This document provides instructions for an experiment to remove hardness from water using lime (Ca(HCO3)2) and soda ash (Na2CO3). The objectives are to measure water hardness before and after treatment, determine the amount of lime and soda ash needed to reduce hardness to practical limits, and reduce the pH of softened water using CO2. Key steps include determining initial water characteristics, calculating chemical doses, mixing chemicals with the water sample, measuring post-treatment water properties, and analyzing the results. The expected outcomes are a reduction in total hardness, calcium hardness and magnesium hardness post-treatment, with final concentrations of approximately 14 mg/L calcium and 12 mg/L magnesium.
This document provides instructions for an experiment to remove hardness from water using lime (Ca(HCO3)2) and soda ash (Na2CO3). The objectives are to measure water hardness before and after treatment, determine the amount of lime and soda ash needed to reduce hardness to practical limits, and reduce the pH of softened water using CO2. Key steps include determining initial water characteristics, calculating chemical doses, mixing chemicals with the water sample, measuring post-treatment water properties, and analyzing the results. The expected outcomes are a reduction in total hardness, calcium hardness and magnesium hardness post-treatment, with final concentrations of approximately 14 mg/L calcium and 12 mg/L magnesium.
This document provides instructions for an experiment to remove hardness from water using lime (Ca(HCO3)2) and soda ash (Na2CO3). The objectives are to measure water hardness before and after treatment, determine the amount of lime and soda ash needed to reduce hardness to practical limits, and reduce the pH of softened water using CO2. Key steps include determining initial water characteristics, calculating chemical doses, mixing chemicals with the water sample, measuring post-treatment water properties, and analyzing the results. The expected outcomes are a reduction in total hardness, calcium hardness and magnesium hardness post-treatment, with final concentrations of approximately 14 mg/L calcium and 12 mg/L magnesium.
This document provides instructions for an experiment to remove hardness from water using lime (Ca(HCO3)2) and soda ash (Na2CO3). The objectives are to measure water hardness before and after treatment, determine the amount of lime and soda ash needed to reduce hardness to practical limits, and reduce the pH of softened water using CO2. Key steps include determining initial water characteristics, calculating chemical doses, mixing chemicals with the water sample, measuring post-treatment water properties, and analyzing the results. The expected outcomes are a reduction in total hardness, calcium hardness and magnesium hardness post-treatment, with final concentrations of approximately 14 mg/L calcium and 12 mg/L magnesium.
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Introducton Hardness is the sum of all polyvalent cations. For most waters this is simply Ca and Mg. Softening entails the removal of Ca and Mg because they tend to form precipitate with soap Ca 2+ + (S!"# $ Ca(S!"#2(s# !s a result% soap cannot interact with dirt and the calcium$soap comple& forms undesirable precipitates. Calcium and magnesium also tend to form scales in hot water heaters that reduce heating efficiency and clog the pipes. ne of the common treatment methods for removal of hardness is by precipitation using lime (Ca(H#2# and soda ash ('a2C(#. )he concentration of calcium and magnesium left in solution after precipitation can be determined from the solubility product of the reaction CaC((s# Ca 2+ + C( 2$ % *so + ,Ca 2+ -,C( 2$ - + ./ $0.(2 Mg(H#2 (s# Mg 2+ + 2H $ % *so + ,Mg 2+ -,H $ - 2 + ./ $./.12 O!"#ct$#% .. )o measure the hardness of the water sample before and after treatment. 2. )o determine the amount of lime and soda ash needed to reduce the amount of hardness to practical limits of (/ mg3l as CaC( for Ca and ./ mg3l as CaC( for Mg. (. )o reduce the pH of softened water using C2. Proc#dur# )he following tas4s should be carried out5 .. 6etermine the pH of the water sample. 2. 6etermine the al4alinity of the water sample. (. 6etermine the hardness (total and calcium hardness# of the water sample. 2. )abulate the constituents of the water sample in me73l% as shown in the table below. Component Concentration M. 8t. 97. number 97. 8t. Conc. me73l C2 !ssume 0.0 mg3l 22 2 22 /.2 Ca 2+ CaC( .// 2 ;/ :: Mg 2+ CaC( .// 2 ;/ ::. !l4alinity CaC( .// 2 ;/ ::. 'ote that there is no need to determine the concentration of 'a% Cl% S2 and other anions or cations. ;. 6raw a me73l bar graph of the water before treatment <. 6etermine the concentration of lime and soda ash needed using the above bar graph. 8ater contains . mole of 'umber of moles needed 8ater contains me73l me73l needed of lime Soda ash lime soda C2 & $ /.2 /.2 $ Ca(HC(#2 & $ :.. :.. $ Mg(HC(#2 ' $ :: :.. $ CaS2 $ & :: - $ MgS2 & & :: :: :: 9&cess ..2; me73l $ ..2; )otal (( (() )he amount of lime (what form=:::: # needed + :.. (1 + :::mg3l )he amount of soda ash ('a2C(# needed + :.. ;( + :::mg3l. 1. Fill a .$> flas4 with the water sample to be treated% and place under the stirrer using the ?ar$test apparatus.
