Employment Pass / S Pass Application Form (Form 8)
Employment Pass / S Pass Application Form (Form 8)
Employment Pass / S Pass Application Form (Form 8)
18 Havelock Road
Singapore 059764
Tel: 6438 5122
Empl oyment Pass / S Pass Appl i cat i on Form (Form 8)
This form may require you to take 30 minutes to fill in.
You will need the following information to fill it:
The foreign employees:
Foreign Identification number (if applicable)
Work Permit number (if applicable)
Old/new Malaysian Identity number (if applicable)
Malaysian International Passport number (applicable to Malaysian only)
Educational qualification and work experience details
Spouse personal particulars (if accompanying spouse is a Singapore citizen / Permanent Resident /
Employment Pass / S Pass or Work Permit holder)
Spouse educational qualification (if applicable)
The employing companys:
Unique Entity Number (UEN)
Registration number (ACRA) <if applicable>
If you wish to be considered for an S Pass, you will need the employing companys CPF Submission
number (CSN)
All relevant supporting documents (as stated in Annex A) must be submitted with this application.
The application will be voided if inaccurate written information or wrong/unclear supporting documents is
submitted. You will need to resubmit a new application, and pay the required administration fee.
An administrative fee will be charged for every Employment/S Pass application submitted. You will be charged
according to the pass(es) you select. Please refer to the table below:
Pass Consideration Administrative Fee for Application
Employment Pass and S Pass $70
Employment Pass only $70
S Pass only $60
Please submit your application and make the fee payment over the counters at any SingPost post office
(MOMs appointed collecting agent). Payment can be made via cash, Cashcard or NETS.
There shall be no refund of fees paid for the application of Employment Pass/S Pass, unless the fee was not
due from the employer. Any such request for refund shall be at the discretion of the Controller of Work
MOM regularly updates its forms. The copy that you have downloaded more than 30 days ago may be
outdated, and may not be used. To ensure that you use the latest version, please download the latest copy
at http://www.mom.gov.sg
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1. For *, please tick () where appropriate.
2. Indicate Not applicable or N.A. where necessary. Do not leave any blank.
3. Please note that the processing time will take about 5 weeks.
You may check your application status online
(http://www.mom.gov.sg>Services & Forms>Employment Pass>Application Status Check).
4. Please submit this completed application form over the counters at any SingPost post office.
For official use onl y:
Date of Application: Officer ID:
1A: Employing Company General Information
Name of Employing Company/Society/Organisation:
Unique Entity Number (UEN):
Registration Number (ACRA):
Companys Email:
Tel Number: Fax Number: Mobile Number:
Correspondence Address
Block/House Number: Floor Number: Unit Number: Building Name:
Street Name: Postal Code:
1B: Financial & Other Information
Paid-up Capital (S$):
Value of Turnover of the Company in the past 3 years (Please start with the most recent year)
Year Value (S$)
Is the turnover figure from an audited account?
(For unaudited accounts or if employing company is exempted from audit, please select No.)
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Total Number of Employees
Local: (Singapore Citizen/PR) Foreign:
Affix a recent
photograph here
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2A: Pass Declaration
Is the foreign employee a Singapore Citizen or Singapore Permanent Resident?* Yes No
Please provide the FIN/Work Permit/S Pass number if the foreign employee had ever
applied for or worked in Singapore on an Employment Pass, S Pass or Work Permit
studied in Singapore on a Students Pass
stayed in Singapore on a Dependants Pass or Long Term Visit Pass.
Foreign Identification Number, FIN (FIN held previously):
Work Permit Number/S Pass Number (WP number held previously):
2B: Pass Duration
If this application is approved, the period granted may be shorter than what you have indicated.
Duration of Pass Applied for:
(up to 60 months)
2C: Pass Consideration
The foreign employee may apply for an S Pass if he/she is not a partner, sole proprietor or director of a company.
Is the foreign employee a partner, sole proprietor or director of any company?* Yes No
Does the foreign employee wish to be considered for*: (select one only)
Pass Consideration Administrati ve Fee for Application
I. Employment Pass and S Pass $70
II. Employment Pass only $70
III. S Pass Only $60
If you wish to be considered for an S Pass (selected Option (I) or (III) above, please provide the following and ensure that Declaration of
Business Activity has been done for the CPF number stated. For details on Declaration of Business Activity, please refer to
http://www.mom.gov.sg >Foreign Manpower >Passes & Visas >S Pass >Before You Apply >Documents Required.
