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The Sacred Name

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The Sacred Name

By Yosiah Yedidiah

Today there is a very popular belief or misconception that the Name of our Creator was
not or is not Sacred. Sacred is usually defined as dedicated or set-apart. Is it so hard to
believe that the Creator of the universe’s name is to be dedicated or set-apart? In fact
doesn’t both set apart and dedicated have a meaning of not only special, separated, but of
uniqueness, as in oneness.

Those of you who are familiar with the Hebrew She’ma1 know that it teaches that the
creator, YaHWaH is One. Not only does this keep us from ever becoming
polytheistic, and worshiping more than one mighty one, but also from using any other
name. This is what the Father means when He say’s His name is jealous;

(Exo 34:14) for you do not bow yourselves to another mighty one, for ‫יהוה‬, whose
Name is jealous, is a jealous Ěl

What else could this scripture possibly be saying other than, YaHWaH who is a jealous
El, is jealous about His name?

The Hebrew word translated as jealous is, qannâ' - H7067 meaning properly, jealous,
from the primitive root qânâ' - H7065 meaning zealous, jealous, and envious. The word
qannâ' is later compared to qannô' - H7072 defined as jealous or angry. Definitions
are given below for your review.


From H7065; jealous: - jealous. Compare H7072.


A primitive root; to be (causatively make) zealous, that is, (in a bad sense) jealous or
envious: - (be) envy (-ious), be (move to, provoke to) jealous (-y), X very, (be) zeal (-

For H7067; jealous or angry: - jealous.

Given the context and these Hebrew definitions one surely will conclude that YaHWaH is
jealous about His name, and that we are not to “bow our selves to another mighty one”
which is exactly what we do when we ascribe worship in any other name.

I fail to understand how we can even conceive it would not offend ourselves or each other
much less our Master. Think about it, those of you who are married or parents, how
would you feel if your spouse called you by another name? What about your children?
What if they called you by your name in contempt, rather than Mommy or Daddy, not
honoring you as a parent, or recognizing your authority?

Even worse, what if they called you by the name of your enemy? You may not know it
but in many cases, that is exactly what we are doing today. Over the years the pagan
names of deities were slightly disguised and slipped into Judaism and Christianity and
today many are unknowingly ascribing worship to them. This is exactly what Satan
desired, to steal worship from YaHWaH, this is the only way to get most people to
worship him and the demons who followed him. Think about it, there are not that many
people in the world who openly and knowingly worship Satan! How else would he be
accomplishing his goal if it were not through deceit and false worship? Let’s look at
some of the more popular of these names and their origins.

Please keep in mind, this is just a brief example of the enormous etymological research
needed in this area, my premise here is not to conclusively expose all pagan roots, but
rather to simply prove that are we not “Jealous” about His name, but we also are using
names that are either mistranslated, meaningless or have pagan roots to other deities, all
of which is idolatrous and blasphemous!

First is of course the all around universal - God

The English word God continues the Old English God (guþ, gudis in Gothic, gud in
modern Scandinavian, God in Dutch, and Gott in modern German), which derives from
the Proto-Germanic *ǥuđán. All of these are pagan deity names not just a term in their
original languages. Morgan Peter Kavenaugh, in his book The Origin of Language and
Myths, claim that the word god was taken from the Buddha's patriarchal name of
Gotama, Godama, Gautama, among other variations. He further claimed that this title
assigned to the Buddha, became many words, such as in English the words, foot, boot,
best, better and good. Others have come to a similar conclusion such as the Historian
John Campbell who wrote; " I have shown elsewhere that the English word God, the
German Gott, the Persian Bhoda and the Hindustani Khuda are all derived from the same
root as that which appears in Celtic Aeddon or Guydion, the Germanin Odin, Woden or
Goutan and the Indian Buddha or Gotama”" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/God_(word)
Not only was this not as believed today a “universal term” it was the name of many
pagan deities. Imagine if you were the Creator and King of the Universe, governing the
entire world, and in every one of your numerous kingdoms you were called something
different. That seems ridiculous from the very thought, doesn’t it? It is in fact because
linguistically speaking it is improper to translate a name. Webster defines translate as “to
turn into ones own language or another”. Names should not be translated, they should be
transliterated, which Webster defines as “to represent or spell in the characters of another
alphabet”. Ask yourself now again if I traveled into many countries that have many
languages, would it really make sense for them to all call you something different? Could
anyone keep up with it? Should anyone? It makes more sense for each one to learn one
simple word, your name, by taking their alphabet and teaching them to pronounce your
name! It is really quite simple.

