System Platform Migration Tool - Mig-OS: Document Control Change Record
System Platform Migration Tool - Mig-OS: Document Control Change Record
System Platform Migration Tool - Mig-OS: Document Control Change Record
Introduction..............................................................................................................4 Pre-requisties...........................................................................................................4 Prepare.....................................................................................................................4 OS Save....................................................................................................................5 Server / OS Upgrade.................................................................................................5 OS Restore...............................................................................................................6 Manual Steps............................................................................................................6 Migration Test S ste! "etails #it$ Ti!ing..............................................................% &ppendi' & - Migrating (ro! R)*+ ,.- to R)*+.....................................................-/ &ppendi' 0 - P,1 2 1,1 Migration Para!ter Resi3ing...........................................-4 &ppendi' 5 - 1,P Migration....................................................................................,. &ppendi' " - Re(res$..............................................................................................,4
.his doc-$ent descri'es the steps on ho% e1isting +n "e$and B+racle syste$ on 2>)32.1C2>673C2>674C+674 %ith 6B3+ and +.+ stack can 'e $igrated to 2>674C+674C+675 +3. Note +675 is not yet availa'le for /irt-ali?ation. .his tool can also 'e -sed for /irt-ali?ation "o$UCD-est +3 $igration. Aor "o$0C>ost +3 $igration, please refer to tool $ig&os&ov$
3-pport only B+racle c-sto$er. E020 & 0hysical .o 0hysicalF 3-pport 6B3+ 11.5.8, 11.5.9 and 11.5.10 and +.+. E0C/2/ & 0hysical .o /irt-alF !ini$-$ 0rereG-isites for +racle 6&B-siness 3-ite 2elease 11i %ith +racle /!H 8!etalink Note 4,5915.19 +racle )pplications 2elease 11.5.10 <U2 or later %ith 11i.).DI0A.>.2U05 8patch 54(38589 or later. +racle "ata'ase or later. +racle "eveloper ,i 0atchset 18 8,.0.8.2(.19 or later. +racle 5*nitiator or later. >ard%are for $igration co-ld 'e the sa$e or different. Ne% servers %ill have the sa$e *0 address and hostna$e as e1isting servers. 2)< %ill 'e $igrated to 2)< %ith the sa$e n-$'er of nodes. E0C/2/F 2)< is not s-pported on 02/ $igration. <reate a NA3 stage vol-$e for staging so-rce +3. !ake s-re to allocate at least 10D free space for the vol-$e.
Pre are
Start !lac"out Blacko-t started to avoid false alar$, stop $onitoring C 6!. Shutdo#n Oracle ser$ices 3h-tdo%n $id&tier services %&!SO' !. servicesH 7ogin as apps -ser 8apJ$ntptK9, L appsCJappsIp%dK "isco servicesH 7ogin as the disco -ser 8iaJ$ntptK9, L cd Cad$inC$%ccCiasC1012CetcCrc.oracleC L L+2)<76I>+!6 "B servicesH 7ogin as "B -ser 8orJ$ntptK9, L sGlpl-s MC as sysd'a# 3N7K sh-tdo%n i$$ediateO 3top the "B listener, L lsnrctl stop J$ntptK7ogin to !id&.ier 3erver as apps -ser %OTO' 3top all services and applications that connect to the data'ase. 3h-tdo%n d'&tier services 7ogin to "B&.ier 3erver as oracle -ser
: lsnrctl stop L+2)<76I3*" : sGlpl-s PCas sysd'aP : 3N7K sh-tdo%n : 3N7K e1it %RAC' !ake s-re to sh-tdo%n all instances on all nodes nor$ally, incl-ding cl-ster $anager 8orac$, gsd9 for 9i or <23 for 10g. !ac"u customer data on ()S and local dis" .ake snapshots of code and data on NA3 $o-nts. 0erfor$ $k&alt&root to 'ack-p local disk. *n-mount all customer ()S mounts %P+P only' DRAC ,arning -only a lica.le #hen migrating to Dell hard#are/ git&dracset-p version 1.0.0.( %ill ca-se the syste$ to hang if installed on 2>4)3. 0rior to $igration, if the syste$ is a "ell, ens-re yo-r drac is properly set-p and the pass%d is set properly. +nce the drac is properly set-p $ake a 'ack-p copy of git&$ove script, re$ove the package, and $ake s-re racser is chkconfig off if is thereH : cp C-srClocalCgitCetcCsoft%areCgit&$ove to Ct$p 2e$ove the git&dracset-p package 'y e1ec-ting git&$ove fro$ C-srClocalCgitCetcCsoft%are 6ns-re racser is chkconfig off copy Ct$pCgit&$ove C-srClocalCgitCetcCsoft%are .he last step %ill prevent the c-rrent version of git&dracset-p fro$ installing %hen the r-n$e is r-n or package& -pdate is r-n. Basically they need to 'e s-re to re$ove git&dracset-p, possi'ly re$ove the rac related rp$s 8racad$& 3.31&1.i38,.rp$, racser&3.31&1.i38,.rp$9, then prevent the package fro$ re&installing 'y p-tting a copy of git&$ove in place -nder C-srClocalCgitCetcCsoft%are.