Companys CPF Submission Number:
- -
(Consists of UEN + CPF Payment Code. Total length of either 14 or 15 digits/characters)
Please ensure that your company/firm is only making Central Provident Fund contributions to local employees that are actively employed,
for the purposes of calculating the number of foreign workers your company/firm may employ.
Applicable if application for foreign employee is made through an Employment Agency or third party.
Name of Employment Agency/Third party:
Telephone Number: Employment Agency/Third Partys Stamp:
Employment Agency Licence Number:
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4A: Personal Particulars
Please note that for S Pass holders, onl y the first 45 characters of your name will be printed on the S Pass card.
Name: (as on travel document, excluding salutations, e.g. Mr, Miss, Professor, Doctor)
Sex:* Female Male
Marital Status:* Divorced Married Separated Single Widowed
Please complete Part 6 of the application form if the foreign employee is Married.
Date of Birth - dd/mm/yyyy: Nationality:
For Malaysian onl y:
Malaysian Old Identity Card Number:
Malaysian New Identity Card Number:
Malaysian Identity Card Colour:* Blue Pink
Country of Birth: State/Province of Birth:
Country of Origin: - country where the person obtained his first
citizenship by birth or parentage
State of Origin:
Race:* Religion:*
Caucasian Chinese Indian Buddhist Christian Free Thinker Hindu
Malay Others Muslim Others Sikh Taoist
If foreign employee's marital status is 'Married', please fill in the details below:
Is accompanying spouse a Singapore Citizen or Singapore Permanent Resident, Employment/S Pass holder or Work Permit holder?*
Yes No
Name of spouse:
Spouses FIN / NRIC Number: Spouse Identification Type:* Spouses Date of Birth - dd/mm/yyyy:
4B: Travel Document Information
Travel Document Type:* Hong Kong Special Admin Region International Cert of Identity
International Passport Macau SAR Travel Permit
Travel Document Number: Date of Issue - dd/mm/yyyy: Date of Expiry - dd/mm/yyyy:
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4C: Residential Address in Singapore
Please note that if the residential address is currentl y not available, the employi ng company address will be used for this application.
You can update the Ministry of Manpower subsequentl y once the residential address is available.
Is the foreign employee currently staying in Singapore?*
No. You do not need to provide any more details
Yes. Please fill in the address below:
Correspondence Address
Block/House Number: Floor Number: Unit Number: Building Name:
Street Name: Postal Code:
Please fill in the two highest qualifications that were awarded to the foreign employee. Please note that qualification is a key criterion in the
assessment of the foreign employees eligibility for a work pass and should be provided where applicable.
5A: Education Details
(1) Awarding Body /Institution/ Uni versity awarded the qualification
Country: State/Province:
Main Campus or Affiliating College Attended: (Applicable only for India qualification)
: (e.g. for Honours Degree, state class/division; Diploma)
Specialisation: (e.g. Civil engineering) Faculty: (e.g. Engineering)
Period of Study - dd/mm/yyyy
From: To:
Mode of Study:* Distance Learning Full-Time Part-Time
Has the foreign employee submitted supporting documents for this qualification before?* Yes No
(2) Awarding Body /Institution/ Uni versity awarded the qualification
Country: State/Province:
Main Campus or Affiliating College Attended: (Applicable only for India qualification)
: (e.g. for Honours Degree, state class/division; Diploma)
Specialisation: (e.g. Civil engineering) Faculty: (e.g. Engineering)
Period of Study - dd/mm/yyyy
From: To:
Mode of Study:* Distance Learning Full-Time Part-Time
Has the foreign employee submitted supporting documents for this qualification before?* Yes No
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# Please complete the relevant information below if the qualification is STPM or MICSS
Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM)
No. of Passes attained (Inclusive of General Studies/Pengajian Am):
Principal pass-C
Subsidiary pass-R
Has the foreign employee attained a pass in General Studies/Pengajian AM?* Yes No
Malaysia Independence Chinese Secondary School (MICSS) United Examination Certificate
No. of Passes attained (Inclusive of Bahasa Inggeris/English language):
Has the foreign employee attained a pass in Bahasa Inggeris/English Language?* Yes No
5B: Societies/Organisations Membership
(Past five years to date)
(1) Society/Organisation Membership
Name of Society/Organisation:
Position Held:*
Chairman Member President Secretary
Treasurer Vice Chairman Vice President
Period - dd/mm/yyyy
From: To:
(2) Society/Organisation Membership
Name of Society/Organisation:
Position Held:*
Chairman Member President Secretary
Treasurer Vice Chairman Vice President
Period - dd/mm/yyyy
From: To:
To be completed if the foreign employees marital status in Part 4A is Married.
