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Hypertension in Ayurveda

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The key takeaways are that hypertension was not directly mentioned in classical Ayurvedic texts but can be interpreted using Ayurvedic principles. Changes in lifestyle and urbanization have increased prevalence of hypertension in India. Ayurveda aims to treat hypertension through proper diagnosis, lifestyle modifications and herbal treatments.

Some of the historical milestones in the study and measurement of hypertension include Galen describing blood circulation in 131 AD, Harvey inventing the structure of blood circulation in 1628, development of the sphygmomanometer to measure blood pressure in the 1850s-1890s.

Some common symptoms seen in patients with hypertension according to Ayurveda include headaches, dizziness, insomnia, impaired memory, lack of concentration and pedal edema caused by vitiation of vata and other doshas.

Hypertension in


Vikas Saroch
Burning health problem.

Leading cause of death in developed

countries (70-75% of total deaths).

People turning towards Ayurveda for


No direct reference in ayurvedic classical

Wednesday, 25 Hypertension in Ayurveda 22
The Historical Milestones
A.D -131 G Gallen Described the blood circulation for
the first time
1628 William Harve Invent the stucture of blood
1773 Stephen Hale Performed that blood raise to a
hight of 8 F-3inches in a glass tube
place in the artery of a horse.

1828 Jean Leonard Measured blood pressure in animals

Marrie Poiseulli directly with sphygmomanometer

1855 Karl Vicroelt Introduction of

1877 Evoled and Troube Stated the relation between
hypertension and heart enlargement

1891 Riva Rocci Devolapment of

1897 Hill and Bernard Devolaped an arm occluding
Wednesday, 25 Hypertension in Ayurveda sphygmomanometer 33
1904 Thredre Janeway Drew attention to stricking
response to Strees, Tobacco
and Anxiety.

1905 Nicdai Kortkov Presented the technique of

ouscultatary measurment of
systolic and diastolic blood

1911 Frant First gave the name essential

1944 Smirk Assesed the blood pressure
behaviour in the individual
by measuring based BP .

1964 Gorge Showed the profound fall in

Pickening BP. record during sleep.
Wednesday, 25 Hypertension in Ayurveda 44
Previous work

Ø Effect of Sirodhara by
Takra in HT (Shukla
Maheshwara 1983 (KC)
Wednesday, 25 Hypertension in Ayurveda 55
Ø More in urban population

Ø In 1950 approximately 10-30.9% in

urban to 1-3% in the rural scenario.

Ø Study conducted at Rohtak

(Haryana) shows prevalence of
Wednesday, 25 Hypertension in Ayurveda 66
Ø 300 billion-hospital visit

Ø 1/5th above 160/65

Ø Increase in 33% from 1992 studies

Ø 95% primary hypertension

Ø 5% secondary hypertension

Ø Urban India– 60/1000

Wednesday, 25 Hypertension in Ayurveda 77
Ø Persistently high lateral pressure exerted by
blood on arterial vessel walls, while flowing
through it.
Ø According to WHO
Ø If recording above 140/90 mm of Hg is to be
Pressureas hypertension.
Systolic Blood Pressure Diastolic Blood Pressure
Normal < 120 mm of Hg <80 mm of Hg

Pre Hypertension 120-139 mm of Hg 80-89 mm of Hg

Stage 1 140-159 mm of Hg 90-99 mm Of Hg

Stage 2  160 mm of Hg  100 mm of Hg

Wednesday, 25 Hypertension in Ayurveda 88
Different correlations and
Ø Terminologies
Raktagata vata : Prof.


Ø Siragata vata :

Ø Dhamani
Wednesday, 25
pratichaya :
Hypertension in Ayurveda
Vaidya 99
Ø Dhamani prapoornata : Vaidya

Ø Uccha rakta nipeedana :

Acharya Vidhyadar Shukla

Ø Rakta sammardhana :
Wednesday, 25 Hypertension in Ayurveda 1010
HT in terms of Ayurveda
Ø Raktagata Vata C.S. Chi 28/31, A.H.Ni


Ø Siragata Vata C.S. Chi 28/36 , A.H.Ni


Ø Pittavrata Vata C.Chi 28/60

Wednesday, 25 Hypertension in Ayurveda 1111


Wednesday, 25
Hypertension in Ayurveda 1212
Factors Regulating Normal
Ø Prana vayu, Vyana vayu, Apana vayu, Sadhaka pitta,