OS Sa$e
Mount ()S $olume !o-nt the NA3 vol-$e on so-rce +3. By defa-lt, the tool ass-$es NA3 vol-$e is $o-nted on 0mig-os1 *f yo-r $o-nt point is different fro$ the defa-lt, then e1port /*)"*3= 'efore -sing $ig&os tool. Do#nload OS migration tool Det the latest copy of $igration script na$ed Q$ig&osR fro$ files. 3ave the script na$ed Q$ig&osR -nder C$ig&osC'in. 3et proper per$ission of the toolH : ch$od (55 C$ig&osC'inC$ig&os Sa$e source OS to ()S $olume Use $ig&os toolH : C$ig&osC'inC$ig&os &s @hat $ig&os SsESso-rceF doesH 3ave so-rce +3 on N)3 storage. By defa-lt itPs C$ig&osC$ig&osIJ>+3.N)!6K. <ritical directories and files are saved to NA3. Shutdo#n old ser$er : sh-tdo%n &h no%
Ser$er 0 OS * grade
Rac"2 #ire ne# ser$er E020F *f needed get ca'inets '-ilt o-t %ith ne% s%itches and servers. *f this is a 2)< set-p $ake s-re yo- have the correct a$o-nt of servers and that they are located in a ca'inet that has 'een config-red to s-pport 2)<. 3et-p the sa$e n-$'er of ne% servers to replace the e1isting servers. *f the c-sto$er reG-ires NA3, $ake s-re yo- are -sing the correct filer. *f yo- have G-estions a'o-t this contact 0eter Uta$a. Ne% servers %ill have the sa$e *0 address and hostna$e as e1isting servers. *t $-st 'e %ired to the sa$e net%ork as e1isting $achine. *t needs to access e1isting N)3 storage that is assigned for the c-sto$er on e1isting servers. E0C/2/F *nstall >ost +3<< 8"o$09, the s-pported version is on tintin. <onfig-re ne%ork 8'onding, e'ta'le9 on "o$0. Aor "o$0C>ost +3 $igration, please refer to tool $ig&os&ov$ Install ne# OS from OSCC E020F 0erfor$ a clean install of latest +3<< fro$ tintin. .his +3 i$age is co$pliant to +3 2eference <onfig-ration. E0C/2/F 0erfor$ a clean install of latest D-est +3<< 8"o$U9 fro$ tintin thro-gh /!)<. 3et-p pri$ary frontend N*< sa$e hostna$eC*0 as so-rce +3. 3et-p pri$ary 'ackend N*< sa$e *0 as so-rce +3 to access NA3 vol-$e. E020F 6na'le 'onding for Net%ork fail&over. E0C/2/F Bonding is not reG-ired on D-est +3<< 2e'oot Mount ()S $olume !o-nt the NA3 vol-$e on target +3. By defa-lt, the tool ass-$es NA3 vol-$e is $o-nted on 0mig-os. *f yo-r $o-nt point is different fro$ the defa-lt, then e1port /*)"*3= 'efore -sing $ig&os tool.