First appeared in 1530, as Tyndale's erroneous transliteration of Heb. Tetragramaton
YHWH, using vowel points of Adhonai "my lord". Used for YHWH (the full name being
too sacred for utterance) in four places in the Old Testament in the K.J.V. where the usual
translation lord would have been inconvenient; taken as the principal and personal name
of God. The vowel substitution was originally made by the Masoretes as a direction to
substitute Adhonai for "the ineffable name." European students of Heb. took this literally,
which yielded JeHoVa (first attested in writings of Galatinus, 1516). Jehovah's Witnesses
"member of Watchtower Bible and Tract Society" first attested 1933; the organization
founded c.1879 by Charles Taze Russell (1852-1916)

Next in the 16th century Petrus Galatinus, a confessor to Pope X, used the form 'Iehoua'
in his book De Arcanis Catholic Veritatis II. The character 'h' was added to the end of the
word (i.e., 'Iehoua(h)'). This was about the time of printing when a reversed L evolved
into the character 'J'. Dr. J.B. Rotherham writes the following about the j-word error
"The pronunciation Jehovah was unknown until 1520, when it was introduced by
Galatinus; but was contested by Le Mercier, J. Drusius, and L. Capellus, as against
grammatical and historical propriety."[viii]

The History of the Letter J

The letter is a late modification of Roman -i-, originally a scribal creation in continental
M.L. to distinguish small -i- in cursive writing from the strokes of other letters, especially
in the final positions of words. But in Eng., -y- was used for this, and -j- was introduced
c.1600-1640 to take up the consonantal sound that had evolved from -i- since L.L. times.
This usage first was attested in Sp., where it was in place before 1600. Eng. dictionaries
continued to lump together words beginning in -i- and -j- until 19c.

According to this research, which no doubt proves that the name Jehovah used by many
today as the sacred name of the Creator, 1) Originally was thought to be Iehoua,
pronounced as Yehoowa or Yahooa 2) This was quickly realized and labeled as
“Erroneous”, an error, a mistake! 3) The letter J was not added to the English language
until c.1600-1640.

But first I must ask, does this not clearly prove Jehovah cannot be the sacred name of the
Creator? This brings us to the other J-Name, “Jesus”!

Most people today believe that the name “Jesus” is Greek, Latin, or an English translation
of such, all of which are not true. Proof of this is still evident today even in Rome, the
creator of both “J” names. A recent document was released August 6, 2000 by
Catholicism titled “Dominus Iesus” a Latin term for “The Lord Jesus” as defined below;

Dominus Iesus (Latin for "The Lord Jesus") is a declaration by the Congregation for the
Doctrine of the Faith. It was approved in a Plenary meeting of the Congregation, and
bears the signature of its then Prefect, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict
XVI, and of its then Secretary, Archbishop Tarcisio Bertone, now Cardinal Secretary of
State. The declaration was approved by Pope John Paul II and was published on August
6, 2000. It is subtitled "On the Unicity and Salvific Universality of Jesus Christ and
the Church". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dominus Iesus

Etymology of Dominus
Dominus - M.E. laverd, loverd (13c.), from O.E. hlaford "master of a household, ruler,
superior," also "God" (translating L. Dominus, though O.E. drihten was used more often),
earlier hlafweard, lit. "one who guards the loaves," from hlaf "bread, loaf" + weard
"keeper, guardian, ward." Cf. lady, and O.E. hlafæta "household servant," lit. "loaf-eater."
Modern monosyllabic form emerged 14c. The verb meaning "to play the lord, domineer"
is from late 14c.; to lord it is from 1570s. Interjection Lordy first attested 1853,
Amer.Eng. Lord of the Flies translates Beelzebub (q.v.) and was name of 1954 book by
William Golding.

Etymology of Beelzebub (The Lord)

Beelzebub - O.E. Belzebub, Philistine god worshipped at Ekron (2 Kings i.2), from L.,
used in Vulgate for N.T. Gk. beelzeboub, from Heb. ba'al-z'bub "lord of the flies," from
ba'al "lord" + z'bhubh "fly." By later Christian writers often taken as another name for
"Satan," though Milton made him one of the fallen angels.

Proof of this is, believe it or not is best found in the Scriptures! When we back translate
or more properly don’t translate, 1Ki 18:21 as demonstrated below by word translated
as “the LORD” – H3068 and leaving it as the Hebrew literally reads ‫יהוה‬the name of
the Creator pronounced, YaHWaH, this is how the Restored Name King James
Version correctly renders it now as shown below.

(1Ki 18:21 KJV) And ElijahH452 cameH5066 untoH413 allH3605 the people,H5971 and said,H559 How
longH5704 H4970 haltH6452 yeH859 betweenH5921 twoH8147 opinions?H5587 ifH518 the LORDH3068 be
God,H430 followH1980 H310 him: but ifH518 Baal,H1168 then followH1980 H310 him. And the
peopleH5971 answeredH6030 him notH3808 a word.H1697

(1Ki 18:21 RNKJV) And EliYah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye
between two opinions? if YHWH be Elohim, follow him: but if the Baal, then follow
him. And the people answered him not a word.

