hould the bhava
be in %ar$ or in Vrischi$ deduct from it Lagn' Ceduct %arm 3hava !eridian" from the bhava
happening to fall in a$ar second half, or een' Convert the product so obtained !in the
respective case" into degrees etc', and divide by = to get 3hava 3al' If the balance in the process
of deducting @adir, eridian, Lagn, or Iuvati e2ceeds A rashis, deduct it again from 1; rashis
before converting into degrees and dividing by =' The product after division should be increased
by one fourth if the bhava in 9uestion receives a benefic drishti' If the bhava receives a malefic
drishti one fourth should be reduced' If /uru or 3uddh give a drishti to a bhava, add that grah8s
Cri$ 3al also' 1nd then, super add the strength ac9uired by the lord of that bhava' This will be
the net 3hava 3al'
=D-=1' 0pecial >ules+ The bhavas occupied by /uru and 3uddh will each get an addition of 1
rupa, while each of the bhavas occupied by 0hani, angal, and 0urya suffer 1 rupa reduction' 16
Virupas will have to be added to the bhavas falling in 0eershodaya >ashis if birth happens to be
in day time, to the bhavas falling in dual !or common" rashis if birth happens to be in twilight
and to the bhavas falling in *rishtodaya >ashis if birth be in night time'
=;-==' 0had 3al >e9uirements+ =:D, =AD, =DD, (;D, =:D, ==D, and =DD Virupas are the 0had 3al
*indas needed for 0urya, etc', !up to 0hani" to be considered strong' If the strength e2ceeds the
above mentioned values, the grah is deemed to be very strong' !In rupas the minimum 0had 3al
re9uirements of the grahas are+ 0urya O A'6 >upas ChandrO A'D >upas angal O 6'D >upas
3uddh O B'D >upas /uru O A'6 >upas 0hu$r O 6'6 >upas 0hani O 6'D >upas " If a /rah has the
re9uired 0had 3al, it will prove favourable to the native by virtue of its strength' .owever,
0hani8s e2treme strength will give long life as well as miseries !grief"'
=(-=A' /uru, 3uddh, and 0urya are strong if each of their 0than 3al, Cig 3al, %aal 3al, Chesht
3al, and 1yan 3al are respectively 1A6, =6, 6D, 11; and =D Virupas' The same re9uired for
Chandr and 0hu$r are 1==, 6D, =D, 1DD, and (D' Eor angal and 0hani these are :A, =D, (D, AB,
and ;D' /uru, 3uddh, Chandr, 0hu$r' angal, 0hani' 0urya 0than 3al 1A6 1== :A Cig 3al =6 6D
=D %aal 3al 6D =D (D Chesht 3al 11; 1DD AB 1yan 3al =D (D ;D
=B-=7' 3hava <ffects+ ) 3rahmin, thus the various sources of strengths be gathered together and
effects declared' 5hatever Iogas, or effects, have been stated with respect to a bhava, will come
to pass through the strongest grah' =:-(D' <ligibility of Issue Eruitful *redictions+ ) aitreya,
the words of one who has achieved s$ill in mathematics, one who has put in industrious efforts in
the branch of grammar, one who has $nowledge of ?ustice, one who is intelligent, one who has
$nowledge of geography, space and time, one who has con9uered his senses, one who is s$ilfully
logical !in estimation", and one who is favourable to &yotish, will doubtless be truthful'
Chapter ;7
Isht and %asht 3alas
1' @ow I narrate the benefic and malefic tendencies of the grahas based on which the Casha
effects !good or bad" can be decided'
;' <2altation >ays+ Ceduct the grah8s debilitation point from its actual position' If the sum
e2ceeds A rashis, deduct from 1; rashis' The said sum should then be increased by 1 rashi' The
degrees, etc', be multiplied by ; which, when considered along with rashis, will indicate the
Uchch >asmi of the grah'
=-(' Chesht >asmi+ Chesht >asmis are to be calculated from Chesht %endr similar to Uchch
>asmi computations' The Chesht %endras of grahas from angal to 0hani have already been
e2plained' 1dd = rashis to 0ayan 0urya !i'e' with 1yanamsh", which will be the Chesht %endr for
0urya' The sidereal longitude of 0urya should be deducted from Chandr to get Chandr8s Chesht
%endr' If the Chesht %endr !for any grah" is in e2cess of A rashis, deduct it from 1; rashis' 1dd 1
rashi and multiply the degrees, etc', by ; which will indicate the Chesht >asmi of the grah'
6' 3enefic and alefic >ays+ 1dd the Uchch >asmis and Chesht >asmis together and divide by
two' The result will be auspicious rays !0ubh >asmis"' Ceduct from 7 the 0ubh >asmis to obtain
inauspicious rays !or 1subh >asmis"'
A' Isht and %asht !3enefic and alefic Tendencies"+ >educe 1 from each of Chesht >asmi and
Uchch >asmi' Then, multiply the products by 1D and add together' .alf of the sum will represent
the Isht *hala !benefic tendency" of the grah' >educe Isht *hala from AD to obtain the grah8s
%asht *hala !or malefic tendency"'
B-:' Isht and %asht and 0apt Varg *hal+ AD, (6, =D, ;;, 16, 7, (, ;, and D are the 0ubhan$as !or
0ubha /riha *an$this, or benefic points" due to a grah8s placement respectively in e2altation,
ooltri$on, own, great friend8s, friend8s, neutral, enemy8s, great enemy8s, and debilitation rashi'
If 0ubhan$a is deducted from AD, 1subhan$a !or 1subh *an$thi, or inauspicious points" will
emerge' ) 3rahmin, in other vargas, these are halved'
1D' 1 grah is considered auspicious in the first five of the said places' In the si2th place it is
neutral, i'e' neither good nor bad' 1nd in the other three places it is inauspicious'
11-1;' @ature of <ffects due to Cig 3al, etc'+ The directional strength of a grah is itself
representative of the effects due to the direction# and Cig 3al itself is indicated of effects due to
the day' 5hatever 9uantum of Cig 3al, etc', are obtained by a grah will be the e2tent of
auspicious effects ac9uirable on account of that strength' Ceducting those figures from AD, the
e2tent of inauspiciousness is $nown' If auspiciousness is more in the case of a grah8s strength,
the Casha and bhavas related to that grah will be auspicious' These are converse if
inauspiciousness is predominant'
1=-1(' 0apt Varg *hal and Isht and %asht !Continued"+ The various strengths !i'e' the other A
vargas vide slo$as B-: supra" be multiplied by the respective grah8s 0had 3al *inda which will
indicate the auspiciousness of the Varg concerned' 1uspicious or inauspicious aspect will be by
multiplying the 0ubh or 1subh *an$thi' 0imilarly, auspicious or inauspicious effects will be
$nown by multiplying the auspicious or inauspicious strength by the respective *an$thi'
16-;D' <ffects of a 3hava+ The strength of a bhava and its lord have already been e2plained' The
actual effects will be a combination of bhava strength and its lord8s strength' If there is a benefic
in the bhava add the same to the auspicious effects and deduct from inauspicious effects, which
will denote the inauspicious effects' If a malefic is in the bhava, reverse the process, i'e' add
inauspicious effects and deduct auspicious effects' 0imilarly, drishtis and 3alas' If a grah is
e2alted or with such a dignity, add auspicious effects and reduce inauspicious effects' Eor
debilitation etc', it is converse' In 1shta$ Varg, add 3indus !auspicious points" and deduct
%aranas !inauspicious points"' If a bhava e2tends to two rashis, the rectification will be done as
per both the lords' In that case which ever rashi has more 3indus that rashi will yield more
favourable results concerning that bhava' If both the rashis have more auspicious 3indus ta$e the
average' Thus, the auspicious and inauspicious effects of a bhava be understood'
Chapter ;:
3hava *adas
1-=' ethod of 3hava Calculation + ) 3rahmin, I shall now tell you about the *adas !or
1rudhas" for bhavas and grahas as well, as laid down by the earlier aharishis' The *ad of Lagn
will correspond to the rashi arrived at by counting so many rashis from Lagn8s lord as he is away
from Tanu 3hava' 0imilarly, *adas for other bhavas be $nown through their lords' The word
,*ad,e2clusively denotes the *ad for Lagn !or Lagn *ad"' !@ames of the 1; 1rudhas are+ 1' Lagn
*ad !or simply *ad" + 1rudh of Tanu 3hava' ;' Chan *ad + 1rudh of Chan 3hava' =' Vi$ram
!3hratru" *ad + 1rudh of 0aha? 3hava' (' atru !0u$h" *ad + 1rudh of 3andhu 3hava' 6' antra
or *utr *ad + 1rudh of *utr 3hava A' >og or 0atru *ad + 1rudh of 1ri 3hava B' Car *ad !%alatr
*ad" + 1rudh of Iuvati 3hava 7' aran *ad + 1rudh of >andhr 3hava' :' *itru *ad + 1rudh of
Charm 3hava 1D' %arm *ad + 1rudh of %arm 3hava' 11' Labh *ad + 1rudh of Labh 3hava' 1;'
Vyaya *ad + 1rudh of Vyaya 3hava' "
(-6' 0pecial <2ceptions+ The same bhava or the Bth from it does not become its *ad' 5hen the
*ad falls in the same bhava, the 1Dth there from be treated as its *ad' 0imilarly, when the Bth
becomes the *ad of a bhava, the (th from the original bhava in 9uestion be treated as its *ad' If
the ruler of a bhava be in the (th from the bhava, then the very bhava occupied be noted as the
A-B' *adas for /rahas+ @ote the position of a grah and see how many rashis away is its own rashi
with reference to its position' Count so many rashis from the said own rashi and the resultant
rashi will become the 1rudh of the grah' If a grah owns two rashis or if a rashi is owned by two
grahas# consider the stronger and declare effects accordingly'
7-11' *ad and Einance+ !up to slo$a 16" ) 3rahmin, I now tell you of some effects of grahas
based on *ad' If the 11th from Lagn *ad is occupied or receives a drishti from a grah the native
will be happy and rich# wealth will come through various means if a benefic is related as above'
1 malefic will confer wealth through 9uestionable means' If there be both a benefic and a
malefic, it wil be through both means' If the grah in 9uestion !i'e' the one so related to the 11th
from Lagn *ad" be in e2altation or in own rashi, etc', there will be plenty of gains and plenty of
1;' D e2cellent of the 3rahmins, if the 1;th from Lagn *ad does not receive a drishti as the 11th
from Lagn *ad receives a drishti from a grah, then, the gains will be uninterrupted'
1=-16' D 3rahmin, the 9uantum of gains will correspond to the number of grahas in or giving a
drishti to the 11th from Lagn *ad' If there is 1rgala for the said 11th there will be more gains,
while a benefic 1rgala will bring still more gains' If the said benefic causing 1rgala is in his
e2altation rashi, the gains will be still higher' If the said 11th receives a drishti from a benefic
from Lagn, the :th, etc', gains will increase in the ascending order' In all these cases, the 1;th
from *ad should simultaneously be free from malefic association' 1 benefic placed in Lagn
giving a drishti to the 11th from 1rudh Lagn will be still beneficial' If the drishti is from the :th
from Lagn, it will confer much more gains'
1A-1B' *ad and Einancial Losses+ !up to slo$a ;1"+ If the 1;th from Lagn *ad receives a drishti
from or is yuti with both benefics and malefics, there will be abundant earnings but plenty of
e2penses, The benefic will cause through fair means, malefic through unfair means and mi2ed
grahas through both fair and unfair means'
17' If the 1;th from Lagn *ad is con?unct 0urya, 0hu$r, and >ahu, there will be loss of wealth
through the $ing' Chandr giving a drishti to !the said trio in the said bhava" will specifically
cause more such losses'
1:' If 3uddh is in the 1;th from Lagn *ad and is yuti with or receives a drishti from a benefic
similarly there will be e2penses through paternal relatives' 1 malefic so related to the said 3uddh
will cause loss of wealth through disputes'
;D' D 3rahmin, if /uru is in the 1;th from Lagn *ad, receiving a drishti from others, the
e2penses will be through ta2es and on the person himself'
;1' D 3rahmin, if 0hani is in the 1;th from Lagn *ad along with angal and receives a drishti
from others, the e2penses will be through one8s co-born'
;;' /ainful 0ources+ 5hatever sources of e2penses are indicated above with reference to the
1;th from Lagn *ad, gains through similar sources will occur if Labh 3hava so features with
reference to Lagn *ad'
;=' The Bth 3hava from *ad !up to slo$a ;B"+ If >ahu or %etu is placed in the Bth from Lagn
*ad, the native will be troubled by disorders of the stomach, or by fire'
;(' 0hould there be %etu in the Bth from Lagn *ad receiving a drishti from or being yuti with
another malefic, the native will be adventurous, will have !prematurely" grey hair and a big male
;6' 0hould one, two, or all three of /uru, 0hu$r, and Chandr be in the Bth from Lagn *ad, the
native will be very wealthy'
;A' 5hether a benefic or a malefic if be e2alted in the Bth from Lagn *ad, the native will be
affluent, and be famous'
;B' ) 3rahmin, these yogas as narrated by me with reference to the Bth from Lagn *ad should
also be considered from the ;nd of Lagn *ad'
;7' 1nyone of 3uddh, /uru, and 0hu$r being e2alted in the ;nd from Lagn *ad and being with
strength, will ma$e the sub?ect rich'
;:' The yogas so far stated by me with reference to Lagn *ad be similarly evaluated from
%ara$amsh as well'
=D-=B' /eneral+ If 3uddh is in the ;nd from 1rudh Lagn, the native will lord over the whole
country' 0hu$r in the ;nd from Lagn *ad will ma$e one a poet or a spea$er' If the Car *ad !i e'
the *ad of Iuvati 3hava" falls in an angle or in a trine counted from Lagn *ad or if Lagn *ad and
Car *ad both have strong grahas, the native will be rich and be famous in his country' If the Car
*ad falls in the AthH 7thH1;th from Lagn *ad, then the native will be poor' If Lagn *ad and the Bth
there from or an angle, a trine, an Upachaya there from is occupied by a strong grah, there will
be happiness between the husband and wife' If Lagn *ad and Car *ad are mutually in %endras or
%onas, there will be amity between the couple# if these be in mutually AthH7thH1;th, doubtlessly
mutual enmity will crop up' ) 3rahmin, similarly, mutual relationship, or gain, or loss through
son, etc', be $nown based on Lagn *ad and the relative 3hava *ad' If Lagn *ad and Car *ad are
mutually angular or =rd and 11th or in %onas, the native will be a $ing ruling the earth' 0imilar
deductions be made with reference to mutual positions of Lagn *ad and Chan *ad'
Chapter =D
Upa *ad
1-A' D 3rahmin, now I tell you about Upa *ad, the auspiciousness of which will confer on the
native happiness from progeny, wife, etc'' The *ad of Lagn !i'e' 1rudh Lagn" as discussed
earlier, is !of course" of prime importance' Upa *ad is calculated for the bhava following the
natal Lagn' This Upa *ad is also called /aun *ad' ) e2cellent of the 3rahmins, if Upa *ad is
yuti with or receives a drishti from a benefic grah, one will obtain full happiness from progeny
and spouse' 0hould the Upa *ad be in a malefic8s rashi or receives a drishti from or is yuti with a
malefic, one will become an ascetic and go without a wife' If !in the said circumstances" there be
a benefic drishti !on Upa *ad or the related malefic", or a yuti, deprival of spouse will not come
to pass' In this case, 0urya being e2alted or in a friendly rashi, is not a malefic' .e is a malefic if
in debilitation or in an enemy8s rashi'
@otes+ >egarding Upa *ad calculations, there are more than two views on the same slo$a of
aharishi *arashar, or an identical 0utra from &aimini' In this te2t, the word 81nuchar8 is used
which denotes ,the bhava following the Lagn at birth' @ormally this is Vyaya 3hava' .owever,
when we study other commentaries on &aimini !for e2ample Chau$hambh .indi edition", we are
taught that it is Vyaya 3hava in the case of an odd rashi ascending, and it is Chan 3hava in the
case of an even rashi ascending' 1ccordingly, the *ad for the 1;th or the ;nd from Lagn is called
Upa *ad' In calculating Upa *ad, the rules mentioned in verses ( and 6 of the previous chapter
be $ept in mind'
B-1;' <ffect from the ;nd from Upa *ad+ If the ;nd from Upa *ad is a benefic rashi or receives a
drishti from or is yuti with a benefic, the same good results !as for wife and sons" will come to
pass' If there is a grah in the ;nd from Upa *ad in its debilitation rashiHdebilitation amsh or is
yuti with a debilitated, or malefic grah, there will be destruction of wife' If the said occupant be
in its e2altation rashi, or @avamsh or receives a drishti from another grah, there will be many
charming and virtuous wives' )h 3rahmin, if ithun happens to be the ;nd from Upa *ad, then
also there will be many wives' ) e2cellent of the 3rahmins, if the Upa *ad or the ;nd there from
be occupied by its own lord or if the said lord is in his other own bhava, the death of wife will be
at advanced age'
1=-16' 5ife from the ;nd of Upa *ad !up to slo$a ;;"+ If a grah being constant indicator of wife
!i'e' the Bth lord, or 0hu$r" is in its own bhava, there will be loss of wife only at a later stage' If
the lord of Upa *ad, or the constant significator of wife is in e2altation, the wife will be from a
noble family# reverse will be the case, if he is debilitated !i'e' the wife will not be from a noble
family"' ) 3rahmin, if the ;nd from Upa *ad is related to a benefic, the wife will be beautiful,
fortunate, and virtuous'
1A' 0hould 0hani and >ahu be in the ;nd from Upa *ad, the native will lose his wife on account
of calumny or through death'
1B' The native8s wife will be troubled by disorder of blood, leucorrhoea !8*radar8", etc', if 0hu$r
and %etu are in the ;nd from Upa *ad'
17' 3uddh with %etu in the ;nd from Upa *ad will cause brea$age of bones while >ahu, 0hani,
and 0urya will cause distress of bones'
1:-;;' 3uddh and >ahu in the ;nd from Upa *ad will give a stout-bodied wife' If the ;nd from
Upa *ad happens to be one of 3uddh8s rashis and is tenanted by angal and 0hani, the wife of
the native will suffer from nasal disorders' 0imilarly, a rashi of angal becoming the ;nd from
Upa *ad and occupied by angal and 0hani will cause nasal disorders to one8s wife' /uru and
0hani will, if be in the ;nd from Upa *ad, cause disorders of ears, andHor eyes to the wife' If
3uddh and angal are placed in the ;nd from Upa *ad other than their own rashis, or if >ahu is
with /uru in the ;nd from Upa *ad, the native8s wife will suffer from dental disorders' 0hani and
>ahu together in one of 0hani8s rashis, which is the ;nd from Upa *ad, will cause lameness or
windy disorders to the native8s wife' These evils will not come to pass if there happens to be a
yuti with or a drishti from a benefic !or from another benefic in the case of affliction being
caused by a benefic himself"'
;=-;= 1H;' ) 3rahmin, all these effects be deduced from the natal Lagn, Lagn *ad, the Bth from
Upa *ad, and the lords there of' 0o say @arada and others'
;6-;7' 1bout 0ons+ If 0hani, Chandr, and 3uddh are together in the :th from one of the said
places !slo$a ;=", there will be no son at all while 0urya, /uru, and >ahu so placed will give a
number of sons' Chandr so placed will give a son, while a mi2ture of grahas will delay the
obtainment of a son' The son caused by the yuti of 0urya, /uru, and >ahu !as mentioned above"
will be strong, valorous, greatly successful, and will destroy enemies' If angal and 0hani are in
the said :th , there will be no son, or a son will be obtained by adoption or brother8s son will
come in adoption' In all these cases, odd rashis will yield many sons, while even rashis will
cause only a few'
;:-=D' any 0ons and any Caughters+ ) 3rahmin, if 0imh happens to be Upa *ad and
receives a drishti from Chandr, there will be a limited number of children' 0imilarly, %anya will
cause many daughters'
=1' Co-born form Lagn *ad !up to slo$a =A"+ >ahu and 0hani in the =rd or the 11th from Lagn
*ad will destroy the co-born of the native' >ahu and 0hani in the 11th will indicate the
destruction of elder brothers andHor sisters, and in the =rd younger ones'
=;' If 0hu$r is in the =rd or the 11th from Lagn *ad, there would have been an abortion to the
mother earlier' 0ame is the effect if 0hu$r is in the 7th from natal Lagn, or from Lagn *ad'
==-=A' These are the effects, ) 3rahmin, as stated by aharishis for the =rd and the 11th from
Lagn *ad' 0hould Chandr, /uru, 3uddh, and angal be in the =rd or the 11th from Lagn *ad,
there will be many valorous co-born' 0hould 0hani and angal be in the =rd or the 11th from
Lagn *ad or give drishtis there to, younger and elder co-born will respectively be destroyed' If
0hani is alone in one of the said bhavas the native will be spared, while the co-born will die'
%etu in the =rd or the 11th will give abundant happiness from one8s sisters'
=B' )ther atters from Lagn *ad !up to slo$a (="+ If the Ath from Lagn *ad is occupied by a
malefic and is bereft of a yuti with or a drishti from a benefic, the native will be a thief'
=7' If >ahu is in the Bth or the 1;th from Lagn *ad or gives a drishti to one of the said bhavas,
the native will be endowed with spiritual $nowledge and be very fortunate'
=:' If 3uddh is in Lagn *ad, the native will lord over a whole country, while /uru will ma$e him
a $nower of all things 0hu$r in this conte2t denotes a poetHspea$er' !1lso see ch' ;:, verse =D"'
(D' D e2cellent of the 3rahmins, if benefics occupy the ;nd from Upa *ad or from Lagn *ad, the
native will be endowed with all $inds of wealth and be intelligent'
(1' )ne will surely become a thief if the lord of the ;nd from Upa *ad is in Chan 3hava, and is
there yuti with a malefic grah'
(;-(=' D 3rahmin, if >ahu is in the ;nd from the lord of the Bth counted from Upa *ad, the
native will have long and pro?ected teeth' %etu in the ;nd from the lord of the Bth counted from
Upa *ad, will cause stammering, and 0hani in the ;nd form the lord of the Bth counted from Upa
*ad will ma$e one loo$ ugly' i2ed will be the effects if there are mi2ed grahas'
Chapter =1
1rgala or Intervention from /rahas
1' ) aharishi *arashar, you have told of !some" auspicious effects related to 1rgala' %indly
narrate its conditions and effects'
;-:' Eormation of 1rgala+ aitreya, I e2plain below 1rgala to $now the definite effects of
bhavas and grahas' /rahas in the (th, ;nd, and the 11th !from a bhava or a grah" cause 1rgalas,
while obstructors of the 1rgala will be those in the 1Dth, 1;th, and =rd from a bhava or a grah' If
the 1rgala causing grah is stronger than the obstructing one, the former will prevail' )r if the
number of 1rgalas are more than the obstructing grahas, then also the 1rgala will prevail' If there
are = or more malefics in the =rd they will cause Vipreet 1rgala !more effective intervention"
which will also be harmless and be very favourable' The 6th is also an 1rgala place, while the
grah in the :th will counteract such 1rgala' 1s >ahu and %etu have retrograde motions, the
1rgalas and obstructions be also counted accordingly in a reverse manner' aharishis say that
the 1rgala caused by one grah will yield limited effect, by two medium and by more than two
e2cellent effects' 1rgalas should be counted from a rashi or a grah as the case may be' The
1rgala which is unobstructed will be fruitful, while the one duly obstructed will go astray' The
1rgala effects will be derived in the Casha periods of the rashi or grah concerned'
@otes+ 81rgala8 in 0ans$rit is figuratively used to denote an impediment or obstruction' 1rgala is
calculated from a bhava or from a grah' The (th, ;nd, and 11th bhava occupants cause 1rgala for
a bhava or a grah' 1 grah in the 1Dth !from where the 1rgala is calculated" will obstruct the
1rgala coming from the (th' 0imilarly, a grah in 1;th will counteract 1rgala emanating from the
;nd, while the one in 11th will impede the 1rgala from the =rd' 0ome suggest that the 1rgala
obstruction places are countable from the 1rgala place instead of from the original place or grah'
This is not logical and a glance into /ochar Vedha !or obstructions during transits" will confirm
our findings'
1D' 0pecial+ The 1rgala caused by placement of a grah in the first one fourth part of the rashi is
countered by another placed in the (th 9uarter of the respective obstructive rashi' 0imilarly, ;nd
9uarter8s 1rgala is eliminated by the =rd 9uarter placement of another grah'
@otes+ 5e have learnt that an 1rgala, for e2ample in the (th from a bhava or a grah is eliminated
by another placed in the 1Dth bhava from the original grah or bhava' .ere, the rules for
obstruction of 1rgala are still narrowed down' 1ccordingly, there are only two circumstances of
1rgala getting nullified' a$e the rashi in which the 1rgala occurs into four 9uarters !of B
degrees =D min' each"' 0imilarly, the rashi where obstruction occurs is also made in four
9uarters' If the 1rgala causing grah is in the first 9uarter !or first B degrees =D8 of the rashi",
while the obstructing grah is in the (th 9uarter !i'e' ;; degrees =D8 - =D degrees", the obstruction
indeed will come to pass' )therwise, not' 0o to say, 1rgala will operate and the obstruction will
fail' Li$ewise, while the 1rgala grah is in the ;nd 9uarter of the rashi !i'e' B degrees =D min - 1 6
degrees", the obstruction !grah in 16 degrees - ;; degrees =D min+ i'e' in the =rd 9uarter" will
combat the 1rgala'
11-1B' 1rgala <ffects+ 0hould there be 1rgala for the 1rudh *ad, for the natal Lagn, and for the
Bth from both, the native will be famous and fortunate' 1 malefic or a benefic causing
unobstructed 1rgala giving a drishti to Lagn, will ma$e one famous' 0imilarly, a malefic or a
benefic causing unobstructed 1rgala giving a drishti to Chan 3hava denotes ac9uisition of
wealth and grains# a malefic or a benefic causing unobstructed 1rgala giving a drishti to 0aha?