Foreign Employees Spouse Educational Details
(1) Awarding Body /Institution/ Uni versity awarded the qualification
Country: State/Province:
Main Campus or Affiliating College Attended: (Applicable only for India qualification)
: (e.g. for Honours Degree, state class/division; Diploma)
Specialisation: (e.g. Civil engineering) Faculty: (e.g. Engineering)
Period of Study - dd/mm/yyyy
From: To:
Mode of Study:* Distance Learning Full-Time Part-Time
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(2) Awarding Body /Institution/ Uni versity awarded the qualification
Country: State/Province:
Main Campus or Affiliating College Attended: (Applicable only for India qualification)
: (e.g. for Honours Degree, state class/division; Diploma)
Specialisation: (e.g. Civil engineering) Faculty: (e.g. Engineering)
Period of Study - dd/mm/yyyy
From: To:
Mode of Study:* Distance Learning Full-Time Part-Time
# Please complete the relevant information below if the qualification is STPM or MICSS
Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM)
No. of Passes attained (Inclusive of General Studies/Pengajian Am):
Principal pass-C
Subsidiary pass-R
Has the foreign employee attained a pass in General Studies/Pengajian AM?* Yes No
Malaysia Independence Chinese Secondary School (MICSS) United Examination Certificate
No. of Passes attained (Inclusive of Bahasa Inggeris/English language):
Has the foreign employee attained a pass in Bahasa Inggeris/English Language?* Yes No
7A: Working Experience of Foreign Employee
Total Period of Working Experience Total Period of Relevant Working Experience
Relevant to the occupation declared in Part 7C.
Years: Months: Years: Months:
Start with the most recent working experience.
(dd/mm/yyyy) Name of Company Country Occupation
Last Drawn
Monthl y Salary
(S$) From To
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7B: Salary Details
Please note that the fixed monthl y salary includes onl y basic monthl y salary and fixed monthl y allowances. It is important that you read and
understand the definition of fixed monthl y salary, which can be found at http://www.mom.gov.sg.
Salary Payable by*: Both local and overseas Local Overseas
Fixed Monthly Salary =Basic Monthly Salary +Fixed Monthly Allowances
E.g. S$5,000 = $4,500 + $500
As specified in Employment Contract:
Fixed Monthly Salary: S$
Basic Monthly Salary: S$
MOM will use the fixed monthly salary to assess the application. If the amount indicated as fixed monthly salary is more than the basic
monthly salary, MOM will take the difference as the 'fixed monthly allowances'. If there are no fixed monthly allowances, the amount of fixed
monthly salary should be exactly the same as the basic monthly salary.
7C: Address and Duties to be Performed
Refer to the List of Standard Occupation before you fill in the Occupation field. If the occupation you indicate cannot be found in the list, a
close match will be assigned by Work Pass Division. For any subsequent amendments to this assigned occupation, you will have to withdraw
the existing application and submit a new application. The prevailing administration fee will be charged upon submission.
Is your business entity an Employment Agency/Headhunter firm or does it supply labour to other business entities in the course of
conducting its business?*
Yes No
If Yes, will the foreign employee be deployed to work for another employer so as to supplement that other employers manpower
Yes No
Address where foreign employees duties are to be performed
Block/House No: Floor No: Unit No: Building Name:
Street Name: Postal Code:
National Environment Agency Licence Type*: (For Food Establishment only)
Foodstall (e.g. hawker stall) Cold Drink Shop (e.g. pub) Foodshop (e.g. restaurant)
Did you source for this foreign employee with Contact Singapores assistance?* Yes No
Employment Pass Eligibility Certificate Reference Number:
7D: Vetting Agency/Professional Body/Accreditation Agency Support
Has this application obtained support from the relevant vetting Agency(s)/Professional Body(s)/ Accreditation Agency(s)?
Yes No
If Yes, please select from the followings.
Please select one or more Vetting Agencies if the foreign employee has obtained support from any of the Vetting Agencies listed. Please note that the
foreign employee must produce documentary proof of support from the agencies concerned together with this application.
Attorney-Generals Chamber IE Singapore (Representative Office) Singapore Dental Council
Singapore Medical Council Singapore Nursing Board Registrar of Pharmacy Board
Singapore Sports Council TCM Practitioners Board
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Please tick () accordingly.
