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En 473

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for examination and certification of non
destructive testing personnel
1 Introduction to EN 473/Nordtest scheme ............. 2
2 Organisational stucture of EN473/Nordtest
scheme.................................................................. 2
2.1 Nordic Innovation Centre Board and
secretariat....................................................... 2
2.2 Nordtest Technical Group for NDT (TG NDT) 2
2.3 Advisory board for the certification body....... 3
2.4 Certification body ........................................... 3
2.5 Panels of Examiners ...................................... 3
2.6 Nordtest Testing Organisation (NTO) ............ 3
3 Eligibility for certification....................................... 4
3.1 Training........................................................... 4
3.2 Industrial NDT experience ............................. 4
4 Examination .......................................................... 4
4.1 Re-examination.............................................. 4
4.2 Sectors for examination ................................. 5
Nordic Innovation Centre
Stensberggata 25
NO-0170 OSLO
ISSN: 14592835
Project: TG-NDT
Telephone +47 47 61 44 00
Fax +47 22 56 55 65
4.2.1 Product sectors .................................... 5
4.2.2 Industrial sectors.................................. 5
4.2.3 Multi sectors ......................................... 5
4.3 Detailed examination requirements, level 1
and 2............................................................... 5
4.3.1 General examination............................ 5
4.3.2 Specific examination............................ 5
4.3.3 Practical examination........................... 5 Number of specimens, product
sectors .................................... 5 Number of specimens,
industrial and multi sectors .... 6
4.4 Detailed examination requirements, level 3 .. 6
5 Recertification ....................................................... 6
5.1 Transition of old certificates to new system.. 6
6 Code of ethics ....................................................... 6
7 Valid documents.................................................... 7
The European standard EN 473, Qualification and
certification of NDT personnel General principles was at
first issued in J anuary 1993 and has now again been revised
and issued as EN 473:2008.
This fifth edition of DOC GEN 010 and its Appendix 1
replaces all earlier editions, appendixes and amendments.
The Nordtest scheme for examination and certification
of non-destructive testing personnel is the main scheme
for certification of NDT-personnel in the Nordic countries. It
provides a uniform level of qualifications of the personnel,
which is acknowledged, accepted and sometimes
demanded by authorities and users of NDT in most
industrial areas.
EN 473 includes general requirements related to
examination and certification. Requirements to the technical
content, principles for judgement or level of quality in the
examination are not precisely described in EN 473. It is
therefore necessary to have additional documents defining
the examinations. This fifth edition of NORDTEST DOC
GEN 010 provides the detailed requirements, which assure
a uniform performance of examinations and certification.
This edition of NORDTEST DOC GEN 010 includes only
additional requirements of the EN 473/Nordtest scheme and
some clarifications. The text of EN 473 standard is valid in
all other cases as such also in the EN 473/Nordtest scheme.
Specific requirements and descriptions are found in
NORDTEST DOC GEN 010 and in the Handbook for
Nordtest Certifying Bodies (in the following called the
Handbook). The Handbook includes confidential material,
which is handed over only to the Certifying Bodies.
EN 473 includes reference to ISO/EN 17024, which includes
the requirements for accreditation of personnel certification
bodies. This edition of NORDTEST DOC GEN 010 updates
the scheme and complies with EN 473:2008 and also meets
the accreditation requirements. The requirements for a
procedure for certification and surveillance required by ISO/
EN 17024 are fullfiled.
The requirements of examination and certification, as well
as training before examination, have been developed to
benefit the clients in all Nordic countries with regard to total
The technical and economic development requires
improvement of the EN 473/Nordtest scheme. New methods
and techniques may be added and updating of the existing
examinations and certification will take place. Changes will
be included in revisions of this edition of DOC GEN 010 and
in the Handbook. A list of valid documents is found in
Chapter 5.
The basic documents of the EN 473/Nordtest scheme are
prepared by the TG NDT.
The certification bodies are responsible for the adoption of
the documents of the EN 473/Nordtest scheme. All
documents used by the certification bodies must be in
accordance with the EN 473/Nordtest scheme, EN 473 and
ISO/EN 17024.
This new EN 473/Nordtest scheme fulfils also international
standard ISO 9712:2005 Non-destructive testing
Qualification and certification of personnel exept for ET and
LT where additional training hours are required. When
candidate fulfils also these requirements, certification body
may issue also ISO 9712 certificate to the candidate.
Organs and their tasks and duties in the EN473/Nordtest
scheme are described below.