3hava denotes happiness from co-born# a malefic or a benefic causing unobstructed 1rgala
giving a drishti to 3andhu 3hava denotes residences, 9uadrupeds, and relatives# a malefic or a
benefic causing unobstructed 1rgala giving a drishti to *utr 3hava denotes sons, grand sons, and
intelligence# a malefic or a benefic causing unobstructed 1rgala giving a drishti to 1ri 3hava
denotes fear from enemies# a malefic or a benefic causing unobstructed 1rgala giving a drishti to
Iuvati 3hava denotes abundant wealth and marital happiness# a malefic or a benefic causing
unobstructed 1rgala giving a drishti to >andhr 3hava denotes difficulties# a malefic or a benefic
causing unobstructed 1rgala giving a drishti to Charm 3hava denotes fortunes# a malefic or a
benefic causing unobstructed 1rgala giving a drishti to %arm 3hava denotes royal honour# a
malefic or a benefic causing unobstructed 1rgala giving a drishti to Labh 3hava denotes gains#
and a malefic or a benefic causing unobstructed 1rgala giving a drishti to Vyaya 3hava denotes
e2penses' The 1rgala by benefics will give various $inds of happiness, while benefic effects will
be meddling with malefic 1rgalas' 1rgala by both benefics and malefics will yield results'
@otes+ Eor our own benefit we should understand the word 81rgala8 in a suitable manner apart
from the manner the 1rgala functions vis-a-vis 1rgala elimination'
1' 1rgala can be caused by a benefic which is $nown as 0ubh 1rgala' This 1rgala can be
from a malefic also, so that the benefic causing 1rgala stalls the malefic role going against the
native' If the benefic8s 1rgala is obstructed by another, then the benefic will become ineffective
in 1rgala and the first-mentioned malefic will operate freely'
;' 1rgala can be by a malefic with reference to a benefic, so that the native does not en?oy
good effects due to the benefic' This is *ap 1rgala !or malefic 1rgala"' If the 1rgala is eliminated
by a benefic or a malefic, then again the first mentioned benefic will be at liberty to act
according to his own disposition'
=' 1rgala is operable with reference to bhavas as well' )ther relative rules need to be well
understood before application of the 1rgala'
17' 0hould there be !unobstructed" 1rgala for Lagn, *utr, and Charm 3hava the native will
doubtlessly become a $ing and fortunate'
Chapter =;
%ara$atwas of the /rahas
1-;' I now detail below 1tma %ara$, etc', obtainable from among the B grahas, vi-' 0urya to
0hani' 0ome say that >ahu will become a %ara$ when there is a state of similarity in terms of
longitude between !two" grahas' Iet, some say that the 7 grahas including >ahu will have to be
considered irrespective of such a state'
=-7' 1tma %ara$ Cefined+ 1mong the grahas from 0urya, etc', whichever has traversed
ma2imum number of degrees in a particular rashi is called 1tma %ara$' If the degrees are
identical, then the one with more minutes of arc, and if the minutes are also identical then the one
with higher seconds of arc, have to be considered' In that case, these three are called 1nthya
%ara$, adhya %ara$, and Upa$heta' In the case of >ahu, deduct his longitude in that particular
rashi from =D' The $ara$as will have to be decided as above and as per further rules given below'
)ut of these %ara$as, 1tma %ara$ is the most important and has a prime say on the native ?ust as
the $ing is the most famous among the men of his country and is the head of all affairs and is
entitled to arrest and release men'
:-1;' Importance of 1tma %ara$+ ) 3rahmin, as the minister cannot go against the $ing, the
other $ara$as, vi-, *utr %ara$, 1matya %ara$, etc', cannot predominate over 1tma %ara$ in the
affairs of the native' If the 1tma %ara$ is adverse, other $ara$as cannot give their benefic effects
!fully"' 0imilarly, if 1tma %ara$ is favourable, other $ara$as cannot predominate with their
malefic influences'
1=-1B' )ther %ara$as+ The grah ne2t to 1tma %ara$ in terms of longitude is called 1matya
%ara$' 0imilarly, following one another in terms of longitude are 3hratru %ara$, atru %ara$,
*itru %ara$, *utr %ara$, /nati %ara$, and 0tri %ara$' These are Char $ara$as or inconstant
significators' 0ome consider atru %ara$ and *utr %ara$ as identical' If two grahas have the
same longitude, both become the same %ara$ in which case there will be a deficit of one %ara$'
In that circumstance, consider constant significator in the conte2t of beneficHmalefic influence
for the concerned relative'
@otes+ 1 total of eight Char %ara$as !inconstant, or variable significators" are suggested as
under+ 1' 1tma %ara$ !highest in longitude devoid of rashis" ;' 1matya %ara$ !ne2t to 1tma
%ara$ in longitude" =' 3hratru %ara$ !ne2t to 1matya %ara$ in longitude" (' atru %ara$ !ne2t
to 3hratru %ara$ in longitude" 6' *itru %ara$ !ne2t to atru %ara$ in longitude" A' *utr %ara$
!ne2t to *itru %ara$ in longitude" B' /nati %ara$ !ne2t to *utr %ara$ in longitude" 7' 0tri %ara$
!ne2t to /nati %ara$ in longitude"
17-;1' Constant %ara$atwas+ I narrate below the constant %ara$atwas as related to the grahas'
The stronger among 0urya and 0hu$r indicates the father, while the stronger among Chandr and
angal indicates the mother' angal denotes sister, brother-in-law, younger brother, and mother'
3uddh rules maternal relative, while /uru indicates paternal grand father' .usband and sons are
respectively denoted by 0hu$r and 0hani' Erom %etu note wife, father, mother, parents-in law
and maternal grand father' These are constant %ara$atwas'
;;-;(' 3havas >elated+ These constant significances are derivable from the bhavas counted from
the said constant %ara$atwas' The :th from 0urya denotes father, the (th from Chandr mother,
the =rd from angal brothers, the Ath from 3uddh maternal uncle, the 6th from /uru sons, the
Bth from 0hu$r wife, and the 7th from 0hani death' The learned should consider all these and
declare related effects accordingly'
@otes+ Erom these three verses, the constant %ara$as emerge as under as normally discussed in
standard literature on &yotish+ 0urya + father Chandr + mother angal + brothers !and sisters"
3uddh + maternal relatives /uru + 0ons !and daughters" 0hu$r + wife !or husband" 0hani + death
!or longevity"
;6-=D' Iog %ara$as+ ) 3rahmin, I ma$e below a passing reference to Iog %ara$as !or mutual
co-wor$ers"' /rahas become Iog %ara$as if they are in mutual angles identical with own rashis,
e2altation rashis, or friendly rashis' In %arm 3hava, a grah will be significantly so' /rahas
simply !i' e' not being in friendly, own, or e2altation rashis" in Lagn, 3andhu and Iuvati 3hava,
do not become such Iog %ara$as' <ven if they be placed in other bhavas, but with such dignities
as mentioned shall become Iog %ara$as' 5ith such grahas, even a person of mean birth will
become a $ing and be affluent' )ne born of royal scion then, will surely become a $ing' Thus,
the effects be declared considering the number of such grahas and the order the native belongs to'
=1-=(' 3hava 0ignificance+ I now narrate the significance of the bhavas' Tanu 3hava denotes the
soul !self", Chan 3hava family, finance, wife, etc', 0aha? 3hava younger brothersHsisters, *utr
3hava progeny, and Iuvati 3hava wife' It is also said that a grah in *utr 3hava becomes a %ara$
for wife' The %ara$atwas of the bhava in order are+ 0urya, /uru, angal, Chandr, /uru, angal,
0hu$r, 0hani, /uru, 3uddh, /uru, and 0hani'
=6-=B' ) e2cellent of the 3rahmins, after $nowing the merits of Tanu 3hava, etc', the good and
bad effects can be declared' 1ri, >andhr, and Vyaya 3hava are Tri$as, Custhan, or malefic
bhavas' 0aha?, 1ri, %arm, and Labh 3hava are Upachayas !growing bhavas"# Chan, *utr, >andhr,
and Labh 3hava are *anapharas !succedents"# and 0aha?, 1ri, Charm, and Vyaya 3hava are
1po$limas !cadents"' 1ssociation with Tri$as will inflict evils' %endras !i'e' Tanu, 3andhu,
Iuvati, and %arm 3hava" and %onas !i'e' *utr and Charm 3hava" are auspicious bhavas, the
association with which turns even evil into auspiciousness' !1lso see ch' =( for more
Chapter ==
<ffects of %ara$amsh
1' ) 3rahmin, as laid down by Lord 3rahma, I now tell you about the effects of %ara$amsh
identical with esh etc' !%ara$amsh is the @avamsh occupied by the 1tma %ara$ grah"'
;-7' %ara$amsh in Various >ashis+ If 1tma %ara$ happens to be in esh @avamsh, there will be
nuisance from rats and cats at all times' 1 malefic ?oining will further increase the nuisance'
0hould 1tma %ara$ be in Vrishabh @avamsh, happiness from 9uadrupeds will result' 0hould
1tma %ara$ be in ithun @avamsh, the native will be afflicted by itch, etc'' 0hould 1tma %ara$
be in %ar$ @avamsh, there will be fear from water, etc'' If 1tma %ara$ happens to be in 0imh
@avamsh, fear will be from tiger, etc'' If 1tma %ara$ happens to be in %anya @avamsh, itch,
corpulence, fire, etc', will cause trouble, while if 1tma %ara$ is in Tula @avamsh, he will ma$e
one a trader and s$ilful in ma$ing robes, etc'' Vrischi$ @avamsh holding 1tma %ara$ will bring
troubles from sna$es etc', and also affliction to mother8s breasts' There will be falls from height
and conveyances, etc', if it is in Chanu @avamsh that is occupied by 1tma %ara$' a$ar
@avamsh in this respect denotes gains from water dwelling beings and conch, pearl, coral, etc'' If
it is %umbh @avamsh holding 1tma %ara$, the native will construct tan$s, etc'' 1nd in een
@avamsh the 1tma %ara$ win grant final emancipation' The drishti of a benefic will remove
evils, while that of a malefic will cause no good'
:-11' ) 3rahmin, if there be only benefics in %ara$amsh and the @avamsh of Lagn and receives
a drishti from a benefic, the native will undoubtedly become a $ing' 0hould the %endrasH%onas
from the %ara$amsh be occupied by benefics devoid of malefic association, the native will be
endowed with wealth and learning' The combination of benefic and malefic influence will in this
conte2t yield mi2ed results' If the Upa$heta !or Upa /rah, vide ch'=; slo$a 6" is in its e2altation,
or own, or friendly rashi, and is devoid of a drishti from a malefic, the native will go to heaven
after death'
1;' If the 1tma %ara$ is in the divisions of Chandr, angal or 0hu$r, the native will go to others
wives' )therwise, the contrary will prevail !i'e' the native will not go to others wives"'
1=-17' <ffects of /rahas in the %ara$amsh+ D 3rahmin, if 0urya is in the %ara$amsh, the native
will be engaged in royal assignments' If the full Chandr is there, he will en?oy pleasures and be a
scholar# more so if 0hu$r gives a drishti to the %ara$amsh' If strong angal is in %ara$amsh, he
will use the weapon spear, will live through fire and be an alchemist' 0hould strong 3uddh be
%ara$amsh, he will be s$ilful in arts and trading, be intelligent and educated' /uru in %ara$amsh
denotes one doing good acts, endowed with spiritualism and Vedic learning' )ne will be
endowed with a longevity of 1DD years, be sensuous and will loo$ after state affairs if 0hu$r is in
%ara$amsh' 0hani in %ara$amsh will give such livelihood as due to the natives family' >ahu in
%ara$amsh denotes a thief, a bowman, a machinery ma$er, and a doctor treating poisonous
afflictions' If %etu be in %ara$amsh, one will deal in elephants and be a thief'
1:-;;' >ahu-0urya in %ara$amsh+ 0hould >ahu and 0urya be in %ara$amsh there will be fear
from sna$es# if a benefic gives a drishti to >ahu-0urya in %ara$amsh there will be no fear, but a
malefic drishti will bring death !through serpents"' If >ahu and 0urya occupy benefic 0had
Vargas, being in %ara$amsh, one will be a doctor treating poisonous afflictions, while the drishti
from angal on >ahu-0urya in %ara$amsh denotes that the native will burn either his own house
or that of others' 3uddh8s drishti on >ahu-0urya in %ara$amsh will not cause the burning of one8s
own house of that of others' If >ahu and 0urya happen to be in %ara$amsh and are in a malefic8s
rashi receiving a drishti from /uru, one will burn a house in one8s neigbourhood, ' while the
drishti of 0hu$r will not cause such an event'
;=-;(' /uli$ in %ara$amsh+ 0hould the full Chandr give a drishti to /uli$ placed in the
%ara$amsh, the native will lose his wealth to thieves or will himself be a thief' If /uli$ is in
%ara$amsh but does not receive a drishti from others, one will administer poison to others or will
himself die of poisoning' 3uddh8s drishti in this conte2t will give large testicles'
;6-;:' <ffects of Crishtis on %etu in %ara$amsh+ If %etu is in %ara$amsh receiving a drishti
from a malefic, ones ears will be severed or one will suffer from diseases of the ears' 0hu$r
giving a drishti to %etu in %ara$amsh denotes one initiated into religions order' )ne will be
devoid of strength if 3uddh and 0hani give a drishti to %etu in %ara$amsh' If 3uddh and 0hu$r
give a drishti to %etu in %ara$amsh, one will be the son of a female slave or of a female
remarried' 5ith 0hani8s drishti on %etu in %ara$amsh one will perform penance or be a servant
or will be a pseudo-ascetic# 0hu$r and 0urya together giving a drishti to %etu in %ara$amsh will
ma$e one serve the $ing' Thus, ) 3rahmin, are told briefly the effects of %ara$amsh'
=D-=1' <ffects of the ;nd from %ara$amsh+ If the ;nd from %ara$amsh falls in the divisions of
0hu$r or angal, one will be addicted to others8 wives, and if 0hu$r or angal give a drishti to
the ;nd from %ara$amsh, the tendency will last till death' If %etu is the ;nd from %ara$amsh in a
division of 0hu$r or angal, addiction to other8s wives will not prevail, while the position of
/uru will cause such an evil !i'e' addiction to other8s wives"' >ahu in the ;nd from %ara$amsh
will destroy wealth'
=;' <ffects of the =rd from %ara$amsh+ 1 malefic in the =rd from %ara$amsh will ma$e one
valorous, while a benefic in the =rd from %ara$amsh will ma$e one timid'
==-=6' <ffects of the (th from %ara$amsh+ If the (th from %ara$amsh happens to be occupied by
0hu$r and Chandr, one will own large buildings, li$e palaces, etc'' 0imilar, is the effect of an
e2alted grah in the said (th' 1 house made of stones is denoted by the occupation of the (th from
%ara$amsh by >ahu and 0hani' angal and %etu in the (th from %ara$amsh indicate a house
made of bric$s, while /uru in the (th from %ara$amsh denotes a house made of wood' 0urya in
the (th from %ara$amsh will give a house of grass' If Chandr is in the (th from %ara$amsh, one
will have union with his wife in an uncompounded house'
=A-(D' <ffects of the 6th from %ara$amsh +If >ahu and angal are in the 6th from %ara$amsh,
one will suffer from a pulmonary consumption, more so if Chandr gives them a drishti' The
drishti of angal on the 6th from %ara$amsh will bring boils or ulcers, %etu8s drishti on the 6th
from %ara$amsh will cause dysentery and other diseases caused by !impure" water' If >ahu and
/uli$ happen to be in the 6th from %ara$amsh there will be fear from mean people and poison'
0hould 3uddh be in the 6th from %ara$amsh , the native will be an ascetic of the highest order or
one holding staff' 0urya in the 6th from %ara$amsh denotes one using a $nife' angal in the 6th
from %ara$amsh denotes one using a spear ! 0hani denotes a bowman if 0hani is placed in the
6th from %ara$amsh' >ahu in the 6th from %ara$amsh denotes a machinist' %etu in the 6th from
%ara$amsh denotes a watch ma$er' 0hu$r in the 6th from %ara$amsh will ma$e one a poet and
an elo9uent spea$er'
(1-(6' <ffects of %ara$amsh and the 6th from there+ If /uru and Chandr are in %ara$amsh or the
6th there of, the native will be an author' 0hu$r in %ara$amsh or in the 6th from there will ma$e
one an ordinary writer, while 3uddh in %ara$amsh or in the 6th from there will indicate that the
writing s$ills are less than those of an ordinary writer' 0hould /uru be alone in %ara$amsh or in
the 6th from there, one will be a $nower of everything, be a writer, and be versed in Vedas and
Vedanta philosophy, but not an oratorian or a grammarian' angal in %ara$amsh or in the 6th
from there denotes a logician, 3uddh in %ara$amsh or in the 6th from there denotes a
imamsa$a !follower of %arma imansa philosophy", 0hani in %ara$amsh or in the 6th from
there indicates that one is dull-witted in the assembly, 0urya in %ara$amsh or in the 6th from
there denotes that one is a musician, Chandr in %ara$amsh or in the 6th from there denotes a
follower of 0an$hya philosophy !of aharishi %apila who enumerated ;6 true principles with
emphasis on final bliss", and indicates that one is versed in rhetorics and singing, and %etu or
>ahu in %ara$amsh or in the 6th from there denotes that one is a &yotishi' 0hould /uru be
related to the positions of %ara$amsh or the 6th from there, while the %ara$amsh is caused by
others than him, the effects as stated will effectively come to pass' 0ome say that the ;nd from
%ara$amsh should also be similarly considered'
(A' <ffects of the Ath from %ara$amsh+ If the Ath from %ara$amsh is occupied by a malefic, the
native will be an agriculturist while he will be indolent if a benefic is in the Ath from %ara$amsh'
The =rd from %ara$amsh should also be similarly considered'
(B-(7' <ffects of the Bth from %ara$amsh+ If Chandr and /uru are in the Bth from %ara$amsh,
the native will beget a very beautiful wife' 0hu$r in the Bth form %ara$amsh denotes a sensuous
wife, while 3uddh in the Bth from %ara$amsh indicates a wife versed in arts' 0urya in the Bth
from %ara$amsh will give a wife who will be confining domestic core, while 0hani in the Bth
from %ara$amsh denotes a wife of a higher age brac$et, or a pious andHor sic$ wife' >ahu in the
Bth from %ara$amsh will bring a widow in marriage'
(:' <ffects of the 7th from %ara$amsh+ If a benefic or the grah owning the 7th from %ara$amsh
happens to be in the 7th from %ara$amsh, the native will be long-lived, while a malefic placed in
the 7th from %ara$amsh will reduce the life span' CrishtiHyuti of both benefics and malefics will
yield a medium span of life'
6D-6A' <ffects of the :th from %ara$amsh+ If the :th from %ara$amsh receives a drishti from or
is occupied by a benefic, the native will be truthful, devoted to elders and attached to his own
religion' If a malefic gives a drishti to or occupies the :th from %ara$amsh, one will be attached
to his religion in boyhood, but will ta$e to falsehood in old age' If 0hani and >ahu give a drishti
to or occupy the :th from %ara$amsh, one will betray his elders and be adverse to ancient
learning' If /uru and 0urya give a drishti to or occupy the :th from %ara$amsh, one will betray
his elders and will be disobedient to them' 0hould angal and 0hu$r give a drishti to or occupy
the :th from %ara$amsh, and are ?oining in si2 identical vargas, a female ill-related to the native
will die' 3uddh and Chandr giving a drishti to or occupying the :th from %ara$amsh and ?oining
in si2 identical vargas will cause imprisonment of the native due to association with a female not
of his own' If /uru is alone related to the :th from %ara$amsh by drishti or by yuti, the native
will be addicted to females and be devoted to sensual en?oyments'
6B-AD' <ffects of the 1Dth from %ara$amsh+ If the 1Dth from %ara$amsh receives a drishti from
or is con?oined by a benefic, the native will have firm riches, be sagacious, strong, and
intelligent' 1 malefic giving a drishti to the 1Dth from %ara$amsh or occupying this bhava will
cause harm to his profession and deprive him of paternal bliss' 3uddh and 0hu$r giving a drishti
to the 1Dth from %ara$amsh or con?oining this bhava will confer many gains in business !or
