This document discusses noise in deep submicron digital designs. It defines noise as any deviation from the nominal voltage levels that causes a logic value to change unexpectedly. Several noise sources are explained, including leakage noise from subthreshold currents, charge-sharing noise between nodes, and crosstalk noise from capacitive coupling between nets. It introduces the concept of noise stability and describes a static noise analysis methodology to systematically analyze noise in digital circuits.
This document discusses noise in deep submicron digital designs. It defines noise as any deviation from the nominal voltage levels that causes a logic value to change unexpectedly. Several noise sources are explained, including leakage noise from subthreshold currents, charge-sharing noise between nodes, and crosstalk noise from capacitive coupling between nets. It introduces the concept of noise stability and describes a static noise analysis methodology to systematically analyze noise in digital circuits.
This document discusses noise in deep submicron digital designs. It defines noise as any deviation from the nominal voltage levels that causes a logic value to change unexpectedly. Several noise sources are explained, including leakage noise from subthreshold currents, charge-sharing noise between nodes, and crosstalk noise from capacitive coupling between nets. It introduces the concept of noise stability and describes a static noise analysis methodology to systematically analyze noise in digital circuits.
This document discusses noise in deep submicron digital designs. It defines noise as any deviation from the nominal voltage levels that causes a logic value to change unexpectedly. Several noise sources are explained, including leakage noise from subthreshold currents, charge-sharing noise between nodes, and crosstalk noise from capacitive coupling between nets. It introduces the concept of noise stability and describes a static noise analysis methodology to systematically analyze noise in digital circuits.
IBM T. J . Watson Research Center Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 Abstract As t echnol ogy scales i nt o t he deep s ubmi cr on regi me, noi s e i mmu n i t y i s becoming a me t r i c of comparable i mpor t ance t o area, timing, and power f o r t he analy- si s and desi gn of VLSI s ys t ems . Th i s paper def i nes noi s e as it pert ai ns t o digital s ys t ems and addresses t he t echnol ogy t rends whi ch are bri ngi ng noi s e i ssues t o t he f oref ront . The noi se sources whi ch are plagu- ing di gi t al s ys t ems are ezpl ai ned. A met r i c referred t o as noi s e st abi l i t y i s defined, and a st at i c noi se anal y- si s met hodol ogy based o n t hi s met r i c is introduced t o demons t r at e how noi se can be analyzed syst emat i cal l y. Anal ys i s i s s ues associated wi t h on- chi p i nt erconnect are also consi dered. Thi s paper concl udes with a dis- cus s i on of t he device, ci rcui t , l ayout , and logic desi gn i s s ues associated wi t h noi se. 1 Introduction Noise immunity has always been a metric of interest in analog circuit design where the noise sources of princi- pal concern are those associated with physical effects - shot noise, thermal noise, flicker noise, and burst noise[l]. In contrast, the pervasiveness of digital sys- tems is in great part due to their inherent noise im- munity. Digital circuits use a range of analog voltages to define a logic 1 and logic O, where degradation of these voltages due to noise would cause them to fall out of the valid ranges. High-gain logic gates, the best examples being CMOS inverters, restore these logic values by means of nonlinear voltage transfer charac- teristics which significantly reduce noise near the high and low voltage rails[2]. These gates are usually re- ferred to as rest ori ng logic gates. The high gain of digital circuits, however, results in new man-made noise sources, which can be sev- eral orders of magnitude greater than those associated with the physical silicon devices. This first became a problem in the context of mixed digital-analog ICs in which the noisy digital circuits could strongly in- fluence the noise-sensitive analog ones[3]. With the continued scaling of CMOS technology and with per- formance requirements which are driving designs in the direction of more noise-sensitive dynamic circuits, man-made noise sources are becoming an issue even in purely digital designs. I n modern CMOS processes, more levels of interconnect (>6 levels) are being packed closer together (minimum spacing <0.3 p m) , increasing the amount of capacitive coupling between nets. To maintain drive strength in the face of scaled- down power supply voltages, threshold voltages are 1063-6757/96 $5.00 0 1996 IEEE also scaled lower. Lower threshold voltages result in lower noise margins and increased leakage noise. Noise in deep submicron digital circuits must now be ana- lyzed and designed as a metric of comparable impor- tance to area, timing, and power. 