This document discusses SQL and database management systems. It covers the history and categories of SQL statements. The main categories covered are DDL, DML, DCL and TCL. It also discusses the SELECT statement in detail, including retrieving specific columns, ordering results, using aliases and eliminating duplicates. Additional topics covered include data types in Oracle, example tables to use for demonstrations, nested queries, and various clauses like WHERE that can be used with the SELECT statement.
This document discusses SQL and database management systems. It covers the history and categories of SQL statements. The main categories covered are DDL, DML, DCL and TCL. It also discusses the SELECT statement in detail, including retrieving specific columns, ordering results, using aliases and eliminating duplicates. Additional topics covered include data types in Oracle, example tables to use for demonstrations, nested queries, and various clauses like WHERE that can be used with the SELECT statement.
This document discusses SQL and database management systems. It covers the history and categories of SQL statements. The main categories covered are DDL, DML, DCL and TCL. It also discusses the SELECT statement in detail, including retrieving specific columns, ordering results, using aliases and eliminating duplicates. Additional topics covered include data types in Oracle, example tables to use for demonstrations, nested queries, and various clauses like WHERE that can be used with the SELECT statement.
This document discusses SQL and database management systems. It covers the history and categories of SQL statements. The main categories covered are DDL, DML, DCL and TCL. It also discusses the SELECT statement in detail, including retrieving specific columns, ordering results, using aliases and eliminating duplicates. Additional topics covered include data types in Oracle, example tables to use for demonstrations, nested queries, and various clauses like WHERE that can be used with the SELECT statement.
Unit 8 History of SQL Structure 8.1 Introduction Objectives Self Assessment Question(s) (SAQs) 8.2 Data Retrieval Statement (SELECT) Self Assessment Question(s) (SAQs) 8.3 Multi table Queries 8.3.1 Nested Queries or Sub queries 8.3.2 Multiple Row Nested Queries: 8.3.3 The Exists Clause Self Assessment Question(s) (SAQs) 8.4 Data Manipulation Language Self Assessment Question(s) (SAQs) 8.5 The Create Table Statement Self Assessment Question(s) (SAQs) 8.6 Summary 8.7 Terminal Questions (TQs) 8.8 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) 8.9 Answers to SAQs, TQs, and MCQs 8.9.1 Answers to Self Assessment Questions (SAQs) 8.9.2 Answers to Terminal Questions (TQs) 8.9.3 Answers to Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) 8.1 Introduction The history of SQL began in an IBM laboratory in San J ose, California, where SQL was developed in the late 1970's. SQL stands for structured Query Language. It is a non-procedural language, meaning that SQL describes what data to retrieve, delete or insert, rather than how to perform Database Management Systems Unit 8 Sikkim Manipal University Page No.: 129 the operation. It is the standard command set used to communicate with the RDBMS. A SQL query is not-necessarily a question to the database. It can be command to do one of the following. Create or delete a table. Insert, modify or delete rows. Search several rows for specifying information and return the result in order. Modify security information. THE SQL STATEMENT CAN BE GROUPED INTO FOLLOWING CATEGORIES. 1. DDL(Data Definition Language) 2. DML(Data Manipulation Language) 3. DCL(Data Control Language) 4. TCL(Transaction Control Language) DDL: Data Definition Language The DDL statement provides commands for defining relation schema i,e for creating tables, indexes, sequences etc. and commands for dropping, altering, renaming objects. DML: (Data Manipulation Language) The DML statements are used to alter the database tables in someway. The UPDATE, INSERT and DELETE statements alter existing rows in a database tables, insert new records into a database table, or remove one or more records from the database table. DCL: (Data Control Language) Database Management Systems Unit 8 Sikkim Manipal University Page No.: 130 The Data Control Language Statements are used to Grant permission to the user and Revoke permission from the user, Lock certain Permission for the user. SQL DBA>Revoke Import from Akash; SQL DBA>Grant all on emp to public; SQL DBA>Grant select, Update on EMP to L.Suresh; SQlDBA>Grant ALL on EMP to Akashwith Grant option; Revoke: Revoke takes out privilege from one or more tables or views. SQL DBA>rEOKE UPDATE, DELETE FROM l.sURES; SQL DBA>Revoke all on emp from Akash TCL: (Transaction Control Language) It is used to control transactions. Eg: Commit Rollbakc: Discard/Cancel the changes upto the previous commit point. SQL* COMMANDS: This subsection discusses the often used commands in sql environment. For example, if your SQL commands are saved in a file (typically in note pad) you can execute this file using an "at" @command, similarly