OS Restore
Restore source OS from ()S $olume Use $ig&os toolH : C$ig&osC'inC$ig&os &t @hat $ig&os StE&targetF doesH )ll +3 -sers and gro-ps on older +3 are $igrated to ne% +3 e1cept -sers %ho have -id and gid less than 100. 2eplace syste$Ps host keys %ith so-rce +3Ps 8CetcCsshCsshIhostTkeyT9. !ergeCreplace root -serPs .ssh directories. <opy oracle config-ration filesH CvarCoptCoracleC, CetcCoraT. 2estore the directories and files defined in copyIlist and net%orkIcopyIlist in the script $ig&os. <opy +3 services 8scripts added in CetcCinit.d9. Det Qrelay hostR infor$ation then -pdate send$ and aliases. !igrate c-sto$ cron Uo's. !igrate CetcChosts. !erge CetcCfsta'.
Manual Ste s
Manual ste s for mig-os o- $-st check the logs for errors and fi1 if reG-ired. Unco$$ent, check and $odify the nfs entries in CetcCfsta' as needed. )fter revie%ing do Q$o-nt SaR to $o-nt and test the$. Update CetcCsysconfigCnet%ork&scriptsCifcfg&T 'ased on the ne% server %iring. .he so-rce +3 config-ration files are saved as 1&$ig&ifcfg&T.
E0C/2/F Aor 2elease 1.5 %ith net%ork&'ased "o$Us, <reate 2)!&fs for !. and "isco )pache 7ockAile 7ocationH *NA+H CdevCra$0 to CdevCra$10 can 'e -sed to create 2)!&fs. <hoose any free CdevCra$E0&10F location to create 2)!&fs. 7ogin as the root -ser, 3tep1H 2-n df co$$and to find o-t availa'le slot : df S.h CdevCra$T 3a$ple o-tp-t of the a'ove co$$and %hich sho%s -sa'le CdevCra$ $o-nt pointsS : df &.h CdevCra$T Ailesyste$ .ype 3i?e Used )vail UseV !o-nted on CdevCra$ & 4.8D 3.3D 1.3D (2V Cdev CdevCra$0 & 4.8D 3.3D 1.3D (2V Cdev CdevCra$1 & 4.8D 3.3D 1.3D (2V Cdev 3tep2H <hoose any free CdevCra$W slot to create 2)!&fs as follo%s Aor !iddle tier, <reate 2)!&fs as follo%s S : $ke2fs CdevCra$W 8%here W is the slot %hich is availa'le9 : $kdir &p CvarCoptCJ<+N.6W.IN)!6KC)pacheClogs : $o-nt CdevCra$W CvarCoptCJ<+N.6W.IN)!6KC)pacheClogs : cho%n &2 apJ$ntptKHaaJ$ntptK CvarCoptCJ<+N.6W.IN)!6K Aor "isco10g tier, <reate 2)!&fs as follo%s S : $ke2fs CdevCra$W : $kdir &p CvarCoptCoracleCiasCJ$ntptKCdiscoCprod-ctCdiscoI1012C)pacheC)pacheClogs : $o-nt CdevCra$W CvarCoptCoracleCiasCJ$ntptKCdiscoCprod-ctCdiscoI1012C)pacheC)pacheClogs : cho%n &2 iaJ$ntptKHJiaL$ntptK CvarCoptCoracleCiasCJ$ntptKC E0C/2/F Aor resi?ing of any para$eters of !. C "B, please refer )ppendi1 B and $ake the necessary changes C -pdates. !achine $-st 'e re'ooted at least once and %atch the 'oot process for any errors. <heck net%orking and NA3 $o-nts as %ell. D! 10g 2)< onlyH /*0 needs to 'e reconfig-red if interface for /*0 changed after $igration 8@+9. R3+14 to R35 Aollo% )ppendi1 ). <heck !etalink Notes 565+5714 for latest -pdates and additional infor$ation. R35 to R380O&98 <onfig-re and ena'le dovecot on 2>4 if so-rce +3 has *!)0 ena'led 6B3+ "isco4i %ith << release 11.5.10.!U 1.1 or prior onlyH 0atch 5113(51 addresses "iscoverer 4i +)"5 start-p fail-re. "etailsH .his patch is needs applied as a post install task for 6B3+ versions --.5.-/.MU-.- and earlier versions6 7ollo#ing are t$e code c$anges to 8OR&5+*9)OM*/disc#:4/disc#:.s$ ./c./ ; i( < =>8?R)1*R-@= A =>.= BC t$en --D i( < =>8?R)1*R-@= A =>.= -o =>8?R)1*R-@= A =>4= BC t$en <heck !etalink Notes 565+5714 for latest -pdates and additional infor$ation. R3+14 to R380O&98 Aollo% 2>2.1 to 2>3 steps. Aollo% 2>3 to 2>4C+674 steps.
