Dadi Institute of Engineering and Technology Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Page 2 2011 Added New UG / PG Programmes in Engineering: M.Tech : Power and industrial drives
Dadi Institute of Engineering and Technology Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Page 2 2011 Added New UG / PG Programmes in Engineering: M.Tech : Power and industrial drives
Dadi Institute of Engineering and Technology Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Page 2 2011 Added New UG / PG Programmes in Engineering: M.Tech : Power and industrial drives
Dadi Institute of Engineering and Technology Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Page 2 2011 Added New UG / PG Programmes in Engineering: M.Tech : Power and industrial drives
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 1
1.0.1. Name and Address of the Institution:
DADI INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (DIET) National Highway -5, Anakapalle - 531 002, Visakhapatnam Dist., A.P Phone : 08924-221111, 221122, 221133 Fax : 08924-232344 E - Mail : Website :
1.0.3. History of the Institution (including dates of introduction and no. of seats of various Programmes of study along with NBA accreditation, in tabular form):
Year Description Intake 2006 Institution was established offering the following programmes B.Tech : Electronics & Communication Engineering B.Tech : Computer Science & Engineering B.Tech : Information Technology B.Tech : Electrical & Electronics Engineering
60 60 60 60 2007 New Programmes added: MCA -Master of Computer Application
120 2010 New PG Programmes in Engineering: M.Tech : Power and industrial drives M.Tech : Systems and signal processing
36 36 Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 2
2011 Added New UG/PG Programmes in Engineering: M.Tech : Computer Science and Engineering B.Tech : Civil Engineering
18 60 2012 Intake increased for B.Tech Course B.Tech : Electronics & Communication Engineering B.Tech : Computer Science & Engineering
180 180
I.0.4 Ownership Status : Govt.(Central/State) / Trust / Society (Govt. / NGO / Private) / Private/ Other (specify)
I.0.5 Financial Status : Govt.(Central/State) / Grants-in-aid / Not-for-profit / Private-Self Financing / Other (specify)
I.0.6. Nature of Trust / Society:
Sarada Educational Trust - A registered independent, autonomous, non- government society, managed by a group of members. List of other Institutions run by the Trust / society: Dadi Veerunaidu Degree College Dadi Satyanarayana College of Education
I.0.7. External Sources of Funds: Name of External Sources 2011-12 (in Rs.) 2010-11 (in Rs.) 2009-10 (in Rs.) JNTU (NSS funds) 28,500 44,500 - Interest on FDR 6,30,147 4,40,235 6,43,467 IEEE 12,55 14,500 8000 Other Agencies (AP Pollution Board) - 25,000 - Industry Consultancy Projects 16,500 - - Trust Funding (Sarada Educational Trust) 2,48,000 2,48,000 2,48,000 In-house R & D Funding 4,00,000 - -
I.0.8. Internally Acquired Funds: Name of Internal Sources 2011-2012 (in Rs.) 2010-11 (in Rs.) 2009-2010 (in Rs.) Students Tuition fee 52,697,550 50,022,000 51,725,720
I.0.9. Scholarships or any financial assistance provided to students? Yes If provided, basis of scholarship / Assistance: Merit/Merit-cum-means/other means Merit: Total number of assistance: 8 Amount: Rs. 2,48,000/- in 2011-12 Total number of assistance: 6 Amount: Rs. 1,81,200/- in 2010-11 Total number of assistance: 4 Amount: Rs. 1,20,800/- in 2009-10 Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 3
The above scholarships are sponsored by the trust which is apart from the various scholarships provided by the AP and Central Government departments (BC / SC/ ST/ Minority / PHC / EBC / Merit etc.) I.0.10 Basis / Criterion for Admission into the Institution: All India entrance / State level entrance / University entrance / 12 th level mark sheet/ other (specify)
Common Entrance Test : EAMCET / ECET / ICET / PGECET & All India Entrance Test : GATE
Eligibility for admission into four year Bachelor of Technology Degree program a) Seat Allotment: As per the EAMCET Examination Authority guidelines of Andhra Pradesh State 70% seats (Merit seats) will be filled by the Convener and the remaining 30% seats will be filled by the Management of the Institution based on the Merit. b) Eligibility for Admission: Second year Pre-University or equivalent examination recognized by the Board of Intermediate Education (with Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry as compulsory subjects), with 50% aggregate marks for general category 45% for reserved category as per the AICTE norms.
EAMCET qualified and processed through Web Counseling conducted by the EAMCET Convener.
Students to be eligible for Management quota should have secured 50% marks in IPE. c) Eligibility Criteria for Lateral Entry: Candidates who have passed the three year BSc. Degree Examination with Mathematics as one of the subjects in the group combination from a recognized University in the State or its equivalent and qualified in ECET Examination.
Passed Diploma Examination from an AICTE approved institution; with at least 50% marks (45% in case of candidates belonging to reserved category) in appropriate branch of Engineering/Technology.
Qualified ECET entrance Examination conducted by APSCHE.
Candidates with other State diplomas shall be asked to obtain equivalency certificate from State Board of Technical Education & Training, AP, and submit the same along with proposals for Ratification.
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I.0.11 Total number of engineering students (B.Tech & M.Tech) : 1526 Boys: 897 Girls: 629
I.0.12 Total number of Employees : 207 Male: 127 Female: 80
I.0.13. Minimum and Maximum Number of Faculty and Staff on rolls, in Institution for the past three years: (Academic Year counted from 1 st July to 30 th June)
Items 2011-12 2010-11 2009-10 Min Max Min Max Min Max Teaching faculty in Engineering 93 104 75 91 54 77 Teaching faculty in Basic Sciences & Humanities 27 30 19 27 16 20 Non Teaching staff 70 78 64 72 65 75
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Criterion I: Organization and Governance, Resources, Institutional Support, Development and Planning: (100)
I.1.1 Campus Infrastructure and Facility (20)
I-1.1.1 Land, built up area and academic infrastructure (4)
Physical resources available Land exclusive for this institution : 10.06 Acres Built up floor space : 15118 Sq. Mts. Shared with other institutions in this campus, if any : Nil acres
A View of the College Building I-I.1.2 Maintenance of Academic Infrastructure and Facilities (4) A committee named General Services Committee is constituted with a senior faculty as Chairman to monitor the maintenance of academic infrastructure and facilities within the Institute. General Services Committee: S.No Name of the Staff Member Position 1 Prof V. S. Raghava Chairman 2 Sri K. Amarendra Convener 3 Sri T. V. S. Appa Rao Dept. Nominee (ECE) 4 Sri M. C. Jagan Sekhar Dept. Nominee (IT) 5 Sri G. Ganapathi Rao Dept. Nominee (H &BS) 6 Sri K. Satyanarayana Dept. Nominee (MBA) 7 Smt P. Amrutha Dept. Nominee (EEE) 8 Sri. P. S. Prakash Member 9 Sri K. Mohan Rao Member 10 Sri M. Nagu Member
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Different activities taken up by this committee are: Provision of general services like Civil works, Electrical, Maintenance, Transport, Canteen etc., which include, the following activities: Building Maintenance Maintenance of the buildings Maintenance of the lawns and surroundings Carrying out minor repairs of furniture, electrical and sanitary fittings Maintenance of the roads, water tanks and other services in the compound Monitoring security Ensuring the safety requirements in the campus
Fleet Maintenance Required Maintenance of the Institution buses Getting clearance certificates, insurance, permits etc. for the Institution vehicles Routine checking of the condition of the vehicles Ensuring safety requirements like operation of Speed limiters, fire extinguishers etc.
I-I.1.3 Ambience, Green Cover, Water harvesting, Environment preservation, Barrier- free structure, etc.
DIET is uniquely surrounded by scenic beauty and greenery. The college values the local and global environment and the need for environmental responsibility on the part of its students, faculty, staff and administration. The college is committed to protect and enhance the environment, while broadening community awareness and embracing environmentally conscious practices.
Distinct Features: Wide lawn (18,000 Sq. Mts) is maintained in front of the buildings Large Coconut and other trees numbering over 250 are maintained in the campus. Four deep ground 1 inch bore wells for water extraction are commissioned Suitable slogans are displayed at appropriate places to help dissemination of information
Tree Plantation and Greenery in the campus Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 7
DIET has enrolled as institutional member CARBON CREDIT CLUB an international club initiated by JNTU Kakinada in 2010. The Members of CCC Works towards sensitizing the students as well as faulty about environmental issues like reducing carbon emissions, the hazards minimization of water using and plastics and improving greenery for a healthy life. The clubs motto is DGG (DIET GO GREEN). Activities taken up till now: Tree Plantation Maintaining blog spot Weeds removal program in the college campus by CCC members
I-I.1.4 Hostel (Boys and girls), Transportation facility and canteen (4) Hostel for Boys : Nil Hostel for Girls : Nil Transport : Yes Exclusive/Public transport : Exclusive & Public transport Number of buses : 17 Facility availed by : 75% of students & 65% of faculty Public Transport (Bus Route No. 600 & 500) is available from Visakhapatnam to the Institute
Canteen : Yes Number of Canteen (s) : One Sitting space : 150 Sq.Mtrs. Daily usage : 300 students + 100 staff members
Fleet of Institutional Buses Canteen
Stores Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 8
I-I.1.5 Electricity, Power backup, Telecom facility, Drinking water and Security (4) Specific details in respect of installed capacity, quality, availability, etc Electrical power Installations: Particulars Capacity Nos. Main Transformer 160 KVA 1 Service points for Distributions 200 A 1 Panels and boards (Wall mounted) 200 A 1 Change over panels 200 A 1
Power backup:
Main Transformer Generator
Security Office UPS Systems
Telecom: Number of Intercom lines : 42 Number of Landline connections : 6 Number of mobile connections : 30 Particulars Capacity Nos. Generator 125 KVA 1 UPS Systems 10 KVA 1 UPS Systems 7.5 KVA 1 UPS Systems 6 KVA 12 UPS Systems 3 KVA 2 UPS Systems 2 KVA 1 UPS Systems 1 KVA 10 Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 9
Arrangement after office hours : Yes
Drinking Water: The source of drinking water is RO plant installed in the Institution premises. Particulars Capacity Nos ECO Water (R.O plant) Purifying capacity per hour 600 Lt/hr (2500Lt / Day) 1 Water Dispenser 10 Liters 4
R O Plant Water Cooler
The College has employed the security personnel for providing security to college property/facilities, students, staff and visitors. The total security staff strength is 4. The security personnel are deployed round the clock in the college premises on shift hours.
I-I.2 Organization, Governance and Transparency (20)
I-I.2.1Governing body, Administrative setup and Functions of various bodies (5)
Governing body:
The Governing Body of the Institution has, inter alia, members drawn from the industry, affiliating University and experts from academic field. The Governing Body gives direction to the Institution management.
Functions and Responsibilities: 1. Formulate academic aims and objectives of the institution. 2. Prepare strategic plans for financial ,infrastructural and staffing areas 3. Examine the recommendations of Institution Academic Advisory committee and prepare a road map for achieving the goals of the institution. 4. Examine the budget proposals and accord approval.
Frequency of meetings: The committee meets twice in a year
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Members of the Governing Body S.No Name of the Member Position 1 Sri Dadi Jagan Prabhakar Chairman 2 Sri Dadi Ratnakar Correspondent 3 Prof B.Jagan Mohan Rao Member Secretary 4 Dr. Allam Appa Rao Former VC, JNTUK 5 ---- AICTE Nominee 6 Dr.J.V.R.Murthy University Nominee, JNTUK 7 Smt K .Sandhya Rani APSCHE Nominee 8 Prof. K.V.Ramana Member 9 Smt Dadi Padmavathi Member 10 Sri Dadi Jayaveer Member 11 Smt Dadi Bhagya Lakshmi Member 12 Smt Dadi Atchutha Member 13 Prof. S.Hanumanatha Rao Faculty Member 14 Sri Ch. Prabhakar Rao Faculty Member
Academic advisory committee:
Functions and Responsibilities: To formulate policies, goals and objectives of the Institution To advise the Governing body on various matters to enable it to take appropriate decisions To discuss the academic matters of the Institution. To give suggestions and directions for smooth running of the Institution
Frequency of meetings: The committee meets once in a semester.
Members of academic advisory committee: S. No Name of the Member Position 1 Prof B.Jagan Mohan Rao Convenor 2 Sri P.Satyanarayana* Industrialist, VSP 3 Prof K.Raja Rajeswari* Academician, AU 4 Sri P.Srihari Member 5 Sri K.Vijay kumar Member 6 Sri K.Amarendra Member 7 Sri G.Satyanarayana Member 8 Sri G.Bhaskar N Rao Member 9 Sri Ch.Prabhakar Rao Member 10 Sri A.Vamsidhar Member 11 Sri M.Rajesh Member * Invitees as specialists need based
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I-I1.2.2 Defined rules, Procedures, Recruitment and Promotional Policies etc. List of the published rules, polices and procedures, year of publications, awareness among the employees/students, availability on web etc. Published Rules/Procedures: S.No Publication Year of Publication Awareness among employees/students Availability On web 1 Academic Regulations, Course Structure & detailed syllabus for all courses/programs 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 & 11 Yes Yes 2 HR Policy Manual 2011 Yes Yes
Salient Point of Human Resource Policy I. Recruitment and Selection Policy: a. Appointment of Teaching Staff: The recruitment and selection process of faculty members will be need based upon the request of the HODs/ Head of the institution. An open advertisement will be published in the leading Newspapers. After the scrutiny of the received applications all the eligible candidates will be interviewed by the selection committee with subject experts.
All the elected candidates interviewed by the selection committee will be called and be offered the salary commensurate as per their qualifications and experience (Teaching, Industry and R&D) for issuing appointment Order.
The Appointment Orders are subject to rules, regulations and service conditions of the AICTE, University, Government and Governing Body of the Institution that are in vogue from time to time.
b. Appointment of Technical and Supporting Staff: The recruitment and selection process of Technical and Supporting Staff will be need based upon the request of the HODs/Head of the Institution. The recruitment is through open advertisement in print media and electronic media. The selection will be through interview with concerned HODs, Principal and experts. The Internal promotion will be made in case of eligible and deserving candidates from existing staff members.
The appointment Orders will be issued with salary commensuration with qualifications and experience.
c. Appointment Authority: Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 12
All the appointments are made by the Principal after the approval of the Governing Body accepting the recommendation of the selection committee and issue of the minutes by the Secretary & Correspondent. II. Salary & Disbursement: The Salary will be fixed based on the qualification and experience as per the AICTE Norms which may vary from time to time. Annual increments are sanctioned to the all the staff members after completion of one successful academic year and satisfactory conduct. III. Working days & Working hours:
The institution works six days in a week (Monday to Saturday except every second Saturday). The working hours are from 9.00 am to 4.30 pm with a lunch break of 50 minutes circulated.
IV. Qualification & Experience: The qualification and experience required for the candidates to fill various posts shall be as per the norms of AICTE/ UNIVERSITY/ STATE GOVERNMENT. V. Scales of Pay: Scales of pay, allowances and other financial benefits for various categories of staff shall be decided by the Governing body, keeping in view the scales suggested by AICTE/ UNIVERSITY/ STATE GOVERNMENT. The present pay scales are being implemented are as follows: The Basic Scales of Pay are: Assistant Professor : Rs.8,000-275-13,500 Senior Assistant Professor : Rs.10,000-325-15,200 Associate Professor : Rs.12,000-420-18,300 Professor : Rs.16,400-450-20,900-500-22,400 Principal : Rs.18,400-500-22,400. (Minimum pay is Rs.19,400) DA will be incremented annually & HRA of 15% is applicable
VI. Leave rules: 1. Casual Leaves : All eligible employees can avail 12 days Casual Leaves in one calendar year. 2. Maternity Leave : A regular eligible female employee is entitled for a period of six weeks of Full pay and Five months of unpaid Maternity Leave 3. Vacation : All regular faculty members are eligible to avail maximum of four weeks of summer vacation after completion of one year of service and agreed upon to continue for next Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 13
academic year. Additional vacation of nearly two weeks will be provided during the time of Dasara and Pongal Festivals.
The above mentioned are few provisions of the HR policy. A comprehensive one is made available to all the departments.
I-I.2.3 Decentralization in working and Grievance Redressal System
The Institution is organized into departments and all heads of departments report to Principal, who in turn reports to the Correspondent. The Correspondent broadly lays down the policies and direction for the Institution to fulfill its mission. The Principal formulates systems, procedures and rules. He coordinates the functions of the HODs so as to effectively meet the goals of the Institution. The HODs are delegated adequate authority to plan, execute and monitor the working of the respective departments. The HODs function through committees formed at departmental level, comprising faculty members of the department. The organization chart of the Institution depicts this structure.
Key faculty members and their responsibilities:
Senior Faculty members of the Institution are delegated sufficient powers to take decisions in their areas of working. The following table lists some of the key faculty members with their responsibilities. Governing Body Secretary & Correspondent Head of the Department Professor s Associate Professor
Assistant Professor s
Technical Staff
Lib-Incharge Inch Supporting Staff Attenders
Exam Cell
Office Manager Non-Teaching Staff Transport staff
Librarian Attenders
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S.No Name of the Faculty Designation - Dept. Responsibilities 1 Sri S. Hanumantha Rao Professor BS & H Department R & D Cell Member Dept. Accreditation Committee Member HODs & Professors Committee Chairman 2 Sri B. Visveswara Rao Professor - ECE Department R&D Cell Member Dept. Accreditation Committee Member HODs & Professors Committee Member Training & Placement Cell Chairman 3 Sri V.S. Raghava Professor - CSE Department R & D Cell Member Dept. Accreditation Committee Member HODs & Professors Committee Member General Services Committee Chairman 1 Sri P. Srihari Head- ECE Academic Committee Convener Department R & D Cell Convener Dept. Accreditation Committee Convener HODs & Professors Committee Member Professional Societal Activities Committee Chairman
Sri K. Amarendra
Head- CSE Academic Committee Member Department R & D Cell Convener Dept. Accreditation Committee Convener HODs & Professors Committee Member General Services Committee Convener 3 Sri K. Vijay Kumar Head- EEE Academic Committee Member Department R & D Cell Convener Dept. Accreditation Committee Convener HODs & Professors Committee Member Technical Services Committee Convener 4 Sri G. Satyanarayana Head-IT Academic Committee Member Department R & D Cell Convener Dept. Accreditation Committee Convener HODs & Professors Committee Member Grievances, Redressel & Disciplinary Committee Convener Internal Quality Audit Cell Evaluator 5 Sri G. Bhaskar N Rao Head-MBA Academic Committee Member HODs & Professors Committee Member Internal Quality Audit Cell Convener Industry Interaction Committee Chairman Magazine/Newsletter Committee Convener 6 Sri A. Vamsidhar Professor - ECE In-charge Head of the Department ECE Academic Advisory Committee Member Department R & D Cell Member Dept. Accreditation Committee Member Internal Quality Audit Cell Chairman HODs & Professors Committee Member 7 Sri K. Veeresham Professor - EEE In-charge Head of the Department EEE Academic Advisory Committee Member Department R & D Cell Member Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 15
Dept. Accreditation Committee Member Library Maintenance Committee Convener HODs & Professors Committee Member 8 Smt P. Kanchana Mala Professor - CSE In-charge Head of the Department CSE Department R & D Cell Member Dept. Accreditation Committee Member Industry Interaction Committee Convener HODs & Professors Committee Member
As part of decentralization in working, various committees are formed both at institution and departmental levels involving most of the faculty members in the processes of decision making.
Departmental level committees are formed for the following activities: Department Advisotry Committee Department PEO/PO Assessment Committee Placements and Industrial visits Department library Committee Project Reviews Committee Department Purchase Committee Grievance Redressal Research & Development
Some of the institutional level committees headed by Principal/senior faculty members covering various areas of working are given below:
Internal Quality Audit Cell:
Technical Services Committee: S.No Name of the Staff Member Position 1 Sri K.Vijay Kumar Convener 2 Sri K.Nuka Raju Member 3 Ms Anu Shukla Member 4 Ms A.Leelavathi Member 5 Sri.M.Santhosh Kumar Member 6 Ms K.V.Ramani Member 7 Sri Ramesh Member S.No Name of the Staff Member Position 1 Sri A Vamsidhar Chairman 2 Sri G Bhaskar N Rao Convener 3 Sri G Satyanarayana Evaluator 4 Sri V Srinivas Member 5 Smt B.Manjula Member 6 Sri M.Srinivas Rao Member 7 Sri K.Balaji Member 8 Sri M. Satyanarayana Member 9 Smt G.S.J.Sailaja Member Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 16
Library Maintenance Committee: S.No Name of the Staff Member Position 1 Sri K.Veeresham Chairman 2 Sri U.Mahesh Convener 3 Smt Ch.Sree Latha Member 4 Ms Ch. Aruna Jyothi Member 5 Sri Manofar Ali Member 6 Smt P.Aruna Member 7 Smt K.Madhavi Member
Grievance Redressal & Disciplinary Committee:
R & D Consultancy Committee / Training & Placement Cell: S.No Name of the Staff Member Position 1 Sri M.Rajesh Convener 2 Sri A.Vasu Deva Rao Member 3 Sri P.V.S.V.S Rama Raju Member 4 Sri K.S.N.V. Someswara Rao Member 5 Ms Sabera Begum Member 6 Sri K.V.Sriram Prasad Member 7 Sri M.Ch.Jagan Sekhar Member
HODs and Professors Committee: S.No Name of the Staff Member Position 1 Prof S.Hanumantha Rao Chairman 2 Prof V.S.Raghava Member 3 Prof B.Visveswara Rao Member 4 Sri P.Srihari Member 5 Sri K.Vijay Kumar Member 6 Sri K.Amarendra Member 7 Sri G.Satyanarayana Member 8 Sri G.Bhaskar N Rao Member 9 Sri Ch.Prabhakar Rao Member S.No Name of the Staff Member Position 1 Prof B. Jagan Mohan Rao Chairman 2 Sri G.Satyanarayana Convener 3 Ms S.V.V. Rama Devi Member 4 Smt B.Vineela Rani Member 5 Smt B.Manjula Member 6 Ms N.Swathi Member 7 Ms N.Krishna kumari Member 8 Smt N.Kiran Kumari Member 9 Sri V.Govind Raju Member 10 Sri K.Mohan Rao Member 11 Sri M.Nagu Member Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 17
10 Sri A.Vamsidhar Member 11 Sri K.Veeresham Member 12 Smt M.Kanchana Mala Member
Professional Societal Activities Committee:
Industry Interaction Committee:
Alumni Activities Committee: S.No Name of the Staff Member Position 1 Sri P.V Murali Convener 2 Smt K.Sulochana Member 3 Sri M. Santosh Kumar Member 4 Sri A.Suresh Member 5 Sri K.Nuka Raju Member 6 Smt N.Kiran Kumari Member 7 Sri T.R.K.Pydi Raju Member
Anti-Ragging Committee: S.No Name of the Staff Member Position 1 Sri V Srinivas Convener 2 Sri T.R.K.Pydi Raju Member 3 Sri N.Satish Member 4 Sri Ch.Nagabhushana Member 5 Smt K.V Lakshmi Member 6 Ms A.Leelavathi Member
S.No Name of the Staff Member Position 1 Sri P.Srihari Chairman 2 Sri V.Srinivas Convener 3 Sri K.Sravan Abhilash Member 4 Smt K.Srilakshmi Member 5 Sri V.Avinash Member 6 Smt K.Madhavi Member 7 Sri M.L.Vara Prasad Member S.No Name of the Staff Member Position 1 Sri G.Bhaskar N Rao Chairman 2 Smt K.Kanchala Mala Convener 3 Sri M.Srinivasa Rao Member 4 Sri K.S.N.V. Someswara Rao Member 5 Sri M. Ratnakar Babu Member 6 Smt G.S.J.Sailaja Member 7 Sri M.L.Vara Prasad Member Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 18
Magazine/Newsletter/Brochure Committee: S.No Name of the Staff Member Position 1 Sri Ch.Prabhakar rao Chairman 2 Sri G.Bhaskar N Rao Convener 3 Sri N.Satish Member 4 Ms Sabirunnisa Gouse Member 5 Smt Rama Lakshmi Member 6 Sri K.T.Balaji Member 7 Sri P.S.V.S.V Rama Raju Member 8 Sri T.V.Suri Appa Rao Member 9 Ms N.Swathi Member 10 Mr A.Kushal Absheik Student Member 11 Ms N.Sireesha Student Member
Specify the mechanism and composition of grievance redressal system, including faculty association, staff-union, if any
Grievance Redressal System: Principal or his deputy (Under title Chairman) under explicit affirmation from the Management or Board of Directors. One faculty of the rank of Professor / Associate Professor of the institution in rotation for a period of two years One Assistant Professor apart from the aforesaid nomination of the institution in rotation for a period of two years
The terms of reference of the Grievance Redressal Committee will be as under Any employee of the institution could address his or her grievance in writing to the Chairman of the Committee. S.No Name of the Staff Member Position 1 Sri P.Appa Rao Coordinator 2 Sri P.Narasimha Raju Member 3 Sri N.Satish Member 4 Sri P.Gurunadh Member 5 Sri V.Avinash Member 6 Sri A.Suresh Member 7 Sri M. Jagadeesh Member 8 Dr. G.S.J.Sailaja Member 9 Sri J.Dharma Rao Parent Member 10 Mr. K.Teja Student Member 11 Mr. G.Pavan Kumar Student Member Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 19
The grievance could be arising out of policy matters or personal reasons. Whenever an employee or student wishes to put forth any claim or seeks redress of any grievance or of any wrong, which he deemed having been done to him, he must forward his case through proper channel, and shall not forward such advance copies of his application to any higher authority, unless the lower authority has rejected the claim, or refused relief, or the disposal of the matter is delayed by more than three months. No employee shall be a signatory to any joint representation addressed to the authorities for redress of any grievance or for any other matter. The committee shall call for meeting within a week of receiving any grievance and submit its recommendations to the Secretary and Correspondent within a fortnight of having received a grievance. The process could be expedited at the discretion of the Chairman if the grievance be of such a nature which may need immediate attention. Three members of the committee, present in person, shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the committee. If the complaint is against any member of the committee at paragraph 2 above, he /she shall not form the quorum of that committee in which his / her case is being heard of and decided. In such a case, the senior most person on the committee will co-opt another suitable member with the permission of Secretary and Correspondent to have the quorum of three members on the committee. The decision of the Secretary and Correspondent will be final.
I-I.2.4 Transparency and availability of correct / unambiguous information
Institutes and Programme specific information are posted in the college website. The information is updated regular intervals of time; this is useful to the students, staff, and parents and others know the information.
Information provision in accordance with Right to Information ACT, 2005
I-I.3 Budget Allocation, Utilization and Public Accounting (15) Summary of current financial years budget and the actual expenditures incurred exclusively for the institution for three preceding financial years (In Rupees)
Item Budgeted 2011-12 Actual Expenses 2011-12 2010-11 2009-10 Acquisition of Land; new buildings, and Infrastructural built-up - - - - Library 4,50,000 4,59,788 5,37,947 8,27,499 Laboratory Equipment 12,00,000 12,56,560 6,09,127 25,04,432 Laboratory consumables 4,25,000 4,25,737 4,01,505 7,00,019 Teaching and Non- Teaching staff salaries 3,20,00,000 3,19,03,185 2,45,47,893 1,79,53,291 Travel Expenses 2,00,000 2,21,786 1,41,674 81,629 Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 20
Others: Training & Placements Seminar & Guest Lecture FDP & Workshop, In house R & D, Bank Interest on term loan, Institution maintenance & Operational Admin. Exp. 90,00,000 1,04,38,740 74,57,739 56,53,694 Total 4,32,75,000 4,47,05,797 3,36,95,885 2,77,20,564
I-I.3.1 Adequacy of budget allocation The process of budget allocation is as follows: The HODs prepare the department budget estimation. Principal discusses the proposals with all HODs and senior faculty members vis-a-vs the activities of the department for the budget period and revises the estimates if needed. The Secretary scrutinizes the proposals further at a meeting specifically convened for the purpose with the Principal, HODs and in-charges and the budget is given the final shape. The Governing body discusses the proposals at the GBM and approves the budget. Since the budget allocations are made following a series of consultations with HODs who are responsible for implementation of academic programmes/plans, the allocation made is adequate. In the event additional funds are required to meet unforeseen demands, the Institution mobilizes the necessary funds from external sources.
I-I.3.2 Utilization of allocated funds: The HODs are responsible for utilization of the funds allocated to their departments. HODs prepare their plans for purchase, investments and activities and monitor the execution of the plans. The Principal reviews the funds utilization every month in HODs committee meetings. Utilization of allocated funds during the budget year is thus ensured which is seen from the following Table.
I-I.3.3 Availability of the audited statements through Institutes web-site 2011-12 Yes URL: ( 2010-11 Yes URL: ( 2009-10 Yes URL: (
1-1.3.4 (a) Total Unit Cost (2010-11) (per student) : Rs 95,186.00
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1-1.3.5 (b) Total Unit cost (2010-11) (per student) (excluding salary) : Rs. 25842.00
I-I.4 Library:
I-I.4.1 Library Space and Ambience, Ttimings and Usage, availability of a qualified librarian and other staff, Library automation, Online access, Networking
Carpet area of library : 9503 Sq. feet Reading space : 4369 Sq. feet Number of seats in reading space : 300 Number of users (issue books) : 128 per day Number of users (reading space) : 166 per day
Number of Library staff : 6 Number of Library staff with degree in Library Management : 3 Computerization for search, Indexing, Issue/ Return records : Yes Bar- coding used : Yes Lib services on internet/intranet? : Yes INDEST or other similar membership : Yes Archival : No
Library Digital Library
I-I.4.2 Titles and Volumes per title Number of Titles : 4731 Number of Volumes : 15746
S.No Year Number of new Titles Added Number of New Editions Added Number of New Volumes Added 1 2009-10 621 126 2267 2 2010-11 591 74 1520 3 2011-12 594 52 1069
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I-I.4.3 Scholarly Journals Subscription Year of subscription Number of Technical Magazines/ Periodicals Number of Journals in hardcopy Number of Technical Journals in softcopy Scholarly journals (in originals/ reprint) 2009-10 36 79 252 IEEE Journals 4 2010-11 42 80 252 IEEE Journals 14 2011-12 49 80 142 IEEE Journals, 1756 J-GATE 37
I-I.4.4 Digital Library Availability of Digital Library contents? : Yes Number of Courses : 48 Number of e-Books : 602 NPTEL Courses : 261 Availability of an exclusive server? : Yes Availability over intranet/internet? : Yes Availability of exclusive space/room? : Yes Number of users per day : 70
I-I.4.5 Library Expenditures on Books, Magazines / Journals and Miscellaneous contents (4)
Year Expenditures Total Books Magazine/ Journals Misc. Contents Hard Copies Soft Copies 2009-10 6,25,466 82,348 3,83,390 1,58,448 12,49,652 2010-11 2,56,493 82,648 3,86,750 1,15,971 8,41,862 2011-12 3,64,14 90,674 3,32,610 30,023 8,17,448
Other Facilities of the Library Reprographic facility DELNET Membership (Inter library loan facility) NPTEL Facility
I-I.5 Internet:
Internet Provider : Southern Online Bio-technology Ltd. Access Speed : 5 Mbps Total Speed : 5 Mbps
Availability: Availability in an exclusive lab for Internet use Yes Availability in most computing labs Yes Availability in departments and other units Yes Availability in faculty rooms Yes Institutes own Email facility to faculty/students Yes Security/ privacy to Email/ Internet user Yes
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I-I.6 Safety Norms and Checks (10) I-I.6.1 Checks for wiring and electrical installations for leakage and earthing (3)
a) The Institution is provided with a total number of 15 Earth pits at different locations and well maintained. All the earth pits are pipe earthed. Every six months the earth pit resistance is measured by licensed persons and recorded. b) All the cables are checked for continuity (working) and their insulation resistance is measured once in a year. c) The voltages of Phase to Neutral, Phase to Earth and Neutral to Earth will be measured every six months and checked for permissible limit. d) Regular servicing is done for 125 KVA generators periodically by the service Engineers. e) Contact numbers during emergency are displayed at appropriate places. f) First aid kits provided to each lab. g) Fire Extinguishers which are near to expire are refilled, and the chart is maintained.
