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SMD Component Removal

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com September 2, 2004 | edn 75

he introduction of small, chip-scale pack-
aging has been a great benefit to the electronics
industry. These small packages save precious pc-
board space and have made possible modern de-
vices, such as cell phones and PDAs. Engineers have
designed most modern semiconductor packages to
minimize production costs for semiconductor man-
ufacturers as well as pc-board-assembly houses. The
ultimate limit for reduction in package size is the size
of the silicon chip itself, and many devices, called
chip-scale devices, have reached this limit.
Most manufacturers have retooled production
lines to handle the modern devices that are now
available. Unfortunately, many engineering labs find
it difficult to remove and resolder these advanced
packages in a laboratory setting. Rework machines
for CSP, LLP, TSSOP, and other packages do exist
in todays market, but they are often specialized,
large, and difficult to use. They can be expensive,
too, with some selling for $30,000 or more. More of-
ten than not, they are out of the reach of the aver-
age engineering lab. The good news is that you can
now employ a low-cost alternative method for re-
workingremoving and replacingthese modern
The packages you typically encounter on a mod-
ern pc board may not yield to traditional soldering-
iron rework methods (Figure 1). Laminate CSP, LLP,
and MicroSMD packages can be particularly trou-
bling, because their solder connections are inacces-
sible, on the bottom of the part. Although TSSOP
and SOIC packages do not have hidden leads, they
also yield to the low-cost-rework method.
Rework has become a dirty word in the elec-
tronics world. Mention it to a production manager,
and watch him cringe! In the production environ-
ment, the need to rework material generally repre-
sents a significant failure somewhere in the produc-
tion process. In the engineering lab, the word
rework can also cause your co-workers to cringe,
especially now that modern simulators are supposed
to mean that the first revision of your pc board will
work flawlessly. The reality is, any serious develop-
ment project will eventually require rework on parts
such as those shown in Figure 1. You will want to
leave rework of high-pin-count devices to the high-
cost rework machines, but with practice, you can sol-
der devices with many pins and fine lead spacings
using the low-cost method.
So, what is the easiest way to remove and resolder
parts? If you are fortunate enough to be in the same
location as your manufacturing facility, high-priced
rework gear will certainly be available to serve your
needs. However, few modern labs are in the same lo-
cation as production. In fact, many production lines
are now in Asia or Mexico. Therefore, some engi-
neering labs have resorted to purchasing produc-
tion-grade rework stations that screen solder paste,
control hot air temperatures, lift parts with vacuum
chucks, and optically align parts for soldering. These
machines are indispensable in a production envi-
ronment, but are they necessary in an engineering
lab? The following method will allow you to rework
modern SMD (surface-mount-device) parts using
only a few hundred dollars worth of equipment.
Although manufacturers dont recommend this
low-cost rework method for production, it can be
satisfactory for the engineering lab. All you need is
a heat gun; liquid RMA
(rosin mildly activated)
flux (in a bottle or syringe
dispenser); solder (fine
rosin-core solder wire on
the order of 0.015-in. in di-
ameter is appropriate);
flux remover; tweezers for
placing, adjusting, and jig-
gling the part; and
some practice.
Careful selection of a
good heat gun is impor-
tant. Many of the heat
guns on the market are de-
Rework within your reach
Typical packages on a modern pc board may not yield to the
traditional soldering-iron-rework methods.
Fi gure 1
designfeature By Tom Mathews and Timothy Toroni, National Semiconductor
Prepare the pads on the pc board and on CSP and
LLP packages by tinning them with a small amount
of solder.
Fi gure 2
designfeature A low-cost rework method
76 edn | September 2, 2004 www.edn.com
signed for heat shrinking or paint re-
moval. These guns usually produce too
much heat, too much airflow, or too
wide an airflow. Although the Weller
Princess heat gun primarily targets heat
shrinking, it is well-suited for SMD re-
work, because it offers a thin stream of
low-velocity air. A wide stream of air
would heat too wide an area of the pc
board, and a high velocity stream of air
would blow parts off the board.
Optionally, you can use a stopwatch to
time the hot-air application; a low-cost,
noncontact IR temperature probe to
check reflow temperatures; and a ther-
mocouple to check board temperature.
However, temperature measurements
are not mandatory for good results, and
precise control of the reflow profile is not
necessary for lab rework. This article uses
a $200 Protek 506 DVM (digital volt-
meter) to measure temperature. This
DVM comes with a type-K thermocou-
ple, which performs well at 20 to
You may also want to employ chart-
recording software. This article measures
temperature-versus-time profiles using
free RS-232 chart-recording software
that also comes with the Protek 506. A
Tektronix 177/D1 Curve Tracer tests for
completed electrical connections.
Many engineers still have a death grip
on their beloved soldering irons. Solder-
ing irons are valuable tools, but they are
diminishing in importance. If you in-
quire, you will find that most SMD ven-
dors, especially the ceramic-chip-capac-
itor guys, recommend that you use hot
air for rework, because it simplifies the
removal of high-pin-count parts. Follow
these steps to remove parts:
1. Apply gentle heat with the heat gun
about 2 to 3 in. from the board. Heat
from directly above to avoid blowing
parts off the board.
