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The Houston Riot of 1917

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The Houston Riot of 1917

Was It Preventable?
RL Booker, Jr

The Houston Riot of 1917

The events of the niht of !uust "#, 1917 $oul% have been
&revente% if those in $hare of the War De&art'ent, Houston Poli$e
De&art'ent an% $it( o)$ials ha% &re&are% the *hite $iti+ens of
Houston an% the bla$k sol%iers of the Thir% Battalion T*ent(,-ourth
Infantr( .#/"0
I1 B12 *hat to e3&e$t *hen the sol%iers arrive% in
Houston for their %ut( assin'ent at 4a'& Loan5 Be$ause the a%vi$e
of 4olonel .46L2 1e*'an *as %isrear%e% the sol%iers of the #/"0
B1 *ere sent to a $it( an% state that %i% not *ant the'5 The $it( of
Houston at the ti'e ha% a $orru&t an% ra$ist &oli$e for$e that %i% not
res&e$t bla$k Houstonians an% %i% not see a %istin$tion bet*een a
bla$k sol%ier an% a bla$k $iti+en, *hi$h $ause% &roble's5 This is the
ba$k%ro& of *hat a*aite% the 'en of the #/"0
I1 B1 as the( arrive%
for their %ut( of uar%in the $onstru$tion of 4a'& Loan on the
outskirts of Houston, Te3as5
The riot that o$$urre% on the niht of !uust "#, 1917 is
sini7$ant for t*o reasons8 it *as the 7rst ra$e riot *here 'ore *hites
*ere kille% than bla$ks an% it $hane% the 9nifor' 4o%e of :ilitar(
Justi$e .94:J25 The riot involve% bla$ks that *ere not $ivilians, *hi$h
s$are% 'an( *hite Te3ans an% southerners5 This riot &la(e% into their
*orst fears a bla$k sol%ier *ith a$$ess to *ea&ons takin out revene
aainst *hites5 Thouh the riot took &la$e in Houston, this riot $oul%
ha% taken &la$e an(*here in !'eri$a5 In Jul(, there ha% been a ra$e
riot in ;ast <t5 Louis *here bla$ks su=ere% the 'ost fro' the riot5 ;ven
thouh there *as 'ore loss of *hite lives in Houston, bla$k
Houstonians su=ere% in the after'ath of the riot5 If the a%vi$e of 46L5
1e*'an ha% been taken an% if the War De&art'ent ha% learne%
an(thin fro' the Bro*nsville in$i%ent of 19>? then the Houston Riot
of 1917 *oul% not have taken &la$e5
Bla$k sol%iers .Bu=alo <ol%iers of the 1inth an% Tenth 4alvar( as
*ell as T*ent(,-ourth an% T*ent( @-ifth Infantr( Rei'ents2 ha% serve%
in Te3as *ith %istin$tion sin$e Re$onstru$tion an% in no &la$e *here
the( serve% *ere the( *el$o'e% b( *hite $iti+ens of Te3as5
Bro*nsville, Te3as *as no %i=erent than an( other Te3as %ut(
assin'ent in rear%s to ra$e relations5 Te3as %urin the settle'ent of
the West an% in the earl( t*entieth $entur( %i% not *el$o'e an(
sol%iers *hite or bla$k5 Te3as *as es&e$iall( a hostile environ'ent for
the Bu=alo an% bla$k sol%iers5 The *hite $iti+ens %i% not *ant the'
statione% in Te3as an% *oul% *rite to the War De&art'ent $o'&lainin
about the sol%iers an% reAuestin that these bla$k sol%iers be re'ove%
fro' their $ities5 The Bro*nsville In$i%ent of 19>? *as a rave
'is$arriae of Busti$e b( Presi%ent Theo%ore Roosevelt an% a harbiner
of the 94:J that *oul% be i'&ose% on the 'en of the #/"0
I1 B15
The 'en of the T*ent(,-ifth Infantr( all re$eive% a %ishonorable
%is$hare for a$tions that the( %i% not &arti$i&ate in5 In fa$t there *as
a roll $all $on%u$te% b( the o)$ers of the unit an% all of the 'en
a$$use% in the in$i%ent *ere a$$ounte% for5 There is no %oubt that the
sol%iers servin at Bro*nsville *ere assine% to a $o'&letel( hostile
environ'ent5 !n e3a'&le of the at'os&here in Bro*nsville is best
&ortra(e% b( <ereant :aBor Can$e :ar$hbanks of the Tenth 4avalr(5 In
his letter to the San Antonio Daily Express, on the 'akeu& of the
*hites in Bro*nsville he *rites8
DThe 'aBorit( of the inhabitants of that se$tion are a $lass that
think a
$olore% 'an is not oo% enouh to *ear the unifor' of a 9nite%
<tates <ol%ier,(ea not oo% enouh even to *ear the skin of a
The a$tions of Bro*nsville resi%ents to*ar%s the bla$k sol%iers an% the
for$eful i'&le'entation of Ji' 4ro* in Te3as shoul% have been enouh
to *arn the War De&art'ent5 There *as no su&&ort b( the resi%ents of
Te3as to have bla$k sol%iers *ith uns tellin the' *hat the( $oul% or
$oul% not %o5