2 Noise in deep submicron digital de- signs 2.1 What is noise? We begin this discussion with a few useful definitions. An eval uat i on node is a circuit node that forms the connection between channel connected components in the design. Pass transistors are one exception to this rule, in that it is useful to treat both the source and drain as evaluation nodes. St at i c eval uat i on nodes are evaluation nodes which always have a conducting path to power or ground. St at i c ci rcui t s are circuits in which all evaluation nodes are static. The imped- ance which holds an evaluation node high or low is re- ferred to as the node i mpedance. Dy nami c eval uat i on nodes are evaluation nodes that during some part of normal system operation are disconnected from power and ground; that is, they have an infinite node imped- ance and a logic value determined by a charge stored on a capacitor. Dy nami c ci rcui t s are circuits which contain dynamic evaluation nodes. Noi s e can be defined as anything that causes the voltage of an evaluation node to deviate from the nom- inal supply or ground rails when it should otherwise have a stable high or low value (i.e., the node is not switching) as determined by the logic and delay of the circuit. Noise can be characterized by its peak magnitude relative to the nominal supply and ground rails and its behavior in the time-domain. Noise sources that reduce an evaluation node voltage below the supply level (VDD) are denoted VH, while noise sources that increase an evaluation node voltage above the ground level (GND) are denoted VL. Noise may also be boot- strapping if it increases a node voltage above the sup- ply level (V**) or below the ground level (VL.). For the purposes of determining how circuits respond to noise, one can abstract time-domain response into one of two categories - DC noise and pulse noise as shown in Figure 1. These two noise behaviors are discussed in detail in the context of noise sources in Section 2.2. Pulse noise on an otherwise high logic level is, for ex- ample, denoted as VFl se while DC noise on an other- wise high logic level is denoted as Vgc. 524 "DD .................................. ._____ Dc ............................................................... (a) 1 f v u ................. _____............. - vPul= v- VDD t- H Figure 1: Time domain abstractions for noise: (a) DC noise and (b) pulse noise 2.2 Noise sources in digital systems The noise sciurces most relevant to digital design are leakage nIDise, power supply noise, charge-sharing noise, and crosstalk noise. 2.2.1 Leakage noise Leakage noise is generally applied to the context of dynamic nodes and comes from two sources. There is leakage noise due to the off current of FETs, which allows charge. to drain from or accumulate on the dynamic node. This is largely due to subthreshold current and is directly determined by the threshold voltage and the temperature, Another leakage noise source is minority carrier back-injection into the sub- strate due to bootstrapping. This is sometimes re- ferred to as substrate noise in the context of mixed analog-digital. ICs[4]. One solution for substrate noise is to introduce guard bands, n-type diffusions tied to the supply voltage to collect the minority carrier electrons[3, 51. Substrate noise becomes less of a prob- lem at scaled power supply voltages because of the need to bootstrap more than - 0.6V and, therefore, is not considered in the static noise analysis methodol- ogy discussed in Section 3. Leakage noise can also be used in reference to static evaluation nodes, in which the "leakage" is ratioed against a static path holding the node in the opposite direction. Leakage noise is a DC noise source because it changes the steady-state logic high or low voltage value on a time scale which is slowly varying with respect the the system clock, a time scale which werefer to as the phase time. 2.2.2 Charge-sharing noise and crosstalk Charge-sharing noise is produced by charge redistrib- ution between a dynamic evaluation node and inter- nal nodes of the circuit. Figure 2(a) shows a circuit in which charge sharing noise is graphed under four noise conditions in Figure 2(b).l In (z), the charge shar- ing noise is calculated in the absence of a half-latch PFET device for Al l A2, A3, and A4 simultaneously switching from low to high, while B1, B2, B3, and B4 are low. (ii) shows the same situation in the pres- ence of a half-latch. In (iii), Al , A2, A3, and A4 are assumed to be logically orthogonal (i. e., at most one of these signals may be '1' at the same time), a Boolean satisfiability constraint that can be verified through binary-decision diagram techniques[7, 81, but no half-latch is used. In (iv), logical orthogonality and a half-latch are assumed. (bl Figure 2: Charge sharing noise: (a) circuit and (b) dynamic node voltage Crosstalk noise is the voltage induced on a node due to capacitive coupling to a switching node of another net. Figure 3 shows the noise coupling onto three dif- ferent types of evaluation nodes from a single noise source switching with a fall time of loops with simple capacitive coupling. 2.4 cy ' - - - 1 1110.0 i - . 