2.1 Nordic Innovation Centre Board and
The Nordic Innovation Centre (NICe) Board consists of
members from Nordic countries. A governmental body in the
respective Nordic country appoints each Board member.
NICe has a secretariat that is lead by the director.
2.2 Nordtest Technical Group for NDT (TG
The Nordtest Technical Group consistes of one or more
representatives from the Nordic countries. Every Nordtest
Certification Body have the right to be represented in the
TG. The NICe Board appoints one of the representative(s)
from each country to vote for the specific country.
TG NDT has in the EN 473/Nordtest scheme the following
a) Approval of the basic documents of the EN 473/Nordtest
scheme including the NORDTEST DOC GEN 010, its
amendments and appendixes as well as the Handbook,
which describes the certification scheme;
b) Preparing the basic documents necessary for the
operation of the EN 473/Nordtest scheme including the
c) Can recommend participants as technical experts for the
initial accreditation audit of an organisation applying for
accreditation as a certification body operating in
accordance with the EN 473/Nordtest scheme. There
should be a communication between the accrediting
body and the TG NDT about the development of the EN
473/Nordtest scheme;
d) Promoting and developing the EN 473/Nordtest scheme
which may include new methods, techniques and
developments within certification of NDT personnel on
the international level;
e) Collaborating with national and international bodies and
preparing mutual recognition agreements by examining
the equivalence and conformity with other NDT
certification schemes and when relevant proposing
approval of equivalence and conformity;
f) Acting as a forum for discussions among the certification
bodies concerning the operation and development of the
EN 473/Nordtest scheme, co-ordinating and deciding
upon matters regarding evaluation and interpretation of
questions that need clarification;
g) Preparing and maintaining a list of certification bodies
operating according to the EN 473/Nordtest scheme with
information about the scope of their certification (e.g.
methods and levels);
h) When new methods or techniques are introduced in the
EN 473/Nordtest scheme level 3 NDT persons for
examiners shall be appointed in accordance with rules
established by the TG NDT.
2.3 Advisory board for the certification body
The certification body shall have an advisory (governing)
board that by broad representativeness supports the
certification process. The Advisory board may give
suggestion for development of the system.
2.4 Certification body
Certification bodies operating according to the EN 473/
Nordtest scheme must be accredited according to EN ISO/
IEC 17024. The accreditation bodies shall use technical
experts familiar with the EN 473/Nordtest scheme. TG NDT
may be involved in the initial accreditation as described
The certification body shall provide a certificate to all
certified persons. The certification body shall maintain sole
ownership of the certificates.
In the EN 473/Nordtest scheme the certification body:
a) shall initiate, promote, maintain and administer the
certification scheme according to EN ISO/IEC 17024 and
EN 473 European Standard;
b) may delegate, under its direct responsibility, the detailed
administration of qualification to authorised qualifying
bodies, to which it should issue specifications and/or
quality procedures covering facilities, personnel,
calibration and control of NDT equipment, examination
materials, specimens, conduct of examinations,
examination grading, records, etc;
c) shall approve properly staffed and equipped examination
centres which it shall monitor on a periodic basis;
d) shall establish an appropriate system for the
maintenance of records, which shall be retained for at
least one certification cycle (10 years);
e) shall be responsible for the issue of all certificates;
f) shall be responsible for the definition of sectors (see
Annex A);
g) shall ensure that test specimens are not in use for
training purposes;
h) shall monitor, in accordance with a documented
procedure, all delegated functions;
i) shall require all candidates and certificate holders to give
a signed undertaking to abide by a code of ethics which
it shall develop for the purpose and publish;
j) shall initiate, promote, maintain and administer the
certification scheme according to DOC GEN 010;
k) review and approve applications for acceptance as a
l) appoint examiners for participation in panels of
examiners for exchange of experience, monitoring
performance and development of the EN 473/Nordtest
m) report annually to NICe about the certification activities
as defined by TG NDT (number of certificates issued for
each method and level);
n) shall report the operation of the EN 473/Nordtest
scheme to the advisory (governing) board.
Note: Clauses a i are identical with EN 473:2008 standard.
Normally the certification bodies are also examination
centres, which perform the examinations. It may be relevant
to establish further examination centres controlled by the
certification bodies to accommodate particular industrial
sectors and applications as well as regional requirements.
Authorized qualifying bodies are not used in the EN 473/
Nordtest scheme.