Avalambaka kapha, Rasa dhatu and Ojas

Ø All considered to be situated in Hridaya

Ø Help in regulation and function of Hridaya

Wednesday, 25 Hypertension in Ayurveda 1313

Hridaya (Heart)
Ø Combination of three Dhatus Hri,Da
and In (Ya)
Ø Explain about functions
Ø Aharana(receives) :Superior ,
Inferior venacava bring Rasa- Rakta
from the body to right Atrium.
Ø Dana(gives) :Expulsion of Rasa-
Rakta from left ventricle to the body
through Aorta
Ø Ayana(movement)
Wednesday, 25Hypertension in Ayurveda 1414
Ø Formation of heart of a foetus occurs
by the essence of Kapha
Ø Muscles of the heart nourished by the
essence of Kapha (Bala) and Asruk
Ø Stronger and work involuntary
throughout the life.
Ø Considered as a ”Chetana
Ø Detail description of the physiology
of the
Wednesday, 25 heartHypertension
is not found in
in Ayurveda 1515
Role of Vata
Ø Prana Vayu :(A.H.S.12/4)

Ø Vyana Vayu :(A.H.S.12/7)

Ø Apana Vayu : (A.H.S.12/9)

Wednesday, 25 Hypertension in Ayurveda 1616

Role of Pita
Ø Sadhaka Pitta

Ø Location : Hridaya

Ø Functions : Responsible for Budhi,

Medha, Utsaha, Abhimana (Sha.


Ø Wednesday,
25 Bhaya,Krodha,Harsha,Moha
Hypertension in Ayurveda 1717
Ø Helps to keep away Tama so
called as sadhaka
Ø Sadhaka pitta is difficult to
explain in terms of modern

Ø Functions of Adrenaline
Ø Affects the ANS , heart rate
Wednesday, 25 Hypertension in Ayurveda 1818
Ø Adrenal gland stimulated by Fear,
Anger etc.

Ø Fear, gallantry etc. of Sadhaka pitta

mentioned by Cakrapani

Ø Important factor in the normal

physiology of blood pressure
Wednesday, 25 Hypertension in Ayurveda 1919
Role of Kapha
Ø Avalambaka Kapha

Ø Heart has been described


Ø Does avalamban (strengthen) of

hridaya with ahara rasa and rasadhatu

Ø normal rhythmicity, conductivity,

excitability, contractility,
Wednesday, 25 Hypertension in Ayurveda tone 2020
Ø Keeps heart in a healthy state

Ø Enhances its working capacity to

perform its continuous pumping


Ø Regulates the normal blood pressure

Wednesday, 25 Hypertension in Ayurveda 2121
in the Dhamanies (vessels)
Role of Oja
Ø Oja has been mentioned also under

hridayastha – bhava (situated in

hridaya) (Cha.Su.17/74).

Ø Bala is the function of Oja

Ø Types :- Para and Apara.

Wednesday, 25 Hypertension in Ayurveda 2222

Ø Seat of Para Oja is Hridaya ,

Asthabindu Pramana

Ø Apara situated throughout the

body and Ardha anjali Pramana

Ø In the body through the entire life

span and itsHypertension

Wednesday, 25 destruction in Ayurveda leads to 2323
Ø Important functions of Oja :

Ø Gives nourishment to each and every

cell of the body.

Ø Anabolic effect over dhatus like mamsa

etc. by providing support and strength

Ø All vital functions

Wednesday, 25 i.e.
Hypertension in physical, mental
Ayurveda 2424
Ø Contd… &
Helps the Jnanedriyas

Karmendriyas to perform their

functions much more efficiently.

Ø Basic factor supporting Prana (life),

hence, called “Pranayatana”.

Ø It gives stability
Wednesday, 25 ininall
Hypertension situations like2525
Effect of Oja on Blood
Also responsible

Ø Maintenance of normal blood pressure

Ø Any pathological condition of Oja

creates Murchha, Moha, Glani and
Krishta (Sr.Su.15/24)

Ø Also mentioned in the features

Wednesday, 25 Hypertension in Ayurveda 2626
Ø Nirukti itself indicates the property of

continuous motion (Sr.Su.14/13)

Ø Prinana karma

Ø Circulates through out the body and

seat is believed to be hridaya

Wednesday, 25 Hypertension in Ayurveda 2727
Ø Any pathology arises in the rasadhatu or hridaya

directly affect rasa resulting change of blood


Ø Anxiety, Anger, Sorrow affect the formation of


Ø Fluctuatate the blood pressure

Wednesday, 25 Hypertension in Ayurveda 2828

Rakta Dhatu

Ø Mentioned as a “Jiva” (life)

Ø Loss of blood causes threat to


Ø Jivana karma

Ø Visrata (fleshy
Wednesday, 25 odour),
Hypertension in AyurvedaDravata 2929
Effect of Raktadhatu on
Ø Rasa–Rakta samvahana
Blood occurs

Ø Effect of raktadhatu and rasadhatu is


Ø For normal blood pressure, normalcy

of raktadhatuHypertension
Wednesday, 25
in quantity
in Ayurveda
as well as3030
Ø Hridaya and its Prana &

