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EuroRIs-Net FinalWorkshop DrAgenda

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Final Workshop

11th October 2011, Athens, Greece

National Hellenic Research Foundation
"Leonidas Zervas" Auditorium, 48, Vas. Constantinou Avenue

Scope of event:

The scope of this workshop, organised in combination with the closure meeting of EuroRIs‐
Net and the beginning of the new project EuroRIs‐Net+, is to discuss the current challenges
that Research Infrastructures (RIs) address ‐ being a key component of the ERA and the
Innovation Union – and the contribution of RI stakeholders (including RIs NCP network) in
this direction.

Through an open dialogue with RI stakeholders, EuroRIs‐Net will highlight the added value
achieved and the opportunities emerging through good practice exchange among RI NCPs
and RI policy structures at the national level, in round table discussions with national /
regional authorities and RI operators. Discussion will focus on the necessity to support
synergy and complementarity in RIs’ funding linked to the smoother and more viable
implementation and usage of RIs, as well as an increase in regional competitiveness. Case
studies from national / regional practices will be presented to demonstrate successful
paradigms. The international experience will be discussed through the presentation of a
relevant case study from a RI NCP from the ICPCs of our network.

In that sense, the workshop will provide a dialogue setting for the creative exchange of
information among RI stakeholders, mainly focussing on RI operators, national and regional
programme managers, users’ scientific communities and the broader Innovation and
Technology sector, highlighting the need for further collaboration and exchange of best
practices already followed in successful RI projects (including presentations of examples and
recommendations from countries that have succeeded in allocating Structural Funds to fund
RIs). More specifically, the role of e‐Infrastructures will be analysed, in terms of their
horizontal impact to RIs’ faster implementation and usage. Discussions will focus on
successful implementations of RIs can create ‘research market’ opportunities for industry (in
parallel to the need for good practice adaptations, also at the NCP level), as well as on
human capital, training, and innovation as an important accelerator of results.

A poster session will be also offered in the exhibition area outside the auditorium of NHRF.
Preliminary agenda
9:00 Welcome and opening notes:
• GSRT representative
• EKT/NHRF representative
• GR RI programme national representative / ESFRI delegate

• Opening: Mr Christos Profilis, Project officer, DG Research and Innovation, Research

Infrastructures Unit
SESSION A – Chair: Mr Evangelos Bouboukas, EKT/NHRF Director, Vice‐president NHRF

9:30 – 10:30 RIs for European excellence and an efficient Research and Innovation strategy

Keynote Speakers:
• FP7 interim evaluation and the Research Infrastructures initiatives: Recommendations and
o Prof. Costas Fotakis, President of FORTH, Foundation for Research and Technology ‐
Hellas (FORTH), Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser (IESL), Member of the Experts
Committee of EU for the Interim Evaluation of the 7th Framework Programme
• Current indications and future perspectives for successful complementarities in RI funding
o Mr Christos Profilis, Project officer, DG Research and Innovation, Research
Infrastructures Unit
• “Mapping of excellence” in Europe, based on the performance of researchers in ERC calls and
the attractiveness of host institutions
o Dr Theodore Papazoglou, ERC, Head of Unit “Support to the Scientific Council”

10:30‐ 10:45 Q&A

10:45 – 11:00 Short coffee break

SESSION B – Round table chair: Mr Wim Jansen, DG INFSO, Géant & e‐Infrastructure Unit

11:00 – 12:30 National, regional and international experiences on RIs implementation – Is RIs’
use and development optimised?

o EuroRIs‐Net presentation
o Exchange of experience from national, regional paradigms
ƒ Mr. Jean‐Pierre Caminade, Senior advisor for partnerships, Synchrotron SOLEIL
ƒ Prof. Giorgio Rossi, CNR – IOM, Project Co‐ordinator of NFFA
ƒ Dr. Georges Dagher, Deputy Director clinical research department, INSERM,
Leader of funding & financing, BBMRI
ƒ Dr. Leo Plugge, Surf Foundation, WTR ‐ Scientific Technical Council
ƒ Mr Daan Du Toit, DST, RI NCP S. Africa, Minister Counsellor (Science and
Technology): South African Mission to the European Union ‐ international
experience case study: South Africa
o e‐infrastructures in the National Strategic Framework Programme of Greece
ƒ EKT / GRNET S.A. case studies
o Debate

12:30 ‐13:30 Lunch break

Session C ‐ Good practices and innovation synergies

Round table – Chair: Mr Christos Profilis, DG Research & Innovation

PART A ‐ 13:30 – 14:45 Good practices at the national and project level
• Presentations from RI NCPs (e.g. Norwegian, Spanish, Turkish NCPs, etc) – good practices for
RI national policy and implementation structures
• Dr. Johannes Janssen, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), ERA‐Instruments coordinator
– ERA‐Instruments recommendations on Life Sciences Instrumentation
• Dr. Ognjen Prnjat , GRNET S.A., SEERA‐EI coordinator – Useful indications and conclusions
from e‐Infrastructures initiatives at the South‐East ERA

14:45 – 15:00 Coffee break – short break

PART B ‐ 15:00 – 16:00 Research Infrastructures offering boost for innovation & the need for
development of synergies

• Research Infrastructures & Clusters – working together?

o Prof. Vassilios Makios, Corallia, Hellenic Technology Clusters Initiative – Actual
indications for RI & Industry links
o Dr. Rachael Jack, STFC, coordinator of EIRISS study: Instrumentation for Research
o Mr. Jean‐Pierre Caminade, Synchrotron SOLEIL, France ‐ The experience of ERF
(European Association of National Research Facilities Open to International Access)
• Specific examples highlighting RI/industry links and opportunities
o Mrs Maryline Lengert – ESA (European Space Agency), Italy ‐ Strategic Plan for a
Scientific Cloud Computing infrastructure for Europe


16:00 – 16:30 Final Conclusions / recommendations for the future

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