Bla$k sol%iers *ere *ell a*are of *hite southern vie*s of the !r'(
stationin bla$k 'en in unifor' in the <outh5 Willia' Le$kie in his
book, The Bufalo Soldiers: A Narrative of the Negro Calvary in the
West &oints out even thouh Bu=alo <ol%iers *ere sent to Te3as %urin
Re$onstru$tion to &rote$t the $iti+ens of Te3asF the sol%iers *ere not
1 -rank <$hubert, oi!e of The Bufalo Soldier: "e!ords, "eports and
"e!olle!tions of #ilitary Servi!e in The West .!lbuAuerAue8 9niversit(
of 1e* :e3i$o Press, ">>#2, "005
*el$o'e% or *ante%5 In another e3a'&le of fore*arnin of the
Houston Riot, 'e'bers of the Tenth 4avalr( re$eive% sni&er 7re fro'
$ivilians *hile travellin on train bet*een Huntsville an% <an !ntonio in
1G9G5 There *as o&en hostilit( an% o&&osition to the stationin of bla$k
troo&s in Te3as5 1orthern &oliti$ians un%erstan%in the situation in
Te3as *ere aainst assinin bla$k troo&s in the <outh5
1e*ton Baker .War De&art'ent2 overrule% the %e$ision of not
assinin bla$k sol%iers to the <outh an% Te3as5 This %e$ision *ill &rove
to be a fateful %e$ision be$ause of *hat *ill ha&&en in Houston5 46L
1e*'an .#/"0
I1 B1 4DR2 on re$eivin or%ers to %e&lo( to Houston
trie% to et the or%ers revoke% be$ause of his earlier Te3as
I ha% alrea%( ha% an unfortunate e3&erien$e *hen I *as in
$o''an% of t*o
$o'&anies of the T*ent(,-ourth Infantr( at Del Rio, Te3as5 In
!&ril 191?, *hen a $olore% sol%ier *as kille% b( a HTe3asI raner
for no other reason than that he *as a $olore% 'an, that it
anere% Te3ans to see $olore% 'en
'en in the unifor' of a sol%ier5E
Due to the 'an( o$$urren$es of *hite o&&osition in the &ast in Te3as,
the War De&art'ent shoul% have e3&e$te% that there *oul% be trouble
in the assin'ent of the T*ent(,-ourth Infantr( to Houston5 Bla$k
Houstonians kne* an% un%erstoo% that the sol%iers *ere fa$in an
unfrien%l( situation5 9&stan%in Houston bla$ks feare% the Houston
" Bru$e Jlasru%, Bufalo Soldiers in the West: A Bla!$ Soldiers
Anthology, .4ollee <tation, Te3as8 Te3as !K: 9niversit( Press, ">>72,
&oli$e5 The brutalit( ena$te% on bla$ks in Houston alrea%( 'a%e the
situation in Houston hostile5 The stationin of the 'e'bers of the
T*ent(,-ourth Infantr( turne% a hostile situation to an untenable
&o*%er ke5 The 'en of the T*ent(,-ourth Infantr( ha% serve% in
&revious %ut( assin'ents .Phili&&ines, 1e* :e3i$o an% the Plains of
!'eri$a2 *here their servi$e *as res&e$te% an% a&&re$iate%5 These
'en re$eive% Bust the o&&osite rea$tion fro' the *hite $iti+ens of
In a%%ition to the 'istake of assinin bla$k sol%iers to Houston, 'an(
of the 'e'bers of the T*ent(,-ourth *ere fro' the 1orth, *here Ji'
4ro* la*s *ere not &art of %ail( life5 T*o in$i%ents o$$urre% at 4a'&
Loan before the riot that al'ost be$a'e seriousF the refusal of bla$k
sol%iers to %rink *ater fro' a barrel 'arke% $olore% an% a 7ht
bet*een bla$k an% *hite *orkers *here the bla$k uar%s refuse% to
sto& the 7ht5 Thouh these a$tions taken se&aratel( 'a( see'
inno$ent, but $o'bine% *ith 1917 ra$e relations throuhout the <outh
an% $ountr( there *as no *a( of not e3&e$tin the niht of !uust "#,
1917 to ha&&en5
The 'e'bers of the #/"0
I1 B1 arrive% in Houston on Jul( "G,
19175 The 'a(or of Houston *as a&&rehensive in rear%s of havin
bla$k sol%iers *ith *ea&ons in authorit( over *hites5 The 'a(or *as
&ro'ise% b( the War De&art'ent that this *as oin to be a
te'&orar( %ut( *hi$h *as to last onl( seven *eeks5 The 'a(or *as
also tol% b( the War De&art'ent that there *ere no other sol%iers to
%e&lo( to Houston5 The T*ent(,-ourth *as a %istinuishe% unit *ith
'an( a$$o'&lish'ents8 the %efeat an% $a&ture of Jeroni'o, %efeat of
Des&era%os alon the 9< an% :e3i$o bor%er an% &rovi%in &rote$tion
of *aon trains safe &assae to the West, the !r'( still ha% to
$onvin$e *hite Houstonians that these 'en *ere Dsu&erior 1eroes5E
The bla$k sol%iers on this assin'ent *ere *ell a*are of bla$k sol%iers
e3&erien$e in Te3as5 B( this ti'e the Bro*nsville In$i%ent %is$hares
ha% taken &la$e an% the 1911 an% 191? 'istreat'ent b( the *hite
