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September 2014

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The document discusses septic service companies and equipment. It also features various ads for vacuum trucks and other septic service equipment.

The ads feature vacuum trucks, vacuum loaders, waterblasting pumps and other septic service equipment.

Presvac offers powervac trucks, dump trailer/tractor combos, and rest room services with aluminum tanks and various pumps and valves.



September 2014 www.pumper.com

Floridas Reliable Septic constantly
refreshes and retools to meet customer
service expectations Page 20

Power Play

McCutcheon Enterprises goes big

with equipment and tackles more
industrial vacuum loading jobs Page 36

Save Time
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Irrigation fittings are for irrigating NOT vacuum.
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Pumper September 2014

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September 2014

In ThIs Issue


Published monthly by


Cover Story: Embracing Change

- Betty Dageforde
Celebrating 60 years in business, Floridas Reliable Septic
is constantly refreshing and retooling to meet customer
service expectations.
ON THE COVER: George Jr. (left) and Bruce McCullers are shown with one of
the Reliable Septic vacuum trucks painted in a distinctive orange, blue and
white color scheme. All of their trucks use Masport pumps. The threegeneration Vero Beach, Fla., family company is celebrating 60 years in 2014.
(Photo by Keith Carson)

COLE Publishing Inc.

1720 Maple Lake Dam Rd.
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Copyright 2014 COLE Publishing Inc.
No part may be reproduced without permission of the publisher.
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Email: info@pumper.com Website: www.pumper.com
Fax: 715-546-3786
Office hours 7:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Central Time, Monday - Friday

10 Reading Between the Lines:

70 Septic System Answer Man:

SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION: A one-year (12 issue) subscription to

Pumper in the United States is free to qualified subscribers. Subscriptions to
Canada or Mexico cost $28 per year (24 issues for $54). Subscriptions to all
other foreign countries cost $150 per year ($290 for two years). Subscribers
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Be prepared to explain the basics of pretreatment

components and aeration to your onsite customers
with struggling systems.

Our subscriber list is occasionally made available to carefully selected companies whose products or services may be of interest to you. Your privacy is
important to us. If you prefer not to be a part of these lists, please contact
Nicole LaBeau at nicolel@colepublishing.com.

66 Pumper Interview:

A Day to Promote Septic Service

Promote Groundwater Awareness

The liquid waste industry may benefit by setting

aside one day every year to inform customers and the
general public about the importance of proper septic
system maintenance.

Pumpers can team with the National Groundwater

Association to raise awareness for Protect Your
Groundwater Day.

- Jim Kneiszel

14 @Pumper.com
Check out the latest online-only content at the
Pumper website.

28 Rules & Regulations: Alaskan Septic

Service Providers Expect Stricter Disposal
- Doug Day and Sharon Verbeten

32 WWETT Spotlight
A Green Choice: Fruitland introduces biodegradable
pump oil.
- Craig Mandli

36 Profile: Power Play

Pennsylvanias McCutcheon Enterprises adds
equipment to handle bigger and tougher industrial
vacuum loading jobs, and an explosion of
diversification follows.

- Ken Wysocky

Breathing New Life Into a System

- Jim Anderson, Ph.D.

74 Classy Truck of the Month

We feature Small Town Septic, Granby, Conn.

76 Overheard Online:
Down at the Plant
Do I need special pumping equipment to haul for
municipal treatment facilities?

78 NAWT News: Support Your Trade

Association Through Sponsorships
-Dhru Bhatt

- Ken Wysocky

82 Product Focus/Case Study:

46 Building the Business:

- Craig Mandli

Think Outside the Box

Defying convention can give your company a

competitive edge.
- Eric J. Romero

50 Associations List

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING: Submit classified ads online at www.pumper.

com/order/classifieds. Minimum rate of $25 for 20 words; $1 per each additional word. Include a photo for an additional $125. All classified advertising
must be paid in advance. DEADLINE: Classified ads must be received by the
tenth of the month for insertion in the next months edition. PHONE-IN ADS
ARE NOT ACCEPTED. Fax to 715-546-3786 only if charging to MasterCard,
VISA, Discover or Amex. Include all credit card information and your phone
number (with area code). Mail with check payable to COLE Publishing Inc.
ON THE INTERNET. Not responsible for errors beyond first insertion.

Hydroexcavation and Industrial Jet/Vac Services

Jim Flory

90 Product News

Product Spotlight: Universal coupler enables septic

systems to accept larger cartridge and filter.
- Ed Wodalski

92 Industry News

Winnie May


jimf@colepublishing.com or Winnie May at
winniem@colepublishing.com or call 800994-7990. Publisher reserves the right to
reject advertising, which in its opinion is
misleading, unfair or incompatible with the
character of the publication.

CIRCULATION: 2013 circulation averaged 26,400 copies per month. This figure includes all circulation regions (nationwide) and international distribution.
REPRINTS AND BACK ISSUES: Visit www.pumper.com/order/reprints for
options and pricing. To order reprints, call Jeff Lane at 800-257-7222 (715546-3346) or email jeffl@colepublishing.com. To order back issues, call Nicole at 800-257-7222 (715-546-3346) or email nicolel@colepublishing.com.

58 State of the State:

Regulations Reboot in Colorado

Updated onsite guidelines are a welcome addition for
the Rocky Mountain states growing wastewater trade
- Doug Day

62 Money Manager: Know the Real Cost

Price is only one factor in determining how long it
will take a new piece of equipment to return a profit.
- Erik Gunn

Coming in OCTOber
Special iSSue:


n PROFILE: Daughters help an Ohio company grow
n ANSWER MAN: Exploring confined-space safety


Education Day:
February 23, 2015
Exhibits Open:
February 24-26, 2015
Indiana Convention Center,
Indianapolis, IN

Pumper September 2014




PolyJohn Canada ...............44
KeeVac Industries, Inc. .......79

Abbott Rubber Co., Inc. ......26

Crust Busters/
Schmitz Bros., LLC .........4

Acro Trailer Company .........34

Amazing Machinery, Inc. ....41
AMT Pump..........................42
Amthor International ...........33

Aqua Ben Corporation ........89

T.S.F. Company, Inc............35

PolyJohn Enterprises........103

Del Vel Chem Co. ...............12

Kentucky Tank, Inc. ............28

Key Commercial Corp. .......16
Kuriyama of America, Inc....48

Polylok ..............................102

PolyPortables, LLC. ............81

Lanes Vacuum Tank, Inc. ...92

Ecological Laboratories, Inc. .34

Presvac Systems, Ltd. ......104

R. Nesbit Portable Toilets ...72
RCS II, Inc. ...................59, 67

Longhorn Tank & Trailer .....72

Arcan Enterprises, Inc.. ......30
Armal, Inc. ..........................32

Erickson Tank & Pump .......48


Armstrong Equipment ...........9

Atlanta Rubber
& Hydraulics, Inc...........68
Bandlock Corp. .....................4
Best Enterprises, Inc. .........23

F. S. Solutions...............30, 73

Five Peaks ..........................13

Flo Trend Systems, Inc. ......59

Fruitland Manufacturing. .....54

VARCo. ...............................75
Masport, Inc. .........................3

RotoSolutions, Inc. .............89

V&H Inc. ...............................2

Eastern Supplement

Advance Pump & Equip........3

Mid-State Tank Co., Inc. .....52

Walex Products, Inc. ...........55

Wastequip .....................76, 77


Water Cannon, Inc. .............45

Satellite Industries Inc. ...........2

Satellite Suites ....................53

Wee Engineer, Inc. .............68

Septic Services, Inc. ...........18

Westmoor Ltd./Conde.........27

V&H Inc. ...............................2

Slide-In Warehouse ............56

Marketplace .......................94

Vacuum Sales, Inc. ...............5

Cam Spray.......................... 11

Hi-Vac Corporation .............25

National Truck Center .........15

Hino Motor Sales USA, Inc. 87

House of Imports ................43

National Vacuum Equipment 69

NAWT, Inc. ..........................80

Norweco, Inc.......................31

Stahly Applicators ...............47

One Biotechnology .............80

Surco Products ...................17

Sweet Septic Systems ........48

T&T Tools, Inc. ....................64

Crescent Tank Mfg................3

Gordon Quinton Insurance ...7
Marengo Fabricated Steel ....1
Mid-State Intl Trucks ............3
R.A. Ross & Associates NE ..7
Tremcar, Inc ..........................6

Southwest Products Corp. ..44

Imperial Industries, Inc. 16, 71

Clear Computing, Inc. .........67

ITI Trailers & Truck Bodies .12

Peoples United Equipment
Finance Corp. ..............60

Comforts of Home Services.. 59

J.C. Gury Company, Inc. ......4

Pik Rite, Inc. .......................91

Pumper September 2014

Rider Agri Sales & Svcs........4

Truck Country .......................4

Rush Refuse Systems ........29

Moro USA, Inc. .....................7

R.A. Ross & Associates NE ..2

Andert, Inc. ...........................4

McKee Technologies Explorer Trailers/ .........33

Guzzler Manufacturing .......19

In the Round Dewatering ....63

Marengo Fabricated Steel ....1

Mid-State Intl Trucks ............3

Robinson Vacuum Tanks ....72

Chempace Corporation ......74

Vac-Con, Inc. ......................49

Vacall-Gradall Industries.....83

Vacuum Sales, Inc. .............67

In the
Round Dewatering

Ritam Technologies LP .......12

GapVax, Inc. .......................65

Chandler Equipment ...........21

TSI Tank Services, Inc. .......57

Vacutrux Limited .................54

Brenlin Company, Inc. ........63

Cape Cod Biochemical Co. 18

Century Chemical Corp. .....16

Advance Pump & Equip........3

(after page 74)

Marsh Industrial ..................77

Milwaukee Rubber Products ..60

CanAm Equipment Solutions .34

(after page 74)

Crescent Tank Mfg................3

Premier Oilfield Equipment . 11

Pressure Lift Corporation....30

Equipment Sales, LLC ........26

TankTec ..............................61

Transway Systems, Inc.........5


Lenzyme/Trap-Cleer. ............4
LMT - VAXTEEL. ................47

Midwest Supplement

Transport Truck Sales, Inc. .37

Lely Manufacturing, Inc. .....80

Elmira Machine/Wallenstein
Vacuum Pumps ............63


Specialty B Sales................64


At Armstrong Equipment, we believe life


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Hablamos Espaol

Jim Kneiszel, Editor

Reading Between THE LINEs

Contact Jim with

your comments,
questions and
opinions at

A Day to Promote Septic Service

The liquid waste industry may benefit by setting aside one day every year to inform customers and the
general public about the importance of proper septic system maintenance By Jim Kneiszel, Editor

was sifting through the piles of junk emails clogging my Pumper mailbox
the other day and I clicked to flush away a message just as the contents
were starting to register in my brain. Something told me to retrieve it
and have another look.
The email headline was National Garbage Man Day Keeping You
and the Environment Safe. Love Your Garbage Man.
At first I chuckled to myself. Theyll dedicate a day to anything, I
thought. I was about to click the message into oblivion when a thought occurred to me: If solid waste sanitation workers can have their own day, why
not hard-working septic service workers?
Pumpers do thankless work every day. Its necessary work; much of
the world couldnt get along without it. So why not single out a day to as
the National Garbage Man Day (NGMD) website suggests show appreciation for septic service contractors with words of encouragement, baked
goods and T-shirts carrying a positive message about septic tank cleaning?
For a moment I pondered the idea of delivering fresh cinnamon rolls
to my septic service technician. What a nice gesture that would be. When
is the last time a customer baked you fresh cookies or invited you in for
afternoon tea after a pumpout?
The idea of an unofficial holiday to celebrate the garbage man was
concocted by trash company executive John Arwood, CEO of Arwood
Waste (learn more at www.garbagemanday.org). The NGMD website suggests many ways to recognize your garbage man, shares the history of garbage men, and includes a wall of honor where trash industry luminaries
can finally get the respect they deserve.
And the website also has a link to a Sesame Street clip that honors
trash haulers with the singing of the Garbage Mans Blues. Why did Sesame Street ignore the liquid waste industry anyway?
While I see the amusement behind National Garbage Man Day, there
is something laudable about taking time out to appreciate the underappreciated. Its true that folks dont have much of a reason to think about
garbage men or septic pumpers until they have a real serious reason to
think of them. What happens when the sanitation workers go on strike in a
major city? Its chaos. By the same token, what happens when a septic system stops working due to neglect and a full tank? At that moment, nothing
is more important to a homeowner than his or her pumping professional.
Pumpers, like garbage men, might appreciate having their own day
where maybe a media outlet or two will make a minor splash with an Its
a dirty job but somebodys gotta do it report. A sincere pat on the back is
sorely lacking in this industry, where the media invariably lowers itself to
repeating tired old bathroom humor whenever any aspect of septic service


Pumper September 2014

A sincere pat on the back is sorely lacking in this

industry, where the media invariably lowers itself to
repeating tired old bathroom humor whenever any
aspect of septic service makes the news.
makes the news. But thats the subject of another editors column.
While honoring the individuals who keep this industry humming
along is a great idea, Im not sure most pumpers would see the benefit
in that gesture. More important than building up the self-esteem of individual pumpers, I think the industry would rather dedicate a day to stress
the importance of septic tank maintenance. Rather than getting a bag of
donuts and an attaboy once a year, the pumpers I know would rather send
the message to homeowners that a septic tank is not a set-it-and-forget-it
The best way to validate the important work of pumpers is to keep
them busy on the job. Taking the time to remind homeowners about the
value of a properly operating septic system doesnt just help their neighborhood septic service contractor. Periodic septic tank pumping protects
their significant investment in decentralized wastewater treatment by
keeping solids out of the drainfield. And perhaps most important, it protects the environment all around them.
We all know the lingering myth that septic tanks never need to be
pumped; that a septic system is designed to last the life of a home with
little or no care or maintenance. Some folks stubbornly hold to this misconception because, frankly, they dont want to pay a few hundred dollars
every three to five years to make sure these systems work efficiently. When
it comes to septic systems, theres still a huge out of sight, out of mind
mentality among some users. If groundwater contamination and poorly
functioning drainfields are hidden from view, homeowners can remain
blissfully ignorant about the trouble brewing in their onsite systems.
That needs to change. And maybe setting aside a day to remind folks
about the importance of system maintenance is part of the solution. I
would propose calling for a Septic System Awareness Day, possibly in May,
after spring thaw and as people are starting to go outside to work in the
yard. Pumpers could take this opportunity to raise awareness in a number
of ways:

Send a postcard mailer to customers, thanking those who have kept

current with their septic tank maintenance and encouraging others to
call for an inspection and pumpout. Reinforce the message that periodic
pumping is good for the system and good for the environment.
Call the local media and offer to share your expertise for a story
about septic system maintenance. Your local newspaper, radio station
or TV news program may welcome the opportunity to help promote this
important environmental cause, and introduce your business to a wider
Reach out to your local county or municipal health officials and organize a homeowner seminar about onsite system care. You could plan
the event around an actual inspection and pumping to show firsthand the
benefits of a thorough tank cleaning and demonstrate your expertise and
the capabilities of your equipment.
Is it time to devote a day to educating the public about proper septic
system care? Can we band together as an industry and encourage homeowners to adhere to a basic interval for pumping and inspection to ensure
a cleaner environment? Can we utilize the media to build professionalism
for septic service contractors? I think we can, and I invite you to share your
opinions about a national day for septic system awareness. Send your replies to me at editor@pumper.com.

www.pumper.com Since 1979 September 2014


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Pumper September 2014




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find resources and get the most out of Pumper magazine.

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Does Your Business Need a Facelift?

Get Grease Gone

tiGht Quarters

10 greasehandling tools

slide-in unit picks

Squeeze into tight spaces and hard-to-maneuver job
sites with compact, lightweight slide-in or bolt-on
vacuum units. Bonus? Rigs outfitted with these tanks
are ideal for special events. Check out these cherrypicked units. www.pumper.com/featured
tank talk

time for
fresh facts?
The septic tank additives debate
rages on. Its been 15 years since
the U.S. EPA did a comprehensive
study on the impact of additives in
septic tanks. A more recent study helps, but perhaps its time for some
fresh facts? www.pumper.com/featured

DoG eat DoG


Tightening regulations. Rising

disposal costs. Curse words for
a septic pumper. Find out how
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want more?
Find us on Facebook at
or Twitter at twitter.com/PumperMag


Pumper September 2014

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Pumper September 2014

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The products sell themselves with Cape Cods educational product brochures,
explains Mike. The brochures explain septic systems in laymans terms. Customers
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Great People

Cape Cod Bio has been in the septic business since before Pumper Magazine,
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For complete information on all our productsincluding prices and educational materialsplease call us at 1-800-759-2257 or visit us at www.SepticOnline.com.
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Pumper September 2014

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Not the kind that wears a suit, but the kind that thrives on getting dirty and getting things done. This
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Because around here, we dont just build trucks. We build tough.

Guzzler.com 800.627.3171
2013 Guzzler Manufacturing

PumPer Profile

The Reliable Septic team stands in front of several of their service vehicles.
Shown are (left to right) Bruce McCullers, Michael Ruehman, George
McCullers Jr., William Hunsicker, George Bresett, Seth Record, Steve Wilson,
Chris Madon, Corey Madon and Joey Benson. (Photos by Keith Carson)


ust because a company enjoys the continuity of three generations of family ownership over 60 years doesnt mean it
resists adapting to change and modernization. Reliable Septic and Services, in Vero Beach, Fla., is a good example of a business with strong and deep roots that is always willing to prune and
reshape the business plan for improved service, efficiency and
The company, started by Edward Bobo and his son-in-law
George McCullers Sr. in 1954, employs smart cross-training of employees, advanced route-planning technology and social media
through Facebook, all with one goal in mind: maintain customer
service satisfaction for a new age.
When George passed away in 2010, the ownership of Reliable
Septic passed to his sons George Jr. and Bruce, who were raised
watching their father and grandfather hard at work. Theyve kept
the work ethic but brought the business into the 21st century in
other respects.
As far back as I remember I was going out with the pump
trucks, snaking out drains and you name it, Bruce McCullers re(continued)


Pumper September 2014

Celebrating 60 years in business,

Floridas Reliable Septic is constantly
refreshing and retooling to meet customer
service expectations By Betty Dageforde

Reliable Septic and Services
Vero Beach, Fla.

OWNERS: George Jr. and

Bruce McCullers
FOuNdEd: 1954
EmplOyEES: 20
SERvicES: Complete septic and grease trap services,
portable restrooms, grading, roll-off containers
SERvicE AREA: Three counties around Vero Beach, Fla.
WEBSitE: www.reliableseptic.net


www.pumper.com Since 1979 September 2014


Left: Installing technician Steve

Wilson guides a new Sebring Precast
Products concrete septic tank into
place as field supervisor Corey
Madon looks on.
Below: Installers Ramon Santiago
(left) and Michael Ruehman place
an Infiltrator Systems chamber as
part of a new septic system in Indian
River Shores, Fla.

calls. Hes been doing it ever

since other than a short
stint at age 18 working at his
aunts restaurant when his
father fired him for not showing up to work on time. It took
him about two weeks to figure out he ought to go back to
what he knew best.
The company has added
other services to its lineup over the years Reliable machine operator
grease trap pumping, grading, portable Seth Record uses a Caterpillar
restrooms and roll-off containers but sep- excavator during a drainfield
tic work still dominates. They serve a threecounty area and have 20 employees who
work out of a 3.5-acre industrial plaza with a 1,400-square-foot office building and a 3,000-square-foot auto garage.
The company has always provided a full range of septic services: Everything from the smallest plumbing repair to the largest system inSome people like to
stalls, McCullers says. Back in the
day, everything was done by hand.
call, some like to do
My dad had one of the first backhoes
things online, some people
and drag lines in the county.

even like to stop in. Believe

it or not we still get
a lot of calls from
[the phone book].