2. Wait about 40 to 60 seconds for the
solder to liquefy. Dont bring the heat
gun in close, or the board will heat un-
3. Lift the part with tweezers. (Never
pry; wait for the solder to completely liq-
4. Clean the pads with solder wick only
if there is bridging. When putting a part
back down, use the old solder that is
present on the pads in the appropriate
amounts. If you use solder wick for
cleanup, take care not to damage the
fragile pc-board traces with excessive
Removing parts with hot air is simple.
Putting them back on the board can be
easy, too, but it requires more skill and
practice. The good thing about hot air is
that, when you use it carefully, you can
remove and replace parts several times
with minimal board damage. As such,
youll be able to retry if your part has
shorts or opens after you put it down.
To place surface-mount parts, such as
the parts in Figure 1, you may want to
tape the edges of your pc board to the
table to prevent it from shifting during
rework. Remember that the board is go-
ing to get hot, so find a Formica table-
top and avoid melting your expensive
ESD mat. (An insulating pad might be
helpful, too.) If you want, tape a ther-
mocouple probe to the pc board near the
rework site. Prepare the pads on the pc
board by tinning them with a small
amount of solder (Figure 2). If the board
contains solder from a recently removed
part, leave it. Remove any bridged solder
with solder wick.
Your next step is to apply flux to the
pc-board pads as well as to the underside
of the part. A thin (but visible) coat of
flux is all that is necessary (Figure 3).
Place the part on the pads, visually align-
ing it by looking from directly above and
gently jiggling it into place (Figure 4).
Yes, most pad spacings are small, but vi-
sual alignment can be helpful. (Be sure
Pin 1 is correctly positioned, too.)
Apply heat with the heat gun 2 to 3 in.
away. Dont be impatient! Bringing the
gun too close will blow your part away
and heat things too quickly for even sol-
dering. Directing the hot air onto the part
from directly above helps prevent the part
from blowing off of the board. After
about 40 sec, the part will begin to sink
into liquid solder. The surface tension of
the liquid solder and the boiling flux will
help to properly align the part. You may
need to gently jiggle the part by tapping
it with the tweezers or make other minor
adjustments. Continue applying hot air
for 20 to 30 sec longer. If the airflow blows
your part away, you can fashion a small
hold-down tool by bending a paper clip
and taping it into place (Figure 5). Gen-
erally, you wont need the hold-down tool
if you apply the hot air from a sufficient
distance. You can also hold parts in place
with tweezers, if necessary.
Finally, turn off the hot air and allow
the board to cool slowly, clean the excess
flux with flux remover, and test for shorts
and opens, if necessary.
Apply flux to the pc-board pads (left) as well as to the underside of the
part (right).
Fi gure 3
You can place the part
on the pads using
tweezers, visually aligning it by looking from
directly above and gently jiggling it into place.
Fi gure 4
designfeature A low-cost rework method
78 edn | September 2, 2004 www.edn.com
This method works well with a stop-
watch and simple visual monitoring of
the process. You can also measure a pro-
file to confirm that you are soldering in
a way that mirrors the process a produc-
tion-reflow oven uses. A profile de-
scribes a temperature-versus-time graph
for soldering. The profile shown in Fig-
ure 6 uses free software and a thermo-
couple from the Protek DVM.
You can also perform this procedure
using solder paste rather than directly
tinning the pads. Carefully apply solder
paste with a syringe or screen it into place
with a paste mask. Old solder screens are
a good source of partial-screen sections;
just cut out the desired device screen
with tin snips and mask unwanted holes
with Kapton tape. Although the solder-
paste method can be more difficult than
simply using the solder, it may yield bet-
ter results. (Because solder paste contains
microscopic, easily ingested, lead parti-
cles, it is a hazardous material. If you use
solder paste, take care and respect the
manufacturers warnings. These warn-
ings strongly recommend the use of rub-
ber gloves.)
Although some production lines now
use no-clean fluxes, the procedure works
best with RMA flux, and manufacturers
recommend cleaning. Clean reworked
boards with a vapor degreaser or anoth-
er appropriate spray-type flux remover.
Because the flux remover washes away
flux by dissolving it, hold the board over
a trashcan and spray flux remover, allow-
ing the excess to rinse into the trash. Fail-
ure to remove excess RMA flux can cause
your board to fail prematurely because of
corrosion, dendrite growth, or both.
The most common way to test for suc-
cess is to power up your circuit and see
whether it works. What if your board
doesnt work? Some engineering-proto-
type boards may be so new that you may
be uncertain whether to blame the re-
work job. Some simple tests can check
pins to confirm that a connection has
been made. It is also useful to check ad-
jacent pins to ensure that they are not
shorted together (solder bridging).
Most of these tests rely on the fact that
semiconductor devices almost always
have a pair of ESD-protection diodes on
every pin (except ground). Sweeping the
pins of a reworked device with a curve
Fashioning a hold-down
tool from a bent paper
clip can prevent airflow from blowing your part
off the board.