Vyanavayu, Sadhaka Pitta,

Avalambka Kapha, Oja, Rasa, Rakta

Dhatus and its Srotas

Ø Help to maintain the physiology of

Wednesday, 25 Hypertension in Ayurveda 3131
Nidana / Etiology

Ø Exact etiology is not yet clear

Ø Pre–disposing factors

Ø Inheritance ( Genetic Influences )

Ø Age (Vaya):40 years and 60 or 70

(Sr.Su.14/19)Hypertension in Ayurveda
Wednesday, 25 3232
Contd …..
Ø Sex (Linga): Lower in female upto

40 years

Ø Constitution (Samhanana): Krisha

(Asthenic), sthula (Obese).

Ø Temperament and Stress

Wednesday, 25 Hypertension in Ayurveda 3333
Ø Excessive Alcohol Intake :

ü Raise blood pressure acutely by a

vasoconstrictor, opposite to the

qualities of Oja

Ø Smoking

ü Not directly related to HT

Wednesday, 25 Hypertension in Ayurveda 3434
Suggestive Signs /
Ø Symptoms
Shiroruk (Headache)

Ø Bhrama (Giddiness)

Ø Nidranasa (Insomnia)

Ø Smritihrasa (Impaired Memory)

Ø Alpadharanshakti (Lack of
Wednesday, 25 Hypertension in Ayurveda 3535
Ø Murchha and Sanyasa (Syncope and


Ø Akshepa (Convulsion)

Ø Ati-Daurbalya (Weakness)

Ø Klama (Easy Fatigability)

Wednesday, 25 Hypertension in Ayurveda 3636
1) Shiroruk
(Headache) 2)Bhrama (Giddiness)
Ø Throbbing type Ø It should be
from vertigo, which is
Ø Shula can not occur more feeling of
without vitiation of
Ø Bhrama is one of the 80
types of nanatmaja
diseases of vata.
Ø Prakupita vatadi
Ø Vata with excessive raja
dosha causes dushti (manasa guna) causes
of rakta bhrama.

Ø Localised in siraHypertension in Ayurveda
25 3737
3) Nidranasa (Insomnia) 4) Smritihrasa
(Impaired Memory)

Vitiated vata, pitta, Udana vayu, mana and

manasa santapa and sadhaka pitta are
kshaya are responsible functional units

for nidranasa concerned with memory.

(Sr.Sa.4/42) Dushti of manovaha

srotas causes symptom of
Result of mental
smritihrasa in
strains like anxiety,
stress, drug abuse etc;
opines modern science
Wednesday, 25 Hypertension in Ayurveda 3838
5) Alpadharanshakti 6) Pada-Sotha (Pedal-
(Lack of Oedema)
Ø Considered as the Ø Pedal oedema or swollen
ankles are seen in HT
factor of mana and
generally in presence of
lack of concentration
cardiac impairment.
occurs when mana is
involved by raja. Ø The restrained vayu create
shotha at the place of
Ø In this way it may be obstruction (Cha.Ci.12/8).
said that lack of
concentration occurs
when manovaha
Wednesday, 25 Hypertension in Ayurveda 3939
Ø Doshas: Ø Agni:
Samprapthi Gahtakas
Tridosha especially Dhatvagni

Vata. Ø Ama:

Ø Dushyas:
Dhatvagni mandya

Rasa, Rakta and janya

Medas. Ø Sanchar stana:

Wednesday, 25 Hypertension in Ayurveda 4040
Ø Cardiac ü Heart
complications ü Arteries
Ø Neurological ü Brain
ü Kidneys
Ø Renal
ü Retina

Wednesday, 25
the target
Hypertension in Ayurveda 4141
No direct mention of Hypertension in
Ayurvedic classics.

Prevailing socio economic, lifestyle

conditions may have resulted in fewer

Massive changes in lifestyle have

Wednesday, 25 the Hypertension
number of cases.
in Ayurveda 4242

Need to find interpret the condition, using

Ayurvedic parameters.
This is possible and successful treatment
can be provided.
Lateral thinking needs to be applied.
Keen observation, proper diagnosis, self
confidence qualities of Vaidyas essential
in ensuring control of hypertension

Wednesday, 25 Hypertension in Ayurveda 4343

Ø Astanga Hridaya.
Ø Astanga Sangraha
Ø Charaka Samhita
Ø Subrahmanya Sastry.V.V., Tridosha theory
Ø Sushruta Samhita
Ø www.scribd.com
Ø www.technoayuvedawordpress.com

Wednesday, 25 Hypertension in Ayurveda 4444

Wednesday, 25 Hypertension in Ayurveda 4545

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