I-I.6.2 Fire Fighting Measures: (3)
Effective safety arrangements with emergency/ multiple exits and ventilation/ exhausts in auditoriums and large class rooms/ labs, Fire fighting equipments and training, Availability of water, and such other facilities
a) The Institution is equipped with 7 fire extinguishers of make ceasefire of 5kg capacity (powdered type) at identified locations and labeled. b) Safety training is given to all the persons working with and near the electrical apparatus c) Use of fire extinguishers is demonstrated and training was given. d) 17 fire buckets are placed at appropriate places e) A mock drill conducted in the Institution by fire service department. f) Fire extinguishers and sand buckets are checked periodically
Fire Buckets Fire Extinguishers
I-I.6.3 Safety of Civil Structure (2)
The buildings of the Institution are designed by qualified and licensed Architect as per applicable Indian standards. The safety factors are built into the design. The construction of the buildings was also carried out under the supervision of the Architect. Thus, the safety of the civil structure is ensured. The structural stability certificate is also obtained from the HOD of Civil Department, Andhra University. Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 24
I-I.6.4 Handling of hazardous chemicals and such other hazards (2)
a) All labs dealing with chemicals are provided the DOs and DONTs in the lab. b) Apron and shoes for the students is mandatory during Electrical & Mechanical laboratory sessions. c) All the labs are equipped with first aid kits to take care of minor injuries. d) Hazardous chemicals are identified and kept separately in safe custody. e) Installed exhaust and ventilating system is checked periodically. f) Fire extinguishers are placed at vulnerable location. I-I.7 Counseling and Emergency Medical Care and First-aid (10) I-I.7.1 Availability of psychological and psychiatric counseling (5)
Specify the counselor(s), their qualifications and availability: Name of the Counselor : Dr. K.R.S. Prasad Rao Qualification : MBBS Availability : Usually once in a week/ when needed Number of cases handled on per month basis: Nil
I.I.7.2 Medical staff to provide First-aid/ Medical helps in Eemergency and Availability of ambulance services (5)
Number of Medical practitioners : 01 Number of nursing staff : 01
Medical facility within the Institution No. of first aid kits : 12 No. of beds : 2 No. of stretchers : 2 Life Apparatus : 1 Other accessories like B.P Apparatus, Tablets, Ointments, Cotton and bandage.
Medical facilities nearby: 100 Bed Hospital : NTR Vydyalayam, Anakapalle-531002 (3 Km away from the Institution)
Availability of ambulance services (response times and medical facility, critical care); Number of ambulances within the Institution: 1 Facility in ambulances: Stretcher, BP Apparatus, Cotton, Bandage etc. Response-time in calling ambulance services from outside: 5 Minutes
Since the institute is located abutting National Highway-5,108 services are available round the clock and have been reaching the campus within 5 minutes from he time of call.
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Criterion II: Teaching and Learning Processes (100)
II-I.1 Academic Process (15)
II-I.1.1 Published Time-Table with sufficient hours for Lectures, Self-learning and Extra-curricular activities (5)
Year/ Sem/ Sec: IV B.Tech/ I Sem / ECE-A Room No.: LH-24 Academic Year: 2012-13, w.e.f: 11-06-2012 Day/ Period 9.00 - 9.50 9.50 - 10.40 B
S. No Subject(T/P) Faculty Name 1 Computer Networks Mrs M. Dedeepya 2 Satellite Communications Ms A.Leelavathi 3 Microcontroller Applications Mr K.S.N.V.Someswara Rao 4 Electronic Measurements & Instrumentation Mrs B.Manjula 5 Radar Systems Mrs P.V.Subba Lakshmi 6 Cellular & Mobile Communication Mrs K.Madhavi 7 Technical skills Ms. Sabirunnisa Gouse 8 Digital Signal Processing Lab Mr. G.N.Satapathi 9 Soft skills Mr.P.S.V.S.V.Rama Raju. 10 Microwave & Optical Communication Lab Mrs P.V.Subba Lakshmi NOTE: * Represents TUTORIAL CLASS
No. of lecture hours : 24 No. of lab hours : 6 No. of tutorial classes : 6 No. of counseling hours : 2 Library/Internet : 2 Sports hours : 2 No. of Technical hours : 2 No. of remedial classes : 2 Seminar : 2 Total No. of hours : 48
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II-I.1.2 Published schedule in academic calendar for assignments/ tests/ examinations and distribution of corrected scripts (5)
Items in Academic Calendar Conduct during the period or in the academic week Performance Feedback / Distribution of Scripts during the period or in the academic week Assignments After completion of each unit an assignment is given Within three days of submission Tests After completion of each one units a test is conducted Within 48 hrs of commencement of test Mid Examination I B.Tech I Semester : I Mid: 31.10.2011 to 05.11.2011 II Mid: 24.12.2011 to 31.12.2011
I B.Tech II Semester : I Mid: 19.03.2012 to 24.03.2012 II Mid: 21.05.2012 to 26.05.2012
II, III & IV B.Tech I Semester I Mid: 16.08.2011 to 20.08.2011 (II Year) 16.08.2011 to 20.08.2011 (III Year) 16.08.2011 to 20.08.2011 (IV Year) II Mid: 17.10.2011 to 22.10.2011 (II Year) 17.10.2011 to 22.10.2011 ( III Year) 17.10.2011 to 22.10.2011 (IV Year)
II, III & IV B.Tech II Semester I Mid: 23.01.2012 to 28.01.2012 (II Year) 23.01.2012 to 28.01.2012 (III Year) 23.01.2012 to 28.01.2012 (IV Year) II Mid: 26.03.2012 to 31.03.2012 (II year) 26.03.2012 to 31.03.2012 (III Year) 26.03.2012 to 31.03.2012 (IV year) Within 48 hrs after the respective Mid examination University examination I B.Tech I Semester: 09.01.2012 to 23.01.2012 I B.Tech II Semester: 04.06.2012 to 16.06.2012 II B.Tech I Semester 07.11.2011 to 19.11.2011 II B.Tech II Semester 16.04.2012 to 28.04.2012 III & IV B.Tech I Semester 07.11.2011 to 19.11.2011 III & IV B.Tech II Semester 16.04.2012 to 28.04.2012 Results declared by the University within 6 weeks from the last examination of the semester.
II-I.1.3 Attendance Monitoring: Reward for good attendance and penalty for poor (5) DIET follows attendance system prescribed by the JNTU, Kakinada. The following is the system for promoting the students for the next level in the programme: Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 27
i. A student shall be eligible to appear for University examinations if he acquires a minimum of 75% of attendance in aggregate of all the subjects. ii. Condonation of shortage of attendance in aggregate up to 10% (65% and above and below 75%) in each semester for genuine reasons and shall be approved by a committee duly appointed by the college. The condonation approved or otherwise can be reviewed by the University. iii. A Student will not be promoted to the next semester unless he satisfies the attendance requirement of the present semester. They may seek re-admission for that semester when offered next. iv. Shortage of Attendance below 65% in aggregate shall in NO case be condoned. v. Students whose shortage of attendance is not condoned in any semester are not eligible to take their end examination of that class and their registration shall stand cancelled. vi. A fee stipulated by the university shall be payable towards condonation of shortage of attendance. vii.A Monthly attendance will be displayed in the department and college notice boards
II-I.2 Academic Support Units and Common facilities for First Year Courses (20)
II-I.2.1 Basic Science/Engineering laboratories (Adequacy of space, number of students per batch, quality and availability of measuring instruments, laboratory manuals, list of experiments) (10)
Name of the Lab Space, No. of Students No. of experiments Type of experiments Quality of Instruments Lab Manuals Engineering Physical Lab 135.12 Sq. Mtrs / 32 students 20 Testing/ Performance based experiments Besto, Pacific, Mikron Available Engineering Chemistry Lab 135.12 Sq. Mtrs / 32 students 20 Testing/ Performance based experiments Biotech, Mumbai., Digisun Electronics Available IT workshop 139.85 Sq. Mtrs / 32 students 14 Execution/ Document/ PC Hardware based experiments Pentium1,2,3 processor systems Available C Programmin g Lab 139.85 Sq. Mtrs / 60 students 36 programs Evaluation, coding & Testing HCL make- Pentium 4 2.66 GHz processor, 1GB RAM- 80GB HDD Available
II-I.2.2 Central Computing Laboratory (4) Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 28
II-I.2.3 Manufacturing Practices (Mechanical/ Electrical) workshop (4) Workshop Description Space, Number of Students Number of experiments Quality of instruments Lab Manuals Engineering workshop 135.12 Sq. Mtrs / 45 students 10 + 2 * Foundry, Black Smithy, Carpentry, tin Smithy, Fity, Electrical Wiring- Vijay Hardware, Uni Hardware Available Engineering Drawing practices lab 135.12 Sq. Mtrs / 62 students 28 -- Lecture notes - Available
II-I.2.4 Language Laboratory (2) Language Lab Space, No. of Students Software Used Type of experiments Quality of Instruments Guidance / Learning English Language Communication Skills (ELCS) Lab I 65.24 Sq. Mtrs /32 students Centronix- Dictionary Tools, Punctuatio n, Write Better English. Conflict Mgt, Leadership Skills, Team- Building- Activity Based Experiment s and Interactive Activities available in the software. (Experimen ts-6) The Software (Centronix) is considered to be a good one on par with other softwares.
Material downloaded from the Internet is used in the lab. Necessary Guidance is provided to improve spoken English of students and also prepare them for competitive examinations like GRE, TOFEL, etc. Computer Lab Space No. of Computers Variety of Softwares Usage / Timings Lab Assistance Computer Centre 203.52 Sq. Mtrs 72 Windows XP, MS office 2007, Acrobat reader, Windows Media player, PDF to Word converters, winRAR, Anti Virus, web browsers (Opera, Firefox, Chrome etc) 8.30 AM to 5.30 PM Available Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 29
Advanced English Communication Skills (AECS) Lab 65.24 Sq.m/ 32 students Centronix- Dictionary Tools, Punctuatio n, Write Better English. Foundation Course in Communic ation Skills Activity Based Experiments and Interactive Activities available in the software. (Experiment s-8) The Software (Centronix) is considered to be a good one on par with other softwares.
Material downloaded from the Internet is used in the lab. Necessary Guidance is provided to improve spoken English of students and also prepare them for competitive examinations like GRE, TOFEL, etc.
II-I.3.1 Tutorial classes to address personal level doubts and queries (5) Provision of Tutorial classes in time-table : YES Tutorial Sheets Provided : YES Tutorial classes taken by : Faculty Number of tutorial classes per subject : ONE per week Number of students per tutorial class : 60 Number of subjects with tutorials : 1 st year:11, 2 nd year:12 3 rd year:12, 4 th year: 9 II-I.3.2 Remedial classes and Additional make-up tests to help the academically weaker students (5)
Provision of Remedial Classes in Time-table : YES Number of subjects having Remedial Classes : 4 Number of students having Remedial Classes : 15 Number of hours of Remedial classes : 1 per-subject per week Provision of Makeup Tests in Academic Calendar : NO
II-I.3.3 Mentoring System to help at individual levels (5) Type of Mentoring : Professional guidance/ Career advancement/ Course work specific/ Lab specific Number of faculty mentors : 13 Number of Students : 20 per mentor Frequency of Meeting : Every 15 days
II-I.4 Teaching Evaluation Process: Feedback System (15)
II-I.4.1 Design of Proforma and process for feedback evaluation (5) Number of Feedback Items 13 Number of Feedback levels 3 Space for descriptive feedback/ suggestion etc. YES Any consistency check YES Any performance/attendance profile NO Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 30
Frequency of feedback collection: Once in a semester Feedback collection: Hard-copy
II-I.4.2 Feedback analysis and reward/ corrective measures taken, if any (5) Feedback collected for all courses YES Specify the feedback collection process Manual Who collects the feedback HOD When feedback is collected Middle of each semester Percentage of students participating 85%
Specify the feedback analysis process Is this done manually? YES
What metrics are calculated? 1. Evaluation of the faculty members on 5 dimensions of teaching process Viz: punctuality and regularity of the teachers, teachers control and conduct of the class, understandability of lectures, discussion of class tests, tutorials & assignments and syllabus coverage. What is inferred from the metrics? 1. Students perception of the performance of the faculty and thereby the effectiveness of teaching learning process. 2. Students perception of the facilities and support the college provides to them. How are the comments used? Comments are studied by the Secretary, Principal and HOD concerned. All comments are given due weightage, even if adverse. Corrective measures are taken wherever necessary. Good work is rewarded. Basis of reward/corrective measures, if any: The scores obtained on the parameters measured on a 5 point scale (Poor, Satisfactory, Fair, Good and Excellent) are the bases for rewarding or initiating corrective measures. The rewards are in the form of commendation and appreciation letters, grant of additional increments and promotions. The corrective measures include counseling, issuing advisory memos conducting additional sessions by other senior faculty members, recommendation for FDPs/ Workshops/ Up-gradation programmes etc.
Were extraneous factors, like hard/soft-attitude of the instructor considered? YES Was result considered? : YES
Number of awards in (2011-12):1 in (2010-11):1 in (2009-10):1 Number of corrective actions in (2011-12):2 in (2010-11):2 in (2009-10):2
II-I.4.3 Feedback mechanism from Alumni, Parents and Industry, if any (5) (Specify the mechanism of feedback collection and analysis)
The Institution Collects feedback from Parents, Alumni, Industry, through a questionnaire designed to elicit their opinions on the institution, and also on the students technical knowledge, behavior & attitude.
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Alumni Feed Back The Institution conducts Alumni meet once in a year and collects opinions. At the time of Alumni-meet, a feed back in the prescribed format is requested from the participants that covers various aspects of academics, infrastructure, transport, soft- skills, industry requirements and any other factors of interest worth mentioning. As per the suggestions given by the Alumni, efforts are made to improve on facilities of soft skills, professional associations, student seminars, parking, potable water, guest lectures, industrial visits & tours, transport and canteen.
Industry Feed Back The Institution collects feedback from industry on various occasions - when students visit for internships, live projects, mini-projects, main projects and when resource persons visit the Institution to address students under institutional-industry interaction. These are taken at regular intervals and their respective suggestions and advices discussed and incorporated.
Parents Feedback: The Institution collects feedback from parents on various occasions i.e., annual day celebrations/ cultural meets/ parent-meets. Their suggestions and advices in the feedback are discussed and changes incorporated. Number of feedback received in (2011-12) 10 in (2010-11) 10 in (2009-10) 10 Specify typical corrective actions taken, if any: Nil
Parents meet conducted in the Seminar Alumni meet conducted in the Seminar Hall for the academic year 2011-12 Hall for the academic year 2011-12
II-I.5 Self Learning and Learning beyond Syllabus (15)
II-I.5.1 Generation of self-learning facilities and availability of materials for learning beyond syllabus (5)
Faculty members prepare Course files & lecture notes for all subjects and identify gaps if any, between course objectives & outcomes. In this process, faculty members propose additional sessions in order to achieve gaps between PEOs & Outcomes. Handouts of Guest-Speakers, Industry experts/ Academic Experts. Students are provided with exclusive internet facility in digital library to upgrade themselves. Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 32
The Institution offers digital library & departmental libraries which are equipped with internet & intranet facilities which enhance the student-centered learning environment. NPTEL backups through Digital Library of College Student Professional Societal Activities Net Browsing & Web Downloads Online Journal Contributions INDEST and National & International Technical Journals Audio-Visual Materials CDs/ PDF/ Movie Documents Printed Materials & Handouts Question & Answer sessions Assignments, Group Discussions, Role-plays Student Projects: Soft Copy & Hard Copy GATE /GRE/TOEFL/IELTS Material & Course Material Student Mini projects, Internships, Live Projects Industrial Visits & Tours Yahoo Groups-Education Groups Lecture notes of Faculty, PPTs & Web Material e-books & CDs given along with Text Books & Simulations & Solutions Suitable additional topics from National & International Journals, Web downloads. Student seminars on topics from prescribed Syllabi & Contemporary topics. Student Paper Presentations, Project Presentations, Workshops & National Seminars. II-I.5.2 Possibility, Motivation and Scope for self-learning/ learning-beyond-syllabus (5) Library and Internet periods are given in the time-table; students go to library and avail the facility like IEEE (ASPP) journal papers, JGATE Engg. & Technology 1767 journal and 80 hard copy journals, DELNET journals & NPTEL videos.
II-I.6 Career Guidance, Training, Placement and Entrepreneurship Cell (10)
II-I.6.1Effective career guidance services including counseling for higher studies (4)
DIET Career Guidance Cell (CGC) was established in the year 2010 and it actively promoting student career counseling and placement services. The Career Guidance Cell has stepped up its activities in recent times under the dynamic leadership of its college coordinator. An employability skills development programme was conducted recently for all B. Tech, MBA and MCA students in collaboration with VITA (Vizag Information Technology Association). Placement services and career counseling are also offered by the cell.
Objectives To conduct a survey among students on their career options. Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 33
To organize programmes to create awareness about the importance of higher studies in India and Abroad. To organize coaching classes & diagnostic tests for the competitive exams such as CAT, GRE, and GMAT and to counsel them for higher studies. To conduct Orientation Programmes for freshers. To organize and offer various programmes on Personality Development, Soft Skills and Communication Skills. To organize Pre-placement Training Programmes to enable students to showcase their skills during the Interview.
Events Conducted During 2010-11
1. Organized Individual Development Course on Effective Public Speaking by V.V.Sanyasi Rao, Past Dist. Governor, Rotary International Dist. 3020 on 19/01/2012. 2. Organized SOFT SKILLS TRAINING program by Mr. Abdulla of Conduria on 04/02/2010. 3. Organized a guest lecture on Personality Development, soft-skills and Ethical Values by K.V.G.S. Murali Krishna, IEG, IIT Campus, Hyderabad.
K.V.G.S. Murali Krishna, IEG, IITH V.V.Sanyasi Rao interacting with students addressing the students on Effective Public Speaking
II-I.6.2 Training and Placement facility with Training and Placement Officer (TPO), Industry Interaction for Training/ Internship/ Placement (4)
Training & Placement Officials facilitate the recruiters for Pre-placement Discussions, Conducting Tests & Interviews and Hospitality of the Campus Hiring Team. The Hospitality and the functioning of the Placement Cell at DIET is applauded and well received by the visiting recruiters every year. The Training & Placement Cell of DIET is continuously engaged in organizing Corporate Training for the students of professional programs like B.Tech, M.Tech, MCA & MBA. Students are actively involved in this process along with the support of the faculty members.
The Cell also focuses on the overall personality development of the students and proactively conducts short term workshops by experts for the benefit of the students. The Cell has been reasonably successful at providing placement opportunities for the students of the various professional programs in the last few years.
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DIET has set up a comprehensive Training & Placement Cell headed by Training & Placement Officer having rich experience in the industry, and has a proven record of industrial Liaoning and achievements in students placement.
Role & Responsibilities: To provide a vital link between the students and prospective employers. To plan and organize career talks & personality development programmes. To develop & maintain close liaison with industry/ organizations to facilitate placement of students. The ultimate aim of Training & Placement department is to provide quality engineers to the visiting firms and a responsible citizen to the nation.
Training & Placement Cell Committee S.No Name of the Staff Member Position 1 Prof B.Visveswara Rao Chairman 2 Sri M.Rajesh Convener 3 Sri A.Vasu Deva Rao Member 4 Sri P.V.S.V.S Rama Raju Member 5 Sri K.S.N.V. Someswara Rao Member 6 Ms Sabera Begum Member 7 Sri K.V.Sriram Prasad Member 8 Sri M.Ch.Jagan Sekhar Member
Placement Procedure The Training & Placement Office identifies organization with vacancies and sends invitations to the organizations for participation in the campus placements. Participating Organizations reply through e-mail or post to the Training & Placement Department of DIET showing their willingness along with Job Profile, Eligibility Criteria, Selection Process, Salary Package, and Place of Posting. Training & Placement Department allots the dates to the company for their campus visit in consultation with campus hiring team of the company. Companies are allotted dates on the bases of: Students ranking of the company, Career Prospects, Salary Package or intake. After receiving the confirmation from the company, organizations placement details are passed on to the students and posted on notice board and circulated in all the departments. Company campus hiring team conducts Pre-placement Discussion and On- Campus Placement Process. After the completion of the entire selection process on campus, company is required to announce the final list of selected students on the day of interview. Company is required to issue offer letter to the selects on the same day or before passing out. A student who got selected in one organization is not restricted in participating in other drives hosted by DIET.
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Placement Highlights DIET students got placed in various prestigious organizations like Infosys, TCS, Wipro, Mahindra Satyam etc. and are being recruited by various companies regularly.
No. of Candidates placed in the Academic Year 2009-10 : 90 No. of Candidates placed in the Academic Year 2010-11 : 91 No. of Candidates placed in the Academic Year 2011-12 : 60
List of Year-wise placements of DIET are depicted below: Academic Year : 2009-10 S.No Company No. of Candidates Name of the Candidates Dept. 1 INFOSYS 1 K. Manasa ECE 2 TCS 7 M. Raja Rajeswari Devi CSE 3 B. Deepthi Vishal IT 4 V. Lakshmi Chaitanya ECE 5 M. Bharathi ECE 6 T. Chaitanya IT 7 M. Lakshman CSE 8 Tanusri Misra IT 9 WIPRO 4 V.L. Chaitanya ECE 10 B.V.S. Sireesha IT 11 D. Trivani EEE 12 G. Vara Prasad MCA 13 MAHINDRA SATYAM 3 M. P. Prasanna Kumar EEE 14 V. Divyakshari IT 15 Sharat Chandra B. IT 16 HCL 4 B. Deepthi Vishal IT 17 Seema Samreen CSE 18 Ravi Chandra Varma EEE 19 Moumitha Chatterjee ECE Academic Year : 2010-11 1 WIPRO 4 M. Prashanti Tani CSE 2 P. Keerthi CSE 3 P. Sudheer Raja ECE 4 Benhil Katoon CSE 5 SYNTEL 10 A.V.V.N.L. swathi CSE 6 p. Anila Bindu CSE 7 V. Ranjit John CSE 8 V.Jyothi CSE 9 M. Dinesh Kumar CSE 10 A. Mani Kantha CSE 11 M.R.P.S. Kumar CSE 12 P. Purnima CSE 13 Bharathi S. ECE 14 Shweta Kumari IT Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 36
15 TCS 1 Venkata Dileep Kumar CSE 16 GENPACT 5 Kondababu MBA 17 Md. Rafi MBA 18 K. Rajesh MBA 19 L.V.V. Naveen ECE 20 S. Shekar ECE 21 CONVERGYS 2 T.V.S. Sumanth CSE 22 M. Praveen Kumar CSE 23 HSBC 2 K. Navya CSE 24 M. Mrunalini CSE Academic Year : 2011-12 1 INFOSYS 1 Srujana P. CSE 2 WIPRO 1 Rajeev P. CSE 3 HUSYS 1 Gayatri Kumari S. MBA 4 IGENIESES 10 G. Sushma CSE 5 K.N. Shiva Shankar CSE 6 M. Lakshmi Narayana MCA 7 Aditya Chiranjeevi MCA 8 D. Ravi Kanth IT 9 K. Naresh IT 10 K. Venkateswarulu MBA 11 M.S.K. Kumar MBA 12 B. Uma MBA 13 N.C.V. Sagar MBA 14 MULTIMODUS VENTURES PVT. LTD 9 G. Ashok Vardhan IT 15 S. Srinivasa Rao MCA 16 P. Prasanth Kumar CSE 17 G. Satish Kumar CSE 18 G. Ravi Kumar MBA 19 K. Radha MBA 20 M. Venkata Naidu IT 21 K. Umamaheswara rao CSE 22 A. Chandra Kala MCA MODULE 1 - Soft Skills MODULE 2 - Communication Skills MODULE 3 Application Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 37
Training Activities With a prime objective to equip DIET students with specific and cutting edge skills, over the last three academic years, DIET facilitated, coordinated and provided a well designed and structured program spread over a span of all the 52 weeks (per year) for students who aspired to secure employment within the corporate sector, teaching careers, entrepreneurs and other places of gainful employment The primary participants included for such sessions were the final year students and this program is run parallel to the course curriculum and each session lasted for about 75-90 minutes and delivery constituted of Three Modules The participating students comprise of all final year students and have a specific mentor for each 20 students of the batch. Tailor made sessions are rolled-out and each student is taken very seriously and all efforts are made to end in final placement or achieve the objective of employability. Time frame and session plane is as appended below:
For smooth operations and executive support, DIET placement committee every year identified strategic external partners for this program and this committee reports into the Principal progress and status updates. II-I.6.3 Entrepreneurship Development Cell (2) Technology and globalization are ushering an era of unprecedented change. Perhaps there is no mantra as strong as today, as one about the need and pressure for change and Innovation. Business and nations have to respond innovatively to these developments to continue their growth. As the need for emerging technology of todays world, Dadi Institute and Engineering and Technology has incorporated an Entrepreneurship Development Cell for the budding Entrepreneurs.
EDC committee S.No Name of The Staff Member Position 1 Sri B. Jagan Mohan Rao Chairman 2 Sri G. Bhaskar N. Rao Convener 3 Sri K. Amarendra Member 4 Sri P. Srihari Member Duration - 17 weeks 1-session per week Duration - 17 weeks 1-session per week Duration - 17 weeks 1-session per week Basic Communication Skills How to learn English Presentation Negotiation Handling Skills Listening Body Language Corporate culture Pronunciation Voice Modulation Crm -the management model Vocabulary Gestures Application of crm Speaking Confident Conversations Selling Skills Business English Self Detailing Time Management Non-verbal Communication Responding Professionally Stress management IT Skills (MS Office) Positive Attitude Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 38
5 Sri K. Vijay Kumar Member 6 Sri G. Satyanarayana Member 7 Sri M. Rajesh Member
Objectives To create awareness of need and importance of Entrepreneurship as career option among students. The participants are given exposure to various aspects of entrepreneurship during the programme period with help of both in house and guest faculties. Create awareness for using IT as the key input for generating self employment rural industry and marketing of agricultural products. To create awareness about entrepreneurial opportunities in export sector.
EDC Events Conducted 1. DIET EDC in collaboration with DIET AIMA SB conducted a one day workshop on MENTORING FUTURE MANAGERS on 14/03/2009. Mr. Abhishek Panda Head-ICICI Securities, Mumbai was the chief guest for this event 2. Conducted a Technical talk on Young Entrepreneurship on 27/03/2010 by Dr. Krishna Naga Rajan, CEO, CoultIT Infotech Pvt. Ltd. 3. Mr. Gopi Kumar Bulusu, CEO of Sankhya Technologies delivered a talk on ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT as part of Engineers Day Celebrations on 15/09/2010. 4. DIET EDC has joined the prestigious list of confederation of Indian Industries (CII) as an Institutional member. 5. DIET EDC in collaboration with DIET-AIMASB organized 5th NATIONAL MANAGEMENT DAY CELEBRATIONS on the 28/02/2011. 6. DIET EDC in collaboration with DIET - AIMA SB has organized National Education Day celebrations on 11/11/2010
Mr. Abhishek Panda Head-ICICI Inaugural Function of Confederation of Securities, Mumbai addressing the gathering Indian Industries (CII) by DIET EDC
II-I.7 Co-curricular and Extra Curricular Activities (10)
II-I.7.1Co-curricular and Extra-curricular activities, e.g., NSS, Cultural activities etc. (5)
Co-Curricular Activities Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 39
DIET conducted many co-curricular activities in all the departments since its formation. A Usual practice was made to conduct events like e-display, poster presentation, Quiz and Paper Presentation Competitions on the occasional days like Engineers Day, Womens Day etc.
The Professional bodies that were established in the Institution used to take an active part in all the events and encourage the students with Participation certificates.
Co-Curricular Activities Committee
List of Co-curricular Activities S.No Date Name of the Activity Chief Guest/ Speaker Events Conducted No. of Participants Academic Year 2009-10 1 12/03/2010 13/03/2010 ACUMEN Prof A.Appa Rao, Vice Chancellor, JNTUK Paper & Poster Presentation, Movie Making, Software & hardware Expo 800 Academic Year 2010-11 2 09/09/2010 Dennis Ritchie Birthday Celebrations Sri K. Syam Kumar, Vice President, Symbiosis Poster Presentation, Quiz 80 3 15/09/2010 Engineers Day Celebrations Sri Gopi Kumar Bulusu, CEO, Sankya Technologies, Visakhapatnam Paper & Poster Presentation, hardware Expo 200 4 08/03/2011 Womens Day Smt. Dadi Atchuta, Poster Presentation, 180 S.No Name of the Staff Member Position 1 Sri P.Appa Rao Coordinator 2 Sri P.Narasimha Raju Member 3 Sri N.Satish Member 4 Sri P.Gurunadh Member 5 Sri V.Avinash Member 6 Sri A.Suresh Member 7 Sri M. Jagadeesh Member 8 Dr. G.S.J.Sailaja Member 9 Sri J.Dharma Rao Parent Member 10 Mr. K.Teja Student leader 11 Mr. G.Pavan Kumar Student leader Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 40
Celebrations Governing Body Member, DIET Quiz, Group Discussion Academic Year 2011-12 5 09/09/2011 Dennis Ritchie Birthday Celebrations Sri S.M. Rao, DGM (ERD), Vizag Steel Plant Poster Presentation, Quiz 80 6 15/09/2011 Engineers Day Celebrations Sri S. Koteswara Rao, Scientist- G, NSTL, Visakhapatnam Paper & Poster presentation, hardware Expo 200 7 22/12/2011 Mathematics Day Celebrations . Sri M.E.V.S Murthy, Dept. of Mathematics, A U, Visakhapatnam Quiz Competition
8 08/03/2012 Womens Day Celebrations Dr. Priyadarshini, Chief Surgeon, NTR Govt. Hospital, Anakapalle Poster Presentation, Quiz, Group Discussion 180 9 23/06/2012 Alan Turing 100 th
Birthday Celebrations Sri S.Purna Chandra Rao, Senior Manager, CTS, USA Poster Presentation, Quiz 60
Participant receiving the certificate for Smt. Dadi Atchuta, Governing Body Member, Paper Presentation on ACUMEN-2009 Inaugurating Womens Day Celebrations-2010
Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 41
Sri S. Koteswara Rao, Scientist-G, NSTL Distributing prizes to the winners of Quiz Inaugurating Engineers Day - 2011 Competition on Mathematics Day-2011
Extra Curricular Activities A platform has been laid for the students to take active part in extracurricular activities through NSS, Sports, Carbon credit club and Cultural Club. Students are provided all the facilities to excel in extracurricular activities. Various committees were formed to look after all these and conduct various programmes and events. Diet Youth Red Cross (DYRC) Inspired by the narration of experience of war of sulfuring by Henry Dunant the Red Cross Organization was formed in the year 1864. The nucleus of Indian Red Cross Society which is a part of the International movement was formed in the year 1920, though as act of parliament (Act XV of 1920).
Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology had taken institutional membership in INDIAN RED CROSS and inaugurated DIET YOUTH RED CROSS (DYRC) on 08/05/2012 with the strength of 100 volunteers. Since then it has been organizing many social service programs. It tremendously succeeded in inculcating social responsibility among the students and many students are coming forward to take active part in DYRC activities. DYRC Committee
Objectives To inculcate in the Youth of our college and society an awareness on the care of their own health and that of others.
S.No Name of the Staff Member Position 1 Prof B. Jagan Mohan Rao Chairman 2 Sri P.Narasimha Raju Counselor 3 Sri P.Srihari Member 4 Sri G.Bhaskar N Rao Member 5 Sri P.Apparao Member 6 Sri N.V.S.D.Ajay Kumar Student Member 7 Mr.Aditya Student Member Frequency of Meeting: At least once in a semester Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 42
Understanding and acceptance of civic responsibilities and acting accordingly with humanitarian concern in times of disasters. To enable the growth and development of a spirit of service and sense of duty with dedication and devotion in the minds of youth.
DYRC Activity Date Activity Name Speaker Location Attendees 08.05.2012 Awareness program on ANEMIA Dr. P.Shyam Prasad, Superintendent, KGH Seminar Hall & nearby villages 50
Unveiling of Diet Youth Red Cross logo Campaign Vehicle Flagged off
Carbon Credit Club (CCC) Carbon Credit Club is a unique program, first of its kind to start in India. It aims at the transform of developing countries to Low Carbon Economics. Its main objective is to sensitize Indian Engineers, Institutions about CDM (Clean Development Mechanism) program and facilitate in fighting Climate Change. CCC was started on 09/10/2010 at DIET and registered by the international CCC authorities (ID No: 020122T400) as an institutional member.
CCC Committee
S.No Name of the Member Position 1 Prof. B. JaganMohan Rao Chairman 2 Dr G.S.J.Shailaja Faculty Advisor 3 Sri Ch.Prabhakar Rao Member 4 Ms Sabirunisa Gouse Member 5 Ms A.V.S.Divya Student Volunteer 6 Mr. Satyam Naidu Student Volunteer 7 Mr Gowtham Student Volunteer Frequency of meeting: At least once in a semester Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 43
Objectives Iinculcating responsibility to protect environment among engineering students. To sensitize the engineers about the environmental issues and make them feel responsible and show deep concern to protect environment. To organize awareness programmes and propagate the need of pollution free environment.
Activities during the academic year 2010-2011 1. Conducted Sensitization Drive on Kyoto Protocol by poster presentations in all the Notice Boards of the college and mass tree plantation on 09/10/2010. 2. Organized a one day awareness-cum-Talent recognition workshop with a funding of Rs.25000 by the Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board (APPCB) at the College Campus on 16/03/2011 3. Conducted Awareness Program on World Forest Day in the College Campus on 21/03/2011.