0.5 1.0 1 3 211 nm Figure 3: Coupling noise calculated for three circuit topologies (a) Pass transistor (b) Two inverters (c) Dynamic node of domino stage Both crosstalk and charge-sharing noise are pulse noise sources, in which the leading edge is determined by a switching signal on the chip and the trailing edge is determined by the node impedance charging or dis- charing the capacitance of the evaluation node. The time constant of this response is referred to as the restoring time constant, since it is the time it takes the node to be restored to its static value. For dy- namic nodes, as in cases (iii) and (i) of Figure 2, this 'The simulations shown in this paper are performed in a 0 . 5 ~ ~ 7 1 CMOS process described in detail elsewhere [SI. 525 time constant is infinite (i.e., the node never recovers). For static paths that drive through pass gates, as in Figure 3(a), this time constant can be very long. 2.2.3 Power supply noise Power supply noise explicitly refers to noise appearing on the supply and ground nets of the chip and cou- pled onto evaluation nodes through a FET conduction path. Figure 4 shows the actual supply variation as measured on a fourth-level metal sense point near the on-chip cache of a CMOS microprocessor running at a clock period of 7 nsec. Power supply noise contains / I 4 - ! ~ ........................ .-r ........................................... 1 . I . I . --_I_ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ -- I . . I I I I 8 . I . I . I . I . both a DC and sinusoidal content. The DC compo- nent of power supply noise is produced by the IR drop through the power and ground nets due to the aver- age current demands over the chip. The DC compo- nent of power supply noise can be reduced through a denser or wider interconnect structure for the power and ground network. The sinusoidal component of power supply noise comes from the RLC response of the chip and package to current demands that peak at the beginning of the clock cycle. I n addition to si- nusoidal variation, a sharply peaked current demand may also produce higher frequency components, which can be largely suppressed by the use or placement of on-chip decoupling capacitors[9]. I n Figure 4, there is some higher frequency content around 1 GHz. Since power supply variations vary slowly relative to circuit frequency response, they are generally treated as DC for analysis purposes. 2.3 How do we know when the system will function? The fundamental goal of a conservative noise analysis methodology is to guarantee that on every evaluation node in the circuit, the correct 1 or 0 value is defined by voltages that fall within one of two valid ranges for all times that a stable high or low logic value should be present as determined by the logic and delay of the circuit. For dynamic evaluation nodes, this goal is essential since no static path exists to restore the cor- rect logic state in the case of noise. I t is also essential for many bistable circuits. One example of this would be VL* coupling noise feeding the pass gate of a latch in which the gate of the pass gate is 0 and the latch stores a 1. If TIL* exceeds the threshold voltage of the NFET of the pass gate, the latch can be drained and flipped to a 0 without a chance for recovery. Sta- tic evaluation nodes in the absence of feedback will, in general, recover from pulse noise if one waits for a restoring time constant to elapse; however, the stabil- ity of logic signals due to noise is not something that is practical to manage in predicting performance and cycle time. One way to ensure functionality for static CMOS logic gates is to define DC noise margins, NML and NMH such that the bistable circuits shown in Figure 5 do not switch and NMH +NML is maximum[lO]. This corresponds to biasing each gate at the unity gain point in its DC voltage transfer characteristic. For noise V <NMH and VL <NML, gates will al- ways be biased into regions of their voltage transfer characteristics in which noise is attenuated. U U Figure 5: Latch circuits which define DC noise mar- gins for CMOS NOR, NAND, and NOT gates. DC noise margins are much too conservative to ap- ply against the magnitude of pulse noise sources, be- cause they fail to consider the fact that logic gates act as low-pass filters. Noi s e t ol erance is a general- ized view of noise margins applied to triangular pulsed noise sources, in which different noise margins are cal- culated for different pulse amplitudes and widths[l l]. In order to handle nonrestoring logic gates, such as pass transistors, and provide more precision in han- dling pulse noise and bootstrap noise sources, one can further generalize the idea of noise tolerance, which applies to an individual logic gate, to the concept of noise stability which applies to the entire digital cir- cuit. Consider the case in which noise is present on every evaluation node juxtaposed in time in the worst allowable way. The worst possible magnitude at which noise can exist in the circuit defines a bias point. At this bias point, the circuit is defined to be noise stable if for any one noise source, a small change in its am- plitude of c~K results in a noise amplitude change on any evaluate node of 6 6 such that 16vj /SK 1 <1 with i, j E { L, H, L*, H*}. 