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International Standard 10375

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First edition
1997-04-I 5

Non-destructive testing - Ultrasonic

inspection - Characterization of search
unit and sound field

Essais non des true tifs - Contr6le par ultrasons - Caract&isation des
traducteurs et des champs acoustiques

Reference number
Licensed to: Souza, Marciel Amorim Mr IS0 10375:1997(E)
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IS0 10375:1997(E)

Contents Page

1 Scope .................................................................. ............................. 1

2 Normative reference .. . .. . ... . .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... . ... .. ... ... . ... .. .. ... . 1

3 Symbols .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . .. ... .. .. ... .. .. .. . .. ... . ... .. .. .. .. ... .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. . 2

4 Techniques and procedures ............................................................ 2

4.1 Test set-up ............................................................................... 3

4.2 Time domain response ............................................................. 6

4.3 Frequency response ................................................................. 6

4.4 Free-field parameters ............................... ................................ 9

4.5 Echo sound measurement .............................. ......................... 14

4.6 Impedance ...................................................... .......................... 15

4.7 Relative sensitivity . .. .. .. .. . ... ... .. ... .. .. ... . ... .. . ... .. .. ... .. .. ... ... .. . ... .. ... .. 15

0 IS0 1997
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reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including
photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher.
International Organization for Standardization
Case postale 56 l CH-1211 Geneve 20 l Switzerland
Internet central@iso.ch
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@ IS0 IS0 10375:1997(E)


IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide

federation of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work of
preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IS0
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for
which a technical committee has been established has the right to be
represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental
and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. IS0
collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission
(IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.

Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are

circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International
Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting
a vote.

International Standard IS0 10375 was prepared by Technical Committee

lSO/TC 135, Non-destructive testing, Subcommittee SC 3, Acoustical

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IS0 10375:1997(E) @ IS0


In ultrasonic non-destructive testing, sound pulses are used for detecting

and evaluating imperfections or flaws in a material. To obtain reproducible
flaw information, the generation, production and reception of the ultrasonic
pulses must be properly specified, controlled and characterized. To ensure
the accuracy and repeatability of the ultrasonic examination, a knowledge
of the characteristics of the search unit or probe (also known as the
transducer), as well as the associated sound field and the testing
procedures used, is required.

For a complete description or proper selection of an ultrasonic search unit

or probe, a commonly accepted set of characteristics of the search unit
must be specified. This standard establishes techniques to be used in the
laboratory for characterizing ultrasonic search units with parameters such
as centre frequency, bandwidth, near-field length, half-angle of beam
spread, depth of field, beam diameter and focal length. This standard
specifies means for measuring the characteristics of both immersion and
contact search units used for the inspection of materials. This standard
also provides guides for obtaining parameters measured in the free field
and by pulse-echo measurement. Examples of calculations of these
parameters are given.

This standard provides techniques and procedures to achieve the following


a) to select and specify search unit or probe characteristics;

W to check and ensure consistency of search unit performance over its
life span;
c) to facilitate selection of identical search units or equivalent alternatives;
d) to provide a base for the comparison of results obtained using
different instruments, equipment settings, operators, operating times
and periods.

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Non-destructive testing - Ultrasonic inspection -

Characterization of search unit and sound field

1 Scope

This International Standard establishes procedures for specifying certain ultrasonic search unit characteristics and
for measuring the associated sound field. The aim is to establish uniformity of testing techniques, to form a basis
for the interpretation of results obtained by different laboratories and at different times. Note that this International
Standard establishes no acceptance criteria; however, it does establish the technical basis for criteria that may be
defined by user parties.

IS0 2400 describes a calibration block used in weld inspection for checking the performance of the ultrasonic
instrument and search unit. To further enhance the general ultrasonic inspection capability, information concerning
the search unit’s time domain response, frequency response (also referred to as frequency spectrum, frequency
analysis, spectrum analysis and signature analysis) and sound field must be known before reliable detection and
characterization of flaws can be achieved.

