Protecting Crops From Nematode Pests: Using Marigold As An Alternative To Chemical Nematicides
Protecting Crops From Nematode Pests: Using Marigold As An Alternative To Chemical Nematicides
Protecting Crops From Nematode Pests: Using Marigold As An Alternative To Chemical Nematicides
July 2007
Published by the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) and issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in coopera-
tion with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Andrew G. Hashimoto, Director/Dean, Cooperative Extension Service/CTAHR, University of Hawaii at Mnoa, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822.
An equal opportunity/affrmative action institution providing programs and services to the people of Hawaii without regard to race, sex, age, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, dis-
ability, marital status, arrest and court record, sexual orientation, or status as a covered veteran. CTAHR publications can be found on the Web site <>.
he primary soil-borne plant-parasitic nematodes
impacting cropping systems in Hawaii are the root-
knot, reniform, cyst, burrowing, and lesion nematodes,
all of which contain spear-like mouthparts used to punc-
ture plant roots and obtain nutrients. These nematodes
cause signifcant economic damage to a wide variety of
crops. After crops are infected with nematodes, crop
yield and quality are reduced, either directly from root
deformation caused by nematode feeding or indirectly
from predisposition to infection by other pathogens that
results from nematode penetration into the roots. The
methods most frequently used for managing nematodes
in agriculture include rotating crops with plants that are
not hosts of plant-parasitic nematodes, using resistant
plants if available, and applying chemical nematicides.
Additional methods include soil solarization and the use
of organic amendments, trap crops, microbial biocontrol
agents, and plants that are antagonistic to parasitic nema-
todes. This publication focuses on the latter alternative
and specifcally discusses the potential use of marigold
plants for managing plant-parasitic nematodes found in
Hawaii and other regions.
Mechanism by which marigold suppresses
nematode pests
While marigolds (Tagetes species) are typically grown
for ornamental purposes as bedding plants, studies have
found that they can be highly toxic to plant-parasitic
nematodes and are capable of suppressing a wide range
(up to 14 genera) of nematode pests. The nematicidal
potential varies with the marigold species and cultivar,
Protecting Crops from Nematode Pests:
Using Marigold as an Alternative to Chemical Nematicides
Koon-Hui Wang
, Cerruti R
, and Antoon Ploeg
Department of Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences, University of Hawaii at Mnoa
Department of Nematology, University of California, Riverside
the nematode species targeted, and soil temperature.
The marigold species most often used for nematode
control are Tagetes patula, T. erecta, and T. minuta. The
key mode by which marigolds suppress plant-parasitic
nematodes is through a biochemical interaction known as
allelopathy. Allelopathy is a phenomenon where a plant
releases compounds that are toxic to other plants, micro-
organisms, or other organisms, such as nematodes.
Marigold plants produce a number of potentially
bioactive compounds, among which -therthienyl is
recognized as one of the most toxic. This sulfur-contain-
ing compound is abundant in marigold tissues, including
roots. It has nematicidal, insecticidal, fungicidal, antivi-
ral, and cytotoxic activities, and it is believed to be the
main compound responsible for the nematicidal activity
of marigold. Thus nematodes may be killed either by
entering the root system of a marigold plant or contacting
soil containing marigolds bioactive compounds.
The nematicidal activity of marigold has been detected
in roots of growing plants but not in root or leaf extracts.
Some studies have shown that these nematicidal proper-
ties result from a sequence of events in the marigold roots
triggered by penetration and movement of nematodes
through the root tissue, and the end product of these
reactions is thought to kill nematodes. Nematicidal com-
pounds apparently permeate from marigolds root tissues
into nematodes attached to the root, but they are also
believed to kill nematodes found in the rhizosphere, the
soil near marigold roots. Thus, marigold is believed to be
most effective in suppressing plant-parasitic nematodes
when actively growing, but it is not as effective when
UHCTAHR Protecting Crops from Nematode Pests: PD-35 July 2007
incorporated as crop residues or root extracts. Several
other plants with nematicidal properties, including sunn
hemp (Crotalaria juncea), are believed to release nema-
ticidal compounds when incorporated into the soil and
thus do not require root penetration to effectively kill
Some researchers believe that marigold root exudates
prevent the nematodes from developing and their eggs
from hatching. However, the nematode species and
growth stages suppressed by marigold vary with the
marigold species. For example, Tagetes patula Single
Gold (synonym: Groundcover) (Figure 1) is an ex-
tremely poor host of the root-knot nematode, and there is
limited penetration and development by this nematode on
this plant. However, another marigold species, T. erecta
Cracker Jack (Figure 2), behaved as a trap crop: root-
knot nematodes were attracted to and entered its roots,
but the development of their offspring was impeded.
