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May 16 - 20,1998
Kat hol ie ke U n ive rsi t ei t Le uve n
Leuven, Belgium
Sponsored by
IEEE Robotics and Automation Society
Volume 4
Pages 2771 =3744
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IEEE Catalog Number 98CH36146
ISBN 0-7803-4300-X (Softbound)
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Library of Congress Catalog Number 90-6401 58
ISBN 0-7803-4758-7 CD-ROM
ISSN 1050-4729
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The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
The 1998 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, the 15th sponsored by the
Robotics and Automation Society, is held in Leuven, an old university town situated 25 km from
Brussels in the heart of Western Europe. It offers easy accessibility to attendees from all countries and
provides the proper site for a major international Conference with a truly Pan-European flavor.
Leuven, former capital of the duchy of Brabant, is widely known as university town. ThleUniversity,
founded in 1425, within which the Conference takes place, is the oldest in the country and it has
27,000 students.
The Conference theme is Intelligent Machines: from the Shop-Floor to Personal Robots. Intelligent
Machines are a new frontier for Advanced Robotics and Automation. They open a clear and exciting
perspective with two challenges. First, the challenge and the opportunity to offer a solid ground for
Robotics to emerge as an application-independent field, to construct it as a true scientific discipline
based on a coherent set of concepts and formal tools. Second, the challenge and the opportunity to
develop application-oriented robots and systems in a broad host of domains with important economic
impacts and high social relevance. These domains range from new machinery on the shop-floor to
novel real-world applications such as Tele-Operation in Remote and/or Hostile Sites, Field-Based
Applications (mining, forestry, agriculture, ...), Service Robots including Public-Oriented needs and
the highly demanding aspects related to Personal Robots to assist the aging and the impaiired. Together
with the newest results from the research community, the Conference emphasizes the iimportance of
front-line Real-World Applications.
596 papers in 149 sessions were selected from the record number of 963 papers submitted by authors
from 42 countries, corresponding to an overall breakdown of about one third from each of the general
regions. Among these, five sessions are entirely devoted to papers motivated by problems of industrial
relevance written, in most cases, by researchers from industry and nine "Special Sessions" are focused
on specific topics with extra time allowed for in-depth discussion.
To complement this part of the technical program, several other events have been organized to favor
open, broad discussion and exchanges within a unique audience of highly qualified researchers,
industrial users and political decision makers. This includes three video sessions for presentation and
discussion of the 27 segments selected for the Video Proceedings, every day key-note invited
presentations, panels and round tables that address problems and issues that are important not only
technically, but socially, economically, politically and even ethically. Special presentations on
"Sojourner: the Robot of the Year 1997" and on new opportunities for research in Robotics are
respectively set to entertain the Reception and the Banquet.
We are very grateful for all the hard work of the many people that endeavored to make ICRA'98 a
success. We would like to emphasize the importance of the cooperative executive team-work
distributed over four European countries - Belgium, France, Germany, Italy - and the United States and
also to stress the fantastic amount of work done by the people of the Conference technical staffs. To all
of them, our deepest thanks and gratjtude.
Finally, a special thanks is owed to all the authors for contributing their research work, to all the
members of the technical committees and the reviewers, the participants, the exhibitors, and very
specially, for the support and the contribution of the European institutions and industrial companies
that have well understood the role of Europe as a host. ICRA'98 owes its success to all.
Georges Gi ral t
General Chair
Paolo Dario
Program Chair
IEEE Robotics and Automation Society
General Chair
Georges Giralt, LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse, France
Honorary and Organizing Committee
Chair: Hendrik Van Brussel, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,
International Program Committee
Program Chair: Paolo Dario, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna,
Pisa, Italy
Program Vice-Chairs
Vincent Hayward, McGill University, Canada
Bruno Siciliano, Universith di Napoli Federico 11, Italy
Kazuo Tanie, MEL, J apan
Harry Stephanou, RPI, USA
Industry-Oriented Program Committee
Chair: Rolf D. Schraft, IPA, Stuttgart, Germany
Special Sessions
Chair: Christian Laugier, INRIA, Rhone Alpes, France
Workshops and Tutorials
Chair: Ken Goldberg, University of Califomia at
Berkeley, USA
Video Proceedings Committee
Chair: Peter B. Luh, University of Connecticut, USA
IEEE Advisory and Coordinating Committee
Chair: Norman Caplan, NSF, USA
Chair: Steve Hsia, University of California at Davis, USA
Dick Klafter, Temple University, USA
Chair: Tzyh-J ong Tam, Washington University, USA
C.S. George Lee, Purdue University, USA
Local Arrangements Committee
Chair: J oris De Schutter, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,
Exhibits Chair: Herman Bruyninckx, Katholieke Universiteit
Leuven, Belgium
Conference Secretary
Ralph. Sobek, IRIT, Toulouse, France
Honorary and Organizing Committee Members
JosC Traest, Secretary-general of Fund for Scientific
Andrt Oosterlinck, Rector of the Katholieke Universiteit
Research-Flanders (F.W.O.) in Belgium
European Commission:
A. Garcia Arroyo, Director of Industrial and Materials
Technologies, DG XII.
J ean-J acques Gagnepain, Director of the Engineering
Bernard Larrouturou, President of INRIA
Gerd Hirzinger, DLR Oberpfaffenhofen
Hartmut Weule, Research Director of DAIMLER
Umberto Cugini, Universit$ di Parma
Lorenzo Sciavicco, Terza Universit$ di Roma
Dmitry E. Okhotsimsky, Keldysh Institute of Applied
Department, CNRS
Gabriel Ferrate, Rector (President) of Universitat de
J uan Soto, President of HEWLETT-PACKARD-Spain
J an-Olof Eklundh, KHT, Stockholm
Mike Brady, Oxford University
Catalunya, Barcelona
United Kingdom:
Program Committee
Europe/Africa/Middle East
Hassane Alla, ENSIEG, St. Martin d'Hbres, France
Massimo Bergamasco, Scuola Sup. Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy
Antonio Bicchi, Universita di Pisa, Italy
Alicia Casals, ESAII, Barcelona, Spain
Raja Chatila, LAAS - CNRS, Toulouse, France
Stefano Chiaverini, Universita degli Studi di Napoli, Italy
Alessandro De Luca, Universith Tor Vergata Roma, Italy
Riidiger Dillmann, Karlsruhe Univ., Germany
Olav Egeland, Norwegian Univ., Trondheim, Norway
Bernard Espiau, INRIA, Rhone Alpes, France
Gerd Hirzinger, DLR, Wessling, Germany
Okyay Kaynak, Bogazici University, Ankara, Turkey
Wisama Khalil, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France
Krzysztof Kozlowski, Pozan Univ., Poland
J ean Paul Laumond, LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse, France
J ean Pierre Merlet, INRIA, Sophia Antipolis, France
Friedrich Pfeiffer, Technical Univ. of Munich, Germany
Vincent Rigaud, IFREMER, La Seyne sur Mer, France
Elon Rimon, TECHNION, Haifa, Israel
Giulio Sandini, Universita degli Studi di Genova, Italy
Paul Sharkey, Reading Univ., UK
Sergey Sokolov, KIAM, Moscow, Russia
Paul Taylor, Newcastle Univ., UK
i V
Peter Allen, CEPSR, Columbia Univ., USA
Haruhiko Asada, MIT, Cambridge, USA
Anta1 Bejczy, J PL, Pasadena, USA
Wayne Book, Georgia Inst. of Tech., Atlanta, USA
Martin Buehler, McGill Univ., Montreal, Canada
J oel Burdick, CALTECH, Pasadena, USA
J ohn Canny, Berkeley Univ., USA
Hoda Elmaraghy, Univ. of Windsor, Canada
Ron Fearing, Califomia Univ., Berkeley, USA
Eddie Grant, North Carolina Univ., Raleigh, USA
Roderic Grupen, Massachusetts Univ., Amherst, USA
Blake Hannaford, Washington Univ., Seattle, USA
J ohn Hollerbach, Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA
Rob Howe, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, USA
Dan Koditschek, Michigan Univ., Ann Arbor, USA
Eric Krotkov, DARPA, Arlington, USA
Vijay Kumar, Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA
Andrew Kusiak, Iowa Univ., Iowa City, USA
Kok-Meng Lee, Georgia Inst. of Tech., Atlanta, USA
Anthony Maciejewski, Purdue Univ., W. Lafayette, USA
Dinesh Pai, Univ. of British Columbia, Vancouver, Ca
Michael Peshkin, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, USA
Kimon Valavanis, USL, Lafayette, USA
Yuan Zheng, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, USA,
Fumihito Arai, Nagoya Univ., J apan
Hirohoko Arai, Tsukuba Univ., J apan
Suguru Arimoto, Ritsumeikan Univ., Shiga, J apan
Minoru Asada, Osaka Univ. , J apan
Hajime Asama, RIKEN, Saitama, J apan
Hyung Suck Cho, KAIST, Taejeon, Korea
Peter Corke, CSIRO, Kenmore, Australia
Li-Chen Fu, National Taiwan Univ., Taipei, Taiwan
Masakatsu Fujie, HITACHI, Ibaraki, J apan
Toshio Fukuda, Nagoya University, J apan
Hideki Hashimoto, Tokyo Univ., J apan
Katsushi Ikeuchi, Tokyo Univ., J apan
Makoto Kaneko, Hiroshima Univ. , J apan
Norihisa Komoda, Osaka Univ., J apan
Kazuhiro Kosuge, Tohoku University, Sendai, J apan
Fumitoshi Matsuno, Tokyo Institute, Yokohama, J apan
Mamoru Mitsuishi, Tokyo University, J apan
Yoshihiko Nakamura, Tokyo University, J apan
Sang-Rok OH, KIST, Seoul, Korea
Isao Shimoyama, Tokyo University, J apan
Masaru Uchiyama, Tohoku University, Sendai, J apan
N. Viswanadham, Indian Inst. of Science, Bangalore, India
Tsuneo Yoshikawa, Kyoto University, J apan
Industry-Oriented Committee Composition
Carlisle, B., Adept, USA
Cook, C., University of Wollongong, Australia
Fabrizi, D., Italy
Ferre, R., ICT-UPC, Spain
Hagele, M., IPA Stuttgart, Germany
Holland, St., GM, USA
Kusuda, Y., Yaskawa, J apan
Lacombe, J . L., Matra, France
Martin, T., KfK Karlsruhe, Germany
Schraft, R. D., IPA Stuttgart, Germany
Workshops and Tutorials Review Committee
Stefan0 Caselli, U. Parma
Mike Erdmann, CMU
Dan Halperin, Tel Aviv University
Hiro Hirukawa, ETL
J ana Kosecka, UC Berkeley
J eff Trinkle, UT Austin
Ian Walker, Rice University
Randy Wilson, Kodak Research
Shin'ichi Yuta, U. Tsukuba
Video Proceedings Committee Members
Prof. David J. Cannon, The Pennsylvania State Univ., USA
Prof. I-Ming Chen, Nanyang Technological Univ.,
Prof. Rajiv Dubey, University of Tennessee, USA
Prof. Clement M. Gosselin, Universite Laval, {Quebec,
Prof. Masayuki Inaba, Dept. of Mechano-Informatics,
Prof. Oussama Khatib, Stanford University, USA
Prof. T. Kesavadas, SUNY, University at Buffalo, USA
Ing. Giuseppe Mosci, Elsag Bailey, Italy
J apan
Conference Promotion Committee
Gordon Dodds, Chair, The Queen's University of Belfast,
Aydan Erkmen, Middle East Technical University, Turkey
Vasek Hlavac, Czech Technical University, Czech
Liu Hsu, COPPFAJ FRJ , Brazil
Georges Kovacs, Hungarian Academy of Sciences,
Adam Morecki, Warsaw Technical University, Poland
Prof. Ivan Plander, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia
George N. Saridis, Athens, Greece
Helen C. Shen, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong
Miomir Vukobratovic, Institut Mihajlo Pupin Beograd, Yu
Supporting institutions and industrial companies
The support of many important institutions and industrial companies has been precious to permit
Europe, as a host and in the full spirit of the conference, to provide assistance for a broad partici-
pation from Eastern Europe and South Mediterranean rim countries.
European Commission
Fonds voor
etenschappel i j k
Onderzoek - Vlaanderen
Fund for Scientific Research - Flanders (Belgium)
Fraun hofer
Produktionstechnik und
Industrial and technical societies
Table of Contents
Foreword ........................................................................................ 111
Organizing Committee .............................................................................. v
Author Index ..................................................................................... liii
Volume 1 (pages 1-926)
Executing Motion Plans for Robots with Many Degrees of Freedom in Dynamic Environments .................... 1
0. Brock and 0. Khatib
A Modularized Sensitive Skin for Motion Planning in Uncertain Environments .................................