2. 4 Noise and delay As an aside, capacitive coupling and power supply variations can also have a direct effect on delay that must also be considered independent of this noise analysis. Leakage noise and power supply noise re- sult in lower or higher supply levels, which reduce 526 or enhance the current drive of a circuit and conse- quently increase or decrease the delay. Coupling noise can cause the effective line capacitance to increase or decrease in the presence of simultaneously switching noisy lines, increasing or decreasing the delay. 3 Static noise analysis In this section, we briefly introduce a static noise analysis methodology, called Har mony, which en- forces circuit stability. Details will be presented elsewhere[l2]. Dynamic simulation is not feasible for checking noise on designs with tens of millions of tran- sistors. Instead, as with timing, static analysis tech- niques which couple simulations on small numbers of transistors (basically individual gates) with a path trace are used. Worst-case preconditioning assump- tions and (in most cases) worst-case temporal rela- tionships drive the simulations. At the same time, global interconnect is handled with more sophistica- tion than local circuit interconnect in determining the magnitude of coupling noise. Analysis is based on constructing a noise graph abstraction, which follows very closely 1,hetiming graphs used in static timing analysis[l3]. As in the case of static timing analysis in which waveforms are abstracted as saturate ramps, the actual dynamic waveforms are simplified to pulse or DC waveshapes. In the case of precharged logic, only noise against the reset state is considered since this is the transition that contains the logical informa- tion of the ciIcuit. Power supply noise is also assumed to be characterized by a DC value. 3.1 Constructing a noise graph The steps to constructing a noise graph from a circuit are outlined below. 3.1.1 Evaluation node identification and di- rection setting The evaluation nodes in the circuit are identified. Ba- sic topologies; are recognized - restoring logic stages, domino logic stages, simple inverter feedbacks, weak pullups, and pass transistor stages. Evaluation nodes which are precharged in dynamic logic stages are iden- tified as precharge eval uat i on nodes. These nodes po- tentially require charge-sharing noise calculation as discussed in Section 3.1.3. Transistor directions are set using the simple rules-based approach of J ouppi[ 141. This is of principal concern for pass gates. Feedbacks are recognized so that they can be independently pre- conditioned. Floating capacitors are broken and tied to ground w:hen connected to any nodes other than evaluation nodes (i.e., coupling is only considered to evaluation nodes). This is not a significant source of error since evaluation nodes will be the only nodes with significant interconnection length. Nodes which feed NFET pass transistors are identified as bootstrap- down eval uat i on nodes, since they will be sensitive to V p while nodes which feed PFET pass transistors are identified as bootstrap-up eval uat i on nodes since they will be sensitive to V . . 3.1.2 Calculate the coupling noise and restor- ing time constants for each evaluation node in the circuit For wire lengths less than - lmm, we ignore resis- tance. In addition, all signals coupled to the given evaluation node are assumed to switch simultaneously at a minimum slew time (t;:,). I n Section 4, we show how these assumptions are relaxed in the case of long interconnect. Static paths are preconditioned to keep the evaluation nodes quiet against the noise source, including feedback paths. All pass transistors are configured off except that configuration which pro- duces the highest static resistance to supply or ground to produce worst-case coupling noise on the node in question. VH and Vh due to coupling are calculated at each evaluation node, except precharge evaluation nodes, for which only VH or VL is calculated, depend- ing on whether the node is precharge high or low. For bootstrap-down evaluation nodes, VL* is also calcu- lated while for bootstrap-up evalaution nodes, VH- is calculated. Each coupling noise waveshape is ab- stracted as a pulse waveform with a leading edge deter- mined by a maximum slew time (t;::) and a trailing edge determined by a restoring time constant. Figure 3 shows the typical results of such a simulation. 