$iti+enr( of <an !ntonio5 Bla$k sol%iers also un%erstoo% the
sereate% state of Te3as an% its &oor treat'ent of its bla$k $iti+enr(5
6n Jul( "G, 1917, 'e'bers of the T*ent(, -ourth *ent to
Houston lookin for entertain'ent5 :ost of the 'en obe(e% the Ji'
4ro* la*s, so'e 'isbehave% but none of the a$tions *ere 'ali$ious5
In an atte'&t to avoi% %is$i&linar( a$tions for arrivin ba$k to 4a'&
Loan late, there *ere those *ho boar%e% street$ars an% their a$tions
*ere unbe$o'in5 There is a $ertain 'o%i$u' of %e$oru' that one
'ust &resent *hile in unifor' but a sol%ier un%erstan%s that *hen
there is a ti'e &oste% to be ba$k at 4a'& Loan at a $ertain ti'e, (ou
et ba$k5 The sol%iers $oul% &ossibl( fa$e the loss of libert(, so ettin
ba$k to 4a'& takes on a sini7$ant &riorit(5 <urel(, these 'en *ere
onl( thinkin about ettin ba$k to 4a'& Loan on ti'e so that the(
*oul% not have to fa$e the re&er$ussions of returnin late5 Be$ause
their a$tions $ause% so'e &roble's *ith the *hite $iti+ens, the
Battalion 4o''an%er .B1 4DR2 'et *ith the 4hiefs of Poli$e an%
Houston ;le$tri$ 4o'&an( to *ork out an arrane'ent to %efuse the
White Houstonians %i% not a&&re$iate or like havin to &ro%u$e
their i%enti7$ation to bla$k sol%iers5 Whites %i% not hesitate to sho*
their %is%ain for the 'en of the T*ent(,-ourth5 <ereant Willia' 1esbit
re&orte% D those H*hiteI &eo&le out there *oul%nLt obe( an% sai% the(
*erenLt takin or%ers fro' niers5E
White $o'&laints be$a'e so
nu'erous 46L5 1e*'an establishe% a *hite o)$er of the %a( %ut(5
The *hite $iti+ens of Houston %i% not %istinuish a bla$k sol%ier fro' a
bla$k $iti+en of HoustonF the( *ere all niersM Bla$k sol%iers in !uust
1917 tire% of the $onstant %isres&e$t bean to s&eak u& an% re'in%e%
Houston *hites that the( *ere not niersM The sol%iers bean to have
little $onta$t *ith *hite Houstonians an% the o)$ers of the T*ent(,
-ourth brouht the bla$k $o''unit( to 4a'& Loan5 Bla$k sol%iers
also avoi%e% *hite business establish'ents in Houston further $uttin
o= $onta$t bet*een *hites an% the sol%iers5 Bla$k sol%iers freAuente%
D the lo*er en% of :ila' <treet an% the <an -eli&e Distri$t for &leasure
an% fello*shi&5E
Besi%es the harsh relationshi& bet*een the *hite
# Robert Ha(nes, DThe Houston :utin( an% Riot of 1917E,
.South%estern &istori!al 'uarterly (), no5 0, 197#2, 0"#5
0 Ibi%, 0"?5
Houstonians an% the sol%iers, the relations *ith the Houston Poli$e
De&art'ent .HPD2 *as *orse5
The HPD *as a ra$ist orani+ation an% %evoi% of lea%ershi&5 4hief
Bro$k *as ne*l( installe% in the &osition5 His for'er &osition before
takin over as the 4hief of Poli$e *as the <u&erinten%ent of Parks5
<o'e of the 'en instea% of listenin to hi' *oul% seek ui%an$e an%
%ire$tion fro' the for'er 4hief5 HPD ha% so'e roue o)$ers *ho
&atrolle% the %istri$t .<an -eli&e2 *here the bla$k sol%iers s&ent their
o= %ut( ti'e5 :ore than an( other rou& in Houston, the HPD 'a%e life
un$o'fortable for the sol%iers of T*ent(,-ourth5 Due to the aree'ent
that *as 'a%e after the street$ar in$i%ent, 'ilitar( &oli$e .:PLs2 %i%
not $arr( an( *ea&ons but onl( batons5 These :PLs *ere unable to
&rote$t the sol%iers or the'selves5 The other &roble' bet*een bla$k
sol%iers an% the HPD *ere the &h(si$al assaults on bla$k $iti+ens b(
the &oli$e5 Bla$k sol%iers obBe$te% to HPD beatin of a bla$k (outh for
thro*in a bri$k5 6n !uust 1G, sol%iers 7le% a $o'&laint *ith a %esk
sereant of the <an -eli&e %istri$t for o)$ers $allin the' niers an%
the arrest of a sol%ier for ri%in in the *hite onl( se$tion of a street$ar5
The a$tions that follo*e% ne3t of the HPDLs <an -eli&e %istri$t *ill
$ontribute to the riot5 Private .PCT2 !lon+o ;%*ar%s a bla$k :P
*itnesse% the 'istreat'ent of a bla$k Houston house*ife .*ho 'a(
either have been %runk a$$or%in to <$huler or &rote$tin a (oun
bla$k bo( fro' the &oli$e a$$or%in to Ha(nes25 ;%*ar%s o=ere% to &a(
the 7ne of the *o'an but *as &istol,*hi&&e% for his inAuir(5 Lee
<&arks, a &oli$e'an of this %istri$t *as a brutal an% abusive ra$ist
