The Ditto Forensic FieldStation is a rugged and portable device that can be used for forensic data acquisition and analysis in the field. It replaces the need for a laptop and allows users to capture disk images, analyze drives, and log activity from a web browser interface. The FieldStation supports imaging and cloning from a wide variety of drive types and has a four-line LCD screen for on-device navigation and operation.
The Ditto Forensic FieldStation is a rugged and portable device that can be used for forensic data acquisition and analysis in the field. It replaces the need for a laptop and allows users to capture disk images, analyze drives, and log activity from a web browser interface. The FieldStation supports imaging and cloning from a wide variety of drive types and has a four-line LCD screen for on-device navigation and operation.
The Ditto Forensic FieldStation is a rugged and portable device that can be used for forensic data acquisition and analysis in the field. It replaces the need for a laptop and allows users to capture disk images, analyze drives, and log activity from a web browser interface. The FieldStation supports imaging and cloning from a wide variety of drive types and has a four-line LCD screen for on-device navigation and operation.
The Ditto Forensic FieldStation is a rugged and portable device that can be used for forensic data acquisition and analysis in the field. It replaces the need for a laptop and allows users to capture disk images, analyze drives, and log activity from a web browser interface. The FieldStation supports imaging and cloning from a wide variety of drive types and has a four-line LCD screen for on-device navigation and operation.
Professional Forensic FieldStation for data capture and analysis Replaces laptop or other host machine during data acquisition Configure, manage, and operate via networked/VP we! !rowser interface "asily upgraded with new features #$ownload the latest $itto firmware%& 'mages from and writes to network locations, one or two S()( drives, or one or two eS()( mass storage devices Creates standard $$ or "*+ disk images (utomatically logs activity that can !e saved along with case information Rugged, all,metal, fan,free construction -,year warranty )ry it now. )ake control of an online demo unit. Specs Specifications Product name $itto Forensic FieldStation /ost #'/0& Ports #+& 1S2 3%* type ( #-& eS()(4 up to - 5!ps #+& 5iga!it #+***2ase,)& "thernet $rive )ypes Supported P()(/'$" 3%67 drives #with included ca!le& P()(/'$" -%6 S()( 3%67 drives S()( -%67 drives S()( SS$ #solid state drives& S(S 3%67 drives #with S(S "8pansion 9odule& S(S -%67 drives #with S(S "8pansion 9odule& /itachi +%:7 drives #with P()( (dapter& )oshi!a +%:7 drives #with P()( (dapter& Compact Flash #with P()( (dapter or "8pansion 9odule& S$ Card #with P()( (dapter or "8pansion 9odule& 9emory Stick #with P()( (dapter or "8pansion 9odule& PC9C'( #with P()( (dapter& 9ac2ook (ir 3*+* #with S()( (dapter& 9S()( #with S()( (dapter& 9C #with adapter& $09 #with P()( (dapter& PC'e P()( #with P()( (dapter& PC'e S()( #with P()( (dapter& 9icro $rives #with P()( (dapter& PC'e 1S2 #with P()( (dapter& 1S2 )hum! $rives #ative 1S2 3%*, or 1S2 -%* via "8pansion 9odule& 1S2 drives via 1S2 ca!le #ative 1S2 3%*, or 1S2 -%* via "8pansion 9odule& Fire;ire drives via Fire;ire ca!le #with Fire;ire "8pansion 9odule& S()( Speed -5 Supports S%9%(%R%)% disk info <es um!er of ="$s +* $escription of ="$s Power in 6V/+3V, 1S2, Source etwork, '$", eS()(, "8pansion, /P(/$C0, $estination etwork, eS()( (, eS()( 2 =C$ Screen Four,line !acklit =C$ controlled with four soft,touch menu navigation !uttons 2rowser,!ased $itto interface allows for direct operation, remote operation, and administration% =C$ 'nfo > line =C$ 2acklight <es Stealth 9ode $isa!le all light output #="$s/=C$&% =C$ reada!le with night,vision goggles% avigation menu =C$/!utton driven menu system ;e! admin interface 0pera!le from a we! !rowser% 0perating system compati!ility ;indows ?P or later 9ac 0S ? +*%>%8 or higher i0S )a!lets/phones (ndriod )a!lets/phones 9ost versions of =inu8 2rowser compati!ility 'nternet "8plorer Firefo8 Safari Chrome 0pera $etects/reports /P(/$C0 <es (llows /P(/$C0 override )emporarily or permanently remove /P(/$C0 "ncryption (vaila!le with optional "ncryptor@ accessory Fan#s& Fanless design Construction material#s& (ll,aluminum construction (m!ient humidity range 6A to B6A, non,condensing Power switch 3 position4 0n / 0ff Power input >*; +3V -%--( $C Power input connector 2arrel connector #center pin positive& S()( Power 'nput <es 9ole8 Power 'nput <es $imensions >%B37 8 C%DD7 8 +%D37 #+36mm 8 +D3mm 8 >-%Dmm& ;eight 6%** l!s% #3%3D kg& ;rite 2locking <es #source side& ;rite 2locked ports eS()( #S()(&, P()(/'$", 1S2 3%*ErEn0ther input types and drive types supported with $itto "8pansion 9odules or drive adapters /ashing <es /ashing info one, 9$6, S/(,+, 9$6 F S/(,+% /ash types are hardware,acceleratedG can hash during image or clone% "rase modes Clear Partition )a!le, Huick "rase, Custom "rase, Secure "rase ormal, Secure "rase "nhanced, $o$ Clear, $o$ SanitiIe, 'S):**,:: Clear, 'S):**,:: Purge 'mage/clone output modes Single $rive 'mage, Single $rive Clone, 'mage and Clone, 'mage to mirrored disks, Clone to mirrored disks Compliancy FCC, C", Ro/S, C,)ick, RC9 ;arranty CR1 provides a -,year limited warranty for this product% )echnical Support <our investment in CR1 products is !acked up !y our free technical support for the lifetime of the product% 'f you need to contact us for any reason, visit cru,inc%com/support or call us at +,:**,3C*,B:** or F+,-C*,:+C,+:**%