D. Um, B. Stankovich, K. Giles, T. Hammond and V. Lumelsky
Collision-Tolerant Control Algorithm for Mobile Manipulator with Viscoelastic Passive Trunk .................... 13
H- 0. Lim, K. Yokoi, Q. Huang, S-R. Oh, A. Takunishi and K. Tanie
Planning Paths for a Flexible Surface Patch ............................................................. 21
C. Holleman, L.E. Kavraki and J. Warren
Path Planning with Uncertainty for Car-Like Robots ...................................................... 27
T. Fraichard and R. Mermond
Obstacle Distances and Visibility for Car-Like Robots Moving Forward ....................................... 33
J.P. Laumond, C. Nissoux and M. Vendittelli
Path Planning System for Car-Like Robot .............................................................. 40
B. Kreczmer
A Collision Checker for Car-Like Robots Coordination ................................................... 46
T. Simhon, S. Leroy and J.P. Laumond
A Virtual Excavator for Controller Development and Evaluation ............................................. 52
S.P. DiMaio, S.E. Salcudean, C. Reboulet, S. Tafazoli and K. Hashtrudi-Zaad
Creating Realistic Force Sensations in a Virtual Environment: Experimental System,
Fundamental Issues and Results ...................................................................... 59
D.O. Popa and S.K. Singh
Internet-Based Remote Teleoperation ................................................................... 65
K. Brady and T.-J. Tarn
A Driving Simulator as a Virtual Reality Tool ........................................................... 71
W.3. Lee. J.-H. Kim and J.-H. Cho
Bugs: Multiple Robots SystemControl Approach in Uxo Clearance and Minefield Countermeasure
T.N. Nguyen, C. ODonnell, C. Debolt and C. Freed
Adaptive Motion Generation with Exploring Behavior for Service Robots ....................................
J. Ota, M. Van der Loos and L. Leifer
Factory Automation Adapted for the Decommissioning of Nuclear Reprocessing Facilities ....................... 83
A. K. Bicknell and G. Hardey
A Hybrid Technique to Supply Indoor Service Robots ................................................... 89
C. Wattanasin, Y. Aiyama, D. Kurabayashi, J. Ota and T. Arai
The Dynamic Manipulability Ellipsoid for Redundant Manipulators .........................................
P. Chiacchio and M. Concilio
The Structure of Time-Optimal Controls for Kinematically Redundant
Manipulators with End-Effector Path Constraints ....................................................... 10 1
M. Galicki
The Enhanced Compact QP Method for Redundant Manipulators Using Practical Inequality Constraints ............ 107
K.C. Park, P.H. Chang and S.H. Kim
Real-Time Control of Redundant Robots Subject to Multiple Criteria ........................................ 115
L. Li, W.A. Gruver, Q. Zhang and W. Chen
Multi-Resolution Planning for Earthmoving ............................................................ 12 1
S. Singh and H. Cannon
On the Development of a Real-Time Simulator for an Electro-hydraulic Forestry Machine ....................... 127
Y. Gonthier and E. Papadopoulos
Bilateral Matched Impedance Teleoperation with Application to Excavator Control
S.E. Salcudean, K. Hashtrudi-&ad, S. Tafazoli, S.P. DiMaio and C. Reboulet
............................ 133
Planet Rover as an Object of the Engineering Design Work
A.L. Kemurdjian
............................................... 140
Design and Development of a Legged Robot Research Platform J ROB-1 ..................................... 146
S. Kagami, M. Kabasawa, K. Okada, T. Matsuki, Y. Matsumoto, A. Konno, M. Inaba and H. Inoue
Locomotion Controller for a Crab-Like Robot .......................................................... 152
W. C. Flannigan, G.M. Nelson and R. D. Quinn
Posture Control of a Cockroach-Like Robot ............................................................ 157
G.M. Nelson and R.D. Quinn
Computation of Walking Robots Movement Energy Expenditure .......................................... 163
V.V. Zhoga
Nonlinear Friction Compensation Methods for an In-Parallel Actuated 6-DOF Manipulator ...................... 169
J.I. Song, Y.H. Choi, J.H. Shim, D.S. Kwon and H.S. Cho
Modeling of an Omni-Directional High Precision Friction Drive Positioning Stage ............................. 175
W.S. Chang and K. Youcef-Toumi
A Fuzzy System Compensator for Backlash ............................................................ 181
K.T. Woo, L-X. Wang, F.L. Lewis and Z.X. Li
Experimental Results with Observer-Based Nonlinear Compensation of Friction in a Positioning System ........... 187
H. Henrichfreise and C. Witte
A Robot Programming Environment Based on Free-Form CAD Modeling .................................... 194
C.G. Johnson and D. Marsh
Space Robot Autonomy Based on Distance Sensors ..................................................... 200
P. Bizantino, M. De Bartolomei, G. Magnani and G. Visentin
A Control Architecture to Achieve Manipulation Task Goals for a Humanoid Robot ............................ 206
Y.-J. Cho, J.-M. Park, J. Park, S.-R. Oh and C. W. Lee
Synthesis of Impedance Control Laws at Higher Control Levels: Algorithms and Experiments .................... 213
D. Surdilovic
Modeling and Controlling Variation in Mechanical Assemblies using State Transition Models .................... 21 9
R. Muntripragadu and D. E. Whitney
A Dynamic Programming Approach to a Reel Assignment Problem of a Surface
S. H. Lee, T.H. Park, B.H. Lee, W.H. Kwon and W. Kwon
Mounting Machine in Printed Circuit Board Assembly ................................................... 227
Assembly Stability as a Constraint for Assembly Sequence Planning ........................................ 233
H. Mosemann, F. Rohrdanz and F. Wahl
Micro Planning for Mechanical Assembly Operations ....................................................
S. K. Gupta, C. J. J. Paredis and P. F. Brown
A Virtual Design Environment using Evolutionary Agents ................................................ 247
On-Line Detection of Defects in Layered Manufacturing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
R. Subbu, C. Hocaoglu and A.C. Sanderson
T. Fang, I . Bakhadyrov, M.A. Jafari and G. Alpan
Design of Manufacturing Plant Layouts with Queuing Effects ............................................. 260
S. Benjaafar
Interactive Virtual Factory for Design of a Shopfloor Using Single Cluster Analysis ............................ 266
L. Lefort and T. Kesavadas
MaximumLikelihood Rover Localization by Matching Range Maps ........................................ 272
C. F. Olson and L. H. Matthies
Physics-Based Planning for Planetary Exploration ....................................................... 278
S, Farritor, H. Hacot and S. Dubowsky
Mars Pathfinder Mission Internet-Based Operations Using WITS .......................................... 284
P.G. Backes, K.S. Tso and G.K. Tharp
An Autonomous Path Planner Implemented on the Rocky7 Prototype Microrover .............................. 292
S.L. Laubach, J. W. Burdick and L. Matthies
Dextrous Exploration of a Virtual World for Improved Prototyping ......................................... 298
D.G. Caldwell, C. Favede and N. Tsagarakis
Systematic Creation and Application of Virtual Factory with Object Oriented Concept .......................... 304
M.-H. Lin and L.-C. Fu
Concurrent Intelligent Rapid Prototyping System Framework .............................................. 3 10
S. Liu and 2. Wang
Research on Improving Rapid Prototyping ............................................................. 3 14
2. Wang, X. Wang and S. Liu
Evolutionary Path Planning Using Multi-Resolution Path Representation ..................................... 3 1 8
C. Hocaoglu and A.C. Sanderson
Automatic Generation of Sphere Hierachies from CAD Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
J. Pitt-Francis and R. Featherstone
6 DOF Path Planning in Dynamic Environments-A Parallel On-Line Approach ............................... 330
D. Henrich, C. Wurll and H. Worn
Reactive Planning of Robot Arms in Single and Cooperative Tasks ......................................... 336
K. Hamilton and G. Dodds
Towards Exact Localization without Explicit Localization with the Generalized Voronoi Graph ................... 342
K. Nagatani, H. Choset and S. Thrun
Generalized Local Voronoi Diagram of Visible Region ................................................... 349
R. Mahkovic and T. Slivnik
A,*-DFS: an Algorithm for Minimizing Search Effort in Sensor Based Mobile Robot Navigation ................. 356
L. Shmoulian and E. Rimon
A Sensory Uncertainty Field Model for Unknown and Non-Stationary Mobile Robot Environments ............... 363
N.A. Vlassis and P. Tsanakas
A Practical Measure of Dynamic Response of Haptic Devices ............................................. 369
M. Moreyra and B. Hannaford
Haptic Manipulation of Virtual Mechanisms from Mechanical CAD Designs ................................. 375
A. Nahvi, D.D. Nelson, J.M. Hollerbach and D.E. Johnson
Haptic Interface for Virtual Reality Based Minimally Invasive Surgery Simulation ............................. 38 1
R. Baumann and R. Clavel
A Virtual Environment with Haptic Feedback for the Treatment of Motor Dexterity Disabilities
G.M. Prisco, C.A. Avizano, M. Calcara, S. Ciancio, S. Pinna and M. Bergamasco
................. 3721
A Twenty-Four Hour Tele-Nursing System Using a Ring Sensor ........................................... 387
B.-H. Yang, S. Rhee and H.H. Asada
Navigation Systems for Increasing the Autonomy and Security of Mobile Bases for Disabled People ............... 393
S. Fioretti, T. Leo and S. Longhi
Docking Control of Holonomic Omnidirectional Vehicles with
S. Mascaro and H. H. Asada
Applications to a Hybrid WheelchairBed System ....................................................... 399
Fast Range Image Segmentation for Servicing Robots .................................................... 406
E. Natonek
Why Snake Robots Need Torsion-Free J oints and How to Design Them ..................................... 412
M. Nilsson
Traveling Wave Locomotion Hyper-Redundant Mobile Robot ............................................. 41 8
G. Poi, C. Scarabeo and B. Allotta
The Self-Reconfiguring Robotic Molecule ............................................................. 424
K. Kotay, D. Rus, M. Vona and C. McGray
A 3-D Self-Reconfigurable Structure ................................................................ 432
S. Murata, H. Kurokawa, E. Yoshida, K. Tomita and S. Kokaji
Using Sonar in Terrain-Aided Underwater Navigation ................................................... 440
P. Newman and H. Durrant- Whyte
Guidance and Control of Fish Robot with Apparatus of Pectoral Fin Motion .................................. 446
N. Kat0 and T. Inaba
Robust Nonlinear Control of an Underwater Vehicle/Manipulator System with Composite Dynamics .............. 452
C. Canudas de Wit, E. Olguin Diaz and M. Perrier
Basic Research on Underwater Docking of Flexible Structures ............................................. 458
K. Watanabe, H. Suzuki, Q. Tao and K. Yoshida
Forward Dynamics of Multilegged Vehicles using the Composite Rigid Body Method .......................... 464
S. McMillan and D.E. Orin
Solving the Optimal Force Distribution Problem in Multilegged Vehicles .................................... 47 1
J-S. Chen, F-T. Cheng, K-T. Yang, F-C. Kung and Y-Y. Sun
Quadratic Optimization of Force Distribution in Walking Machines ......................................... 477
D. W. Marhejka and D.E. Orin
Gait Controllability for Legged Robots ............................................................... 484
B. Goodwine and J. W. Burdick
Key Issues in the Dynamic Control of Lightweight Robots for Space and Terrestrial Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 490
J.-X. Shi, A. Albu-Schafer and G. Hirzinger
Global Output Feedback Tracking Control for Rigid-Link Flexible-J oint Robots ............................... 498
W.E. Dixon, E. Zergeroglu, M.S. de Queiroz and D.M. Dawson
A General Algorithm for Dynamic Feedback Linearization of Robots with Elastic J oints ........................ 504
A. De Luca and P. Lucibello
Stable, On-Line Learning using CMACs for Neuroadaptive Tracking Control of Flexible-J oint Manipulators ........ 51 1
C. J. B. Macnab and G.M. T. D 'Eleuterio
Robot Programming by Demonstration-Selecting Optimal Event Paths ...................................... 5 18
J. Chen and B. McCarragher
NEXUS: A Flexible, Efficient Robust Framework for Integrating Software
J.A. Fernandez and J. Gonzalez
Components of a Robotic System ....................................................................
Programming Groups of Local Models from Human Demonstration to
M. Tsuda, H. Ogata and Y. Nanjo
Create a Model for Robotic Assembly ................................................................ 530
Interactive Generation of Flexible Robot Programs ...................................................... 538
H. Friedrich, J. Holle and R. Dillmann
Determining Polygon Orientation using Model Based Force Interpretation .................................... 544
S. Rusaw, K. Gupta and S. Payandeh
Automatic Orienting of Polyhedra through Step Devices .................................................. 550
R. Zhang and K. Gupta
Parts Orienting with Partial Sensor Information ......................................................... 557
S. Akella and M.T. Mason
Parts Orienting with Shape Uncertainty ............................................................... 565
S. Akella and M.T. Mason
Accommodating FMS Operational Contingencies through Routing Flexibility ................................. 573
S.A. Reveliotis
Scalable and Maximally-Permissive Deadlock Avoidance for F M S ......................................... 580
P. Kumar, K. Kothandaraman and P. Ferreira
Simulation as a Decision-Making Tool for Real-time Control of Flexible Manufacturing Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 586
J.S. Smith and B.A. Peters
Flexible Routing and Deadlock Avoidance in Automated Manufacturing Systems .............................. 59 1
M. Lawley
The Atacama Desert Trek: Outcomes ................................................................. 597
D. Bapna, E. Rollins, J. Murphy, M. Maimone, W. Whittaker and D. Wettergreen
A Task Planner for the Computer-Aided Design of a Space-Lander Robot ....................................