profession" and will ma$e him do many great deeds' 0urya and Chandr giving a drishti to the
1Dth from %ara$amsh or con?oining this place, and receiving a drishti from or be in yuti with
/uru the native will ac9uire a $ingdom'
A1-A;' <ffects of the 11th from %ara$amsh+ If the 11th from %ara$amsh receives a drishti from
or is yuti with a benefic, the native will en?oy happiness from co-born apart from gaining in
every underta$ing of his' If a malefic is in the 11th from %ara$amsh the native will gain by
9uestionable means, be famous and valorous'
A=-B(' <ffects of the 1;th from %ara$amsh+ If the 1;th from %ara$amsh has a benefic, the
e2penses will be on good account, while a malefic in the 1;th from %ara$amsh will cause bad
e2penses' If the 1;th from %ara$amsh is vacant, then also good effects !in respect of e2penses"
will follow' If there happens to be a benefic grah in e2altation or in own bhava in the 1;th from
%ara$amsh or if %etu is so placed and receives a drishti from or is yuti with a benefic one will
attain heaven after death' )ne will attain full enlightenment if %etu is in the 1;th !from
%ara$amsh" identical with esh or Chanu and receives a drishti from a benefic' If %etu is in the
1;th from %ara$amsh receiving a drishti from a malefic or is there yuti with a malefic one will
not attain full enlightenment' If 0urya and %etu are in the 1;th from %ara$amsh the native will
worship Lord 0hiva' Chandr and %etu in the 1;th from %ara$amsh denotes a worshiper of /auri
!a consort of Lord 0hiva"' 0hu$r and %etu in the 1;th from %ara$amsh denotes a worshiper of
La$shmi !a consort of Lord Vishnu" and a wealthy person' angal and %etu in the 1;th from
%ara$amsh denotes a worshipper of Lord 0ubramanya !an offspring of Lord 0hiva"' >ahu in the
1;th from %ara$amsh will ma$e one worship Curga or some mean deity' %etu alone in the 1;th
from %ara$amsh denotes 0ubramanya8s or /anesh8s worshipper' If 0hani is in the 1;th from
%ara$amsh in a malefic8s rashi one will worship mean deities' 0hu$r and 0hani in the 1;th from
%ara$amsh in a malefic8s rashi will also ma$e one worship mean deities' 0imilar inferences can
be drawn from the Ath @avamsh counted from 1matya %ara$8s @avamsh'
B6-BA' iscellaneous atters !up to slo$a 7("+ ) 3rahmin, if there are two malefics in a %on
from %ara$amsh, the native will have $nowledge of antras and Tantras !formulas for the
attainment of super-human powers"' If a malefic simultaneously gives a drishti to two malefics in
a %on from %ara$amsh, the native will use his learnings of antras and Tantras for malevolent
purposes' while a benefic8s drishti will ma$e him use the learnings of antras and Tantras for
public good'
BB-7( 1H;' If Chandr is in the %ara$amsh receiving a drishti from 0hu$r the native will be an
alchemist, and if Chandr being in the %ara$amsh receiving a drishti from 3uddh the native will
be a doctor capable of curing all diseases' If Chandr is in the (th from %ara$amsh and receives a
drishti from 0hu$r, the native will be afflicted by white leprosy# if Chandr being in the (th from
%ara$amsh receiving a drishti from angal the native will have blood and bilious disorders, and
if Chandr being in the (th from %ara$amsh receiving a drishti from %etu the native will suffer
from blac$ leprosy' 0hould >ahu and angal be in the (th or 6th from %ara$amsh the native will
suffer from pulmonary consumption, and if simultaneously there happens to be Chandr8s drishti
on the (th or the 6th from %ara$amsh this affliction will be certain' angal alone in the (th or
the 6th from %ara$amsh will cause ulcers' If %etu is in the (th or the 6th from %ara$amsh one
will suffer from dysentery and afflictions due to !impure" water' >ahu and /uli$ in the (th or the
6th from %ara$amsh will ma$e one a doctor curing poisonous afflictions or will cause troubles
through poison' 0hould 0hani be alone in the (th or 6th from %ara$amsh, the native will be
s$illful in archery' %etu lonely placed in the (th or the 6th from %ara$amsh will ma$e one a
ma$er of watches, etc'' 3uddh lonely placed in the (th or the 6th from %ara$amsh will ma$e one
an ascetic of the highest order or an ascetic holding staff' >ahu, 0urya, and angal respectively
in these places denote a machinist, a $nife user, and a spear or arrow user'
76-7A' Chandr and /uru in the %ara$amsh or in the 6th there from denotes a writer well versed
in all branches of learning' The grade of writership will comparatively descend in the case of
0hu$r and even further in the case of 3uddh if placed in the %ara$amsh or in the 6th from there'
7B-:; 1H;' /rahas in the 6th from %ara$amsh+ 0hould 0hu$r be in the 6th from %ara$amsh, the
native will be elo9uent and a poet' /uru in the 6th from %ara$amsh denotes that he be an
e2ponent and be all $nowing, but be unable to spea$ in an assembly' .e will be further a
grammarian and a scholar in Vedas and Upanishads' 0hani in the 6th from %ara$amsh will ma$e
one ineffective in an assembly, while 3uddh in the 6th from %ara$amsh will ma$e him s$ilful in
%arma imansa !one of the si2 Carshanas"' angal in %ara$amsh or the 6th there from will
ma$e one ?ustice, while Chandr in %ara$amsh or the 6th from there denotes a 0an$hya Iogi, a
rhetoric, or a singer' 0urya in the 6th from %ara$amsh will ma$e one learned in Vedanta and
music' %etu in the 6th from %ara$amsh will ma$e one a mathematician and s$ilful in &yotish'
0hould /uru be related to the said %etu, these learnings will be by inheritance' 1ll these as well
apply to ;nd and =rd from %ara$amsh and to the %ara$amsh itself apart from applying to the 6th
from %ara$amsh'
:=-:= 1H;' 0hould %etu be in the ;nd or =rd from %ara$amsh, the native will be defective in
speech, more so if a malefic gives a drishti to %etu as above'
:(-::' If malefics be in %ara$amsh, 1rudh Lagn, and the ;nd, and 7th from these places, there
will be %emadrum Iog# the effects of which will be still severer if Chandr8s drishti happens to be
there' The effects due for these yogas will come to pass in the Casha periods of the rashis or
grahas concerned' %emadrum Iog will operate additionally if there are malefics in the ;nd and
7th from the rashi whose Casha will be in currency' The results of such Iog will also be
inauspicious' If the ;nd and 7th in the %undali cast for the beginning of a Casha have malefics,
then also %emadrum prevails throughout the Casha' Iegor %osh$in 1ll 9uotes from *arasara
about Casa combinations+aH%eH/uH0aH0a <ffects of the Vimshottari Casha of angal
!)VC&< @<0T) @<C)0T1&<Q4"
;B-=;' If angal is in his e2altation rashi, in his ultri$on, in his own rashi, in %endr, in Labh
or Chan 3hava with strength, in a benefic 1msh !@avamsh" and is associated with a benefic,
there will be during his Casha ac9uisition of $ingdom !attainment of a high administrative or
political position in /overnment, gain of wealth and land, recognition by /overnment", gain of
wealth from foreign countries, and ac9uisition of conveyances and ornaments' There will also be
happiness and good relations with co-borns' If angal with strength is placed in a %endr or in
0aha? 3hava, there will be gain of wealth through valour, victory over enemies, happiness from
wife and children' There will, however, be a possibility of some unfavourable effects at the end
of the Casha'
==' If angal is in his debilitation rashi, wea$, in an inauspicious 3hava !1ri, >andhr, or Vyaya"
or is associated with or receives a drishti from malefics there will be, in his Casha, loss of
wealth, distress and similar unfavourable effects' <ffects of the 1ntar Casha of %etu in the Casha
of angal'
!)VC&< @<0T) @<C)0T1&<Q4"
(7-(: 1H;' 3eneficence of the $ing !government", gain of wealth, little gains of land at the
commencement of the Casha and substantial later, birth of a son, conferment of authority by
government, gain of cattle, etc', will be the results in the 1ntar Casha of %etu in the Casha of
angal, if %etu is in a %endr, in a Tri$on, in 0aha?, or in Labh 3hava, or if %etu is associated
with or receives a drishti from benefics'
6D-61 1H;' 3irth of a son, increase in reputation, beneficence of /oddess La$shmi, gains of
wealth from employees, attainment of the position of a commander of an army, friendship with
the $ing !cordial relations with high government officials", performance of oblations, gains of
clothes and ornaments, etc' will be the beneficial effects, if %etu is a Iog %ara$ and is endowed
with strength' !%etu assumes the role of a Iog %ara$ if he is yuti with a Iog %ara$ grah !lord of
a %endr and a Tri$on""'
6;-6(' <ffects li$e 9uarrels, tooth trouble, distress from thieves and tigers, fever, dysentery,
leprosy, and distress to wife and children, etc', will be e2perienced if %etu is in the Ath, the 7th,
or the 1;th from the lord of the Casha !angal"' If %etu is in Chan or in Iuvati 3hava, there will
be diseases, disgrace, agony and loss of wealth'
!)VC&< @<0T) @<C)0T1&<Q4"
B1' %etu-/uru+ Loss of friends, wealth and garments, opprobrium !O abusive language, disgrace,
dishonour" in the house, troubles from every-where'
!)VC&< @<0T) @<C)0T1&<Q4"
=:' /uru-0hani+ )bstacles in fasting, agony, foreign ?ourneys, loss of wealth, antagonism with
!)VC&< @<0T) @<C)0T1&<Q4"
(B' 0hani-0hani+ Loss of luster due to fevers, leprosy, stomach troubles, danger of death from
Chanu Lagna The natives of this lagna have a well-proportioned and well-developed body' they
are generally tall with a large forehead, high and bushy eyebrows, long nose, bright eyes,
graceful loo$, fair comple2ion and handsome figure' The natives are hold, courageous and
pushful' They face adverse situations with fortitude' They have self-confidence' They have
energy, enthusiasm, vigour and vitality' In spite of all these 9ualities they are unable to ta$e 9uic$
decision' They are /od-fearing and love only truth' They stic$ to their principles' They go for
higher education and are fond of travelling' They are intuitive and their intuition generally proves
1swini @a$shatra+ Cevata for 1swini @a$shatra is 1swi or the Cuality $nown as 1swini %umar
Twins, the physician of the /ods' 0ymbol - the head of a horse' 0o, by the influence of this star
the native is e2pected to be e9uestrian !horse-ride" or a soldier, also a physician with marvellous
power to heal' The after-spea$ of physicians e2cellence or process' It is possible, in the
horoscopes of these physicians it will be seen that the /raha for successful medical practice is
positioned in 1swini @a$shatra' KErom 1swi is supposed to be derived carriages for animals for
transport, everything related to transport and transport department' The *uranas relate that the
two 1swini %umaras were born of mother 0anga and father >avi' The mother held the solar
semen in her nostrils, for otherwise she could not hold it, it is so strong' They are the twins of
0anga and therefore this @a$shatra is supposed to produce twins, angal in this @a$shatra -
specially if the Lagna is in %umbha and angal in bhatristhan indicates twin brother and sister
for the native' )r if >avi, /uru or *itri %ara$a or lord of the 3hava signifying father or son in a
similar way is in this @a$shatra then the father or any of the uncles or any of the children may be
one of the twin'
.asta @a$shatra+ 0pread from 1D+ to ;=+;D8 %anya' Ceity 0urya, Lord 3udha, symbol - closed
hand' The 1; names of the sun are+ !1" 1run, !;" 1ditya, !=" Tapan, !(" Civa$ar, !6" 3has$ar, !A"
3hanu, !B" artanda, !7" ihir, !:" >avi, !1D" 3iva$ar, !11" 0ahasramsu and !1;" 0urya' 1ll the
attributes of these names etymologically connotes are caused by this star' Erom the 0urya we
derive creativity and creation, and from creation we derive light, lustre, and strength' 0urya is the
prime cause of dominion, $ingship, power of immunity and the light that dispels dar$ness'
3udha is the cause of $nowledge' If placed in this star he sheds light all around' >avi with this
@a$shatra enhances the instinct of dominion and the capacity to rule over others' It brushes up
human intelligence, ma$ing it more luminous and ma$es a man vibrant with life and light' The
symbol is a closed hand or fist' It would follow that is signifies determination and clenched
resolution' To $eep everybody within one8s grip, the possessive instinct follows from the nature
of this star' The magician and the pic$-poc$et are also born under this star - variation from nobler
attributes' 1nthropomorphically it is the hand of %alapurush'
3harani @a$shatra+ Cevata Iama# birth star of >ahu' It e2tends from 1=+;D t o ;A+(D' 0ymbol+
)rifice of the womb !oss-mouth", lord angal' It is possible to hav e an idea of the nature of
3harani @a$shatra from the nature of >ahu, angal and Iama' To ta$e >ahu first, 1' >ahu gives
e2travagant en?oyment of material pleasure and is later on the cause of sorrow, ;' angal gives
courage, strength, e2altation and hope, =' Iama purity, cleanliness, ?ustice and integrity' The
sense of restraint is also Iamas gift# he is the lord of Charma, a stern disciplinarian, a ruthless
e2positor of truth, and a refuge for $ings and law-abiding sub?ects' 5e should not always confine
his interpretation to his being only the lord of death# he is the great ?udicature, the ultimate
dispenser of reward and punishment' The story of Iama-@achi$eta is a particularly e2position of
the hospitality of Iama, his sense of dharma and $nowledge of it, his superb honesty and great
integrity and other divine virtues' The @a$shatra of which he is the devata !/od" is also in
conse9uence the giver of whatever is good, pure, truthful and honest' The etymological meaning
of 3harani is what deserves to be cultivated and preserved that is dependence, servitors, retainers
or anything by which living is earned, for e2ample salary'
%rithi$a @a$shatra+ This is the birth star of Chandra' any constellations gather at the tail end of
%rithi$a group' It e2tends from esa ;A+(D' The residuary 1D+ degree fall in Vrishabha' The
Cevata is 1gni, Lord !1dhipati" is angal and 0u$ar' 1gni is the great purifier, the great
consumer of and the giver of light, heat and brightness' 1gni causes the fire of life and the drive'
It is also the spar$ of life' 5ithout fire creation would not e2ist' 1gni is at the base of creation
and of the continuation of e2istence' It consumes everything' The fire of digestion in the human
system and the e2ternal fire for coo$ing are only different manifestation of the same principle
which is 1gni' 1gni is the symbol of brightness and brilliance, all weapons with fire-power' 1nd
other things of the same category come within the range of %rithi$a group' The fire is considered
as purifier# for it burns away all that is wic$ed, dar$ and dull, also all that is low and sinful and
inauspicious in the world' The dross thus bla-ed away, only effulgence and light remain' Eire
gives the earth its activity and dynamic and revives it after the spells of cold that periodically
inflict comatose condition of the earth' It is easy enough to deduce from fire the causal effect of
the %rithi$a group' angal is the lord of that part of %rithi$a which is in esa >ashi and
angal is li$e a mass of lightning in shining splendour' 0o, the %rithi$a in esa is devastatingly
brilliant, the effulgence being closely associated with also an incendiary character' The %rithi$a
of Vrishabha >ashi is brilliant but unli$e the %rithi$a of esa, not incendiary' The lord of
Vrishabha >ashi is brilliant but unli$e the %rithi$a of esa, not incendiary' The Lord of
Vrishabha >ashi is 0u$ra and 0u$ra stands for worship of beauty and for poetry and imagination'
.e is radiantly white li$e snow, the %unda flower and the Utpal' .e is also the encyclopedic
e2pounder of all branches of learning' It follows that the %rithi$a of Vrishabha is brilliant but the
brilliance does not burn, it is soft and sweet, and benign'The %rithi$a of esa >ashi is doubtless
brilliant, it has plenty of heat which burns' The %rithi$a of Vrishabha has on the contrary a
softened radiance, a wave of brightness that does not hurt'
1nuradha @a$shatra+ 0pread from =+;D8 to 1A,(D8 Vrsci$a >ashi' Lord is angal, 0ymbol - the
same as that of Visa$ha' Visa$ha and 1nuradha are complimentary to each other' Erom 1nuradha
is derived friendship, love, affection and other tender feature of a person8s character' Erom
Visa$ha is considered the ultimate ob?ective while from 1nuradha is indicated the 8action8' The
difference between Visa$ha and 1nuradha is that while the Visa$ha-native forgets after success
about benefits derived as also the persons who helped, the 1nuradha-native retains soft feeling
about them, he $eeps his friendship intact and does not forget the benefits' The 1nuradha-native8s
mind is always alive and receptive to all feelings and gestures of friendship and love' .e is li$e
the sentinel always a mounting guard over emotions, but lac$ing the hardness or toughness of the
official sentinel'
>ohini @a$shatra+ The word is derived from >ohan which means to rise or to bring into
e2istence' It e2tends in the Vrishabha >ashi from 1D degree to ;=+;D' The lord of it is 0u$ra, the
symbol a Cart drawn by Cows' The Cevata is 3rahma, the prime creator of all things living, from
the meanest insect to an, the beauty of the weird, the paragon of animals' >ohini- group
therefore encompasses everything that comes within the range of creation--beasts, birds, animals
etc' It would also connote the process of growing, begetting, birth, production etc, in brief
production, birth and creation' >ising means process of ascending, that is to say the creative
evolution, the cultivation and the improvement' ythology describes >ohini the wife of
Chandra' )f all the ;B 0tars-all wives of Chandra->ohini is said to have been fond of fine dress,
cosmetics and decore and was the most beloved of Chandra' The >ohini !group" is, in the line
with this, considered to be the cause of a taste for fine dress, perfume, and other articles of toilet'
Creation continues to e2ist mainly on the basis of food# and >ohini is supposed to be the cause of
food' The direct and immediate cause of food is 1gni and 3rahma the remote cause' Erom this
point of view the /od who gives food, that is 1gni, is the spiritual principle of >ohini !group"
@a$shatra and because, 3rahma the remote cause of food is also the Cevata of >ohini# the range
of influences of this group runs over the whole gamut of the visible and invisible animal world'
0wati @a$shatra+ 0pread from A+(D8 to ;D+ Tula' Lord is 0u$ra, the deity is the 5ind and because
of this latter factor this causes the attributes of the 5ind' >estlessness of disposition or physical
restlessness, inability to stay still at any place comes from it# also fidgetiness and noise' It is self-
assured and asserting' The winds !urut" are the Lords of @orth-5est' The (: of them under the
8*aban8, of all /ods he is the strongest and most obstinate' Erom these are derived the $nowledge,
the physical internal ad?ustments of the 6 5inds - *an, 1pan, Vyan, Udan and 0aman' 1lso from
this comes the storms and the whirl-wind, the concrete disturbance of the atmosphere, 1 person
born under this star is good at buying and selling, his wealth and property come and go 9uite
easily' .e is an independent sort of man, always striving for more independence' 1sceticism is
yet another attribute of this star' diseases of the wind are to be treated in reference to this ' The
5ind is the great scavenger, it sweats the dross and purifies' The winowing of rice bears
comparison to this'
