WWW Gottruth
WWW Gottruth
WWW Gottruth
helped keep the “Got truth” website and ministry online. It has been an extremely busy
and fast pace year for me so far. As many of you know, I have been away from my stable
home, work as a Shepard/missionary and income since last November when I left the
Navajo reservation in Arizona and went to Tennessee in order to work with the Cherokee
people regarding their lost tribe of Israel connection.
The work here is going great, especially considering that after four months, I am still in
the early research stage and have not finished my reading or currently arrived at my
synopsis. The historical and archeological evidence is enormous. Based on this I have
actually decided to remain here in Tennessee long term because the research is so
extensive and so is the open opportunity for Hebraic thought to be ministered in the
churches. Yes, that’s right, here in the south, in the “Bible belt”, something I never would
have suspected!
Having considered this, I also must say it has been very difficult; I have traveled to
Missouri, Tennessee, and Alabama, and have experienced many trials. It has thus far
been completely self funded although never of self, but of our Father, the provider of all
things. Amein.
I however this month simply did not have the funds to pay the bi-annual domain bill for
www.gottruth.info without asking for some support, something I have never had to do
before. It is so wonderful to know that I have a few great friends and supporters out there
when I need them! It is even a greater compliment considering the difficult and
controversial things I study and teach! I am not accustomed to this support, and I find
myself overwhelmingly grateful!
I attribute the fact that support has become foreign to me because of my diligence to be
either supported as a priest or minister by the brethren in a community sense, as
commanded by scripture, or sense that thus far is not available - “self supported” not a
“Fleecer of the flock”! I refuse to violate my belief regarding today’s non-existent
priesthood, a true brethren in a community sense, proper scriptural tithing and living, and
the proper context of (Mic 3:11) Her heads judge for a bribe, her priests teach for pay,
and her prophets divine for a price. Yet they lean on יהוה, and say, “Is not יהוהin our
midst? Evil does not come upon us.”
Those who know me will witness that I am much like Sha’ul (Paul) the apostle in this way
“working with my hands” that I cannot be judged a burden! Having said this and thanks
too many of your suggestions, I agree it is no sin for me to accept a free will offering to
support my ministry. I do believe however that a “10% regular tithing” is un-scriptural
in all cases. The Torah only requires a 10% tithe of the first fruits of a mans agricultural
INCREASE at the three annual pilgrimage feasts. This can only be based on a community
agricultural principle and cannot be properly performed by a lesser standard. The tithe
was to be used to feed and clothe the priests and their families and then the poor,
widows, and orphans amongst them.
A free will offering was to be received at anytime during the year and was strictly
voluntary. The funds were to be dispersed in the exact same fashion unless it was set
aside separately for the Hekal (Temple or building fund)
I believe it is NOT a sin to teach the Hebrew language for pay whether as the modern
Israeli language, the Massoretic scriptural form found in the TaNaK, or the
Paleo/Phonecian forms. The language it’s self is not the Torah, it is however a very
important, in fact necessary means to better understanding the Torah. It is a sin in my
opinion for a minister to be paid to preach or teach the Torah, and I believe this is what
Mikah is rebuking the former priesthood for. The Torah clearly states a priest and his
family is to be taken care of and provided for (food, clothing, and shelter) from the
offerings of the people. I feel this is totally being misused today by both the “Priests” and
the brethren. It in fact was already being misused in scriptural times as clearly seen here
at Micah.
Considering all of this, I will say, it has been and will continue to be my commitment to
never again violate these commands as I did when I was teaching in the more popular
and wealthy doctrines of Judaism and Christianity. I am forever grateful to all who are
willing to contribute a “free will offering” so that I can continue working on my current
projects like the Cherokee people, the restoration of the Ancient Hebrew calendar, and
the Basic scriptural Hebrew lesson book.
These three major ministries are all I am currently working on with the exception of
daily ministry and my own sustainability which I have thus far achieved here in
Tennessee by forming a contract and partnership with an elder Christian couple on their
organic farm and sheep ranch where I work part time in trade for room and board. This
will give me the stability and sustenance I need to continue my ministry without being a
burden to anyone and undeserving of judgment for participating in the misuse of the
tithing principal.
I do however need some assistance with one of these missions, the Basic scriptural
Hebrew lesson book and the copyright and publishing fees. I do not currently have any
income and will need to raise these funds. I am very close to completing the manuscript
and will be ready to send it along with the funds to X-libris publishing soon. Once it is
complete it will sell for the suggested retail price of $80.00.
A reasonable price I believe when you consider that it allows you to learn scriptural
Hebrew and read directly from the TaNaK in 30 day’s or less if you are between the
tested ages of 8 and 80 and will set aside at least 2 hours a day. But it also prepares you
and leaves you fully ready for today’s modern Israeli Hebrew like no other course I am
familiar with and includes: 1) Ancient Paleo Hebrew letter and shoresh word meanings
guide 2) A comprehensive Strongs dictionary containing all 8674 Hebrew words found in
the TaNaK in Aleph-Betical order. To my knowledge this is the only dictionary in the
world of its kind. That’s why after years of searching for one without success, I created it
by simply re-organizing it! This will allow you too read directly from the TaNaK in
Hebrew and look up the word meaning in Hebrew yet defined in English so that having
completed the lesson plan, you can begin reading directly from the TaNaK and increase
your vocabulary as you read and learn. 3) Twelve easy lesson plans guiding you letter by
letter from Aleph to Tau including practice sheets. 4) Flash cards to help you get
intimately familiar with the Hebrew letters. 5) Simple spreadsheets reflecting The
Hebrew letters and their evolution from the original Phoenician paleo to today’s Israeli
I have worked very hard on this project and have personally taught it in several homes
and fellowships to ensure that it is successful and easily obtainable. I would like to have
it to the publisher by the third quarter of this year. I would gratefully send a copy to
anyone who makes a free will offering of $40.00 or more towards publishing between
now and then. I am curious to see if you as brethren would find it useful and help bring it
to fruit. If you would, please contact me by e-mail yoisiahyedidiah@yahoo.com or by
phone at 505-274-8059 so that I can determine how many commitments I have and if
warranted, set up the pay pal account through the www.gottruth.info website. Thank you
all again from the depths of my heart and may you be blessed – Yosiah.