Todays installs are aided by an
Auto Crane on a Chevrolet 6500. The
company still typically uses concrete
tanks (Sebring Precast Products Inc.),
but also uses polyethylene Infiltrator
Mandy Madon
Systems Inc. tanks on occasion. Other
equipment includes two 1999 International dump trucks (a 10-yard and a
16-yard), a 2013 20-yard Caterpillar dump truck, four Caterpillar tractors,
three Caterpillar excavators (two minis), two Caterpillar skid-steers (277 and
287), two Ford F-350 and four 2013 Chevrolet pickups.
Theyve got four company-built vacuum trucks two 2002 Sterlings with
2,600-gallon steel tanks, a 2000 Freightliner with a 3,600-gallon steel tank
and a 2013 Caterpillar C65 on which they are retrofitting a used 4,000-gallon


Pumper September 2014

steel tank. Theyre also in the process of refurbishing a 1998 Ford F-7000 with
a 2,200-gallon steel tank. Pumps are from Masport Inc.
Over the years, the company has gone to ever-larger vacuum tanks to
maximize the number of pumpouts per load. Theyre looking at going to a
5,000-gallon tank on a tri-axle truck, which would enable them to pump out
five tanks before disposal.
Many accounts go way back. For example, theyve installed systems at
large agricultural buildings for the big farm growers and have maintained
them for years. Recent accounts include extending their reach to municipal
customers. We picked up a couple sewer plants, some large national chain
wastewater companies, McCullers says. We haul their residuals for them.
We pump 50,000 to 80,000 gallons once a month.
The gravel-and-pipe drainfield systems of the past are being replaced
by more advanced concepts. Rock is kind of a thing of the past in our county, McCullers says. The chamber systems just work better. Its mainly a root
issue and theyre just a lot more root resistant than the old systems.
In 1986, when Florida mandated use of portable restrooms on construction sites, the company saw an opportunity and added that service. Unfortu(continued)

Steel Tanks
since 1972




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nately many other pumpers did the same, and by 2000 they sold the division.
Seven years later, they decided to try again after a bad hurricane season led to
a surge in construction. They also added construction containers around that
time. It makes a good package for people who are building, McCullers says.
The company has 200 restrooms from PolyPortables, PolyJohn Enterprises and Armal Inc. Their PolyPortables ADA units are self-flushing and
include diaper stations. Service is performed with a 2013 Ford F-550 built
out by Satellite Industries with a 600-gallon waste/300-gallon freshwater
steel tank and a 1999 Ford F-700 built out by Reliable employees with a

Something to bark about

In 2000, when HALO Animal Rescue put in a service call to Reliable Septic
and Services, the no-kill shelter ended up with more than a clean drain. Owners
George Jr. and Bruce McCullers saw good work being done and became fast
friends with the organization.
Bruce has adopted eight rescue dogs and George one. Employees jumped on
the bandwagon, as well. Weve got more dogs than we have kids, Bruce says.
Time off is freely given to employees who need to take their pet to the vet. And
its not just the employees. A lot of our customers are also animal lovers and we
spread the word, he adds.
The company provides free septic work for the shelter. They also run a
Christmas fundraising drive for dog food and sponsor a charity golf tournament.
Their trucks carry an animal rescue symbol and their newspaper ads include the
line, Save a life, adopt a rescue pet.
When the shelter needed work on its two-acre property so the dogs would
have a place to run, Bruce sprang into action. I called all my contacts and got it
all donated, he says everything from brick pavers, sod, a sprinkler system and
volunteers to clear the property.
Numerous dogs have been saved due to the efforts of the brothers, their
employees, suppliers and customers. Its turned into a passion of ours to support
them in any way possible, he says.

Above: You can tell the Reliable Septic headquarters

are in Florida, with the palm trees and bright colors.
The building is beautifully landscaped.
Right: Technician Chris Madon drags a long hose
to reach a residential customers septic tank in
Fellsmere, Fla.
1,200-gallon waste/500-gallon freshwater steel
tank. Both trucks carry Masport pumps.
Units are used mostly on construction
sites. When they do events, the company often
donates the units. Most of the events around
here are fundraisers, McCullers explains. We
try to give as much back to the community as

We have a great customer base.

We take care of them helping
them through the hard times and going
above and beyond to give a good
quality job and a fair price and
they take care of us.

Technology is key to route efficiency, and
Reliable is on board with the latest communications tools. The company has had to look
for an alternative to cellphones since Florida
passed a law prohibiting talking on a phone while driving. Today the companys trucks are equipped with laptop computers and drivers now receive
schedule updates by email.
The company recently installed a GPS fleet-tracking system from Advanced Tracking Technologies. We have trackers on all the trucks and TV
screens in all the offices, McCullers says. That way we can pinpoint where
every truck is at any time of the day.
The phones ring constantly, and when a call comes in for service, a
quick glance at the monitor shows whos closest to the customer.
Other updates include revamping the outdated and hard-to-navigate
website. Their new marketing director, Mandy Madon, created a fresh look


Pumper September 2014

and an interactive site linked to her mobile

phone. She receives alerts when someone
sends a message or requests service. She also
created a Facebook page, which is approaching
1,000 likes. We run specials on there and interact daily with our customers, she says.
The company wants their customers to be
able to get information and make contact with
them in whatever way they prefer. Some people
like to call, some like to do things online, some
people even like to stop in, Madon says. They
also continue to put ads in the phone book. Believe it or not we still get a lot of calls from that.


The brothers have worked on every facet of
their business to create a professional appearance and attitude. Employees wear uniforms.
The office has been refurbished. The fleet is
kept washed, painted and updated. And, of
course, the old septic jokes printed on the sides
of the trucks had to go.
Bruce McCullers
Company colors bright orange and blue
along with their version of an alligator (Were
Florida Gator fans, McCullers explains) are designed to stand out and attract attention. They appear on everything trucks, portable restrooms, rolloff containers, uniforms and signage. You cant miss it, he says. You can
see it a mile away. Everybody knows us by those colors. Even their office
building is orange with a blue security fence.
The brothers are selective in hiring. And they have the luxury to be as
they get about 20 calls a week from people looking for work. Prospective
team members are thoroughly evaluated during a two-week trial period.
Most of their employees have been with them a long time. Two are dedicated
to the portable sanitation side of the business, but everyone is cross-trained
on all lines of business.

We run it like a family, McCullers says.

If they have a problem, they come to me. Everybodys got their own set of life issues and if
[someone] has to take time off, everybody steps
up to the plate and fills in their spot. The company holds monthly meetings to ensure everything
is running smoothly and everyone has the help
they need.
The company name, Reliable, is something
they take seriously, and the crew is reachable day
and night. We are a true 24-hour, seven-day-aweek business, McCullers says. Any time a customer calls, they get a live person. Every third
week employees rotate being on call in addition
to working their regular shift.
For spikes in business or emergency work,

Advanced Tracking Technologies
Armal, Inc.
(See ad page 32)
Auto Crane Company

Reliable has three 7,000-gallon Fruehauf tankers

to store wastewater so we can truly run 24 hours
a day whether the dump stations are open or not,
McCullers says. They average 10 or 15 pumpouts
on Saturdays and about 10 on Sundays.
To minimize emergency calls, the company
introduced a two-year septic pumpout reminder
service, offering discounts for homeowners who
plan ahead. Its definitely gotten a lot of customers on a repeat basis and keeps them out of trouble, McCullers says. But then youve still got
those who will ponder on it and wait until they
start to see a slow drain.

As they look back and celebrate the companys 60th anniversary, the brothers also keep
an eye on the future. Their modernizing and
professionalism efforts have paid off, leading to
increased sales. And customers have voted them
the No. 1 septic service provider in the region the
past three years in a local newspaper poll.
We have a great customer base, McCullers says. We take care of them helping them
through the hard times and going above and beyond to give a good quality job and a fair price
and they take care of us.



Caterpillar, Inc.
Freightliner Trucks
A Div. of Daimler Trucks NA
Fruehauf Trailer Corporation
Infiltrator Systems, Inc.
Masport, Inc.
(See ad page 3)
PolyJohn Enterprises
(See ad page 103)
PolyPortables, LLC
(See ad page 81)
Satellite Industries
(See ad page 2)




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www.pumper.com Since 1979 September 2014



Pumper September 2014

www.pumper.com Since 1979 September 2014


Rules & ReGs

Rules and Regs is a monthly feature in Pumper.

We welcome information about state or local
regulations of potential broad interest to onsite
contractors. Send ideas to editor@pumper.com.

Alaskan Septic Service Providers

Expect Stricter Disposal Limitations
By Doug Day and Sharon Verbeten

umpers in the Matanuska-Susitna Borough of Alaska dont have a

local disposal site for septage. Every day, they have to ship 50,000
gallons of septage to the Anchorage Point Woronzof treatment plant.
The plant already operates under an exemption from the Clean Water Act
allowing it to discharge effluent with much less treatment required than at
most wastewater plants. Officials expect the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency to pressure the city to limit how much waste it accepts from outside
the area, which also includes around 1.5 million gallons of landfill leachate.
Of the 96,000 residents of what is called Mat-Su, about 80,000 use septics and the population is growing. Two existing treatment plants in the borough cant accept septage because they are already operating with permit
exemptions due to high levels of ammonia and nitrates. Mat-Su officials
have been studying the matter for years and estimate a regional wastewater
plant will cost nearly $18 million. Even if approved, the plant couldnt operate until 2019.
The study shows that pumpers and haulers travel 500,000 miles a year
to dispose of septage in Anchorage with one saying he makes up to five
trips a day.
Land application ban delay fails in Florida
An effort to delay a ban on the land application of septage failed to clear
the Florida Legislature in the past session. If something isnt done next year,
the ban will become effective in 2016. According to the Florida Department
of Health, about 40 percent of the states septic tank waste is spread on 92
permitted sites.

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Waste Holding Tank





Portable Offices
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Pumper September 2014


The ban is expected to double the average $250 cost of pumping a septic
tank. The Florida Onsite Wastewater Association, and others, had sought a
one-year delay so the state could study disposal options and the environmental effects of land spreading, and wants to repeal the ban outright. Even
though the legislation failed, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection says it will begin the requested study this fall.
The bill delaying the ban passed the Senate on a 37-1 vote on the last
day of the session. But a companion bill in the House was never brought up
for a vote. One legislator said many urban lawmakers dont understand the
significance of the bill and how much rural counties depend on land spreading. Many wastewater treatment plants dont accept septage and some rural
counties have no treatment plants.
Ohio proposal would allow sewer connection opt-out
A proposal in the Ohio General Assembly would allow property owners
served by an onsite sewage treatment system to opt out of mandatory sewer
system connections. The bipartisan measure was crafted to provide relief to
property owners facing mandatory sewer system tie-ins.
House Bill 522 requires that property owners with onsite systems, and
the local health department, be notified of planned sewer systems if the
property may be required to connect. The property owner could opt out of
the connection as long as the onsite system is maintained in accordance
with state law. Owners of onsite systems not in compliance would have an
opportunity to upgrade their system in order to avoid connecting to the
sewer system.
State Rep. Sean OBrien (D-Bazetta), one of the lead sponsors of the
legislation, says people can be prosecuted for not connecting to a sewer
system and feels that is unacceptable and unconstitutional. He says the bill
was drafted with the assistance of the Trumbull County Board of Health, the
Ohio Department of Health and the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency.
Georgia now requires portable sanitation certification
The Georgia Department of Health will now require certification and
continuing education for portable restroom operators. Certification classes
will be offered through the Georgia Onsite Wastewater Association; contractors certified by the Portable Sanitation Association International will
meet the state requirements and only have to provide proof of their PSAI
New regulations dealing with portable restroom units were also passed
by the Department of Health after several years of research and two public

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Pumper September 2014

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A Green Choice: Fruitland Introduces

Biodegradable Pump Oil
By Craig Mandli

ruitland Vacuum Pumps are known for their iconic blue exterior, but
another color made waves at the companys Pumper & Cleaner Environmental Expo International 2014 booth green. Thats green as in
Fruitland Green, its 100 percent biodegradable vacuum pump oil designed
to eliminate the chance of contaminating the air, water or ground.
The main reason we came out with this product is its what our customers wanted, says Keith Myers, sales manager for Fruitland. Weve had
customers in the oilfield, environment, industry, septic service and grease
services continuously ask if we have an environmentally friendly oil available. Now we do.
The product is specifically designed for use in Fruitland vacuum pumps,
although according to Myers, testing continues on other pump brands. The
viscosity of the oil maintains stability across extreme temperature ranges.
This product is just as effective as typical vacuum pump oil but with
the huge bonus of being biodegradable and safe for the environment, says

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Pumper September 2014

Myers. The formulation is nontoxic, is easy to

Fruitland Manufacturing Sales
Manager Keith Myers, right,
use and completely safe for operators.
discusses his companys new
Fruitland had been planning to roll out
the new Green oil at the 2014 Expo for some biodegradable vacuum pump
oil, Fruitland Green, with an
time. The 2013 show was where we really
bounced the idea off of our customers and Expo attendee.
(Photo by Craig Mandli)
decided a product like this was really needed
in the industry, says Myers. The oil was tested internally in our shop for seven months, then field tested for three more
months. The response was overwhelmingly positive.
Myers says he talked to many Fruitland customers who were excited
about the possibility of using biodegradable oil in their units.
Not only is it a selling point for us, its an idea that our customers can
pass along to their customers too, he says. In an era where people are increasingly conscious of the footprint theyre leaving on the environment, a
septic pumper or drain cleaner being able to tell a customer that the oil they
use in their unit is safe for the environment is a great selling point.
Myers says the new pump oil was a way to introduce new customers to
Fruitland pumps.
Talking about the Green oil was actually a terrific conversation starter
with attendees, he says. That gave us a great opportunity to talk with them
about our vacuum pump options, and what they can do for their rigs and
their business.
The company is finalizing packaging and distribution details for the new
oil and will follow up with Expo attendees who showed an interest, Myers says.
Fruitlands technicians are hard at work to roll out several new products for the 2015 WWETT show (the new name for the Pumper & Cleaner
Expo). Were working on some industrial blowers, which will be a completely new market for Fruitland, and also a blower for the dry bulk market, Myers says. Were excited to enter that market and gauge the reaction
at next years show. Its always a great opportunity for us to show our new
products and gather feedback for the future. Hopefully well have a product
that will create just as much excitement as our Green oil. 800/663-9003;

www.pumper.com Since 1979 September 2014


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PumPer Profile

Calvin McCutcheon, president

of McCutcheon Enterprises
Inc., stands in front of a
Peterbilt roll-off truck.
The Apollo, Pa., company
continues to grow at a fast
pace providing a variety of
services, including industrial
vacuum loading.
(Photos by Justin Merriman)

Pennsylvanias McCutcheon
Enterprises adds equipment
to handle bigger and tougher
industrial vacuum loading
jobs, and an explosion of
diversification follows
By Ken Wysocky

hen Maxwell and Olen McCutcheon
started pumping septic tanks and hauling
steel-mill waste in 1947 in Pennsylvania,
they owned just one small septic service truck.
Today, the company they founded now known as
McCutcheon Enterprises Inc. (MEI) in Apollo is one of the states
largest industrial cleaners, employing 125 people and running 275
vehicles, including 21 vacuum trucks and nine vacuum trailers.
As its name implies, this well-diversified company now
provides many more services than it did a half century ago, ranging
from industrial cleaning and emergency response services to
septic pumping, roll-off containers, site remediation and a host
of other environmental-related services. And its steady growth
reflects a simple premise upheld by subsequent generations of the
McCutcheon family: Bold is better than timid when it comes to
growing a company.
By taking calculated risks, such as developing and investing
in new vacuum loading technology or designing and building


Pumper September 2014


mcCutcheon Enterprises Inc.

Apollo, Pa.

OWNER: Calvin McCutcheon

FOuNdEd: 1947
EmplOyEES: 125
SpECIAlTIES: Industrial cleaning,
HAZMAT emergency response,
waste transportation and treatment,
septic service
SERVICE AREA: 100-mile radius around Apollo
WEBSITE: www.completewastemgmt.com



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distances and simultaneously pump it into tanker trailers and roll-off boxes
a waste-processing facility, the company now led by President Calvin
for disposal. Then the company became one of the first customers to buy
McCutcheon, Olens son continually finds ways to better serve customers
these specialized GapVax trucks.
through innovation.
Almost 20 years later, the McCutcheons still believe
My father [Calvin] and grandfather [Olen]
in new equipment increases productivity
were not risk averse, says Chad McCutcheon, the
We would absolutely
and boosts customer service and satisfaction. A good
companys communications manager. He and his
like to have more
example is the companys recent purchase of three
brother, Nathan, who oversees operations in Houston,
septic pumping and waste
customized vacuum trucks, made by ITI Trailers &
Pa., and is part of the executive management team, are
Truck Bodies Inc., which can quickly load drilling
fourth-generation employees. My great-grandfather,
to treat, but in recent years,
cuttings from gas and oil wells. Built on 2012 Peterbilt
Maxwell, and grandfather, Olen, started with an idea. My
MEI has had more success
367 chassis and equipped with low-emission, fuelfather turned that idea into a vision.
efficient diesel engines made by PACCAR, the ITI trucks
As an example, McCutcheon points to the in providing other complete
feature 4,200-gallon stainless steel tanks, a hydraulic
companys move to become certified hazardous waste waste management
hoist for efficient dumping through a full-opening
haulers in the mid-1970s, when the federal government
solutions to our clients.
rear door and a 921 cfm blower made by National
began implementing hazardous waste transportation
Vacuum Equipment Inc.
Chad McCutcheon
My grandfather and father saw what was happening,
The powerful units enable the company to use just
McCutcheon says. Thats the point where the business
one truck on congested drilling pads instead of the two
really took off. They both saw that the new hazardous waste regulations
it required before (one to vacuum up the cuttings and blow them into rollwould create a solid base for a waste-management business. No longer
off boxes, and another truck to take away the boxes). That, in turn, leaves
would companies be able to hire just anyone to transport their waste they
more equipment and employees to serve other clients. Moreover, because
saw a boom coming and they needed to be ready for it.
of the way the trucks are designed, they weigh less than conventional highflow vacuum trucks, allowing them to carry larger payloads and make
fewer trips.
In the mid-1990s, the McCutcheons needed more efficient and
powerful vacuum trucks to handle tough cleaning projects in steel mills
and other industrial plants. So they worked with GapVax Inc. to develop a
high-flow vacuum truck that could suck up heavy industrial waste over long

Technician Dave Dingey connects

lengths of hose to reach a septic tank
that requires pumping.