M. Ghallab and J. Gout
NOMAD: A Demonstration of the Transforming Chassis ................................................. 61 1
E. Rollins, J. Luntz, A. Foessel, B. Shamah and W. Whittaker
Robotic Deployment of Electro-Magnetic Sensors for Meteorite Search ...................................... 61 8
L. Pedersen
Calibrated Synthetic Viewing ........................................................................
W.S. Kim
Real-Time System for Virtually Touching Objects in the Real World Using a High Speed Active Vision System ......
T. Owaki, Y. Nakubo, A. Namiki, I. Ishii and M. Ishikawa
VR Training System for Crane Considering Adaptation to Operator's Skill
M. Yoneda, F. Arai, T. Fukuda, K. Miyata and T. Naito
Facial 3-D Pose and Eye Gaze Direction Estimation Based on Robust Real-Time Face Tracking ................... **
J, Heinzmann and A. Zelinsky
Piezohydraulic Parallel Micromanipulator ..............................................................
P, Kallio, Q. Zhou, M. Lind and H.N. Koivo
Human-Machine Cooperative Telerobotics Using Uncertain Sensor and Model Data ............................ **
S. Everett and R. Dubey
Design and Virtual Prototyping of Rehabilitation Devices
V. Krovi, I. Haulin, J. M. Vezien, I. Kakardiaris, R. Pito, R. Enciso, V. Kumar, G. K. Ananthasuresh and R. Bajcsy
A Robotic Orthosis Based on Mechanical Compatability with Humans
S. Kawamura, Y. Hayakuwa, M. Tamai, N. Kuribayashi and K. Suto
A Virtual Environment with Haptic Feedback for the Treatment of Motor Dexterity Disabilities ................... **
G.M. Prisco, C.A. Avizzano, M. Calcara, S. Ciancio, S. Pinna and M. Bergamasco
Very Fast Collision Detection for Practical Motion Planning. Part I: The Spatial Representation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 624
B. Martinez-Salvador, A. P. del Pobil and M. Pkrez-Francisco
Choosing Good Distance Metrics and Local Planners for Probabilistic Roadmap Methods ....................... 630
N.M. Amato, O.B. Bayazit, L.K. Dale, C. Jones and D. Vallejo
Motion Planning with Uncertainty ................................................................... 638
H. Zhang, V. Kumar and J. Ostrowski
Very Fast Collision Detection for Practical Motion Planning. Part 11: The Parallel Algorithm ...................... 644
M. Pe'rez-Francisco, A. P. del Pobil and B. Martinez-Salvador
Framed-Quadtree Path Planning for Mobile Robots Operating in Sparse Environments .......................... 650
A. Yahja, A. Stentz, S. Singh and B.L. Brumitt
Hierarchical Graph Search for Mobile Robot Path Planning ............................................... 656
J. A. Fernandez and J. Gonzalez
Camera-based Observation of Obstacle Motions to Derive Statistical Data for Mobile Robot Motion Planning ....... 662
E. Kruse and F.M. Wahl
Acquiring Mobile Robot Behaviors by Learning Trajectory Velocities with Multiple FAM Matrices ............... 668
K. Ward and A. Zelinsky
Vibration Feedback Models for Virtual Environments .................................................... 674
A.M. Okamura, J.T. Dennerlein and R.D. Howe
Tactile Feeling Display Based on Selective Stimulation to Skin Mechanoreceptors ............................. 680
H. Shinoda. N. Asamura and N. Tomori
Control of Dexterous Hand Master with Force Feedback ................................................. 687
H.-P. Huang and Y.-F. Wei
A Tactile Display Using Human Characteristic of Sensory Fusion .......................................... 693
J.-L. Wu, H. Sasaki and S. Kawamura
Stabilizer and Surgical Arm Design for Cardiac Surgery .................................................. 699
T. J. Gilhuly, SE. Salcudean, K. Ashe, S. Lichtenstein, P.D. Lawrence
Learning a Linear Association of Drilling Profiles in Stapedotomy Surgery ................................... 705
V.G. Kaburlasos, V. Petridis, P. Brett and D. Baker
Wavelet-Based Control of Penetration in a Mechatronic Drill for Orthopaedic Surgery .......................... 71 1
V. Colla and B. Allotta
Shared Control Framework Applied to a Robotic Aid for the Blind ......................................... 717
P. Aigner and B. McCarragher
Observing Pose and Motion Through Contact .......................................................... 723
Y.-B. Jia and M. Erdmann
Dextrous Manipulation by Rolling and Finger Gaiting .................................................... 730
L. Han and J. C. Trinkle
Optimal Planning of an Under-Actuated Planar Body Using Higher-Order Method ............................. 736
N. Faiz and S. K. Agrawal
Discretely Actuated Manipulator Workspace Generation using Numerical Convolution on the Euclidean Group . . . . . . 742
G.S. Chirikjian and I. Ebert-Uphoff
A Fuzzy Model-Based Controller of an Underwater Robotic Vehicle Under the
W. Lee and G. Kang
InfluenceofThrusterDynamics ..................................................................... 750
Neural Network System for On-line Controller Adaptation and its Application to Underwater Robot ............... 756
K. Ishii, T. Fujii and T. Ura
Successive Galerkin Approximations to the Nonlinear Optimal Control of an Underwater Robotic Vehicle .......... 762
T. W. McLuin and R. W. Beard
Task-Priority Redundancy Resolution for Underwater Vehicle-Manipulator Systems ........................... 768
G. Antonelli and S. Chiaverini
A Holonomic Omnidirectional Vehicle with a Reconfigurable Footprint
M. Wada and H.H. Asada
Mechanism and Its Application to Wheelchairs ......................................................... 774
TheBowLegHoppingRobot ....................................................................... 781
B. Brown and G. Zeglin
Experimental Implementation of a Target Dynamics Controller on a Two-link Brachiating Robot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 787
J. Nakanishi, T. Fukuda and D. Koditschek
Control of a Bow Leg Hopping Robot ................................................................ 793
G. Zeglin and B. Brown
Stable Inversion Control for Flexible Link Manipulators .................................................. 799
A. De Luca, S. Panzieri and G. Ulivi
Inverse Dynamics Control of Flexible-Link Manipulators using Neural Networks .............................. 806
H. Talebi, R. V. Pate1 and K. Khorasani
Neural Network Model Based Control of a Flexible Link Manipulator .......................................
B. Song and A. J. Koivo
Adaptive Hybrid ForcePosition Control of a Flexible Manipulator for Automated Deburring
I-C. Lin and L.-C. Fu
with On-line Cutting Trajectory Modification .......................................................... 818
A Target Approachable Force-Guided Control for Complex Assembly .......................................
S. Kang, M. Kim, C. W. Lee and K.-I. Lee
Hybrid Control as a Method for Robot Motion Programming .............................................. 832
A.A. Rizzi
Physical Agent for Sensored Networked and Thinking Space .............................................. 838
J-H. Lee, G. Appenzeller and H. Hashimoto
Message-Based Evaluation for High-Level Robot Control ................................................ 844
C. Lee and Y. Xu
Dynamic Model for High-speed Pushing as a Manipulator Operation
s. su and I. Umay
....................................... 850
A General Theory for Positioning and Orienting 2D Polygonal or
M. G. Coutinho and P.M. Will
Curved Parts using Intelligent Motion Surfaces ......................................................... 856
Flexible Part Feeder: Manipulating Parts on Conveyer Belt by Active Fence .................................. 863
The Coulomb Pump: a Novel Parts Feeding Method Using a Horizontally-Vibrating Surface
A. Salvarinov and S. Payandeh
.................... 869
D. Reznik and J. Canny
A Human Supervisory Approach to Modeling Industrial Scenes Using Geometric Primitives ..................... 875
J.P. Luck, C.Q. Little and R.S. Roberts
Planning Handling Operations in Changing Industrial Plants .............................................. 881
Automatic Path Planning for Coordinate Measuring Machines ............................................. 887
M. Cherifand M. Vidal
A. Limaiem and H.A. ElMaraghy
A New Algorithm for CAD-Directed CMM Dimensional Inspection ........................................ 893
Y.-J. Lin and P. Murugappan
xvi i
Nonlinear Contact Control for Space Station Dexterous Arms ............................................. 899
H. Seruji and R. Steele
Motion Estimation of an Unknown Rigid Body Rotating Freely in Zero Gravity
H. Hirui, Y. Musutuni and F. Miyuzuki
Based on Complex Spectrum of Position of a Point on the Body ............................................
Impact Analysis and Post-Impact Motion Control Issues of a Free-floating Space
D. N. Nenchev and K. Yoshidu
Robot Contacting a Tumbling Object ................................................................. 913
Momentum Control of a Tethered Space Robot through Tether Tension Control ............................... 920
M. Nohmi, D.N. Nenchev and M. Uchiyumu
Anthropomorphic Head-Eye Robot "WE3R" ...........................................................
A, Tukanishi, S. Hiruno, K. Suto, I. Kuto and T. Otowu
A Human Symbiotic Humanoid: Hadaly-2 ..............................................................
S. Hushimoto, S. Nuritu, K. Shirui, T. Tukunishi, H. Kusuhuru, T. Kobuyushi and S. Suguno
Intuitive Control of a Planar Bipedal Walking Robot ......................................................
J. Prutt and G. Prutt
Automatic Parallel Parking and Returning to Traffic Maneuvers
I. Puromtchik and C. Laugier
Development of a Bipedal Humanoid Robot, WABIAN ...................................................
S, Hushimoto, S. Nritu, T. Kobuyushi, A. Tukunishi, J. Yumuguchi, P, Dario and H. Tukonobu
Elements of Cooperative Behaviour in Autonomous Mobile Robots
D. Jung, G. Cheng and A. Zelinsky
VIPER - Visual Position Estimation for Rovers
F. Cozmun, C. E. Guestrin and E. Krotkov
Posture Control of a Cockroach-Like Robot
G.M. Nelson, R. J. Buchmunn, R. D. Quinn, J. T. Watson and R. E. Ritzmunn
A Hydrostatic Robot for Marine Applications ...........................................................
R. Vuidyunuthun, H.J. Chiel and R.D. Quinn
Volume 2 (pages 927-1858)
Motion Planning for a 3-DOF Robot with a Passive J oint ................................................. 927
K.M. Lynch, N. Shiromu, H. Arui and K. Tunie
Grasp Planning Algorithm for a Multifingered Hand-Arm Robot ........................................... 933
N. Kawarazaki, T. Hasegawa and K. Nishihara
Cooperative Motion Planning for Grasp-Work Type Manipulators .......................................... 940
G. Hirano, M. Yamamoto and A. Mohri
Minimum-time Open-Loop Smooth Control for Point-to-Point Motion in Vibratory Systems ..................... 946
A. Piaui and A. Visioli
Vision Based Navigation System by Variable Template Matching for Autonomous Mobile Robots ................ 952
Y. Abe, M. Shikano, T. Fukuda, F. Arai and Y. Tanaka
Finding Landmarks for Mobile Robot Navigation ....................................................... 958
S. Thrun
Multiagent System with Event Driven Control for Autonomous Mobile Robot Navigation ....................... 964
R. C. Luo and T. M. Chen
A Multi-Loop Robust Navigation Architecture for Mobile Robots .......................................... 970
J. Castro, V. Santos and M. I. Ribeiro
Analysis of Frictional Contact Models for Dynamic Simulation ............................................ 976
P.R. Kraus, V. Kumar and P. Dupont
A Collision Model for Rigid and Deformable Bodies .................................................... 982
A. Joukhadar, A. Deguet and C. Laugier
Real-Time Surgery Simulation with Haptic Feedback using Finite Elements
S. Cotin and H. Delingette
................................. 3739
Multirate Haptic Simulation Achieved by Coupling Finite Element Meshes through Norton Equivalents ............ 989
O.R. Astley and V. Hayward
A Robotics System for Stereotactic Neurosurgery and Its Clinical Application ................................ 995
M.D. Chen, T. Wang, Q.X. Zhang, Y. Zhang and Z.M. Tian
A PC-Based Workstation for Robotic Discectomy ...................................................... 1001
C. Casadei, P. Fiorini, S. Murtelli, M. Montanari and A. Morri
Design of Haptic Interface Through Stiffness Modulation for Endosurgery: Theory and Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . 1007
A. Faraz, S. Puyandeh and A. Salvarinov
Remote Operation of a Micro-Surgical System ........................................................ 101 3
M. Mitsuishi, Y. Iizuka, H. Wutanabe, H. Hashizume and K. Fujiwaru
Kinematic Manipulability of General Constrained Rigid Multibody Systems
A Performance Index for Under-Actuated, Multi-Wire, Haptic Interfaces ................................... 1026
................................. 1020
J.T. Wen and L.S. Wilfinger
C. Melchiorri and G. Vassura
Manipulability and Singularity Analysis of Multiple Robot Systems: a Geometric Approach .................... 1032
F, C. Park and J. W. Kim
Manipulability of Cooperating Robots with Passive J oints ............................................... 1038
A. Bicchi and D. Prattichiuo
Optimization of Configuration of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle for Inspection of Underwater Cables .......... 1045
N. Kato, J. Kojima, Y. Kato, S. Matumoto and K. Asakawa
Experimental Study of Fault-Tolerant System Design for Underwater Robots ................................ 1051
K.C. Yang, J. Yuh and S.K. Choi
Force and Slip Sensing for a Dextrous Underwater Gripper .............................................. 1057
D.J. OBrien and D.M. Lane
Real-Time Estimation of Dominant Motion in Underwater Video Images for Dynamic Positioning ............... 1063
F. Spindler and P. Bouthemy
Dynamic Modeling Approach to Gymnastic Coaching .................................................. 1069
D. Nakawaki, S. Joo and F. Miyazaki
Experiments in Impulsive Manipulation ..............................................................