The search units discussed herein are straight-beam and angle-beam search units with a nominal ultrasonic
frequency from 0,5 MHz to 15 MHz. Surface wave search units are not included in this standard. This standard
provides procedures for specifying sound field parameters as well as methods of measurement in immersion tests.
This standard does not address sound field measurement in contact tests.

This International Standard describes measurement procedures for evaluating characteristics of ultrasonic search
units and describes techniques used for obtaining sound field data produced by electrically pulse-excited search
units used in the field or in the laboratory. The characteristic parameters discussed in this standard are the upper,
lower and centre frequencies, the wavelength, the bandwidth, the time domain and frequency domain responses,
the near-field length, the half-angle of beam spread for search units of different shapes in free field, echo sound
measurements, beam profiles, the impedance and the relative sensitivity. Formats for specifying both flat-face and
focused search units are given.

To provide baseline information and to check possible performance degradation, the electrical properties of the
search unit are measured independently of the ultrasonic instrument. The electrical impedance and sensitivity are
measured at specific frequencies selected for each search unit. The electrical impedance corresponds to the
complex input impedance of the search unit and the sensitivity of the search unit is a measure of the
electroacoustic efficiency of the unit. These procedures are described in 4.6 and 4.7, respectively.

2 Normative reference

The following standard contains provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this
International Standard. At the time of publication, the edition indicated was valid. All standards are subject to
revision, and parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the
possibility of applying the most recent edition of the standard indicated below. Members of IEC and IS0 maintain
registers of currently valid International Standards.

IS0 2400: 1972, Welds in steel - Reference block for the calibration of equipment for ultrasonic examination.
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IS0 10375:1997(E)

3 Symbols

Bbll Bandwidth, in percent

CN Number of cycles
D Effective diameter, in millimetres, of the transducer element of the search unit
dFL Beam diameter, in millimetres, at focal length
FD Depth of field (also known as length of focal area), in millimetres
FL Focal length (also known as focal distance), in millimetres
f Frequency, in megahertz, of the search unit
fl Lower frequency (-3 dB for free field, -6 dB for echo, from peak amplitude), in megahertz
fU Upper frequency (-3 dB for free field, -6 dB for echo, from peak amplitude), in megahertz
fC Centre frequency, in megahertz
fP Peak frequency, in megahertz
4f 12 Effective dimensions, in millimetres, of a rectangular search unit
NO Near-field length, in millimetres
PN Number of peaks
sr Relative sensitivity, in decibels
Tk Thickness of the medium, i.e. the distance between the search unit and reflector, in millimetres
TPD Pulse duration time, in microseconds
V Wave velocity, in kilometres per second, in the test medium
Vin Peak-to-peak input, or excitation, voltage signal amplitude, in volts
Vout Peak-to-peak output voltage signal amplitude, in volts
x Longitudinal direction of the search unit
2 Axial distance, in millimetres, normal to the search unit front surface
a Wavelength, in millimetres, in the test medium
a Incident angle, in degrees
P Refraction angle, in degrees
Y Skew (or squint) angle, in degrees
0 Impedance, in ohms
8 Half-angle of the beam spread, in degrees

4 Techniques and procedures

Characteristics of an ultrasonic search unit are determined by a combination of its own parameters and the physical
properties of the medium to which the search unit is coupled. The ultrasonic search unit is characterized by
parameters such as the wavelength, the centre frequency, the time domain response, the frequency and the
fractional bandwidth. The wavelength, the frequency of the search unit and the velocity of a wave propagating
through a medium have the following relationship:

a =-- . . . (1)
V is the wave velocity, in kilometres per second, in the test medium;
il is the wavelength, in millimetres, of the search unit;
f is the frequency, in megahertz, of the search unit.
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@ IS0 IS0 10375:1997(E)


a) Consider a straight-beam search unit of 5 MHz, in contact test on steel. The longitudinal wavelength of the pulse
in steel is determined as follows:

f = 5 MHz = 5 x 106 Hz
The longitudinal-wave velocity in steel is given by:

vlong = 5,92 km/s = 5,92 x 106 mm/s

5,92 x 1o6
= I,18 mm (longitudinal wavelength)

b) Consider an angle-beam (transverse-wave) search unit of 5 MHz, in contact test on steel. The transverse
wavelength of the pulse in steel is determined as follows:


The transverse-wave velocity in steel is given by:

vtrans= 3,26 km/s = 3,26 x 106 mm/s

l ** trans = = 0,65 mm (transverse wavelength)

These parameters are measured in a pulse-echo procedure described herein. The echo is gated by a stepless gate
to eliminate non-relevant signals. The gated echo acts as input to both an oscilloscope for analysis of its time
domain response and to a frequency analyser for analysis of the frequency response. The electrical spike pulse
applied to the search unit produces a spectrum of energy broad enough to permit the evaluation of the response of
the search unit. The pulse level of the excitation, the types of target used for each test and the distance from the
search unit shall be recorded.

4.1 Test set-up

Figure 1 presents a schematic illustration of the test set-up for an electrical spike pulse technique commonly used
in ultrasonic pulse-echo testing. The system consists of a pulser, receiver, gate (or ultrasonic echo instrument
having an output terminal for a gated echo signal), oscilloscope, frequency analyser and search unit. The
oscilloscope and frequency analyser shall have a frequency range of no less than 50 MHz. Coaxial cables of 50 Q
shall be used for the measurement, and the cable input to the oscilloscope and the frequency analyser shall be
matched with a 50 Q terminator. An excitation pulse is applied to the search unit and the echo from a specific
target is analysed.

For immersion tests, the search unit shall be oriented to provide maximum signal amplitude from the target
surface. Targets commonly used in immersion tests are a small stainless-steel ball or a steel wire, which are used
for sound field measurements, or a flat reflector, such as a glass block, which is used for the analyses of the echo
waveform. The standard diameter of the sphere is 4 mm and that of the steel wire is 2,5 mm. Upon agreement
between user parties, different-sized spheres and targets may also be used. To avoid tank reflections, the distance
of the ball or wire target from the bottom of the tank shall be at least 50 mm. Figure 2 shows an immersion test
with a stainless-steel ball or the cross-section of a steel wire and a glass block target.

In contact tests, both straight-beam and angle-beam search units are used. For straight-beam contact tests, either
single-element in pulse-echo mode or dual-element in pitch-catch (or transmit-receive) mode and a reference block
of multiple-thickness steps is used. A suitable couplant, such as mineral oil or glycerin, shall be used, and a uniform
pressure maintained between the search unit and the contact surface. The block shall have a thickness greater
than the spatial duration of the excitation pulse used. Both the flatness and parallelism of the reference block shall
be better than 0,02 mm. The surface finish of the front and back surface of the reference block shall be between
I,6 pm and 3,2 pm. Figure 3 shows a contact test on a step calibration block.
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IS0 10375:1997(E)

Dimensions In millimetres

Receiver signal
Gated signal

Ultrasonic instrument

\ Sync

I / I
L--,-------.-- ------------------------------------- JI

Frequency analyser


Steel calibration block - Sync

- Gated signal

/ R 100

-Flat reflector

a) Straight-beam search b) Angle-beam search c) Straight or focused-beam

unit for contact test unit for contact test search unit for immersion test

Figure 1 - Arrangement for ultrasonic pulse-echo testing using electric-shock excitation

(Tk = 0,75No to 1 ,5No; No = near-field length)

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IS0 10375:1997(E)

Dimensions in millimetres

Water Search unit

Ball, @4 mm

Flat glass
block reflector

Tk = near-field length for straight-beam search unit

= focal length for focused-beam search unit

Figure 2 - Immersion test with search unit positioned

above a ball target or a flat reflector
(Flat reflector is for frequency response measurement;
ball target is for sound field measurement)

w c

Width of calibration block is
greater than search unit diameter .