rigasira @a$shatra+ rigasira @a$shatra e2tends from after ;=+;D in Vrishabha >ashi up to
A+(D in ithune' *residing deity Chandra' 0ymbol-1ntilope or Ceer' The word riga represents
forests, gardens, a search, a see$ing to find, to roam about in the forests and a hunter, to see$, to
bla-e the trail, a guide and preceptor' 1n erotic affair, beauty of the countenance with particular
emphasis on the radiant lustre of the face, because of Chandra' To see$ as the primary
characteristic of the star, to discover hidden treasures after the churning of the 0ea, the 0amudra
anthan of the .indu ythology, the mother, motherly conduct that is to say maternal instincts,
self-sacrifice without hope of re9uital etc' Chandra is the lord of the mind, so all mental attitude,
good or bad, sympathies and antipathies, patience and impatience, the fidgetiness and placidity,
imagination, the gift of poetry, purity, sweetness and light, physical and mental aspects, all these
come within this star and when things of sweetness and light of physic as also of the mind, both
derivatives from Chandra, the horoscope of >abindra @ath comes to mind' .is &anma Lagna was
een with Chandra there and /uru was in %ar$ata >ashi' 3ecause of this yoga >abindra @ath
had something li$e physical translucence which was ob?ect of admiration all the world over,
wherever people met' 1lso, at the same time his poetry enthralled the whole world' Chandra is a
sub-/raha around the earth and that is why the influence of Chandra on all that happens in the
earth is so paramount' 1nd again that is why the influence of Chandra on both the body and mind
is simultaneously so very great' 0u$ra and Chandra both are female grahas !planets" with
difference that while Chandra is the Lord of motherhood, maternal instincts and all that, 0u$ra is
the lord of feminine beauty, the structure of feminine form, the physical e2cellence of women
and all that' In the former there is elegance and dignity of the feminine while in the latter, the
physical beauty and the lure of feminine form which leads a male captive dominates' Chandra is
the lord of marine products and of medicines# that it was from the sea that Chandra rose' 1nd it is
to Chandra that the influences and causalities have to be traced'
oola @a$shatra+ 0pread from D+ to 1=+;D8 Chanu >ashi, Lord is &upiter !/uru"' 0ymbol - a
bunch of roots tied together, deity 8@irithi8 or 81la$shmi8' It also means the 8opposite8 or 8reverse8'
oola is not one of the good stars which is evident from this that the deity is 1la$shmi i'e' /od
of ill luc$' oola signifies roots, that is to say, everything of basic nature, its motion is finite and
limited' It does not go beyond its narrow orbit' )ld servant, pedlar of seeds, physician
administering herbal seed remedies - every such thing is determined from this star' The oola
native loo$s into scientific, literary, philosophic and other basic sub?ects' ortgate and
ortgaged property are governed by this star and its hori-on is not rural but urban'
Uttarasarha @a$shatra+ 0pread from ;A+(D8 Chanu to 1D+ of a$ara' Lord is /uru and 0ani' The
derivatives from Uttarasarha are closely allied to those of *oorbasarha' The points of difference
are as follows' *oorbasarha spreads out, it is concerned with e2tensiveness' Uttarasarha is
introspective and penetrative and is concerned with intensiveness, the results of the latter being
more permanent than the former !*oorbasarha"' The deity who preserves this world and ma$es
for its welfare is called 8ganadevata8' There are ten ganadevatas 3asu, 0atya, %ratu, Ca$sha,
%ala, %ama, Chriti, %uru, *ururaba, adraba' 1ll their attributes are in this star' The warrior, the
wrestler, the painter, the artist, the magician, the well-dressed man, the happy and successful men
are influenced by this star' 1 special characteristic of it is that it causes a person to be admired
and socially applauded' 1nother characteristic of it is is that under the influence of this star the
native falls in love with an unmarried girl' Vishma of the ahabharata was one of the 7 3asus#
so under this star one possesses self-control, restraint, endurance and firm character' There are
special rituals for the worship of ganadevatas, which are more or less of specialised nature' The
?uice of 0oma plant plays a part in 8yagna8 and worship'
Chapter =(
Ioga %ara$as
1' ) 3rahmin, thus I have told you about the effects derivable through %ara$amsh' @ow listen to
the effects arising out of lordships of grahas over bhavas'
;-B' @ature due to Lordships of /rahas+ 3enefics owning %endras will not give benefic effects,
while malefics owning %endras will not remain inauspicious' The lord of a %on will give
auspicious results' The lord of Lagn is specially auspicious as Lagn is a %endr as well as a %on'
*utr and Charm 3hava are specially for wealth, while Iuvati and %arm 3hava are specially for
happiness' 1ny grah owning 0aha?, 1ri, or Labh 3hava will give evil effects' The effects due to
the lords of Vyaya and >andhr 3hava will depend on their association' In each group, the
significance will be in the ascending order' >andhr8s lord is not auspicious as he owns the 1;th
from Charm 3hava' If the lord of >andhr 3hava simultaneously owns 0aha?, Iuvati, or Labh
3hava, he will prove specifically harmful, while his simultaneous ownership of a %on will
bestow auspicious effects' The grah owning a predominant 3hava will stall the effects due to
another owning a less significant bhava and will give his own results' >andhr8s lordship of 0urya
and Chandr is not evil'
7-1D' @atural 3enefics and @atural alefics+ /uru and 0hu$r are benefics, while Chandr is
mediocre in benefice and 3uddh is neutral !i'e' a benefic when associated with a benefic and a
malefic when related to a malefic"' alefics are 0urya, 0hani, and angal' Eull Chandr, 3uddh,
/uru and 0hu$r are stronger in the ascending order' 5ea$ Chandr, 0urya, 0hani, and angal are
stronger !in malefic disposition" in the ascending order' In revealing maleficence due to rulership
of %endras, Chandr, 3uddh, /uru, and 0hu$r are significant in the ascending order'
11-1;' Lordships of %endras and %onas+ If there be an e2change between an lord of a %endr and
a lord of a %on, or if a lord of a %endr is yuti with a lord of a %on in a %endr or in a %on, or if a
lord of a %on is in a %endr or vice versa, or if there happens to be a full drishti between a lord of
a %endr and a lord of a %on, they cause a Iog' )ne born in such a Iog will become a $ing and
be famous'
1=' If one and the same grah gets the lordships of a %on as well as a %endr, or if a grah is in a
%endr or in a %on, it will prove specially a Iog %ara$'
1(' Lordship of %endr+ It has been said that a malefic owning a %endr will become auspicious,
which is true only when it simultaneously lords over a %on and not by merely owning a %endr'
16' If the lords of a %endr or a %on own simultaneously an evil bhava' he !i'e' the lord of the
%endr or the lord of the %on" does not cause a >a? Iog by mere relations stipulated !as per ch'
=(, slo$as 11 and 1;"'
1A' >ahu and %etu+ >ahu and %etu give predominantly the effects as due to their yuti with a
bhava lord or as due to the bhava they occupy'
1B' If >ahu and %etu are in %endr receiving a drishti from or in association with the lord of a
%on, or if >ahu or %etu happen to be in a %endr receiving a drishti from or in association with
the lord of a %endr it will become Iog %ara$'
17' D aharishi *arashar, please narrate according to the rashis rising as to which grah is a Iog
%ara$ and which is inauspicious'
1:-;;' /rahas and esh Lagn+ ) 3rahmin, listen to these with e2amples' <ven though angal is
the lord of >andhr 3hava, he will be helpful to !other" auspicious grahas' 0hani, 3uddh, and
0hu$r are malefics' 1uspicious are /uru and 0urya' The mere yuti of 0hani with /uru will not
produce auspicious effects !although they own a %on and a %endr"' If /uru is at the disposal of a
malefic, he will surely give inauspicious results' 0hu$r is a direct !or independent" $iller' 0hani,
etc', will also inflict death if associated with an adverse grah !i'e 0hu$r"'
;=-;(' /rahas and Vrishabh Lagn+ /uru, 0hu$r, and Chandr are malefics' 0hani and 0urya are
auspicious' 0hani will cause >a? Iog' 3uddh is somewhat inauspicious# the /uru group !/uru,
Chandr, and 0hu$r", and angal will inflict death'
;6-;A' /rahas and ithun Lagn+ angal, /uru, and 0urya are malefics, while 0hu$r is the only
auspicious grah' The yuti of /uru with 0hani is similar to that for esh Lagn' Chandr is the
prime $iller, but it is dependant on her association'
;B-;7' /rahas and %ar$ Lagn+ 0hu$r and 3uddh are malefics, angal, /uru, and Chandr are
auspicious' angal is capable of conferring a full-fledged Iog and giving auspicious effects'
0hani and 0urya are $illers and give effects according to their associations'
;:-=D' /rahas and 0imh Lagn+ 3uddh, 0hu$r, and 0hani are malefics' 1uspicious effects will be
given by angal, /uru, and 0urya' /uru8s yuti with 0hu$r !though respectively %on and %endr
lords" will not produce auspicious results' 0hani and Chandr are $illers who will give effects
according to their associations'
=1-=;' /rahas and %anya Lagn+ angal, /uru, and Chandr are malefics, while 3uddh and 0hu$r
are auspicious' 0hu$r8s yuti with 3uddh will produce Iog' 0hu$r is a $iller as well' 0urya8s role
will depend on his association'
==-=(' /rahas and Tula Lagn+ /uru, 0urya, and angal are malefics' 1uspicious are 0hani and
3uddh' Chandr and 3uddh will cause >a? Iog' angal is a $iller' /uru and other malefics will
also ac9uire a disposition to inflict death' 0hu$r is neutral'
=6-=A' /rahas and Vrischi$ Lagn+ 0hu$r, 3uddh, and 0hani are malefics' /uru and Chandr are
auspicious' 0urya as well as Chandr are Iog %ara$as' angal is neutral' 0hu$r and other
malefics ac9uire the 9uality of causing death'
=B-=7' /rahas and Chanu Lagn+ )nly 0hu$r is inauspicious' angal and 0urya are auspicious'
0urya and 3uddh are capable of conferring a Iog' 0hani is a $iller, /uru is neutral' 0hu$r
ac9uires $illing powers'
=:-(D' /rahas and a$ar Lagn+ angal, /uru, and Chandr are malefics, 0hu$r and 3uddh are
auspicious' 0hani will not be a $iller on his own' angal and other malefics will inflict death'
0urya is neutral' )nly 0hu$r is capable of causing a superior Iog'
(1-(;' /rahas and %umbh Lagn+ /uru, Chandr, and angal are malefics, while 0hu$r and 0hani
are auspicious' 0hu$r is the only grah that causes >a? Iog' /uru, 0urya, and angal are $illers'
3uddh gives meddling effects'
(=-((' /rahas and een 3hava+ 0hani, 0hu$r, 0urya, and 3uddh are malefics' angal and
Chandr are auspicious' angal and /uru will cause a Iog' Though angal is a $iller he will not
$ill the native !independently"' 0hani and 3uddh are $illers'
(6-(A' /eneral+ Thus, the auspicious and inauspicious effects derivable through the grahas due to
their lordship according to the rising rashi, have to be estimated' 1part, the effects due to
@abhash Iogas, etc', should also be $nown which I narrate as under'
Chapter =6
@abhash Iogas
1-;' D e2cellent of the 3rahmins, e2plained below are =; @abhash Iogas which have a total of
17DD different varieties' These consist of = 1sraya Iogas, ; Cala Iogas, ;D 1$riti Iogas, and B
0an$hya Iogas'
=-A' @ames of @abhash Iogas+ The = 1sraya Iogas are+ >a??u, usala, and @ala Iogas# The ;
Cala Iogas are+ aal and 0arpa# The ;D 1$riti Iogas are+ /ada, 0a$at, 0hringata$, Vihag, .al,
Va?r, %amal, Vapi, Iup, 0har, 0ha$ti, Canda, @is$, %oot, Chatr, Chanushi, !or Chap", 1rdh,
Chandr, Cha$r, and 0amudr Iogas# The B 0an$hya Iogas are+ Valla$i, Caam, *aash, %edara,
0ool, Iuga, and /ola Iogas' Thus, these are =; in total'
B' >a??u, usala, and @ala Iogas+ 1ll the grahas in movable rashis cause >a??u Iog' 1ll the
grahas in fi2ed rashis cause usala Iog' 1ll the grahas in dual rashis cause @ala Iog'
7' aal and 0arpa Iogas+ If = %endras are occupied by benefics aal Iog is produced, !benefic
results" while malefics so placed will cause 3hu?ang or 0arpa Iog' These Iogas respectively
produce benefic and malefic results'
:-11' /ada, 0a$at, Vihag, 0hringata$, .al, Va?r, and Iav Ioga If all the grahas occupy two
successive %endras, /ada Iog is formed' 0a$at Iog occurs when all the grahas are disposed in
Lagn and Iuvati 3hava' If all confine to 3andhu and %arm 3hava, then Vihag Iog occurs' 1ll
grahas in Lagn, *utr and Charm 3hava cause 0hringata$ Iog, while all grahas are in Chan, 1ri,
and %arm 3hava, or in 0aha?, Iuvati, and Labh 3hava, or in 3andhu, >andhr, and Vyaya 3hava
cause .al Iog' Va?r Iog is caused by all benefics in Lagn and Iuvati 3hava, or all malefics in
3andhu and %arm 3hava' In a contrary situation, i'e' all benefics in 3andhu and %arm 3hava or
all malefics in Lagn and Iuvati 3hava, Iav Iog is generated'
1;' %amal and Vapi Iogas+ If all the grahas are in the ( %endras, %amal Iog is produced' If all
of them happen to be in all the 1po$limas !cadent bhavas", or in all the *anapharas !succedent
bhavas", Vapi Iog occurs'
1=' Iup, 0har, 0ha$ti, and Canda Iogas+ If all the B grahas are in the ( bhavas commencing from
Lagn, they cause Iup Iog# if all the B grahas are in the ( bhavas commencing from 3andhu
3hava 0har Iog occurs# if all the B grahas are in the ( bhavas commencing from Iuvati 3hava
0ha$ti Iog occurs# and if all the B grahas are in the ( bhavas commencing from %arm 3hava
Canda Iog is formed'
1(' @au$a, %oot, Chatr, and Chap Iogas+ If all the grahas occupy the seven bhavas from Lagn
@au$a Iog occurs# if all the grahas occupy the seven bhavas from 3andhu 3hava %oot Iog is
formed# if all the grahas occupy the seven bhavas from Iuvati 3hava Chatr Iog occurs# and if all
the seven grahas occupy the seven bhavas from %arm 3hava, Chap Iog occurs' .ere again, the
grahas should occupy seven continuous bhavas' Muoted from saravali+ If the seven grahas
occupy continuously seven bhavas commencing from a bhava which is not angular to the lagna,
the yoga produced is $nown as 1rdh Chandra yoga'
16' Cha$r and 0amudr Iogas+ If all the grahas occupy si2 alternative rashis commencing from
Lagn, Cha$r Iog is formed' 0amudr Iog is produced if all grahas occupy si2 alternative rashis
commencing from Chan 3hava'
1A-1B' 0an$hya Iogas+ If all grahas are in one >ashi /ola Iog is formed# if all grahas are in ;
rashis, Iuga Iog is formed# if all grahas are in = rashis 0ool Iog occurs# if all grahas are in (
rashis %edara Iog occurs# if all grahas are in 6 rashis *aash Iogis formed, if all grahas are in A
rashis Caam Iog occurs# and if all grahas are in B rashis Veena Iog is produced' @one of these
seven Iogas will be operable, if another @abhash Iog !e2plained earlier" is derivable'
17' <ffects of @abhash Iogas !up to slo$a 6D"+ >a??u Iog+ )ne born in >a??u Iog will be fond of
wandering, be charming, will earn in foreign countries' .e will be cruel and mischievous'
1:' usala Iog+ )ne born in usala Iog will be endowed with honour, wisdom, wealth, etc', be
dear to $ing, famous, will have many sons and be firm in disposition'
;D' @ala Iog+ )ne born in @ala Iog will have uneven physi9ue, be interested in accumulating
money, very s$ilful, helpful to relatives, and charming'
;1' aal Iog+ )ne born in aal Iog will be ever happy, endowed with conveyances robes, food,
and pleasures, be splendorous and endowed with many females'
;;' 0arpa Iog+ )ne born in 0arpa !3hu?ang" Iog will be croo$ed, cruel, poor, miserable, and will
depend on others for food and drin$s'
;=' /ada Iog+ )ne born in /ada Iog will always ma$e efforts to earn wealth, will perform
sacrificial rites, be s$ilful in 0hastras and songs, and endowed with wealth, gold, and precious
;(' 0a$at Iog+ )ne born in 0a$at Iog will be afflicted by diseases, will have diseased or ugly
nails, be foolish, will live by pulling carts, be poor, and devoid of friends and relatives'
;6' Vihag Iog+ )ne born in Vihag Iog will be fond of roaming, be a messenger, will live by
se2ual dealings, be shameless, and interested in 9uarrels'
;A' 0hringata$ Iog+ )ne born in 0hringata$ Iog will be fond of 9uarrels, and battles, be happy,
dear to $ing, endowed with an auspicious wife, be rich, and will hate women'
;B' .al Iog+ )ne born in .al Iog will eat a lot, will be very poor, will be miserable, agitated,
given up by friends a relatives# he will be a servant'
;7' Va?r Iog+ )ne born in Va?r Iog will be happy in the beginning and at the end of life, be
valorous, charming, devoid of desires, and fortunes and be inimical'
;:' Iav Iog+ )ne born in Iav Iog will observe fasts and other religious rules, will do auspicious
acts, will obtain happiness, wealth and sons in his mid-life# he will be charitable and firm'
=D' %amal Iog+ )ne born in %amal Iog will be rich and virtuous, be long lived, very famous,
and pure# he will perform hundreds of auspicious acts and he will be a $ing'
=1' Vapi Iog+ )ne born in Vapi Iog will be capable of accumulating wealth, be endowed with
lasting wealth, and happiness and sons, be free from eye afflictions and will be a $ing'
=;' Iup Iog+ )ne born in Iup Iog will have spiritual $nowledge and will be interested in
sacrificial rites' .e will be endowed with a wife, be strong, interested in fasts and other religious
observations and be distinguished'
==' 0har Iog+ )ne born in 0har Iog will ma$e arrows, be head of a prison, will earn through
animals, will eat meat, will indulge in torture and mean handiwor$s'
=(' 0ha$ti Iog+ )ne born in 0ha$ti Iog will be bereft of wealth, be unsuccessful, miserable,
mean, la-y, long lived, interested and s$ilful in war, firm and auspicious'
=6' Canda Iog+ )ne born in Canda Iog will lose sons and wife, will be indigent, un$ind, away
from his men, and will serve mean people'
=A' @au$a Iog+ )ne born in @au$a Iog will derive his livelihood through water, be wealthy,
famous wic$ed, wretched, dirty and miserly'
=B' %oot Iog+ )ne born in %oot Iog will be a liar, will head a ?ail, be poor, crafty, cruel, and will
live in hills and fortresses'
=7' Chatr Iog+ )ne born in Chatr Iog will help his own men, be $ind, dear to many $ings, very
intelligent, happy at the beginning and end of his life and be long-lived'
=:' Chap Iog+ )ne born in Chap Iog will be liar, will protect secrets, be a thief, be fond of
wandering forests, be devoid of luc$, and be happy in the middle of the life'
(D' 1rdh Chandr Iog+ )ne born in 1rdh Chandr Iog will lead an army, will possess a
splendorous body, be dear to $ing, be strong and endowed with gems, gold, and ornaments'
(1' Cha$r Iog+ )ne born in Cha$r Iog will be an emperor at whose feet will be the prostrating
$ings heads adoring gem studded diadems'
(;' 0amudr Iog+ )ne born in 0amudr Iog will have many precious stones and abundant wealth,
be endowed with pleasures, dear to people, will have firm wealth and be, well-disposed'
(=' Veena Iog+ )ne born in Veena Iog will be fond of songs, dance and musical instruments, be
s$ilful, happy, wealthy, and be a leader of men'
((' Caamini Iog+ )ne born in Caamini Iog will be helpful to others, will have righteously
earned wealth, be very affluent, famous, will have many sons, and gems, be courageous, and red-
(6' *aash Iog+ )ne born in *aash Iog will be liable to be imprisoned, be s$ilful in wor$, be
deceiving in disposition, will tal$ much, be bereft of good 9ualities and will have many servants'
(A' %edara Iog+ )ne born in %edara Iog will be useful to many, be an agriculturist, be truthful,
happy, fic$le minded, and wealthy'
(B' 0ool Iog+ )ne born in 0ool Iog will sharp, indolent, bereft of wealth, be tortuous,