W. H. Huang and M. T. Mason
AVolleyballPlayingRobot ....................................................................... 1083
H. Nakai, Y. Taniguchi, M. Uenohara, T. Yoshimi, H. Ogawa, F. Ozaki, J. Oaki, H. Sato,
Y. Asari, K. Maeda, H. Banba, T. Okada, K. Tatsuno, E. Tanaka, 0. Yamaguchi and M. Tachimori
Stabilization of Systems with Changing Dynamics by Means of Switching
M. Zefran and J. W. Burdick
.................................. 1090
Consistent first and second Order Dynamic Model of Flexible Manipulators ................................. 1096
F. Boyer, N. Glandais and W. Khalil
An Efficient Motion Planning of Flexible Manipulator along Specified Path ................................. 1104
A. Mohri, P. Kumar Sarkar and M. Yamamoto
Hybrid PositionForce Control of Two Cooperative Flexible Manipulators Working in 3D Space ................. 1 110
M. Yamano, J.-S. Kim and M. Uchiyama
Parameters Identification of Flexible Robots .......................................................... 11 16
Ph. Dipinet!
Metrics for Evaluation of Behavior-Based Robotic Systems .............................................. 1 122
A.D. Mali and A. Mukerjee
Tradeoffs in Making the Behavior-Based Robotic Systems Goal-Directed ................................... 1 128
A.D. Mali
Designing Stable Finite State Machine Behaviors Using Phase Plane Analysis and Variable Structire Control ....... 1134
J.T. Feddema, R.D. Robinett and B.J. Driessen
Modelling and Realization of the Peg-in-Hole Task Based on Hidden Markov Model .......................... 1142
K. Itabashi, K. Hirana, T. Suzuki, S. Okuma and F. Fujiwara
Robotic based Thermoplastic Fibre Placement Process .................................................. 1 148
M. Ahrens, V. Mallick and K. Parjrey
START An Application Builder for Industrial Robotics .................................................. 1154
E. Mazer, G. Boismain, J.M. Bonnet des Tuves, Y. Douillard,
S. Geofroy, J.M. Dubourdieu, M. Tounsi and F. Verdot
Robotic Manipulation of Ophthalmic Lenses Assisted by a Dedicated Vision System ........................... 1160
X. Fernandez and J. Amat
Multimedia Communication Pendant for Sensor-Based Robotic Task Teaching by Sharing
Y. Nakamura, K. Kanayama and M. Mizukawa
Information - Modular Structure and Application to Sensing Systems ...................................... 1166
A State Variable Model for the Fluid Approximation of Flexible Manufacturing Systems ....................... 1172
F. Balduzzi and G. Menga
On the Synthesis of a Controllable Supervisor for Discrete Processes Modeled by Temporal Petri Nets . . . . . . . . . . . . 1179
S.I. Caramihai and H. Alla
A Three-Layer Workcell Control Architecture Design ................................................... 1 185
B. Bouzouia, F. Guerroumi and A. Boukhezar
Integrated Hybrid System Approach for Planning and Control of Concurrent Tasks in Manufacturing System ...... 1192
M. Song, T-J. Tarn and N. X i
Bio-Micromanipulation System for High Throughput Screening of Microbes in Microchannel ................... 1198
K. Morishima, F. Arai, T. Fukuda, H. Matsuura and K. Yoshikawa
Parallel Microassembly with Electrostatic Force Fields .................................................. 1204
K.-F. Bohringer, K. Goldberg, M. Cohn, R.D. Howe and A. Pisano
CAD-Driven Microassembly and Visual Servoing ...................................................... 12 12
J. T. Feddema and R. W. Simon
Fusing Force and Vision Feedback for Micromanipulation ............................................... 1220
Y. Zhou, B.J. Nelson and B. Vikramaditya
Development of a Three Degree of Freedom Air Hockey Robot .............................................
M Spong and B. Bishop
MiroSotRobotSoccerSysterns **
J.H. Kim, H.S. Shim, M.J. Jung, H.S. Kim, I.H. Choy, K.C. Kim, D.H. Kim and Y.J. Kim
Solid Model Construction Using Meshes and Volumes ....................................................
P. Allen and M. Reed
CWRUFlexiblePartsFeedingSystem **
G. Causey and R. Quinn
Technologies for Robust Agile Manufacturing ...........................................................
R.D. Quinn, G.C. Causey, M.C. Birch, W.S. Newman, F.L. Merat,
M.S. Branicky, V.B. Velasco, Jr., N.A. Barendt, A. Podgurski, Y. Kim and J.Y. Jo
Two Industrial Robot Manipulators Rigidly Holding an Egg ................................................
W.H. Zhu and J. De Schutter
UnderactuatedRoboticHand ........................................................................
C.M. Gosselin, T. Laliberte and E. Degoulange
A3-DDeformableShapeSensor **
D. Hristu, K. Morgansen, N. Ferrier and R. W. Brockett
Use of Sensors with Soft Contact Surfaces for Handling Flat Objects
B. Borovac, L. Nagy, E. Begovic and M. Sabli
Range and Pose Estimation for Visual Servoing of a Mobile Robot ........................................ 1226
D. Jung, J. Heinzmann and A. Zelinsky
Reactive Navigation in Outdoor Environments Using Potential Fields ...................................... 1232
H. Haddad, M. Khatib, S. Lacroix and R. Chatila
A Hybrid Collision Avoidance Method for Mobile Robots ............................................... 1238
D. Fox, W. Burgard, S. Thrun and A.B. Cremers
Simultaneous Map Building and Localization for Mobile Robots: A Multisensor Fusion Approach ............... 1244
J.A. Castellanos, J.M. Martinez, J. Neira and J.D. Tardbs
Route Presentation for Mobile Robot Navigation by Omnidirectional
Route Panorama Fourier Transformation ............................................................. 1250
Y. Yagi, S. Fujimura and M. Yachida
Algorithmic Navigation to Train Deictic Mobile Robot Operators ......................................... 1256
M.E. Cleary and J.D. Crisman
A Graph-Based Exploration Strategy of Indoor Environments by an Autonomous Mobile Robot ................. 1262
J. Y. -J. Hsu and L. -S. Hwang
A Path Following Controller for Wheeled Robots which Allows to Avoid Obstacles During Transition Phase: ....... 1269
P. Soudres, T. Hamel and V. Cadenat
Virtual Lesson and its Application to Virtual Calligraphy System .......................................... 1275
K. Henmi and T. Yoshikawa
Learning Force-Based Assembly Skills from Human Demonstration for
Execution in Unstructured Environments ............................................................. 1281
M. Skubic and R.A. Volz
Hand-in-Glove Human-Machine Interface and Interactive Control: Task Process
S. Mascaro and H.H. Asada
Modeling Using Dual Petri Nets .................................................................... 1289
Heterogeneous Function-Based HumadRobot Cooperations .............................................. 1296
N. Xi and T. J. Tarn
Development of a Remote-Brained Humanoid for Research on Whole Body Action ........................... 1302
F. Kanehiro, I. Mizuuchi, K. Koyasako, Y. Kakiuchi, M. Inaba and H. Inoue
Development of an Anthropomorphic Head-Eye System for a Humanoid Robot
A. Takanishi, S. Hirano and K. Sat0
-Realization of Human-Like Head-Eye Motion Using Eyelids Adjusting to Brightness ......................... 1308
Design and Control of Mobile Manipulation System for Human Symbiotic Humanoid: Hadaly-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 15
T. Morita, K. Shibuya and S. Sugano
The Development of Honda Humanoid Robot ......................................................... 1321
K. Hirai, M. Hirose, Y. Haikawa and T. Takenaka
Design Considerations of New Six Degrees-of-Freedom Parallel Robots .................................... 1327
N. Sima'an, D. Glozman and M. Shoham
The Minimum Formof Strength in Serial, Parallel and Bifurcated Manipulators .............................. 1334
R. 0. Ambrose and M. A. Diftler
Design and Accuracy Evaluation of High Speed and High Precision Parallel Mechansm ........................ 1340
Y. Koseki, T. Arai, K. Sugimoto, T. Takatuji and M. Goto
Matrix Normalization for Optimal Robot Design ....................................................... 1346
L. J. Stocco. S. E. Salcudean and F. Sassani
Positioning a Coarse-Calibrated Camera with Respect to an Unknown Object by 2D 1/2 Visual Servoing .......... 1352
E. Malis, F. Chaumette and S. Boudet
Design of a Partitioned Visual Feedback Controller ..................................................... 1360
P.Y. Oh and P,K. Allen
What Can Be Done with an Uncalibrated Stereo System? ................................................ 1366
J. Hespanha, Z. Dodds, G.D. Hager and A.S. Morse
Efficient Multi-strategic Hierarchical Motion Planning with Visual Servoing Constraints ....................... 1373
H. Sutanto and R. Sharma
Attitude Control of a Biped Walking Robot Model with Circular Arced Soles Using a Gyroscope ................ 1379
Y. Okuyama, A. Yabu and F. Takemori
Impactless Sagittal Gait of a Biped Robot During the Single Support Phase .................................. 1385
M. Rostami and G. Bessonnet
Dynamic Transition Simulation of a Walking Anthropomorphic Robot ..................................... 1392
0. Bruneau, F. Ben Ouezdou and P. B. Wieber
Low Energy Cost Reference Trajectories for a Biped Robot .............................................. 1398
C. Chevallereau, A. M. Formal 'sky and B. Perrin
Fusing a Hyper-Ellipsoid Clustering Kohonen Network with the J ulier-Uhlmann-Kahlman Filter for
Autonomous Mobile Robot Map Building and Tracking ................................................. 1405
J.A. Jane't, M. W. White, M.G. Kay, J.C. Sutton, III and J.J. Brickley
A New Evolutionary Approach to Developing Neural Autonomous Agents .................................. 141 1
J. -M. Yang, J.-T. Horng and C.-Y. Kao
Flexible Path Planning for Real-Time Applications using A*-Method and Neural RBF-Networks ................ 1417
T. Frontzek, N. Goerke and R. Eckmiller
Integration of Knowledge-Based Systems and Neural Networks: Neuro-Expert Petri Net Models and Applications ... 1423
X. F. Zha, S. Y. E. Lim and S. C. Fok
Impedance Control as Merging Mechanism for a Behavior-Based Architecture ............................... 1429
G. Beccari and S. Stramigioli
Impedance Matching for Evaluation of Dexterity in Execution of Robot Tasks ............................... 1435
S. Arimoto, S. Kawamura and H.-Y. Han
MotiodForce Decomposition of Redundant Manipulator and Its Application to Hybrid Impedance Control ........ 1441
Y. Oh, W.-K. Chung, Y. Youm and I.-H. Suh
Robot Manipulator Hybrid Control for an Unknown Environment using Visco-Elastic Neural Networks ........... 1447
K. Kiguchi and T. Fukuda
Gripper Design Guidelines for Modular Manufacturing ................................................. 1453
G.C. Causey and R.D. Quinn
Industrial Exploitation of Computer Vision in Logistic Automation: Autonomous
Control of an Intelligent Forklift Truck .............................................................. 1459
G. Garibotto, S. Masciangelo, P. Bassino, C. Coelho, A. Pavan and M. Marson
Rover Continuous Path Planning using Merged Perceptions .............................................. 3733
L. Rastel and M. Delpech
Active Laser Radar for High Performance Measurements ................................................ 1465
J. Hancock, D. Lunger, M. Hebert, R. Sullivan, D. Ingimarson, E. Hoffmann, M. Mettenleiter and C. Froeh1,ich
A Flat Rigid Plate is a Universal Planar Manipulator .................................................... 1471
D. Reznik and J. Canny
Complexity Reduction in Geometric Selective Disassembly using the Wave Propagation Abstraction ............. 1478
H. Srinivasan and R. Gadh
An Analytic Approach to Assemblability Analysis ..................................................... 1484
S. Lee and C. Yi
Design for Tolerance of Electro-Mechanical Assemblies ................................................. 1490
R. Sudarsan, Y. Narahari, K. W. Lyons, R.D. Sriram and M.R. Duffey
Parallel Beam Micro Sensor/Actuator Unit Using PZT Thin Films and Its Application Examples ................. 1498
T. Fukuda, H. Sato, F. Arai, H. Iwata and K. Itoigawa
Improvement of Control Method for Piezoelectric Actuator by Combining Induced
K. Furutani, M. Urushibata and N. Mohri
Charge Feedback with Inverse Transfer Function Compensation .......................................... 1504
An Approach to Reduction of Hysteresis in Smart Materials .............................................. 1510
J.M. Cruz-Hernandez and V. Hayward
Scale Effects and Thermal Considerations for Microactuators
J. Peirs, D. Reynaerts and H. Van Brussel
............................................. 1516
Adaptive Control with Impedence of Cooperative Multi-Robot System ..................................... 1522
Redundancy Optimization for Cooperating Manipulators Using Quadratic Inequality Constraints .................