1 A


1 2
Step calibration block Through

Search unit

Tk = thickness
NO = near-field length

Figure 3 - Arrangement for contact test with straight-beam search unit

(For pulse-echo test, Tk = 0,751~~ to 1,5&; for through-transmission test, Tk > NO)

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The angle beam is produced with a transducer element built at an angle to the probe z-axis, defined as the incident
angle a, or using a wedge on a straight-beam search unit, to produce a sound beam refracted at an angle into the test
material. The angle beam transmitted into the material can be a refracted longitudinal or a refracted transverse wave.

For angle-beam search units used in contact tests the International Institute of Welding (IIW) block shall be used
as the calibration block, as described in IS0 2400. The angle-beam search unit shall be set to transmit its ultrasonic
beam in the direction of the 100 mm radius section. With proper positioning of the search unit to maximize the
received echo, the search unit index, i.e. the ultrasonic-beam exit point of the search unit, is marked on the search
unit at the centre point of the 100 mm radius section of the IIW block.

After the search unit index has been determined, the search unit refraction angle p, i.e. the angle between the
direction of the transmitted beam and the normal to the test surface, can be measured as follows. For a refraction
angle between 40” and 75O, by setting the transmitted beam towards the 50 mm diameter through-hole, the angle
marked in degrees on the IIW block corresponding to the search unit index is the refraction angle of the search
unit. For refraction angles of about 80°, the transmitted beam is set towards the I,5 mm diameter through-hole. By
positioning the search unit so that the maximum echo is obtained, the angle marked in degrees on the IIW block
corresponding to the search unit index is the refraction angle of the search unit. The skew (also known as squint)
angle y is the angular deviation of the transmitted-beam direction from its longitudinal direction X.

The echo reflected from the 100 mm radius surface of the IIW block is used for the waveform analysis. For two
angle-beam search units placed in a pitch-catch (transmit-receive) mode, the peak amplitude signal reflected from
the flat side of the IIW block is used for the waveform analysis.

Figure 4 sh ows the ang le-beam search un it and the IIW block fo r contact tests. For a wide-angle an gle-beam
search unit, the reflector shall be at least as wide as the diameter of the transducer elem ent of the search unit.

For waveform analyses, the gated echo fro m the back su rface of the reference block, i.e. from an infinite reflector,
is c haracterized in terms of its time domain response a nd frequen cy response.

4.2 Time domain response

The time domain response of an echo signal is recorded for the specific target chosen for the type of test and the
type of search unit under evaluation, i.e. an immersion test or contact test, a straight-beam or angle-beam search
unit. The duration of the echo signal provides a measure of the damping characteristics of the search unit. The
waveform of the pulse is characterized by the peak number PN, which is defined as the number of half-cycles
having amplitudes greater than or equal to 20 % (-14 dB) of the peak half-wave amplitude. The time from the start
of the first peak to the end of the last peak is defined as the pulse duration time TPD, which is measured in
microseconds. The waveform shown in figure 5 has a peak number of 7. Also, the time domain response may be
expressed as a number of cycles C,,,, which is half the peak number.

43. Frequency response

Using a frequency (or spectrum) analyser, the echo response from a given target can be measured in terms of the
signal amplitude as a function of frequency. The target shall be a flat reflector set as close to the near-field distance
No, or to the focal length FL, as possible. The signals can be analysed with a spectrum analyser with filters or by
using a full digitization of the signal, followed by a fast Fourier transform. This response is used as the basis for
establishing other parameters such as peak frequency, centre frequency and bandwidth. The peak frequencyfp is
the frequency at which the peak amplitude occurs in the frequency response. The lower and upper frequencies J
and fu, respectively, are defined as the frequencies at which the echo amplitude is 50 % down (-6 dB) from the
peak amplitude of the pulse-echo measurement, as shown in figure 6. The centre frequency is defined as

f =-fu + fl . . . (2)
The peak amplitude may or may not occur at the centre frequency. The bandwidth Bw, in percent, of the echo
signal is defined as

fu -fi x100 . . . (3)
In addition to Bw, the absolute value of the bandwidth, fu -Ji, in megahertz, may also be noted.
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IS0 10375:1997(E)