Restart Oracle Ser$ices %RAC' !ake s-re to start all instances on all nodes nor$ally, incl-ding cl-ster $anager 8orac$, gsd9 for 9i or <23 for 10g. %&!SO' 3tart-p "B services 7ogin as the "B -ser 8orJ$ntptK9 L sGlpl-s MCas sysd'a# 3N7K start-p 3N7K e1it L lsnrctl start J$ntptK 3tart-p !. services 7ogin as the apps -ser 8apJ$ntptK9 appsCJappsIp%dK Aor disco services 7ogin as disco -ser 8iaJ$ntptK9 L cd Cad$inC$%ccCiasC1012CetcCrc.oracleC L L+2)<76I>+!6 %OTO' 3tart all services and applications that connect to the data'ase. System Verification /erify D*. tools, 6! $onitoring. E6B3+F /erify >o$epage co$es -p. E6B3+F 2-n as Q)ctive UserR conc-rrent reG-est. E6B3+F perfor$ the standard B-ddy <hecklist E6B3+F /erify the @orkflo% Notification stat-s in +)! 2efer to 3anity <heck "oc-$ents if necessary. +>3 *nstance >ealth <hecklist.doc )pps>ealth<heck."+< 1(pointcheck>ealth<hk.doc E/irt-ali?ation +nlyF for 2elease 1.5, please perfor$ /irt-ali?ation <heck list on files.
d. 2e'oot 'o1 83)9 0-t all drives 'ack into the $achine. <heck the drive lights and verify that the $achine sees all hard drives on the re'oot.
2e'oot the $achine. @atch closely for service errors on re'oot. 2evie% the logs, pay special attention to anything that did not start -p correctly. +nce it co$es 'ack -p check follo%ing. !ake s-re that all net%orking interfaces are -p and r-nning. <heck to see that any needed nfs vol-$es got $o-nted. !ake s-re that the 'o1 is not half d-ple1ing, 8d$esg Y grep ethE0&9F9. 61ec-te ne1t step to recreate +n "e$and environ$ent for 6B3+ and +.+ stack. )t this point hand over $achine to "B) for f-rther $igration. 2e&<reate the +n "e$and 6nviron$ent for /ario-s 3tacks 8"B)9 )dditional 3teps reG-ired 'y 6$ 10g agentH +nly e1ec-te these steps if yo- have 6! 10g agent installed on this 'o1. 7ogin as e$dad$ -ser. Do to cd JL+2)<76I>+!6KCsys$anCli' directory. 0lease follo% the 'elo% seG-ence for relinking after $igration to 2>67 3 for agent version. *f agent version is, then step 2 is not reG-ired. $ake &f insIsys$an.$k install $ake &f insIsys$an.$k n$o n$' e$s-'agent 2-n L+2)7<76I>+! )dditional 3teps reG-ired 'y "B .ier and !id .ierH )t present +.+ instances do not reG-ire any post $igration steps. +nly 6'i? instance reG-ires follo%ing post $igration steps. 61ec-te follo%ing steps in the ta'le only if respective +racle prod-ctsCservices installed on the node %ith e1act prod-ct version. )ll these steps in the ta'le %ill 'e perfor$ed 'ased on %hat tiers are installed on target $achine to 'e $igrated. *f prod-ct is "B 8data'ase9 and if target $achine has "B tier installed, perfor$ all steps $entioned here for appropriate version of data'ase. *f prod-ct is i)3 8)pplication 3erver9 and if target $achine has !id .ier installed, perfor$ all steps $entioned here for appropriate version of i)3. *f prod-ct is 6'i? and target $achine has 6B3+ instance deployed and if target $achine has !id .ier installed, perfor$ all steps $entioned here for appropriate version of 6'i? instance. *f prod-ct is <3+ and target $achine has <3+ instance deployed and if target $achine has !id .ier installed, perfor$ all steps $entioned here for appropriate version of <3+ instance. @hen a specified patch is applied, conflict %ith already applied <0U patches $ight happen. *n this case, check <0U patch 26)"!6, or patch inventory, to see %hether the to&'e&applied patch is already incl-ded as a s-'set patch in <0U. *f not, file a reG-est to have it $erged into <0U.