Pumper September 2014

With our services so

diversified, our employees
find themselves working in many
different situations even if its
just one time. The bottom line:
If theres a training course specific
to an industry we serve,
our guys take it.
Chad McCutcheon
THe fleeT fACTS
The company owns many other
pieces of equipment and vehicles,
including five GapVax high-flow vacuum trucks (built on Peterbilt, Mack
and Volvo chassis and equipped with 5,200 cfm blowers); a Freightliner
equipped with a 2,800-gallon aluminum vacuum tank with a Masport
pump, built by Progress Tank; and several service trucks built on Sterling,
Peterbilt, Mack and Freightliner chassis with stainless steel or aluminum
tanks in the 2,800- to 4,300-gallon range, built out by ITI, Progress Tank and
Presvac Systems and all equipped with Wittig RFL 100 pumps (Gardner
Denver) and National Vacuum Equipment Inc. blowers.
In addition, the company owns four 5,500-gallon, stainless steel tanker
trailers, with manufacturers including Polar Corp. and Stainless Tank &
Equipment LLC, and equipped with Wittig RFL 100 pumps; two 5,500-gallon
tanker trailers made by Dragon Products Ltd. and equipped with National
Vacuum Equipment pumps; three 6,500-gallon aluminum tanker trailers

employee safety matters

Employees at McCutcheon Enterprises Inc. perform many services, from
heavy-industrial cleaning of tanks and pits in factories to collecting drilling
cuttings in the gas and oilfields in the Marcellus Shale. No matter what service
they provide, employee safety always comes first. Thats why the Apollo, Pa.based company has its own safety division, staffed by a safety director and
two emergency-response coordinators who travel with crews in emergencyresponse situations.
Members of the safety staff are certified by the Occupational Safety and Health
Administration in a variety of areas, ranging from construction to hazardous-waste
operations. In fact, the companys safety personnel even offer training to other
contractors, says Chad McCutcheon, the companys communications manager.
A lot of people in our industry can do confined-space entry work but not
confined-space rescue work, he says. We provide our employees with both
kinds of training, which helps us because our customers dont have to hire two
separate companies one with employees trained in only confined-space entry
and another with employees trained in only confined-space rescue. Thats huge.
All field employees must pass a 40-hour HAZWOPER (hazardous-waste
operator) training course; a 10-hour OSHA industrial-training course; a 10-hour
construction-training course (for working in areas where OSHA construction
regulations apply); first-aid and CPR training; confined-space entry and rescue
training; lock-out, tag-out training (which prevents machinery from getting turned
on while cleaning crews are working); and many more.
With our services so diversified, our employees find themselves working
in many different situations even if its just one time, McCutcheon says. The
bottom line: If theres a training course specific to an industry we serve, our
guys take it.

The project managers and sales

made by Heil Trailer International Co. and
team at McCutcheon Enterprises
Tremcar Inc. and outfitted with Wittig RFL
Inc. stand in front of one of the
100 pumps; four dump trucks (Mack and
companys many service trucks
Peterbilt chassis with dump bodies by J&J
in Apollo, Pa.
Truck Bodies & Trailers); and 15 tri-axle
roll-off trucks (Macks and Peterbilts) equipped with 60,000-pound hoists
made by GalFab (a Wastebuilt company) and extended tails.
While the companys roots are linked to septic pumping, McCutcheon
Enterprises doesnt do much septic work anymore. The company pumps
and treats about 1.25 million gallons of municipal waste a year.
We would absolutely like to have more septic pumping and waste
to treat, but in recent years, MEI has had more success in providing other
complete waste management solutions to our clients, McCutcheon explains.
For us, providing septic pumping and treatment services is not about the
money as much as it is about providing a valuable community service to
customers in our local area. We get the most bang for our buck by providing
other solutions, such as emergency response cleanups or hydro-cleaning
with a high-flow vacuum truck. Another area in which wed like to expand our
business is in the world of restaurant grease traps. McCutcheon concluded.
Facing more competition and disposal-capacity questions in the late
1990s, as well as growing concerns over ever-escalating disposal fees and
associated hauling expenses, McCutcheon Enterprises built its own waste
treatment facility. In 2001, the company opened what is now a 58,000-squarefoot treatment facility that can handle everything from solid to semisolid to
liquid wastes from many different industries. Those waste streams could
include sediment from a chemical-treatment plant at a local steel mill;
chemical and sewage solids that accumulate in clarifiers and digesters at
other treatment plants; and drilling mud and cuttings collected at natural
gas or oil well drilling pads.
But nine times out of 10, its nonhazardous slurry or sediment that
builds up in tanks and pipelines at industrial facilities, McCutcheon says.
The waste treatment facility can treat and release up to 160,000 gallons
of wastewater per day (or about 58 million gallons of wastewater a year) from
its biosolids treatment area. A waste solidification area can process up to 500
tons of waste per day, he says.
The facility offers many benefits. First, it significantly reduces
transportation costs. Second, spending less time trucking waste to treatment
facilities boosts productivity dramatically because the company can
perform more cleaning jobs per year. Third, it generates another revenue


Pumper September 2014

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McCutcheon Enterprises
stream because the company allows other
contractors to bring in waste. And perhaps technician Dave Dingey agitates
a tank during a pumping job.
less tangible but equally important,
customers like it because the company can
handle all aspects of a job, from cleanup to disposal, McCutcheon explains.
We responded to clients needs, he says. Clients prefer to hire one
company to manage waste, transport it and dispose of it. Its a cost-effective
way to provide waste-disposal solutions to our clients. Customers reduce their
costs, compared to sending it to a facility thats farther away or to one in New
York or Ohio and when they break down their costs, they can see the savings
gained from hiring one contractor as opposed to multiple contractors.
The facility runs several different treatment processes. One process treats

Masport, Inc.

(See ad page 3)

National Vacuum Equipment, Inc.

(See ad page 69)


(See ad page 65)

Polar Tank Trailer, LLC


Gardner Denver

Presvac Systems, Ltd.


Heil Trailer International

ITI Trailers & Truck Bodies, Inc.
(See ad page 12)

(See ad page 104)

Stainless Tank & Equipment

Tremcar Inc.

(See ad page 6, Eastern Supplement)

J&J Truck Bodies & Trailers


municipal and residual waste from sources such as municipal treatment

plants, residential clients, manufacturers and the energy and industrial
sectors. It utilizes screening and degritting, chemical treatment, separation
of solids and liquids, and filter pressing, which consists of a series of vertical
plates that squeeze out solids. The resulting cake can be landfilled, and the
remaining liquids receive further treatment before theyre discharged into a
municipal sewer.
The solidification process involves putting liquid and semiliquid
materials into four armor-plated cement pits, where a solidifying agent
is added. After the waste solidifies, its suitable for landfill disposal,
McCutcheon says.
The company recently modified its solidification process to include
waste reduction, which is a more efficient treatment method that yields
less solid waste. In this process, waste passes through a rotary filter press,
separating liquids and solids. The liquids are sent to another processing area
for further treatment, while solids are landfilled.
Future growth remains in the companys plans, as evidenced by the
acquisition in 2013 of Myzak Hydraulics, a dealership for three equipment
brands that sells hydraulic hoses, parts and valves to operators in the Marcellus
Shale play and other clients. The company also offers oil and gas industry
solutions, such as roustabout services and containment liners for well pads.
When does the diversification stop? I dont see a limit at this point,
McCutcheon says. Weve been around since 1947, my brother and I are going
to be around for some time to come and Dad has no plans to quit anytime soon
either. And well keep adhering to Dads philosophy of people, performance
and progress that the best people perform the best work, which leads to
continual progress and growth. So really, the skys the limit.


Pumper September 2014


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Building The Business

Eric J. Romero
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information, visit www.

Think Outside the Box

Defying convention can give your company a competitive edge By Eric J. Romero

eaders inspire people to do amazing things the type of things their

followers would not do on their own. With leadership, a vision and
competitive advantage become reality. The more change a company
faces, the greater the need for leaders. The more flexible a business must
be to survive, the greater the need for leaders. Given that todays environment is characterized by frequent change, leadership is more important
than ever before.
Unconventional leaders go a step further. They lead their companies
to repeatedly do or create things that people love but no one expected, especially their competition. Unconventional leaders are fanatical about the
products and services they provide rather than profit, yet they tend to lead
the most profitable businesses in their industries. They create companies
built on innovation, flexibility and risk-taking that redefine their industries
and sometimes the way people live. Through their companies, they often
lead other firms in terms of technology, customer service, etc. Unconventional leaders beat the competition on a regular basis.
Apple co-founder Steve Jobs was a prime example of an unconventional leader. He didnt look like the typical business leader, and his leadership style was anything but conventional. In fact, his background was
contrary to what most people would expect of a successful corporate leader. He dropped out of college and had no formal management training.
Despite this, or maybe because of this, he had an unconventional leadership style that led to the creation of an unconventional firm. In fact, the
people with the most education and experience are often the most conventional thinkers.
Unconventional thinkers
Unconventional leaders are unconventional thinkers; but what does
that mean? Their ideas come from a wide range of areas. They often use bits
and pieces of simple concepts in unique combinations to create new solutions to problems. Their unique thinking is often reflected in their eclectic
mix of interests and people with whom they form relationships. They like
information and ideas, and often focus on things that most people overlook. Unconventional people like to think about things and understand
them fully.
Compare the difference between conventional and unconventional
Conventional thinkers
Like safety, avoid risk.
Say things like This is just the way we do things and Everyone
does it this way.
Accept things as they are.
Avoid expressing their ideas unless agreement is likely.


Pumper September 2014

Unconventional leaders are fanatical about the

products and services they provide rather than profit,
yet they tend to lead the most profitable businesses
in their industries.

Follow trends; there is safety in numbers.

Are less willing to think, would rather continue doing things the
same way.
Consider agreement and consistency very important.
Have a negative perception of differences; these are weird, strange,
odd, etc.
Do not question why things are the way they are, do not think of a
better way.
Value established knowledge.
Unconventional thinkers
Search for improvements or even perfection.
Think and act differently from most people.
Re-evaluate everything, including their beliefs, and change them if
Integrate disparate ideas and knowledge into new ideas and solutions.
Are not restricted by other people, do not care what they think or do.
Like change, see it as an opportunity for improvement.
Are willing to try new things and learn from them, whether or not
they work out.
Believe that constructive conflict leads to more ideas and a better
understanding of issues.
Openly express whats on their mind.
Value thinking and creating new knowledge.
Although it might not be an easy change, conventional thinkers
can become more unconventional. Everyone is born an unconventional
thinker. Just observe young children and you can see their amazing creativity and free thinking. Unfortunately, as kids get older, they are taught
to think like everyone else. They learn to become conventional thinkers.
However, if this can be learned, it can be unlearned. You might not become as unconventional and innovative as Steve Jobs, but you can become far less conventional in your thinking and become a more unconventional leader.

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Here are some ideas you can use to start on that path:
Force yourself to try new things: music, food, activities, travel.
Question everything you do and believe; stop doing things to fit in or
just because everyone else does it.
Get used to people not agreeing with you. Always tell people what
you think, even if they might not like it.
Debate with people who disagree with you in order to understand
their point of view. Accept their ideas even if they are different.
Talk to people who are totally different from you and learn from
them: younger, older, retired, foreigners, different professions.
Try new ideas even if you are not sure they will work.
When new ideas dont work out, view this as part of the learning
required to try new things the cost of creativity not as a failure or
Dont take yourself too seriously; use humor to make fun of yourself
when things dont work out.
GettinG it done
Doing the above activities is easier if they are done with other people, so
look for groups you can join or create to help you become more unconventional. While changing is not easy, becoming an unconventional leader has
the potential to help you create significant competitive advantage based on
innovation, flexibility and risk-taking.


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TRADE AssociAtions
If you would like your wastewater trade association added to this list, send contact information to editor@pumper.com.

Serving the Industry

Visit your state and provincial trade associations



New Hampshire

Alabama Onsite Wastewater Association

www.aowainfo.org; 334/396-3434

Indiana Onsite Waste Water Professionals Association

www.iowpa.org; 317/889-2382

New Hampshire Association of Septage Haulers

www.nhash.com; 603/831-8670



Arizona Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association

www.azowra.org; 928/443-0333

Iowa Onsite Waste Water Association

www.iowwa.com; 515/225-1051

Granite State Designers and Installers Association

www.gsdia.org; 603/228-1231



Arkansas Onsite Wastewater Association


Kansas Small Flows Association

www.ksfa.org; 913/594-1472

Professional Onsite Wastewater Reuse

Association of New Mexico
www.powranm.org; 505/989-7676



North Carolina

California Onsite Wastewater Association

www.cowa.org; 530/513-6658

Kentucky Onsite Wastewater Association

www.kentuckyonsite.org; 855/818-5692

North Carolina Septic Tank Association

www.ncsta.net; 336/416-3564



Colorado Professionals in Onsite Wastewater

www.cpow.net; 720/626-8989

Maine Association Of Site Evaluators


North Carolina Portable Toilet Group

www.ncportabletoiletgroup.org; 252/249-1097


Maine Association of Professional Soil Scientists


Connecticut Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association

www.cowra-online.org; 860/267-1057

Delaware On-Site Wastewater Recycling Association

Florida Onsite Wastewater Association
www.fowaonsite.com; 321/363-1590

Maryland Onsite Wastewater Professionals Association
www.mowpa.org; 443/570-2029

Michigan Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association


Michigan Septic Tank Association

www.msta.biz; 989/808-8648

Georgia Onsite Wastewater Association

www.onsitewastewater.org; 678/646-0379


Georgia F.O.G. Alliance


Onsite Wastewater Association of Idaho
www.owaidaho.org; 208/664-2133

Onsite Wastewater Professionals of Illinois


Pumper September 2014

New Mexico

North Carolina Pumper Group

www.ncpumpergroup.org; 252/249-1097

Ohio Onsite Wastewater Association
www.ohioonsite.org; 866/843-4429

Oregon Onsite Wastewater Association
www.o2wa.org; 541/389-6692

Pennsylvania Association of Sewage Enforcement
www.pa-seo.org; 717/761-8648

Minnesota Onsite Wastewater Association

www.mowa-mn.com; 888/810-4178

Pennsylvania Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association



Pennsylvania Septage Management Association

www.psma.net; 717/763-7762

Missouri Smallflows Organization

www.mosmallflows.org; 417/739-4100

Nebraska On-site Waste Water Association
www.nowwa.org; 402/476-0162

Tennessee Onsite Wastewater Association



MARCH 25-27, 2015









Texas On-Site Wastewater Association
www.txowa.org; 888/398-7188


National Association of Wastewater Technicians

www.nawt.org; 800/236-6298

Nova Scotia
Waste Water Nova Scotia
www.wwns.ca; 902/246-2131


Virginia Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association

www.vowra.org; 540/377-9830



Alberta Onsite Wastewater Management Association

www.aowma.com; 877/489-7471

Ontario Association of Sewage Industry Services

www.oasisontario.on.ca; 877/202-0082

British Columbia


WCOWMA Onsite Wastewater Management of B.C.

www.wcowma-bc.com; 877/489-7471

Saskatchewan Onsite Wastewater

Management Association
www.sowma.ca; 877/489-7471

Washington On-Site Sewage Association

www.wossa.org; 253/770-6594

Wisconsin Onsite Water Recycling Association
www.wowra.com; 608/441-1436

Ontario Onsite Wastewater Association

www.oowa.org; 855/905-6692



Wisconsin Liquid Waste Carriers Association

www.wlwca.com; 608/441-1436

Manitoba Onsite Wastewater Management Association

www.mowma.org; 877/489-7471


Onsite Wastewater Systems Installers of Manitoba, Inc.

www.owsim.com; 204/771-0455

Water Environment Federation

www.wef.org; 800/666-0206

New Brunswick

National Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association

www.nowra.org; 800/966-2942

New Brunswick Association

of Onsite Wastewater Professionals
www.nbaowp.ca; 506/455-5477

Canadian Regional
Western Canada Onsite Wastewater
Management Association
www.wcowma.com; 877/489-7471

A.S.M.E. Certified / D.O.T. Approved
UL-142 Listed

Tanks for your Business

Mid-State Tank Co., Inc.

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Pumper September 2014

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Pumper September 2014



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Need Equipment? Contact Us We Can Get It. 866.720.4999

State of the state

Regulations Reboot in Colorado

Updated onsite guidelines are a welcome addition for the Rocky Mountain states growing
wastewater trade association By Doug Day

he Colorado Professionals in Onsite Wastewater (CPOW) organization is now 10 years old, tracing its origins to when a small group of
people decided the states industry needed a new direction and new
regulations. Chuck Cousino was involved in that effort as president of CPOW
last year and is now responsible for managing the process; he became Colorados onsite wastewater treatment system (OWTS) coordinator for the Water Quality Control Division in November 2013.
What is the history behind the regulations?
Cousino: Emergency guidelines were implemented
as regulations in 1974 with a few revisions in later
years in reaction to issues that came up. A group of
regulators and practitioners formed the Individual
Sewage Disposal System [ISDS] Steering Committee
in 2002 to update the regulations. Many of them went
on to found CPOW in 2004.
One of their goals was a full-time position to run
the states onsite program. The position was created
in 2008 and I took over when my predecessor retired.
In 2009, the state initiated the process to rewrite
Contact Chuck
the ISDS regulations, which eventually involved Cousino at 303/692more than 250 people, roughly 20 meetings and six
2366 or chuck.
or seven drafts. OWTS Regulation 43 went into effect cousino@state.co.us.
in July 2013 and local public health agencies had one
year to implement their regulations that have to be at least as stringent.

What was CPOWs role?

Cousino: Much of what happened can be credited to the group that founded
CPOW. They and the local directors of environmental health were the most
active in the stakeholder process.
One of the results was a defined need for training. CPOW officially
formed an education committee last year, but we already had two [National
Association of Wastewater Technicians]-certified trainers and have offered
NAWT classes at least annually for inspectors, installers and O&M providers
for years.
We are modifying the NAWT design class that was presented for the first
time last year at the Pumper & Cleaner Environmental Expo International.
There are items that still have to be added because of the unique geological
conditions we have in the Rocky Mountains.
CPOW has added a soils class that takes much of its content from the
University of Minnesota Onsite Sewage Treatment Program soils class, and
were adding the Colorado components. Two of the biggest additions to the
new regulation were the inclusion of long-term acceptance rates and placing a focus on soil structure; we were relying strictly on percolation tests.
Soils training has become a real focus.