A. Rodriguez-Angeles and V. Parra- Vega
W. Kwon, B.H. Lee, W.H. Kwon, M.H. Choi and S.H. Lee
Experiments with Two Industrial Robot Manipulators Rigidly Holding an Egg ............................... 1534
W.-H. Zhu and J. De Schutter
A Control System for Cooperating Tentacle Robots .................................................... 1540
M. Ivanescu and V. Stoian
Probabilistic Mapping of an Environment by a Mobile Robot ............................................. 1546
S. Thrun, D. Fox and W. Burgard
A Structured Dynamic Multi-Agent Architecture for Controlling Mobile Office-Conversant Robot ............... 1552
H. Asoh, I. Hara and T. Matsui
Cooperative Behavior Acquisition in Multi iMobile Robots Environment by Reinforcement
E. Uchibe. M. Asada and K. Hosoda
Learning Based on State Vector Estimation ........................................................... 1558
GRAMMPS: A Generalized Mission Planner for Multiple Mobile Robots in Unstructured Environments . . . . . . . . . . 1564
B.L. Brumitt and A. Stentz
VFH+: Reliable Obstacle Avoidance for Fast Mobile Robots ............................................. 1572
I. Ulrich and J. Borenstein
Where are you driving to? Heading Direction for a Mobile Robot from Optical Flow
A. Dev, B.J.A. Krose and F.C.A. Groen
........................ 1578
Feature Detection and Identification Using a Sonar-Array ................................................
E.G. Araujo and R. Grupen
Wall Following Using Angle Information Measured by a Single Ultrasonic Transducer ........................
T. Yata, L. Kleeman and S. Yuta
A 6 DOF Force-Reflecting Hand Controller Using the Fivebar Parallel Mechanism ...........................
K. Y. Woo. B. D. Jin and D.S. Kwon
Learning Techniques in a Dataglove Based Telemanipulation System for the DLR Hand .......................
M. Fischer, P. van de Smagt and G. Hirzinger
Dimensional Analysis and Selective Distortion in Scaled Bilateral Telemanipulation ...........................
M. Goldfarb
Human-Machine Cooperative Telerobotics Using Uncertain Sensor or Model Data ............................
S.E. Everett and R. V. Dubey
A Graphical Method for Evaluating Static Characteristics of the Human Finger by Force Manipulability ...........
K. Hara, R. Yokogawa and A. Yokogawa
Design and Mechanics of an Antagonistic Biomimetic Actuator System .....................................
R.M. Kolacinski and R.D. Quinn
Quantification of Masticatory Efficiency with a Mastication Robot ........................................
H. Takanobu, T. Yajima, M. Nakazawa, A. Takanishi, K. Ohtsuki and M. Ohnishi
A Small-Sized Panoramic Scanning Visual Sensor Inspired by the Flys Compound Eye
K. Hoshino, F. Mura, H. Morii, K. Suematsu and I. Shimoyama
Inverse Kinematics for Modular Reconfigurable Robots ................................................
I-M. Chen and G. Yang
Direct Kinematics of Manipulators with Hyper Degrees of Freedom and Frenet-Serret Formula .................
H. Mochiyama, E. Shimemura and H. Kobayashi
Closed Form Solution of Forward Position Analysis for a 6 DOF 3-PPSP
W. K. Kim, Y. K. Byun and H.S. Cho
Parallel Mechanism of General Geometry ............................................................
Fast Estimation of the Kinematics of Parallel Modules of a Variable-Geometry-Truss
K.E. Zanganeh and P.C. Hughes
Manipulator Using Neural Networks ................................................................
Intelligent Robotic Manipulation with Hybrid PositionForce Control in a Uncalibrated Workspace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1671
D. Xiao, B. K. Ghosh, N. Xi and T. J. Tarn
Weighting Observations: The Use of Kinematic Models in Object Tracking
K. Nickels and S. Hutchinson
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1677
Real Time Hand-Eye System: Interaction with Moving Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . 1683
D. E. Okhotsimsky, A. K. Platonov, I.R. Belousov, A.A. Boguslavsky,
S.N. Emelianov, V. V. Sazonov and S.M. Sokolov
Automatic Lane Following with a Single Camera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1689
S. Lee, K.S. Boo, D. Shin and D.H. Lee
A Strategy of Optimal Fault Tolerant Gait for the Hexapod Robot in Crab Walking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1695
J.-M. Yang and J.-H. Kim
Real-Time Dynamic Simulation of Quadruped Using Modified Velocity Transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1701
K-P. Lee, T-W. Koo and Y-S. Yoon
SCOUT A Simple Quadruped that Walks, Climbs and Runs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1707
M. Buehler, R. Battaglia, A. Cocosco, G. Hawker, J. Sarkis and K. Yamazaki
Development of Quadruped Walking Robot with the Mission of Mine Detection and Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1713
S. Hirose and K. Kat0
Minimum Infinity-Norm Kinematic Solution for Redundant Robots Using Neural Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1719
H. Ding and S.K. Tso
A Neural Network Approach to Real-Time Trajectory Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1725
M. Meng and X. Yang
Analysis of Nonlinear Neural Network Impedance Force Control for Robot Manipulators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 1
S. Jung and T. C. Hsia
Visuo-Motor Coordination of a Robot Manipulator Based on Neural Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1737
L. Sun and C. Doeschner
Impedance Based Combination of Visual and Force Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . 1743
G. Morel, E. Malis and S. Boudet
On the Spatial Impedance Control of Gough-Stewart Platforms
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . 1749
E.D. Fasse and C.M. Gosselin
Control of Moment and Orientation for a Robot Manipulator in Contact with a Compliant Environment ........... 1755
C. Natale, B. Siciliano and L. Villani
Curvature in ForcePosition Controi ................................................................. 1761
J.M. Selig
Robot Driver for Guidance of Automatic Durability Road (ADR) Test Vehicles .............................. 1767
S. Shoval, J. P. Zyburt and D. W. Grimaudo
Experiences with the Development of a Robot for Smart Multisensoric Pipe Inspection ........................ 1773
H-B. Kuntze and H. Haf i er
Field Test of Navigation System: Autonomous Cleaning in Supermarkets ................................... 1779
H. Endres, W. Feiten and G. Luwitzky
Undersea Robotics Activities in a Petroleum Company Research Center .................................... 1782
L.C.P. Messina and N.R.S. dos Reis
A Distributed Planning Network for Manufacturing Systems Management .................................. 1787
G.L. Kova'cs and I. Mezga'r
An Efficient Search Algorithm for Deadlock-Free Scheduling in FMS Using Petri Nets ........................ 1793
I. Ben Abdallah, H.A. ElMaraghy and T. El Mekkawy
Lagrangian Relaxation Neural Networks for J ob Shop Scheduling ......................................... 1799
P.B. Luh, X. Zhao and Y. Wang
Dynamic Scheduling of Elevator System Over Hybrid Petri Net / Rule Modeling ............................. 1805
Y.-H. Huang and L.-C. Fu
Manipulating Biological and Mechanical Micro-Objects using LIGA-Microfabricated End-Effectors ............. 181 1
M.C. Carrozza, P. Dario, A. Menciassi and A. Fenu
Distributed Event-Based Control of Unifunctional Multiple Manipulator System .............................. 1817
K. Munawar and M. Uchiyama
A 3 DOF Piezohydraulic Parallel Micromanipulator .................................................... 1823
P. Kallio, M. Lind, Q. Zhou and H.N. Koivo
Development of Underwater Microrobot using ICPF Actuator ........................................... 1 829
S. Guo, T. Fukuda, N. Kat0 and K. Oguro
Hybrid Position and Force Control of Two Industrial Robots Manipulating a
D. Sun, J. K. Mills and Y. Liu
Flexible Sheet: Theory and Experiment .............................................................. 1835
Human-Robots Collaboration System for Flexible Object Handling ........................................ 1841
K. Kosuge, S. Hashimoto and H. Yoshida
Adaptive Learning Control of Robotic Systems with Model Uncertainties
................................... 1847
D. Sun and J.K. Mills
Rapid On-Line Learning of Compliant Motion for Two-Arm Coordination .................................. 1853
J . Zhang and M. Ferch
Volume 3 (pages 1859-2770)
Visual Guidance of a Small Mobile Robot using Active, Biologically-Inspired, Eye Movements ................. 1859
F. Mura and I. Shimoyama
Environmental Complexity Control for Vision-Based Learning Mobile Robot ................................ 1865
E. Uchibe. M. Asada and K. Hosoda
Unsupervised Learning to Recognize Environments from Behavior Sequences in a Mobile Robot ................ 1871
S. Yamada and M. Murota
ROLLMOBS, a New Universal Wheel Concept ....................................................... 1877
L. Ferritre and B. Raucent
A New Satellite Selection Criterion for DGPS Using Two Low-Cost Receivers ............................... 1883
A. Pozo-Ruz, J.L. Martinez and A. Garcia-Cerezo
Model-Based Car Tracking Integrated with a Road-Follower ............................................. 1889
F. Dellaert, D. Pomerleau and C. Thorpe
Experiments in Autonomous Driving with Concurrent Goals and Multiple Vehicles ........................... 1895
B. L. Brumitt, M. Hebert and the CMU UGV Group
A Comparative Study of Vision-Based Lateral Control Strategies for Autonomous Highway Driving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1903
J. KosecM, R. Blasi, C.J. Taylor and J. Malik
Towards Force-Reflecting Teleoperation Over the Internet ............................................... 1909
G. Niemeyer and J.-J. E. Slotine
Gain-Scheduled Compensation for Time Delay of Bilateral Teleoperation Systems ............................ 1916
A. Sano, H. Fujimoto and M. Tanaka
Decoupling Control Based on Virtual Mechanisms for Telemanipulation .................................... 1924
A. Micaelli, C. Bidard and C. Andriot
Control of a Space Flexible Master-Slave Manipulator based on Parallel Compliance Models
T. Komatsu and T. Akabane
................... 1932
Modelling and Specification of Compliant Motions with Two and Three Contact Points ........................ 1938
H. Bruyninckv and J. De Schutter
The Instantaneous Kinematics of Manipulation ........................................................ 1944
L. Han and J. Trinkle
Contact Response Maps for Real Time Dynamic Simulation .............................................. 1950
C. UZZrich and D.K. Pai
The Roles of Shape and Motion in Dynamic Manipulation: the Butterfly Example ............................ 1958
K.M. Lynch, N. Shiroma, H. Arai and K. Tanie
Working Modes and Aspects in Fully Parallel Manipulators .............................................. 1964
D. Chablat and P. Wenger
The Isoconditioning Loci of A Class of Closed-Chain Manipulators ........................................ 1970
D. Chablat, P. Wenger and J. Angeles
Efficient Computation of the Extremum of the Articular Velocities of a Parallel
J.-P. Merlet
Manipulator in a Translation Workspace ............................................................. 1976
Efficient Estimation of the Extrema1 Articular Forces of a Parallel Manipulator in a Translation Workspace ........ 1982
J.-P. Merlet
Dynamic Sensor Planning in Visual Servoing ......................................................... 1988
E. Marchand and G. Hager
Image-Based Visual Servoing by Integration of Dynamic Measurements .................................... 1994
A. Crktual and F. Chaumette
Tracking Adaptive Impedance Robot Control with Visual Feedback ........................................ 2002
V. Mut, 0. Nasisi, R. Carelli and B. Kuchen
6 DOF High Speed Dynamic Visual Servoing Using GPC Controllers ....................................... 2008
J.A. Gang108 M. de Mathelin and G. Abba
Intuitive Control of a Planar Bipedal Walking Robot .................................................... 2014
J. Pratt and G. Pratt
Realization of Dynamic Biped Walking Varying J oint Stiffness Using Antagonistic Driven J oints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2022
J. Yamaguchi, D. Nishino and A. Takanishi
Robust Biped Walking with Active Interaction Control between Foot and Ground ............................ 2030
Y. Fujimoto, S. Obata and A. Kawamura
Generation of Energy Optimal Complete Gait Cycles for Biped Robots ..................................... 2036
L. Roussel, C. Canudas-de- Wit and A. Goswami
Neural Computation of the Equivalent Control in Sliding Mode For Robot Trajectory Control Applications ........ 2042
M. Ertugrul and 0. Kaynak
Neural Force Control (NFC) Applied to Industrial Manipulators in Interaction with Moving Rigid Objects ......... 2048
M. Dapper, R. Maass, V. Zuhn and R. Eckmiller
PSOM Network: Learning with Few Examples ........................................................ 2054
J.A. Walter
Organization and Reorganization of Autonomous Oceanographic Sample Networks ........................... 2060
R.M. Turner and E. H. Turner
Optimal Design of a Five-Bar Finger with Redundant Actuation ........................................... 2068
J.H. Lee, B.-J. Yi, S.-R. Oh and I.H. Suh
The Design and Development of the DIST-Hand Dextrous Gripper ........................................ 2075
A. Caffaz and G. Cannata
DLRs Multisensory Articulated Hand - Part I: Hard- and Software Architecture .............................. 2081
J, Butte$ass, G. Hirzinger, S. Knoch and H. Liu
DLRs Multisensory Articulated Hand - Part 11: The Parallel TorquePosition Control System ................... ,2087
H. Liu, P. Meusel, J. Buttegass and G. Hirzinger
Redundancy Resolution of a Cartesian Space Operated Heavy Industrial Manipulator .......................... 2094
M. Honegger and A. Codourey
On-line Scheduling Algorithms for Improving Performance of Pick-and-Place
OperationsonaMovingConveyorBelt .............................................................. 2099
R. Mattone, L. Adduci and A. Wolf
Service Robots for Nuclear Safety: New Developments by Cybernetix ...................................... 2106
J. Perret
Telerobotic System for Live Power Lines Maintenance: ROBTET .......................................... 21 10
L.F. PeAin, R. Aracil, M. Ferre, E. Pinto, M. Hernando and A. Barrientos
Development of a Distributed Object-Oriented System Framework for the
Computer-Integrated Manufacturing Execution System .................................................. 21 16
F-T. Cheng, E. Shen, J.-Y. Deng and K. Nguyen
Multi-agent Based Dynamic Scheduling for a Flexible Assembly System .................................... 2122
Y.-Y. Chen, L.-C. Fu and Y.-C. Chen
Multi-Agent System for Dynamic Scheduling and Control in Manufacturing Cells ............................ 2128
D. Ouelhadj, C. Hanach and B. Bouzouia
Multi-Agent Based Control Kernel for Flexible Automated Production System ............................... 21 34
S.-H. Liu, L.-C. Fu and J.H. Yang
Basic Study on a Magnetic Measurement for Balance Utilizing a Spherical Vessel ............................ 2140
T. Okada, K. Kimura and N. Mimura
Electrostrictive Polymer Artificial Muscle Actuators .................................................... 2147
R. Kornbluh, R. Pelrine, J. Eckerle and J. Joseph
Development of a Distributed Actuation Device Consisting of Soft Gel Actuator Elements ...................... 2155
S. Tadokoro, S. Fuji, M. Fushimi, R. Kanno, T. Kimura, T. Takamori and K. Oguro
Preisach Model Identification of a Two-Wire SMA Actuator ............................................. 2161
R.B. Gorbet, D. W.L. Wang and K.A. Morris
LearningbyBiasing ............................................................................. 2168
G. Hailu and G. Sommer
Eliminating Sensor Ambiguities via Recurrent Neural Networks in Sensor-Based Learning ..................... 2174
E. Cervera and A.P. del Pobil
Learning with Assistance based on Evolutionary Computation ............................................ 21 80
T. Omata
Multilayered Reinforcement Learning for Complicated Collision Avoidance Problems
......................... 2 186
T. Fujii, Y. Arai, H. Asama and I. Endo
Motion Planning for a Mobile Manipulator Considering Stability and Task Constraints
Speed Planning and Generation Approach Based on the Path-Time Space for Mobile Robots ....................