there are a number of such commands: @<filename> Runs the command file stored in <filename> / Runs the SQL command or PL/SQL block currently stored in the SQL buffer EXEC[UTE] Runs a single PL/SQL statement. R[UN] Runs the SQL command or PL/SQL block currently stored in the SQL buffer. R<filename> Runs the file specified in <filename> EXIT or QUIT Exits from SQL. LIST Lists the content of the buffer Database Management Systems Unit 8 Sikkim Manipal University Page No.: 131 A[PPEND] <text> Adds text at the end of the line CLEAR BUFFER Deletes all the lines in the buffer GER<filename> Loads host OS file into SQL BUFFER (does not execute it) SAV[E]<filename> Saves contents of buffers to OS file. DEFIN_EDITOR='notepad' Define notepad as the editor. ED[IT] Invokes the editor defined through DEFINE_EDITOR> DATA TYPES IN ORACLE 8i SQL: The fig. shows the complete listing of the data types allowed in oracle. DATA TYPE DESCRIPTION CHAR (sizs) Fixed length character. Max =2000 VARCHAR2(size) Variable length character. Max=4000 DATE Date, valid range is from jan1,4712 B.C to. DEC 31,4712 A.D. BLOB Binary large object Max =4GB CLOB Character large object Max=4G.B. BFILE Pointer to binary OS file LONG Character data of variable size, Max=2G.B. LONG RAW Raw binary data. Rest is same as long NUMBER (size) Numbers. Max. size =40 digits NUMBER(size,d) Numbers, range=1.0E-130 tto 9.9E125 DECIMAL Same as NUMBER. Size /d can't be specified FLOAT Same as NUMBER INTEGER Same as NUMBER Size /d can't be specified SMALLINT Same as NUMBER EXAMPLE TABLES: To study the SQL commands of various types we need some tables. Let us consider two tables shown in the fig., which will be used throughout our discussion. Database Management Systems Unit 8 Sikkim Manipal University Page No.: 132 EMPLOYEE SSN NAME BDATE SALARY MgrSSN Dno 1111 Deepak 5-jan-62 22000 4444 1 2222 Yadav 27-feb-84 30000 4444 3 3333 Venkat 22-jan-65 18000 2222 2 4444 Prasad 2-feb-68 32000 Null 3 5555 Reena 4-aug-79 8000 4444 3 DEPARTMENT DNO DNAME LOC 1 Admin Chennai 2 Research Bangalore 3 Accounts Bangalore Objectives To Know About o Data Retrieval Statement (SELECT) o Multi table Queries o Nested Queries or Sub queries: o Multiple Row Nested Queries: o The Exists Clause o Data Manipulation Language Self Assessment Question(s) (SAQs) (For Section 8.1) 1. What is SQL? 2. Write down the categories into which a SQL statement can be grouped? 3. Explain the concept of DCL. 8.2 Data Retrieval Statement (SELECT) The select statement is used to extract information from one or more tables in the database. To demonstrate SELECT we must have some tables Database Management Systems Unit 8 Sikkim Manipal University Page No.: 133 created within a specific user session. Let us assume Scott as the default user and create two tables Employee and Department using CREATE STATEMENT CREATE TABLE Department( Dno number(d) not null Dname varchar2(10) not null Loc varchar2(15) Primary key (Dno)); Create table employee ( SSN number (4) not null Name varchar3=2(20) not null Bdate date, Salary number(10,2) MgrSSN umber(4) DNo number(2) not null Primary key(SSN) Foreign key [MgrSSN] reference employee(SSN) Foreign key (DNo) reference department (DNo)) The syntax of SELECT STATEMENT is given below: Syntax: Select* | {[DISTINCT] column | expression \) From table(s); The basic select statement must include the following; A SELECT clause A FROM clause Selecting all columns Example 1 Select * From employee Database Management Systems Unit 8 Sikkim Manipal University Page No.: 134 The * indicates that it should retrieve all the columns from employee table. The out put of this query shown below: Out put-1 Dno SSN NAME BDATE SALARY MgrSSN 1 1111 Deepak 5-jan-62 20000 4444 3 2222 Yadav 27-feb-60 30000 4444 2 3333 Venkat 22-jan-65 18000 2222 3 4444 Prasad 2-feb-84 32000 Null 3 5555 Reena 4-aug-65 8000 4444 Example 2 SELECT * FROM employee ORDER BY SSN; Output-2 SSN NAME BDATE SALARY MgrSSN Dno 1111 Deepak 27-feb-84 30000 4444 3 2222 Yadav 15-jan-65 8000 4444 1 3333 Venkat 22-jan-85 20000 2222 2 4444 Prasad 27-feb-84 32000 Null 3 5555 Reena 15-jan-65 8000 4444 1 SELECTING SPECIFIC COLUMNS: We wish to retrieve only name and salary of the employees. Example-3 SELECT name, salary FROM employee: OUT PUT-3 NAME SALARY Prasad 32000 Reena 8000 Deepak 22000 Venkat 30000 Yadav 18000 Database Management Systems Unit 8 Sikkim Manipal University Page No.: 135 Using arithmetic operators: SELECT name, salary, salary * 12 FROM employee; Out put-4 NAME SALARY SALARY *12 Prasad 32000 384000 Reena 8000 96000 Deepak 22000 264000 Yadav 18000 360000 Venkat 30000 216000 USING ALIASES(Alternate name given to columns): SELECT \(Name, Salary, Salary *12 "YRLY SALARY" FROM Employee OUT PUT NAME SALARY SALARY *12 Prasad 32000 384000 Reena 8000 96000 Deepak 22000 264000 Yadav 18000 360000 Venkat 30000 216000 Eliminating duplicate rows: To eliminate duplicate rows simply use the keyword DISTINCT. SELECT DISTINCT MGRSSN FROM Employee OUTPUT MGRSSN 2222 4444 DISPLAYING TABLE STRUCTURE: To display schema of table use the command DESCRIEBE or DESC. DESC Employee; Database Management