Dimensions in millimetres

~~-~~ direction

Search unit index

Beam direction

Angle-beam search unit

/-Through-hole, @ I,5 mm

IIW block-
Through-hole, @50 mm


Position of angle-be am search / -Search unit index

unit for obtaining echo signal

Transmit.-, ,-Receive

. I \ I I
I; d\‘2 \ /’ / ’ ;
I; c3 +p II II
II ; ‘1,\/ ,/’ c 1----L---l I

Figure 4 - Arrangements for contact test with angle beam search unit
(Search unit index is the beam exit point; x = longitudinal direction of search unit,
z = normal to test surface, /3 = refraction angle, y= skew angle)

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IS0 10375:1997(E)

Peak amplitude, 100 %

20 % L 14 dB)

Pulse duration time T,,


Figure 5 - Time domain response

(Number of peaks PN is 7; Number of cycles CN is 3,5)

Peak amplitude, 100 %

Bandwidth -

fl fP fc fu

Figure 6 - Frequency spectrum for pulse-echo test

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@ IS0 IS0 10375:1997(E)

Figure 7 shows a typica I result for an angle-beam search unit in a contact test in which the IIW block was used as
the target. The echo sig rlal from the surface of the 100 mm radius section of the block is recorded. Figure 8 shows
an immersion test resul t with a focused search unit. The echo signal, reflected in this case from a glass block at its
focal length, is recorded.


From figure 7, the following data are recorded:

The peak frequencyf, = 3,4 MHz

The lowerA and the upperf, frequencies (-6 dB from the peak amplitude):

Ji = 2,6 MHz
fu = 4,2 MHz
The centre frequency fc is then calculated:

2,6 + 4,2
f C= A = 3,4 MHz

It should be noted that the peak and centre frequencies in this case happened to be equal. In general, they are not
equal, as shown by the results given in figure 8.


Using the above data, the bandwidth, in percent, is determined as follows:

4,2 - 2,6
B,= x 100 % = 47 %

The absolute bandwidth is given by:

fu -fi = 4,2 MHz - 2,6 MHz = I,6 MHz

4.4 Free-field parameters

When sound propagates from a search unit into a semi-infinite domain with no boundaries to cause interference,
the sound field is called a “free field”. The free field of a circular ultrasonic search unit is characterized by its near
field, far field and beam spread. For a given transducer element diameter and frequency, several characteristics of
the sound field generated by a search unit in a semi-infinite domain of a homogeneous medium can be calculated.
Provided that the search unit is in contact with the test material, the sound field can be normally categorized in two
regions. Immediately adjacent to the transducer is the near field (Fresnel region) in which the sound pressure
distribution shows complex patterns characterized by maxima and minima as shown on the left-hand side of
figure 9. With a flat transducer, beyond the near field is the far field (Fraunhofer region) where the sound pressure
decreases with distance as shown on the axial beam profile on the right-hand side of the lower part of figure 9.

The near-field length No is given, with the condition that D >> A, by the following approximation:

Z- D2 . . . (4)

NO is the near-field length;

D is the effective diameter of the transducer element of the search unit;
a is the wavelength in the test medium at the search unit centre frequency fc as calculated from equations
(1) and (2) .
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IS0 10375:1997(E) @ IS0

Ultrasonic search unit


Electric-shock excitation
(spike pulse)
Time domain response,
Frequency response,
Resultant angle,

Technician: 0-G

Date:dy. 1988
7, ____----------------__________II__
-I-- -w--w

Parameters and test methods

MFG frequency: 3,5 MHz

SW.... Size: --.I-.-
?2,7 mm diameter Serial: -
__...I. Cable (RG & LG): 1%8 174
‘I- --.-w-s
Immersion 0 Contact @

I r-imm
Flat q Focused q Straight beam 0 Angle beam H

Near-field Focal length

length No in water Reference block
thickness Tk
I I IIW-block
(0,75to 1,5)N() R 100 surface
Front surface of glass block
Back surface of step block
Other -

Time domain Frequency domain Resultant angles Impedance and
response response (steel IIW block) relative sensitivity
No. Of CyCkS CN: 3
---. fp: es---.
3,4 MHz Design Actual Electric impedance at fC