........................ 2192
Q. Huang, S. Sugano and K. Tanie
V.F. Mutioz, A. Cruz and A. Garcia-Cerezo
Accounting for Mobile Robot Dynamics in Sensor-Based Motion Planning: Experimental Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2205
J.C. Alvarez, A. Shkel and V. Lumelsky
Motion Planning of a Wheeled Mobile Robot with Slip-Free Motion Capability on a Smooth Uneven Surface
B. J. Choi and S. V. Sreenivasan
. . . . . . 3727
Controlling Sensory Perception for Indoor Navigation .................................................. 221 1
G.E. Hovland and B.J. McCarragher
The Detection of Faults in Navigation System. A Frequency Domain Approach .............................. 2217
S. Scheding, E.M. Nebot and H. Durrant- Whyte
Fault Detection and Identification in a Mobile Robot Using Multiple-Model Estimation ........................ 2223
S.I. Roumeliotis, G.S. Sukhatme and G.A. Bekey
AMADEUS: Mobile, Autonomous Decentralized Utility System for Indoor Transportation ..................... 2229
T. Kamada and K. Oikawa
On Discontinuous Human Control Strategies ........................................................... 2237
M. C. Nechyba and Y. Xu
Human Behavior Modeling in Master-Slave Teleoperation with Kinesthetic Feedback ......................... 2244
L. F. Petiin, A. Caballero, R. Aracil and A. Barrientos
Two Performances Measures for Evaluating Human Control Strategy ...................................... 2250
J. Song, Y. Xu, M.C. Nechyba and Y. Yam
Towards Real-Time Robot Programming by Human Demonstration for 6D Force Controlled Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2256
Q. Wang and J. De Schutter
Experiments in Synthetic Psychology for Tactile Perception in Robots: Step Towards
D. Taddeucci and P. Dario
Implementing Humanoid Robots ................................................................... 2262
Multifingered Robotic Hands: Contact Experiments using Tactile Sensors ................................... 2268
K.K. Choi, S.L. Jiang and Z.X. Li
Implementing Robotic Grasping Tasks Using a Biological Approach ....................................... 2274
F. Leoni, M. Guerrini, C. Luschi, D. Taddeucci, P. Dario and A. Starita
Model and Processing of Whole-body Tactile Sensor Suit for Human-Robot Contact Interaction ................. 2281
Y. Hoshino, M. Inaba and H. Inoue
On the Design of Gravity-Compensated Six-Degree-Of-Freedom Parallel Mechanisms ........................ 2287
C.M. Gosselin and J. Wang
A Parallel x-y Manipulator with Actuation Redundancy for High-speed and Active-Stiffness Applications ......... 2295
S. Kock and W. Schumacher
Parallel Dynamics Computation and H-infinity Acceleration Control of Parallel
K. Yamane, M. Okada, N. Komine and Y. Nakamura
Manipulators for Acceleration Display ............................................................... 2301
Tracking Control of a Parallel Robot in the Task Space .................................................. 2309
L. Beji, A. Abichou and M. Pascal
Performance Evaluation of Vision-Based Control Tasks ................................................. 23 15
P. Krautgartner and M. Vincze
Performance and Sensitivity in Visual Servoing ........................................................ 2321
K. Hashimoto and T. Noritsugu
Experimental Evaluation of Fixed-Camera Direct Visual Controllers on a Direct-Drive Robot ................... 2327
F. Reyes and R. Kelly
Visual Impedance Using lms Visual Feedback System .................................................. 2333
Y. Nakabo and M. Ishikawa
Active Leg Compliance for Passive Walking .......................................................... 2339
R. Q. van der Linde
The Motion of a Finite-Width Rimless Wheel in 3D .................................................... 2345
A.C. Smith and M.D. Berkemeier
Speed, Efficiency and Stability of Small-Slope 2-D Passive Dynamic Bipedal Walking ......................... 235 1
M. Garcia, A. Chatterjee and A. Ruina
A Design Method of Neural Oscillatory Networks for Generation of Humanoid Biped Walking Patterns .......... 2357
M. Cao and A. Kawamura
A Model for the Organization Level of Intelligent Machines .............................................. 2363
M.N. Varvatsoulukis, G. Saridis and P.N. Paraskevopoulos
Stable Fuzzy Self-Tuning Computed-Torque Control of Robot Manipulators ................................. 2369
M.A. Llama, V. Santibaiiez, R. Kelly and J. Flores
Sensor-Enhanced Robotic Cell Collaboration Using Shared Task Error Information ........................... 2375
M. Motegi, T. Kakizaki and S.-Y. Muto
An Expert Opinion Approach to Tune Analytical Models of Nonlinear Systems .............................. 2383
K.R. Chernyshov and F.F. Pashchenko
Virtual Truss Model for Characterization of Internal Forces for Multiple Finger Grasps ........................ 2389
T. Yoshikawa
Generalized Stability of Compliant Grasps ............................................................ 2396
H. Bruyninckx, S. Demey and V. Kumar
Grasping and Position Control for Multi-Fingered Robot Hands with Uncertain J acobian Matrices ............... 2403
C.C. Cheah, H.Y. Han, S. Kawamuru and S. Arimoto
Enveloping Grasp for Multiple Objects .............................................................. 2409
K. Haradu and M. Kuneko
A Study of Autonomous Mobile System in Outdoor Environment (Part 2: Sign Guided
J. Takiguchi, K. Iwuma, H. Sugie, M. Kato, T. Kiyonaga, T. Hashizume,F. Inoue, K. Yoshino and Y. Omote
Autonomous Transportation System) ................................................................ 2416
Architecture of a GPS-Based Guiding System for Road Compaction ....................................... 2422
L-H. Pampagnin, F. Peyret and G. Garcia
Development of Automated Construction System for High-Rise Reinforced Concrete Buildings
K. Hamada, N. Furuya, Y. Inoue and T. Wakisuka
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2428
MONAI: An autonomous Navigation System for Mobile Robots .......................................... 2434
F. Carre, L. Gallo, B. Mazar, F. Megel and B. Serra
Fast Evaluation of Geometric Constraints for Bending Sequence Planning ................................... 2446
M. Inui and H. Terukado
Automation of Chamfering by an Industrial Robot; for the Case of Machined
Hole on a Cylindrical Workpiece ................................................................... 2452
N. Asakuwa, K. Toda and Y. Takeuchi
An Improved Sculptured Part Surface Design with J erk Continuity for a Smooth Machining
T.S. Lee and Y.J. Lin
.................... 2458
Accessibility Analysis in 5-Axis Machininh of Sculptured Surfaces ........................................ 2464
A. Vafaeesefa and H.A. ElMaraghy
Precise Position Control of Robot A m using a Homogeneous ER Fluid .................................... 2470
N. Takesue, G. Zhang, J. Furusho and M. Sakaguchi
An Electrorheological Fluid Damper for Vibration Control ............................................... 2476
J. Li and W.A. Gruver
Safety Oriented Mechanism and Control Using ER Fluid in the J oint ....................................... 2482
F. Arai, A. Kawaji, T. Fukuda, H. Matsuura and H. Ota
3-DOF Closed-Loop Control for Planar Linear Motors .................................................. 2488
A.E. Quaid and R.L. Hollis
Cell Mapping Based Fuzzy Control of Car Parking ..................................................... 2494
M.C. Leu and T.Q. Kim
A Robust Model-Based Fuzzy-Logic Controller for Robot Manipulators .................................... 2500
M.R. Emami, A.A. Goldenberg and I.B. Tiirksen
Analysis of Linguistic Fuzzy Control for Curved-path-following Autonomous Vehicles ........................ 2506
Y. H. Fung and S. K. Tso
Fuzzy-Logic Dynamics Modeling of Robot Manipulators ................................................ 25 12
M.R. Emami, A.A. Goldenberg and I. Burhan Tiirksen
A Method for Tracking Pose of a Mobile Robot Equipped with a Scanning Laser Range Finder .................. 25 18
A. Dubrawski and B. Siemiatkowska
Mobile Robot Navigation Based on Vision and DGPS Information ........................................ 2524
S. Kotani, K. Kaneko, T. Shinoda and H. Mori
Visual Place Recognition for Autonomous Robots ..................................................... 2530
H. D. Tagare, D. V. McDermott and H. Xiao
Homogeneous Neurolike Structures in Control Systems of Intelligent Mobile Robots .......................... 2536
I.A. Kaliaev
Sonar Resolution-Based Environment Mapping ........................................................ 2541
L. Cahut, K.P. Valavanis and H. DeliF
Building Local Floor Map by Use of Ultrasonic and Omni-Directional Vision Sensor .......................... 2548
S.-C. Wei, Y. Yagi and M. Yachida
Map Building using Fuzzy ART, and Learning to Navigate a Mobile Robot on an Unknown World ............... 2554
R. Arahjo and A.T. de Almeida
Incremental Map Building for Mobile Robot Navigation in an Indoor Environment ............................ 2560
L. Delahoche, C. Pkgard, M. Mouaddib and P. Vasseur
Haptic Display for Object Grasping and Manipulating in Virtual Environment ............................... 2566
H. Maekuwa and J.M. Hollerbach
Design of a Force Reflecting Master Arm and Master Hand Using Pneumatic Actuators ........................ 2574
S. Lee, S. Park, M. Kim and C.-W. Lee
Design of a Compact 6-DOF Haptic Interface ......................................................... 2580
Y. Tsumaki, H. Naruse, D.N. Nenchev and M. Uchiyama
Force Display System Using Particle-Type Electrorheological Fluids ....................................... 2586
M. Sakaguchi and J. Furusho
Development of Self-Learning Vision-Based Mobile Robots for Acquiring Soccer Robots Behaviors . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2592
T, Nakumura
Motion Control for Micro-Robots Playing Soccer Games ................................................ 2599
S. Lee and J. Bautista
Sony Legged Robot for RoboCup Challenge .......................................................... 2605
H. Kitano, M. Fujita, S. Zrehen and K. Kageyama
Building Integrated Mobile Robots for Soccer Competition .............................................. 261 3
W.M. Shen, J. Adibi, R. Adobbati, B. Cho, A. Erdem, H. Moradi, B. Sulemi and S. Tejada
Time-Scaling Control of an Underactuated Manipulator ................................................. 26 19
H. Arai, K. Tanie and N. Shiroma
Adjustable Manipulability of Closed-Chain Mechanisms through J oint Freezing and J oint Unactuation . . . . . . . . . . . . 2627
S. Kim
Scaling Laws for Nonlinear Controllers of Dynamically Equivalent Rigid-Link Manipulators .................... 2633
M. Ghanekar, D. W.L. Wang and G.R. Heppler
Robust Global Stabilization of the Underactuated 2-DOF Manipulator R2D 1
J. Mareczek, M. Buss and G. Schmidt
................................ 2640
Predictive Vision Based Control of High Speed Industrial Robot Paths ..................................... 2646
F. Lunge, P. Wunsch and G. Hirzinger
Tracking a Moving Target with Model Independent Visual Servoing: A Predictive Estimation Approach ........... 2652
J.A. Piepmeier, G. V. McMurray and H. Lipkin
Toward Global Visual Servos and Estimators for Rigid Bodies ............................................ 2658
N.J. Cowan and D.E. Koditschek
Toward 3D Uncalibrated Monocular Visual Servo ..................................................... 2664
B.E. Bishop and M. W. Spong
Control of Autonomous Motion of Two-wheel Bycycle with Gyroscopic Stabilization ......................... 2670
A.V. Beznos, A.M. Formal&, E.V. Gurfnkel, D.N. Jicharev,
A. V. Lensky, K. V. Savitsky and L.S. Tchesalin
Toward the Control of a Multi-J ointed, Monoped Runner ................................................ 2676
U. Saranli. W.J. Schwind and D.E. Koditschek
Dynamic Model of a Gyroscopic Wheel .............................................................. 2683
G.C. Nandy and Y. Xu
Omni-Directional Self-Propulsive Troweling Robot .................................................... 2689
D.H. Shin, U. J. Kim, H.G. Lee and H.S. Kim
Frequency Modulation in Anthropomorphic Robots with Kinematic and Force Redundancies
