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Volleyball Rules and Regulations

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Vol l eybal l r ul es and r egul at i ons

The objective in volleyball is to keep the ball from striking the floor on your
side of the net and return it so that it strikes the floor on your opponents
side, before they can return it.

The ball is put into play by the right back position (1) from behind
the rear boundary line using either an underhand or overhand serve.
The serve must go over the net within the court boundaries on the
other side. A serve that hits the net and still goes over to the other side
is a good serve and referred to as a let serve.
The ball can only be played with 3 touches, per team, per play, and
then must be sent over the net. The ball can go over the net with less
then 3 touches without penalty.
The ball may not be hit 2 times in a row by any one player.
Only front row players are allowed to contact the ball above the net
with intention to attack. However, a back row player may attack the
ball upon the net if they are behind the 10 ft. line.
If the serving team loses the serve (ball lands on their own side or ball
is hit out of bounds), the other team obtains service and a point. This
is called a side out/point.
A ball that lands on the boundary line is considered in.
For every side out made, the team that is awarded the serve must
rotate in a clockwise manner.
If the ball hits the ceiling and goes over the net, it is a dead ball. If the
ball hits the ceiling and falls back onto the original side, it is playable
if there are still hits available.
In rally scoring, a point is awarded at the end of every play no matter
who is serving.
Each game is played to 25 points and the winning team must win by at
least 2 points.
The match is a best of 5 contest.

Court and equipment
The court is 60 ft. long and 30 ft. wide
The boundary lines are 2 inches wide.
A 4 inch line divides the court at 30 ft.
A mens net is 8 ft. high
A womens net is 7 ft. 4 1/8 inches.

Court Positions:
Right back
Center back
Left back
Left front
Center front
Right front

Volleyball Terminology
1. Block: Defensive play by the player(s) in the front row who place
their hands and arms above the net so that a spiked ball rebounds into
the opponents court.
2. Pass: The forearm pass made on balls below the waist.
3. Game Point: The last point in any game.
4. Set: The overhead pass using the fingertips of an open hand
5. Rotation: The shifting of players, clockwise, just before a new person
6. Attack: An approach to the net, a vertical jump, and a forceful hit of
the ball down onto the opponents court.
7. Touch: When a player attempts to block the ball unsuccessfully and it
continues onto their own side of the court. This does not count as one
of the 3 hits allowed per side.
8. Tip: Attempting to trick the defense by dumping the ball right over
the net.
9. Defensive specialist (DS): A player who only plays in the back row.
10. Libero: A DS that wears a different color jersey from the rest of the
team that can enter the back row ONLY for any player throughout the
game. This does not count against the teams substitution count.
11. Substitution: At a dead ball opportunity, the coach signals the
referee that he/she would like to make a player change. In volleyball,
once a player subs in for another player, they cannot return in the
game for a different player. A total of 18 substitutions are allowed per

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