/-- ;~~~,E;~:~~ . FP; i R~;;~:: rmA1-,::..,

2 4 Bw:
‘-43 % Skew

No. of peaks PN: .sss.. 46 MHz
Af= -I..-- 0
----- -
------* dB
Instrumentation: Panametrics 5052UA frequency analyser 7L12

Horizontal sweeps/division: - Vertical volts/division:

~~~~~~~~~~~~ -
Energy setting: ----....-----
3 Receiver attenuation: -.~~~~.~~.~
20 dB

50 i2
Receiver damping: ---e-.---

Figure 7 -Contact, angle-beam search unit (see example 2)

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Q IS0 IS0 10375:1997(E)

Ultrasonic search unit


Electric-shock excitation
(spike pulse)
Time domain response,
Frequency response,
Resultant angle,

Technician: w

Date:dy,------w-s 1988
3, 111___________________

Parameters and test methods

MFG frequency: s5s MHz Size: ~~~~~~

12,7 mm diameter Serial: -
--a-.-. Cable (RG 81 LG): ~~~~~I~~~~
&I& 174
1 800 mm
Immersion q Contact [7

Flat c] Focused q Straight beam 0 Angle beam 0

Near-field Focal length

length NO in water Reference block
thickness Tk IIW-block
(0,75 to 1,5)& R 100 surface
Front surface of glass block
Back surface of step block
Other -

Time domain Frequency domain Resultant angles Impedance and
response response (steel IIW block) relative sensitivity

No. Of CyCkS CN: 2----l/2 6,3 MHz

fp: --.-mm Design Actual Electric impedance at&
Ji at -6 dB: .----m
‘$3 MHz 45O r--J Refracted 20 Q
fu at -6 dB: --mm.
3,?’ MHZ 60” 0
6 MHz
fc at -6 dB: -.e 75O q -~~~~~~~~~~
65 degrees
2 q B,/,,:
..--... % Skew

No. of peaks PN: -----.

5 3,4 MHz
Af = .--..m --.-ew. -

Instrumentation: Panametrics 5052UA frequency analyser 7L12

Horizontal sweeps/division: -
.-----me---- Vertical volts/division: -
Energy setting: --.~..1~-....
3 Receiver attenuation: - 20 dB
50 $2
Receiver damping: ~.I~~.~~~

Figure 8 - immersion, focused search unit (see example 3)

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IS0 10375:1997(E) @IS0

Near fieLd Far field

(Fresnel region) (Fraunhofer region)

- -r
,~=------,-------------- )


0 1 2 3 4
Normalized axiaL distance, z//V,

Figure 9 - Free field of flat-element search unit

[after ZEMANEKJ., J. Acoust. Sot. Am., 49, pp. 181-I 91 (1971)]


Consider a circular search unit of 5 MHz with an effective element diameter of 10 mm. The near-field length for the
pulse in water is determined as follows:

The wave velocity in water is given by:

v = I,48 km/s = I,48 x 106 mm/s

:A = 0,3 mm
:.No= - loL = 83,3 mm
4 x 0,3

For a square element measuring 2 x 1, the near-field length is given by the following approximation:

Iv0 = I,35 x - . . . (5)
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Con sider a sq uare-shaped straight-b earn search unit of 5 MHz with an effective element size of 10 mm x 10 mm..
The near-field length for th e pulse in steel is dete rmined as follows:

Using the data from example la):

it= I,18 mm
:. No = 1,35x = 28,6 mm
4 x1,18

It should be noted that the near-field length is calculated on the basis of the wavelength il at the centre frequency
fc of the search unit. This calculation is a good approximation for search units with narrow bandwidths. For search
units with broad bandwidths, the near-field length covers a range which can be determined by calculating the near-
field lengths corresponding to the lower and upper frequencies fi andf, separately.

In the far field, the beam diameter increases in proportion to the distance along the beam axis. This divergence of
the sound beam is referred to as beam spread. The half-angle of the beam spread 8 at 71 % (-3 dB) of the peak
amplitude can be calculated as follows:

For a flat circular element (diameter D) in the free-field condition:

0 = sin-’ 0,51 x- . . . (6)
( D1


Consider a circular straight-beam search unit with an effective diameter of 10 mm. The total free-field beam spread
(-3 dB) in immersion testing is determined as follows:

The longitudinal wavelength for a 5 MHz wave in water is 0,3 mm (see example 4).

The free-field half-angle of beam spread (-3 dB) is given by:

O= sin-’ 0,51x' = 0,880
( 10 1

The total free-field angle of beam spread (-3 dB line is twice this angle, i.e. 1,8O.

of beam spread is given by:

. . . (7)

Unlike a square-element search unit, which shows behaviour similar to that of a circular-element search unit, the
sound field pattern for a rectangular-element search unit depends on the ratio of the two sides. Its near field is not
clearly characterized by a maximum of sound pressure. In the far field, the amplitude, inversely proportional to the
distance (i.e. CCI/Z), applies to all shapes of element.

The half-angles of free-field beam spread at the -3 dB level for a rectangular-element (II, Z2) search unit, along the
I, and Z2directions, are given by:

8, = sin-l ( 0,44 x L/I 1

. . 0

82 = sin-’ L0,44 x -12

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IS0 10375:1997(E) @ IS0

The sound field hereby described through calculation is characteristic of flat search units. For contact search units
used in the through-transmission (transmit-receive) mode, it may be the only practical characterization. For
immersion search units, the free-field parameters may be additionally measured with a hydrophone.

4.5 Echo sound measurement

The sound field is often measured with a pulse-echo technique. For a pulse-echo measurement, the values off; and
fU are measured at 50 % (-6 dB) of the peak amplitude. It should be noted that the half-angle of beam spread 8 for
the free field measured at 71 % (-3 dB) of the peak amplitude is equal to that for the echo field measurement
at 50 % (-6 dB) of the echo peak amplitude, i.e.

B (free field, 71 % or -3 dB) = 8 (echo, 50 % or -6 dB) . . . (9)

Hence, the half-angle beam spread, calculated from equations (6), (7) and (8) for the free field, applies to the pulse-
echo measurement.


Consider a rectangu lar straight-beam search unit of 5 M Hz wit h effective eleme nt dimensions of 5 mm x 10 mm.
The beam spread in steel for a pulse-echo test is determi ned as S hown below.

The half-angle of beam spread in pulse-echo (-6 dB) along the II side is calculated as follows:

I, =5mm

a = 1,I 8 mm from example 1a)

:.8, = sin-1[0,44xy) = 6’

The total angle of beam spread in pulse-echo (-6 dB) along the I, side is therefore 12’.

The half-angle along the I2 side is calculated as follows:

Z*= IOmm

A= I,18 mm

.d2 = sin-l (0,44x$) = 30

The total angle of beam spread in pulse-echo (-6 dB) along the Z2side is therefore 6’.

A significant parameter in echo sound measurement is the axial beam profile. In an immersion test, the transverse
profile is first obtained by moving the search unit over a small steel ball target immersed in water while the search
unit is being pulsed as shown in figures 1 and 2. The peak amplitude of the signal reflected from the ball target is
recorded at each location. The resulting profile yields a relative pressure plot transverse to the sound beam axis for
a given distance from the search unit. The peak amplitudes for various axial distances are then plotted along the
beam axis, yielding the axial beam profile as shown in figure 10.

To characterize the axial and transverse beam profiles of a focused search unit, the focal length, the depth of field
and the sound beam diameter at the focal point are measured. The focal point is defined as the location at which
the maximum amplitude occurs. The distance from the face of the search unit to the focal point is defined as the
focal length FL (also known as the focal distance). The depth of field FD (also known as the length of focal area)
is obtained by moving the search unit towards and away from the small steel ball target until the amplitude is 50 %
(-6 dB) of the peak amplitude. The diameter at the focal point, where the transverse amplitude is 50 % (-6 dB) of
the peak amplitude, is defined as the beam diameter +L. Figure 11 shows an example of an axial and transverse
profile of a conical-lens focused-beam immersion search unit.

This International Standard does not address sound field measurement for contact tests. To characterize the sound
field of a search unit, such as a straight-beam, angle-beam or focused-angle-beam search unit in contact tests, a
special reference block with a set of side-drilled holes at different depths and another reference block applicable to