B.-J. Yi, S.-R. Oh, I. H. Suhand W.K. Kim
................... 2697
Fault-Tolerant Control and Optimal Operation of Redundant Robotic Manipulators ........................... 2703
A. J. Koivo and M. Ramos
Analytic Nonlinear H= Optimal Control for Robotic Manipulators ......................................... 2709
J. Park, W. Chung and Y. Youm
High Speed Tracking Control of Stewart Platform Manipulator via Enhanced Sliding Mode Control .............. 2716
N. -I. Kim and C. - W. Lee
Caging Planar Objects with a Three-Finger One-Parameter Gripper ........................................ 2722
C. Davidson and A. Blake
Geometric Formulation of Orientation Tolerances ...................................................... 2728
J.B. Gou, Y.X. Chu, H. WuandZ.X. Li
Computing N-Finger Force-Closure Grasps on Polygonal Objects ......................................... 2734
Y. -H. Liu
On Grasping and Manipulating Polygonal Objects with Disc-Shaped Robots in the Plane ....................... 2740
A. Sudsang and J. Ponce
Schedule Execution Using Perturbation Analysis ....................................................... 2747
L. Bongaerts, H. Van Brussel and P. Valckenaers
A Dynamic Control Problem for a Two Part-Type Pull Manufacturing System ............................... 2753
F. Martinelli and P. Valigi
Multiple Control Policies for Two-Station Production Networks with Two Types of Parts using Fuzzy Logic . . . . . . . 2759
R. Zhang and Y.A. Phillis
Analysis of Robot Motion Performance and Implications to Economy Principles .............................. 2765
S. Shoval, J. Rubinovitz and S. Nof
Volume 4 (pages 2771-3744)
Flexible 3D Acquisition with a Monocular Camera ..................................................... 2771
M. Pollefeys, R. Koch, M. Vergauwen and L. Van Goo1
A High Speed 3D Radar Scanner for Automation ...................................................... 2777
S. K. Boehmke, J. Bares, E. Mutschler and N. K. Lay
ZoomTracking ................................................................................. 2783
3.A. Fayman, 0. Sudarsky and E. Rivlin
Rapid 3-D Digitizing and Tool Path Generation for Complex Shapes ....................................... 2789
K.S. Kwok, C.S. Loucks and B.J. Driessen
3D Object Localisation with a Binaural Sonarhead, Inspirations from Biology ................................ 2795
H. Peremans, A. Walker and J.C.T. Hallam
Perception of an Indoor Robot Workspace by Using CTFM Sonar Imaging .................................. 2801
Z. Politis and P. Probert
Mobile Robot Sonar Sensing with Pseudo-Random Codes ............................................... 2807
K.-W. Jorg and M. Berg
Pipelined Sampling Techniques for Sonar Tracking Systems ............................................. 281 3
U.D. Hanebeck
Selection of Image Features for Robot Positioning using Mutual Information ................................ 2819
G. Wells and C. Torras
Toward Real-Time 2D Localization in Outdoor Environments ............................................ 2827
A. Mallet and S. Lacroix
Continuous Localization Using Evidence Grids ........................................................ 2833
A.C. Schultz and W. Adams
Selecting Targets for Local Reference Frames ......................................................... 2840
S. Simhon and G. Dudek
An Oscillation Analysis on Distributed Autonomous Robotic System ....................................... 2846
T. Kaga and T. Fukuda
Multiple Mobile Robot Operation by Human .......................................................... 2852
A. Nakamura, S. Kakita, T. Arai, J. Beltrdn-Escavy and J. Ota
Self-organizing Collective Robots with Morphogenesis in a Vertical Plane .................................. 2858
K. Hosokawa, T. Tsujimori, T. Fujii, H. Kaetsu, H. Asama, Y. Kuroda and I. Endo
Controlling Formations of Multiple Mobile Robots ..................................................... 2864
J.P. Desai, J. Ostrowski and V. Kumar
A Telerobotics System for Maintenance Tasks Integrating Planning Functions Based on Manipulation Skills ....... 2870
T. Ogasawara, H. Hirukuwa, K. Kitagaki, H. Onda, A. Nakamura and H. Tsukune
Detection of Discrepancies and Sensory-Based Recovery for Virtual Reality Based Telemanipulation Systems . . . . . . 2877
A. Kheddar, K. Tanie and P. Coiffet
Predictive Windows for Delay Compensation in Telepresence Applications .................................. 2884
J. Baldwin, A. Basu and H. Zhang
Augmentation of Safety in Teleoperation System for Intravascular Neurosurgery
M. Tanimoto, F. Arai, T. Fukuda and M. Negoro
............................ 2890
Study on Cooperative Positioning System - Optimum Moving Strategies for CPS-I11 - ......................... 2896
R. Kurazume and S. Hirose
Manipulation of Multiple Objects by Two Manipulators ................................................. 2904
Optimization of Collision Free Trajectories in Multi-Robot System
Y. Aiyama, M. Minami and T. Arai
........................................ 2910
M. Mediavilla, J.C. Fraile, J.R. Per& and G.I. Dodds
Decentralized Control of Cooperating Mobile Manipulators .............................................. 29 16
T. Sugar and V. Kumar
Two Methods for Interpolating Rigid Body Motions .................................................... 2922
M. Zefrun and V. Kumar
Isometric Visualization of Configuration Spaces of Two Degrees of Freedom Mechanisms ..................... 2928
G. Rodnay and E. Rimon
Removing the Singularities of Serial Manipulators by Transforming the Workspace ........................... 2935
J. E. Lloyd
Design and Kinematic Analysis of the Wire Parallel Mechanism for a Robot Pose Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2941
J. W. Jeong, S.-H. Kim and Y.-K, Kwak
Improving Visually Servoed Disassembly Operations by Automatic Camera Placement
F. Kegeci, M. Tonko, H.-H. Nagel and V. Gengenbach
........................ 2947
Uncalibrated Wand-Eye Coordination with a Redundant Camera System .................................... 2953
C. Scheering and B. Kersting
The Feature CMAC: a Neural-Network-Based Vision System for Robotic Control .......................... 2959
J. Carusone and G.M.T. DEleuterio
A Neuro-Fuzzy Solution for Fine-Motion Control Based on Vision and Force Sensors ......................... 2965
Y. von Collani, J. Zhang and A. Knoll
A Global Approach for Motion Generation of Non-Holonomic Mobile Manipulators .......................... 297 1
C. Perrier, P. Dauchez and F. Pierrot
Motion Control of the N.T.U.A. Robotic Snake on a Planar Surface ........................................ 2977
K. Sarrigeorgidis and K. J. Kyriukopoulos
Sliding Mode Control of a Nonholonomic Wheeled Mobile Robot for Trajectory Tracking ...................... 2983
J.-M. Yang, I.-H. Choi and J.-H. Kim
Transportation of a Single Object by Two Decentralized-Controlled Nonholonomic Mobile Robots ............... 2989
K. Kosuge, T. Oosumi, M. Satou, K. Chiba and K. Take0
Compensation of Motor Torque Disturbances in Industrial Robots ......................................... 2995
G. Ferretti, G. Magnani and P. Rocco
Adaptive Derivative Estimation for DSP-Based Acceleration Measurement .................................. 3001
0. Vainio
Analysis and Implementation of observers for Robotic Manipulators ....................................... 3006
B. Bona and M. Indri
Disturbance Observer Based Force Control of Robot Manipulator without Force Sensor ........................ 3012
K.S. Eom, I.H. Suh, W.K. Chung and S.-R. Oh
Vision-Guided Grasping of Unknown Objects for Service Robots ......................................... 301 8
P. J. Sanz, A. P. del Pobil, J.M. Inesta and G. Recatald
Hybrid Closed-Loop Control of Robotic Hand Regrasping ............................................... 3026
Biologically Inspired Robot Grasping Using Genetic Programming ........................................ 3032
T. Schlegl and M. Buss
J. J. Fernandez and I. D. Walker
Transition Stability of Enveloped Objects ............................................................ 3040
M. Kaneko, M. Higashimori and T. Tsuji
A Direct-Drive Pneumatic Stepping Motor for Robots: Designs for Pipe-Inspection
K. Suzumori, K. Hori and T. Miyagawa
Microrobots and for Human-Care Robots ............................................................ 3047
Pneumatic Muscle Actuator Technology a Light Weight Power System for a Humanoid Robot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3053
D.G. Caldwell, N. Tsagarakis, D. Badihi and G.A. Medrano-Cerda
A Rigid and Accurate Piezo-Stepper Based on Smooth Learning Hybrid Force-Position Controlled Clamping . . . . . . . 3059
M. Versteyhe, D. Reynaerts and H. Van Brussel
Analysis of the Flight Performance of Small Magnetic Rotating Wings for Use in Microrobots .................. 3065
N. Miki and I. Shimoyama
Range Data Merging for Probabilistic Octree Modeling of 3-D Workspaces ................................. 307 1
P. Payeur, D. Laurendeau and C.M. Gosselin
An Efficient On-Line Algorithm for Direct Octree Construction from Range Images ........................... 3079
Y. Yu and K. Gupta
Autonomous Sensor Planning for 3D Reconstruction of Complex Objects from Range Images ................... 3085
M.A. Garcia, S. Velazquez, A.D. Sappa and L. Basaiiez
3D Scene Modelling and Curve-Based Localization in Natural Environments ................................ 309 1
M. Devy and C. Parra
Determining the Value of Monitoring for Dynamic Monitor Selection ...................................... 3097
T. Celinski and B. McCarragher
Instrumented Logical Sensor Systems-Practice ........................................................ 3 103
M. Dekhil and T.C. Henderson
Integrated Precision 3-DOF Position Sensor for Planar Linear Motors ...................................... 3109
Z.J. Butler, A.A. Ri ui and R.L. Hollis
Registering, Integrating and Building CAD Models from Range Data ...................................... 31 15
R. Yang and P.K. Allen
Position Estimation Using Principal Components of Range Data .......................................... 3121
J. L. Crowley, F. Wallner and B. Schiele
Hybrid, High-Precision Localisation for the Mail Distributing Mobile Robot System MOPS
K.O. Arras und S.J. Vestli
.................... 3129
Mobile Robot Localization in Dynamic Environments using Places Recognition .............................. 3 135
0. Aycard, P. Laroche and F. Charpillet
An Automatic Calibration Method for a Multisensor System: Application to a Mobile Robot Localization System . . . 3141
H-J. von der Hardt, R. Husson and D. Wolf
Hierarchical Path Planning on Probabilistically Labelled Polygons ......................................... 3 147
E. Piat and S. Lacroix
Local Path Re-Planning for Unforeseen Obstacle Avoidance by An Autonomous Sweeping Robot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3153
D. Kurabayushi, S. Koga, T. Arai, J. Ota, H. Asama and I. Endo
A Simple Space-Time-S ymmetric Collision Avoidance Method for Autonomous Vehicles ...................... 3 159
K. Matsumoto and M. Rude
Resource Modelling and Combination in Modular Robotics Systems ....................................... 3 167
J.A. Fryer and G.T. McKee
Designing Personal Tele-Embodiment ............................................................... 3 173
E. Paulos and J. Canny
Guidance of Video Data Acquisition by Myolectric Signals for Smart Human-Robot Interfaces .................. 3179
O.A. Alsayegh and D.P. Brzakovic
Robotic Sightseeing - A Method for Automatically Creating Virtual Environments ............................ 3 186
E. Bourque, G. Dudek and P. Ciaravola
Optimal 3D Viewing with Adaptive Stereo Displays .................................................... 3192
S. Lee, S. Ro, J. -0. Park and C. - W. Lee
Cooperative Control of Multiple Mobile Manipulators on Uneven Ground .................................. 3 198
H. Osumi, M. Terasawa and H. Nojiri
A Cooperative Hunting Behavior by Mobile Robot Troops ............................................... 3204
H. Yamaguchi
Evaluation on Flexibility of Swarm Intelligent System .................................................. 3210