Pumper September 2014

What were the biggest gaps between the old and new regulations?
Cousino: The biggest thing was changing the focus from disposal to treatment and moving toward a performance-based standard instead of a prescriptive code. We arent there yet, but its a good start. The new regulations
have brought us more in line with industry standards in areas like soils,
O&M, training and oversight. There is a minimum interval for maintenance
evaluation by a certified inspector that varies based on the type of system.
The regulations are more science-based and allow more use of current technologies to overcome site restrictions.
Did you get everything you wanted?
Cousino: The regulations were developed before my arrival. My understanding is that many areas of discussion couldnt get buy-in from all the stakeholders so there are about 15 items that are opt-in/opt-out for the counties.
One of the opt-ins is to allow for reductions in system size or isolation with
the use of higher-level treatment systems. If they do, they must have oversight programs to ensure proper maintenance is conducted.
Another opt-in is a transfer of
title inspection. If a county chooses
to implement this, they must proTanks have to
vide oversight and the inspector
be recertified,
has to be certified by NAWT or an
equivalent national program. A
watertight risers to
couple of counties are more stringrade are required, and
gent and require the same certia focus has been placed
fication for those doing maintenance on higher-level treatment
on system maintenance.
There are significant
One of the biggest reasons for
advancements and
the options was that some counties
have bigger programs and staff,
systems are going
30 or 40 people. There is a lot of
to last longer.
growth along the Colorado Front
Range and their programs tend to
- Chuck Cousino
be more progressive.
Some of the smaller counties
may not even have an environmental health program. They may rely on a
land-use person or building inspector for OWTS inspections and have only
three or four permits a year. Their reluctance to jump into more programs is
Are the new regulations working?
Cousino: Yes. Some counties kept their old regulations and worked in the
new ones. Others started with the new regs and kept some of the nuance of
their old rules. For the smaller counties, we developed a four-page template

Getting past the deal breakers

Just as the new onsite wastewater regulations were about to be finalized
in Colorado, a small group of stakeholders started to question a few specific
items. Suddenly some people were realizing that it really was going to happen, says Colorados onsite wastewater treatment system coordinator Chuck
Cousino, who is also past-president of Colorado Professionals in Onsite Wastewater. Some felt that we always made small modifications to the regulations in
the past and wondered why we couldnt do that now.
In response, the stakeholders were called together for a meeting to identify all the main deal breakers that needed attention. They made a list of those
things they absolutely could not live with, sat down, and hammered it out.
Many of the contentious matters ended up as items counties could adopt
if they wanted. Cousino says that helped get the regulations passed, and he
plans to spend the next few years assisting both practitioners and regulators
and providing direction as to where improvements can be made the next time
the regulations are updated.

to adopt the regulations by reference and still allowed for local items to be
included. There is also a checklist for the opt-in/opt-out items, included as
an appendix where they can define what items they want to include. We received a lot of positive feedback to the template. There are still a few counties
we havent heard from, which we expected, but well work through that.

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Is the opt-in/opt-out option a strength or weakness?

Cousino: Its a good step that allowed the core items to be implemented.
The site evaluation requirement is very extensive. Tanks have to be recertified, watertight risers to grade are required, and a focus has been placed on
system maintenance. There are significant advancements and systems are
going to last longer.
The options allow the smaller counties to work within the framework of
their abilities, both manpower and financial. Education will make a difference and we plan to revisit the regulations in a few years.
Any advice for other states that want to do such an update to their
Cousino: Patience. Baby steps was the term used by my predecessor. Start
early with the stakeholders, define where you want to go and how to get
there. You may not reach the end right away, it might be the next time or
the time after that; just keep things moving in the right direction by getting
buy-in from your stakeholders and get their feedback. Education is key.


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Pumper September 2014


Erik Gunn

MOney Manager

Erik Gunn is a business

writer in Racine, Wis.

Know the Real Cost

Price is only one factor in determining how long it will take a new piece of equipment to return a profit By Erik Gunn

o youre all ready to buy a new piece of equipment for your business
In making those calculations, its reasonable to project what additional
perhaps a vacuum truck or an excavator.
business you might gain by having the new tool in your possession so long
Youve settled on your preferred model, figured out your financas youre realistic in your forecasts.
ing and made room in your budget for payments. Now, hold on. There are
Schwada advises asking yourself several questions about your prospectwo more questions you must always consider before making a major busitive purchase. These can point you to some deeply hidden potential ownerness purchase.
ship costs.
No. 1: How soon will that new gadget pay for itself? And No. 2: What is
owning it going to cost you?
Does the new piece of equipment fit your operation? Or, instead, does
You really need to know the answer to the second question if youre goit represent a big change in size or function from what youve used before?
ing to accurately answer the first one.
If the purchase is a lot different from what youve used before, be preThe cost of owning something isnt just the purchase price or even the
pared for it to be used less. Employees might not really get how to use this
cost of the loan its all the additional expenses that come along with it.
new device, or they may simply prefer old, familiar opIf you have always ridden a bus to get anywhere and
one day buy a car to save on bus fare, youll take on other
If you own this
expenses: buying gas, paying auto insurance premiums,
In the best case scenario, maybe theyll just need
paying for repairs, or even for your state registration and
extra training to get comfortable with using it. Thats
equipment, would it
license fees. Those will all be part of the cost of owning
another cost of ownership but one that will ultimately
help you sell the jobs more
that car not just the cars price and your finance charge.
pay off.
quickly? Do you lose jobs
Business equipment is no different. Everything
In the worst case, though, maybe its design makes
your business owns incurs some cost of ownership, because you cant get to it for
it too difficult to use. If a new piece of equipment just
however small. Some are easy to figure out; others are
two days because you have to sits idle because no one wants to use it, your projections
more complicated. Some you can only guess at.
about the revenue it will fetch will end up being way too
set up a rental?
rosy, Schwada warns.
Youre the best judge of whether the new tool
Jamie Smith
This is a business decision, says Paul Schwada, a
makes sense for your business, says Smith. Dont be
Chicago-based business consultant. The choice is estricked by a salesperson telling you, Everyone else has
sentially a decision to invest in the business in a specific area, and there are
one. Maybe theyre sorry they bought that piece of equipment; if its sitting
some bigger-picture considerations than just the obvious numbers.
around, its just a drain on your operation.
Jamie Smith agrees. Hes a certified public accountant who owns Mr.
Rooter of Greater Baltimore. Theres another side to ownership cost, he
Does it overlap equipment you already have? Almost every new
points out the cost of not owning that new machine.
piece of equipment once in use does some things that you used to do
Maybe youre getting by with an existing device youve adapted to the
with other equipment, Schwada notes.
task. If the new machine can allow you to do the work a lot more efficiently,
That could be good or bad. If your older equipment stays back at the
it might allow you to bill more jobs in less time.
shop all the time as a result, think about unloading it to recapture some dolOr, says Smith, If you dont own this piece of equipment and youre
lars. But if you can still use both the old equipment and the new tool, maybe
having to rent it, thats significant. If you own this equipment, would it help
youve increased your capacity for certain kinds of jobs. If theres a real maryou sell the jobs more quickly? Do you lose jobs because you cant get to it
ket, that can be great.
for two days because you have to set up a rental?
Against the cost of non-ownership, in rentals, lower efficiency or both,
How realistic is your plan for the new equipment? You may hope to
youll also need to weigh the costs of ownership: debt payments, insurance,
expand into some new specialty line of business. Be realistic about the acmaintenance and more.
tual opportunity.
Armed with that information, you can begin to calculate how soon the
You wont want to invest in a significant piece of equipment for a new
machine will pay back in revenue and profits the costs youre taking on
area of business without a good guess on the likelihood that it will pan out,
when you buy it.
Schwada says.


Pumper September 2014

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Sample costs of ownership

What additional expenses are associated with specific pieces of equipment?
I asked Bruce Hines of Brown Plumbing and Septic in Chesapeake, Va. Hes
well-positioned to advise both septic pumpers and drain and sewer cleaners. He
gave his expert assessment on the hidden costs that come with ownership of
big-ticket tools of the trade.
Vacuum truck: Replacing a vacuum pump or blower that breaks down can
cost $5,000 or more, Hines notes. You can keep repair and replacement costs
down, but it will cost you in another way (although probably less than repairs):
spending time and wages on routine maintenance, such as regularly cleaning
components. If you dont keep your secondary trap cleaned you can get water
contaminants into the pump.
Combination truck: Repairs and maintenance costs are on a much larger
scale and a much more expensive scale, Hines says. Necessary upkeep can
range from replacing damaged or worn hoses to fixing or replacing a broken
blower or other component.
Trailer jetter: Maintenance is always an issue, says Hines, as is the diesel
fuel or gasoline to run the engine. Also consider your water supply. And dont
forget weather freezing temperatures can do permanent damage to equipment that has water in it. Reduce weather-related costs by picking equipment
that is easy to winterize.
Sewer camera: As sewer cameras get more and more complex and sophisticated, repairs can become costly. If they break, theyve got to be repaired,
Hines says. And local service is not always an option; you may need to add in
the cost of shipping it back to the manufacturer.
Once you invest in a piece of equipment like this, you raise customers
expectations. Theyll naturally think you should be able to provide the service,
even if the device is out for repair. A rental or loaner for when the camera is in
the shop is part of the ownership cost too.

If youre already fulfilling customers requests with existing equipment in place of specialty equipment you plan to buy or by renting specialty
equipment or if you are having to turn down lots of requests for a particular service because you lack the needed tools you can probably have
some confidence in the future possibilities. But again, be realistic. Dont get
caught up in overly optimistic scenarios.
Before you make any major capital investment in your business, take
time to figure out its real return how soon it will add to your bottom line
instead of just eating away at your top line.
Then youll know whether its worth the money you plan to spend in the
first place.


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PumPer IntervIew

Promote Groundwater Awareness

Pumpers can team with the National Groundwater Association to raise awareness
for Protect Your Groundwater Day By Ken Wysocky

rotect Your Groundwater Day (PYGD) on Sept. 9 very well might pass
unnoticed by many pumpers. But it deserves some attention. In fact,
it could even provide pumpers with a marketing opportunity, while
at the same time increase customers awareness of one of the countrys
greatest and, in some areas, most endangered natural resources.
PYGD typically falls on the second Tuesday in September. Its sponsored by the National Groundwater Association (www.ngwa.org), a trade
and professional organization for those employed in the groundwater industry. That includes everything from water-well drillers to groundwater
engineers who design well systems to manufacturers and suppliers.
The overarching purpose is to advance
groundwater knowledge in general and
raise the bar for professionals in the industry, says Cliff Treyens, public awareness director for the organization. We also educate
the public about the importance of groundwater stewardship.
Technically speaking, septic pumpers
are not part of the associations focus. But
that doesnt mean they cant be comrades
in arms with the group; after all, proper
septic system maintenance helps to protect
Cliff Treyens, public awareness
groundwater, which is defined as water that
director for the National
lies below ground level in water-bearing
Groundwater Association, may
geological formations, Treyens explains.
be reached at 800/551-7379
or ctreyens@ngwa.org.
How important is groundwater? Consider this eye-opening fact: An estimated
99 percent of the worlds freshwater is groundwater. Even if you dont get
water from a well, I think that statistic can help you appreciate that groundwater is worth protecting, Treyens says. The association uses PYGD to aim
a spotlight on this invaluable resource raise public awareness of what
groundwater is, why its important and what people can do to protect it.
Pumpers can help spread that message, as Treyens explains in the following interview.
Pumper: Is there a logical connection between the septic pumping
industry and your organization?
Treyens: Yes. People who use water wells typically are concentrated in
the same rural areas where septic systems also are more prevalent. And a
well-made, well-constructed and properly located septic system can treat
sewage properly and protect groundwater, while a poorly made, installed
or located system can contaminate groundwater. Our industries have
symbiosis there.


Pumper September 2014

Its in the interest of both industries to establish high standards of

construction and maintenance because neither one of us wants to foul
the resource thats our customers lifeblood. We already partner with the
National Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association. They understand that
protecting groundwater is important to them and their customers.
Pumper: What role can pumpers play in protecting groundwater?
Treyens: They can educate customers about how they can protect
groundwater through their own daily habits. If you change your own oil,
dont dump it on the ground dont pump toxic chemicals down your
They also can emphasize the importance of proper septic system
maintenance help them understand exactly what maintenance their system requires, because if it fails it can contaminate groundwater. You can
explain the adverse consequences of inadequate maintenance point out
to them that its really a matter of their health.
One analogy we use is cars
its always better to stay on top
If I read a
of maintenance than wait until
something goes wrong, like a catnewspaper and
astrophic engine failure. The consaw a guy quoted about
sequences of poor maintenance
how important it is to
are almost always more costly
than a gradual investment over
protect groundwater, and
time to keep a system in good ophe was a septic system
erating order.

professional, Id think
he stands above
other pumpers.

Pumper: Are septic pumpers

uniquely qualified to play an
important role in groundwater
Cliff Treyens
Treyens: Yes. The thing about
professionals in the septic industry is theyre in proximity to and
in contact with people who use groundwater for drinking mostly rural
areas. By virtue of that, these professionals are in a perfect position to educate their customers.
Pumper: What else can pumpers do to spread the word about
groundwater protection?
Treyens: They can ask local newspapers to run a story or speak at community meetings that allow time for public comment. All kinds of opportunities exist to explain how protecting groundwater is important. We have
a lot of information on our website. If they can talk, they can do it and

they dont have to be a journalist to ask a local newspaper to write a story.

Youd be surprised at how many venues people have to communicate
these days, with Facebook, blogs and so forth. If youre of a mind that you
have information to give to the public, then pull it off our website and start
sharing it with people. Weve got thousands and thousands of people who
are potential educators and you could argue its just as or more important
for people in the septic industry to do it.
Pumper: Would it appear self-serving for pumpers to advocate regular
Treyens: I think customers will think that someone who expends the effort and time to communicate a message like that is somebody who gives a
darn, not necessarily doing it for selfish purposes.
If I read a newspaper and saw a guy quoted about how important it is
to protect groundwater, and he was a septic system professional, Id think
he stands above other pumpers. Id figure if he was quoted in a newspaper, he must know what hes talking about hes a doer. And I think the
public would perceive it that way too. Youre projecting a positive image
someone whos bringing up an important issue. And that would increase
my confidence in you.

a story.
hat you
nd start
ple who

the efgives a

ant it is

tests. So theyre taking this recognition event and using it to draw attention
to something theyre trying to accomplish. I could definitely see a pumper
offering a discount during Protect Your Groundwater Day.
Pumper: Where can pumpers get good information to give to
Treyens: I would suggest going to one of our websites: www.wellowner.
org. Click on the Protect Your Groundwater Day logo to get information.
People are free to use anything thats there: cut and paste it into an article,
link to it we dont care. We just want to get the information out there.

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Pumper: Could pumpers use PYGD to raise awareness?

Treyens: Theres no limit to what you can do with it if youre willing to
execute it. For example, some water-well drillers offer customers discounts
on Protect Your Groundwater Day. And some county health departments
around the country have used Groundwater Awareness Week (in early
March) and Protect Your Groundwater Day to offer discounted water-well
tests. So theyre taking this recognition event and using it to draw attention
to something theyre trying to accomplish. I could definitely see a pumper
offering a discount during Protect Your Groundwater Day.
Pumper: Where can pumpers get good information to give to
Treyens: I would suggest going to one of our websites: www.wellowner.
org. Click on the Protect Your Groundwater Day logo to get information.
People are free to use anything thats there: cut and paste it into an article,
link to it we dont care. We just want to get the information out there.

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Pumper September 2014

Jim Anderson, Ph.D.

Septic SyStem ANSWER MAN

Jim Anderson, Ph.D., is an emeritus professor

at the University of Minnesota Department
of Soil, Water and Climate, education
coordinator for the National Association of
Wastewater Technicians, and recipient of the
pumping industrys Ralph Macchio Lifetime
Achievement Award. Email Jim questions
about septic system maintenance and
operation at editor@pumper.com.

Breathing New Life Into a System

Be prepared to explain the basics of pretreatment components and aeration to your onsite customers
with struggling systems By Jim Anderson

y system failed! Should I put in an aerobic treatment unit? This is

another homeowner question that usually follows or precedes a
question about how and when oxygen is important in a system.
In a previous column we discussed formation of the biomat and the
relationship between the organic loading through measures of BOD and
FOG, and development of a more resistant and thicker biomat.
Adding more pretreatment components along with altering household practices is a way to address the organic loading issue and keep biomat development at levels where the soil is able to hydraulically accept the
water generated by system users. Pretreatment components involve oxygen as a part of the process of breaking down and removing the organic
waste constituents before they reach the soil treatment unit.
Several types of pretreatment components can be used. These include
a variety of media filters (sand, peat, textile) in addition to aerobic treatment units (ATUs). Whether adding any of these components will help
solve the situation where a drainfield has already failed depends on the
factors discussed previously: that the condition is the result of hydraulic
and organic overloading and lack of proper septic tank maintenance, or
it is due to soil compaction or smearing. In most cases where there is an
existing problem, additional pretreatment efforts will need to be accompanied by a resting period, which also may mean some modification to the
soil treatment area.
Determining the appropriate pretreatment component for a specific
situation requires knowledge about how each component works. In an
ATU, wastewater is pretreated by adding air to break down organic matter,
reduce pathogens and transform nutrients. There is usually a septic tank
in front of the ATU that acts as a trash tank to remove the larger solids and
foreign material such as plastic products or baby wipes.
A highly oxygenated environment is created by bubbling compressed
air through the liquid effluent to promote aerobic bacteria in the unit.
These bacteria are more efficient at breaking down the organic matter than
the aerobic bacteria that survive in a septic tank. Effluent delivered to the
soil treatment area from a properly operating unit is much cleaner. There
are still relatively high levels of nutrients and pathogens present but much
lower organic loading. There are also now aerobic units set up and operated to address nutrients as well.
In other than specific types of peat filters, septic tank effluent is delivered periodically through a set of pressure distribution laterals. In all cases
effluent is uniformly distributed to the media. Treatment mechanisms in


Pumper September 2014

media filters involve physical filtering of solids, ion exchange (alteration of

compounds by binding the media), decomposition of organic waste, trapping of pathogens and transformation of nutrients.
By using equal distribution and periodic loading over time, septic effluent comes in contact with oxygen in the unit and allows aerobic bacteria
time to break down the waste. In areas where nitrogen is a public health or
environmental concern, recirculating media filters can be installed to address this specific problem.
As wastewater moves through a recirculating media filter, the filter becomes oxygenated and the nitrogen present as ammonia in the effluent is
transformed to the nitrate form of nitrogen. The effluent is then circulated
back to the septic tank, which is low in oxygen and high in organic matter;
there the nitrate is converted to nitrogen gas and released through a process called denitrification.
The pretreatment component selected will depend on the organic
loading, as well as the level of desired treatment of not only the organic
loads but also nutrients and pathogens and the consistency of the waste
generated. For instance, an ATU would not be selected for a situation
where the system only periodically receives wastewater. So they would not
be an ideal choice for seasonal or periodic-use residences because it is
important that the aerobic bacteria are consistently fed. If they go through
time periods of low loading, the bacteria do not survive and thrive well. So
when they are hit with a higher load, they are not able to break down the
waste as efficiently.
All of the pretreatment components have the potential to improve the
function of a failed system and, by cleaning up the effluent, allow the system to recover over time. Other potential applications include use in areas
where vertical separation distance to a limiting layer such as bedrock,
high water tables and wellhead protection areas ensures adequate treatment before discharging into the environment.
Homeowners should be made aware that all of these pretreatment
components will require more maintenance and management than they
have been accustomed to with their septic tank. Since one of the causes of
the failure may be lack of septic maintenance, having this discussion with
the end user is important. It will take some education to get them to understand that continuous maintenance is required to keep these systems
operating efficiently. That is why many states and local authorities require
maintenance programs if these components are used.