prohibited, valiant, and famous through war'
(7' Iuga Iog+ )ne born in Iuga Iog will heretic, be devoid of wealth, be discarded by others,
and be devoid of sons, mother and virtues'
(:' /ola Iog+ )ne born in /ola Iog will be strong, be devoid of wealth, learning and
intelligence, be dirty, sorrowful, and miserable'
6D' 1ncestors say that the results due to said !@abhash" Iogas will be felt throughout, in all the
Casha periods'
Chapter =A
any )ther Iogas
1-;' 3enefic and alefic Iogas+ If there be a benefic in Lagn, 0ubh Iog is produced, while a
malefic in Lagn causes 1subh Iog' 3enefics in both Vyaya and Chan 3hava cause 0ubh Iog'
alefics in both Vyaya and Chan 3hava cause 1subh Iog' )ne born in 0ubh Iog will be
elo9uent, charming, and virtuous, while his counterpart will be sensuous, will do sinful acts, and
will en?oy !or swallow" others8 wealth'
=-(' /a? %esari Iog+ 0hould /uru be in a %endr from Lagn or from Chandr, and be yuti with or
receiving a drishti from !another" benefic, avoiding at the same time debilitation, combustion,
and inimical rashi, /a? %esari Iog is caused' )ne born in /a? %esari Iog will be splendorous,
wealthy intelligent endowed with many laudable virtues and will please the $ing'
6-A' 1mal Iog+ If there be e2clusively a benefic in the 1Dth from Lagn or Chandr, 1mal Iog
e2ists' 1mal Iog will confer fame lasting till Chandr and stars e2ist and will ma$e the native
honoured by the $ing, en?oy abundant pleasures, charitable, fond of relatives, helpful to others,
pious, and virtuous'
B-7' *arvat Iog+ 3enefics in %endras will produce *arvat Iog, as Iuvati and >andhr 3hava are
vacant or are occupied by only benefics' )ne born in *arvat Iog will be wealthy, elo9uent,
charitable, learned in 0hastras, fond of mirth, famous, splendorous, and be the leader of a city'
:-1D' %ahal Iog+ 0hould 3andhu8s lord and /uru be in mutual %endras, while Lagn8s lord is
strong, %ahal Iog occurs' 1lternatively, 3andhu8s lord being in his own or e2altation rashi
should be yuti with %arm8s lord' In effect, the native will be energetic, adventurous, charming,
endowed with a complete army consisting of chariots elephants horses and infantry, and he will
lord over a few villages'
11-1;' Chamar Iog+ If Lagn8s lord is e2alted in a %endr and receives a drishti from /uru,
Chamar Iog is formed' This Iog also occurs if two benefics are in Lagn, or Charm, or %arm, or
Iuvati 3hava' The effects of Chamar Iog are+ the native will be a $ing or honoured by the $ing,
long lived, scholarly, elo9uent, and versed in all arts'
1=-1(' 0han$h Iog+ If Lagn8s lord is strong, while the lords of *utr and 1ri 3hava are in mutual
%endras, then, what is $nown as 0han$h Iog is produced' 1lternatively, if Lagn8s lord along with
%arm8s lord is in a movable rashi, while Charm8s lord is strong, 0han$h Iog is obtained' )ne
born with 0han$h Iog will be endowed with wealth, spouse and sons# he will be $indly disposed,
propitious, intelligent, meritorious, and long lived'
16-1A' 3hairi Iog+ If Vyaya, Tanu, Chan, and Iuvati 3hava are occupied as Charm8s lord is
strong, the native obtains 3hairi Iog' 1gain, another $ind of 3hairi Iog is formed if 0hu$r,
/uru, and Lagn8s lord are in a %endr, while Charm8s lord is strong' The results of 3hairi Iog are+
the native will be endowed with wealth, wife and sons# he will be a $ing, be famous, virtuous,
and endowed with good behaviour, happiness, and pleasures'
1B' ridang Iog+ If Lagn8s lord is strong and others occupy %endras, %onas, own bhavas or
e2altation rashis, ridang Iog is formed' The native concerned will be a $ing or e9ual to a $ing
and be happy'
17' 0hrinath Iog+ If Iuvati8s lord is in %arm 3hava, while %arm8s lord is e2alted and yuti with
Charm8s lord, 0hrinath Iog ta$es place' The native with 0hrinath Iog will be e9ual to lord
Cevendra !the god of gods"'
1:-;D' 0harad Iog+ 0hould %arm8s lord be in *utr 3hava, while 3uddh is in a %endr, as 0urya
with strength is in 0imh, 0harad Iog is formed' This will again be obtained if /uru or 3uddh is
in a %on to Chandr, while angal is in Labh 3hava' )ne born in either $ind of Iog will obtain
wealth, spouse and sons, be happy, scholarly, dear to the $ing, pious, and virtuous'
;1-;;' atsya Iog+ 3enefics in Charm and Tanu 3hava, mi2ed grahas in *utr 3hava and
malefics in 3andhu and >andhr 3hava+ this array of grahas at birth will produce atsya Iog' In
effect, the native will be a &yotishi, be a synonym of $indness, be virtuous, strong, beautiful,
famous, learned, and pious'
;=-;(' %urm Iog+ If *utr, 1ri and Iuvati 3hava occupied by benefic grahas identical with own
bhava, or e2altation, or friendly rashi, while malefics are in 0aha?, Labh, and Tanu 3hava, in own
bhava or in e2altation, %urm Iog is formed' The results of %urm Iog are+ the native will be a
$ing' be courageous, virtuous, famous, helpful, happy# he will be a leader of men'
;6-;A' %hadg Iog+ 0hould there be an e2change of rashis between the lords of Chan and Charm
3hava, as Lagn8s lord is in a %endr or in a %on %hadg Iog is obtained' )ne with %hadg Iog will
be endowed with wealth, fortunes and happiness, be learned in 0hastras, be intelligent, mighty,
grateful, and s$ilful'
;B-;7' La$shmi Iog+ If Charm8s lord is in a %endr identical with his ooltri$on rashi, or own
rashi, or in e2altation, while Lagn8s lord is endowed with strength, La$shmi Iog occurs' The
native with La$shmi Iog will be charming, virtuous, $ingly in status, endowed with many sons
and abundant wealth# he will be famous and of high moral merits'
;:-=D' %usum Iog+ 0hu$r in a %endr, Chandr in a %on along with a benefic and 0hani in %arm
3hava+ these grahas thus cause %usum Iog for one born in a fi2ed rashi ascending' 0uch a native
will be a $ing or e9ual to him, be charitable, will en?oy pleasures, be happy, prime among his
race men, virtuous and red-lettered'
=1-=;' %alanidhi Iog+ If /uru is placed in Chan, or *utr 3hava, and receives a drishti from
3uddh and 0hu$r, %alanidhi Iog is caused' In effect, the native will be virtuous, honoured by the
$ings, bereft of diseases, be happy, wealthy, and learned'
==-=(' %alpa Crum Iog+ @ote the following four grahas+ !a" Lagn8s lord, !b" the dispositor of
Lagn8s lord, !c" the dispositor of the grah at ,b,, !d" the @avamsh dispositor of the grah at ,c,' If
all these are disposed in %endras and in %onas from Lagn, or are e2alted, %alpa Crum Iog
e2ists' )ne with %alpa Crum Iog will be endowed with all $inds of wealth, be a $ing, pious,
strong, fond war, and merciful'
=6-=A' Trimurthi Iogas+ Counted from Chan8s lord, if benefics occupy the ;nd, 1;th, and 7th,
.ari Iog is formed' !The native will be happy, learned, and endowed with wealth and sons"' If
the (th, :th, and 7th with reference to the rashi occupied by Iuvati8s lord are occupied by
benefics, .ara Iog is obtainable' !The native will be happy, learned, and endowed with wealth
and sons"' 3rahma Iog is generated if, counted from Lagn8s lord, benefics are in the (th, 1Dth,
and 11th rashis' )ne born in anyone of the said three Iogas will be happy, learned, and endowed
with wealth and sons'
=B' Lagn 1dhi Iog+ 0hould benefics be in Iuvati and >andhr 3hava counted from Lagn, and be
devoid of yuti with, andHor drishti from malefics, Lagn 1dhi Iog is produced ma$ing one a great
person, learned in 0hastras and happy'
=7-=:' <ffects of Lagn8s Lord8s Civision Cignities+ Lagn8s lord in *ari?atamsh will ma$e one
happy# Lagn8s lord in Vargottama will give immunity to diseases# Lagn8s lord in /opuramsh will
ma$e one rich with wealth and grains# Lagn8s lord in 0imhasanamsh will ma$e one a $ing#
Lagn8s lord in *aravatamsh will ma$e one a scholar# Lagn8s lord in Cevalo$amsh will ma$e one
opulent and endowed with conveyances# and Lagn8s lord in Iravatamsh will ma$e one famous
and honoured by $ings' !Vargottama indicates a grah occupying the same >ashi and the same
Chapter =B
Chandr8s Iogas
1' If Chandr with reference to 0urya is in a %endr, one8s wealth, intelligence and s$ill will be
little' If Chandr with reference to 0urya is in a *anaphara, one8s wealth, intelligence and s$ill will
be meddling' If Chandr with reference to 0urya is in a 1po$lima, one8s wealth, intelligence and
s$ill will be e2cellent'
;-(' In the case of a day birth, if Chandr placed in its own @avamsh, or in a friendly @avamsh,
receives a drishti from /uru, one will be endowed with wealth, and happiness' )ne born at night
time will en?oy similar effects if Chandr is in its own @avamsh, or in a friendly @avamsh
receiving a drishti to 0hu$r' In a contrary situation, the drishti from /uru, or from 0hu$r on
Chandr will ma$e one go with little wealth, or even without that'
6' 1dhi Iog from Chandr+ If benefics occupy the 7th, Ath, and Bth counted from Chandr, 1dhi
Iog obtains' 1ccording to the strength of the participating grahas, the native concerned will be
either a $ing, or a minister, or an army chief'
A' Chan Iog+ 0hould all the !three" benefics be Upachaya, i'e' in the =rd, the Ath, the 1Dth, and
the 11th counted from Chandr, one will be very affluent# with two benefics placed in the =rd, the
Ath, the 1Dth, and the 11th one will have medium effects in regard to wealth' If a single benefic is
there, the wealth will be negligible'
B-1D' 0unaph, 1naph, and Curadhar+ If there is a grah, other than 0urya, in the ;nd from Chandr
0unaph Iog is formed# if there is a grah, other than 0urya, in the 1;th from Chandr 1naph Iog is
formed# and if there are grahas, other than 0urya, in the ;nd from Chandr and in the 1;th from
Chandr Curadhar Iog is caused' )ne with 0unaph Iog will be a $ing or e9ual to a $ing endowed
with intelligence, wealth, fame, and self earned wealth' )ne born in 1naph Iog will be a $ing, be
free from diseases, virtuous, famous, charming, and happy' )ne born in Curadhar Iog will en?oy
pleasures# one will be charitable, and endowed with wealth, conveyances, and e2cellent serving
11-1=' %ema Crum Iog+ <2cluding 0urya, should there be no grah with Chandr, or in the ;nd
andHor 1;th from Chandr, or in a %endr from Lagn, %ema Crum Iog is formed' )ne born in
%ema Crum Iog will be very much reproached# one will be bereft of intelligence# learning is
reduced to penury and perils'
Chapter =7
0urya8s Iogas
1' Vesi, Vosi, and 1bhayachari Iogas+ 3arring Chandr, if a grah among angal etc' be in the ;nd
from 0urya, Vesi Iog is formed# barring Chandr, if a grah among angal etc' be in the 1;th from
0urya, Vosi Iog is formed# and barring Chandr, if a grah among angal etc' be in both the ;nd
and the 1;th from 0urya Ubhayachari Iog is caused'
;-=' <ffects of Vesi, Vosi, and Ubhayachari Iogas+ )ne born in Vesi Iog will be even sighted,
truthful, long bodied, indolent, happy, and endowed with negligible wealth' )ne born with Vosi
Iog will be s$ilful, charitable, and endowed with fame, learning and strength' The Ubhayachari
native will be a $ing or a e9ual to a $ing and be happy'
(' 3enefics causing Vesi, Vosi, or Ubhayachari Iogas will give the above mentioned effects,
while malefics will produce contrary effects'
Chapter =:
>a? Iog
1-;' D e2cellent of the 3rahmins, I now narrate below the >a? Iogas ma$ing one entitled to royal
honour' These were told to *arvati by Lord 0hiva once upon a time, the gist of which is as
=-6' >a? Iogas are to be $nown from the %ara$amsh Lagn and the natal Lagn' )n the one hand
the pair of 1tma %ara$ and *utr %ara$ should be considered and on the other hand the natal
Lagn8s lord and *utr8s lord should be ta$en into consideration' The effects due to such association
will be full, or a half, or a 9uarter according to their strengths' !%ara$amsh Lagn is the @avamsh
occupied by the 1tma %ara$ grah"'
A-B' aha >a? Iog+ 0hould Lagn8s Lord and *utr8s lord e2change their rashis or if 1tma %ara$
and *utr %ara$ !Char" are in Lagn, or in *utr 3hava, or in the e2altation rashi, or in own rashi, or
in own @avamsh receiving a drishti from a benefic, aha >a? Iog is produced' The native so
born will be famous and happy'
7' If Lagn8s lord and 1tma %ara$ are in Tanu, *utr, or Iuvati 3hava yuti with or receiving a
drishti from a benefic, a >a? Iog is formed'
:-1D' 0hould there be benefics in the ;nd, the (th, and the 6th counted either from Lagn8s lord or
from 1tma %ara$ rashi, one will become a $ing' 0imilarly, malefics in the =rd and Ath from
Lagn8s lord or from 1tma %ara$ rashi will ma$e one a $ing'
11' )ne will be related to royal circles if 0hu$r is the %ara$amsh, or in the 6th there from, or in
Lagn, or in 1rudh Lagn receiving a drishti from, or yuti with /uru or Chandr'
1;' <ven if a single grah gives a drishti to the natal Lagn or .ora Lagn or /hati$ Lagn, the
native will become a $ing'
1=-1(' If the si2 divisions !0had Vargas" of Lagn are occupied or receive a drishti from one and
the same grah, a >a? Iog is doubtlessly formed' 1ccordingly, if the drishti is full, half, or one
fourth, results will be in order full, medium, and negligible'
16' If the = Lagnas !i'e' natal Lagn, .ora Lagn, and /hati$ Lagn" are occupied by grahas in
e2altation or in own rashi, or if the natal Lagn, the Cresh$an Lagn, and the @avamsh Lagn have
e2alted grahas, >a? Iog is formed'
1A' If Chandr and a benefic are in the 1rudh Lang as /uru is in the ;nd from the natal Lagn and
both these places are receiving drishtis from grahas in e2altation, or grahas in own rashi, there
will be a >a? Iog'
1B' If Lagn, Chan, and 3andhu 3hava are occupied be benefics, while a malefic is in 0aha?
3hava, one will become a $ing or e9ual to a $ing'
17' The native will be wealthy if one among Chandr, /uru, 0hu$r, and 3uddh is e2alted in Chan
1:' If 1ri, >andhr, and 0aha? 3hava are occupied by debilitated grahas as Lagn8s lord is e2alted,
or is in !his other" own 3hava, and gives a drishti to Lagn, there is a >a? Iog'
;D' 1gain, a >a? Iog is formed if 1ri8s, >andhr8s, and Vyaya8s lords are in fall or in inimical
rashis, or in combustion, as Lagn8s lord placed in his !other" own rashi or in its e2altation rashi
gives a drishti to Lagn'
;1' If %arm8s lord, placed in his own bhava, or in its e2altation rashi, gives a drishti to Lagn, a
>a? Iog is formed' 0imilar is the case if benefics are in %endras' !a >a? Iog is formed"
;;' If the 1tma %ara$ grah is in a benefic8s >ashiH@avamsh, the native will be wealthy' If there
are benefics in %endras from %ara$amsh Lagn, he will become a $ing'
;=' If the 1rudh Lagn and Car *ad are in mutual %endras or in mutual 0aha?HLabh bhavas, or in
mutual %onas, the native will doubtlessly become a $ing'
;(' If two or all of 3hava Lagn, .ora Lagn, /hati$ Lagn are receiving a drishti from e2alted
grahas, a >a? Iog is formed'
;6' If 3hava Lagn, .ora Lagn, and /hati$ Lagn, their Cresh$anas and @avamshas, or the said
Lagnas and their @avamshas, or the said Lagnas and their Cresh$anas receive a drishti from a
grah, a >a? Iog is formed'
;A-;B' If 1rudh *ad is occupied by an e2alted grah particularly Chandr in e2altation, or by /uru
andHor 0hu$r !with or without e2altation", while there is no 1rgala by a malefic, the native will
become a $ing' If the 1rudh *ad is a benefic rashi containing Chandr, while /uru is in Chan
3hava the same effect will prevail'
;7' <ven if one among 1ri8s, >andhr8s, and Vyaya8s lords being in debilitation gives a drishti to
Lagn, there will be a >a? Iog'
;:-=1' The native will become a $ing if a grah ruling 3andhu, %arm, Chan, or Labh gives a
drishti to Lagn, while 0hu$r gives a drishti to the 11th from 1rudh Lagn as 1rudh Lagn is
occupied by a benefic' The same effect will be obtained if a debilitated grah gives a drishti to
Lagn and is placed in 1ri or >andhr 3hava' !i'e' The native will become a $ing" 1gain, similar
result will prevail if a debilitated grah placed in 0aha? or Labh 3hava gives a drishti to Lagn' !i'e'
The native will become a $ing"
=;' I now tell you of the >a? Iogas based on the grahas with different dignities and on the
drishtis and yutis of the grahas'
==-=(' Charm8s lord is a$in to a minister, and more especially *utr8s lord' If these two grahas
mutually give a drishti, the native will obtain a $ingdom' <ven if these two are yuti in any bhava,
or if they happen to be placed in mutually Bth places, one born of royal scion will become a $ing'
=6' The native will attain a $ingdom if 3andhu8s lord is in %arm 3hava and %arm8s lord is in
3andhu 3hava, and if these grahas give a drishti to *utr8s and Charm8s lords'
=A' If the lords of *utr, %arm, 3andhu, and Lagn are yuti in Charm 3hava, one will become a
ruler with fame spreading over the four directions'
=B' 0hould the lord of 3andhu 3hava, or of %arm 3hava ?oin either the *utr8s lord or Charm8s
lord, the native will obtain a $ingdom'
=7' If *utr8s lord is in Lagn, 3andhu, or %arm 3hava yuti with Charm8s lord or Lagn lord, the
native will become a $ing'
=:' 0hould /uru be in his own rashi identical with Charm 3hava and yuti with either 0hu$r or
*utr8s lord, the native will obtain royal status'
(D' Two and a half ghatis !i'e' AD minutes of time" from mid-day or from mid-night is auspicious
time' 1 birth during such an auspicious time will cause one to be a $ing or e9ual to him'
(1' 0hould Chandr and 0hu$r be mutually in 0aha? and Labh 3hava and receiving drishtis from
each other while they are placed elsewhere !i'e' not in 0aha? and Labh 3hava", a >a? Iog is
(;' 0hould Chandr, endowed with strength, be Vargottamsh and receives a drishti from four or
more grahas, the native will become a $ing'
(=' )ne will become a $ing if Lagn in Uttamamsh receives a drishti from four or more grahas
out of which Chandr should not be one'
((' If one or two or three grahas are in e2altation, one of a royal scion will become a $ing, while
another will be e9ual to a $ing or be wealthy'
(6' If four or five grahas occupy their e2altation rashis or ooltri$on rashis, even a person of
base birth will become $ing'
(A' If si2 grahas are e2alted, the native will become emperor and will en?oy various $inds of
royal paraphernalia'
(B' <ven if one among /uru, 0hu$r, and 3uddh is in e2altation, while a benefic is in a %endr the
native will become a $ing or be e9ual to him'
(7' If all benefics are relegated to %endras, while malefics are in 0aha?, 1ri, and Labh 3hava, the
native, though may be of mean descent will ascend, the throne'
Chapter (D
Iogas Eor >oyal 1ssociation
1' If %arm8s lord is yuti with or receives a drishti from the dispositor of 1matya %ara$, or even if
%arm8s lord is yuti with or receives a drishti form 1matya %ara$ himself, the native will be a
chief in the $ings court'
;' If %arm and Labh 3hava are devoid of malefic occupation and devoid of drishti from a
malefic, while Labh 3hava receives a drishti from its own lord, the native will be a chief in the
$ing8s court'
=' 0hould 1matya %ara$ and the dispositor of 1tma %ara$ be together the native will be
endowed with great intelligence and will be a $ing8s minister' !8%ara$endr8 is interpreted here as
the dispositor of 1tma %ara$' 0imilarly, 81matyesa8 means the dispositor of 1matya %ara$"'
(' If 1tma %ara$ is strong and is with a benefic or 1matya %ara$ is in its own 3hava or in
e2altation, one will surely become a $ing8s minister'
6' There is no doubt in one8s becoming a $ing8s minister and famous if 1tma %ara$ is in Tanu, or
*utr, or Charm 3hava'
A' If 1tma %ara$ or 1matya %ara$ is placed in a %endr or in a %on the native will beget royal
mercy, royal patronage, and happiness there of'
B' 0hould malefics be in the =rd and the Ath from 1tma %ara$, or from 1rudh Lagn, or in 0aha?