Ste s 3et direct*+ option as follo%s in data'ase initiali?ation file 8spfile or pfile9. filesystemio<o tions >directIO )pply interim atch +88A??8 for DirectIO o$er ()S 8see '-g 40(8(459, if it has not 'een applied. NoteH 0atch 2448994 $ay 'e applied as a s-'set patch in latest <0U patch, e.g., 5an-ary 200, <0U patch : 4(51921. 0atch 2448994 %ill sho% -p as 40(8(45 in the inventory. *n this case, interi$ patch %ill get conflict %ith <0U patch. <heck <0U 26)"!6 first, to $ake s-re "irect*+ patch has 'een applied. )pply patch 2448994 8)2U 48918829 on top of )pply patch 2448994 8)2U 58425929 on top of )pply patch 2448994 8)2U ,9331929 on top of 9.2.0.,.
+nly on 2)< Nodes.
)pply atch 5B?CABA on data'ase nodes r-nning /7!. <heck for para$eter -seIindirectIdataI'-ffers in init.ora file. *f there is a line like -seIindirectIdataI'-ffers ; tr-e /7! is ena'led for the instance. )pply patch 359,858 8)2U ,443,(19 on top of )pply patch 359,858 8)2U ,0051559 on top of NC)
904W ne% set-p 904W -pgraded +<3 9042 ne% set-p None 9042 -pgraded 1. fro$ 903 2.
None None
)pply atch 54B??45 on +<3 !. and <alendar "B +>s )pply atch +657+BB and atch 54B??45 on *nfra !. and infra "B +>s
3. 2elink 1. 3et 9D<ASS*M&<=&R(&9 environ$ent varia'le S Metalin" (otes 565+5714 .his val-e $-st 'e set correctly so that 5ava %ill %ork. o$-st also $ake the val-e per$anent 'y entering it in the appl$gr -ser and the oracle -ser shell initiali?ation files 8s-ch as L>+!6C.'ashIprofile or L>+!6C.profile9, or in the syste$Ps glo'al shell initiali?ation file 8CetcCprofile9.
0atch 31(0128 fi1es so$e iss-es related to a third party -tility visi'roker -sed 'y
Aro$ a Bo-rne, Bash, or =orn shell, type the follo%ingH 7"I)33U!6I=62N67;2.4.19 e1port 7"I)33U!6I=62N67 8.his step is already co$pleted in -pgrade step 10 c9
2. %D! $ersion A161C15' Patch 5A56A67 & 0).<> 3293983 N66"3 .+ *N<7U"6 )77 .>6 !)=6A*763 UN"62 .>6 8.0., +2)<76I>+!6 8replacing 32939839 S Metalin" (otes 4+B7C714 0atch *nstallation *nstr-ctionsH o- $-st login to yo-r 7in-1 $achine as the +racle soft%are o%ner 'efore applying this patch. o-r setting for +2)<76I>+!6 $-st 'e the val-e for the Aor$s ,i 8.0., 'ased +2)<76I>+!6 and yo- $-st have %rite previlages to this area. E1F .o apply the patch, -n?ip the 036 container fileH V -n?ip p383080(I80,3I7*NUW.?ip E2F 3et yo-r c-rrent directory to the directory %here the patch is located, egH V cd 383080( E3F )dd e1ec-te per$ission to the script s-pplied in this patch V ch$od -X1 E4F <heck the val-e of 7"I7*B2)2 I0).>. .his patch %ill relink reports,0 'inaries. 2eports has 'oth link&ti$e and r-n&ti$e dependency %ith li' so yo- need to incl-de L+2)<76I>+!6Cnet%orkCUre11Cli'Clin-1CnativeIthreads +2 L+2)<76I>+!6Cnet%orkCUre11Cli'Ci,8,CnativeIthreads in L7"I7*B2)2 I0).> 'efore r-nning 0lease check yo-r files -nder L+2)<76I>+!6Cnet%orkCUre11Cli' to see %hich one of the a'ove is appropriate on yo-r syste$. .he sa$e L7"I7*B2)2 I0).> sho-ld 'e -sed at r-n&ti$e. E5F 2-n the script s-pplied 'y this patch V E,F 2elink all )pplications e1ec-ta'les. *n )" )d$inistration, choose Z2elink )pplications progra$sZ fro$ the ZDenerate )pplications AilesZ $en-. .he installation of the patch is no% co$plete. Patch 5A56A67 Verification .here is no straight for%ard %ay of finding, %hether this patch is applied on the instance. @e can co$pare the o-tp-t of DmdBsum DonD li.c-+1415stu.1soD file delivered along %ith this patch and file -nder L+2)<76I>+!6Cli'Cst-'s. *f o-tp-t of T$d5s-$ T$atches then %e can concl-de that patch is applied other%ise not. L$d5s-$ li'c&2.1.3&st-'.so eecce04,,(2caa3eaead,0038a5c5fde li'c&2.1.3&st-'.so
discoverer. *t is reG-ired in 2>673 environ$en t, for discoverer to f-nction properly. .his patch does not alter any of the discoverer li'raries or 'inaries and hance has no dependency on discoverer 4i one&off releases.