Sensitization Drive & Mass Tree Plantation Workshop by APPCB at College Campus
National Service Scheme (NSS) DIET-NSS Unit was inaugurated on 30/10/2010 with the strength of 100 enthusiastic volunteers. Since then it has been organizing many social service programmes. It has adopted two villages, namely, Meredipudi and Akkireddypalem and conducted Special Camps. It tremendously succeeded in inculcating social responsibility among the students and making them to take active part in NSS activities. Appreciating the efforts and students active involvement, JNTU Kakinada proposed DIET for the establishment of second NSS Unit under self finance on 07/02/2012.
NSS Committee
S.No Name of the Staff Member Position 1 Prof B. Jagan Mohan Rao Chairman 2 Sri N. Satish Programme Officer 3 Sri K. Amarendra Member 4 Sri P. Gurunadh Member 5 Sri M.S. Jagadeesh Member 6 Sri J. Dharma Rao Villager 7 Sri K. Satyanarayana Forest Officer Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 44
Objectives To organize social service programmes like Mega Blood Donation Camps, Free Medical Camps, Free Dental Camps and Free Eye Check up camps etc. To organize awareness programmes on AIDS, Anemia, sanitation, Road Safety etc. To conduct rallies, surveys and door to door campaigning to promote sanitary awareness among the general masses. To organize innovative demonstration programmes & workshops on Fire rescue methods, Safe Ride and Mass Tree Plantation Programmes etc..
List of NSS Activities S.No Date Activity Place No. of Particip ants Chief Guest/ Speaker Academic Year 2010-2011 1 30.10.2010 A Two day Mass Tree Plantation programme College premises 100 Chief Guest, Sri S. Bhashkar Reddy, M.R.O., Anakapalle. 2 13.11.2010 EMRI Awareness Programme College Seminar Hall 230 Lokesh Senapathi, Oper.Executive, EMRI, VSKP 3 01.12.2010 AIDS Awareness Programme College Seminar Hall 200 Dr. Satya Prasad, , N.T.R Hospital, Anakapalle 4 04.01.2011 A one day workshop on road safety awareness College Seminar Hall 230 Sri. S. Venkateswara Rao, DTC, Visakhapatnam 5 04.02.2011 to 10.02.2011 7 Day Camp Programme: Distribution of needy items for school children, Free Medical Camp Maredipudi Village 50 Sri S. Bhashkar Reddy, MRO, Anakapalle. Dr. Chandra Sekhar, N.T.R Hospital, Anakapalle 6 19.04.2011 Fire Rescue Demonstration Programme College Campus 150 Sri P.S Naidu, Fire Officer, Anakapalle Academic Year 2011-2012 1 20.7.2011 Participation in Police Mythri run AMAL College, Anakapalle 100 Sri Ambar Kishore Jha, I.P.S 2 01.10.2011 Mega Blood Donation Camp College Seminar Hall 230 Doctors & staff of A.S. Raja Voluntary Blood Bank 3 25.01.2012 Observation of National voters day Akkireddyp alem Village 50 Sri V. Suresh, VRO, Anakapalle 8 Mr. K. Teja Student Member 9 Mr.G. Praveen Kumar Student Member 10 Ms. T. Bindu Madhavi Student Member Frequency of Meeting: At least once in a semester Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 45
4 26.02.2012 Free Eye check up & treatment camp Kundram Village 50 Sri K. Raghu, General Manager(Mines), Visakha Steel Plant
Medical Camp organized in its adopted Mega Blood Donation Camp Akkireddypalem Village
Donating articles and stationery to poor Safe Ride Programme students during Special Camp
Fire Rescue Demonstration Programme Winner receiving Trophy from SriAmbar Kishore Jha, IPS in Police Mythri Run. Cultural Activities Diet always makes its students energetic and joyful by conducting cultural events regularly every year. Freshers Day, Farewell and College Day are the usual events conducted in the campus every year in their appointed times.
The co-cirricular activities committee itself looks after all these cultural activities. Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 46
A few of the glimpses are depicted below:
Students showing the national integrity A skit making us to realize the current in their dance at farewell function scenario of the society
Sports Activities DIET Students have proven their sporting talents in various events conducted at University and Zonal level under the guidance of our Physical Director.
Cricket: Our students stood as runners in Intercollegiate cricket tournament conducted by JNTU, Kakinada during 29/02/2012 to 05/03/2012 at Rajahmundry in Zone-A and qualified to play at Central Zone level. Throw Ball: Women throw ball team got first place in the events conducted by various Engineering Colleges. Hand Ball: Our student, K. Kaladhar bearing Reg. No 08U41A0213 represented JNTU in Interuniversity Hand Ball tournament in South West Zone. Athletics: Our student, Md Inamual bearing Reg. No 09U41A0279 won silver medal in Athletics held at JNTU, Kakinada on 12/03/2012. Hockey: Our student, M. Lakshmi Narayana bearing Reg. No 09U41F0021 participated in various University level Hockey tournaments. Achievements in Sports S.No Date(s) Event Name Place No. of Participants Result Academic Year 2011-12 1. 04.09.2011 05.09.2011 Kick Boxing Indira Priyadarsini Municipal Stadium, Visakhapatnam 1 Winner 2 02.12.2011 03.12.2011 Athletics GIET, Rajahmundry 2 Participation 3 29.02.2012 05.03.2012 Cricket GIET, Rajahmundry 16 Runners 4 07.03.2012 Throw Ball Gonna Engg. College Visakhapatnam 12 Winners 5 12.03.2012 14.03.2012 Athletics JNTU, Kakinada 1 Silver Medal Academic Year 2010-11 Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 47
1. Organized inter collegiate cricket tournament for our college students from 28- 12-2010 to 11-01-2011. 2. Organized various sports competitions for girls on account of womens day from 07th and 8th March 2012.
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Mr. Lakshman II MCA played for JNTU Mr. Kaladhar III EEE played for JNTU Hockey Team during 2009-10 Handball Team during 2010-11
Students with winners Shields for Students with Runners Trophy for Throw Ball (Women) in 2011-12 Cricket (Men) in 2011-12
II-I.7.2 Sport Grounds, Facilities and Qualified Sports Instructors (5) It is a well known fact that active participation in sports helps the students to improve their physical as well as mental health. We have dedicated faculty to give training to the students in various sports and games. We have sufficient number of courts of various games which can be utilized by maximum number of students.
Sports Instructor and His Profile Mr. P.GURUNATH, M.P Ed from BALIPAL OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION, Fakir Mohan University, ODISSA in the year 2009 Certified NCC-B by 13 ANDHRA BATALLION, Visakhapatnam in the year 2002-03 Attended international workshop SPORTS MEDI CATI ON conducted by JNTU, Kakinada on 26 th and 27 th July 2011. Attended NATIONAL INTEGRATION CAMP (NIC) at Mammoor Air Field, Warangal in the year 2000 Attended NATIONAL INTEGRATION CAMP (NIC) at Korukonda Sainik School, Vizianagaram in the year 2001 Sports Committee S.No Name of the Staff Member Position 1 Sri P. Apparao Coordinator 2 Sri P. Gurunadh Member Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 49
The following is the infrastructure available: S.No Sport / Game No. of courts Infrastructure available
3 Sri P. Lakshmi Narayana Member 4 Sri P. Narasimha Raju Member 5 Mr V. Tarak Student Member 6 Mr B. Surendra Student Member Frequency of Meeting: At least once in a semester Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 50
Criterion III: Students Admission and First Year Performance (75)
III-I.1 Students Admission (15)
III-I.1.1 Admission Intake (5)
Item 2011-12 2010-11 2009-10 Sanctioned Intake Strength in the Institute (N) 480 420 420 Number of students admitted on merit (N1) 299 290 305 Number of students admitted on management quota/ otherwise (N2) 53 16 36 Number of total admitted students in the Institute (N1 + N2) 352 306 341
III-I.1.2 Admission Quality (10) Divide the total admitted ranks (or percentage-marks) into 5 or a few meaningful ranges Rank Range 2011-12 2010-11 2009-10 1-10000 Nil Nil Nil 10001-30000 09 23 48 30001-60000 50 83 107 60000-100000 95 66 67 Above 100000 115 118 83 Admitted without rank 53 16 36
Tabular data for estimating Student Teacher Ratio and Faculty Qualification for FIRST YEAR Common Courses
List of faculty members teaching first year courses: 2011-12 S. No Name of Faculty Qualification Designation Date of Joining Dept. Associa ted Distribution of Teaching Load (%) 1 st
year UG PG 1 S. Hanumantha Rao M.Sc, Ph.D Professor 06/09/2006 BS & H 75 25 2 G.S.J. Sailaja M.Sc, Ph.D Asso. Prof 20/11/2007 BS & H 100 3 P.V. Murali M.A. Asst. Prof 19/11/2007 BS & H 75 25 4 U.V. Subba Rao M.Sc, (Ph.D) Asst. Prof 20/06/2008 BS & H 75 25 5 P. Apparao M.Sc, M.Phil Asst. Prof 01/10/2010 BS & H 100 6 T.R.K. Pydiraju M.Sc, M.Phil Asst. Prof 01/09/2006 BS & H 100 7 M.S.R. Mallika M.Sc, M.Phil Asst. Prof 01/08/2007 BS & H 100 Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 51
III-I.2 Assessment of First-Year Student Teacher Ratio (FYSTR) of 25 or Superior (20) Three years of data for first year courses to calculate the Student Teacher Rati (FYSTR):
Year No. of Students (Approved) No. of Faculty Members (considering fractional load) FYSTR Assessment = 20 * 25 * 0.8 / FYSTR (Max. is 20) 2009-10 420 23 1:20 20 2010-11 420 23 1:20 20 2011-12 480 26 1:20 20 Average Assessment 20
III-I.3 Assessment of Faculty Qualification teaching First Year Common Courses (20) Assessment of Qualification = 2*(10 * x + 6 * y + 4 * z) / N Where x = Number of Faculty Members with Ph.D y = Number of Faculty Members with M.E / M.Tech/ NET- Qualified/ M. Phil z = Number of Faculty Members with B.E / B.Tech/ M.Sc/ MCA/ M.A 8 K. Sree Lakshmi M.Sc, P.G. Diploma Asst. Prof 01/07/2008 BS & H 100 9 P. Narasimha Raju M.Sc, M.Tech Asst. Prof 09/09/2008 BS & H 75 25 10 Ch. Prabhakar Rao M.Sc, M.Phil, NET quaIified Asst. Prof 29/09/2008 BS & H 75 25 11 N. Satish M.A, M. Phil Asst. Prof 09/03/2009 BS & H 75 25 12 S.V.V. Ramadevi M.Sc, M.Phil Asst. Prof 02/09/2009 BS & H 75 25 13 Md. Sabirunnisa Gouse M.A, M. Phil Asst. Prof 02/09/2009 BS & H 75 25 14 D. Swapna M.Sc Asst. Prof 01/10/2010 BS & H 100 15 P. Bala Aruna M.Sc Asst. Prof 01/10/2010 BS & H 100 16 K. Kumar Yesubabu M.A Asst. Prof 04/10/2010 BS & H 100 17 G. Ganapathi Rao M.Sc, M.Phil, M.Tech Asst. Prof 18/10/2010 BS & H 100 18 M. Rama Lakshmi M.A. Asst. Prof 02/08/2011 BS & H 75 25 19 M. Lakshmi Kantha M.Sc Asst. Prof 20/01/2012 BS & H 100 20 Augustine Dimple Binu M.A, M.Phil, SET qualified Asst. Prof 01/03/2012 BS & H 75 25 21 P. Lakshmi Narayana B.Tech, M.Tech. Asst. Prof 03/09/2008 Mechan ical Engg. 75 25 22 G. Swathi B.Tech. Asst. Prof 15/07/2011 Mechan ical Engg. 100 23 Ch. Nagabhushana Rao M.Sc, M.Tech Asso. Prof 27/06/2008 CSE 75 25 24 K.T. Balaji B.Tech, M.Tech Asso. Prof 15/10/2008 CSE 75 25 25 M. Ratnakar Babu B.Tech, M.Tech Asst. Prof 09/06/2010 CSE 75 25 26 N. Krishna Kumari B.Tech, M.Tech Asst. Prof 11/07/2011 CSE 75 25 Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 52
N = Total Number of Faculty Members (considering fractional load) or Number of Faculty needed for FYSTR of 25, whichever is higher. Year x y z N Assessment of faculty qualification 2009-10 1 10 10 21 10.47 2010-11 2 12 7 21 11.42 2011-12 2 15 9 26 11.23 Average Assessment of Faculty Qualification (FYFQ) 11.37
III-I.4 Academic Performance in First Year Common Courses (20)
Academic Performance = 20 * FYSI Where FYSI = First Year Success Index = (No. of students who cleared all the subjects in a single attempt + 0.5 * Number of students who cleared all but one subject in a single attempt) DIVIDED BY (Total Number of students admitted in the first year)
Item 2011-12 2010-11 2009-10 Number of students admitted in First Year (N) 352 306 341 Number of students who have cleared all subjects in single attempt (x) 181 183 162 Number of students who have cleared all subject but one subject in single attempt (y) 69 53 44 First Year Success Index (FYSI) = (x + 0.5y) / N 0.61 0.68 0.53 Av. FYSI = 0.585 Academic performance = 20* Av. FYSI = 11.7
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PART II Department / Programme Summary (Criteria IV to X)
D.0.1 Name and Address of the Department:
Electronics and Communication Engineering Department Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology National Highway-5, Gavarapalem Anakapalle -531002, Andhra Pradesh, India
D.0.2 Name, Designation, Telephone Numbers and E-mail ids of the contact person for NBA:
Prof. P.Srihari Head of the Department E-mail: Mobile: +919963994043.
D.0.3 History of the Department (including dates of introduction and Number of seats of various programmes of study, which are run by the department along with NBA accreditation, if any), in tabular form:
Program of Study Description B.Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering Started with an intake of 60 in the year 2006 Intake increased to 120 in the year 2008 Intake Increased to 180 in the year 2012 M.Tech in Systems and Signal Processing Started with an intake of 36 in the year 2010.
D.0.4 List of the Programmes / Departments which share human resources and/or the facilities of this Department / Programmes (in %)
D.0.5. Total Number of Students: 587 Boys: 401 Girls: 186
D.0.6. Total Number of Employees: 24 Male: 11 Female: 13
D.0.7. Minimum and Maximum number of faculty and staff on roll during the current and Previous two academic years (1st July to 30th June) in the Department:
Items 2011-12 2010-11 2009-10 Min Max Min Max Min Max Teaching Faculty in the Dep. 24 26 20 24 14 20 Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 54
Teaching Faculty with the Prog. 21 23 17 21 14 20 Non-teaching Staff 4 4 4 4 4 4
D.0.8. Summary of Budget for the CFY and the Actual Expenditures Incurred in the CFYm1 and CFYm2 (exclusively for this Programme in the Department)
Items Budget in 2011-12 Actual expenses in 2011-12 Actual Expenses in 2010 -11 Actual Expenses in 2009 -10 Laboratory Equipments 7,27,000 .. 25,000 3,66,954 Laboratory consumables 40,000 . 15,508 19,263 Travel 70,000 68,754 42,502 24,489 Miscellaneous expenses for academic activities 3.00,000 2,60,253 2,28,036 2,88,755 Total 11,37,000 3,29,007 12,32,544 6,99,461 Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 55
Criterion IV: Students Performance in the Programme (75)
Admission Intake in the Programme Item 2011-12 2010-11 2009-10 Sanctioned Intake Strength in the program (N) 120 120 120 Number of total admitted students in first year minus Number of students migrated to other programmes at the end of 1 st year (N1) 103 89 93 Number of laterally admitted students in 2 nd year in the same batch (N2) - 24 15 Number of total admitted students in the program (N1 + N2) 103 113 108
IV-P.1 Success Rate (20)
Year of Entry (in reverse chronological order No. of Students Admitted in 1st year + Admitted laterally in 2nd year (N1 + N2) Numbers of Students successfully completed 1st year Numbers of Students successfully completed 2nd year Numbers of Students successfully completed 3rd year Numbers of Students successfully completed 4th year 2011-2015 103 2010-2014 89+24 65 2009-2013 93+15 56 64 60 2008-2012 121+7 77 68 71 91 2007-2011 59+6 52 45 41 40 2006-2010 59+1 57 49 51 50
Success Rate = 20 * Mean of Success Index (SI) for past 3 batches SI = (Number of students who cleared the program in the minimum period of course duration) DIVIDED BY (Number of students admitted in the first year of that batch and laterally admitted in 2nd year)
Item 2007-11 2006-10 Number of students admitted in the corresponding First Year + laterally admitted in 2 nd year 59+6 59+1 Number of students who have graduated in 4 years 53 52 Success Index (SI) 0.81 0.866
Av. SI = 0.838 Success Rate = 20 * Av. SI = 16.76 Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 56
IV-P.2 Academic Performance (20)
Academic Performance = 2 * API Where API = Academic Performance Index = Mean of Cumulative Grade Point Average of all the Students on a 10 point CGPA System OR = Mean of the percentage of marks of all students / 10
Item 2007-11 2006-10 90< number of students with % 100 Nil Nil 80< number of students with % 90 Nil 1 70< number of students with % 80 12 19 60< number of students with % 70 32 28 50< number of students with % 60 9 4 Total 53 52 Exact Mean of CGPA/ Percentage of all the students (API) 6.00 6.097
Av. API = 6.0485 Academic Performance = 2 x Av. API = 12.097
IV-P.3 Placement and Higher Studies (20) Assessment Points = 20 * (x + 1.25 * y) / N Where x = Number of students placed, y = Number of students admitted for higher studies with valid qualifying scores/ ranks, N = Total number of students who were admitted in the batch including lateral entry subject to Max. Assessment Points = 20. Item 2007-11 2006-10 Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 57
Number of Admitted students corresponding to LYG including lateral entry (N) 66 60 Number of students who obtained jobs as per the record of placement office (x1) 11 19 Number of students who found employment otherwise at the end of the final year (x2) 6 11 x = x1+ x2 17 30 Number of students who went for higher studies with valid qualifying scores/ranks (y) 7 7 Assessment Point 7.80 12.75 Av. Assessment Points = 10.275
IV-P.4 Professional Activities (15)
IV-P.4.1 Professional societies/ chapters and organizing engineering events (3) S.No Name of the society No. of Members Convener Started 1 IEEE 112 Mr.P.Srihari 2007 2 IETE 246 Mr. A.Vamsidhar 2009 3 ISTE 3 Mrs.B.Manjula 2011
IEEE Student Chapter: IEEE Student Chapter at Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology is formed in the year 2007-2008 and Proactive in terms of arranging Guest Lectures, Workshops and Events. Starting Date & month : 23 rd December 2007 Present student members : 100
IEEE Student Chapter Committee A.V.S.S.Divya - Chairman Gayathri. K - Vice Chairman N.V.S.D.Ajay Kumar - Secretary N.Sunanda - Treasurer Pathipati Srihari - Membership Chair Pathipati Srihari - Faculty Sponsor Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 58
Starting month : 23 rd December 2007 Present student member : 10
IEEE Signal Processing Society Student Branch Chapter: IEEE Signal Processing Society Student Branch Chapter at Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology is formed in the year 2009-2010 and Proactive in terms of arranging Guest Lectures, Workshops.. Starting month : March 13 th 2009 Present members : 25
IEEE Women in Engineering Affinity Group Student Branch Chapter:
IEEE Women in Engineering Affinity Group Student Branch Chapter at Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology is formed in the year 2009-2010 and Proactive in terms of arranging Guest Lectures, Workshops etc. Starting month : 13 th March, 2009 Present members : 25
IETE Student Forum (ISF): IETE Student Forum at Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology is formed in the year 2009-2010 and Proactive in terms of arranging Guest Lectures, Workshops and Events. Starting Date & month : 13 th March, 2009 Present student members : 246
IETE Student Forum Committee S.No Name of the Member Designation 1 Mr.D.Satish Chairman 2 Mr.V.Satish Secretary 3 Mr.P.Anish Khanna Treasurer 4 Mr.Pathipati Srihari Advisory 5 Mr.A.Vamsidhar Councellor
S.No Name of the society No of Faculty / Student as members 1 IEEE Professional Society 11 2 IEEE Student Chapter 100 3 IEEE Signal Processing Society 25 4 IEEE Women in Engineering 25 5 IETE 2 6 ISTE 134 7 IEEE Inc.USA 1 8 IEEE Educational & Communication 1 9 MIET,UK 1 10 EURASIP 1 Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 59
11 ACM 2 12 Ultrasonic Society of India 1 13 ISCA 2 14 BMESI 1 15 EMCE 1 16 LMSAI 1 17 IAENG 1 18 ISECE 1
Various activities being conducted under the above forums are as given: S.No Name of the Event Organized under/Convener Date(s) No. of participants Academic Year 2008-2009 1 Personality Development Programme IEEE Mr.P.Srihari 22-04-2008
600 3 National Level Workshop on Signal Processing Evolutionary computation And Modeling (WOSEM- 09 IEEE Mr.P.Srihari 14-03-2009 & 15-03-2009
130 4 MANAGERA IEEE 14-03-2009 100 Academic Year 2009-2010
Second Faraday Memorial Lecture On Naval Research And Development IEEE Mr.P.Srihari 22.09.2010
100 2. Seminar on Second Engineers Day IEEE Mr.P.Srihari 15.09.2010
Academic Year 2010-2011 1 Personality Development and Leadership Skills IEEE Mr.P.Srihari 18.07.2011
112 2 Seminar on Computer colloquium IEEE Mr.P.Srihari 15.07.2011
Student Branch Activity Engineers Day (Sep-2010) DIET IEEE
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Workshop on Signal Processing Evolutionary Computation & Modeling (WOSEM-2009)
IV-P.4.2 Organization of paper contests, design contests etc. and their achievements
S.No Name of the Event Nature of Contest Date(s) No. of Participants Achievements Academic Year 2009-10 Technical Fests 1 Engineers Day-1 Paper Presentation 15-09-2009 50 Young Technocrats gained Creative Analytical, Technical Skills and developed professional competency Project display 15-09-2009 10 Poster Presentation 15-09-2009 15 Technical Quiz 15-09-2009 15 Academic Year 2010-11 1 Engineers Day-2 Paper Presentation 15-09-2010 50 Young Technocrats gained Creative Analytical, Technical Skills and developed professional competency Project display 15-09-2010 18 Poster Presentation 15-09-2010 25 Technical Quiz 15-09-2010 20 Academic Year 2011-12 1 Engineers Day-03 Paper Presentation 15/09/2011 50 Young Technocrats gained Creative Analytical, Technical Skills and developed professional competence Project display 15/09/2011 10 Poster Presentation 15/09/2011 20 Technical Quiz 15/09/2011 20
IV-P.4.3 Publication of technical magazines, newsletters etc. (3) S.No Technical magazine/ News letter Name of the Technical magazine/ News letter Issue No. & Month Name(s) of the Editor(s) Name(s) of the Publisher(s) Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 61
Academic year 2009-2010 1. News Letter ECE News Letter Issue2, Volume-II JULY-DEC-2009 Faculty: Mr.P.Srihari Students: 1.K.Hemanth Kumar, 2. M.Sangeetha DIET-ECE Department 2. News Letter ECE News Letter Issue3, Volume-I Jan-June-2010 Faculty: Mr.P.Srihari Students: 1.K.Hemanth Kumar, 2. M.Sangeetha DIET-ECE Department Academic Year 2010-2011 1. News Letter ECE News Letter Issue3, Volume-II JULY-DEC-2010 Faculty: Mr.P.Srihari Students: 1.K.Hemanth Kumar, 2. M.Sangeetha DIET-ECE Department DIET-ECE Department 2. News Letter ECE News Letter Issue-4 Volume I JAN-JUNE-2011 Faculty: Mr.P.Srihari Students: 1.K.Hemanth Kumar, 2. M.Sangeetha.
Academic year 2011--2012 1. News Letter ECE News Letter Issue4, Volume-II JULY-DEC-2011 Faculty: Mr.P.Srihari Students: 1.K.Hemanth Kumar, 2. M.Sangeetha DIET-ECE Department
IV-P.4.4 Entrepreneurship initiatives, product designs, innovations Entrepreneur Development Cell
Technology and globalization are ushering an era of unprecedented change. Perhaps there is no mantra as strong as today, as one about the need and pressure for change and Innovation. Business and nations have to respond innovatively to these developments to continue their growth. As the need for emerging technology of todays world, Dadi Institute and Engineering and Technology has incorporated an Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDC) for the budding Entrepreneurs.
EDC Committee
S. No. Name of the Staff Member Position 1 Sri B. Jagan Mohan Rao Chairman 2 Sri G. Bhaskar N. Rao Convener 3 Sri K. Amarendra Member 4 Sri P. Srihari Member 5 Sri K. Vijay Kumar Member 6 Sri G. Satyanarayana Member 7 Sri M. Rajesh Member
The Workshop conducted by the EDC is to emphasize on:
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To create awareness of need and importance of Entrepreneurship as career option among students. The participants are given exposure to various aspects of entrepreneurship during the programme period with help of both in house and guest faculties. Create awareness for using IT as the key input for generating self employment rural industry and marketing of agricultural products. To create awareness about entrepreneurial opportunities in export sector.
EDC Events Conducted: 1. DIET EDC in collaboration with DIET AIMA SB conducted a one day workshop on Mentoring Future Managers on 14/03/2009. Mr. Abhishek Panda Head-ICICI Securities, Mumbai was the chief guest for this event 2. Conducted a Technical talk on Young Entrepreneurship on 27/03/2010 by Dr. Krishna Naga Rajan, CEO, CoultIT Infotech Pvt. Ltd. 3. Mr. Gopi Kumar Bulusu, CEO of Sankhya Technologies delivered a talk on Entrepreneurship Development as part of Engineers Day Celebrations on 15/09/2010. 4. DIET EDC in collaboration with DIET - AIMA SB has organized National Education Day celebrations on 11/11/2010. 5. DIET EDC has joined the prestigious list of confederation of Indian Industries (CII) as an Institutional member. 6. DIET EDC in collaboration with DIET-AIMASB organized 5th National Management Day Celebrations on the 28/02/2011.
Mr. Abhishek Panda, Head-ICICI Inaugural Function of Confederation of Securities, Mumbai addressing the gathering Indian Industries (CII) by DIET EDC
IV-P.4.5 Publications and awards in inter institute events by students of the programme of study (3)
Include a Table having those publications, which fetch awards by students in the events/conferences organized by other institutes. Include a tabulated list of all other student publications in a separate annexure
Particulars of Student Achievements in Paper Presentation with Awards S.No Topic Name Student Name(s) Year Event Name & Venue Date(s) Awards Academic Year 2011-12 Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 63
1 E-Display (Automatic Door Alaram System) B.Aruna, Viharika 2011 VIIT, Duvvada Oct 2011 1 st Prize 2 Near foeld communication S.Rajesh 2011 GMR Jan-2012 2 nd Prize 3 Near field communication S.Prasanth 2011 DIET Sep 15 th 2011 1 st Prize 4 Global warming (Poster) S.Rajesh 2011 JNTUK Nov 2011 1 st Prize 5 Paper Presentation Surya teja Pavan 2011 ANITS Dec 2011 3 rd Prize 6 E-display (Obsticle Robert) D.Sekhar 2011 DIET Sep 15 th 2011 1 st Prize 7 E-display Water Level Detector Prasanna, Santhi 2011 DIET Sep 15 th 2011 2 nd Prize Academic Year 2010-11 1. Fundamantals of Robotics B. Naga Tejaswi 2011 Technophilia at Vignans Institute of Information and technology 26 th & 27 th
Feb, 2011 Excellence Certificate 2. Technical Quiz M. Deepthi 2011 DIET 08 th Mar, 2011 1 st Prize 3. Resume Contest B. Divyasri 2011 DIET 08 th Mar, 2011 1 st Prize 4. Hardware Expo S. Sailaja 2011 Gvp College of Engineering 17 th & 19 th
Feb, 2011 Appreciatio n Certificate 5. Hardware Expo K. Prasanthi 2011 Gvp College of Engineering 17 th & 19 th Feb, 2011 Appreciatio n Certificate 6. Inter University Youth Festival M. Rajesh 2010 Sastra University,Thanjvu ar Aug, 2010 Selected to Represent JNTUK in fine arts Academic Year 2009-10 1 e Display K. Ravindra 2010 Engineers Day at DIET 15-09-2010 First Prize 2 Gold Medalist G.Naga Jyothi 2010 JNTU Kakinada Jun 2010 Gold Medal 3 Intra College Competition G.Pavan Babu 2009 DIET 6-13 March, 2009 Won Cricket Tournament 4 Paper Presentation V.Sudheer 2010 EMISSION-10 at Viswanadha Institute of Technology and Management 16 th Dec, 2010 Merit / Participation Certification 5 Power Point Presentation B. Vijay Kumar 2010 Vignan,s Engineering and Pharmacy 19 th 21 st
March, 2010 2 nd Prize 6 National level Electronics Symposium M.Kalyan Chakravarthi, K.Sunil & P.J.Sudhir Raja 2009 Chaitanya Engineering College 30 th & 31 st
Jan, 2009 3 rd Prize Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 64
K Siva 2010 Hard ware Expo at AU 18 th & 19 th
Sep, 2010 3 rd
Consolation Prize 8 Hard ware Expo T.B.S Anil krishna, D.Pavani Roopa, Sowjanya 2009 Sammalen-2K 8,S.V.P.Engineerin g College 1st Mar, 2009 Consolation Prize 9 Event of Technograil M. Mohan Raga Deepthi 2010 Hardware Expo at AU 18 th & 19 th
Sep, 2010 Consolation Prize
Particulars of Student Achievements in Paper Presentation with Participation certificate S. No Topic Name Student Name(s) Year Event Name & Venue Date(s) Participation Certificate Academic Year 2011-12 1 Nano Technology (Paper) S.Srinu 2011 NIT,Warngal Aug 2011 Participation Certificate 2 Green Communicatio n (Paper) P.J.S Prasanth 2011 GIITS, Visakhapatnam Nov 2011 Participation Certificate 3 Robotics (Paper) V.Srinubabu 2011 NIT,Warngal Aug 2011 Participation Certificate 4 Transperent Technology (Paper) V.Samuel 2011 Engineers Day at DIET Sept 15 th 2011 Participation Certificate 5 Wireless Transmission of Electricity (Paper) K.Ravi 2011 Engineers Day at DIET Sept 15 th 2011 Participation Certificate 6 Wireless Transmission (Paper) R.Nirmala, V.HImaja 2011 Avanthi Engineering College 2011 Participation Certificate 7 Inter Personal Family Relationship (Paper) V.CH.Priyanka, C.Harshita 2011 Engineers Day at DIET Sept 15 th 2011 Participation Certificate 8 E-Display On Device Control By Temerature Using Microcontroller V.Snehasai,D.V .Lavanya 2011 Engineers Day at DIET Sept 15 th 2011 Participation Certificate 9 e - Display P.J.S.Prasanth 2011 Engineers Day at DIET Sept 15 th 2011 Participation Certificate 10 e - Display V.Samuel 2011 Engineers Day at DIET Sept 15 th 2011 Participation Certificate 11 Environmental Science (Poster) Jagadish 2012 GITAM MARCH 2012 Participation Certificate 12 e - Display D.Sekhar 2011 Engineers Day at DIET Sept 15 th 2011 Participation Certificate 13 e - Display B.Parthasardhi 2011 Engineers Day at DIET Sept 15 th 2011 Participation Certificate 14 e - Display K.Venkatesh 2011 Engineers Day at DIET Sept 15 th 2011 Participation Certificate 15 e - Display Y.Pydaraju 2011 Engineers Day at DIET Sept 15 th 2011 Participation Certificate 16 e - Display T.Sravanthi 2011 Engineers Day at Sept 15 th Participation Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 65
DIET 2011 Certificate 17 e - Display S.Syamali 2011 Engineers Day at DIET Sept 15 th 2011 Participation Certificate 18 e - Display M.Rishana 2011 Engineers Day at DIET Sept 15 th 2011 Participation Certificate 19 Environmental Science (Poster On Climate Change) P.Havella, K.Pallavi 2012 GITAM March 2012 Participation Certificate 20 e - Display U.Kalpana, P.Sarojini 2011 Engineers Day at DIET Sept 15 th 2011 Participation Certificate Academic Year 2010-11 1 Microsoft Dream Spark P. Naresh 2011 Andhra University, Visakhapatnam 06-03-2011 Participation Certificate 2 PPT P. Naresh 2011 Adwitiya 2K11 at Avanthi Institute of Engineering and Technology 4 th & 5 th
6 Microsoft Dream Spark B. Naga Tejaswini 2011 Andhra University, Visakhapatnam 06-03-2011 Participation Certificate 7. Workshop B. Naga Tejaswini 2011 Opportunities at Vizag Information Technology Association 20 th Feb, 2011 Participation Certificate 8. PPT R.Naveen Pratap 2011 Adwitiya 2K11 at Avanthi Institute of Engineering and Technology 4 th & 5 th Mar, 2011 Participation Certificate 9. e - DISPLAY S.S. Nikhila 2010 Engineers day at DIET 2010 Participation Certificate 10. Fundamantals of Robotics S.S. Nikhila 2011 Technophilia at Vignans Institute of Information and Technology 26 th & 27 th
Feb,2011 Participation Certificate 13. Active Electronically scanned array Radar P.M.S.Swamy 2011 Stepcone- 2011,GMR Institute of Technology 7 th & 8 th
Jan, 2011 Participation Certificate 14. Fundamantals of Robotics N. Sandhya 2011 Technophilia at Vignans Institute of Information and Technology 26 th & 27 th
Feb,2011 Participation Certificate 15. Microsoft Dream Spark N. Sandhya Bai 2011 Andhra University, Visakhapatnam 06 March, 2011 Participation Certificate 16. Workshop B.Pratyusha 2011 Opportunities at Vizag Information 20 TH Feb, 2011 Participation Certificate Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 66
Technology Association 17. Fundamantals of Robotics K.Prasanthi 2011 Technophilia at Vignans Institute of Information and Technology 26 th & 27 th Feb, 2011 Participation Certificate 18. SIxth Sense Technology K.Prasanthi 2011 Gayatri Vidya Parishad College of Engineering 17 th & 19 th Feb, 2011 Participation Certificate 19. Microsoft Dream Spark K.Prasanthi 2011 Andhra University, Visakhapatnam 06-03-2011 Participation Certificate 20. WIE Congress11 Gayathri 2011 WIE Congress11 at Megaster Auditorium, OU 2011 Participation Certificate 21. Electronic Meter Reading using RFID K. Ravindra 2011 e- SPARO 11, JNTU, Kakinada 10 th & 11 th
B. Pratyusha if team Swathi 2010 DIET 23 rd Oct, 2010 Participation Certificate 9 IEEE Xtreme Programming Competition 4.0
Prashanthi of team Makers 2010 DIET 23 rd Oct, 2010 Participation Certificate 10 IEEE Xtrme Programming Competition 4.0
Gayathri furam of team pearls 2010 DIET 23 rd Oct, 2010 Participation Certificate 11 Industrial Training K. Prasanthi 2010 Visakhapatnam, Steel plant 22-11- 2010- to 04-12-2010 Participation Certificate Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 67
12 Techno Quiz K. Prasanthi 2010 Engineers Day at DIET 2010 Participation Certificate 13 IEEE Xtreme Programming Competition 4.0
Gayathri Gurram 2010 DIET 23 rd
Oct,2010 Participation Certificate 14 Electronic meter reading using RFID K. Ravindra 2010 e- SPARO 11, JNTU, Kakinada 10 th & 11 th
Jan, 2010 Participation Certificate 15 e- Display P. Naresh 2009 Engineers Day at DIET 2009-2010 Participation Certificate 16 Hard ware Expo Sixteen Students of III ECE 2009 Stepcone, GMRIT, Rajam 9 th & 10 th
Jan, 2009 Participation Certificate 17.