<&arks ha% a re&utation for bull(in bla$ks *ho sa* it as his 'ission to
kee& an% &ut bla$ks in their &la$e *hether the( *ore the unifor' or
not5 There is no re$or% of <&arks ever bein %is$i&line% for his &rior
a$tions aainst bla$ks before the riot5
<&arks *as sus&en%e% for his a$tions in rear%s to 4PL Balti'ore *ho
*as beat for inAuirin about the status of PCT5 ;%*ar%s5 <&arks an%
'an( of his &eers ha% little to no res&e$t for 4hief Bro$k5 When tol% of
his sus&ension <&arks re'arks *ere to Bro$k8 D !n( 'an that sti$ks u&
for a nier,E <&arks (elle% at his su&ervisor, is no better than a
4or&oral Balti'ore another fello* :P ha% *ent to inAuire
about ;%*ar%s an% in return Balti'ore *as &istol,*hi&&e%, shot at an%
arreste%5 <&arks $lai'e% that Balti'ore use% &rofanit( *hen he
a%%resse% <&arks in rear%s to PCT5 ;%*ar%s5 The a$tions of <&arks
*oul% set o= an unfortunate $hain of rea$tions5 The ru'or that
rea$he% 4a'& Loan *as that Balti'ore *as shot %ea% *hi$h *as
untrue5 This false ru'or *oul% fo'ent aner *ithin the 4a'& a'onst
the 'en as *ell as be use% b( investiators follo*in the riot to &aint
the 'en of the T*ent(,-ourth as rioters an% 'utineers5
N 45 4alvin <'ith, DThe Houston Riot of 1917, an% Revisite%E Bufalo
Soldiers in the West: A Bla!$ Soldiers Anthology, e%5 b( Bru$e Jlasru%
an% :i$hael <earles5 .4ollee <tation, Te3as8 Te3as !K: 9niversit(
Press, ">>72, ">05
Those in $hare of the subseAuent investiation of the riot *ante% to
insure the a$tions of those involve% in the riot *as seen as a
$ons&ira$( even thouh there *as no &roof to su&&ort their 7n%ins5
The investiation $on%u$te% b( the 'ilitar( an% $ivilian authorities *as
Oa*e% %ue to the investiators relian$e on *hite Houstonians *ho ha%
a bias aainst the sol%iers5 <everal *itness state% that bla$k sol%iers
*arne% the' there *as oin to be trouble on the niht of the riot5
<o'e of these *itnesses *ere *hite an% it is har% to believe *ith their
%is%ain of bla$ks an% bla$k sol%iers that a *hite l(n$h 'ob *oul% not
have rea$te% to either e3a$t revene on bla$k sol%iers for
$onte'&latin this a$tion or Bust to &rote$t itself fro' the forth$o'in
assault b( the sol%iers5 :aBor .:!J2 Pneelan% <no* *ho Bust assu'e%
$o''an% of the T*ent(,-ourth I1 B1 fro' 46L 1e*'an sent his
a%Butant to the &oli$e station to investiate the in$i%ents rear%in
;%*ar%s an% Balti'ore5 :!J <no* *as infor'e% that 4PL Balti'ore
*as not %ea% but alive an% *as able to retrieve Balti'ore an% take hi'
ba$k to 4a'& Loan5 4hief of Poli$e Bro$k assures <no* of t*o a$tionsF
<&arks *oul% be sus&en%e% for his a$tions in rear%s to ;%*ar%s an%
Balti'ore an% that his 'en *oul% sto& $allin the bla$k sol%iers
niers5 <no* un%erstan%in the seriousness of the events that ha%
alrea%( taken &la$e $an$elle% a &i$ni$ that *as s$he%ule% at
;'an$i&ation Park an% restri$ts the 'en to 4a'& Loan5 The sol%iers
of the T*ent(,-ourth ha% not hear% that Balti'ore *as alive an%
threaten retaliation on the *hite $iti+ens of Houston an% the HPD5
!$tin -irst <ereant .1<J2 Ci%a Henr( *arne% :!J <no* that there
*oul% be trouble, *hi$h resulte% in an or%er of $on7s$ation of all
*ea&ons5 There are t*o versions of *hat o$$urre% ne3t but the version
that is &ur&orte% the 'ost is there *as a &lanne% sinal for the sol%iers
to rush the a''unition tents an% retrieve *ea&ons an% bullets an% to
'ar$h on the to*n5 In a state'ent b( Ja'es Divins a 'e'ber of the
T*ent(,-ourth, *hile Divins *as in the 4a'& talkin to his $o''an%er
4a&tain .4PT2 <$urin a fello* sol%ier rushe% in *ith infor'ation that
Dthere is a 'ob $o'in, et (our un5E .<$huler, 190025 There *as
$haos for a re&orte% thirt( 'inutes *ith the sol%iers 7rin
in%is$ri'inatel( be$ause the( believe% the( *ere bein 7re% u&on b(
the *hite 'ob5 !fter all, this *as Te3as an% 'ob violen$e enerall( %i%
not turn out in the favor of bla$ks an% it is un%erstan%able *h( the
sol%iers *oul% take this a$tion5 <o'e of the sol%iers of the #/"0
I1 B1
for'e% u& in or%er to seek revene for the %eath of Balti'ore an% to
e3a$t retribution on HPD for its 'altreat'ent of the sol%iers an% the