In other cases, marigolds may behave as a trap crop by
allowing penetration of nematodes but inhibiting their
subsequent development and reproduction.
Knowing the marigold and identifying the
targeted nematode species
It is critically important to know which nematode spe-
cies is responsible for crop damage before selecting a
marigold plant. The bioactive compounds of different
marigold species and cultivars may differ in composi-
tion, quality, and quantity. Thus, certain species may be
highly effective against one nematode species but have
limited to no impact on or possibly increase populations
of other plant-parasitic nematodes. Table 1 summarizes
the genera of nematodes commonly found in Hawaii and
the marigold cultivars that are resistant to these nema-
todes. Tagetes patula Single Gold, T. hybrid Polynema,
and T. erecta Cracker Jack effectively suppressed four
root-knot nematode species: Meloidogyne arenaria,
M. incognita, M. javanica, and M. hapla. Research-
Figure 1. A patch of marigold, Tagetes patula Single Gold at the early fowering stage. Behind it is a border row of
a sorghum sudangrass hybrid. Photo: C.R.R. Hooks
UHCTAHR Using Marigold as an Alternative to Chemical Nematicides PD-35 July 2007
ers in Hawaii reported that marigolds Polynema and
Cracker Jack are good hosts for reniform nematodes
but that marigold T. patula Boy-O-Boy suppresses re-
niform nematode populations. Root-knot and reniform
nematodes are commonly found infesting agricultural
felds in Hawaii; therefore, marigold Single Gold is
recommended for use in felds containing populations
of both these nematodes. Field experiments conducted
in California showed that growing marigold Single
Gold consistently suppressed root-knot nematode and,
consequently, lowered root galling of tomato grown over
several subsequent seasons and increased tomato yield
by about 50 percent. In Hawaii, researchers found that T.
patula was the most effective cover crop for improving
taro (Colocastia esculenta) yields among 22 cover crops
tested in felds infested with M. javanica.
The marigold T. patula also suppresses lesion nema-
todes, Pratylenchus penetrans and P. pratensis, which
are parasites of ornamentals, coffee, and other important
crops. Tagetes erecta lowered levels of burrowing (Ra-
dopholus similis), spiral (Helicotylenchus multicinctus),
and lance (Hoplolaimus indicus) nematodes when inter-
cropped with a highly susceptible banana crop. Tagetes
erecta produces more biomass than several cultivars of
T. patula and thus establishes well in the feld, making it
ideal for use as a cover crop. However, T. patula Single
Gold can also generate a signifcant amount of biomass,
similar to T. erecta Cracker Jack, and thus may be an
ideal marigold cover crop.
How to use marigold for nematode
It is important to know that -terthienyl compounds in
marigold have limited nematicidal activity when incor-
porated into the soil. Only living marigold root systems
exhibit signifcant nematicidal properties. For example,
even though a Tagetes patula Single Gold crop con-
sistently suppressed a diverse range of plant-parasitic
Figure 2. Flowering marigold Tagetes erecta Cracker Jack interplanted with
caulifower. Photo: C.R.R. Hooks
UHCTAHR Protecting Crops from Nematode Pests: PD-35 July 2007
nematodes, when residues were incorporated into the
soil it did not suppress the root-knot nematode as well.
The critical stage for marigold suppressive effect is dur-
ing its growth. Therefore, to maximize the nematicidal
activities of marigold, it should not be tilled in until fully
established (34 months). As such, marigolds are typi-
cally grown as a cover crop or planted in rotation with
the cash crop to manage nematodes.
In situations where farmers have a small acreage and
cannot afford to have land out of production, rotating
marigolds with their cash crops might not be practical
or economically feasible, especially if there is no direct
economic return from planting marigold. An alterna-
tive approach is to use marigold as an intercrop. This
approach may not be as potent as applying a nematicide
directly into the root zone of a cash crop, but because the
nematicidal activity of marigold should permeate to sur-
rounding soils, there will be some nematode suppression
in the neighboring cash crop. For example, intercropping
banana with marigolds Cracker Jack and Single Gold
reduced population densities of Meloidogyne, Radopho-
lus, Rotylenchulus, and Pratylenchus nematodes and
reduced banana root damage. In another study, inter-
cropping sugarcane with T. erecta reduced population
densities of spiral nematodes and increased sugarcane
yield and quality. Tomato infections by the false root-knot
nematode were reduced in a tomato and Cracker Jack
intercrop compared to tomato monoculture.