Notice also as we learned previously the word “Baal” – H1168 in Hebrew means Lord, or
Master, but it is more specifically the name of a pagan deity, translated “Lord of
flies”! The Hebrew word used for Master in the TaNaK is 'âdôn - H113 where we
get the Hebrew word Adonai, which also has the meaning sovereign. So to use the
English word LORD for the Creator is not only an insult, it is also the name of a
pagan deity. All definitions are given below for your review.


The same as H1167; Baal, a Phoenician deity: - Baal, [plural] Baalim.


From H1166; a master; hence a husband, or (figuratively) owner (often used with
another noun in modifications of this latter sense: - + archer, + babbler, + bird, captain,
chief man, + confederate, + have to do, + dreamer, those to whom it is due, + furious,
those that are given to it, great, + hairy, he that hath it, have, + horseman, husband, lord,
man, + married, master, person, + sworn, they of.


A primitive root; to be master; hence (as denominative from H1167) to marry: - Beulah
have dominion (over), be husband, marry (-ried, X wife).


‫אדון‬ ‫אדן‬
'âdôn 'âdôn
aw-done', aw-done'
From an unused root (meaning to rule); sovereign, that is, controller (human or divine):
- lord, master, owner. Compare also names beginning with “Adoni-”.

So we see that the Latin word Dominus a title given to the name “Jesus” by Rome is
translated in English as Lord which is the name of a pagan deity. Now let’s continue our
research into the origin of the name Iesus which later became “Jesus”.

Etymology of Iesus (Jesus)

Originally rendered Iesus - O.E., from M.L., representing Gk. abbreviation of IHSOUS
"Jesus," in which -H- is the capital of the Gk. vowel eta. The Roman form would be
I.E.S. Mistaken for a L. contraction in the Middle Ages, after its Gk. origin was forgotten,
and sometimes treated as short for Iesus Hominum Salvator "Jesus Savior of Men."
Alternative version I.H.C. (terminal -s- often written -c- in later Gk.) is found on
vestments from 950 C.E., and may be the source of the H. in slang Jesus H. Christ.

The Name Iesus or Iesous is traced back to the Ionic Greek goddess of healing, Ieso.
This feminine form was changed to a masculine Iesous which was welcomed by the
Greek converts. And the name Iesous/Iesus had for many years been operative in the
Bible as the name with which Bible translators described “The Son of the Most High, the

The 1611 King James Version uses the name Iesus it was not until 1629 this name Iesus
was replaced in the King James Bible with “JESUS”!

The name Iesous/Iesus is derived from the pagan Greek goddess of healing, Ieso!

Iaso or Ieso (ancient Greek Ἰασώ; Ionic Greek Ἰησώ) was the Greek goddess of
recuperation from illness. The daughter of Asclepius, she had five sisters: Aceso,
Aglæa/Ægle, Hygieia, Meditrina, and Panacea. All six were associated with some aspect
of health or healing.

A quick lesson in Mythology, the root of ancient form of Replacement Theology!

Jupiter (mythology)
This article is about the supreme god of the ancient Romans. In Roman mythology,
Jupiter or Jove was the king of the gods, and the god of sky and thunder. He is the
equivalent of Zeus in the Greek pantheon. He was called Iuppiter (or Diespiter) Optimus
Maximus ("Father God the Best and Greatest"). As the patron deity of ancient Rome, he
ruled over laws and social order. He was the chief god of the Capitoline Triad, with
sister/wife Juno. Jupiter is also the father of the god Mars with Juno. Therefore, Jupiter is
the grandfather of Romulus and Remus, the legendary founders of Rome. Jupiter was
venerated in ancient Roman religion, and is still venerated in Roman Neopaganism. He is
a son of Saturn, along with brothers Neptune and Pluto. He is also the brother/husband of
Ceres (daughter of Saturn and mother of Proserpina), brother of Veritas (daughter of
Saturn), and father of Mercury.

Iuppiter originated as a vocative compound of the Old Latin vocative *Iou and pater
("father") and came to replace the Old Latin nominative case *Ious. Jove[4] is a less
common English formation based on Iov-, the stem of oblique cases of the Latin name.
Linguistic studies identify the form *Iou-pater as deriving from the Indo-European
vocative compound *Dyēu-pəter (nominative: *Dyēus-pətēr meaning "O Father Sky-

Older forms of the deity's name in Rome were Djeus-pater (“day/sky-father”), then
Diéspiter. Djeus is the etymological equivalent of ancient Greece's Zeus and of the
Teutonics' Ziu, gen. Ziewes. The Indo-European deity is thus the god from which Zeus
and the Indo-Aryan Vedic Dyaus Pita are derived.

