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Assignment: Mathematics Education For Gifted Students

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SUBMITTED ON: 3/9/2014



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topic Page no
1 introduction 4
2 content 5
3 conclusion 9
4 refferents 10




A student of mathematics is considered as gifted if he exhibits consistent
remarkable interest and thereby maximized his achievement in the subject. The
number of modern mathematically gifted students in a school is normally limited
to a w. However the education of gifted students is of almost importance from
the individuals point of views as well as that of the nation. Thus such gifted
students in mathematics have to be identified by the teacher.
The gifted students have tremendous energy with a lot of determination to
realize the goals. If not directed properly, this reservoir of energy may go waste
and sometimes may go waste and sometimes may create serious problems for
the individual and society. The idea of giving special attention to the gifted
children by arranging separate classes is not practicable s the number of such
students in a particular school, class and subject may be very small. Moreover
thus amounts to special treatment of a few at the cost of many and looks under
Mathematically gifted students have needs that differ in nature from those
of other students. They require some differentiated instruction, defined by to
milison (1995) as consistently using a variety of instructional approaches to
modify content, process, and for prodicts in response to learning readiness and
interest of academically diverse students. Yet recent studies have found few
instructional cuooiculalr modification or curricular modifications in regular
elementary classrooms. In grades 9-12 students may be able to select honors,m
advanced, and coerces, how ever, even in these more homogenously grouped
classes there is a range of differences that need to be acknowledged.
Mathematics can be the gatekeeper for many areas of advanced study. In
particular few gifted girls recognize that most college major boding to high level
carrers and professions require four years of high school math and science.
Students may drop out of math courses or turn toward other fields of interest if
they experience too much repetition not enough depth or boredom due to slow

Whether math problems require computation skills problem solving
strategies inferential thinking skills or deductive reasoning mathematically
talented students are often able to discern answers with unusual speed and
accuracy mathematically gifted students are able to see relationships among
topics, concepts and ideas without the intervention of formal instruction
specifically geared to that particular content.



It is certainly possible to meet the needs of some gifted students simply by
enriching and modifying the existing mathematics curriculum Enrichment is
designed to expose students to a variety of topics related to those of the regular
education program and to allow for further investigation of them.
In cases where math students are grouped according to their
understanding of mathematical concepts and ideas teachers can cover concepts
at an appropriate pace for the group.

Giftedness has been defined in many ways, with many suggestions for
appropriate programming t meet the educational needs of gifted and talented
children based on these definitions offers the following definitions:

Giftteachess is a broad, evolving concept which addressed exceptional
ability and for performance in a wide range of human endeavors including
intellectual and creative domains. Talent in kinesthetic areas, music and visual
arts and socio emotional dimensions such as inter and socio emotional
dimensions such as inter personal and intrapersonal strengths. Some students
have a potential to achieve that is not always demonstrated their school work or
through the schools identification, assessment and evaluation procedures. To
reach their maximum potential fitted students need to be recognized and natural.
Gifted students generally have unusual talent in one or occasionally two areas.
Below are six areas where we will find giftedness No child will be gifted in all six
but some may be in more than one area. Within specific academic ability students
again usually have one or two subjects that the way are best in and passionate
about. Creative thinking leadership general intellectual ability psychomotor
specific academic ability visual performing arts.

Inherent in this and other on temporary definitions is the recognition that
gifted and talented students require special educational nurturing in order to
develop their full potential in the schools beyond what is typically available ;in the
regular classroom because they learn and think differently from other students
they require programmer modifications in content process, product and learning
environment to accommodate their advanced abilities of learn.


Research into thinking processes indicates that gifted students are
supoerior to their average peers in the following ways
Recognozing the problem to be solved
Readily and spontaneously generating a series of steps to solution
Setting priorfities for the direction to take in solving a problem (working
with a plan)
Seleting representation of information more like an expert would,

Deciding which resources to allocate to a problem solving task
Monitoring solutions systematically rather than guessing
Executing the processes of analogical thinking
Excecuting problems dealing with harmony and attention.
Organising and using prior knowledge
Using regulatory (metacognitive) process

According to pearl back the truly creative mind in any field is no m,ore than this:
A human creature born abnormally in humanly sensitive to him a touch is a blow
a sound is a noise, a misfortune is a tragedy a joy is an custasy a frined is a lover a
lover a lover is a god, and failrure is death add to tyhis cruelly delicate organism
the over powering necessity to crete crete, creat that without the creating of
music or poetry or books or buildings or something of meaning his very breath is
cut off him. He must create must pour out creation by some strong unknown
inward urgency he is not really alive unless he is creating



Teachers sometimes experience frustration when gifted children can arrive
at correct answers through nontraditional methodologies or when some of their
questions are for beyond the scope of the lesson at hand. Since gifted students
can often interpret, predict and analyze mathematical situations and problems
better and faster than their teachers a significantly different instructional
approach may be necessary.
Gifted students generally have unusual talent in one or occasionally two
areas.Below are six areas where we will find giftedness. No child wll be
giftedness in all six, but some may be in more than one area.Within specific
academic ability,students again usually have one or more subjects that they are
best in and passionate about creative thinking,leadeaship general intellectual
ability,psychomotor specific academic ability,visual performing arts



Aggarwal,J.C(2001).Prinnciples, Methods and Techniques of Teaching (2
New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House pvt. Ltd
Aggarwal,J.C(1994). Essentials of Educational Psychology New Delhi: Vikas
Publishing House.
www. Mesd. net>Home>District support>gifted education
www.nsgt.org/ giftedness. Difined.

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