Hardware Expo
Fourty Members of IIIECE 2009 Sammalen- 2K8,S.V.P.Enginee ring College 1 st Mar, 2009 Participation Certificate 18. Movie Making R.Naveen 2010 DIET 12 th & 13 th
March, 2010. Participation Certificate Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 68
Criterion V: Faculty (150)
List of Faculty: Exclusively for the Program/Shared with other Programs Academic Year 2011-12 S.No Name of the Faculty Qualification University and year of graduation Designation and Date of Joining the Institution Distribution of teaching load (%) Number of research publicat ions in journals and conferen ces since joining I P R s R & D and Cons ul- tancy work with amou nt Hol ding an incu ba- tion unit
Inte r- acti on with outs ide worl d 1 st
Y E A R UG PG 1. Prof. B.Visvesvara Rao B.E., Andhra University (1965), M.Tech., JNTU(1978) Ph.D., Andhra University(2006) Professor 01-07-2006
50 50 -- - -- 2. Prof. Pathipati Srihari B.Tech, Sri Venkateswara University,(200) M.S (UK), University of Plymouth(2003) Professor & HOD 17-09-2006
50 50 IC-1 NC-2
-- 3. Prof.Vamsidh ar Anagani B.Tech., JNTU , (2000) M.Tech., NIT,calicut (2003) Professor 18-06-2007 50 50 -- -- 4. Smt.G.Sarada Rani B.Tech., JNTUH M.Tech., AU Assoc. Professor 03-09-2006 100 -- - -- -- 5. Sri Vijaya Sankar Anumala B.E., Andhra University (2001),M.Tech., Visweswaraiah Technological Univ (2003). Assoc. Professor 20-06-2008
V-P.1 Student Teacher Ratio (STR) (20): STR is desired to be 15 or superior
Assessment = 20 * 15 * 0.8 / STR; subject to Max. Assessment of 20 Where STR = Student Teacher Ratio = (x + y + z) / N1 Where x = Number of students in 2nd year of the program y = Number of students in 3rd year of the program z = Number of students in 4th year of the program N1 = Total Number Faculty Members in the program (by considering fractional load) Year x y z x+y+z N1 STR Assessment (Max. is 20) 2009-10 115+7* 58+6* 59+1* 232+14* 16 15.37 15.61 2010-11 90+15* 110+8* 57+06* 257+29* 20 14.30 16.78 2011-12 87+24* 89+17* 109+08* 285+49* 24 13.91 17.25 Average Assessment 18.4
*The students belonging to lateral entry and transferred students.
For Item Nos. V-P.2 to V-P.8, the denominator term (N) is computed as follows:-- N = Maximum {N1, N2}, N1 = Total Number of Faculty Members in the programme (Considering fractional load), N2 = Number of Faculty positions needed for Student Teacher Ratio (STR) of 15.
Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 71
Year N1 N2 N = Max. (N1,N2) 2009-10 16 16 16 2010-11 20 20 20 2011-12 24 24 24
V-P.2 Faculty Cadre Ratio (20) Assessment = 20 * CRI Where Cadre Ratio Index (CRI) = 2.25 (2x + y) / N; subject to Max. CRI = 1.0; Where x = Number of professors in the programme y = Number of associate professors in the programme
Year x Y N CRI Assessment 2009-2010 1 3 16 0.70 14.0 2010-2011 1 4 20 0.67 13.5 2011-2012 3 3 24 0.84 16.8 Average Assessment 14.76 .
V-P.3 Faculty Qualifications (30) Assessment = 3 * FQI Where Faculty Qualification Index (FQI) = (10 * x + 6 * y + 4 * z) / N Where x = Number of Faculty Members with Ph. D. y = Number of Faculty Members with M. E / M. Tech z = Number of Faculty Members with B. E / B.Tech./M.Sc. Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 72
Year x y z N FQI Assessment 2009-2010 1 8 7 16 5.37 16.12 2010-2011 1 12 7 20 5..5 16.5 2011-2012 1 14 9 24 5.41 16.25 Average Assessment 16.29
V-P.4 Faculty Retention (20)
Assessment = 4 * RPI / N Where Retention Point Index (RPI) = Points assigned to all Faculty Where Points assigned to a faculty = 1 point for each year of experience at the Institute but not exceeding 5.
Item 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Number of faculty with less than l y (x0) 8 7 7 Number of faculty with 1y <= period <2y (x1) 3 6 7 Number of faculty with 2y <= period <3y (x2) 2 3 4 Number of faculty with 3y <= period <4y (x3) 3 1 3 Number of faculty with 4y <= period <5y (x4) - 3 1 Number of faculty with more than 5y (x5) - - 2 N 16 20 24 RPI = x1 + 2x2 + 3x3 + 4x4 + 5x5 16 27 38 Assessment 4 5.4 6.33 Av. Assessment 5.24
Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 73
V-P.5 Faculty Research Publications (20)
Assessment of FRP = 4 * Sum of the Research Publication Points scored by each Faculty member DIVIDED BY (N) Guidelines: A faculty member scores at most 5 Research publication points, each year, depending upon the quality of the research papers and books published in the past 3 years.
The research papers considered are those (i) which can be located on Internet and/or are included in hard-copy volumes/ proceedings, published by well known publishers, and (ii) the faculty members affiliation, in the published paper, is of the current institution.
List of all publications & IPRs along with details of DOI, publisher, month/year Name of faculty (contributing to FRP) FRP Points (Max. 5 per year per faculty) 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Sri Pathipati Srihari 5 3 5 Sri Vamsidhar Anagani 5 - - Sum 10 3 5 N (Number of faculty positions required for an STR of 15) 16 20 24 Assessment FRP = 4x Sum/N 2.5 0.6 0.833 Av. Assessment 1.31
V-P.6 Faculty Intellectual Property Rights (10) Assessment of FIPR = 2 * Sum of the FIPR points scored by each Faculty member DIVIDED BY (N) Guidelines: A faculty member scores at most 5 FIPR points, each year. FIPR includes awarded national/international patents, design and copyrights.
Name of faculty (contributing to FIPR) FIPR Points (Max. 5 per year per faculty) 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 -- -- -- -- Sum 0 0 0 N 16 20 24 Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 74
Assessment FIPR = 2x Sum/N 0 0 0 Av. Assessment 0 V-P.7 Externally funded R & D Projects and Consultancy Work (20)
Assessment of R&D and Consultancy Projects = 4 * Sum of FPPC by each faculty DIVIDED BY (N) Guidelines: A faculty member gets at most 5 points, each year, depending upon the amount. A suggestive scheme is given below for a min.amount of Rs. 1 lakh:- 5 points for funding by National Agency, 4 points for funding by State Agency, 3 points for funding by private sector, and 2 points for funding by the sponsoring Trust
Name of the Faculty (contributing to FPPC) FPPC Points (Max. 5 /year /faculty) 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Prof. Bheemarasetty Visvesvara Rao - - 2+2 Sri Pathipati Srihari - - 2+2 Sri Vamsidhar Anagani - - 2+2 Smt M.Neelima - - 2+2 Smt. Manjula Bammidi - - 2+2 Sri K.S.N.V.Someswara Rao - - 2+2 Miss. Thota Vidyavathi - - 2+2 Miss. Krishnaveni Sahukara - - 2+2 Smt. Venkata Subba Lakshmi - - 2+2 Sri V Suri AppaRao Tanakala - - 2+2 Miss. K.Iswarya Krishna - - 2+2 Miss. Lavanya Seelam - - 2+2 Sum 0 0 48 N 16 20 24 Assessment FPPC = 4x Sum/N 0 0 8.0 Av. Assessment 2.66
V-P.8 Faculty Interactions with Outside World (10) Assessment = 2 * Sum of FIP by each faculty DIVIDED BY (N) Guidelines: A faculty member gets at the most 5 Interaction Points, each year, depending upon the type of Institution or R&D Lab or Industry, as given below:
5 points for interaction with a well known Institution abroad, Institution of Eminence in India or National Research Labs, 3 points for interaction with Institution/Industry (not covered) above, 2 points for interaction with State Level Institutions and others.
Point to be awarded, are for those activities, which result in joint efforts in publication of books/research paper, pursuing externally funded R & D/consultancy projects and/or development of semester-long course/teaching modules.
S.No Name of Faculty FIP Points Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 75
(Contributing to FIP) 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 1. Prof. Bheemarasetty Visvesvara Rao 5 5 5 2. Sri Pathipati Srihari 5 5 5 3. Sri Vamsidhar Anagani 5 5 5 4. Sri Vijaya Sankar Anumala 2 2 2 5. Smt G.Sarada Rani 2 2 x 6. Smt M.Neelima 2 2 2 7. Sri.Srinivas Sabbavarapu 2 2 x 8. Sri Kota Tarakeswar Rao 2 x x 9. Smt. Manjula Bammidi x 2 2 10. Sri K.S.N.V.Someswara Rao x x 2 11. Miss. Thota Vidyavathi 2 2 2 12. Miss. Krishnaveni Sahukara 2 2 2 13. Smt. Venkata Subba Lakshmi x x 5 14. Sri V Suri AppaRao Tanakala x 2 2 15. Miss. Beulah Soujanya Rayi x 2 2 16. Miss. K.Iswarya Krishna x 2 2 17. Miss. Lavanya Seelam x x 5 18. Miss. Leelavathi Akula x x 2 19. Miss. Mangipudi Surya Sirisha 2 2 2 20. Miss. B. Ponnasri 2 x x 21. Sri Kothapalli Sravan Abhilash x x 2 22. Miss Senapathi Neeraja 2 x x 23. Miss. Ramya Swetha Mandarapu 2 2 2 24. Sri Suresh Anakapalli 2 2 2 25. Sri Mahendra Reddy Kethi Reddy 2 2 x 26. Miss. Natti Rama Ratnamala x 2 3 27. Miss. Aruna Jyothi Chamanthula x x 2 28. Miss. Nallabilli Sireesha x 2 3 29. Miss. Lakshmi Mythri Dasari x 2 2 30. Smt. Kutikuppala Madhavi x x 2 SUM 41 49 65 N 16 20 24 Assessment FIP = 2 * SUM/N 5.1 4.9 5.4 Average Assessment 5.1
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Criterion VI: Facilities and Technical Support (75)
Description of Class rooms, faculty rooms, seminar and conference halls: (Entries in the following table are sample entries)
Room Description Usage Shared/ Exclusive Capacity (No. of people / area) Rooms Equipped with Class Rooms G4 I Year-Sec A Exclusive 72/67.56sqm Benches, chairs, Green Board, , Fans, Tube lights, projector facility G6 I Year - Sec B Exclusive 72/67.56sqm Benches, chairs, Green Board, Fans, Tube lights, projector facility G7 I Year - Sec C Exclusive 72/67.56sqm Benches, chairs, Green Board, Fans, Tube lights, projector facility T7 II Year A -Sec Class Room Exclusive 72/67.56sqm Benches, chairs, Green Board, Fans, Tube lights, projector facility T8 II Year B Sec Class Room Exclusive 72/67.56sqm Benches, chairs, Green Board, Fans, Tube lights, projector facility T13 III Year A Sec Class Room Exclusive 72/67.56sqm Benches, chairs, Green Board, Fans, Tube lights, projector facility T14 III Year B Sec Class Room Exclusive 72/67.56sqm Benches, chairs, Green Board, Fans, Tube lights T5 IV Year A Sec Class Room/ E Class Room Shared 72/67.56sqm Benches, chairs, Green Board, Fans, Tube lights, projector facility FR11 IV Year B Sec Class Room Exclusive 72/67.56sqm Benches, chairs, Green Board, Fans, Tube lights, projector facility Tutorial Rooms FR12 Tutorial Room for 2nd ,3rd & 4th years Shared 36/33.78sqm Benches, chairs, Green board, Fans, Tube lights, projector facility Seminar Halls T9
Seminar Hall Exclusive 120/102 sqm PC with Internet, Screen, LCD Projector ,OHP, White Board, Chalks, Dusters, Student Chairs ,Fans, Tube lights, Chairs & PA System Speakers Faculty Rooms T15,T16 HOD Exclusive 10 sqm Chair, Table, Display Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 77
Boards, Notice Board, PC with Internet, Printer , digital clock, water filter, Toilet T15,T16
Staff Exclusive 22/203 sqm Chair, Table, laptop with Wi-Fi ,enabled, Notice Board, Water filter, Table, display board, wall clock, water filter T15,T16 Departmental office Exclusive 10 sqm Chair, Table, book Racks, Notice Board, PC with Internet, Printer, Closed Racks T15,T16 Departamental Library Exclusive 10sqm Long Table, chairs, 5 glass racks, Tube Lights, Fans T15,T16 Counseling Room Exclusive 5 sqm 1 Table, 3 chairs, Light, Fan T15,T16 Counseling Room Exclusive 5 sqm Long Table, chairs, 5 glass racks, Tube Lights, Fans Laboratories T2 MP/DSP/Embedded Shared 33/135.12sqm Hardware-P IV systems (windows XP) 35, FPGA / CPLD Kits-5, 8086 kits- 12, 8051 kits -6,various interfacing kits -25, and software Emulator, Software: VHDL (Xilinx) DSP kits 6713, HP Processor 7400, HDD 160 GB, RAM 2 GB MCU 51, Study cards , Interfacing T10 AC/DC lab Shared 33/135.12sqm Hardware : CROs-10, Signal generator-10,RPS- 8, AC/DC trainer kits: Scientific, Future tech kits T12 EDC lab
Shared 36/135.12sqm Hardware: CROs-10, Signal generator-10,RPS- 10, trainer kits(16), Components required conducting the experiments. T11 PDC/IC Applications Lab
Shared 36/135.12sqm Hardware: CROs-10, Signal generator-10, RPS- 10, Digital trainer kits-10, Components required conducting the experiments. T1 Signal Processing lab (M.Tech Lab) Exclusive 30/67.56Sqm CRANES : DSP kits 6713, HP Processor 7400, HDD 160 GB, RAM 2 GB T6 MW/OFC lab Exclusive 33/135sqm SICO, Scientech
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VI-P.1 Class Rooms in the Department (20)
VI-P.1.1 Adequate number of rooms for lectures (core/electives), seminars, tutorials, etc for the program (10) The Department is having nine well equipped Lecture Halls, Exclusively for department, to conduct class work. There is one tutorial room exclusively and a shared e-class room for ECE department for conducting tutorial hours. There is a exclusive Seminar Hall for ECE department for conducting various Technical Events
VI-P.1.2 Teaching aids black/white-board, multimedia projectors, etc. (5)
All the classrooms are equipped with teaching aids like, green board, benches, and fans, tube lights One LCD projector along with laptop are available in the department for use in any class room as and when required. An overhead fixed LCD Projector is available in the seminar hall to deliver electronic class notes and to perform demos and Presentations.
VI-P.1.3 Acoustics, class room size, conditions of chairs/benches, air circulation, lighting Exits, ambiance, and such other amenities/facilities (5)
Good Class rooms are provided for excellent audible environment.
All the classrooms are well equipped with required amenities like sufficient lighting & Air circulation with fans as well as good conditioned benches with 4 seats fixed, Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 79
The Lecture Halls are located in pollution free, traffic free, serene, green environment. The tutorial classroom is exclusively meant for tutorial Class for week students Each class is provided with one door for entry and one door for exit. One LCD projectors along with laptop is available for common use in any Lecture Hall based on the need. One big seminar hall for ECE members for organizing technical activities.
VI-P.2 Faculty Rooms in the Department (15)
VI-P.2.1 Availability of individual faculty rooms (5)
Department consists of one HOD room and faculty cubicals. HOD Room: Equipped with PC with internet and printer, table, Fan, Tube light, cupboard and Bookrack, Wall clock, filter, Notice Board, Display Board, Intercom. Staff Room(s): All faculty members of the department are provided seating arrangement with cubicles and each cubicle consist of faculty table, chair, display board and closed rack. One separate counseling hall is provided for counseling the students, for referring department library books, for having department level meetings and student project reviews etc. ( department library hall
VI-P.2.2 Room equipped with white/black board, computer, internet, and such other amenities/facilities (5)
Faculty room is provided with faculty cubical, book racks, display board, Notice Board PC with internet /Intranet/USB Drive and printer, notice board, intercom and dustbin. Extra chairs for visitors, interaction with other faculty/student, counseling the students.
VI-P.2.3 Usage of room for discussion/counseling with students (5)
Faculty rooms are provided for counseling the students. In addition to the faculty room , counseling room and seminar hall is used for discussion.. One Meeting room ( in department library) is provided to share the ideas of students and Faculty.
VI-P.3 Laboratories in the Department to Meet the Curriculum Requirements as well as the PEOs (25)
S. No Curriculum Lab Description Exclusive use/ Shared Space, Number of Students Number of experime nts Quality of instruments Lab manuals 1 Electronic Devices & Shared 202.68 sqm/ 36 12 + 5 Scientific Available Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 80
HCL Pentium- IV Available 3 IT Workshop Shared 100 sqm/ 32 14 tasks +6
P1, P3 processors Available 4 Physics Lab Shared 117 sqm/33 12 + 2 Spectrometers, Travelling microscope and circuit boards, Mikron Instrument Available 5 Electrical Technology Shared 240 sqm/ 33 14+3 BEN electrical, MECO instruments Available 6 Analog Communication Lab Exclusive 135.12 sqm/ 33 12+5 Scientific, Future tech kits Available 7 Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Shared 135.12 sqm/ 33 12+5 APLAB Available 8 Digital Communication s Lab Exclusive 135.12 sqm/ 33 12+5 Scientific, Future tech kits Available 9 IC Applications Lab and ECAD Lab Shared 135.12sqm/ 33 12+5 BEL : IC 741,7402,7404, 7408,7432,748 6, 723,BD 135, 555,BB Trainer kits(VLD) Available 10 Microprocessor Interfacing and Micro controller Lab Shared 135.12sqm/ 33 MP:17+10 MC: 6 HP, Processor 7400,HDD 160 GB,2 GB RAM,18 Inch monitor, ESA kits:8085,8086 11,8051, Stud12y cards, and Interfacing kits Available 11 Advanced English Communication s skills Lab Shared
71sqm/ 36
1 st sem-6 2 nd year -6 (theory) 3 rd -2 nd -7 1st sem -60 systems Lenovo 3rd year -30 systems - Lenovo Available 12 Microwave and optical Communication Lab Exclusive
67.56 sqm/ 33
11+6 SICO, Scientech Available 13 Digital Signal Processing Lab Exclusive
63.67 sqm/ 30
12+3 CRANES : DSP kits 6713, HP Processor Available Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 81
7400, HDD 160 GB, RAM 2 GB
VI-P.3.1 Adequate well equipped labs to run all the program specific curriculum (10)
Most of the laboratories in the department are well equipped with the latest softwares and technologies so as to provide required infrastructures to carry in- house projects for final year students
Analog & Digital Communication Lab:
Electronics Devices and Circuits Lab: ECAD Laboratory / MPMC Laboratory: This lab enables the students of III & IV year to have practical experience on Simulation and analysis of logic design. Also, various interfacing kits are available to the students to conduct various experiments related MPs and MCs. Major facilities/equipments: 32 P-IV PCs, ORCAD (P-SPICE), MultiSim 2001, ISE XILINX 9.2 VERSION, FPGA / CPLD Kits, software development tools, 8086 based trainer kits and 8051 based trainer kits ,Interfacing kits and necessary software packages AC/DC Lab This lab also provides various equipments for II & III year students to perform experiments in the area of microwave and optical communications, Analog Communication & Digital communication. Major facilities/equipment: CROs, Function generators, DC RPS. Digital Storage Oscilloscope, Basic communication trainer kits, PSPICE Software. Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 82
DSP / Basic Simulation Laboratories:
Micro Wave & Optical Commnication Lab:
Advanced Communication lab (M.Tech): Digital Signal Processing Laboratory This laboratory is equipped with HP Computers and TMS320C6713 DSKs to perform various Digital Signal Processing, Basic Simulation of signals etc. Major facilities/equipments: HP Computers with Pentium IV Processor, TMS320C6713 Digital Starter Kits. Softwares: Code Composer Studio, TMS320C6713 DSK Kits, TMS320C5416 DSK kits, MATLAB software, MATLAB Toolbox software. Pulse and digital Circuits Laboratory This laboratory enables the students of II year to gain practical experience in connecting circuits with discrete components and testing the circuits.
Major facilities/equipments: CRO, Function generators, Electronics Circuits Trainer kits & other lab supporting equipment
Microwave & Optical Communication Lab: This laboratory enables the students of IV year to gain practical experience in connecting microwave benches and conversion of optical to light energy and taking the readings..
Major facilities/equipments: Microwavw benches ,fiber optic training kits.
Electronics Devices and Circuits Laboratory This laboratory enables the students of II year to gain practical experience in connecting circuits with discrete components and testing the circuits.
Major facilities/equipments: CRO, Function generators, Electronics Circuits Trainer kits & other lab supporting equipment Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 83
VI-P.3.2 Availability of computing facilities available exclusively in the department (5)
Department has competing facilities with 120 Computers with the following configuration: No. of Computers Details 30 HP, P-IV, 2.21 GHz, HP AMD MB,2 GBRAM, 160 GB HDD, HP KB, HP Mouse, 18.5 HP CRT 33 HP make Intel Core 2 Duo high end, 2.21 GHz, HP AMD MB,2GBRAM, 160 GB HDD, HP KB, HP Mouse, 17 HP CRT
Each Computer in the laboratory facility to access USB drive / internet / intranet. 63 Computers with Microsoft Windows XP/windows 7. One system is provided with CD / DVD writer. The Following softwares are available in the Department
Software Details MATLAB 15 users, Licensed Version ISE Xilinx Simulator 25 Users, Licensed Version ORCAD (Cadence) 5 users, Licensed Version Multisim Open Source Keil Vision3V,4V Open Source MASM Open Source
VI-P.3.3 Availability of laboratories and students project labs with tech. support within and beyond working hours (5)
All Department Laboratories are available with Technical support during working hours. Days Time Technical Support In working days 9.00 am to 4.30 pm (within working hours) 4.30 pm. to 6.00 pm. (beyond the working hours) 1. Faculty member 2. Technician
VI-P.3.4 Equipments to run experiments and their maintenance, Number of students per experimental set up, Size of the laboratories, overall ambience etc. (5) Advanced Communication laboratory: This laboratory is equipped with HP Computers, DSP kits, optical communication kit, LAN communication kit, Oscilloscopes, etc., to conduct various experiments for students.
Major facilities/equipments: HP Computers with Pentium IV Processor, DSP kits, Optical communication kit, LAN trainer kits
Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 84
Name of the Laboratory Area Equipment No of students per Experimental setup Mainte nance ECAD/MP&MC
135.12sqm Hardware-P IV systems installed with windows XP 35, FPGA / CPLD Kits-5, 8086 kits-12, 8051 kits - 6,various interfacing kits -25, and software Emulator, Software: VHDL / Verilog (Xilinx) One per system Daily DSP/Basic simulation lab 63.67sqm Hardware-P IV systems installed with windows XP 35,TMS DSP Processor kits- 10 Software: Multisim ,MATLAB Code composer studio One per system Daily AC/DC//ECA Lab 135.12sqm Hardware : CROs-10,Signal generator-10,RPS-8, AC/DC trainer kits,5KVA Voltage stabilizer Three per table Daily Signal Processing lab/ Advanced Communications lab 63.67sqm Hardware-P IV systems installed with windows XP 20, DSP kits(10), Optical communication kit(3+2). One per system Daily Microwave/ OC Lab 63.67sqm SICO Microwave bench- 4+1,Optical communication trainer kits-3+2 CROs-5 Three per table Daily EDC Lab 135.12sqm Hardware (scientific): CROs-10,Function generator-10,RPS-10,Trainer kits(16),Bread board trainer kits(6), 5KVA Voltage stabilizer Three per table Daily PDC Lab 135.12sqm Hardware(aplab) : CROs- 10,Function generator- 10,RPS-10,analog and digital IC tester, 5KVA Voltage stabilizer Three per table Daily
VI-P.4 Technical Manpower Support in the Department (15)
Name of the Tech Staff Designation (pay scale) Exclusiv e/ shared Work? Date of Joining Qualification Responsibility At Joining Now Mr. E. Nageswara Rao
Lab Asst. (Rs.4000 11500) Exclusive 01-09-2006 DECE DECE Servicing & Maintenance of Equipments EDC, MW & OFC lab. and Stock Regosters Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 85
Mrs. S. Sreedevi
Lab Asst. (Rs.5500 10500) Exclusive 07-08-2007 DECE B.Tech. (pursuin g) at AU Distance mode Servicing & Maintenance of Equipments in DSP, AC&DC lab and Stock register. Mr. M. Satyanaray ana
Lab Asst. (Rs.5500 10500) Exclusive 04-07-2008 DECE B.Tech. (pursuin g) at AU Distance mode Servicing & Maintenance of Equipments in Microprocessors , PDC/IC lab and Stock register.
VI-P.4.1 Availability of adequate and qualified technical supporting staff for program specific labs (10) Department appointed six well qualified and experienced technical staff to run and maintain specific laboratories and to assist the students in the laboratory. Adequate availability of supporting staff to handle the equipment in different laboratories. Each lab is having one lab technician along with a teaching faculty who is the incharge of the laboratory with technical expertise to handle the lab. For working in extra time beyond the working hours technical staff will get incentive in the form of compensatory leave or additional late permission.
VI-P.4.2 Incentives, skill-up gradation and professional advancement (5)
The department provides paid leaves to technical staff to upgrade the skills by attending workshops, short term, and long term training courses. Sponsors for Part time Diploma, B. Tech CCC programmes run by Esteemed Institutions for qualification and skills up gradation. Every year each lab technician will be sent to industry / university for attending different workshops for the improvement of skill and knowledge.