Systems Unit 8 Sikkim Manipal University Page No.: 136 OUTPUT NAME NULL? TYPE Ssn NOT NULL NUMBER [4] NAME NOT NULL VARCHAR2 [20] BDATE DATE SALARY NUMBER [10,20] MGRSSN NUMBER [4] DNO NOT NULL NUMBER [2] SELECT statement with WHERE clause The conditions are specified in the where clause. It instructs sql to search the data in a table and returns only those rows that meet search criteria. SELECT * FROMemp WHERE name ='yadav' Out put-1 SSN NAME BDATE SALARY MGRSSN DNO 2222 yadav 10-dec-60 30000 4444 3 SELECT Name, Salary FROM Employee WHERE Salary >20000; OUT PUT NAME SALARY Prasad 32000 Deepak 22000 Yadav 18000 RELATIONAL OPERATOR S AND COMPARISON CONDITIONS: = Equal to > Greater than >= Greater than or equal < Less than Database Management Systems Unit 8 Sikkim Manipal University Page No.: 137 <= Less than or equal <> Not equal BETWEEN<a>ABD<b> Range between <a>and <b>inclusive 1N<set> True when the member is in the <set> LIKE<pattern> Matches a specified pattern IS NULL Is a null value BETWEEN AND OR OPERATOR: To illustrate the betweenand or operators. SQL supports range searches. For eg If we want to see all the employees with salary between 22000 and 32000 SELECT * from employee WHERE salary between 22000 and 32000 Example NAME SALARY Prasad 32000 Yadav 30000 Deepak 22000 IS NULL OR IS NOT NULL: The null tests for the null values in the table Example: SELECT Name FROM Employee WHERE Mgrssn IS NULL; OUT PUT: NAME Prasad SORTING (ORDER BY CLAUSE): It gives a result in a particular order. Select all the employee lists sorted by name, salary in descending order. Database Management Systems Unit 8 Sikkim Manipal University Page No.: 138 Select* from emp order by basic; Select job, ename from emp order by joindate desc; Desc at the end of the order by clause orders the list in descending order instead of the default[ascending] order. Example: SELECT* FROM EMPLOYEE ORDER BY name DESC. OUT PUT: NAME Reena Pooja Deepak Aruna LIKE CONDITION: Where clause with a pattern searches for sub string comparisons. Sql also supports pattern searching through the like operator. We describe patterns using two special characters. Percent [%]. The % character matches any sub string. Underscore ( _ ) The underscore matches any character. Example: SELECT emp_name from emp WHERE emp_name like 'Ra%' Example: 1 NAME Raj Rama Ramana Database Management Systems Unit 8 Sikkim Manipal University Page No.: 139 Select emp_name from emp where name starts with 'R' and has j has third caracter. SELECT *from Emp WHERE EMP_NAME LIKE 'r_J %'; WHERE clause using IN operator SQL supports the concept of searching for items within a list; it compares the values within a parentheses. 1. Select employee, who are working for department 10&20. SELECT * from emp WHERE deptno in (10,20) 2. Selects the employees who are working in a same project as that raja works onl SELECT eno from ep WHERE (pno) IN (select pno from works_on where empno=E20); AGGREGATE FUNCTIONS AND GROUPING: Group by clause is used to group the rows based on certain common criteria; for e.g. we can group the rows in an employee table by the department. For example, the employees working for department number 1 may form a group, and all employees working for department number 2 form another group. Group by clause is usually used in conjunction with aggregate functions like SUM, MAX, Min etc.. Group by clause runs the aggregate function described in the SELECT statement. It gives summary information. Example: For each department, retrieve the department number, the number of employees in the department and their average salary. SELECT Dno, count(*) "No.of Employees" FROM employee GROUP BY DNO; Database Management Systems Unit 8 Sikkim Manipal University Page No.: 140 OUT PUT DNO No. of Employees 30 2 40 5 52 3 53 4 Select total salary for each department. SELECT deptno sum(salary) from emp GROU BY depno; OUT PUT: DNO SUM(SALARY) 1 22000 2 18000 3 7000 For each project, retrieve the project number, project name and the number of employees who work on total project. o SELECT Pnumber, Pname, count(*) FROM project, works on WHERE Pnumber=PNO GROUP BY P number, Pname; Retrieve total number of employees in the research department. o SELECT COUNT(*) FROM employee, department WHERE Dno=Dnumber and Dname='Research' Find the sum of salaries, the maximum and minimum salary of all the employees. o SELECT Sum(salary), max(salary), Min(salary) FROM emp; Database Management Systems Unit 8 Sikkim Manipal University Page No.: 141 Sum(salary) Mad(salary) Min(salary) 50000 32000 8000 Find the sum of the salaries of all employees of the 'Research' department, as well as the maximum salary, minimum salary in this department. o SELECT SUM(salary), max(salary), min(salary) FROM emp, department Where DNO=Dnumber and Dname='Researhc'; HAVING CLAUSE: The having clause filtrs the rows returned by the group by clause. Eg: 1>Select job, count(*)from emp group by job having count(*)>20; 2>Select Deptno,max(basic), min(basic)from emp groupby Detno having salary>30000 find the average salary of only department 1. SELECT DnO,avg(salary) FROM Employee GROUP BY Dno