3. %Disco$erer Plus or Vie#er 8i' Patch 54764+A 076+3H2>6730H+3)D6N. "U!03 <+26 *N *)310222 the 8.0., +2)<76I>+!6 S Metalin" (otes 565+5714 3teps to apply this patchH 1. 3top all discoverer services 2. .ake a 'ack-p of the follo%ing files L+2)<76I>+!6Cv'rokerC'inCosagent L+2)<76I>+!6Cv'rokerC'inClocserv L+2)<76I>+!6Cv'rokerC'inCosfind 3. 2eplace the a'ove three 8osagent,locserv,osfind9 files %ith the files availa'le %ith this patch. 4. 3tart all the discoverer services
4. %D! $ersion ?1+1615080B0C' Patch 544?84B & *N3I+6!)D6N..!= *3 N+. U3*ND .>6 D7*B< 3.UB3 S Metalin" (otes 565+5714 0atch *nstallation *nstr-ctionsH .o apply the patch, -n?ip the 036 container fileH V -n?ip 3119415.?ip 3et yo-r c-rrent directory to the directory %here the patch is locatedH V cd 3119415 6ns-re that the directory containing the opatch script appears in yo-r L0).>O then enter the follo%ing co$$andH V opatch apply *f the +racle inventory is not set-p correctly this -tility %ill fail. .o check accessi'ility to the inventory yo- can -se the co$$and V opatch lsinventory *f yo- have any pro'le$s installing this 036 or are not s-re a'o-t inventory set-p please call +racle s-pport.
5. %D! $ersion A141718' Patch 5A8C6AC & 8.1.( 2>673.0 )007*<).*+N3 *N.62+062)B*7*. 0).<> S Metalin" (otes 565+5714 0atch *nstallation *nstr-ctionsH o- $-st login to yo-r 7in-1 $achine as the +racle soft%are o%ner 'efore applying this patch. E1F .o apply the patch, -n?ip the 036 container fileH : V -n?ip p384,08,I81(4I7*NUW.?ip E2F 3et yo-r c-rrent directory to the directory %here the patch is located, egH V cd 384,08, E3F )dd e1ec-te per$ission to the script s-pplied in this patch V ch$od -X1 E4F 2-n the script s-pplied 'y this patch V E5F 2elink all )pplications e1ec-ta'les. *n )" )d$inistration, choose Z2elink )pplications progra$sZ fro$ the ZDenerate )pplications AilesZ $en-.