The name of the god was also adopted as the name of the planet Jupiter, and was the
original namesake of Latin forms of the weekday now known in English as Thursday but
originally called Iovis Dies in Latin, giving rise to Deus in Portuguese, jeudi in French,
jueves in Spanish, joi in Romanian, giovedì in Italian, dijous in Catalan, Xoves in Galego,
Joibe in Furlan.

I have provided the entire article above to demonstrate not only how the names of deities
have changed over the years, but also how they have ever so cleverly been inserted into
the sky as names of planets and into our calendar as days and months originally dedicated
to these deities as times of worship! Let’s continue now by looking into some linguistic
rules or conventions of Greek and Roman names.

Etymology of a “Greek surname”

Greek given names can be derived from the Greco-Roman gods, along with Ancient
Greek traditions, or from the Old and New Testament and early Christian traditions.
Some of the names are often, but not always, anglicised. Male names usually end in -ης
and -ος, along with -α and -ων. If a name ends in -ίας, -ήλ and sometimes -ης/ής, it is a
Hebrew name which has been translated into Greek. Female names most often end in -α
and -η. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_name

Definition of an Epithet
An epithet (from Greek ἐπίθετον - epitheton, neut. of ἐπίθετος - epithetos, "attributed,
added") is a descriptive word or phrase accompanying or occurring in place of the
name of a person or thing, which has become a fixed formula. It has various shades
of meaning when applied to seemingly real or fictitious people, divinities, objects,
and biological nomenclature.
In linguistics, an epithet can only be a metaphor, essentially a reduced or condensed
appositive. Epithets are sometimes attached to a person's name or appear in place of
their name, as what might be described as a glorified nickname.

In many polytheistic religions, such as in ancient Greek and Roman religions, a deity's
epithets, easily multiplied in the practice of cultus generally reflected a particular
aspect of that god's essence and role, for which their influence may be obtained for a
specific occasion http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epithet

The following is a classic example of this:

In Greek mythology, Iacchus (Greek: Ἴακχος) is an epithet of Dionysus (Διόνυσος),

particularly associated with the Mysteries at Eleusis, where he was considered to be the
son of Zeus and Demeter. Iacchus was the torch bearer of the procession from Eleusis,
sometimes regarded as the herald of the 'divine child' of the Goddess, born in the
underworld, and sometimes as the child itself. Iacchus was called ‘the light bearing star
of the nocturnal mysteries’, giving him possible associations with Sirius and Sothis.

Iacchus' identification with Dionysus is demonstrated in a variety of sources. In a Paean

to Dionysus discovered at Delphi, the god is described as being named Iacchos at Eleusis,
where he "brings salvation"

The word Iacchos also signified the ritual cry ("Iacchus, O Iacchus!") that accompanied
the festival. In Euripedes' The Bacchae, according to the translation by Philip Vellacott,
the Bacchants call to dance, crying out in unison on the son of Zeus, "Iacchus!
Bromius!". Bromius is another epithet of Dionysus.

Note: the “festival” spoken of is no doubt the Saturnalia is the feast at which the Romans
commemorated the dedication of the temple of the god Saturn, which took place on
December 17. Over the years, it expanded to encompass the whole week, up to December
25. The Saturnalia was a large and important public festival in Rome.

Based on this discovery, we must earnestly ask ourselves, is the name Iesous/Iesus later
changed to Jesus an epithet nickname or surname as is so common to the Greek/Roman
societies and religions from which it originated? I answer yes, the following evidence
leans heavily on the side of this conclusion and quite frankly anyone who does not see
this having read it, is clearly biased or delusional!

1. We have established the name Iesous/Iesus is derived from the pagan Greek
goddess of healing, Ieso! The fact that this goddess was considered a healer as
was the Messiah, and the Greek’s and Romans renaming Him after their healer is
clearly an Epithet!
2. In our example of an “Epithet” we pointed out Iacchus (Greek: Ἴακχος) is an
epithet of Dionysus (Διόνυσος), he was considered to be the son of Zeus and
Demeter. We chose this particular example by no coincidence for it again proves
Jesus is in fact an epithet of these gods. A fact easily established when one learns
that linguistically speaking the Greek suffixes sos, ous, us, eus are in fact epithets
or surnames for Zeus and his descendants! As the following reference determines;
The Attic ending -o-u (apparently borrowed from the second declension) is not
used in the modern. In these last forms from nouns in -eus the i is always short. i
Some ...... Freq. epithet of Zeus, esp. in genitive. Full text of "Four books of
Homer's Odyssey”


3. The final nail in the coffin of our synopsis is that when we consider the name
Jesus to be a Greek epithet of Zeus and his descendants, it as just demonstrated
not only proves out linguistically but also when given the following epithet
qualities A) Zeus the “Father of all gods” therefore “Jesus” his son! B) Dionysus
the “god of wine” therefore “Jesus” who made water into wine! C) Attis or Aiolos
by the ancient spelling was resurrected from the death by Zeus, his father! And
the list goes on and on.