bla$k $iti+ens of Houston5
!s the for'ation arrive% into Houston, the sol%iers broke
for'ation into s'all rou&s5 The 'en &ro$ee%e% to atta$k *hite
$iti+ens of Houston5 6ne of the &eo&le *ho %ie% fro' the a$tions *as
&oli$e'an Rufus Daniels *ho ha% $ontribute% to the 'altreat'ent of
so'e of the sol%iers5 In retaliation for his a$tions Daniels bo%( *as
re&eate%l( ba(onette% an% riOe butte% after he *as %ea%5
!n !r'( o)$er *ho trie% to $al' the situation *as 'istaken as a
&oli$e'an an% *as kille%5 The killin of an( $ivilians is ba% but I
un%erstan% as a for'er enliste% sol%ier an% non,$o''issione% o)$er
this *as &robabl( one of the a$tions that resulte% in so'e of the %eath
senten$es re$eive% of those involve% in the riot5 The riot laste% for t*o
hours but those t*o hours *oul% have rave $onseAuen$es for all of
those involve%8 the $iti+ens of Houston, Houston Poli$e an% the 'en of
the #/"0
I1 B15 !s I state% earlier this *as the 7rst ra$e riot that the
'aBorit( of those kille% *ere *hite an% not bla$k5 In 'ost of the ra$e
riots that ha% o$$urre% in the nationLs histor(, bla$k $iti+ens su=ere%
the brunt of the %eath an% %estru$tion5 The Houston Riot 'a( have
been %i=erent be$ause the bla$k rioters *ere 'ilitar( traine% *hi$h
'a( have le% to 'ore %eaths instea% of inBur(5 The <ol%iers of the
ha% reason to fear that in%ee% a *hite 'ob *as $o'in to 4a'&
Loan to e3tra$t so'e sort of retaliation5 The res&onse 'a( have been
a rea$tion to the sus&ension of 6)$er <&arks or Bust another a$t of
biotr(5 There 'a( have been talk b( so'e of HoustonLs *hite $iti+ens
that there *oul% be a 'ar$h on 4a'& Loan an% that their bla$k
servants hear% of the &lot an% ot *or% ba$k to the sol%iers at 4a'&
Loan *arnin the' that *hite folks *ere oin to 'ar$h on the
4a'&5 1o one reall( kno*s ho* the shootin starte% or if there in%ee%
*as a *hite 'ob $o'in to the 4a'&5 Ho*ever %urin the
investiation there *ere 7n%ins that *hite 'en *ho *ere not sol%iers
*ere 7rin on 4a'& Loan an% so'e bullets foun% *here not 'ilitar(
issue% a''unition5 Be$ause of the Oa*e% investiation *e 'a( never
kno* ho* the riot *as starte% an% *ho all &arti$i&ate% in the riot5
Those *ho &arti$i&ate% in the 'utin( as %es$ribe% b( 'ilitar(
investiators Boine% in either b( threat or inti'i%ation fro' their fello*
sol%iers5 :ost of the 'e'bers of In%ia .I2 4o'&an(, so'e of :ike .:2
an% sol%iers fro' other units &arti$i&ate% on the riot in Houston5 4PT
L5!5 Tule in his state'ent to the 'ilitar( investiators state%8 that a
bla$k sol%ier ran to hi' an% sai% that the bla$k sol%iers ha% bean a
'utin( .<$huler, 190025 !s the sol%iers 'ar$he% throuh <an -eli&e,
the( enae% an% kille% so'e &oli$e'en alon their 'ar$h in the <an
-eli&e %istri$t5 Be$ause the( *ere %isorani+e% the rou& %isinterate%
be$ause those *ho &arti$i&ate% un%erstoo% the severit( of their
a$tions an% there *ere no e3&erien$e% lea%ers5 There *ere %esertions
fro' the sol%iers an% the( bean to return to 4a'& Loan an% others
*ent to the ho'es of s('&atheti$ bla$k Houstonian5 ;ither the HPD or
:PLs arreste% those 'en *ho %i% not return to 4a'& Loan5 The
a$tions of the Illinois 1ational Juar% 4o''an%er &revente% *hite
Houstonians *ho *ante% retribution aainst the bla$k sol%iers5 If
these *hite $iti+ens ha% been allo*e% to a$t on their feelins then the
results *oul% have turne% out *orse for the $it( of Houston5
This 'utin( 'a( have been &revente% if the lea%ers of Houston
business an% overn'ent ha% &re&are% the $it( for the arrival of the
T*ent(,-ourth I1 B15 If the sol%iers ha% been treate% *ith res&e$t an%
not 'altreate% b( the &oli$e then the a$tions that o$$urre% on the
niht of !uust "#, 1917 'a( not have taken &la$e5 The ne*ness of
the 'a(or an% the 4hief of &oli$e $ause% 'aBor &roble's before an%
%urin the riot5 This $ause% a va$uu' of lea%ershi& an% e3&erien$e in
t*o o)$es that nee%e% stron lea%ershi& an% arnere% res&e$t fro'
their $onstituents5 The War De&art'ent shoul% not have sent bla$k