.he installation of the patch is no% co$plete. Patch 5A8C6AC VerificationE V $d5s-$ L+2)<76I>+!6Cli'Cst-'sCli'c&2.1.3&st-'.so eecce04,,(2caa3eaead,0038a5c5fde li'c&2.1.3&st-'.so
,. %De$elo er )orms Ci' Patch 8BAC6AC - UN)B76 .+ 267*N= 7*B*A5)0*,0.3+ *N 2>)33.0 S Metalin" (otes 4+B7C714 *nstallation instr-ctions E0art 1F 3h-t do%n the listeners and copy the patch files 1. 3top yo-r %e' listeners and Aor$s 3erver. 2. !ake a patch directory %ithin yo-r L+2)<76I>+!6 and -n?ip this file %ithin it to create a ne% s-'directory containing the oneoff files. Note that L+2)<76I>+!6 refers to the 8.0.,&'ased Aor$s ,i ho$e. V cd L+2)<76I>+!6 V $kdir patch V cd patch V -n?ip JpatchIfileK.?ip E0art 2F 2elink the Aor$s $iddle tier 3. <opy yo-r original files in case yo- ever need the$H V cd L+2)<76I>+!6Cfor$s,0Cli' V $v envIfor$s,0.$k envIfor$s,0.$k.026IBUD458,08, 4. <opy over the ne% patch file8s9 into appropriate location V cp L+2)<76I>+!6CpatchC'-g458,08,CenvIfor$s,0.$k L+2)<76I>+!6Cfor$s,0Cli' 5. Denerate shared o'Uect8s9 V cd L+2)<76I>+!6Cfor$s,0Cli' V $ake &f c-sIfor$s,0%.$k li'soIinstall NoteH *f yo- are an +racle )pplications c-sto$er, please also r-n adrelink. 6.g. to relink f,0%e'$1 for +racle )pplicationsH V force;y Zfnd f,0%e'$1Z E0art 4F 2estart the %e' listeners. ,. 2estart the Aor$s server and @e' listeners Patch 8BAC6AC Verification V $d5s-$ L+2)<76I>+!6Cfor$s,0Cli' CenvIfor$s,0.$k V 'd,14f94(2f32f288aa32'405104833' envIfor$s,0.$k
(. %A lication O.;ect 9i.rary - VersionE 441B14614' Metalin" (otes 856A4+14 & )fter 7in-1 /ersion Upgrade
AN"3! "oes Not 3pa%n Sym toms )fter -pgrading the 7in-1 version AN"3! process does not start. .he application listener log file indicates the follo%ing errorH 24&)02&200( 22H4,H29 T 8<+NN6<.I").);83*";AN"3!99 T 8)""2633;802+.+<+7;tcp9 8>+3.;WWWWWWW980+2.;WWWWW99 T esta'lish T AN"3! T 12500 .N3&12500H .N3Hlistener failed to start a dedicated server process .N3&1254(H .N3Hlost contact .N3&125,0H .N3Hprotocol adapter error .N3&0051(H 7ost contact 7in-1 6rrorH 32H Broken pipe 0atch 383080( %as applied Cause .he files in the st-'s directory are incorrect li', sho-ld 'e a sy$'olic link to li'c&2.1.3&st-'.so li' and li' sho-ld 'e sy$'olic link to li'crypt&2.1.3&st-'.so . Solution 1. <reate the correct links as follo%sH cd L+2)<76I>+!6Cli'Cst-'sC $v li', li'cso,.'ak $v li' li'cryptso.'ak $v li' li'cryptso1.'ak ln &s CoracleCprodoraC8.0.,Cli'Cst-'sCli'c&2.1.3&st-'.so CoracleCprodoraC8.0. ,Cli'Cst-'sCli', ln &s CoracleCprodoraC8.0.,Cli'Cst-'sCli'crypt&2.1.3&st-'.so CoracleCprodoraC8. 0.,Cli'Cst-'sCli' ln &s CoracleCprodoraC8.0.,Cli'Cst-'sCli'crypt&2.1.3&st-'.so CoracleCprodoraC8. 0.,Cli'Cst-'sCli' 8.he a'ove link co$$ands are an e1a$ple, the file path sho-ld 'e applica'le to the location of the files on yo-r syste$9 2. 2elink the AN" e1ec-ta'les thro-gh adad$in.
2epeat a'ove step for all instances, if yo- have $-ltiple instances on this 'o1.