According to 2Maccabees 6:2, in 167 b.c., Antiochus Epiphanes the king of Hellenistic Greek
Empire “profaned the temple in Jerusalem, and to call it the temple of Jupiter [Zeus] Olympius;
and that in Garizim, of Jupiter the Defender of strangers, as they did desire that dwelt in the
place”. The Greeks and Romans had replaced the Hebrew faith with their religion and deities long
before and after the Messiah! This in fact is the entire premise in which Christianity was founded,
mixed Greco/Roman sun and Mithra worship, replacement theology at its finest! For more on
this I suggest reading “Come out of her my people” by C.J. Koster and “The two babylons” by
Alexander Hislop.

Before we continue to the next topic of this study I feel it necessary to point out a few more of the
many parallels between Zeus, Jesus, sun worship and the ancient Greco/Roman religion.
1. First of all of course the day in which they are worshiped – the Sun-day!
2. Zeus was equated with the Syrian Baal shomem “Lord of the heavens” also used by
Christianity for Jesus and the Creator. The New American Bible – footnotes on 2mac 6:2
3. December 25th is the birth date of Tammuz, the Babylonian sun god, nor that it is the
birthday of the Egyptian sun god Ra. In 168 BC Antiochus Epiphanes occupied Jerusalem
and erected a statue of Zeus in the temple claiming Zeus was god on Zeus’ birthday…
December 25th. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tammuz_(deity)

4. When Rome conquered Persia, the Romans adopted the worship of Mithra, the Persian
version of the Babylonian Tammuz using the same symbol, the Babylonian “Tau” or cross,
and when they conquered Jerusalem they hung Jewish patriots on the cross of Mithra as
sacrifices to the Roman sun god who was born on… you guessed it… December 25th!"

5. Although in Western art the manger is usually depicted as being in a man-made

free standing structure, many biblical scholars conjecture that, as in Byzantine art,
the manger was probably positioned in a cave carved in the side of a hill. In the
second century, Justin Martyr stated that Jesus had been born in a cave outside the
town, while the Protoevangelium of James described a legendary birth in a cave
nearby. The Church of the Nativity inside the town, built by St. Helena, contains
the cave-manger site traditionally venerated as the birthplace of Jesus, which may
have originally been a site of the cult of the god Tammuz.

All of the above statements can be confirmed at the given sources as well as any of the older

Jesus is the Epithet or surname of the son of Zeus, the “Lord of the heavens” it was given by the
Greco/Roman Empire. Later The Roman Emperor Constantine established the religion of
Christianity in 321 a.d. he was a known Mithra/Sun worshiper. He simply took this Greek
Messiah and molded him into his new religion keeping his original sun worship. He then gave his
Jesus messiah the birth date of his gods, December 25th. The teachings of Jesus Christ are not the
teachings of the Hebrew Messiah YaHWaHshua HaMashiach.

This makes them two entirely different people, one – YaHWaHshua was here on earth, he was a
Hebrew prophet and Torah teacher, the other Jesus - never existed nor was ever known by such a
name, he is now being taught as a mythical character who came to change the Creators plan by
“nailing the Torah [law] to the cross” and allowing us to break our Creators original
commandments like eating swine’s flesh an abomination then and forever, according to Torah!

This makes him a false teacher, and as he is claimed to be the Messiah by his followers, he is
therefore a False Messiah or the Anti-Messiah. The word anti is from Greek and Latin and means
to go before or in place of, not against as the church teaches the “Anti-Christ” apostasy.
The Apostle Yochanan (John) tells us that the anti-messiah is coming but that many have
in his time already gone out!

1Jn 2:18 Little children, it is the last hour. And as you have heard that the anti-messiah
is coming, even now many anti-messiahs have come. This is how we know that it is the
last hour.

The Mashiach YaHWaHshua is quoted as saying;

Joh 5:43 “I have come in My Father’s Name and you do not receive Me, if another comes
in his own name, him you would receive.

He came in His Fathers Name, His Fathers name is YaHWaH, not Jesus, that’s another’s
own name.

Psa 96:2 “Sing unto YHWH, bless his name; shew forth his salvation from day to day”

In Hebrew the name of the Mashiach is given to us at;

Zec 3:1 And he shewedH7200 me(H853) JoshuaH3091 the highH1419 priestH3548 standingH5975
beforeH6440 the angelH4397 of the LORD,H3068 and SatanH7854 standingH5975 atH5921 his right
handH3225 to resistH7853 him.

The Hebrew word H3091 is


It is this name that was given to the Messiah at;

Mat 1:21 “And she shall give birth to a Son, and you shall call His Name ‫ יהושע‬for He
shall save His people from their sins.” Footnote: This is the precise meaning of the
Heḇrew of His Name. H3091 – YaHWaH saved!