sol%iers to Te3as5 There *as a histor( of &ast $onOi$ts *ith *hite
Te3ans an% bla$k sol%iers5 The enfor$e'ent of Ji' 4ro* la*s in Te3as
this *as an assin'ent also $ontribute% to a%%e% tension bet*een the
sol%iers an% the *hite $o''unit(5 46L5 1e*'an un%erstoo% this an%
his a%vi$e *as inore% for he kne* the $hara$ter an% the &ri%e of the
'en of the T*ent(,-ourth I1 *ere not oin to ko*to* to southern
ra$is'5 The sol%iers of the #/"0
I1 B1 *ere left *ith t*o $hoi$es,
either to a$$e&t the ra$is' of Houston or to 7ht ba$k5 These sol%iers
$hose the latter, *hi$h le% to $onOi$t *ith the HPD an% Ji' 4ro* la*s
in Te3as5 These sol%iers *ere enrae% b( the treat'ent of bla$k
Houstonians an% so'e of the sol%iers took on the role of &rote$tors of
bla$k rihts5 !fter reali+in that bla$ks ha% no $hoi$e but to a$$e&t
their $urrent $ir$u'stan$es, the 'en of the T*ent(,-ourth %e$i%e% to
stan% u& for their o*n %init( an% for the bla$k $iti+ens of Houston5 In
their atte'&t to for$e the &oli$e of the <an -eli&e Distri$t to treat the'
*ith res&e$t an% %init( of 1917 Houston *as askin too 'u$h of *hite
folks in Te3as5 These 'en *ere askin *hite Houstonians to be
&roressive in ra$e relations at a ti'e *hen the( $oul% not5 There
*oul% be no sto&&in $onOi$t in Houston5
The !r'( investiators fa$e% a %auntin task *hile $on%u$tin
their investiation of the riot5 The investiators onl( 'a%e &roress
after $onvin$in sol%iers to talk to the' an% o=er i''unit( *ere the(
able to 7n% out *ho the lea%ers of the 'utin( *ere5 There *ere t*o
investiations one $on%u$te% b( the 'ilitar( an% one b( the
'uni$i&alit( of Houston5 Durin the investiation of the in$i%ent b(
46L5 4ress, he foun% that *hite Houstonians sho*e% no %eferen$e to a
bla$k sol%ier in unifor'5 The( $onsi%ere% the' all niers5 The &oli$e
'altreate% bla$k sol%iers an% 'an( ti'es the sol%iers *ere not at
fault5 The sol%iers *ere also %efenseless %ue to the barain brokere%
bet*een 46L5 1e*'an an% the 4hiefs of Poli$e an% Houston ;le$tri$
4o'&an(5 The !r'( in its +eal to &ortra( the $on%u$t of the sol%iers
'ani&ulate% the testi'on( of :!J5 <no* an% his a%Butant to 7t their
narrative of a $ons&ira$(, even thouh there *as no &roof of a
$ons&ira$(5 The !r'( also i'&li$ate% 1<J Ci%a Henr( as the lea%er of
the 'utin(5 He *as $onvenient for the !r'( be$ause of his a&&arent
self,inOi$te% un *oun% an% *as not able to %efen% hi'self5 There *as
no evi%en$e that 1<J Henr( *as involve% in the or$hestration of the
'utin(5 In an unOatterin %efense of 1<J Henr( b( 46L5 1e*'an an%
:!J5 <no*, these o)$ers sai% that he *as not a sol%ier *ho $oul% or
*oul% orani+e a 'utin(5 These o)$ers %i% not believe that Henr( *as
s'art enouh or ha% the $ourae to lea% su$h an a$tion5 The !r'( ha%
foun% its villain in 1<J Henr( an% throuh 'ani&ulation of testi'on(
&rovi%e% b( other 'e'bers of the T*ent(,-ourth *ho $a'e for*ar% to
i'&li$ate 1<J Henr(5
Durin the 'uni$i&al investiation, *hite res&on%ents &ortra(e%
bla$k sol%iers as bein %runk, %i',*itte% or both *hen the( ha%
$onta$t *ith the sol%iers5 If this *ere the $ase, ho* *ere %runken %i',
*itte% sol%iers able to orani+e a 'utin(? ! *hite Houstonian *hen
Auestione% 'entione% that he $a'e a$ross a rou& of *hite 'en *ho
*ere not bla$k sol%iers an% *ere shootin at *hites5 Wh( *as this
infor'ation not use% to e3onerate the 'en of T*ent(,-ourth I1 or at
least &ut into Auestion of the 7n%ins of both the 'ilitar( an%
'uni$i&al investiations? In the $on%u$t of the investiation in an%
aroun% 4a'& Loan, bullets *ere foun% in the ho'es that *ere not
'ilitar( issue%5 It is $on$eivable that the sol%iers in the 4a'& believe%
that a *hite 'ob in%ee% *as $o'in to atta$k the'5 It *as also $lear
that 4a'& Loan *as 7re% u&on fro' outsi%e the ates an% su&&orts
the theor( that those sol%iers *ho left *ere res&on%in to these
a$tions5 Their res&onse %e'onstrates that these a$tions *ere not
&re'e%itate% as both investiations $lai'5 If there is no &re'e%itation,
then there is no 'utin( for the sol%iers *ho %i% not turn on their