S.No Name of the Technician Other technical skills gained 1. Mr. .E. Nageswara Rao Having hands on experience to service communication equipment. Good at circuit making Attended workshop on implementation of digital system using FPGA held at DIET Attended workshop on PSPICE held at DIET. Attended workshop on DSP Processors which is held at DIET 2 Mrs. S. Sreedevi
Having hand on experience to handle various lab equipments. Good at circuit making Attended workshop on implementation of digital system using FPGA which is held at DIET Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 86
Attended workshop on PSPICEwhich is held at DIET. Attended workshop on DSP Processors which is held at DIET 3 Mr. M. Satyanarayana
Having hand on experience to handle software labs. Good in ALP program Debugging. Attended workshop on implementation of digital system using FPGA which is held at DIET Attended workshop on PSPICEwhich is held at DIET. Attended workshop on DSP Processors which is held at DIET
Criterion VII: Continuous Improvements (75)
VII-P.1 Improvement in Success Index of Students (10)
From IV-P.1 Items 2007-11 2006-10 Aggregate Success Index 0.81 0.866 0.838
VII-P.2 Improvement in Academic Performance Index of Students (10)
From IV-P.2 Items 2007-11 2006-10 Aggregate API 6.00 6.097 6.0485
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VII-P.6 Continuing Education (10)
The contributory efforts made by the faculty by developing the course/lab modules, conducting short-term courses/workshops etc., for continuing education:
Module Description Any other contribution Inst/Industry Developed/ Organized by Durati on Resource persons Target Audien ce Usages and Citation etc Academic Year 2011-2012 One day workshop on Modulation Techniques All India Radio P. Srihari
1 Day George Irumben, All India Radio II , III, IV B.Tech students To know about different modulation techniques that are used in Air FML-3 (Side lobe reduction techniques) AUCE P. Srihari 3 hrs Prof. K.Raja Rajeswari, Andhra University Visakhapatnam Faculty and IV B.Tech students To gain knowledge on Radar pulse compression techniques Seminar on signal processing- Display on 3rd Engineers Day NSTL, Symbiosys 1.P.Srihari 2.Mr.K.Vijay Kumar 3.M.Neelima One Day 1. Dr.G.S. Koteswara Rao scientist, NSTL,VSP 2.Jakob Raj Kumar VP, Symbiosys Tech. Students Participants gained technical knowledge about signal processing Seminar on Enterprises Resource Planning STEEL PLANT 1. P.Srihari 2..K.Vijay Kumar 3.G.Satyanara yana 4.K.Amarend ra 1 Dsy Dr. S.N. Rao DGM ,Steel plant Students and faculty Young Technocrats Gained Knowledge on the importance of C and UNIX Seminar on Need of Industrializatio n and job sources INTEL P.V.Murali
1 Day Anil Kumar trainer INTEL III & IV B.Tech Students Gained Knowledge on INTEL Technology and Communicatio n team work Wavelet transforms NIT P.Srihari
3 hrs Dr. DVSS Siva Sharma, NIT, Warangal Faculty, P.G. & IV B.Tech students To gain knowledge on wavelet transforms Power Grid Services in India Power Grid Service
3 hrs Mr R.Yala Rao AGM, Power Grid IV B.Tech students To gain knowledge on generating Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 89
power and transmission through lines with low losses Digital Image Processing JNTU P.Srihari 3 hrs Dr. S. Sreeman Kumar, JNTU- Kakinada IV B.Tech students To have real time image processing by using MATLAB One day work shop on Fuzzy Logic and its Emerging Applications SOA P.Srihari 1 day Prof. P.K.Das,SOA University, BBS Faculty, III & IV B.Tech students To impart knowledge on Fuzzy logic and present application One day work shop on MATLAB Program for Engineers GITAM P.Srihari 1 Day Prof. GVK Sharma, GITAM University Faculty, Technic ians, III & IV B.Tech students To know basics of MATLAB and its advanced coding procedures. Seminar on Environmental friendly technologies AU, AP Pollution control board 1. G.S.J. Sailaja 2. Ch. Prabakar Rao 1 Day 1. Prof. S. Rama Krishna Rao Dept. of ES, A.U 2. K.V. Rao Additional Engineer, APPCB Students and Faculty Gained Knowledge on awareness on protection Environment Seminar on International Womens day RTO P Aruna 1 Day 1.Ch.Sreedevi RTO Officer AP 2. D. Atucha GBM, DIET Faculty and students Participants gained some knowledge Seminar on Disaster management NSS N Satish NSS Co ordinator ECE dept. DIET 1 Day
P.S. Naidu, Fire officer NSS students Young Technocrats gained awareness regarding disaster management Seminar on E- Commerce AUCE P.Srihari 1 Day Dr Valli Kumari HOD CSE, AU(W), Visakhapatnam Students And Faculty Young Technocrats gained Technical Skills Seminar on Investment Ministry of corporate affairs & Institute of Chartered accountants of India G Bhaskar 1 Day Mr G.Bala Chandran, Vice President, Polaris Students Participants Gained Knowledge In Stock Market Investments MISSION 10X WIPRO G Bhaskar Five Days WIPRO Technologies Faculty High Impact teaching Skills and alternative learning methodologies for Faculty Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 90
Add-on course for Mat lab DIET P.Srihari 60 Days MATLAB software III & IV B.Tech students Students gained knowledge in Matlab Add-on course for Embedded System Design DIET K.S.N.V.Som eswara Rao 60 Days KEIL software III & IV B.Tech students Students gained knowledge in Embedded System Design Add-on course for ORCAD & PSPICE DIET A.Vamsidhar 50 days ORCAD Software II B.Tech students Students gained knowledge in ORCAD & PSPICE Add-on course for Employability skills DIET P.Srihari & A. Vijaya Shankar 60 days Employability skills II B.Tech students Students gained knowledge in Employability Skills Academic Year 2010-2011 Second Faraday Memorial Lecture On Naval Research And Development NSTL P.Srihari 1 Day Sri.S.V.Rangara jan, Scientist H, Principal Associate Director, NSTL, Visakhapatnam I,II,III ,IV year students To impart R & D Methods in young minds Women Engineering Forum DIET P. Srihari 1 Day Smt. Smith Saji HOD, Dept. of MBA, DIET II , III, IV B.Tech women student Participants gained some knowledge Seminar on Second ENGINEERS DAY Sankhya Technologies 1. A.Vamsidhar 2. Mr. K Veeresam
1 Day Mr Gopi kumar Bulusu, CEO Sankhya Technologies Students Young Technocrats Gained Knowledge of Latest Technology Seminar On Computer Colloquium IEEE & Rofus Software, Oracle P.Srihari 2 Days 1. Mr.Niranjan Hanasoge Sr.Engineer, Google India 2. Mr.Sanjay Singh ,VP Of Engineer At Rofous Software 3. Mr. Aditya Rao ,Oracle ECE B.Tech students To study latest trends in computing for young techno crafts Seminar on adaptive signal processing IIT BHUVANESW AR 1. M.S. Sireesha 2. K. Sulochana 1 Day Prof. Ganapathi Panda , IIT Bhuvaneswar
B.Tech Students Participants gained knowledge on Adaptive Signal Processing One day work shop on Applications of neural networks IEEE SPS, SBS P.Srihari
1 Day Prof. G. Panda, IIT-BBS P. G. Students and IV B.Tech students To provide in depth knowledge about application of Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 91
ANN for budding Engineers One day work shop on VHDL & Verilog Programming IEEE SPS, SBS P.Srihari 1 Day Prof. G.V.K. Sharma, GITAM University III and IV B.Tech students To impart Programming skills on the Area of VLSI and Digital design Academic Year 2009-10 Workshop on Signal processing Evolutionary computation Modeling (WOSEM) IIT Bhuvaneshwar & AU P. Srihari
2 Days 1. Prof. Ganapathi Panda , IIT Bhuvaneswar 2. Prof. K.Raja Rajeswari, A.U, Visakhapatnam Faculty And PG Students For certification Workshops On Internet And E-Display AUCE P. Srihari
1 Day Dr.Sasi, HOD, CSE, A.U Visakhapatnam Students and Faculty Young Technocrats gained knowledge on practical experience Faraday Memorial Lecture 1 on intelligent agents , Infosys set labs Dr. B.V.Rao 1 Day Dr Ravi Gorthi INFOSYS SET Labs Students Young Technocrats gained knowledge regarding new technologies STEP on professional development and entrepreneursh ip for engineers Microsoft G. Sarada Rani 1 Day 1. Mr. Asankhya Sharma, Micro soft R&D 2. Dr Krishna Naga Rajan, Microsoft Students and faculty Young Technocrats gained Creative Analytical development NDLP (National Distinguished Lecture Program) National Institute of oceanography A.Vamsidhar 3 hrs Dr. S..Lakshmi Narayana National Institute of oceanography, Visakhapatnam 3rd and 4th year students To impart technical knowledge on the Area of Text mining Gate Awareness Program GITAM University A.V.Sankar 3 hrs Prof. G.V.K.Sharma, GITAM University, Visakhapatnam II & III B.Tech students To bring awareness on Gate among young technocrats MATLAB Training IEEE Dr. B.V.Rao 1 Day P.Mohan Pradhan,Vikas Bhagel Research Scholars-IIT BBS Faculty & IV B.Tech students Faculty & students are empowered with various MATLAB technique
Workshops attended by the faculty S.No Name of the Workshop Title Place Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 92
Faculty Academic Year 2011-12 1 P.Srihari Pattern Extraction Intelligent systems Andhra University, Visakhapatnam 2 P.Srihari IEEE R-10 (Asia pacific) Student congress University of Auckland, New Zealand 3 P.Srihari Soft computing and Evolutionary Techniques AITM, Tekkali 4 P.Srihari IEEE Hyderabad section student Congress MJCET, Hyderabad 5 P.Srihari IEEE R-10 Women in Engineering Congress Sri Vishnu college of Engineering for women, Bheemavaram 6 P.Srihari A short course on MIMO Radars CR Rao Advanced studies for statics, mathematics and computer science, University of Hyderabad, HYB 7. P.Srihari IEEE INDICON Conference Bits Pilani, Hyderabad 8 P.Srihari IEEE Student conference on Recent Trends in Electrical and Electronics Engineering GITAM University, Visakhapatnam 9 P.Srihari IEEE Zonal student congress NBKRIST,NELLORE DIST 10 P.Srihari Next Generation Internet protocol-The challenges Ahead (IPV6) BSNL, Visakhapatnam 11 P.Srihari Mission 10X DIET, Anakapalle 12 P.Srihari Soft computing and Evolutionary Techniques by using MATLAB IIT-BBS, Bhubaneshwar 13 P.Srihari National Symposium for Women SVEC, Bhimavaram 14 A Vamsidhar Mission 10X DIET, Anakapalle 15 B. Manjula Soft Computing Application to Communicate &Management AITAM Tekkali 16 P.V.S. Laxmi Mission 10X DIET, Anakapalle 17 P.V.S. Laxmi Soft computing and Evolutionary techniques AITAM, Tekkali 18 T.V.S. Apparao National level workshop on Analog IC design VIGNANS institution of eng for Womens Visakhapatnam 19 S. Lavanya Soft computing and Evolutionary techniques AITAM, Tekkali 20 S. Lavanya International Conference on ICNEAC-2011 Swarnadhra college of Engineering Narsapuram 21 S. Lavanya IEEE WIE Congress Vishnu College of Engineering Bheemavaram 22 S .Lavanya Workshop on system design XILINX FPGAs G.V.P.College of EngVisakhapatnam 23 S. Lavanya Mission 10X DIET, Anakapalle 24 A. Leelavathi Soft computing and Evolutionary techniques AITAM, Tekkali 25 K. Madhavi Soft computing and Evolutionary techniques AITAM, Tekkali 26 K. Madhavi Series of Technical Talk on Pattern extraction using intelligent system A.U college of Eng Visakhapatnam 28 P.V.S. Lakxmi Work shop on system design using XILINX FPGA'S G.V.P, Visakhapatnam 28 K.S.N.V. Someswar rao Soft Computing Application to Communicate &Management AITAM, Tekkali 29 T.V.S. Apparao Workshop on system design XILINX s FPGAs G.V.P, Visakhapatnam Academic Year 2010-11 30 P.Srihari Machine intelligence, power signal GMRIT, Rajam Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 93
and control (MIPSICON-2011) 31 P.Srihari WASAT GMRIT, Rajam 32 P.Srihari Workshop on Genomic Signal Processing JNTU, Kakinada 33 P.Srihari Workshop on bioinformatics GVP PG College, Visakhapatnam 34 P.Srihari IEEE COMPUTING Colloquium DIET, Visakhapatnam 35 P.Srihari IEEE Zonal Student Congress Pydah College of Engineering, Visakhapatnam 36 P.Srihari IEEE Women in Engineering in Congress IETE Building, O U Campus, Hyderabad 37 P.Srihari IEEE Hyderabad section Student congress IETE Building, O U Campus, Hyderabad 38 P.Srihari IEEE Extreme programming competition DIET, Visakhapatnam 39 P.Srihari Women in Engineering DIET, Visakhapatnam 40 P.Srihari Teacher in service program (TISP) Taj Krishna, Hyderabad 41 A. Vamsidhar Next generation internet protocol-The challenge a head (IPV6) Computer society of India , BSNL, Visakhapatnam 42 M.Sirisha Workshop on MATLAB applications in Engineer VITS, Sontyam 43 B.Manjula First international conference on time delayed signal SNR using FRFT low pass filter Gurunanak Engineering college, Ibrahimpatnam 44 K.Sravan Abilash Workshop on Robotics phase-1 VIR forever charitable trust Visakhapatnam 45 CH. Aruna jyothi Workshop on image processing and pattern recognition TRR college of engineering and Technology Academic Year 2009-10 46 P.Srihari International Radar symposium India (IRSI-09) NIMHANS Convention Center, Bangalore 47 P.Srihari International Symposium on Biological Inspired computing and applications SOA University, BBS 48 P.Srihari IEEE Region 10 Gold Congress Dayanand Sagar group of institutions, Bangalore 49 P.Srihari, A.Vamsidhar National Conference on Advances in Signal Processing (NCASP-09) Andhra University, Visakhapatnam 50 P.Srihari IEEE Extreme programming competition DIET, Visakhapatnam 51 A.Vamsidhar National workshop on swarm intelligence theory and application Institute of technical education and research siksha'o' Anusandhan university Bhubaneswar 52 A.Vamsidhar National workshop on WOSEM DIET Anakapalle 53 B.Manjula FDP on teaching methodology and techniques for engineering faculty AITAM Tekkali 54 M.S.Sirisha NCASP-09 Andhra university college of engineering , Visakhapatnam 55 M.S.Sirisha WOSEM 2009 DIET Anakapalle 56 M.S.Sirisha Workshop on women in engineering and technology A Global work force Andhra university college of Engineering , Visakhapatnam 57 M.Neelima IEEE Signal processing society , student branch chapter DIET, Anakapalle
Faculty Contribution in developing Course Modules S.No Name Developed by Duration Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 94
Academic Year 2011-12 1 Electronics Devices & Circuits N.R.Ratnamala & N.Sireesha 20 Days 2 Signal Systems P.Srihari 25 Days 3 Electronics Circuit Analysis Ch.Aruna jyothi 20 Days 4 Pulse Digital Communications B.Manjula 28 Days 5 Switching Theory & Logic Design P.Srihari 25 Days 6 Electromagnetic Waves & Transmission Lines K.Sravan Abilash 23 Days 7 Analog Communication N.R.Ratnamala 25 Days 8 Linear IC Applications CH.Aruna jyothi 25 Days 9 Digital IC Applications T.V.S.Apparao 25 Days 10 Antenna Wave Propagations K.Sravan Abilash 20 Days 11 Digital Communication K.Aishwarya krishna 25 Days 12 Tele Communication Switching Systems & Networks K.Madhavi 25 Days 13 Digital System Processing A.Vamsidhar 22 Days 14 VLSI Design T.V.S.Apparao 25 Days 15 Microwave Engineering N.Sireesha 27 Days 16 Micro Processing and Interfacing K.S.N.V.Someswara Rao 24 Days 17 Cellular & Mobile Communication K.Madhavi 25 Days 18 Radar Systems M.S.Sireesha 25 Days 19 Micro Controller Applications K.S.N.V.Someswara Rao 26 Days 20 Satellite Communications A.Suresh 27 Days 21 Optical Communications K.Sravan Abilash & K.Madhavi 26 Days 22 Bio-medical Instrumentation B.Manjula 28 Days 23 Wireless Communication & Networks A.Suresh 27 Days Academic Year 2009-10 1 Electronics Devices & Circuits M.Swetha 20 Days 2 Signal Systems P.Srihari 25 Days 3 Electronics Circuit Analysis G.Sarada Rani 20 Days 4 Pulse & Digital Communications A.Vamsidhar 28Days 5 Switching Theory and Logic Design S.Krishnaveni 23 days 6 Electromagnetic Waves & Transmission Lines G.Sarada Rani 25 days 7 Analog Communication A.Vijay Sankar 25 days 8 Linear IC Applications M.Neelima 25 days 9 Digital IC Applications A.Vamsidhar 25 days 10 Antenna wave Propagations A.Vijay Sankar 20 days 11 Digital Communication S.Srinivas 26 days 12 Tele communication Switching Systems and Networks S.Krishnaveni 25 days 13 Digital System Processing M.Neelima 20 days 14 VLSI Design S.Srinivas 25 days 15 Micro wave Engineering A.Vamsidhar 25 days 16 Micro processing and Interfacing M.S.Sireesha 24 days 17 Cellular mobile Communication T.Vidhyavathi 25 days 18 Radar Systems P.Srihari 28 days Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 95
Faculty Contribution in developing Lab Modules S. No Name Developed by Duration Number of experiment Academic Year 2011-12 1 Electronic Device & Circuits Lab Mr. P Srihari 1 month 16+4 2 Digital Signal Processing Lab Mrs.M.Neelima 1 month 10+2 3 IC &ECAD Lab Mr.A .Vamsidhar and T.V.S.Appa Rao 1 month 10+2 4 Digital Communication Lab Mrs. B.Manjula 20 days 12+2 5 Pulse and digital circuits Lab Mr.K.S.N.V.Someswara Rao and A.Suresh 1 month 12+2 6 Microwave and OFC Lab Mrs.P.V.S.Lakshmi 1 month 10+2 7 Electronic Circuit Analysis Lab Ms.CH.Aruna Jyothi and Mr.K.S.Abhilash 15 Days 10+3 8 Analog Communications Lab Ms. A.Leelavathi and Mrs.K.Madhavi 1 month 12+2 9 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Lab Ms.M.S.Sireesha &Ms.S.Lavanya 1 month 17+5 Academic Year 2010 - 11 1 Electronic Device & Circuits Lab Mr. P Srihari 1 month 16+4 2 Digital Signal Processing Lab Mrs.M.Neelima 1 month 10+2 3 IC &ECAD Lab Mr.S.S. Srinivas 1 month 10+2 4 Digital Communication Lab Mrs. B.Manjula 20 days 12+2 5 Pulse and digital circuits Lab Mr A.Suresh 1 month 12+2 6 Microwave and OFC Lab Ms.M.Ramya Swetha 1 month 10+2 7 Electronic Circuits Lab Mr.T.V.S.Appa Rao 15 Days 10+3 8 Analog Communications Lab Mr.A .Vamsidhar 1 month 12+2 9 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Lab Ms.M.S. Sirisha 1 month 17+5 Academic Year 2009 -10 1 Electronic Device & Circuits Lab Dr.B.V.Rao 1 month 16 2 Digital Signal Processing Lab Mr.P Srihari 1 month 10 3 IC & ECAD Lab Mr.A .Vamsidhar 1 month 10 4 Digital Communication Lab Ms B.Sowjanya 20 days 12 5 Pulse and digital circuits Lab Ms M.Ramya Swetha 1 month 12 6 Microwave and OFC Lab Mr.A.Vijay Shankar 1 month 10 7 Electronic Circuits Lab Mr.S.S. Srinivas 15 Days 10 8 Analog Communications Lab Mrs.G.Sarada Rani 1 month 12 9 Microprocessors and Ms.M.S. Sirisha 1 month 17 19 Micro Controller Applications S.Srinivas 22 days 20 Satellite Communications A.Vamsidhar 27 days 21 Optical Communications A.Vijaya Sankar 26 days 22 Bio-medical Instrumentation S.Krishnaveni 28 days 23 Artificial Neural Networks P.Srihari 27 days Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 96
Microcontrollers Lab
VII P.7 New Facility Created (10) New facilities created for strengthening the curriculum and/or meeting the PEOs: Module Description Any other contribution on Inst/ Industry Developed by Duratio n of develop ment Resource consumed Target Audience Usages and Citation etc Academic Year 2011-12 IEEE All Society Periodical Package DIET B.Manjula 2 years All Faculty and Majority of the students All ECE Students Students Used in UG Projects IET (UK) Student Chapter DIET P. Srihari 1 day All Faculty and Majority of the students Dept of ECE, DIET Students are enrolled in IEEE student membership IEEE Education Society Student Branch Chapter Secretary IEEE Hyderabad Section P. Srihari 1day Prof. Valli Kumari Andhra University Vishakhapatnam Dept of ECE, DIET Students are enrolled in IEEE student membershi LAPTOP DIET P. Srihari 4 Months P. Srihari Asso.Prof HOD, Dept of ECE DIET Dept of ECE, DIET Faculty use this facility for soft class Academic Year 2010-11 Computing Colloquium IEEE & Rofous Software, Oracle P.Srihari 2 days 1.Mr.Niranjan Hanasoge Sr. Engineer, Google India Vice Chairman Of IEEE 2. MR.Sanjay SIngh ,VP of Engineer At Rofous Software 3. Mr. Aditya Rao ,Oracle ECE students To study latest trends in computing for young techno crafts WIE Forum DIET P.Srihari One day SMT.Smith Sajji MBA HOD ,DIET 2 nd , 3 rd , 4 th
year women students Participants gained some knowledge Outreach activities (WIE STAR Program) Visually Challenged Girls School, Visakhapatna m P.SRihari
1 day 1.P.Srihari HOD, Dept. of ECE, DIET 2.M.S.Sireesha Asst. Prof, Dept of ECE,DIET All students Participants gained some knowledge IEEE E- Resources IEEE online journals P.SRihari 2 Year Library All student and faculty Student and faculty can go for e-learning IEEE/IET Electronics library DIET B.Manjula
2 years All Faculty and Majority of the students All ECE Students Students Used in UG Projects Academic Year 2009-10 ISTE Student Activities Diet P.Srihari 1 day P.Srihari,hod of ECEDEPT. DIET All ECE Students Student gain knowledge on technical educatio Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 97
WOSEM IIT Bhuvaneswar & AU P.Srihari 2 days 1.Prof.Ganapathi panda ,IIT Bhuvaneswar 2.Prof.K.Raja Rajeswari,a.u,Visak hapatnam Faculty And PG Students For certification STEP Microsoft G. Sarada rani 1 Day 1.Mr Asankhya Sharma micro soft R&D 2. Dr Krishna Naga Rajan Microsoft Students and faculty Young Technocrats gained Creative Analytical development NDLP NIO P.Srihari 1 Day Dr S Lakshmi Narayana, Scientist, NIO, Visakhapatnam students Students gained knowledge in data and text mining EMBEDED System Kits DIET P.Srihari 5 months P.Srihari Asso.Prof HOD, Dept. of ECE, DIET All ECE Stude Main Project purpose LCD Projector DIET P.Srihari 3 months P.Srihari Asso.Prof HOD, Dept. of ECE, DIET All ECE Students Better teaching Methods OHP DIET P.Srihari 3 months All classes are provided with special cabinet to hold OHP , along with Power Board All ECE Students Better teachingMeth od IEEE Women in Engineering Affinity Group SBC Secretary IEEE Hyderabad Section P.Srihari 1 Day Prof. K. Raja Rajeswari, Andhra University Visakhapatnam Dept of ECE, DIET Women Students are enrolled in Women Affinity Group IEEE Signal Processing Society Student Branch Chapter Secretary IEEE Hyderabad Section P.Srihari 1 Day Prof. G. Panda, IIT-BBS Dept of ECE, DIET Students are enrolled in Signal Processing Society membership E-Display (Intra college Hardware exhibition) AUCE P.Srihari 1 Day Dr.Sasi, HOD, CSE Dept. A.U.C.E All ECE Students Student gain Knowledge on Practical Experience IEEE/IET Electronics library DIET B.Manjula 2 years All Faculty and Majority of the students All ECE Students Students Used in UG Projects Outreach activities (WIE STAR Program) Visually Challenged Girls School,vizag P.Srihari
1 day ECE Department All students Participants gained some knowledge Computing Colloquium IEEE& Rofus Software, Oracle P.Srihari 2 days 1.Mr.Niranjan Hanasoge Sr.Engineer,Google India Vice Chairman Of IEEE 2.Mr.Sanjay Singh ,VP Of Engineer At Rofous Software 3.Mr. Aditya Rao ECE students To study latest trends in computing for young technocraf Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 98
,Oracle WIE Forum DIET P.Srihari One day 1.Smt.Smith Sajji MBA HOD Asst.Prof DIET 2 nd , 3 rd , 4 th
year women students Participants gained some knowledge Outreach activities (WIE STAR Program) Visually Challenged Girls School,vizag P.Srihari 1 day ECE Department All students Participants gained some knowledge IEEE E-Resources IEEE online journals P.Srihari 2 Year Library All student and faculty Student and faculty can go for e-learning IEEE/IET Electronics library DIET B.Manjula 2 years All Faculty and Majority of the students All ECE Students Students Used in UG Projects
VII-P.8 Overall Improvements since Last Accreditation, if any, otherwise, since establishment (5)
Specify the improvement Improvement brought in Contributed by List of PEOs which are strengthened Comments if any Academic Year 2011-12 Internet bandwidth increased from 4 Mbps to 8 Mbps Internet access speed improved ECE Department P1, P2, P5, P6 Central internet facility lab Facility for the students using internet for enhancing online data. ECE Department P1, P2, P5, P6 Advanced communication lab Facility to student projects requirements ECE Department P1, P5, P6 Optical communication kit Facility to student projects requirements ECE Department P1, P2, P5, P6 Course material in digital library For each subject, Course files, subject files, E- books, PPTs, lab manuals and other information is made available in the digital library for students ECE Dept. P1, P2, P5 Academic Year 2010-11 Wi-Fi network facility For use by faculty for wireless net connection ECE Department P1, P2, P5, P6 Seminar hall For conducting seminars, functions, workshops etc. ECE Department P1, P2, P5, P6 Advanced communication labs Use of the students for projects and lab experiments ECE Department P1, P2, P5, P6 Industrial Visits Steel Plant For III B.TECH ECE Students P Srihari Associate Professor HOD ECE Department P2, P3, P4, P6 Academic Year 2009-10 Updating Syllabus Micro processors and Interfacing Lab JNTUK P1, P2, P3, P4, P5. Analog Communications Lab Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 99
IC & PDC Lab Advanced English Communications Lab Industrial Visits All India Radio DR.B.V.Rao Professor ECE P2, P3, P4, P6
New Facilities createdt to strenghthen the PEOs
Specify the strengths/ weakness Improvement brought in Contributed by List the PEO(s), which are strengthened Comments, if any Academic Year 2011-12 Purchase of Digital Storage Oscilloscope and Spectrum Analyzer Students projects Department of ECE P3, P4 To help the students in doing research Projects Purchase of 30 computers for MP Lab Students Department of ECE P3, P4 To help the students in Simulation Improved in Placements Students Department of ECE P3, P4 Got interaction with Industrial Professionals Academic Year 2010-11 Add on Course Modules in Antennas Students ECE Department P4, P5 To encourage the students in R&D LCD Projector Students and faculty ECE Department P3, P4 To facilitate faculty and students to deliver lectures/seminars in effective manner Printer Students and faculty ECE Department P3, P4 To facilitate the faculty and students to take hard copy Need to have Handy cam Students ECE Department P3, P4 To maintain visual documents Academic Year 2009-10 Embedded system kits purchased Students projects ECE Department P4, P5 To help students in doing projects Department Library Students ECE Department P4, P5 To Facilitate the Faculty to refer more books Need to Have Printer Students ECE Department P4, P5 Faculty and students to get hard document
Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 100
Criteria VIII: Curriculum (100)
List all the course modules along with their objectives and outcomes (Ref. Part III):
Course Units Science / HSS / Professional Core, Elective or Breadth? PEOs specified by Affiliating Institution Additional theory / lab / assignments / tests needed to meet objectives? Comments The ory Lab I Year English 8 - HSS College Theory, Assignments. Strengthening curriculum and meet the PEOs Mathematics - I 8 - Science College Theory, Assignments. Strengthening curriculum and meet the PEOs Mathematical Methods 8 - Science College Theory, Assignments. Strengthening curriculum and meet the PEOs Applied Physics 8 - Science College Theory. Strengthening curriculum C Programming 8 - Core College - - Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 101
and Data Structures Network analysis 8 - Core College theory. Strengthening curriculum Electronic Devices and Circuits 8 - Core College theory. Strengthening curriculum Engineering Drawing - 24 Breadth College - - Computer Programming Lab.
- 16+6 Core College Additional experiments. Strengthening curriculum IT Workshop - 15+4 Breadth College Additional experiments Strengthening curriculum Electronic Devices and Circuits Lab - 12+5 Core College Additional experiments Strengthening curriculum and meet the PEOs English Language Communication Skills Lab. - 12+3 HSS College Additional Topics Strengthening curriculum II Year I Sem Mathematics III 8 - Science College Theory, Assignments. Meet the PEOs Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes 8 - Breadth College theory. Meet the PEOs Environmental Studies 8 - Science College - - Signals and Systems 8 - Core College Theory, Assignments. Strengthening curriculum and meet the PEOs Electrical Technology 8 - Breadth College - - Electronic Circuit Analysis 8 - Core College Theory Strengthening curriculum Electronic Circuit Lab. - 12+5 Core College Additional experiments Strengthening curriculum Electrical technology Lab - 10+5 Core College Additional Experiments. Strengthening curriculum II Year II Sem Pulse and Digital Circuits 8 - Core College Theory, Assignments. Strengthening curriculum Control Systems 8 - Core College Theory, Assignments. Strengthening curriculum Object Oriented Programming 8 - Breadth College - - Switching Theory and Logic Design 8 - Core College Theory, Strengthening curriculum Electromagnetic waves and Transmission Lines 8 - Core College Theory Strengthening curriculum and meeting PEOs Analog Communications 8 - Core College Theory Strengthening curriculum and meet the PEOs Analog Communications Lab. - 10+5 Core College Additional experiments Strengthening curriculum Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab. - 12+5 Core College Additional experiments Strengthening curriculum III Year I Sem Managerial 8 - HSS College - - Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 102
Economics & Financial Analysis Computer Organization 8 - Core College Theory Strengthening curriculum Linear IC applications 8 - Core College Theory Strengthening curriculum Digital IC applications 8 - Core College Theory Strengthening curriculum and meeting PEOs Antennas and Wave Propagation 8 - Core College Theory, Assignments. Strengthening curriculum and meeting PEOs Digital Communications 8 - Core College Theory, Assignments. Strengthening curriculum and meet the PEOs Digital Communications Lab. - 11+6 Core College Additional experiments Strengthening curriculum IC Applications&ECA D Lab. - 12+7 Core College Additional experiments Strengthening curriculum III Year II Sem Management Science 8 - HSS College - - Telecommunicatio n Switching Systems 8 - Core College Theory Strengthening curriculum Digital Signal Processing 8 - Core College Theory, Assignments. Strengthening curriculum and meet the PEOs VLSI Design 8 - Core College Theory Strengthening curriculum and meet the PEOs Microwave Engineering 8 - Core College Theory Strengthening curriculum and meet the PEOs Microprocessors & inter faceing 8 - Core College Theory Strengthening curriculum and meet the PEOs Microprocessors & interfacing Lab. - 17+9 Core College Additional experiments Strengthening curriculum Advanced English Language Communication Skills Lab - 10+3 HSS College Additional experiments Strengthening curriculum IV Year I Sem Computer Networks 8 - Core College Theory, Assignments Strengthening curriculum Electronic Measurements &Instrumentation 8 - Core College Theory, Assignments. Strengthening curriculum Cellular & Mobile Communications 8 - Core College Theory Strengthening curriculum and meeting PEOs Radar Systems 8 - Core College Theory Strengthening curriculum and meet the PEOs Elective-I Micro controllers and applications 8 - Elective College Theory Strengthening curriculum and Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 103
meet the PEOs Television Engineering 8 - Elective College - - Operating Systems 8 - Elective College -. - Elective-II Digital Image Processing 8 - Elective College - - Satellite Communications 8 - Elective College Theory meet the PEOs Data base management systems 8 - Elective College - - Microwave Engineering & optical Communications Lab. - 12+8 Core College Additional experiments Strengthening curriculum Digital Signal Processing Lab. - 12+4 Core College Additional experiments Strengthening curriculum IV Year II Sem Optical Communications 8 - Core College Theory Strengthening curriculum and meet the PEOs Elective-III Embedded & real time Systems 8 - Elective College - - Bio-Medical Instrumentation 8 - Elective College - - Digital Design Through Verilog HDL 8 - Elective College -
- Elective-IV Wireless Communications & Networks 8 - Elective College - - DSP Processors & Architectures 8 - Elective College - - Artificial Neural Networks 8 - Elective College - - Industry Oriented Mini Project - - Core College - - Seminar - - Core College - - Major Project - - Core College - - Comprehensive Viva - - Core College - -
Course objectives and outcomes: S.No Course Name Objectives Outcomes I English 1. To empower young professionals with the confidence and skills to sustain in globalized scenario. 2. To equip students with skills required for effective communication in English. 1. Ability to communicate and interact independently with more confidence and fluency for a better future. 2. Help them develop soft skills and people skills that would go long way in helping them in their profession. I Mathematics I 1. This subject gives the knowledge about maxima and minima of functions. 2.This subject gives the knowledge about tracing of given curves 1. Ability to find maxima and minima of functions with two variables. 2. Ability to trace standard curves that may occur in engineering problems. 3. Ability to solve differential Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 104
3.This subject also gives the knowledge of differential equations, Newtons Law cooling, Law of natural growth or decay. equations and apply them in engineering problems. I Mathematical Methods 1.The subject gives the knowledge about matrices. 2.This subject teaches different methods to solve algebraic and transcendental equations and interpolation methods 3.The student learns numerical differentiation,numerical integration formulae and numerical solution of DE. 4.The student learns methods of solving PDE. 1.Ability to solve linear system of equations, finding Eigen values and corresponding Eigen vectors, application of Cayley-Hamilton theorem. 2.Ability to apply appropriate interpolation method for specific application. 3.Ability to solve algebraic equations which occur in engineering studies. Ability to find derivative of a function at a given point from tabular values of the function. Ability to apply numerical integration methods to evaluate definite integrals. Formulate physical problems in terms of Partial Differential Equations and solve them. I Applied Physics 1.The objective of teaching the engineering physics to engineering student is to inculcate the basic ideas about the events existing around us which helps to better understanding about engineering subject in further classes. 1. Understand basic concepts of Interfence, Youngs double slit and Newtons Rings. 2. Describe Diffraction and different types of it, single-slit, double-slit Fraunhofer diffraction, Resolving power of grating etc. 3. Learn fundamentals of Polarization, Double diffraction and Construction of Nicols Prism and its application. 4. Understand basics of Crystal Structure, Lattice parameters, different type of crystal systems, definition of packing fraction and solving packing fraction for different classes in cubic system, Crystal structures of Nacl, Zns Learn about the X-rays. 5. Importance of X-rays in knowing crystal structure of a solid material. 6. Describe the generation of Lasers of different types and its application in optical disc systems and holography. 7. Learn fundamentals of Optical Fibers like numerical aperture, acceptance angle and types of optical fibers etc and applications of optical fibers in communication. 8. Understand basics of ultrasonic. Also he will be able to understand the generation of different modes of ultrasonic and application of ultrasonic. I Computer Programming and Data Structures 1.To make the student learn a programming language 2.To make the student to write programs in C to solve problems 3.Understanding the behavior of basic data structures like lists, stacks, queues etc. 4.Ability to analyze the problem and 1. Write programs in c language to solve problems. 2. Use simple data structures in modeling and designing solutions. 3.Apply elementary algorithms to solve problems. Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 105
determine the appropriate data structure for the problem I Network analysis teach the students with the basic definitions of kvl, kcl, loop and node analysis of different electrical circuits concept of network topology. 2.different network theorems of electric circuits 3.concept of series and parallel resonant circuits concept of transient behaviour and initial conditions and final conditions in rl, rc and rlc circuits laplace transformation 1.Obtain solution to electric circuits using KVL, KCL, and loop and node analysis of different electrical circuits. 2.Different network theorems, Concept of series and parallel resonant, Concept of Transient analysis, RLC circuits Laplace Transformation and, Two port network Parameters. I Electronic Devices and Circuits 1. Understand the motion of an electron in the presence of Electric and Magnetic fields. 2. Distinguish between different materials, concepts of semiconductors and the energy bands between them. 3. Understand the operating principles and characteristics of major electronic devices, such as diodes, BJTs and FET. 4. Ability to stabilize the operation of BJT using techniques. 5. Be able to apply this knowledge to the analysis and design of basic electronic circuits like amplifiers, feedback amplifiers and oscillators 1. Analyze the different types of diodes, operation and their characteristics 2. Application of various diodes in the real life environment. 3.Design and analyze the DC bias circuitry of BJT and FET 4. Design circuits using the diodes and BJT. I Engineering Drawing Engineering Drawing is the language of engineers. The concepts of Engineering Drawing is used to develop, express the ideas, and conveying the instructions which are used to carry out jobs in the field of Engineering. The course illustrates the techniques of drawing in actual practice. This preliminary course aims at building a Foundation for the further course in drawing and other allied subjects. To practice & draw different curves, orthographic & isometric projections & Three-Dimensional objects to develop, express various real-time manufacturing practices in various disciplines of engineering & technology. I Computer Programming Lab To make the student learn a programming language To understand the difference between linear and non-linear data structures Enter, edit, compile and execute C programs. Implement searching and sorting techniques. Implement programs using recursion. Implementing data structures I IT Workshop Enable the student to expose the modules include training on PC Hardware , Internet & World Wide Web and Productivity tools including word, Excel and Power point Assembling and De- assembling of PC Installation of Operating Systems like Windows XP, Linux. Identify and fix Hardware /Software trouble shooting. I Electronic Devices and Circuits Lab 1. Identify and analyze various passive and active electronic components from observations and symbols. 2. Analyze the characteristics and 1.Able to identify the passive and active components electronics to Observe the input and output characteristic of different electronic components. Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 106
properties of major electronic devices. 3. Utilize the properties of electronic devices to design electronic circuits. 4. Operate, read, and analyze data from various measurement instruments such as, multi-meters, Oscilloscopes, and signal generators. 5. Analyze and interpret functions of an electronic circuit from the properties of each component in the circuit. 6. Correlate inputs and outputs of a circuit from the properties of circuit elements. 7. Build and troubleshoot electronic circuits in labs with discrete components 8. Explain discrepancies between the results of a theoretical circuit and a lab circuit. 3.To apply the operating knowledge of major electronic devices like amplifiers, oscillators & advanced analog circuits to design & conduct experiments as well as to organize, analyze & interpret data conveniently. I English Language Communication Skills Lab To make the students aware to different kinds of Learner-friendly modes of language to a variety of self- instructional learning (Computer based) To make students comprehend the habit of intelligent Reading as well as Computer- based competitive exams, globally. To achieve a reasonably good level of competency in Report Writing, Group Discussions and Public Speaking. Exposed to the sounds of English To make the students better exposed in Oral and Group Discussions. Telephonic Skills, Giving Directions and Information Transfer
II Mathematics-III 1.Evaluate integrals using Beta and Gamma functions 2. Learn elementary properties of analytic functions, harmonic functions. 3. Student learns the methods to evaluate complex integrals. 4. Find singularities, residues. 5. Evaluate definite integrals using residue theorem. 6. Learn different types of conformal mappings. 7.Understand tree and its and use algorithms to find a minimal spanning tree
1. Ability to apply Beta, Gamma functions to evaluate integrals which cannot be expressed in terms of elementary functions. 2.Ability to apply analytic functions and harmonic functions to problems in engineering 3. Ability to integrate complex functions. 4. Ability to use contour integrals where the closed contour contains several singularities inside. 5. Ability to use Conformal mapping by transforming a complicated region to a simpler standard regions. 6. Ability to apply graph theory in electrical engineering, in computer science. II Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes 1. To know about the principles of probability. 2. To provide a knowledge about random variables & its characteristics. 3. To provide knowledge about random signal and correlation functions. 1. Students should gain the knowledge on the mathematical technique relating to the theory & applications of probability and stochastic process. 2. Students should gain the knowledge of the analysis of noise signal in communication channel. 3. Students should gain the estimation Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 107
4. To provide a mathematical techniques relating to stochastic process in the area of communication. of spectrum of stochastic process.