For more in depth research of these name pronunciation see the studies; “the name –
YaHWaH” and “the name – YaHWaHshua”

As we conclude this teaching I would like to review what scripture states about the
Sacred Name.

(Isa 56:6-8) “Also the sons of the foreigner who join themselves to ‫יהוה‬, to serve Him,
and to love the Name of ‫יהוה‬, to be His servants, all who guard the Sabbath, and
not profane it, and hold fast to My covenant – them I shall bring to My set-apart
mountain, and let them rejoice in My house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and
their slaughterings are accepted on My altar, for My house is called a house of
prayer for all the peoples.” The Master ‫יהוה‬, who gathers the outcasts of Yisra’ĕl,
declares, “I gather still others to him besides those who are gathered to him.”

Notice the exclusive promise to those who love His name, a promise of gathering to His
set-apart mountain and acceptance of their worship, for it is then true worship, a promise
for those who were sons of a foreigner, who were scattered, who were the outcasts of
Yisrael, but now have joined themselves in covenant to love His name and guard His

(Zec 13:8-9) And it shall be throughout all the soil,” declares ‫יהוה‬, “that two thirds
therein are cut off and die, and one third is left therein. “And I shall bring the third into
fire, and refine them as silver is refined, and try them as gold is tried. They shall call on
My Name, and I shall answer them. I shall say, ‘This is My people,’ while they say, ‘‫יהוה‬
is my Elohim.’ ” Footnote: Zeph. 3:9.

(Zeph 3:9) “For then I shall turn unto the peoples a clean lip1, so that they all call on the
Name of ‫יהוה‬, to serve Him with one shoulder. Footnote: 1Or language.

The sacred name YaHWaH will deliver the true remnant of Yisra’el, one third of
mankind who call on this name will be delivered and tried during the great tribulation,
where as two thirds will be immediately destroyed, cut off and die. Let those who have
ears hear! The clean lip here is the Hebrew language not any other much less English
which is unclean having many words originating with the names of foreign gods, even
words of worship – holy, god, good, grace, splendor, mercy, honor, justice, and the list
goes on and on.

(Joe 2:28-32) “And after this it shall be that I pour out My Spirit on all flesh. And your
sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men dream dreams, your young men
see visions. “And also on the male servants and on the female servants I shall pour out
My Spirit in those days. “And I shall give signs in the heavens and upon the earth:
blood and fire and columns of smoke, the sun is turned into darkness, and the moon
into blood, before the coming of the great and awesome day of ‫יהוה‬. “And it shall be
that everyone who calls on the Name of ‫ יהוה‬shall be delivered1. For on Mount
Tsiyon and in Yerushalayim there shall be an escape2 as ‫ יהוה‬has said, and among the
survivors whom ‫ יהוה‬calls. Footnotes: 1Acts 2:21, Rom. 10:13. 2Isa. 4:2-3, Obad. v. 17,
Rev. 14:1.

Here again we see an exclusive promise of deliverance, an escape for those who call on
THE name of YaHWaH! Lets look at these footnotes and the escape they describe.

(Act 2:21) ‘And it shall be that everyone who calls on the Name of ‫ יהוה‬shall be saved.’1
Footnote: 1Joel 2:28-32 above, Rom. 10:13.

(Rom 10:13) For “everyone who calls on the Name of ‫ יהוה‬shall be saved.”

(Psa 91:14-15) “Because he cleaves to Me in love, Therefore I deliver him; I set him on
high, Because he has known My Name. “When he calls on Me, I answer him; I am with
him in distress; I deliver him and esteem him.

Again THE name of YaHWaH is the key to deliverance, the ancient Hebrews believed
that the name when used invoked the Creator, if true which the scriptures seem to
support, does it not stand to reason, it means THE name? Now lets look at the escape
which are all still tied to the above prophesy (Joe 2:28-32)

(Isa 4:2) In that day the Branch of ‫ יהוה‬shall be splendid and esteemed. And the fruit of
the earth shall be excellent and comely for the escaped ones1 of Yisra’ĕl. Footnote: 1Joel
2:32 above, Obad. v. 17.

(Isa 4:3) And it shall be that he who is left in Tsiyon and he who remains in
Yerushalayim is called set-apart, everyone who is written among the living in

(Oba 1:17) “But on Mount Tsiyon there shall be an escape1, and they shall be set-apart.
And the house of Yaʽaqoḇ shall possess their possessions. Footnote: 1Isa. 4:2-3 above,
Joel 2:32 above, Rev. 14:1.

(Rev 14:1) And I looked and saw a Lamb standing on Mount Tsiyon, and with Him one
hundred and forty-four thousand, having His Father’s Name1 written upon their
foreheads. Footnote: 1Some texts read: having His Name and His Father’s Name.