o)$ers of the unit5 The one o)$er *ho *as kille% *as 'istakenl(
taken for a &oli$e o)$er, *hi$h *as su&&orte% b( testi'on( $on%u$te%
%urin the investiation5 The &ublishe% :uni$i&al Investiation Re&ort
It *as a $lash bet*een the &oli$e an% the nero sol%iers that
$ause% a ru'or
to rea$h $a'& that 4or&oral Balti'ore ha% been kille% b( a
&oli$e'an5 The
ru'or s&rea% like *il%7re a'on the nero sol%iers an% brouht
to a $li'a3
the s'ol%erin feelin that the nero sol%iers ha% been
harborin aainst the
*hite $iti+ens, &arti$ularl( the &oli$e for$e for nearl( t*o *eeks5
!fter the riot, the sol%iers *ere &ut on a train an% sent ba$k to 1e*
:e3i$o *hile the( *aite% for the investiation to be $on%u$te% an%
$o'&lete%5 6n$e $hares *ere &referre% aainst the &arti$i&ants of the
riot those $hare% *ere returne% to Te3as5
-ort <a' Houston *as the $onvenin authorit( an% the trial
bean on 1ove'ber 1, 1917 at the Jift 4ha&el5 There *ere three
se&arate trials $on%u$te% for the a$tions of !uust "#5 The $ha&el *as
re$on7ure% so that the sol%iers involve% $oul% fa$e their a$$users5
The $ha&el *as full of s&e$tators an% *itnesses be$ause of the
severit( of the a$tions of the 'en of the#/ "0
I1 B1 ha% be$o'e a
s&e$ta$le an% arnere% national attention5 The $hares &referre% on
the &arti$i&ants of the riot *ere 'ilitar( relate%8
? ;%ar <$huler, DThe Houston Ra$e Riot, 1917E The *ournal of Negro
&istory, 19002 #""5
violatin four !rti$les of War %urin *arti'e8 the ?0
, *illfull(
%isobe(in a su&erior o)$erF the ??
, 'utin(,breakin out of $a'&
an% atta$kin the 4it( of HoustonF 9"
, *illful an% &re'e%itate%
'ur%erF an% the 9#
assaultin a $ivilian5
!s this *as the larest 'ur%er trial in the histor( of the 9nite% <tates
an% the !r'( or an( bran$h of the 'ilitar(, 'ilitar( Busti$e *as not
&re&are% for a trial of this si+e an% 'anitu%e5 The a$$use% *ere onl(
iven one %efense la*(er, :aBor Harr( <5 Jrier *as assine% the %ut(
to %efen% the 7rst ?# sol%iers &ut on trial5 The sol%iers %i% not trust
hi' an% refuse% to $oo&erate *ith hi'5 The ver%i$t *as rea$he% on
De$e'ber 95 6ut of the ?# *ho *ere &ut on trial in the 7rst $ourts,
'artial onl( 7ve *ere a$Auitte% an% thirteen *ere foun% uilt( of
'ur%er an% senten$e% to %eath5 The thirteen *ho *ere foun% uilt(
*ere e3e$ute% the 'ornin of De$e'ber 11, 1917 *ithout the
senten$es bein revie*e% b( the War De&art'ent5 The e3e$ution of
the sol%iers *oul% $ause u&roar in the bla$k $o''unities aroun% the
$ountr(5 It also $ause% a $hane in 94:J that 'a%e a reAuire'ent of all
%eath &enalties ha% to be revie*e% an% a&&rove% b( the War
De&art'ent an% the Presi%ent of the 9nite% <tates5 !fter the
e3e$ution the 'en *ere burie% in raves %u b( the allo*s5 The
allo*s *ere burne% on the site of the e3e$ution5
7 ;l%on 4ale, Jr5, +ort Sa,: The Story of +ort Sa, &ouston, Te3as .<an
!ntonio, Te3as8 :averi$k Publishin 4o'&an(, ">>92, ?75
The se$on% trial of 7fteen sol%iers *as not hel% at The Jift 4ha&el but
in the Infantr( Post ('nasiu'5 The $hares of these 'en *ere for
leavin of their &osts an% the &re'e%itate% 'ur%er of ;5:5 Jones5 .Ibi%,
5 -ive sol%iers *ere a$$use% of 'ur%er5 The results *ere the
sa'e as in the 7rst trial, the 'en *ere foun% uilt( but the %i=eren$e
in this trial before the e3e$utions *ere $arrie% out both the *ar
De&art'ent an% Presi%ent Woo%ro* Wilson revie*e% the senten$es5
The thir% trial resulte% in the sa'e uilt( $onvi$tions5 6ne of the
$onseAuen$es be$ause of the ne*s on the trials to the !'eri$an
&ubli$, violen$e *as inOi$te% on bla$ks b( so'e *hites in the $ountr(5
The $ountr( be$a'e 'ore &olari+e% %ue to the &ubli$it( of the trial5
Presi%ent Wilson 'et *ith Bla$k lea%ers at the White House an%
%e$i%e% to $o''ute all but si3 of the re'ainin %eath senten$es
be$ause their a$tions *ere %ee'e% so brutal an% &re'e%itate% that
the( ha% to be &unishe%5 6verall, the !r'( &rose$ute% 117 sol%iers,
11> *ere $onvi$te%5 6ut of the 11> $onvi$tions, nineteen *ere
e3e$ute% an% 91 *ere senten$e% to various ter's5 The %is$i&line
re$eive% b( bla$k sol%iers *as often harsh an% enerall( %i% not 7t