II Environmental Studies To spread environmental awareness among the young technocrats To help the students various environmental issues and their consequences to human life.
To inculcate environmental values among the students so as to lead a healthy life and promote the sense to future generations. To cultivate a sense of responsibility and in solving environmental problems and leading a sustainable life style. II Signals and Systems 1. To understand the different types of signals, sequences and systems. 2. To understand the Fourier series and Fourier transform and their properties 3. To understand functioning of LTI systems and varies types of filters. 4. To understand the convolution and correlation of different types of signals and their frequency domain representation 5. To understand sampling theorem and its importance in communication systems and signal processing understand Z-transform and Laplace trans form,concept of ROC and their properties 1. Ability to generate different types of signals and frequency domain analysis of different signals. 2. ability to analyze LTI system in both time and frequency domain for various input signals 3.ability to understand the similarities between two signals 4ability to convert continuous time band limited signals to discrete-time signals 5.ability to simulate time domain ,frequency domain representation of signals,LTI system using MATLAB
II Electrical technology 1.To understand operation of DC machines & Motors 2. To understand operation of transformer & to analyze performance of transformers. 3.To analyze operation of single phase induction motor and various types of motor such as capacitor run, capacitor star, servomotor, techno motor etc., 4. Three phase induction motors. 5.To understand functioning of alternators &Various Electrical instruments 1.To explain the mechanics of DC Machines, Motors, Transformers, Induction Motors, Alternators & other supplementary equipments. 2. Explaining about electrical measurement instruments such as PMMC,MI. II Electronic Circuit Analysis 1.To develop the basic understanding of amplifier designing and its analysis using hybrid model 2. To make students aware of amplifier operation at low frequency and its frequency response. 3. To make students learn about different types of oscillators. 4. To make students aware of large signal amplifiers. 5. To make students aware of voltage regulators. 1. Demonstrate basic understanding of amplifier operation. 2. Students able to learn to analyze amplifier circuits using hybrid model 3.Students able to understand the concept of feedback amplifiers 4.Students able to understand the criteria of oscillations and study about different types of oscillators. II Electronic circuit Analysis lab 1. To provide fundamental concepts of various electronics circuits. 2.To design and analyze single stage amplifiers and multi stage amplifiers 1.Should be able to design and analyze the voltage amplifiers 2.Should be able to understand the different frequency responses of narrow band and wide band amplifiers Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 108
3.To understand working and efficiencies of different types of power amplifiers 4. To understand the concept of electronic circuits of switched power supplies like transistor- series, transistor -shunt and Zener shunt voltage regulators. understand different types of oscillators and design for different frequencies
3.Should be able to calculate the efficiency of class A power amplifiers 4.Should be able to determine the load regulation and line regulation for the voltage regulators 5. Should be able to calculate the frequencies of oscillator. 6.Should be able to simulate the amplifiers, power amplifiers and voltage regulators in MULTISIM software 7.Should be able aware of the knowledge on P-Spice software like MULTISIM / packages II Electrical technology lab 1.Should be able to perform the operation of series and Parallel Resonance circuits and plot their Frequency Response. 2. Performing the experiments on theorems such as superposition, reciprocity, maximum power transfer thieves and Nortons, and two port networks. 3. Should be able to perform the operation & observe the Characteristics of DC shunt generator. 4. Should be able to determine the operation efficiency& performance of transformer. 5.Should be able to determine regulation of synchronous motors 1.To have hands on experience on series & parallel resonances & its frequency, networks for different inputs, Y, Z, two-port network parameters and verify superposition, reciprocity, maximum power transfer theorems. 2.To Understand operating features of DC & Shunt generator, operation of transformer in Open & Short Circuit Test. II Pulse and Digital Circuits to understand linear and non linear wave shaping for different inputs. To understand the transistor and diode characteristics to design multivibrators and sweep circuits. To understand the concepts of synchronization. To understand the design of logic gates, sampling gates and characteristics of different logic gates. Able to design multivibrators, sweep circuits using diode and transistor characteristics. Able design circuits for different signal outputs. Able to design logic gates, sampling gates. Capable to synchronize different signal generator outputs. II Control Systems 1.To teach the fundamental concepts of Control systems and mathematical modeling of the system 2.To study the concept of time response and frequency response of the system 3To teach the basics of stability analysis of the system 1.Represent the mathematical model of a system 2.Determine the response of different order systems for various step inputs 3.Analyse the stability of the system II Object Oriented Programming Understand major concepts of oops Knowledge &Skill in programming developing Experience in application programming and GUI applications 1.Able to understand need of oop today 2.Have the ability to develop own stand alone programs 3.Have the ability to develop own Applet programs II Switching Theory and logic Design 1. Mastery of number system representation, ones and twos complements, binary addition, 1.Demonstrate knowledge of fundamental Boolean principles and manipulation and their application to Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 109
weighted codes, BCD addition and Hamming code. 2. Familiarity with Boolean algebraic equations and switching functions 3. Minimization of the above expressions and mastery of Karnaugh maps. 3. Introduction to Combinational Circuit designs. 4. Introduction to SR, JK, D & T flip flops 5. Familiarity with synchronous sequential logic design using flip flops, including finite state machines. 6. Introduction to asynchronous sequential logic design, including races and hazards and knowledge on algorithmic state machines digital design. 2.In-depth understanding of combinational and sequential digital/logic circuits, and modular design techniques. 3.Ability to analyze and synthesize logic circuits 4.Able to understand the basic building blocks of digital systems like gates ,memory elements, PLDs
II Electromagnetic waves and Transmission lines 1. To understand the vector analysis and how to apply them in field theory. 2. To study the determination of electric field strength using basic laws like coulombs law and gauss law. 3. To study the determination of magnetic field strength using basic laws like biot-savart law and amperes circuital law. 4. To understand the difference between time invariant and time variant fields using the summarized Maxwells equations. 5.To study the characteristics of an EM wave in all medium and discuss about its behavior at the boundary (boundary conditions ) 6.To study the behavior of an EM wave in the guided and unguided mediums 7. To study the characteristics of transmission lines and their applications at UHF. 1. Students have a good fundamental knowledge o vectors which makes them confident in basics. 2.Able to know the purpose of the electrostatics and magneto statics. 3.Ability to understand the exact difference between the time variant and time invariant fields using the the summarized Maxwells equations. 4. Ability to understand the EM wave characteristics and the properties of the media. 5. Ability to point out the applications, advantages and disadvantages of the guided and unguided medium. 6. Students are familiar with the characteristics of transmission lines and their equivalent circuits at UHF. II Analog Communications 1. To understand the basic units of an Analog Communication system along with the need for modulation. To understand Amplitude Modulation in both frequency and time domains. 2. To understand modulation and demodulation of Double Side Band- Suppressed Carrier technique in frequency and time domains. 3. To understand and analyze the Single Side Band technique for modulation and demodulation purposes with special reference to Vestigial Side Band (VSB) technique. 4. To understand frequency 1. Able to demonstrate about various blocks in analog communication system. 2. Able to analyze and design the analog modulator and demodulator circuits for AM, FM, PM. 3. Able to calculate the effect of noise in analog modulation techniques. 4. Able to understand about various blocks in Transmitters and Receivers.. 5.Able to understand the Pulse Modulation Generation and Demodulation 6.Able to understand the comparison of AM technique and FM with AM 7.Able to analyze the Phase Locked Loop Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 110
modulation and demodulation technique and compare it with Amplitude Modulation technique. 5. To study the effect of Noise on different modulation schemes. 6. To study and understand Radio Transmitters and receivers systems for AM and FM techniques. 7. To study and understand Pulse modulation techniques as part of introduction to Digital Communication Systems 8.To study and understand the comparisons of AM techniques &application of different AM system III Analog Communication lab 1. To understand modulation, demodulation techniques used in communication system. 2. To develop the Modulation techniques used in both time and frequency domains. 3. To develop a knowledge on pre- emphasis and de-emphasis circuits used in frequency modulation. 4. To analyze the Signal Modulation (Amplitude, frequency, and phase) and transmission techniques (base band, SSB system) will be emphasized. 5.To understand the concept of mixer, PLL, Digital phase detector and synchronous detector to develop a clear insight into the 6.relations between the input and output ac signals in various stages of a transmitter and a receiver of AM & FM systems 1. Should be able to explain modulation and demodulation techniques in various communications systems. 2. Should be able to understand the operation of different types of detectors for AM, FM. 3. Should be able to understand and analyze the signal transmission and reception.
II Pulse and digital circuits lab To understand wave shaping of different waveforms and to design circuits. To understand switching characteristics of diode,and transistor to design multivibrator,Schmitt trigger and sweep circuits. To understand the design of logic gates, and flip flops etc. Able to design circuits to get different waveforms. Able to multivibrators, sweep generators for different wave enerations. Able to design logic gates and flip flops etc. III Managerial Economics and Financial Analysis Define, explain the nature and scope of managerial Economics specific to Demand and supply. Explain various theories of production cost and pricing analysis in various market types. Gain knowledge of budgeting,Financial accounting and ratio analysis and be able to solve simple problems. Understand and gain knowledge of Demand Analysis and forecasting. Gain knowledge of cost concepts and learn Break even analysiswith simple problems. Learn about various market types and the entire gamut of costs and costing. Learn about various types of capital Budgeting and improve their understanding of financial accounts and ratio analysis. III Computer Organization To provide an in-depth understanding about the structure and function of computer Students will have thorough knowledge about Basic structure of a digital computer Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 111
Be aware of the various classes of instruction: data movement, arithmetic, logical, and flow control To understand the relationship between instruction set architecture, micro architecture, and system architecture and their roles in the development of the computer To understand the hierarchical memory system including cache memories and virtual Memory To study the different ways of communicating with I/O devices and standard I/O interfaces To understand key ideas and issues regarding pipelining Be familiar with the organization of the Control unit, Arithmetic and Logical unit, Memory unit and the I/O unit. Students will be able to apply various design techniques such as pipelining and Microprogramming in the design of the central processing unit of a computer system. Be familiar with the representation of data, addressing modes, instructions sets Students will become familiar with various ways to design ALU Be familiar with the representation of data, addressing modes, instructions sets Be familiar with the multiprocessors. III Linear IC Applications 1. To design an basic Integrated Circuit 2. To understand how Op-Amp can be used in various real time Apllications 3. To study how op-amp can be used in A/D and D/A Converters 4. To Design Various filters using Op-amp as active element which is useful in Communications. 1. Student will understand how small signals can be amplified with large gains using Op-Amp 2. Students can design various devices like ADCs,DACs, TIMERS, FILTERS.
III Digital IC Applications 1. To study basic semiconductor principles and digital IC technology 2. To investigate the static and dynamic characteristics of popular MOS and bipolar logic families, with emphasis on CMOS and TTL technologies 3. To study the design of common logic circuits, such as combinational circuits, sequential circuits, and various types of memories and their IC configurations. 4. To learn the basic programming concepts of VHDL of the above digital circuits. 1. able to differentiate different logic families like MOS,CMOS,TTL,ECL and realize all gates in the above mentioned families 2. able to know different syntaxes in the VHDL programming. 3. to know the different IC numbers and configurations of digital ICs like encoder,decoder,mux, d vhdl programming to know the classification of memories and its structures.
III Antennas and Wave Propagation 1. To educate the terminology to learn the subject 2.To learn the difference in various antennas in order to achieve the exact directivity. 3.To understand the current distributions of different dipoles monopoles and quadra poles . 4.To know how the directivity can be increased by utilization of arrays. explain the different types of antennas which are classified under the frequency basis.(Hz to GHz) 6,.To understand and analyze the behavior of he radiated wave in basically 3 basic modes of 1.Demonstrate basic understanding of radiation of electromagnetic waves by antenna 2. Demonstrate basic understanding of antenna operation 3. Demonstrate the ability to analyze basic antenna to determine their performance characteristics 4. Students will be confident in any antenna terminology. 5. able to distinguish the antennas based on required directivity and application oriented. 6.To demonstrate the radiation patterns of different current elements. 7.To understand the exact importance Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 112
propagation. 7.To learn the parameters required to understand and interpret the different modes of propagation. of arrays and their need in daily life(commercial) 8.Able to explain all the terminology related to propagation of a wave using different propagation modes. III Digital Communications of digital communication systems,given constrains on data rate,bandwidth,power,fidelity and complexity 2.analyze the performance of a digital communication link bwhen additive noise is present interms of the signal to noise ratio and bit error rate 3.To understand various digital modulation and demodulation techniques 4.To understand and design varios data compression techniques 5.To understand linear block codes,cycliccodes for code error correction and detection in digital communication system Able to understand basic elements of digital communication system and to analyze various modulating techniques. Able to explain error detection and correction, information characteristics and methods to encode data. Able to apply different types of source encoding techniques for discrete information III Digital communication lab To understand the design and modulated,demodulated waveforms of different modulations. To understand allocating time for different signals by using time division multiplexing. To understna how modulate and demodulate pulse coded signals. to analize different modulation techniques. Able to send number of signals through single channel there by reducing bandwidth. III IC Application&EC AD lab 1.To study the applications of Op- Amp like substarctors,adders, Comparator 2.To Design filters and function Generators using Op-Amp 3.To Implement Astable and Monostable Multivibrators 4.To Design ADCs and DACs using Op-Amp 5.To Design Digital Components like Basic Gates , MUXs,De- MUXs using Vhdl programming. 1.Student is able to design Linear Circuits using Op-Amp 2.Student understand how Gates can be used in higher level circuits 3.Able to understand the vhdl programming to design digital ICs III Management science 1.introduction to concepts of management and organizational design identify with human resources management (HRM) and material management 3.facilitate strategic management by means of case studies and problems of program evaluation and review techniques as well as critical path method 1. students should be able to understand various theories of management and motivation. 2.students should be able to improve their understanding of materials management,basics of marketing and foundations of distribution channels with the complete product life cycle 3. students should be able to differentiate between HRM and HRD, functional aspects of personnel management and industrial relations and be able to relate to key terms. 4.learn and solve theoretical problems of programme evaluation and review technique(PERT) critical path method(CPM)project cost analysis and projects crashing 5.students need to be able to Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 113
understand various aspects of a companysmission,objectives and programs,key elements of value chain, perform and design the SWOT tables and improve understanding of generic strategy alternatives. III Telecommunicati on switching systems and networks 1 .To study different types of switching. 2. To have an overview of signaling techniques. 3. To study network architecture and different layers. 4. To have an overview of ISDN concepts.
Students get knowledge about different telephone networks. Students get an overview of different switching systems and data communication networks. III Digital Signal Processing 1. To understand the discrete time domain and frequency domain representation of signals and systems. 2. To understand DFS and DFT and comparison of that transforms. 3. To develop FFT algorithms for faster realization of signals and systems. 4. To study digital filters with special methods on realization of FIR and IIR filters. 5. To understand the concepts of sampling rate, decimation and interpolation applied to Multirate digital signal processing understand the architecture of floating point digital signal processor DSK6713 1.Ability to learn a band limited communication systems with capability to filter out unwanted noise 2.capability to design programmable digital filter with sharp cutoff characteristics for real time applications 3.capability to design Multirate signal processing system III VLSI Design 1. To understand the introduction to VLSI and steps involved in IC fabrication. 2. To study basic electrical properties of MOSFET,MOS & BICMOS circuits. 3. To understand the need to draw stick diagram, layout & different design process. 4. To design alternative gate circuits and to understand gate delay for different loads. 5. To study different combinational & sequential circuits. To understand VHDL synthesis. 6. To understand different PLD configurations, FPGA and CPLD study the need for testing and different testing techniques 1. Ability to know the IC technology and different fabrication processes.. 2. Ability to understand the basic operation of the MOSFET, and related analysis. 3. Ability to know how to draw the stick diagram and layout. 4. Ability to apply design rules for different circuits. 5. Ability to know the concept PLDs, FPGA and CPLD configurations. 6. Able to understand vhdl synthesis for different circuits in the digital applications. to know the different testing techniques III Microwave Engineering 1.To presume that the student has a prerequisite of Electro Magnetics, 2.To introduce the subject of microwave with brief description of underlying properties and applications 3.To understand the waveguide propagation in rectangular waveguides ,circular waveguides 1. Students have a thorough introspection of what they have learnt. 2. Students will have understanding of microwave components so that they have clear ideas of measurement techniques. 3. Students are enabled to solve the various derivations and problems related to it so that they can design a Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 114
supplemented with derivations 4.To study cavity resonators, microwave components and microwave measurements. Microwave communication system III Microprocessors and interfacing 1. To understand the basic 8, 16 bit ,Pentium microprocessor architecture and its functionalities. 2. To understand the programming model of microprocessor. 3. To develop the microprocessor based programs for various applications. 4. To make the interfacing in between microprocessor and various peripherals. 5. To develop the microcontroller based programs for various applications. 1. Basic understanding of microprocessors and microcontrollers architectures and its functionalities. and develop Microprocessor/ microcontroller based systems for real time applications using low level language like ALP III Microprocessors and interfacing lab 1.To enable the students to identify the programming model of a microprocessor/ microcontroller 2. To enable the students to use the instruction set architecture to perform various operations. 3. To enable the students to write the programs in assembly language to perform a particular task. 4. To enable the students to use basic interfacing techniques to connect the microprocessor to outside world. 5.To understand the role of computer simulator in programme development and the ability to use such simulator 1. Able to understand MASM 2. Design and implement microprocessor, microcontroller based systems for various real time applications. 3.Able to interface microprocessor with various peripherals. 4. Able to design microcontroller based systems.. III Advanced English Communication Skills Lab Exposing the students to all aspects of the English language, through group and class discussion, dialogue, and pronunciation practice, as well as vocabulary and grammar. To demonstrate English skills necessary for effective interpersonal communication. Equips students with the grammar and skills they need to both access community resources and to develop a foundation for long term career and academic success. Improving English language skills which will enhance the learners professional, social and academic prospects. IV Computer Networks To provide students with a theoretical and practical base in computer networks issues. To Learn about various functionalities of OSI & TCP/IP model. To Learn about the Concepts of protocols and Network Interfaces. To Provide an Understanding of the Network Communication Structures. To Learn about how the data will be Transferred using Different types of Transmission Media. Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, probability, and statistics to model and analyze some networking protocols. Ability to design, implement, and analyze simple computer networks. Ability to identify, formulate, and solve network engineering problems. Knowledge of contemporary issues in computer networks. Ability to use techniques, skills, and modern networking tools necessary for engineering practice. IV Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation To understand characteristics of measurement and how to measure electrical signals using meters. To understand about different wave to choose high quality instrument for measurement. And to design different meters. 2.Able to select appropriate Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 115
generators analyzers, signal display devices like CROs. To understand how to measure R,L,C,Q using bridges and how to convert non electrical into electrical signals. waveforms from generators, analyzers for application and to analyze characteristics of waveforms. to measure R,L,C,Q by designing bridges and use of transducers in making signal conversion. IV Cellular and Mobile Communications 1. To study the operation of basic cellular system, concept of interference, handoff. 2. To study the design of Omni directional and directional antennas. 3. To study various digital cellular systems. 4. To study the concept of Cell Splitting. 5. To get an overview of mobile communications in different generations. 1. Students get knowledge about various cellular networks. 2. Students will get knowledge of different generations, operations and design of wireless and mobile communications. IV Radar Systems 1.To Study the basic RADAR system 2.To derive the range equation 3.To understand various types of Radars and their applications 1.Students understand the function of a basic radar syatem 2.Students apply different techniques to reduce the effect of noise on Radar. IV Micro controllers and applications 1. To understand the basic 8bit,16bit,32bit micro controller architecture and its functions. 2. To understand the programming model of 8051 microcontroller. 3. Designing of embedded system using 8051 microcontroller. 4.To understand the basic concepts of Real time operating systems. 1. Basic understanding of microcontroller programming. 2.Design small scale embedded systems using microcontroller(At89c51) IV Television engineering 1.To explain the fundamentals of TV transmitters and receivers 2.To study the color signal generation 2. and encoding and in depth. 3. To explain the positive and negative modulation. 4.To study about TV camers and picture tubes. understand about sync separation and processing 6.To study the operation of FM sound detectors and and TV reciever tuners. 7,.To analyse the color killer circuits and process of color mixing. 8. To study regarding DTH ,Digital TV receiver and digital terrestrial TV. 1. Able to demonstrate on all types of TV receivers. 2. Able to explain chroma signal amplifiers. 3.Able to explain the operation and analyse every block in TV hardware. 4. Able to discuss and compare contrast among all the TV transmitters and receivers.
5. Able to remember the complex circuits . 6. Can explain the difference between AFC and AGC IV Operating Systems To Explain the objectives and functions of modern operating systems To provide an understanding of the major operating system components To provide coverage of basic computer system organization. To Learn the theory underlying how operating systems are designed and Describe how operating systems have evolved over time from primitive batch systems to sophisticated multi- user systems. Describe the functions of a contemporary operating system with respect to convenience, efficiency, and the ability to evolve. Discuss networked, client-server, Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 116
implemented. To Learn about the Different scheduling algorithms. distributed operating systems and how they differ from single user operating systems. Identify potential threats to operating systems and the security features design to guard against them. Describe how issues such as open source software and the increased use of the Internet are influencing operating system design. IV Digital Image Processing 1. Familiar with the concepts of grey levels, relationship between pixels and image geometry 2. Familiarize with image transforms 3. Familiarize with image enhancement techniques 4. Study different color image models 5. Familiarize with image restoration techniques study the different transform techniques 7. Familiarize with image segmentation techniques 8. Familiarize with image compression techniques 1.Understand 2D DFT properties and basics of DIP 2.Understand image smoothing and sharpening 3.Understand filtering and restoration techniques 4 ability to know how to transform image using different techniques
IV Satellite communication 1.To introduce Satellite Communications and its importance ,advantages 2.To establish link between transmitter and receiver using satellite and its power calculations 3.How GPS works and its principles using Satellites 1.Students will understand how satellites are launched and on what basic laws were used to launch 2. Students can Explain how GPS works in their hand held devices. 3. Students understand well the importance of satellite communication across various fields of application. IV Data Base Management Systems Explain advantages of database approach compared to traditional file processing. Draw simple data models, ER- diagrams and show scope of database. Understanding of the needs for and uses of dbms in business. Ability to correctly use the techniques , components & tools of a typical dbms such as oracle to build comprehensive database information system. IV Microwave Engineering and optical Communication lab 1. To study about the. Characteristics of different microwave sources. 2. To familiarize with all the microwave components and devices. 3. To measure VSWR impedance of a given load and attenuation of the signal. 4.To study the LED and LASER Diodes 1.Able to demonstrate experiments on different types of Microwave sources and Microwave components 2.understand to do experiments on optical fiber communication IV Digital signal processing lab 1.This lab introduces students to DSP design and analysis techniques that are core knowledge for DSP engineers, and which serve as solid grounding for advanced level work in DSP. 2.This lab aims at supporting the teaching and research activities in the area of DSP, which are either 1.Able to aware of architecture of DSP Processors and instructions. 2.Able to design IIR and FIR filters. 3.Able to interrelate correlation and power spectral density. 4.To implement complex programs by using MATLAB. Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 117
currently being. 3.To understand the architecture of the DSP Processor TMS 320C 3x/6x. 4.To heighten students awareness of the vast array of diverse practical DSP applications by exposing them to some practical DSP demos, hardware and operations involved in this area and also to provide students with a learning platform on which to further experiment with DSP through course work, design projects, theses, etc. and appreciate the inter-disciplinary nature of the field, its vast array of industrial applications and its growing importance in today's world. 5.To provide an understanding of how to design signal processing systems and process data in a software simulation like using MATLAB including how to Create and analyze signals, Create and analyze filters. Apply signal and filter specifications to real-world designs and to implement the DSP algorithms in software. 6.To emphasize the teaching of key DSP concepts, such as overview of discrete time signal and systems in time domain, and frequency domain, solution of differential equations using z transform, computation of Fourier transform and its efficient implementation, Discrete Fourier transform, Structure for the implementation of digital filters, FIR Filter design and IIR Filter Design. IV Optical Communications 1. To study information capacity and types of dispersion in optic fiber system. 2. To understand principles of optical communication and to study different types of fiber optic materials. 3. To understand fiber splicing techniques, optical sources. 4. To study the design considerations for multiplexing of optical data and point to point optical link. 5. To understand the line coding in optical links and future communication technologies like WDM. 1. Students get knowledge about the various optical sources, optical detection techniques along with signal losses in the optical fiber. 2.Students get an overview of Optical system design. IV Embedded & real time Systems 1. To understand the operation of the basic microcontroller 8051. 2. To learn the functions of advanced microcontrollers ARM and SHARC. 1. Able to develop DOS/BIOS programs. 2. Able to develop the microcontroller based programs for various applications. Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 118
3. To understand RTOS and design using RTOS. 3.Robot designing using AT 89c51 3.Small programs using RTx51 tiny, RT x Full IV Bio medical instrumentation To understand characteristics of bio signals and instruments. And component, problems encountered fro human beings. To understand organization of cell, electrodes used for measurement of cell potentials and different bio signals like ECG,EEG,EMG. To understand different instruments used in measurements, replacement from or in the human body. Able to identify the origin and type of signal and from this analyze problem at different organs of the body. Able to measure body potentials and analyze them. able IV Digital Design thru Verilog HDL 1. To understand the fundamentals hierarchical modeling concept, basic conventions and verilog constructs 2. To study the logic gate primitives 3. To identify the data flow level description and behavioral description used at verilog 4. To identify conditions required for task and functions 5. To describe the properties of SM chart add design 6. To study static ram memory and UART design to develop the verilog codes for digital system to design and implement gate level and behavioral modeling in verilog 3.understand the concept of XILINX, FPGA and CPLD logic devices IV Wireless communications & Networks 1.How important wireless communication in present scenario 2. .How important wireless communication network using different multiple access techniques 3.protocols developed to implement wireless networks through software and hardware 1.students will have clear cut idea how wireless communication emerged and can differentiate 1G,2G,3G networks various wireless networks like mobile communications, Bluetooth, IR etc communicate. IV DSP processors&archi tectures 1. Understand all the basic operations in a DSP system. 2. Analyze computational accuracy in the implementation of Digital signal processors. 3. Understand the various architectures of programmable DSP devices. 4. Understand execution control and pipelining in a Digital signal processor. 5. Understand various addressing modes and interrupts of TMS 32C54XX DSPs. 6. Analyze the implementation of basic DSP algorithms and FFT algorithms. 7. Understand interfacing memory and I/O peripherals to programmable DSP devices. 1. Student will be able to understand various operations in a DSP system, various architectures of programmable digital signal processing devices. 2.Will be able to understand the execution control, pipeling, implementation of basic DSP algorithms and FFT algorithms. 3. Will be able to Understand various addressing modes and interrupts of TMS 32C54XX DSPs and interfacing memory and I/O peripherals to programmable DSP devices.
IV Artificial neural networks 1.Brains structure can be captured in electronic circuitry. Therefore the same structure can be captured by a mathematical network model. 2.Introduce the main fundamental principles and techniques of neural 1.Describe the relation between real brains and simple artificial neural network models. 2.Explain and contrast the most common architectures and learning algorithms for Multi- Layer Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 119
VIII-P.1 Contents of Basic Science, Humanities and Professional Courses Core, network systems. 3.To analyze Neural Network Training: A Conceptual View Supervised Learning with Feed- Forward Networks Back propagation Learning Genetic Learning Unsupervised Clustering with Self-Organizing Maps. 4.Neural Network Strengths Work well with noisy data. Can process numeric and categorical data. Appropriate for applications requiring a time element. 5.To learn real time applications on Neural Network. 6.To study Associative Memory Networks. Investigate the principal neural network models and applications perceptrons, Radial-Basis Function Networks, Committee Machines, and Kohonen Self-Organizing Maps. 3.Discuss the main factors involved in achieving good learning and generalization performance in neural network systems. 4.Identify the main implementational issues for common neural network systems. 5.Evaluate the practical considerations in applying neural networks to real classification and regression problems.
IV Industry oriented mini-project 1. To provide the knowledge of industrial Requirements to the graduates. 2. To provide a clear analysis on how the functionalities is getting implemented practically. 3. To provide a basis to design, analyze and develop a functional specific application with a known prototype. 1. Ability to provide solutions by real- time understanding of industrial requirements in the areas of their own interest/specialization, and to develop a functional-specific application with a known prototype. IV Seminar 1. To acquaint with effective oral/written communication skills in technical & non technical presentation about a project. 2. To provide a platform to apply the academic/professional knowledge in their course work. 1. The graduate shall be able to express the solved problem, problem to be solved, and analysis done on the problem, information gathering on both technical and non-technical issues relating to the problem. IV Major Project 1. To evaluate the ability to identify, define, analyze & provide solutions for specific application in the area of his specialization after understanding functionalities of real-time manufacturing practices. 2. To provide knowledge to design, develop & execute a software/hardware module with rich documentation/algorithm/code/flow chart. 3. To have better knowledge & skills to do advanced studies & research with a strong insight into multi-disciplinary approach.