HAVING Dno =1; For each department, retrieve the department number, Dname and number of employees working in that department, so that department should contain more than three employees. o SELECT Dno, Dname, count(*) FROM Emp, Dept. WHERE Emp.Dno=dept.Dno GROUP BY Dno HAVING count(*)3; Here where_clause limits the tuples to which functions are applied, the having clause is used to select individual groups of tuples. Database Management Systems Unit 8 Sikkim Manipal University Page No.: 142 For each department that has more than three employees, retrieve the department number and the number of its employees, who are earning more than 10,000. o Example:: SELECT Dno, AVG(salary) FROM Employee WHERE Bdate LIKE '%jan%' GROUP BYDno HAVING max(salary) >10000; OUT PUT: DNO AVG(SALARY) 1 22000 2 18000 3 20000 Self Assessment Question(s) (SAQs) (For section 8.2) 1. How do you retrieve data from the database? 2. Explain the different types of relational operators used in retrieval of data. 3. Explain the concept of Sorting. 4. How do you perform searching in SQL? 5. Write a note on aggregate functions and grouping in SQL. 8.3 Multi table Queries So far the queries that we have discussed were containing only one table in the from clause. There are many occasions in the database applications where we need to retrieve data from more than one table. This section addresses these kind of queries. SIMPLE EQUI-JOINS: When two tables are joinedtogether we must follow these guidelines: Table names in the FROM clause are separated bycommas. Database Management Systems Unit 8 Sikkim Manipal University Page No.: 143 Use appropriate joining condition. This means that the foreign key of table 1 will be made equal to the primary key of table 2. This column acts as the joining attribute. For example, dno of employee table and dno of department will be involved in the joining condition of WHERE clause. EXAMPLE-1: This example demonstrates the equijoin and the purpose is to display the employee names and the department names for which they work. SELECT NAME, DNAME FROM Employee, Department WHERE employe.Dno =department.Dno; OUTPUT: NAME DNAME Prasad Accounts Reena Accounts Deepak Admin Venkat Accounts Pooja Research EXAMPLE 2: Let us now try to display only employees working for Accounts department. SELECT Name, salary, Dname FROM Employee, department WHERE (Emplyee.DNO =Department.DNO) AND (Dname ='Accounts'); OUT PUT: NAME SALARY DNAME Prasad 32000 Accounts Reena 8000 Accounts Venkat 30000 Accounts Database Management Systems Unit 8 Sikkim Manipal University Page No.: 144 SELF JOIN and TABLE ALIASES: The self-join is one where you involve the same table in the join. This is illustrated in the following example. This technique is used fully to solve many queries. To find the employee who earns more than venkat SELECT, e1.salary FROM Employee e1, Employee e2 WHERE (e1.salary >e2.salary) AND ( ='venkat') OUT PUT: NAME SALARY Prasad 32000 OUTER JOINS: Outer joins are used to display rows that do not meet the join condition. For left outer join use a plus sign(+) to left condition and for right outer join use the plus sign to the right condition. The syntax for left and right outer joins are given below: Left outer join SELECT table1.col, table2.col FROM table1 t1, table2 t2 WHERE t1.col(+) =t2.col; Notice that the plus sign cannot be placed on both sides of the condition. EXAMPLE 1: This example demonstrates the right outer join by retaining the right side table(department) tuples and giving null values for the tuples that do not match the left side table (employee). SELECT Name, Dname FROM Employee E, Department D WHERE E.Name(+) =D.Dname; Database Management Systems Unit 8 Sikkim Manipal University Page No.: 145 OUTPUT:: NAME DNAME Accounts Admin EXAMPLE 2: This is same as ex.1, but the only difference is that it is a left outer join. So all the left table (employee) rows are kept, and if no match occurs with the right side table (department) a null is shown. SELECT Name, Dnaem FROM Employee E, Department D WHERE E.Name =D.Dname(+); OUT PUT: NAME DNAME Deepak Venkat Pooja Prasad Reena 8.3.1 Nested Queries or Sub queries A where clause generally contains a condition; but it can also contain an sql query. The query within a WHERE clause is called the inner query or sub query, and the query that encloses the inner one is called as outer query or main query. It is also possible to place the inner query with in a FROM or HAVING clause. Using nested queries it is possible to build powerful sql programs. Execution of nested queries: The general syntax of a nested query is given below. SELECT <column (s)> FROM table outer query Database Management Systems Unit 8 Sikkim Manipal University Page No.: 146 WHERE <condn>operator (SELECT <column> FROM table); inner query The operator mentioned in the outer query can be any one of >, =, or IN. Normally the outer query uses the result of the inner query to display the values of columns mentioned in the outer query. Single-Row Nested Queries The simplest single-row nested query is by using =sign. EXAMPLE: Assume that we wish to display the names and the