Effects of marigold on non-target organisms
Although marigold plants produce nematicidal com-
pounds, their root extracts were found to have no suppres-
sive effect on several other soil microorganisms. Further,
although incorporating marigold residues into the soil
does not enhance the nematicidal effect, it may enhance
propagules of nematophagous (nematode-trapping) fungi
that adhere to or prey on nematodes. Once attached, the
fungal hyphae penetrate the nematode, utilize it as a source
of food, and thus kill it. When marigold residues were
incorporated into the soil of a pineapple feld, nematode-
antagonistic activity was enhanced, but this was not suf-
fcient to suppress populations of reniform nematodes.
Effect of temperature on marigold
nematicidal activity
The level of nematode suppression by marigold is af-
fected by temperature. For example, marigold Single
Gold, T. patula Tangerine, and T. erecta Flor de
Muerto suppressed root-knot nematode infection on
subsequent tomato plants compared to a fallow treatment
at 2030C. However, T. signata Tangerine Gem and
T. hybrid Polynema failed to suppress M. incognita at
temperatures higher than 30C. T. erecta Cracker Jack
only reduced M. incognita densities at temperatures
ranging from 10 to 30C. Thus it is critical to take in
consideration the agro-climate of an area when selecting
a marigold species for nematode suppression.
Table 1. Susceptibility of several marigold cultivars to some commonly occurring plant-parasitic nematodes in Hawaii
at temperatures less than 30C.
Marigold Root-knot
Tagetes patula - - - R
Tagetes patula Single Gold R
- -
Tagetes patula Boy-O-Boy - R - -
Tagetes hybrid Polynema R S - -
Tagetes erecta - - R
Tagetes erecta Cracker Jack R S - R
Tagetes signata R - - -
z Meloidogyne incognita, M. javanica, M. arenaria, and M. hapla.
y Rotylenchulus reniformis
x Radopholus similis
w Pratylenchus penetrans and P. pratensis
v R = resistant, S = susceptible, - = undetermined.
u Resistant but fail to suppress the nematodes when planted between burrowing nematode infected and non-infected plants.
UHCTAHR Using Marigold as an Alternative to Chemical Nematicides PD-35 July 2007
Limitations on and concerns about using
marigold for nematode suppression
Marigolds are sensitive to day-length, having what is
called short-day photoperiodism. In general, the plant
remains vegetative when days are long and fowers when
days are short. Because Hawaiis day-length is generally
short compared to the summer months of temperate
zones, marigolds with a strong sensitivity to short-day
photoperiod tend to fower quickly even during our
longest days.
Different marigold species have different sensitivity to
day-length. Tagetes patula has a stronger response and
fowers more readily than T. erecta. Thus T. patula Boy-
O-Boy may not serve as a good cover crop in Hawaii
because it starts to bloom before establishing much bio-
mass, even when planted during the summer. T. erecta is
less sensitive to photoperiod, remaining vegetative when
day-length is above 12.513 hours. Therefore, T. erecta
Cracker Jack can produce considerable biomass during
the summer in Hawaii, establishing a more extensive root
system that can suppress substantially greater numbers
of plant-parasitic nematodes.
Marigold can serve as a host for some other pests, such
as thrips and spider mites. Spider mites especially can
be a problem during hot, dry weather. Some marigold
varieties, such as T. patula Single Orange Scarleteade,
are very susceptible to mites. Thrips can be a major
problem because they can transmit tomato spotted wilt
virus (TMSV), a serious virus disease of a wide range
of vegetable crops including tomato and peppers. Other
diseases of marigold include damping off (Pythium and
Rhizoctonia), grey mold (Botrytis) of fowers, southern
bacterial wilt (Pseudomonus solanacearium), and bac-
terial leaf spot (Pseudomonas syringae var. tagetes).
These can be problems when marigold is intercropped
with plants susceptible to these pathogens.
Plant-parasitic nematodes generally have a wide host
range, and it is therefore important that the marigold
crop is free of weeds. Otherwise, nematodes may survive
and multiply on the weeds roots. If weeds are not well
controlled, nematode management by marigold may
be ineffective. The disadvantage of using marigold as
an intercrop is that chemical herbicides are typically
compatible with nematicide application but may not be
used in a cash crop intercropped with marigold because
the herbicide sprays may stunt or kill the marigold. The
diffculties associated with weed control may limit its
adoption by growers. Further, if sown as an intercrop
in a low growing vegetable production system, and not
properly managed, marigolds themselves may act as
weeds by competing with the cash crop for nutrients,
water, and light.
Marigold seeds generally are purchased for orna-
mental purposes and typically are expensive. It may be
very costly to purchase enough seeds to use marigold
as a cover crop for nematode suppression, especially
when the lack of direct return from using marigold as
a rotation crop is considered. Some marigold varieties
used in poultry feed are less expensive, but the cost can
be high for a large-scale planting. However, marigold
plants produce a large number of seeds that can easily
be harvested from mature plants. This allows growers
to readily produce their own marigold seed supply.