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Classy TruCk Of The MOnTh

Small Town Septic

Granby, Conn.

wner Jason LaChance operates this red over white 2006 Mack
Granite truck built out by Joes Welding Supply in 2012 with a
3,200-gallon steel tank and Masport HXL400 vacuum pump.
Pulling power is provided by a Mack MP7 405 hp engine. The truck has
a 22,000-pound front axle and 52,000-pound rear, and 4-inch inlet and
6-inch dump valves. LaChance also added heated collars to avoid winter
freezing and an oil-catch muffler. The truck also has aluminum wheels
and chrome accents. The new truck was in storage for six years and was
bought with 400 miles in 2012. LaChance runs a one-man, one-truck
operation and serves mainly residential septic-pumping customers.

Show uS yourS!
Got a truck with real WOW appeal? Show it off to Pumper readers!
Send photos of your truck after it has been lettered with your
company name. Any industry-related truck is acceptable. Please limit
your submission to one truck only.
Your Classy Truck submission must include your name, company
name, mailing address, phone number, and details about the truck,
including tank size, cab/chassis information, pump information, the
company that built the truck, and any other details you consider
important. In particular, tell us what features of the truck help make
your work life more efficient and more profitable. Email your materials
to editor@pumper.com or mail to Editor, Pumper, P.O. Box 220, Three Lakes, WI
54562. We look forward to hearing from you!


Pumper September 2014


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Separation of liquid and solid wastes enter the container
through the toilet pan. The liquid drains to the bottom of
the container. Evaporation of the liquid occurs due to airflow
over the liquid surface. Instances do occur where it is necessary
to install a liquid overflow to avoid liquid overload- i.e. high
usage applications, humid climatic conditions.
As the waste migrates down the sloped ridged, perforated
drying plate, it is subjected to continuous ventilation thereby
promoting dehydration of the solids and evaporation of the liquids.
This forced extraction ventilation system results in continuous air flow
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thereby preventing the escape of odors through the toilet pan.
The airflow is assisted by the ventilation extraction unit positioned on
top of the outlet vent pipe with air being drawn into the container via
the inlet vent pipes.
Sunlight absorbed by the black manhole cover increases the ambient
temperature of the container, which allow the human waste to be
converted into an inoffensive compost like material roughly 5%
of its original volume. Air flow allows the waste to crust over, thus
eliminating odor.

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Overheard Online

Down at the Plant

Do I need special pumping equipment

to haul for municipal treatment facilities?
This feature in Pumper reports noteworthy conversations that take place at
the Pumper Discussion Forum, an online forum for industry professionals found
at www.pumper.com. Pumper Discussion enables exchange of information
and ideas on septic and drainfield installation and maintenance, trucks and
equipment, portable sanitation, chemical and additives and much more.
Information and advice in Overheard Online is offered in good faith by industry
professionals. However, readers should consult in depth with appropriate
industry sources before applying such advice to a specific business situation.

Question: Does anyone have any experience pumping and disposing of

wastewater treatment plant sludge? specifically, has anyone done it with a
pump truck? What is the size of your tank, the model of pump, and the amount
of time it took you to pump a load? im trying to figure out if my truck can do
the job or if i should rent one of the larger industrial vacuum-loading trucks.
AnsWer: I used to haul sludge out of plants with a 3,200-gallon vacuum
truck. Just a normal, everyday vacuum truck. I cant remember the pump
size but it was a Masport vane pump. Hauling sludge is no big deal. We
hauled out of three or four smaller plants. We left 4-inch hose at the plants.
We loaded fast pumping through the larger hose.


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We are the leading manufacturer of waste handling and recycling
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exactly where you put it...until youre ready to sell it yourself.

AnsWer: The truck I have was originally specd as a spray spreader truck for
a municipal treatment plant. It had nothing special other than a spray unit on
top. It had a 4,000-gallon tank with a Jurop R260 vacuum pump with 4-inch intakes. I understand one of the tanks could load the truck from the top and the
others were sucked up. Now when the local treatment plant has a problem,
they call me and I will pump a tank, depending on how thick and how deep. I
can load at 15 feet in about 15 minutes with a 4-inch hose and 20 minutes with
a 3-inch hose. If the waste is thick, it can add 10 minutes or more.
Question: What kind of oil do you use in your vacuum systems? Mine is a
Wallenstein pump and instructions specify sAe 20W non-detergent and thats
difficult to find locally. Any other suggestions?
AnsWer: I have been using Mobil vacuum pump oil. I buy it in a 5-gallon
container for just under $100 from the local Mobil oil distributor. NAPA also
carries a vacuum oil. You might have to have it ordered in.

AnsWer: On my Masport, Ive been using 30W non-detergent oil.

www.wastequip.com | 877-468-9278

Pumper September 2014

AnsWer: All of my trucks have 2,800- to 3,000-gallon tanks with Jurop

pumps. I may start having problems tomorrow, but for the last 20 years Ive
been using automatic transmission fluid. They use a lot of it but I dont have
any pump problems.


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Slide-In Units

Mini Vac Trailers




Industrial Units

Thank you Voss Equipment

from Illinois for purchasing
three Stainless Steel 100 gallon
Skid Mount Units

Vacuum Septic Units

Aluminum Or
Steel Tanks In
A Variety Of

Portable Toilet Units

Portable Toilet

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Join us on Facebook See the progress of some of our units in the making.

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Jeff Rachlin, President, PA
Jamie Miller, Vice President, VA
Ralph Macchio, Treasurer, NY
Tom Ferrero, Secretary, PA
Tom Frank, Past President, OH

Jim Anderson, MN
Gene Bassett, NM
Jace Ensor, NM
Tim Frank, PA
Larry Frost, ME

Bill Hall, CT
Tom Johnson, NY
Arthur Joubert, NH
Bob Kendall, WI
Frank King, MA

Stuart Mead, IN
Kit Rosenfield, CA
Susan Ruehl, OH
Mark Scott, MI

3150 W Higgins Rd., Ste. 105, Hoffman Estates, IL 60169 1-800-236-NAWT (6298) Fax 847-885-8393 www.nawt.org

Support Your Trade Association

Through Sponsorships
By Dhru Bhatt

re you interested in supporting the National Association of Wastewater Technicians by bringing an educational workshop to your state
or area? Are you interested in becoming a sponsor of one of NAWTs
educational sessions? Are you interested in sponsoring a breakfast, lunch
or dinner at one of NAWTs workshops? Are you interested in becoming a
sponsor of NAWTs Pre-WWETT Workshops? Or are you interested in becoming a general sponsor of NAWT?
If the answer to any of these questions is yes, we have the opportunity
for you. Become a NAWT sponsor today! With your sponsorship, your company logo will be prominently placed on NAWTs supporters page with a
link to your website. You will also be recognized at the workshops and your
company logo and name will be prominently displayed on all marketing
Take advantage and become a sponsor today! NAWT presents 10 to 15
workshops throughout the year including septic system inspection training,
operations and maintenance training, vacuum truck technician training,
onsite installer professional training and a waste treatment symposium. In
addition to these workshops NAWT conducts an additional five to 10 customized workshops for continuing education.
Bring workshops to your state or area
One of the key aspects of NAWTs educational programs is the desire to
establish working partnerships with state associations and other organizations to deliver high-quality programming to practicing professionals in the
onsite wastewater treatment fields.
Through your sponsorship of a workshop, we can produce a training
seminar in your state or area. The workshops and activities would be directed to pumpers, service providers, installers, inspectors, consultants and
engineers. NAWT is willing to work with your organization to provide the
workshops and programs, or work with you to develop your own unique
training program.
Educational sessions
If you are interested in sponsoring one of NAWTs educational sessions, we can earmark your sponsorship dollars toward a specific educational session.


Pumper September 2014

Breakfast, lunch or dinner sponsor

If you prefer to sponsor one of NAWTs breakfasts, lunches or dinners at
one of our workshops, your sponsorship dollars can be earmarked toward a
specific meal function.
Pre-WWETT Workshops
In February, NAWT conducts its Pre-WWETT Workshops preceding the
Water & Wastewater Equipment, Treatment & Transport show. If you are interested in sponsoring one or more of NAWTs Pre-WWETT Workshops in
2015, we can assign your sponsorship dollars toward these workshops.
NAWTs 2015 Pre-WWETT Workshops will be held from Feb. 21-22,
2015, at the Indiana Convention Center and nearby Camp Camby. WWETT
is scheduled for Feb. 23-26. Registration for NAWTs 2015 Pre-WWETT
Workshops will be opening soon.
General sponsorship
For a general sponsor of NAWT, you can become a Silver, Gold or Platinum NAWT sponsor. Details regarding NAWTs sponsorship opportunities
can be found on the NAWT website.
With all of these sponsorships, your company logo will be prominently
placed on NAWTs supporters page with a link to your website. You will also
be recognized at the workshops and your company logo and name will be
prominently displayed on all marketing materials.
NAWTs goals and purposes
One of NAWTs goals has always been to be the information center for
the industry and serve as a communication and education conduit for the
gamut of people from public officials to homeowners.
NAWT can complete this goal by conducting educational sessions with
your support. Choose to become a NAWT sponsor today!

Like us on

Industries, Inc.

ASME 407 Code Tanks Available

Aluminum, Stainless Steel, Steel



Cummins 240 HP engine
NVE primary moisture trap
Allison 2500 6-speed RDS automatic
NVE 20" top man way
Air brakes 25,999 GVWR
4" waste discharge line with valve,
2,000 gal. aluminum tank
adapter, and cap
Two compartment tank, 500 fresh
Anti-surge baffles
water/1,500 waste
Heavy duty toilet carrier with trailer hitch



Cummins 240 HP engine
NVE primary moisture trap
Allison 2500 6-speed RDS automatic
NVE 20" top man way
Air brakes 25,999 GVWR
4" waste discharge line with valve,
2,000 gal. aluminum tank
adapter, and cap
Two compartment tank, 500 fresh
Anti-surge baffles
water/1,500 waste
Heavy duty toilet carrier with trailer hitch



245 HP DT466
Air brakes
33,000 GVW
Auto transmission
2,300 gallon steel septic truck

Call for Pricing

Jurop PN84 vacuum system

One tool box
Two work lights (at rear )
Heavy duty bumper


450 Horsepower DD13
10 Speed transmission
Jacobs engine brake
Aluminum wheels Power mirrors
3600 gal. steel hoist & door tank
NVE primary moisture trap

NVE 20" top man way

Aluminum Hose trays
4" waste discharge line with
valve, adapter, and cap
Anti-surge baffles
(2) NVE sight eyes

Call for Pricing


300 to 1500 gal.
Single & Dual Compartment
Multiple Pumps Available

Single or two compartment tanks


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Inspector Certification & Training

La Quinta Inn & Suites, Arlington North 6 Flags Dr
825 North Watson Rd - Arlington, TX
September 26 - 27, 2014
Contact Brian P. Murphy - 972-743-5588


Inspector Certification & Training

Oregon Onsite Wastewater Association
Training Schedule TBD
Contact Belinda Rasmussen - 541-389-6692
Fax 541-389-2832, Email info@o2wa.org

Inspector Certification & Training
Albuquerque New Mexico
Tentative Date: October 22, 2014
Instructor: Jim Anderson
Contact Bill McKinstry at 505-989-7676


Operation & Maintenance 1 & 2

Tentative scheduled date: September 26-30 2014
Instructor: Dave Gustafson
Contact Lesley Desjardins at 877-489-7471
info@ wcowma.com


Inspector Certification Training

November 2-3 2014
Instructor: Dave Gustafson
Contact Cody Vigil at 540-487-2317



Call for Pricing!

For more information call:

800-236-6298 WWW.NAWT.ORG

Patented Biological
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Portable Toilet Trucks

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Electric Water Pump 40 PSI 6 GPM Vacuum and Pressure Relief Valve

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Call 1.800.951.4246

1833A 57th Street, Sarasota, FL 34243


Pumper September 2014

U.S. PATENTS #5,980,747 #7,341,863

Patents are for liquid product only

Product Focus/Case studY

Hydroexcavation and
Industrial Jet/Vac Services
You employ blowers, hazardous-duty units, highpowered and high-capacity vacuum systems, pumps
and hydroexcavation systems to do the heavy lifting
for your business. Consider these products if youre
looking to expand your hydroexcavation or industrial
vacuum fleet. By Craig Mandli

blower torque
Torque converters from Pik Rite are
installed on the input of the right angle gearbox drive to act as a clutch,
eliminating shock load between
the gearbox and the coupler while
still allowing the operation of an automatic transmission. It softly starts
the blower versus a harsh, abrupt method that can cause damage to the
gearbox and coupler. Packages available for Robuschi and NVE blowers.
800/326-9763; www.pikrite.com.

HazaRdOus units

Air-injected blower
VTB or SIAV Series blowers from Hibon Inc. (a division of Ingersoll Rand)
produce high vacuum levels and are not
limited by the heat generated inside the blower. Air
injection ports allow ambient air to enter the blower
and cool the lobes. A properly designed air-injected blower will run in a
blanked off condition (27 to 28 inches Hg or hose fully submerged) indefinitely without worry of the blower overheating. No vacuum relief valve is
needed. 888/704-4266; www.hibon.com.

blower pAckAge
The 5314 Top Mount blower package from
National Vacuum Equipment includes a cyclonic grit ridder, secondary/scrubber, prefilter to keep the blower free of foreign material, an air ballast system to keep it running
cool while providing 27 inches Hg continuous
operation, a water-cooled 6-inch remote fourway valve to prevent freeze-ups in frigid temperatures, and an air ballast and exhaust silencer with stainless construction on the internals.
The silencers are double-walled with internal packing to ensure quiet operation. This package has adequate airflow, 1,600 cfm and a 6-inch boom.
800/253-5500; www.natvac.com.

insulAted boiler
Insulated boiler cabinets from CanAm Equipment Solutions house
a Hotsy 750,000 Btu boiler, a CAT
660 pressure washer and hose reels. An optional workbench with storage is
available. 877/582-2626; www.canamequipment.com.

power supply
Designed to provide electric motorbased hydraulic power for temporary
or fixed application, the HT20EVX from
Hydra-Tech Pumps meets at minimum
Class I, Div. I standards, and can be modified for more stringent requirements. It
has a NEMA 7-rated domestically produced control panel with available
soft start to operate the 20 hp power pack. The standard variable volume
piston hydraulic pump can be fitted with a remote compensator valve, and
the hydraulic outputs can be adjusted to meet performance requirements.
Standard hydraulic outputs are 11 gpm at 2,700 psi. Any external power required for activating solenoids or safety shutdown switches is low-voltage
12 VDC. It comes in either a skid or trailer build, and can also be fitted with
options like auto-start, a tamper-proof roll cage, and tube-and-bundle oil
cooler. In addition to powering submersible pumps, it can be configured
to run other tools and equipment. 570/645-3779; www.hydra-tech.com.


Pumper September 2014

Vacuum tRucks/tRaiLERs/tanks

vAcuum trAiler

vAcuum truck

The Versa-Vac vacuum trailer

from Advance Pump & Equipment has a 1,000-gallon debris
hopper with either 1,400 or
2,200 cfm high-volume vacuum systems. The 74 hp or optional 110 hp Cummins power
plant operates all components, including a high-pressure water system,
trash pump system and remote-controlled full-function 6-inch vacuum
boom, along with hydraulic end gate locks, tank hoist and vibrator. It is effective in loading product from depths of at least 50 feet. 877/557-7867;

vAcuum tAnk

The VAC3000 Series from Imperial Industries are ASME-certified

407/412 steel DOT units with capacities of 3,200 and 3,600 gallons.
Choose either a blower system
(NVE 4310 or the Hibon 820) or a vacuum system (Fruitland, Moro or Wittig)
to meet specific needs. The units feature three rollover bars, bolt-on aluminum hose trays, 4-inch riser intake, 6-inch discharge, full-opening rear door,
three-stage hoist assembly and a complete hydraulically controlled system.
800/558-2945; www.imperialind.com.

vAcuum tAnk

The 4,000-gallon aluminum Matador vacuum tank

from Amthor International comes standard with a
5/16-inch-thick side shell
and floor, full head baffles
and no external rings. It is
available as a dumping tank with or without full-opening rear doors, as well
as with off-road construction options for various oilfield and mining applications. Various pump models are available, as are chassis and stock tanks.
800/328-6633; www.amthorinternational.com.

Pressure vacuum tank

trucks from J&J Truck
Bodies & Trailers are
available in capacities of 3,360 to 6,000 gallons. The tank is butt-welded to
the shell by Submersion Arc Welding (SUB-ARC) for 100 percent weld penetration. They also have two anti-surge baffles made from the same material
as the heads. Tank bodies are outfitted with one-piece aluminum hose trays
and polyurea chip guard along the full length of the tank, providing added
protection when loading and unloading hoses. A heavy-duty, large tow flap
and pin and pipe will pull more than 80,000 pounds. All valves are equipped
with heat jackets that operate from the engines cooling system. Options include interior tank liners, electric hose reels, toolboxes and onboard scales.
800/777-2671; www.jjbodies.com.


vAcuum truck

The Pac-Mac VP Series

from Hol-Mac Corporation offers numerous adjustments, from vacuum
system options to valve setups. It includes a 2,500-gallon tank with a 66-inch
outside diameter and 156-inch shell length (available tank sizes include
1,500, 3,000, 3,500, 4,200, 4,500, and 5,000 gallons). It has a 1/4-inch-thick
shell and 5/16-inch nominal thick heads, a right angle drive pump system,
20-inch rear clean-out manway, 20-inch top manway, a ladder to the top
manway with safety tread, bolt-on baffles and hose trays with drains, rear
hose hooks, a 4-inch intake and 6-inch discharge, and two-component
epoxy primer-sealer and polyurethane topcoat on the tank available in
solid and metallic colors. Hydraulic and direct-drive pumps from Fruitland, Masport, NVE, Moro, Jurop and Becker are available. 800/844-3019;

The Knight vacuum truck

from Keith Huber Corporation incorporates
all the features of the
King Vac with the filtration technology of the AirLord. The ability to efficiently move dry product,
combined with the deep vacuum of the 4,120 cfm liquid ring pump, allows
it to perform hydroexcavation, hazmat response, jetting and general industrial cleaning. It has a 3,000-gallon carbon steel tank with 5/16-inch shell,
nine-stage air inverting cyclone, a baghouse that holds 40 sock filters, a hydraulically operated full-opening rear door with holding valve, hydraulic
tank lift, rear-door safety prop bar and tank lift safety prop bar. It is powered via a transfer case and is belt driven. It has 6-inch discharge and intake
valves with internal standpipe, rear work lights, LED running lights, backup alarm and grounding reel. Options include ASME/DOT 412, high-pressure jetting systems with an integral water compartment, Huber Lock rear
door, stainless steel tank and wetted stainless parts, auxiliary transfer pump
and top-mounted hydraulically operated 6-inch boom. 800/334-8237;



Pumper September 2014


WatER PumPs

HydroexcAvAting tool
The Soil Surgeon hydroexcavating tool is
designed to fit any sewer combination truck
equipped with a telescopic 6- or 8-inch boom.
The tool has a 1-inch water connection. The
operator controls water pressure and power
with truck controls. It has a 6-foot Tuff Tube
with handles fabricated to the tube to guide
the unit down for potholing or side to side for
trenching. Six jets boring inward cut the soil,
while six boring outward bring the tube down.
949/363-1401; www.soilsurgeoninc.com.