T. Fukuda, D. Funato, K. Sekiyama and F. Arai
Path Planning and Role Selection Mechanism for Soccer Robots .......................................... 3216
J.-H. Kim, K.-C. Kim, D.-H. Kim, Y.-J. Kim and P. Vadakkepat
A Normal form Solution to the Singular Inverse Kinematic Problem for
K. Tchon and R. Muszynski
Robotic Manipulators: The Quadratic Case ........................................................... 3222
Generating Robust Trajectories in the Presence of Ordinary and Linear-Self-Motion Singularities ................ 3228
J.E. Lloyd and V. Hayward
Alternative Computational Scheme of Manipulator Inverse Kinematics ..................................... 3235
J. Lenarcic
Computation of Kinetostatic Performances of Robot Manipulators with Polytopes ............................ 324 1
R. Finotello, T. Grasso, G. Rossi and A. Terribile
Spatial Attention and Saccadic Camera Motion ........................................................ 3247
J. J. Clark
Panoramic-Environmental Description as Robots Visual Short-Term Memory ............................... 3253
K. Kayama, K. Nagashima, A. Konno, M. Inaba and H. Inoue
FOVEA: A Foveated Vergent Active Stereo System for Dynamic Three-Dimensional Scene Recovery ............ 3259
W. Klarquist and A. Bovik
Person Tracking by Integrating Optical Flow and Uniform Brightness Regions ............................... 3267
T. Yamane. Y. Shirai and J. Miura
Control of a Car-Like Robot Using a Dynamic Model ................................................... 3273
M. Egerstedt, X. Hu and A. Stotsky
Robust Path-Following Control with Exponential Stability for Mobile Robots ................................ 3279
L.E. Aguilar, M.P. Soukres, M. Courdesses and S. Fleury
Adaptive Motion Control of a Nonholonomic Vehicle ................................................... 3285
S.V. Gusev, LA. Makarov, I.E. Paromtchik, V.A. Yakubovich and C. Laugier
A Practical Approach to Feedback Control for a Mobile Robot with Trailer .................................. 3291
F. Lamiraw and J.P. Luumond
Calibration of Coordinate System for Decentralized Coordinated Motion Control of Multiple Manipulators . . . . . . . . 3297
K. Kosuge, H. Seki and T. Oosumi
Experiment Design for Robot Dynamic Calibration ..................................................... 3303
G. Calafiore and M. Indri
INS-Based Identification of Quay-Crane Spreader Yaw ................................................. 33 10
M.A. Louda, D.C. Rye, M. W.M.G. Dissanayake and H.F. Durrant-Whyte
A Base Forcemorque Sensor Approach to Robot Manipulator Inertial Parameter Estimation .................... 33 16
G. Liu, K. Iagnemma, S. Dubowsky and G. Morel
Minimum-Deflection Grasps and Fixtures ............................................................ 3322
Q. Lin, J. W. Burdick and E. Rimon
Genetic Algorithm-Based Optimal Regrasping with the Anthrobot 5-Fingered Robot Hand ..................... 3329
A.M. Erkmen and M. Durna
Qualitative Test and Force Optimization of 3D Frictional Force-Closure Grasps Using Linear Programming ........ 3335
Y.-H. Liu and M. Wang
Optimization of Robot Hand Power Grasps .......................................................... 3341
Y. Yu, K. Takeuchi and T. Yoshikawa
AligningThreadedPartsUsingaRobotHand ......................................................... 3348
M.A. Diftler and I.D. Walker
Automated Singulating System for Transfer of Live Broilers ............................................. 3356
K.-M. Lee, R. Gogate and R. Carey
Microassembly Planning for Manufacturing by Flexible Microrobots ....................................... 3362
S. Fatikow and R. Mounassypov
Nanorobotic Assembly of Two-Dimensional Structures ................................................. 3368
A.A.G. Requichu, C. Baur, A. Bugacov, B.C. Gazen, B. Koel,
A. Madhukur, T.R. Ramachandran, R. Resch and P. Will
Recognizing Surfaces Using Curve Invariants and Differential Properties of Curves and Surfaces ................ 3375
D. Keren, E. Rivlin, I. Shimshoni and I. Weiss
Shape Recognition: A Fuzzy Approach .............................................................. 3382
S. Roves and M. J. Rendas
Object Skeletons from Sparse Shapes in Industrial Image Settings ......................................... 3388
R. Singh, N.P. Pupanikolopoulos and V. Cherkussky
3-D Object Recognition Using Projective Invariant Relationship by Single-View ............................. 3394
K.S. Roh, B.J. You and I.S. Kweon
On Design of Sequential Sensor Fusion System ........................................................ 3400
S. Emura and S. Tachi
A Hypothesis Testing Method for Multisensory Data Fusion ............................................. 3407
X . 4 . Wang, H. C. Shen and W.-H. Qian
A Decentralised Navigation Architecture .............................................................
Triangulation based Fusion of Ultrasonic Sensor Data .................................................. 34 19
34 13
M. Boz.org, E.M. Nebot and H.F. Durrant-Whyte
0. Wijk, P. Jensfelt and H.I. Christensen
Landmark Perception Planning for Mobile Robot Localization ............................................ 3425
J.M. Armingol, L. Moreno, A. de la Esculera and M.A. Salichs
Goal-Oriented Behaviour-Based Visual Navigation ..................................................... 343 1
G. Cheng and A. Zelinsky
Achieving Integrity in an INS/GPS Navigation Loop for Autonomous Land Vehicle Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3437
S. Sukkarieh, E.M. Nebot and H.F. Durrant- Whyte
Positioning of Vehicle on Undulating Ground Using GPS and Dead Reckoning .............................. 3443
T. Aono, K. Fujii, S. Hatsumoto and T. Kamiya
A Semi-Autonomous Robotic Airship for Environmental Monitoring Missions ............................... 3449
A. Elfes, S. Siqueiru Bueno, M. Bergerman and J.G. Ramos, Jr.
Experimental Evaluation of a Fiber Optics Gyroscope for Improving
J. Borenstein
Dead-Reckoning Accuracy in Mobile Robots ......................................................... 3456
Airship Dynamic Modeling for Autonomous Operation ................................................. 3462
S.B. Varella Games and J.G. Ramos, Jr.
Antenna Pointing for High Bandwidth Communications from Mobile Robots ................................ 3468
D. Bapna, E. Rollins, A. Foessel and R. Whittaker
Realization of Safety in a Coexistent Robotic System by Information Sharing ................................ 3474
Y. Wakita, S. Hirai, T. Hori, R. Takada and M. Kakikura
Human-Robot Coordination with Rotational Motion .................................................... 3480
K.I. Kim and Y.F. Zheng
Development of an 8 DOF Robotic Orthosis for Assisting Human Upper Limb Motion
K. Nugai, I. Nakanishi, H. Hanafusa, S. Kawamuru, M. Makikawa and N. Tejimu
........................ 3486
EMG-based Human-Robot Interface for Rehabilitation Aid .............................................. 3492
0. Fukuda, T. Tsuji, A. Ohtsuka and M. Kaneko
Experiments in Evolving Communicating Controllers for Teams of Robots .................................. 3498
I. Ashiru and C.A. Czarnecki
Principles of Minimal Control for Comprehensive Team Behavior ......................................... 3504
B.B. Werger
Reactive Visual Control of Multiple Non-Holonomic Robotic Agents ...................................... 35 10
K. Han and M. Veloso
Development of a Hand-to-Hand Robot Based on Agent Network ......................................... 3516
T. Suehiro. H. Takahashi and H. Yamakawa
Swing Motion Control of Casting Manipulation (Experiment of Swing Motion Control) ........................ 3522
H. Arisumi, T. Kotoku and K. Komoriya
A Nonlinear Model for Harmonic Drive Friction and Compliance ............................................ *
H.D. Taghirad and P.R. Bdanger
Biped Robot Walking Using Gravity-Compensated Inverted Pendulum Mode and Computed Torque Control ....... 3528
J.H. Park and K.D. Kim
Teleoperation System Via Computer Network for Dynamic Environment .................................... 3534
J. Kikuchi, K. Take0 and K. Kosuge
Image-Based Manipulation Planning for Non-Rigid Objects .............................................. 3540
P. W. Smith
Integrating Dependent Sensory Data ................................................................. 3546
A. C.S. Chung and H. C. Shen
Understanding Mechanism: From Images to Behaviors .................................................. 3552
T. Dar, L. Joskowicz and E. Rivlin
Analysing Spatial Realizability of Line Drawings Through Edge-Concurrence Tests ........................... 3559
L. Ros and F. Thomas
Fourier Series based Method of Generating Continuous Controls for Driftless Nonholonomic Systems ............ 3567
I. Duleba and J. Sdwka
Asymptotic Stabilization of Multiple Nonholonomic Mobile Robots Forming Group Formations ................. 3573
H. Yamaguchi and J. W. Burdick
Stabilization of the Acrobot via Iterative State Steering ..................................................
A. De Luca and G. Oriolo
Path Planner for Nonholonomic Mobile Robot with Fast Replaning Procedure ................ : .............. 3588
L. Podsedkowski
Fundamental Control Concepts for Implementation of Transmission-Based Actuators in Robotics and Automation ... 3594
T.C. Widner and W.R. Hamel
A Class of Nonlinear PID Global Regulators for Robot Manipulators ...................................... 3601
V. Santibafiez and R. Kelly
Feedback Control for Robotic Manipulator with Uncertain Gnematics and Dynamics .......................... 3607
C. C. Cheah. S. Kawamura and S. Arimoto
Disturbance Attenuation and Load Decoupling with HmPositive J oint Torque Feedback ....................... 36 13
F. Aghili, M. Buehler and J.M. Hollerbach
Capturing Pyramidal-Like Objects .................................................................. 3619
M. Kaneko, M. Kessler, A. Weigl and H. Tolle
A Unified Distributed Cooperation Strategy for Multiple Object Handling Robots
M.N. Ahmadabadi and N. Eiji
............................ 3625
Coordinated Motion Generation and Real-Time Grasping Force Control for Multi-Fingered Manipulation ......... 3631
Z.X. Li, Z. Qin, S. Jiang and L. Han
Controlling the Power Grasp with Incomplete Touch Sensor Information .................................... 3639
M.I. Vuskovic, G.R. Dunlop and K. Filali-Adib
A Geometric Approach of Form Tolerance Formulation and Evaluation ..................................... 3646
J.B. Gou, Y.X. Chu and Z.X. Li
Localization Algorithms: Performance Evaluation and Reliability Analysis .................................. 3652
Y.X. Chu, J.B. Gou, H. Wu and Z.X. Li
Computer-Assisted Gripped and Fixture Customization Using Rapid-Prototyping Technology ................... 3658
V.B. Velasco, Jr. and W.S. Newman
On the Hybrid Workpiece LocalizatiodEhvelopment Problems ........................................... 3665
Y.X. Chu, J.B. Gou and Z.X. Li
An Incremental Version of Growth Distance .......................................................... 3671
C-J. Ong and E. Huang
A Framework for Efficient Minimum Distance Computations ............................................. 3678
D.E. Johnson and E. Cohen
Computing Distances between NURBS-defined Convex Objects .......................................... 3685
C. Turnbull and S. Cameron
Design of a Collision Detection VLSI Processor Based on Minimization of Area-Time Products ................. 3691
M. Hariyama and M. Kameyama
Autonomous Land Vehicle Navigation Using Millimeter Wave Radar ...................................... 3697
S. Clark and H. Durrant- Whyte
Autonomous Underground Navigation of an LHD Using a Combined ICP and EKF Approach ................... 3703
R. Madhavan, M. W.M.G. Dissanayake and H. F. Durrant-Whyte
2 Dimensional Landmark-Based Position Estimation from a Single Image ................................... 3709
A.J . Muiioz and J. Gonzalez
Mobile Robot Exploration and Map-Building with Continuous Localization ................................. 37 15
B. Yamauchi, A.C. Schultz and W. Adams

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