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Thaumatrope Assignment
CTE-DV: 0045-47; 0004,0007
Proe!t "ra#e
Where #i# it all $egin%
No one really knows exactly when the thought of animation first developed, but you could argue that
even as early as cave dwelling man, people wanted to express motion.
Ca&e paintings
The earliest examples derive from still drawings, which can be found in Palaeolithic cave paintings,
where animals are depicted with multiple sets of legs in super-imposed positions, clearly attempting
to convey the perception of motion.
Eg'ptian murals
An gyptian mural, approximately !""" years old, shows
wrestlers in action. ven though this may appear similar to a
series of animation drawings, there was no way of viewing
the images in motion. #t does, however, indicate the artist$s
intention of depicting motion.
Thaumatrope ()*+4,
A thaumatrope was a toy used in the %ictorian era. #t was a disk
or card with two different pictures on each side that was
attached to two pieces of string. &hen the strings were twirled
'uickly between the fingers the two pictures appear to combine
into a single image.
Persistence of Vision
(ur eyes have sensors that retain an image for a moment, so the brain continues to perceive an
image for a fraction of a second after the image has passed. As the eye sees a series of still
images very 'uickly one picture after another, the series of 'uick flashes is perceived as one
continuous image.
Phi Phenomenon
Apparent motion resulting from an orderly se'uence of stimuli )as lights flashed in rapid succession
a short distance apart on a sign* without any actual motion being presented to the eye.
A toy that was popular in %ictorian times. A disk or card with a picture on each side is attached to two
pieces of string. &hen the strings are twirled 'uickly between the fingers the two pictures appear to
combine into a single image due to the phi phenomenon and persistence of vision.
Optical Illusion
A visually perceived image that is deceptive or
misleading. An ob+ect causing a false visual
The period of ,ritish history when -ueen %ictoria
ruled. it includes the entire second half of the
nineteenth century, a time when -ritain .as the
most po.er/ul nation in the .orl#
The Art and technology of motion-picture photography. #t involves the composition of a scene,
lighting of the set and actors, choice of cameras, camera angle, and integration of special effects to
achieve the photographic images desired by the director. /inematography focuses on relations
between the individual shots and groups of shots that make up a scene to produce a film$s effect.
Using a 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper measure out a rectangle that is
4x8. Fold the paper in half.
0raw your first image on the inside flap.
0raw you second image on the outside flap.
Please keep in mind that when the thaumatrope is used properly the im
ages with merge.
!ut the paper where it is folded.
"lue pictures together with the stick in the
middle. #llow glue to dry.
$rite your name on the stick.
%o use& roll the stick 'etween your palms.
(igital )isuali*ation +U,+-! #..-"/01/% 2/1 %3#U0#%+2P1
#ll -ncluded 0issing 2ne 0issing %wo 0issing %hree 0issing Four or 0ore
4 4 4 4 4
0erges 0erges 0erges 0erges 0erges
.tick .tick .tick .tick .tick
#ll "lued #ll "lued #ll "lued #ll "lued #ll "lued
/ame /ame /ame /ame /ame
!2/.%+U!%-2/ 1xcellent "ood Fair Poor /one
(1.-"/ and
4U#9-%: 1xcellent "ood Fair Poor /one
!+1#%-)-%: 1xcellent "ood Fair Poor /one
01+"1 1xcellent "ood Fair Poor /one
1xtra effort went into
!lass time was used !lass time was not
!lass time was not
used !onstant redirection
%-01 #/( 1FF2+% the creation of the
wisely. always used wisely. wisely. was needed.

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