and 1ri 3hava, one will become army chief'
7' If 1tma %ara$ is in a %endr, or in a %on, or in e2altation, or in its own bhava, and gives a
drishti to Charm8s lord, the native will be a $ing8s minister'
:' If the lord of the rashi where Chandr is placed becomes 1tma %ara$ and if this lord is placed
in Tanu 3hava along with a benefic, the native will become a $ing8s minister at his advanced age'
1D' 0hould the 1tma %ara$ be in *utr, Iuvati, %arm, or Charm 3hava and happen to be with a
benefic, one will earn wealth through royal patronage'
11' If the 1rudh of Charm 3hava happens to be itself the &anm Lagn, or if 1tma %ara$ is placed
in Charm 3hava the native will be associated with royal circles'
1;' )ne will gain through royal association if Labh 3hava is occupied by its own lord, and is
devoid of a drishti from a malefic' The 1tma %ara$ should at the same time be yuti with a
1=' 1n e2change of rashis between %arm8s lord and Lagn8s lord will ma$e the native associated
with the $ing in a great manner'
1(' If 0hu$r and Chandr are in the (th from %ara$amsh Lagn, the native will be endowed with
royal insignia'
16' 0hould Lagn8s lord, or the 1tma %ara$, be yuti with *utr8s lord and be in a %endr or in a %on,
the native will be a $ing or minister'
Chapter (1
Combinations Eor 5ealth
1' I now tell you of special combinations giving wealth' )ne born to these Iogas will surely
become wealthy'
;' Iogas for /reat 1ffluence !up to slo$a 7"+ 0hould a rashi of 0hu$r be *utr 3hava and be
occupied by 0hu$r himself, while angal is in Labh 3hava, the native will obtain great riches'
=' 0hould a rashi of 3uddh be *utr 3hava and be occupied by 3uddh himself as Labh 3hava is
occupied by Chandr, angal, and /uru, the native will be very affluent'
(' 0hould 0imh be *utr 3hava and be occupied by 0urya himself as 0hani, Chandr, and /uru are
in Labh 3hava, the native will be very affluent'
6' 0hould 0urya and Chandr be in Labh 3hava as 0hani is in *utr 3hava identical with his own
bhava, the native will be very affluent'
A' 0hould /uru be in *utr 3hava identical with his own rashi as 3uddh is in Labh 3hava, the
native will be very affluent'
B' If a rashi of angal happens to be *utr 3hava with angal there in while 0hu$r is in Labh
3hava, the native will become very affluent'
7' If %ar$ happens to be *utr 3hava containing Chandr there in, while 0hani is in Labh 3hava,
the native will become very affluent'
:' Iogas for 5ealth !up to slo$a 16"+ 0hould 0urya be in 0imh identical with Lagn, and be yuti
with or receiving a drishti from angal and /uru, one will be wealthy'
1D' 0hould Chandr be in %ar$ identical with Lagn, and be yuti with or receiving a drishti from
3uddh and /uru one will be wealthy'
11' 0hould angal be in Lagn identical with his own rashi and be yuti with or receiving a drishti
from 3uddh, 0hu$r, and 0hani, the native will be rich'
1;' 0hould 3uddh8s rashi be Lagn with 3uddh there in and should 3uddh be yuti with or
receiving a drishti from 0hani and /uru the native will be rich'
1=' 0hould /uru be in Lagn identical with as own rashi and be yuti with or receiving a drishti
from 3uddh and angal, the native will be rich'
1(' If 0hu$r happens to be in Lagn identical with his own rashi and be yuti with or receiving a
drishti from 0hani and 3uddh, one will be wealthy'
16' If 0hani is in his own rashi identical with Lagn and receiving a drishti from or being yuti with
angal and /uru, the native will be wealthy'
1A' )ther Mualified /rahas+ Charm8s lord and *utr8s lord are capable of bestowing wealth'
0imilarly, grahas yuti with Charm8s lord andHor *utr8s lord are capable of bestowing wealth'
There is no doubt that these grahas will give wealth during their Casha periods'
1B' The Iogas mentioned above !up to slo$a 1A" should be delineated after $nowing favourable
or unfavourable dispositions of the participant grahas and their strength and wea$ness'
17-1:' <ffects of the Civisional Cignities of the Lords of %endras+ If the lord of a %endr is in
*ari?atamsh, the native will be liberal, if the lord of a %endr is in Uttamamsh the native will be
highly liberal, if the lord of a %endr is in /opuramsh the native will be endowed with prowess, if
the lord of a %endr is in 0imhasanamsh the native will be honourable, !prominent, etc'", if the
lord of a %endr is in *aravatamsh the native will be valorous, if the lord of a %endr is in
Cevalo$amsh the native will be head of an assembly, if the lord of a %endr is in 3rahmalo$amsh
the native will be a sage, and if the lord of %endr is in Iravatamsh the native will be delighted
and be celebrated in all 9uarters'
;D-;;' <ffects of the Civisional Cignities of *utr8s Lord+ If *utr8s lord is in *ari?atamsh, the
native will ta$e to the branch of learning befitting his race# if *utr8s lord is in Uttamamsh the
native will have e2cellent learning# if *utr8s lord is in /opuramsh the native will receive world-
wide honours# if *utr8s lord is in 0imhasanamsh the native will become a minister# if *utr8s lord
is in also *aravatamsh the native will be endowed with Vedic %nowledge# if *utr8s lord is in
Cevalo$amsh the native will be a %arm Iogi !i'e' a performer of actions, worldly and religious
rites"# if *utr8s lord is in 3rahmalo$amsh the native will be devoted to the Lord# and if *utr8s lord
is in Iravatamsh the native will be pious'
@otes+ 5hile the lords of the four %endras are treated in one and the same breath, aharishi
*arashar gives special importance to *utr8s and Charm8s lords individually' The effects may
suitably be understood based on the e2planations given above for the lords of %endras'
;=-;B' <ffects of the Civisional Cignities of Charm8s Lord+ If Charm8s lord is in *ari?atamsh, the
native will visit holy places# if Charm8s lord is in Uttamamsh, the native has been visiting holy
places in the past births and he will do the same within this life-time# if Charm8s lord is in
/opuramsh the native will perform sacrificial rites# if Charm8s lord is in 0imhasanamsh the
native will be mighty and truthful# he will be a con9uerer of his senses and will concentrate only
on the 3rahman, giving up all religions# if Charm8s lord is in *aravatamsh the native will be the
greatest of ascetics# if Charm8s lord is in Cevalo$amsh the native will be an ascetic holding a
cudgel !8lagudi8", or he will be a religious mendicant that has renounced all mundane attachments
and carrying three long staves tied together in his right hand !8Tridandin8"# and if Charm8s lord is
in 3rahmalo$amsh the native will perform 1swamedh Iagya !.orse 0acrifice" and will attain the
state of Lord Indra' If Charm8s lord is in Iravatamsh the native will be a synonym of Charma or
virtues ?ust as Lord >am and Iudhishtira !the eldest of *andavas"'
;7' Lords of %endras and %onas >elated+ The %endras are $nown as Vishnu 0thanas !i'e' 3havas
of Lord Vishnu", while the %onas are called La$shmi 0thanas !i'e' 3havas of La$shmi"' If the
lord of a %endr establishes a relationship with the lord of a %on, a >a? Iog is obtained' !1 si2th
$ind of relationship can also be e2tended in this conte2t to @avamsh positions though there is no
specific classic sanction for this' Eor e2ample in the case of a a$ar native, angal in the
@avamsh of 0hu$r, and 0hu$r in the @avamsh of angal will confer a superior >a? Iog' This
form of relationship will be e9ually superior li$e the first = relationships mentioned in the earlier
;:-=( <ffects of the Civisional Cignities of >elated Lords of %endras and Lords of %onas !as
indicated in slo$a ;7"+ If the lord of a %endr and the lord of a %on, having a relationship as
indicated in slo$a ;7, happen to be in *ari?atamsh, the native will be $ing and will protect men# if
the lord of a %endr and the lord of a %on, having a relationship as indicated in slo$a ;7, happen
to be in Uttamamsh, the native will be an e2cellent $ing endowed with elephants, horses,
chariots, etc'# if the lord of a %endr and the lord of a %on, having a relationship as indicated in
slo$a ;7, happen to be in /opuramsh, the native will be a tiger of $ings honoured by other $ings#
and if the lord of a %endr and the lord of a %on, having a relationship as indicated in slo$as ;7,
happen to be in 0imhasanamsh the native will be an emperor ruling over the entire earth# with
the said >a? Iog relationship of the said grahas in 0imhasanamsh were born .arish Chandr,
anu, 3ali, the Eire god !1gni Ceva" and many emperors' In the present Iuga so born is
Iudhishtira !or Charm >a? of ahabharat"' 0alivahana8s birth and that of others will also come
with this Iog' 5ith the lord of a %endr and the lord of a %on, having a relationship as indicated
in slo$a ;7, placed in *aravatamsh, anu, etc', were born' The Incarnations of Lord Vishnu too$
place when the lord of a %endr and the lord of a %on, having a relationship as indicated in slo$a
;7, were placed in Cevalo$amsh# with the lord of a %endr and the lord of a %on, having a
relationship as indicated in slo$a ;7, placed in 3rahmalo$amsh Lord 3rahma was born# and with
the lord of a %endr and the lord of a %on, having a relationship as indicated in slo$a ;7, placed
in Iravatamsh the 0wayambhu anu was born' !anu is the first of the 1( anus, identified as
the second creator who produced the *ra?apatis' To anu, the code of laws, vi-' anu 0mriti is
Chapter (;
Combinations for *enury
1' ) Lord, you have stated many Iogas related to ac9uisition of wealth' *lease tell me such
Iogas causing utter poverty'
;' The native will be penniless if Lagn8s lord is in Vyaya 3hava, while Vyaya8s lord is in Lagn
along with the lord of a ara$ !a death inflicting grah" or receives a drishti from such a grah'
=' The native will be penniless if Lagn8s lord is in 1ri 3hava, while 1ri8s lord is in Lagn, yuti
with or receiving a drishti from a ara$ lord'
(' 0hould Lagn or Chandr be with %etu, while Lagn8s lord is in >andhr 3hava, the person
concerned will be penniless'
6' If Lagn8s lord along with a malefic is in 1ri, >andhr, or Vyaya 3hava, while Chan8s lord is in
an enemy8s rashi, or in debilitation, even a native of royal scion will become penniless'
A' If Lagn8s lord is yuti with the lord of 1ri, >andhr, or Vyaya 3hava, or with 0hani, and if Lagn8s
lord is devoid of a drishti from a benefic the native will be penniless'
B' 0hould *utr8s and Charm8s lords be respectively found in 1ri and Vyaya 3hava, and receive a
drishti from ara$ grahas, the native will be penniless'
7' If malefics, e2cepting the lords of %arm and Charm 3hava, happen to be in Lagn associated
with or receiving a drishti from ara$ grahas one will become penniless'
:' @ote the grahas that are ruling the rashis occupied by the lords of 1ri, >andhr, and Vyaya
3hava' If the said dispositors are in such evil bhavas in turn, and are associated with or receive a
drishti from malefics, the native will be miserable and indigent'
1D' The lord of the @avamsh occupied by Chandr, ?oining a ara$ grah or occupying a ara$
3hava will ma$e one penniless'
11' 0hould the lord of the natal Lagn and that of the @avamsh Lagn be yuti with or receive a
drishti from ara$ grahas, one will be penniless'
1;' If inauspicious bhavas are occupied by benefics, while auspicious bhavas are occupied by
malefics, the native will be indigent and will be distressed even in the matter of food'
1=' 1 grah associated with one of the lords of 1ri, >andhr, and Vyaya 3hava, being bereft of a
drishti from the lord of a %on, will in its Casha periods cause harm to the native8s financial
1(' If the 7thH1;th from 1tma %ara$, or >andhrHVyaya 3hava receive a drishti from the 1tma
%ara$8s @avamsh lord and the lord of &anma Lagn, the native will be bereft of wealth'
16' The native will be a spend thrift if the 1;th from 1tma %ara$ receives a drishti from the
dispositor of 1tma %ara$ or if Vyaya 3hava receives a drishti from the lord of Lagn'
1A-17' @ow I tell you some Iogas for poverty along with conditions of their nullifications'
0hould angal and 0hani be together in Chan 3hava, the native8s wealth will be destroyed'
0hould 3uddh give a drishti to angal and 0hani in Chan 3hava, there will be great wealth'
There is no doubt in it' 0urya in Chan 3hava receiving a drishti from 0hani will cause penury#
while if 0urya is in Chan 3hava and does not receive a drishti from 0hani, riches and fame will
be obtained' The same effects !i'e' poverty" will be declared if 0hani is in Chan 3hava receiving
a drishti from 0urya'
Chapter (=
1' ) aharishi *arashar, you have dealt with combinations for wealth and poverty' %indly detail
methods of ascertaining the life span of human beings'
;-=' D 3rahmin, for the benefit of man$ind I narrate methods of ascertaining longevity# $nowing
that longevity is difficult even for gods' any e2ponents have laid down various methods of
longevity calculations' Eollowing is the summary of such schools of thoughts'
(-7' *indayu+ The grahas contribute to longevity according to their being in e2altation, or
debilitation, and also based on their strengths and wea$nesses and positions in 1shvini, etc', and
in the various rashis' Eirst of all, *indayu is based on the positions of the grahas' ) 3rahmin,
listen carefully to what I say+ 1:, ;6, 16, 1;, 16, ;1, and ;D are the number of years contributed
by the grahas from 0urya, etc', when in !deep" e2altation' These are half of the above in !deep"
debilitation# and if the grahas are in between e2altation and debilitation, the rule of three process
should be used' Ceduct the actual position of the grah from its deep e2altation point' If the
product is less than A rashis, deduct it again from 1; rashis' The product concerned should be
multiplied by the number of years allotted to the grah and divided by 1; to get the grah8s actual
:' >ectifications+ <2cepting 0hu$r and 0hani, the contributions made by others should be halved,
if they are eclipsed, by 0urya' )ne third should be reduced if the grah is in its inimical rashi' This
does not apply to the one in retrogression !see Va$ra Charam"'
1D-11' Ceductions for /rahas in the Visible .alf of the Lodiac+ Eull, half, one third, one fourth,
one fifth, and one si2th are the deductions of contributions made by malefics placed in the visible
half of the -odiac' 3enefics in such cases lose only half of what malefics lose' 0hould there be
more than one grah in a bhava, the deduction due to the strongest will only prevail, and not
deductions due to other grahas in that particular bhava' 5aning Chandr is a benefic for this
1;-1=' alefics in Lagn+ In case Tanu 3hava is occupied by malefics, adopt the following
procedure+ Convert Lagn8s 0phuta into minutes of arc and multiple it by the years, etc',
contributed by the occupant and divide by ;1ADD' The years etc' so arrived be deducted from the
respective contribution which will be the net span donated by the grah' If there is benefics drishti
on Lagn containing malefics then the loss is only half !obtained through these calculations"'
1(-16' Lagn8s Contribution+ The number of years contributed by Lagn will correspond to the
number of rashis it gained !from esh", while the degrees Lagn has gained in the particular rashi
will also correspondingly donate !i'e' =D degreesOl year"' If the Lagn8s lord in the @avamsh is
stronger than Lagn8s lord, then the contribution should be computed only based on the number of
@avamshas gained !from esh", otherwise the computation will be for the >ashi Lagn'
1A-1B' @isargayu+ ) 3rahmin, now I tell you about @isargayu 1, ;, :, ;D, 17, ;D,and 6D are the
years allotted to Chandr, angal, 3uddh, 0hu$r, /uru, 0urya, and 0hani from the period of birth'
17-1:' 1mshayu+ @ow, I will tell you about 1mshayu contributions by Lagn and grahas' The
years correspond to the number of @avamshas counted from esh' ultiply the longitude in
9uestion by 1D7' If the product e2ceeds 1;, e2punge multiples of 1; and consider the final
product in rashis, degrees, etc', as years, months, etc'
;D-;;' The same reductions as per *indayu apply to 1mshayu as well# i'e' half for a combust
grah, one third for inimical placement and the ones due for placements in the half of the -odiac
counted from the 1;th bac$wards' 0ome scholars suggest further corrections for 1mshayu, vi-'
To increase three fold the contribution of a grah in e2altation or in own bhava and double the
contribution if the contributor is in his own @avamsh or in his own Cresh$an' If doubling and
trebling is warranted, only trebling be done' In case of reductions also, only halving is to be done
if both halving and reducing a third are re9uired' That is how the final life span of men be
;=' Longevity for )ther Living 3eings+ Eor other living beings as well such computations can be
made' The said figure should be multiplied by the figure corresponding to its full span of life and
divided by the figure corresponding to the full span of life for human beings'
;(-;:' Eull Life 0pan of Various Living 3eings+ @ow, I8ll tell you about the full life span figures
for various living beings' /ods and sages en?oy endless life span !i'e' in astronomical proportions
as against ordinary mortals"' The full life span of eagles, owls, parrots, crows, and sna$es is one
thousand years' Eor falcon, mon$ey, bear, and frog the full span of life is =DD years' Cemon8s full
life span is 16D years, while it is 1;D years for human beings' =; years for horses' ;6 years for
don$eys and camels, ;( years for o2en and buffaloes, ;D years for peacoc$s, 1A years for goats
and rams' 1( years for swans, 1; years for cuc$oo, dog, and dove, 7 years for hens, etc', and B
years for birds, etc'
=D-=1' Choice of Longevity+ I have narrated = different methods of longevity' Listen to me about
the choice among the three systems' 1ccording to which of the three+ Lagn, 0urya, or Chandr is
stronger than the other two, 1mshayu, *indayu, or @isargayu should be respectively chosen'
=;' Coubtful Cases+ If two among Lagn, 0urya, and Chandr gain e9ual strength, then longevity
should be wor$ed out as per both systems and the average of both !final" should be considered' If
all the three are e9ually strong, the average of the three should be considered'
==-(D' )ther Clues to Longevity+ ) e2cellent of the 3rahmins, I will now give you details of
other methods in the matter of longevity as under+ This is based on the positions of Lagn8s lord,
>andhr8s lord, 0hani, Chandr, natal Lagn, and .ora Lagn' These si2 are grouped into three
groups, thus+ the lords of Lagn and of >andhr 3hava on the one hand, 0hani and Chandr on the
other hand, and the natal Lagn and .ora Lagn on yet the other hand' )ut of a group of two, if the
two are in movable rashis long life is denoted' )ne in a fi2ed rashi and the other in a dual rashi
will also bestow long life' )ne in a movable rashi and the other in a fi2ed rashi will give medium
life' If both are in dual rashis then, again medium life will be obtained' 0hort life is denoted if
one is in a movable rashi as the other is in a dual rashi, or if both are in fi2ed rashis' The type of
life denoted by three or two groups be only considered' If the three groups denote different
scales, then the one indicated by the pair of natal Lagn and .ora Lagn should be only
considered' In case of three different indications if Chandr is in Lagn or Iuvati 3hava, then, the
one indicated by the 0hani-Chandr pair will only come to pass'
(1-((' Eurther Clarifications+ If long life is denoted by all the said three groups, the span is 1;D
years, if by two groups it is 1D7 years, and if only by one group it is :1 years' If medium life is
arrived at by three groups it is 7D years, if medium life span is indicated by ; groups it is B;
years, and if medium life span is indicated by one group it is A( years' If short life is denoted by
the said three groups it is only =; years, if short life is indicated by two groups, the life span is =A
years, and if short life is indicated by one group the life span is (D years' These are rectified as
(6-(A' >ectifications+ If the contributor is in the beginning of a rashi, his donation will be full,
and it will be nil if he is at the end of a rashi' Eor intermediary placements, rule of the process
will apply' 1dd the longitudes of the contributors !devoid of rashis" and the sum so arrived at
must be divided by the number of contributors' The latest product should be multiplied by the
number of basic years and divided by =D' This will yield the net longevity'
(B' 0pecial >ule for 0hani+ 0hould 0hani be a contributor, the class of longevity declines' 0ome
advocate contrarily, an increase of class in this conte2t' If 0hani is in its own rashi or in
e2altation, change in class will not occur' <ven if he receives a drishti from or is yuti with only a
malefic, no change occurs'
(7' 0pecial >ule for /uru+ If /uru is in Lagn or in Iuvati 3hava, and receives a drishti from or is
yuti with only benefics, the class of longevity will increase'
(:-6D' Increase and Eall in Class of Longevity+ Erom very short life to short life, from short life
to medium life, from medium life to long life and from long life to e2tremely long life are the
increases in the classification of longevity when /uru warrants an increase' The reverse is true if
0hani warrants a fall in the span of life'
61' !aitreya says"+ Iou have narrated various $inds of longevity computations' *lease favour
me by denoting subtle classes there of and poor and long life spans'
6;' !aharishi *arashar replies"+ These are seven-fold, vi-' 3al >isht, Iog >isht, short, medium,
long, super-natural !Civya", and immortality !1mritayu"'
6=-6(' The life span in 3al >isht is 7 years, in Iog >isht ;D years# in short, medium, and long
lives respectively =;, A(, and 1;D years' 0uper-natural life span is 1DDD years' 1bove this super-
natural life span of 1DDD years it is 1mritayu, which can be ac9uired only by those who deserve
it !erits"'
66' Limitless Longevity+ 0hould %ar$ be Lagn with /uru and Chandr there in, while 0hu$r and
3uddh are in %endras, and others are in 0aha?, 1ri, and Labh 3hava, the native will obtain
limitless longevity'
6A' 0uper-natural Longevity+ )ne having benefics in %endras andHor %onas, while malefics are
in 0aha?, 1ri, and Labh 3hava will obtain super-natural life span !one thousand years"' >andhr
3hava in this case should be one of the rashis owned by a benefic'
6B' Living until the <nd of the Iuga+ )ne born in %ar$ Lagn will live till the end of the yuga if
/uru is in a %endr and happens to be in /opuramsh, while 0hu$r is in a %on and happens to be
in *aravatamsh'
67' Living the Life 0pan of a 0age+ /uru in 0imhasanamsh being in Lagn, 0hani in
Cevalo$amsh, and angal in *aravatamsh# if these are so, one will en?oy the life span as due to
a sage'
6:' /ood Iogas increase the life span and bad Iogas decrease the same !as arrived by
mathematical means"' .ence, I tell you such Iogas as to $now of full, medium, and short span
AD' If a %endr contains a benefic, while Lagn8s lord is yuti with or receives a drishti from a
benefic, or /uru in particular, the native will live a full span of life'
A1' 0hould Lagn8s lord be in a %endr yuti with or receiving a drishti from /uru and 0hu$r, full
life span will result'
A;' If at birth three grahas are e2alted, out of which the lords, of Lagn and >andhr 3hava are
inclusive, as >andhr 3hava is devoid of a malefic in it, full life span will result'
A=' Long life is denoted if three grahas are in >andhr 3hava, in e2altation, own or friendly
divisions, while Lagn8s lord is strong'
A(' If 0hani or Lagn8s lord is yuti with any e2alted grah, long life will result'
A6' Long life will be en?oyed if malefics are in 0aha?, 1ri, and Labh 3hava, while benefics are in
AA' If 1ri, Iuvati, and >andhr 3hava are occupied by benefics, while malefics are in 0aha? and
Labh 3hava, full life span will follow the birth'
AB' If >andhr8s lord is friendly to 0urya, while malefics are in 1ri and Vyaya 3hava, as Lagn8s
lord is in a %endr, the native will live the full span of life'
A7' D e2cellent of the 3rahmins, if a malefic is in >andhr 3hava, while %arm8s lord is e2alted,
one will be long lived'
A:' Long life will follow if Lagn is a dual rashi, while Lagn8s lord is in a %endr, or in e2altation,
or in a %on'
BD' 0hould Lagn be a dual rashi, while two malefics are in a %endr with reference to a strong
Lagn8s lord, long life is indicated'
B1-B=' If the stronger among Lagn8s lord and >andhr8s lord is placed in a %endr long life is
indicated# and if in a *anaphara !Chan, *utr, >andhr, or Labh 3hava" medium life is indicated# If
the stronger among Lagn8s lord and >andhr8s lord is placed in 1po$lima !0aha?, 1ri, Charm, or
Vyaya 3hava" short life will come to pass' 1ccording to Lagn8s lord being friendly, neutral, or
inimical to 0urya, long, medium, or short life will result'
B(' 0hould angal and 0aha?8s lord, or >andhr8s lord and 0hani, be combust or !two of either
pair" be yuti with malefics or receive a drishti from malefics, there will be short life'
B6' If Lagn8s lord is in 1ri, >andhr, or Vyaya 3hava yuti with malefics and devoid of yuti with
andHor drishti from a benefic, short life will come to pass'
BA' If malefics are in %endras devoid of yuti with or a drishti from benefics, while Lagn8s lord is
not strong, only short life will result'
BB' D e2cellent of 3rahmins, if Vyaya and Chan 3hava are occupied by malefics and devoid of a
drishti from a benefic or devoid of yuti with a benefic, the native will be short-lived'
B7' If the lords of Lagn and >andhr 3hava are bereft of dignities and strength, short life will
come to pass' If the lords of Lagn and >andhr 3hava are helped by others, while being so,
medium life span will come to pass'
Chapter ((
ara$ !%iller" /rahas
1' ) aharishi *arashar, you have mentioned a lot about longevity' 3e $ind enough to throw
light on ara$as or $illers'
;-(' D 3rahmin, 0aha? and >andhr 3hava are the two bhavas of longevity' The bhavas related to
death are the 1;th from each of these, i'e' Chan and Iuvati 3hava are ara$ 3havas'
6' )ut of the two !i'e' Chan and Iuvati 3hava", Chan 3hava is a powerful ara$ 3hava !as
against Iuvati 3hava"' The lords of Chan and Iuvati 3hava, malefics in Chan and Iuvati 3hava,
and malefics yuti with Chan8s lord and yuti with Iuvati8s lord, are all $nown as ara$as' The
ma?or and sub periods of these grahas will bring death on the native depending on whether he
has a long life, medium life, or short life person'
A-B' The Casha of a benefic grah related to Vyaya8s lord may also inflict death' <nd may descend
on the native in >andhr8s lord8s Casha' The Casha of a grah which is an e2clusive malefic !i'e'
first-rate malefic" may also cause death'
:' 0hould 0hani be ill-disposed and be related to a ara$ grah, he will be the first to $ill in
preference to other grahas'
1D-1(' D 3rahmin, I tell you further about ara$as' @arrated earlier are three $inds of life spans,
vi-' short, medium, and long' 0hort life is before =; years, later on up to A( it is medium life, and
from A( to 1DD it is long life' 3eyond 1DD the longevity is called supreme' ) e2cellent of the
3rahmins, it is impossible to decide upon longevity till the native is ;D years old' Till such year
the child should be protected by sacred recitations, religious offerings !of ghee, etc', to
consecrated fire as prescribed in the Vedas, etc', and through medical treatments, for premature
death may descend on the child due to sins of father and mother or of its own !in the previous
16-;1' I further mention about the ara$ grahas' )ne born with short life combinations may face
death in the Casha denoted by Vipat star !the =rd from the birth star"# one of medium life may die
in the Casha denoted by *ratya$ star !the 6th from the birth star"' In the Casha denoted by Vadh
star !the Bth from the birth star", one with long life may obtain his end' The Casha of the lord of
the ;;nd Cresh$an, or the Casha of the lord of the ;=rd, or the Casha of the lord of the =rd, or
the Casha of the lord of the 6th, or the Casha of the lord of the Bth asterisms may also cause
death' The lords of the ;nd and the 1;th counted from %ar$ may bring death, this is true when
Chandr is a malefic# if he happens to be a benefic there will be !only" diseases !but not death"'
Ceath may come to pass in the Casha of 1ri8s lord and in the sub periods of 1ri8s, >andhr8s,
andHor Vyaya8s lords' 0hould there be many ara$as !endowed with the power of $illing",and if
these ara$as are strong, there will be diseases, miseries, etc', in ma?or and sub periods' Thus,
these are ara$as !as is mentioned above" and are primarily related to bring death upon the
native' 1ccording to their dispositions there may be death or difficulties'
;;-;(' >ahu and %etu as ara$as+ If >ahu or %etu are placed in Tanu, Iuvati, >andhr, or Vyaya
3hava, or happen to be in the Bth from a ara$ lord, or are placed with such a grah, they ac9uire
powers of $illing in their ma?or or sub periods' Eor one born in a$ar, or in Vrischi$, >ahu will
be a ara$' 0hould >ahu be in 1ri, >andhr, or Vyaya 3hava, he will give difficulties in his
Casha periods' .e will not, however, do so if >ahu receives a drishti from, or is yuti with a
;6-=1' 0aha? 3hava and Ceath+ ) e2cellent of 3rahmins, if 0urya, being with strength, is in
0aha? 3hava, one will obtain his death due to a $ing !or legal punishments"# Chandr in 0aha?