Vacuum excavators from VacStar
are designed to reclaim directional drilling fluids, pothole utilities,
clean out manholes, catch basins,
wash pits, valve and meter boxes,
and wash equipment and property. A rotary-vane pump provides a
strong vacuum for greater depths,
distance and speed. It allows the operator to vacuum and pothole great distances, easily permitting backyard and previously inaccessible work areas.
The pressure mode allows clogs to be removed from the vacuum hose and
the contents to be maintained under the controlled dump mode. 319/6563434; www.vacstar.com.

plunger pump
The model 6810 triplex plunger
pump from Cat Pumps offers a flow rate
of 10 gpm and pressure to 10,000 psi
at 600 rpm. Concentric, high-density, polished, solid ceramic plungers provide a true wear
surface and extend seal life. V-packings and low-pressure seals are lubricated and cooled to increase service life. Low upswept volume maximizes
volumetric efficiency that reduces energy costs while supplying consistent
flow. Block-style, stainless steel manifolds are designed for strength and corrosion resistance. A chrome-moly crankshaft provides strength and surface
hardness. Oversized crankshaft bearings withstand high loading capacity,
leading to longer bearing life. 763/780-5440; www.catpumps.com.

HigH-HeAd pump
The portable 6-inch, high-head 6JCC pump
from Thompson Pump delivers 1,100 gpm,
high heads to 490 feet, and 212 psi with
automatic initial priming and repriming. It is ideal for high-pressure
applications such as for clear-water
jetting, water boosting, wellpoint installation, water supply for hydraulic
fracturing, washdowns, tank cleaning and
fire protection. Its Enviroprime System provides reliable, automatic initial
priming and re-priming. Options such as the Silent Knight sound-attenuated canopy, accessories, applications assistance and alternatives are available. 800/767-7310; www.thompsonpump.com.

casE study
Vacuum PumPs

Combination truCk removes sand

and grit at wastewater plant
Problem: The Sun n Lake Improvement District in Sebring, Fla., experienced a
loss of detention volume and reduced water quality as a result of accumulated
sand and grit at one of its wastewater treatment plants. The district contemplated
a major capital expansion to increase
the functional capacity and efficiency
of its 700,000 gpd facility.
Solution: The district hired Polston
Applied Technologies to help with
the problem. They developed the
PAT 949 Combination Truck and a
method, called the Polston Process,
to remove accumulated sand and grit
while the plant remained in operation.
Result: The unit pulled more than 175
cubic yards of accumulated sand from
the wastewater treatment plant without taking the system offline. The district was able to indefinitely put off the
capital expansion. 844-765-7866;


Pumper September 2014

vAcuum pump
The PM3000 Storm Series liquidcooled vacuum pump from Moro
USA is capable of pumping nonvolatile liquids and sludge from
long distances, providing an additional choice for heavy-duty industrial applications with a suggested tank
capacity of 3,000 to 6,000 gallons. It includes an integrated check valve,
changeover valve, automatic oiling system, industrial duty bearings, Viton
seals and high-flow-rate asbestos-free spark-proof vanes. Its onboard liquidcooling system incorporates a forced circulation external water pump. It is
capable of 29 psi and a continuous vacuum of 24 inches Hg, along with a
flow rate of 1,000 cfm and 1,200 rpm rotating speed. It has a 4-inch flange
connection. 800/383-6304; www.morousa.com.


Vacuum PumPs

multipurpose truck

wide-vAne vAcuum pump

The 753 Series vacuum pump from Wallenstein
Vacuum Pumps incorporates extra-wide
vanes that allow up to an inch of wear, resulting in longer service life with lower maintenance costs. It provides 422 cfm airflow
performance at 1,200 rpm, and precision machining for vacuum levels up to 28 inches Hg.
Model options include air, liquid or dual-cooling
systems where air injection is combined with liquid
cooling. A pump-flushing port is included on the top valve for simple regular
maintenance. The quick-access housing endplate makes for easy internal inspection with no bearings to pull. Oil lubrication is via a mechanical piston
pump driven by shaft rotation, or available with a sight-feed valve oil regulator system that uses vacuum/pressure to draw oil with no moving parts.
800/801-6663; www.wallenstein.com.


JEt/Vac cOmBO units

truck vAcuum
The FXT50 truck vacuum
excavator from Ditch Witch
mounts directly to a trucks
frame rails, allowing the system to flex independently of
the truck, increasing stability. It can be mounted to the
single-axle truck of the customers choosing, and can be customized with
toolboxes and other support equipment, such as a 1,020 cfm blower and
3,000 psi water system flowing 5 gpm. It is quiet and offers ideal filtration.
800/654-6481; www.ditchwitch.com.

The HV-55 hydroexcavator
from GapVax has a 12.5-cubic-yard debris body and
water tanks from 400 to 1,400
gallons. It comes with a positive displacement blower rated at 5,250 cfm and 28 inches
Hg. The filtration design includes five cyclones that prolong the life of the filter bags and eliminate the threat of material entering the vacuum pump. The
full-opening tailgate is field adjustable and has four fail-safe, individually
adjustable locks that ensure a complete seal. Options include interior polymer coating, cold-weather package, sludge pump, wireless remotes, washdown system and stainless steel body. 888/442-7829; www.gapvax.com.


Pumper September 2014

The multipurpose Guzzcavator from

Guzzler Manufacturing combines the
performance of a Guzzler CL vacuum
loader with the versatility of a Vactor
HXX hydroexcavator. The units air filtration system features 60 Dacron filter
bags (70-inch) for wet/dry industrial
cleaning. Designed for cleaning and recovering solids and dry bulk powders, liquids, slurries and thick sludge, the
truck can also be used for potholing, slot trenching, water valve box repair,
as well as locating fiber optic lines, cable and other utilities. Its 1,300-gallon
stainless steel water tank provides up to seven hours of continuous operation and removes debris by delivering up to 20 gpm of water and 2,500 psi
when hydroexcavating. The multi-flow water pump provides water pressure
adjustment with the push of a button for various digging conditions. It has a
full-opening rear door and rear-door-mounted sludge pump for off-loading.
800/627-3171; www.guzzler.com.

The X-10 and X-15 hydroexcavator models from

Hi-Vac Corporation are
designed to virtually eliminate the risk of underground utility strikes. They perform
hydroexcavation along with vacuum excavation, potholing and daylighting. The easy operation and simple maintenance required
provides for maximum efficiency on the job. They combine a state-of-theart water pump and vacuum technology to create ideal vacuum excavation
power. 740/374-2306; www.x-vac.com.

The Presvac Hydrovac
versatile hydroexcavator is designed for coldweather operation and is
offered as an option to be
in full compliance with DOT regulations regarding collection and transportation of hazardous materials. The high-vacuum blower allows extraction of
all types of soils, gravel, rock, clay, water and silt material, with knock-out
features in the debris tank to minimize carryover. Modular filtration configured to blower size provides blower protection and minimal maintenance.
It comes with heavy-duty 8-inch boom up to 25 feet long with six-way hydraulic power and wireless controls for all boom functions, soft start water pump, vacuum breaker and truck engine speed control. 800/387-7763;


JEt/Vac cOmBO units

versAtileduty HydroexcAvAtor
The Supersucker HDX
industrial vacuum loader from Super Products
has a water system including a standard 600-gallon capacity water tank setup and a hydraulically
driven pump delivering flow up to 14 gpm and pressure up to 3,000 psi. Its
8-foot articulating boom offers 330-degree rotation and a 27-foot reach,
and has the ability to pivot 45 degrees upward and 25 degrees downward.
An 8-inch positive displacement vacuum system provides airflow to 5,800
cfm and 28 inches of vacuum. Single-mode filtration enables the loading of
both wet and dry material with no changeover required. The durable collector body is constructed of 1/4-inch steel and offers a payload capacity of
18 cubic yards. A heavy-duty, telescoping double-acting cylinder provides a
51-degree dump angle for thorough unloading. It is available with the Acculevel load sensor system. 800/837-9711; www.superproductsllc.com.

The F4 Slope hydrovac from
Tornado Hydrovacs holds
13 cubic yards of mud and
more than 2,100 gallons of
freshwater. It has a water
tank from which to excavate,
a mud tank where excavated spoils are held, a water pump, a boiler to heat
the water, and a 3,600 to 6,300 cfm positive-displacement vacuum blower to
pull spoils to the tank via a boom. The boom has a 342-degree rotation and a
26-foot reach. All critical components are housed in an insulated and heated aluminum van body. Its mud sweep empties the tank without hoisting,
which eliminates the dangers of dumping on uneven ground and around
overhead power lines. 877/340-8141; www.tornadotrucks.com.

All-seAson HydroexcAvAtor
The HV-64 all-season
operates at less than
85 dBA. It has a
6,400 cfm and a
27-inch Hg highvacuum blower with direct-drive
transfer case. Water pressure is achieved with a hydraulically driven triplex
pump, delivering 10 gpm at 6,000 psi. Water is supplied from a 1,200-gallon HDPE baffled water tank with 1/2-inch sides and 3/4-inch bottom floor.
The 26-foot telescopic boom allows for operation in remote areas. Water
is heated with a 525,000 Btu diesel-fired burner for all-weather operation.
Components are enclosed in an insulated, heated, walk-in storage enclosure with diesel-fired heater, marine-grade plywood flooring and metal
components that are powder coated prior to installation. 800/263-4508;

The X-Cavator from Vac-Con has

a hydrostatic drive that efficiently
uses the chassis engine for the vacuum, eliminating the need for PTO,
clutch and gearbox operation. It
has water systems up to 4,000 psi,
and a mobile wireless remote control system that enables the operator to
work the chassis engine rpm, boom, automatic vacuum breaker, dump controls and hydraulic door locks from remote areas up to a half mile away. The
boom rotates up to 270 degrees. 888/491-5762; www.vac-con.com.

sewer cleAner
A high-dump option for AllJetVac
combination jet/vac sewer cleaners from Vacall Gradall Industries allows the operator to raise
the debris tank 76 inches above ground level and shift the tank horizontally
21 inches beyond the rear bumper. After removing debris from clogged lines,
the operator can raise, shift and tilt the debris tank to dump material faster and
more efficiently into dewatering containers, avoiding the need for dangerous
ramps. The tank movement and dumping is accomplished with a wireless remote control, affording the operator a clear view of the dumping process. The
chance of spills can be further avoided with an optional slanting splash shield
extending from the debris tank. 800/382-8302; www.vacallindustries.com.
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www.pumper.com Since 1979 September 2014


Product News

coUpler enables
septic systems to
accept larger
cartridge and filter

in the

By Ed Wodalski

The 9-inch ML2-920 effluent filter cartridge from Bear Onsite is designed for
maximum septic system ventilation. The open back half enables septic gases to
exit through the outlet pipe. It also allows air to come in, replacing the hydrogen
sulfide gas and carbon monoxide with oxygen and nitrogen.
Its a way to make sure we vent the tank, says Theo Terry, CEO of Bear Onsite
and the products inventor.
The filter features horizontal and vertical screens with progressively smaller
apertures, allowing polarization to take place for maximum filtration. The size of
the primary screen aperture also increases toward the top to open the flow path.
Inward folding pleats in the self-cleaning primary screen allow solids to drop into
the tank and prevent plugging during periods of little to no flow.
The initial screen is vertical slots and the final screen is horizontal slots,
Terry says. The reason thats important is when solids are rising up in the water
column in the housing theyre going to orient themselves with the largest surface
area perpendicular to the direction of flow.
Think of it as a magic carpet, he says. Its going to be laid out horizontally. It
wouldnt be up on the edge. The same is true of solids. If its depth is very narrow,
it can go right through 1/16-inch filter because its oriented in the
same direction as the slots. But if you make that first screen
vertical, even if its very narrow in depth, youre going to stop
it. Were not trying to capture solids in filters; were
trying to keep them in the tank.
When used with the preinstalled Uni-Coupler,
also from Bear Onsite, the ML2-920 filter can
easily be used to upgrade the system from a 4-inch
Uni-Tee baffle and ML2-916 filter, or the Uni-Tee with
multiple brands of filters. The twist-and-lock Uni-Coupler also
accepts a 6-inch Uni-Tee or larger housing.
Molded connections enable the ML2-920 filter cartridge to
accept an alarm system, while molded-in handle couplings assist
in filter changing.
The ML2-920 effluent filter provides 165 linear feet of total filtration and 125
linear feet of 1/20-inch final filtration rated for 1,875 to 2,500 gpd of flow, depending on application.
When it comes to filters, size does matter, Terry says. When you go with a
larger filter you have more room for venting, more slots that provide the filtration.
Accessories include a 9-inch case adapter and three 2-inch Schedule 40
molded-in couplers for adding 2-inch PVC pipe support legs, as well as a 6-inch
Schedule 40 molded-in coupler for adding a 6-inch PVC pipe extension and
9-inch plates that slide into the filter case to shut off flow during cartridge maintenance. 877/653-4583; www.bearonsite.com.


Pumper September 2014

Super productS
cold-weather vacuum truck
The Arctic Supersucker cold-weather vacuum truck from Super Products
features a glycol-heated collector body and tailgate, heated and insulated
heavy-duty tailgate drain valve and low-temperature-rated oil and hoses.
Other features include 8-inch positive displacement vacuum system, 18-cubic-yard payload capacity and body dump, hydraulic boom with stainless
steel cannon and abrasion-resistant liner, cold-weather-resistant wiring and
pendant. 800/837-9711; www.superproductsllc.com.

oil Spotter
The Oil Spotter auto control and alarm system from
SJE-Rhombus is designed
to monitor and control one
single-phase pump in water/oil environments. The system has two terminal blocks one for a 120
VAC pump, 120 VAC oil containment valve or 120 VAC water drain valve.
The other terminal block is for wiring the Oil Spotter auto probe, high-water
alarm float or auxiliary alarm connection. The panel includes an auto/hand
pump switch and water/oil drain selection switch (functions in hand mode
only). 888/342-5753; www.sjerhombus.com.

Gateway Safety
lenS cleaner
Kleen View lens cleaning products from Gateway Safety have a
fast-drying, silicone-free formula that includes an anti-fog, antistatic ingredient that extends the
life of safety glasses. The cleaner
is available as a spray packaged with nonabrasive tissues or as single-use towelettes. 800/822-5347;

nlb waterJet lance with Safety Shroud

NCG24-535 waterjet lances from NLB Corp., rated for applications requiring
operating pressures to 24,000 psi, are designed to reduce hose or fitting failure. The lances have a 90-degree bend and safety shroud that surrounds the
hose where it attaches to the lance. The shroud complies with WJTA-IMCA
recommended practices, as does the color-coded handle that identifies the
lances operating pressure. 800/441-5059; www.nlbcorp.com.

handS-free hoSe
handlinG SyStem
The AutoBox ABX-500 handsfree hose handling system
from StoneAge is designed
to provide a safer and more
efficient alternative to manual feeding of high-pressure
hose for industrial pipe cleaning. The 90-pound system can be used with
any of StoneAges rotary pipe cleaning tools. Safely operated from outside
the blast zone by a single operator, the portable, air-powered system can
drive hose sizes and pass couplings up to 1.75 inches O.D. 866/795-1586;

firmfit earpluGS
Howard Leight FirmFit earplugs from
Honeywell provide effective 30 NRR dB
hearing protection. The bright orange color
offers high-visibility identification. The earplugs
are available in corded and uncorded versions.
800/430-5490; www.howardleight.com/firmfit.

The 8D DoubleShot Plus wrench
from Lowell Corp. combines
two wrenches in one for rugged
duty in pipeline, construction,
utility and maintenance work.
The wrench has a torque capacity of 200 ft-lbs. Model DSP1 has a 1 1/4-inch by 1 1/16-inch hex double
socket. Model DSP2 has a 1 1/8-inch by 15/16-inch hex double socket. Both
models are 13 inches long with ergonomic handles and weigh 1 3/8 pounds.
800/456-9355; www.lowellcorp.com.
www.pumper.com Since 1979 September 2014


Industry News

Ditch Witch recognizes

top electronics dealer
Ditch Witch recognized Ditch
Witch of Oklahoma & Arkansas
with the Top Electronics Dealer
Xcellence Award. The award recognizes dealers for sales volume and
customer service.

NexTraq named American

Business Awards finalist

Wastequip opens manufacturing facility

Wastequip opened a manufacturing facility in Blacksburg, S.C. The
plant will produce front-load and roll-off containers, as well as grease containers and specialty products.

Hyundai Construction Equipment

names Kentucky dealer
Members of the Ditch Witch of Oklahoma
& Arkansas team include (from left) Chris
Jones, Dru Bridwell, Grant Golay, Tiffany
Sewell-Howard, Gary Bridwell, Mark
Whiteman, Mark Taylor and John Truett.

NexTraq, a GPS fleet and asset

tracking company, was named a finalist for the 2014 American Business Awards in the Most Innovative Tech
Company of the Year category.

Curry Supply earns ASME certification

Curry Supply received authorization from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers to build pressure vessels in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.

Steel Tanks

Aluminum Tanks

Polished Aluminum Skirting and Tool Boxes

2015 International
2015 International
2015 Ford F-550,
2015 Ford F-550,
Terastar, 1000 Waste,
Terastar, 1100 Waste,
900 Waste, 300 Fresh,
950 Waste, 300 Fresh,
300 Fresh ............$72,000 Gas......................$60,000 400 Fresh ...........$76,000 Gas.....................$63,000
2014 Dodge 5500,
1000 Waste, 300 Fresh . $69,000
4x4 ................................ $71,500

2014 Dodge 5500,

900 Waste, 300 Fresh .. $72,000
4x4 ............................... $74,500

Portable Restroom Trailers

13" Tires
23" High

8 Restroom... $4500
10 Restroom ... $5000
12 Restroom ... $5300
14 Restroom ... $5600
16 Restroom ... $5900
20 Restroom ... $7000

Call about our new design to haul handicaps Used
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Pumper September 2014

Hyundai Construction Equipment named Team Boone to its dealer

network, providing sales and service in Bardstown, Ky.

Baldwin employees
receive CLARCOR awards
Baldwin Filters employees
received CLARCOR Achievement
Awards for outstanding service. Rosario Castillo and Diane Karstens,
international customer service and
logistics administrators, were recognized for negotiating freight terms.
Michael Von Seggern, design engiBaldwin employees (from left) Michael Von
neer, was recognized for his work
Seggern, Wendy Wilkins, Diane Karstens
with the companys Channel Flow
and Rosario Castillo received CLARCOR
product line, and Wendy Wilkins,
Achievement Awards.
human resources generalist, was
recognized for efforts during the companys transition in payroll systems.

Hino Trucks partners with Telogis

Hino Trucks partnered with Telogis to release its next generation platform for Hino Insight, the companys Web-based location and telematics for
the medium-duty commercial truck market. Standard on 2015 model year
Hino 195h and 195h-DC hybrid models, and an option on 195 and 195-DC
models and the conventional truck lineup, the intelligence platform includes route optimization, real-time work order management, truck-specific
navigation, telematics and mobile integration services.

National Vacuum Equipment

names sales manager
National Vacuum Equipment of Michigan named
Mike Rost regional sales manager. He has 27 years experience in the vacuum truck industry.