2.5 Panels of Examiners
The certifcation bodies appoint panels of examiners for the
supervision and grading of examinations. The panel
consists of at least two examiners for each method. A
uniform level of competence in the Nordic countries is
maintained through meetings of examiners where they
exchange practical experiences in the use of the EN 473/
Nordtest scheme.
2.6 Nordtest Testing Organisation (NTO)
In order to issue the operating authorisation within the EN
473/Nordtest scheme, the organisation that the candidates
work for must be registered by a certification body as a NDT
organization that follows the EN 473/Nordtest scheme. Such
an organisation is called a NTO.
NTO is an organisation performing NDT operations
according to the EN 473/Nordtest scheme and is approved
by a certification body. The NTO issues operating
authorizations for its employees. The NTO may be a testing
laboratory, an inspection company, a manufacturers
inspection department or an engineering company. To be
accepted as an NTO the organisation must have or have
access to a level 3 NDT person as responsible for its
technical operations and a documented quality system for
the NDT activities.
Every certification body shall establish a procedure for the
approval of NTOs and keep a register of the NTOs it has
approved. NDT organisations that are accredited according
to EN/ISO 17025 or certified according to ISO EN 9001 and
fullfills the requirements of EA-04/15, can automatically be
registered as NTOs by a certification body. Alternatively the
certification body can accept and register an NDT
organisation if the organisation can document its
competence in other acceptable ways (covering among
other things a quality system and personnel qualifications).
In the EN 473/Nordtest scheme the NTO is the employer of
the NTO personnel. The NTO must fulfil the following:
a) The NTO Level 3 NDT responsible shall be certified
according the EN 473/Nordtest scheme;
b) The NTO guarantees that its certified NDT operators
follow the EN 473/Nordtest scheme;
c) The NTO shall supervise the work of the certified NDT
d) The NTO must issue the operating authorisation
annually by signing its NDT operators certificates. This
verify that the demands which are stipulated in the EN
473/Nordtest scheme are fullfilled.
The issuing of the operating authorisation (signing of the
certificate) for level 1 and 2 NDT personnel within the EN
473/Nordtest scheme is done under the responsibility of a
appointed person. The operating authorisation for the level
3 NDT responsible persons shall be issued by the NTO
The operating authorization becomes invalid when the
certified person terminates the employment.
Level 3 NDT resposible persons at an NTO shall:
e) assure that the QA system for the NDT activities has
been evaluated and is relevant;
f) handle complaints including corrective actions in
conjunction with NDT;
g) record education, training, practical experience,
continuous performance of duties and results of visual
acuity test;
h) act as an advisor with regard to selection, calibration and
purchase of equipment.
For NTOs with a parttime Level 3 NDT person the following
monthly hours are recommended, depended on the number
of Level 1 and 2 NDT operators at the NTO:
12 operators: 4 hours
35 operators: 8 hours
69 operators: 16 hours.
A candidate who is employed by a NTO will have a EN473/
Nordtest certificate issued. A candidate who is not an
employee of a NTO may participate the Nordtest
examinations, in this case a EN473 certificate will be issued
for the candidate. This EN473 certificate can be changed to
a EN473/Nordtest certificate when the candidate becomes
an employee of a NTO.
3.1 Training
The training courses must fullfill the requirements of CEN/
ISO/TR 25107.
It is required for ET, RT og UT Level 2 that the candidate can
set-up and calibrate the instrument before the level 2
training course.
In addition the Basic seminar for level 3 must include the
following subjects:
Basic seminar (part A: General knowledge):
EN 473 and the EN 473/Nordtest scheme
testing standards and recommendations (national and
general specifications, testing procedures and work
instructions for testing
quality assurance, quality control and quality inspection
characteristics and comparison of test methods
material fabrication and welding technology
defect characteristics and evaluation
introduction to fracture mechanics and acceptance
Basic seminar (part B: NDT technique):
instrumental techniques
testing technique for specific products
safety precautions
standards and specifications for the method in question
evaluation of defects and other imperfections
other characteristics essential to the testing
familiarity with other NDT methods.
3.2 Industrial NDT experience
It is recommended that at least 50 % of the required
practical experience is gained before the examination.
The Handbook related to the EN 473/Nordtest scheme
includes the detailed requirements regarding the content of
the certifications, examinations, description of test
specimens, grading of the examinations and interpretations
of the EN 473/Nordtest scheme. The Handbook is approved
by the TG NDT and is followed by all certification bodies.