Licensed to: Souza, Marciel Amorim Mr
Downloaded: 2019-10-22
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@ IS0 IS0 10375:1997(E)

the test and evaluation of all angles are needed in order to measure the beam spread, the beam width, the focal
length, the depth of field and other pertinent parameters. A document describing such reference blocks is
IS0 12715, Non-destructive testing - Ultrasonic testing - Reference blocks and test procedures for the
characterization of contact search unit sound fields (to be published).

4.6 Impedance

The electrical characteristics of a search unit are expressed in terms of the input impedance as measured by a
vector impedance meter with associated cabling. The length of the cable between the search unit and the vector
impedance meter should be as short as practical. The complex impedance of the search unit can be measured in
terms of its amplitude in ohms and its phase angle in degrees by tuning the meter to the centre frequency of the
search unit when the unit is in its effective working condition (i.e. with its front surface in contact with water for
immersion tests and in contact with a reference block for contact tests). Special precautions must be taken to
avoid standing-wave interference in the tests.

4.7 Relative sensitivity

The relative sensitivity S, of a search unit is a measure of the electroacoustic efficiency of the unit when operating
in the pulse-echo mode with a specific medium, sound path and reflector. The relative sensitivity is defined as the
ratio between the peak-to-peak amplitude of the output voltage signal Vout to the peak-to-peak amplitude of the
input, or excitation, signal Vi” applied to the search unit:

dB ...

For this determination, the excitation signal shall be a gated sinusoidal pulse at the centre frequency of the search
unit. The pulse shall have sufficient duration to allow the unit to reach a steady-state condition. This state is reliably
attained when the echo signal has had at least five cycles of uniform oscillations. A typical measurement of the
relative sensitivity in an immersion search unit is shown in figure 12.


Consider the excitation and the echo signals given in figure 12. The relative sensitivity is determined as follows:

V nt
tt = 5 divisions x 100 mV/division = 500 mV = 5 x 1O-1 V

Yn = 5 divisions x 2 V/division =

:. s, = 20 log10 =20x t-1,3) = -26 dB

Distance from search unit front surface

Figure 10 - Axial beam profile of a focused-beam immersion search unit

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IS0 10375:1997(E)

Focal point with

peak amplitude

Search unit

Depth of field

Focal length
- Peak

Conical lens, @ 19 mm,

c /
& /
k I
A / TBeam diameter
- SO%&


0 h of f ield


0 40 80 120 160
Axial distance z from front surface of search unit to ball target (mm)

Figure 11 - Axial and transverse beam profile and beam diameter of a focused-beam immersion
search unit

Licensed to: Souza, Marciel Amorim Mr

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IS0 10375:1997(E)


Typical excitation signal Typical ultrasonic echo

I Gated sinusoidal
excitation at
I vin
Echo signal
frequency &

AS i

Steel reference bloc

L Water

No for straight-beam search unit

FL for focused-beamsearchunit

/RI00 I? I
/Flat reflector

Straight-beam search unit Angle-beam search Straight or focused-beam search

for contact test unit for contact test unit for immersion test

Figure 12 - Measurement of relative sensitivity of a search unit (see example 8)

(No = near-field length, FL = focal length, S = search unit, Tk = 0,75N0 to 1,5N0, all coaxial cable at 50 Q)

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Licensed to: Souza, Marciel Amorim Mr

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IS0 10375:1997(E) @ IS0

ICS 19.100
Descriptors: tests, non-destructive tests, ultrasonic tests, testing conditions, test equipment, characteristics.

Price based on 17 pages

Licensed to: Souza, Marciel Amorim Mr
Downloaded: 2019-10-22
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