0. 8eigh the re7uired amount of lime and soda ash re7uired and add to the flas4. !llow rapid mi&ing at .// rpm for . minute% flocculation (slow mi&ing# at 2/ rpm for .; minutes% and settling for 2/ minutes. @. )a4e samples from the supernatant and determine the pH% al4alinity% total hardness% and calcium hardness. ./. "urge C2 in a portion of the supernatant and measure the pH after purging for ./ minutes. R#*ur#+#nt%, .. Fill out the provided e&periment data sheet and carry out the re7uired calculations. 2. Af you are re7uested to submit a report of this e&periment then your report should contain (a# an introduction that ends with the ob?ective (b# methodology including sample identification (c# results and discussion (d# conclusion (e# references and (f# an appendi& that contains the filled data sheet. C2 HC( Mg /.2 / / S-PPLEMENT R#+o$./ o0 H.rdn#%% !1 L+# .nd Sod.-A%2 L+# .nd %od. .%2 n##d#d to r#+o$# 2.rdn#%% to 3r.ctc./ /+t% )he amount of lime and soda ash needed to remove hardness from water not only depends on the level of Ca and Mg in the water but also on the al4alinity and C2 present. Stoichiometrically% the amount of lime and soda ash needed is illustrated in the following reactions. .. C2 + H2 & H2C( + & Ca(H#2 CaC( (s# + 2H2 (.# 2. &Ca(HC(#2 + & Ca(H#2 CaC( (s# + 2H2 (2# (. &Mg(HC(#2 + & Ca(H#2 Mg(H#2(s# + Ca(HC(#2 ((a# .Ca(HC(#2 + & Ca(H#2 CaC( (s# + 2H2 ((b# 2. &CaS2 + &'a2C( CaC( (s# + 'a2S2 (2# ;. &MgS2 + & Ca(H#2 Mg(H#2(s# + CaS2 (;a#
CaS2 + &'a2C( CaC( (s# + 'a2S2 (;b# 8ater contains . mole of 'umber of moles needed Beaction number lime Soda ash C2 & $ . Ca(HC(#2 & $ 2 Mg(HC(#2 ' $ ( CaS2 $ & 2 MgS2 & & ; CaCl2 $ & Similar to 2 MgCl2 & & Similar to ; 9&cess ..2; me73l $ 9ven if the above amounts of lime and soda ash is added to the water% not all the calcium and magnesium will precipitate% rather a small amount of calcium and magnesium will be left in solution according to the solubility reactions. "ractically% about (/ mg3l calcium as CaC( and ./ mg3l magnesium as CaC( is left in solution. 9&le5 8hat is the amount of lime and soda ash needed to remove Ca and Mg (to the practical limits# from water with the following characteristics= pH+ 1./% C2+ 0.0 mg3l% Ca 2+ + 2/ mg3l% Mg 2+ + .2.1 mg3l% 'a + + .(.1% S2 2$ + 2@ mg3l% Cl $ + .1.0 mg3l% al4alinity+.(; mg3l as CaC(. .. Calculate the me73l of the constituents as shown in the table below. 'ote that the al4alinity at a pH C 1.0 e&ists as bicarbonate (HC( $ #. Component Concentration mg3l M. 8t. 97. 'umber 97. 8t. Conc. me73l C2 0.0 22 2 22 /.2 Ca 2+ 2/ 2/ 2 2/ 2./ Mg 2+ .2.1 22.2 2 .2.2 ..2. 'a + .(.1 2( . 2( /.< S2 2$ 2@ @< 2 20 /.< Cl $ .1.0 (; . (; /.;. !l4alinity .(; as CaC( .// 2 ;/ 2.1 2. 6raw a me73l bar graph for the water before lime and soda addition. (. 