1. Ability to identify, define, analyze & provide solutions for specific corporate-applications, after understanding functionalities of real- time manufacturing practices, through learned software/hardware technologies in core & multi- disciplinary courses.. 2. To design, develop & execute a software/hardware module with documentation/algorithm/code/ flowchart. 3. To have practical knowledge & skill to do advanced studies & research with a strong insight into multi-disciplinary approach. IV Comprehensive Viva 1. To provide platform to prove with effective communication & presentation skills so as to succeed as best team-mate/project-leader with good inter-personal skills, positive attitude to make a constructive deal. 1. Ability to explain orally about the problem under study and to express effectively to achieve the goal. Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 120
Elective, and Breadth (30)
Assessment is based on the balanced composition of basic sciences, HSS, professional core, electives and breadth to meet the PEOs. If such components are not included in the curriculum provided by the affiliated university, then we make additional efforts to impart such knowledge through covering such aspects through contents beyond syllabi. The following relative contents of different groups of subjects are included in the curriculum
Course Units Science / HSS / Professional Core, Elective or Breadth? PEOs specified by Affiliating Institution Additional theory / lab/ assignments / tests needed to meet objectives? Co mm ents T h e o r y
L a b
P r o j e c t
S c i e n c e s
P r o f
C o r e
E l e c t i v e
B r e a d t h
B. Tech. Electronics & Communication Engineering 48 15 4 5 5 40 12 5 PEOs specified by College All of the above ---
Add on contents:
Year Course Name Add-on Contents I English Theory : Personalities A documentary. Describing objects and places. Exposure to different Corporate situations. I Mathematics-1 Theory : Applications of DEs to simple pendulum, oscillations of a spring. Assignments : Limit of a sequence, neighborhood of a point. I Mathematical Methods Theory : Intermediate value theorem. Milnes method. Assignments : Newtons divided difference formula, Stirlings formula. II Mathematics-III 1. Continuity, differentiability of a complex function. 2. Types of singularities. 3. Tree traversals. II Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes 1. Multiple correlation 2. Area property of normal distribution II Signals and Systems understand the simulation of continuous time signal s and their frequency domain representation using MATLAB understand the simulation of discrete time signals and Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 121
their frequency domain representation using MATLAB understand the simulation of LTI system using MATLAB II Switching Theory and logic Design 1 analysis and design procedure of a asynchronous of sequential circuits II Electromagnetic theory and Transmission lines 1.Stokes and divergence theorems 2. Impedance circle diagram. 3.history of faradays law. 4.Applications of transmission lines II Analog Communications
1. Noise interference. 2.Limitation of FM 3. Noise in PM systems. III Digital IC Applications 1.basic operation of MOSFET 2.figure of merit calculation III Antennas and Wave Propagation 1.Design of broadband antenna 2.Design of helical antennas 3.Design of helical antenna for terahertz application III Digital Communications 1. applications of error detection and correction codes III Digital Signal Processing 1.various applications of digital signal processing III VLSI Design 1.Design of CMOS inverter 2.small signal analysis of a MOSFET 3.Designing of basic amplifier using MOSFET 4.Caluculation of propagation delay for the inverter 5.Realization of gates using DCVSL 6. Realization of gates using complementary pass transistor logic III Microwave Engineering 1.Microwave integrated circuits 2.Microwave filters 3. Surface acoustic Devices III Microprocessors and interfacing 1.Execution of instructions using T states and wait cycles 2.Architecture of 80186 processor 3.Design of traffic light controller using 8051 4.Introduction to PIC and ARM controllers IV Cellular and Mobile Communications 1.Queuing handoff 2. Reduction of co channel interference by notch in filter antennas. 3.GSM modes 4.Underlay-Overlay method IV Radar Systems 1.Radar Antennas 2.Navigational Aids IV Microcontrollers and Applications 1.Embedded C language programming IV Satellite Communications 1.Propogation effects and their impact on satellite links 2.Satellite application-digital tv broadcasting IV Optical Communications 1.raman effect 2. Laser as a tool for remote sensing. 3. CCD imaging systems
III-P.2 Content Delivery (30) Assessment must evaluate the effectivity of teaching content including e-tutorials and delivery. Innovation, if any should be specified including Tutorials..
Content delivery: 1. Chalk &talk 6.Roleplay Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 122
2. OHP 7.GroupDiscussion 3. LCD 8.Quiz 4. Digital Library 5. Video Lecture
Year & Sem Course Content Delivery
I Year English 1,5 Mathematics-I 1,2 Mathematical Methods 1,2,3 Applied Physics 1,3 Electronic Devices & Circuits 1,2,3,4 Network Analysis 1,2,4 Computer Programming and Data Structures 1 Engineering Drawing 1,2,3,4,5 Computer programming lab 1,3 Electronic Devices & Circuits lab 1,3 English language communication skills lab 1,4,5 IT workshop / Engineering workshop
II-I Sem
Mathematics-III 1,2 Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes 1,3 Environmental Studies 1,2,3 Signals And Systems 1,2,3,4 Electrical Technology 1,2 Electronic Circuit Analysis 1,2,3,5 Electronic Circuits Lab 1,3 Electrical Technology lab 1
Control Systems 1,2,3 Object Oriented programming 1,4 Pulse and Digital Circuits 1,4 Switching Theory and logic Design 1,2,3,5 Electromagnetic theory and Transmission lines 1,2,4 Analog Communications 1,2 Analog Communications lab 1,4 Pulse and digital circuits lab 1,4
Managerial Economics&Financial Analysis 1,2,3 Computer Organization 1,2 Antennas and Wave Propagation 1,2,4 Linear IC Applications 1,2,3,4 Digital Communications 1,3,4 Digital IC Applications 1,2,3,4,5 Digital Communication lab 1,3,4 IC Application & ECAD lab 1,4,5 III-II Management Science 1,3,4 Telecommunication Switching Systems 1,2,3 Digital Signal Processing 1,2,3,4,5 Microprocessors and Interfacing 1,2,3,4 VLSI Design 1,2,3,4,5 Microwave Engineering 1,2,3,5 Microprocessors and Interfacing lab 1 Advanced English Language Communication Skills lab 1,5 Computer Networks 1,3 Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 123
VIII-P.3 Laboratory and Project Work (20)
Laboratory: Students are made to perform additional experiments in their core labs to meet the PEOs which bridge the gap between theory classes and their practical applications. This exposes the students towards practical applications and industry. Some of the add-on contents given below:
Year Name of the lab Additional experiments I Computer Programming Lab Write a C Programs to demonstrate the use of operators. Write a C Program to convert acsii to character and vice versa. Write a C Program to find the maximum of three numbers. Write a C program to find LCM of two given Integers. Write a C program to find determinate of Matrix . Write a C program to print Pascal triangle in Reverse order. I IT workshop Basic DOS commands. Creating a blog . Cyber Hygiene. Different short cuts keys used in MS Office 2007. I Electronic devices and circuits lab 1.zener diode as a regulator 2.diac characteristics 3.triac characteristics 4.photodiode characteristics 5.phototransistor characteristics I English Language Communication Skills lab 1.Leadership Skills 2.Time Management 3.Confidence Building II Electronic Circuit lab 1. common source amplifier frequency response 2.cascade amplifier 3.class B push pull amplifier 4common base amplifier 5-ve and +ve voltage regulators II Electrical technology lab 1Equivalent circuit of a single phase induction motor 2. compensation theorem 3.brake test of DC shunt motor of millamens theorem 5.load characteristics of separately excited DC generator IV-I Electronic Measurements &Instrumentation 1,2,3 Cellular and Mobile Communications 1,2,3 Radar Systems 1,2,3,5 Microcontrollers and Applications 1,2,3,4 Television Engineering 1,2,3 Operating Systems 1,3 Digital Image processing 1,5 Satellite Communications 1,3,4,5 Digital Signal Processing Lab 1,3 Database management Systems 1,3 Microwave and Optical Communications Lab 1,3 IV-II Optical Communications 1,2,3 Embedded and Real Time Systems 1,2,3 Biomedical Instrumentation 1,2,3 Digital Design Through Verilog 1,2 Wireless Communication And Networks 1,3,4,5 DSP Processors and Architectures 1,2 Artificial Neural Networks 1,2 Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 124
Analog Communications lab
twin t network harmonic generator am modulation and demodulation using spectrum analyzer fm modulation and demodulation using spectrum analyzer ssb modulation and demodulation using spectrum analyzer II Pulse and digital circuits lab 1. design 1x4 demux using gates 2.verify the truth table of adders using logic gates 3.verify the truth table of substractors using logic gates 4.Liner wave shaping using PSPICE 5.Realization of Boolean expression using gates III Digital communication lab amplitude shift keying modulation and demodulation band pass filter characteristics pulse amplitude modulation and demodulation using spectrum analyzer pulse width modulation and demodulation using spectrum analyzer pulse position modulation and demodulation using spectrum analyzer pulse code modulation and demodulation using spectrum analyzer III IC Applications and ECAD Lab 1.voltage follower 2.schmit trigger using op-amp 3.basic gates using vhdl 4x16 encoder using 74x138 5. verify the truth table of JK f/f using 7473 IC III Microprocessors and interfacing lab 1(a).moving a block of data from one location other location using masm 1(b).string reversal using masm 2).checking the number of incidences of a particular character by scanning a string using masm 3).string comparision using masm 4).checking whether the given string is palindrome or not using masm 5(a).interfacing of stepper motor in clock wise direction 5(b).interfacing of stepper motor in anti clockwise direction 6.interfacing traffic lights with 8086 microprocessor 7(a). program for serial data transfer 7(b). program for writing data to parallel port 8(a). program for reading data from parallel port 8(b). configure timer/counters 9). interfacing traffic lights with 8051 microcontroler III Advanced English communication lab 1. Creative thinking 2. Stress management 3. Presentation skills IV Microwave and fiber optic comm. Lab frequency and wavelength measurement using gunn diode s-parameters of multihole directional coupler mesurement of power using magictee s-parameters of circulator measurement of power using isolator setting up of fiber optic voice link using intensity modulation intensity modulation using digital input signal intensity modulation using analog input signal IV Digital signal processing lab 1.cross correlation 2.plotting basic signals in matlab 3.chebyshev analog filter 4.fir filter design using wndow
Project work:
1. There shall be an industrial oriented mini-project, in collaboration with an industry of their specialization, to be taken up during the vacation after III year II semester Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 125
examination. The mini-project and its report shall be evaluated along with main project in IV year II semester. 2. Project work is carried out by the student batches under the supervision of their project guides. Each batch consists of maximum 5 students. Students are permitted to do the project work in reputed Industries /Organizations. 3. The students are directed to choose the projects from core domains of curriculum such as VLSI, Embedded Systems, Communication Systems, and Signal Processing etc. and also they are advised to implement the IEEE papers preferably. 4. The assessment of projects is supervised by Project Review Committee
The following is the list of Projects of Final year students for 3 years: Batch. No Roll. No Name of the student Title of the project Areas of specialization Academic Year 2011-12 ECE-A 1. 08U41A0426 K. Ravi kumar Performance Characteristics of Speech Signal Using Multirate Signal Processing Digital signal processing 08U41A0403 B.Divya sree 08U41A0421 J. V. V. Praveen 08U41A0432 L. Uday kiran 07U41A0408 Dadi Venkatesh 2. 08U41A0405 B. Swathi Morphological text Localization Digital signal processing 08U41A0431 K. Kishore Kumar 08U41A0442 N. Sndhya bai 08U41A0413 B. N. S. Kumar 3. 08U41A0411 B. Pavan Kumar Image Deblurring using Ease Scheme Digital image processing 08U41A0428 K. T. V. A. J.Naidu 08U41A0458 S. Srinu 08U41A0449 P. Dhanababu 4. 08U41A0422 K. Sudarsan Rao Multi-Face Recognition using Neural system Digital image processing 08U41A0423 K. Chitti Deepthi 09U45A0405 S. Vijay Kumar 5. 08U41A0415 D. V. L. Bhavani GSM based Home Automation Using 8051 Microcontroller 08U41A0448 P. Navabhaskar 08U41A0430 K. Ravi Chand 08U41A0401 A. Ravi Shankar 6. 08U41A0416 D. Susmitha DVB an application of MIMO Implementation in OFDM channel Communication systems 08U41A0455 S. Aruna Jyothi 08U41A0440 M. Sireesha 7. 08U41A0414 D. Sudheer Image Denoising using Wavelet Digital image processing 08U41A0433 L. Usha Rani 08U41A0447 P. Naresh 08U41A0429 K. Srikanth 8. 08U41A0445 N.Nagamani Automatic road Network Recognition & Extraction for Urban Planning Digital image processing 08U41A0452 Raamani 08U41A0425 K. Surya Sai 08U41A0402 B. Girish Kumar 9. 08U41A0446 P. Anil Kumar Orthogonal Variable Spreading factor Digital signal processing 08U41A0406 B. Vinay Kumar 08U41A0461 Zaheer Abbas 08U41A0409 B. Sankar 10. 08U41A0459 U. Venkata Rao Ultra Wideband VGA VLSI 08U41A0453 S. S. Nikhila 09U45A0403 M. Mani Kumar Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 126
08U41A0456 S. Chetan Kumar 11. 08U41A0418 D. Jyothshna Devi Pulse Compression using Complementary codes to find accurate range and Doppler resolution Radar systems 08U41A0437 M. S. S. Prasanth 08U41A0451 R. Naveen Pratap 09U45A0402 J. Sudkhar 12. 08U41A0457 S. Krishna Swaroop OFDM system Analysis for reduction of inter symbol Interference Communication system 08U41A0427 K. Siva 08U41A0438 M. Anvesh Varma 08U41A0444 N. Sagar 13. 08U41A0439 M. Deepthi Communication Coverage BY HATA calculations Antennas 08U41A0434 M.V.K.Naveen Kumar 08U41A0412 B. Avinash 08U41A0408 B. Maniteja 14. 08U41A0454 S. Pradeep Kumar Data Embedding in a Digital Scrambled Video Communication 08U41A0460 V. L. Narayana Babu 08U41A0419 E. Srinivas 15. 08U41A0420 G. M.S.Srinivasa Rao Stenography Digital image processing 08U41A0450 P. Kali Prakash 08U41A0404 B. Prathyusha 09U45A0407 R. Uday Bhaskar Academic Year 2011-12 ECE-B 1. 08U41A0463 Arsi shiva Genomic Signal Processing & FFT Implementation Using TMS320C67113DSK Processor Digital signal processing 08U41A0492 Y. Jagannatham 08U41A0483 G. Budha kumar 2. 08U41A046 P. Madhu Swamy Kasami Codes Digital signal processing 08U41A041 S. Gopi Krishna 08U41A0478 D. Narendra Kumar 08U41A0475 P. S. V.Mahesh 3. 08U41A048 K. Lakshmi Divya CELL Phone Operated Robot Microcontroller 08U41A0493 K. Santosh Babu 08U41A0497 K. Vijay Kumar 08U41A042 K. V. Rama Krishna 4. 08U41A0490 K. Raveendra An Intelligent Ambulance Controlling Traffic Lights Microcontroller 08U41A0474 D. Surendra 08U41A048 P. Srinivasa Reddy 5. 08U41A0486 K. Prasanthi Simulation of Kalman filter in Optical Fiber Communications Communicatio n system 08U41A0489 K. Hanudurga ram 09U45A0401 B.Venkateswara Rao 08U41A040 S. Raviteja 6. 08U41A0465 B. S. Venkateswarao Micro Controller Based Pre-Paid Power Outlets Microcontroller 08U41A043 M. Sandeep Sarma 08U41A045 S. Suresh Kumar 08U41A0467 B. V. R. Manikanta 7. 08U41A041 V. Sudheer Moving Text with Scientific Calculator using AVR Microcontroller Microcontroller 09U45A0404 L. Sridevi 08U41A0464 Bade Uday Kumar 08U41A042 M. Madhu 8. 08U41A0468 B. Yogeswar Adaptive Bandwidth Allocation in Wireless Networks with MD Communicatio n system 08U41A047 P. Madhavi Latha 08U41A0494 K. Sagar Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 127
08U41A0487 K. Santosh Kumar QOS 9. 08U41A0470 B. Naga Tejaswi Adaptive Channel Equalisation & its Application in DTMF and Image Processing Digital image processing 08U41A049 P. Krishna Deepak 08U41A0475 D. V. V. Nikhil Varma 08U41A0472 CH. Murali Krishna 10. 08U41A0485 K. Bhanu Satya Priya Snake Robot for Spying and Weather monitoring Embedded system 08U41A0491 K. Sravani 08U41A0495 K. V. Anil Kumar 09U45A046 B. Sunil Kumar 11. 08U41A0499 M. M. Ragadeepthi Design Of two Stage operational Amplifier VLSI 08U41A043 S. Sailaja 08U41A042 Shaik Shamin 08U41A0481 G. Venkatesh 12. 08U41A046 T. Bhanu Krishnaja Implementation of Advanced Encryption Standard Using VHDL VLSI 08U41A0462 Aditya Gollapilli 08U41A0484 G. Gayatri 08U41A0480 D. Radha 13. 08U41A040 V. V. Surya Lakshmi Brain Tumor Detection Using MRI Digital signal processing 08U41A0473 D. Lakshmi Prasanna 08U41A042 G. Pavani 08U41A0476 D. Satish Kumar 14. 08U41A044 S. Sarojini Image to Image Water marking Digital image processing 08U41A0477 D. Maheswari 08U41A040 Mohammad Shafi 08U41A0466 B. Raju Harsha 15. 08U41A0469 D. Madhu Keerthi Fingerprint Authentication using Visual Cryptography Digital image processing 08U41A044 N. N. Tejaswini DEVI 08U41A047 U. S.Praneet 08U41A049 V. Mercy Divya teja Academic Year 2010-11 1 07U41A0442 S. Shekar automatic speech recognition using acoustic feature extraction Digital signal processing 07U41A0430 M. V. P. Nitesh 07U41A0425 K. Saranya 07U41A0416 J. Kalyan Kiran 2 07U41A0450 V. M. V. D. Prasad ISAR imaging using range doppler algorithm Digital image processing 07U41A0401 A. Swathi8 07U41A0413 G. Saranya 07U41A0402 D. Tharakesh 3 07U41A0403 CH. L. V. S. Ramesh Raju radial basis function networks and genetic algorithm for system identification and filter design Digital signal processing 07U41A0428 N. Lavanya 07U41A0409 D. Sowjanya 07U41A0435 P. Kishore 4 07U41A0431 M. Lakshmana radiation pattern analysis of linear and planar array antennas using matlab Antennas 07U41A0452 N. Vara Prasad 07U41A0405 CH. Ramesh 07U41A0433 T. Moses 5 07U41A0445 S. Bharathi robust extraction of text in video Digital image processing 07U41A0437 P. Manoj 07U41A0423 K. Venkata Rao 07U41A0414 G. Nadeen Kumar 6 07U41A0415 J. Ajay Sreedhar blind signal separation with independent Neural networks 08U45A0404 K. Srideevi Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 128
07U41A0426 K. Divya component analysis by means of neural training 07U41A0418 K. Prasad Kumar 7 07U41A0446 T. Neelimavathi linear and non-linear multiuser detection for CDMA communication systems Communicatio n system 07U41A0456 V. Satish Kumar 07U41A0417 P. J. Sudher Raja 08U45A0401 K.Karunakar 8 07U41A0405 CH. Adi Krishna performance evaluation of digital image using PCA Digital image processing 07U41A0436 D. Pavani Putra 07U41A0439 R. Anantha Kumar 08U45A0403 P. RAJA KIRAN 9 07U41A0429 L .Shruthi signal compression and reconstruction with principal component analysis (PCA) using the generalised hebbian algorithm. Digital signal processing 07U41A0406 CH. Saroja 08U45A0404 CH. V. Sunitha 07U41A0411 D. N. V Girish Kumar 10 07U41A0421 K. Dileep Kumar approximation and prediction with feed forward neural networks Neural networks 07U41A0427 L. V. V. Naveen 07U41A0459 Y. V. Swamy 07U41A0440 A. Ravi Prasad 11 07U41A0443 P. Sireesha image compresion using wavelets Digital image processing 07U41A0448 T. B. S. Anil Krishna 07U41A0422 K. Chandravadana 07U41A0449 U. Abhiram 12 07U41A0407 D. Satish low power multiplier design using SPST VLSI 07U41A0434 M. Srinu 07U41A0458 V. V. Kishore 07U41A0455 V. Vijay Krishna 13 07U41A0454 V. Venkata Ramana time delayed sinals SNR by using FRFT low pass filter Communicatio ns 07U41A0441 S. Tirupathi Reddy 07U41A0447 T. Ashok Kumar 07U41A0406 Ch. Sowndarya 14 07U41A0424 K. Sunil Kumar FIR filter simulation and implementation of genomic and proteomics signals using matlab and TI DSK6713 processor Digital signal processing 07U41A0419 M. Kalyan Chakravarthy 07U41A0410 D. Priyanka 15 07U41A0412 G.Naga seeta DFT and FFT simulation and implementation of genomic and proteomic signals using matlab and TIDSK6713 processor Digital signal processing 07U41A0444 S. V. Karthik 07U41A0453 V. Bhanu Karthik 07U41A0420 K. Giridhar 16 07U41A0426 y. Anishkhanna MIMO radar ambigity function Radar systems 07U41A0457 v. Atchyut 07U41A0451 v. Suresh 07U41A0432 m. Prathima Academic Year 2009-10 1 06U41A0426 G. Naga Jyothi performance evaluation of FFT using MATLAB, VHDL and Digital signal processing 06U41A0434 S. Prashank 06U41A0446 U. Santosh Varma Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 129
06U41A0415 V. Kiran Kumar TMS320C6713 DSK 2 06U41A0441 J. Ramya error correction using convolutional codes communication system 06U41A0437 K.D. Prutvi Raju 06U41A0439 K. Rama Krishna 06U41A0458 K. Venkatesh 3 06U41A0421 R. L. Nivedhita multirate signal processing in multimedia applications Digital signal processing 06U41A0404 T. Bharat 06U41A0429 Nutan guria 06U41A0442 B. Ranjan 4 06U41A0422 N. Lakshmi design considerations of microstrip antenna using genetic algorithm Antennas 06U41A0432 A. Prassana kumar 06U41A0452 P. Sudher kumar 06U41A0451 G. Sudheer kumar 5 06U41A0405 M. Bharati the theory and design of fractal antennas Antennas 06U41A0449 B. Sireesha 06U41A0418 T. K Chaitayna 06U41A0453 Y. Tejvardhan 6 06U41A0447 N. Satish adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system for noise cancellation Neural networks 06U41A0416 B. Kireeti 06U41A0435 D. Praveen kumar 06U41A0424 K. Manoj Varma 7 06U41A0445 M. Sangeeta Performance evaluation of complementary pulse compressor Radar system 06U41A0436 M. Praveen kumar 06U41A0430 G. Pavan babu 06U41A0403 G. Bharat 8 06U41A0459 M. Vijay Kumar design and Implementation of optimal mismatched filters for radar pulse compression Radar systems 06U41A0417 D. Krishna Appa rao 06U41A0419 V. L. Chaitanya 06U41A0407 K. Chinna Rao 9 06U41A0423 G. Madhavai phased array antenna with beam steering
Antennas 06U41A0443 A. Renuka 06U41A0460 A. Vijay Sri 06U41A0431 V. Pothu Naidu 10 06U41A0414 K. Kantha Rao performance comparision for adaptive linear multi user detection for different coding techniques Communicatio n system 06U41A0427 D.N. S. S Raj kumar 06U41A0456 S. V. Santosh Kiran 06U41A0454 T. V.K. P Chaitanya 11 06U41A0425 M.Chatarjee target tracking using pseudo linear estimator with radar measurements Radar systems 06U41A0411 M. Harshita 06U41A0412 K. Hemanth kumar 06U41A0408 CH. George victor 12 06U41A0438 A.Rajesh simulation of cellular cdma Communicatio n system 06U41A0401 P. Ashok Kumar 06U41A0420 K. L. Manasa 06U41A0450 B. Sritha Babu 13 06U41A0413 P. Jyotsna design of FIR digital filter using MATLAB, VHDL and TMS 320C6713 with applicaton to radar pulse compressor Digital signal processing 06U41A0428 V. N. P. Bharadwaj 06U41A0410 S. Hari Babu 06U41A0444 M. Sailaja Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 130
14 06U41A0457 V.V. Santhosh, Hari Krishna performance analysis of different multipliers for fir filter using VHDL VLSI 06U41A0448 D. Satya Ragavendra 06U41A0402 B. Bhagya raj 06U41A0401 M. Chintaiah 15 06U41A0433 R. Prasanth linear multiuser detection for cdma communication systems Communicatio n system 06U41A0440 T.P. Rama priya 06U41A0409 G. Gopi 06U41A0455 CH. V. Rajesh
Assessment is based on the following: 1. Three project Seminars will be conducted and average of best two seminars will be considered for internal marks. 2. Project demonstration and Viva-Voce examination will be conducted for external marks.
VIII-P.4 Additional Contents to Bridge Curriculum Gaps (20)
The Department always follows a flexible approach towards bridging curriculum gaps by adding new topics to the courses as and when needed as well as making effective changes in its teaching methodologies in order to meet the PEOs specified.
Topics beyond the syllabus:
S.No Course Name Additional Contents I English Theory : Geographical beauty of India-A presentation. Discussion on eminent personalities Lives of famous eminent personalities Assignment : Charity encourages begging A debate I Mathematics-I Theory : Continuity, differentiability of a function at a point. Assignments : Limit of a sequence, neighborhood of a point. Applications of DEs to simple pendulum, oscillations of a spring. I Mathematical Methods Assignments : Gauss Jordan Method I Applied Physics Theory : Lattice energy Crystal structures Bohrs correspondence principle 4. Plancks hypothesis derivation I Network Analysis Theory : 1 Laws: Ohms law, Faradays Law, Lenzs Law, Flemings rule, Laws of resistance I Electronic Devices and Circuits Theory : Fermi Dirac Distribution II Signals and Systems 1. Discrete time transformations. 2. Circular convolution. II Electronic Circuit Analysis 1.Linear response of the transistor amplifier 2. MOSFET characteristics to analyze its small signal model. 3. Bootstrapped Darlington circuit analysis. II Pulse and Digital Circuits Application of synchronization limited content Minority carrier charge distribution Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 131
II Control systems 1. Examples on stability analysis using matlab/simulation. 2.examples of real time applications of control systems II Switching Theory and logic Design 1.BCD addition of full adders using half adders II Electromagnetic theory and Transmission lines 1. Three dimensional Cartesian, cylindrical and 2.spherical coordinate systems. 3. Transformation from one coordinate system to other. 4. Gradient, divergence, curl and Laplacian operations. II Environmental Studies Theory : In the first unit interlinking of subjects with proper examples is not given The fifth unit much focus should be on effects and control of pollution II Analog Communication Multi Tone Modulation Of AM Advantages And Disadvantages Of AM Generation And Detection Of PM Wave Advantages And Disadvantages of pulse modulation III Computer Organization topologies 2. Why communication standards are necessary. III Liner IC Applications 1. Analysis of different types of differential amplifiers. III Antennas and Wave Propagation 1.Micro strip antennas 2.High frequency antenna 3.matlab programs based on radiation patterns of different antennas.(BALANIS text book) III Digital Communications 1.Read Solomon Codes III Telecommunications Switching Systems and Networks 1.Classification of Switching systems 2. Electrical and Optical communication systems. 3.Self location scheme III Digital Signal Processing 1.different time frequency transforms 2.designing of analog interface to digital signal processors III VLSI design 1.Etching process in the fabrication 2.Depletion mode MOSFET 3. Comparision of different technologies while considering the inverter . 4.Drawing of stick diagram using elure rule 5.rise time and fall time of the cmos inverter III Microwave Engineering 1.Special tubes at UHF-ACORN Tube Pencil Triode 2.Schottky Barrier Diode III Microprocessors and Microcontrollers 1. TTL to RS-232 and RS-232 to TTL conversion. III Computer Networks Theory: Cryptography. Firewalls. Assignments: VLAN. IV Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation 1.display devices 2.microprocessor based ramp type, digital voltmeter (DVM) IV Cellular and Mobile Communications Planning a cellular system. Spectrum efficiency considerations. Layer modeling. IV Radar Systems 1. Range Resolution. 2. Radar range for short distance communication. IV Microcontroller and applications 1.keil software IV Optical Communications 1. What are the problems associated with analog data transmission over the optical systems. 2. Different optical modulation schemes in optical communication systems. Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 132
3. How to amplify the optical signals optically- optical signal amplifiers.
The Educational Objectives of the Electronics and Communication Engineering Program at Dadi Institute of Engineering And Technology are as follows:
P1.Domain knowledge: Graduates will have the knowledge of mathematics, science, computing and engineering fundamentals, breadth and in-depth studies in Electronics and Communication Engineering, laboratory and project based experiences in addition to proficiency in computer-based engineering and use of modern computational tools.
P2.Employment: Graduates will succeed in entry-level engineering positions within the core Electronics and Communication Engineering, computational or manufacturing firms in regional, national, or international industries and with government agencies.
P3.Higher Studies & Life long Education: Graduates will succeed in the pursuit of advanced degrees in engineering or other fields and will have skills for, continued independent, life-long learning to become experts in their profession and to broaden their professional knowledge.
P4.Professional citizenship: Graduates will have the ability to organize and present information, to write and speak effective English, to work effectively on team-based engineering projects and will practice ethics and have a sense of social responsibility.
Programme Outcomes:
a) An ability to apply the knowledge of Mathematics, science and engineering in Electronics and communications. b) An ability to Design & Conduct Experiments, as well as analyze & Interpret Data c) An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs with in realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability. d) An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams e) Ability to Identify, Formulate & Solve problems in the area of Electronics and Communications Engineering. f) An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 133
g) An ability to communicate effectively h) The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context. i) A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning. j) A knowledge contemporary issues k) An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.