employees working for accounts department. SELECT Name FROM Employee WHERE Dno = (SELECT DNo FROM Department WHERE Dname ='accounts'); OUTPUT: NAME Prasad Reena Venkat GROUP BY clause in SUB QUERIES: Display all the employees drawing more than or equal to the average salary of department number 3. SELECT Name, Salary FROM Employee WHERE Slary >= Database Management Systems Unit 8 Sikkim Manipal University Page No.: 147 (SELECT AVG(salary) FROMEmployee GROUP BY Dno HAVING dnO =3); OUT PUT NAME SALARY Prasad 32000 Venkat 30000 8.3.2 Multiple Row Nested Queries The operators IN, ANY, and ALL are used in the multiple row sub queries. The sub query in this case returns more than one row. OPERATORS DESCRIPTION IN Equal to any member in the list ANY Compare value to each value returned by the sub query ALL Compare value to all the values returned by the sub query. EXAMPLE: Display the name of the highest paid employee, SELECT Name, salary FROM Employee WHERE Salary IN (SELECT MAX(Salary) FROMEmployee) Remember that the multiple row sub queries expect one or more results. In this example the inner query gives a single value and the next example shows a set of values. The following table gives an idea of how to use ANY and ALL. Database Management Systems Unit 8 Sikkim Manipal University Page No.: 148 OPERATOR MEANING EXAMPLE <ANY Less than the maximum e<ANY(5.3.8) e is less than any single item in the life (5,3,8). Even 7 qualifies, because 7<8 >ANY More than the minimum e>ANY (5,3,8): e is less than any single item in the list (5,3,8). Even 4 qualities, because 4>3. <ANY Same as IN e =any (5,3,8). ALL value in the list quality, <ALL Less than the maximum e <ALL (5,3,8); anything below 3 qualifies. >ALL More than the maximum e >ALL (5,3,8) : anything greater than 8 qualifies !=ALL Not equal to any thing E !=(5,3,8): any thing other than 5, 3 and 8 qualifies. EXAMPLE 1: SELECT Name, salary FROM Employee WHERE Salary<ANY (SELECT Salary FROMEmployee WHERE DNo =3); OUTPUT: NAME SALARY Reena 8000 Deepak 22000 Venkat 30000 Pooja 18000 EXAMPLE 2: SELECT Name, salary FROM Employee WHERE Salary>ANY (SELECT Salary FROMEmployee WHERE DNO =3); Database Management Systems Unit 8 Sikkim Manipal University Page No.: 149 OUTPUT: NAME SALARY Prasad 32000 Deepak 22000 Venkat 30000 Pooja 18000 In this example, all the rows qualify except the row with salary 8000, because all employees draw more than the minimum salary in the result of the sub query. If your condition is >=then you get all the rows. EXAMPLE SELECT Name, salary FROM Employee WHERE Salary<ANY (SELECT Salary FROMEmployee WHERE DNO =3); If any body draws a salary lower than the minimum value in the set, their names will be displayed. Here, nobody draws lower than 8000 and hence there is no output. OUTPUT: No rows selected. EXAMPLE2: SELECT Name, salary FROM Employee WHERE Salary >ALL (SELECT Salary FROMEmployee WHERE DNO =3); Database Management Systems Unit 8 Sikkim Manipal University Page No.: 150 Similar to the previous examples - nobody draws more than the maximum inthe set and so no output again. OUTPUT: No rows selected. EXAMPLE: SELECT Name, salary FROM Employee WHERE Salary =ALL (SELECT Salary FROMEmployee WHERE DNO =3); Obviously this example should output salaries of employees other than the set givenby the subquery. OUTPUT: NAME SALARY Deepak 22000 Pooja 18000 8.3.3 The Exists Clause The exits clause returns true in a WHERE clause, if the subquery that follows returns at least one row. EXAMPLE: Assume that we want to display the names of employees who work for the Accounts department; it can be written as: SELECT Name FROM Employee E WHERE EXISTS (SELECT*FROM Department D SHERE E.DNO =D.DNO AND DNAME ='Accounts') Database Management Systems Unit 8 Sikkim Manipal University Page No.: 151 OUTPUT: NAME Prasad Reena Venkat Self Assessment Question(s) (SAQs) (For section 8.3) 1. Write down the guidelines used to query more than one table. 2. What do you mean by nested query? 3. Define sub query and give one example 4. Explain the concept of multiple row nested queries. 5. What does Exists clause return? 8.4 Data Manipulation Language A data manipulating language [DML] consists of SQL statements that are used to insert, delete and update the records in a table. INSERT STATEMENT: To add a new row into the table you can follow the syntax: INSERT INTO table [(column-1I, column-2I)] Values (value- I I, value-2..I); Using this syntax you can insert only one row at a time. To insert more than one row, you can execute the insert statement repeatedly. The simplest example for INSERT statement is shown below. EMPLOYEE INSERT INTOEmployee VALUES (1111, 'deepak', '5-jan-82', 0000, 4444,); To enter more records we can use / (slash symbol) '/' is used to execute the commands stored in the buffer insert into emp(empno,eaddr,basic) values(&empno,'&eaddr',&ba); Database Management Systems Unit 8 Sikkim Manipal University Page No.: 152 DELETE OMMAND It is a DML statement to delete record(s) Syntax: DELETE FROM table [WHERE cond]; / / If the WHERE condition is not present in the query, all the rows in the table are deleted. Example: delete from emp where name ='Yadav'; UPDATE COMMAND It is used to change existing values in a table. Syntax: UPDATE table SET col I =val I, col2 =val2 [WHERE cond]; update emp set deptno =100; / / If the WHERE condition is not present in the query, all the rows in the table are upaed. Update emp set ename='Sourav' where empno =100; Transaction Control Language It is used to control transaction Eg: Commit Save changes permanently in the database. Roll back: Discard/Cncel the changes upto the previous commit point. Save point: Is used to commit / Rollback particular point. Ex: Commit Insert Update.. Savepoint aa Delete # # # Rollback to aa. Commit to a Database Management Systems Unit 8 Sikkim Manipal University Page No.: 153 Creating And Altering Database objects (DDL): The basic notion of this section is to introduce the ways to create and manipulate the following database objects. Table: A tabular structure that stores data. View: A tabular structure similar to a table but it is a collection of one or more tables. Sequence Automatically generates a sequence of numbers Index: Provides an efficient access structure. Self Assessment Question(s) (SAQs) (For section 8.4) 1. How do you perform insertion, deletion and update operations in SQL? 8.5 The Create Table Statement Now we shall discuss in detail ways to create and alter tables with constraints. syntax: CREATE TABLE tablename (column_1 datatype,column_2 datatype.); You specify the name of the table (should be unique) and one or more attributes and their data types. EXAMPLE CREATE TABLE Employee ( SSN number (4) not null NAME varchar (2) (20) not null BDATE data, Mgrssn number, Primary key(SSN) Foreign key(mgrssn ) reference emplyee(SSN)); Alter Table Statement Database Management Systems Unit 8 Sikkim Manipal University Page No.: 154 After creating a table, one or more columns can be added to this table, similarly, columns can be dropped [oracle 9i only) and in either case the existing table columns will not be affected, for example, assume that we wish to add a column phone to employee table EXAMPLE ALTER TABLE Employee ADD phone number(7) not null; Using the same alter command you can modify the data type of a column. For example, the phone column can be modified from number to varchar2. ALTER TABLE Employee MODIFY phone varchar2(10); Oracle 81 does not support dropping a column, but oracle 9i does it. ALTER TABLE employee DROP COLUMN MODIFY phone; Dropping a table even when it has data is possible SYNTAX: DROP [TABLE] table; For Example, to drop the employee table, use the following statement. DROP employee To rename the table use the RENAME statement as shown below RENAME Employee to workers. VIEWS (Virtual Table) View is a derived table, which doesn't have storage of its own. Views are created by picking certain columns from the base table. The advantage of using views are: It restricts direct data access form tables I,e it provides security Reduces joining of tables each and every time. Database Management Systems Unit 8 Sikkim Manipal University Page No.: 155 Syntax: Create viw<view name> as select <column/s> from<table/s> where<condition> Example: Create view V1 as Se;ect,;aru frp, e,[; Desc V1; You can create views by referring to more than 1 table. NOTE: 1. If there are NOT NULL columns which are missing in view, you cannot insert the records. 2. If a view is created by referring to more than 1 table we cannot do DML operation except select. 3. View updation (Ins.Del.Update) is possible only if it is created by a single table. Insert into V1 values (11,'LSURESH',50000) Update v1 set ename='Akash' where empno=101; Create view v2 as select empno, ename,dept.deptno.deptname from emp.dept; Indexing: >Indexing provides a faster access (for to columns that are indexed) >Indexes can also be used to ensure that no duplicate values are entered into a column. Eg: Primary key of a table SYNTAX: CREATE INDEX index_name ON table (column1,column2); Example: Create index ind 1 on emp(empno); 1. Query 1 Retrieve the name and address of all employee who work for the research department. Database Management Systems Unit 8 Sikkim Manipal University Page No.: 156 1. SELECT FNAME,LNAME,ADDRESS FROM EMPLOYEE,DEPARTMENT WHERE DNAME ='research' AND D number=DNO Query Q1 is similar to a SELECT PROJ ECT J OIN sequence of relational algebra operations. Such queries are often called select-project-join queries. In the WHERE clause of Q1, the conditional DNAME ='Research' is the selection condition and corresponds to a SELECT operation inRelational algebra. Other Important Examples: Company database example This example uses the following tables and underlines columns that are the primary keys Employee( SSN char (9), Name varchar2 (10), Bdate Date, Address varchar 2 (30), Sex chart (1), Salary Number (10, 2) SuperSSN char(9), Dno Number (2)) Department( Dnumber Number(2), Dname Varchar2(10), MgrSSj char(9), Mgrstartdate Date) Project( Pnumber Number(2), Pname vrchar2(10). Plocation varchar2(15). Dnum Number(2)) Depedent( ESSN CHAR(9), Dependent name Varchar2(15), sex char, Bdate Date, Relationship