3hava will cause death due to tuberculosis, while wounds, weapons, fire, and thirst will cause
death through angal in 0aha? 3hava' If 0aha? 3hava receives a drishti from, or is occupied by
0hani and >ahu, death will be through poison, water, or fire, or fall from heights, or
confinement' Ceath will surely come to descend through insects or leprosy if Chandr and /uli$
occupy or give a drishti to 0aha? 3hava' 3uddh giving a drishti to or occupying 0aha? 3hava will
bring death followed by fever' /uru in 0aha? 3hava or giving a drishti to 0aha? 3hava will cause
death by swelling or tumours' Urinary diseases will cause death if 0hu$r is in, or gives a drishti
to 0aha? 3hava' any grahas giving a drishti to or occupying 0aha? 3hava will bring death
through many diseases'
=;' If 0aha? 3hava is occupied by a benefic, death will be in an auspicious place !li$e a shrine"#
and if 0aha? 3hava is occupied by a malefic death will be in sinful places' i2ed occupation of
0aha? 3hava will yield mi2ed results with regard to the place of death'
==' Consciousness will prevail at the time of death if /uru or 0hu$r are placed in 0aha? 3hava'
5ith other grahas in 0aha? 3hava, there will be unconsciousness before death'
=(' 1ccording to 0aha? 3hava being a movable, a fi2ed, or a dual rashi, death will be
respectively in a foreign place !other than native birth place", in one8s own house, or on the way'
=6-=A+ )ccupants of >andhr 3hava+ @ote the occupant of >andhr 3hava+ If it is 0urya, death
will be through fire# if Chandr is in >andhr 3hava, death will be through water# if angal is in
>andhr 3hava, death will be through weapons# if 3uddh is in >andhr 3hava, death will be
through fever# if /uru is in >andhr 3hava, death will be through diseases# if 0hu$r is in >andhr
3hava, death will be through hunger# and if 0hani is in >andhr 3hava, death will be through
=B' If >andhr 3hava is occupied by or receives a drishti from a benefic, while Charm8s lord is
yuti with a benefic the native will die in a shrine' If >andhr 3hava is occupied by or receives a
drishti from a malefic, while Charm8s lord is yuti with a malefic, death will be in a place other
than a shrine'
=7-=:' Eate of the .uman *hysical 0ystem+ 0hould there be a benefic8s Cresh$an in >andhr
3hava !i'e' the ;;nd Cresh$an", the body will be burnt in fire !as prescribed in 0hastras"# if a
malefic8s Cresh$an happens to be in >andhr 3hava, the body will be thrown away in water# if the
Cresh$an in >andhr 3hava is owned by a mi2ed grah the dead body will only dry up# if the
Cresh$an in >andhr 3hava is a serpent Cresh$an, the body will be eaten away by animals,
crows, etc'#
(D' 0erpent Cresh$anas+ The ;nd and =rd Cresh$an in %ar$, the initial one in Vrischi$, and the
last one in een are designated as serpent Cresh$anas'
(1-(;' *re-natal 1bode+ ) e2cellent of 3rahmins, the stronger of the two luminaries, 0urya and
Chandr, occupying a Cresh$an of /uru denotes the descent from the world of gods' If the
stronger of the luminaries, 0urya and Chandr, occupies the Cresh$an of 0hu$r or Chandr, the
descent is from the world of the anes# if the stronger of the two luminaries, 0urya and Chandr,
is in the Cresh$an of 0urya or angal, the descent is from the world of Iama !the world of the
death"# and if the stronger of the two luminaries, 0urya and Chandr, is in Cresh$an of 3uddh or
0hani, the descent is from the hell'
(=-(6' 1scent after Ceath+ 1ccording to the following grahas in Vyaya, Iuvati, 1ri, or >andhr
3hava, the native will attain one of the different worlds after death+ /uru+ heaven# Chandr or
0hu$r+ the world of anes# angal andHor 0urya+ earth !i'e' rebirth"# 3uddh andHor 0hani+ hell'
In case the said bhavas are not occupied, the native will go to the world indicated by the stronger
of the Cresh$an lords related to 1ri and >andhr 3hava' The relative grah8s e2altation, etc', will
denote the high, medium, and low status the native will obtain in the said world' world of Iama
!the world of the death"# and if the stronger of the two luminaries, 0urya and Chandr, is in
Cresh$an of 3uddh or 0hani, the descent is from the hell
(A' )ther grahas and rashis becoming ara$as are being discussed in the chapter related to
Chapter (6
1vasthas of /rahas
1' ) aharishi *arashar, you have earlier stated that the 1vasthas, or states, of the grahas are to
be considered in the conte2t of the effects of the grahas' 3e so $ind to tell me about this'
;' D e2cellent of 3rahmins, various $inds of 1vasthas of the grahas have been e2pounded' )ut of
these, I will give you the summary of 3aal !infant" and other states of the grahas !in the first
=' 3aal, %umar, Iuv, Vriddh, and rit 1vastha+ Infant, youthful, adolescent, old, and dead are
the states of the grahas placed in the ascending order at the rate of si2 degrees in odd rashis' In
the case of even rashis this arrangement is in reverse order' !These five 1vasthas are $nown as
3aal 1di 1vasthas' Eor odd rashis, the placement concerned will denote the 1vastha as under+
3aal 1vastha !Infant state"+ ) to A degrees %umar 1vastha !Iouthful state"+ A to 1; degrees Iuv
1vastha !1dolescent state"+ 1; to 17 degrees Vriddh 1vastha !1dvanced state"+ 17 to ;( degrees
rit 1vastha !In e2tremis"+ ;( to =D degrees The above order is to be reversed for placement in
an even rashi"'
(' >esults+ )ne fourth, half, full, negligible, and nil are the grades of the results due to a grah in
infant, youthful, adolescent, old, and dead 1vasthas'
6' 1wa$ening, Creaming, and 0leeping 0tates+ If a grah is in its own rashi, or in e2altation it is
said to be in a state of awa$ening !or alertness"' In the rashi of a friend or of a neutral rashi, it is
in dreaming state, while in an enemy8s rashi, or in debilitation it is in a state of sleeping'
A' 1ccording to a grah being in 1wa$ening, Creaming or 0leeping states, the results due to it will
be full, medium, or nil'
B' )ther %inds of 0tates+ There are nine $inds of other 1vasthas, vi-' Cipt, 0wasth, *ramudit,
0hanta, Cin, Vi$al, %hal, and %op'
7-1D' If a grah is in its e2altation rashi, it is in Cipt 1vastha# if a grah is in its own rashi, it is in
0wasth 1vastha, if a grah is in a great friend8s rashi, it is in *ramudit 1vastha# if a grah is in a
friendly rashi, it is in 0hanta 1vastha# if a grah is in a neutral rashi, it is in Cin 1vastha# if a grah
is yuti with a malefic, it is in Vi$al 1vastha# if a grah is in an enemy8s rashi, it is in Cuh$hit
1vastha# if a grah is in a great enemy8s rashi it is in %hal 1vastha# and if a grah is being eclipsed
by 0urya, it is in %op 1vastha' Cepending on such a state of the grah, the bhava occupied by it
will obtain corresponding effects'
7' Iet )ther 1vasthas+ La??it, /arvit, %shudhit, Trushit, udit, and %shobhit are the !si2" other
$inds of 1vasthas due to the grahas' *laced in *utr 3hava, if a grah is associated with >ahu or
%etu, or with 0urya, 0hani, or angal, it is in La??it 1vastha' If a grah is in e2altation or in
ooltri$on, it is /avit 1vastha' If a grah is in an enemy8s rashi, or yuti with an enemy, or
receives a drishti from an enemy, or even if a grah is yuti with 0hani, the 1vastha is %shudhit' If
a grah is in a watery rashi and receives a drishti from a malefic but does not receive a drishti
from a benefic, the 1vastha is called Trushit' If a grah is in a friendly rashi, or is yuti with, or
receives a drishti from a benefic, or is yuti with /uru, it is said to be in udit 1vastha' If a grah
is yuti with 0urya and receives a drishti from, or is yuti with a malefic, or receives a drishti from
an enemy, it is said to be in %shobhit 1vastha' The bhavas occupied by a grah in %shudhit
1vastha or in %shobhit 1vastha are destroyed'
!)VC&< @<0T) @<C)0T1&<Q4"
1:-;=' The learned should estimate the effects due to a bhava in the manner cited above !i'e' with
the help of various $inds of 1vasthas", after ascertaining the strength and wea$ness !of the
various grahas"' 5ea$ grahas cause reduction in good effects ,while stronger ones give greater
effects' If a grah posited in %arm 3hava is in La??it 1vastha, in %shudhit 1vastha, or in %shobhit
1vastha, the person will always be sub?ected to miseries' If a grah in *utr 3hava is in La??it
1vastha, there will be destruction of progeny, or there will be only one surviving child' 0urely
the wife of the native will die if there is a grah in Iuvati 3hava in %shobhit 1vastha or in Trushit
;(-;:' <ffects of /arvit, udit, La??it, %shobhit, %shudhit, and Trushit 1vastha+ 1 grah in /arvit
1vastha will cause happiness through new houses and gardens, regalhood, s$ill in arts, financial
gains at all times, and improvement in business' 1 grah in udit 1vastha will give residences,
clothes, ornaments, happiness from lands and wife, happiness from relatives, living in royal
places, destruction of enemies, and ac9uisition of wisdom and learning' 1 grah in La??it 1vastha
will give aversion to /od, loss of intelligence, loss of child, interest in evil speeches, and
listlessness in good things' 1 grah in %shobhit 1vastha will give acute penury, evil disposition,
miseries, financial debacles, distress to feet and obstruction to income due to royal wrath' 1 grah
in %shudhit 1vastha will cause downfall due to grief and passion, grief on account of relatives,
physical decline, troubles from enemies, financial distress, loss of physical strength and an
eclipsed mind due to miseries' 1 grah in Trushit 1vastha will cause diseases through association
with females, leading over wic$ed !or evil" deeds, loss of wealth due to ones own men, physical
wea$ness, miseries caused by evil people, and decline of honour'
=D-=B' Calculation of 0hayan and )ther 1vasthas+ @ow, I will tell you of the 1vasthas vi-'
0hayan, Upavesan, @etrapani, *ra$ash, /aman, 1gaman, 0abh, 1gam, 3ho?an, @ritya Lips,
%autu$, and @idr, and the Chesthas of such 1vasthas' @ote the number of the stars !from
1shvini" occupied by the grah for which an 1vastha is to be calculated' ultiply that number by
the number denoted by the grah !0urya 1, Chandr ;, angal =, 3uddh (, /uru 6, 0hu$r A, and
0hani B"' The figure so arrived at should again be multiplied by the number of the @avamsh
where the grah is in' 1dd to this the number of the birth asterism, the number of ghatis of birth,
and the number of rashis Lagn gained from esh' This figure should be divided by 1; and the
remainder will indicate the corresponding 1vastha of the grah' The sub state in the said 1vastha
can be found out in the following way+ ultiply the figure denoted by the 1vastha concerned
!i'e' 0ayan 1, Upavesan ;, @etrapani =, *ra$ash (, /aman 6, 1gaman A, 0abh B, 1gam 7, 3ho?an
:, @ritya Lips 1D, %autu$ 11, and @idr 1;" by the same figure and increase it by the figure
denoted by the 1n$a value for the first syllable of the native8s personal name' Civide the product
so obtained by 1;' The remainder there of should be further increased by constant additives of
the 3uddh =, /uru 6, 0hu$r =, 0hani =, >ahu ( !and %etu ("' !.ere the grah means the one for
whom the sub state is being $nown'" The product so arrived at should be divided by =' In the
process of calculation if it happens that the remainder is 1, it is Crishti, if the remainder is ;, it is
Chesht, and if the remainder is D, it is Vichesht'
0o far narrated are three different groups of 1vasthas' The present 1vasthas are called
0hayan 1di 1vasthas' These are of supreme importance as compared to the other $inds of
1vasthas'' The following formula may be adopted to $now about the grah8s 1vastha !0ayan 1di"
at birth+ !s 2 p 2 n" P !a P g P r" ------------------------- O 1vastha 1; 5here as 8s8 denotes the serial
number of the star occupied by the grah, counted from 1shvini at birth# 8p8 denotes the status of
the grah counted from 0urya !i'e' 0urya 1, Chandr ;, angal =, 3uddh (, /uru 6, 0hu$r A, 0hani
B"# 8n8 denotes the grah8s @avamsh position !i'e' 1 to : @avamshas"# 8a8 denotes &anm @a$shatr !or
ruling star, i'e' the one occupied by Chandr"# 8g8 denotes the ghati in which birth too$ place !i' e'
;D ghatis ; vighatis is ;1 ghatis"# and 8r8 denotes Lagn 8s order counted from esh !i'e' esh 1,
Vrishabh ;, %ar$ (, 0imh 6, and so on and so forth"' In place of 8n8 given above, some translators
interpret the word 81msh8 as degree occupied by the grah which is obviously not correct'
In this connection, the reader8s attention is drawn to 3alabhadr8s .ora >atna, ch =
wherein the author 3alabhadr himself gives an e2ample for 0urya being in the Bth @avamsh of
0imh and thus he considered only B as multiplier' .e has not ta$en in to account 0urya8s degree'
.e 9uotes 1dhibhut 0agara as his authority for calculation of 0ayan 1di 1vasthas' It will thus be
clear that 1msh is @avamsh and not degree in this conte2t' 1lso please note that 1gaman
1vastha !the Ath one" is $nown as /amanechch 1vastha by some e2ponents' Ta$e a case now as
an e2ample with the following data+ 0urya in %riti$a @a$shatr, =rd @avamsh of Vrishabh !i'e' in
B degrees 1;8 Vrishabh", the birth star is %riti$a, birth is at =D ghatis == vighatis, and Lagn is in
Vrischi$' 5ith these we produce the following information, $eeping the formula given above' s O
=, p O 1, n O =# a O =, g O =1, r O 7' .ence to find out the 1vastha, != 2 1 2 =" P != P =1 P 7" 61 -
P- ----------------------- ---- 1; 1; 5ith the help of remainder =, we count three 1vasthas from
0ayan' This indicates @etrapani 1vastha for 0urya' 0imilarly, for : grahas, such 1vasthas can be
found out' In a given horoscope, the factors 8a8, 8g8, and 8r8 will be identical for all the : grahas,
while factors 8s8, 8p8, and 8n8 will be variable'
1fter $nowing the 1vasthas of various grahas, we have to find out the sub-state of each
1vastha' The formula for $nowing the sub-state is made in two stages, as under+ 0tage 1+ !1 2 1"
P fs ------------ O > 1; 0tage ;+ !> P pa" + = O sub-state of an 1vastha 5here 818 is 1vastha, 8f8 is
first syllable8s value with reference to the native8s personal name, > is remainder in stage 1, and
8pa8 is the additives of the grah denoted in the above slo$as, such as 0urya 6, 0hu$r =, etc'' The
remainder at stage ; will denote the sub-state such as 1 is Crishti, ; is Chesht, and D is Vichesht'
5e need information about the 1n$a value, or value for the first syllable of the name of a person'
This value is+ 1 for a, $a, cha, da !retrofle2", and va# ; for i, $ha, ?a, da !dental", and sha# = for u,
ga, ?ha, ta !dental", pa, ya, and sha# ( for e, gha, ta !retrofle2", tha !dental", pha, ra, and ma# 6 for
o, ca, tha !retrofle2", da !dental", and ha' @ow with the above data, find the sub-state for 0urya in
@etrapani 1vastha as per the e2ample given supra' Eirst syllable of the name is ,0a,' .ence, != 2
=" P ( 0tage 1+ ---------- O >emainder 1 1; !1 P 6" 0tage ;+ ------- O D = >emainder -ero indicates
sub-state as Vichesht, in @etrapani 1vastha'
=7-=:' <ffects of Chesht etc'+ If the sub-state is Crishti in an 1vastha, the results being stated for
the 1vastha will be medium# the effects will be full in Chesht, and negligible in Vichesht' The
good and bad effects of grahas should be deciphered based on the strength and wea$ness of the
grahas' In e2altation, the grahas reveal effects in a pronounced manner due to !good" 1vasthas'
(D-61' <ffects of 0urya8s 1vasthas at 3irth+ If 0urya is in 0ayan 1vastha, the native will incur
digestive deficiency, many diseases, stoutness of legs, bilious vitiation, ulcer in the anus, and
heart stro$es' If 0urya is in Upavesan 1vastha, the native will suffer poverty, will carry loads,
will indulge in litigations, be hard-hearted, wic$ed, and will lose in his underta$ings' If 0urya is
in @etrapani 1vastha, the native will always be happy, wise, helpful to others, endowed with
prowess, and wealth, very happy, and will gain royal favours' If 0urya is in *ra$ash 1vastha, the
native will be liberal in disposition, will have plenty of wealth, will be a significant spea$er in
the assembly, will perform many meritorious acts, will be greatly strong, and will be endowed
with charming beauty' If 0urya is in /aman 1vastha the native will be disposed to live in foreign
places# he will be miserable, indolent, bereft of intelligence and wealth# he will be distressed due
to fear and he will be short-tempered' If 0urya is in 1gaman 1vastha, the native will be interested
in others8 wives# he will be devoid of his own men, he will be interested in movements and
s$ilful in doing evil deeds# he will be dirty, ill-disposed and he will be a tale bearer' If 0urya is in
0abh 1vastha, the native will be disposed to help others# he will be always endowed with wealth
and gems# he will be virtuous, endowed with lands, new houses and robes# he will be very
strong, very affectionate to his friends, and very $indly disposed' If 0urya is in 1gam 1vastha,
the native will be distressed due to enemies, fic$le-minded, evil-minded, emaciated, devoid of
virtuous acts and into2icated with pride' If 0urya is in 3ho?an 1vastha, the native will e2perience
pains in ?oints# he will lose money on account of others8 females, he will have strength declining
off and on# he will be untruthful, will incur head-aches, will eat remnant food, and will ta$e to
bad ways' If 0urya is in @ritya Lips 1vastha, the native will be honoured by the learned# he will
be a scholar, will have $nowledge of poetry, etc', and he will be adored by $ings on the earth' If
0urya is in %autu$ 1vastha, the native will always be happy# he will be endowed with Vedic
%nowledge and he will perform Iagyas# he will move amidst $ings, will have fear from enemies#
he will be charming-faced and he will be endowed with $nowledge of poetry' If 0urya is in @idr
1vastha, the native will have a strong tendency towards being drowsy# he will live in foreign !or
distant" places# he will incur harm to his wife and will face financial destruction' 0urya in
Upavesan 1vastha will ma$e one an artisan, blac$ in comple2ion, devoid of learning and
miserable' )ne will serve others' In @etrapani 1vastha there will be all $inds of happiness, if
0urya is in *utr, Charm, %arm, or Iuvati 3hava' In other bhavas !i'e' not in *utr, Charm, %arm,
or Iuvati 3hava", @etrapani 1vastha of 0urya will give eye diseases and enmity with all' If 0urya
is in *ra$ash 1vastha, the native will be meritorious, religious, and liberal# he will en?oy
pleasures, will be e9ual to a prince, and will en?oy the status of %uber, the /od of wealth'
.owever, the *ra$ash 1vastha of 0urya placed in Iuvati, or *utr 3hava will cause loss of the
first child and will produce many litigations' If 0urya is in /aman 1vastha, the native will incur
disease of the feet and he will be very mean' If in 1gaman 1vastha, 0urya in Vyaya or in Iuvati
3hava will destroy progeny and will give very limited wealth' If in 1gam 1vastha, 0urya will
give many miseries, an ugly appearance, and foolishness' .owever, he will give wealth' 0urya in
3ho?an 1vastha in Charm 3hava will cause many hindrances to spiritual and religious
underta$ings' In other bhavas !i'e' other than Charm 3hava", 0urya in 3ho?an 1vastha will cause
head and ear diseases, apart from ?oint pains' Though aharishi *arashar states that the native
with 0urya in %autu$ 1vastha will have fear from enemies 3al 3hadr e2empts such evil effect
for the 1ri 3hava position' 0urya in %autu$ 1vastha in other bhavas !i'e' not in 1ri 3hava", will
give a number of daughters, two wives, itch, e2cellence, liberality, etc'' If 0urya is in @idr
1vastha, the native will be predisposed to incur piles and elephantiasis# he will e2perience a lac$
of peace# and he will be liable to lose his first child'
6;-A=' <ffects of Chandr8s 1vasthas at 3irth+ If Chandr is in 0ayan 1vastha, the native will be
honourable, sluggish, given to se2ual lust, and he will face financial destruction' If Chandr is in
Upavesan 1vastha, the native will be troubled by diseases, he will be dull-witted, not endowed
with mentionable wealth !i'e' will have only negligible wealth"# he will be hard-hearted, will do
unworthy acts, and will steal others8 wealth' If Chandr is in @etrapani 1vastha, the native will be
troubled by great diseases !long lasting in nature", be very garrulous, wic$ed, and he will indulge
in bad deeds' 0hould Chandr be in *ra$ash 1vastha, the native will be famous in the world, he
will have his virtues e2posed through royal patronage# he will be surrounded by horses,
elephants, females, and ornaments# he will visit shrines' If Chandr is in /aman 1vastha, with
decreasing rays the native will be sinful, cruel, and always troubled by afflictions of sight# if
Chandr is in /aman 1vastha with increasing rays, the native will be distressed due to fear' If
Chandr is in 1gaman 1vastha, the native will be honourable# he will suffer diseases of the feet#
he will secretly indulge in sinful acts# he will be poor and devoid of intelligence and happiness' If
Chandr is in 0abh 1vastha, the native will be eminent among men, honoured by $ings, and $ings
of $ings# he will be very beautiful, will subdue the passion of women and he will be s$ilful in
se2ual acts# he will be virtuous' If Chandr is in 1gam 1vastha, the native will be garrulous, and
virtuous and if the said Chandr is of dar$ fortnight the native will have two wives# he will be
sic$, highly wic$ed, and he will be violent' If Chandr is in 3ho?an 1vastha, the native will be
endowed with honour, conveyances, attendants, social status, wife and daughters, provided
Chandr is Eull 8*urna Chandr8# if Chandr is in 3ho?an 1vastha and is of dar$ fortnight auspicious
effects !i'e' honour, conveyances, attendants, social status, wife and daughters" will fail to come'
If Chandr is in @ritya Lips 1vastha and is endowed with !fort nightly" strength, the native will be
strong, he will have $nowledge of songs, and he will be a critic of beauty of things' If Chandr is
in @ritya Lips 1vastha and of dar$ fortnight, i'e' not endowed with strength, the person will be
sinful' If Chandr is in %autu$ 1vastha, the native will attain $inship, lordship over wealth, and
s$ill in se2ual acts and in sporting with harlots' 0hould wa2ing Chandr being yuti with /uru be
in @idr 1vastha, the native will be 9uite eminent' If wa2ing Chandr is in @idr 1vastha but devoid
of /uru8s yuti, the native will lose his wealth on account of females, and female ?ac$als will be
crying around his abode !as though it were a cemetery"'