Mapping of PEOs & POs
Domain Knowledge
Employment Higher Studies & Lifelong Learning Engineering Citizenship -Communication -TeamWork -Ethics -Social Responsi a Apply M-S-E X X X b D&C Experiments X X X c Design System/Component/ Process with Constraints X X X X d Team Culture X X X X e Problem Solving X X X X f Professional Ethics X X X g Good Communication X X X X h Impact of Engineering on Global Issues X X X X i Lifelong Learning X X X j Contemporary Issues X X X K Using Modern Engineering Tools X X X
List all the course modules along with their PEOs (Ref. Part III) along with Course-files etc.: Course Units (Theor y Tutori al Lab) PEOs Assessment (Poor / Average / Good / Excellent) Comments (e.g., needs, re-working, strengthening, etc. Theory Lab Assignm ents / Tests / Exams Proje ct / Inde pend ent Stud y Theory Lab Assignm ents / Tests / Exams Projec t / Indepe ndent Study I Year English 8 Good Good Strengt- hening
Strengthe -ning
Mathematics- I 8 Good Good Strengt- hening
Strengthe -ning
Mathematical Methods 8 Good Good Strengt- hening
Strengthe -ning
Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 134
Applied Physics 8 Excellent Excellent Electronic Devices And Circuits 8 Excellent Excellent Computer Programming and Data Structures 8 Good Good Strengt- hening
Strengthe -ning
Engineering Drawing 8 Good stren gthe n
Computer programming lab 16+3 Excel lent
Electronic Devices And Circuits lab 16+5 Excel lent
Network Analysis English language communicati on skills lab 8 Good Good Strengt- hening
Strengthe -ning
IT workshop / Engineering workshop 15+2 Excel lent
II Year I Sem Mathematics- III 8 Good Good Strengt- hening
Strengthe -ning
l 8 Excelle nt Excellent Environmenta l Studies 8 Excelle nt Excellent Signals And Systems 8 Good Good strength- ening
Strengthe -ning
Electrical Technology 8 Excelle nt Excellent Electronic Circuit Analysis 8 Excelle nt Excellent Electronic Circuits Lab 12+5 Excelle nt
Electrical Technology lab 10+5 Excelle nt
II Year II Sem Control Systems 8 Good Good Strengt- hening
Strengthe -ning
Object Oriented programming 8 Good Good Strengt- hening
Strengthe -ning
Pulse and Digital Circuits 8 Good Good Strengt- hening
Strengthe -ning
Switching Theory and logic Design 8 Excelle nt Excellent Electromagne tic theory and 8 Good Good strength- ening
Strengthe -ning
Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 135
Transmission lines Analog Communicati ons 8 Good Good Strengthe -ning
Analog Communicati ons lab 10+5 Excelle nt
Pulse and digital circuits lab 12+5 Excelle nt
III Year - I Sem Managerial Economics &Financial Analysis 8 Excell ent
Computer Organization 8 Good Good strength- ening
Strength e-ning
Antennas and Wave Propagation 8 Good Good Strengt- hening
Strength e-ning
Linear IC Applications 8 Good Good Strengthen ing
Strength ening
Digital Communicati ons 8 Good Good Strengt- hening
Strength e-ning
Digital IC Applications 8 Good Good Strengt- hening
Strength e-ning
Digital Communicati on lab 11+6 Excel lent
ICApplicatio n & ECAD lab 12+7 Excel lent
III Year II Sem Management Science 8 Excell ent Excellent Telecommuni cation Switching Systems 8 Excell ent Excellent Digital Signal Processing 8 Good Good Strengt- hening
Strength e-ning
Microprocess ors and Interfacing 8 Good Good strength- ening
Strength e-ning
VLSI Design 8 Good Good Strengt- hening
Strength e-ning
Microwave Engineering 8 Good Good Strengt- hening
Strength e-ning
Microprocess ors&Interfaci ng Lab 17+9 Excel lent
Advanced English Language Communicati on Skills lab 10+3 Excel lent
IV Year I Sem Computer 8 Excell Excellent Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 136
Networks ent Electronic Measurement s & Instrumentati on 8 Good Good Strengt- hening
Strength e-ning
Cellular and Mobile Communicati ons 8 Excell ent Excellent Radar Systems 8 Good Good Strengt- hening
Strength e-ning
Microcontroll ers and Applications 8 Excell ent Excellent Television Engineering 8 Operating Systems 8 Digital Image processing 8 Excell ent Excellent Satellite Communicati ons 8 Database management Systems 8 Microwave and Optical Communicati ons Lab 12+8 Excel lent
Digital Signal processing Lab 12+4 Excel lent
IV Year II Sem Optical Communicati ons 8 Good Good strength- ening
Strength e-ning
Embedded and Real Time Systems 8 Biomedical Instrumentati on 8 Excell ent Excellent Wireless Communicati on And Networks 8 DSP Processors and Architectures 8 Artificial Neural Networks 8 Excell ent Excellent Industry Oriented Mini Project Excellent Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 137
Seminar Excellent Project Work Excellent Comprehensi ve Viva Excellent
IX-P.1 PEOs Mapping with Curriculum (30)
Assessment must be based on the PEOs defined for a course or a set of courses, and their mapping with the curriculum
S.No Course Name Program Objectives I Year 1 English P3, P4 2 Mathematics-I P1 3 Mathematical Methods P1 4 Applied Physics P1, P3 5 Electronic Devices And Circuits P2, P3 6 Computer Programming and Data Structures P1, P2, P3 7 Engineering Drawing P1, P2, P3, P4 8 Computer programming lab P1, P2, P3 9 Electronic Devices And Circuits lab P3, P6 10 Network Analysis P1, P4 11 English language communication skills lab P3, P4 12 IT workshop / Engineering workshop P1, P3 II Year I Sem 13 Mathematics-III P1 14 Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes P1, P3 15 Environmental Studies P2, P3, P4 16 Signals And Systems P1, P2, P3 17 Electrical Technology P1, P2, P3 18 Electronic Circuit Analysis P1, P2, P3 19 Electronic Circuits Lab P1, P2, P3 20 Electrical Technology lab P1, P2, P3 II Year II Sem 21 Control Systems P1 22 Object Oriented programming P1, P2, P3 23 Pulse and Digital Circuits P2, P3 24 Switching Theory and logic Design P1, P2, P3 25 Electromagnetic theory anTransmission P1, P2 26 Analog Communications P1, P2, P3 27 Analog Communications lab P2, P3 28 Pulse and digital circuits lab P2, P3 III Year I Sem 29 Managerial Economics & Financial Analysis P3, P4 30 Computer Organization P1, P2, P3 Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 138
31 Antennas and Wave Propagation P1 32 Linear IC Applications P2, P3 33 Digital Communications P1, P2, P3 34 Digital IC Applications P1, P2, P3 35 Digital Communication lab P1, P2, P3 36 IC Application & ECAD lab P1, P2, P3 III Year II Sem 37 Management Science P2, P3 38 Telecommunication Switching Systems P1, P2, P3, P4 39 Digital Signal Processing P1, P2, P3 40 Microprocessors and Interfacing P1, P2, P3 41 VLSI Design P1, P2, P3 42 Microwave Engineering P1, P2, P3 43 Microprocessors and interfacing lab P1, P2, P3 44 Advanced English Language Communication Skills lab P3, P4 IV Year I Sem 45 Computer Networks P1, P2 46 Electronic Measurements &Instrumentation P1, P3 47 Cellular and Mobile Communications P1, P2, P3 48 Radar Systems P1, P2, P3 49 Elective-1 Microcontrollers and Applications
P1, P2, P3 50 Television Engineering P1, P2, P3 51 Operating Systems P1, P2, P3, P4 52 Elective-II Digital Image processing
P1, P2, P3 53 Satellite Communications P1, P2, P3 54 Database management Systems P1, P2 55 Microwave and Optical Communications Lab P1, P2, P3 56 Digital Signal processing Lab P1, P2, P3 IV Year II Sem 57 Optical Communications P1, P2, P3 58 Elective-III Embedded and Real Time Systems
P1, P2, P3 59 Biomedical Instrumentation P1, P2, P3 60 Digital Design Through Verilog P1, P2 61 Elective IV Wireless Communication And Newworks P1, P2, P3 62 DSP Processors and Architectures P1, P2, P3 63 Artificial Neural Networks P1, P2, P3 64 Industry Oriented Mini Project P1, P2, P3, P4 65 Seminar P1 66 Project Work P1, P2, P3, P4 67 Comprehensive Viva P1
IX-P.2 PEOs Mapping with Content Delivery Theory and Labs (30)
Assessment must be based on the PEOs defined for a course or a set of courses, and Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 139
their mapping with (i) content delivery and (ii) knowledge gained through theory classes and laboratory work.
Produce sample course files (best and average quality), handouts showing course deliveries mapped to the identified PEOs. In case of an affiliated institution, there may be a provision for teaching additional topics and holding supplementary tests/examinations in order to achieve the identified PEOs. Produce sample laboratory assignment sheets (best and average quality). This exercise is aimed at assessing the possibility and provision for PEOs mapping with content delivery and the capability of the Institution to do so. Content delivery: 1. Chalk & talk 5. Video Lecture 2. OHP 6. Rolepla 3. LCD 7. Group Discussion 4. Digital Library 8. Quiz
Year/Sem Course Meeting PEOs Content Delivery Knowledge Gained Through Theory 1)Curriculum 2) Contents Beyond Lab works 1) Curriculum 2) Advanced Experiments I Year English P3, P4 1, 3,5,6,7,8 1,2 Mathematics-I P1 1,2 1,2 Mathematical Methods P1 1,2,3 1,2 Applied Physics P1, P3 1,3 1 Electronic Devices And Circuits P2, P3 1,2,3,4 1 Network Analysis P1, P2, P3 1,2,4 1 Computer Programming and Data Structures P1, P2, P3, P4 1 1,2 1,2 Engineering Drawing P1, P2, P3 1,2,3,4,5 1 1,2 Computer programming lab P3, P6 1,3 1,2 Electronic Devices And Circuits lab P1, P4 1,3 1,2
English language communication skills lab P3, P4 1,4,5 1,2
IT workshop / Engineering workshop P1, P3 1 1,2
II-I Sem
Mathematics-III P1 1,2 1,2 Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes P1, P3 1,3 1,2 Environmental Studies P2, P3, P4 1,2,3 1 Signals And Systems P1, P2, P3 1,2,3,4,6,7, 8 1,2 Electrical Technology P1, P2, P3 1,2 1 Electronic Circuit Analysis P1, P2, P3 1,2,3,5 1 Electronic Circuits Lab P1, P2, P3 1,3 1,2 Electrical Technology lab P1, P2, P3 1 1,2 Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 140
Control Systems P1 1,2,3 1 Object Oriented programming P1, P2, P3 1,4 1 Pulse and Digital Circuits P2, P3 1,4 1 Switching Theory and logic Design P1, P2, P3 1,2,3,5 1,2 Electromagnetic theory and Transmission lines P1, P2 1,2,4 1,2 Analog Communications P1, P2, P3 1,2 1,2 Analog Communications lab P2, P3 1,4 1,2 Pulse and digital circuits lab P2, P3 1,4 1,2
Managerial Economics&Financial Analysis P3,P4 1,2,3 1 Computer Organization P1, P2, P3 1,2 1 Antennas and Wave Propagation P1 1,2,4 1,2 Linear IC Applications P2, P3 1,2,3,4 1 Digital Communications P1, P2, P3 1,3,4,6,7,8 1,2 Digital IC Applications P1, P2, P3 1,2,3,4,5 1,2 Digital Communication lab P1, P2, P3 1,3,4 IC Application & ECAD lab P1, P2, P3 1,4,5 1,2
III-II Management Science P2, P3 1,3,4 1 Telecommunication Switching Systems P1, P2, P3,P4 1,2,3 1 Digital Signal Processing P1, P2,P3 1,2,3,4,5 1,2 Microprocessors and Interfacing P1, P2, P3 1,2,3,4 1,2 VLSI Design P1, P2, P3 1,2,3,4,5 1,2 Microwave Engineering P1, P2, P3 1,2,3,5 1,2 Microprocessors and Interfacing lab P1, P2, P3 1 1,2 Advanced English Language Communication Skills lab P3, P4 1,5 1,2
Computer Networks P1,P2 1,3 1 Electronic Measurements &Instrumentation P1, P3 1,2,3,6 1 Cellular and Mobile Communications P1, P2, P3 1,2,3 1,2 Radar Systems P1, P2, P3 1,2,3,5,6 1,2 Microcontrollers and Applications P1, P2, P3 1,2,3,4 1,2 Television Engineering P1, P2, Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 141
P3 Operating Systems P1, P2, P3,P4 1,3 1,2 Digital Image processing P1, P2, P3 1,5 1 Satellite Communications P1, P2, P3 1,3,4,5 1,2 Digital Signal ProcessinLab P1,P2,P3 1,3 1,2 Database management Systems P1,P2 1,3 1 Microwave and Optical Communications Lab P1,P2,P3 1,3 1,2
IV-II Optical Communications P1,P2,P3 1,2,3 1,2 Embedded and Real Time Systems P1,P2,P3 Biomedical Instrumentation P1,P3 1,2,3,6 1 Digital Design Through Verilog P1,P2 Wireless Communication And Networks P4 1,3,4,5 1 DSP Processors and Architectures P1, P2,P3 Artificial Neural Networks P1, P2,P3 1,3,4,6,7,8 1 Industry Oriented Mini Project P1, P2, P3, P4
Seminar P1 Project Work P1, P2, P3, P4
Comprehensive Viva P1
IX-P.4 PEOs Mapping with Final Year Project work (30)
Assessment of final year students projects must be done considering criteria such as their quality, (i) the state-of-the-art technology used in execution, (ii) their relevance to industry and academics, (iii) the use and development of theoretical and experimental methods, and (iv) the coverage of border areas of the programme. Include a list of five best and average projects from each of the three years CAY,
Name of the students Project Title Areas of Specializat ion Project Supervisor(s) Contributi on / Achieveme nts / research Output Matchin g with the stated PEOs Publicat ions 2007-2011 Main Projects S. Shakar Automatic speech recognition using acoustic Digital Signal Processin g
Mr.S.srinivas Asst.Prof
Contributi on
P1, P2, P3, P4
M. V. P. Nitesh K. Saranya J. Kalyan Kiran Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 142
feature extraction
V. M. V. D. Prasad ISAR imaging using range doppler algorithm Digital Signal Processin g
Mrs.M.Neelima Asst.Prof
Contributi on
P1, P2, P3, P4
A. swathi G. Saranya D. Tharakesh CH. L. V. S. Ramesh Raju Radial basis function networks and genetic algorithm for system identification and filter design Digital Signal Processin g Mr.A.Suresh
Contributi on
P1, P2, P3, P4
-- N. Lavanya D. Sowjanya P. Kishoru M. Lakshmana radiation pattern analysis of linear and planar array antennas using matlab Antennas
Mrs.G.SaradhaRan i Sr.Asst.Prof
Contributi on
P1, P2, P3, P4
N. Vara Prasad CH. Ramesh T. Moses S. Bharathi robust extraction of text in video Digital Image Processin g
Contributi on-
P1, P2, P3,
P. Manoj Ms.N.R.Ratnamala K. Venkata Rao Asst.Prof G. Nadeen Kumar
J. Ajay Sreedhar blind signal separation with independent component analysis by means of neural training Neural Networks Mrs.D.L.Mythri Asst.Prof Contributi on
P1, P2, P3,
K. Sridevi K. Divya K. Prasad Kumar T. Neelimavathi linear and non- linear multi usr detection for cdma communication systems Communi cation Systems Mr.A.Vamsidhar A ssoc.Prof
Contributi on
P1, P2, P3, P4
V. Satish Kumar --
P. J. Sudhir Raja K. KArunakar CH. Adi Krishna performance evaluation of digital image using pca Digital Image Processin g
Mr.A.Vamsidhar Assoc.Prof
Contributi on
P1, P2, P3, P4
D. Pavani Rupa R. Anantha Kumar P. Raja Kiran L .Shruthi Signal compression and reconstruction with principal component analysis (pca) using the generalised Digital Signal Processin g
Ms.N.Sirisha Asst.Prof
Contributi on
P1, P2, P3,
CH. Saroja CH. V. Sunitha D. N. V Girish Kumar Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 143
hebbian algorithm. K. DIleep Kumar approximation and prediction with feed forward neural networks Neural Networks Ms.K.Iswaryana Krishna Asst.Prof
Contributi on
P1, P2, P3,
-- L. V. V. Naveen Y. V. Swamy A. Raviprasad
P. Sireesha image compresion using wavelets Digital Image Processin g Mr.T.V.S.Apparao Asst.Prof
Contributi on P1, P2, P3,
T. B. S. Anil Krishna K. Chandravadana U. Abhiram D. Satish low power multiplier design using spst VLSI
Mr.S.srinivas Asst.Prof
P1, P2, P3,
M. Srinu Contributi on --
V. V. Kishore V. Vijay Krishna V. Venkata Ramana time delayed sinals snr by using frft low pass filter Communi cation Systems
Contributi on
P1, P2 P3
S. Tirupathi Reddy Mrs.B.Manjula Asst.Prof T. Ashok Kumar CH. Sowndarya
K. Sunil Kumar fir filter simulation and implementatio n of genomic and proteomics signals using matlab and ti dsk6713 processor Digital Signal Processin g Mr.P.Srihari Assoc.Prof Contribut ion
P1, P2 P3, P4
M. Kalyan ChakravarThy -- D. Priyanka G.naga seeta dft and fft simulation and implementatio n of genomic and proteomic signals using matlab and tidsk6713 processor Digital Signal Processin g
Mr.P.Srihari Assoc.Prof
Contributi on
P1, P2 P3, P4
S. V. Karthik V. Bhanu Karthik K. Giridhar Anishkhana mimo radar ambiguity function RADAR
Ms.M.S.Sirisha Asst.Prof
Contributi on
P1, P2 P3, P4
V. Atchyut -- V. Suresh M. Prathima 2006-10 B. Tech Batch Main Projects G. Naga Jyothi Performance evaluation of FFT using matlab, vhdl and tms320c6713 dsk DSP Ms.M.S.Sirisha Asst.Prof Contributi on P1, P2 P3
S. Prashank -- U. Santosh Varma V. Kiran Kumar J. Ramya Error correction using convolutional codes Communi cation Systems Mr.P.Srihari,Asso c.Pro HOD Contributi on- P1, P2, P3, P4
K.D. Prutvi Raju
K. Rama Krishna -- K. Venkatesh
Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 144
R. L. Nivedhita Multirate signal processing in multimedia applications Digital Signal Processing Ms.S.Krishnaveni Asst.Prof Contributi on- P1, P2, P3
T. Bharat -- Nutan guria
B. Ranjan
N. Lakshmi A. Prassana Kumar P. Sudher Kumar g. sudheer Kumar design considerations of microstrip antenna using genetic algorithm Antennas Mrs.G.Saradharan i Sr.Asst.Prof Contributi on- P1, P2, P3 --
M. Bharati the theory and design of fractal antennas Antennas
Contributi on- P1, P2, P3 --
B. Sireesha Ms.T.Vidyavathi T. K Chaitayna Y. Tejvardhan N. Satish Adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system for noise cancellation Neural Networks Mr.K.Mahendra Reddy Contributi on- P1, P2, P3 -- B. Kireeti D. Praveen Kumar K. Manoj Varma M. Sangeeta performance evaluation of complementar y pulse compressor RADAR Mr.A.Suresh Asst.Prof Contributi on- P1, P2 -- M. Praveen Kumar G. Pavan Babu G. Bharat M. Vijay Kumar Design and implementatio n of optimal mismatched filters for radar pulse compression RADAR Mr.P.Srihari Assoc.Prof HOD Contributi on- P1, P2, P3, P4 --- D. Krishna Appa rao V. L. Chaitanya K. Chinna rao G. Madhavi phased array antenna with beam Steering Antennas Mr.A.VijaySankar Assoc.Prof Contributi on- P1, P2, P3
A. Renuka -- A. vijaya SRI
V. Pothu Naidu
K. Kantha Rao performance comparision for adaptive linear multi user detection for different coding techniques Communi cation Systems Mr.A.Vamsidhar Assoc.Prof Contributi on- P1, P2, P3, P4
D.N. S. S Raj Kumar -- S. V. Santhosh Kiran T. V.K. P Chaitanya Moumita Chatarjee Target tracking using pseudo linear estimator with radar measurements RADAR Mr.P.Srihari Assoc.Prof Contributi on- P1, P2, P3, P4
M. Harshita
K. Hemanth Kumar
CH. George Victor
A.Rajesh simulation of cellular cdma Communi cation Systems Mrs.G.Saradharan i Sr.Asst.Prof Contributi on- P1, P2, P3, P4 -- P. Ashok Kumar K. L. Manasa B. Sridhar Babu P. Jyotsna Design of fir digital filter using matlab, vhdl and tms 320c6713 with Digital Signal Processing
Ms.M.RamyaSwet ha Asst.Prof Contributi on- P1, P2, P3, P4 -- V. N. P. Bharadwaj S. Hari babu M. Sailaja Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 145
applicaton to radar pulse compressor V.V. Santhosh Hari Krishna performance analysis of different multipliers for fir filter using vhdl VLSI Mr.S.Srinivas Asst.Prof Contributi on- P1, P2, P3, P4 -- D. Satya Ragavendra B. Bhagya Raj M. Chintaiah R. Prasanth linear multiuser detection for cdma communicatio n systems Communi cation Systems Mr.A.Vamsidhar Assoc.Prof Contributi on- P1, P2, P3, P4 -- T.P. Rama Priya G. Gopi CH. V. Rajesh
IX-P.5 Continuous Improvement in the Process of PEOs Mapping and Assessment (30) The department of ECE strives to achieve the stated PEOs while conforming to the curriculum and criteria specified by the affiliating JNTU Kakinada. To realize these twin objectives and ensure the attainment of mandatory outcomes, the department has adopted an inclusive and dynamic process for mapping and assessment of PEOs.
Salient features of this process are Inputs are received from all stakeholders i.e., Employers, Alumni, Parents, Students and Faculty. Representatives of Government, Industry, Academia, R&D establishments and professional bodies are consulted. Published surveys from Professional Bodies are referred to know technology trends and employment predictions. The Assessment committee consisting of senior faculty members of the department to assesses the PEO mapping in relevance to scope for Improvement in the attainment of program outcomes. Published Surveys / Reports
F E E D B A C K Students Alumni Parents Employers Faculty Assessme nt Committe e I N T E R A C T I O N Assessment and Recommendations
Academia R&D Institutions Prof. Bodies Body Statutory Bodies UGC AICTE Governme nt Prof. Bodies Industry Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 146
Improvement in faculty contribution and achievement. Feasibility and being in tune with the current scenario.
The Assessment committee submits its findings of assessment to the Department Advisory Committee. The assessment committee, finalized the assessment and gives its recommendations in terms of 1. Revised course objectives, outcomes and ensuing supplementary content. 2. Revised processes for content delivery and evaluation.
Based on the recommendations of the assessment committee, faculty members will 1. Prepare course objectives, course outcomes. 2. Prepare the necessary content for bridging the gaps. 3. Ensure the realization of desired objectives suitably by modifying the delivery process and evaluation process.
Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 147
Criterion X: Programme Outcomes and Assessment (100)
X-P.1 Demonstration of Attainment of Mandatory a-to-k outcomes (Ref. Part III) (50)
Evaluation is based on outcome assessment from students, faculty and placement attainments.
Engineering programmes must demonstrate that their students attain the following outcomes:
(a) An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering, (b) An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data, (c) An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability, (d) An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams, (e) An ability to identify, formulates, and solve engineering problems, (f) An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility, (g) An ability to communicate effectively, (h) The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context, (i) A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning, (j) A knowledge of contemporary issues, and (k) An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.
X-P.1.1 Assessment of outcomes from students attainment (15)
Academic and professional achievements by students in terms of a-to-k-outcomes must be evaluated out as per documented processes.
37.6% eligible students got employment 15% students gone for higher studies 70% of students won prizes in various events. 70% of students participated in various events in many colleges. 20% of DIET IEEE WIEAG Students participated in IEEE WIECON-2012 which Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 148
was held during 5-7 March 2012, Bhimavaram. 8% of students received OUTSTANDING VOLUNTEER certificate from IEEE Hyderabad section in the year 2011. 6% of students received ACHIEVER Awards from JNTUK in 2010. 2 students received OUTSTANDING VOLUNTEER Award from IEEE President for the service of DIET IEEE Student Branch for the year 2009-2010. 80% of students participated in the IEEE Xtreme programming competition in the year 2009. 33% of DIET IEEE students attended the IEEE Hyderabad section student congress held during 9-10 Aug, 2009 at OU campus, Hyderabad. Gold Medal G.Naga Jyothi received GOLD MEDAL from Management of DIET in the year 2010.
G Good A- Average NI Need to Improve S.No Students Achievements Program Outcomes a b c d e f g h i j k 1 Academic Performance G G NI - G - G g NI - NI 2 Co-Curricular& Extra Curricular and social responsibilities & contribution Attainments - - G G - G G - - - - 3 Projects', Publication Attainments G NI A G A - G NI NI - G 4 Students' Placements G A A - A - G - - - A 5 Students' Higher studies G NI NI - NI - G NI - - NI
X-P.1.2 Assessment of outcomes due to faculty contributions and achievements (15)
Academic and professional contributions of the faculty leading to a-to-k-outcomes and their achievements must be evaluated as per documented processes.
70% of our faculties are members of Professional societies. Our faculty attained OUTSTANDING BRANCH COUNSELOR Award from IEEE, BEST TEACHER AWARD from JNTUK and BEST RESEARCHER AWARD from JNTUK in the year 2009-2010. Our faculty won first prize in National Conference on Advances in Signal processing (NCASP-09) in presenting a technical paper on a dual voltage -frequency VLSI chip for Image Watermarking in DCT domain, conducted in Andhra University, Visakhapatnam. Our faculty received full sponsorship from IEEE Hyderabad section to attend IEEE Student Congress held during 5-7 July, 2011 at Auckland, New Zealand. Our faculty member was elected as IEEE Graduates of last Decade Affinity Group, Vice Chair of IEEE Hyderabad section and as IEEE Hyderabad section Student activities committee Chair for the year 2011. Our faculty member was a member of organizing committee of IEEE INDICON-2011 which was held during Dec 19-21, BITS Pilani campus, Hyderabad. Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 149
30% of faculty members attended various workshops. 10% of faculty members received appreciation certificates from different Professors.
G Good A- Average NI Need to Improve
X-P.1.3 Assessment of outcomes from placement (10)
Assessment of achieved objectives as revealed through placement data (type of jobs, nature of companies, higher studies etc.) must be evaluated as per documented processes.
Placement details: S.No Faculty contributions & Achievements Programme outcomes a b c d e f g h i j k 1 FDP Programs Attended/ Organized - G NI NI A - G NI NI - NI 2 Continuing Education M.Tech/PhD G G A A G - G A NI - G 3 Responsibilities & Accountabilities (ex.Students Counseling/Mentoring, preparation of study materials) G G - - A G G A NI - A 4 Professional Bodies Memberships G A A G A - G NI NI - NI
Year No. of Students Admitted No. of Students Graduated Total No. of Students Placed % Of Students Placed 2007-2011 65 53 17 26.15 2006-2010 60 57 30 50 S.No Name of the Company No. of Students Placed 1 Software Tester at ZenQA, Hyd 2007-2011 : 1 2 Sutherland Global Services 2007-2011 : 1 3 HSBC 2007-2011 : 1 4 Datalabs, Hyd 2007-2011 : 3 5 Entrepreneur, started own firm called Elites, InfoTech 2007-2011 : 1 6 Genpact 2007-2011 : 1 Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 150
X- P.1.4 Assess ment of achiev ement s as disseminated in media/public form (10) Assessment of achievements, as published in the media/public form of repute (excluding the internal publications of the Institute, its media partners) must be done based on their impact.
S.No Event Particulars Clippings 1. ECE students won II nd prize in the zonal cricket sports competition held from February 29 th to march 5 th , 2012 conducted by GIET college at Rajahmundry.
2. A campus drive conducted by CLINK technologies recruited 10 students, held on December 22 nd 2011.
3. WIPRO selected 23 students in a campus drive conducted on 14 th October,2011.
4. IBM conducted a campus drive on 27 th march, 2012 and 200 students from other colleges participated, in which 15students from DIET got selected.
5. DIET IEEE Student Branch and DIET IEEE WIEAG SBC won Darrel Chong Student Activity Award for the year 2010.
Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 152
6. Pavani and team won Ist prize in throw ball conducted by GONNA college of engineering, held from march 6 th to 10 th , 2012.
7. I-GENESIS recruited 10students in a campus drive conducted on April 3, 2012.
8 G.Naga Jyothi won the GOLD MEDAL from JNTUK in the year 2010.
Two day seminar by AUCW head Dr.Valli kumari on Computer role on business conducted at DIET.
Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 153
10 FINIX IT solution company recruited 10 students held on 26 th
march, 2011.
X-P.2 Assessment of Outcomes by External Stakeholders (30)
X-P.2.1 Documented process and assessment from Industries (10)
Evaluation must be done based on documented processes for repeatedly assessing the outcomes by the relevant industries.
Very well experienced teaching staff. Good infrastructure and learning environment. Student-Teacher co-ordination is very good.
Employers' Feedbacks:
The Department Co-Ordinator and the Placement Officer regularly collect feedbacks from employers where our students are employed as Engineers. The following points have been highlighted on our Student-Engineers:
a. Exhibit good teamwork and have good communication skills and excellent Analytical skill and learning ability. b. Need more knowledge on use of modern equipment and design tools. c. Should have more expertise on the latest technologies and domains. Company visitors feedback
S.No Company Feedback 1 IBM Pleasant experience .Wishes to visit again 2 Symbiosis Eminent faculty and well established infrastructure 3 INFOSYS Students are good and energetic 4 WIPRO (Technologies and BPO) Good staff coordination. Student need to improve debate quality 5 CLINK Technologies Student need to improve ability, interpersonal skill and Technical skill 6 HCL Technologies and BPO Imparting quality technical education 7 TCS Good infrastructure and facilities 8 TECH MAHINDRA Students attitudes, behavior, communication skill is good Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 154
9 CONVERGYS Good experience, students should improve technical skill & interpersonal skills 10 COGNIZANT Good administration and placement cell 11 INFOTECH Pleasant experience, wishes to visit again 12 GENPACT Good staff coordination. Student need to Improve.
X-P.2.2 Documented process and assessment from Alumni (10)
Evaluation must be done based on documented processes for repeatedly assessing the outcomes by the qualified and relevant alumni.
X-P.2.3 Documented process and assessment from Professional Bodies (10)
Evaluation must be done based on documented processes for repeatedly assessing the outcomes by the applicable and recognized national/international professional bodies.
DIET IEEE Student Branch won Outstanding Branch Counselor Award for the academic year 2010-2011. One of our faculties was a Student Activity Committee Chair of IEEE Hyderabad section in 2011. Our faculty member was elected as IEEE Graduates of last Decade Affinity Group, Vice Chair of IEEE Hyderabad section and as IEEE Hyderabad section Student activities committee Chair for the year 2011. Our faculty member was elected as member of the Institution of Engineering and Technology, U.K and as a member of the European Association of Signal Processing.
Visitors Feedback: S. No Visitor Name Designation Institute FeedBack 1 Prof.L. Venugopal Reddy Former Vice Chancellor A.U, Visakhapatnam Very good infrastructure.Highly committed in providing quality education. 2 Prof.G. Subrahmanyam Vice- Chancellor GITAM University, Visakhapatnam Qualified staff and good infrastructure 3 Prof.G.Madhu Sudhan Rao HOD AMC Engineering college, Bangalore Excellent infrastructural facilities 4 Dr.B.C.Jinaga Rector JNTU, Hyderabad Good motivation to students and excellent infrastructure. 5 Prof.G.Gnana Mani Registrar Dr.B.R. Ambedkar University, Srikakulam Magnificent building and excellent infrastructure. 6 Prof.V.Ramesh Director IGIAT, Visakhapatnam Committed Management and well disciplined students 7 Prof.M.B.Srinivas IIIT, Bangalore Very sincere Management, faculty and students 8 Prof.G.Panda Dean,Acade mic Affairs IIT, Bhubaneswar World class infrastructure and quality technical education Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 155
9 Mr.Ajeya Kallam IAS Chairman Port Trust, Visakhapatnam Sincere atmosphere with best infrastructure 10 Dr.M.V.V.S.Murth y President GITAM University, Visakhapatnam Good hard work of the Management and faculty 11 Dr.K.V.S.G.Murali Krishna IEG
IIT Campus, Hyderabad Great temple of learning 12 Prof.K.S.Dash Vice Chancellor SOA University, Bhubaneswar Excellent college 13 Mr.CamillamGill Wilmington, Debware,USA Facilities are impressive 14 Sri P.Srinivas CEO Tidal Data Best and Excellent infrastructure 15 Sri B.Prabhakara Sharma Chief of Bureau The HINDU, Visakhapatnam Great facilities provided by dynamic leadership 16 Prof.M.Shashi HOD AU, Visakhapatnam Student chapters of professional societies are appreciable 17 Sri P.J.Narayana Dean(R&D) IIIT, Hyderabad Very enthusiastic students and supportive staff
Technical Talk by Renowned Technical Persons
S.NO Name Topic Year 1 Prof.Valli kumari, AUCWSS(A) Head Security and Privacy 2012 2 Mr.Gopi Kumar Bulusu, CEO,Sankhya technologies Entrepreneurship development 2010 3 Dr.S.Lakshmi Narayana, Scientist,NIO,VSP Data and text mining 2010 4 Mr.Asankhya Sharma, Microsoft R&D Professional development 2010 5 Dr.Krishna Rangarajan,Director, NSTL, DRDO, VSP Under water weapon systems 2010 6 Mr.Aditya Rao, Oracle Cloud Computing 2010 7 Dr.Ravi Gorthi, INFOSYS,SET LABS Intelligent agents 2009
X-P.3 Effectivity and Efficiency of the Mechanism/Procedure for Continuous Review and Outcome Measurements (20)
By reviewing the outcome measurement processes continuously, attempts are made for continuous improvement in achieving the desired mandatory outcomes.
The Assessment committee consisting of senior faculty members of the department to assesses the PEO mapping in relevance to scope for Improvement in the attainment of program outcomes. Improvement in faculty contribution and achievement. Feasibility and being in tune with the current scenario.
The Assessment committee submits its findings of assessment to the Department Advisory Committee. The assessment committee, finalized the assessment and gives its recommendations in terms of Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Page 156
Revised course objectives, outcomes and ensuing supplementary content. Revised processes for content delivery and evaluation.
Based on the recommendations of the assessment committee, faculty members will Prepare course objectives, course outcomes. Prepare the necessary content for bridging the gaps. Ensure the realization of desired objectives suitably by modifying the delivery process and evaluation process.
The Department Advisory Committee comprising of external representatives from Industry and Academia with senior faculty members of the department, meets once in a year and reviews the feedbacks obtained from stake holders and surveys towards improving the program educational objectives and the program outcomes attainments. The process is continuous in nature and gets fine-tuned every year.
Different Approaches to Learning Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics: Case Studies from Thailand, the Republic of Korea, Singapore, and Finland
Different Approaches to Learning Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics: Case Studies from Thailand, the Republic of Korea, Singapore, and Finland