Another potentially negative aspect of growing mari-
gold is that the seeds are plentiful at maturity, readily
self-reseeding, light, and easily wind-blown. This can
be a problem for those who dont want the marigold to
spread to other areas.
Recommendation for marigold as a
cover crop for nematode suppression
Marigold can conveniently be grown as part of a multi-
crop system, rotated or grown as an intercrop with
other plants. In these cases, marigold should be seeded
to obtain a high plant population and grown for its full
vegetative growth period, at the end of which it can be
incorporated into the soil as a green manure, thereby
increasing soil organic matter. Tagetes erecta Cracker
Jack or T. patula Single Gold may be sown at 20
(either broadcast or seeded in rows). A marigold
cover crop can be grown for two to four months during
the summer season, most timely period being right af-
ter termination of a spring vegetable crop. If thrips are
potentially problematic, the marigold crop should be
terminated before it fully blooms to avoid thrips build-
up. Marigold may also be interplanted, but growing it in
rotation has advantages. Marigold intercrops can reduce
vegetable crop yields because of the need to set aside
some of the feld for growing marigold. Also, competition
with the vegetable crop can cause some yield reduction.
However, growers can consider intercropping banana and
marigold due to the wide spacing in a banana planting
system. After planting, marigolds should be irrigated by
drip irrigation or through low-pressure sprinkler heads,
as high-pressure irrigation may prevent young plants
from fully establishing.
UHCTAHR Protecting Crops from Nematode Pests: PD-35 July 2007
As registered chemical nematicides continue to become
more limited in availability, it will be necessary to de-
velop other management strategies for plant-parasitic
nematodes. Most synthetic nematicides are expensive
and because of their toxicity have adverse effects on non-
target organisms, such as benefcial soil microorganisms.
The negative aspects of soil fumigants and nematicides
and the increasing demand for organic produce and less
environmentally harmful agricultural practices make
marigold a potentially valuable alternative to chemical
nematicides for nematode management.
It is clear that marigold can be used as a substitute for
synthetic nematicides. In some instances, marigold can
reduce nematode populations at greater soil depths than
soil fumigation. In addition, marigold is more environ-
mentally friendly than chemical nematicides because it
does not repress other soil microorganisms. However,
to successfully incorporate marigold into an integrated
nematode management program it is important to select
a marigold variety that is effective against the locally
occurring nematode populations.
Currently, researchers in Hawaii, Florida, and Cali-
fornia are evaluating sunn hemp, marigold, and cowpea
for their ability to reduce the occurrence of aphid-borne
non-persistent viruses and suppress weed, insect, and
nematode pests directly through modifcation of the
cropping environment and enhancement of benefcial
organisms. We believe that to optimize their use in in-
tegrated pest management programs, cover crops should
not be used solely to mitigate problems caused by plant-
parasitic nematodes, but rather used simultaneously to
help suppress multiple pest organisms and provide other
benefts to a farming operation.
Selected references and readings
Hooks, C.R.R., K.-H. Wang, and D. Fallon. 2006. An
ally in the war against nematode pests: Using sunn
hemp as a cover crop to suppress root-knot nema-
todes. University of Hawaii at Mnoa, College of
Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, Plant
Disease publication PD-32.
Lehman, P.S. 1979. Factors infuencing nematode con-
trol with marigolds. Florida Dept. of Agriculture
Conservation Service, Nematology Circular no. 50.
April 1979.
Natarajan, N., A. Cork, N. Boomathi, R. Pandi, S. Vela-
van, and G. Dhakshnamoorthy. 2006. Cold aqueous
extracts of African marigold, Tagetes erecta, for
control of tomato root knot nematode, Meloidogyne
incognita. Crop Protection 25: 12101213.
Ploeg, A.T. 2002. Effect of selected marigold varieties
on root-knot nematodes and tomato and melon yields.
Plant Disease 86: 505-508.
Ploeg, A.T., and P.C. Maris 1999. Effect of temperature
on suppression of Meloidogyne incognita by Tagetes
cultivars. Supplement to the Journal of Nematology
31: 709714.
Sipes, B.S., and A.S. Arakaki. 1997. Root-knot nema-
tode management in dryland taro with tropical cover
crops. Supplement to the Journal of Nematology 29:
Topp, E., S. Miller, H. Bork, and M. Welsh. 1998. Effects
of marigold (Tagetes sp.) roots on soil microorganisms.
Biology and Fertility of Soils 27: 149154
This publication was developed under a CAR grant
(Crops at Risk project number 2006-03529), a program of
the United States Department of Agricultures Coopera-
tive State Research, Education, and Extension Service.