Examinations may, upon request, be arranged outside the
premises of the certification body. Such premises shall be
approved by the certification body.
4.1 Re-examination
Re-examination must be agreed beforehand between the
person responsible for the candidate and the certification
body with regard to selection of product or industrial sectors
to be used in the re-examination. Once the programme has
been decided it must be followed.
4.2 Sectors for examination
The sectors in the EN 473/Nordtest scheme are as follows:
4.2.1 Product sectors
Castings (c)
Forgings (f)
Welds (w)
Tubes and pipes (tp)
Wrought products (wp)
Composite structures (cs).
4.2.2 Industrial sectors
Industrial sectors are combining two or more product
sectors. Test specimens shall be chosen taking the
industrial sector into account.
Metal producing and metal manufacturing industry (IMA:
comprising sectors c,f,w,tp,wp,)
Pre- and inservice testing of equipment, plant and
structure (IPI: comprising sectors c,f,w,tp,wp)
Aerospace (IAE: comprising sectors c,f,w,tp,wp)
Railway maintenance (IRM: comprising sectors f and
4.2.3 Multi sectors
Multi-sector (IMU: comprises all above mentioned
industrial sectors).
The examinations for MT, PT, LT and VT are primarily done
as multi-sectorial (IMU) for level 1. For level 2 and 3 the
product, industrial or the multi sector (IMU) can be selected.
For level 3 the sector for the level 2 certificate are continued.
The examinations for UT, RT and ET are primarily done as
multi-sectorial (IMU) for level 1. For level 2 the product or the
industrial sectors can be selected. For level 3 the multi-
sector can be selected if based on a level 2 certificate in
sector IMA or IPI, otherwise the sector for the level 2
certificate are continued.
The examinations may be restricted to certain types of
specimens, test method, product or industrial sectors
provided the restricted qualification is clearly stated on the
certificate, e.g. UT level 1, industrial sector IMA or MT level
2, product sector w, limited to yoke magnetisation.
New or addendum sectors (e.g. Phased Array or Digital
radiography) can be added to an existing certificate level 2,
provided that a supplental examination corresponding to an
additional sector are completed. All new or addendum
sectors must be approved by TGNDT prior to examination.
4.3 Detailed examination requirements, theroy,
level 1 and 2
4.3.1 General examination
Required number of multiple choice questions for the
general examination is:
4.3.2 Specific examination
Required number of question for the specific examination
For one product sector: 20 questions, for 2 or more product
sectors: 30 questions, at least 20 of these questions must
be multiple choice questions.
For industrial and multi sectors: 30 questions, at least 20 of
these questions must be multiple choice questions.
4.3.3 Practical examination
Number of specimens for product and industrial sectors are
described below. For combination of 2 or more sectors, the
requirements are outlined in the Handbook. Number of specimens, product sectors
Required number of test specimens and allocated time for
the practical examination in product sectors
Method Number of multiple choice
MT, PT, LT, VT 30
ET, UT, RT 40
For RT, 6 radiographs are considered as 1 specimen
*RT level 2 shall radiograph 2 volumes, except for candidates holding
a level 1 certificate, where 1 volume is to be done by radiography.
Allowed time for each volume is 1 hour.
Method Sector Level Number of
All All 1 2 3
ET, MT, PT, VT All 2 3 3
RT All 2 (1-2)*+3 (1-2)*+2,5
UT All 2 3 6
NORDTEST METHOD NT DOC GEN 010 6 Number of specimens, industrial and multi
Required number of test specimens and allocated time for
the practical examination in industrial sectors:
4.4 Detailed examination requirements, level 3
In the EN 473/Nordtest scheme the number of questions in
level 3 basic examinations shall be as follows
Part C of level 3 basic examinations must include at least
four methods and all methods in which the candidate will be
certified as level 3.
For MT, PT, LT and VT the sector for the level 2 certificate
are continued.
For UT, RT and ET the multi-sector can be selected if based
on a level 2 certificate in sector IMA or IPI (full examination
without any limitations), otherwise the sector for the level 2
certificate are continued.
For the pratical examination the number of specimens and
allotted time will be half of the numbers required for the
initial examination (all numbers rounded upwards). For RT,
6 radiographs are considered as 1 specimen.