Have you ever:
(a) been refused entry into or deported from any country? Yes No
(b) been convicted in a court of law in any country? Yes No
(c) been prohibited from entering Singapore? Yes No
(d) entered Singapore using a different passport issued by a different country? Yes No
(e) entered Singapore using a different name? Yes No
(f) been a Singapore Citizen or Singapore Permanent Resident? Yes No
(g) stayed in Singapore? If Yes, please indicate the purpose(s) of stay below. Yes No
(i) Length of stay in Singapore due to study : Year(s) Month(s)
Length of stay in Singapore due to work
[excluding the period that is already declared under g(i)]
: Year(s) Month(s)
(iii) Length of stay in Singapore due to other purposes : Year(s) Month(s)
(h) been issued a work visa by another country? Yes No
If Yes, please provide the most recent details below.
(i) Country of Issue :
(ii) Length of Visa : Year(s) Month(s)
If any of the above answers from (a) to (f) is Yes, please provide details:
I confirm that the information as set out in this application for Employment/S Pass is to the best of my knowledge, true and correct. All
documents submitted in support of this application for Employment/S Pass are true copies of the originals. I understand that I may be
prosecuted if I have provided any information, which is false in any material particular or is misleading by reason of the omission of
any material particular.
I have read and understood the Conditions of Employment/S Pass, as specified in the Employment of Foreign Manpower (Work
Passes) Regulations, which are available on the MOM website. I shall ensure that these conditions will be complied with.
Further and in addition, I hereby declare that:
1. I shall not make any false statement or submit any document which I know to be false in order to obtain an Employment/
S Pass and Visit Pass.
2. I understand that if I breach any condition above, my Employment/S Pass and Visit Pass will be revoked and I can be
prosecuted in Court, or expelled and prohibited from entering Singapore.
3. I shall not misuse controlled drugs or take part in any political or other activities during my stay in Singapore, which would make
me an undesirable or prohibited immigrant under the Immigration Act.
With reference to this application submitted for Employment/S Pass and residence in Singapore, I give my consent to the
Government of Singapore to obtain from and verify information with any person, organisation or any other source for assessing my
I hereby give my consent for the Comptroller of Income Tax to verify my income stated in my current and renewal applications, based
on my assessment record for the current Year of Assessment, for the Controller of Work Passes. In the event my assessment record
for the current Year of Assessment is not available or finalised at the point of verification, I understand the Comptroller of Income Tax
will verify my income against my assessment record for the two previous Years of Assessment. I also hereby give my consent for the
Comptroller of Income Tax to thereafter communicate the results of the verification to the Controller of Work Passes.
Signature of Foreign Employee Date
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I hereby sponsor this application and certify that it is made for the purpose as stated by the foreign employee. I confirm that the
information as set out in this application for Employment/S Pass is to the best of my knowledge, true and correct.
I have ensured that the foreign employee fully understands the contents of Part 8 of this application form. I understand that I may be
prosecuted if I have provided any information, which is false in any material particular or is misleading by reason of the omission of any
material particular. I further understand that any false statement made by my company or myself in relation to this application for
Employment/S Pass may adversely affect the future work pass applications of my company/firm.
I am aware that the Controller of Work Passes uses my company/firms Central Provident Fund contribution information to determine
the number of local workers employed by my company/firm hence determining the number of foreign employees that my company/firm
may employ. I have ensured that my company/firms Central Provident Fund contribution record of payments as required under the
Central Provident Fund Act (Cap.36) only reflects every citizen or permanent resident of Singapore who is employed by my
company/firm and at the appropriate contribution rate prescribed by law. My company/firm has made any voluntary CPF contributions
only through a separate CPF Submission Number (CSN).
I undertake to:
(i) be responsible for the stay, maintenance and repatriation of the foreign employee;
(ii) indemnify the Singapore Government for any charges or expenses which may be incurred by the Government
in respect of the repatriation of the said foreign employee or any of his dependants; and
(iii) be responsible for the compliance by the foreign employee of any quarantine and medical surveillance imposed
on the foreign employee under Regulation 8 (2A) of the Immigration Regulations.
In addition, I declare that:
1. I hereby give my consent to the department to verify the particulars with any government agencies.
2. The company owner(s) is/are not undischarged bankrupt(s).
3. I **have/have not used the services of an Employment Agency or intermediary based in Singapore for the
recruitment of the foreign worker. (Please also state the licence number of all Employment Agencies or
intermediaries (if any) used for the purposes of this application:
Please ensure that a copy of Part 10 of this form is completed by each Employment Agency or intermediary
I shall keep copies of the foreign employee's education certificates as declared in the application form for as long as the foreign
employee is in my employment. I understand the Ministry of Manpower can at any time request for these documents for verification
and revoke the pass should the documents be inconsistent with the declaration furnished in the application form or if I am unable to
produce the documents.