Fi gure 5
The results of a temperature profile measured with the Protek 506 DVM,
showing that the solder began to visibly liquefy at the blue line (40 sec), are consistent with the
published melting point of Sn63/Pb37183C.
Fi gure 6
designfeature A low-cost rework method
80 edn | September 2, 2004 www.edn.com
tracer can help you to determine whether
these diodes are present, implying a good
solder connection (Figure 7). You can
also complete this test with a DVM, but
a curve tracer provides a better picture
of what is going on, and it allows more
control over the maximum test current.
In general, you should keep the test cur-
rents lower than 10 mA to avoid perma-
nent damage to the device under test. It
is generally a good idea to turn off the
curve tracers collector supply and then
slowly bring it up until you can see about
1 mA in the low-side diode, which is
enough to show that a connection is pres-
ent. Most bed-of-nails production-test
machines confirm continuity by looking
for the low-side diode (D
in Figure 7),
so this approach is well-established as safe
and effective.
You can use a DVM-with-diode test
mode as a lower cost alternative to the
curve tracer. However, the problem with
the DVM is that it is sometimes unclear
exactly how much test current is inject-
ed. Most diode-test modes do a 10-mA
diode test. The curve tracer gives a bet-
ter picture of what is going on. As you
can see from the nonlinear IV curves, a
DVM on resistance modewould be in-
appropriate (because the slope of the
curves is a function of test current). Old-
er curve tracers are inexpensive. Used
Tektronix 177/D1 systems are available
for less than $1000.
Because the reworked part is almost
certainly embedded into a circuit net-
work, it is certain that other network
components will confuse the test
method. If a known-good board is
handy, an A-versus-B IV curve com-
parison for each node can be useful. Of
course, if the other network elements
shown in Figure 7 include a direct con-
nection to ground, then this pin will be
untestable using this
method. Because D
ates a low impedance
when in its on state, you
can detect its presence
even when it is in parallel
with the relatively low
impedances that might be
If you apply power
) during this test, the
high-side diode, D
, is
also visible and should
turn on a few hundred
millivolts above V
. If
is not connected, then the knee of the
high-side diode will break below V
, be-
cause power from the test input will try
to power the device through D
. Focus
primarily on D
, because its behavior in
the unpowered state is more predictable.
Figure 8 shows examples of curves
that a Tektronix 177/D1 curve tracer
measured and makes apparent the dif-
ference when you apply power. By focus-
ing primarily on the low-side diode, D
this approach eliminates the need to
power the board for testing. The exam-
ple shows testing using a common
74HC00 NAND gate. The approach is
the same for almost all digital and analog
semiconductors, because these devices
rarely omit ESD protection (even in RF
With the exception of the powered-
output case, when a connection is pres-
ent, the low-side diode behavior is visi-
ble. For this reason, it is preferable and
easier to test without application of V
power. You should keep a schematic close
at hand to ensure that the other network
elements dont include a direct connec-
tion to ground or a parallel diode that
would mimic the behavior of D
In some instances, visual inspection is
also possible, certainly for SOIC-type
packages. For CSP, LLP, and other ball
packages, a limited amount of visual in-
spection may be possible by looking in
from the side with a microscope or jew-
elers loupe. Engineers have employed
other methods, such as microfocus-X-
ray inspection, but they require expen-
sive machines that are usually unavail-
able to a production operation, let alone
an engineering lab.
In most cases, if you find rework er-
rors, the only recourse is to remove the
Sweeping the pins of a reworked device
reveals whether a good solder joint is
Fi gure 7
designfeature A low-cost rework method
82 edn | September 2, 2004 www.edn.com
part using hot air and then
replace it. Because this re-
work method is gentle on
pc-board copper traces,
several rework cycles are
possible before damage
(pulled-up lands) occurs.
It is sometimes possible
to repair an incomplete
connection, or no solder,
by heating the land associ-
ated with it, in the hope
that the solder will reflow.
However, this method risks
damaging fragile pc-board
copper. Reheating the part
with hot air and gently jig-
gling it with tweezers is
probably a better ap-
Although it is preferable
to use production-grade
rework tools, these tools
are somtimes unavailable
and may simply be outside
the budget of your engi-
neering lab. In these
cases, the low-cost-rework
method is a safe and effec-
tive way to both remove
and replace modern hid-
den-leadSMD packages.
Tom Mathews is staff field-
applications engineer for
National Semiconductor
(Indianapolis). A profes-
sional engineer with a
masters degree in engi-
neering from Purdue Uni-
versity, Mathews has
worked with analog and
RF circuits for more than
15 years.
Timothy Toroni is an ap-
plications engineer for Na-
tional Semiconductor (In-
dianapolis). He has a
bachelors degree in engi-
neering from Purdue Uni-
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Examples of curves measured with a
Tektronix 177/D1 curve tracer include an
input-IV curve with power applied (a), an input-IV curve with no
power applied (b), an output-IV curve with power applied (c), an
output-IV curve with no power applied (d), an input or output
open circuit with no solder (e), and a pin shorted to ground (f).
Fi gure 8

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