His name and His Fathers name is One, this is what we discussed previously at John
5:43, where YaHWaHshua say’s He has come in His Fathers name. But more specifically
lets notice that His Fathers name is once again exclusively on the 144,000!

(Rev 7:3) saying, “Do not harm the earth, nor the sea, nor the trees until we have sealed
the servants of our Elohim upon their foreheads.”1 Footnote: 1See 9:4, 14:1, 22:4.
(Rev 9:4) And it was said to them that they shall not harm the grass of the earth, or any
green matter, or any tree, but only those men who do not have the seal of Elohim upon
their foreheads.

(Rev 22:4) And they shall see His face, and His Name shall be upon their foreheads.

His name is a seal, it is a mark upon the forehead of His servants. The forehead is a
Hebrew idiom for our thoughts and what we believe. Those who refuse this name are
not “sealed” they according to this scripture are obviously going to receive
punishment, the plagues and curses spoken of by the prophets.

(Mal 2:2) “If you do not hear, and if you do not take it to heart, to give esteem to My
Name,” said ‫ יהוה‬of hosts, “I shall send a curse upon you, and I shall curse your
blessings. And indeed, I have cursed them, because you do not take it to heart.

(Jer 12:15-17) “And it shall be, after My plucking them out, I shall return, and have
compassion on them and bring them back, everyone to his inheritance and everyone
to his land. “And it shall be, if they learn well the ways of My people, to swear by My
Name, ‘As ‫ יהוה‬lives,’ as they taught My people to swear by Baʽal, then they shall be
established in the midst of My people. “But if they do not obey, I shall pluck up, pluck
up and destroy that nation,” declares ‫יהוה‬.

The choice is up to you, will you be blessed or cursed? Will you love the name or despise
the name? Are you going to His people?

(Isa 52:5-6) “And now, what have I here,” declares ‫יהוה‬, “that My people are taken
away for naught? Those who rule over them make them wail,” declares ‫יהוה‬, “and My
Name is despised all day continually. “Therefore My people shall know My Name, in
that day, for I am the One who is speaking. See, it is I.”

The name is one of the reasons we were exiled in the first place!

(Jer 23:26-27) “Till when shall it be in the heart of the prophets? – the prophets of
falsehood and prophets of the deceit of their own heart, who try to make My people
forget My Name by their dreams which everyone relates to his neighbour, as their
fathers forgot My Name for Baʽal.

These false prophets are still trying to make you forget the True Name of the Creator
YaHWaH and use one of the hand me down names for Ba’al! Don’t believe them, do your
own research, pray hard, turn back your captivity!

(Eze 39:25) “Therefore thus said the Master ‫יהוה‬, ‘Now I am going to bring back the
captives of Yaʽaqoḇ. And I shall have compassion on all the house of Yisra’ĕl, and shall
be jealous for My set-apart Name.

Will you be jealous for His name?

(Mal 4:2) “But to you who fear My Name the Sun of Righteousness shall arise with
healing in His wings. And you shall go out and leap for joy like calves from the stall.
Will you fear His name? Will you guard His commands and enter into covenant with
Him again?

(Neh 1:9) but if you shall turn back to Me, and guard My commands and do them,
though you were cast out to the end of the heavens, I shall gather them from there, and
bring them to the place which I have chosen, to make My Name dwell there.’

One of the commands He speaks of is the third command;

(Exo 20:7) “You do not bring1 the Name of ‫ יהוה‬your Elohim to naught, for ‫ יהוה‬does not
leave the one unpunished who brings His Name to naught. Footnote: 1Or lift up, or

(Exo 3:15) And Elohim said further to Mosheh, “Thus you are to say to the children of
Yisra’ĕl, ‘‫ יהוה‬Elohim of your fathers, the Elohim of Aḇraham, the Elohim of Yitsḥaq,
and the Elohim of Yaʽaqoḇ, has sent me to you. This is My Name forever, and this is My
remembrance to all generations.’

His Name is YaHWaH according to the most ancient pronunciation I can find. I am
personally convinced that this is THE pronunciation and that the Mashiach was named
YaHWaHshua. However I must admit the evidence is not absolute, it is one of two
possibilities. So I would like to end this writing by briefly sharing my research results for
the only other possibility and why I feel it is not as probable. I go into this more in depth
in the studies – The Name YaHWaH and The Name YaHWaHshua.

The Massoretic vowel pointing reflects the name to be YaHuWaH however we are
unclear how much accent is put on the “u”. When we say YaHWaH it is also hard to say
how much one should accent the H or W. In other words should it be said YaHwah or Ya-
Wah. When accenting the W one can almost hear a “u” type sound, yet it is clearly not
heavily accented.