A(-B6' <ffects of the 1vasthas of angal at 3irth+ If angal is in 0ayan 1vastha, the native will
be troubled by wounds, itch, and ulcer' If angal is placed in Upavesan 1vastha,the native will
be strong, sinful, untruthful, eminent, wealthy, and bereft of virtues' If angal is placed in Lagn
and happen to be in @etrapani 1vastha there will be penury# if angal is placed in other bhavas
!i'e' in one of the bhavas other than Tanu 3hava", @etrapani 1vastha will confer rulership of a
city' 0hould angal be in *ra$ash 1vastha, the native will shine with virtues and will be
honoured by the $ing' angal in *ra$ash 1vastha in *utr 3hava will, cause loss of children and
of wife' If angal is in *ra$ash 1vastha in *utr 3hava and happens to be there with >ahu, a
severe !positional" fall will descend on the native' 0hould angal be in /aman 1vastha the
native will be always roaming, will have fear of multiple ulcers, will incur misunderstandings
with females, will be afflicted by boils, itches, etc', and will incur financial decline' If angal
happens to be in 1gaman 1vastha, the native will be virtuous, endowed with precious gems, will
adore a sharp sword, will wal$ with the !ma?estic" gait of an elephant !imparting surprise in the
onloo$er", will destroy his enemies, and will remove the miseries of his people' If angal is
placed in 0abh 1vastha and happens to be in e2altation the native will be s$ilful in conducting
wars, will hold the flag of righteousness aloft, and will be wealthy# if angal happens to be in
0abh 1vastha in *utr, or Charm 3hava, the native will be bereft of learning# if angal is in 0abh
1vastha in Vyaya 3hava childlessness and no wife and no friends will result# and if angal is in
other bhavas !i'e' other than *utr, Charm, and Vyaya 3hava", in 0abh 1vastha, the native will be
a scholar in a $ing8s court !i'e' be a poet laureate", be very wealthy, honourable, and charitable' If
angal is in 1gam 1vastha, the native will be devoid of virtues and good deeds, will be
distressed by diseases, will ac9uire diseases of the root of the ears !8%aran ularogam8 J
8*adamulam Urumulam8, etc'", and severe gout pains# he will be timid and will befriend evil lot'
If angal is with strength, while in 3ho?an 1vastha, the native will eat sweet-food# if angal is
devoid of strength, while in 3ho?an 1vastha, the native will indulge in base acts and be
dishonourable' If angal is in @ritya Lips 1vastha, the native will earn wealth through the $ing
and will be endowed with fullness of gold, diamonds, and corals in his house' If angal is in
%autu$ 1vastha the native will be curious in disposition and will be endowed with friends and
sons# if angal is in %autu$ 1vastha and simultaneously e2alted, the native will be honoured by
the $ing and the virtuous and he will be virtuous himself' If angal is in @idr 1vastha, the native
will be short-tempered, devoid of intelligence and wealth# he will be wic$ed, fallen from virtuous
path, and troubled by diseases' 0hould angal be in Upavesan 1vastha in Lagn, the native will
be e2tremely sinful, and he will incur several diseases# he will be indigent and not peaceful' If
Upavesan 1vastha occurs for angal in Charm 3hava, the native will lose his whole wealth
apart from his wife and progeny' angal in @etrapani 1vastha in Lagn will give poverty and will
destroy the native8s wife and progeny# If angal is in @etrapani 1vastha in other bhavas !i'e' in
bhavas other than Tanu 3hava", this confers on the native all $inds of wealth and happiness from
wife and children' The Chan 3hava position or Iuvati 3hava position of angal in @etrapani
1vastha will cause fear from lions and sna$es, apart from giving earnings from lands'
Eurthermore, the native8s wife will predecease him' 0hould angal be in *ra$ash 1vastha in *utr
or in Iuvati 3hava, the native will lose his wife and all children' If angal is placed in *utr
3hava in *ra$ash 1vastha, and is yuti with 0hani, the native will $ill cows' 0hould angal be in
/aman 1vastha in Lagn, the native will be active in his assignments, will incur diseases of the
?oins, burning pains in the eyes, and will obtain dental afflictions and the li$e# he will have fear
from dogs and will adore the guise of a female' In other bhavas, other than Tanu 3hava, angal
in /aman 1vastha will bring royal favours, leadership ,and lu2uries of life' angal in 1gaman
1vastha will cause piles and diseases of the rectum' If angal is in 3ho?an 1vastha or in 0ayan
1vastha in *utr 3hava, or in >andhr 3hava, there will be untimely death for the native' In other
bhavas, other than *utr and >andhr 3hava, 3ho?an 1vastha of angal will confer wealth' 0hould
angal be in @ritya Lips 1vastha and happens to be in Lagn, Chan, Iuvati, or %arm 3hava, the
native will receive all $inds of happiness# there will be miseries in abundance if angal is in
@ritya Lips 1vastha and placed in >andhr or Charm 3hava, apart from incurring untimely death'
In other bhavas !i'e' 0aha?, 3andhu, *utr, 1ri, Labh, or Vyaya 3hava", @ritya Lips 1vastha of
angal will ma$e the native a$in to %uber' angal in Iuvati or in Charm 3hava in %autu$
1vastha will give several diseases and death of the first child and wife' In other bhavas !i'e' not
in Iuvati or Charm 3hava", %autu$ 1vastha will confer scholarship, various $inds of wealth, two
wives, and more female children' In @idr 1vastha, angal in Lagn, Chan, 0aha?, Charm, %arm,
or Labh 3hava will give scholarship, foolishness, and poverty' *utr or Iuvati 3hava placement
of angal in @idr 1vastha will give many miseries and many male children' 0hould >ahu ?oin
angal in @idr 1vastha in any bhava the native will have many wives, be miserable, and will
suffer from some diseases on the surface of the feet'
BA-7A' <ffects of 3uddh8s 1vasthas at 3irth+ 0hould 3uddh in 0ayan 1vastha be in Lagn, the
native will be lame and will have reddish eyes !li$e the blac$ bee"# if 3uddh is in 0ayan 1vastha
in other bhavas !i'e' other than Tanu 3hava", the native will be addicted to licentious !i'e'
disregarding certain rules" pleasures and be wic$ed' If 3uddh is in Upavesan 1vastha in Lagn,
the native will possess !the seven principle" virtues# if 3uddh in Upavesan 1vastha is in Lagn,
receiving a drishti from a malefic, or drishtis from malefics, or is yuti with malefics, penury will
result# and if 3uddh in Upavesan 1vastha is in Lagn receiving a drishti from a benefic, or drishtis
from benefics, or is yuti with benefics, financial happiness will follow' If 3uddh is in @etrapani
1vastha, the native will be devoid of learning, wisdom, well wishers, and satisfaction but he will
be honourable# if 3uddh is in *utr 3hava in @etrapani 1vastha, the sub?ect will be bereft of
happiness from wife and sons# he will be endowed with !more" female children and will gain
abundant finance through royal patronage' If 3uddh is in *ra$ash 1vastha, the native will be
charitable, merciful, and meritorious# he will cross the boundaries of ocean in respect of many
branches of learning# he will be endowed with the great faculty of discrimination, and he will
destroy evil people' If 3uddh is in /aman 1vastha the native will visit the courts of $ings on
many occasions and /oddess La$shmi !denoting wealth" will dwell in his abode' If 3uddh is in
1gaman 1vastha, the same effects due to his being in /aman 1vastha will fructify, i'e' the native
will visit the courts of $ings on many occasions and /oddess La$shmi !denoting wealth" will
dwell in his abode' If 3uddh is in 0abh 1vastha and happens to be in e2altation, the native will
be affluent and meritorious at all times# he will be e9ual to %uber !the lord of wealth"# or he will
be a $ing or a minister# he will be devoted to Lord Vishnu and Lord 0hiva# he will be virtuous
and will attain full enlightenment' 0hould 3uddh be in 1gam 1vastha the native will serve base
men and gain wealth thereby# and he will have two sons and one fame bringing daughter' If
3uddh is in 3ho?an 1vastha, the native will face financial losses through litigations, will
physically lose on account of fear from the $ing !i'e' he will become thin due to royal wrath"# he
will be fic$le-minded and will be bereft of physical and con?ugal felicity' If 3uddh is in @ritya
Lips 1vastha, the native will be endowed with honour, conveyances, corals !i'e' gems, etc'", sons,
friends, prowess, and recognition in assembly due to his scholarship# if 3uddh in @ritya Lips
1vastha is in a malefic8s rashi the native will be addicted to prostitutes and will long for
licentious pleasures' If 3uddh is in %autu$ 1vastha in Lagn, the native will be s$ilful in music# if
3uddh is in Iuvati or >andhr 3hava with %autu$ 1vastha the native will be addicted to
courte-ans# and if 3uddh in %autu$ 1vastha is placed in Charm 3hava, the native will be
meritorious and attain heavens after death' If 3uddh is in @idr 1vastha, the native will not en?oy
comfortable sleep# he will be afflicted by nec$ or nec$ ?oint 80amadhi8 diseases# he will be devoid
of co-born, afflicted by miseries galore !i'e' in abundance", will enter into litigations with his
own men, and he will lose wealth and honour'
7B-:7' <ffects of /uru8s 1vasthas at 3irth+ If /uru is in 0ayan 1vastha, the native will be strong
but will spea$ in whispers# he will be very tawny in comple2ion, will have prominent chee$s,
and will have fear from enemies' If /uru is in Upavesan 1vastha, the native will be garrulous
and very proud# he will be troubled by the $ing and enemies# and he will have ulcers on the feet
shan$s, face, and hands' If /uru is in @etrapani 1vastha the native will be afflicted by diseases#
he will be devoid of wealth, be fond of music and dances, libidinous, tawny in comple2ion and
he will be attached to people of other castes' If /uru is in *ra$ash 1vastha, the native will en?oy
virtues# he will be happy, splendorous, and will visit holy places devoted to Lord %rishna# if
/uru in *ra$ash 1vastha is e2alted, the native will attain greatness among men and will be e9ual
to %uber !the lord of wealth"' If /uru is in /aman 1vastha the native will be adventurous# he
will be happy on account of friends# he will be scholarly and endowed with Vedic learning and
with various $inds of wealth' If /uru is in 1gaman 1vastha, serving force, e2cellent women, and
the goddess of wealth will never leave the native8s abode' If /uru is in 0abh 1vastha, the native
will attain comparability with /uru !the /od of speech" in the matter of speech# he will be
endowed with superior corals, rubies, and wealth# he will be rich with elephants, horses, and
chariots# and he will be supremely learned' If /uru is in 1gam 1vastha, the native will be
endowed with various conveyances, honours, retinue !i'e' many persons will ta$e good care off
him", children, wife, friends, and learning# he will be e9ual to a $ing, e2tremely noble, fond of
literature, and he will ta$e to the path of the virtuous' If /uru is in 3ho?an 1vastha the native will
always beget e2cellent food and horses, elephants and chariots, while La$shmi, the /oddess of
5ealth, will never leave his house' If /uru is in @ritya Lips 1vastha, the native will receive royal
honours# he will be wealthy, endowed with $nowledge of moral law 8Charma8 and Tantra !a
branch of learning dealing with magical formulas to attain super human powers"# he will be
supreme among the learned and be a great grammarian' If /uru is in %autu$ 1vastha, the native
will be curious in disposition# he will be very rich# he will shine li$e 0urya in his circles# he will
be e2ceedingly $ind, happy, honoured by the $ings, endowed with sons, wealth, and ?ust
disposition' .e will be very strong and he will be a scholar in the $ing8s court' If /uru is in @idr
1vastha, the native will be foolish in all his underta$ings# he will suffer irredeemable penury and
will be devoid of righteous acts'
::-11D' <ffects of 0hu$r8s 1vasthas at 3irth+ If 0hu$r is in 0ayan 1vastha, the native although
strong, will incur dental disease# he will be very short-tempered# he will be bereft of wealth, will
see$ union with courte-ans, and be licentious' If 0hu$r is in Upavesan 1vastha, the native will be
endowed with a multitude of nine gems !8@avamin Vra?a8" and golden ornaments# he will be ever
happy, will destroy enemies, and will be honoured by the $ing' .e will have highly increased
honours' If 0hu$r is in @etrapani 1vastha in Lagn, Iuvati, or %arm 3hava, there will be loss of
wealth on account of afflictions of the sense of sight !i'e' heavy medical e2penses due to severe
eye diseases"' and if @etrapani 1vastha occurs when 0hu$r is in other bhavas !i'e' bhavas other
than Tanu, Iuvati, and %arm 3hava", the native will own large houses' 0hould 0hu$r be in
*ra$ash 1vastha in its own rashi, in its e2altation rashi, or in a friendly rashi, the native will sport
li$e a lofty elephant# he will be e9ual to a $ing# and he will be s$ilful in poetry and music' If
0hu$r is in /aman 1vastha, the native will not have a long living mother, will lament over
separation from his own people and will have fear from enemies' If 0hu$r is in 1gaman 1vastha,
the native will command abundant wealth# he will underta$e to visit superior shrines# he will be
ever enthusiastic# and he will contract diseases of the hand and foot' If 0hu$r is in 0abh 1vastha
the native will earn eminence in the $ing8s court# he will be very virtuous# he will destroy
enemies# he will be e9ual to %uber in wealth# he will be charitable, will ride on horses, and will
be e2cellent among men' If 0hu$r is in 1gam 1vastha, there will be no advent of wealth, but
there will be troubles from enemies, separation from children and relatives, diseases, and lac$ of
pleasures from the wife' 0hould 0hu$r be in 3ho?an 1vastha, the native will be distressed due to
hunger, diseases, and many $inds of fear from enemies# and if 0hu$r is in %anya in 3ho?an
1vastha, the native will be very rich and will be honoured by scholars' If 0hu$r is in @ritya lips
1vastha, the native will be s$ilful in literature and intelligent# he will play musical instruments
li$e lute, tabla, etc'# he will be meritorious and very affluent' If 0hu$r is in %autu$ 1vastha, the
native will be e9ual to Lord Indra' .e will attain greatness in the assembly# he will be learned
and will have La$shmi always dwelling in his abode' If 0hu$r is in @idr 1vastha, the native will
be interested in serving others# he will blame others# he will be heroic, garrulous, and he will be
wandering all over the earth'
111-1;;' <ffects of 0hani8s 1vasthas at 3irth+ If 0hani is in 0ayan 1vastha, the native will be
troubled by hunger and thirst# he will incur diseases in boyhood# and later on he will become
wealthy' If 0hani is in Upavesan 1vastha the native will be troubled greatly by enemies# he will
contract dangers# he will have ulcers all over the body# he will be self-respected# and he will be
punished by the $ing' If 0hani is in @etrapani 1vastha, the native will be endowed with a
charming female, wealth, royal favour, and friends# he will have $nowledge of many arts# and he
will be an elo9uent spea$er' If 0hani is in *ra$ash 1vastha, the native will be very virtuous, very
wealthy, intelligent, sportive, splendorous, merciful, and devoted to Lord 0hiva' If 0hani is in
/aman 1vastha the native will be very rich, and endowed with sons# he will grab enemy8s lands#
and he will be a scholar at royal court' If 0hani is in 1gaman 1vastha, the native will be a$in to a
don$ey !i'e' foolish" and bereft of happiness from wife and children# he will always roam
pitiably without anybody8s patronage' If 0hani is in 0abh 1vastha the native will have surprising
!i'e' great" possessions of abundant precious stones and gold# he will be endowed with great
?udicial !or political" $nowledge# and he will be e2tremely brilliant' If 0hani is in 1gam 1vastha,
the native will incur diseases, and will not be s$ilful in earning royal patronage' If 0hani is in
3ho?an 1vastha, the native will en?oy tastes of food# he will be wea$-sighted and he will be
fic$le-minded due to mental delusion' If 0hani is in @ritya Lips 1vastha, the native will be
righteous, e2tremely opulent, honoured by the $ing, and brave# he will be heroic in the field of
war' If 0hani is in %autu$ 1vastha the native will be endowed with lands and wealth# he will be
happy, endowed with pleasures through charming females# and he will be learned in poetry, arts,
etc'' If 0hani is in @idr 1vastha the native will be rich, endowed with charming virtues, and
valorous# he will destroy even fierce enemies and he will be s$ilful in see$ing pleasures through
1;=-1=(' <ffects of >ahu8s 1vasthas at 3irth+ If >ahu is in 0ayan 1vastha, the native will
e2perience miseries in abundance# but if >ahu in 0ayan 1vastha is placed in Vrishabh, ithun,
%anya, or esh the native will be endowed with wealth and grains' If >ahu is in Upavesan
1vastha the native will be distressed due to ulcers# he will be endowed with royal association# he
will be highly honourable and ever devoid of financial happiness' If >ahu is in @etrapani
1vastha, the native will be troubled by eye diseases, will have fear from wic$ed people, sna$es,
and thieves and will incur financial decline' If >ahu is in *ra$ash 1vastha, the native will ac9uire
a high position, will perform auspicious acts, and will obtain elevation of his financial state# he
will be highly virtuous# he will be a chief in the $ing8s court, charming li$e freshly formed clouds
!that will cause soon rain", and he will be very prosperous in foreign places' If >ahu is in /aman
1vastha the native will be endowed with numerous children# he will be scholarly, wealthy,
charitable, and honoured by the $ing' If >ahu is in 1gaman 1vastha, the native will be very
irritable, bereft of intelligence and wealth, croo$ed, miserly, and libidinous' If >ahu is in 0abh
1vastha the native will be scholarly, miserly, and endowed with many virtues, wealth, and
happiness' If >ahu is in 1gam 1vastha, the native will be always mentally distressed, will have
fear from enemies and litigations with enemies# he will be bereft of his own men# he will face
financial destruction# and he will be crafty and emaciated' If >ahu is in 3ho?an 1vastha, the
native will be distressed without food, and dull-witted# he will not be bold in his acts, and he will
be bereft of con?ugal and progenic happiness' If >ahu is in @ritya Lips 1vastha, the native will
contract a serious disease which seems difficult to subdue, will have afflicted eyes, and will have
fear from enemies' .e will decline financially and righteously' If >ahu is in %autu$ 1vastha, the
native will be devoid of a position !or a place"# he will be interested in others8 females, and he
will steal others8 wealth' If >ahu is in @idr 1vastha the native will be a repository of virtues# he
will be endowed with wife and children# he will be bold, proud, and very affluent'
1=6-1(A' <ffects of %etu8s 1vasthas at 3irth+ If %etu is in 0ayan 1vastha in esh, Vrishabh,
ithun, or %anya, there will be plenty of wealth# while if %etu is in 0ayan 1vastha in other
rashis !i'e' other rashis than esh, Vrishabh, ithun, or %anya", increased diseases will follow'
If %etu is in Upavesan 1vastha the native will suffer from ulcers and will have fear from
enemies, windy diseases, sna$es, and thieves' 0hould %etu be in @etrapani 1vastha, the native
will contract eye diseases, and will have fear from wic$ed people, sna$es, enemies, and people
of royal family' If %etu is in *ra$ash 1vastha, the native will be wealthy and righteous# he will
live in foreign places# he will be enthusiastic and genuine# and he will serve the $ing' If %etu is
in /aman 1vastha, the native will be endowed with many sons, and abundant wealth# he will be
scholarly, virtuous, charitable, and he will be e2cellent among men' If %etu is in 1gaman
1vastha, the native will incur many diseases, will face loss of wealth, will hurt !others" with his
teeth !8Canta /hatin8"# he will be a tale bearer and will blame others' If %etu is in 0abh 1vastha
the native will be garrulous, very proud, miserly, licentious, and s$ilful in evil branches of
learning' If %etu is in 1gam 1vastha, the native will be a notorious sinner# he will enter into
litigations with his relatives# he will be wic$ed, and he will be troubled by diseases and enemies'
If %etu is in 3ho?an 1vastha, the native will always be distressed with hunger, penury and
diseases, and he will roam all over the earth' If %etu is in @ritya Lips 1vastha, the native will be
distressed due to diseases, will have a floral mar$ on the eye !i'e' white of the pupil"# he will be
impertinent and wic$ed# and he will plan evils' If %etu is in %autu$ 1vastha, the native will see$
union with dancing females !i'e' prostitutes"# he will suffer positional displacement# he will ta$e
to evil paths and will roam all over' If %etu is in @idr 1vastha the native will be endowed with
wealth and corns# he will be virtuous and will spend his time sportively'
1(B' /eneral <ffects !up to slo$a 166"+ ) 3rahmin, if a benefic grah is in 0ayan 1vastha, there
will be benefic effects at all times according to the learned'
1(7' If a malefic is in 3ho?an 1vastha, everything !related to the bhava concerned" will be
destroyed and there is no need of a second thought'
1(:' 0hould a malefic in Iuvati 3hava be in @idr 1vastha auspicious effects will follow,
provided that there is no drishti from another malefic'
16D' Ceclare without a second thought auspicious effects following the location of a malefic in
*utr 3hava, but only with @idr 1vastha or in 0ayan 1vastha'
161' Untimely death due to royal wrath will come to pass if there is a malefic in >andhr 3hava in
@idr 1vastha or in 0ayan 1vastha'
16;' If in the case of a malefic in >andhr 3hava in @idr 1vastha or 0ayan 1vastha, there happen
to be a benefic drishti or the yuti of a benefic' !untimely" death will be in the river /anges, i'e'
/angetic belt, shrines, etc'
16=' If there is a malefic in %arm 3hava in 0ayan 1vastha or 3ho?an 1vastha, the native will
face many miseries on account of his own deeds'
16(' D e2cellent of the 3rahmins, doubtlessly a >a? Iog will come to pass, if Chandr is in %arm
3hava in %autu$ 1vastha or *ra$ash 1vastha'
166' Thus, the good and bad effects should be guessed assessing the strength and wea$ness of
the grahas concerning all the bhavas'