varchar2(10)) Dept_locations( Dnumber Number(2), Dlocationvarchar2(15)) Works_on( Database Management Systems Unit 8 Sikkim Manipal University Page No.: 157 ESSN char(9), Pno Number(2), Hours Number(3,1)) Query 1: Retrieve the name and address of all employees who work for the research department. Q1: SELECT FNAME,LNAME,ADDRESS FROM EMPLOYEE,DEPARTMENT WHERE DNAME ='research' AND Dnumber=DNO QUERY 2: Retrieve the birthdate and address of the employee whose name is 'J ohn B. Smith'. Q2: SELECT BDATE,ADDRESS FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE FNAME ='J ohn ' AND D minit='B' and LNAME='Smith' This query involves only the 'EMPLOYEE' relation listed in the FROM clause. QUERY 3: For every project located in 'stafford', list the project number, the controlling department number, and the department manager's last name, address and birth date. Q3: SELECT PNUMBER,DNUM,LNAME,ADDRESS,BDATE FROM PROJ ECT,DEPARTMENT,EMPLOYEE WHERE DNUM=DNUMBER AND MGRSSN=SSN AND PLOCATION='Stafford' The join condition DNUM=DNUMBER relates a project to its controlling department, where as, the join condition MGRSSN=SSN relates the controlling department to the Employee, who manages that department. Database Management Systems Unit 8 Sikkim Manipal University Page No.: 158 QUERY 4: Retrive the name of each employee who has a dependant with the same first name as the employee. Q4: SELECT E.FNAME,E.LNAME FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE E.SSN IN (SELECT ESSN FROM DEPENDENT WHERE ESSN=E.SSN AND E.FNAME=DEPENDENT_NAME) QUERY 5: SELECT FNAME,LNAME FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE ( (SELECT PNO FROM WORKS_ON WHERE SSN=ESSN) CONTAINS (SELECT PNUMBER FROM PROJ ECT WHERE DNUM=5) ) QUERY 6: List the names of managers who have at least one dependant. SELECT FNAM.LNAME FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE EDISTS (SELECT * FROM DEPENDENT WHERE SSN=ESSN) AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM DEPENDENT WHERE SSN=MGRSSN Database Management Systems Unit 8 Sikkim Manipal University Page No.: 159 One way to write this query is shown in Q7, where we specify two nested correlates. Queries: the first selects all dependent tuples related to anEMPLOYEE, and the second selects all department tuples managed by the EMPLOYEE. QUERY 7: For each employee, retrieve the employee's first and last name of his or her immediate supervisor. Q7: SELECT E.NAME,E.LNAME,S.FNAME,S.LNAME FROM EMPLOYEE E.EMPLOYEE S WHERE E.SUPERSSN=S.SSN In this case, we are allowed to declare alternative relation names E and S, called aliases, for the EMPLOYEE relation. QUERY 8: Make a list of all project numbers for projects that involve an employee whose last name is 'Smith', either as the worker or as the manager of the department that controls the project. Q8: SELECT PNUMBER FROM PROJ ECT.DEPARTMENT.EMPLOYEE WHERE DNUM=DNUMBER AND MGRSSN=SSN AND LNAME='smith'.) UNION (SELECT PNUMBER FROM WHERE PNUMBER=PNO AND ESSN=SSN AND LNAME='smith' The first SELECT query retrieves the project that involves a Smith as manager of department that controls the project, and the second retrieves the projects that involve a 'Smith' as a worker on the project. Database Management Systems Unit 8 Sikkim Manipal University Page No.: 160 QUERY 9: Retrieve the social security numbers of all employees who work on project numbers 1,2,3. Q9: SELECT DISTINCT ESSN FROM WORKS ON WHERE PNO IN (1,2,3) QUERY 10: Retrieve the social security numbers of all employees who work on project numbers 1,2,3. Q.10: SELECT DISTINCT ESSN FROM WORKS ON WHERE PNO IN (1,2,3) QUERY 11: Find the sum of all salaries of all employees, the maximum salary, the minimum salary, and the average salary. QLL: SELECT SUM(SALARY), MAX(SALARY), MIN(SALARY) AVG (SALARY) FROM EMPLOYEE QUERY 12: Count the number of distinct salary values in the database. Q.12: SELECT COUNT(ISTINCT SALARY) FROM EMPLOYEE Notice that, if we write COUNT(SALARY) instead of COUNT(DISTINCT SALARY) IN Q 19, we get the same result as COUNT(*)because duplicates will not be eliminated. Self Assessment Question(s) (SAQs) (For section 8.5) Write the syntax we use to create a table in SQL. Database Management Systems Unit 8 Sikkim Manipal University Page No.: 161 8.6 Summary This unit explained concepts such as o Data Retrieval Statement (SELECT) o Multi table Queries o Nested Queries Or Sub queries: o Multiple Row Nested Queries: o The Exists Clause o Data Manipulation Language 8.7 Terminal Questions (TQs) Q. 1 What is SQL? Explain. Q. 2 Discuss data retrieval using SQL. Q. 3 Discuss the concept of Multi-table queries. 