3.1.3 Charge sharing noise is calculated on all precharge evaluation nodes Charge-sharing noise is calculated for all precharge evaluate nodes identified topologically. In every stack connected to the precharge evaluate node, the top de- vice and bottom device are configured off. All other devices in the leg of the NFET stack are on. The top devices are then switched simultaneously for par- allel stacks. In the presence of an evaluate NFET foot device in the domino NFET stack, the foot device is considered on. Logic constraints can be used to reduce pessimism as shown in Figure 2. The charge sharing and coupling noise are summed to determine the total pulse noise on the evaluation node. 3.1.4 Draw the directed segments connecting evalution nodes in the noise graph Now that the evaluation nodes and pulse noise sources on each of these nodes is defined, the next step is to connect the nodes by directed segments according to the circuit structure to define the noise graph. There are two basic types of segments in a noise graph - a rest ori ng segment and a propagat e segment. A rest ori ng segment connects evaluation nodes in the case that the DC transfer characteristic shows gain. Restoring segments are identified by dashed lines and connect inputs and outputs of restoring logic gates. A propagate segment is one which propagates noise from one evaluation node to another without gain. Chan- nel conduction in a pass gate, for example, is repre- sented by a propagate segment. Propagate segments are denoted by solid lines. Both types of segments are labelled by noise type. A power-supply noise segment is a special propagate segment in which the source 527 node is ground or supply. The power supply noise is propagated as VL from ground and VH from supply. For bootstrap-up nodes, V * is also propagated from supply and V p from ground. Figure 6 shows an ex- ample of a noise graph, in this case for a latch driving a domino gate. I -+ Figure 6: (a) Circuit and (b) noise graph for a latch driving a domino stage 3.2 Propagating noise through a graph Once the noise graph is constructed, it is searched in a breadth-first fashion to propagate noise through the network and, in the case of restoring segments, to perform the sensitivity tests required to ensure noise stability. search 3.2.1 Propagate segments On each propagate segment , the peak output voltage waveform is calculated for the DC noise and pulse noise appearing on the input. This peak voltage is propagated as DC noise onto the output evaluation node; therefore, the DC noise appearing on the in- put is that propagated from previous stages as well as that introduced as power supply noise. This assump- tion introduces pessimism into the analysis but elim- inates the need to propagate time-domain response while taking into account the low-pass filter charac- teristics of logic gates. 3.2.2 Restoring segments For restoring logic, there will, in general, be multiple inputs entering the same stage. A set of inputs form a noi se equivalence class when the worst-case response at the output is produced when those inputs are simul- taneously excited by noise. This allows us to perform a worst-case analysis for noise without knowledge of the relative timing of noise events. Two distinct types of simulations are performed for restoring logic segments. The first is a simulation to check stability and the sec- ond, performed conditionally based on the results of the first, propagates noise to the output. In both sim- ulations, for a given input and given noise type, VH or V, other conduction paths in parallel with the one in question are preconditioned on except for the tran- sistor closest to the evaluate node, which will be noise equivalent to the input under test. Feedback paths are also preconditioned to hold the node at the static level during both simulations. The first simulation checks the condition of noise stability, which must be done for restoring logic stages since they have gain. Let i denote different inputs of a noise equivalence class. Let (V,); denote the DC voltage on input i, let ( Vr l s e) i denote the pulse volt- age appearing on input i, and let V, be the output voltage, then for all equivalence classes, for all i in an equivalence class, where p, v E { L, H, L*, H* . This is a sufficient con- conditions localizes the global stability definition of Section 2.3 to an effective stability analysis on a single stage by requiring subunity sensitivity in magnitude against all the noise propagated from previous stages. The derivatives are evaluated at the bias point de- termined by the noise appearing on the inputs of the equivalence class. These sensitivities can be readily calculated in certain timing simulators in the time- domain by the direct or adjoint methods[l5, 161. In the event of a violation, the noise and noise sensitivi- ties for all the inputs in the equivalence class contain- ing the violation are reported. The noise source (input and DC/pulse) of the highest sensitivity is the most likely candidate for repair. For those equivalence classes which do have stabil- ity violations, a second simulation is performed similar to that performed for propagate segments in which the actual DC and pulse noise is simultaneously applied to each input in the class to determine the output noise. For those equivalence classes which are in violation, a recovery mechanism exists to provide a worst-case voltage to propagate forward in the path search. In this simulation the same pulse is applied to each in- put in an equivalence class in the absense of a DC bias to determine the output voltage at the unity gain point. This generally represents the most pessimistic output noise. Figure 7 shows the pulse transfer char- acteristic