Roeda Signs & ScreenTech

celebrates 60th anniversary

Mike Rost

Roeda Signs & ScreenTech Imaging celebrates its 60th anniversary

this year. Roeda Signs was founded in 1954 by Neil Roeda and his late wife,
Jeaneane, in their South Holland, Ill., apartment. In 1986, the ScreenTech
Imaging division was created to serve the waste, recycling and portable
sanitation industries. The global company produces millions of custom
and stock labels.

Im proud
of my industry.
I belong to an elite group of business people
who keep homes and communities safe, clean
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www.pumper.com Since 1979 September 2014


Marketplace Advertising



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classif ieds

see photos in color at www.pumper.com

Sanitation RemindeR PoStcaRdS,
BuSineSS caRdS and cuStom
coloR decalS: We are your resource
for marketing your business. Call 781844-8600 or visit us and see samples at

Blue Diamond E T P 80 heavy-duty linear
diaphragm air pumps $187.08. 800-7178807
Aerators: Multiflo alternative replacement $295 + shipping. Alternative replacement, NEW FILTER SOCKS, 30 per
case $295 + shipping. Spring clips to hold
filter socks in place, $3.86 per clip. alternative Jet aerator available $250.
Call us at 800-717-8807 or email us at
fabulousfungi@gmail.com. www.RolandTurbo-Aerator.com. Multi-Flo and NAYADIC are registered trademarks of Consolidated Treatment Systems, Inc. used here for
reference purposes only.
Blue Diamond Aerators, 60-120 liters,
in stock, low cost. Free next-day shipping.

1998 Mack DM690S liquid vacuum truck with
liquid ring blower. Will sell to the highest bidder regardless of price on Sept. 16. View pics,
details and bid at www.purplewave.com (P09)

Used Vac-Con 3-stage fan - housing is
patched and worn, blades have less then
400 hours. $1,500 OBO plus shipping. 954366-8744

National Grease Recycling Inc. Let us
teach you how to recycle restaurants
waste, fryer grease and oil (yellow grease)
only. Big $. Over 30 years experience, will
guide you through complete process from
collection to processing to marketing to end
users. Dont lose your trap business to competitors that offer both services. We also
buy cooking oil, unprocessed, anywhere in
the country. Call for information. References
available. Dewey Walker, 813-752-9535 or

PARADISE FOR SALE! Bee's Honey Pots,

Inc., portable toilet company established in
1983 in the beautiful Florida Keys is for sale.
Based on Big Pine Key, Bee's is the oldest
established and largest portable toilet company in the Keys. Sole owner and operator
for the past 30+ years wants to go fishing!
Interested? Call 305-872-2287.
Septic/Portable Toilet Business for Sale - West
Texas. Reputable family-owned business for
25 years. 4 vacuum units, numerous portable
toilets, holding tanks, hand wash stations.
Serious inquiries only. 325-656-6007. (P10)
Widow selling market-leading industrial vac
company. Over $500,000 EBITDA. Excellent equipment, limited competition, experienced staff. Real estate available. Inquire
Portable restroom company for sale in
Northwest Wisconsin. Includes 235 units,
one truck, one slide-in, two haulers. Good,
stable client base. Land available - negotiable. Business-only price: $200,000.
Septic pumping (well established for 50
years), grease trap & cooking oil business located on the Eastern Shore (DE, MD, VA). 99
Volvo - 3,800 gallon; 99 GMC 2,500 gallon;
99 International cooking oil truck. Land application permit for grease trap waste up to
250,000 gallons a year. Also included: 14
acres with 3 bed, 2 bath residence with 60 x
80 heated shop, 40 x 300 storage shop, operating chicken farm - producing $45,000 a year
with Perdue Farms, automatic generator runs
entire farm. Serious inquires only! $1,400,000.
Contact mike@jobsitepumping.com
For Sale: Central Illinois portable toilet and
septic pumping business. About 100 toilets,
(2) handicap units, (4) sinks. 1,875-gallon
tank truck and toilet truck. Turnkey, owner
has other interest. Firm price $125,000.
Call 217-827-3180.
Septic tank Service Business for Sale,
northeast Florida. Owner wishes to retire.
Callahan area north of Jacksonville, a fastgrowing area in Florida. Profitable, turnkey
business. 29 years in business with loyal
customer base. Two pump tuck operation:
(1) 1996 International 4900: DT466, 5-speed
transmission, 2-speed axle. 2,500-gallon capacity. 297,000 miles. Good tires,
excellent condition. (2) 2000 Freightliner
FL70: 8.3 Cummins, 6-speed transmission.
2,400-gallon capacity. 195,000 miles. Good
tires, excellent condition. Business includes
complete onsite lime 20,000-gallon stabilization plant in Northeast FL. Owner will train
and assist with licensing. Call for more information. Kenny Farmer 904-879-4701 or

Well-established portable toilet rental business. Capital District, NY area with HUGE
growth potential. Excellent income! Serious
inquiries only. Non-Disclosure Agreement
required. E-mail: PottyPeopleBiz@gmail.com
Established 1964: A turnkey operation with
customers based in beautiful Southern Oregon. Portable toilets and septic pumping
business. 2.05 acre property, storage tanks,
building includes; storage, office space, and
more. Over 500 portable units. 5 handicap compliant, 6 service vehicles, 3 septic
pumping trucks. $450,000. Serious inquires
only. Office 541-772-9484
WWW.RooTERMAN.CoM. Franchises
available with low flat fee. New concept. Visit
website or call 1-800-700-8062 x26. (PBM)

Fr e e S e r v i c e R e m i n d e r S o f t w a r e . c o m ,
Fr e e S e r v i c e D i s p a t c h S o f t w a r e . c o m ,

FKC Screw Press, Class 'A'; JWC septage
receiving station; Fulton boiler; Spiroflow
bulk dispenser; Xerxes tanks and GormanRupp pumps. For additional information
contact John W. Campbell 231-547-4429 or
Septic Receiving Stations: Dual-screen design, affordable, high capacity. Two models:
One sits over any open pit and the all new
stand-alone unit (newly designed screens
19.5 sq. ft. This will not plug with hair) - use
it anywhere. 208-790-8770
Complete dewatering system for sale. Aquazyme 15-yard roll-off box, polymer injection
unit, lime mixer, storage tanks, Kenworth
roll-off truck, hoses, fittings, and valves.


Soil Shaker 2000. Universal skid steer attachment for drainfield restoration. Buy factory direct. $6,250. Check us out on YouTube
or call 320-293-6644.
New and used terralifts for sale starting at
$20,000 used and $38,000 new. Financing
available. Call Dick Crane 800-223-2256.
2004 & 1999 Terralifts, 6gpm @ 4,000 psi
Brute jetter, 14' trailer. All in excellent condition. First $25,000 takes all. 815-363-8972
1999 Terralift: 4 & 6 ft. probes. Works good.
$7,500 or reasonable offer. Deliverly available. 315-436-4058
Terralift Model 2000: Excellent condition.
$25,000 or best offer. Pictures available
upon request. 315-843-5600 or email

Pre-owned 2008 Peterbilt 340 cab and chassis
with a 3,000 U.S. gallon carbon steel vacuum
tank unit with drum holder behind cab. (Stock#
6641CC) www.VacuumSalesInc.com (888)
VAC-UNIT (822-8648)

4,000-gallon grease separator tank. Pump
12 to 20 tanks per load. Save time and money. Call 239-731-2587 DVD demo. (P09)

New 3,200 U.S. gallon, carbon steel, DOT certified, 407/412 vacuum tank, dump type with full
open rear, door and a Presvac PVB 750 vacuumpressure pump installed on a 2014 Peterbilt 348
cab and chassis. (Stock #13577 A-D) www.
VacuumSalesInc.com, (888) VAC-UNIT


Perma-Liner pipelining equipment ($15,000)

and stair climber/hand truck ($1,000). Call
Matt 970-846-3549 for details & photos.
Located in Steamboat Springs, CO. (P09)

1996 Terralift: Good shape, includes trailer!
Pics available. $8,000. May consider trades.
Steve 314-724-5248. Need sale ASAP. (P09)
1998 Terralift, low hours, great shape.
$12,000. 317-627-7033

Xtreme Flow Hot/Cold Jetter! Model

#HJ2TA8536, tandem axle trailer, 35 hp
Vanguard 8.5 gpm @ 3,600 psi, 325-gallon
water tank, 300' hose, General pump. Fully
loaded! List $34,995. On sale for $29,995.

P L A C E Y O U R A D O N L I N E AT w w w. p u m p e r. c o m I T S A LW AY S T H E R E T O M E E T Y O U R B U S Y S C H E D U L E


Pumper September 2014

FMC Jetter: 65gpm @ 1,500psi, 300- gallon tank. 65hp 4-cyl. gas motor. New tires,
brakes system, bearings, seals, hubs, muffler.
Rebuilt carb. 500 foot new hose plus 175 foot
used hose in great shape. Unit is ready to go,
needs nothing. Runs and tows like a dream.
$6,900 OBO. Call 804-334-9210


2007 Aquatech B10/1500: CAT 335hp

(EPA 04) with Allison automatic transmission. 88,000 miles. 1,400 hours. Roots
624 blower, 8" x 19' extendable boom,
pump-off option, internal tank flush,
6-function joystick. Excellent condition.
kLM Companies

1997 Ford LN 8000: 8.3 Cummins, 78k

actual miles, with a/c. Allison auto trans.
1997 Vactor 2100 Series, Model 2110 C4,
serial #96055831, Cummins 4 bt, 3.9,
vacuum fan, 401 hours. ............ $56,000
843-546-2402, SC

2005 Ford F650: CAT C-7 (210hp);

6-speed; A/C; 26K GVW. Vacmaster
VNDS4000 vacuum excavator; JD diesel
(155hp); D+W blower; Boss air comp;
450-gallon Spoil tank w/hyd. dump.
Stock# 8364; 67,865 miles. .... $79,500
800-520-4704, PA
2012 US Jetting Model USJ6018300: Just 291 hours on unit. 6,000psi
@ 18gpm, 2 hose reels - 500 feet x 1/2"
hydraulic and 300 feet x 1/2" electric.
300-gallon water tank. 84hp Kubota
4-cyl. water-cooled diesel. All maintenance at US Jetting shop. Paid $45,500,
will sell for .............................. $35,000
Call Paul 404-624-7604, GA
ppowers@envremedies.com P09
1984 Vactor 850 Jet Rodder: 40K miles on
truck, less than 1,000 hours on pump. Includes nozzle assortment and 700 ft. of 1"
hose. $14,500 OBO. Call Terry 734-3654035 or 231-325-0052


1992 Ford Vactor: 80 gallon @ 2000psi,

29,171 miles. New black paint, new wrap
on the cab with flames. Low hours on a new
pump. The fan has been rebuilt, new tires,
new lower tanks. Very nice unit. Must see.
$60,000. Please call 651-334-4446 or 612414-2727
Jack Doheny Supplies Inc. offers a full range
of late model combo units and DOT industrial
vacuum loaders. Call us @1-800-3DOHENY.
Vac-Con V390LHA combination unit with
Roots 827 blower, 1999 International Model 2554 cab and chassis. (Stock #3918C)
www.VacuumSalesInc.com, (888) VACUNIT (822-8648)

Capital Connection is the leader in sanitation

equipment financing. From Jetters to toilets,
cameras to sewer trucks; we've been helping
companies grow for over 23 years. Call today
and let us help you acquire the equipment you
need to grow your business. Jeff can help you.
Pease call 808-214-4456.

2010 Black Tie opt14E, 8x14, like-new

condition, used less than 10 times at
weddings. We are purchasing a smaller
unit. AC/heat, mens & womens, excellent
condition. www.blacktieservices.com/
pdf/OPTimum14e.pdf ...............$25,000
618-988-8300, IL

North Star Commercial Credit: Commercial loans for trucks or equipment, flexible
purchase programs to fit your budget, 21
years in the industry. Contact Tom Myers,

Looking to purchase a used ADA-accessible restroom trailer. 5-station or

larger. Call or email Bo 904-315-7027


2 Decons, 28' Tonto, 18' Royal, 2001 ASCI,

16' Presidential, 26' Presidential, portable toilet hauler trailers. 315-437-1291, NY. (PBM)

For Sale: 111 tan Satellite Tufway restrooms, excellent condition - asking $375
each. 89 blue PolyJohn PJNIII, excellent condition - asking $375 each. 55 tan PolyJohn
4-sink wash stations, most have never been
used - asking $450 each. 5 grey PolyJohn
wash stations - asking $450 each. 3 tan Poly
Portables enhanced access units (ADA), excellent condition - asking $1,000 each. Other
equipment available. Call 417-257-3427 for
more info and pics.
300+ used Satellite Taurus Port-O-Pots for
sale, $300 per unit. 50+ Poly Portables dual
hand wash sinks, $250 per unit. Green in
color. Only used on a military base. Please
call 317-445-6392 if interested.
Looking to purchase new or used handicap portable toilets. Please contact at


2003 International 4300: 1,200/200.

Battioni pump. Dual service and washdown pump. New transmission, new
clutch, new rear end. Numerous other
new parts. Needs air compressor and
front timing chain cover. ......... $22,000
304-266-7147, oH


WE PAY CASH for used Vactors Call Jim @

Pre-owned 2002 Sterling LT 9500 cab
and chassis with a Clean Earth Safe Jet
Vac 1015 combo unit. (Stock #3876C)
www.VacuumSalesInc.com, (888) VACUNIT (822-8648)

2003 Peterbilt 378: Keith Huber Berringer model B38-D-L-PTO-H-LR1k-IB.

52,900 miles, 3,315 hours. ... $170,000
Call 715-824-5220
or 715-572-4250, WI

Western Equipment Finance, a bankowned direct lender, is committed to continuing to help you prosper. All equipment
types, new or used; we have the best rates
and terms you deserve. App-Only Financing and credit decisions within an hour. Call
the team you can trust, Jim Stekl at Western Equipment Finance 701-665-1647.
jim.stekl@westernequipmentfinance.com (PBM)

100% Financing available. Answers within
4-6 hours. One page simple application.
New or used equipment. Flexible plans
to choose from. THE LEASING EXPERTSWWW.TLEJAX.COM 1-888-505-0060 (P09)

2013 Rich ST8520 six-station restroom

trailer - Like new. 3 private stalls, doublebowl vanity for ladies and 1 private stall,
2 urinals, a single-bowl vanity for men.
HVAC, hot water, 200 gallon fresh, 700
waste. ...................................... $25,000
724-539-1009, PA

2006 Ford F-750: Manufactured by

Progress Tank, 1,500 waste/500 fresh.
295,687 miles. Good truck in good
condition. More pics available upon request. ................. Asking price $28,500
Contact Frank
337-278-4511, LA
2000 Int 4700 - $17,500; 2002 Int 4300 $23,500; 2006 Int 4300 - $39,500; Roll-off $23,500. Restrooms - $150. 256-757-9900
or www.pbsos.com.

P L A C E Y O U R A D O N L I N E AT w w w. p u m p e r. c o m I T S A LW AY S T H E R E T O M E E T Y O U R B U S Y S C H E D U L E
www.pumper.com Since 1979 September 2014



Complete Portable Toilet service

truck mount units (turn-key), mounted on your truck or ours. Tool boxes,
dual work stations, dc10 washdown
pump, reversible vacuum pump, hose
reel, set up complete, toilet racks available. 1100 waste/400 fresh: $19,000,
1700 waste/600 fresh: $20,500. Any
custom options or sizes available!
TexLa Services
www.texlaservices.com P09

1992 International portable restroom

truck: 300-fresh, 1,500-waste, Moro
pump, gas-powered jetter, portable carrier. Call for pricing.
www.tankservicesinc.com PBM

2013 International Terrastar: Aluminum tank 1,000-gallon waste/400-gallon fresh. 54,000 miles with a 200,000
extended warranty included. ... $63,500
Call Rodney Lane
2003 International: 2,000-gallon aluminum Progress vac tank, 1,500 waste/500
water. www.pumpertrucksales.com. Call JR.
@ 720-253-8014, CO.
2002 International: 1,500-gallon Glendale
Manufacturing vac tank, 1,100 waste/400
water. www.pumpertrucksales.com. Call JR.
@ 720-253-8014, CO.

2006 International 4300: DT466, Allison auto.,air brakes, a/c, 229k. Best
stainless steel tank (1100/400). Excellent condition. ......................... $39,500
Mike 901-452-7040, TN P11

2000 International DT 466: 236,084 miles,

400/400 h2o and 900 waste tank with
Masport vacuum system. VIN #1HTSCAAL2YH313775. $15,500. For information contact Marcus at 208-467-0089.
2001 international 4700: DT466, A/T, cold
A/C, Honda motor, Masport pump. 1,200-gallon waste/300-gallon water. Great starter
truck or back-up truck. $10,000 OBO. 2000
Ford F450: V-10, flatbed w/slide-in unit.
300-gallon waste/150-gallon water. Hauls
six units. Honda engine, Masport pump, cold
A/C. Great for smaller jobs. $8,000 OBO. All
vehicles fleet-maintained by certified master
tech. For more information or pictures call
James @ 405-761-6870.
Clean 2008 Ford F550 4x4 chassis, auto.,
combined with 1,000-gallon rebuilt Abernathy Welding vac tank. 700 waste/300 water.
Call for more info. www.pumpertrucksales.
com. Call JR. @ 720-253-8014, CO. (PBM)

FRANC Environmental is looking for a motivated team player to dispatch vacuum trucks
and service technicians in the Philadelphia,
PA region. We are interested in people with
septic system, grease trap, bulk hauling,
drain cleaning, and/or general service industry experience. We offer full benefits.
Responsibilities include, but are not limited
to, scheduling and dispatching all equipment
and personnel out of our Horsham, PA office. Track and follow up on service orders
and requests. The ideal candidate is a professional with excellent communication,
management, leadership and organizational
skills with 2 years experience, knowledge of
industry with a strong work ethic and willing
to work after hours and on call schedule (at
times) Francenviro.com Please email resume
to jobopps@francenviro.com
Wanted: Independent Contractor to refurbish
our used and abused portable toilets located
in North East, MD. PolyJohn and Poly Portables. 50+ units in various states of repair.
Regal Restrooms 410-287-5277

GapVax, Inc., a nationally recognized manufacturing business, is seeking a talented,

highly motivated individual to fill a full-time
Sales Position in the Midwest (Iowa based
preferred) region. GapVax is the leading
manufacturer of industrial and municipal
vacuum units and hydroexcavation units in
the United States. We provide the most reliable, comprehensive, and efficient mobile
vacuum units in the industrial and municipal markets. Specifications of the position
are listed on our website, www.gapvax.
com, click on the Now Hiring link in the left
hand column. Send resumes to Lthomas@
gapvax.com or 575 Central Avenue, Johnstown, PA 15902.

New, used and rebuilt vacuum pumps and
tanks. Most major brands. Parts in stock.
Quick turnaround. 20 years experience.
2011 Fruitland VacPac RCF500: S/N 5160
27LU, PTO, Right angle drive, driveshaft.
Used very little. $5,000. Call 607-738-8723.
SJHI Liquid Ring Pump model LPHR, used
and tested before removal. www.VacuumSalesInc.com, (888) VAC-UNIT (8228648)
Buy & Sell all makes and models, new & used
vacuum pumps & high pressure water pumps,
and good used replacement parts. Call for an
inventory sheet and save. www.Vacuum
SalesInc.com, (888)VAC-UNIT (822-8648)

New, never used Myers D65-20 water
pump. List price: $17,992. Sell for $8,850.
New Rockford power take-off part number
4-11182 - $700. 714-381-4141.