8.8 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) 1. To find the names of all branches in the relation loan =(loan no., branch_name, amount ) we use the following SQL statement a) select branch name from loan ; b) Select * from loan; c) select all branch name; d) select branch name from loan where amount >0; 2. If account=(account_no, branch_name, balance) is a relation, then to get average balance for each branch we use a) Group by clause b) average clause c) having clause d) select clause 3. Consider a relation account=(account_no, branch_name, balance). If 5% interest is to be paid only to accounts with balances $1000 or more, the SQL statement is: Database Management Systems Unit 8 Sikkim Manipal University Page No.: 162 a) Update table account set balance =balance * 5% where balance >1000; b) Update set balance =balance * 1.05 where balance >=1000; c) Update account set balance =balance * 1.5 where balance >=1000; d) Update balance * 1.05 for account; 4. A command used to modifying the structure of tables is.. a) Drop b) Change c) Modify d) Alter 8.9 Answers to SAQs, TQs, and MCQs 8.9.1 Answers to Self Assessment Questions (SAQs) For Section 8.1 1. SQL stands for structured Query Language. It is a non-procedural language, meaning that SQL describes what data to retrieve, delete or insert rather than how to perform the operation. It is the standard command set used to communicate with the RDBMS. (Refer section 8.1) 2. THE SQL STATEMENT CAN BE GROUPED INTO THE FOLLOWING CATEGORIES. 5. DDL(Data Definition Language) 6. DML(Data Manipulation Language) 7. DCL(Data Control Language) 8. TCL(Transaction Control Language) (Refer section 8.1) 3. DCL: (Data Control Language) The Data Control Language Statements are used to Grant permission to the user, Revoke permission from the user and Lock certain Permission for the user. (Refer section 8.1) For Section 8.2 1. The select statement is used to extract information from one or more tables in the database. (Refer section 8.2) Database Management Systems Unit 8 Sikkim Manipal University Page No.: 163 2. RELATIONAL OPERATOR S AND COMPARISON CONDITIONS: = Equal to > Greater than >= Greater than or equal < Less than <= Less than or equal <> Not equal BETWEEN<a>ABD<b> Range between <a>and <b>inclusive 1N<set> True when the member is in the <set> LIKE<pattern> Matches a specified pattern IS NULL Is a null value (Refer section 8.2) 3. SORTING (ORDER BY CLAUSE): It gives a result in a particular order. Select all the employees lists sorted by name, salary in descending order. Select* from emp order by basic; Select job, ename from emp order by joindate desc; Desc at the ed of the order by clause orders the list in descending order instead of the default [ascending] order. (Refer section 8.2) 4. SQL supports range searches. For e.g. If we want to see all the employees with salary between 22000 and 32000 SELECT * from employee WHERE salary between 22000 and 32000 (Refer section 8.2) 5. AGGREGATE FUNCTIONS AND GROUPING: Group by clause is used to group the rows based on certain common criteria, for e.g. we can group the rows in an employee table by the department. (Refer section8.2) Database Management Systems Unit 8 Sikkim Manipal University Page No.: 164 For Section 8.3 1. When two tables are joinedtogether we must follow these guidelines: Table names in the FROM clause are separated bycommas. Use appropriate joining condition. This means that the foreign key of table 1 will be made equal to the primary key of table 2. This column acts as the joining attribute. For example, dno of employee table and dno of department will be involved in the joining condition of the WHERE clause. (Refer section 8.3) 2. A where clause generally contains a condition; but it can also contain an SQL query. The query is within a WHERE clause is called the inner query or sub query, and the query that encloses the inner one is called the outer query or main query. It is also possible to place the inner query with in a FROM or HAVING clause. Using nested queries it is possible to build powerful SQL programs. (Refer section 8.3.1) 3. The query is within a WHERE clause is called the inner query or sub query and the query that encloses the inner one is called the outer query or main query. (Refer section 8.3.1) 4. The operators IN, ANY, and ALL are used in the multiple row sub queries. The sub query in this case returns more than one row. (Refer section8.3.2) 5. The exits clause returns true in a WHERE clause if the subquery that follows returns at least one row. (Refer section 8.3.3) For Section 8.4 1. To add a new row into the table you can follow the syntax: INSERT INTO table [(column-1I, column-2I)] Values (value- I I, value-2..I); Using this syntax you can insert only one row at a time. (Refer section 8.4) For Section 8.5 1. syntax: CREATE TABLE tablename (column_1 datatype,column_2 datatype.); Database Management Systems Unit 8 Sikkim Manipal University Page No.: 165 You specify the name of the table (should be unique) and one or more attributes and their data types. (Refer section 8.5) 8.9.2 Answers to Terminal Questions (TQs) 1. SQL stands for structured Query Language, it is a non-procedural language, meaning that SQL describes what data to retrieve, delete or insert rather than how to perform the operation. (Refer section 8.1) 2. The select statement is used to extract information from one or more tables in the database. (Refer section 8.2) 3. There are many occasions in the database applications where we need to retrieve data from more than one table. (Refer section 8.3) 8.9.3 Answers to Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) 1. A 2. A 3. C 4. D