that would be calculated as part of this simulation for an and-or-invert gate for one particular noise equivalence class with a restoring time constant of Ins. The inset shows the configuration used in each case. These look similar in their hysteretic behavior to the AC transfer characteristics of Ref. 17. dition to ensure circuit sta k ility. The first of the two 3.2.3 A DC noise value and a pulse noise value are stored on each evaluation node during path traversal. When Implied rules of the path trace 528 static timing analysis. P I Figure 7: Pulse transfer characteristic and-or-invert static CMOS gate for (a){Al, Bl} VL + VH equiv- alence class and (b) {Al, A2} V -+VL equivalence class multiple restoring segments converge on a node, the propagated noise is the worst of the converged seg- ments. When multiple propagate segments converge on a node, the noise sources are summed. When prop- agate and restoring segments converge on an evalua- tion node, the worst of the propagated output noises from the restoring segments is added to the sum of the propagate segment noises. 4 Long interconnect analysis In calculating coupling as in Section 3.1.2, we made two significant simplifying assumptions regarding in- terconnect - that we could ignore resistance and that wecould assume that all of the coupling sources were simultaneously switching. In calculating the coupling noise in long interconnect, resistance must be consid- ered. In addition, coupling noise calculation on long interconnect :s one place where the addition of timing information to break temporal correlation can have a big effect on reducing pessimism in the analysis. We define the primary net as the net on which we wish to calculate the noise at each receiver. The sec- ondary nets are those nets coupled to the primary net. There itre two possible network simplifications that can be used in long interconnect analysis, both shown in Figure 8. Driver outputs are modeled as resistances and receiver inputs are modeled as ca- pacitances. These linear networks are easily ana- lyzed by moment-matching techniques such as AWE or PVL[18, l!)]. Four poles are usually more than ade- quate to determine the response. In Figure 8(a only the resistance of the primary net is considered. &he re- sistances on the secondary nets are ignored. In Figure 8(b), the resistances on both primary and secondary nets is considered, which is more accurate since it con- siders RC delays in the secondary net. The coupling capacitance between the secondary nets and other nets is assumed tc, be grounded. In both cases, two types of analysis are possible - one that assumes worst case temporal correlation of noise sources and one that attempts to break tempo- ral correlation with the addition of information from T T - i Figure 8: Long interconnect analysis for (a) resis- tances only on the primary net and (b) for resistances on both the primary and secondary nets 4.1 Worst-case temporal correlation of In this case, each noise source is a voltage waveform with a slew time t:::. The sources are applied one at a time while the other sources are grounded and the peak magnitudes are added at the receiver. This is equivalent to assuming that the noise voltage ar- rives at each coupling capacitor at the time required to produce the worst coupling at the quiet receiver. 4.2 Using static timing analysis to break temporal correlation In this case, weconsider the following additional in- formation from static timing analysis - early and late mode arrival times and best case slews (t : f w) at each Secondary net driver. Let the driver of secondary net i begin rising at time t;. The problem is then to find the times t, that fall within the valid early and late mode arrival time windows for each secondary net dri- ver that produce the highest peak coupling noise on the given receiver. One can do this by calculating the response for each driver individually and determining the peak position at the quiet receiver. The peak po- time t, skews. The worst-case combination that satis- fies the timing orthogonality constraints is selected. noise sources sition skews immediately translate back to the arrival 529 4.3 Inductance Wi th the increasing use of wide, thick wires and the potential introduction of copper interconnect, induc- tance is becoming a concern[20]. There are two condi- tions which must be met for inductance to be signifi- cant: R <wC, where R is the resistance per unit length, C is the inductance per unit length, and w is the characteristic frequency, roughly deter- mined by the typical slew times (t,) by w =27r/t,. t, <2tf, where tf is the time-of-flight given by tf =l&i? where C is the capacitance per unit length and 1 is the length of the line[21]. Even if these two conditions are satisfied, the far end response will behave like a distributed RC line if RI >2Z0, where 2, is the characteristic impedance of the line, given by 2, =m. The complexity in calculating inductance is determining the current re- turn path. Roughly speaking, the current will return through the path of minimum R +j wC. For low U , the return path will be the path