6etermine the amount of lime and soda ash needed 8ater contains . mole of 'umber of moles needed 8ater contains me73l me73l needed of lime Soda ash lime soda C2 & $ /.2 /.2 $ Ca(HC(#2 & $ 2./ 2./ $ Mg(HC(#2 ' $ /.1 ..2 $ CaS2 $ & / - $ MgS2 & & /.;. /.;. /.;. CaCl2 $ & / - $ MgCl2 & & / - $ 9&cess ..2; me73l $ ..2; )otal 5)54 5)5& So the amount of lime (Ca(H#2# needed + ;.;< (1+ 2/;.1 mg3l. )he amount of soda ash needed + /.;. ;( + 21 mg3l. 2. 6raw a me73l bar graph after the addition of lime and soda ash !t this point the pH of the water is appro&imately ..% so recarbonation (addition of C2# is performed to reduce the pH to acceptable values of <.;$0.;. C2 Ca HC( Mg S2 'a Cl (.0. /.2 2.1 (.( / / 2./ (.2. (.0. Ca H Mg S2 'a Cl ..@. /.0 ..2 / / /.< /.0 ..@. C( /.< CaC((s# + Ca 2+ + C( 2$
Mg(H#2 (s# + Mg 2+ + 2H $ 'ote that the amount of Ca left is (/ mg3l as CaC( (+ /.< me73l# and the amount of Mg left is ./ mg3l as CaC( (+ /.2 me73l#. CIVL375, EXPERIMENT 5 DATA SHEET REMOVAL OF HARDNESS BY LIME AND SODA-ASH 'ame A6 E63#r+#nt./ Condton% 9&periment date Sample identification )otal hardness mg3l as CaC( me73l Calcium hardness mg3l as CaC( me73l Magnesium hardness mg3l as CaC( me73l !l4alinity mg3l as CaC( me73l pH Bapid mi&ing time% seconds Slow mi&ing time% minutes Settling time% minutes +#*7/ !.r 8r.32 o0 t2# %.+3/# L+# .nd %od. .%2 n##d#d Sample contains . mole of 'umber of moles needed Sample contains me73l me73l needed of lime soda ash lime soda C2 & $ Ca(HC(#2 & $ Mg(HC(#2 ' $ CaS2 $ & MgS2 & & 9&cess ..2; me73l $ )otal Molecular weight of lime (g3mol or mg3mmol# 97uivalent weight of lime (mg3me7# !mount of >ime needed for . liter sample (mg# Molecular weight of soda ash (g3mol or mg3mmol# 97uivalent weight of soda ash (mg3me7# !mount of Soda ash needed for . liter sample (mg# A0t#r /+#7%od.-.%2 tr#.t+#nt !#0or# r#c.r!on.ton )otal hardness% mg3l as CaC( Calcium hardness% mg3l as CaC( Magnesium hardness% mg3l as CaC( !l4alinity% mg3l as CaC( pH A0t#r /+#7%od.-.%2 tr#.t+#nt .nd .0t#r r#c.r!on.ton )otal hardness% mg3l as CaC( Calcium hardness% mg3l as CaC( Magnesium hardness% mg3l as CaC( !l4alinity% mg3l as CaC( pH
R#*ur#d C./cu/.ton% .. "lot using a histogram the changes in total hardness of the original sample% after treatment before recarbonation% and after recarbonation. 2. "lot using a histogram the changes in al4alinity of the original sample% after treatment before recarbonation% and after recarbonation. (. "lot using a histogram the changes in pH of the original sample% after treatment before recarbonation% and after recarbonation.
(Springer Series in Biomaterials Science and Engineering, Volume 2, 2014) Besim Ben-Nissan (Editor) - Advances in Calcium Phosphate Biomaterials-Springer (2014)