Liquid vacs, wet/dry industrial vacs, combination jetter/vacs, vacuum street sweeper &
catch basin cleaner, truck & trailer mounted jetters. All available for daily, weekly,
monthly, and yearly rentals. VSI Rentals,
LLC, (888)VAC-UNIT (822-8648) www.

2005 M2 Freightliner: 400hp MB engine, 10-speed, 200,000 miles. Jurop

150 vacuum pump, 4,200 steel tank,
heat on valves. .................$46,500 OBO
www.tankservicesinc.com PBM

1996 International 10-speed, engine

break. Pintle hook, '92 Petro tank. New
paint. This truck has a very good motor.
Very powerful. It does not leak or use any
oil. 425hp. Best offer. Email for more info.
631-219-3299, NY

1998 Mack Tanker: Low miles with

Masport five pump. Highest pump you
can put on a 3,500-gallon tank. Great
condition inside and out. 10-speed
transmission, 4" inch intake 6" inch
dump. New valves and PTO. Truck is
in great working condition ready to
make you a lot of money. Must pick up
Chicagoland area. Serious inquiries only.
..................................... Asking $42,000
Contact us at
312-532-9569, IL

1997 Volvo/Autocar 5,000-gallon vacuum truck. Cummins N-14 engine, Eaton
8LL transmission, Presvac pump. 20,000
front/56,000 rear axles. 225,000 miles. Reason for sale: Updated equipment. Truck pictures upon request. Priced to sell $35,000.
Contact Frank King 978-452-7750. (PBM)

1988 GMC 7000: 1999 tank/pump.

Low use for personal business. No public work. 2,000-gallon tank, Masport
H75V. More pictures by email. ..$11,000
731-925-4019 leave message

P L A C E Y O U R A D O N L I N E AT w w w. p u m p e r. c o m I T S A LW AY S T H E R E T O M E E T Y O U R B U S Y S C H E D U L E


Pumper September 2014

1999 Freightliner FL120: 420,000

miles - runs great. Cummins M-11 motor, clean interior. Has a Masport pump
that is less then one year old, tires are in
great shape. This truck is still being used
everyday until sold. Truck is located in
Orlando, FL. Asking ..........$30,000 OBO
Call Paul 321-436-9488, FL P09

1999 International 8100: C-10 CAT,

Spicer 10-speed, air ride, heated valves.
3,500-gallon tank, MEC 8000 pump,
270,000 miles. Half-tread tires. $39,995
920-765-1903, WI

1999 GMC: 2,500-gallon Abernethy

tank, 400 Masport pump, tool box jetter.
196,000 miles. Price reduced ..$22,000
Mike 443-235-5979, DE

2008 Ford F-650: Under CDL. 6.7

Cummins engine. 1,500-gallon tank.
Masport vac pump. 6-speed. 115,170
miles. One owner. ........... $50,000 OBO
615-851-1517, TN

1989 kenworth T600 chassis: New

in 2008: 435 CAT rebuilt (100,000 mile
warranty), 3,500-gallon Scorpion-lined
Kennedy tank. Tandem air-ride, jake
brake, 367 Challenger Max-Pak, Right
Angle Drive, sight tube/bubble glasses,
jetter new. Used daily. Great shape.
90% ready ............................... $37,000
317-627-7033, IN

2005 Western Star: C15 475hp, 9LL

transmission, tri-axle, air-ride drive suspension. New 4,700-gallon tank - epoxy
coated interior. New Masport pump,
heated valves. ....................... $135,001
Call Tim 888-201-9166, WI P09

New 2013 Western Star: ISM 525hp,

18-speed transmission, tri-axle. 4,700gallon tank - epoxy coated interior.
Masport pump, heated valves. $192,000
Call Tim 888-201-9166, WI P09

2012 International 7500 Workforce:

3,964 US Gallon Transway vac tank w/
TSI 500 pump. 350hp International
10-liter, 6-speed Allison automatic,
18,000 & 40,000lb. axles, air ride, aluminum wheels outside, 22:5 rubber,
118,000 miles. ....................... $82,900
For more info, call Randie


2008 Peterbilt: 4,200-gallon aluminum Progress tank, Challenger blower,

jetter. 300hp, 286,000 miles. ..$88,500
281-347-2224, TX
1995 International: Detroit 60 engine.
3,500-gallon Keith Huber tank. Hoist lift
dump with H-400 Masport liquid cooled.
Good condition. ........... Asking $42,500
Call Mark 423-421-4347, TN P10

1999 Freightliner FL112: Only 80,000 miles.

3,000-gallon tank, Moro AC4 pump, 64kGVW,
230hp Cummins diesel, 10-speed Fuller Road
Ranger, 3-axle, locking rear differentials.
$55,000. California. 831-440-0168. (PBM)
2006 International 7500: HT570, Imperial
4,000-gallon aluminum tank, 10-speed Fuller, 18,000 front, 40,000 rear axle. $95,500.
2003 GMC 7500: Air brakes, auto, a/c. CAT
7.2, 88k miles. 2007 Abernathy 2,500-gallon
tank, 350cfm Wallenstein 753 pump. Nice
truck. $43,500. 740-357-1208.

Retiring after 30 years. Two (2) nice Transway-built vacuum trucks. Original owner.
1. 1999 international: 2,500 gallon, two
axle, low miles. $31,500 OBO. 2. 2000 Sl80:
3,600 gallon, three axle. $39,500 OBO.
Clean, well-maintained California trucks.
Call for photos and details. 949-701-2687 or
1997 F-800: 2,500-gallon Transway tank,
TSI-250 pump, 33,000GVW, 6-speed.
Cummins 5.9 diesel, 210hp, 186,000
miles. $17,500. Runs & pumps great.
315-773-4135 NY
2010 International Durastar: DT466, Allison 6-speed auto., differential lock, aluminum wheels. Approx. 16,000 miles, with
2,500-gallon waste and 35-gallon freshwater. Heated valves, Masport air-cooled
vacuum pump, air brakes. Asking $88,000.

2007 Peterbilt 357 Vacuum Truck:

Caterpillar C13 engine, 4:10 ratio, 235"
WB, polished aluminum rims. 20,000
front & 46,000 rears, steel 4,500-gallon
tank. 167,569 miles with clean interior
and full lockers! Rear tailboard storage,
aux. spread pump and heated valves.
St# 2131. .................................$89,000
262-652-7922, WI
1999 Sterling Model LT9513: Cummins M11,
7-speed direct. 3,500-gallon tank, heated
valves. 18,000 front/40,000 rear with additional steerable lift axle. 258,180 miles.
$39,900. Call 586-531-1976
2001 Mack Tank Truck: 4,000-gallon, Two
4" intake/dump valves, one 6" intake/dump
valve. Fruitland pump. 3-stage hydraulic
dump. Will email pictures upon request.
$48,000. 727-545-8982

Turn-key Vacuum Tank Units: 3,600gallon, unit mounted on your truck

or ours; $20,000. 3,200-gallon truck
units; 19,500. 2,500-gallon truck units;
$18,000. 1,500-gallon truck units;
16,000. Self-contained vacuum skids,
1,000-gallon; $10,500. 2,500-gallon
painted tanks ready to mount; $13,000.
PortaPotty trucks and any custom options or sizes available!
TexLa Services
www.texlaservices.com P09
1994 Freightliner FL70. 230hp Cummins.
240,000 miles. 2,100-gallon tank - four
years old with sight gauges and 3" intake
and 6" dump. Newly rebuilt Moro AC4 pump.
No problems, great truck. $19,995 OBO.
Call Stan 989-733-2840.

P L A C E Y O U R A D O N L I N E AT w w w. p u m p e r. c o m I T S A LW AY S T H E R E T O M E E T Y O U R B U S Y S C H E D U L E
www.pumper.com Since 1979 September 2014



2008 Sterling LT9500: Mercedes 6cylinder (450hp). Fuller 8LL. Aluminum

wheels, A/C, power locks & windows, 66k
GVW. Dickirson Septic Truck, 3,000 gallon, steel tank. Masport PTO-drive pump.
149,278 miles. Stock# 8405 .... $79,500
866-250-8260, PA

2008 Ford F750: 260 Cummins, 7-speed,

New 2,500-gallon vac tank, new Jurup
pump. www.pumpertrucksales.com. Call JR.
@ 720-253-8014, CO.
1996 Western Star: Detroit Series 60,
18-speed transmission. Hendricks suspension. 3,365-gallon vacuum tank, Masport
400 pump. www.pumpertrucksales.com.
Call JR. @ 720-253-8014, CO.

Pre-owned Coleman 3,500 U.S. gallon carbon steel vacuum tank, mounted on a 1989
Peterbilt 377 cab and chassis and a Thompson Tank pump package. (Stock #9643C)
www.VacuumSalesInc.com, (888) VACUNIT (822-8648)
New 4,600 U.S. gallon, carbon steel vacuum
tank and a RCF 500 vacuum-pressure pump
installed on a (1) 2012 & (4) 2013 International 7600s cab and chassis. $169,900 each
includes 12%^ F.E.T. (Stock #13509 A-E)
www.VacuumSalesInc.com, (888) VACUNIT (822-8648)

Dynamic Repairs - Inspection Camera
Repairs: 48 hour turn-around time. General Wire, Ratech, Ridgid, Electric Eel, Gator
Cams, Insight Vision, Vision Intruders. Quality service on all brands. Rental equipment available. For more info call Jack at
973-478-0893. Lodi, New Jersey. (PBM)

Galvanized portable slide-in unit, lightly
used. Truck or trailer mount. 450 gallons,
300 waste/150 water. Honda 5.5 electric
start motor, pressure washer. Juddys Septic
Service. Call Brian 802-673-5527.


1992 International 4900: DT466, 10-speed

transmission, 220,998 miles. Toolbox, 2,300gallon tank, 3" intake, 4" dump. $15,500.

Pre-owned 3,300-gallon tank. Fresh

paint. New 4" valve. Site tube. Hose
trays and hangers. Primary shut off.
Must go. ................................. $10,500
Contact Doug
207-551-6594. ME


Imperial Vacuum Trailers: In stock,

6000- and 6300-gallon aluminum singlecompartment Imperial vacuum trailers.
Call Mike
800-558-2945 Ext. 328 PBM
Progress aluminum vacuum tank:
3,600 gallons, $21,000. Savings of
$12,500 off new. Includes: Diamond
plate toolbox, full-length hose trays, tank
protector, valves, work lights.
931-227-7780, TN
Pre-owned petroleum, steel, 3,800 U.S. gallon, carbon steel, vacuum pressure tank.
www.VacuumSalesInc.com, (888) VACUNIT (822-8648)
Pre-owned 3,000 U.S. gallon carbon vacuum tank unit. TANK ONLY - NO PUMP.
VacuumSalesInc.com (888) VAC-UNIT
Vacuum Tanks - New: Sizes from 1,9004,000 gallons. Great deals! Check us out:
3,600-gallon for $14,000 and 4,000-gallon for $15,000. All complete! Will make
you a great deal! Delivery available.
www.JEagleTanks.com. Contact Jerry:
JEagleTanks@yahoo.com or 800-7212774.

1980 Reliable 8,900-gallon aluminum vacuum pressure trailer. Spring ride. Just had a
WI DOT. Ready to work. $22,500. 715-5561106. rbignellpe@gmail.com
1994 Presvac 5,500 gallon non-code vacuum trailer, Reyco spring suspension, 80%+
brakes, tires. No rust on frame or suspension. $16,000. KLM Companies 617-9099044
New Presvac, 5,500 U.S. gallon, carbon
steel DOT certified 412 vacuum pressure
trailer with a front porch mounted PVB-750
vacuum pressure pump, driven by a Deutz
air-cooled diesel engine. (Stock #13525V)
www.VacuumSalesInc.com, (888) VAC(PBM)
UNIT (822-8648)


Crust Busters: Portable, lightweight machine, guaranteed to mix up septic tanks and
grease traps! Save time and money! www.
crustbusters.com, 1-888-878-2296.(PBM)

2004 Peterbilt 340 pre-emissions: 3,600-gallon Transway tank and pump, C-7 CAT engine, 8LL transmission, 2004 stainless-steel
chrome package, aluminum rims, air-ride
suspension, air valve. 715-923-4127. (P09)
1987 kenworth T600A: CW CAT 6-cylinder.
Eaton-Fuller 15-speed. 8-bag A-R suspension.
3,365-gallon vacuum tank, Masport 75 pump.
$31,000. www.pumpertrucksales.com. Call
JR. @ 720-253-8014, CO.

Septic pumper and vacuum die-cast toy

trucks: In your choice of colors and logos,
several cabs available. Call 877-450-2100,
write to Granite State Collectibles, PO Box
440, New Ipswich, NH 03071; or www.

1994 Peterbilt 377: Detroit Series 60,

10-speed transmission. 3,365-gallon vacuum tank, Masport HXL pump. www.pumpertrucksales.com. Call JR. @ 720-253-8014,
Eight great older pump trucks - $35,000
each. Big power. Jake brakes. 3,365-gallon
vacuum tanks, Masport pumps. All makes &
models. www.pumper-truck.com. Call JR @
720-253-8014, CO.

2013 International 7500: 4,000 waste,

150 fresh. Aluminum Imperial tank.
10-speed, 350hp. 58,000 miles. 607
Challenger vacuum pump. Excellent condition. Call for details. ......$112,000 OBO
713-503-0719, TX


2003 International 4300: DT 466 new inframe overhaul; Allison auto., 136k miles,
used 1,200-gallon steel vac tank, under CDL;
PV3 vac pump. www.pumpertrucksales.com.
Call JR. @ 720-253-8014, CO.

New Aluminum Tanks: 2,800-gallon $23,500; 2,500-gallon $22,500. All

sizes available.
Call Rodney Lane

T&T Tools, Probes, Hooks: Probes feature

steel shafts with threaded and hardened tips.
The insulated Mighty Probe tested to
50,000 volts. Top Poppers open manhole
covers easily. Free catalog. www.TandT
tools.com. Phone 800-521-6893. (PBM)

Like new and clean 2004 Mack Vision: 5,000-gallon grease trap/septic,
brand new air bags, 11hp Honda pressure washer/hydro-jetter, tilt bed, hoses,
hooks. $99,999. Full company purchase
for $130,000 OBO including truck.
786-246-5557, FL

P L A C E Y O U R A D O N L I N E AT w w w. p u m p e r. c o m I T S A LW AY S T H E R E T O M E E T Y O U R B U S Y S C H E D U L E


Pumper September 2014

2000 Ford F-650: Auto., 190hp CAT, 210k

miles. Jurop pump with spare, 1,000-gallon waste, 250-gallon fresh. Runs great.
$17,000. 706-798-8080

2008 Sterling with a Guzzler wet/dry industrial vacuum loader, 18-yard debris
body, dump type, carbon steel vacuum tank.
(Stock #2347V) www.VacuumSalesInc.com,
(888) VAC-UNIT (822-8648)



1978 International Model 1700

2,000-gallon vacuum truck. 26,000
GVW, 404 gas motor, 5-speed, 2-speed
rear, Moro M-40 pump. 145,000 miles.
$5,000 OBO. Located in PA. Call Brandon at Klines Services:
717-666-5827, PA

2003 RD Mack: 500hp, 8LL, 20F/58R,

100,000 miles, J&J steel body. Call for
www.tankservicesinc.com PBM


2006 Sterling LT95 Guzzler CL vacuum truck with top-loading boom, Hibon
8702 (5,300cfm blower). Excellent condition, private sale. ..... Asking $135,000
416-410-7222, ontario

American Industrial Components: Our vanes

are manufactured from the highest quality
laminated materials available and are fabricated to exact tolerances and specifications.


2001 Guzzler XXS 4121 tc on International chassis. 27Hg Roots blower,

20-cubic-yard debris body, air cannon,
half door, sludge pump, and rotating
boom. 285,000 miles .............. $64,999

Wanted to Buy: Vactor 2100s and late model

Guzzlers. Cash. Phone 800-336-4369. (PBM)

2001 Guzzler XcR 4816 tc on International chassis. 27Hg Roots blower,

16-cubic-yard debris body, air cannon, half door. XCR function allows you
to continuously offload material while
vacuuming. 84,000 miles ........ $64,999

Gardner Denver T-375M: Bare Shaft pump.

Gardner Denver T450M Bare Shaft pump
NLB 20-200: 12 gpm @ 20,000 psi. Gardner
Denver LC-1500: 390 gpm max, 15,000 psi
max. NLB 36-200 6 gpm @ 36,000 psi. HT150S 25 gpm max 10,000 psi max, Shell Side
Machine, Wheatley 165: 30 gpm @ 10,000
psi, Wheatley 165: 17 gpm @ 20,000 psi.
Wheatley 125 with aluminum bronze fluid
end. Boatman Ind. 713-641-6006. View @

901-377-3289, TN



1999 International Guzzler Ace HighDump with NEW (less than 100 hrs.)
Roots 27" blower. Fresh paint, 161,517
miles. 305hp CAT C-10. Great truck Ready to work! .......................$109,500
903-738-2917, TX

a job opening

BID OUTan upcoming job

contracted services offered

2001 Gap Vax HG57 WET/DRY on Volvo WG64, 5,500 cfm, 27 Hibon blower,
Cummins engine, chassis tank and bag
house, in good condition, ready for work.
kLM Companies

used equipment



a position wanted

If you are using an




In Pumper magazine and on the web.


1994 Cusco/Volvo Mastervac Wet

Dry DOT/312 3,000-gallon carbon steel
vacuum truck. 27' Hibon blower with
Moro off-loading pump. CAT engine with
Fuller transmission.
kLM Companies

in your ad, be sure it can be

used in all areas nationwide.

P L A C E Y O U R A D O N L I N E AT w w w. p u m p e r. c o m I T S A LW AY S T H E R E T O M E E T Y O U R B U S Y S C H E D U L E
www.pumper.com Since 1979 September 2014


8750_PJ_Gregg2014_Pumper_8-8-14FINAL.indd 1

8/8/14 1:36 PM

Powervac 3800
w/ Jetting Package
> DOT 407/412 Code Tank
> 3800 CFM Blower
> 27" HG Vacuum
> Acoustic Enclosure
> Waste Tank: 15 Cubic Yard SS 316
> Water Tank: 600 US Gallon SS 316
> Water Pump: 10 GPM @ 4000 PSI

> Alum. 5454 Bright Finish

> 2 Compartment,
Both 2000 US Gallon
> PV 750 Vacuum Pump
> 27" HG Vacuum
> Wash Pump: 3 GPM @ 2000 PSI
> Transfer Pump: 30 GPM
> Heated Valves & Cabinets


is our Trademark

Rest Room Service

Dump Trailer /
Tractor Combo
Stainless Steel 316
> DOT 407/412 Code Tank
> 900 CFM Blower
> 27" HG Vacuum
> 7800 US Gallon Tank
> Axle Spacing & Tank Size
Configured To Your
State Regulations

Work with us ... We listen!

4131 Morris Drive
Burlington, Ontario, Canada L7L 5L5
Fax: 905-681-0411

Nationwide Sales & Service

800-387-7763 | 905-637-2353 | www.presvac.com

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