of minimum resis- tance. I n the case of solder-ball flip-chip packaging in which supply and ground are introduced throughout the chip, this will be a return path through the package for most long interconnect runs, a path of very high inductance. As w increases, the current return will seek a lower inductance (and higher resistance) return on chip. In most cases, it will find a return on a power or ground bus but in the absence of adequate power or ground distribution, current may return through a signal line. Inductance in the global interconnect has two ef- fects on noise. At the receivers of switching nets, inductive ringing may be a concern. For quiet nets within actively switching environments, inductive cou- pling tends to worsen noise at the near end while re- ducing noise at the far end. To illustrate these points, five parallel lines on 2pm thick copper interconnect are analyzed as shown in Figure 9(a). The lines are 3.6pm spaced 1.8pm apart. Line A is grounded and the current return path as- sumed for inductance calculations. Line E is actively switched while the other lines are held quiet by ac- tive drivers. Figure 9(b) shows the response at the near and far end of line E in the case of RC and RLC modelling. There is ringing at the far end when induc- tance is considered. Figure 9(c) shows the response at the near and far end of line D. Including inductance in the analysis reduces the noise at the far end while increasing the noise at the near end. 5 There are many design techniques that can be used to reduce noise. Many of these techniques are enforced as rules early in the design process, while others must be more carefully traded off. Certain circuit topologies can be restricted because of their noise sensitivity. In many cases, NFET-only pass gates are disallowed be- cause of their sensitivity to power supply noise. Pass Design issues in reducing noise Figure 9: (a) Example long interconnect structure, (b) response on the driver line, and (c) response on the quiet line. Near end is dashed and far end is solid. gates at the ends of long wires are almost always for- bidden because of their sensitivity to bootstrapping coupling noise. In general, buffers and inverters can be introduced to clean up noise at the receivers of noisy lines at the expense of additional delay. Charge- sharing noise can be controlled to a considerable ex- tent through the careful use of logic constraints as dis- cussed in Section 3.1.3 and demonstrated in Figure 2 or through the addition of babysit devices to stat- ically hold internal nodes high or low as the cost of additional power. Many device sizing techniques can be used to im- prove noise margins, almost always at the expense of additional delay. Half-latches can be added or sized up for dynamic nodes. Device lengths can be tuned up to increase thresholds and reduce leakage. Beta ratios can be adjusted to improve one noise margin at the expense of the other. To reduce coupling noise, the spacing between wires can be increased or signals can be alternately routed with power or ground. These techniques have been applied to constraint-driven routing, primarily in the context of analog or mixed-signal ICs[22]. Sometimes it is sufficient to increase the driver strength to help hold the quiet line quiet, but this is less effective in long wires because of resistive shielding. I n some cases when coupling noise is accentuated by simultaneously switching noise sources, buffers or inverters can be added onto noisy nets as delay elements to offset their switching times. In other cases, coupling noise can be reduced by decreasing overall wire length by insert- ing a repeater. In extreme cases, differential buses or DCVS logic can be used. 6 Conclusions In this paper, wehave defined noise and discussed the noise sources relevant to digital systems. We have also defined a metric, noise stability, for determin- ing design goodness and described a static analysis 530 methodology for verifying a design against this metric. Special modeling issues associated with long intercon- nect were dixussed. Several future issues were noted in the course of the discussion. 7 Acknowledgements The authors gratefully acknowledge H. Smith and D. Becker for helpful discussions about power supply noise and for providing the data in Figure 4. The au- thors also acknowledge C. Visweswariah for a careful reading of the paper. References P. R. Gray and It. G. Meyer, Analysis and De- sign of Analog Integrated Circuits, J ohn Wiley and Sons, 1984, Chapter 11. P. Larsson and C. Svensson, Noise in digital CMOS circuit^," IEEE Journal of Solid-State Cir- cuits, Vol. 29, NO. 6, 1994, pp. 655-661. L. D. Smith, et al, A CMOS-based analog stan- dard cell product family, IEEE Journal of Soliid- State Circuits, Vol. 24, No. 2, 1989, pp. 370-379. P. K. SCL, M. J . Loinaz, S. Masui, and B. A. Wooley, Experimental results and modeling tech- niques falr substrate noise in mixed-signal inte- grated circuits, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Cir- cuits, Vol. 28, NO. 4, 1993, p ~. 420-430. P. E. 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