Specific examination is part of the recertification, with the
same number of questions as required for the initial
5.1 Transition of old certificates to new
A table for transition of old system to new system is listed
below. The sectors will be introduced at renewal of
Part No.of
A 25 Materials, manufacturing, processes
and defects
B 20 EN 473 and EN 473/Nordtest scheme
(open book)
C 60 Among the methods (ET, LT, MT, PT,
RT, UT and VT) RT or UT are
Old sectors New sectors
Level Sector Method
1 9 All IMU (comprises all sectors)
2 9 All IMU (comprises all sectors)
2 1 All c
2 2 All f
2 3 All w
2 4 All tp
2 5 All wp
2 6 All IMA
(comprises c, f, tp and wp)
2 7 MT/PT/VT/LT IPI (comprises w, tp and wp)
2 7 RT/UT w +wp
2 7 ET w+tp+wp
2 6 +7 / 6 +3 ET IMA or IPI
(comprises c, f, w, tp and wp)
2 7 +1 RT/UT IMA
(comprises c, f, w, tp and wp)
3 9 All IMU (comprises all sectors)
For RT, 6 radiographs are considered as 1 specimen
*RT level 2 shall radiograph 2 volumes, except for candidates holding
a level 1 certificate, where 1 volume is to be done by radiography.
Allowed time for each volume is 1 hour
**RT level 2: 30 radiagraphs, whereas 6 must be castings.
Method Sector Level Number of
ET, MT, PT, VT All 1 3 3
UT, RT All 1 3 5
MT, PT, VT IMU, IPI, IMA 2 5 5
MT, PT, VT IRM, IAE 2 4 4
ET IPI, IMA 2 5 5
ET IRM, IAE 2 4 4
UT IPI, IMA 2 6 12
UT IRM, IAE 2 4 8
RT IPI, IMA 2 (1-2)*+5** (1-2)*+3,5
RT IRM, IAE 2 (1-2)*+3 (1-2)*+2,5
Transition of other combinations of sectors will be
determined by the certification body.
Individuals certified according to this Nordtest Doc Gen 010
shall recognize the precepts of personal integrity and
professional competence according to international
principles. Accordingly, certified individuals
1. shall pursue their professional discipline and activities in
a spirit of fairness to all concerned employer,
employees, customers and competitors consistent with
the high ideals of personal honour and integrity,
2. shall perform their work in the highest professional
manner, protecting the life, safety and health of their
associates and of the general public,
3. shall in no curcumstances perform their work influenced
by drugs, alcohol, sedative medicine etc.,
4. shall undertake only those measurements and analysis
for which they are competent by virtue of their training
and experience and certification,
5. shall treat as confidential their knowledge of any
business affairs or technical information of employers,
clients or customers and to make no disclosure of such
information without their express consent,
6. shall refrain from making unjustified statements or from
performing unethical acts which would discredit the
certification programme based on this Nordtest Doc Gen
7. shall inform clients or employers of any business
affiliations, interests or connections which might
influence their fair judgment,
8. shall maintain and improve their competence and
undertake technological tasks for others only if qualified
by training or expertise and after full disclosure of
pertinent limitations,
9. shall encourage others to advance their learning and
competence and,
10. shall avoid conflicts of interest with any employer or
client and, if any such conflicts should arise in the
performance of work, shall inform the affected persons
promptly of the circumstances.
EN 473:2008 Qualification and certification of NDT
personnel General principles.
NORDTEST DOC GEN 010, fifth edition.
Handbook for Nordtest certification bodies, fifth edition.
EA 04/15 Accreditation For Non-Destructive Testing.
EN ISO/IEC 17024:2003 Conformity assessment. General-
requirements for bodies operating certification of
EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 General requirements for the
competence of testing and calibration laboratories.
ISO 9712:2005 Non-destructive testing Qualification and
certification of personnel.
Nordic Innovation Centre
The Nordic Innovation Centre initiates and finances
activities that enhance innovation collaboration and
develop and maintain a smoothly functioning market in
the Nordic region.
The Centre works primarily with small and medium-
sized companies (SMEs) in the Nordic countries. Other
important partners are those most closely involved with
innovation and market surveillance, such as industrial
organisations and interest groups, research institutions
and public authorities.
The Nordic Innovation Centre is an institution under the
Nordic Council of Ministers. Its secretariat is in Oslo.
For more information: www.nordicinnovation.net
NORDTEST is a Nordic Innovation Centre
brand offering competence and expertice
in the field of harmonizing of norms and
methods,a large Nordic net-work of experts,
more than 650 recommended Nordic testing
methods and 550 published technical reports.
Return address:
Nordic Innovation Centre,
Stensberggata 25
NO-0170 Oslo, Norway

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