I have read and understood the Conditions and Regulatory Conditions of Employment Pass/S Pass, as specified in the
Employment of Foreign Manpower (Work Passes) Regulations, which are available on the MOM website. I shall ensure that these
conditions will be complied with.
I declare that I have read and understood the above.
Authorised Signature & Date Official Stamp of Company / Firm:
Name & Designation / Capacity
Name: Designation / Capacity:
Licence number
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Applicable for S Pass application and if the employer has used the services of an employment agency or intermediary.
(If more than one Employment Agency or intermediary is used, please download and complete another 'Declaration By Employment Agency or
Intermediary' form from MOM website.)
For Employment Agency onl y
Name of Employment Agency/intermediary: Licence Number:
Registered Address:
I declare that the abovenamed employer has not been offered (directly or indirectly), any sum or other benefit:
(a) as consideration or as inducement for employing the foreign employee;
(b) as consideration or as inducement for continuing to employ the foreign employee; or
(c) as a financial guarantee related, in any way, to the employment of the foreign employee.
Name and NRIC Number of Authorised Representati ve
Name: NRIC: Date
Official Stamp of Employment Agency /
Signature of Authorised Representati ve
Applicable for EP&S Pass application and if the third party is submitting the application on behalf of the employing company.
I declare that this application was submitted by my company on the instruction of the employing company. I further declare that I
have ensured that all the details on the Pass Holders salary, occupation, work experiences and qualifications as set out in the
Application Form are provided to my company by the employing company. My company has documentary proof of this in the form
of hardcopy application forms signed by the employing company and will retain them for one year from the date of this application
for the inspection by the Controller. I understand that my company may be prosecuted if we have provided information which is
false in any material particular, or is misleading by reason of the omission of a material particular. I understand that any false
statement and/or declaration made by my company or myself in relation to the application for the S Pass may adversely affect the
future work pass applications made by my company.
I declare that the above details on the Pass holders salary, occupation, work experiences and qualifications are true and accurate.
Name and NRIC Number of Authorised Representati ve
Name: NRIC: Date
Official Stamp of Third Party:
Signature of Authorised Representati ve
Note: Controller mentioned in all the above declaration means the Controller of Work Passes
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1 set of original application form duly completed.
Application form signed by foreign employee.
Application form signed by an authorised officer from the sponsoring company, and stamped with the companys stamp or seal.
1 CLEAR COPY of the following supporting documents*:
(*Non-English documents must be accompanied by an official English translation done by a certified translator, High Commission/Embassy or a
notary public. This does not apply to verification proof of education certificates from China)
Travel Document Page showing the personal particulars and travel document number. Please include pages reflecting
amendments to details (e.g. name, expiry date), if any.
Foreign employees Educational Certificates
Additional document(s) are required for:
(a) diploma/degree qualifications from India
Transcripts and marksheets
(b) diploma/degree qualifications from China
Certificate of Graduation ()
Verification proof of educational certificates from any one of the following independent verification channels:
Dataflow (http://www.dataflowgroup.com);
The China Higher Education Student Information job portal (http://job.chsi.com.cn/);
The China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Information (http://www.cdgdc.edu.cn).
NEA Licence (For Food Establishment only).
Registration or Support Letters from the respective Vetting Agency/ Professional Body/ Accreditation Agency, if support from
them has been declared in the application:
Doctor Singapore Medical Council
Dentist Singapore Dental Council
Pharmacist Singapore Pharmacy Council
Nurse Singapore Nursing Board
TCM Practitioner Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners Board
Lawyer Singapore Attorney-Generals Chambers
Football Player/Coach Singapore Sports Council
Support letter from International Enterprise (IE) Singapore (For application submitted by Representatives Office).
For company submitting S Pass application, please indicate the companys CPF Submission Number on the application
form. Companies submitting their first S Pass application should also attach their CPF contribution statements for the most
recent 3 months.
Official marriage certificate (For foreign employee with Singaporean spouse only).
Please do not submit original documents unless otherwise stated.
Any person who falsely declares salary, academic qualifications, or submits forged documents in the work pass application
shall be guilty of an offence under the Employment of Foreign Manpower Act (Cap.91A).