My point here is this 1) We could be splitting hairs here and with brethren who are this
close to the perfect one minded unity spoken of in the scriptures we should not do so! 2)
Working our way down from here those who do heavily accent the “u” have only the
Massorete’s to rely on. The fact that the Massorete’s made many scribal errors is well
known. They are also responsible for the cover up of the Name in the first place by origin
of the “ineffable” name apostasy, a fact that this study has no doubt proven contrary to
scripture. There is no way I am going to rely solely on their pronunciation. 3) when one
looks for second or third witnesses who in ancient times recorded or preserved the
pronunciation of the true Name of our Creator, you will find A) The Assyrians who
transcribed it as “Ya-uw-a” which could be a slight but not heavy accent on the “u” no
doubt. B) The Karen tribe of Burma, who claim to be a lost remnant of the Kohen tribe of
Yisra’el say the Name is Ya’wa. 3) The Leningrad Codex vowel points the Name as
YaHWaH at Psalm 144:15 - ‫ֲיהָו֥ה‬
This becomes even clearer when we discuss the Name of the Messiah. Praise be to
YaHWaH for we need not guess at this name, for it was given to us by Moshe (Moses) at
Num 13:16 where he changes the name of Hoshea son of nun whose name in Hebrew is
spelled‫ הושע‬Hey – Waw – SHin – Ayin #1954, pronounced today according to vowel
pointing as ho-shay'-ah, and means deliverer. Moshe then changes his name to ‫יהושע‬
Yod – Hey – Waw – Sin – Ayin #H3091, pronounced today according to vowel pointing
as yeh-ho-shoo'-ah, meaning YaHWaH saved. Notice the only difference is the later has a
Yod added to the beginning of the name. As for the very different pronunciations this is
due to the vowel pointing. In ancient or Paleo-Hebrew there were less vowels than
today’s modern Hebrew which like any other language continues to evolve. With this in
mind many scholars reconstruct name pronunciations by comparison to others that
contain Constants that are the same.

Using this method one may also take the name improperly translated in English as Eve
which in the Hebrew is ‫חוה‬ KHet-Waw-Hey #2332, pronounced today according to
vowel pointing as khav-vaw'. In Paleo Hebrew the sixth letter, the Waw originally made
the W sound. We do not know that it made any other sound or acted as a vowel as it does
today in Modern Hebrew. This being said the Paleo pronunciation would be Kha-wah
‫ יהוה‬Yod – Hey – Waw
meaning life giver. Notice this names similarity to the Creators
– Hey, YaHWaH. See the similarities? If so let’s compare again ‫ הושע‬ho-shay'-ah to
‫ יהושע‬yeh-ho-shoo'-ah from a Paleo Hebrew perspective.

To do this lets stack all three as follows

‫ יהוה‬: Yod – Hey – Waw – Hey = YaHWaH

‫ חוה‬: KHet-Waw-Hey = KHaWaH
‫ הושע‬: Hey – Waw – SHin – Ayin = HaWaSHuA according to this formula. If we
simply follow the above two examples it stands to reason that in all three cases the Waw
is just that a “W” as in YaHW-, KHaW-, and HaW-. If we have assumed too much it is in
using the vowel “a” between the H and W. If the proper sound was to be an “o” it was
probably done without depending on the Waw as does today’s modern grammar.

‫ יהושע‬: Yod – Hey – Waw – Sin – Ayin = YaHWaSHuA is now based on the above
demonstration very possible and does not add or take away from The Creators Name
therefore allowing the Mashiach to “come in His Fathers Name” and render the meaning
“YaHWaH has saved” as in it is finished or will be when He returns to gather His fruit!

This pronunciation is also very much in tact with the attempted transliteration to Joshua
pronounced Jaw-shua, which would be perfect by simply using the original Y instead of
its later replacement J. Again if we have assumed too much and are in error it is most
likely in the Waw and that it did in fact act as a vowel in Paleo Hebrew and thus would
render the Creators name as YaHuWah and the Mashiach as YaHuWaHshua, or
YaHuShua. Quite frankly the longer I study and speak Hebrew, they still do not flow or
make sense! I believe it to be the Ruach HaKodesh within me and I pray it is not still my
western mentality and if it is that He rebuke me, and correct me. Amein.
I pray you will do the same and put forth all your effort in research to become as
confident as I am in the True pronunciation of the Creators Name. If there is anything I
can do to assist you, please contact me by e-mail at yosiahyedidiah@yahoo.com

Thank you and let those who have ears hear!

A prayer of Debarim 6 (Deuteronomy) that has been said and preserved by the ancients.
It was this that the Mashiach spoke of when he said the “greatest commandment of all
was to love Elohim with all your heart, strength, and life”. The first line in English is
normally translated, “Hear O’ Israel, YaHWaH is Elohim, YaHWaH is One.

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