)or Release 41B #ith RCTT Dynamic TuningE 0lease refer to this doc for 2<.. -sage. )or Release 41+ &!SO Mid Mar"et and PriorE Paramters that are tuned .y RCTT for MT HD!C Parameters 44i and R4+ AN"I5"B<IBUAA62I!*N;5 AN"I5"B<IBUAA62I!)W;50 AN"I5"B<IU3)B76I<>6<=;tr-e AN"I5"B<IBUAA62I"6<) I3*[6;50 AN"I!)WI5"B<I<+NN6<.*+N3;100 HVM arameter for 44i -for any << proposed standard /! si?e/E Uv$Ioptions oaIvar;128! 8!)W9 and ,48!9. oacoreInodeI%eight;1 oacoreInprocs;1 )or Production Instances -one instance one machine/E
M0C Config 2W8 4W14 Min ,4 128 HVM Parameter for 44i Ma: I of HVM 128 1 512 1
HVM arameters for R4+E )or Release 41+ &!SO Mid Mar"et F DASE )or Production Instances -one instance one machine/E
M0C Config 4114 218 Min 25, 128 OACore Ma: I of HVM 1024 2 512 2 Min ,4 ,4 OA )M Ma: I of HVM 25, 1 25, 1 Min ,4 ,4 )orms Ma: I of HVM 25, 1 25, 1
)or Release 41+ and riorE )or Production Instances -one instance one machine/E
M0C Config 1W2 2W4 2W, 4W1, Min ,4 128 128 25, OACore Ma: I of HVM 25, 1 512 512 1024 1 2 2 Min ,4 ,4 ,4 ,4 OA )M Ma: I of HVM 25, 1 25, 25, 25, 1 1 1 Min ,4 ,4 ,4 ,4 )orms Ma: I of HVM 25, 1 25, 25, 25, 1 1 1
.he follo%ing conte1t varia'les $-st 'e changed in the conte1t fileH +)<ore & oacoreIUv$IstartIoptions oacoreIUv$IstopIoptions oacoreInprocs +)f$ & oaf$IUv$IstartIoptions oaf$IUv$IstopIoptions oaf$Inprocs Aor$s & for$sIUv$IstartIoptions for$sIUv$IstopIoptions fr$srvInprocs
OS Parameter$$a1$all
)or Release 41+ and riorE Note: For all On Demand Depoyments that are based on this version of this P2V Migration Tool document, the recommended configuration for the DBTier is 2 ! VM running upto " DB instances for stage only and a total of upto 2 DB instances for dev and test
TH /al-es in 'races are the act-al n-$'ers reported 'y "B instances after setting the reco$$ended val-es in the init para$eter files.
#top MT services #top DB services $nmount %F# shares &un script 'mig(os) #hutdo*n source server
&un script 'mig(os) Mount %F# shares #tart DB #ervices #tart MT #ervices
Source machine
Target machine
#top MT #ervices $nmount %F# shares &un script 'mig(os) #hutdo*n source server
Source MT
Target MT
#top DB #ervices $nmount %F# shares &un script 'mig(os) #hutdo*n source server
Source DB
Target DB
endi: D - Refresh
Post Refresh Configuration
)fter instance refresh, refer to A endi: ! a'ove to set para$eters as doc-$ented.
Scenanrios #here mo$ing instance-s/ to different hostname are required as art of P+V F V+V migration
*se Case 4E P+V 6B3+ non&prod-ction environ$ent deploy$ent topology for &!SO (on Production &n$ironment -8 Stage &n$ironments/H
SourceE 2 physical servers, one %ith hostna$e ) for 3tage "B E1&4F and the other %ith hostna$e B for 3tage !. E1&4F TargetE 2 virt-ali?ed servers, one %ith /!1 hostna$e ) for 3tage "B E1&3F, /!2 hostna$e B for stage !. E1&3F and the other %ith /!1 hostna$e < for 3tage "B4 and /!2 hostna$e " for 3tage !.4. Ste sE 2efresh 3tage instance 48"B4 and !.49 fro$ so-rce to target /!s <, " 2e$ove instance 48"B4 and !.49 fro$ so-rce )ppy 02/ proced-re to $ove re$aining 3 instances E1&3F on ) \ B to the /!s ) \ B
*se Case +E V+V -(AS to DAS/ 6B3+ non&prod-ction environ$ent deploy$ent topology for &!SO (on Production &n$ironment -+ instances -4 Test F 4 De$/ &n$ironments/H
SourceE 1 virt-ali?ed servers, %ith /!1 821,9 hostna$e ) for .est "B \ "ev "B and /!2 821,9 hostna$e B for .est !. and "ev !.. TargetE 2 virt-ali?ed servers, one %ith /!1 81149 hostna$e ) for .est "B and /!2 81139 hostna$e B for .est !., the other %ith /!3 81149 hostan$e < for "ev "B and /!4 81139 hostna$e " for "ev !.. Ste sE 2efresh "ev instances 8"B and !.9 fro$ so-rce to target /!s hostna$e < and " acordingly 2e$ove "ev instance 8"B and !.9 fro$ so-rce )ppy 02/ proced-re to $ove re$aining .est instances 8"B and !.9 to the /!s ) and B