their 'is$on%u$t5 The senten$in 'aintaine% the abnor'al
a%Bu%i$ation in rear% to bla$k sol%iers $o'&are% to *hite sol%iers5
Durin the last $entur( *hile servin in the West, Bu=alo <ol%iers
*oul% re$eive a (ear of har% labor an% a %ishonorable %is$hare for
G Ibi%, ?G5
sliht infra$tions5 It is no *on%er that the sol%iers of the T*ent(,-ourth
I1 B1 re$eive% su$h harsh treat'ent5 The a$tions of the trial attorne(Ls
an% their $on%u$t of the investiation an% &rose$ution *as hihl(
Auestionable5 It is fair to Auestion *hether these sol%iers re$eive% a
fair trial5 The !r'( investiators ha% alrea%( 'a%e u& their 'in%
%urin the $on%u$t of the investiation of *ho *as at fault5
There *as an Ins&e$tor Jeneral .IJ2 investiation $on%u$te% after the
trials, *hi$h re$o''en%e% that three !r'( o)$ers be $ourt,'artiale%
for their a$tions %urin the riot5 The IJ investiation also $oul% not
%e7nitivel( state that the a$tions of the sol%iers at 4a'& Loan *ere
&re'e%itate%5 There *ere so'e *hites in Houston *ho *ante% to use
the niht of !uust "#, 1917 to start a ra$e riot5 Thouh the sol%iers of
the T*ent(,-ourth I1 B1 *ere sent ba$k to 1e* :e3i$o a $o'&an( of
bla$k sol%iers %i% re'ain at 4a'& Loan5 There *as a ru'or that these
bla$k sol%iers *ere oin to atta$k Houston5 The 4o''an%in Jeneral
of 4a'& Loan :aBor Jeneral .:J2 Jeore Bell, Jr an% Houston :a(or
Hut$heson &ublishe% an e%itorial in the Houston Pa&er %en(in that
these sol%iers *ere oin to atta$k Houston5
!n assin'ent that *as su&&ose% to onl( last seven *eeks
resulte% in the killin of &oli$e an% $ivilians in less than thirt( %a(s %ue
to biotr( an% so$ial $onOi$t that the $it( of Houston an% the sol%iers
of the T*ent(, -ourth Infantr( *ere not &re&are% for5 The riot in
Houston *as not a $ons&ira$( but a result of the bla$k sol%iers
assine% to 4a'& Loan bein %isres&e$te% b( the lo$al *hite
&o&ula$e an% the &oli$e5 These sol%iers *ere &rou% 'en an% *ere not
oin to take bein $alle% a nier5 In the after'ath of the riot, as
soon as the( $oul% *hite Houstonians bean to $hane the narrative of
$ause of the riot fro' &oli$e brutalit( to out of $ontrol bla$k sol%iers5
The situation $oul% have been %eOe$te% if there ha% been oo%
lea%ershi& in Houston an% the HPD5 The en% result for Houston *as
that bla$ks left Houston b( the hun%re%s an% ra$e relations
%eteriorate% be$ause those in lea%ershi& &ositions faile% to lea% in a
ti'e of $risis5
Bors$h, -re%5 D The Larest :ur%er Trial in the Histor( of the 9nite%
<tates8 The
Houston Riots, 4ourts,:artial of 19175E Ar,y -a%yer, -ebruar(
4ael, ;l%on, Jr5 +ort Sa,: The Story of +ort Sa, &ouston, Texas. <an
!ntonio, Te3as8
:averi$k Publishin 4o'&an(, ">>95
4hristian, Jarna5 Bla!$ Soldiers in *i, Cro% Texas, /0112/1/(5 4ollee
<tation, Te3as8
Te3as ! K : 9niversit( Press, 199N5
Danver, <teven5 "evolts, 3rotests, De,onstrations and "e4ellions in
A,eri!an &istory
: An En!y!lopedia5 -ar'inton Hills, :I8 Cisible Ink Press, ">>95
Jlasru%, Bru$e5 Bufalo Soldiers 5n the West: A Bla!$ Soldiers
Anthology5 4ollee
<tation, Te3as8 Te3as !K : 9niversit( Press, ">>75
Ha(nes, Robert5 DThe Houston :utin( an% Riot of 19175E South%estern
'uarterly 7?, no50 .197#28 01G,0#95
Le$kie, Willia' H5 The Bu=alo <ol%iers8 A Narrative of The Negro
Cavalry in The
West. Nor,an, 6klaho'a8 9niversit( of 6klaho'a Press, 19?75
:inton, John5 The &ouston #utiny and Courts #artial of /1/(2/1/05
9niversit( of
Te3as Institute of Te3an 4ultures8 4arver 4o''unit( 4ultural
4enter, 199>5
<$hubert, -rank5 oi!es of The Bufalo Soldier: "e!ords, "eports and
"e!olle!tions of
#ilitary -ife 6 Servi!e in The West5 !lbuAuerAue8 9niversit( of
1e* :e3i$o
Press, ">>#5
<$huler, ;%ar5 DThe Houston Ra$e Riot, 19175E The *ournal of Negro
&istory "9, no5#
.190028 #>>,##G5
<'ith, 45 4alvin5 D The Houston Riot of 1917E, Bu=alo <ol%iers in The
West8 ! Bla$k
<ol%iers !ntholo(, e%ite% b( Bru$e Jlasru% an% :i$hael <earles5
4ollee <tation, Te3as8 Te3as !K: 9niversit( Press, ">>75

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